What is "lol", "IMHO", "offtopic", "ban" and "flood"? What do the words mean: Flood, Flame, Offtopic, Subject, Overclocking What does the word offtopic mean.

off topic) - any network message that goes beyond a predetermined topic of communication. Offtopic can be considered:

Offtopic is seen as a violation of network etiquette, since it blurs the pre-announced restriction on the topic of communication, which leads to the immensity of the range of issues discussed and scares off those readers who do not have time to read messages that are moving away from their own range of interests.

Creating messages that are offtopic is usually not approved by moderators, therefore, it can lead to a ban on posting further messages and remarks imposed on the participant in the conversation guilty of offtopic (or, more simply, to a ban. Ban).

Certain topics of messages can be specially declared offtopic by moderators in order to unambiguously outline the scope of further discussion in advance, emphasizing the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable deviations from the main topic of the dialogues.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Offtop" is in other dictionaries:

    Exist., number of synonyms: 3 offtopic (3) message (87) flood (14) ASIS synonym dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

    offtopic- from English. off topic - off topic. A post that has nothing to do with the topic under discussion. Offtopic warning! Internet slang... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

    This term has other meanings, see Forum. Screenshot of phpBB Forum Script Web Application Forum Class ... Wikipedia

    Offtopic (otherwise offtopic, offtopic from English off topic) any network message that goes beyond the pre-set topic of communication. Offtopic can be considered: an entry on a web forum that does not correspond either to the general direction of the forum, or to that ... ... Wikipedia

    - (netiquet neologism, is a fusion of the words "network" (English net) and "etiquette") rules of conduct, communication on the Web, traditions and culture of the Internet community, which are followed by the majority. This concept appeared in the mid-80s ... Wikipedia

    ARENA Online Developer GDTeam Publisher ... Wikipedia

    Computer slang is a type of slang used both by a professional group of IT professionals and other computer users. History The emergence of terms Rapid growth since the second half of the 20th century of computer technology, and, in ... ... Wikipedia

    ARENA Online Developer Publisher Release date ... Wikipedia

    Computer slang is a type of slang used both by a professional group of IT professionals and other computer users. History The emergence of terms Rapid growth since the second half of the 20th century of computer technology, and, in ... ... Wikipedia


  • Movie news from December 18, 2014: "Star Map", "Computer", "Fairies. Legends of the Beast" and "Asterix: Land of the Gods", Anton Dolin. Offtopic: Adolescence (Boyhood) - a film that was never released in Russian distribution (but still appeared in online services). This is the best film of the year, according to Anton. The film took 12 years to shoot...

English borrowings actively penetrate the web into our language, and sometimes even become common words. Let's try to explain the meaning of the most common words of newfangled Internet slang.

What is LOL"?

The English abbreviation LOL (Laughing Out Loud) means "laughing out loud." For some reason, she didn’t translate into Russian in the form of “GS”, but she remained LOL. Used on forums and in ICQ to express "loud laughter" at what was said by the interlocutor. There are variations of LOL in English Internet slang, the most famous of which is LMAO - something along the lines of "funny as hell."

What is "IMHO"?

IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) means "in my humble opinion". Sometimes IMHO is deciphered in the Russian way: "I have an Opinion, I want to voice it." In network dialogues, IMHO replaces the usual "in my opinion."

What is "offtopic" or "offtopic"?

The English expression Off-topic means "off topic". Used on forums, mostly as an apology ("sorry for offtopic, but..." in the sense of "sorry for evading the topic of discussion") or moderator warnings ("offtopic ban for a week!") when they want to prevent evasion discussions from the main topic.

What is a "ban"?

The English word ban means "ban". A ban is an administrator blocking access to any forum member. The ban can be both for creating new topics and comments, and for reading the forum in general. From the word "ban" the verb "ban" was formed - to block access. Example: “If you swear, I will ban you by IP!”. An IP ban means a ban on access from the IP address from which the offender entered the forum.

What is a "flood"?

The English word flood means "stream". Flood is the creation of numerous meaningless comments or topics in order to litter the forum. Flud is often punishable by a ban. A person who writes a lot of nonsense on a forum is called a "fluder" or "fludist". The verb "flood" means "to write flood".

What is a "flame"?

The English word flame means "flame" or figuratively "a heated argument", often with the use of mutual insults. Flame, like flooding, is sometimes punishable by a ban. Sometimes, instead of this word, the Russian "srach" is used. For example, a dispute between Ukrainians and Russians is often called "hohlosrach", and vegetarians with meat-eaters - "veganosrach".

