Tumors cancer and its types. Cancer tumor

White skin, genetic predisposition, scars, ulcers, warts, large cluster moles in a certain area of ​​​​the dermis - the main risk factors for the development of such dangerous disease like skin cancer.

Scientists have found that the causative agents of herpes and cancer interact with each other, "helping" each other to gain a foothold in the human body.

The scientists were able to find that both infections interact with HSATII RNA cells. It would seem that these two different diseases turns out to be comparable.

This is a very serious disease, difficult to treat and often ending lethal outcome. Therefore, it is important for every person to know what skin cancer looks like, because it can develop in anyone, regardless of gender and age. Malignancy usually develops from cellular composition skin.

It has three varieties depending on the forms of leakage:

  • squamous cell skin cancer, or squamous cell carcinoma;
  • basalioma, or basal cell carcinoma;
  • melanoma.

It occurs in exophytic (papillary) and endophytic (ulcer-infiltrative) form.

  1. Exophytic cancer . It is distinguished by the appearance on the surface of the skin of a massive dense nodule in the form of a warty growth. It quickly increases in size, has a rough surface. Usually, skin lesions are covered with a hard crust, which is easily injured and bleeds. Over time, malignant cells grow deep into the epithelial layer.
  2. Endophytic cancer . In this form, tumor necrosis rapidly sets in - tissue death at the site of the main localization. Characterized by the formation of an ulcer, similar to a crater with torn and wavy edges raised above the surface of the skin. Often there are wounds covered with a dirty film, after removal of which a bleeding bottom appears.

In the future, infiltration (penetration) of atypical cells into others on the tissue occurs. These two species metastasize to regional lymph nodes.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

A malignant neoplasm originates from one or more pinkish spots that begin to peel off over time. This initial stage can last from one to two weeks to several years. Main location - front part, dorsal shoulder and chest. It is here that the skin is most delicate and susceptible to physiological changes in the body. Skin cancer can form in the form of age spots that grow in size, become convex, darken sharply to a dark brown color. It often occurs under the condition of the degeneration of moles into malignant neoplasms. The tumor may also look like a simple wart.

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The reasons

Many have seen how malignant formations on the skin according to the photo. But not everyone knows the causative factors of the disease. The main signs of skin cancer can be conditionally divided into three groups. Let's consider them.

  1. exogenous – external sources. These include:
  • ultraviolet radiation and solar radiation (insolation);
  • hazardous exposure to chemical carcinogens;
  • the impact on the body of x-rays and other sources of ionizing radiation;
  • prolonged high thermal effect on certain areas of the skin;
  • prolonged use of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anti- and immunosuppressants.
  1. Endogenous internal factors. These include:
  • hereditary predisposition to degeneration and gene mutation of cells;
  • decrease in the protective function of the body, malfunctions of the immune and hormonal systems;
  • rebirth birthmarks and nevi (moles);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • age factor.
  1. Obligate precancerous conditions. These are congenital or acquired changes in the cellular composition of the body that contribute to the occurrence of skin cancer. These include:
  • Bowen's disease. Occurs on any part of the skin in the form of brown-red plaques with uneven borders. They are covered with a light crust or scales. There are warty and eczematous types.
  • Pigmented xeroderma - congenital chronic dystrophy skin, expressed in hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays. Often found in close relatives. Characterized by the appearance of age spots, the development of dermatitis, atrophy and complete thinning of the skin. Less common is hyperkeratosis - thickening of the skin. Accompanied by the expansion of small blood vessels.
  • - Abnormal changes in the peripapillary zone of the breast. A fifth of the disease occurs on the buttocks, vulva, thighs, neck, and face. It is expressed in erosive lesions of the skin, accompanied by burning and itching.
  • Senile keratoma - multiple warty rashes on the face, neck, hands. The disease is common in older people.
  • Leather horn. It occurs most often in people over 60 years of age. It has the shape of a pinkish ledge with a dark brown top. it chronic illness can last for years. It is characterized by intense keratinization.

Be carefull! The above signs of skin cancer can become prerequisites for the onset of a severe disease. If a person is at risk, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination so that the initial stage of the disease does not become a rapidly progressive one. If a person has a precancerous condition - obligate - immediate, adequate therapy is required.


The initial stage of pathological processes on the surface of the skin, as in many other diseases, does not bring discomfort to patients. The very first symptoms are a change in the color and structure of individual areas of the skin. But they still do not bother, there is no pain syndrome, so many do not consider this a significant reason for going to the hospital.

Early symptoms and their manifestations largely depend on the type and form of oncology. For example, squamous cell skin cancer has a rapid and rapidly progressive course, actively spreading metastases. While basal neoplasms may not manifest themselves for years. Melanoma arises in most cases from moles and is successfully cured in the early stages. But there are symptoms that appear regardless of the variety of reproduction of cancer cells on the skin.

Let's consider the main ones:

  • the formation of a new spot or mole on the body, which changes over time;
  • the appearance of dry areas of irritated skin, on which superficial scales form, which exfoliate and fall off;
  • the occurrence of ulcers and long-term non-healing wounds, progressing in size and bleeding;
  • the formation of hardening in the form of bumps and nodules of red, pink, purple, white and other shades on different areas skin cover;
  • the appearance of white spots with a keratinized surface structure;
  • changes in previously existing nevi and birthmarks towards an increase in volume, the appearance of inflammation and bleeding, a change in color.

At the same time, the so-called general symptoms cancer lesions:

  • feeling of weakness, constant overwork, fatigue even with a slight load on the body;
  • unexplained weight loss poor appetite and insomnia;
  • a prolonged increase in a slight temperature;
  • pain syndrome that appears at later stages of oncology development.

Be carefull! All these symptoms should without fail bring the patient to a consultation with a dermatologist or oncologist. Only a specialist in a typical scenario of the development of a malignant process, observing it in dynamics, can make a correct diagnosis. Do not engage in self-diagnosis, and even more so self-treatment!

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Types of skin cancer

Although all types of skin cancers have similar symptoms, they differ in nature, diagnosis, and treatment protocols. According to the frequency of the disease, basalioma is the most common, a little less often - squamous cell skin cancer and melanoma.

