How old is Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev now. Dmitry Medvedev

Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich is a person who needs no introduction, he is known not only by Russians, but also by citizens of various countries of the world. The fact is that Dmitry Anatolyevich is known as the third President of the Russian Federation, who replaced Vladimir Putin for four years.

Currently, the man holds the post of head of the Russian government, he is a prominent statesman and public figure. Dmitry Anatolyevich is the chairman of the pro-presidential United Russia party, he is a highly respected person, but is periodically criticized by ill-wishers.

It is worth noting that in the whole world there is no person who would be neutral about politics, his height, weight, and age are of interest. How old Dmitry Medvedev is is quite easy to clarify, since the date of his birth was indicated in various reliable sources.

At the same time, Dmitry Medvedev: a photo in his youth and now proves that for many years the young man has not changed much. The politician calls for an active lifestyle, he goes in for sports and has no bad habits. Dmitry was born in 1965, so he celebrated his fifty-second birthday.

The zodiac circle gave him the sign of the economic, caring, business, creative Virgo, and the Eastern circle endowed him with the character traits of the Snake, that is, wisdom, charisma, loyalty, resourcefulness, courage.

By the way, many people think that the real name of the politician is different from the passport one, supposedly it sounds like David Aaronovich Mendel. The fact is that according to all documents, his nationality is Russian, but ill-wishers insist that all Medvedev's ancestors were Jews. One way or another, but it is not possible to prove this, so it remains only to believe the official documentation.

Dmitry's height was one meter and sixty-two centimeters, and his weight does not exceed sixty-eight kilos.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Medvedev

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Medvedev contains many dark spots, since the politician is not used to exposing all the data to the people's judgment.

Father - Anatoly Medvedev - a rather respected person, he taught at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology and was a professor.

Mother - Yulia Medvedeva - also taught at the institute, but only at the Herzen Pedagogical Institute, at the same time she worked part-time at the tour desk, because she knew the sights of St. Petersburg and the Pavlovsk nature reserve very well, and knew how to talk about them in an interesting way.

The boy lived in Kupchevo, he attended the most ordinary school, was active in public life. Dima loved the exact sciences, but chemistry was best for him, so the guy received the keys to the office and after the lessons he stayed in it for a long time, conducting experiments.

Dmitry is still remembered by the teacher as an assistant and a diligent student who loved to help friends. He was a member of the Komsomol party until 1991, after school he entered the State University of Leningrad, becoming a certified lawyer.

In his youth, Medvedev was fond of swimming, weightlifting and photography, he loved hard rock and was a fan of the Chaif ​​group. At the same time, service in the Soviet army was successfully replaced by military training in Karelia, since the guy studied at graduate school and wrote his Ph.D. thesis, moonlighting as a teacher of civil law and a janitor.

Since 1989, he went into big politics, becoming a confidant of Anatoly Sobchak, while the mentor did not forget the active guy and introduced him to the Committee on Foreign Relations. The man completed an internship in Switzerland, it was in the Sobchak team that he met Putin.

Since 1993, he was engaged in business, later he was appointed to the post of deputy of the government apparatus, but was forced to complete teaching and move to the capital. Since the 2000s, a man has been deputy head of the presidential administration, while he became chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom.

For two years, Medvedev led the presidential administration, was a member of the Security Council, and was a member of many committees. In 2006, he became the head of the trustees of the Skolkovo School of Management. At the same time, he was elected to the post of head of state two years later. However, already in 2011 he refused to run for another term and supported Putin's candidacy.

Already in 2016 he became the head of government and headed the United Russia party. And Dmitry Anatolyevich is the curator of the state economy, he is engaged in import substitution in the domestic market and price formation. He is the prime minister of the country and oversees health issues.

In addition, Dmitry Medvedev starred in the role of his beloved in the films "He is not Dimon to you" and "Yolki".

Medvedev's personal life is shrouded in mystery, the fact is that he is often photographed while he is watching the fair sex. Many famous ladies and women from the people, with whom the politician behaves differently, got into the lens of the paparazzi. Since in the photo he makes faces and smiles pleasantly, makes eyes and just peacefully naps nearby.

However, the man was not devoted to anyone as much as to his beloved wife, so the politician does not have love affairs on the side.

Family and children of Dmitry Medvedev

The family and children of Dmitry Medvedev are his support, since the guy has always been taught that family values ​​​​are the most important thing in life. By the way, journalists are talking about the fact that not everything is so smooth in the family of politicians, since there is a national question, the answer to which cannot be obtained.

