Tablets and capsules for coins, providing a high degree of safety.

Any numismatist can make an album for coins with his own hands. It takes a lot of space to store a lot of coins. The master class presented in this article will teach you how to make a beautiful and roomy album.

Varieties for numismatists

Albums with coins are sold in special shops for numismatists. There are many varieties of albums, but most often sellers offer buyers separate special sheets with special money holes of different sizes. There is a special place for a signature. Such albums have a very high price, so not every collector can afford this luxury, it is easier to make an album on your own.

There are 2 ways to make a coin album. In our material, both methods will be described in detail.

First option

Materials and tools for the product:

  1. Folder made of cardboard with a binder, or on rings;
  2. A4 thick paper sheets;
  3. Dense and transparent stationery files;
  4. Marker;
  5. Ruler;
  6. soldering iron;
  7. Two clerical knives - narrow and regular.

First you need to make a paper diagram. Take a sheet of A4 paper and draw a stencil grid, where each cell will contain a coin. The size of the cells should be slightly larger than the size of the cells in the collection.

At the next stage, carefully fix the diagram under the stationery file with tape. Now heat the soldering iron and gently circle each cell with a sting over the office. Under the action of high temperature, the contour on the polyethylene will melt.

Pay special attention to this moment! When working with a soldering iron, there should be no through holes.

Cut off the top of the cell with a utility knife. It is important to start the incision from the inside out. There will be money holes. Clean the coins with citric acid and place in capsules. Seal the holes on the back with tape.

Second way

This method is much simpler than the first, because in the process you can do without a soldering iron.

It is necessary to prepare such materials and tools:

  • Folder with rings;
  • Plastic and transparent folders in A4 format;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • Stationery ruler;
  • Sewing machine;
  • 2 types of stationery knives - narrow and regular.

Beginning of work:

  1. Draw a template with a ruler and marker. Draw a stencil on a paper sheet in the form of a grid. One coin is filled into a capsule. Cells should be 2 times larger than collectible coins.

  1. With adhesive tape, the stencil is fixed under the plastic folder. Transfer all lines to the plastic base.
  2. Sew the seams along the lines with a sewing machine.
  3. With a sharp clerical knife, cut off the top edge of the cell along the line. The cuts start from the wrong side.
  4. Clean the coins with a cleaning agent and put in capsules.
  5. Seal the reverse side of the cells with adhesive tape.

Album for numismatists is ready!

Appeared immediately, as soon as the world's first coin was minted. In this case, it was not just a numismatist, but Janus, who sailed from the island of Crete and knocked out a coin in honor of It is not known, however, whether he collected coins after that, and also where he kept them. At the service of today's numismatists is a special stockbook for coins, an album, turning over the transparent pages of which, one can view both the obverse of the coins and their reverse.

Often, not all such albums put on sale satisfy the tastes of discerning numismatists, who for this reason prefer to make an album for coins with their own hands. Some do not like the cover, especially if it contains a drawing or a logo that has nothing to do with numismatics itself. Others blame the color of the substrate for coins (they are convinced that the coin has the right to show off only on a black background or on scarlet satin velvet a la Sberbank, and they are not so far from the truth.) Still others are not satisfied with the inability to add all new sheets to the stockbook as the collection expands ... In general, there are many complaints, and there is certainly a solution to the problem.

You can make a very good album for coins with your own hands, and with a ready-made presentable cover and hemmed transparent sheets, much denser than ordinary files, from a business card holder. To "solder" the sheets to the size of the coins, a soldering iron, an iron ruler and a piece of thick paper or cardboard pre-lined for future cells are enough. It is advisable to practice with a soldering iron in advance, since the business card holder is already sewn tightly, and it is better to leave all the "pancakes lumpy" on the "drafts". Slots for coins are carefully made with a sharpened knife or scalpel on a lined cardboard.

