Vitamins for the skin - properties and physiological effects, characteristics and reviews of vitamin preparations. Vitamins for skin elasticity: reviews on which supplements are best to drink Which vitamin is needed for skin elasticity

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Grab a pack of any anti-wrinkle cream. Surely you will find vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids in the composition, and with a probability of 99% - collagen and hyaluronic acid. These supplements can be bought at the pharmacy: they are cheaper separately than anti-wrinkle cream. Here is information on exactly what your skin needs to stay firm and toned.

website collected supplements that will take care of the skin: protect against ultraviolet radiation, frost and wind, help recover, improve the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid or make up for their lack.

What to do to avoid wrinkles

To keep your skin young for as long as possible, you need to:

  1. Strengthen the protective barrier: the weaker it is, the more the skin loses moisture, becomes dry, thin and dull, burns more easily in the sun and recovers worse.
  2. Stimulate renewal: compensate for collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid. With age, the skin produces less of these substances, and you need to add them from the outside or stimulate production.
  3. Add Antioxidants: they protect against free radicals, due to which the skin ages, and from the destruction of collagen - its main "building material".

All 3 components are required. If you focus only on collagen, without protection, the skin will accumulate harmful substances and age. If you add only antioxidants, increase protection - the skin will be protected from microbes and the sun, but wrinkles will not become smaller.

Creams, serums, injections and fluids are not a guarantee of young and beautiful skin. Cosmetic brands produce masks based on hyaluronic acid, add collagen to the cream, and offer injections with vitamins. In addition to the active ingredient, every product has a long list of other ingredients.

Having bought a cream for 1,000–2,000 rubles, in the end we get too few substances that really tone the skin. Vitamins and supplements in capsules are an alternative that will cost at least 5-10 times cheaper.

Strengthening protection

  1. Vitamin E (capsules). Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. Acts synergistically with vitamin C: prevents sunburn, actively resists free radicals, protects the skin from oxidative stress and aging. Application: 1 capsule of vitamin E per day. The recommended rate is 15 mg of the active substance.
  2. Gel with ferulic acid. If ferulic acid is added to vitamins E and C, skin protection from the sun will increase 4-8 times. Ferulic acid moisturizes and smoothes the skin, stimulates microcirculation, collagen and elastin synthesis, resists photoaging. Scientists have found that the best use of ferulic acid is gel: in this form, it easily penetrates the skin and strengthens the protective barrier. Application: Apply 2-3 times a week, avoiding the skin around the eyes. Before applying to the face, be sure to test the gel on the hand.
  3. Vitamin A (capsules). Vitamin A enhances collagen production, improves skin immunity. According to scientists, retinol protects against ultraviolet radiation no worse than sunscreen. Usage: 1 capsule with 700 micrograms of vitamin A per day (no more than 3,000 micrograms).

We stimulate renewal

  1. Collagen. A connective protein that the skin cannot do without. As we age, the amount of collagen our body produces decreases and needs to be replenished. Scientists have found that taking collagen as a supplement improves skin condition in women in just 8 weeks: less roughness and water loss, more hydration and elasticity. Application: capsules with 2.5 g of collagen per day.
  2. Hyaluronic acid. When the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases, the skin becomes dry, dehydrated and inelastic. Japanese scientists conducted a study: they divided people into 2 groups, one of which took a placebo, and the other - 120 mg of hyaluronic acid in 1 capsule per day. After 12 weeks, those who took hyaluron had noticeably less wrinkles. Application: capsule with 120 mg of active substance 1 time per day.
  3. Cupuaçu oil(relative of cocoa from the tropics). Penetrates quickly into the skin and retains moisture better than any other oil. Cupuaçu contains powerful antioxidants and fatty acids that help the skin renew itself and maintain youthfulness for a long time. The oil retains 30% more moisture than lanolin, which is used as an ingredient in Korean and Japanese cosmetics. Application: instead of a night cream or as a mask: apply for 20 minutes, blot the excess with a paper towel.

Adding Antioxidants

  1. Vitamin C. A powerful antioxidant that protects against free radicals and oxidative stress. This means that the skin recovers more easily after it has been sunburned, chapped or frozen. The older we are, the more difficult it is for the skin to recover and renew itself, and vitamin C solves this problem. Application: capsules with 75 mg of vitamin C per day for women and 90 mg for men.
  2. Vitamin N (lipoic acid). Helps neutralize free radicals. Works together with other antioxidants - vitamins C and E, enhances their anti-aging

Good day, dear readers! Tell me, have you faced the problem of loss of former skin elasticity? It seems that youth has not yet gone, but wrinkles have already become noticeable, ... How to deal with this and wait for the result?

Modern science has now gone far, you can rummage on the Internet, study the literature. In general, to find the answer to this topical question for many. Which is what I did. Do you know what I found out? It turns out that everything is so simple! The answer lies under our feet, or rather, in the nearest pharmacy, and someone in the refrigerator.

So, all the reasons for the decrease in elasticity and the most affordable way to restore the elasticity of the epidermis! Our today's topic: "Vitamins for the elasticity of the skin of the body."

