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The origin of the Maggi diet is due to the famous Margaret Thatcher. Translated from English, it means her abbreviated name Maggie. After the death of the politician, in the process of parsing the archive, they found leaflets with the methodology of this food system. Doctors of the prestigious and oldest Mayo Clinic in 1979 compiled a detailed Maggi diet menu especially for the iron lady.

Curious! Initially, it was designed for 14 days, other variations refer to the developments of modern specialists.

Operating principle

The essence of the diet implies a unique relationship of certain foods. Their general interaction activates an enhanced process of burning fat deposits in the body. The Maggi Diet is effective but strict. You don't need to calculate calories. You must strictly follow the provided menu.

The modern Maggi diet menu for every day includes an adjusted varied diet, and the technique does not imply a restriction on food volumes. It consists in the predominance of animal protein and a minimum of carbohydrates and fats. Losing weight does not suffer from hunger, decreased activity and fatigue.

But any diet is stressful for a person, it should not be harmful. Therefore, before use, contraindications should be considered:

  • pregnancy and lactation
  • allergies main components of the diet
  • diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and liver
  • dangerous cholesterol level

Main Rules

  1. Discipline in maintaining a schedule of intake and sequence of portions.
  2. Replacement of absolutely all products is unacceptable, only the reduction of some ingredients.
  3. If the number of servings is not indicated, then this meal is unlimited.
  4. It is impossible to reduce portions of products, the size of which is strictly stipulated.
  5. Be sure to consume at least 2 liters of mineral water per day.
  6. Disruption is a violation of the menu even for half a day. Everything needs to start from day 1.
  7. You can salt and season food, but in moderation, without artificial additives.
  8. It is permissible to drink tea and coffee without cream and sugar. To improve the taste, use a sweetener.
  9. Cooking for the Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks is done by boiling, baking or stewing.
  10. It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle.
  11. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  12. In the morning, monitor deviations in weight.

The following are subject to exception:

  • sugar and syrups based on it
  • butter and vegetable oils
  • mayonnaise sauces, ketchup
  • cakes and pastries
  • fatty meat and fish broths
  • alcohol

On a note! Prepare food several days in advance. Lay out in containers in the refrigerator, this will help not to break from the set menu.

There are 2 options for the system:

  • Maggi egg diet (a specific number of eggs per day)
  • Maggi's curd diet menu for 4 weeks is the main ingredient of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5%.

Interesting! To dull the pangs of hunger will help cucumber and carrots. But only after the main meal after 2 hours.

Maggi diet menu for every day

The egg diet is eating three times a day. Dinner no later than 6 pm. Fat burns from the 5th day of the diet, after all excess fluid leaves the body.

1 week "Beginning"

Breakfast is the same all 7 days - 1 grapefruit and 2 eggs.


  • Dinner: Pears.
  • Dinner: Portion of steamed beef.


  • Dinner: Chicken drumstick cooked without oil.
  • Dinner: 1 citrus, toast, 2 eggs and a salad of oxheart, radish, cucumbers.


  • Dinner: 1 toast, Adyghe cheese, tomatoes.
  • Dinner: Steamed veal.


  • Dinner: Peaches.
  • Dinner: Boiled beef and peppercorns.


  • Dinner: 2 eggs and steamed vegetables.
  • Dinner: Pollock, vegetable puree and tangerine.


  • Dinner: Apricots.
  • Dinner: Lean pork and salad.


  • Dinner: Chicken fillet, tomatoes, steamed zucchini and 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: Boiled carrots and peas.

Week 2 "Accustomization Mode"

The body begins to gradually adapt to this dietary option and more eggs appear in the diet. Maggi diet reviews come down only to positive plumb lines.

Breakfast 7 days - a couple of eggs + grapefruit.


  • Dinner: Steamed meat and chopped vegetables.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit + grilled vegetables.


  • Dinner: Steamed turkey + vegetable puree.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs and 1 grapefruit.


  • Dinner: Lean pork skewers and cucumbers.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit.

Dinner: 2 eggs, cottage cheese + vegetable mixture.
Dinner: 2 eggs and grapefruit.


  • Dinner: Heck for a couple.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs.


  • Dinner: Steam veal, cherry tomatoes and 1 citrus.
  • Dinner: Fruits.


  • Dinner: Stewed chicken drumsticks, cherry tomatoes, grapefruit and peas.
  • Dinner: Baked skinless chicken wings, cherry tomatoes, 1 grapefruit and corn.

Week 3 "Method is a way of life"

Now the body is waiting for a new “shake” and the Maggi diet menu is compiled by day.


  • Fruits, except for high-calorie bananas, sultanas and dried fruits.


  • The diet consists of salads from a variety of vegetables. Batat must be excluded.


  • All day combine vegetables and fruits, except for the forbidden ones.


  • Steam fish with lemon and tomatoes.


  • Veal plus zucchini and eggplant.


  • Peaches, kiwi, Chinese pears.


  • Green apples.

Week 4 "Evaluation and consolidation of results"

It is advisable to always keep the Maggi diet menu table for 4 weeks at hand - it is very important to follow the order of eating without changing foods.


