Treatment of polyps in the rectum with celandine reviews. Herbal decoction and sea buckthorn oil

Polyps in the intestines are diagnosed in every 10 people over 40 years old. These are growths on the walls of the intestine, which can close its lumen. They are formed from the glandular epithelium and belong to the category of benign tumors. Very often, growths appear in the rectum and always require treatment.

Factors in the development of intestinal polyps

When the intestinal mucosa loses its ability to renew itself, damaged cells begin to regenerate. The more inflammation or injury occurs, the more thickened the layer of the epithelium. As a result, small outgrowths appear. They do not form on healthy tissues, but the exact reasons for their formation have not been established. Doctors believe that polyps in the intestines can appear under the influence of such factors:

  • heredity;
  • sedentary lifestyle, obesity;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases intestines;
  • excess fatty, fried, spicy food- irritates the mucous membrane;
  • surgical intervention on the intestine;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • lack of fiber in the diet;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • rigid diets;
  • frequent constipation;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • cancerous tumors.


The clinical picture depends on the size of the polyps, their number, variety, localization. Often neoplasms do not make themselves known for a long time. A person discovers a problem in an advanced stage. The most common manifestation is the release of blood along with feces. Frequent urge to empty the bowels, abdominal pain should also alert. Clinical picture:

Localization of neoplasms



  • bloody and mucous discharge feces;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • itching and burning of the anus;
  • dizziness, pallor skin(with advanced polyposis);
  • manifestations of colitis (as a complication)


symptoms are absent for a long time, then occurs copious excretion mucus and blood in the stool – when the polyps break down or become inflamed


  • regular constipation is replaced by sudden diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • pus, mucus and blood in the stool


symptoms appear only with large polyps:

  • pain near the navel;
  • manifestations of intestinal obstruction;
  • rotten burp;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • cramping pains (if the polyp blocked the intestinal lumen);
  • vomit

Small intestine

  • nausea, heartburn;
  • flatulence;
  • cramping pain in the upper abdomen;
  • indomitable vomiting (polyps in the initial segment of the intestine)

Polyp treatment

Conservative therapy is carried out on initial stage polyposis. It gives a result with small single growths, stops the development of large ones. In elderly patients, at first, doctors also try to avoid surgery, observing the course of the pathology. The choice of treatment tactics depends on the cause of the disease, its manifestations. Many doctors claim that it is only possible to completely eliminate intestinal polyposis medicines it is forbidden. Before the operation can be carried out:

  • symptomatic drug therapy - drugs that reduce intestinal and gastric motility, improve general state the patient;
  • diet therapy - helps to reduce the frequency of manifestations unpleasant symptoms;
  • treatment of polyps with folk remedies - as an addition to the main therapy.

With severe bleeding from the anal canal, constant pain in the abdomen and intestinal obstruction, surgery is needed. The method is chosen according to the results of the diagnosis. Removed tissues must be sent for analysis. This is necessary to detect the presence cancer cells. There are 5 options surgical treatment polyps in the intestines

Type of operation


Polypectomy by colonoscopy

  • minimally invasive and safe surgical intervention, in which instruments are inserted through the anal canal;
  • used to treat polyps small size in the middle section of the intestine;
  • neoplasms are removed with a loop through which electricity- it cuts tissues and seals blood vessels;
  • large polyps and multiple ones are removed with forceps using the lumping method;
  • there is a risk of a new polyposis, so a year later you need to undergo a diagnostic endoscopy.

Transanal excision

  • instruments are inserted through the anal passage, the leg of the polyposis formation is excised with a special clamp, and the wound is sutured;
  • the method is suitable for polyps that are at a distance of 10 cm from the anus


  • prescribed for polyps larger than 2.5 cm;
  • The operation is performed through incisions in the anterior abdominal wall, so the trauma is average;
  • procedure under general anesthesia, requires long-term rehabilitation.


  • polyps are removed through an opening of the abdominal cavity and an incision in the affected area of ​​the intestine, which is pulled out;
  • it is possible to remove part of the intestine;
  • laparotomy is indicated when it is not possible endoscopic methods;
  • the method is practiced in relation to neoplasms with a wide base, fleecy, located in small intestine;
  • The patient is recovering in the hospital for about a week.

Bowel resection

  • classical abdominal operation with a long rehabilitation after it (4 weeks or more);
  • polyposis formations are removed along with part of the intestinal wall;
  • the method is used to combat multiple polyposis, suspicion of degeneration of neoplasms;
  • during resection there is a high probability of bleeding, damage to the intestinal walls.

Folk remedies for polyps in the intestines

If you choose the right recipe, you can slow down or stop the growth of neoplasms, prevent them from becoming cancerous tumor. Folk remedies strengthen the immune system, can get rid of very small growths, but they will not cope with large and multiple ones.

Important: start treatment with small doses - herbs often cause allergic reactions.

Therapy involves 2 types of use of folk remedies:

  • Oral: decoctions and infusions of herbs, water and alcohol, which are drunk in long courses.
  • Local: enemas based on herbal extracts, ointments and vegetable oils for insertion on tampons into the rectum.

Treatment of celandine polyps of the rectum

This plant has a lot useful substances. Some of them are toxic, but due to this they do not allow malignant tumors to develop. With polyps, celandine is needed to prevent their degeneration, relieve inflammation and pain. Plant juice heals wounds, relieves spasms. Long-term treatment helps to completely get rid of polyps in the intestines. Four popular folk remedies based on celandine:

  1. Pour a liter of boiling water 1 tsp. celandine herbs. Infuse for half an hour, strain. Before going to bed, do a microclyster in the rectum for 200 ml. Treatment is daily, lasts 15 days. After 2 weeks, the course is repeated, but the enema with celandine from polyps is already more concentrated - 1 tbsp. l. herbs per 1 liter of water. After another 2 weeks, conduct the last course, also for 15 days.
  2. Pour 50 g of dry chopped celandine into a glass container. Pour in a glass of vegetable oil. Infuse for a week, strain. Dilute with a fresh portion of oil - a ratio of 1: 1. Use on cotton swabs after an enema in the evening. Remove from the anus in the morning. The treatment lasts a month.
  3. Fill half a half-liter jar with chopped dry celandine. Top everything up with alcohol. Insist under the lid for a month. Filter. Take the tincture half an hour after meals once a day, diluting with water at room temperature (50 ml). On the first day, take 2 drops, the next day 4, then 6, 8. Gradually reach 16 drops. Drink the tincture for 30 days, take a break for 2 weeks. For a year, such treatment can be carried out 3 times.
  4. Take celandine, calendula flowers and St. John's wort in a ratio of 3:2:2. Pour 2 tbsp. l. collection with boiling water (500 ml). Wrap the container with a towel, leave for 8 hours. Before meals, drink 70 ml 3 times a day. Such folk therapy spend 3 weeks. You can repeat in a month.

Take inside tinctures and decoctions should be very careful. During pregnancy and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, this can not be done. If nausea, vomiting, pain and burning in the stomach appear, the treatment is stopped. Do not use folk remedies on celandine for people with disabilities nervous system and psyche, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In case of allergic reactions, therapy should be discontinued.

Recipe for polyps with pumpkin seeds

A very effective folk remedy on pumpkin seeds does not remove neoplasms, but stops the process of their growth. The method should be used with caution in people with liver problems. Regular intake This mixture stimulates the release of bile. Treatment is carried out until the portion of the remedy is over. After a monthly break, the course can be repeated as needed. The principle of action is this:

  1. Mash with a fork 7 soft-boiled egg yolks chicken eggs.
  2. Grind 12 dessert spoons of pumpkin seed kernels with a coffee grinder, add to the eggs.
  3. Add 500 ml olive oil and mix everything.
  4. Heat on a steam bath for 20 minutes, pour into a glass jar. Cool down.
  5. In the morning on an empty stomach, take 1 tsp. according to this scheme: 5 days of treatment, 5 days of break. The therapy is over when there is no remedy left.