What is "trolling"?

A troll is a person who “gets” an opponent with cunning actions or caustic statements in order to anger the interlocutor and cause a conflict. In Russian, he is a provocateur. Trolling is the process of provocation itself. You can “troll” not only on the Internet, but also in real life, getting and annoying one of your friends or relatives.

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offtopic- from English. off topic - off topic. A post that has nothing to do with the topic under discussion. Offtopic warning! Internet slang... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

This term has other meanings, see Forum. Screenshot of phpBB Forum Script Web Application Forum Class ... Wikipedia

Offtopic (otherwise offtopic, offtopic from English off topic) any network message that goes beyond the pre-set topic of communication. Offtopic can be considered: an entry on a web forum that does not correspond either to the general direction of the forum, or to that ... ... Wikipedia

- (netiquet neologism, is a fusion of the words "network" (English net) and "etiquette") rules of conduct, communication on the Web, traditions and culture of the Internet community, which are followed by the majority. This concept appeared in the mid-80s ... Wikipedia

ARENA Online Developer GDTeam Publisher ... Wikipedia

Computer slang is a type of slang used both by a professional group of IT professionals and other computer users. History The emergence of terms Rapid growth since the second half of the 20th century of computer technology, and, in ... ... Wikipedia

ARENA Online Developer Publisher Release date ... Wikipedia

Computer slang is a type of slang used both by a professional group of IT professionals and other computer users. History The emergence of terms Rapid growth since the second half of the 20th century of computer technology, and, in ... ... Wikipedia


  • Movie news from December 18, 2014: "Star Map", "Computer", "Fairies. Legends of the Beast" and "Asterix: Land of the Gods", Anton Dolin. Offtopic: Adolescence (Boyhood) - a film that was never released in Russian distribution (but still appeared in online services). This is the best film of the year, according to Anton. The film took 12 years to shoot...





In this post, I will explain what exactly is offtopic in this amino. After reading this post, you will definitely know the answer to this. However, let's first remember what offtopic is and what punishment for it is set in our amino.

Offtopic - these are entries that are not related to the topic of the community. The topic of this community is "Decoration". Posts that have nothing to do with the topic of the community will be hidden.


From one to two times - you will receive a warning. In case of the third violation - page ban or profile hiding. ! Hiding the profile at this point is a punishment that the curators can issue, sooner or later you will get a ban from the leader! The post will be hidden immediately after the offtopic is detected, and then you will receive a warning!

Complementing the introduction, I can say that the offtopic frames are quite spacious. For example: designs, collections, etc. can be done on any topic (except for those that violate the rules of the amino). This is where the introduction ends. Let's get to the point of this article.





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As it was said earlier: “our offtopic frames are quite spacious”. So it won't take you long to read this post. We consider offtopic posts that do not correspond to the topic. Even if your post is beautifully designed, but it does not correspond to the topic, then it will be offtopic. Vivid examples of offtopic in our amino are posts that are 25% or more devoted not to the topic of this amino: information about yourself, a bunch of art and gifs (not a selection), posts that violate the rules of the amino and this amino, etc. If you find it difficult to answer the question “Is my post offtopic?”, You can contact the administration of this amino. If you are interested in a more detailed description of the offtopic in our amino, then read below.

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Posts written on the topic “not design” are considered offtopic, BUT posts like: “today I was in the park, so I want to dedicate the design to him” and you make the design are allowed. About posts on the topic of the community (which are dedicated to some fandom). These posts are also quietly allowed, but only part of the post can tell the plot / essence / your assessment / other. In general, if you add a bit of personal life, anime, etc. to a post (on the topic of coo), then this is not considered offtopic.

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A very interesting point. Sometimes you want to make a post about a round number of reputation / subscribers or congratulate a friend on getting a new level. [This section is a “heading” section in a post about a selection] These posts are not offtopic if: your post has a cover, the essence of the post is clearly written, there are necessary links, literacy is from 6.5-10/10. If at least one rule is violated in this paragraph, then the post will be offtopic! Also, if too little text is written in the post, then the same fate will befall it. Decided to write a post from this paragraph? Be kind to fulfill all the conditions.

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Quiet-quiet! Guides are 100% not offtopic! I'm making this section to make it clear that the guides are not on the topic of the community - offtopic. Life hacks, guides, ways, etc. on the theme of design or how to find it - very useful articles, we are only happy about them!