In the event that Dmitry Anatolyevich is a Jew by nationality and his name is David Aaronovich Mendel, then problems arise with the names of his parents.

According to some reports, the politician’s father was called on the passport as Aaron Abramovich Mendel, and the mother’s name was not Yulia, but Tsilya. At the same time, no exact data on nationality and family have been found so far. By the way, the Medvedev family was educated and intelligent, and Dima was the only child, so all his relatives simply adored him.

Paternal aunt Svetlana Medvedeva lives in Krasnodar, she is an excellent student of Soviet education, an honored teacher of Russia, a holder of the Order of Friendship of Peoples. The woman is the author of several collections of poetry, some of her poems became songs, and the composer Igor Korchmarsky wrote the music for them.

The politician calls his family his favorite dogs of the Setter, Golden Retriever and Central Asian Shepherd breeds, which have repeatedly won first places at international exhibitions. In addition, Medvedev has a luxurious cat of the Neva Masquerade breed, which bears the beautiful Russian name Dorofei.

Medvedev has few children, he has an only son who pleases his famous father with his successes. The boy was self-sufficient, since the father points out that his children should not rely on his authority, but achieve everything on their own.

Ilya Medvedev often regrets that he rarely sees his father, most often, the guy communicates with Dmitry Anatolyevich on social networks and via Skype. The politician is fluent in modern gadgets and can speak out on any issue, but his son does not like to talk about his famous father with journalists and rarely appears on social networks.

The son of Dmitry Medvedev - Ilya Medvedev

The son of Dmitry Medvedev - Ilya Medvedev - was born in 1995, his mother was the legal wife of the politician Svetlana. The boy is incredibly similar to his dad, because he was given a fatherly smile and a piercing and at the same time good-natured look.

The boy was raised by his mother, who left her career for the sake of her son. When the baby was four, his family moved to permanent residence in the capital. Ilya was a well-read and active boy, he studied at a prestigious gymnasium and went in for sports, including fencing, swimming and football, playing in the institute team.

In 2007, Ilyushka went to the casting, where small actors were selected for the comic magazine Yeralash. He never enjoyed the authority of his father, and the director and assistants liked his charisma and artistry, responsibility and serious attitude to the filming process. The boy was described as energetic and incredibly positive, he knows how to cause laughter and cry on command.

The teenager simply adored Japanese animation, he was just happy when the Prime Minister of Japan gave him a huge robotic cat that moved with the help of radio control as a gift.

The guy is fond of the exact sciences, he loves the Time Machine and Spleen groups, he is a real Beatleman. In addition, Ilya is an incredibly sociable guy, he is a fan of computer games and technology.

Ilya Medvedev is a real polyglot, since he began to learn foreign languages ​​in early childhood, so at the moment he is fluent in three languages. The guy is studying at the budget department of the law faculty of MGIMO, he entered the master's program and is one of the best students, and also claims to receive a red diploma.

Ilya Dmitrievich writes talented poems, often attends theater performances and travels around Mother Russia.

The guy does not like the society of the offspring of rich people, because he communicates only with those who attract him and with whom he is interested. By the way, Ilya has only one real friend - Artem Astakhov, who is the son of the children's ombudsman.

Dmitry Medvedev's wife - Svetlana Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev's wife, Svetlana Medvedev, bore the surname Linnik before marriage, her father was a military sailor. Sveta met her future husband in the first grade of a Moscow school.

Although the guys studied in parallel classes, love overtook them in the seventh grade. But studying at different departments and faculties of a higher educational institution divorced them for a long time. In the late eighties, Svetlana and Dmitry began to meet again, and five years later they got married.

Rumor has it that Sveta was so active and persistent that she managed to independently master the university program and pass the exams. It was the woman who guided her beloved and even created all the conditions for her husband for a political career. By the way, the girl had a perfect scent for the right people, so Svetlana's friends were surrounded by the couple.

For a long time she raised a little son, because of which she left a prestigious job. But then she was able to engage in social activities and create an event organization company in St. Petersburg.

Svetlana is engaged in social activities, helping orphanages in St. Petersburg. And also, to children with cancer and women with reproductive problems within the framework of the White Rose Foundation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev's Instagram and Wikipedia exist in his official form, since he is well versed in the Internet. From the Wikipedia article, you can clarify up-to-date data on childhood, education, family and personal life, spouse and son, political and social activities, hobbies and personal property, awards and filmography.

