Pharyngitis in children: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. Pharyngitis in children: description, types, symptoms and methods of treatment Local treatment of pharyngitis

This is a fairly common ailment among children. And in the autumn-winter season, the incidence of pharyngitis increases significantly. This is facilitated by low air temperature, hypothermia of the body and a decrease in immunity. Being able to recognize pharyngitis in the initial stages is an important skill for parents, because the health of their child depends on it.

Reasons for the development of pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Pharyngitis rarely occurs in isolation and is often observed along with or. The cause of pharyngitis are microorganisms: all kinds of viruses, bacteria and even fungi. But often the culprit for the development of pharyngitis is precisely the viruses (and, and, the RS virus). Basically, pharyngitis in children is a manifestation.

It is not difficult to suspect pharyngitis in a child. Yesterday the baby was still active, and the next day he was already lethargic, coughing and complaining about a sore throat.

In this situation, the mother can ask the baby to open her mouth and examine his throat. With pharyngitis, the mucous membrane of the pharynx and the back wall of the pharynx are red, swollen. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the palatine tonsils, are there any changes on them? If it is possible to detect raids on the tonsils, it means that the child has.

Why can't you self-medicate?

Pharyngitis is not such a harmless disease as many people think. With early detection and adequate treatment, the child will recover very quickly. However, the lack of proper treatment can lead to the formation of complications. So, in young children, pharyngitis is often complicated.

Of particular danger is bacterial streptococcal pharyngitis. The absence of specific antibacterial treatment in this case can lead to the spread of infection. This is fraught with the development of such complications as:

  1. Peritonsillar abscess;

Principles of treatment of pharyngitis in children

A child with suspected pharyngitis must be shown to the pediatrician. Only the attending physician can confirm the diagnosis, prescribe the necessary therapy.

Treatment of pharyngitis can be local and general. At the same time, it is very important to create comfortable conditions and peace for the child, to follow the regimen and diet.

Local treatment of pharyngitis

Local treatment involves a local effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the pharynx. This can be achieved by gargling, irrigating the throat, or sucking drugs. eliminates inflammation and promotes a speedy recovery. But this method of treatment is only suitable for older children who can independently gargle and not choke.

Gargle four times a day after meals. To do this, use solutions, chlorophyllipt, eucalyptus, sea salt. Parents need to remember that these herbal alcohol solutions are very concentrated. That is, the drug must be diluted with the required amount of water before use. In addition, as an auxiliary method of treatment, you can resort to folk remedies. So, gargling with a decoction or reduces inflammation of the pharynx.

In the complex treatment of pharyngitis in older children, absorbable dragees and lozenges are also used (Strepsilis, Faringosept, Falimint, etc.). These dosage forms eliminate inflammation, soften the irritated mucous membrane of the pharynx, and some of them even have an analgesic effect. Now pharmaceutical companies add flavoring additives to the composition of lollipops, so that children are happy to be treated with them.

But irrigation of the oropharynx with sprays can be used as a treatment for children over the age of three years. To do this, parents ask the child to open their mouth wide and press the spray dispenser once or twice. Pediatricians recommend irrigating the baby's oropharynx after he eats. This approach minimizes the effect of the drug on the child's gastrointestinal tract. For pharyngitis, a wide variety of sprays with antiseptics are used, such as Yoks, Givalex, Kameton, Ingalipt, etc.

Diet for pharyngitis

In addition to using medications, it is important to make sure your child is drinking enough fluids. Firstly, toxins from viruses and bacteria are released from the body with fluid, which contributes to a speedy recovery. Secondly, the liquid helps to eliminate the dryness of the pharyngeal mucosa.


The fluid should be at a comfortable temperature, neither hot nor cold. You can give your child plain warm water or compote, herbal tea.

During the illness of the child, it is necessary to feed such food that will not cause damage and irritation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Preference should be given to mushy and liquid foods. In this case, the dishes should be warm. It is also worth eliminating spices and spices from the diet.

General treatment of pharyngitis

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe systemic drugs to the child that will affect the causative agent of the disease. As noted above, viruses are often to blame for the development of pharyngitis. However rarely used for pharyngitis.

It’s another matter if the child’s pharyngitis is caused by bacteria, for example, in this case, you can’t do without. As a rule, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of tablets from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides. Antibiotic therapy helps the body fight off a bacterial infection and prevent complications from developing.

otorhinolaryngologist, phoniatrist

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Quite rarely, it is an independent disease (especially in children), more often occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, Epstein-Barr virus, etc. Also, pharyngitis can be caused by a bacterial infection.