No matter how we think and guess, the reasons are terribly banal. Our dermis contains a unique substance that promotes stretching and returning the skin to its original state. And the name of this miracle is collagen. And now, over time, it has the ability to collapse. But he does so, not only because the deadline has come, but because of contributing factors.

  1. Sun rays.
  2. Toxins and free radicals.
  3. Sudden weight loss.

These are the main enemies not only of our epidermis, but of the body as a whole. But it's so easy not to let them into our lives!

Sun rays

Or rather, their excess. Lovers of sunbathing end up with a beautiful shade, but at the same time lose skin elasticity. Elasticity is the ability to return to its original state after stretching. To acquire a pleasant tan, it is good to use special products that suit you! And also take sunbathing starting from the shortest time: 10 minutes. Gradually increasing to 30 - 40 minutes a day. And be sure to avoid the afternoon sun!

Harmful toxins

Now it is given a big role. Still, it's not only our beauty and quality of life suffer! And sometimes life expectancy, sadly. Particular attention is paid to smoking. So put on the scales the desire to smoke and beauty, what will outweigh? Although, I know one mother who could not give up this habit even at the birth of a child. And fed! How she was not persuaded to quit smoking or transfer to artificial feeding - not to any! Ladies, be prudent.

When losing weight

It would seem that weight loss, if required, is really a good thing. But a sharp loss will have a detrimental effect on our body. First, it is stress for all our life processes. Secondly, our skin will also not have time to sharply take the forms we need. Unfortunately, you can't tell her about it in advance. Remember, there must be a balance. But there may be such reasons for losing weight as a serious illness or. Some in these cases, too, quickly lose weight. In general, remember the rule, if you decide to get in shape yourself, do it gradually, using a complex of antioxidants and substances that retain moisture. The same rule applies to cases where the weight loss was not your will.

But it is worth remembering that the use of these substances inside is good in moderation. An overabundance is also possible. Carefully monitor your body, with the slightest problem, do not delay a visit to the doctor. Eat more vegetables and fruits! On that note, let me digress. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. And also use the opportunity to leave a comment on the topic. All the best, be healthy!

Veronika Herba - urban beauty and health center

How to improve skin elasticity: vitamins, exercises, creams and salon treatments

From this article you will learn:

    What foods to eat to improve skin elasticity

    What are vitamins that increase skin elasticity

    How to increase the elasticity of the skin of the body, neck, face, chest at home

    What salon procedures will help improve skin elasticity

Over time, our skin loses elasticity, firmness and freshness. This problem is most acutely felt by women after pregnancy or as a result of significant weight loss. This issue is of particular importance on hot days. In summer, every girl dreams of looking beautiful and attractive, but it is not always possible to adjust the figure and hide problem areas with the help of clothes. How to prolong the youth of our body? How to improve skin elasticity? Below we will take a closer look at the main recommendations.

When there is a need to improve skin elasticity

Over time, adverse weather conditions and direct sunlight have a negative effect on the epidermis. It gradually loses its elasticity, the turgor begins to shrink, the cell walls become thinner. Therefore, even young skin needs constant care, otherwise after 35 years it will begin to fade quickly, and the aging process will become irreversible.

If you begin to notice negative changes in the contour of your figure and body, for example, the skin on the palm of your hand begins to straighten more slowly after extension, urgent action is needed.

So, how to improve skin elasticity? The following are the most important elements that help preserve youth:

    Hyaluron, which is responsible for the connection of water molecules and provides skin hydration.

    Elastin, which allows the skin to stretch and return to its original shape. It is also part of the elastic fibers.

    Collagen has the ability to increase the density and elasticity of connective tissue.

At the moment when there are violations in the process of synthesis of these elements, your skin begins to change shape and fade dramatically.

At the same time, genetic predisposition does not have a significant effect on turgor.

Thus, we can conclude that with proper care, you can maintain skin elasticity, prolong its youth and slow down the aging process. Fortunately, there are various affordable and useful means of increasing elasticity.

Below we consider the most effective methods that can be used at home, and salon procedures.

What products that increase skin elasticity, you need to eat

The skin needs hydration not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Clean drinking water must be included in the daily diet. In addition, there are a huge number of foods that help maintain skin elasticity. Most of them are quite affordable, not expensive, and can be purchased everywhere.

Regular consumption of the most common buckwheat can help prolong the youthfulness of your skin for quite a long time. The fact is that it contains a substance such as a flavonoid (rutin), which helps maintain elasticity and avoids the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, buckwheat contains unsaturated fatty acids.

One of the most important substances that prolong the youthfulness of the skin is silicon. It is found in foods such as bran, cereals, certain berries and fruits, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, seeds, fresh herbs, germinated cereal seeds and others.

When there is iron deficiency in the body, the skin becomes pale and loses its elasticity. This element, again, is part of buckwheat, and is also present in egg yolk, oatmeal, liver, red meat, rabbit meat, veal, chicken, lamb and pork.