Treatment of polyps in the rectum with folk remedies necessarily involves the use of ointments. They are injected on a cotton swab into anus and leave overnight or for 3-4 hours. Ointments are prepared on the basis of cream or camphor oil, vaseline. The main components are iodine, honey, celandine grass, propolis. Sea buckthorn berries, anise seeds are used less often. Popular folk recipes for homemade ointments:

  • Grind the dry grass of celandine. Take 4 tbsp. l., mixed with the same amount of vaseline. Insist 10 hours. Soak a gauze pad with ointment, insert into anus. Change every 4 hours, leave evening until morning. The course is for a week.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. camphor oil and the same amount of liquid honey. Add 4 drops of iodine. Before going to bed, after an enema, put a swab soaked in this remedy into the rectum. Remove in the morning. Repeat the procedure every evening for 14 days.

Treatment of polyps with propolis

This bee product has a strong antibacterial effect and the ability to influence tumors. He does not allow them to grow, increase and be reborn. The disadvantage of such a folk remedy is the risk allergic reactions. You need to be careful when starting to use propolis. IN traditional medicine gained popularity oil blends, water and alcohol tinctures. Known Recipes on propolis:

  • Grind 60 g of propolis. Pour a glass of vodka or medical alcohol. Insist a week. Take the remedy one hour before meals 3 times a day. Dose - 1 tsp. per 100 ml warm water. Treatment is carried out for 45 days.
  • Melt on low heat 100 g butter. Add 10 g of crushed propolis and heat for another 10 minutes. Mix everything well until the components are combined, filter through cheesecloth. Stir 1 tsp. mixture in hot milk (200 ml) and drink 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

How to remove polyps with coniferous decoction

In folk medicine, needle treatment is very popular. It contains a large number of substances that prevent inflammation, stop the development of growths in the intestines, and reduce the risk of their degeneration. The advantage of needles is safety - products based on it rarely cause discomfort And adverse reactions. Treatment can be carried out several times a year, but with interruptions for 1-2 months. The most famous folk recipe:

  1. Pour out 2 tbsp. l. crushed coniferous needles in an enameled bowl.
  2. Pour 2 liters of boiling water.
  3. Boil on low heat under the lid for half an hour.
  4. Wrap with a towel, put in a warm turned off oven.
  5. After 3 hours, the product is ready. You need to take 100 ml before the main meals for a month.

The use of herbal preparations

In herbal medicine, wormwood, geranium, golden mustache, calendula, St. John's wort are often used to combat intestinal polyposis. Less often they take oak bark, yarrow, nettle. On their basis, fees are prepared, which are used for decoctions. The resulting funds can be taken orally in small doses or do enemas with them. Hemlock also gives an excellent effect, but only singly as a base. alcohol tincture. Popular folk recipes with herbal preparations:

  • Combine oak bark, sage and yarrow. Ratio 4:2:2. Take 3 tbsp. l. collection, pour a liter of boiling water. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Let cool. Strain, use for an enema in the morning and in the evening, 200 ml each. Be sure to retain fluid in the rectum for 15 minutes, lying on your side. Treatment is carried out for 1-2 months.
  • Mix wormwood and birch buds in equal proportions. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for an hour, wrapped in a towel. Use for enemas in the evening or for tampons in the rectum at night.
  • Combine chaga, St. John's wort and yarrow, proportion 1:1:1. Brew 1 tbsp. l. collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Strain. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Treat for a month.

Anti-growth oils

A good result with polyposis is the treatment with essential oils. Thuja, anise, tea tree, frankincense work as natural antiseptics. Sea buckthorn helps restore tissue and relieves pain. Oils are used only externally as components of mixtures for introduction into the rectum. Essential must be diluted with olive - 2-3 drops per 1 tbsp. l. Sea buckthorn can be used alone. The resulting mixture is impregnated with a tampon and left for 4-8 hours.

Treatment of polyps with soda

The soda treatment method does not always give desired result may damage the gastrointestinal mucosa. If during treatment you begin to experience discomfort in the abdomen, discard this remedy. Soda changes the pH of the body and thus stops the development of polyposis. The most popular folk recipes:

  • Pour 1/5 tsp into a glass of warm (45-50 degrees) water. soda. Mix everything and drink on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. You need to drink the remedy 3 times a day. A day later, increase the dose of soda - make 1/4 tsp, then 1/3. On the 8th day they reach 1/2 tsp. and in this form, the drug is taken up to 30 days.
  • In a liter of warm water, dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt. In another container of the same volume, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. soda. Also make a liter of compote from 200 g of dry apples (cook for 15-20 minutes, leave for half an hour). In the morning after the enema, drink a sip of saline solution every 15 minutes. When it runs out, do the same with soda. Then drink compote. There is nothing to eat on this day - the intestines should be cleansed. The procedure is performed 1 time.

The use of walnuts

Nuclei walnuts are not of great value in polyposis. Partitions are popular in folk medicine. In them high content iodine and substances with antiseptic properties. They help relieve inflammation, pain, improve immunity. Most effective remedy this is an alcohol tincture. For a month, intestinal polyps are treated according to the following scheme:

  1. Grind 30 whole partitions of walnuts.
  2. Pour 500 ml of vodka. To cover with a lid.
  3. Keep the container in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  4. Shake the tincture, strain.
  5. Take 1 tsp. before main meals 3 times a day.

Kalina for treatment

According to traditional medicine experts, fresh or frozen viburnum can replace celandine. Berries contain substances that do not give benign formations be reborn. They stop the growth of polyps, strengthen the immune system. An important plus of viburnum is its safety, unlike celandine. With polyposis, it is useful to chew 2-3 handfuls every day fresh berries between meals. More good and simple folk recipes:

  • Pour 4 tbsp. l. dried berries with boiling water (0.5 l). Insist 2-3 hours under the lid. Drink 50 ml warm 4 times a day. The treatment lasts a month.
  • Pour 4 sprigs of viburnum with 400 ml of boiling water, heat over medium heat for 10 minutes. Insist, wrapped in a towel, an hour. Drink a glass in the morning and evening, adding 1 tsp to each serving. honey. Take this tea daily for 4 weeks.


Folk remedies for the treatment of polyps in the intestines and stomach. Treatment of diseases of the intestines, stomach and polyps with herbs, tinctures, infusions. A polyp in the stomach and a polyp in the intestines, how to treat celandine or celandine juice.


treatment of polyps with celandine, folk remedies

Efficiency folk treatment polyps of any localization with the help of celandine has long and indisputably been scientifically proven. This method is especially effective for in large numbers polyps that are undesirable to be removed by endoscopic surgery. Even if the celandine does not completely cure, there is still a noticeable decrease in the number of polyps and a stop in their growth, which makes it possible to cancel the operation.

The doctor did not find a polyp

polyp in the rectum, polyp in the stomach - treatment with a folk remedy

In February I was diagnosed with a polyp in the rectum. The doctor said that I was in danger of having surgery in the future. I decided to try folk remedies. Started treatment on March 1st. I drank an infusion of herbs three times a day, 1/3 cup before meals. The recipe for a folk remedy with celandine - with a polyp in the rectum:

celandine (herb) - 3 parts, calendula (flowers) - 2 parts, St. John's wort (herb) - 2 parts, mix everything. 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrap and leave for 6 hours.

In addition, in the morning (100 g) and in the evening (50 g), I did an enema with an infusion of the above herbs. She did all this rigorously for a month and a half, and then again came to the doctor. During the re-examination, the surgeon did not find polyps and congratulated me on my victory. This folk remedy with celandine helped me in the treatment of a polyp, try it too.
Pestova V. A., 198205 St. Petersburg, st. Partizan Herman, d 24 kv 40.
Comment. doctor f/t: this recipe belongs to N. N. Staff. Complete recipe for this folk remedy for polyps as follows:

celandine (herb) - 3 parts, calendula (flowers) - 2 parts, meadowsweet (flowers) - 3 parts, St. John's wort (grass) - 2 parts, bodyaga - 1 part, agrimony (grass) - 2 parts. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 300 ml of boiling water, make microclysters from 50 ml of infusion an hour before bedtime.