Basal cell carcinoma:

A distinctive feature of this species is the inability to spread (dissemination) from the primary focus to other areas through the blood and lymph. It can appear on various parts of the body, but more often on the face. The mechanism of formation is the malignant degeneration of the basal cells, which are located in the lower part of the epidermis layer. It is characterized by slow development, which can last up to fifteen years.

The main symptoms are microscopic red, yellow and gray nodules and spots that grow over time, flake and bleed, cause burning and itching. This leads to non-healing sores on the body. In principle, it does not give metastases, although cases of penetration into neighboring tissues are known. Penetrating deep into the skin, leads to extensive internal damage fabrics.

Upon penetration into nerve cells pain syndrome occurs. In neglected forms, it destroys cartilaginous tissue, bones, the connective membrane of organs - fascia. Treatment for basal carcinoma is radiation therapy and cryosurgical methods. Operations are required in especially neglected forms.

Squamous cell carcinoma:

Considered one of the most dangerous types oncology of the skin. It is characterized by rapid development and the ability to throw metastases into the lymph nodes, bone tissues and internal organs of a person. Primary squamous cell skin cancer spreads not only over the surface, but also grows deep into the subcutaneous layers. The main localization - parts of the body that are amenable to constant ultraviolet exposure. Tumor growths originate in the upper layer of the skin.

Malignant cells are characterized by hyperchromatosis - increased pigmentation as a result of metabolic disorders and hyperplasia - a rapid and uncontrolled increase in the number of neoplasms. The main symptoms are the appearance of itching in the area of ​​plaques, nodes, ulcers, fast-growing and bleeding. Crater-shaped ulcers with torn edges. Have bad smell. The nodes have a large bumpy surface, similar to a mushroom.

It can be expressed in an endophytic form - a nodular growth is located directly in the skin and develops into a deeply penetrating ulcer. The exophytic form suggests the presence of a wart, papilloma, hard layered formation. Often, cell mutation occurs against the background of diseases that degenerate into cancer (they were discussed earlier). Metastases significantly worsen the prognosis of the course of the disease. Squamous cell carcinoma is treated with gentle methods and, if detected in the early stages, is completely cured.

Malignant melanoma:

The abnormal cells in this type of cancer are formed from melanocytes, the cells that produce skin pigment. It is considered the most aggressive form of oncology due to the rapid spread of metastases. The main factor in the occurrence is an overabundance of sunlight, which activates a high degree the formation of melanin and contribute to the degeneration of cells into malignant neoplasms.

Initially appears on open areas of the body, has different shapes and sizes. It is characterized by the presence of redness, itching, bleeding, swelling around the localization zone, seals, and ulceration in the center of the focus. It spreads over the surface of the epidermis, and grows deep into the skin. Often originates from a nevus - a mole, less often - freckles, age spots. Amenable to asymmetric changes and inflammatory processes. The prognosis is favorable in case timely treatment for medical help.

Do not forget to monitor the general condition of your skin. Atypical manifestations and neoplasms on it require an adequate and timely response. Only with such an attitude to health, skin cancer will bypass you!

Skin Cancer Test

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Developing cancer gives symptoms and signs far from immediately, masquerading as various pathologies. The emerging signs of cancer and the first symptoms need to be well known, since only in the initial stages this disease is amenable to successful treatment. This article describes the main symptoms and signs of cancer, among which there are atypical manifestations that are mistakenly attributed even to colds.

Cancer is a group of diseases that can be accompanied by any signs and symptoms. Signs and symptoms depend on the size of the tumor, the location of the cancer, and how involved surrounding organs or structures are. If the cancer has spread (metastasized), symptoms may occur in various parts organism. As the tumor grows, it begins to compress nearby organs, blood vessels, and nerves. This pressure causes some of the signs and symptoms of cancer. If the tumor is located in a particularly important area, for example, in some parts of the brain, then even a small cancer can give early symptoms.

What are the first common symptoms of cancer and signs of oncology

Cancer general symptoms and signs can show quite specific. The first symptoms of cancer may be muscle pain, weakness, decreased performance. However, sometimes the tumor occurs in places where symptoms may not appear until it reaches a large size (late stages). difficult to determine by external examination. Some tumors in this location do not give symptoms until they involve the nerves, leading to back pain. Other tumors grow near the bile duct, causing skin discoloration (obstructive jaundice). Unfortunately, by the time prostate cancer has signs and symptoms, it has already metastasized. You need to know which symptoms of oncology are potentially dangerous and require immediate medical attention. Look at the signs and symptoms of cancer in the photo, which shows the characteristic pathological changes:

Cancer can also lead to common symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and weight loss. This can be caused by tumor cells that secrete substances that change metabolic processes in the body. Such symptoms may also occur as a result of the impact of the tumor on the immune system.

Symptoms of early oncology in cancer

Treatment is more effective the earlier the tumor is detected. Early detection of a tumor usually means that treatment will be started if the cancer is small and has not yet spread to other parts of the body. This usually means more likely cure.

Often the symptoms of early oncology are ignored by a person due to the fact that a person is scared possible consequences and refuses to see a doctor or considers the symptom that has appeared to be insignificant. General symptoms of cancer such as fatigue are often not associated with cancer and therefore often go unnoticed, especially when there is clear reason or when they are temporary.

Similarly, the patient may think that a more specific symptom, such as tumor formation in the breast, is a simple cyst that will go away on its own. However, such symptoms of cancer and oncology cannot be ignored, especially if they exist for a long period of time, for example, a week, or there is a negative trend.

In some cases, cancer may be detected before symptoms appear. This can be done with special survey people with no symptoms of cancer. However, this does not mean that you should hide your symptoms from your doctor. The correct diagnosis can be given by examination and tests.

It is important to be aware of some common (non-specific) signs and symptoms of cancer. These include unexplained weight loss, fever, fatigue, pain, and skin changes. Of course, it must be remembered that the presence of some of them does not necessarily mean the presence of a tumor. There are many other conditions that may also have similar signs and symptoms.

Unexplained weight loss. Most people with cancer experience weight loss at some point in their illness. Unexplained weight loss of 4-5 kg ​​can be the first sign of cancer, especially cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus or lung.