Products rich in selenium have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. This substance is found in Brazil and coconuts, sardines and tuna, beef and pork liver, garlic, eggs, wheat grains, brown rice.

Seafood and fish contain zinc, which is an essential element for the skin, helping to maintain its elasticity. They are rich in foods such as yeast, wheat bran, veal liver, beef, mushrooms, cocoa, nuts, pumpkin seeds.

What vitamins to take that increase skin elasticity

Skin turgor is one of the significant characteristics that determines the level of firmness and elasticity. It also affects the resistance to mechanical stress. The higher its value, the healthier, smoother and softer the skin looks.

Many different biological processes take place in the human body, for the normal functioning of which a balanced complex of vitamins is needed that activates and accelerates these chemical reactions.

Deficiency of these substances causes the risk of premature aging, loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin, stimulates dryness and flaking and, consequently, the formation of wrinkles.

What improves skin firmness and elasticity? With the help of a certain complex of essential vitamins, we can cope with these problems and maintain our tone.

It should include the following agents that increase skin elasticity:

    Vitamin A(retinol) promotes the growth and development of skin cells, and also helps relieve puffiness and removes harmful substances.

    Vitamin E(tocopherol) - a substance that has a powerful effect on the human body. It slows down the aging process, starts the mechanism of skin rejuvenation, promotes the expansion of blood vessels and improves blood circulation.

    Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is a powerful antioxidant that accelerates the process of skin cell renewal, removes harmful substances from the body. Also, this substance is involved in the formation of collagen and contributes to the regulation of metabolism.

    Vitamin PP(nicotinamide) is one of the most useful trace elements that stimulates tissue growth and is involved in the redox process. By its healing properties, this substance can be equated with medicine.

    VitaminF is a powerful antioxidant that promotes the active removal of toxins and toxins from the body, as well as strengthening and softening the skin. This substance prevents the formation of acne, acne and serves as an excellent means of preventing various diseases of the epidermis.

    Vitamin B1(thiamine) improves the process of blood circulation, tissue growth, promotes the speedy restoration of the skin and the preservation of youth.

    Vitamin B2(riboflavin) activates metabolic processes, triggers energy mechanisms, gives the skin a healthy tone, ensures its smoothness and elasticity.

    Vitamin B5(pantothenic acid) is one of the most important enzymes that ensures the proper functioning of the metabolic process that synthesizes fatty acids. Its deficiency has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the skin and causes the risk of hair loss and brittle nails.

    Vitamin B6(pyridoxine) underlies the key mechanisms that ensure healthy skin and proper metabolism.

    Vitamin K It is also one of the enzymes that activate the removal of toxins and waste products from the body.

How to improve skin elasticity at home

  • Water + protein

It is important to understand that skin restoration is a long process that requires effort on your part. In order to improve the effect of the procedures, a number of measures should be taken to increase elasticity. This complex includes a proper diet and restoration of the body from the inside, as well as external influences - maxi, scrubs, creams.

The main element responsible for moisturizing the epidermis is water, and protein, in turn, is the most important building substance. Skin elasticity is provided by collagen and elastin. With insufficient cell division, our body is deficient in essential amino acids, as a result of which the skin loses its smoothness and becomes covered with wrinkles.

  • Wrap

This procedure is well suited for regular home use and takes about an hour and a half. Choose special cosmetics for the skin, consisting of natural ingredients and containing the necessary vitamins, as well as a measuring cup and bandages.

Pre-apply oil (preferably menthol oil) on the body with gentle movements. It helps to remove excess fluid from the body and constrict blood vessels. For five minutes, do a light massage, evenly distributing the oil.

Before wrapping, soak the bandages with lotion, then wrap them with the necessary parts of the body (in the hips, abdomen, arms). Re-wrap these areas using elastic film. Thus, the effect of "steam bath" is obtained. Leave the resulting compress on the body for 20-40 minutes, activating the action of healing components.

After the procedure, remove the bandages and moisturize the skin with a lifting cream, which will additionally have a tightening effect.

For maximum effect, it is necessary to repeat the procedure 6-12 times with breaks of 1-2 days, based on the general condition of your body skin.

  • Physical exercise

Sport is one of the most important conditions for maintaining the body in excellent condition. The same applies to the skin. Exercise helps prevent flabbiness by tightening problem areas. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the load on the arms, legs and abs.

  • Cold and hot shower

Hot water has a beneficial effect on the skin, opening the pores, thereby removing toxins and toxins. A sharp drop in temperature, on the contrary, leads to their narrowing and closing. This effect makes the skin noticeably softer, more elastic and gives it elasticity. Daily, preferably at least twice a day, repeat this procedure, and pretty soon you will see an impressive result.

  • Self massage

You can use a small terry towel after soaking it in cold water and wringing it out. Now put it on your chest.

    Cross your arms and lightly rub the chest area from top to bottom until the skin area turns red and you feel a surge of warmth.

    Remember to periodically wet and wring out the towel as it dries and heats up.

    Then place the cloth over the abdomen and rub vigorously up and down as well as from the sides.

    Rub the body intensively in the area of ​​​​the back and lower back.

