Psoriasis treatment with folk remedies. Folk remedies for psoriasis - an overview of effective recipes

Psoriasis is a skin disease that cannot be fully treated. Treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies or medication is possible only for the partial removal of characteristic spots on the skin.

In the absence of preventive actions, spots form again after 2-3 days. The plaques itch and haunt the sick, which greatly complicates the normal functioning of a person. How to get rid of psoriasis plaques for a long time? Is it possible to protect yourself from the development of the presented chronic disease? What to do to people who are close to the patient?

What is psoriasis and its history

Psoriasis is a non-communicable disease of a chronic nature, which is mainly manifested by the formation of plaques on the skin. Plaques are a scaly coating, gradually drying and flaking.

Sometimes a colorless exudate accumulates in the area of ​​the spots - it leads to a characteristic bulging of the plaque and subsequent rupture. As a result, the patient suffers from severe itching. After the affected area dries, the itching disappears, the scales can be carefully removed on their own.

Basically, the affected areas are places of constant friction on clothing and surfaces. So, plaques are found on the bend of the elbow, knees, buttocks. But the localization of the affected areas can gradually change. Scaly places are often formed in the hairy part - on the head. Often it is possible to observe the defeat of only the hairy part, when the skin of the body remains unchanged.

Psoriasis of the scalp is much more difficult to cure due to the constant use of household chemicals for washing. Plaques can also be seen on the palms, soles of the feet, and vulva.

Disease history very unique and interesting. Psoriasis was known as early as the time of Hippocrates, but only he at that time characterized all skin diseases. Separately, the "modern" disease began to be considered only in the 19th century. The physician R. Willen separated psoriatic plaques into a separate group, describing their history of occurrence. He was the first to identify a non-infectious cause of the formation of scaly and partially purulent plaques.

Today, the presented disease affects about 4% of the world's population. There is no effective treatment for a full recovery - you can only temporarily eliminate plaques. But if all the recommendations are followed, their repeated manifestation may not occur until 1-2 years.

What is psoriasis? Video:

Types of psoriasis

There are several varieties of the presented disease, differing in the type of plaques and localization on the body. There are the following types of psoriasis:

1. Plaque-like - psoriasis vulgaris ( ordinary, simple) - this form is diagnosed in more than 80% of patients with psoriasis. The plaques in this case have a dry scaly appearance, the scales themselves have a white or gray appearance. Scales are easily removed on their own, without causing itching.

2. Reverse - plaques protrude above the surface of the skin, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process, but at the same time they do not peel off and have a characteristic red tint.

The plaques are predominantly located in the armpit, in the gluteal fold, on the genitals, in the groin, and also in the fat folds ( under the "apron" of the abdomen). Plaques constantly disturb the patient due to constant friction or contact with sweat - they itch, become inflamed, there is a localized increase in temperature.

3. Guttate psoriasis- plaques of small sizes, having red, purple ( sometimes purple) shade. The shape of the plaques is more similar to drops, and they are observed in large quantities on the thighs.

Each exacerbation of the guttate form of the disease is based on a previous streptococcal disease, for example, streptococcal tonsillitis provokes the reappearance of drops.

4. Pustular psoriasis- exudative - the name itself indicates the nature of the formed plaques. The sores are presented in the form of blisters with the presence of a colorless exudate in them, which, after re-infection ( due to peeling of the skin) acquires a purulent consistency.

Separately allocate nail psoriasis, which may not be related to skin lesions. It appears as a detachment of the nail plate, the formation of longitudinal and transverse lines of a distinctive color, the acquisition of a yellow or purple hue by the nail.

Reasons for development

It is almost impossible to find out the exact causes of psoriasis in a certain person, since there are cases of a completely healthy patient, but with already formed plaques. The main reasons include the following factors:

  • immune response to certain failures in body systems- hormonal or endocrine disruption often causes the development of psoriasis;
  • hereditary factor- the risk group includes people who in the family have patients with the presented disease,
  • genetic changes- mutations at the gene level, is not a hereditary factor, this often explains psoriasis in children arising suddenly and without visible prerequisites;
  • separately allocate endocrine disorders, provoking improper release of melatonin;
  • stress and depression- during an unstable state, excessive releases of hormones into the blood occur, which provokes a series of biochemical processes that gradually lead to the appearance of scaly plaques;
  • exchange theory - identifies an increased level of lipids in patients, which explains the occurrence of psoriatic plaques.

From the above, we can conclude that conditionally the causes of psoriasis development are divided into two groups: disorders in the immune system or in cell division.


Symptoms of psoriasis you can hardly confuse - these are characteristic scaly spots ( with a pink outline and white scales in a circle), which initially appeared only in places of constant friction against clothing or between existing folds.

Separately, one can observe psoriasis on the hands or on the legs - on the palms or plantar side of the foot. Such a pathology is presented in the form of rough skin with the subsequent occurrence of cracks.

This type of pathology is more difficult to cure, because it is explained by the speed of cell division - the process is 8 times higher than the norm.

Psoriasis on the face or other visible places appears only during the period of exacerbation or due to violations in cell division. This is rare, most often in children. The disease in children has distinctive features - their lesions, regardless of the type, do not coincide with the lesions of adults.

How to recognize psoriasis?

Knowing exactly how does psoriasis start, you can suspend it - undergo an appropriate examination and determine the cause of the development of the pathology, which in the future will help prescribe treatment.

The first signs of the formation of psoriatic plaques include a small rash all over the body or in separate places - on the lower back, elbows and knees, in the scalp, in the folds, groin, armpits.

The progression of the disease gradually leads to an increase in diameter - if at first the red spots are no larger than a match head, then they gradually grow to 8 cm in diameter. The stain itself becomes whitish in color. A clear exudate begins to form in the center. After rupture, the film begins to dry out, transforming into a scaly hard coating.

In the absence of proper treatment, plaques not only grow in size, but also increase in number, affecting more and more new places. If the treatment is neglected, the spots begin to itch seriously, and sometimes ache when in contact with clothing or other parts of the body.

This follows from the causes of the development of the disease - there are only a genetic, immune factor and disturbances in cell division. It is impossible to get infected with this - neither by tactile contact, nor by unprotected sexual intercourse.

Treatment of psoriasis

The treatment of this pathology does not require a hospital stay of the patient, so you should carefully study, how to treat psoriasis at home. There are several methods here that should be used in a complex way. Doctors say that along with drug treatment, folk remedies will also help to effectively get rid of plaques.

Fundamentals of drug treatment

Only a doctor, having studied the results of the examination passed by the patient, can accurately answer, how to get rid of psoriasis. The following groups of systemic treatment of the presented disease are based on:

  1. Taking corticosteroids- do not have a full-fledged effect, but have a positive effect on metabolism and quickly relieve the inflammatory process.
  2. Cytostatics - somewhat depress the immune system, but quickly stop the division of damaged cells.
  3. Taking immunomodulators- their effectiveness has not been studied ( often no positive results), but with a positive effect, the drugs help stabilize the immune system.
  4. NSAIDs - they cannot completely eliminate plaques, but they perfectly relieve itching and inflammation during an exacerbation.

Also drug treatment for psoriasis includes taking anti-allergic drugs and vitamins - this provides a partial restoration of the immune system and prevents the exacerbation of an existing form of the disease.


Treatment of the pathology in question is possible with the use of drugs that are prescribed only by a doctor in emergency situations - at the beginning of the disease ( the ability to prevent plaque growth) or during an exacerbation, which causes unbearable itching, and external agents do not bring long-term results.

Medicines include:

  1. Methotrexate - the drug is used only with the advanced form of psoriasis and is a rapid suspension of cell division. The drug is used orally in the form of tablets or intravenous injections.
  2. Reamberin - is administered by intravenous systems. Designed for detoxification of the body, which is necessary after an infectious disease. Often, exacerbation of psoriasis is observed with simple purulent tonsillitis - this disease also contributes to the intoxication of the patient's body, resulting in the need to use Reamberin.
  3. Diprospan - a hormonal drug of prolonged action, is used only in extreme cases, since it has an ambiguous effect on human health. The drug is aimed at maintaining the level of hormones at the required normal level.

Adjuvant drug therapy includes:

  • vitamin complex- Complivit, Alphabet, Pikovit for children;
  • hepatoprotectors- Phosphogliv - designed to protect the liver from toxins;
  • omega-3 acids;
  • immunomodulators;
  • enterosorbents - Enterosgel - designed to remove toxins from the intestines;
  • antiallergic drugs- Tavegil, Suprastin.

Auxiliary agents are prescribed after determining the cause of the development of the disease, as well as with regular examination of the patient and the identification of certain disorders in the body.

Preparations for external use

Of course, the treatment of skin disease is impossible without the means for external use. There are several forms of drugs, which include:

1. Cream for psoriasis There are two groups of drugs here. The first includes creams with vitamin D - it is often not enough not only for newborns, but in the case of psoriasis, this vitamin ensures a longer effect of other drugs used.

The second group includes a drug that includes all other important properties. Among the latest innovations, Akriderm is distinguished - the cream has anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, antipruritic, anti-allergic and anti-edematous effects. These also include Triderm, Mesoderm and Uniderm.