An increase in temperature (fever). An increase in temperature is often observed in cancer and most often in a widespread process. Almost all cancer patients develop a fever at some point during their illness, especially if the treatment affects the immune system and increases susceptibility to infections. Rarely, a rise in temperature can be early sign cancer.

Increased fatigue. Fatigue may be important symptom as the disease progresses. However, fatigue and weakness can occur early, especially if the cancer causes chronic blood loss, which occurs in or in the stomach.

Pain. Pain can be an early sign of several tumors, such as those of the bones or testis. Most often, however, pain is a symptom of a common process.

Skin changes. In addition to skin tumors, some types of internal cancers can cause visible skin signs in the form of darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation), yellowing (jaundice), redness (erythema), itching, or excessive hair growth. The correct diagnosis can be given by examination and tests.

Specific signs and symptoms of cancer. In addition to the above general symptoms, it is important to be aware of other general symptoms that may occur with cancer. Again, it must be pointed out that these signs and symptoms do not necessarily speak in favor of cancer, as they occur in other diseases. However, you must tell your doctor about the signs and symptoms that appear in order to make a decision about the examination.

Violation of the stool or bladder function. Chronic constipation, diarrhea, or changes in the amount of stool may indicate the presence of colon cancer. Pain when urinating, blood in the urine, or a change in bladder function (more or less frequent urination) may be associated with bladder or prostate cancer. These changes should be reported to the doctor immediately. The correct diagnosis can be given by examination and tests.

Non-healing wound or ulcer. Malignant skin tumors may bleed and resemble a wound or ulcer. A long-standing mouth ulcer can be oral cancer, especially in those who smoke, chew tobacco, or drink alcohol frequently. Ulcers on the penis or in the vagina can be both signs of infection and early cancer and therefore must be examined.

Unusual bleeding or discharge. Unusual bleeding may occur with early or advanced cancer. Blood in sputum may be a sign of lung cancer. Blood in the stool (or the presence of dark or black stools) can be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. Cancer of the cervix or the uterus itself can lead to bleeding from the vagina. in the urine - a sign of a possible or kidney. The discharge of blood from the nipple may be a sign.

Hardening or swelling in the breast or other parts of the body. Many tumors can be felt through the skin, especially in the breast, testicles, lymph nodes and soft tissues of the body. A lump or lump may be the first sign of early or advanced cancer. Any such finding should be reported to the doctor, especially if you have just discovered it or the tumor (seal) has begun to increase in size.

Indigestion or difficulty swallowing. Although these symptoms can occur in a variety of conditions, they can also indicate cancer of the esophagus, stomach, or pharynx at the same time.

Change in a wart or mole. Any changes in color, shape, borders or size of these formations should be reported to the doctor immediately. The skin lesion may be melanoma, which, if diagnosed early, responds well to treatment.

Irritant cough or hoarseness. A persistent persistent cough may be a sign of lung cancer. Hoarseness is a possible sign of laryngeal cancer or thyroid gland. The correct diagnosis can be given by examination and tests.

Symptoms vary depending on the location of the tumor. Pain usually occurs only in the later stages. In the early stages, the tumor often does not cause any discomfort.

Modern cancer diagnostics at early stages

Modern cancer diagnostics makes it possible to detect an oncological process in 100% of cases. Cancer is a long multi-stage process. It is known that before reaching lung tumor, stomach or mammary gland size 1-1.5 cm in diameter takes 5-10 years. Thus, most tumors are laid in 25-40 years. To protect the body, we must eat right and do prevention.

It is difficult to predict the intensity and nature of tumor growth, this process depends on many factors: from the body of the diseased, tissue resistance, features of this tumor. Depending on these and many other factors, the tumor can double in size within a few weeks. Sometimes it takes many months and years. It is difficult to predict the rate of tumor growth. Known factors that accelerate it: excessive exposure to the sun, thermal procedures, traumatization, physiotherapy procedures (quartz, UHF, etc.), depression of the patient, fear. The later treatment is started, the more difficult the cure. At stage I, a complete cure can be achieved. With stage IV cancer, the cure rate is almost zero.

A timely visit to a doctor, a thorough history taking, and a careful examination of the patient often contribute to the diagnosis of cancer in the early stages that can be treated. Special attention should be given to the identification of precancerous diseases (xeroderma pigmentosum, Queyrat erythroplasia, Dubrey's melanosis, congenital multiple polyposis colon), the presence of which implies both treatment and constant monitoring of the patient's health. To detect a tumor, all available diagnostic methods are used, which early diagnosis of cancer has, for example:

  • Physical examination of the patient.
  • X-ray, CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  • General, biochemical blood tests, detection of tumor markers in the blood.
  • Puncture, biopsy with morphological examination.
  • Endoscopy (EGDS, cystoscopy, bronchoscopy, etc.).
  • For the final diagnosis of malignant tumors, a biopsy is used - taking a tissue sample for analysis

Types and methods of early cancer detection

An important factor determining the success of treatment is early diagnosis. And here, dear readers, you can’t rely on chance, you yourself must take care of your health, the main thing is not to be afraid to go to the doctor.

Breast cancer is diagnosed by weekly self-examination and self-palpation of the breast, as well as mammography (best - a combination of these two methods). According to the latest data, the breast self-examination method is not an effective diagnosis, since it allows you to notice formations of only 0.5 mm, which corresponds to stages II-III of cancer, and in these cases, therapy will be ineffective. Cancer diagnostic methods make it possible to detect tumors much earlier.

Testicular cancer can be diagnosed at an early stage by testicular self-examination, which is why it is recommended for men with a family history of cancer. The American Urological Association recommends monthly self-exams for all young men.

It is diagnosed by indirect laryngoscopy (examination with a special laryngeal mirror when visiting an otolaryngologist) followed by a biopsy of suspicious areas of the mucous membrane. More precise methods early diagnosis cancers are fibrolaryngoscopy (examination with a flexible endoscope) and direct microlaryngoscopy (examination of the larynx with a microscope under anesthesia). The main risk factor for laryngeal cancer is long-term smoking (more than 1 pack per day for 10-20 years). The vast majority of patients with laryngeal cancer are men (95%). Crayfish vocal cords has more favorable prognosis than cancer of the vestibular larynx, since the former is manifested by hoarseness even with a small tumor size and can be diagnosed at an early stage. The first symptoms of vestibular cancer of the larynx (which is located above the vocal folds) usually occur in the later stages of tumor growth and are manifested by difficulty in breathing (mainly on inspiration), choking, discomfort when swallowing, coughing, and hemoptysis. It is necessary to remember the general manifestations of malignant tumors. The most important of these is unmotivated weight loss in a short period of time (more than 10 kg in 3-6 months).