    Go down and massage the thighs and calves until a slight rush of heat.

    Remember, your movements should go from top to bottom and from left to right.

  • Scrub

This cosmetic product helps to moisturize the skin and maintain its elasticity.

In order to make a scrub, use 0.2 kg of sugar, two tablespoons of cocoa, one teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, a little essential oil, three or four tablespoons of olive oil and one teaspoon of liquid soap. The resulting mixture is recommended to be placed in a container convenient for storage.

After you mix this consistency, apply it on a pre-moistened body with light massaging movements. Then wash off the scrub with warm water.

What are the masks that increase skin elasticity

With the help of this cosmetic product, you can additionally fill the skin with nutrients, which it loses under the influence of an aggressive external environment.

So, consider recipes that can be easily used at home:

Mask to improve the elasticity of the skin of the abdomen

To prepare it, you will need one tablespoon of honey, coconut milk and ground oatmeal. All ingredients must be mixed until a uniform consistency. Pre-cleanse the abdomen and apply the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. Rinse off using warm water first and then cool water for a contrast shower effect. The mask is recommended to be applied three times a week.

Some women use olive oil instead of expensive creams. This natural product contains a valuable complex of nutrients that have a very effective effect on the skin, maintaining its elasticity and prolonging youth.

Neck firming mask

This area of ​​the body is the most delicate, requiring special care. No wonder it is the condition of the neck that most often gives out the age of a woman. Just like in the previous case, you can solve the problem with olive oil. Apply a slightly heated mass to the skin of this area and wrap it with a napkin (you can also use parchment paper), and on top - a terry towel. The compress should be kept for half an hour, then rinse off the residue with warm water. Such a mask will help not only maintain elasticity, but also protect your delicate skin from the adverse effects of winter.

Breast Firming Mask

This area of ​​the female body is the most difficult to restore, but, nevertheless, with proper and regular care, you can achieve very good results. A whole range of activities is needed here: physical exercises aimed at increasing muscle tone, masks, peelings and a contrast shower.

You will need natural yogurt (one tablespoon is enough), coconut pulp or shavings, as well as oatmeal and sea salt one teaspoon each. Pre-steam the chest area and apply the resulting mass. Massage gently for 5-10 minutes and then rinse with warm water. The general course lasts three months, use peeling twice a week.

An excellent remedy, known for its effect since antiquity, is citrus ice with mineral water. You can use frozen fruit juice.

In order to prepare an infusion of orange or tangerine peel, pour boiling water (0.5 l) into it in a glass jar and infuse for 24 hours.

There is another effective mask for restoring breast elasticity. For her, you will need natural yogurt (one tablespoon), a raw egg and one teaspoon of tocopherol (vitamin E) solution. Mix the components thoroughly, rub into the chest area, put on a bra and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Facial firming mask

As a rule, women already take care of this area most carefully, but it will not be superfluous to talk about which face masks that increase skin elasticity are truly effective at home. We suggest you try the French mask. To prepare it, you need a glass container in which you need to pour one glass of fresh cream, dilute with a beaten raw egg and squeezed juice of one lemon, and add vodka (100 grams) and one teaspoon of glycerin. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and wipe the face and neck before going to bed. The composition will keep well in the refrigerator for six months.

Another version of the French mask is called "Madame Pampadour". To prepare it, you will also need one lemon, which you need to grind whole, along with the zest, on a grater or combine. Then add 100 grams of alcohol, sour cream or cream (200 grams) and one teaspoon of glycerin. The mixture can also be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time.

Another effective mask is called Sophia Loren. To prepare it, you need to mix 100 grams of fresh cream and one teaspoon of gelatin. The resulting composition is infused overnight. In the morning, put this mass on low heat, add glycerin and honey (one teaspoon each) and mix thoroughly. Store in the refrigerator, but no more than one week, then you have to prepare a fresh mask.

The consistency should be applied with light massage movements.

With regular use, the above face masks that improve skin elasticity, will have a miraculous effect: it will again glow with freshness and purity, wrinkles will be smoothed out, turgor will increase significantly.

4 baths that improve skin elasticity at home

With sagging skin, stretch marks and cellulite in problem areas, the following procedures are very effective:

    Salt bath. This tool actively breaks down excess body fat, stimulates blood circulation, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, so that the skin receives an influx of oxygen and beneficial trace elements. To prepare it, take a whole bath of water and dissolve sea salt (400 grams), you can also add fennel, lemon or cypress essential oil to the composition.

    Cleopatra bath(also called milk) has beneficial properties and is a valuable skin care product, nourishing and moisturizing your body. It also has a relaxing effect. Pre-mix 1/2 cup of honey with full fat milk (2-3 liters). You can also add almond oil (two teaspoons) to the resulting mass. Then draw warm water into the bath and dilute this consistency in it. It is advisable to carry out this procedure twice a week.