2. Ointment for psoriasis on the skin- these drugs are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis. Non-hormonal or corticosteroids quickly eliminate psoriatic plaques, but significantly and negatively affect the kidneys, endocrine and vascular systems.

Effective hormonal agents include Triamcinolone, flumethasone and mometasone. Doctors, in most cases, advise using only non-hormonal ointments - they do not act immediately, but give a longer lasting result. Among the presented group of ointments include Salicylic and Zinc ointment, as well as Belosalik, Akrustal and Daivobet.

3. Gels - used in two forms: orally or topically. Among the oral include Enterosgel - it must be taken to remove toxins from the body and, to a greater extent, from the intestines. Such treatment is effective in eliminating psoriasis of the nails or hairline. Local gels include Flucinar, Solcoseryl, Lamisil.

4. Sprays - contribute to the rapid elimination of plaques, are mainly used because of the quick and easy application. Basically, sprays are recommended for use for the prevention of plaques that have already been eliminated - daily spray care of previously affected areas allows you not to remember psoriasis for several months. Here are the most effective Skin Cap or Spray 999.

5. Oils - contribute to the elimination of the inflammatory process, as well as irritation. Some types of oils can stop the division of damaged cells. Among the effective oils are oil of sea buckthorn, cumin, chamomile, jasmine, cedar, oregano, bergamot and others.

Oils should not be used without first having been tested, as it is not uncommon for certain varieties to cause an allergic reaction.

6. Patches - a new invention that helps not only to heal, but also to protect the damaged area from tactile contacts. The patches are glued to the plaques, having previously removed the “scales” from them. The procedure is repeated until the complete disappearance of the stain. Manufacturers today offer patches "Tender skin" and Qu'annaide Xinmeisu Tiegao.

You can learn in detail about the properties of the drug prescribed by the doctor by studying the instructions for use. It is not recommended to use a self-selected remedy for treatment, since with an incorrectly selected active substance, you can only harm your health.

Folk remedies

Physicians often prescribe to patients psoriasis treatment with folk remedies, since effective recipes can quickly relieve inflammation and itching, and when used in combination, they will be useful for the complete removal of plaques. Patients themselves give a positive assessment of the following folk recipes:

Sea salt. Salt has a regenerative effect, and also acts as an excellent antiseptic. The use of sea salt can be common - it is enough to use it during baths. To prepare the bath, it is enough to stir 1 kg of salt in 2 liters of hot water. After complete dissolution, the solution is poured into the bath, they are in water for no more than 20 minutes. It is enough to carry out such procedures up to 3 times a week.

Celandine. This herb is also used in baths. But it is better to use it during severe itching in the form of lotions and compresses. To prepare the solution, it is enough to pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water and let the infusion brew for half an hour.

  • To prepare a homemade ointment, you can mix a tablespoon of vegetable oil and 2 raw eggs. After thorough whipping with a mixer, half a teaspoon of vinegar is added to the mixture. The prepared ointment should be stored in a dark container and in a cool place. Use every time before bed. Ointment for the treatment of the hairline. Here, for treatment, a composition should be prepared, for which 2 tablespoons of tar and castor oil, 3 tablespoons of melted honey and one raw egg white are mixed. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the damaged parts daily. Before each procedure, the composition is prepared again.
  • Patients respond positively to treating psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide, however, pay attention only to the elimination of the symptoms of the disease. Hydrogen peroxide can remove plaques after 2-3 applications, however, such treatment should not be abused - this is fraught with burning the affected area and damaging new healthy cells.

    Hydrogen peroxide can be used in the form of lotions - pour no more than 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide into 50 ml of water.

    A gauze bandage is soaked in the resulting solution and applied to the damaged area for half an hour. Such lotions can be done every time itching occurs.

    The presented groups of allowed products should be present in the diet daily, since the constituent components help to better regenerate healthy cells and remove toxins from the body. As a result, after eliminating scaly spots by traditional methods, you can forget about their reappearance for a long time.

    Most of the patients are interested in the question, how to cure psoriasis permanently. This may seem like sad news, but a complete cure for psoriasis is currently impossible.

    Yes, there are many suggestions and remedies for the quick and long-term removal of scaly places, but no one has yet been able to completely cure psoriasis.

    You should not believe the numerous and bright advertisements about a quick cure - this is just an advertisement for ineffective remedies.

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    Many people know firsthand about such an unpleasant disease as psoriasis. His characteristic external manifestations include peeling, inflammation and itching of the skin, and the aesthetic appearance of the rashes causes a certain social discomfort. Treatment of psoriasis with folk methods allows you to successfully deal with the disease for a long time.

    According to modern medicine, it is completely impossible to cure psoriasis completely. In the course of numerous studies, a significant improvement in the general condition of the patient is quite possible with the use of alternative medicine.

    Home therapy has been used for many years. Cases of dermatological disorders occurred even before the 19th century, when there were no modern anti-inflammatory drugs and people managed with herbal remedies. So how to get rid of psoriasis with folk methods?

    Herbal medicines have been used for centuries, as evidenced by numerous historical records. Several randomized controlled trials have also shown positive results in the use of natural products for the treatment of dermatological disorders.

    Depending on the substance used, the main effects of traditional medicine against psoriasis are as follows:

    • Purification of the skin from psoriatic elements.
    • Smooth epithelial regeneration.
    • Stabilization of sebum production.
    • Disappearance of skin redness.
    • Resolution of pathological elements.
    • Normalization of the immune status.
    • Improvement of integuments, their moistening and restoration.
    • Removal of toxins.
    • Purgation.
    • sedative action.

    Note! To improve outcomes and effectively treat psoriasis with traditional remedies, it is important to know what common alternatives to traditional medicines exist and what potential side effects or interactions may occur.

    Principles of home medicine

    Thanks to the use of time-tested remedies, it is possible to prolong the remission of the disease at home. Even significant pathological foci in psoriasis become noticeably smaller, and the symptoms of the disease do not bother the patient so much during the use of alternative medicine methods.

    How to cure psoriasis folk methods? The principles of home medicine are based on the following postulates:

    • Regularity is a prerequisite for the successful effect of the treatment and allows you to stabilize the condition, reduce the size of the affected area and improve overall well-being.
    • Smooth transition from a small dosage to a higher one; from short-term procedures to longer ones. The main criterion here should be the condition of the patient, as well as the presence of visible results with the chosen treatment.
    • A positive attitude towards success and continuous improvement will allow you to quickly feel the effectiveness of the methods used. Skepticism and disbelief in ongoing therapy reduces the quality of treatment.
    • Lack of influence on the disease of a number of triggers. This means that this disease should only be treated by consistently improving and reducing the accompanying symptoms. It is important to try to exclude all possible factors that usually cause an exacerbation.
    • All options for alternative treatment of psoriasis at home become less effective during exposure to the body. Such drugs have many side effects, and the results obtained with their use are quick, but do not last long, which leads to an even greater aggravation of the pathological process.

    Disease prevention at home

    As clinical practice shows, certain folk methods for psoriasis have great recognition among patients, continuing to confirm their effectiveness. Self-medication has not acquired official patents or worldwide recognition, but thanks to it, people suffering from psoriasis noticeably improve their health, and some of them completely forget about unpleasant symptoms for a sufficiently long period of time.

    How to treat psoriasis at home? Knowing what factors cause a pathological condition, it is necessary to try to avoid them - this is one of the best ways to help control and prevent an aggravation of the pathology.

    • Use a moisturizing lotion. The symptoms of the disease worsen when the skin is dry, so keep it moisturized with creams and lotions. Thick and (for example, Vaseline-based) are often the best, as they are great at retaining moisture under the skin.
    • Avoid cold as well as dry weather. An unfavorable climate can have a big impact on psoriasis, aggravating the clinical manifestation of the condition.
    • Limit your intake of certain medications. Alternatives to treatment with lithium (used for mental health conditions), propranolol and other beta-blockers (heart disease), indomethacin (arthritis), and antimalarials should be discussed with a physician. Also, exacerbation of psoriasis can occur with a sharp abolition of steroid therapy.
    • Avoid infections, injuries, scratches and cuts. Obviously, most people do not intend to harm themselves. But for patients with psoriasis, it is especially important to avoid bumps and cuts. Injury to the skin can cause activation of the process at the site of injury - this is the so-called "Koebner phenomenon". Infections can also induce an exacerbation of the disease. Be very careful when shaving. Avoid insects, bites, acupuncture, and tattoos.
    • Reducing stress. Try to reduce the level of emotional experiences. This is easier said than done, but there are some things that can help. Practice relaxation techniques, try yoga. It will not be superfluous to consult a psychotherapist.
    • Eliminate alcohol. The link between alcohol and psoriasis is not entirely clear, but it is believed that alcoholic beverages can worsen symptoms, at least in men. Alcohol is also not allowed in the systemic treatment of the disease.
    • Exercise, eat well, and maintain a healthy weight. A balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables is usually recommended. Exercise can also help by improving your mood. Obesity often makes psoriasis symptoms worse, so maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent flare-ups.