2,900,000 people have subscribed to the Instagram profile, who are happy to comment and rate photos and videos of the politician. Dmitry Medvedev has his own pages in many social networks, including Twitter.

Dmitry Anatolievich Medvedev- a talented politician, one of the leading leaders of Russia, the third president, Chairman of the Government, was born on 10/14/1965.


Dmitry Medvedev is a native Leningrader, born into an intelligent family. His mother was a teacher of philology, and after the end of her teaching career, she was a tour guide. Father - a professor, taught at the Institute of Technology. Medvedev's more distant ancestors along both lines were peasants.

After the war, my paternal grandfather worked on the party line, grew up to the first secretary of the district committee, and my grandmother devoted herself to raising children.

In the family of his parents, Medvedev was the only child who was given a lot of attention and tried to put the best qualities into him. At school, he studied well. He liked the process of learning and gaining new knowledge. Teachers remembered him as a diligent, well-mannered and exemplary boy. There was practically no time left for outdoor games with peers.

After graduating from school, Medvedev decided to enter the law faculty of Leningrad State University. In those days, there was a huge competition there, and after school, only a few people were taken from the guys who had not served in the army. But Medvedev, who finished school perfectly, managed to enter on the first try. There he continued to study diligently, the teachers still warmly remember the diligent student.

In his student years, Dmitry also had new interesting hobbies. Then he became seriously interested in photography. Starting to shoot with the simplest camera, he carried this passion throughout his life.

Even as president, he took part in all-Russian photo contests. Sports became his second significant hobby. Within the walls of the university, he began to engage in weightlifting and even won student competitions.

Carier start

After graduating from the university, Medvedev remained in his native institution for a teaching job. And three years later he entered graduate school. At the university, he taught civil and Roman law, and also co-authored a textbook on civil law. He defended his PhD thesis.

Teaching had to end in 1999, when he received an invitation from Putin for a position in the presidential administration of Russia.

While teaching at Leningrad State University, Medvedev managed to simultaneously work in Sobchak's administration as his adviser, and then as an expert on the foreign relations committee in the St. Petersburg mayor's office, under the direct supervision of Putin.

In the committee, Medvedev was mainly involved in economic relations and investment projects. And although many considered Medvedev to be imperious and categorical, the Putin-Medvedev tandem then already worked clearly and smoothly.

Since 1993, Medvedev became the founder of Finzell, a closed joint-stock company, and then a co-founder and organizer of several large investment projects.

There are also rumors that for about 5 years in the 90s he served as head of the legal department of one of the major insurance companies, which scandalously assured its existence on the Russian market. Medvedev stopped working in the mayor's office after Anatoly Sobchak left the post of mayor of St. Petersburg.

Conquest of Moscow

Medvedev moved to Moscow at the end of 1999, and after Putin assumed the duties of acting President of Russia transferred to him by Boris Yeltsin, Medvedev took over Putin's former position - First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration. By the way, in the 2000 elections, it was Medvedev who headed the headquarters of Putin's election campaign.

In 2000, he held the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom, where he remained until his presidency - May 2008. Medvedev's political career in Moscow is developing rapidly, and in November 2003 he becomes the head of the presidential administration and a member of the Security Council.

Presidential elections

In 2006, Medvedev decides to participate in the election campaign for the post of President of the Russian Federation. By the way, Vladimir Putin himself supports his candidacy, who speaks of Medvedev as a decent person and a talented politician. And although the United Russia party nominates Medvedev as a candidate, a number of leading Russian parties still support his candidacy.

This alignment of political forces made Medvedev's victory in the elections virtually inevitable. And in May 2008, he officially becomes the third president of Russia.

In this position, Medvedev served a successful full term, again in close cooperation with Vladimir Putin, who at that time served as Prime Minister. After the election, Medvedev surrenders the powers of the head of Gazprom and fully devotes himself to the interests of Russia.

First of all, he devotes his efforts to the development of housing construction and lending, paying special attention to veterans and war veterans. In addition, the maximum favored nation regime is being created for the development of higher education in Russia.

During Medvedev's presidency, the global financial crisis of 2008 also took place, which affected the entire world economy. Together with Putin, Medvedev developed and implemented a number of emergency measures to overcome the crisis and level the country's economy.

Thoughtful actions led to the fact that already in 2009 the economic situation in Russia stabilized and the indicators began to grow again.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is a Russian statesman who, during his political career, managed to hold the highest government posts, including the position of President of the Russian Federation. Yesterday, on May 8, 2018, he was elected for the second time by the State Duma to the post of Prime Minister of Russia. However, according to unconfirmed reports, the new chairman of the government of the Russian Federation has a completely different surname, which is not indicated in any official source of information.