Factors contributing to the development of pharyngitis:

  • hypothermia;
  • spicy, very cold food (ice cream);
  • breathing through the mouth (especially in winter);
  • decreased immunity;
  • exposure to exogenous factors (gas pollution, dustiness of the air, tobacco smoke);
  • hypoavitaminosis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, etc.);
  • allergy.

Classification of pharyngitis:

Acute, subacute, chronic.

According to the condition of the pharyngeal mucosa:

  1. catarrhal - swelling, redness of the mucous membrane of the throat, larynx, gradually the mucous becomes grayish-pink.
  2. hypertrophic - thickening of the mucous membrane of the larynx and throat due to the growth of epithelial tissue. Usually there is hypertrophy of the lateral folds of the pharynx, thickening of the palatine arches, the appearance of nodules and granules on the back of the pharynx.
  3. subfatrophic - thinning of the tissues of the throat and larynx of a focal or diffuse nature. Externally, the mucous membrane is pale, dry, the vessels are thinned, atrophied.

The main symptoms of pharyngitis:

  • sore throat, cough, dry mouth;
  • difficulty and pain when swallowing;
  • feeling of soreness, soreness in the throat;
  • dry cough;
  • with inflammation of the vocal folds, hoarseness appears, a change in the timbre of the voice;
  • in young children, it may be accompanied by high fever, refusal to eat, weakness, sleep disturbance, nausea;
  • a feeling of bitterness and sourness in the mouth (if there is a reflux nature of the disease).

With the involvement of the tonsils in the process, angina may develop, in this case, most often there is a plaque on the tonsils.

Sore throat with pharyngitis is moderate, appears only when swallowing food, especially hot or hard. With angina, the pain in the throat is constant, intense, and when swallowing or drinking liquids, it intensifies.

With the defeat of the tonsils, the temperature rises quickly and sometimes up to 40 degrees, often a white coating appears the next day. And pharyngitis usually begins with a sore throat, and after, or at the same time, the temperature rises slightly.

If the child is small and cannot say what is bothering him, the body temperature rises to 39 °, you should immediately contact a pediatrician. If home treatment does not improve well-being within two days, you should also consult a doctor. Parents often prescribe drugs themselves, buy concentrated alcohol solutions that only dry out the mucous membrane. And by the time the patient comes to the clinic, in addition to the treatment of pharyngitis, it is also required to restore the mucosa. Moreover, dryness of the mucosa prolongs the course of the disease.

You can not get involved in self-medication, it is important to remember that only a doctor after a thorough diagnosis can prescribe a drug, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the child.

If pharyngitis recurs or does not go away for a long time, this is a reason to look for the true causes of the disease, moreover, pharyngitis is rarely an independent disease and often accompanies adenoiditis, tonsillitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Diagnosis of pharyngitis

The first specialist that parents turn to is a pediatrician. If the disease returns, if not all symptoms go away after treatment, the otorhinolaryngologist is included in the process. It is very important to understand the reasons, because many diseases are disguised as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. For example, there are situations when, without a properly established diagnosis, treatment and a special voice regimen, a child with pharyngolaryngitis loads the vocal cords during the day, which provokes the development of vocal cord nodules, which in turn require a longer and more complex treatment, and sometimes surgical.

Laboratory research:

  • throat swab for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics or PCR;
  • general blood analysis.

With recurrent pharyngitis:

  • endoscopy of the nose and nasopharynx;
  • examination by an allergist (to exclude the allergic nature of the disease);
  • examination by a gastroenterologist (to exclude reflux disease);
  • Endoscopy (fibroscopy) of the larynx (with pharyngolaryngitis).

  • From the diet it is necessary to exclude all irritating mucous foods (too hot and cold, salty, sour, spicy). The patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (up to two liters per day).
  • Children, starting from the age of 3, are prescribed a gargle.
  • It is recommended to consume liquid foods that do not cause difficulty in swallowing (chicken broths, soups, cereals, fruit and vegetable mixtures).

. They are prescribed depending on the nature of the course of the disease and the condition of the mucosa.

Antibacterial therapy it is prescribed from the first day if group A B-hemolytic streptococcus is detected. In other cases, it all depends on the severity of the disease and the results of laboratory tests.

Anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) to lower body temperature.

When pharyngolaryngitis is shown:

Alkaline drink.

Inhalations. For children, it is better to choose ultrasonic or compressor inhalers. If a child has a history of laryngospasm (false croup), an inhaler should be mandatory so that parents can independently inhale with topical hormone in critical situations before the ambulance arrives.

Humidification of the air in the room. Dry air can prolong the course of the disease.

Antihistamines to relieve swelling.

The EMC Children's Clinic has all the possibilities for the treatment of pharyngitis and pharyngolaryngitis. In one building, doctors of all children's specializations are receiving, examinations are carried out around the clock, doctors of emergency and emergency care are ready to go home to little patients at any time. Diagnosis and treatment appointment occur as soon as possible. As part of a multidisciplinary approach, doctors of various specialties (pediatrician, otorhinolaryngologist, allergist, gastroenterologist, etc.) take part in the treatment of patients, the decision in complex cases is made by a council of doctors.

The path of spread of pharyngitis is airborne or household. A child can become infected in a kindergarten, school, on the street or from sick relatives, including through toys and household items. The peak of the disease falls on the transitional seasons and winter.


As an independent disease, acute pharyngitis in childhood occurs when infectious agents, viruses or pathogenic microorganisms, enter the mucous membrane. In addition, this disease can be one of the symptoms of any other pathologies of the respiratory organs and other systems.

Most often, the inflammatory process of the oropharynx is provoked by a viral infection. The main pathogens are herpes viruses, influenza, enterovirus and others. Microorganisms that cause pharyngitis include Haemophilus influenzae, streptococci, diplococci, and many others. Viral pharyngitis in childhood accounts for about 70% of all cases, the remaining 30% are bacterial.

As a concomitant symptom, pharyngitis accompanies diseases such as mononucleosis, acute respiratory viral infections, scarlet fever and others. Less often, the cause of inflammation in the oropharynx in babies of 1 year of age is foreign objects that damage the delicate mucous membrane.

There are predisposing factors that provoke the inflammatory process. These include hypothermia, chronic exposure to irritants (for example, sharp food or dust), vitamin deficiency, anomalies in the structure of the respiratory tract, and various endocrine diseases.


During acute pharyngitis, several characteristic symptoms can be distinguished:

  • Pain in the throat, especially when swallowing;
  • Dryness in the mouth.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Perspiration and rawness in the oropharynx.
  • Attacks of dry cough, which are often accompanied by lacrimation.
  • When the vocal folds are involved in the pathological process, the child's voice is hoarse, its timbre changes.
  • Increase in body temperature. This symptom is especially typical for babies in the first years of life.
  • Nausea, refusal to eat.
  • Sleep disturbance and general weakness.

The onset of pharyngitis is usually gradual - first there is a tickle and dryness in the throat, after which the body temperature rises slightly. In the event that the inflammatory process covers the tonsils, the child begins with all the ensuing symptoms, for example, the appearance of plaque. In acute pharyngitis, the pain in the throat is usually moderate, aching, aggravated by swallowing, with angina, the pain is more intense.

In the case when pharyngitis occurs against the background of a viral infection, the body temperature is often quite high. In children of the first year of life, the general signs of the disease are more pronounced - fever is noted, appetite disappears, sleep is disturbed, profuse salivation, swallowing disorders, rashes on the body, and indigestion are noted.

Which doctor deals with the treatment of pharyngitis in children?

For the first time, pharyngitis is usually treated by a local pediatrician. With the development of complications or frequent repeated episodes of the disease, it is recommended to consult an ENT doctor.


As a rule, it is not difficult to establish pharyngitis in children due to the presence of characteristic symptoms. For diagnosis, a specialist visually examines the oral cavity and oropharynx, palpates the lymph nodes, pays attention to the ears, nasal passages, and measures the temperature of the child's body.

With frequent recurrences of the disease, the doctor takes a swab from the throat in order to identify the pathogen and draw up the correct treatment plan. Conduct differential diagnosis with diphtheria, catarrhal tonsillitis and other inflammatory diseases.

An additional diagnostic method is pharyngoscopy - examination of the oropharynx using a special device. With pharyngitis, hyperemia of the mucous membrane can be noted, a pronounced vascular pattern on the back of the pharynx and palate.