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This post comes to an end. Questions about offtopic write to the administration (leaders / curators). I hope now you understand what is offtopic in our amino. Good luck to you!







The World Wide Web has generated a huge number of neologisms that are now used in all forums and websites.

These words have been worked out and rooted in the slang of Internet culture for a long time, and now they have come to exactly the form that we use in everyday life.

Many of these terms refer directly to the textual and social part of the interaction of people on the forums - and this is what will be discussed in this article.

Where did it come from?

All the terms that will be discussed have appeared since the beginning of the Internet as a worldwide phenomenon. People needed to somehow simplify communication in order to better structure chats and not lose the thread of the conversation.

In addition, it was necessary to suppress unnecessary disputes. This was especially true for chats, where, unlike the old forums, there was no division into topics and subtopics, due to which it became much more difficult to follow the discussion.

That is why people quickly formed other words from the usual forms of words, which they used to refer to Internet phenomena.

Of course, initially everything was in English. All such words came to Russian much later, of course, with the advent of Russian-language chats.

They were transliterated - that is, they continue to be pronounced in English, but are written in Russian letters.


One of the very first such words is offtopic. It is formed from the English word Topic, which refers to the topic of conversation on a forum or in a chat.

In other words, what is currently being discussed.

The prefix Off says that the topic is conditionally “turned off” from the conversation - and is not at all the subject of discussion.

Therefore, offtopic in fact means communication off topic, at a time when, in parallel with this, other people are trying to talk about something else.

In addition, the word "offtop" has acquired a slightly different meaning within publics.

In thematic communities, this is the name of posts that knock out their general theme and concept - for example, a folk performer in a music public dedicated to rock music.

One way or another, the essence remains unchanged - offtopic is something that does not correspond to the topic raised in the community or on the forum.

What is Flud

If the offtopic continues for several dozen posts, and at the same time is supported by several people, then it develops into a flood.

And this is more serious, especially for a thematic and serious forum.

So, flooding is a meaningless dialogue or conversation between several people inside a forum thread that is off topic or about nothing.

Often, such an approach is prohibited in almost all forums divided into sections, and for those who like to discuss the weather or the details of their personal lives, special sections are opened, which are called "Fludilki".

However, many places are designed for people to talk about nothing there.

For example, a project avatar, where the entire game system was implemented for potential flooders. In it, people can freely communicate on any topic.

In addition, chats technically also give room for flooding, therefore, akin to offtopic, this term applies exclusively to forums, and in chats it occurs insofar as.

However, on various thematic forums, flooding is constantly banned, and rules are prescribed to ban it in various branches of the site.


Flame is a more complex concept that denotes an argument for the sake of an argument, when two or more people are having a conversation, the thread of which has long been lost - but they still continue to discuss.

This is a pretty blatant violation in any chat, forum, or online game, since such communication does not allow other users to comfortably communicate with each other.

In general, the word Flame, oddly enough, came from the English Flaming - that is, to kindle something.

The origins of this term are phrases like "incitement to hatred", but in an English analogy.

That is why they get banned for this almost everywhere, even on various unofficial online sump or dota servers, where the community is far from distinguished by its friendliness.


The term subject comes from the English word Subject, which means "theme".

Of the entire list of words presented in this article, this is the only one that was born in Russia.

In our country, the topic of the conversation is briefly called the subject so that you can quickly return to it, for example, this is done using the phrase “According to the subject”, after which a speech is made on the topic.

In addition, in communication, people can abbreviate this word for the topic they want to talk about now - in a forum or chat.


Overquoting is also a word that literally translates as "overquote", or "overquouting".

It is used if the user used too many quoted passages in his message without the need to do so.

In particularly difficult situations, the number of quotes reaches such proportions that even one message, a couple of lines long, takes up a huge amount of space on the monitor screen and web page.

Precisely to ensure that the information space is not clogged in any way, overclocking is prohibited on almost all forums and websites.

However, there are exceptions - for example, modern image boards, where communication between people is constantly taking place, and where quotes are a necessary tool for highlighting various disputed thoughts in the flow of information.

This should not be confused with overquoting, in which, for example, a person simply quotes another user's message in full, instead of highlighting the essence.

In general, this is all that can be said about these Internet terms. Although they themselves originated a long time ago, nevertheless, they are used to this day.

These are quite useful neologisms that easily and simply denote those things that did not originally exist in human life.