    Folk recipes for psoriasis

    With psoriasis, folk remedies are very diverse, which can confuse the patient. In the fight against the disease, such natural medicines have proven themselves well.

      Table vinegar (9%) and iodine

      One of the easiest home remedies for psoriasis. In the first week, a bandage soaked in table vinegar should be applied to the psoriatic element during the day. At the same time, the fabric should periodically additionally “dip” in vinegar. The next week, the same principle is followed, but this time the bandage should be moistened with iodine. If necessary, repeat a two-week course can be a month later.


      The plant can be used as a "bath" for 15-20 minutes: it is necessary to achieve an infusion of 200 grams of grass per 1 liter of boiling water. Horsetail tea can also be drunk throughout the day. The course is 2-3 months.

      The use of propolis

      The drug should be used orally: 1-2 grams of a pure substance without food for 2-3 months. At the site of damage, it is possible to apply homemade ointment: for its manufacture, 500 grams of butter and 50 grams of propolis are needed.

      natural carrot juice

      For 3 months, you need to drink one glass of juice daily. The effect is manifested in the improvement of skin properties.


      This substance is one of the most popular in the treatment of dermatological disorders. it is necessary to rub into the affected areas of the skin for half an hour, and then rinse. The procedure should be repeated for a long time.

      Laundry soap

      Psoriatic elements are carefully treated with soap, the exposure time is 10-15 minutes. The course is not limited, and therefore the use of this technique is possible until the resolution of the pathological process.

      Kalanchoe officinalis

      The recipe is simple: freshly prepared gruel from the leaves of the plant is applied to psoriatic plaques 1-2 times a day for 2-3 months.

      Sea salt

      About 500-1000 grams of salt must be added to warm water; take a bath for 20 minutes. After bathing, it is important not to wipe yourself, allowing the skin to dry on its own. The procedure can be recommended both during the period of exacerbation and during remission with a preventive purpose.

      copper sulfate

      100 g of copper sulfate and 3 tablespoons of ordinary potassium permanganate (that is, potassium permanganate) are added to 1.5 liters of water. A cotton swab soaked in this solution is carefully placed on pathological rashes; exposure time - 4 hours. The treatment course is 10 days.

      Blue clay

      Table vinegar with blue clay is diluted in a ratio of 3: 1, and then coarse (preferably sea) salt is added. It is necessary to bring to the consistency of fatty sour cream. The gruel is applied to the damage for 6 hours.

      Chamomile and nettle blend

      After using a shampoo that can soothe the skin, eliminate itching and flaking, it must be applied after washing the hair on the head. The addition of wormwood is characterized by a higher disinfection of the skin. The procedure can be carried out continuously, both with a preventive and curative task.

      There are many ways to treat psoriasis at home. The only thing that is important to remember is the use of common sense on the principle of "What if this does not help?". This is especially true of some informal advice from acquaintances - a method that threatens the patient's condition, even the most effective one, should not be used, since the cost of one's own health is always paramount.

      Don't go to extremes. About any folk remedy for the treatment of psoriasis, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, having learned both the positive aspects and the side effects of the drug.


    Dermatological diseases give a person a lot of problems: both aesthetic and general. The skin looks unattractive, and constant itching, pain, swelling and irritation impair the quality of life. Psoriasis is one of these problems that can bother for many years, gradually progressing, increasing the duration and frequency of periods of exacerbation, diverging throughout the body. Are traditional methods of treatment effective here and which one is better to use?

    What is psoriasis

    An alternative name for this disease is scaly lichen. Psoriasis is a chronic dermatological disease (dermatosis) of non-infectious origin. According to most doctors, it is based on autoimmune disorders: when the body has an abnormal production of a large number of antibodies. A few important points:

    • In 30% of patients, the onset of the disease falls on the period of 15-25 years. Persons of both sexes are affected with equal frequency.
    • Psoriasis is characterized by an undulating course, in which exacerbations are spontaneous or caused by the influence of external factors (alcohol consumption, smoking, stress).
    • The course of the disease, even in the same patient in different periods of exacerbation and remission, may look different.

    The clinical picture of psoriasis depends on the specific form it has taken. The main symptom is red papules: very dry, raised above the skin, merging into large plaques, which are areas of chronic inflammation. In the center are pale or gray spots, similar to hardened wax. They are mainly formed on the folds (outer and inner zones), but can also appear on:

    • scalp;
    • buttocks;
    • back
    • palms;
    • plantar part of feet;
    • external genitalia.

    Vulgar or simple psoriasis is the most common form (occurs in 80-90% of patients) and is characterized by the formation of foci of inflamed, hot skin covered with silvery-white scales. The affected area is compacted, when the gray layer is removed, the skin under it bleeds, and is easily injured. As the disease progresses, whole plates of psoriatic plaques appear. There are several more forms of the disease noted in the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases):

    • Psoriasis of the flexion surfaces (or reverse) - inflamed red spots rise slightly above healthy skin, almost do not peel off, are located only in folds. The areas of the external genitalia, armpits, and inguinal region are predominantly affected. In women, spots may appear under the mammary glands. Often, the disease is complicated by a fungal infection due to increased sweating of the lesions.
    • Teardrop-shaped - the elements of the lesion are small, dry, red or purple in color, have the shape of a drop or a small dot. They cover large surfaces of the dermis, mainly appear on the hips, shoulders, forearms, and back. This form often develops after a streptococcal infection.
    • Pustular (exudative) - the most severe form, characterized by the formation of blisters filled with transparent inflammatory exudate (pustules). The dermis nearby is hot, edematous, compacted, prone to exfoliation. With secondary infection, suppuration appears.
    • Arthropathic - skin manifestations are accompanied by an inflammatory process in the joints or connective tissue, mainly affecting the phalanges of the fingers or toes. In a severe course of the disease, the patient's disability is not ruled out, up to being bedridden.
    • Erythrodermic - the inflammatory process and peeling in this form of psoriasis are generalized (common), the skin actively exfoliates. There may be severe itching, swelling, soreness when touched. Psoriatic erythroderma can occur as an exacerbation of an unstable vulgar form, especially against the background of glucocorticoid withdrawal, and does not exclude a lethal outcome.

    The ICD-10 also mentions psoriatic onychodystrophy: the disease in this case does not affect the dermis, but the nail plates. The result is a change in the color of the nail bed (yellowing, whitening), the appearance of small spots or dots on the plate and under it, transverse grooves. Thickening of the adjacent skin, especially the lateral ridges, delamination of the nails, brittleness or their complete loss is not excluded.

    Treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies

    The search for an effective way to combat the disease begins with establishing the cause of its occurrence. There is no single method for treating psoriasis, much depends on the severity of the patient's condition, age, the presence of additional pathologies, the specific form of the disease, so doctors allow the use of traditional medicine in tandem with pharmaceutical preparations. They may have the following properties:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antibacterial;
    • decongestant;
    • antifungal;
    • multi-healing;
    • antiallergic.

    Neither drug therapy nor folk remedies provide complete and final relief from psoriasis, so they are almost equal in effectiveness: if you choose the right scheme, you can quickly improve the condition, prolong the remission period, and reduce the severity of the acute stage. For maximum effectiveness, alternative treatment should be comprehensive - act internally and locally, pursue the following goals:

    • eliminate the cause of the exacerbation (external factors, general or non-specific hypoallergenic diet);
    • alleviate symptoms (local compresses and lotions based on herbal infusions, raw grated potatoes, cabbage pickle, homemade ointments, vegetable oils);
    • increase the overall defenses of the body (reception of herbal decoctions and alcohol or water tinctures inside).

    An important element in the therapeutic regimen for psoriasis is diet. The patient should give up alcohol, confectionery, animal fats, any store-bought products with preservatives, aromatic and flavoring additives, dyes. If it is known which food provokes exacerbations, they refuse it. According to the rules of a non-specific hypoallergenic diet, you need to remove from the diet:

    • chocolate;
    • coffee;
    • citrus;
    • potato;
    • flour;
    • eggs.

    Before treating psoriasis with folk remedies intended for internal use, alternative medicine experts advise performing activated charcoal cleansing. The general condition improves, but the drug does not affect psoriatic plaques, therefore it cannot be considered an independent remedy. Cleaning is done like this:

    1. Calculate the daily dosage of coal: for every 10 kg of weight, take 1 tablet. Rounding is carried out according to the classical rules of mathematics: the number up to 5 - down, the number after 5 - up. So, with a weight of 46 kg, a person needs 5 tablets of coal.
    2. In the evening, take the tablets, chewing finely and drinking half a glass of warm water, carrying out the procedure for 3 days. Some experts advise drinking coal during the day, for 40 days, but such actions are not safe for the digestive tract.

    Principles of folk treatment

    Regularity and systematicity are the basic rules that are relevant for all methods of alternative medicine. Get ready for the fact that folk remedies for psoriasis will not give instant results, and if the disease is chronic, you will need to take several courses with interruptions. Be sure to follow these guidelines:

    • Follow the indicated dosages. With increased sensitivity, they can be lowered, but you should not increase them without consulting a doctor.
    • Stick to a set schedule for topical treatments (especially baths).
    • Do not combine folk remedies with hormonal drugs (the exception is a medical prescription).
    • Do not try to tear off the crusts on psoriatic plaques on your own, avoid injuring the skin.
    • If the condition worsens, the selected remedy should be canceled and an appointment with a doctor should be made.