As a rule, pharyngitis in children requires only local treatment that alleviates unpleasant symptoms. General therapy is necessary for a frequently occurring bacterial infection, when the causative agent of the disease is identified. With local therapy, it is required to exclude from the child's diet all irritating foods - spicy, sour, hot and too cold food. To speed up recovery, it is necessary to give the baby as much warm drink as possible - fruit drinks, compotes, teas.

Local treatment consists of a whole range of activities:

  • Gargling with antiseptics and decoctions of herbs - chamomile flowers and St. John's wort, iodine-salt solution.
  • Treatment of the back wall of the throat with anti-inflammatory drugs - for example, Lugol's solution.
  • Injection of anti-inflammatory sprays - Ingalipt, Geksoral and others.
  • Softening and analgesic lozenges - Stopangin, Faringosept, Falimint, Strepsils and others.
  • For small children who do not know how to gargle on their own, treatment is carried out with the help of a plentiful warm drink.

With a high risk of attaching a bacterial infection, antibacterial drugs are included in the complex treatment. As a rule, the course of taking antibiotics is 10 days. The drugs of choice in pediatrics are penicillins, amoxicillin, azithromycin, and erythromycin.

An important rule necessary for a successful recovery is that the course of taking antibacterial drugs should not be stopped ahead of time, even if the unpleasant symptoms have already disappeared. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing resistance (resistance) of pathogenic microorganisms to the action of these drugs, which will cause problems in the future. After the start of treatment, the child remains contagious to others for 24 hours.

In addition to antibiotics, in acute bacterial pharyngitis, antihistamines are indicated - Fenistil, Zodak, and the throat is also treated with antiseptic solutions and herbal decoctions. To relieve pain and reduce body temperature, drugs based on paracetamol and ibuprofen can be given.


As a rule, with proper and timely treatment, pharyngitis does not entail any complications. In rare cases, with the bacterial nature of the disease, improper therapy can lead to such serious consequences as an abscess or meningitis. In addition, complications of inflammation of the oropharynx can be tonsillitis, tonsillitis, rheumatic fever. The latter disease is especially dangerous, since there is a risk of damage to the heart valves. Streptococcal angina more often than others entails the development of abscesses of the soft tissues of the pharynx.


For the prevention of inflammatory pathologies of the oropharynx, it is recommended to carry out general strengthening therapy - hardening of the body, strengthening immunity, timely staging of vaccines, taking multivitamin preparations, maintaining a microclimate in the child's room and good nutrition.

It is important to prevent the development of chronic diseases of the oropharynx and other ENT organs. Parents should treat diseases of the teeth, oral cavity and organs of the gastrointestinal tract in time.

With viral pharyngitis, unpleasant symptoms disappear quickly with proper treatment: one week is enough for the symptoms to disappear. The prognosis is usually favorable, children recover completely and without complications.

Useful video about pharyngitis in children

Pharyngitis is an acute respiratory disease, manifested by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx.


More often the disease is of viral origin. It can be provoked by the influenza virus, parainfluenza, rhinosinticial virus, adenovirus, parvovirus, coronavirus, etc. Cases of bacterial pharyngitis are not uncommon. The most common bacteria are staphylococci, streptococci, and pneumococci. Less often, infection with fungi (mainly of the genus Candida) leads to the development of inflammation.

Predisposing factors

  • General hypothermia. Most cases of the disease are recorded after a general hypothermia of the child's body;
  • local hypothermia. Often pharyngitis occurs in children who love to eat ice cream, chilled drinks, cottage cheese and yogurt from the refrigerator;
  • decrease in immunity. During periods of prolonged stress (for example, when passing exams), after strenuous physical exertion, during diets, the body's resistance to various infections decreases.
  • foci of chronic infection. Dental caries, chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses are all foci of infection. With the flow of blood or lymph, the microorganisms that cause these diseases can disappear into any organ (including the throat) and lead to its inflammation;
  • early childhood. Acute pharyngitis is more often diagnosed in children of preschool and primary school age. After 10-12 years, the incidence of them becomes lower.


Acute pharyngitis is manifested by sore throat when swallowing, fever, weakness, increased fatigue. With adenovirus infection, pharyngitis is combined with inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes, mucous or purulent discharge from them. With enterovirus, abdominal pain, vomiting, loose stools additionally appear. With an infection caused by a coronavirus, a small punctate rash may appear on the patient's body, which disappears after recovery from SARS.

