Spasm in the intestines: why does this happen? Intestinal spasms in children and adults: signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Spasms in the intestines - visceral cramping pain of considerable intensity reports diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, the attack comes in combination with other symptoms of an existing malaise.

It is possible to find out the causes of the condition only in stationary conditions, using various laboratory, x-ray, ultrasound and instrumental diagnostic methods.

Treatment of intestinal spasm should be conservative, with the use of sedatives, antispasmodics, antidiarrheal drugs and a special diet.

What is spasm

Spasm in the intestines is a sign of serious malfunctions in the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Infants are most often affected by such disorders, although adults also often complain of spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen.

Leading gastroenterologists are constantly arguing whether to attribute such ailments to the symptoms of digestive tract problems or call this condition premorbid, which over time will acquire an organic pathology.

Today, unanimity has not yet been reached, but patients should take intestinal colic with the utmost seriousness. The clarified circumstance is a warning of the development of dangerous diseases.

Cause of intestinal spasm

There are several reasons for a spasmodic intestine:

  • Stale products. Together with spoiled food, all kinds of pathogenic bacilli can easily enter the human body, which contribute to the development of infections.
  • Overeating, swallowing poorly chewed food. Those who like to satisfy their hunger in the evenings and eat in a hurry often suffer from intestinal spasm. Food entering the stomach at the indicated rhythm is poorly digested, increasing the load on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Stressful situations that greatly inhibit the work of the body are also the causes of spasms.
  • Viruses. All kinds of infections have a detrimental effect on the microflora, contributing to malfunctions in the intestines.
  • Taking antibiotics. These drugs can contribute to dysbacteriosis, the symptoms of which are pain, diarrhea and nausea.
  • Helminthiasis. This malaise causes discomfort in the abdomen, seizures in the intestines, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss.
  • Inactivity. As a result of lack of physical activity, irritable bowel syndrome is provoked. In this case, the person suffers from pain initiated by attacks, bloating, erroneous urge to defecate.
  • functional failures. An unpleasant spasmodic syndrome may indicate gallstone disease, a liver disorder.
  • Heavy metal poisoning. It is known that the salts that they contain, penetrating into the body, contribute to the reduction of smooth muscles.

First symptoms

The only symptom of an intestinal attack is spasmodic pain in the abdomen. Its intensity is due to localization. Often troubles originate in the small intestine, and rarely - in the large or throughout the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to pain, colic is characterized by other symptoms:

  • Defecation disorders, when a person begins to suffer from constipation, erroneous urges, or a feeling of incomplete emptying.
  • Absorption pathologies of nutrients. Food moves rapidly through the esophagus, causing rumbling, increased gas formation, diarrhea, and sometimes vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • Decrease in work capacity.
  • A disturbed dream.
  • Nausea.

Correct diagnosis

When symptoms of spasm appear, it is necessary to seek advice from a gastroenterologist or therapist. These physicians are engaged in a scrupulous study of the anamnesis, accompanying complaints and, if necessary, recommend the advisory assistance of a surgeon.

Laboratory and instrumental studies will help identify the underlying disease:

  • An extended blood test. Detects anemia, as well as the presence of modifications of the leukoformula.
  • Urine research. Diseases in the pelvic area and the presence of pathologies in the metabolism of glucose and bile acids are determined.
  • Biochemistry of blood. It is an indicator of the state of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.
  • Coprogram research. Help to determine the presence of shifts in the intestines.
  • Analysis of feces for the presence of occult blood.
  • Ultrasound, plain radiography (including contrast). Reveals disorders in the functionality of internal organs.
  • Endoscopist consultation. Establishes real prerequisites for violations.
  • Computed tomography or MSCT.
  • Conducting esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. These studies will help visualize the modifications of the mucosa in various parts of the intestine and determine the true cause of the pathological condition.

Treatment in adults

The easiest way to help relieve pain is to take antispasmodics:

  • No-shpa;
  • Nise;
  • took;
  • Ketorol;
  • Papaverine;
  • Spazmalgon.

At the same time, you should not step over pain, even if, after taking this or that medicine, the spasm recedes. The frequency of these troubles is an excuse to see a doctor.