Colon cancer, cervical cancer, and cancer of the fundus and body of the uterus are diagnosed with endoscopes. Cancer diagnostics such as endoscopic examinations intestines both reduce the incidence of cancer (polyps are removed before malignant degeneration), and improve the prognosis. However, not all intestines can be checked with an endoscope.

Early diagnosis of prostate cancer is carried out by palpation of the prostate through the rectum, as well as ultrasound prostate and screening for cancer markers in the blood. However, this technique for early detection of prostate cancer has not caught on because it often detects small, malignant tumors that are never life-threatening. However, finding them leads to treatment, usually removal of the prostate. Removing the prostate can lead to impotence and urinary incontinence.

For some types of cancer (particularly breast cancer and colon cancer), there is a genetic test that allows you to identify some types of predisposition to them.

Background and precancerous diseases and conditions

Background and precancerous diseases require careful diagnosis and timely treatment. Today it is known which of them can develop into cancer:

  • develops into stomach cancer;
  • intestinal polyposis can degenerate into intestinal cancer;
  • bone injuries affect the development of bone cancer, etc.

Proven: destroy healthy cells and endless chronic inflammation, for example, the bladder; various (cystoma); tumors in the uterus (benign fibroids) - today all this is taken into account in the diagnosis. And if at the initial stage during the medical examination patients with stomach ulcers, intestinal polyposis, formations in the kidneys are detected, it is clear that these patients have a significantly higher risk of developing cancer than those who do not have chronic diseases. Such patients should be selected into risk groups and monitored and examined more often.

Background precancerous conditions are mainly diseases of the elderly, the number of which is increasing, because life expectancy is also growing. This is primarily due to the violation immune status and fat metabolism, various influences body aging processes. A cell mutation may occur against the background of its aging. Each person has his own cell aging, his own localization of tumors, and this is the big problem, if we talk about the diagnosis and prevention of cancer.

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Often, a cancerous tumor does not show up in any way. specific symptoms. Therefore, most people are aware of terrible diagnosis only when it is already very difficult to cope with the disease, and sometimes even impossible. And there is also such a category of citizens who, with any ailment, think about the worst and try to detect signs of cancer in themselves. Perhaps excessive vigilance is also useless, but if you really notice something is wrong in your condition, you should go medical examination. Better to be safe!

Cancer: signs and symptoms

Diseases of this kind manifest themselves in different ways. But there are common signs of women and men. In general, three groups of symptoms can be distinguished:

  • Unsuccessful treatment of diseases. When you carry out enhanced therapy for any pathologies, whether it be a stomach ulcer, inflammation of the bladder or pneumonia, and there is no improvement for a long time, you should be wary. Perhaps this indicates the presence of a cancerous lesion.
  • small manifestations. Decreased performance, constant feeling of discomfort, fast fatiguability, a decrease in interest in the surrounding reality, unreasonable weight loss - all this can talk about oncology.
  • Tissue growth. If during a visual examination or palpation you find a deformation or asymmetry of some part of the body, you should be wary. Perhaps such a tumor is dangerous.

Now we will list the first symptoms of cancer, with the appearance of which it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  1. Sudden weight loss. Many people at an early stage of the development of the disease begin to lose weight rapidly. If you lose more than five kilograms in a short time, visit your doctor immediately.
  2. Increased temperature and fever. This symptom usually appears when the cancer has already spread widely. But it is he who can be the first call.
  3. Fatigue and weakness. These are perhaps the most important first signs of cancer, characteristic of absolutely any type of cancer. However, many simply ignore them.
  4. Pain in the bones. This symptom may indicate malignant neoplasms in the bone tissue.
  5. Change in the quality and color of the skin cover. Dermatological signs, such as darkening, redness, yellowness of the skin, itching, and others, may indicate the presence of skin cancer or oncology of internal organs.
  6. Changes in the size, color, thickness, shape of moles, as well as the occurrence of wounds or ulcers that are not amenable to therapy. Moles can transform into malignant tumors, so do not ignore such manifestations.
  7. Violations of the functioning of the bladder and disorders of the stool. You should consult a specialist if you suffer from persistent constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea. Changes such as pain during emptying, more frequent or rare urination should also alert.
  8. Constant headache. This symptom may indicate the presence of a brain tumor.
  9. Unusual discharge, bleeding. Blood impurities in feces, urine, vaginal bleeding in women - all this can be a manifestation of cancer.
  10. Persistent cough, sore throat, hoarseness, and trouble swallowing and indigestion. If, when you cough up sputum, you find blood clots, you need to urgently visit a doctor, because you may have oncology of the lung tissue. Swallowing problems and digestive disorders are often not signs of cancer, but if they occur together, you can suspect a cancer of the pharynx, esophagus, or gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of different types of cancer

Of course, apart from common manifestations, there is and specific features oncological diseases, characteristic only for one or another variety. And still, even if you find any characteristic symptom, you should not immediately think that you have cancer. First visit a specialist, and then draw conclusions.

Stomach cancer

In the early stages of the disease, the signs are inaccurate and scarce. Often, not only patients, but the doctors themselves write off the symptoms that have appeared on gastritis. In this case, everything is limited to the appointment of medications, and a complete examination is not carried out. And yet, specialists who listen attentively to the complaints of patients sometimes catch the first signs of an oncological disease. These include:

The described first signs of oncology can manifest themselves both against the background of a previous stomach disease (for example, an ulcer), and against the background of absolute health. Only when a malignant tumor becomes widespread do they appear vivid symptoms: persistent vomiting, intense pain radiating to the back, severe sharp weakness, sallow skin color.

breast cancer

The first signs of oncology in women in this case are retraction and flattening of the nipple and bloody discharge from it. Pain does not appear diagnostic symptom. With pain, it may be completely absent, but with mastopathy, on the contrary, it may have a pronounced character. Depending on what form the cancer has, the signs and symptoms will vary. So, with a mastitis-like form of the disease, the mammary gland greatly increases, swells and hurts. The skin becomes hot to the touch. The erysipelatous form is characterized by the sudden appearance of redness on the skin of the chest, as well as a significant increase in temperature. Shell oncology is manifested by a bumpy thickening of the skin. A kind of shell is formed, covering part chest and sometimes the whole of it.