    Ointment for psoriasis at home

    Dermatologists call an ointment based on grease the most effective local remedy: You can buy it at a pharmacy or make it yourself at home. To do this, you need to purchase the main component (pharmacy) and combine in equal proportions with baby cream. After that, sea buckthorn oil is introduced here (for 4 parts of the mixture - 1 part of the oil), mixed until smooth and the plaques are treated 3-5 times a day. Treatment continues until they disappear. A couple more effective recipes:

    • Take 1 tbsp. l. grease, petroleum jelly and liquid honey, add a raw beaten egg (you can only use the yolk), 1 tsp. shredded oak bark. The mixture is infused for 2-3 hours, stored in the refrigerator. Application of the ointment is possible with a frequency of up to 3 r / day until the plaques are completely eliminated.
    • Burn some rosehip branches to get ash. Mix it with vaseline in equal proportions. Use the ointment at bedtime on inflamed and swollen areas. The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

    Use of tar

    Treatment of psoriasis with folk methods necessarily involves the use of birch, juniper or pine tar, which is able to disinfect the skin, reduce inflammation, and dry. If there is no allergic reaction, you can apply tar in a single thin layer to the areas of inflammation (do not touch your face), leaving it for 15 minutes before going to bed. Safer are the products made according to such recipes:

    • In equal proportions, take vaseline, tar, fresh celandine juice (introduced last). Mix. Treat the affected areas in the morning, afternoon and evening for 3 weeks.
    • Burn birch branches, mix the resulting ash 1: 1 with tar until smooth. Apply the ointment to the spots in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is 14-20 days.

    based on propolis

    Beekeeping products have the ability to accelerate the healing of tissues and disinfect them well, and propolis is considered a powerful natural antibiotic that kills pathogenic microflora. Ointments based on it reduce inflammation and hyperemia (redness), work as an antiseptic. The most effective folk recipes:

    • Melt in a water bath (low fire!) 500 g of butter, add 50 g of propolis crushed to a state of powder. Let the mixture cool down and return to a plastic form, apply a thick layer on three-folded gauze, apply as a compress to psoriatic rashes. Keep 2-3 hours. The procedure is carried out once a day for a month
    • In a water bath, warm 100 g of butter and 30 g of finely grated propolis. Stir, add grated beeswax (20 g), crushed Apilak tablets (10 pcs.) And bee bread (1 tbsp. L.). When all the components disperse, and the mass becomes homogeneous, remove from the stove, let cool. Enter camphor oil (1 tablespoon, can be replaced with fish oil). Use up to 3 times a day for psoriatic rashes or large plaques. The duration of treatment is until the condition improves.

    Baths for psoriasis at home

    Moisturizing the epidermis, stimulating the removal of toxins through opening pores, eliminating itching, soreness, inflammation - this is what therapeutic baths contribute to. In folk medicine, this is one of the important methods of therapy for most dermatological diseases. Baths are prescribed when the symptoms of exacerbation are weakened, while:

    • the water temperature is in the range of 35-37 degrees;
    • before the bath you need to wash yourself in the shower;
    • before the procedure, you should not eat (interval - 1.5-2 hours);
    • baths are taken every other day, the duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes.

    The number of sessions is determined by the severity of the disease and the form, set by the doctor. What to take a bath with is also determined individually: folk recipes for psoriasis based on decoctions of herbs, turpentine, soda and saline solutions are popular. For therapeutic bathing can be used:

    • sea ​​salt (for itching, burning; 1 kg per 10 l);
    • baking soda (for itching, irritation; 300 g for the whole bath);
    • any starch (for edema, inflammation; 800 g per 2 liters, pour into the bath);
    • needle extract (100 ml per 250 l, pour into the bath);
    • medicinal herbs in combination or separately: chamomile, sage, yarrow, eucalyptus, nettle, horsetail (decoction - 2 tablespoons per 500 ml, diluted in a bath).


    Cleansing the body of toxic substances and toxins, softening the skin, drying, exfoliating - these qualities make soda a good folk remedy for psoriasis. It is recommended to use it internally and externally. Systemic treatment consists in taking a glass of warm water on an empty stomach, in which 1/2 tsp is diluted. baking soda. When the powder disperses, the solution should be drunk in small sips. The procedure is repeated for 2-3 weeks and is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach, esophagus, intestines. For external use, the recipes are as follows:

    • Pour baking soda with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1 - you need a very thick slurry, which is applied to a cotton swab in an even thick layer and applied to the affected area. Remove after an hour, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is until the plaques are eliminated, but if there is no effect after 10-14 days, the remedy is abandoned.
    • Make a concentrated solution of 3 tsp. baking soda and a glass of hot (not higher than 60 degrees) water. Moisten gauze folded three times in it, apply as a compress on the affected skin and keep until it cools. Do this in the morning and evening until the condition improves.

    Linseed oil

    Eliminating peeling, softening the affected skin, stimulating their regeneration, moisturizing and nourishing are the main properties of flax seed oil, which is a good folk remedy used topically for psoriasis. The easiest way is to treat the inflamed areas with pure unrefined oil several times a day. An alternative are compresses and ointments according to the following recipes:

    • Add to 50 g of calendula ointment 2 tbsp. l. linseed oil, stir. Treat plaque-free psoriatic plaques before bed. Repeat the procedure for 10-14 days.
    • Combine plantain juice with linseed oil 1:3, mix. Soak gauze or cotton pads with this mixture, make lotions on the affected areas. Remove after half an hour. Treatment is carried out during an exacerbation of the disease with a frequency of 1-2 r / day.

    Iodine treatment

    The disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and hemostatic properties of iodine have made it a good folk remedy to help cope with psoriasis. Local and internal use of the drug is allowed, but the latter option has a large number of contraindications:

    • disruption of the endocrine system (especially thyroid pathology);
    • vascular diseases;
    • heart failure;
    • liver disease;
    • tuberculosis;
    • age up to 3 years.

    Locally, iodine (do not dilute, do not mix with anything) is applied to psoriatic spots if they have a small coverage area. Do this 1 r / day or less if it is slowly absorbed. Do not cover the treated area with a bandage. Inside, iodine is taken 5 drops, diluted in warm water (100 ml), in the morning and evening. Such therapy is carried out no longer than 12 days.

    Bay leaf decoction

    The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties due to the high content of essential oils in the chemical composition are the main reasons why the bay leaf has become a popular folk remedy in the fight against psoriatic plaques. Additionally, it reduces tissue swelling, prevents the development of the arthropathic form of the disease, and removes excess salts from the body. To obtain the result, the decoction should be taken for 3 weeks, and it is prepared as follows:

    1. Take 7-10 dry bay leaves, pour 400 ml of boiling water.
    2. Bring to a boil over low heat, covered and simmer for 15 minutes.
    3. Let the broth reach on a warm burner for another 15 minutes. Filter through cheesecloth.
    4. When the product has cooled to room temperature, it can be used. A single dose is 50 ml, 3 times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals or an hour after it.

    Tea recovery

    Herbal teas, which are used internally, are an important part of the therapeutic regimen against psoriasis. Based on them, you can make concentrated decoctions prescribed in small doses, or lighter infusions that should be drunk instead of tea. They help cleanse the body and skin, increase immunity, relieve the inflammatory process, and improve overall well-being. Keep in mind that herbs are allergens, so they can provoke an exacerbation in case of individual intolerance. Effective folk remedies for psoriasis on the body and face:

    • Chamomile tea: 1 tsp brew flowers with boiling water (200 ml), leave for 10 minutes, drink warm. You can add honey, mint leaves, lemon balm, vanillin on the tip of a knife (recent studies by American scientists have shown that it helps reduce inflammation in psoriasis). Drink 2 cups of this tea per day. Treatment lasts 1-2 months.
    • Monastic tea: brew in a thermos under a liter of water 2 tbsp. l. collection of violet grass, St. John's wort, burdock and licorice roots, hop cones, poplar buds. Infuse for 8 hours, drink 400 ml per day, divided into 2 portions. The treatment lasts a month. After they take a break and repeat the course. Throughout the year, 6 courses are made with a month's rest between them.


    For skin problems, dermatologists advise trying outwardly and internally using aloe or Kalanchoe juice (they are similar in properties). For topical application, an ointment is prepared based on honey, warm water and Kalanchoe juice (proportion 1:3:1 by volume), which must be infused for 3 days in a dark, cool place. After the resulting product, lubricate the affected areas in the morning and evening. You can apply compresses with this ointment for 2-3 hours before going to bed. The duration of treatment is until the condition improves.

    Use of hydrogen peroxide

    Daily washing of psoriatic plaques with undiluted 1.5-3% hydrogen peroxide is the easiest way to use this remedy. You can make a lotion on a cotton pad, cover with a bandage and leave for half an hour, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. Additionally, in the absence of problems with the digestive tract, the following treatment can be carried out:

    1. In the morning, drink on an empty stomach 1 drop of peroxide (1.5%), diluted in half a glass of warm water.
    2. The next day, make 2 drops.
    3. Increase the dose daily until you reach 10 drops. After similarly reduce. The entire course will take 20 days.

    How to quickly cure psoriasis

    There are a large number of effective folk recipes that help to cope with psoriatic rashes in a short time, but for each patient the set of the most effective ones is individual. For general cleansing of the body, you can drink 2 tbsp 3 times a day. l. fresh celery juice (from stalks) Additionally, experts advise trying the following options:

    • Combine the string and alcohol (you can vodka) 50 g each in a glass container, keep in a cold place for 10 days. Squeeze the grass, mix the tincture with lanolin and petroleum jelly (30 g each). The resulting ointment is used in the morning and evening on psoriatic spots, and the alcoholic tincture of the series can additionally be prepared separately and drunk 10-15 drops (they are dissolved in 50 ml of warm water) during the day. Treatment lasts 3 weeks.
    • Cabbage pickle contributes to the rapid regeneration of the dermis and the healing of plaques: they need to moisten the affected areas 6-8 times a day (until the rash disappears). Similarly, you can use milk scale (bring it to a boil in an enamel saucepan and drain).
    • Pour clover flowers (4-5 tablespoons) with a small amount of boiling water (100 ml), let brew (10-15 minutes). Place them in double-folded gauze, apply a compress to the inflamed area for a couple of hours. The procedure is repeated daily until improvement occurs.

    How to get rid of psoriasis once and for all

    Local treatment, according to experts, mainly has a symptomatic effect. If you need folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis that work from the inside and give a more significant result, consider herbal teas that are taken orally. They need to be drunk in a long course (3-6 months or longer), but even they are not a guarantee of complete relief from the problem, since psoriasis is difficult to treat. Effective Recipes:

    • Cowberry leaf, elecampane root, corn stigmas and celandine are taken in 1 part. St. John's wort, calamus root and a string - 3 parts each. By the 2nd Art. l. of the resulting collection, add a couple of inflorescences of black elderberry, pour all 400 ml of boiling water. Warming up the broth over low heat under the lid for 10 minutes, it is insisted for half an hour and filtered. Drink 100 ml after meals an hour later in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the safety of using this folk remedy should be discussed with a doctor.
    • Mix black elderberry, violet, chamomile and calendula flowers with sage, string and celandine (equal ratio). Brew 5 tbsp. l. collection in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Drink 100 ml before meals for half an hour for a month. The remedy is most effective in the chronic form of the disease.
    • If the rashes are not large and cover a small area (not common throughout the body), treatment for psoriasis at home can be done using fir water. For 40 days, they drink it 100 ml between meals or in the morning on an empty stomach (the latter option is more effective). After that, you need to take a break for 14 days and drink fir water for another 30 days.


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    Psoriasis or psoriasis is a non-infectious disease that has an undulating course, can begin to develop at any age, but the peak of the disease occurs at 15-20 years. On the skin of the arms, legs, the whole body, the scalp appear characteristic nodules covered with scales. The causes of the disease have not yet been studied, but numerous studies indicate a likely neurogenic, infectious or hereditary nature. Psoriasis on the legs can be accompanied by swelling of the extremities, psoriatic arthritis, and nail damage.

    Most of the recurrence of the disease is observed in the cold season. Treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist.

    Traditional medicine methods tested over the centuries help to fight the disease, you just need to remember to tell your doctor about them. Treatment of psoriasis on the legs requires an integrated approach that will help achieve long-term remission.

    Celandine or onion, which is better?

    Effective treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies involves the use of celandine. But you have to be patient, the course will take three months. During this period, inflamed areas located throughout the body are smeared with fresh plant juice. Then you can start using other remedies, such as pumpkin seeds. They are not only useful, but also very tasty, help from many diseases. In China, they are considered a remedy for depression, but with psoriasis, the emotional state of the patient is far from ideal. Pumpkin seeds contain amino acids, vitamins, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For a couple of years of such treatment, you can achieve complete cleansing of the skin.

    It will help get rid of the disease and the miracle vegetable onion. First, take a bath with sea or edible salt dissolved in it. After it, they do not wipe off, they wait for the moisture to dry on the body. At this time, onion gruel is being prepared. It is abundantly lubricated with inflammation on the body and scalp, left for 20 minutes, after which it is removed with a sterile napkin with light movements. You can go to bed, and in the morning wash yourself with a decoction of celandine or a solution of potassium permanganate with soap. This procedure is repeated for a week, its effect will be noticed by the patient almost immediately.

    Celandine and onions are popular folk remedies for psoriasis and are also good for hands and feet.

    Treatment with fish oil and scales

    Since all methods are good in the fight against the disease, you can try to defeat the disease with the help of herring. Scales are removed from it, with which psoriatic plaques are wiped. After 30-40 minutes, the inflamed areas are washed with warm soapy water and moistened with a weak solution of vinegar.

    You can use scales from any fish, as long as it is fresh. The scales are washed, dried and crushed, mixed in equal proportions with fish oil, applied to inflammation.

    For the treatment of psoriasis of the legs or hands, fish oil is often used as an external agent, it is also taken orally, masks are made based on it.

    Fish oil contains vitamins, microelements, it improves the condition of the skin, moisturizes it well, makes it more elastic, tender:

    1. Fish oil is combined with honey and boiled water, applied to plaques for 15 minutes.
    2. Fish oil, heavy cream or sour cream are mixed with lemon juice, lubricated plaques, applied for half an hour.
    3. Chopped parsley, lemon zest and cottage cheese are added to the fat. The mixture is kept on the affected areas of the arms or legs for 40 minutes.
    4. They take in equal proportions fish oil, pine resin, aloe juice, birch tar, olive oil, propolis, combustible sulfur, golden mustache plant juice, mix all the components. The ointment is suitable for daily use. If you add sea buckthorn oil, celandine, rose hip oil extract to it, the effect will be very good.
    5. After each procedure, the skin is washed with warm water and soap.

    Benefits of herbs

    There is an answer to the question of how to cure psoriasis with folk remedies - you need to use herbs. Properly collected raw materials have a healing effect, but harvested with violations, stored in inappropriate conditions, becomes unusable.

    Herbs are harvested away from highways, industrial enterprises at the right time, dried in the shade in a ventilated room:

    Do not underestimate folk methods; even official medicine favors them. The benefits of natural raw materials have been proven for centuries, it is better to prepare it yourself, in this case you can be sure of the quality of the product.

    Therapeutic baths

    Psoriasis on the legs causes physical and psychological discomfort, in patients the quality of life drops sharply, due to skin rashes, itching, it is difficult for a person to adapt to society. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of hands, feet, the whole body, use antibacterial soap.

    Warm water with a decoction of herbs or other medicinal ingredients has a good effect on the condition of the skin, soothes, moisturizes, so you can and should take baths with psoriasis.

    This is done at home:

    1. Salt, sea or table salt, decoctions of woodlice, celandine, yarrow, succession, coniferous extract are added to the water. During the procedure, the nutrition of skin cells improves, inflammation is relieved.
    2. An effective bath of soda, salt and a decoction of medicinal herbs - celandine, succession, yarrow.
    3. Baths with soda are useful. They reduce inflammation, relieve irritation, itching. The peeling of the damaged areas should not be frightening, this indicates the effectiveness of the procedure. After a soda bath, the skin is not wiped, but smeared with olive oil. This bath is taken every other day.
    4. If you take a bath with an emulsion of turpentine, then the mucous membranes, wounds or abrasions present on the body are treated with a greasy cream or olive oil.
    5. Starch baths relieve itching well. A pound of the product is diluted in cold water, poured into prepared warm water and mixed thoroughly. After the procedure, no additional rinsing is required, since the starch does not harm the skin.
    6. Baths with coniferous extract have an antiseptic effect. They improve the condition of the skin, relieve inflammation, also calm the nervous system, and help strengthen the protective functions of the body.
    7. Phyto baths have a tonic effect, soften the skin of the hands and feet, inflammation becomes less noticeable. Fees for phytobaths are selected individually.

    Copper sulfate against psoriasis

    Copper sulfate helps to successfully solve dermatological problems, quickly get rid of rashes all over the body, itching, and soothes the skin:

    1. Half a glass of vitriol is dissolved in one and a half liters of water, no more than half a package of potassium permanganate is poured. The agent is applied to the affected areas with a cotton swab. There will be a burning sensation, it will have to endure. After four hours, the skin is washed with clean water. With signs of improvement, the amount of potassium permanganate is reduced. The procedure is carried out up to two times a day for ten days. It is necessary to closely monitor the well-being of the patient.
    2. Baths with the addition of vitriol (2 tablespoons per 100 liters of water) are a popular wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent for psoriasis of the hands or feet.

    Other folk remedies

    A century of experience in curing skin diseases suggests trying proven folk recipes for psoriasis of the legs:

    One of the important components in the fight against psoriasis is a properly selected diet. Refusal of fried, fatty, smoked, spicy and canned foods, sweets and chocolate is not such a big price to pay for good health. Fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products will enrich the diet. Diet combined with a healthy lifestyle will alleviate the condition of the patient.

    Psoriasis is a non-infectious skin disease known as psoriasis. It is caused by various factors, but in most cases the mechanism of the development of the disease is explained by a genetic predisposition. Pathology proceeds chronically, accompanied by specific rashes and peeling.

    In addition to medical methods for the treatment of psoriasis, there are many folk remedies that patients call grandmother's recipes. So that they do not bring additional health problems, the expediency of using home-made ointments, decoctions and tinctures must be discussed with the attending dermatologist.

    Principles of alternative treatment of psoriasis

    The healer's approach to the treatment of lichen is similar to the traditions of official medicine. Homemade external remedies relieve itching and inhibit inflammatory reactions.

    • needles;
    • propolis;
    • Naftalan;
    • Bay leaf;
    • tar - birch and linden;
    • decoctions and infusions of calendula, chamomile, licorice, celandine, succession.

    The acceleration of the regenerative processes of irritated combed skin is facilitated by its lubrication with sea buckthorn oil. To soften edematous compacted covers, oils of vegetable origin are used - apricot, olive or peach. Avocado oil works great for the same purpose.

    The principles of internal therapy, carried out by folk remedies for psoriasis, are based on strengthening the immune system and correcting the work of the digestive tract. Tinctures to enhance the body's defenses are prepared from ginseng, echinacea, eleutherococcus. To improve the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, they take fees with bile, carminative and anti-inflammatory herbs. These are:

    In the cold season, when it is not possible to consume a sufficient amount of fresh fruits, vitamin benefits for the body are obtained from drinks prepared on dry blackcurrant leaves, raspberry sprigs, red rowan berries and rose hips.

    If we compare folk methods of treating psoriasis with traditional ones, the gradual and more gentle effect of home-made drugs on the skin will come to the fore. Whether it's good or bad, judge for yourself: during exacerbations, phytomedicines will not provide quick help, but they have fewer side effects.

    Activated charcoal and soda for psoriasis

    There is an opinion that activated charcoal is able to defeat psoriasis. Indeed, there is a method of treatment with black pills, and it is based on the adsorbing properties of the active substance.

    The condition of a lichen patient improves due to the release of the body from toxins and toxins - coal contributes to this. The daily dosage of the drug is determined by body weight: for every 10 kg of weight, there is 1 tablet. For example, a patient weighing 60 kg should take 6 tablets per day.

    But if you want the treatment of psoriasis at home with activated charcoal to be more effective, crush the tablets as small as possible. Do the following with charcoal powder:

    Unsaturated fatty acids contained in phyto raw materials are better absorbed by the body. Preparation is carried out 3 evenings in a row, taking 2 tablets. Cleansing is continued by eating flaxseed fruits. 1 st. l. seeds simply insist all night in 200 ml of boiling water. In the morning, the drug is taken on an empty stomach. Thanks to such measures, the body will leave a significant part of the harmful substances that provoke psoriasis.

    Baking soda will help cleanse the body of toxins and allergens. For internal use, a solution is prepared from it: 0.5 tsp. powder is stirred in a glass of warm water. Use poppy every morning.

    As an external agent, soda solution dries up ulcers and accelerates the fall of scales. Use it like this:

    • moisten a cotton swab in a thick soda mixture and apply to the problem area;
    • hot compresses with a liquid soda solution are applied, wetting a towel in the composition. The bandage is kept until cool.

    Soda ointment is prepared from 1 tsp. sodium bicarbonate powder, 3 egg yolks, a glass of chicken fat, 1 tsp. fir oil, 100 g of chaga. Laundry soap and tar are placed in the mixture in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. And just before use, pharmacy bile is added to the drug. For better absorption of the drug, psoriatic elements are treated overnight.

    Antipsoriasis folk remedies for internal use

    With mild single plaques, psoriasis is treated with fir water.

    The drug is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach in the amount of 100 ml for 40 days in a row. Then they arrange 2-week breaks and prolong the treatment for another month.

    Propolis is a useful product of beekeeping; in folk medicine, it is used in two ways to get rid of psoriasis:

    In mild forms of psoriasis, treatment with propolis is carried out for 3 months. In advanced stages, preparations with propolis are taken for about a year. Propolis products are contraindicated for patients with pollen allergy.

    An infusion of nettle leaves is also effective in the treatment of scaly lichen. Raw materials are collected in the forest or in glades during the summer months. In the amount of 50 g, they are poured over 1 liter of boiling water and allowed to brew. Useful water is drunk 3 r. per day, 100 ml.

    Very easy to prepare a decoction of bay leaves. A few branches from a store pack are poured with boiling water and boiled over moderate heat for 10 minutes. Means drink exactly a week for 3 r. in a day.

    Phyto collection for the treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies is prepared from several components:

    • hop cones;
    • nettle leaves;
    • burdock and licorice roots;
    • herb succession and motherwort.

    From the total mass take 1 tbsp. l. mixture and steam it in boiling water for 10 hours. The next day, the entire volume of the infusion is drunk at different times in small sips. Phytotherapy is carried out throughout the year.

    Consider another phyto collection recipe. Its components are:

    The collection is poured with boiling water in the ratio of 1 large spoonful of raw materials to a glass of water and the mixture is additionally boiled over low heat for 6-8 minutes. Then the product is infused for 40 minutes and filtered. Drink it twice a day an hour after the main meal. Single dosage - half a cup. If you have gastrointestinal problems, the usefulness of this prescription should be discussed with your doctor.

    If you are not prone to allergies, try sophora japonica tincture to get rid of psoriasis. The product is insisted on vodka for exactly 30 days in a place protected from sunlight. The finished composition is taken daily half an hour before meals. Frequency of use - 3 p. per day, quantity - 1 tsp.

    Local treatment of psoriasis folk remedies

    An interesting option for the treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies is represented by a recipe with herring.

    Scales are removed from the fish, washed and dried, then crushed. The dust is mixed with fish oil in equal amounts. The resulting product is lubricated with scaly areas every day. The body is washed 2 hours after applying the ointment.

    Celandine is often used to get rid of skin diseases. The plant also gives good results in the fight against psoriasis. The stem of the celandine is pulled out along with the rhizome, broken into pieces and each plaque is abundantly moistened with the secreted juice. Treatment is carried out for 3 months in a row, while the plant remains succulent. In winter, this procedure is replaced by the internal use of raw pumpkin seeds.

    Among grandmother's recipes for the treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies, we find several effective ointments.

    • with propolis. 500 g of butter are melted in an enameled bowl and 50 g of powdered propolis are thoroughly mixed in the liquid. When chilled, the mass is spread on gauze bandages, which are attached to plaques for 3 hours. Manipulation is performed daily for 4 weeks.
    • With ash. The ash formed as a result of burning rosehip branches is combined with petroleum jelly 1: 1. The ointment is used to treat inflamed swollen areas 1 p. a day shortly before bedtime.
    • With celandine. The alcoholic extract of celandine herb, linseed oil and petroleum jelly are combined into a mixture in proportions of 2: 4: 1. Painful areas are lubricated with this remedy 1 p. in a day.

    Video: folk remedies for psoriasis.

    To soften psoriasis on the head, a decoction of birch buds is prepared. 100 g of raw materials are passed through a meat grinder and poured into 1 liter of hot water. The agent is boiled for half an hour. Use it as a hair rinse after every shampoo.

    Psoriasis plaques are treated with pure tar on any part of the body except the face. The substance is applied once a day for 20 minutes and washed with warm water. The session ends with moisturizing the skin with a cream. A total of 25 procedures are required. Longer use of tar can cause kidney failure.

    Hello everybody. My name is Boris. I inherited psoriasis, so I have been suffering since childhood. Whatever he was not treated for, even in Germany he was in the hospital. Purely by chance I found out about a woman who makes a good ointment. I did not even think that there was still hope. It's been 2 years since it's all gone. Who needs this ointment, write to me, I will help [email protected]

    Non-traditional methods of therapy for psoriasis: folk recipes

    Psoriasis or psoriasis is a disease of non-infectious etiology, is of a chronic relapsing nature. The disease manifests itself with skin rashes, intense itching, large scaly peeling, inflammation and irritation of the skin. To date, there is no such remedy that would completely get rid of the pathology - all methods of treating psoriasis are aimed at achieving a stable remission. As you know, there is a traditional and folk way of treatment.

    Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies is an affordable therapy option for everyone. However, relying solely on grandmother's recipes is not worth it, no one has yet canceled a doctor's consultation - any natural drug that traditional medicine offers can both help and harm.

    Where to begin

    Ideally, alternative treatment of psoriasis is recommended to be combined with official methods of therapy (the appearance of the first symptoms should be the reason for going to the doctor). After collecting an anamnesis, conducting a physical and laboratory examination, as well as establishing the causes of the disease, the doctor determines the therapy. Including the doctor can give recommendations on how to cure psoriasis using traditional methods of treatment and where to start in this case.

    Even if you use one or another method of treatment to get rid of psoriasis on the body without correcting nutrition, you will not succeed, the disease will recur again.

    During an exacerbation, it should be completely abandoned, and during the period of remission it is limited to consume fried, smoked, salty, sweet foods and alcohol. Instead, add to your diet:

    • dairy, sour-milk products - calcium, protein, vitamins contained in them are necessary for the body to fight pathology;
    • cereals, and especially buckwheat - normalize the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, contribute to the restoration of the immune intestinal microflora;
    • vegetables - it is better to give preference to raw foods seasoned with olive or linseed oil (fiber contained in vegetables improves gastrointestinal function);
    • linseed and other vegetable oils - due to the content of fatty acids, they help to restore hyperemic skin (the scarlet color of psoriatic plaques gradually turns pale, skin regeneration improves).

    Before treating psoriasis with alternative methods, one should be aware of the possible individual intolerance of the components of the drug - test the remedy on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, in the absence of negative symptoms, proceed to therapy.

    Please note that some folk recipes for psoriasis require a lot of time - sometimes it takes several hours or even days to make one serving of the medicine. Any mistake in proportions or manufacturing method can nullify all your efforts.

    In addition, remember that the treatment of folk remedies for psoriasis is not always effective. They have not been tested or clinically tested. Therefore, be vigilant, if two weeks after you started treating psoriasis with folk remedies, there is no improvement, seek help from official medicine.

    Bee products in the fight against disease

    Honey and propolis, these folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis, have antibacterial, wound healing, analgesic, immunostimulating and antitoxic effects.

    Medicines made on the basis of bee products can be taken orally or treated with psoriatic plaques. The products are effective against psoriasis on the hands and other smooth skin surfaces. You can also use honey for psoriasis of the head, however, removing the remnants of such a therapeutic ointment from the hair is quite problematic.

    1. Multicomponent honey-based ointment - 1 egg white, 20 grams of dried chopped celandine, mix 50 grams of honey, thicken with petroleum jelly or baby cream. Transfer the resulting ointment to a glass container, store in the cold for no more than 3 days. The duration of treatment is 10-12 days.
    2. Multicomponent honey-tar ointment - for a one-time treatment you will need: 10 ml of linseed oil, 20 grams of honey and 40 grams of tar. Mix all components into a homogeneous mass, treat psoriatic plaques with massage movements for 5 minutes.
    3. Therapeutic baths with honey - this folk remedy is used for psoriasis on the head. For each liter of well-warmed water, you need to take 100 grams of honey, 50 ml of a strong infusion of medicinal herbs (celandine, chamomile, others) and 5 ml of lemon juice. It is necessary that the water completely covers the psoriatic plaques, the procedure lasts 15-20 minutes. After finishing, rinse your body with clean water or wash your hair with a medicated shampoo.

    In addition, honey can be added (1 tsp each) to fresh berry juice and drink no more than 250 ml per day.

    bee glue

    The treatment of psoriasis with propolis is also quite effective - it is bee glue with a rich biochemical composition. Treatment with propolis has a bactericidal, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic effect on psoriatic plaques.

    It is also important that propolis in psoriasis normalizes the activity of the immune system, because the pathology belongs to the group of autoimmune diseases. You can use bee glue in different dosage forms - solutions, ointments, for oral intake or bathing.

    1. Propolis solution (water). Boil 500 ml of water, add 50 grams of crushed propolis and put the solution in a water bath. Boil covered for 1 hour, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. After removing from heat, cool the product, transfer to a container of dark glass, store in the refrigerator.
    2. Ointment based on propolis. Melt and bring to a boil 250 grams of butter. Next, add 25 grams of crushed propolis, stir until smooth. After cooling, send the ointment to the refrigerator. Butter can be replaced with petroleum jelly (of course, it does not need to be boiled).
    3. Oral intake of propolis. Approximately 2 grams of propolis (no more) should be consumed daily for 3 months. Along with this, it is recommended to treat psoriatic plaques with propolis ointment.
    4. Baths with propolis. Strong decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, oregano, others) are added to water, a small piece of crushed propolis is sent there and a bath is taken.

    Before using bee products to treat psoriasis, consult your doctor for contraindications.

    The use of birch tar

    Treatment of psoriasis with tar is another common method of traditional medicine. Birch tar has become widespread due to its healing properties. It has an antiseptic, keratolytic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect. In addition, it normalizes blood circulation and blood supply to tissues, and also slows down the division of epidermal cells.

    Treatment with tar is indicated for any localization of psoriatic rashes. You can use ready-made products that include tar (this is tar soap for psoriasis, shampoos or ointments), as well as make the medicine yourself.

    • Tar soap treats psoriasis by improving local blood circulation and regenerating the skin. It reduces the appearance of rashes, relieves itching, fights peeling.
    • Tar-based shampoos are excellent folk remedies for scalp psoriasis. They regenerate the scalp, eliminate peeling, relieve dandruff, reduce the manifestation of psoriatic plaques and relieve inflammation.
    • Ointments with tar. The concentration of the main component (tar) is quite high, therefore, before using such ointments, you should consult a doctor, since the risk of side effects and allergic reactions increases.

    Recipes for tar ointments for self-production:

    1. Take 1 part of salicylic acid and castor oil, mixed with 2 parts of birch tar. A compress is made from the mixture.
    2. 100 grams of tar and 10-15 grams of propolis are mixed into a homogeneous mass, plaques are treated with the product daily.
    3. Mix 150 grams of tar, 100 grams of celandine, 100 grams of honey, 50 grams of blackberry leaves, walnuts and fish oil. Infuse the remedy for 3 days, stirring occasionally.

    Before starting treatment, a consultation with a dermatologist is required.

    Medicinal properties of aloe

    Aloe juice and pulp are used to treat many diseases, including psoriasis. Aloe in psoriasis has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-allergic, immunomodulatory, regenerating effects.

    Conducted studies have shown that in 90% of people suffering from psoriasis after the use of drugs based on aloe, the intensity of exacerbations decreased, and the frequency of relapses decreased.

    You can use ready-made products, which include aloe, these are gels, creams, teas, tablets, sprays, or make the medicine yourself.

    1. Mix freshly squeezed aloe juice (50 ml) with 25 grams of pumpkin oil and add the same amount of buckwheat honey.
    2. Multi-component remedy - take in equal proportions: celandine juice, aloe, netreba (grass), vinegar 9%, flax oil and calamus root (after grinding it). Pour the mixture with 350 ml of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours.
    3. Psoriatic plaques are treated with freshly squeezed aloe juice, and after drying, honey is applied to them.
    4. An aloe leaf crushed into gruel is applied to the site of the lesion in the form of a compress.
    5. Take equal proportions of aloe and celandine leaves crushed into gruel, mix with petroleum jelly and treat psoriatic plaques twice a day.

    There are some contraindications to the use of aloe, so consult your doctor first (before starting treatment).

    Healing herbal preparations

    The basis of traditional medicine is the collection of medicinal herbs. Properly selected and applied plants will help not only reduce the manifestation of psoriatic plaques, but also restore the patient's psycho-emotional state.

    The treatment of psoriasis with herbs should begin precisely with the normalization of the psycho-emotional background: take the crushed roots of the cyanosis blue (10 grams), pour a glass of boiling water, boil for about 10 minutes, and then wrap it up. After 2 hours, the product can be used (three times a day after meals, 1 tbsp.).

    Common agrimony will help normalize metabolic processes and improve skin regeneration.

    A tablespoon of herbs for psoriasis is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 3-4 hours. Drink before meals (50 ml) four times a day.

    The following herbal infusion will help reduce the manifestation of a psoriatic rash - mix in equal proportions crushed black elderberry flowers, perforated St. John's wort, a three-part series. Take 1 tbsp. l. a mixture of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Strained infusion is taken twice a day for 100-150 ml.

    You can relieve inflammation with a self-made ointment based on chamomile. Crushed chamomile flowers (20 grams) are mixed with melted bacon (200 ml), put in a water bath and heated while stirring the mixture. Next, add 10 drops of vitamins A, E, D (vitamins can be bought at a pharmacy). The resulting ointment is smeared with psoriatic plaques several times a day.

    Other popular methods

    There are a huge variety of folk recipes against psoriasis, here are some more of them.

    Add 200 grams of butter and vinegar to a slightly beaten chicken egg. Mix the ingredients and put in a cold place for 7 days. Treat affected skin up to 10 times a day.

    Pass peeled garlic cloves (5-7 pieces) through a press, pour boiling water (200 ml), leave for 2 hours. The resulting infusion is used for compresses.

    Grind 20 grams of dry bay leaves a little and pour half a liter of water. We put the product on fire, boil for 7-10 minutes, filter and cool. Take orally for a week, 100 ml three times a day.

    Pour a teaspoon of chopped dry celandine grass with boiling water (200 ml), leave for 30-40 minutes. Strained infusion drink three times a day before meals.

    Pour into a bath of water (water temperature 37-40 degrees) 1 pack of soda and the same amount of salt, add about 10 ml of iodine. Take a bath 15 maximum 20 minutes, every other day.

    Once again, I would like to remind you that before starting treatment, you need to get medical advice.

    Treatment of psoriasis folk remedies

    Folk remedies for psoriasis on the body are becoming increasingly popular today. Having lost faith in the effectiveness of many synthetic drugs, many patients are looking for a safe alternative in the form of the so-called grandmother's recipes. The main advantage of using folk remedies for psoriasis is their relative safety, availability of materials and excellent action.

    A little about the disease

    Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory pathology. Pathology proceeds in the form of formation on the body of red spots of an oval or rounded shape. Such spots are called plaques or papules. The rash can be single or multiple, accompanied by severe flaking and itching.

    The most common causes of the disease are:

    1. Weakened immunity.
    2. Transmission of infectious inflammatory diseases.
    3. Chemical and mechanical damage to the skin.
    4. Stress, nervous experiences.
    5. Heredity.
    6. Hypothermia.
    7. Prolonged exposure to the sun.
    8. Allergic reaction.

    Until the end, the causes of pathology have not been studied. Often the provoking factors of pathology remain unknown.

    Symptoms of pathology

    Psoriasis is accompanied by the formation of psoriatic plaques on the body with clear outlines. The rashes are characterized by severe flaking and itching. Depending on the type of pathology, the nature of the rash may differ slightly. In ordinary psoriasis vulgaris, the rashes are oval or round in shape, reaching a diameter of 2 to 10 mm. Plaques rise above the level of healthy skin by several mm.

    With teardrop-shaped psoriasis, the spots are small in diameter, reminiscent of the shape of drops. The dot view of the disease is characterized by multiple papules, the size of a match head. One of the most severe forms of the disease is pustular psoriasis. This type of disease is accompanied by purulent rashes, which, as they develop, turn into painful crusts.

    The role of traditional medicine in the fight against the disease

    Treatment of psoriasis with alternative methods is sometimes not inferior in its effectiveness to some medications. Natural foods dine with the following activities:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • disinfectant;
    • antiallergic;
    • antifungal;
    • painkillers;
    • wound healing;
    • regenerating.

    The combination of several natural components at once gives a complex action that ensures effective and safe relief of the patient from psoriatic rashes.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis have been collected by experienced healers and patients themselves for a long time. The most effective in pathology is the use of the following natural materials:

    • herbs;
    • tar;
    • medical grease;
    • bee products;
    • therapeutic mud and clay;
    • sea ​​salt;
    • soda and many other products.

    Despite the safety of traditional methods for the treatment of psoriasis, you should definitely consult a doctor before using natural products.

    Ointments based on grease at home

    An excellent folk remedy for psoriasis on the body is an ointment with the addition of medical grease. Consider a few popular recipes:

    1. A tablespoon of grease is mixed with a tablespoon of honey. After that, crushed oak bark is added to the medicine. After that, a raw egg and a tablespoon of petroleum jelly are added to the resulting product. All components are thoroughly mixed, the ointment is stored in the refrigerator. Apply the product to the plaques 2-3 times during the day.
    2. To prepare a cream for psoriasis, mix 2 tbsp. l. medical grease and the same amount of baby cream. In the resulting mass, you need to add a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil. The medicine is lubricated with plaques several times a day.

    Regular use of ointments with grease helps to reduce skin flaking, helps eliminate itching, the number of rashes gradually decreases, and the inflammatory process passes.

    Use of tar

    Folk recipes for psoriasis are not complete without the use of tar. Most often, birch, pine and juniper tar is used for these purposes. To get rid of rashes on the body, it is recommended to prepare ointments that include one of the types of tar:

    1. A tablespoon of petroleum jelly is mixed with the same amount of birch tar, mixed thoroughly, after which a tablespoon of celandine juice is added to the product. The ointment is applied to the diseased areas of the dermis 2-3 times during the day.
    2. Another popular tar-based remedy is birch twig ash ointment. To do this, a tablespoon of ash is mixed with a fly in the ointment, plaques are treated with the resulting product.
    3. Often the product is used in its pure form. For this, all types of tar are suitable. The product is applied to the body, left for 5-15 minutes.

    Tar has a specific smell and strongly stains clothes. It is recommended to use the product at night or on days when you can stay at home.

    The use of soda

    Soda in psoriasis helps to reduce psoriatic rashes, normalizes the acid balance of the dermis. To get rid of rashes, it is recommended to use soda to add to baths for bathing. To do this, 250 g of the product is dissolved in warm water, take a bath for 15-20 minutes.

    Warm soda compresses have proven themselves well. To do this, 100 g of the product is dissolved in warm water (500 ml). In the resulting product, moisten a small towel and apply it to the affected area. From above, the compress is covered with a film and a woolen cloth.

    Ointment based on propolis

    Propolis has a powerful anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, wound healing effect. Ointment based on propolis is prepared as follows: the product is crushed, placed in a water bath until completely dissolved. After that, a few drops of sea buckthorn oil and a teaspoon of glycerin are added to the resulting product. The components are kneaded, after which the diseased areas are treated with ointment. Plaques must be lubricated several times a day for 12 days.

    Treatment of psoriasis with iodine

    Iodine in psoriasis has a wound-healing, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effect. To get rid of psoriatic plaques, treatment is carried out with a solution of iodine, which is applied to diseased areas. Another treatment option is to take the drug internally. To do this, 10 drops of iodine are diluted in a glass of boiled water, the resulting remedy is drunk 2 times. The course of treatment is 12 days. After that, you need to take a break. If necessary, the treatment is repeated.

    Using iodine for treatment, one should be aware of contraindications. These include:

    • renal and heart failure;
    • vascular diseases;
    • pathology of the endocrine system;
    • tuberculosis;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • age up to 3 years.

    Before using iodine, be sure to consult a doctor.

    Alternative treatment of psoriasis with eggs

    Many patients are wondering how to cure psoriasis with folk remedies without harm to health? An excellent method of therapy is the use of chicken eggs. Consider some effective means:

    1. A fresh egg must be hard boiled. It is advisable to use eggs of domestic chickens. For the preparation of the ointment, only the yolk is used. It must be placed in a preheated pan without oil and stir constantly. The product is considered ready at the moment when an oily liquid begins to stand out from the yolk. It is she who is used to treat plaques.
    2. To prepare the ointment, mix 2 boiled yolks, a teaspoon of camphor oil, a teaspoon of tar. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, applied to psoriatic spots 2 times a day.

    Bay leaf decoction

    Folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis on the body with bay leaves give a quick effect, help get rid of plaques for a short time. Most often, bay decoction is used to wash stains. To prepare the product, 10 leaves are placed in an enamel pan and boiled for 20-30 minutes. The product should not boil. After that, the medicine is filtered, used for compresses, washing plaques and adding to the bathroom.

    Before using the decoction, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components of the product.

    Application of aloe

    It is difficult to choose the most effective folk remedy for psoriasis. Natural materials have different effects on the skin of patients. Without a doubt, one of the most popular methods of folk therapy is the use of aloe.

    To treat plaques, you need to take fresh plant juice (2 tablespoons) and the same amount of honey. The components are mixed well, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas.

    Another good remedy is an ointment based on aloe, sea buckthorn oil and propolis. All products are mixed in equal proportions. It is necessary to treat plaques with freshly prepared medicine.

    Herbs for psoriasis

    Medicinal herbs play an important role in the treatment of skin pathology. To get rid of plaques, herbs are used that have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, anti-allergic, healing, disinfecting effects. Often used to treat the disease:

    Herbs can be taken in the form of tea or decoctions, added to baths when bathing, used in the form of compresses, lotions.

    Preparing a decoction is easy. For this, 2 tbsp. l. medicinal raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water. Boil the decoction for 5-10 minutes over low heat.

    For tea, grass can be brewed in a thermos. For this, one or more types of plants are used. The product is placed in a thermos, poured with boiling water at the rate of a tablespoon of herbs per 500 ml of water.

    The course of treatment with herbs lasts from 10 to 30 days. It is extremely necessary to take breaks in treatment in order to avoid oversaturation of the body with medicinal components.

    Use of hydrogen peroxide

    A good result is the use of hydrogen peroxide. The tool is used for internal reception and external application. When taken internally, the course of therapy is carried out according to the following scheme: on the first day, the patient should drink 3 drops of the drug dissolved in a glass of water. Second day - 3 drops. Every day the number of drops increases until 30 drops are reached. After that, the treatment is carried out in the reverse order. Every day the number of drops is reduced by 1.

    External application involves the treatment of plaques with peroxide. You can use the drug for lotions and compresses.

    Having decided to use traditional medicine, it is important to consult with a specialist. In addition, you must follow these tips:

    1. Before using a new drug, a sensitivity test is performed. To do this, a small amount of funds is applied to the wrist. If redness, itching or other negative manifestations do not occur, you can use the remedy.
    2. It is necessary to strictly follow the prescription and dosage of drugs.
    3. It is undesirable to use several recipes at the same time. If an allergy develops, it will be impossible to determine which component caused the negative reaction.
    4. If the condition worsens, stop treatment immediately and consult your doctor.

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