In young children, the general symptomatology prevails: they become lethargic, capricious. Their sleep worsens, appetite disappears, the temperature rises.


In most cases, the diagnosis is made immediately after the examination. The back wall of the pharynx becomes edematous, acquires a bright red color. Often thick, white mucus flows down it from the nose (with nasopharyngitis). There may be graininess in the posterior wall.

With pharyngitis, regional groups of lymph nodes become inflamed: cervical, submandibular, chin. They increase in size, become more dense. When examining them, the patient may experience a feeling of soreness.

In a clinical blood test, inflammation is detected: the level of leukocytes rises, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) increases, a shift appears towards young forms of leukocytes. According to the increase in the level of neutrophils, one can assume a bacterial cause of the disease, according to an increase in the number of lymphocytes, a viral etiology.

To establish a specific type of pathogen, the discharge from the back of the pharynx is sown. The sensitivity of the microorganism to different groups of antibiotics is determined.


  • Plentiful drink. Drinks with a high content of vitamin C are recommended: cranberry juice, blackcurrant compote, orange drink. If the child does not drink them, then mineral water without gases, warm tea, juices will do.
  • Vitaminized, easily digestible food. Given that the main symptom of pharyngitis is a severe sore throat when swallowing, hard, irritating foods should be excluded from the child's diet.

    Recipe for the occasion::

    The baby should receive the first meal every day. It is better if it is light, chicken soup without frying.

    Of the second courses, it is better to give preference to mashed potatoes, steamed cutlets, milk porridges.
    Fruits (especially oranges, tangerines, kiwi) and vegetables are recommended in large quantities.

  • Antiviral therapy. In many cases, pharyngitis is a manifestation of SARS, so antiviral drugs are successfully used in its treatment.

    In young children, funds produced in the form of rectal suppositories are widely used. This is Viferon, Kipferon. The course of treatment is 5 days.

    From 6 months of age, Anaferon for children, Ergoferon are allowed for use. They are accepted according to a special scheme. On the first day, the child should receive 7 tablets, on the second and subsequent days, the drug is used 1 ton * 3 times a day. Tablets dissolve in water and are given to the child, regardless of the time of the meal.

    From the age of 3, it is possible to take tablets: Kagocel (treatment course 4 days), Arbidol (5 days).

  • Antibacterial therapy. In cases of suspicion of the bacterial nature of the disease (an increase in the level of neutrophils in the blood, the ineffectiveness of antiviral drugs for 3 days, etc.), it is necessary to start taking antibiotics.

    Children under one year old are often prescribed Flemoxin-Solutab (in the form of soluble tablets for oral administration), Augmentin, Sumamed, Suprax (in the form of suspensions for preparing syrup). At an older age, these drugs are prescribed in tablets.

    In case of severe intoxication (high temperature, severe drowsiness of the child, serious abnormalities in blood tests), injectable antibacterial drugs (for example, Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin, Amikacin) are recommended.

  • Topical preparations.

Drops for oral administration

These drugs include Tonsilgon-N. This is the only topical mucosal treatment approved for use in children under one year of age. It is available in the form of drops, which are dosed depending on age. The drug has a combined herbal composition. Like all tinctures, Tonsilgon-N is produced on alcohol. The alcohol contained in it is not absorbed into the general bloodstream of the child, but has only a local warming effect on the tonsils and pharyngeal walls.

Medicinal aerosols

They include various antiseptics. Most aerosols are approved for use from 5 years of age. This is due to the fact that when treating the oral cavity with a spray in a young child, respiratory arrest may reflexively occur. However, if the child does not belong to the group of allergy sufferers, then these drugs may be recommended to him before the specified period.

Of the aerosols for pharyngitis, Miramistin, Geksoral, Tantum Verde, Lugol (based on iodine), Bioparox are most often prescribed. Bioparox has a local antibacterial effect, so its use is justified in bacterial infections. Miramistin spray, which does not have an obvious medicinal taste and smell. It tastes like water. Children tolerate it well. Miramistin can be prescribed from an early age. The only condition for its use is the ability of the child to open his mouth wide at the request of an adult. Otherwise, instead of irrigating the back of the pharynx, which becomes inflamed with pharyngitis, the parents will only treat the back of the tongue.

Solutions for rinsing

Solutions can be herbal and made independently or medical.