The procedure for the treatment of polyps with this folk remedy is carried out until the cure. At the same time, the Headquarters insists on a mandatory three-day fast before starting treatment with enemas. In addition, the Headquarters advises taking the same infusion that is used to treat rectal polyps, inside a third of a glass three times a day in the treatment of polyps in the stomach. But there is a significant addition: you need to conduct 4 courses of 5 days each with a rest of 3-5 days between them.

Folk remedy: Serum and celandine against polyps

polyps in the stomach - a folk remedy
My husband is 52 years old, he suffered from stomach polyposis. M. Akhmedshina's recipe helped.

Prepare 3 liters of whey. Take 1 cup of celandine - dried or freshly cut, put it in a gauze bag and lower this bag into the serum, and put a weight on top so that it does not float up. Add 1 tsp sour cream. Cover the jar with the contents not with a lid, but with several layers of gauze and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Treatment with this folk remedy for polyps:

Take 1-2 weeks for half a cup 30 minutes before meals 3 r. in a day.
I wish you all good health. So my husband was cured of polyps in the stomach with celandine.
Loveylo V.I., 692900 Primorsky Territory, Nakhodka-17, Nakhodkinsky p-t, 70, apt. 23.

Polyps in the sigmoid colon, a folk remedy with celandine:

Got rid of polyps with folk remedies without surgery

polyps of the sigmoid and duodenum
I have a good recipe for a folk remedy for polyps in the intestines, I used it myself 24 years ago, then I buried my only 17-year-old daughter, and on a nervous basis, health problems began. There were spasms of the intestines. Doctors' diagnosis - a polyp in the sigmoid colon: 2 mm high, on a fairly wide base, pink. Registered. In one book I read a recipe on how to recover from polyps without surgery using folk remedies.

Treatment of polyps with celandine: It is necessary to make 10 enemas from flowering celandine within 10 days, that is, one enema per day. If your weight is allowable, 70 kg, you will need 70 g of celandine, which must be brewed in 0.7 liters of boiling water. While brewing, do a cleansing enema. After 40 minutes, do treatment.

But you will need not a syringe, but a dropper of about 1 liter. The infusion should enter the intestines within an hour - not pour, but drip, so that the celandine is absorbed. Lie down on your left side, a book in your hands - so as not to be bored, and be treated for health. With such enemas, I got rid of the polyp without surgery.
Ivanova A. A., 141514 Moscow region, Istra district, p. Buzharovo, st. School, d. 8.

Polyps in the stomach, folk treatment with celandine

We treat polyps in the stomach with infusion of celandine

You can use this alternative treatment for polyps in the stomach:

Take 30% water infusion of celandine 3 times a day for five days fifteen minutes before meals.

Take a break for five days, repeat the course of treatment four times

Or such a folk remedy for polyps in the stomach:

treatment: take 15-60 grams of celandine herb (depending on the weight of the patient), grind and pour one part of the herb with ten parts of boiling water. 2-3 hours before the procedure, the intestines are cleansed with an enema, after which the enema is administered medicinal infusion celandine, cleanse the intestines after one hour.

It is necessary to do 6-10 such procedures, more long-term treatment perhaps with caution, e. to. celandine is poisonous and can be harmful to health.

The course of treatment for polyps in the stomach should be repeated twice with a break of a week. The following courses are available on next year within 2–3 years.

Treatment of polyps in the stomach:

fill a 3-liter jar with one third of well-chopped celandine grass, pour boiling water and leave to infuse for 5-6 hours, then add water to the original volume and begin the course of treatment:

1. Take 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals for five days, start with a teaspoon and gradually increase the dose each time, a portion of the medicine by the end of the fifth day is 100 ml. Repeat the course of treatment 4 times with breaks of 5 days for polyps in the stomach.

2. Take the same as in the first case, but the final portion of the medicine is 1 tablespoon, the course has been lasting for ten days and is repeated with a break of 10 days. You need to spend three courses of treatment for polyps in the stomach.

Treatment of polyps in the stomach with the collection of herbs (folk remedy)

Take 3 parts of celandine herb, 2 parts of agrimony grass, 2 parts of calendula flowers and 3 parts of meadowsweet flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave to infuse for five hours, then strain.

Take 30-40 minutes before meals three times a day, starting with 1 teaspoon and gradually increasing the dose to 1 tablespoon. Take for ten days, then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course of treatment for polyps three times.

Polyps in the colon, alternative treatment

1-1.5 hours before the procedure, you need to clean the stomach with a regular enema. Treatment is divided into three stages.

First stage of treatment. Add one teaspoon of celandine juice to one liter of water and make an enema, treatment should be carried out for 10-20 days. Then take a break of 2-3 weeks.

The second stage of treatment, which also lasts 10-20 days. Apply a solution prepared from 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Again take a break for 2 weeks.

At the third stage, treatment for polyps is similar to the second stage.

Repeat the course of treatment after 4 months.

Polyps in the stomach, folk remedy

Found a cure for a polyp in the stomach

polyp in stomach

In the summer of 2005, I cured a polyp in my stomach with celandine juice. Even the doctor who performed fibrogastroscopy (FGS) did not believe that I removed it without surgery.
I took the recipe from L. Kostina's book "Treatment with celandine", it literally says:

“Freshly cut grass is passed through a meat grinder. Quadruple fold gauze, squeeze out the juice and mix with vodka glass by glass. Let stand for a day, shake the bottle from time to time. Take 1 tsp 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is not more than 3-4 months. A very long and immoderate use of celandine can result in dysbacteriosis. If necessary, repeat the course next year. After each week of taking celandine, take a 2-day break. Drink until complete recovery, you need to remember that celandine does not bring harm to a person.

I was very afraid to start this treatment, but I took a chance and did not regret it.

I took celandine 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals for 3.5 months. I drank all the medicine: I took 1 liter of vodka and 1 liter of celandine juice. I kept the bottles in a closet in the hallway at the dacha (dark, cool place).

The juice was prepared in the month of May, when the celandine blossoms.
I took grass by the roots. The root was thoroughly washed, and the grass was slightly rinsed and allowed to dry in a dark, ventilated place. I cut everything into 3-4 cm and passed it through a meat grinder.
Well, that's all, be treated for health.
V. Ya. Polyganova, Perm.

Video: celandine treatment

Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:07 pm + to quote pad

This is a small mass of tissue protruding above the surface of the mucous membrane into the lumen of a hollow organ - the stomach, large intestine, rectum, bladder, uterus, larynx. They can be found in any organ of the body that has a mucous membrane.

There are only two ways of treatment:
1. Surgical, often after it polyps grow again
2. Treatment with folk remedies.
If you have been offered an operation to remove polyps, try folk remedies and treatment methods before the operation, often the operation will not be needed after that. If the operation has already been done, then use suitable folk methods so that polyps do not form again

Types of polyps.

Celandine is the most effective folk remedy for the treatment of intestinal polyps.
There are various folk methods for treating polyps with celandine, differing in concentration and quantity. Choose your method based on
tolerance of celandine juice. Celandine is contraindicated in angina pectoris, epilepsy, pregnancy, asthma
1. Collect celandine at the beginning of flowering, squeeze the juice. For 1 liter of juice, add 100 g of 40% alcohol. Drink on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Start with 10 drops
adding every day drop by drop, and bring up to 20 drops. Take this dose for 7-10 days, and then reduce to 10 drops. Drink them for 10 days, then
a break of 7-10 days and all over again. Drink for six months. If the liver hurts, the dose should be reduced by 10 drops every day.
2. Squeeze out the juice and mix with vodka - glass by glass. Let stand overnight, shaking the bottle from time to time. Drink 1 teaspoon 3-4 times daily on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is not more than 3 months. If necessary, repeat the course next year.
3. 1 tsp pour celandine herbs with a glass of boiling water. Drink 1 tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, a break of 10 days, and 1 more course
4. Chamomile flowers, celandine grass - equally, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 6-8 hours, strain, take 1
tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is a month, after a 10-day break, you can repeat the treatment.