Born on September 14, 1965 in the Soviet city of Leningrad, in the family of a professor and philologist. It was the parents who had a significant influence on politics. Who are they and how did they raise their son in order for him to build a successful career?

Brief biographical information

On September 14, 1965, D. A. Medvedev was born in Leningrad. He had no sisters or brothers - he grew up as one child in the family.

According to official data, the politician's parents are Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev (he worked as a professor at the Leningrad TI named after the Lensoviet) and Yulia Veniaminovna Medvedeva (philologist, taught at the Pedagogical Institute named after A.I. Herzen). But, after they began to collect the genealogical tree of the politician, some interesting facts came to light regarding his nationality, his real name and his parents.

Family of Dmitry Medvedev: family line

Dmitry Medvedev had no brothers and sisters, as his parents considered scientific activity a priority. He spent most of his childhood and youth in the Leningrad residential area Kupchino and lived along Bela Kun Street.

His father, Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev (1926−2004), held a professorship at the Leningrad Technological Institute named after the Lensoviet. He is Russian by nationality, since his father, and part-time grandfather of Dmitry Medvedev, Afanasy Fedorovich Medvedev, came from the Russian peasantry of the Kursk province. A captain and serviceman who fought in World War II, Medvedev's grandfather was also a member of the Communist Party. He was married to Nadezhda Vasilievna Medvedeva, with whom he raised two children: Svetlana and Anatoly. She did not work and devoted her time to raising children.

The mother of the Prime Minister is Yulia Veniaminovna (maiden name - Shaposhnikova). The woman is Russian by nationality: she was born on November 21, 1939. She lived in Leningrad and, like the politician's father, connected her life with scientific and pedagogical activities. She taught philologists at the A. I. Herzen Pedagogical Institute. It is worth noting that little is known about the parents of Yulia Veniaminovna: Sergey Ivanovich and Ekaterina Nikitichna Shaposhnikovs came from the Belgorod region, where they lived most of their lives. It is noteworthy that the prime minister's maternal grandfather was a railway worker, and his grandmother did not work and occasionally sewed clothes if orders appeared. Yulia Veniaminovna's sister still lives in Voronezh.

What is the nationality of Dmitry Medvedev?

Thanks to the data presented on Wikipedia, it can be understood that Dmitry Medvedev is Russian by nationality. His relatives come from the Belgorod region and the Kursk region. They were not wealthy and were not in the public service.

The Medvedev family consisted of ordinary workers, and only his parents managed to get an education under the Union, and therefore they were able to provide their son with a decent upbringing. From childhood, they instilled in their son an interest in science and encouraged his desire to develop, mastering new scientific disciplines.

The official biography of Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich says that he was born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad. His parents were teachers: his father was a professor at the Leningrad Technological Institute named after the Lensoviet, his mother was a philologist, she taught at the Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen, and later worked as a guide in Pavlovsk. All his ancestors come from Central Russia, so he is Russian by nationality.

Dmitry Anatolyevich studied at school No. 305 in Kupchino. In 1983 he entered the law faculty of the Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov, from which he graduated with honors in 1987. After graduating from university, he entered graduate school, which he completed in 1990. At the university, D. Medvedev became a member of the Komsomol, and then the CPSU (remained a member of the party until 1991).

Career prior to the 2008 presidential election

From 1990 to 1999, he taught at Leningrad State University (SPbGU), at the same time being an adviser to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies A. Sobchak, then an expert of the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, which was headed by V. Putin.

Then he moved to Moscow, where he became Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation D. Kozak.

After V. Putin's victory in the presidential elections (he headed his campaign headquarters) in 2000, he took the post of First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. In 2003 he became the head of the Presidential Administration and a member of the Security Council. Since 2005, he began to oversee all priority national projects, became a member of the United Russia party and took the position of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

From 2000 to 2008 (with interruptions) Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom.

2008 presidential election and presidential term

In a brief biography of Medvedev, it is indicated that since 2007 he has become an official participant in the presidential election "race" from the United Russia party. Medvedev's campaign headquarters was headed by S. Sabyanin, who temporarily left the post of head of the presidential administration. The elections were won and on May 7, 2008 the inauguration ceremony took place.

During his presidency, Medvedev paid great attention to innovation, the fight against corruption and national projects. Also during his presidency, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was reformed, there was a financial crisis, for which the head of the Government V. Putin took responsibility, and the so-called Five-Day War (Georgian-Ossetian conflict).