    If you want to achieve not only a moisturizing, but also a tonic effect, then you can take bath with herbal infusions. To do this, place the dried herbs in small cotton bags, which must be added to warm water. You can also prepare a solution in advance, pour the collection with two tablespoons of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. For these purposes, chamomile, calamus, nettle, horsetail, rosemary herbs are suitable for you. You can speed up the metabolism with the help of lemon balm, mint, juniper and thyme. Tatarnik actively promotes skin firmness and elasticity.

    Has an excellent tonic effect bath with strong green tea. To prepare it, you need to insist three teaspoons of the ingredient in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. Pour the resulting broth into the bath.

With regular use, the above home treatments are excellent skin firming agents. In order not to harm your body, spend in the bath for no longer than 20 minutes, at a water temperature not higher than 37 degrees.

How to use skin firming oils

Natural products very often have a beneficial effect on the human body. These substances include vegetable oil, which actively fights skin aging, helping to maintain elasticity. In order to significantly increase the effectiveness of face masks, shower gels and other cosmetics, just add a few drops of this natural product to them. This will help restore the skin at the cellular level and restore elasticity.

Consider which oils contribute to the increase in elasticity:

    Almond- one of the most effective means, the composition of which is enriched with vitamin E, which regulates the process of loss of elasticity. Its regular use as a cosmetic product will provide you with reliable protection against ultraviolet radiation and, as a result, the formation of wrinkles, as well as help even out skin tone and restore a fresh look.

    Peach kernel oil also restores elasticity, has a tonic effect, compensates for the lack of moisture. It is safe to use even for sensitive skin.

    apricot oil improves the general condition. It is perfect for any skin type.

    avocado oil, in turn, is an excellent care product for people of mature age. It provides skin cells with moisture, protects against sunburn and exfoliates the keratinized surface. If you add rosemary to it, then you will get an excellent tonic, and your body will become elastic again, as before.

    Wheat germ oil, walnut kernels and castor oil also have valuable properties that restore skin elasticity and prolong its youth. These funds are available to absolutely everyone, as they can be purchased at any pharmacy.

    Other natural products may be less accessible because they do not grow in the territory of the Russian Federation, but, nevertheless, it would not be superfluous to mention them. Indian garcinia oil, otherwise known as kokum, with regular use, will give the skin elasticity and provide you with a healthy complexion. It is also used medicinally to heal wounds and ulcers. This oil is extracted by squeezing the pulp of the fruit of an Indian tree.

    Rice oil certainly enjoys great popularity in our country. However, not many people know that cosmetologists actively use it in their procedures as a miracle cure that prolongs skin youth. This component contains rice bran. This tool is most valuable for women of more mature age due to its constituent substance squalene, which normalizes metabolic processes in cells and reliably protects against ultraviolet radiation. With regular use, the skin retains youthfulness and toned appearance for a long time.

    Borago, also called borage, contains an oil that maintains elasticity. The composition of this plant includes fatty acids, which are a healing agent against dermatitis, mastitis, various inflammations and allergies. Regular use of this cosmetic provides elasticity, strength and a healthy glow, the skin is saturated with the necessary amount of water. Borage also increases the protective properties of the epidermis and effectively fights against negative environmental factors.

What is the best cream to buy that improves skin elasticity

Any cosmetic product shows the effectiveness of the action, based on its content, including, it affects the ability to increase skin elasticity. Therefore, before purchasing this or that cream, carefully read its composition on the label.

The most effective components responsible for maintaining skin tone and increasing skin elasticity are:

    A complex of vitamins C, E, A, nourishing cells and activating the formation of collagen and elastin, provides youth and smartness.

    Essential grapefruit, lemon, menthol oils, as well as rosemary and juniper.

    Vegetable oil of wheat germ, avocado and cocoa.

    Citrus tinctures and medicinal plants, including tonic ginkgo biloba and green tea.

As a rule, cosmetic body care products with different properties and effects are produced in series. Most often, the set includes skin firming cream, body product and milk, which have a lifting effect.

There are many companies that produce care products consisting of several series. Milk is an excellent remedy, the main advantage of which is considered to be fast absorption.

Most often, body cream is used in the morning, after water procedures. Therefore, the process of applying it to the body should take a minimum of time so that it can be absorbed and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. It should also have a pleasant, unobtrusive smell.

It is important to understand that a whole range of measures is needed to improve the condition of the skin, and only a cream that increases the elasticity of the skin of the face, for example, will not solve the problem. Therefore, also pay attention to proper nutrition and exercise, select the necessary set of care products, and the result will not be long in coming.

Beauticians recommend using the most versatile creams that increase the elasticity of the skin of the body, which can be used without a doubt for any type of skin - oily, dry or combination. So you will reduce the risk of choosing the wrong remedy to a minimum, but at the same time you will achieve a positive result.

Also, experts note that the universal cream prevents the appearance of stretch marks or reduces them. Consumers of this cosmetic in their reviews confirm this effect. This product is actively used by women during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of skin defects or after childbirth.

The researchers monitored the consumer market and determined which skin firming creams, are most popular among Russian women:

  • Pure Line "Sculpting Silhouette"

The cream has a light and delicate texture, thanks to which it is quickly absorbed, leaving no marks on clothes, it is convenient to use both in the morning and in the evening. It activates the metabolism, as a result of which it perfectly fights congestion under the skin, which after its application becomes more elastic and toned.