Kalina - a delicious folk remedy for the treatment of stomach polyps
If possible, be sure to use viburnum - this is the simplest, most common and delicious folk remedy for the treatment of polyps
stomach, which also saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, heals the heart, stabilizes blood pressure, improves stomach function,
help with constipation. In autumn, it is advisable to eat 2-3 handfuls of fresh berries, piece by piece (the juice should enter the stomach in small uniform doses, like from a dropper). The course of treatment is 1 month. In winter, pour 3-4 tablespoons of viburnum berries (frozen, dry or fresh)
pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Drink this dose in 3 doses every day in between meals.

Gastric polyp and ASD-2 fraction.
The woman was admitted to the hospital for hypertension, during the examination she was found to have a stomach polyp. The doctor said that it should be removed, because the size of the polyp is quite large and it is in a dangerous place. After being discharged from the hospital, the woman began to take the ASD-2 fraction according to the general scheme. 2 weeks after the start of treatment, the woman felt much better, her blood pressure returned to normal, strength and energy appeared. A year later, at the next examination, it turned out that the polyp of the stomach had completely disappeared, the operation was not needed (HLS 2010 No. 10, p. 10)

Polyps in the stomach treatment with honey and oil
The woman was found to have two polyps in her stomach and an operation was suggested. But she decided to try a folk remedy first: 1 kg of honey and 1 kg
good melted rustic butter languished on a quiet fire for 1.5 hours - the finished drug should not be divided into honey and butter. If the cold drop does not spread on the plate, then it is ready. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 20 minutes before meals: put the entire single portion in your mouth, but do not swallow immediately, slowly dissolve. Do not eat or drink anything. This remedy also helps to cure esophageal polyps. After the honey-oil mixture was over, the woman went for an examination - no polyps were found (HLS 2011, No. 9, p. 31)

Two remedies for gastrointestinal polyps

First remedy. Infusion of celandine: 1 tbsp. l. dry celandine pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, drink 2/3 cup 40 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Course 21 days. Then a break of 7 days and a new course. At the same time, without a break, you need to drink a mixture of tinctures for all 2 months of treatment
calendula and propolis (can be bought at a pharmacy) Take them 20 minutes before meals, 1 tsp, dissolved in 50 ml of water, 3 times a day. 2 months is
one course. If necessary, after 10 days, repeat the two-month treatment again.

The second remedy is 6 tbsp. l. pumpkin seeds, 7 yolks and 0.5 l of sunflower oil, heat in a water bath for 20 minutes - take 1 tsp. in the morning
on an empty stomach for 5 days, then a break for 5 days, etc. until the remedy is over. The woman combined the first and second prescription and was able to cure polyps in the stomach and esophagus. Since then, 4 years have passed - no new polyps have appeared. (HLS 2011, No. 12, p. 31)

The same remedy made from pumpkin seeds, vegetable oil and yolks the doctor advised the woman - an oncologist from polyps of the stomach and intestines. He said that if the remedy does not help for 1 time, make another serving. When blood mucus begins to come out with feces, then a polyp comes out. She began to treat her husband for polyps with this folk remedy, he did not have time to finish the first portion, as the polyp that was in the intestine came out, the examination confirmed this. (HLS 2011, No. 13, p. 27)

Folk treatment with a golden mustache
For the general improvement of the body, a woman at the age of 72 began to take a tincture of a golden mustache. I took 17 knees for 500 ml of vodka and insisted for 21 days in a dark place. I took 1 dec. spoon 3 times a day after meals. After taking the tincture, she tore off a fresh leaf or a golden mustache and chewed it, spit out the cake, swallowed the juice. A year after the treatment, I went to get checked, polyps in the stomach were for several years, and after treatment with a golden mustache they disappeared. Since then, she has been going for check-ups every year for 5 years - her stomach is clean. (HLS 2011, No. 12, p. 32)

How to treat stomach polyps with celandine
2 tsp celandine pour a glass of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
(HLS 2011, No. 8, p. 39) A polyp was found in the man's stomach, they offered an operation, but he refused it, because there was no one to leave his sick wife with. Decided to be treated celandine. 0.5 hours of herbs brewed with 1 cup of boiling water, boiled for 2 minutes, drank 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Treated for a month. After a second examination, it turned out that the polyp had decreased, but erosive gastritis appeared. A man found a prescription for polyposis anacid warty gastritis in a healthy lifestyle. He prepared an alcohol tincture from propolis, pine nut shells, cinquefoil root, celandine grass, honey and aloe juice and continued the treatment. I took 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals. When I drank 500 g of the drug, I again went for an examination - neither polyps nor gastritis were found. A year later, the polyp reappeared, the man drank another portion of the composition - 500 ml, 7 years have passed since then, the disease has not returned. (HLS 2011, No. 4, p. 34)
The woman managed to cure a stomach polyp in 4 months with the help of celandine infusion. She drank it according to this scheme. Brewed 2 tbsp. l. per 500 g
boiling water. I drank 50 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. I drank 3 weeks - a week break. I also drank befungin, which is sold in a pharmacy. (healthy lifestyle
2012, No. 1, p. 28,)

Propolis treatment
The following recipe helps to cure polyps of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract: pour 60 g of propolis into 250 ml of alcohol, shake the contents of the bottle until the propolis
won't dissolve. Insist 7 days. Take 1 tsp. half a glass hot water 1 hour before meals. Drink like tea, without letting it cool, 2-3 times a day.
day. Avoid alcohol during treatment. (Healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 8, p. 39)

Another recipe with propolis
Polyps in the stomach can be treated with propolis. Take high-quality propolis, put a piece in the freezer, then crush, dilute in 1 tbsp. l. alcohol or vodka, and even better - in an alcohol tincture of calendula. To make propolis better dispersed, you can hold it in a water bath. Get a brown liquid, which should be drunk on an empty stomach 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course is 2 weeks, then undergo an examination, if there is a positive trend, continue treatment until the polyps disappear

Tatiana- Treatment of polyps with pumpkin seeds and oil is an old and proven recipe. With polyps of the stomach gives a good result
the use of any oil: butter, sunflower, corn, refined and unrefined. Since the recipe is old, unrefined oil was used in the original. It is also better for the body. But if someone does not tolerate the taste of unrefined oil, then you can take purified oil. There won't be much difference. Seeds take peeled, but with a green film. 6 art. l. not hard to clean. If someone really can’t clean the seeds at all (one or both hands are missing). You can grind with the peel, but increase the dose to 9 tbsp. spoons. The peel will not bring harm, but only improve bowel function. But on the other hand, seeds with shells are not suitable for a weak, tender and sick stomach, why strain it once again. I would clean the seeds.
Polyps begin to come out about a month after the end of the course of treatment. This folk remedy is absolutely harmless, no harm
will not bring to other organs. Well, if only prostatitis at the same time will help to cure. Helps in about 50-70% of cases. More reliable remedy from any polyps - celandine juice, there is already a 100% result. But the main thing is not to overdo it, each organism perceives the same doses of poison in different ways. If you notice signs of poisoning (nausea, weakness, tachycardia, etc.), reduce the dosage. Celandine does not accumulate in the body, therefore, even with a short-term excess of the norm severe harm won't bring. For example, in the treatment of cancer with poisons, the dosage should be such that there are mild symptoms of poisoning. I knew a man who drank celandine infusion instead of tea for a long time, without thinking about dosages. As a result, cancer of the 4th stage was cured. And what is a stomach polyp compared to cancer? Yes, some nonsense that you can easily cure.