To prepare a solution at home, common chamomile, calendula, linden flowers are well suited. These medicinal plants have a mild antiseptic effect. Rinse the oropharynx with such infusions or decoctions 5-6 times a day.

Of the specialized rinses, an aqueous solution of Furacillin, Chlorhexidine is widely used. Increasingly, with pharyngitis, Hexoral is used in solution, which has a wide range of actions (including it has an antifungal effect), Miramistin.

Preparations for resorption

Lozenges, tablets for local treatment are prescribed for children from 4-5 years of age. These drugs include Grammidin, Faringosept, Falimint.

They have a certain medicinal taste, so everything here depends on the organoleptic characteristics of the drug and the individual preferences of the child. For example, Pharyngosept has a more pleasant, sweet taste, and children dissolve it more readily than others.


  • exclude general and local hypothermia of the child,
  • minimize contact with sick people,
  • pay attention to hardening, strengthening immunity,
  • timely and correctly conduct therapy for viral infections,
  • do not self-medicate, especially uncontrolled intake of antibacterial agents.

Pharyngitis is a respiratory disease that every person suffers at least once in a lifetime. It is important to competently approach its treatment, it is better if a qualified pediatrician or a pediatric otolaryngologist (ENT) deals with this.

With the wrong therapeutic approach, intermittent (non-course) use of antibiotics, and irregular local treatment, it is possible to artificially form the resistance of microorganisms to the therapy received. In the future, it will be much more difficult for such a patient to choose an effective treatment, and the risk of an acute form of the disease becoming chronic will increase significantly.

Acute pharyngitis- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - rarely an independent disease, most often it is combined with acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (flu, acute respiratory infections).

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the back wall of the pharynx is called pharyngitis (from the Latin word "pharyngs" - pharynx). Parents usually talk about this condition "red throat". Usually viral in origin, it may also be associated with group A B-hemolytic streptococcus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, or other pathogens. Various unfavorable factors contribute to the onset of the disease - hypothermia, spicy, hot or cold food, gas pollution and dustiness of the air (the incidence in cities is usually higher than in rural areas), smoking and alcohol abuse, infectious diseases, a decrease in body resistance, kidney and blood diseases .

Symptoms of pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is a fairly common disease and occurs in a variety of forms. By localization, it can be superficial - the mucous membrane of the pharynx suffers - this is a catarrhal form. The defeat of the lymphadenoid elements, located in a deeper layer, under the mucous membrane is another form called granulosa pharyngitis.

Pharyngitis may be limited, for example, to the area of ​​​​the lateral ridges and more common throughout the posterior pharyngeal wall. The nature of the inflammation can be acute, subacute and chronic. Pharyngitis can be an independent disease (with viral lesions), but much more often in children it develops a second time, that is, it is a consequence of another underlying disease. Usually such pharyngitis is a symptom of acute or subacute adenoiditis, tonsillitis, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

There are complaints of discomfort in the throat ("tear"), pain, which in most cases are insignificant, but sometimes very sharp and accompanied by a rise in body temperature up to 38 ° C.

Acute pharyngitis in young children is severe, with high fever and severe general symptoms: adynamia (severe lethargy), lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, increased ESR to 25-30 mm / h. However, it must be considered that in these cases the disease should be regarded as acute adenoiditis with the corresponding symptoms.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of examination of the pharynx: there is hyperemia (redness), swelling and infiltration of the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall, palatopharyngeal arches, and sometimes the soft palate. With lateral pharyngitis, hyperemia and swelling of the lateral folds of the pharynx are determined.

Viral pharyngitis is observed, as a rule, in acute viral respiratory diseases. Characterized by extensive bright red hyperemia, exciting palatine tonsils and soft palate. Sometimes red dots (pinpoint hemorrhages) or vesicles appear on the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

Local sensations are presented for 2-3 days by a dry, irritating cough, which gradually subsides. General manifestations may be absent. When a secondary infection is attached, the signs of the disease change accordingly.

Acute pharyngitis is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - a frequent manifestation of acute respiratory diseases. As a rule, with pharyngitis, children complain of pain, discomfort in the throat (burning, itching, itching), coughing, sometimes itching and pain in the ears. Infants cannot complain of malaise, but attentive parents pay attention to restless behavior, sleep disturbance, and loss of appetite. Pharyngitis can be combined with other manifestations of acute respiratory infections, such as runny nose, cough, fever, conjunctivitis.

It should be noted that acute pharyngitis is rarely an isolated disease. Usually it is combined with other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In children under 2 years of age, the disease is more severe and often combined with inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and acute catarrhal rhinitis. In this case, symptoms of acute rhinitis will be observed - a violation of nasal breathing, abundant mucous or mucopurulent discharge from the nose.

The main factors contributing to the development of chronic pharyngitis:

Constitutional features of the structure of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and the entire gastrointestinal tract;

Prolonged exposure to exogenous factors (dust, hot dry or smoky air, chemicals);

Difficulty in nasal breathing (breathing through the mouth, decongestant abuse);


Endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, etc.);

Avitaminosis A;

Diabetes mellitus, heart, lung and kidney failure.

Diagnosis of pharyngitis:

examination, if necessary: ​​bacteriological or virological examination (pharyngeal swab).

Treatment of pharyngitis

Treatment is carried out by an ENT doctor at a polyclinic or a pediatrician.

Therapeutic measures for pharyngitis include the following manipulations.

In acute and exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, not accompanied by severe disorders of the general condition, symptomatic treatment is sufficient, including a sparing diet, hot foot baths, warming compresses on the front surface of the neck, milk with honey, steam inhalations and gargling.

Exclude irritating food from the diet (hot, cold, sour, spicy, salty), it is recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks - tea with lemon, milk with mineral water, etc.

Gargling with antiseptic, herbal solutions (for example, a solution of 1% chlorophyllipt, rotokan, sea salt, eucalyptus, etc.) 3-4 times a day after meals. True, this is possible only in children older than 2-3 years. Who already know how to gargle.

For gargling, the following herbal preparations are most effective:

1. Calendula flowers, plantain leaves, sage leaf, chamomile flowers.

2. Chamomile flowers, oregano herb, sage leaves, St. John's wort herb

3. Dandelion flowers, plantain leaves, birch leaves, pine buds.

Cooking fees 1-3:

Mix the components in equal parts. 1 tbsp collection, pour 1 cup boiling water, simmer for 3 minutes over low heat, leave for 1 hour, strain.

4. Oak bark - 2 parts, linden branches - 1 part

5. Linden flowers - 2 parts, chamomile flowers - 3 parts

Cooking fees 4-5:

Brew 1 tsp of the mixture in 1 cup of boiling water, strain, cool.

Rinse with warm infusion 5-6 times a day.

For gargling, you can use a pharmacy tincture of eucalyptus - 20-30 drops per glass of warm water and eucalyptus oil - 15-20 drops per glass.

Irrigation of the pharynx with antiseptic or antibiotic-containing aerosols (listed by age below) 2-3 doses 2-4 times a day. Alternate gargling with herbal infusions and antiseptic solutions.

Gargling should be combined with inhalations. For inhalation, you can use an infusion of the following herbs: St. It is better to use a mixture of 2-3 herbs. The infusion is prepared as in collections 1-3.

1. Linden flowers, raspberries (if there is no allergy).

2. Raspberries - 2 parts, black currant leaves - 2 parts, coltsfoot leaves - 1 part, oregano grass - 1 part.

3. Plantain leaves, linden flowers, raspberries, anise hearths.

Preparation: pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Drink a decoction in 2 doses (1/2 cup) with an interval of 2 hours.

Resorption of tablets or lozenges with antibacterial, analgesic, emollient (pharyngosept, falimint, strepsils, laripront, etc.), in children over 5 years old.

Bacterial pharyngitis requires systemic antibiotics. Antibacterial therapy is justified only with a known or suspected streptococcal etiology of the disease. Unreasonable antibiotic therapy contributes to the development of resistance (resistance) to antibiotics, and can also be complicated by unwanted drug reactions. Antibiotics, if necessary, will be prescribed by a doctor!

Infants and young children cannot gargle or dissolve tablets, so they are only prescribed to drink plenty of fluids and irrigate the throat with an antiseptic. It should be noted that all aerosols should be used with caution in children under two years of age due to the possibility of spasm of the glottis.

Gargling method: take one sip of the prepared solution, clearly pronouncing the letter "O" or "E", rinse your throat, then spit out the solution. Rinsing produce 3-4 times a day after meals.

With the flu, rimantadine is prescribed, with a herpes infection - acyclovir.

For bacterial pharyngitis, topical antibacterial drugs are prescribed - Bioparox (4 inhalations in the mouth every 4 hours) or Hexaspray (2 injections 3 times a day). The limitation of the use of these funds is the age of up to 2.5 years (laryngospasm may develop).