Rectal cancer

As already mentioned, usually the signs of oncological diseases in the early stages are not particularly pronounced. Colon cancer is no exception. Symptoms you may notice: Blunt pain during defecation at the time of advancing feces, excretion of mucus and blood with the stool, subsequently a ribbon-like stool. Such manifestations are often mistaken for signs of hemorrhoids. However, there is a difference: with hemorrhoids, blood in the feces usually appears at the beginning of a bowel movement, and with rectal cancer, at the end. At a later stage, constipation is added to the listed symptoms, followed by diarrhea, frequent urges to defecation, allocation of fetid purulent-bloody masses.

Skin cancer

This type of oncology can also have different forms: ulcerative, nodular, infiltrative. However, often the first signs of skin cancer, regardless of form, are the same. Dense painless nodules of a waxy pinkish-yellowish color appear on the body. Gradually they grow. Very rarely there are forms with sluggish growth, which for many years do not show visible changes. But there are also such cases.

Lung cancer

Depending on where the primary tumor originates, lung tissue or bronchus, the first signs of oncology will vary. In the case of central cancer (cancer of the bronchus), a hacking dry cough develops first, later sputum appears, often it has blood impurities. For this form of the disease, the causeless occurrence of pneumonitis (inflammation of the lung), accompanied by an increase in temperature, increased cough, general weakness, and in some cases chest pains, is very characteristic. Peripheral cancer, which originates in the lung tissue, is almost asymptomatic at the initial stage and is often detected during a preventive x-ray examination.

A brain tumor

Signs of oncological diseases of the brain are numerous, and they cannot be called specific. It is noteworthy that many neoplasms do not manifest themselves at all and are most often found only after death, at autopsy. This applies, for example, to a pituitary tumor. It should also be borne in mind that not all formations are malignant - benign tumors often manifest in the same way as cancerous ones. The only way check the nature of the existing signs - undergo an examination.

Symptoms in these types of oncology are associated with the pressure of the tumor on the brain and, in connection with this, a violation of its work. The signs are similar in both the primary and metastatic (when the neoplasm penetrates into other parts of the brain) stages and are characterized by weakness, headache, absent-mindedness, the appearance of convulsions and spasms, and difficulty in motor processes. Nausea and vomiting may also occur (especially in morning hours), deterioration of vision, weakening of intellectual activity associated with impaired memory and concentration, a gradual decrease in mental activity, changes in emotional state, difficulty speech processes. These symptoms, as a rule, do not appear immediately, so for a long time the disease may go unnoticed.


We have listed the signs of the main oncological diseases, but, of course, we have not touched on all types of cancer. There are a lot of them, and the symptoms in each case will be different. For example, the main manifestations of uterine cancer are bleeding and discharge in the form of whites from the vagina. The main symptom is pain when swallowing food, and the most common bladder symptom is blood in the urine. Do not be negligent about your health and immediately consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of a terrible disease!

Cancer is a malignant tumor that can form in any organ, and over time it only increases. The structure of the tumor depends on the age of the person and the presence of other diseases. Before describing the symptoms, you need to understand what cancer is.

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What is cancer (disease)

Basically, cancer is described depending on its location in the body, if the disease appears in the gastrointestinal tract, it occurs a sharp decline weight, called cachexia, followed by anemia. If cancer affects the liver, a person feels exhausted, metabolism slows down. The localization of the malignant tumor shows clinical picture if it is located in the final part of the stomach, symptoms of stenosis will appear. Because of this, food will not enter the intestines. But if the disease appeared in the initial part of the stomach, then dysphagia will appear - food will not enter the stomach or will come, but in small quantities.

In the future, at a late stage of the disease, all symptoms intensify, but they are not associated with the main cancerous tumor, but with metastases that have penetrated deep into the tissues of the body. For example, the symptoms of lung cancer can be expressed through the brain if metastases penetrate into it. For example, doctors say that prostate cancer can only be detected after checking the bones, if there are pain sensations and metastases in the bones, this indicates prostate cancer.

All malignant tumors, not including local symptoms, which are associated with only one organ, have certain common symptoms. The further the tumor develops, the more it destroys the internal organs, and the most important systems of the body. Over time, changes occur in the metabolism, endocrine, nervous and immune systems. Because of this, the tumor double action, or it destroys only one organ, or destroys the whole system. When exposed to one organ, the tumor poisons healthy tissue, which is in close proximity to the neoplasm. The local influence of a cancerous tumor is detected during the test, if the patient complains of certain symptoms. There are several groups of cancer symptoms: obstruction, destruction, compression. Each group has its own characteristics: destruction - destruction of the tumor, obturation - narrowing of the lumen of the organ, compression - pressure on the organ.

Why is it important to confirm/deny cancer symptoms?

There are chances of a cure for the disease if it is detected as early as possible and treatment is started immediately. A person can immediately be examined and detect cancer when he did not have time to develop it, and the tumor is not of a huge size. This means that the cancer has not had time to affect other organs, it is not large and can be cured. As a rule, doctors prescribe surgery with complete removal a cancerous tumor, it is this method that can cure cancer in the first stages. It is imperative to start treatment if skin melanoma is present, it can be removed quite simply if it has not deepened and pierced the inner layers of the skin. But very often, melanoma develops rapidly and penetrates too deeply, so it is impossible to carry out any treatment, only if it has not yet deepened. A person has 5 years to be treated if the melanoma is not very advanced.

Works often psychological factor- a person is afraid to see a doctor, he believes that surgery or cancer treatment can provoke complications, and he tries to ignore any symptoms that he notices. Of course, symptoms such as fatigue and diarrhea are not necessarily related to cancer, but they can indicate the presence of cancer and should be checked anyway. Also, the girl may think that the standard uterine fibroids and cysts do not indicate the presence of cancer, perhaps this is a common disease that will pass with time. But what stronger man ignores the symptoms, the greater the chance that the disease will deepen and become incurable after a while. Very often completely healthy people discover that they have cancer after being tested and have not had any symptoms, and if a person has at least one symptom related to cancer, you need to go to the doctor immediately.