Polyps in the nose

Reasons for the formation of polyps in the nose: Availability allergic diseases, Availability chronic sinusitis deviated nasal septum.
Symptoms and signs of polyps in the nose: persistent obstruction of nasal breathing and nasal congestion, decreased sense of smell, feeling of a foreign body in the nose, headaches, discharge from the nose.
In folk methods of treating nasal polyps, nasal lavage is most often used.
Salt water for nasal polyps
Rinsing (drawing in the nostrils) of the nasal cavity with sea or salt water (2 teaspoons of salt per glass of warm water, preferably sea salt) two to three times a day.

Salt water with iodine
The recipe for treatment is as follows: 1 tsp. dilute salt in 300 g of warm boiled water, add three drops of iodine. Draw the solution into the nasopharynx and spit it out. Then, with a cotton swab moistened with iodine, treat the polyps. Carry out procedures 2 times a day for 3 months. After that, the polyps in the nose will disappear.

horsetail infusion
2 tbsp. l. with the top of horsetail pour 200 g of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Inhale the tincture through the nostrils 10-15 times a day for 2 weeks. To combine this recipe with the previous two folk remedies for the treatment of nasal polyps, it is advisable to add 1 tsp to the horsetail infusion.
sea ​​salt and 2 drops of iodine.

Infusion of celandine for the treatment of polyps in the nose
1 st. l. celandine pour 200 g of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Inhale the tincture through the nostrils 10 times a day for 2 weeks. Also
it is desirable to add salt and iodine. After the procedure, lubricate the nostrils. oil.

In folk methods and remedies for the treatment of polyps in the nose, instillation into the nose is widely used and gives many positive results.
celandine juice 2 drops in each nostril. After the lung will pass pinching (3-5 minutes), repeat the procedure. It is necessary to carry out such instillation 2-3 times a day.
Rinsing the nasal cavity with milkweed infusion from polyps:
1 tsp milkweed in a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain In folk methods and remedies for polyps in the nose, they are used
swabs soaked in infusion of medicinal herbs.

Hemlock tincture treatment
Dip a tampon into the tincture, put it in the nostril, first for 5 minutes, and then at night, alternately in one nostril, then in the other - 10 days. Then
Take this tincture 10 drops inside, 3 times a day. Polyps will disappear, the body will be cleansed.

White lily tincture.
Dip a swab into the tincture, put it in the nostril first for 10 minutes, 3 times a day. Do procedures for a month. Then the polyps
will disappear. This recipe is from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" No. 7, 2007. The woman could not get rid of polyps in her nose for 20 years, she was registered in the hospital, it happened that they were removed 2 times a year by surgery, but they grew like mushrooms again. The woman tried the treatment of folk remedies: she washed with urine for 3 years, and with saline. But these funds did not help. I read in the local newspaper about the medicinal properties of the white lily, in particular for the treatment of polyps in the nose. I ran with this article to my ENT, but he only brushed it off. I decided to treat at my own risk. dipped cotton buds into a tincture and inserted into the nostrils three times a day. Every day I felt improvement. A month later, at the doctor's appointment, no polyps were found in her. It has allready passed more than a year, the nose breathes well, but a woman occasionally treats with a white lily for prevention.

Horseradish with honey
Grate about a mayonnaise jar of horseradish and add the same amount of any honey. Mix and take 1 tsp. in the morning and
In the evening. After taking this dose of the drug, the polyps in the nose disappear.

Needle treatment
2 tbsp spruce needles pour 200 g of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, then add 1 tsp. dried hops and bring the water back to a boil.
Drink everything in a day. 3 days to drink, 6 days off. Then do two more such courses. In total, drink nine glasses in courses.

Tatiana- She operated on polyps in the nose twice, once with a loop method, the second with a laser. The effect is one, after six months they grow again.
I read about the treatment of polyps in the nose of celandine. Was accidentally in the arboretum, in Altai in the village. Altai. There, the Biolit enterprise prepares various products. And including makes an extract from celandine. She is as viscous as tar. I diluted it with baby cream. And I bet
turundas. And I wash my nose with infusion of celandine. So far, the results are difficult to judge. But what is getting better is a fact.

Gennady- not the fact that after radical impacts, polyps in the nose will not grow again. I treated with celandine, made cotton swabs and inserted into the nose. As a result, the right half of the nose began to breathe. And a month ago I drank some moonshine with friends and laid everything on a new one. I don’t want to go to the doctors: surgery is not a cure. Doctors write themselves more operations the more frequent relapses. I don't know what to do yet.

Mila- I started to treat nasal polyps and sinusitis in addition to my husband in April 2012 with pure celandine juice, it doesn’t always work out 3 times a day and not every day. After three weeks of treatment with celandine, a large polyp fell off, horror, to be honest. Maybe it was not completely removed in November, or the celandine still had an effect. But clusters of polyps are still there. And the nose also does not breathe, but the taste of food began to feel, a little,
but there is a change. The desire to continue treatment with celandine disappears from the husband, because. wants quick results, but this is not "chemistry", not immediately
succeed. Maybe first remove all the polyps and continue the treatment, not give them the opportunity to grow again?

Paul- I instilled celandine juice into my nose for a week and inserted cotton swabs soaked in celandine juice into my nose. There were polyps in the nose, deviated septum, vasomotor rhinitis full nose mucus breathed only through the mouth, suffered for almost a year. Now I breathe through my nose. I made the juice myself. I twisted the celandine with roots into meat grinders, then squeezed it out and strained it through cheesecloth. I poured it into a medicine bottle with a screw cap and put it in the fridge. He dripped two or three drops into his nose, and then inserted a cotton swab with celandine juice three times a day. When you instill the juice, it stings a little, but then it takes about 3 minutes, if it burns a lot, you can dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1: 1. I’ve been dripping for a week now and my nose began to breathe, I began to feel smells, otherwise I didn’t feel it for half a year. Now you need to take a break for a week, then again drip for a week and so on 4 times. It helped me after 1 week but I will continue the entire course. I wish everyone to be healthy.

Denis- Hi all! IN this moment I treat my nose with celandine. My nose has not been breathing since December, my nose is always full of mucus, a deviated septum, vasomotor rhinitis and nasal polyps. Nothing helped the procedure for a while, only made it easier. A week and a half ago, he began to drip celandine juice into his nose and insert cotton swabs soaked in celandine juice. At the moment there is no mucus my nose is breathing and I am fine
feel. Now I’m taking a break for a week, then again I’ll drip for a week, and I have to do this four times. Try it helped me.

Marina- Having read about the treatment with celandine, I also decided to act. My nose didn’t really breathe for two months. nostril, then the other
poured in. I used up half the bottle, then my patience ran out. And I didn’t rinse anymore. A couple of days passed and I myself am surprised that there is no such
congestion. Now, although I feel that an unpleasant creature is sitting there in my nose, it has become much easier to breathe, my head does not hurt. As soon as it starts to hurt again, I will rinse it again. He helped me personally very well, and maybe God helped, I had been dripping holy water for some time before that.

Polyps of the cervix

Polyps of the female genital organs is one of the most common problems. They are divided into cervical polyps and body of the uterus,
endometrium, cervical canal, placenta, but their favorite habitat is the cervix.
Causes of the formation of cervical polyps: hormonal disorders, erosion or inflammation, mechanical injury.

Symptoms and signs of cervical polyps: secretions in the form of mucus and blood. An endometrial polyp can also cause pain.

Folk remedies for the treatment of polyps of the cervix and other female genital organs are as follows:

Most often, garlic is used in folk remedies and methods for treating cervical polyps. They recommend such a folk recipe: take one
a large clove of garlic, mash it into a puree or grate it, put it in gauze and tie it with a longer thread. Put in at night
vagina this tampon.. Do the procedure daily with fresh garlic. Course - 1 month.