A good therapeutic effect is provided by Yoks, an otorhinolaryngological disinfectant containing polyvidone iodine, which, upon contact with the mucous membrane, releases active iodine. Iodine, in turn, has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, in addition, iodine accelerates the processes of cleansing mucous membranes from necrotic tissues (plaques). Yoks also has an anesthetic (pain-relieving) effect.

Prevention: hardening of the body, exclusion of harmful factors, restoration of disturbed nasal breathing, increase in the body's defenses (use of immunocorrector drugs)

Chronic pharyngitis is often not an independent disease, but a manifestation of the pathology of the entire gastrointestinal tract: chronic atrophic gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. The ingress of acidic gastric contents into the pharynx during sleep with gastroesophageal reflux disease and hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm is often a hidden cause of the development of chronic catarrhal pharyngitis, and in this case, without eliminating the main cause of the disease, any methods of local treatment give insufficient and short-term effect. Smoking (and passive too) and tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils) lead to the development of atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

Pharyngitis often develops with constantly difficult nasal breathing. It can be caused not only by the transition to breathing through the mouth, but also by the abuse of vasoconstrictor drops that flow from the nasal cavity into the pharynx and have an unnecessary anemic effect there. Symptoms of pharyngitis may be present in the so-called postnasal drip (the English term is “postnasal drip”). In this case, discomfort in the throat is associated with the flow of pathological secretions from the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses along the back of the pharynx. In addition to constant coughing, this condition can cause wheezing in children, which requires differential diagnosis with bronchial asthma.

Topical antibacterial agents can be widely used in the treatment of pharyngitis. The choice of the optimal drug is determined by the spectrum of its antimicrobial activity, the absence of allergenicity and toxic effect. Of course, the most effective local preparations will not completely replace the need for systemic administration of antibiotics for angina and pharyngitis caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus. On the other hand, due to the non-bacterial etiology of many forms of pharyngitis, the emergence of an increasing number of resistant strains of bacteria, as well as the undesirable effects of general antibiotic therapy, local administration of drugs with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity is in many cases the method of choice.

home remedies for pharyngitis

    Gargle with fresh potato juice or inhale potato steam for pharyngitis.

    Peel and finely chop fresh garlic. Put 0.5 cups of cooked garlic in an enamel pan and pour fresh buckwheat (dark) honey. The honey should completely cover the garlic. Then put the pan on a low heat and heat, stirring constantly, for about 20 minutes, until all the garlic has dissolved. Let it cool slightly under the lid, and then put it on fire again and stir constantly so that the syrup does not burn. You can add a little distilled or melted water to this syrup. Store the filtered syrup in the refrigerator. Take for cough, laryngitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis: children - 1 teaspoon, adults - 1 tablespoon every hour until complete recovery.

    Grind the head of garlic to the state of gruel, pour 1 liter of wine or apple cider vinegar, insist in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks, shaking the contents periodically, strain. Dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of table salt in 1 cup of infusion. Gargle with pharyngitis with infusion 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.

    Lubricate the tonsils with propolis infusion. Mix 1 part of 10% alcohol extract of propolis with 2 parts of glycerin or peach oil. Use to lubricate the back of the pharynx in chronic pharyngitis, as well as painful points in ulcerative stomatitis. It can also be instilled into the nose for chronic rhinitis.

Treatment of pharyngitis with herbs

    Rinse the mouth and throat with a decoction of a blackberry leaf for inflammation of the oral mucosa, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bleeding gums.

Methodology of doctors L.A. Bochkova and I.G. Nepomniachtchi for the treatment of pharyngitis

The first 10 days: crush 2 healthy cloves of garlic, without green sprouts, pour 1 cup of boiled warm milk, strain. Lying on your back, carry out a deep warm (non-hot) rinse at least 4 times a day. Use at least 1 cup of milk with garlic at a time.

Next 10 days: Pour 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Rinse with warm (non-hot) infusion at least 4 times a day. Use at least 1 glass of infusion at a time.

The next 10 days: dry potato flowers (1 tablespoon) pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Lying to carry out a deep warm rinse 2-4 times a day. Use 1 glass of decoction at a time. Rinse for 10 days, then replace the rinse with garlic.

See also recipes in the topics Angina, Chronic tonsillitis, Colds.