  • 200 g braised chicken thighs
  • 4 cucumbers
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 citrus
  • 1 can of tuna without oil
  • 1 toast


  • green apples
  • 4 cucumbers
  • 4 cherry
  • 200 g roasted turkey drumstick
  • 1 toast


  • 200 g cheese or cottage cheese
  • Boiled vegetables, except sweet potato.
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 grapefruit


  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 loaf
  • 500 g boiled chicken thigh


  • 2 eggs
  • Vegetable salad
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 orange


  • 1 toast
  • 100 gr. cottage cheese or Adyghe cheese
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 4 cherry
  • 1 citrus
  • 2 boiled chicken thighs


  • 100 g cottage cheese or cheese
  • 1 can of fish, drained of oil
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 citrus
  • 1 loaf

Note! Exit from Maggi should occur gradually and without overeating. Slowly increase your daily calorie intake to your desired maintenance target. Portions are balanced and easily digestible, then the lost kilograms will not return.

Diet Maggi reviews and results

Due to the rich diet, the chemical diet is quite easily tolerated, moreover, there is plenty of food. The protein base of the diet helps maintain muscle mass and prevents sagging skin. Daily exercise will lead to faster achievement of the goal.

People who are very overweight, subject to all the rules of the diet, lose up to 20 kg. per month and acquire the desired volumes. In addition, Maggi has a lot of advantages:

  • Daily intake of citrus fills the lack of vitamins, strengthens the immune system.
  • Eggs are a storehouse of protein and minerals. They have a positive effect on the course of all processes in the body: they reduce the risk of anemia, stimulate brain activity and improve attention and memory.
  • The use of cottage cheese has a calming effect on the nervous system, puts the work of the cardiovascular system in order. In addition, it has a strengthening effect on bone tissue, teeth, hair and the nail plate.
  • Cheese has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. Gently removes toxins and decay products from the kidneys.

Nutritionists-nutritionists have released specialized collections of Maggi diet reviews of those who have lost weight with photos, in addition, they contain categories of recipes. They are easy to prepare and budget-friendly.

Important! You can repeat the new course of such a nutrition scheme in a year, not earlier. Otherwise, the protein cycle will put a heavy burden on the entire body.

Many people associate this diet with the name of the brand that produces bouillon cubes. However, apart from the name, they no longer have anything in common, and you do not have to eat broth during the entire diet. Menu developed Maggi diet for 4 weeks was for the famous Margaret Thatcher, the Mayo Clinic at the end of the 20th century. When developing it, scientists focused on the taste preferences of the Iron Lady, as well as on those products that were considered the most effective for weight loss.

Even the diary of the first lady of the country with the menu of this diet has been preserved. Maggi is not an extreme or strict diet, but only one of the options for a healthy and balanced, but moderate diet. The body will receive all the necessary vitamins, micro and macro elements. During weight loss, excess fluid, toxins and toxins leave the body, and adipose tissue also breaks down. Going out of the diet is slow and smooth, moving on to a moderate healthy diet. The main thing is not to return all the toxins removed during weight loss. After completing the course, toxins continue to circulate through the body, and are removed only after a while, and therefore it is so important to eat right after completing the course. During weight loss, it is advisable to drink as much water as possible, play sports (or just increase physical activity).

Maggi does not harm health, as it does not deprive it of the necessary nutrients. In addition to losing weight, Maggi's menu has several other advantages:

  • No need to count the calorie content of the daily diet and meals;
  • All dishes are uncomplicated, they are easy to prepare;
  • The menu does not require the purchase of expensive products;
  • Restrictions apply to a relatively small number of products (sweet, starchy and fatty);
  • You can drink tea and coffee (but without sugar or milk).

At first glance, the menu resembles the usual proper nutrition, but with a precisely composed diet. During the diet, you should strictly follow the order of days, do not swap days or meals. It is also necessary to drink one and a half to two liters of pure water or mineral water (tea and coffee are not considered). You can not flavor food with oil and sauces or cook in broth, if this is not mentioned in the menu.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

In no case do not resort to this diet if you have health problems. The Maggi diet is also hard to endure for a healthy body, not to mention an exhausted one. I will not repeat once again that ketogenic diets are quite aggressive and can be dangerous. Most likely, you have already read about it, but still decided to lose weight that way. This is your choice. And if you are so careless about your health, this is your right. My job is just to give a few tips that will help you avoid the undesirable consequences of "sitting" on the Maggi diet.

So. If you are sure that a healthy diet is not for you, and it is better to lose weight with the help of aggressive diets, then at least consult a nutritionist. Do not spare time and money for a consultation, go to a specialist. Trust me it will pay off. And I admit that the doctor will find a way out of the situation. He will select the diet that is optimal for you and that will provide the best results. And if this diet still turns out to be the Maggi diet, then the specialist will give you additional recommendations and tell you how to protect yourself.

I'll add one more thing. Do not "sit" on this diet for too long. Two to three weeks maximum, no longer. And do not allow an excess of protein in the diet, it can be really dangerous.

Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks

Maggi's egg diet is one of the varieties of the menu of this diet. It differs in that for two weeks you need to eat boiled eggs for breakfast. Each breakfast is 2-3 hard-boiled eggs, you can add coffee or tea without sugar and milk. For lunch, most often rely on fish or meat, which are prepared without the use of oil, as well as dietary salads. You can use hot spices and herbs, but in limited quantities. A detailed menu of the Maggi diet for 4 weeks is described in the table below.

In the tables below, we provide a detailed Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks with recipes for every day:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday 1 or 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs (depending on category), small orange, cup of coffee or tea. Several fresh fruits (apples or citrus). Meat or poultry (steamed or boiled).
Tuesday Boiled or baked without oil skinless chicken breast 2 hard boiled eggs, a couple of crispbreads or a slice of rye bread, a small portion of salad and fruit.
Wednesday A couple of sandwiches made from whole grain bread, low-fat cheese (ricotta, feta, gouda, tofu) and tomatoes. Cooked minced meat or simply boiled meat from chicken or turkey.
Thursday Several identical fruits. Diet salad and lean meat.
Friday A couple of boiled eggs, low-calorie vegetables in any quantity (green beans, zucchini, cabbage). Fish, low-calorie vegetables and small fruit.
Saturday Three apples or other dietary fruits. Boiled or baked meat.
Sunday Chicken fillet boiled or baked with boiled vegetables and fruit. Grilled or boiled vegetables.

It is impossible to change foods or meals in places. It is allowed to drink tea and coffee, as they speed up the metabolism, and also remove excess fluid.

The menu for the second week is slightly different from the menu for the first week:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Two hard-boiled chicken eggs, citrus or apple, coffee or tea. Boiled meat or poultry with vegetable salad. Repeat breakfast: two eggs with citrus.
Tuesday Again a small piece of meat with a salad of non-starchy vegetables. A couple of eggs with half a grapefruit.
Wednesday Boiled meat with cucumber salad. An apple, an egg and a glass of low-fat yogurt.
Thursday Eggs with boiled or fresh vegetables, a piece of cheese. A couple of boiled eggs.
Friday Fish with a small salad. Two boiled eggs.
Saturday Meat with fresh tomatoes and citrus. Fruit salad dressed with yogurt or fresh fruit.
Sunday Chicken with fresh vegetables. Chicken and citrus fruits.

Usually, in the second week, a person's strength leaves, and it is during this period that the likelihood of a breakdown is high. Remember that appetite drowns out a large amount of water and fiber (from vegetables and fruits).

The menu for the third week excludes breakfasts with eggs, and every day is a kind of mono-day:

The number of products is not limited to the menu - you can eat exactly as much as you want. You can also adjust the diet according to your preferences. The menu of the fourth week implies a very moderate diet with certain foods, a breakfast of eggs and citrus fruits is also missing here:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday A slice of bread or a diet loaf, half an orange or grapefruit. Chicken or meat, you can also buy canned tuna without oil. Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
Tuesday 200 g boiled chicken, a piece of bread. Fresh vegetable salad, fruit A fresh vegetable salad
Wednesday Low-fat cottage cheese or cheese (100 g) and a small piece of fruit. Salad with a slice of bread or bread. Salad from any vegetables.
Thursday Any fruit. Boiled meat with salad.
Friday A couple of boiled eggs and a tomato (you can fry an omelet without oil). Salad of vegetables and citrus. Egg and tomatoes.
Saturday 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt or kefir. A piece of bread with vegetable salad, 150 g of chicken. Chicken with vegetable salad.
Sunday Cottage cheese with citrus or apple. Canned tuna with bread. Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.

During the diet, it is advisable to play sports, but not more than three times a week, as exhaustion of the body may occur. You can also drink tea or coffee and plenty of water.

The diet menu will help almost everyone lose weight, but if you want, you can check its effectiveness. To do this, you need to weigh yourself before starting, measure your volumes and write down the values. After that, you need to try the diet menu for one week, and if your volume or weight decreases, then you can continue to stick to this diet.

Important! Remember that fat begins to burn only after the 21st day of dietary restrictions.

Salads, which are taken as the basis of one of the meals, should not be seasoned with oil, and even more so with mayonnaise. Diet dressing options: lemon juice, a little balsamic vinegar or soy sauce. If you still want to use oil, then take the minimum amount - about half a tablespoon for a large serving.

In addition to water, you can drink any kind of tea (black, green, white or red) without milk and sugar, decoctions and infusions, mineral water, freshly squeezed apple or orange juice without sugar. In case of a breakdown, you need to work off the extra calories with sports, and then start it again the next day. Exiting the diet is like the diet itself: you can repeat the menu of the first and last weeks, and then start eating properly and moderately. Here is one of the options for the exit menu from Maggi:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Orange and bread. 160 g of chicken and a couple of tomatoes. Light salad.
Tuesday Two pears. 250 g boiled veal. Cucumber and tomato salad.
Wednesday A couple of oranges. 200 g boiled turkey and salad. 200 g of boiled meat or poultry with tomato.
Thursday Grapefruit big. 100 boiled chicken with salad. 200 g boiled vegetables and 100 g steamed chicken.
Friday Fruit curd. 200 steamed fish with cucumber. 100 g fish and salad.
Saturday Fruit salad (can be seasoned with yogurt). Half a can of canned tuna, 100 boiled vegetables. The other half can of tuna and lettuce.
Sunday Cottage cheese with kefir (up to 300 g). Chicken breast with salad. Chicken and dessert - an apple.

All products should be low-fat, and a minimum amount of oil should be added to the salad.

Diet Disadvantages

The disadvantages include the obligation of a person who is losing weight to absolutely follow the menu without changing meals and without changing days in places. This will not be very convenient for people who have to go to work or school every day, as well as prepare meals for the whole family.

Attention! The Maggi diet for 4 weeks must be followed exactly according to the menu, without this it will lose its effectiveness.

Also, the disadvantages include increased consumption of eggs at first. Of course, the amount of the product that is indicated in the diet cannot harm health, but it can contribute to the development of allergies. Pay close attention to how you feel during the diet, and in the worst case, replace eggs with another protein product.

It is said that the menu for 4 weeks of the Maggi diet is the meal plan that British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher adhered to before her famous photo shoot in 1979. Not all nutritionists believe in a similar origin of these dietary recommendations, because Mrs. Thatcher always looked slim and fit.

But be that as it may, this approach to dieting got its name precisely in honor of the Iron Lady.

At the moment, there are two options for the Maggi diet: egg and cottage cheese. We take a closer look at both and find out what their menu for four weeks should be.


Since Maggi is an English diet, her menu for every day corresponds to the tradition of eating, which is accepted in the UK. There are no soups in the recipe, because in this European country they are not often eaten. Dinner is replaced by a light lunch. And dinner is heavy. This is the main meal of the day.

Of course, you can change the prescription and adapt it for us, but then it will be some other nutrition system.

An example of an egg scheme

It is Maggie's egg diet that is considered original, that is, the one that Thatcher adhered to. Its approximate version for 4 weeks is shown in the table

1st week

Breakfast is the same every day: 2 boiled eggs, unsweetened coffee or tea, ½ grapefruit (can be replaced with an orange).

Lunch: fruits in the quantity you want (oranges, apples, apricots, pears, watermelon).Lunch: skinless boiled chicken.

Dinner: a piece of bread, 2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad (preferably cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, but others can be chosen), any citrus.

Lunch: sandwich with cheese and tomato.

Dinner: lean meat baked or boiled (any, except lamb).

Lunch: fruits with as much as you want.
Lunch: stewed vegetables such as peas, carrots, zucchini and 2 boiled eggs.

Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled or baked fish, any citrus.

Lunch: fruits in the amount you want.

Dinner: vegetable salad with lean boiled meat (any, except lamb).

Lunch: skinless boiled chicken, boiled vegetables, fresh tomato, any citrus.

Dinner: boiled vegetables.

2nd week

Every day the same breakfast as the first week.

Lunch: lean meat baked or boiled (any, except lamb), vegetable salad.

Dinner: vegetable salad with 2 boiled eggs, any citrus.

Repeats Monday
Lunch: cold boiled meat (low-fat, any, except lamb) with cucumber.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and any citrus.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, a piece of cheese and boiled vegetables.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs.

Lunch: baked or boiled fish.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs.

Lunch: lean meat baked or boiled (any, except lamb), tomatoes, any citrus.

Dinner: fruit salad.

Lunch and dinner: skinless boiled chicken with tomatoes and boiled vegetables, any citrus.

3rd week

Fruits during the day (any, except bananas, grapes, mangoes).Any vegetables (except potatoes) during the day.
Mix from the Monday and Tuesday menu - fruits plus boiled vegetables.During the day, boiled or baked fish with cabbage and lettuce salad, boiled vegetables.
FridaySaturday and Sunday
During the day, boiled or baked lean meat (any, except lamb, but preferably chicken), boiled vegetables.Fruits during the day (any, except bananas, grapes, figs, mangoes).

4th week

During the day you can eat:
4 small pieces of baked or boiled lean meat or ¼ of skinless chicken;
3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers;
1 can of canned tuna in its own juice;
1 piece of bread;
1 orange or grapefruit
During the day are allowed:
2 small pieces of baked or boiled lean meat (no more than 200 grams);
3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers;
1 piece of bread;
1 pear or apple, or a piece of watermelon, or 1 citrus.
On this day, you can afford:
1 tablespoon of cottage cheese;
a small portion of boiled vegetables;
2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers;
1 piece of bread;
1 orange or grapefruit
½ boiled chicken without skin;
3 tomatoes and cucumber;
1 piece of bread;
1 citrus and 1 more fruit (apple or pear).
On this day you can eat:
2 boiled eggs;
1 bunch of lettuce and 3 tomatoes;
1 citrus.
This day allows:
2 boiled chicken breasts;
125 grams of cottage cheese or Feta cheese;
1 piece of bread;
2 tomatoes, 3 cucumbers;
1 yogurt;
1 citrus.
1 tablespoon of cottage cheese;
1 can of canned tuna in its own juice;
a small portion of boiled vegetables;
2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers;
1 piece of bread;
1 citrus of your choice.

In the video you can see a detailed analysis of the Maggi diet menu.

Curd variant

The menu for 4 weeks of the curd version of the Maggi diet differs from the barley one only in that eggs are replaced with cottage cheese.

1 egg is equal to 100 grams of cottage cheese.

Additional rules

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. It can be not only pure water, but also tea and coffee. Most importantly no sugar. Any sweet carbonated drinks are prohibited, even if they contain sugar substitutes.
  2. Vegetables are boiled in water. The broth from under them is not used. At the same time, any spices to taste, salt, as well as onions and garlic in any desired amount can be added to vegetables.
  3. When cooking, it is forbidden to use any fats: both vegetable and animal.
  4. As snacks, the original Maggi diet allows only carrots and cucumbers. And not earlier than 2 hours after the meal.
  5. The meat is boiled in water (no broth is used), steamed or baked in foil or a sleeve.

Product table

How many kilos of extra weight can you lose?

On average, on the Maggi diet, with its scrupulous observance, they lose weight by 10 kg.

However, much depends on the initial weight. If the body weight is very large, you can lose all 20 kg. If the issue of losing weight was not so acute, then they lose weight by 5 kg.

Is this food good?

Let's see why this system of eating cannot be called correct.

Many people are intimidated by the egg diet, as they believe that eating eggs in such large quantities can be dangerous to health. This is not true.

Many eggs need to be eaten in just one - the second - week of the diet. And the very concept of "many" is relative. According to the recipe, during the 2nd week, a person should eat 24 eggs. It has now been scientifically established that On the contrary, it is useful.

Therefore, the harm of the Maggi diet is not at all in the eggs. Its harm is in the absence of fats.

The human body cannot live without fats, as these compounds:

  • an integral structural component of all cells;
  • the best source of energy for the body;
  • link of hormonal regulation;
  • a necessary component of the absorption of certain vitamins, etc.

Strictly limiting the intake of fats in the body can contribute to weight loss in the short term. However, it has a lot of negative health consequences if a person adheres to a low-fat diet for a long time.

The menu for every day of the Maggi diet in two versions (egg and cottage cheese) for all 4 weeks is both a low-carbohydrate and low-fat diet. This is the worst possible combination. Since a weight loss regimen that requires the simultaneous strict restriction of the intake of both fats and carbohydrates never leads to sustainable weight loss. Yes, weight loss can occur. But it won't last long.

In addition, such a diet is hard to tolerate both mentally and physically. After all, a person is simultaneously deprived of both sources of energy - fats and carbohydrates.

The body can get most of its energy from carbohydrates. This is not good. But that's how 95% of the world's people live. Or maybe live mostly on them. However, the body does not know how to exist both without fats and without carbohydrates.

So is it necessary to adhere to this weight loss system? findings

It is possible, but not necessary at all.

Yes, if you like to lose weight the way the famous Margaret Thatcher did, which, however, has not been proven, you can try to suffer for a month. It will not be possible to cause great damage to health during this time.

But why? The result of such weight loss will be unstable. And his achievement is difficult.

Much easier and more rewarding to learn and then start holding on to the easy ones.

Maggi is a low-carb diet that allows you to burn fat in 4 weeks. This is an effective nutrition system, which was compiled specifically for Margaret Thatcher. During weight loss, the body does not suffer from nutritional deficiencies, because the menu contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. However, Maggi is not for everyone.

Terms and rules of the Maggi diet

There are several types of diet. The original version involves the use of a large number of chicken eggs and citrus fruits. Daily weight loss is approximately 300 g. This is the optimal indicator for losing weight without harm. It is recommended to go through the Maggi diet no more than once every 6 months.

Throughout the month, the following rules must be followed:

  • It is necessary to eat 3 times a day at a certain time. As a snack, fruits and vegetables are suitable. They can be eaten 120 minutes after the main meal.
  • The final meal should be 180 minutes before a night's sleep.
  • It is necessary to drink 2 liters of pure water per day.
  • Lunch items cannot be interchanged with dinner items.
  • All food should be cooked in the oven, in water or steamed without the addition of oils.
  • Physical activity is encouraged.
  • There should be 3-4 hours between meals.
  • It is better to limit the intake of drugs.
  • Each meal should leave a slight feeling of hunger.

Allowed products include:

  • Vegetables. They can be stewed and boiled, consumed fresh. It is acceptable to take frozen mixtures. Suitable beans, peas, carrots, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers.
  • Fruits and berries. Tangerines, apples, cherries, pears, kiwi, apricots are allowed. Most of all you need to use citrus fruits.
  • Dairy products. On the 4th week, it is permissible to drink kefir and yogurt. Cheese is chosen hard with low fat content.
  • Fish. It is better to choose cod, carp, pike perch, haddock, pollock or hake. They can be replaced with shrimp and mussels.
  • Poultry and meat. Chicken is eaten without the skin. You can rarely eat hearts or liver. Rabbit meat, beef and turkey are stewed or boiled without salt and oil.
  • Bread. It is permissible to use dietary bread and toast.
  • condiments. Allowed garlic and onions, a little pepper.
  • The drinks. Drink water in unlimited quantities. Unsweetened tea and coffee are allowed.

The list of bans includes:

  • sweet;
  • fatty;
  • alcohol;
  • milk;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • pasta;
  • bakery;
  • sweeteners;
  • fried in oil;
  • potato;
  • oils of animal origin;
  • fruits in the form of grapes, banana, avocado, figs, mango.

In case of a breakdown, you need to start the diet again. Additionally, it is not necessary to take vitamin preparations.

Diet Maggi: menu table for 4 weeks

It is important to strictly follow the diet. Every week it involves the use of certain foods.

1 Week

In the first week, a metabolic restructuring begins to occur in the body.

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 apple and pearStew and lettuce
2 Half an orange and 2 eggsTomato, breadBraised chicken with herbs
3 2 chicken eggs, 0.5 part grapefruitpermitted fruitLean beef meat and lettuce
4 Half an orange and 2 eggsBoiled vegetables, protein and yolkBraised fish, green salad
5 2 chicken eggs, 0.5 part grapefruitAny fruit from the allowed listPiece of pork
6 Half a citrus fruit and 2 eggsVegetable stew, chicken breastfresh tomatoes
7 2 chicken eggs, 0.5 part grapefruitCurd up to 5%Lettuce leaves, grilled fish

2 weeks

In the second week, the body has already adapted to the new regimen. The diet is also dominated by eggs.

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 lettuce, pork2 boiled yolks and squirrels, lettuce leaves, orange
2 Half a grapefruit and 2 eggsLean beef, tomatoOmelette for a couple
3 1/2 orange, white and yolkPork and 2 fresh cucumbers1 boiled egg, grapefruit
4 Half a grapefruit and 2 eggs2 eggs and some cheese, steamed vegetables2 boiled eggs
5 1/2 orange and eggStewed pollock2 squirrels and yolks, lettuce leaves
6 Half a grapefruit and 2 eggsSkinless chicken, tomatoFruit salad
7 1/2 orange, white and yolkPork, cucumberSkinless chicken, vegetable salad, orange

3 week

In the third week, changes in weight are already noticeable, but there is room for improvement. These products can be eaten in any quantity, but it is impossible to achieve a feeling of satiety.

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 apple and pearKiwi and orangePlums and apricots
2 Beet-carrot saladVegetable stewFresh tomato and tomato salad
3 Allowed fruits in any quantityAllowed vegetables and fruits in any quantityAllowed vegetables in any quantity boiled or fresh
4 Chinese cabbage, vegetable stewBoiled fish, lettuceTomato and cucumber
5 Boiled chicken breast, green saladStewed vegetables, a piece of beefVegetable salad, chicken
6 apple and pear2 apples2 pears
7 2 peacheshandful of apricotsPeach

4 week

After the final stage, it will be possible to see the desired number on the scales.

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 A quarter of a small boiled chicken, toast, orange3 tomatoes and 3 cucumbersCan of tuna without oil
2 2 slices of boiled meat, toastapple or orangeFresh cucumber salad
3 orange or grapefruitFresh cucumber saladCottage cheese or white cheese
4 Orange or other permitted fruitSome boiled chicken1/4 fried chicken without oil, tomato
5 2 boiled eggs, orangeVegetable stewSalad of tomatoes and cucumbers
6 Cheese slice, toast, curdled milkA fresh vegetable saladorange
7 Spoonful of cottage cheese, toast, orangeA plate of boiled vegetablesTomato, cucumber and tuna

If hunger appears, you can have a snack carrot or cucumber.

Way out of the Maggi diet

The standard duration of Maggi is 4 weeks. It is allowed to increase the period up to 5 weeks to consolidate the result. Usually, after 28 days, they begin to smoothly exit the diet.

In the first week, small portions of meals are allowed. You can't change your diet drastically. The return to the previous diet should occur with a gradual increase in calories.

Within 7 days it is necessary to keep in the diet products to which the body is already accustomed. There are other tips for getting out of the Maggi diet:

  • in the first weeks, you should not eat foods that cause rapid weight gain (flour, fried, sweet, muffin);
  • it is important to monitor the number of calories consumed and not exceed the daily allowance;
  • no need to use sugar;
  • carbohydrates and fats can be included in 3-4 weeks in small portions.

Experts advise continuing to eat boiled and stewed foods, eliminating junk food (fast food, canned food, alcohol and sweets).

The article discusses the egg diet. We talk about the general principles of the diet and allowed foods, provide useful tips and reviews. Following our recommendations, you will learn how to choose a weight loss menu for different variations of this weight loss technique.

Egg diet (protein) is one of the ways to lose weight, allowing you to eliminate excess weight with almost no hunger.

The calorie content of one egg is only about 100 Kcal. At the same time, it contains useful trace elements - calcium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins - E, A, D, and group B, as well as niacin, which provides nutrition to the brain.

The egg diet involves following certain important rules:

  • for complete assimilation, cook the main ingredient only hard boiled;
  • drink at least two liters of filtered water daily, if desired, you can replace it with green tea;
  • in rare cases, drink coffee or black tea, but without granulated sugar;
  • with constipation, add more fresh vegetables to the diet;
  • in the case when the main ingredient gets bored, replace it with low-fat cottage cheese;
  • if you follow a 4-week diet, if you feel hungry, eat fresh cucumber, lettuce leaves;
  • eat any lean meat, with the exception of lamb;
  • smoothly exit the diet, try not to consume refined sugar for a while and continue to eat eggs.

Fundamental rules

Before choosing this method of losing weight, read its rules:

  • eat three times a day without snacks and night meals;
  • do not add salt, oil to all salads;
  • cook chicken meat without skin, everything else - without fat, exclude pork and lamb from the diet;
  • eat citrus fruits in the morning, as they help to reduce the volume of the stomach.

Allowed citrus fruits are grapefruit and orange;

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to eat eggs on a diet for those who have serious diseases. There are contraindications for this method of losing weight, namely:

  • allergy to the main product;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart and liver.

Egg diet for 4 weeks

The main types of egg diet: for 7 days, 14 days and 4 weeks. Below are tables with a full description of the allowed products for each weight loss method.

Before you start the 7-day egg diet, check out the results and feedback from those who have already followed it.

Violetta, 23 years old

The egg diet is a lifesaver, thanks to which I have a good figure. I rarely sit on it, but the effect lasts for a long time, I lost 4 kg in a week.

Camilla, 30 years old

Dreaming of a thin waist, but afraid to look at the scales? I recommend sitting on the egg weight loss method. Personally, I “feel better” by five kilograms, I liked the result.

Below you will find a menu for every day of this diet, which allows you to lose three to four kg.

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday 2 eggs, grapefruit 1 egg, orange, 0.15 kg chicken 220 ml of kefir, 0.2 kg of chicken
Tuesday 2 eggs, a glass of orange juice 2 grapefruits, 0.15 kg chicken meat 2 eggs, orange, 200 ml low fat milk
Wednesday 1 egg, cup of tea (optional with lemon) Grapefruit, 0.2 kg meat 2 eggs
Thursday 3 egg omelet with herbs Vegetable salad, 0.2 kg chicken meat egg, 2 oranges
Friday Salad of boiled carrots, herbs, low-fat sour cream and two eggs 2 fresh carrots, a glass of citrus juice Lemon stewed fish, egg
Saturday 0.15 kg low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of citrus juice 2 eggs and an orange Mineral water
Sunday 2 eggs, half a grapefruit 0.2 kg meat, orange Mineral water

Egg diet for 2 weeks involves the same breakfast for every day: half a citrus and 1-2 eggs.

Below you will find the menu in the table for two weeks, from it you will learn what you can and what not to eat.

If there is no quantity of products, then eat them in unlimited quantities.

Day Dinner Dinner
1 Week
Monday One type of fruit to choose from: apples, plums, pears or watermelon 0.2 kg boiled meat or cooked in a double boiler
Tuesday Boiled or baked chicken Vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers, 2 eggs, toasted bread, orange
Wednesday Low-fat cheese, tomatoes, toast 0.2 kg boiled meat
Thursday One kind of fruit
Friday 2 eggs, beans, zucchini, carrots Low-fat sea fish, lettuce, grapefruit
Saturday One kind of fruit Meat, salad
Sunday Boiled chicken and vegetables, orange Boiled vegetables
2 weeks
Monday Meat in boiled or baked form, salad 2 eggs, lettuce and orange
Tuesday Meat in boiled or baked form, salad 2 eggs, lettuce and orange
Wednesday Meat in boiled or baked form, cucumbers 2 eggs, lettuce and orange
Thursday Low fat cheese, 2 eggs, vegetables 2 eggs
Friday boiled fish 2 eggs
Saturday Tomatoes, meat, grapefruit Tomatoes, meat, grapefruit
Sunday Boiled vegetables, chicken meat, tomato, orange

For all the time you can throw up to seven kg.

With a four-week egg diet in the last two weeks, divide these foods into 3-4 daily servings.

Below are 3 tables by week, starting with the first. The first 2 weeks breakfast is the same - two eggs and half an orange.

1 Week:

2nd week:

3 weeks and 4 weeks:

Day 3 week 4 week
Monday Any kind of fruit except bananas, grapes, dates and figs 0.15-0.2 kg of meat, 3 pieces of tomatoes and cucumbers, 1-2 toasts, a can of canned tuna without oil, grapefruit
Tuesday Boiled vegetables other than potatoes 0.15-0.2 kg of meat, 3 pieces of tomatoes and cucumbers, 1-2 toasts, pear (or apple, orange, 20 g melon)
Wednesday Allowed fruits and vegetables from the list 30 g of cottage cheese or low-fat cheese, 0.2 kg of boiled vegetables, 2 pieces of tomatoes and tomatoes, toast, orange
Thursday Boiled or stewed fish, lettuce, boiled vegetables 2 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, half a chicken carcass, toast, grapefruit
Friday Vegetables, chicken, meat 2 eggs, 3 tomatoes, lettuce, orange
Saturday One kind of fruit 0.5-0.7 kg of chicken, 2 tomatoes and cucumbers, 0.15 kg of cheese or cottage cheese, toast, grapefruit
Sunday One kind of fruit 30 g of cottage cheese, a can of canned tuna without oil, 0.2 kg of boiled vegetables, 2 each of tomatoes and cucumbers, toast, orange

Maggi egg diet - menu

The egg version of the Maggi diet for every day allows you to lose up to 20 kg in four weeks.

In order to achieve such results, it is necessary to strictly follow the nutrition table, it is forbidden to interchange lunch with dinner or breakfast. If you do not like a certain ingredient from the menu, then remove it, and do not replace it with another.

If there is a failure in the menu or in the meal schedule, you will have to start all over again.

Below are testimonials from people who have followed this diet.

Angela, 39 years old

Four weeks of restricted food for the sake of twenty dropped pounds? Easily. I can’t say that there was no desire to eat something forbidden, I think many people sin with this while losing weight. But she steadfastly withstood everything and is now pleased with the figure on the scales.

Anna, 45 years old

I do not like diets, but at my age they are the only ones that help to lose weight. I sat on egg maggi, the result is 9 kg in four weeks. I think it is worth a try for those who are too overweight.

Below is a table with a detailed description of the menu.

1 Week- breakfast for the whole week will consist of several boiled eggs and grapefruit.

2 weeks- breakfast for the whole week consists of several boiled eggs and grapefruit.

Day Dinner Dinner
Monday boiled meat, salad 2 eggs, lettuce, grapefruit
Tuesday boiled meat, salad 2 eggs, orange
Wednesday Meat and cucumbers 2 eggs, orange
Thursday Low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables, 2 boiled eggs 2 boiled eggs
Friday boiled fish 2 boiled eggs
Saturday Meat, tomatoes, grapefruit Fruit salad
Sunday Boiled chicken meat, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, orange

3 week:

4 week:

Day The list of products is indicated for the whole day
Monday 4 pieces of boiled meat or the same amount of chicken, a can of tuna without oil, 4 cucumbers and tomatoes, toast, grapefruit
Tuesday 0.2 kg of boiled meat, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, toast, one kind of fruit
Wednesday Low-fat white cheese, 20 g cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes and cucumbers, toast, boiled vegetables, grapefruit
Thursday Half boiled chicken, 3 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, toast, orange
Friday 2 boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, orange, lettuce
Saturday 2 boiled chicken breasts, 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes each, curdled milk, 0.15 kg cottage cheese, orange
Sunday A can of tuna without oil, 10 g of cottage cheese, 2 cucumbers and tomatoes, toast, boiled vegetables, grapefruit

Diet orange and eggs

Subject to the rules indicated at the beginning of the article, the first results with a five-day weight loss will be noticeable on the third day. At the same time, the total number of lost kg is up to 8.

The menu of the five-day egg-orange diet is quite easy: eat 2 oranges and 2 eggs three times a day. Total: 6 oranges and 6 eggs. Boil 5 eggs, separating the whites from the yolks, as you only need the whites. Hard boil the sixth egg. Eat a green salad if you wish, and don't forget to drink regularly.

If you follow a protein diet for a month, the amount of lost kg can reach up to 18. But this method of losing weight is allowed only for those who do not have serious diseases.

Inna, 28 years old

My weak point is different diets. I can tolerate them quite tolerably, but I can hardly force myself to eat something for breakfast. But I know that this can lead to a breakdown and new beginnings, so I forced myself to eat those foods that are listed on the menu in the morning. I am delighted with the egg-orange technique. At first I adhered to it for 5 days, the result is minus 4 kg. And then she swung at the monthly protein, lost 10 kg. Now I weigh 55 kg, and was 70. I feel like a feather.

Zhanna, 50 years old

She adhered to a protein monthly diet, “feel better” by 12 kg. I think it could be better, so I want to repeat it.

Diet eggs and grapefruit

No less effective is the grapefruit diet for weight loss, which allows, on average, to lose up to 2 kg in a few days. Duration: no more than 7 days. On a diet, you can eat only eggs and grapefruits, the menu includes 3 meals, for which you can eat half or a whole grapefruit and 1-2 eggs.

Since this weight loss technique is designed for a short period of time, it will not help those who are overweight in excess of 15 kg or more.

Below you will find reviews of women who followed it.

Marina, 27 years old

I love citruses and eggs, for this reason I followed a protein diet with pleasure and ate my favorite foods for breakfast, because it is in the morning that I have an increased appetite. Usually I sit on this method of weight loss before trips to the sea or holidays.

Inna, 36 years old

I didn’t like the egg-grapefruit method of losing weight, hunger was constantly present, I lost one kg in four days.

Egg diet reviews

Below are reviews of those who have lost weight on an egg-protein diet. Due to the fact that the method of losing weight on eggs and the variety of diets based on this product is not suitable for everyone, and not everyone achieves the desired results, the reviews are opposite.

Margarita, 18 years old

I wanted to look my best before graduation, so I went on an egg-citrus diet. I lost 4 kg, got into a prom dress and turned out to be the most beautiful in the photographs. I think that a girl who has lost weight looks confident and beautiful, so I recommend losing weight on egg whites to everyone.

Yulianna, 25 years old

I know a lot of those who lost weight on the Osama Hamdiy egg diet. I tried to stick to it, but it seemed to me very limited and tough. I don't experiment with it anymore.

Alice, 23 years old

My review on the first day of the 6 egg diet is something. Firstly, strong hunger almost completely fills thoughts, and secondly, it is extremely difficult to resist it. I restrained myself, my result is minus 5 kg.

Mila, 44 years old

I know that on the egg method of losing weight, you must strictly adhere to the products that are indicated. But I didn’t need a colossal result, so my diet included green tea, an egg, raisins, chicken breast, kefir, an apple. The result is minus 3 kg per week.

What to remember

  1. The daily volume of filtered water is at least two liters.
  2. Before following the diet, make sure that there are no food allergies.
  3. When changing the diet, you should start losing weight on a new one.