Treatment of uterine polyps with a golden mustache
Joints of the golden mustache - 50 pieces; vodka - 2-3 glasses. Insist 10 days. Carry out 5 courses: take 20 drops 2 times a day for a month
half an hour before meals, 10 days break.

Yolks and pumpkin seeds - a simple folk recipe for the treatment of uterine polyps
It's very popular folk way treatment of polyps in any organ, including in the uterus. You need to take 7 boiled yolks, 6 tbsp. grind pumpkin seeds into flour. Mix everything by adding 0.5 l of vegetable oil. Warm up in a water bath for 20 minutes. Keep refrigerated. Take in the morning 1 tsp. 5 days. Take a break for 5 days and again 5 days of admission. Drink until all the medicine is gone. Polyps from all over the body will come out in the form of pieces, ichor, mucus, etc. Also, within 2-3 months, various spots and moles will disappear from the surface of the skin.

Treatment of ovarian polyps with celandine
The woman was found to have ovarian polyps and an operation was suggested. Prior to that, 7 years ago, she managed to cure uterine fibroids with a decoction of the mountaineer pepper. 2.5 st. l. brewed with 1 liter of boiling water, insisted, drank 150 g 3 times a day before meals. She was treated for 6 months - the fibroma disappeared. She decided to use the same remedy for polyps. In addition, douched with a decoction of celandine - 5 tbsp. l. three liters of water. The first week I douched every other day, the second - after 2 days, the third - after 3 days, the fourth - after 4 days. After 3 months I went for a second examination - no polyps were found. Now, for prevention, she douches with celandine once a month. (Healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 6, p. 40)

Evgenia- Indeed, herbal treatment can help cure polyps, at one time there was spotting, I drank the grass, the polyp came out, now the doctors put a polyp on ultrasound, but since all patients who did curettage 100% relapse, that is, polyps in the uterus again formed, I decided to use folk recipes from this site. I have prepared everything, from tomorrow I will start drinking butter with egg
yolks and pumpkin seeds. By the way, I took linseed oil, with omega acids. What result will be from the treatment I will write.

Laura- I tried the treatment of a cervical polyp with garlic, but I barely survived 4 hours, not to mention the night, and even more so for a week

Tatyana W.- No, no, garlic, and even grated - this is too savage means of treating cervical polyps. Everyone has their own pain threshold, sometimes you even put garlic on your hand - it’s impossible to endure, and stuff it into such a place .... Laura, just try putting a clove of garlic in a tampon. If it still burns, try moistening the swab with vegetable oil. And if, on the contrary, there are no sensations, cut off the sides of the garlic so that the juicy pulp is exposed. Look for your dose to treat polyps.

Natalie- I realized that all the growths in the female part are nothing more than resentment against men who are cherished and not forgiven. Here I refer to men: husbands, children-boys, brothers, fathers, bosses, etc. And relapses occur precisely because even though the polyp is removed
surgically, but at the same time, there is no mental work that a person must do with himself. We must learn sincerely
forgive. So she decided to do it herself, without resorting to surgery. Good luck to all!

Natalia- Tried to treat cervical polyps with grated garlic. Withstood 3 days. Well, a very zhivodersky method, although it can be effective. But the seeds have just begun treatment. The seeds must be peeled before being ground into powder, although the peel is said to be no less useful. By
at least this method of treatment is softer than all the others. But for some reason, my head starts to hurt terribly after a few minutes.
after taking the drug. Maybe this is how it should be, I don’t know, because the seeds remove toxins from the whole body. Although this is a long process, I think there will be no harm to health.

Marina- I’m treating a polyp with garlic 7 times already. So today all day some snot with bloody streaks went out. In the evening, I didn’t find a polyp with my fingers, but there was such a tangible ball on the cervix on the cervix. I put a tampon with garlic again, I sit and die, it hurts like hell. Medicine for the strong!!! I think 30 days is mandatory?

Ludmila- Garlic also heals polyps, and many other female diseases, you just need to use it correctly. Make a puree of 1 good slice young garlic, put in a gauze swab, a gauze swab from several layers and dip in a liquid medical Vaseline oil. Use good night pads, otherwise there may be problems with linen. Inflammatory appendages disappeared on the 3rd day.

Natalia- I see the girls, you are all young, and I am already retired, but a few years ago I was also tormented by this infection. I also toiled with different
means - in vain, but I really didn’t want to have an operation. I don’t remember (unfortunately) where I read that polyps in the nose can be cured with anise
drops (at the pharmacy), I thought, why not take the advice and in our case - everywhere mucous, but I didn’t find a drop - I bought seeds
anise, as written on the box, made a decoction for douching. I liked it, but it seemed long procedure and I replaced it all with essential aniseed 100% medical oil (also in a pharmacy). I was afraid terribly. But very carefully, I smeared it with an ear stick
at the very leg - I tried - so as not to hurt the surrounding tissues - the mucous membrane is all the same. For about a month I was treated, yes, there were pains and unpleasant
sensations, especially when he came off and came out. I even got scared, but nothing. There were small spotting for a day. Then I
burned this place for a week. And that's it. Now everything is dry and clean.

Catherine- Hi all! Maybe my recipe will help someone. treated polyp in
liver. Sunflower roots, wash, grind 1 cup. Pour 3 liters of water into the cauldron + boil the roots for 5 minutes.
refrigerator. Drink 1 tbsp 3 times a day. End - again the whole procedure again, only boil for 10 minutes. Boil the roots for 15 minutes three times. Drink half an hour before meals. I drank the course, kidney stones dissolved, mucus and sand came with feces, some kind of flaps, pebbles of different colors
plasticine, it was creepy. But she steadfastly endured it. The polyp decreased. Perhaps in the uterus there will be changes for the better! in any case, it won't get worse, Well, go for it!

Bladder polyps

Folk remedies and methods of treating the bladder are as follows:

Celandine- the main folk remedy for the treatment of bladder polyps Get rid of a polyp that has grown on the outside urethra, you can use gauze swabs soaked in celandine juice.

Yolks and pumpkin seeds- a very simple and popular folk method for the treatment of polyps in any organ, including bladder.
Take 7 yolks of hard-boiled eggs, mix with 6 tbsp. peeled pumpkin seeds, grind everything into flour and add 0.5 l of vegetable
oils. Put in a water bath for 20 minutes, then cool. The medicine is ready. Place it in the refrigerator. Take in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tsp. for 5 days, then take a break for 5 days and again 5 days of admission. Drink until the medicine runs out. Treat until
dark clots of ichor will stop coming out.

Hemlock juice for the treatment of polyps in the bladder
Cooking according to this recipe: Mix 10 ml of a mixture of hemlock juice with 10 ml of 96% alcohol, 5 ml of alcohol tincture of ash shpanka. Drink drops 1 time per day 20 minutes before meals, starting from 1 drop to 35 and back to 1 drop. Dilute in 50 g of water. Carry out 2 courses of treatment.


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They are classified as benign neoplasms originating from the epithelium and prone to malignancy. Polyps in the intestine are found in 10-12% of proctological patients, and among those who undergo colonoscopy during a preventive examination, in 2-4%. Men get sick 2-3 times more often than women. Treatment of the disease depends on the localization of the formations.


Formations can be single and multiple, on which the methods of treatment depend. Usually their diameter is 0.5-2 cm, but occasionally they reach 3-5 cm or more. Polyps have a stalk and hang down into the lumen of the organ, less often they are located on a wide base. There are juvenile, hyperplastic, adenomatous (glandular), villous polyps, villous tumors, as well as multiple polyposis of the large intestine (true and secondary).

Juvenile type

Juvenile formations in the intestine seen predominantly in children. The mucous membrane of the organ is most often affected. Macroscopically, polyps look like a bunch of grapes with a stalk, their surface is smooth, the color is more intense compared to the surrounding unchanged mucous membrane. They are characteristic glandular-cystic formations in which stroma predominates over glandular elements. As a rule, juvenile polyps are not malignant.

hyperplastic type

Hyperplastic (metaplastic) polyps- small (2-4 mm) formations, often have the shape of a cone. They retain the normal structure of the intestinal mucosa with the correct structure and orientation of the glands with a significant increase in their number, due to which the impression of a thickening of the mucous membrane in the form of a polyp is created. Very rarely malignant.