Pharmacy preparations

Drug treatment is selected taking into account provoking factors. To prescribe the best option, maybe only a doctor who will take into account all the features of the body.

  • If the spasms were caused by exposure to bacteria, then antibiotics or antiseptics are used to destroy the infectious disease.
  • In order to improve arterial patency, "Nitroglycerin" is prescribed.
  • When attacks appeared as a result of poor blood flow, the use of antihypertensive drugs and antispasmodics is recommended.
  • Pain medications are taken to reduce pain.

Folk remedies

You can get rid of nervous spasm at home with the help of traditional medicine recipes. However, only a doctor should deal with their selection. This will help the patient avoid allergic reactions.

  1. To eliminate intestinal spasm, it is necessary to drink a decoction of wormwood, chaga, nettle, St. John's wort or partitions of nuts every morning.
  2. Chamomile works well with a less intense attack.
  3. Acute symptoms are neutralized with a tincture of watermelon peels, which is infused overnight.
  4. And vegetable oil will also help in the fight against the disease. It should be drunk in the morning with a decoction of mint or chamomile.


Methods for eliminating anomalies of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract are quite combined. They consist, among other things, of taking universal homeopathic medicines. It helps in the treatment of acute forms of the disease, achieving high results in the process of stopping chronic manifestations.

There are two types of homeopathy:

  • Classic. It can be prescribed as a result of direct communication with the patient.
  • Universal. It is prescribed after electropuncture diagnostics by means of bodily meridian points located on the body.

The entire course of treatment the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor. He, if necessary, will change the therapeutic regimen. This is important, since some drugs are made on the basis of poisons, which means that an overdose can threaten with serious consequences.

When to Call a Doctor

It is advisable to invite a doctor immediately after the appearance of intestinal colic. Prior to his arrival, you do not need to do the following:

  • Drink painkillers.
  • Apply a heating pad to your stomach.
  • Do an enema or carry out some other activities.

This will hide the complete clinical picture, and the specialist will not be able to assess the condition of the patient. As a result, the necessary measures will not be taken.

Spasms in pregnancy

The appearance of intestinal colic is noted at the very beginning of the course of pregnancy. During this period, the egg moves into the uterine cavity. Although the malaise is mild in nature.

In the process of hormonal adjustment, paroxysmal sensations may occur, and in the future the disease is caused by the pressure of the fetus on the organs. If these troubles are repeated at regular intervals, then you should immediately seek help from a specialist. This will help to get rid of the development of possible complications.

How to relieve intestinal spasm in a child

The occurrence of an attack in a baby is determined by the inconsistency of the functionality of digestion. This phenomenon occurs in 50% of babies in the first months and, as a rule, disappears by six months. You need to take the baby in your arms and hold it like a "soldier", pressing it to you.

Frequent seizures indicate the presence of some serious disorders, so if mommy notes spasms in a child, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Symptoms of seizures in a newborn:

  • anxiety;
  • poor sleep and appetite;
  • constant regurgitation and rumbling in the tummy;
  • flatulence;
  • tone of the anterior wall (noticeable even with light palpation).

In addition, the baby, to alleviate his condition, intuitively pulls his legs to his stomach. The duration of the spasm is from 30 minutes to three hours, and relief comes mainly after defecation or the release of gases. When seizures are infrequent, and the baby is mostly calm, takes food well and, according to age, accumulates mass, then there is no need to worry. Although a visit to the clinic has not hurt anyone yet.

In this video, a young mother relieves intestinal colic in a baby.


Preventive measures are very simple. It is enough to correctly compose a diet, reducing the consumption of sweet, baked and fatty, especially in the evening. The stomach does not work at full strength at night, so heaviness, flatulence and pain appear.

If intestinal spasms appear, the causes and treatment will always be related to each other. Not always the factors of abdominal pain are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Unpleasant sensations occur after taking certain medications, after surgery, and also if the diet has simply been violated. What to do with spasms of smooth muscles?

You should be aware that spasms in the intestines can differ in many ways, depending on which department they occurred in.