Cost: 120 rubles.

  • Garnier "Intensive care. Elasticity"

Milk, which effectively protects against the appearance of the main signs of aging, increases skin turgor, improves its general condition and gives a healthy look. Thanks to the seaweed extract included in its composition, it helps to produce collagen and vegetable caffeine, which break down fats and activate blood circulation. Used after shower.

Cost: 300 rubles.

  • Clarins "Lift-Fermete"

Means of double action: on the one hand, it helps to increase the elasticity and elasticity of the epidermis, on the other hand, it activates the process of regeneration and restoration of the skin. Thyme extract has a regenerating effect, and centella provides protection against harmful factors. This tool does not belong to the category of economical, but it will help to correct the figure and preserve the youth and beauty of your body.

Cost: 2500 rubles.

The above cosmetic products have proven themselves in the market and are most in demand among women who want to improve skin elasticity. Also, these funds help in the fight against excess weight.

If you are not a supporter of store creams, then you can always make it yourself from natural ingredients, or even better, turn to specialists who will advise you on specific salon procedures.

Salon procedures that increase skin elasticity: TOP 5 best

After visiting a beauty salon, we usually feel refreshed and rejuvenated. How can improve facial skin elasticity with the help of cosmetic procedures, and which of them are the most effective?

    Photolifting is a process aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis. This is a facelift by means of special radiation, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition, stimulates the production of melanin and collagen. As a result of this event, softness and elasticity return to the skin, turgor increases.

    Ozone therapy- a procedure whose effectiveness has long been proven by specialists and consumers, due to which it is actively gaining popularity. Helps smooth wrinkles, prevents acne and pimples, effectively fights a number of diseases. After several procedures, the skin acquires a healthy appearance. As needed, ozone therapy is carried out on any problem area.

    Mesotherapy is one of the most intensive and effective methods aimed at rejuvenation and improvement of skin condition. However, it is important to take into account the fact that its effect damages the epidermis. A certain composition is injected under the skin, accelerating the metabolism and normalizing the general condition. After that, wrinkles are smoothed out, the appearance improves significantly, pores narrow, pimples, age spots and other manifestations of diseases disappear. In more mature women, the face acquires a clear oval. Be prepared for the fact that this procedure is very painful.

    One of the most useful methods to improve the condition of the face and body is myostimulation. The peculiarity of the procedure is that microcurrents are passed through the skin, as a result of which they regain a healthy glow, softness and elasticity, wrinkles are smoothed out, the facial contour is tightened, and puffiness and puffiness also disappear. However, if you have recently had injections of hyaluronic acid or Botox, then at the moment it is better to refuse this procedure.

    Acupuncture, despite its exoticism, is an excellent and, oddly enough, very painless remedy. Injections from thin needles are almost imperceptible, but they have an excellent effect: the skin becomes smooth, toned and elastic. It is recommended to undergo a full course of treatment, which will help you maintain your youth and beauty for a long time.

Before signing up for any procedure, be sure to consult with a beautician. City center of beauty and health "Veronika Herba" offers you a full range of services of highly qualified specialists. We will help you correctly assess the condition of your skin and choose the most appropriate set of products and care procedures.

You do not have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to turn to true professionals for help - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with efficient and modern equipment. Two such centers operate in Moscow at once - at the Timiryazevskaya and Otradnoye metro stations.

Why customers choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

    This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a moderate cost, while your face and / or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!

    You can get qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00 seven days a week. The main thing is to coordinate with the doctor in advance the date and hour of the appointment.

What is skin? This is, first of all, our main outside defender. And in the second - the guardian of the beauty and youth of man. Although many often forget about the skin of the whole body and take more care of their face, neck and hands, trying to keep them fresh and smooth. But this is fundamentally not true.

Skin is the best indicator of health

The skin is such a universal "device" given to us by nature that we very often cannot fully comprehend it. And at the same time, it is she who helps to determine when something bad happens to our health, or when it lacks any vitamins.

Let's take any of the 13 essential vitamins - for example, vitamin A. If it is not enough in the body, then dark spots and pustules begin to appear on the skin, and the skin becomes dry and flaky. Therefore, you should immediately start eating liver, carrots, dried apricots and tomatoes.

One more illustrative example is possible: skin that has lost elasticity and looks lethargic does not need creams at all, but vitamins for the skin, specifically vitamin E. It can be obtained by including unrefined vegetable oil in the diet (not when frying, but in salads), green vegetables and carrots.

What is the connection between vitamins and skin

Vitamins for the skin of the body are like gasoline for the engine, without which the car will not go anywhere. Vitamins are necessary coenzymes that are needed for the biochemical reactions that ensure the normal functioning of the skin and, accordingly, beauty.

Vitamins are needed for the normal course of reactions such as:

  • synthesis and renewal of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • removal of dead cells of the upper layer of the skin;
  • formation of sweat and sebum.

As a result, the skin is constantly hydrated, fresh and supple.

Vitamins for the skin and body: a complete list

  • Vitamin A - as already mentioned, helps to get rid of acne, blackheads, smooth wrinkles and moisturize the skin. It is mandatory for women during menopause, as it helps to maintain the natural and hydrated appearance of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin E - is a natural and powerful antioxidant that helps to strengthen the skin and keep it youthful, preventing damage to the integrity of collagen cells. If there is enough vitamin E in the body, the skin will remain elastic and smooth for a long time, and all small wounds will heal quickly.
  • Vitamin C - enhances the effect of vitamins A and E: it helps them to be absorbed in the human body. It also has whitening, toning and smoothing properties for the skin. But in the absence of this vitamin, all wounds will heal for a very long time, and the skin will lose its healthy color, become noticeably thinner and dryer.
  • Vitamin PP helps to improve blood circulation, which, in turn, allows you to constantly nourish the skin, providing it with all the necessary substances and oxygen. Also, this vitamin helps to establish protein and carbohydrate metabolism in the cells of the skin.
  • Vitamin F - is needed to maintain the protective forces of the skin and its rapid regeneration. In addition, he is responsible for the normal flow of lymph and blood in all its layers. The lack of this vitamin leads to the appearance of ulcers, eczema, drying and thickening of the skin.
  • Vitamins B2 and B5 are two guardians that guard and protect our skin from acne, eczema, photodermatitis, dryness, seborrhea, accumulation of toxins and fat deposits. Thanks to them, the skin can remain smooth, elastic and sufficiently moisturized.
  • Vitamin K. Its main task is to ensure normal blood clotting, elimination of inflammation and reduction of translucence of capillaries in the upper layers of the skin. Dark circles under the eyes, broken capillaries in places where the skin is especially tender, age spots and numerous inflammatory processes will tell about vitamin K deficiency.

You can get enough of these vitamins from food (provided that you have the right diet) and from special vitamins for the elasticity of the skin of the body.

If we are not talking about any serious diseases, then for the purpose of prevention it will be enough to take vitamins to improve the skin of the body about 2-4 times a year.

Vision - the highest quality vitamin products for body skin

Most people find it extremely difficult to choose safe and effective vitamins for the skin of their body. But the Vision company took care of the quality of the vitamin supplements produced, so that each person can purchase exactly what will really help him.

Vitamin skin supplements from Vision are characterized by:

  1. 100% natural composition;
  2. complete assimilation of each component of the drug;
  3. the impossibility of an overdose of vitamins, due to their natural origin;
  4. compliance with the high requirements of GMP and ISO22000 quality standards;
  5. certification and clinical trials of the Ministries of Health of many countries of the world;
  6. using a unique cryo-crushing technology, which allows you to process plants at low temperatures and preserve all their useful substances.

All of Vision's skin vitamins garner a lot of positive feedback from doctors and those who use them. And this is one of those important factors that inspires confidence among buyers.

Product description

Vitamin complex Neyche Tan is the first assistant for women and men who want to tan beautifully and safely. It protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation, reduces the risk of burns and protects the skin from photoaging. Thanks to this complex and its perfectly combined components (vitamins C, E, A, zinc, selenium, isoflavones), it becomes possible to get a healthy, even and beautiful tan - a herald of a successful summer.

Balanced vitamin complex for body skin Mega contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the proper functioning and health of the heart, skin and brain. It will help delay the aging process and prolong the life of each cell. The drug helps to form a protective fatty layer on the skin, which will help retain its moisture and elasticity.

Radiant, elastic, hydrated and healthy skin is largely due to the vitamins that enter the body. These compounds maintain the elasticity of the skin, provide an intensive metabolism in the cells, and contribute to the retention of moisture. There is no vitamin that could be called universal. Only in combination, these various substances allow the skin of the face and body to remain in good condition. About their benefits and what beauty vitamins every woman needs to drink, read on.

The benefits of vitamins for skin elasticity

For skin elasticity, vitamins K, A and E are primarily needed. The first enhances blood circulation in tissues, thereby improving metabolism, smoothing and maintaining a healthy complexion. Vitamin K is used in the complex treatment of elastic pseudoxanthoma, in which the process of elastin production in the skin and mucous membranes is disrupted.

Vitamin E is deservedly called the “vitamin of youth”, because, being an antioxidant, it neutralizes free radicals, and also takes part in the normalization of the processes of the whole organism, helps strengthen capillaries, and improves complexion.

Vitamins A and E work together most effectively to keep the skin of the face and body hydrated, supple and youthful. Important for the elasticity of the skin is a compound such as ellagic acid, which is involved in protecting the structure of the skin from adverse external influences. Vitamin-like substance Coenzyme Q10 is also necessary to maintain skin elasticity. Insufficient intake of it in the body is accompanied by premature aging of tissues.

The next important compound for skin elasticity and youthfulness is vitamin B3. Its main tasks are the normalization of metabolism and the maintenance of a healthy complexion. Deficiency of this vitamin is manifested by dryness and pallor of the skin, frequent redness and irritation.

Beautiful skin can not do without vitamin D, which is formed in the skin of the body and face under the influence of sunlight. This substance is best known as a helper in the formation of the skeleton, but in addition, it performs a number of other useful functions, including increasing the lifespan of cells. This vitamin is found in eggs, butter, and especially a lot of it in fish oil. It is especially useful to take it in winter, when the body and face lack sunlight.

Dry skin inevitably loses its elasticity, since the lack of moisture directly affects the decrease in turgor (pressure) in the cells. Vitamin A is primarily responsible for hydration.

Vitamin PP (B3, or niacin) also helps maintain the proper level of moisture in the skin. Its lack is often accompanied by dryness, flabbiness of the skin, itching. It is also necessary to protect the skin and for the normal course of redox processes in cells.

Vitamins for oily and problem skin

Oily skin, despite the tendency to greasy shine and the appearance of pimples, does not age as quickly as dry skin. However, it needs no less vitamins that preserve the elasticity and elasticity of tissues. Owners of oily skin should pay special attention to vitamins such as E and C.

They control the condition of oily skin, participate in the breakdown of fats and the removal of toxins, and reduce the intensity of inflammation.

Vitamin E, in addition to the above properties, regulates the ratio of lipids and water in cells, and also promotes rapid tissue regeneration. That is why it is so important for oily skin types.

Vitamin C, along with its antioxidant properties, has the ability to eliminate irritation and inflammation. Due to its sufficient intake, oily skin gets rid of irregularities, acquiring a more even texture.

To maintain the beauty and tone of oily skin, retinol (vitamin A) is also needed, as it helps regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and protects against external influences. Of the base oils, a sufficient amount of this compound contains almond and grape oils. It can be seen that this substance is part of many cosmetic care products for problematic and greasy skin. Of the many B vitamins, B1 and B12 can improve the condition of oily skin. For the prevention of acne, vitamins B2 and B6 are needed, which are present in large quantities in bananas.

And finally, another important compound for the health and beauty of oily skin is vitamin F. Due to the content of fatty acids (arachidonic, linoleic and linolenic), it helps to eliminate acne.

Beauty vitamins in food and their daily intake

Vitamin nameWhat products to look forDaily allowance for adultsThe required amount per day for pregnant women
K (phylloquinone)Greens, spinach, lentils, all kinds of cabbage, chicken meat, liver, walnuts, all green vegetables, nettle leaves, linden, currants80 mcg100-120 mcg
E (tocopherol)Olive, grape, sunflower oils, nuts, apples, olives, whole grains, lettuce, mint, celery, asparagus, broccoli15-20 mg30 mg
A (retinol)Carrots, turnips, spinach, parsley, cabbage, lettuce, kidney, liver, egg yolk, sour milk1 mg1-1.3 mg
Ellagic acidStrawberry, pomegranate, raspberry, wild strawberry, cranberry, blackberry, myrtle fruits, walnuts40 mg50 mg
PP (nicotinic acid)Peanuts, mushrooms, buckwheat, oats, wheat germ, corn, legumes, brewer's yeast, liver, dry cod, almonds, nettles, rose hips, chamomile, avocados, potatoes, tomatoes, prunes15-20 mg22 mg
D (calciferol)Herring, salmon, mackerel, egg yolk, liver, sour cream10-15 mg15 mg
Coenzyme Q10Trout, herring, strawberries, citrus, soy, spinach, eggs, sardines, peanuts30 mg30 mg
C (ascorbic acid)All citrus fruits, rose hips, grapes, blackcurrant leaves80 mg100 mg
B9 (folic acid)Pumpkin, bananas, dates, green leafy vegetables, beans, cheese, buckwheat, egg yolk, pork, chicken meat, milk300 mcg400 mcg
B7, or H (biotin)Liver, kidneys, yolk, herring, milk, meat, tomatoes, rice, carrots, potatoes, soybeans50 mcg60 mcg

What drugs to drink?

To maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin of the face and body, it is necessary not only to eat a balanced diet, but also to drink vitamin supplements. They can refer either to pharmacological preparations or dietary supplements. The difference between them is that the former are artificially created, while the latter are made from natural raw materials.

According to many women, the difference in effectiveness is determined not by the method of production, but by the quality of the drug and the reputation of the company. This is reflected in the fact that cheap dietary supplements can contain a large percentage of impurities and be ineffective, and pharmacological vitamins produced by a reputable company can act no worse than natural preparations.

It is easy to get lost in the number of supplements on the market today. Of the products that have clinically proven effects and positive consumer reviews, it is worth mentioning such complexes as Vitrum Beauty, Solgar Skin Hair Nails, Adivit, Gerimaks, Doppelhertz, Inneov, Ladys Formula, Nutricap, Perfectil, Merz dragee, Fitofaner.

The question of which drug to choose and which vitamins for skin elasticity is better to drink is purely individual. Feedback from other women and the reputation of the manufacturer are of great importance, but most often only practice and comparison of the effectiveness of supplements allows you to decide on the best complex.