Adenomatous type

Adenomatous (glandular) formations observed most frequently (90%). An adenomatous polyp has the appearance of a tumor with a smooth surface, rounded, located on a stalk on a wide base, is an area of ​​hyperplasia of the mucous membrane, built from glands of various shapes, often cystic-dilated, lined with columnar epithelium. These polyps are often malignant when larger than 2 cm - in 50% of cases (the larger the size, the more often malignancy is detected).

Villus type

Treatment and symptoms of polyps in the intestines of the villous type. Villous polyps(adenopapilloma) have a lobed structure, a velvety surface, covered with thin delicate villi.

The villous tumor protrudes into the intestinal lumen, is located on a wide base (nodular form). One of the varieties of villous tumors is a creeping, carpet form, in which there is no tumor node. In this case, the process spreads over the surface of the mucous membrane, sometimes taking quite large area around the entire circumference of the intestine, and manifests itself as villous or small-lobed growths. The size of villous tumors is 1.5-5 cm. The tendency to malignancy of villous tumors is very high (up to 90%). Among all neoplasms of the large intestine, they make up about 5%. Most often, villous polyps are localized in the rectum and sigmoid colon.

Clinically, villous tumors are manifested by the release of mucus during defecation, and the amount of mucus can be significant and reach 1-1.5 liters per day, which leads to water and electrolyte disorders. Due to the slight vulnerability of the villi of the tumor, bleeding occurs in almost all patients. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and intestinal discomfort.

Single polyposis formations of the intestine and their manifestations

With solitary polyps, signs are sometimes absent or they are the cause of patient complaints about:

secretion of blood and mucus from the rectum,

stomach ache,

intestinal discomfort.

These symptoms of polyps in the intestines are not pathognomonic, therefore, to identify them, digital examination intestines, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, irrigography. A biopsy is necessary to determine the histological structure of the formation, identify atypical cells and malignancy.

Multiple polyps in the intestine and their symptoms

Treatment and symptoms of polyps in the intestines of the multiple type. Multiple polyps are congenital, familial and secondary (as a result of other lesions of the colon, such as colitis). The frequency of malignancy in polyposis reaches 70-100%, i.e. it is an obligate precancer. Congenital familial polyposis is inherited, affecting several family members. The disease is usually detected in children and young people. Polyps can be localized throughout gastrointestinal tract. The frequency of malignancy approaches 100%.

The combination of multiple polyps with benign soft tissue and bone tumors is called Gardner's syndrome. Polyposis combination digestive tract with age spots on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, around the mouth and on the skin of the palms is called Peutz-Jeghers-Touraine syndrome. IN childhood it is asymptomatic.

For multiple polyposis The large intestine is characterized by pain in the abdomen without a clear localization, diarrhea, excretion of blood and mucus with feces, weight loss, anemia. The disease is diagnosed based on clinical symptoms and anamnestic data. The most informative instrumental research methods: colonoscopy with biopsy, irrigography.


The choice of treatment for multiple colonic polyposis should be individualized. Treatment of formations of a single type is carried out by electrocoagulation through a recto- or colonoscope. Electrocoagulation is also acceptable for removing villous tumors with a well-defined stalk in the absence of malignancy.

With malignancy of the villous tumor, a radical operation is performed. The volume of treatment is determined by the localization of the tumor (right- or left-sided hemicolectomy, resection of the sigmoid colon). With cell atypia of the apex of the formation without invasion of the muscularis mucosa, a radical treatment is a wedge-shaped excision of the intestinal wall in the polyp zone.

In congenital familial polyposis of the large intestine, the method of subtotal colectomy is used with the imposition of an ileorectal or ileosigmoid anastomosis. With the localization of multiple polyposis in a limited area, resection of the affected intestine is performed.

Fighting polyps in the intestines with folk remedies

Polyps do not carry any danger and do not cause discomfort, however, if proper treatment is not provided, over time they can develop into oncological disease. If you have symptoms of a polyp, herbal medicine can become your true ally in the fight against this disease. There are many ways and recipes that will help you heal without even leaving your home.

Take one spoonful of chopped chaga (this is a mushroom that most often grows under a birch), yarrow, St. John's wort, they should be in equal parts and pour boiling water over everything, leave the collection for 20 minutes. Take in small doses 20 minutes before meals.

Polyps are well removed by a mixture of honey and horseradish. Mix them in equal proportions and take one teaspoon of the folk remedy daily on an empty stomach.

Polyps can eventually transform into malignant tumors, viburnum will help you prevent this. Take 3 tablespoons of viburnum berries and pour boiling water over them, when the drink has cooled, strain it through a sieve and treat colon polyps throughout the day, it is best to do this before meals.

If you have symptoms of polyps, in this case, oak bark can come to the rescue, it can be purchased at any pharmacy. To prepare a decoction, take a tablespoon of bark and pour a liter of boiling water, cook the contents for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat, let cool, then store in a dark place. Take several times a day half an hour before meals, do this for a week, then take a break. Continue alternating until complete recovery.

Treatment of polyps with an enema

There are many methods to help treat rectal and intestinal polyps. Treatment with folk remedies among them is the most gentle, especially those methods that use celandine. There are several recipes with it that help with this disease:

if you have rectal polyps, take 2 parts of yarrow herb, one part of celandine herb and one part of calendula flowers, and grind them. Then pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture and insist until it has cooled. Strain the resulting infusion, add to it corn oil and shake well. Use this mixture 1-2 times a day for microclysters (50-100 ml) after having a bowel movement.

the disease can be treated in another way. Take 1 teaspoon of dry celandine and fill it with a glass of water. Keep the herb in a water bath for 20-30 minutes, then cool for half an hour and strain. Now get on your knees and inject the entire decoction into the rectum with an enema. Stand in this position for a while, then lie down first on your right side, then lie down on your left, and then on your back. This treatment for polyps in the rectum has two options.

  • In the first case, you should take from 30 to 60 grams of dry celandine grass and pour it cold water in a ratio of 1:10. Water must be boiled. Steep the herb for 8 hours, then strain and enema into the rectum. The course of polyposis treatment is 12 procedures. A month later, this course should be repeated.
  • In the second option, they take from 15 to 30 grams of celandine grass (its amount varies depending on the weight of the person). Pour the grass with half a glass of boiling water and leave it for half an hour, then strain. Enter the infusion into the rectum with an enema. Carry out the treatment gradually, over an hour. Be sure to do a cleansing enema three hours before. Repeat the procedure every day for 10-20 days. After this course, you will get rid of the disease.

For an enema: you will need celandine (grass), meadowsweet flowers, calendula (flowers), St. John's wort and agrimony (grass). Mix it all in parts 3/3/2/2/2 respectively. Then insist for six hours, pre-filling with boiling water (300 ml). Before going to bed (one hour before), you need to do enemas, with a content of 50 ml. Do all this until the polyps are cured.

Treatment of polyps in the intestines is carried out with celandine. An infusion is made from celandine in the evening, for this a teaspoon of grass is poured with boiling water (one glass), then for a minute it is necessary to boil and insist one third of an hour. Valerian (thirty drops) and a teaspoon of fat (fish) are added to the resulting folk remedy. The procedure (deep enema) is done for ten days.

Before going to bed it is very useful to do microclysters from herbal preparations. Treatment is effectively carried out with the help of calendula, St. John's wort and tails. The mixture must be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insisted for 6 hours, so try to prepare the decoction in advance. An enema should be done every day.

Treatment of polyps in the intestines is carried out complete with fasting. And do not forget that on your own you will not be able to completely cure polyps, folk remedies therapy should be used to support immune system during the period of illness.