Five Common Signs of Cancer

You need to understand what is non-specific symptoms this disease. First, a person may suddenly lose weight for no reason, or there will be changes in skin color and acne. Secondly, the presence of any infection is indicated by heat cancer is no exception. Of course, there are general symptoms that apply immediately to all diseases taken together, but still remember the main symptoms of cancer in order to see a doctor in time.
  • Rapid weight loss - almost all people diagnosed with cancer have lost most your weight during illness. If you lose at least 5-7 kilograms for no apparent reason, you need to be checked in the hospital for cancer. It may be related to gastrointestinal cancer.

  • Fever (high temperature) - A high temperature indicates the presence of cancer, especially if it affects entire organ systems. Basically, fever is due to the fact that cancer negatively affects the immune system, and the body fights infection and activates its forces, unfortunately, without success. But the temperature does not appear at the initial stage of cancer, so if there were no other symptoms before the temperature, this may not apply to cancer.

  • Weakness - weakness increases gradually, when the disease penetrates deep into the body. But fatigue can also develop at the very beginning after the body is damaged, for example, if there is a hemorrhage in the stomach or large intestine. Due to blood loss severe fatigue and discomfort within the body.

  • Pain - pain appears in the initial stages of the disease, if there are several tumors in the body. Pain is often indicative of defeat. whole system organism.

  • Changes in the epidermis - hyperpigmentation occurs, jaundice, erythema, urticaria and so on appear. Tumors may appear on the skin and hair may grow stronger, which indicates the presence of cancer.

Seven symptoms of cancer that need attention

Above we have listed the main non-specific symptoms, but you need to know the main symptoms with which you can determine the presence of the disease. Immediately it is worth mentioning that the symptoms are not found in all cases, moreover, they are common to other diseases. But still, you need to immediately contact a therapist and tell about all the symptoms so that he can prescribe tests and a complete medical examination of the body.
  • Violations in the genitourinary system and stool disorders - chronic constipation or diarrhea often occurs, the amount of feces and its color may change, which indicates colon cancer. If you experience pain when urinating and you see blood in your urine, you should see your doctor right away. Often there is too frequent urge to urinate for no apparent reason, which indicates problems with the prostate gland.

  • Ulcers and wounds do not go away for a long time - very often tumors look like an ulcer, and at the same time they bleed heavily. If there is a small sore in the mouth that does not go away all the time, this is a sign of mouth cancer. It occurs most often in smokers and alcoholics. If there are sores on the vagina or penis, you should immediately undergo an examination, as this indicates a serious infection of the body.

  • Strange discharge of pus or blood - if the disease developed a very long time ago and you did not notice it, strange bleeding or discharge of pus may begin. For example, if you cough up pus with blood when coughing, this is lung cancer, and if blood is found in the stool, then this is colon cancer. If cervical cancer is present, there is a chance of bleeding from the vagina, and if blood appears in the urine, this is bladder cancer, it is possible that the kidneys are also infected. If blood comes out of the nipple, it indicates breast cancer.

  • Small lumps in any part of the body - if the tumor is palpable through the skin in the testicles, breast and other soft tissues, this indicates the presence of cancer. Moreover, it is impossible to say for sure whether this is the initial form or a neglected one, but if you notice a seal, immediately inform the doctor. Over time, it will increase.

  • Difficulty swallowing and problems with the gastrointestinal tract - very often the symptoms indicate cancer of the stomach or intestines, consult a doctor immediately.

  • The appearance of moles or warts - if there were already moles, and they became larger or changed color, you need to see a doctor. It is quite possible that this is melanoma, and if examined, it can be cured at the initial stage.

  • hoarse voice or coughing- a constant cough speaks of lung cancer, if the voice disappears - this is cancer of the thyroid gland or throat.

Atypical cancer symptoms

Far from the most common symptoms of cancer, which also indicate the development of the disease:
  • The appearance of sores on the tongue and mouth;

  • Changing the color of warts and moles, changing their size;

  • Sore throat, severe and painful cough;

  • Thickening and knots in the nipples, dense bumps in the testicles, mammary glands and other places;

  • Pain when urinating;

  • Strange discharge of pus and blood;

  • Trouble swallowing and abdominal pain, especially in the elderly

  • severe migraine;

  • Sudden loss of appetite or weight;

  • An increase or decrease in temperature for no reason indicates the presence of cancer;

  • Persistent infection for no apparent reason;

  • Violation of the cycle of menstruation;

  • Tumors that do not respond to treatment;

  • Redness of the lips and skin, yellowness in the eyes and on the skin;

  • Strange swelling that has never appeared before;

  • Bad breath.

But keep in mind that these symptoms indicate not only the presence of cancer, but also other diseases. In any case, you need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination and find out what the problem is.

Symptoms of cancer of different organs

  • Stomach cancer

With stomach cancer, it is impossible to say exactly which symptoms prevail the most, since there are a lot of them. Very often doctors state chronic gastritis and other non-serious diseases, without doing serious examinations. They usually prescribe medications that do not cause even the slightest relief. But professionals can comprehensively analyze all the symptoms and identify the presence of cancer, the main system for detecting cancer was introduced by L. I. Savitsky. He compiled a list of mild symptoms and common symptoms for other illnesses that can reveal whether a person has stomach cancer or is a symptom that is not related to this disease.

Only when the cancer has gone deep and passed into the tissues of the body does a person appear severe symptoms: severe pain in the stomach, which are felt even in the back, increased weakness and unwillingness to do anything, a sharp weight loss over a long period. Doctors pay attention to the skin, it becomes very pale, and in some cases acquires an earthy hue. But at the initial stage, the skin color remains the same.

The main symptoms: retraction of the nipple and its compaction, bloody and incomprehensible discharge from the nipple. Very often, cancer is accompanied by pain, but in the presence of mastopathy, the pain appears and intensifies every day.