Allocate spasms:
  1. Large intestine. The patient has an increased urge to defecate, but constipation is also possible. Even after going to the toilet, a person still has a feeling of incomplete emptying. Therefore, after a short time, the urges are repeated. If such a pathology continues for a long time, then in the body there is often a lack of vitamins synthesized by this organ.
  2. Small intestine. In case of irritation of the mucous membrane of this section, the absorption of water is disturbed in a person, which provokes the appearance of diarrhea. Along with this, vomiting, frequent headaches, bloating and rumbling in the intestines in adults and children appear, pressure decreases. Due to diarrhea, the body loses many vitamins and minerals, which also affects its general condition. Such pain helps to remove antispasmodic drugs. Additionally, the patient needs the introduction of saline solutions.
  3. The caecum from which the appendix arises. In this situation, pain is localized on the right side.
  4. rectum. It is manifested by frequent and painful urge to defecate.
  5. Spasm of the sigmoid colon (diverticulosis).
  6. Lead colic develops when the body is poisoned with lead. The patient's abdominal muscles become very tense, the body temperature rises sharply, the gums bleed, and a gray coating appears between the gum and the tooth.
  7. Vascular colic is associated with impaired blood circulation in this area, as a result of which oxygen starvation of the organ begins. The cause of intestinal spasm in this case can be: vascular atherosclerosis, aortic aneurysm, hypertension, compression of blood vessels by scars, adhesions or neoplasms.
  8. Severe spasm in the intestine requires medical attention. Often the cause is infectious in nature, so treatment in a hospital is necessary. If colic was provoked by a disturbed diet, then after a bowel movement, the patient, as a rule, feels relieved. With severe colic, a refusal to eat for at least 12 hours is required. At this time, it is allowed to drink sweet tea with crackers.
  9. Nervous spasm occurs due to circulatory disorders. Dealing with this condition can be very difficult. The most important thing is to try to overcome stress. At the same time, sedatives and traditional medicine come to the rescue, based on motherwort, valerian, mint or hop cones.

Doctors say that the causes of spasms in the intestines can be very different: from the use of low-quality products to the development of severe pathologies.

The main symptoms of spasms include:

  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • pain near the navel;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of vomiting;
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • violation of the chair;
  • belching.

In severe cases, there is a headache, increased sweating and frequent urination, sleep problems, chills, general malaise.

If intestinal obstruction has become a factor in the development of spasm, then pain develops at lightning speed, the abdominal wall tenses.

The causes and treatment of intestinal spasms are always interconnected, so during the examination, the doctor will ask the patient some questions. First of all, he will try to find out how long ago the intestinal spasms began, after which it happened and whether the patient has other symptoms. Important may be information about the presence of chronic diseases, the place of work of the patient and the products that he used the day before.

After collecting an anamnesis, palpation of the abdomen is mandatory. Particular attention is paid to the region of the caecum to exclude acute appendicitis. During the examination, muscle tension, localization of pain and the presence of seals are determined. If the condition of the organs is normal, then the doctor can easily feel the area of ​​the colon, sigmoid, transverse and caecum. They should be soft, without seals and neoplasms. When pressing into the region of the caecum, a rumbling is heard.

To make an accurate diagnosis and determine the cause of the pain, why spasms appeared in the intestines, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination:
  1. A blood test (general, biochemical) allows you to determine the presence of an inflammatory process or a violation in the work of internal organs.
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. The coprogram gives an idea of ​​the presence of pathological processes in the intestine.
  4. Ultrasound makes it possible to assess the state of the organ and its departments, for example, the caecum, to see the presence of adhesions or neoplasms.
  5. Colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination that makes it possible to assess the condition of the intestine (the presence of inflammation, ulcers, stenosis, fecal stones, etc.). To do this, a flexible tube with a camera is inserted into the rectum. Thus, the doctor can find out why there was a spasm of the large intestine, rectum and other parts of it.
  6. Sigmoidoscopy is an endoscopic method for examining the sigmoid and rectum to detect inflammation, polyps and other neoplasms. Using a rectoscope, the doctor examines the rectal mucosa.
  7. X-ray reveals obstruction, the presence of a liquid, gas or foreign body in the organ, perforation of the intestinal walls.
  8. Irrigography is performed to detect stenosis, diverticulitis, internal hernias, neoplasms and fecal stones.
  9. Computed tomography is prescribed if a tumor is suspected.

After intestinal spasms are identified, all symptoms are identified, treatment will be prescribed by a doctor.

Self-medication can lead to serious consequences. Intestinal antispasmodics help relieve pain (Drotaverine, No-shpa, Spasmalgon, etc.).

In addition to taking antispasmodics, the attending physician will prescribe a diet that helps relieve spasm. From the diet for the duration of therapy, it is necessary to remove foods that contribute to gas formation (legumes, sweets, fresh vegetables and fruits, fatty meats, pickles, smoked meats, ice cream, carbonated drinks, etc.). The patient needs to eat food fractionally (5-6 times a day in small portions).

Some diseases that cause spasms in the intestines require surgery.

Medication use

Knowing the symptoms, when spasms in the intestines appear, the doctor will advise an individual treatment, the use of a certain medication that will help to effectively eliminate colic. To pills for spasms in the intestines include:

  • intestinal antiseptics and antibacterial drugs that are effective against many pathogens (Biseptol, Levomycetin, etc.);
  • drugs used in atherosclerosis (nitroglycerin, etc.);
  • antihypertensive drugs (Andipal, etc.);
  • sedatives (valerian extract, etc.);
  • enzymatic preparations (Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon, etc.) are prescribed if cramps begin after eating;
  • funds used for seizures, which are accompanied by convulsions in the intestines (No-shpa, Papaverine, etc.).

After the spasms in the intestines are removed, the attending physician will additionally observe the patient for a certain time. This is due to the fact that often the manifestations of the disease can be repeated.


In the treatment of spasms in the intestines, the patient must follow a special diet, with enough vitamins. With the strongest colic, it is recommended to completely refuse food.

Foods that can cause an allergy in a patient should be excluded from the diet. The amount of meat must be reduced. You should completely stop eating fatty, spicy foods, pastries, sauces, convenience foods and foods that cause flatulence and gas formation.

Traditional medicine and surgery

How to treat spasms with folk methods, the doctor will tell you. Usually used for this:

  • a decoction of blackcurrants, gooseberries and plums, taken in equal parts;
  • decoction of chamomile;
  • a decoction prepared from plantain candles;
  • tincture of birch buds;
  • a decoction of dried watermelon peels.

How to relieve intestinal spasm at home can only be told by a doctor. Not always colic is removed by medications. If the reason for its appearance is not associated with diseases of the digestive system, then it is enough to lie down and apply a warm heating pad to the stomach.

The operation is used extremely rarely. The doctor can prescribe it in the case when the spasm has become a sign of inflammation of appendicitis or in the presence of a neoplasm.

To prevent reflex spasm in the intestines, it is important to follow the rules of a healthy diet. The basis of the diet should be foods rich in fiber (cereals, vegetables), lean meat and fish, dairy products. Beets, prunes and figs will quickly remove colic.

In order not to wonder how to get rid of intestinal spasms, you need to follow simple rules:
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • use only quality products;
  • do not be distracted while eating by reading or watching TV;
  • exercise regularly and lead an active lifestyle;
  • minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • don't drink food.


As a rule, the prognosis is mostly favorable and depends on what caused the spasm. If this happened after eating low-quality products, then dieting is enough and the patient's condition quickly returns to normal.

If the spasm caused the disease, then the prognosis will depend on how effectively the treatment is prescribed and carried out. How to treat a specific pathology and how to relieve the spasm resulting from its development, the doctor should say after confirming the diagnosis.

In the case of identifying a neoplasm, everything will depend on the place of its localization, degree and form. Malignant tumors that were diagnosed at an advanced stage can be fatal. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health, regularly undergo preventive examinations and consult a doctor if unpleasant symptoms appear.

- these are intense contractions of its smooth muscles, which are accompanied by paroxysmal pains in the abdomen -. They occur in many functional and organic diseases of the digestive tract. According to statistics, from 10 to 46% of the adult population suffers from regular intestinal colic.

Spasm is a response of the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall to any pathological effect. Contractions occur when the intestines are irritated by gases, poorly digested food. Inflammation of the mucous membrane, dysregulation of motility, and deterioration of blood supply lead to spasms. Pain receptors are activated and transmit signals to the brain.

Possible reasons:


Intestinal spasms are not an independent disease, the list of symptoms and their severity depend on the underlying pathology.

Depending on the duration, intestinal spasms are acute (up to 3 days), subacute (up to six months) and chronic (more than six months).


Only a doctor can determine the cause of intestinal colic. For acute intense pain in the abdomen, call an ambulance. For subacute and chronic - consult a general practitioner or gastroenterologist.

Clinical and laboratory methods

Instrumental Methods

To clarify the diagnosis, the gastroenterologist sends the patient for a consultation with other specialists: an infectious disease specialist, a surgeon, an oncologist, a proctologist. If, as a result of a comprehensive examination, organic pathology is not detected, the diagnosis is "Irritable Bowel Syndrome".

First aid

Any pain in the abdomen requires close attention, as it may be a sign of an acute surgical disease.

How to relieve pain:

Before the doctor's examination is prohibited:

  • take painkillers: Analgin, Nurofen;
  • put a heating pad on the stomach;
  • put an enema.

If after 30-40 minutes the state of health does not improve, call an ambulance.


The volume of therapeutic and preventive measures depends on the cause of intestinal spasms. An integrated approach to therapy is important.


Proper nutrition is the basis for the treatment of any pathology of the stomach and intestines. The diet is prescribed in accordance with the main diagnosis. If there are no organic diseases, follow the general nutritional recommendations.

Basic principles

Grocery list


According to indications, antibiotics, antihelminthics are prescribed.


Physical factors have a complex effect on the body, improve the regulation of motor skills. With spasms of the intestines of a functional origin, the following is prescribed:

Folk remedies

Before using traditional medicine, consult your doctor.

Water infusion of mint

Take a tablespoon of dry crushed leaves of the plant, pour into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse for an hour, then strain. Take one sip three times a day before meals.

Chamomile decoction

Take a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers, pour into an enamel pan, pour a liter of cool water, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Then cool at room temperature. Strain. Store the resulting broth in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals. The tool can also be used for microclysters.

Surgical methods

In case of intestinal spasms associated with acute surgical disease, patients are hospitalized in the surgical department.

  • With intestinal obstruction, the tactics of treatment are chosen depending on the condition. Antispasmodics, infusion therapy, siphon enemas are used. 25% of patients admitted to the hospital need emergency surgery. The type and extent of intervention depends on the cause of the pathology. With mechanical obstruction, the tumor is removed, the dead section of the intestine is excised, and an anastomosis is applied.
  • In case of thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels, a thrombus is removed, blood flow is restored, the viability of the intestine is assessed, and the affected area is excised in case of necrosis.


The results of therapy depend on the cause of the disease and compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.
With irritable bowel syndrome in 38% of patients, pain is completely stopped within a year, in the rest they periodically recur, but do not increase.

Spasm in the intestines is relieved with the help of drugs. They are prescribed depending on which caused this symptom. With a "normal" intestinal spasm, antispasmodic drugs help. The following treatment options can be used. Two "No-shpy" should be taken, which should be washed down with a glass of warm mint broth. With intestinal spasm, taking one or two tablets containing dry belladonna extract (Becarbon, Bellalgin, Besalol, Bellataminal) or one or two tablets of Papaverine also helps. The drug "Smekta" is also effective, the contents of one sachet should be dissolved in 100 ml of water and drunk.

With spasms in the intestines, you can make an enema with a decoction of lemon balm or mint with a volume of 200 ml. After such treatment, the usual intestinal colic disappears, as a rule, it is accompanied by the passage of gases and a single liquid stool. For six to twelve hours, the patient should not eat anything, only unsweetened and weak tea with crackers is allowed.

Relief of certain types of intestinal spasms

With spasms caused by intestinal infections, an appropriate one is prescribed. It is based on the use of antibiotics (Kanamycin, Levomycetin, Gentamicin) and intestinal antiseptics (Biseptol, Furazolidone, Enteroseptol). In the initial stage of the disease, you can not take "fixing" agents, it is better to make an enema with a volume of 1-1.5 liters to remove pathogens from the body. To stop the spasm caused by insufficient blood flow to the abdominal organs, the patient is given an antihypertensive agent, for example, Andipal (after measuring blood pressure). In the future, the patient is prescribed antispasmodics ("Kurantil" or "Galidor"). With atherosclerotic vascular lesions, spasm is stopped by "Nitroglycerin" (as in angina pectoris). Then the patient is recommended to take drugs that improve the patency of the arteries (Buflomedil, Nifedipine).

After removing the pain, the patient must be observed by a doctor, since further medical actions depend on what symptoms the intestinal colic will change. The development of a severe intestinal infection will require treatment in the infectious diseases department, and in case of acute intestinal obstruction, immediate hospitalization in the surgical department is necessary. Therefore, if the spasm does not go away, the pain increases and spreads throughout the abdomen, vomiting is repeated, stool and gas retention is observed, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

- a symptom of a huge number of diseases of the digestive tract, characterized by high-intensity visceral pain associated with a significant contraction of the intestinal wall. The main symptom of intestinal colic is cramping pain, usually combined with other symptoms of the underlying disease. To determine the cause of this condition, various laboratory, x-ray, ultrasound and instrumental research methods may be required. Treatment of intestinal spasm is conservative: sedatives, antispasmodics, heat on the abdomen, antidiarrheals and a special diet.

General information

Intestinal spasm is not an independent nosological unit, but only serves as a sign of serious malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, this functional disorder of the intestine occurs in infancy, but adults often also complain of spasmodic pain in the abdomen. Leading specialists of the country in the field of gastroenterology have been arguing for many years whether to consider such functional disorders (gastroesophageal reflux, functional diarrhea, intestinal spasm, etc.) as simply a symptom of trouble in the digestive tract, or as a premorbid condition, which in the future can be transformed into an organic pathology. There is currently no consensus on the status of functional disorders, but patients should take intestinal colic seriously. Finding out the cause of this condition means preventing the development of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of intestinal spasm

Cramping pain, characteristic of intestinal spasm, may occur due to violations of various mechanisms of intestinal motility. The main links of pathogenesis in intestinal spasm: overstretching of the intestinal wall, irritation of nerve endings, impaired tone of the smooth muscles of the intestine with a disorder in the mechanisms of its contraction, the occurrence of pathological peristalsis (antiperistalsis, weakening or strengthening of peristaltic waves, the disappearance of peristalsis in some parts of the intestine), the occurrence of an obstacle to promote the food bolus.

Intestinal spasm can occur against the background of digestive disorders - acute and chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, pancreatitis, etc. In case of violations of the digestion of food in the stomach and the initial sections of the intestine, the unprocessed food bolus enters the intestine and causes excessive irritation of its receptors, muscle spasm . Another common cause of intestinal spasm is nutritional errors - the mechanism for the development of colic is the same as with digestive disorders, but irritation of the intestinal wall occurs with too cold, spicy, fried, dry, stale food, yeast dough products, etc.

Intestinal colic can also develop with intoxication - with generalized viral infections (influenza, SARS), poisoning with industrial and vegetable poisons, salts of heavy metals. In these cases, intestinal spasm occurs due to the effects of poisons and toxins on the neuromuscular apparatus of the intestine. Intestinal infections can also be the cause of this pathology: the multiplication of bacteria in the intestinal lumen has a complex effect, causing irritation of nerve endings, excessive exudation with overstretching of the intestinal wall, and peristalsis disorders.

In asthenic people with a labile psyche, prone to strong feelings, often during stressful situations there are cramping pains in the abdomen associated with intestinal spasm. With emotional shocks, there is a violation of the autonomic regulation of intestinal motility.

With intestinal obstruction, spastic contractions of its muscles are also possible. Spasm most often occurs against the background of obstruction of the intestine by a tumor, foreign body, coprolites and gallstones, balls of helminths, bezoars. There are frequent cases of the development of intestinal colic and with adhesive intestinal obstruction, which arose against the background of inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, surgical interventions, radiation. The intestine tries to overcome the obstruction by gradually increasing peristalsis, which eventually leads to spasm.

Depending on the cause and localization of the pathological process, separate types of intestinal spasm are distinguished. The appendicular type develops in the presence of an inflammatory process in the appendix. Usually, some time after appendicular colic, an appendicitis clinic appears. The rectal type is associated with spasm of the rectum and is manifested by frequent strong urge to defecate. The lead type of intestinal spasm accompanies lead poisoning, which is characterized by high fever, tension of the anterior abdominal wall, gray plaque on the gums, and bleeding from the oral cavity. The vascular type is associated with intestinal hypoperfusion against the background of a hypertensive crisis, atherosclerosis, mesenteric vein thrombosis, compression of the vessels by a tumor or adhesions.

Symptoms of intestinal spasm

The only symptom of intestinal spasm is intense cramping pain in the abdomen. Depending on the background of which disease an intestinal spasm occurred, other symptoms may also be recorded.

With gastritis, intestinal spasm is accompanied by epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, dyspeptic symptoms, loss of appetite and weight loss. With peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, the pain becomes more intense, occurs on an empty stomach and at night. Intestinal spasm in liver pathology is combined with pain in the right side and hepatic colic, vomiting of bile, yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes, skin itching. In diseases of the pancreas, intestinal spasm joins girdle pain in the abdomen, indomitable vomiting, flatulence and diarrhea.

Intestinal infections usually manifest with fever, nausea and vomiting, and then, against the background of diarrhea, intestinal spasm also joins the symptoms. At the same time, pathological impurities (mucus, blood) are visualized in the feces. The clinic of helminthiases often develops gradually, and intestinal spasms may be the only clinical signs for a long time. In addition, the patient complains of weakness, lethargy, decreased performance, skin rashes and itching in the anus. With intestinal obstruction in the early stages, the patient is disturbed by severe intestinal spasms, the intensity of which gradually decreases. Colic occurs against the background of the absence of discharge of gases and feces, repeated indomitable vomiting. The abdomen swells, peristalsis disappears. If you do not help the patient during the day, irreversible changes occur in the intestinal wall.

Diagnosis of intestinal spasm

Most often, when an intestinal spasm occurs, the patient seeks the advice of a gastroenterologist or therapist. These specialists carefully study the anamnesis, accompanying complaints and, if necessary, prescribe a consultation with the surgeon.

To identify the underlying disease that could lead to the development of intestinal spasm, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out. A general blood test can reveal anemia, inflammatory changes in the leukoformula. A general urine test will indicate a catastrophe in the small pelvis (pelvioperitonitis), metabolic disorders of bile acids and glucose. A biochemical blood test is an indicator of the state of the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. To exclude intestinal pathology, a coprogram and fecal occult blood analysis are examined. acute appendicitis, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction. Self-treatment of intestinal spasms can lead to lubrication of symptoms, diagnostic errors and delay in therapeutic measures.

After acute surgical pathology has been excluded, pathogenetic treatment is prescribed. If intestinal spasm has developed against the background of emotional stress, or the appearance of this symptom has led to increased patient nervousness, sedatives are prescribed. Drotaverine and belladonna preparations relax the smooth muscles of the internal organs, eliminating intestinal spasm. A warm heating pad on the abdomen has a similar effect. With increased gas formation, a diet is prescribed (therapeutic fasting for 12 hours, then products that lead to increased gas formation are excluded), enemas to remove feces and gases. If intestinal spasm occurs against the background of diarrhea, it is recommended to take smectite and other antidiarrheal agents.

With recurrent intestinal colic not associated with other pathologies of the internal organs, it is recommended to take sedatives for a long time, diet with the exception of fried, spicy, fatty, pickled and smoked foods, canned food, carbonated drinks, yeast dough and some vegetables (legumes, cabbage, corn, radish).

Forecast and prevention of intestinal spasm

The prognosis for the occurrence of intestinal spasm is usually favorable, severe consequences are possible only with acute surgical pathology. Prevention consists in the prevention and timely treatment of diseases that are manifested by this symptom. To prevent intestinal spasms, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat rationally, and avoid stress.