Career at present

By refusing to participate in the 2012 presidential race and supporting V. Putin, Medvedev secured the position of prime minister (head of the RF Government).

On May 8, 2012, his candidacy was approved by the deputies of the State Duma. On May 26, he became chairman of the United Russia party.

Personal life and family

D. Medvedev has been married (since 1993) to Svetlana Linnik (the wife of the former president of the Russian Federation, originally from the city of Murom, Vladimir Region; it is she who is the initiator of the annual holiday - the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity). In 1995, the couple had a son, Ilya (currently a student at MGIMO).

My aunt, Svetlana Afanasyevna Medvedeva, is a member of the Union of Writers and Journalists of Russia, the author of 9 collections of poetry.

Other biography options

  • From his youth, the future president was fond of hard rock (the favorite Russian group is Chaif).
  • At the university, he became interested in weightlifting and even won competitions.
  • During his studies, being an excellent student, he worked as a janitor and received 120 rubles a month (+50 rubles of an increased scholarship), he also worked in the paramilitary guards of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR in the summer.

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There are many rumors and conjectures around the origin of the third president of the Russian Federation, so it is especially interesting to know who Anatoly Medvedev, Dmitry Medvedev's father, really was. The article discusses his biography, bit by bit collected from official sources.


It is known that the father of the hero of the article was called Afanasy Fedorovich, and since 1955 he lived in Korenovsk, Krasnodar Territory, where he worked as the secretary of the RK CPSU. For 4 years of work, the village acquired the status of a city. Residents had electricity and running water, and bus service was launched along the repaired roads. Under him, a milk cannery, a railway station, and a sugar factory started operating. People still warmly remember Afanasy Fedorovich, who was presented with a government award for his work, his wife Nadezhda Vasilievna, who devoted herself to raising two children, and her youngest daughter Svetlana, who graduated from 10 classes with a gold medal.

Anatoly Medvedev, whose photo is presented in the article in his youth, already lived in Leningrad in those years, receiving a higher education. He was born on November 15, 1926, and at the time of his father's appointment to Korenovsk he was 19 years old. Afanasy Fedorovich was transferred to Krasnodar at the end of 1958, where he worked until retirement.


Where and in what family was Anatoly Medvedev born? The origin is of great importance, because his father did not immediately get into party work. In the autobiography, which has survived to this day, the village of Mansurovo, Kursk Region, is called the small homeland. The family, Afanasyevich called poor, belonged to the peasant class.

Before the revolution, Afanasy Fedorovich, born in 1904, was a peasant, and from 1928 he joined a collective farm. Since 1933, he began to engage in party work, having studied for a year at a Moscow party school. Upon graduation, he was assigned to Kabardino-Balkaria. Children often changed their place of study, as their father was constantly transferred to new places. In 1934, Anatoly Medvedev began schooling in Voronezh, and 8 years later he entered the Dzaudzhikau Technical School. At that time, the Great Patriotic War was going on, the father volunteered for the front, and the children and mother were evacuated to Georgia (Gori).

Study in Georgia

The railway transport technical school was also relocated to Gori when the Nazis approached Vladikavkaz. This explains the choice of educational institution. Anatoly Medvedev - a descendant of peasants - studied "excellently", ahead of his peers. In the personal file, only gratitude and encouragement for social work, participation in combat reviews, academic success. Having joined the Komsomol in February 1942, the young man was the permanent Komsomol organizer of the group, in which 17 people studied.

Afanasy Fedorovich, who took part in the battles for the Crimea and Kuban, moved to Krasnodar after being wounded, so his son continued his studies in this southern city.

Higher education

As part of 5% of the best students, Anatoly was restored according to the documents of the Krasnodar Technical University) became a student of this university. It was the first post-war course where two-thirds of the students were demobilized soldiers and officers. The young man did not receive a single four for the entire time of training, proving his right to education. Scrupulous in everything, he was so absorbed in science that in 1949 his heart could not stand it, and the young man interrupted his studies, taking academic leave. Father at that time worked in Pavlovsk, where the young student was restoring his health.

In parallel, he taught physics and drawing at a local school, leaving behind good memories. Everyone was struck by his intelligence, because even to his students he addressed strictly to you, instilling a love for technical disciplines. In 1952, Anatoly Medvedev became a certified mechanical engineer by profession. Recently, he was the party organizer of the group, but social activities did not prevent him from receiving a diploma with honors. He was given a recommendation to work as the head of the workshops, but he chose a different path.