Causes of the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • common chronic diseases, any inflammation, the treatment of which is running;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the human body;
  • violations hormonal background a person also lead to polyps.

Video: Treatment and symptoms of polyps in the intestine

Polyps in the intestines are pathological growths of the mucous epithelium that lines the walls of the lumen of the organ. The formation of intestinal polyposis is based on a violation of the regenerative function of cells, their intensive renewal caused by a local violation of the integrity of the mucosa. Natural regeneration mechanisms occur where there is any damage to the connective and mucous tissue - with each time the mucous gradually thickens.

Changes in the mucous structures of the small and large intestines lead to a gradual thickening of the walls of the lumen. The polyp is based on an altered mucosal structure, often connected to the body of a pathological growth. Sometimes intestinal polyps have a thin stalk.

There are several main types of intestinal polyps:

  • Inflammatory formed as a result of inflammation of the mucosa;
  • neoplastic, formed as a result of the activity of atypical cells;
  • Hyperplastic formed from normal tissue.

Depending on the type of intestinal polyp, one can assume the nature of its occurrence. Many polyps are benign in nature, while the neoplastic type of neoplasm is most prone to cancerous degeneration of cells.

Important! In addition to oncological complications, polyps contribute to congestion in the intestines chronic intoxication organism.

The main symptoms - the clinical picture of the pathology

Symptoms of intestinal polyps at the initial stage of development do not affect the patient's condition in any way. Usually for many years people do not suspect the presence of a pathological proliferation of the mucosa. An intestinal polyp begins to appear only with an increase in volume, as well as when spreading through the epithelium lining the intestine.

Symptoms depend on the location of the polyps:

  • Rectum: bleeding during bowel movements, anal sex, after the introduction of rectal suppositories, a thick mucous component in the feces;
  • Colon- signs of colitis, diseases of the colon, instability of the stool, bloody inclusions and mucus in the feces;
  • Sigmoid colon- the appearance of constipation along with diarrhea, purulent or mucous inclusions in the feces, belching or bloating.

At the same time, disorders in the epigastric organs, including the stomach, pancreas, may appear. Drawing sensations, fullness of the stomach, heartburn, increased acidity - all this can be secondary signs of intestinal polyposis.

Non-surgical treatment - is it possible to get rid of folk methods

Conservative medicine does not deny effectiveness folk methods therapy for intestinal polyps. On the contrary, methods are actively used along with traditional methods treatment. Contraindications to surgery, as well as the patient's usual unwillingness to surgical intervention may be the reason for the appointment of drug treatment and methods of traditional medicine.

Important! There are known cases of complete elimination of intestinal growths, subject to single formations, as well as their small volumes. If the pathological growths of the mucous membrane tend to become malignant, then traditional medicine is unlikely to help stop the malignant degeneration of cells.

How to cure pathology with the help of alternative medicine?

The earlier intestinal polyposis is detected, the easier the treatment process is. On early stages folk recipes help get rid of polyps, but after accurate diagnosis and consultation with doctors.

The effectiveness of alternative treatment, along with proper nutrition and compliance healthy lifestyle life can significantly reduce the amount of overgrowth or completely cure it.

Baking soda

Sodotherapy - known method polyp treatment. During the treatment course, patients are advised to stay at home. Soda allows you to cleanse the intestines, reduce the symptoms of heartburn when taken orally, and also restore excretory and secretory functions mucous epithelium. Soda is used in the form of enemas.

There are several basic recipes:

  • In 1 liter warm boiled water dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of salt. After washing the intestines in the morning with an enema.
  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1 liter of water apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of soda, and then do enemas in the morning and evening.


Herbal microclysters help not only reduce the volume of polyps, but also significantly improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the intestinal walls.

Ideal for herbal medicine:

  • celandine,
  • yarrow,
  • calendula,
  • pharmaceutical camomile,
  • nettle.

It is important that the decoctions are warm. You can add a few drops to any decoction. lemon juice, essential or vegetable oils. The duration of therapy is usually 14 days, after which they take a short break.

birch chaga

Chaga is a tree fungus grown on birch bark.

Chaga-based remedies have long been used to get rid of various symptoms gastrointestinal tract:

  • pain,
  • bowel obstruction,
  • inflammatory processes,
  • pathological tumors,
  • other neoplasms.

Chaga has a beneficial effect on bowel function, normalizes defensive forces body, naturally help cleanse.

For cooking, you need to pour a small part of the mushroom with boiling water and insist for a day. After that, the mushroom is removed and rubbed on a fine grater, after which it is again placed in a decoction and kept for another day. After the composition is filtered through gauze and drink 100 ml 3 times a day. With the same solution, you can make enemas using a medical pear.

Important! Chaga is absolutely harmless, environmentally friendly pure product. Treatment can be carried out during pregnancy and lactation for a long time.

hemlock plant

Hemlock grass is actively used in:

  • cancer diseases,
  • syphilis
  • colic,
  • asthma syndrome,
  • uterine fibroid,
  • many other pathologies.

For the treatment of internal intestinal polyps, the following recipes are used:

  1. 6 tbsp fall asleep in a jar. tablespoons of dry hemlock, pour 0.5 liters of vodka into it. The container is tightly closed and placed in a dark place for 12 days. It is recommended to shake the composition daily. After preparation, the composition is filtered with gauze and placed in the refrigerator. Means drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  2. 4 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials are poured with boiling water, boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. After cooling and filtering several times. The resulting decoction is used for cleansing enemas 2 times a day.

The effectiveness of the product has been clinically proven. Against the background of regular use of the plant, benign neoplasms significantly decreased in size.

Celandine grass - how to drink and do enemas?

Enemas with celandine are the most used for intestinal polyps. Efficiency is due negative influence for tumor formations.

The therapy consists of several stages:

  • I stage. The course of treatment is 15 days - enemas 2 times a day. The composition of enemas is based on the ratio of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of celandine juice and 1 liter of water. Daily enemas and a combination of dietary nutrition greatly alleviate the patient's condition, cleanse the stomach and intestines from congestion.
  • II stage. Held after a week break. Enemas are made on the basis of celandine juice and water, but in a different ratio (3 tablespoons of juice per 1 tablespoon of water). The course lasts another 15 days, after which they take a break.

After 3-4 courses of such treatment, the volume of polyps decreases, and the smallest neoplasms simply disappear. At the same time, the structure of the mucous membranes is restored, and all parts of the intestine are cleansed.

The cleaner goes well with:

  • calendula,
  • yarrow,
  • chamomile.

To do this, prepare such a decoction. Dry raw materials are mixed in equal proportions, take 3 tbsp. spoons and pour boiling water over. Next, the composition is cooled and filtered several times.

The course of such therapy is 2 weeks. The most effective in relation to intestinal polyposis is the juice of celandine, which is sufficient to be diluted with water. When ingested, specialist advice is necessary, as the plant is very poisonous and can cause serious poisoning.

Find out a few more simple, but very effective recipes with celandine in this video:

Other Effective Plants

In folk medicine against intestinal polyposis, others are also used. effective herbs. In pharmacy chains, you can purchase ready-made herbal teas for preparing enemas or ingestion.

There are several recipes:

Note! The use of alternative methods of treatment is advisable only for small tumor sizes, as well as in the absence of other complications:

  • hemorrhoidal disease,
  • bowel obstruction,
  • acute prolonged pain
  • profuse bleeding.

Can growths be removed if they reappear after treatment?

Given that no method of conservative medicine is able to get rid of the risks of relapse, the likelihood of recurrence remains.

Regular use of "grandmother's" methods can significantly slow down the re-growth of the mucosa, and sometimes completely restore any transformation of the mucosal tissue.

Methods alternative therapy show greater efficiency when combined with other methods adequate treatment. Among the main disadvantages are long-term results and a dubious effect on the polyp. Despite this, there are cases of significant improvement in the clinical picture, including the complete disappearance of pathological growths.