  • Skin cancer

There are several forms: infiltrative, nodular and ulcerative. Squamous cell carcinoma develops very quickly, in order to identify it, doctors conduct a painless crossing of all nodules that have a pink or yellow color. The nodes may have translucent pearl-colored edges with the formation of pigmentation. Tumor formation gradually progresses, and very quickly. But there are forms of cancer that develop slowly, they can develop for years, and a person does not even know about their presence. Further, several nodules communicate with each other and form a dense and painful neoplasm, which has a dark color. It is at this stage that people go to the doctor.
  • Rectal cancer

As in other cases, at the initial stage there are no symptoms of cancer, but the tumor continues to grow and after a while the intestinal lumen closes. Appear pain, since the feces cannot pass freely, this provokes the release of blood and pus. With time stool deformed and change their color, in medicine it is called a ribbon-like stool. Colon cancer has been compared to hemorrhoids, but with hemorrhoids, it appears at the end of a bowel movement, not at the beginning. In the future, there are frequent urge to defecate, frequent discharge of bloody-purulent masses that have a disgusting odor.
  • Lungs' cancer

It all depends on where the tumor appeared. It can appear in the tissue of the lungs or in the bronchus, if a tumor appears in the bronchus, the person begins to cough daily. The cough is dry and painful, after a while there is sputum with blood. Periodically there is inflammation of the lungs, for example, pneumonia. Because of it, other symptoms appear: chest pain, a temperature of 40 degrees, pain in the head, weakness and inability to concentrate.
If the cancer is formed in the tissue of the lungs, then the disease will pass without any symptoms, which only complicates the situation, because the person does not undergo a medical examination. If you take an x-ray, you can identify the initial tumor.

  • Uterine cancer

Mostly women complain of strange pains and regular bleeding even after menstruation. But these symptoms only indicate that the tumor is gradually disintegrating and the cancer is already in running form. The initial form of uterine cancer does not manifest itself in any way, so women are not examined. Leucorrhoea, an unpleasant watery or mucous discharge that is mixed with blood, also speaks of cancer. Often whites have a very unpleasant smell, but not in all cases, sometimes they do not smell of anything. In the presence of strange secretions, consult a doctor, it is quite possible that the cancer has not yet passed into a deep and advanced stage and there are chances for a cure.

Oncology of the skin of malignant origin is a formation that forms from the cells of the skin epithelium. Pathology has no specific preferences and is diagnosed in patients of different age and gender groups.

However, scientists note some regularity in the development of such oncology in people with a light skin tone over 60 years of age, who are in the sun for a long time. Although theoretically, skin cancer can develop from any mole, regardless of its location. For this, the presence of at least one malignant cell is sufficient in the mole.

Skin cancer classification

Skin cancer has several classifications according to structural differences, histological features, morphological features, etc.


There are such types of skin cancer:

  • Cellular cancer or - a similar oncological form is formed from melanocytes rarely metastasizes, but can release processes, penetrating into the circulatory and lymphatic systems. If this happens, then the melanoma will quickly spread throughout the organs, and the patient's survival will probably not exceed a year;

The photo clearly shows what the initial (1) stage of melanoma, skin cancer on the face looks like

  • - this type of cancer is widespread (75%), is characterized by a tendency to relapse, but practically does not allow metastasis. Education is characterized by slow growth. For localization, it often chooses the scalp or epidermis, it can be multiple or single. Basal cancer is a formation of a dark red or pinkish shade of a round shape that slightly protrudes above the skin.

The photo shows a basal skin cancer on the scalp, nose, arm and leg.

  • - this type of cancer can be localized on any part of the skin, however, most often it develops in open areas and lower lip. Education does not have a special selectivity regarding gender, but prefers patients of retirement age. Squamous cell carcinoma is a formation of a nodular nature, with the development of the tumor practically loses its mobility and becomes bleeding.

Rare varieties

Specialists separately classified relatively rare skin cancers (less than 1% of cases):

  1. - localized mainly on the limbs and trunk, growing from connective tissue particles of the skin. It can manifest itself in several variants - bulging dermatofibrosarcoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, etc .;
  2. Merkel cell oncology is a tumor localized mainly on the head or face of elderly patients, and in half of the cases the neoplasm gives multiple distant metastases.


Oncologists distinguish such cancerous forms:

  1. Papillary form- is considered the rarest form of skin cancer, is a tuberous formation, covered with multiple papillae. Such a formation is prone to rapid metastasis and germination inside the body, which leads to the rapid exhaustion of the patient;
  2. infiltrating- is an ulceration with a bumpy crust and dense edges. Such a neoplasm is characterized by rapid germination in neighboring tissues, which quickly leads to its immobility;
  3. Superficial Oncology manifested by dense nodular neoplasms of a yellow-white hue, which subsequently degenerate into uneven plaques with a slight depression in the center.

Causes and risk factors

People who are at particular risk of developing skin tumors are:

  • in old age;
  • Light-skinned, with a genetically reduced content of melanin;
  • With melanoma-dangerous age spots;
  • Having;
  • Suffering;
  • With xeroderma pigmentosum;
  • Having inflammatory skin pathologies;
  • Suffering;
  • Long exposure to the sun;
  • Abusing visits to the solarium.

In addition to the risk group, doctors identify some other factors that contribute to the development of skin malignant oncology:

  • Complication against the background of dermatitis of radiation origin;
  • Chemical exposure carcinogens eg arsenic compounds, tar present in cigarettes or lubricants;
  • Damage at the site of the old scar;
  • Radiation exposure;
  • The use of products containing carcinogenic substances such as nitrites, nitrates, marinades, smoked meats, preservatives and overly fatty foods;
  • Impact different kind thermal factors or thermal radiation;
  • Violation of the integrity of the mole;
  • Oncology at the site where there was previously a deep burn;
  • Abuse of tattooing;
  • Having hepatitis or HIV infection;
  • Living in southern countries.

How to identify a tumor at an early stage?

A characteristic sign of skin cancer is its preferred localization on the open body.

Among all cases of skin oncology, about 90% have just such localization, and most cases of tumors are observed on the face (more than 70%).