Labor activity

In the same year, the young man went to the Technological Institute in Leningrad (LTI). His whole future life will be connected with this university. After defending his dissertation, he remained a teacher. Being a party member (since 1952), he did not shy away from social activities, but considered science to be his main purpose. He lectured until the age of 70. Anatoly Medvedev is a professor at LTI, who entered the history of the university (now - St. Petersburg State Technical University), where D. Mendeleev and G. Hess once taught.

He married Yulia Shaposhnikova from Voronezh. The girl graduated from the Faculty of Philology, worked as a teacher of literature. She came to Leningrad to enter graduate school, after which she began to teach at the Pedagogical School. The couple lived in Kupchino, called the “sleeping area” of Leningrad.

The age difference between them was 12 years. At almost forty, Anatoly Afanasyevich was destined to become a father. In 1965, the only son Dmitry was born, in the upbringing of which the parents of both spouses participated. The boy spent the summer in Krasnodar on Krasnaya Street, where his grandparents lived in a two-room apartment. It happened that they themselves came to Leningrad. Anatoly Medvedev and his wife were passionate about science, so help was simply needed.

However, Yulia Veniaminovna did not have a scientific career, like her husband. She graduated from the courses of guides and in recent years worked in Pavlovsk. Son Dmitry went to study at a regular school 305. He was fond of chemistry, weightlifting and hard rock. Before him was always the example of his father, in whose room the light was on until late at night. He constantly wrote articles, the house had an excellent library of scientific and technical literature. Waking up in the morning, the son again saw his father at his desk. He was not addicted to smoking or alcohol, because it was not accepted in the house.

Death of parents

Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev was very upset by the departure of his parents. In recent years, Afanasy Fedorovich worked as an instructor for the regional party committee, receiving a modest salary of 120 rubles. But he did not lose heart, distinguished by optimism and a great sense of humor. A few years before his death, his wife Nadezhda Vasilievna (died in 1990) became seriously ill and took to her bed. Her father took care of her, taking care of her until the last hour. His daughter Svetlana helped him, but Anatoly Medvedev, whose biography was associated with Leningrad, appeared infrequently.

The death of his wife crippled Afanasy Fedorovich. He rarely began to appear in the yard and completely stopped joking. Sometimes he went out to feed the pigeons, and in 1994 he himself passed away, reunited with his wife in a cemetery near Krasnodar. Svetlana Medvedeva, the aunt of the future third president of the Russian Federation, for some time was offended by her brother because he paid little attention to elderly parents. She herself, after an unsuccessful marriage, remained single, lives in her parents' apartment. Her only son Andrei moved to Moscow.

Son and his family

Today, most often the press is not interested in Anatoly Medvedev himself. Information about his wife and son becomes more important in connection with the political career that Dmitry Medvedev has made. Once he hesitated between a legal and philological education, opting for a law faculty. But I managed to enter only the evening department of Leningrad State University. A year later, for excellent performance in his studies, he was transferred to a day school, which he graduated in 1987. Following the example of his father, he began to study science. In the same year he entered graduate school, in 1990 he defended his thesis.

His teacher was Anatoly Sobchak, in whose election campaign Dmitry Anatolyevich took an active part a year earlier. The mandate of the people's deputy of the USSR and the activities of Sobchak as mayor (1991-1996) contributed to the rise of the young scientist's career. Anatoly Medvedev did not live to see his son elected president of the country, but under him his son was transferred to Moscow, where he worked in the government apparatus, headed the Board of Directors of Gazprom. The father waited for the birth of his grandson. In 1989 Dmitry Medvedev married Svetlana Linnik. He had feelings for her since school, the future spouses studied in parallel classes. In 1995, their son Ilya was born, now a student at MGIMO.


When Anatoly Medvedev, whose personal life is of genuine interest, left teaching, his son took his parents to Moscow.

Mom, Yulia Veniaminovna, still lives in his family, but his father showed long-standing heart problems. In 2004, he died of a heart attack.

Around the origin of Dmitry Medvedev, who has been heading United Russia since 2012 and the Government of the Russian Federation, there are constant disputes on the Internet. There is a version about his belonging to the Jewish nation, evidence is being sought that the family of his grandfather Afanasy Fedorovich belonged to a wealthy class.

One thing is absolutely clear: Anatoly Medvedev, Dmitry Medvedev's father, lived a decent life, becoming for his son an example of a responsible attitude to work.