But still, to realize the numismatist's dream of constantly expanding the collection (which is one of its innermost meanings), an album for coins with their own hands, designed to be bound with a binder, will help to realize. Its convenience also lies in the fact that you can independently set the size of the cell for the coin, but they come in different sizes. For example, if 5 kopecks minted in 1961 have a diameter of 25 mm, then a copper nickel made in 1924 has a diameter of 32 mm. Not to mention coins of different denominations.

First you need to find simple files from as thick plastic as possible (for greater rigidity) - these are future sheets for coins. The files are in A4 format, so it will not be difficult to draw squares of the required size for future cells on the same sheet of thick paper. This sheet lies on the file, and one more - under the file; the resulting "sandwich" is best fixed with paper clips. By this time, the soldering iron included in the network should already warm up properly. His sting must be carried out exactly along the drawn lines (2-3 times is desirable), to guarantee insurance with an iron or wooden ruler. Before the actual work, it is advisable to practice; You will be surprised how quickly you learn to do everything perfectly the first time. In conclusion, it remains only to cut lines for inserting coins in the cells, after placing the precious collection, seal each cut with transparent tape and hem the sheet into the binder.

Alternatively, you can make all the cells in the files the same size, but supplement the coin album with your own hands with cardboard inserts with round windows to match the diameter of the coins. Inside, the cardboard bag is glued in such a way that the coin enters freely and at the same time exactly "looks" through the window. And the tab on top makes it easy to pull it out of the sheet if necessary.

Binder folders are produced in different capacities, with a maximum of 100 files. If each sheet is calculated for 16 coins, 1600 copies is more than a decent collection. Good luck with your replenishment, numismatists!

DIY coin album

Numismatics only seems to be a simple hobby on the part of people new to this type of collecting. In fact, it is a whole science. The collector needs not only to study the types of valuable coins, but also to learn how to properly clean and store them.

Without this, brand new acquisitions will eventually lose their former appearance. An important area of ​​concern for a numismatist is the place where coins are stored. Most albums for them are fabulously expensive. You can make a product to accommodate the collection yourself.

How to make an album for coins with your own hands quickly and economically? This will require improvised materials and patience.

Basic retention rules

Storage rules must be observed, since if they are violated, coins may darken, their relief may be deformed, and corrosion may appear. There are the following recommendations:

  • Coins are stored separately from each other;
  • Products should be protected from exposure to sunlight;
  • The album is best placed in a dark place with room temperature;
  • The storage place must be dry, as moisture provokes the appearance of corrosive deformations and stains;
  • You need to take out collectibles not with your fingers, but with plastic tweezers;
  • If the coin is reached with fingers, it is required to take it by the edge to prevent the appearance of prints;
  • The product should lie freely in the cell intended for it.

Ways to make an album for coins

An album for coins with your own hands can be made from the following materials:

  • Sheet A4;
  • File;
  • Soldering iron or sewing machine;
  • Scotch;
  • Stationery knife.

Album making tools

Using these materials, you can make an album for coins with your own hands in two ways: with and without a soldering iron. But, in any case, before work, you will need to prepare a stencil. For him, you need to take the largest coin and draw a cell for it on paper. The cell size should be a few millimeters larger than the collection item. Cells can be standard and custom size. In the second case, it is required to outline cells for coins of different sizes.

For the first method, you need to attach the file to the completed stencil and secure it with paper clips. Then, using a soldering iron, the contour of each cell is outlined. To place the collection in the resulting chambers, cut the top of the file at each cell. The resulting cuts, after the coins are placed inside, are sealed with adhesive tape.

In the second method, the file is replaced with thick plastic. Similarly, 2 sheets of plastic are attached to the stencil, however, the cells are formed not with a heated soldering iron, but with the help of a sewing machine. It must be powerful enough to handle the plastic sheet.

You can replace the sewing machine with an awl.

They manually break through the material, after which it is attached to the sheet by means of a thread and a needle. The top layer of plastic is cut with a clerical knife. After placing the coin inside, the incision is sealed with adhesive tape. The resulting sheets can be placed in a file. Collection files are placed in a folder.

There is another way to make an album for coins with your own hands, but it will require an additional voluminous business card holder and cardboard. To begin with, a stencil is prepared. It is placed under the file folder for business cards. The soldering iron draws lines according to the stencil. After the chambers are ready, cuts are made on their upper part and coins are placed inside.

Create an album with a soldering iron

However, working with a soldering iron requires experience. At first, get ready for paper burning, uneven lines.

To reduce the damage from your inexperience, it is better to pre-train on unnecessary files.

Placement of coins in albums

Pre-processing is required before putting the collection into an album. It suggests dehydration. You can do this with acetone. Coins are soaked in it for 20 minutes. However, this method is only suitable for products with a strong patina. In other cases, the coins are placed in a drying cabinet.

The systematization of the collection is determined by its owner. It can be chronological, thematic. Systematization is very important, as it eliminates the need for frequent shifting of products from one album to another.

Storing coins in albums helps to preserve their brilliance and aesthetics. Plastic serves as protection from the sun, and from dust, and from moisture. Products can be placed independently from each other. The album contributes to the convenience of reviewing the collection, its convenient systematization. The storage space itself, if done well, is a thematic addition to the collection.

Album for coins in capsules. DIY October 10th, 2012

Here is an album you can make with your own hands from improvised materials:

Tools and accessories that I used.
(If you have punches or have the opportunity to make them, then the task is easier for you :)
1 . metal rail (guide for the circular knife (2) and with the help of the same rail, after heating with an iron, I squeeze even folds on the cover - the film melts, takes the desired shape, see photo [I had this thing :)]
2 . circular knife for cutting cardboard
[sold at the hardware store as a linoleum cutter]
3 . Circular knife OLFA OL-CMP-1 for cutting round holes
[sold in stores: modeling, some household and for artists and designers]
(If you have punches or have the ability to make them, then the task is easier :)
4 . An ordinary clerical knife (I cut off a self-adhesive film with it)
5 . A hammer
6 . Glue "Moment" for gluing cardboard
7 . Semicircular file, medium roughness (I process, align the edges of the holes after cutting with a circular knife)
8 . Accessories: corners and bolts (ordered on the internet at BASK +)
9 . Pencil
10 . Acrylic paint "gold" (I paint all open areas of cardboard with it) [can be bought in goods for artists)
11 . Cotton swab, I apply paint to it
12 . Clamp (I clamp the rail (1) with it when cutting cardboard)
13 . Punch 5 mm (I punch holes for bolts and for the "eye" for easy removal of the capsule, see photo above)
14 . German thick films under the skin (d-c-fix, Klebert. In the album 1812 he used black and red leather d-c-fix. (Earlier he used vinyl leather for the cover, but it's hard to work with).
[Self-adhesive films should be looked for in departments with wallpaper, although sellers of Chinese consumer goods like to sell - such a film will not work]
15 . Ruler

The album is made of 2.5 mm thick binding board, which can be purchased at artists' stores. Usually sold in sheets of 900x700.

Now in detail on the manufacture of the sheet:

Cover making details:

After you have made the cover, you can install the corners (23x4.0 yellow)

Having dismantled the coin albums, we realized that contact with air gradually devalues ​​the coin, since the oxidation process can greatly change the color of its surface. A dark coin, even without a single scratch and notch, will no longer be considered an "Unc" level. And in the subsequent sale, its price will be noticeably lower than that of its sisters, which show an undisturbed golden brilliance, as if they had just left the mint.

For the domestic anniversary, the loss of luster of the brass ring of bimetallic tens and the darkening of steel tens with a brass coating are critical. Therefore, most of the questions related to the choice of capsules refer to these coins. We find out the exact diameter of the coin with the help of a caliper. Experts are wary of using other measuring instruments such as a tape measure or ruler, as they can scratch the surface of the coin, permanently knocking it out of the "UNC" category. Since not every house has a caliper, and if there is, then there is a risk of spoiling the edge of a valuable specimen, reference information is also quite suitable. Looking at our catalog, you can find out without measurements that the diameter of a bimetallic tens is 27 millimeters, and for a steel tens, its value will be half a centimeter less (22 millimeters).

Plastic tubes for coins

The famous question "Which came first: the chicken or the egg?" can be rephrased as "Which came first: tubes or coin capsules?" There will not be a long historical digression into ancient times, since plastics were invented not so long ago. Collectors have long been accustomed to using rounded plastic containers for storing duplicates. It remained to wait for someone to give these containers transparency and adjust them to the diameter of the most common coins. Tubes are used exclusively for storage, and not for displaying coins. When choosing a tube, pay attention to the tightness of its cap. Some attention should also be paid when loading coins into a tube so as not to damage the specimens.

Capsule inner and outer diameter

When choosing a capsule, there are some nuances. If you take a capsule with an inner diameter of 27 millimeters for a bimetallic ten, the coin can lie down, pressed against the walls so tightly that it will be impossible to get it out of there. Or rather, to release the coin, you have to break the capsule. This does not frighten those who treat capsules as consumables at all. Capsule makers designed the capsules to break without damaging the coin. Mints, when packing their products in capsules, adhere to exactly the strict correspondence between the diameter of the coin and the inner diameter of the capsule.

A different strategy is chosen by those who consider the capsule as valuable an acquisition as the coin stored in it. Then a capsule is selected whose inner diameter is one millimeter larger than the coin. In this case, the coin is easily removed. But it is worth noting that this method of storage is not effective when a copy is constantly transferred, since a coin in motion along the capsule can receive microdamages.

However, manufacturers often indicate not the inner, but the outer diameter of the capsule. Here the calculations are easy. Well-known firms adhere to the rule that the outer diameter differs from the inner by six millimeters. The gradation of the diameter is 0.5 mm (27 mm, 27.5 mm, 28 mm, and so on).

What if the coin does not have a diameter that matches the inner diameter of the capsule? Take, for example, billon coins of the pre-revolutionary period. A hryvnia has a diameter of 17.27 mm, a five-kopeck piece - 19.56 mm, a two-hry coin - 21.8 mm. Only experience with the products of a particular manufacturer will help here. It is quite possible that a dime will fit tightly into a seventeen-millimeter capsule at a certain pressure from above, but the same capsule from another company will not let this coin into itself. But when choosing a capsule of 17.5 millimeters, you can find both a dense occurrence of a coin and its obvious chatter when shaking the capsule.

Capsules with inserts and square capsules

Previously, the elimination of chatter was provided by exotic methods like a cotton ball. Now, capsules are being produced, in which there is a whole arsenal of internal linings, the use of which allows you to tightly fix the coin.

The same problem is solved by using square capsules, where the diameter of the hole of the inner insert varies. The inner insert is often made of elastic materials, which allows for a quality insertion of the coin. As collectors say, such capsules have only one drawback: the insert makes it difficult to see the edge of the coin. The square capsules themselves can be inserted into the cells of a special album, like holders.

Coin Tablets

Coins in capsules look more representative on specialized plates with a substrate. We can say that the tablet is a mini-showcase. There are tablets with a substrate and a sealed lid, which are a kind of large capsule.

Mini-plates are used by mints to colorfully design themed coin sets. Kits can be in simple plastic tablets. Here, unfortunately, the issues of safety of coins are very relevant. A large number of annual sets of the State Bank of the USSR are known, in which coins are hopelessly damaged due to the anti-neutral characteristics of plastic.

Tablets with a velvet backing turned out to be more spectacular. Thus, sets of Olympic rubles and silver of the 1980 Olympics, held in Moscow, are presented. It should be noted that here, too, the manufacturers did not take care of the capsules, so silver is often put up for sale darkened. The most preferred combination is Capsules + Tablets. This is how collectible sets of modern weather are formed.

The next step is to combine the tablets into the münzkabinet, but another article on our site will tell about this stage of the collection evolution. But before that, we advise you to visit the "Accessories" section of our store, where you can study in detail the various types of capsules and immediately purchase a set of the right size for your coins.