Symptoms of manifestations

Each form and type of skin cancer is characterized by a separate symptomatology, and identical skin oncology in individual patients proceeds differently. But there are also common primary manifestations of symptoms by which skin cancer is determined:

  1. The appearance of a non-passing spot on the skin with fuzzy boundaries, gradually increasing in size;
  2. The formation of a small sore that cannot be treated, which gradually becomes painful and bleeding;
  3. The mole suddenly changed, became darker or changed structure;
  4. An unusual nodular cone-like formation of a purple, red, pink or black hue has formed;
  5. The formation of seals or hard formations that have a flaky or rough surface;
  6. The formation of a white scar-like spot, which has a less elastic structure than the usual nearby tissues.

Symptoms of skin changes in children

Skin cancer affects patients childhood relatively rare (less than 1%). There are two types of cancer: squamous and basal cell.

Squamous cell is more often localized on the face, limbs, ears, hairy area on the head, forming against the background. Education allows metastases to nearby lymph nodes, distant metastasis is not observed.

In the photo, a child with xeroderma pigmentosa of the last stage is a rare type of skin cancer observed in children.

The picture shows a cancerous pigmented xeroderma of the skin of the face, with involvement of the eyes.

Basal cell skin cancer also prefers the surface of the face. Such an oncoform is a dense nodule, gradually provoking next to similar formations with which it merges, occupying all large areas.


In the development of skin cancer, similarly to other oncologies, there is a corresponding staging.

  • 1 stage- the initial stage of development of a skin tumor, which is characterized by its small size (no more than 2 cm). Skin cancer of the first stage is characterized by the absence of metastases and high mobility, it moves with the skin without difficulty, although its lower layers are affected. The prognosis of treatment at this stage is favorable, since most patients manage to completely recover from skin cancer.
  • 2 stage- is characterized by an increase in the tumor up to 4 mm, although the cells of a malignant nature have not yet had time to reach the lymph nodes. In isolated cases, a metastasis is found next to the tumor in the lymph node. A feeling of soreness may be present in the area of ​​​​the location of the neoplasm. This stage is characterized by a 50% five-year survival rate, but only if timely and adequate therapy is provided.
  • At 3 stages there is an active lesion of the lymph nodes, although metastases have not yet been observed in the organs. The tumor becomes bumpy and causes a lot of discomfort. Education at this stage already grows into the subcutaneous tissue, therefore, it loses its mobility. For this stage, five-year survival is observed in only a third of patients.
  • Education at 4 stages becomes large, covering large areas of the skin. The tumor grows inside the body, involving cartilage and bone tissue in cancerous processes. Usually at this stage, the neoplasm is characterized by bleeding, it poisons all body systems, spreading metastases through them. The liver usually suffers first, then the lungs. At this stage, the five-year survival rate is extremely low and does not exceed 20%.


Each type of skin cancer is distinguished by its set of cells with different aggressiveness, and therefore such neoplasms behave differently.

What are the dangers of skin cancers?

  1. Basalioma not prone to metastasis, characterized by slow growth, often found in the nose.
  2. Squamous cell skin oncology, on the contrary, grows rapidly and metastasizes throughout the body.
  3. The most dangerous form is melanoma, difficult to treat and often causing a lot of complications.


The diagnostic process includes procedures like:

  • Positron emission tomography;
  • Laboratory blood tests, liver serology, etc.

How to cure pathology

The therapeutic process is complex. After identifying a specific type and stage of oncology, the doctor selects an adequate treatment plan. The main methods used in the treatment of skin cancer:

  • Surgery is the removal of the tumor by an open method. It is used for oncology of the limbs, body or to get rid of metastases.
  • involves irradiation when surgical treatment is not feasible or with the re-development of oncology;
  • traditionally used to treat recurrent oncological forms, as well as for large tumors. The technique is based on the use of drugs that have a destructive effect on cancer cells. Often, with such treatment, a special anti-cancer ointment is used, which is shown to be applied to the tumor daily, for several weeks;
  • The photodynamic method is successfully used in the treatment of cancer localized in the upper skin layers. The technique is based on the use of a specialized drug applied to the oncology area, after which this area is subjected to light treatment, under the influence of which the applied drug is activated and destroys cancer cells;
  • Laser treatment successfully eliminates cancer cells using a highly active beam of beams;
  • The fulguration method involves the removal of cancer cells using special tools, after which the operation area is treated with current, which kills the remaining cancer cells;
  • Cryotherapy is justified only in the case of a shallow location of the tumor. The technique involves freezing the malignant material with liquid nitrogen.

Along with the above procedures, immunostimulating therapy is prescribed, which increases the resistance of the body cancer cells. For this, Interferon, 5-fluorouracil, Imiquimod, Aldesleukin, Dacarbazine and other drugs are prescribed.


Skin cancer requires a radical revision of the diet.

It is necessary to provide the body with a high content of retinol and carotene, contained mainly in dairy products, fish oil, eggs, carrots, green tea, corn, tomatoes, soybeans, etc.

There are many products that can inhibit the growth of malignant cells:

  • Greens;
  • Garlic;
  • Carrot;
  • citruses;
  • Cabbage;
  • Hot red pepper;
  • Beet;
  • Whole grain.

Survival prognosis

The practice of recent years shows that the prognosis for a five-year survival rate for squamous cell carcinoma of the initial forms is about 90%, and for its final stages, no more than 60%.

If the patient's body has responded adequately to anticancer treatment, then there may not be a relapse in the future.

For malignant melanoma the prognosis is also good.

In the initial stages, the survival rate is kept at slightly more than 95%, and at the final stage - no more than 20%.

Metastasis and life expectancy

Most often with skin cancer, spreading throughout the body through the blood and lymphatic pathways. After surgical excision melanomas, 9 out of a dozen patients develop metastases over a 5-year period, which are usually localized in subcutaneous tissue and on the surface of the skin.

With such metastasis, the patient's life expectancy ranges from six months to one and a half years. If metastasis went to the internal organs or, then later the life expectancy of patients with skin cancer is reduced to 3-6 months.


The main factor predisposing to oncology is UV radiation, so it is necessary to limit its harmful effects as much as possible.

Of course, it will not work to constantly avoid sunlight, but it is quite possible for everyone to limit themselves to tanning only during low solar activity. And it is better to abandon the solarium at least for the spring-summer period, when natural solar radiation is enough.

Video about the first signs of skin cancer: