The chemical composition of the cell I will solve the exam. Cell theory, chemical composition, structure, functions

USE training tests. Biology.

Topic: Chemical composition of the cell. Grade 10

Part A

1. Living organisms need nitrogen, as it serves

1. an integral component of proteins and nucleic acids 2. the main source of energy 3. a structural component of fats and carbohydrates 4. the main oxygen carrier

2. Water plays an important role in the life of the cell, as it 1.participates in many chemical reactions 2. provides normal acidity of the environment 3. accelerates chemical reactions 4. is part of the membranes

3. The main source of energy in the body are:

1) vitamins 2. enzymes 3. hormones 4. carbohydrates

4. Organic substances in the cell move to the organelles along

1.vacuole system 2.lysosomes 3.mitochondria 4.endoplasmic reticulum

4. The cells of which organisms contain ten times more carbohydrates than animal cells?

1. bacteria-saprotrophs 2. unicellular 3. protozoa 4. plants

5. In the cell, lipids perform the following function:

1) catalytic 2) transport 3. informational 4. energy

6. In human and animal cells, 1. hormones and vitamins are used as a building material and energy source 2. water and carbon dioxide 3. inorganic substances 4. proteins, fats and carbohydrates

7 Fats, like glucose, perform the following functions in the cell: 1) building 2. informational 3. catalytic 4. energy

8. Indicate what shape the secondary structure of the protein molecule has

9. The composition of enzymes includes:

1. nucleic acids 2. proteins 3. ATP molecules 4. carbohydrates

10. The quaternary structure of protein molecules is formed as a result of interaction:

1. amino acids and the formation of peptide bonds 2. several polypeptide strands 3. sections of one protein molecule due to hydrogen bonds 4. protein globule with the cell membrane

11. What is the function of proteins produced in the body when bacteria or viruses enter it? 1) regulatory 2. signaling 3. protective 4. enzymatic

12. Various functions in the cell are performed by molecules
1) DNA 2) proteins 3) mRNA 4) ATP

13. What is the function of proteins that accelerate chemical reactions in the cell?

1) hormonal 2) signaling 3. enzymatic 4. informational

14. The program about the primary structure of protein molecules is encrypted in molecules

1) tRNA 2) DNA 3) lipids 4) polysaccharides

15. In a DNA molecule, two polynucleotide strands are connected using

1 complementary nitrogenous bases 2. phosphoric acid residues 3. amino acids 4. carbohydrates

16. The connection that occurs between the nitrogenous bases of two complementary DNA chains, -

1) ionic 2) peptide 3) hydrogen 4) covalent polar

17. Due to the property of DNA molecules to reproduce their own kind,

1. the adaptability of the organism to the environment is formed

2. modifications occur in individuals of a species 3. new combinations of genes appear

4. hereditary information is transmitted from the mother cell to the daughter

18. DNA molecules are the material basis of heredity, since they encode information about the structure of molecules of 1. polysaccharides 2. proteins 3) lipids 4) amino acids

19. There are 100 nucleotides with thymine in a DNA molecule, which is 10% of the total. How many nucleotides with guanine?

1.400 2. 2003 3. 10004 4. 1800

20. Hereditary information about the signs of an organism is concentrated in molecules

1.tRNA 2.DNA 3.protein 4.polysaccharides

21. Ribonucleic acids in cells are involved in

1. storage of hereditary information 2. protein biosynthesis

3.biosynthesis of carbohydrates 4.regulation of fat metabolism

22. Molecules of i-RNA, unlike t-RNA,

1. serve as a matrix for protein synthesis 2. serve as a matrix for tRNA synthesis

3. deliver amino acids to the ribosome 4. transfer enzymes to the ribosome

23. The i-RNA molecule carries out the transfer of hereditary information

1. from the nucleus to the mitochondria 2. from one cell to another

3. from the nucleus to the ribosome 4. from parents to offspring

24. RNA molecules, unlike DNA, contain a nitrogenous base

1) adenine 2) guanine 3. uracil 4. cytosine

25. Ribose, unlike deoxyribose, is part of 1) DNA 2) mRNA 3) proteins 4) polysaccharides

26. The process of denaturation of a protein molecule is reversible if bonds are not broken

1) hydrogen 2. peptide 3. hydrophobic 4. disulfide

27. ATP is formed in the process of 1. protein synthesis on ribosomes 2. starch decomposition with the formation of glucose 3. oxidation of organic substances in the cell 4. phagocytosis

28. The monomer of a protein molecule is

1) nitrogenous base 2) monosaccharide 3) amino acid 4) lipids

29. Most enzymes are

1) carbohydrates 2) lipids 3) amino acids 4) proteins

30. The building function of carbohydrates is that they

1) form a cellulose cell wall in plants 2) are biopolymers

3) are able to dissolve in water 4) serve as a reserve substance of an animal cell

31. Lipids play an important role in cell life, as they are 1) enzymes

2) dissolve in water 3) serve as a source of energy 4) maintain a constant environment in the cell

32. Synthesis of proteins in eukaryotes occurs: 1. on ribosomes 2. on ribosomes in the cytoplasm

3. on the cell membrane 4. on microfilaments in the cytoplasm.

33. Primary, secondary and tertiary structures of a molecule are characteristic for:

1. glycogen 2. adenine 3. amino acids 4. DNA.

Part B

1. The composition of the RNA molecule includes

A) ribose B) guanine C) magnesium cation D) deoxyribose E) amino acid E) phosphoric acid

Write your answer as a sequence of letters in alphabetical order (no spaces or other characters).

2. Establish a correspondence between the function of the compound and the biopolymer for which it is characteristic. In the table below, under each number that defines the position of the first column, write down the letter corresponding to the position of the second column.

1) storage of hereditary information BIOPOLYMER A) protein B) DNA

2) the formation of new molecules by self-doubling

3) acceleration of chemical reactions

4) is an essential component of the cell membrane

5) neutralization of antigens

3. Establish a correspondence between the function of the compound and the biopolymer for which it is characteristic. In the table below, under each number that defines the position of the first column, write down the letter corresponding to the position of the second column.

1) formation of cell walls BIOPOLYMER A) polysaccharide B) nucleic acid

2) transportation of amino acids

3) storage of hereditary information

4) serves as a reserve nutrient

5) provides the cell with energy

Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table and transfer it to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

Part C

1. In one strand of the DNA molecule, there are 31% adenyl residues, 25% thymidyl residues and 19% cytidyl residues. Calculate the percentage of nucleotides in double-stranded DNA.

2. Find the errors in the given text, correct them, indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made, write down these sentences without errors.

1. Proteins are biological polymers, 2. Mo numbers of proteins are amino acids. 3. Proteins contain 30 equal amino acids. 4. All amino acids can be synthesized in the human and animal body. 5. Amino acids are connected in a protein molecule by non-covalent peptide bonds.

3. The content of nucleotides in the mRNA chain is as follows: A-35%, G-27%, C-18%, Y-20%. Determine the percentage of nucleotides in the region of the 2-stranded DNA molecule that is the template for this mRNA.

4. How many ATP molecules will be synthesized in eukaryotic cells with the complete oxidation of a fragment of a starch molecule consisting of 10 glucose residues? 5. What is the role of proteins in the body?

6. Find errors in the given text. Specify the numbers of proposals in which they are made. Explain them. 1. All proteins present in the body are enzymes.2. Each enzyme speeds up several chemical reactions. 3. The active center of the enzyme strictly corresponds to the configuration of the substrate with which it interacts. 4. The activity of enzymes does not depend on factors such as temperature, pH, and other factors.

7. Find errors in the given text. Specify the numbers of proposals in which they are allowed, explain them.

1. Messenger RNA is synthesized on a DNA molecule. 2. Its length does not depend on the volume of copied information. 3. The amount of i-RNA in the cell is 85% of the total amount in the cell.

4. There are three types of tRNA in the cell. 5. Each tRNA attaches a specific amino acid and exports it to ribosomes. 6. In eukaryotes, tRNA is much longer than mRNA.

8. Indicate the numbers of proposals in which errors were made. Explain them.

1. Carbohydrates are compounds of carbon and hydrogen

2. There are three main classes of carbohydrates - monosaccharides, saccharides and polysaccharides.

3. The most common monosaccharides are sucrose and lactose.

4. They are water soluble and have a sweet taste.

5. When splitting 1 g of glucose, 35.2 kJ of energy is released

9. What are the similarities and differences between RNA, DNA, ATP?

10 Why does glucose not play a storage role in the cell?

Write on the back of the form or on a separate sheet of paper a short answer that includes at least two items.

11. Why is starch classified as a biopolymer and what property of starch determines its storage function in the cell?

to prepare for the exam in biology on the topic

"Chemical organization of the cell"

Explanatory note

The analysis of the results of the exam showed that the topic "Chemical organization of the cell" is problematic for graduates. To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop persistent skills for completing tasks used in the exam. The proposed tests contain tasks that biology teachers can use to practice these skills, both in the classroom and in individual consultations in preparation for the exam.

The tests are based on the materials of KIMs (they are marked with an asterisk) and from additional literature. Tasks from additional literature are distinguished by their informativeness, therefore they can be used as an additional source of knowledge.

Topic 1:"Inorganic substances of the cell"

Part A tasks.

1.* The bodies of animate and inanimate nature are similar in set

2) chemical elements

3) nucleic acids

4) enzymes

2.* Magnesium is an essential component of molecules

2) chlorophyll

3) hemoglobin

3.* What role do potassium and sodium ions play in the cell?

1) are biocatalysts

2) participate in the excitation

3) provide transport of gases

4) promote the movement of substances across the membrane

4. What is the ratio of sodium and potassium ions in animal cells and in their environment - intercellular fluid and blood?

1) there is more sodium in the cell than outside, potassium, on the contrary, more outside than in the cell

2) there is as much sodium outside as there is potassium inside the cell

3) there is less sodium in the cell than outside, and, on the contrary, more potassium in the cell than outside

5. Name the chemical element that in the form of an ion in large quantities is part of the cytoplasm of cells, where it is significantly larger than in the intercellular fluid and is directly involved in the formation of a constant difference in electrical potentials on opposite sides of the outer plasma membrane

1) H 4) C 7) Ca 10) Na

2) O 5)S 8)Mg 11) Zn

3) N 6) Fe 9) K 12) P

6. Name the chemical element that is part of the inorganic component of bone tissue and shells of mollusks, takes part in muscle contraction and blood coagulation, is an intermediary in the transmission of an information signal from the outer plasma membrane to the cell cytoplasm

1) H 4) C 7) Ca 10) Na

2) O 5) S 8) Mg 11) Zn

3) N 6) Fe 9) K 12) P

7. Name the chemical element that is part of chlorophyll and is necessary for the assembly of small and large subunits of the ribosome into a single structure, activates some enzymes

1) H 4) C 7) Ca 10) Na

2) O 5) S 8) Mg 11) Zn

3) N 6) Fe 9) K 12) P

8. Name the chemical element that is part of hemoglobin and myoglobin, where it participates in the addition of oxygen, and is also part of one of the mitochondrial proteins of the respiratory chain that carries electrons during cellular respiration.

1) H 4) C 7) Ca 10) Na

2) O 5) S 8) Mg 11) Zn

3) N 6) Fe 9) K 12) P

9. Indicate the group of chemical elements, the content of which in the cell is 98% in total,

10. Name the liquid that, in terms of salt composition, is closest to the blood plasma of terrestrial vertebrates

1) 0.9% NaCl solution

2) sea water

3) fresh water

11. Name the organic compounds that are contained in the cell in the largest amount (in% of wet weight)

1) carbohydrates

4) nucleic acids

12. Name the organic compounds that are contained in the cell in the smallest amount (in% of wet weight)

1) carbohydrates

4) nucleic acids

13. * A significant part of the cell is water, which

1) forms a division spindle

2) forms protein globules

3) dissolves fats

4) gives the cell elasticity

14. What is the main feature of the structure of the water molecule, which determines the specific properties and biological role of water

1) small size

2) polarity of the molecule

3) high mobility

15.*Water is a good solvent because

1) its molecules have mutual attraction

2) its molecules are polar

3) it heats up and cools down slowly

4) she is a catalyst

16.* The water in the cell performs the function

1) catalytic

2) solvent

3) structural

4) information

1) communication with neighboring cells

2) growth and development

3) the ability to share

4) volume and elasticity

18. All of the above anions, except for one, are part of the salts and are the most important anions for the life of the cell. Indicate the “extra” anion among them.

4) H 2 RO 4 -

Right answers

Part B tasks.

1) What are the functions of water in a cell?

A) performs an energy function

B) provides cell elasticity

B) protect the contents of the cell

D) participates in thermoregulation

D) participates in the hydrolysis of substances

E) provides the movement of organelles.

Answer: B, D, D

2) * Water in the cage plays the role

A) internal environment

B) structural

B) regulatory

D) humoral

D) a universal source of energy

E) universal solvent

Answer: A, B, E.

Topic 2:"Biological polymers - proteins".

Part A tasks.

Choose one correct answer.

one*. Proteins are classified as biopolymers because they:

1) are very diverse

2) play an important role in the cell

3) consist of repeatedly repeating links

4) have a large molecular weight

2*. The monomers of protein molecules are

1) nucleotides

2) amino acids

3) monosaccharides

3*. Polypeptides are formed as a result of interaction

    1) nitrogenous bases

    2) lipids

    3) carbohydrates

    4) amino acids

four*. The type of number and order of amino acids depends on

    1) sequence of RNA triplets

    2) the primary structure of proteins

    3) hydrophobicity of fat molecules

    4) hydrophilicity of monosaccharides

5*. The cells of all living organisms contain

    1) hemoglobin

  1. 4) fiber

6*. The sequence of amino acids in protein molecules is determined

    1) the arrangement of triplets in the DNA molecule

    2) a structural feature of the ribosome

    3) a set of ribosomes in a polysome

    4) a feature of the structure of T-RNA

7*. Reversible denaturation of protein molecules occurs

    1) violation of its primary structure

    2) formation of hydrogen bonds

    3) violation of its tertiary structure

    4) formation of peptide bonds

eight*. The ability of protein molecules to form compounds with other substances determines their function.

    1) transport

    2) energy

    3) contractile

    4) excretory

9*. What is the function of contractile proteins in animals?

1) transport

2) signal

3) motor

4) catalytic

ten*. Organic substances that accelerate metabolic processes -

1) amino acids

2) monosaccharides

3) enzymes

eleven*. What is the function of proteins in a cell?

1) protective

2) enzymatic

3) information

4) contractile

Part B tasks.

Choose three correct answers from six.

one*. What are the features of the structure and properties of protein molecules?

A) has primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary structures.

B) have the form of a single spiral

B) amino acid monomers

D) monomers-nucleotides

D) capable of replication

E) capable of denaturation

Answers: A, B, E.

Part C tasks.

one*. Enzymes lose their activity when radiation levels rise.

Explain why.

Answer: All enzymes are proteins. Under the action of radiation, the structure changes

protein-enzyme, its denaturation occurs.

Tasks from additional literature on the topic "Squirrels".

Choose one correct answer:

    1. Determine the sign by which all the compounds listed below, except for one, are combined into one group. Indicate the "extra" chemical compound among them.

1) pepsin 5) catalase

2) collagen 6) maltase

3) keratin 7) hemoglobin

2. Salts of heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead) are poisonous to the body. They bind to the sulfide groups of proteins. Name the structure of proteins that is destroyed under the action of salts of heavy metals.

1) primary 3) tertiary

2) secondary

3. Name the protein that performs the enzymatic function.

1) growth hormone 4) actin

2) fibrin 5) trypsin

3) insulin

4. In what answer do all the named chemical compounds belong to

amino acids?

1) tubulin, collagen, lysozyme

2) lysine, tryptophan, alanine

3) cholesterol, progesterone, stearic acid

4) valine, maltase, keratin

5) sucrose, lactose, glycine

6) adenine, thymine, guanine

5. Proteins as polymers have features that differ significantly from

what polysaccharides like glycogen and starch. Find these features among

and indicate a feature that is NOT such a feature.

1) a very large number of monomers

2) are linear polymers

3) different structure of monomers

4) protein monomers differ from each other

6. The primary structures of different proteins differ from each other in a number of ways. Find these signs among the answers and indicate the structural feature in which different proteins, on the contrary, are similar to each other.

1) the number of amino acids

2) the quantitative ratio of amino acids of different types

3) the sequence of connecting amino acids to each other

4) the structure of chemical bonds involved in the formation

amino acid sequences

7. Name the organic compounds that are contained in the cell in the greatest

quantity (in % wet weight).

    1) carbohydrates

  1. 4) nucleic acids

    5) low molecular weight organic substances

8. Name the functional groups of neighboring amino acids in the protein, between

which form a peptide bond.

    1) radicals 4) carboxyl groups

    2) carboxyl group and amino group 5) carboxyl group and radical

    3) radical and hydrogen ion 6) amino group and radical

9. Name the protein that performs the receptor function.

1) lysozyme 3) prothrombin

2) pepsin 4) rhodopsin

10. Name the protein that performs the receptor function.

1) collagen 3) hemoglobin

3) fibrin 4) insulin

11. Name the protein that performs mainly a structural function.

1) keratin 4) lipase

2) catalase 5) growth hormone

3) nuclease

12. Name the protein that mainly performs the transport function.

1) collagen 4) hemoglobin

2) keratin 5) myoglobin

13. What is the main function of such proteins, keratin,

collagen, tubulin.

1) motor 4) transport

2) protective 5) construction

3) enzymatic

14. Name a protein that performs mainly a motor function.

1) actin 4) catalase

2) fibrin 5) lipase

3) thrombin 6) myoglobin

15. Name the function that the bulk of plant seed proteins perform and

animal eggs.

1) protective 4) motor

2) building 5) enzymatic

3) storage

16. In which answer are all the named chemical compounds proteins?

1) sucrose, insulin, uracil

2) phenylalanine, glucagon, pepsin

3) glucose, fructose, glycogen

4) catalase, glucagon, keratin 5) ribose, thymine, actin

17. Determine the sign by which all of the following chemical

compounds, except for one, are combined into one group. Specify this "extra"

among them a chemical compound.

1) alanine 5) actin

2) valine 6) leucine

3) glycine 7) cysteine

4) tryptophan

18. Name a protein that performs an enzymatic function.

1) catalase 4) glucagon

2) prothrombin 5) keratin

3) tubulin

19. Name the protein that is part of the microtubules of flagella and cilia,

centrioles and spindle of motion.

1) keratin 3) myosin

2) tubulin 4) collagen

20. Name the hair protein.

1) keratin 3) myosin 5) actin

2) tubulin 4) collagen 6) fibrin

21. What is a protein monomer?

1) glucose 4) nucleic acid

2) nucleotide 5) nitrogenous base

3) amino acid

22. How many types of amino acids are included in natural proteins?

1) 10 3) 20 5) 46

2) 15 4) 25 6) 64

23. What happens to the tertiary structure of transport and enzymatic proteins

while performing their functions

1) does not change

2) are destroyed

3) slightly modified

4) getting more complicated

5) acquires a quaternary structure

6) goes into the secondary structure

24. Name the protein that makes up horns, hooves, claws, feathers and hair


1) collagen 3) tubulin

2) keratin 4) myosin

25. Name the protein that was the first artificially synthesized.

1) insulin 3) catalase

2) hemoglobin 4) interferon

26. Give an example of a protein consisting of several polypeptide chains.

1) trypsin 3) myoglobin

2) pepsin 4) collagen

27. Name all chemical groups that are the same for all amino acids,

included in natural proteins.

1) only amino group and carboxyl group

2) hydrogen and radical

3) hydrogen, amino group and carboxyl group

4) radical, amino group and carboxyl group

28. What terms is called the loss of its natural spatial


1) spiralization 4) dispersion

2) condensation 5) repair

3) denaturation 6) degeneration

29. Name the protein that forms the basis of tendons, ligaments and intercellular

bone tissue substances.

1) keratin 4) collagen

2) tubulin 5) actin

3) myosin 6) fibrin

30. Give an example of a protein consisting of several polypeptide chains.

1) myoglobin 3) trypsin

2) hemoglobin 4) pepsin

31. Which chemical compounds must have the following

chemical groups: amino group and carboxyl group?

3) nucleic acids 6) polysaccharides

32. What type of chemical bond is a peptide bond?

1) ionic 3) covalent

2) hydrogen 4) hydrophobic

33. Name a protein that mainly performs a structural (building) function.

1) pepsin 3) insulin

2) collagen 4) myosin

34. What is the term for the process of formation of the primary structure of a protein?

1) transcription 4) dissimilation

2) translation 5) polymerization

3) reduplication

35. Name the proteins that perform mainly a structural (building) function.

1) pepsin, trypsin 4) collagen

3) insulin, glucagon

36. What is the name of the protein structure, which is a helix into which

a folded chain of amino acids?

1) primary 3) tertiary

2) secondary 4) quaternary

37. Which group of organic compounds include alanine, valine, lysine, tryptophan?

1) nitrogenous bases 4) amino acids

2) nucleotides 5) fatty acids

3) nucleic acids

38. Name the proteins-hormones that perform regulatory functions.

1) pepsin, trypsin 4) collagen, keratin

2) hemoglobin, carbonic anhydrase 5) actin, myosin

3) insulin, glucagon

39. Indicate the chemical group that is NOT included as a radical in any

one of the amino acids found in natural proteins.

1) -SH 4) -H 2 PO 4

2) –COOH 5) –H

40. Name the chemical group in the amino acid molecule that gives

some amino acids are hydrophilic, while others are hydrophobic.

1) amino groups 3) carboxyl group

2) radical 4) hydroxyl group

Topic 3: “Carbohydrates. Lipids".

Part A assignment.

Choose one correct answer.

1*. Fiber molecule as opposed to lipid molecule

1) organic matter 3) monomer

2) biopolymer 4) inorganic substance

2*. Carbohydrate is part of the molecule

1) chlorophyll

2) hemoglobin

3) insulin

3*.Nitrogen is not part of the molecule

1) hemoglobin

4) glycogen

four*. Molecules are the universal source of energy in the cell.

    fatty acids

4) glucose

5*. Lipids are ether soluble but not water soluble because they

1) are polymers

2) consist of monomers

3) hydrophobic

4) hydrophilic

6*. Bears during their long winter sleep need water for life

receive at the expense

1) protein breakdown

2) melted snow

3) fat oxidation

4) oxidation of amino acids

7*. Lipids in the plasma membrane perform the function

1) structural

2) storage

3) energy

4) catalytic

eight*. The storage carbohydrates in the animal cell are

2) cellulose

3) starch

4) glycogen

Part B tasks.

Choose three correct answers from six.

one*. What are the properties, structure and functions of polysaccharides in a cell?

A) perform structural and storage functions

B) perform catalytic and transport functions

B) consist of residues of monosaccharide molecules

D) consist of residues of amino acid molecules

D) dissolve in water
E) do not dissolve in water

Answer: A, B, E.

2*. What carbohydrates are monosaccharides?

A) ribose
B) glucose
B) cellulose
D) fructose

D) starch
E) glycogen

Answer: A, B, D.

3*. Fats in the body of animals and humans
A) broken down in the intestines
B) participate in the construction of cell membranes
C) are deposited in the subcutaneous tissue
in the kidneys, heart
D) turn into proteins

D) are broken down in the intestine to glycerol and fatty acids
E) are synthesized from amino acids

Answer: B, C, D.

Topic 4. Nucleic acids .

Part A tasks.

Choose one correct answer.

one*. The DNA double helix is ​​formed by bonds between

    1) complementary nitrogenous bases

    2) phosphoric acid residues

    3) amino acids

    4) carbohydrates

2*. Fragments of one DNA strand have the following sequence HCAATGGG. Determine the corresponding fragment of its second chain




3*. In a DNA molecule, three adjacent nucleotides are called

    1) triplet

  1. 3) genome

    4) genotype

four*. In a DNA molecule, there are 31% of nucleotides with adenine. How many nucleotides with cytosine are in this molecule?

5*. What percentage of nucleotides with cytosine does DNA contain if the proportion of its adenine nucleotides is 10% of the total?

6*. Polymers include:

2) glucose

3) phospholipids

7*. In a DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with guanine is 45% of the total. What percentage of nucleotides with adenine is contained in this molecule?

eight*. Hereditary information about the characteristics of an organism is concentrated in

    1) chromosomes

    2) cell center

    3) ribosomes

    4) Golgi complex

9*. How many nucleotides are there in a gene that encodes the primary structure of a protein, consisting of 35 amino acid residues?

ten*. The formation of signs of an organism depends on molecules

    1) carbohydrates

    4) lipids

eleven*. DNA molecules, unlike protein molecules, have the ability to

    1) form a spiral

    2) form a tertiary structure

    3) self-doubling

    4) form a quaternary structure

12*. In a DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with guanine is 5% of the total. How many nucleotides with adenine are in this molecule?

13*. The principle of complementarity (additionality) underlies the interaction

    1) amino acids and the formation of the primary structure of the protein

    2) nucleotides and the formation of a double-stranded DNA molecule

    3) glucose and the formation of a cellulose polysaccharide molecule

    4) glycerol and fatty acids and the formation of fat molecules

fourteen*. DNA molecules

    1) store hereditary information about the properties of the organism

    2) transfer information about the structure of the protein to the cytoplasm

    3) deliver amino acids to ribosomes

    4) transfer information about the structure of the protein to ribosomes

fifteen*. Genetic code is not species-specific, because

    1) the same amino acid in the cells of different organisms is encoded by the same triplet

    2) each amino acid encodes one triplet

    3) several triplets encode the same amino acid

    4) each amino acid is encoded by one gene

16*. What are nucleic acids

    1) biopolymers, the monomers of which are nucleotides

    2) biopolymers consisting of fatty acids and glycerol

    3) polymers, the monomers of which are glucose

    4) polymers whose monomers are amino acids

17*. In a DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with guanine is 5% of the total. How many nucleotides with thymine are in this molecule?

eighteen*. DNA molecules, unlike protein molecules, perform the function

    1) storage of genetic information

    2) supply of nutrients

    3) acceleration of chemical reactions

    4) transport of substances in the cell

19*. Ribosomal RNA

    1) takes part in the transport of amino acids in the cell

    2) transfers information about the structure of protein molecules from the nucleus to the ribosome

    3) participates in the synthesis of carbohydrates

    4) is part of the cell organoid involved in protein synthesis

twenty*. In a DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with thymine is 20% of the total. What is the percentage of nucleotides with cytosine in this molecule?

Part B tasks.

Choose three correct answers from six.

one*. i-RNA molecule

A) it is a polymer whose monomers are nucleotides

B) it is a polymer whose monomers are amino acids

B) double-chain polymer

D) single chain polymer

D) carries encoded information about the sequence of amino acids

Answer: A, D, D

2*. DNA molecule

A) a polymer whose monomer is a nucleotide

B) a polymer whose monomer is an amino acid

B) double-chain polymer

D) single chain polymer

D) contains hereditary information

E) performs an energy function in the cell

Answer: A, B, D

3*. Which of the compounds are involved in the formation of mRNA

A) nucleotides

B) amino acids

B) fatty acids

D) glycerin

E) ribose

Answer: A, D, E

Write down the letter of the selected answers in the table

four*. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of organic substances and their types

Characteristic. organic matter.

    1) has primary, secondary, tertiary A) RNA

and quaternary structure B) proteins

2) represented by a polynucleotide strand

3) performs a structural function,

participates in the formation of membranes

4) participates in the translation process

5) their monomers - amino acids

6) their monomers - nucleotides

Part "C" assignments

on the topic "Nucleic acids"

with sample answers.

Give a complete detailed answer.

1*In a DNA molecule there are 1600 nucleotides with guanine, which is 20% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with thymine (T), adenine (A), cytosine (C) are contained separately in a DNA molecule, and explain the result.

    1) guanine (G) is complementary to cytosine (C), the number of such nucleotides is equal and also amounts to 1600

    2) the total number of nucleotides with guanine and cytosine is 40%, which is 3200 nucleotides

    3) the sum of nucleotides with adenine (A) and thymine (T) is 60% (4800 nucleotides)

    4) nucleotides with adenine and thymine are complementary, their number individually is 2400

2*. AT a DNA molecule contains 1,100 nucleotides with adenine, which is 10% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with thymine (T), guanine (G), cytosine (C) are contained separately in a DNA molecule, and explain the result.

1) thymine (T) is complementary to adenine, the number of such nucleotides is equal and also amounts to 1100.

2) the total number of nucleotides with adenine and cytosine is %, which is 2200 nucleotides.

3) the sum of nucleotides with guanine (G) and cytosine is 80% (8800 nucleotides).

4) nucleotides with guanine and cytosine are complementary, their number is 440 separately.

3*. In one DNA molecule, nucleotides with guanine (G) make up 13% of the total number of nucleotides. Determine the number (in percent) of nucleotides with adenine (A), cytosine (C), thymine (T) separately in a DNA molecule and explain the results.

1) cytosine (C) is complementary to guanine (G), therefore their percentage in the DNA molecule is the same and individually equal to 13%.

2) the total proportion of nucleotides with adenine (A) and thymine (T) is 74%.

3) since adenine (A) is complementary to thymine (T), the number of adenyl and thymidyl nucleotides is equal and amounts to 37% each.

4 *. In one DNA molecule, nucleotides with thymine (T) make up 24% of the total number of nucleotides. Determine the number (in percent) of nucleotides with guanine (G), adenine (A), cytosine (C) separately in a DNA molecule and explain the results.

1) adenine (A) is complementary to thymine (T), therefore their percentage in the DNA molecule is the same and individually equal to 24%

2) the total proportion of nucleotides with guanine (G) and cytosine (C) is 52%

3) since guanine (G) is complementary to cytosine (C), the number of guanyl and cytidyl nucleotides is equal and is individually 26%

5*. Conducted a chemical analysis and RNA and found that its molecule contains 28 adenine, 6% guanine, 40% uracil and 26% cytosine. Determine the composition and percentage composition of nucleotides in DNA, which served as a template for the synthesis of this and RNA.

    1) 28% adenine in and RNA corresponds to 28% thymine in DNA

    2) 6% guanine in and RNA corresponds to 6% cytosine in DNA

    3) 40% uracil in and RNA corresponds to 40% adenine in DNA

    4) 26% cytosine in and RNA corresponds to 26% guanine in DNA.

6*. In a DNA molecule there are 1400 nucleotides with thymine, which is 5% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with guanine (G), cytosine (C), adenine (A) are contained separately in a DNA molecule, and explain the results.

    1) adenine (A) is complementary to thymine (T), the number of such nucleotides is equal and is also 1400

    2) the total number of nucleotides with adenine and thymine is 10%, which is 2800 nucleotides

    3) the sum of nucleotides with guanine (G) and cytosine (C) is 90% (25200 nucleotides)

    4) since the nucleotides with guanine and cytosine are complementary, their number individually is no12600

7*. The total mass of all DNA molecules in 46 chromosomes of one human somatic cell is about 6 x 109 mg. Determine the mass of all DNA molecules in a cell formed during oogenesis in the anaphase of meiosis 1 and meiosis 2. The content of the correct answer

    1) before the start of division in the process of replication, the number of DNA doubles and the total mass of DNA is 2 6 10 -9 = 12 10 -9 mg

    2) in the anaphase of meiosis 1, the DNA mass does not change and is equal to 12 10 -9 mg

    3) before the start of meiosis 2, the cell already contains a haploid set of chromosomes, therefore, in the anaphase of meiosis 2, the mass of DNA is 12 10 -9: 2 = 6 10 -9 mg

eight*. The total mass of all DNA molecules in 46 chromosomes of one human somatic cell is about 6 x 109 mg. Determine the mass of all DNA molecules in a cell formed during oogenesis after meiosis 1 and meiosis 2.

Chemical Program

... explanatorya note. Biology... functions cells, chemicalorganizationscells, gene... Topic... workshop, execution tests 5. Diversity... onbiology. How to prepare for USEonbiology ... fortraining for the unified state exam. Biology ...

  • Explanatory note (441)

    Thematic planning

    ... biology Grade 9, where acquaintance is given with chemicalorganizationcells ... ontopic. TOPIC No. 8. " CHEMICAL WORKSHOP ... control and verification tests, M., Bustard... on program of O.S. Gabrielyan EXPLANATORYA NOTE... Materials fortraining To USEon chemistry...

  • USE Chemical composition of the cell Choose one correct answer out of four. A1. Antibodies are: 1) proteins 2) carbohydrates 3) lipids 4) nucleic acids A2. In case of fatigue, to quickly restore strength, you need to eat: 1) a handful of vitamin C 3) a mixture of nuts with dried fruits 2) scrambled eggs with sausage 4) a piece of lard A3. Carbohydrate is: 1) collagen 2) maltase 3) hemoglobin 4) insulin A4. Soluble in each other: 1) ether and lipids; 3) gamma globulin and fat 2) wax and water 4) nucleic acids and water A5. Specify the correct peptide bond: 1) -N -O - 3) -C -C - 2) - N - C - 4) - N - N - I II I I H O H H A6. Participates in the conduction of a nerve impulse: 1) sodium 2) phosphorus 3) magnesium 4) iron A7. Animals use as an energy source: 1) starch 2) cellulose 3) glycogen 4) chitin A8. The strength of the integumentary tissues of fungi is provided by: 1) cellulose 2) glycogen 3) starch 4) chitin A9. A substance called triacylglycerol is: 1) protein 2) nucleic acid 3) lipid 4) A10 carbohydrate. All proteins are similar: 1) the sequence of amino acids 2) the set of amino acids 3) the nature of the chemical bonds in the molecule 4) the molecular weight of A11. A peptide bond is formed between: 1) carboxyl and amino groups of neighboring amino acids 2) radicals of neighboring amino acids 3) two carboxyl groups 4) two amino groups A12. Spiralization of a protein molecule by forming hydrogen bonds characterizes the protein structure: 1) primary 2) secondary 3) tertiary 4) quaternary A13. In arctic animals, the main thermoregulatory and storage functions are performed by 1) proteins 2) carbohydrates 3) lipids 4) all of the listed compounds A14. The elytra of the Maybug consist of: 1) chitin 2) collagen 3) keratin 4) fibrinogen A15. The nitrogenous bases of DNA do not include: 1) thymine 2) adenine 3) cytosine A16. Transmits hereditary information from the gene to the ribosomes: 4) histamine 1) DNA 2) i-RNA 3) t-RNA 4) r-RNA A17. The hydrophilic substance is: 1) ribose 2) cellulose 3) chitin 4) A18 starch. The cells richest in carbohydrates are: 1) blood 2) liver 3) bone 4) nerve A19. Uracil is complementary to: 1) thymine; 2) adenine; 3) guanine; 4) cytosine. A20. Monomers of organic compounds are not: 1) amino acids; 2) monosaccharides; 3) nucleotides; 4) A21 hormones. The enzyme is: 1) catalase; 2) insulin; 3) fibrin; 4) hemoglobin. A22. Indicate the incorrect part of the statement: all proteins have 1) a secondary structure; 2) primary structure; 3) quaternary structure; 4) tertiary structure. A23. When boiling a chicken egg, its protein gradually: 1) renatures; 2) denatures; 3) repairs; 4) replicates. A24. Water is a good solvent because it forms: 1) OH- ions 2) H+ ions 3) hydrates; 4) coacervates. A25. Oxygen transport is carried out by atoms: 1) magnesium; 2) iron; 3) calcium; 4) sodium. A26. Of these compounds, the following are not polymers: 1) hemoglobin; 2) RNA; 3) glucose; 4) starch. A27. Bonds are formed between water molecules: 1) ionic; 2) covalent polar; 3) covalent non-polar; 4) hydrogen. A28. Ions, which are part of the bones, necessary for muscle contraction and blood clotting: 1) Ca2+ 2) K+ 3) Na+ 4) Mg2+ A29. Polysaccharides do not perform the function: 1) structural; 2) energy; 3) catalytic; 4) storage. A30. In a DNA molecule, the number of nucleotides with guanine is 5%. How many nucleotides with adenine are in this molecule 1) 40% 2) 45%: 3) 90% 4) 95% A31. RNA in the cell is involved in: 1) storage of hereditary information; 2) protein biosynthesis; 3) biosynthesis of carbohydrates; 4) regulation of fat metabolism. B1-B3 choose three correct answers B1. Proteins and lipids play a role in the formation of: 1) ribosomes; 2) membranes of organelles; 3) plasma membrane; 4) shells of the nucleus; 5) microtubules; 6) centrioles. IN 2. What functions does water perform in a cell: 1) building; 2) solvent; 3) catalytic; 4) storage; 5) transport; 6) gives the cell elasticity. AT 3. What structural components are included in DNA 1) nitrogenous bases of ATHC; 2) various amino acids; 3) lipoproteins; 4) deoxyribose; 5) nitric acid; 6) phosphoric acid. C4 Establish a correspondence between the structure and function of a substance and its type A) consist of residues of glycerol molecules and fatty acids B) consist of residues of amino acid molecules 1) lipids C) protect the body from hypothermia 2) proteins D) protect the body from foreign substances E) belong to polymers E) are not polymers B5. Establish a correspondence between the feature of a nucleic acid and its type A) double-stranded molecule B) single-stranded molecule 1) DNA C) transmits hereditary information 2) mRNA from the nucleus to the ribosome D) is the keeper of hereditary information E) consists of nucleotides ATHC E) consists of nucleotides AUHC B6. Establish a correspondence between the feature of the structure of a protein molecule and its structure A) the sequence of amino acid residues B) has the shape of a coil 1) the primary structure C) is supported by hydrogen and ionic bonds 2) the tertiary structure D) is formed by peptide bonds C7. Establish the sequence in which the process of DNA replication occurs: A) unwinding of the helix of the molecule; B) the effect of enzymes on the molecule; C) separation of chains from each other D) addition of complementary nucleotides to each chain E) formation of two DNA molecules from one. Part C 1 Why do hot shops recommend drinking salted water to quench your thirst? 2. Why is it necessary to supply iron ions to the human blood? 3. How the structure of the DNA molecule differs from mRNA 4 In the DNA molecule there are 1100 nucleotides with adenine, which is 15% of their total number. Determine how many nucleotides with thymine, gunin and cytosine are contained in this molecule 5. Determine the number of nucleotides of each type in a DNA molecule if 42 nucleotides of the double chain are connected by two hydrogen bonds, and 58 by three hydrogen bonds

    Explanatory note

    Analysis of the results of the exam showed that the "Chemical organization of the cell" for graduates is problematic. To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop persistent skills for completing tasks used in the exam. The proposed tests contain that biology teachers can use to practice these skills, both in the classroom and in individual consultations in preparation for the exam.

    The tests are based on the materials of KIMs (they are marked with an asterisk) and from additional literature. Tasks from additional literature are distinguished by their informativeness, therefore they can be used as an additional source of knowledge.

    The following literature was used to compile the tests:

    KIMs in biology for 2011 and 2011. V. N. Frosin, V. I. Sivoglazov “Preparing for the unified state exam. General Biology. Bustard. Moscow. 2011

    Topic 1:"Inorganic substances of the cell"

    Part A tasks.

    1.* The bodies of animate and inanimate nature are similar in set

    2) chemical elements

    3) nucleic acids

    4) enzymes

    2.* Magnesium is an essential component of molecules

    2) chlorophyll

    3) hemoglobin

    3.* What role do potassium and sodium ions play in the cell?

    1) are biocatalysts

    2) participate in the excitation

    3) provide transport of gases

    4) promote the movement of substances across the membrane

    4. What is the ratio of sodium and potassium ions in animal cells and in their environment - intercellular fluid and blood?

    1) there is more sodium in the cell than outside, potassium, on the contrary, more outside than in the cell

    2) there is as much sodium outside as there is potassium inside the cell

    3) there is less sodium in the cell than outside, and, on the contrary, more potassium in the cell than outside

    5. Name the chemical element that in the form of an ion in large quantities is part of the cytoplasm of cells, where it is significantly larger than in the intercellular fluid and is directly involved in the formation of a constant difference in electrical potentials on opposite sides of the outer plasma membrane

    1) H 4) C 7) Ca 10) Na

    2) O 5)S 8)Mg 11) Zn

    3) N 6) Fe 9) K 12) P

    6. Name the chemical element that is part of the inorganic component of bone tissue and shells of mollusks, takes part in muscle contraction and blood coagulation, is an intermediary in the transmission of an information signal from the outer plasma membrane to the cell cytoplasm

    1) H 4) C 7) Ca 10) Na

    2) O 5) S Mg 11) Zn

    3) N 6) Fe 9) K 12) P

    7. Name the chemical element that is part of chlorophyll and is necessary for the assembly of small and large subunits of the ribosome into a single structure, activates some enzymes

    1) H 4) C 7) Ca 10) Na

    2) O 5) S Mg 11) Zn

    3) N 6) Fe 9) K 12) P

    8. Name the chemical element that is part of hemoglobin and myoglobin, where it participates in the addition of oxygen, and is also part of one of the mitochondrial proteins of the respiratory chain that carries electrons during cellular respiration.

    1) H 4) C 7) Ca 10) Na

    2) O 5) S Mg 11) Zn

    3) N 6) Fe 9) K 12) P

    9. Indicate the group of chemical elements, the content of which in the cell is 98% in total,

    10. Name the liquid that, in terms of salt composition, is closest to the blood plasma of terrestrial vertebrates

    1) 0.9% NaCl solution

    2) sea water

    3) fresh water

    11. Name the organic compounds that are contained in the cell in the largest amount (in% of wet weight)

    1) carbohydrates

    4) nucleic acids

    12. Name the organic compounds that are contained in the cell in the smallest amount (in% of wet weight)

    1) carbohydrates

    4) nucleic acids

    13. * A significant part of the cell is water, which

    1) forms a division spindle

    2) forms protein globules

    3) dissolves fats

    4) gives the cell elasticity

    14. What is the main feature of the structure of the water molecule, which determines the specific properties and biological role of water

    1) small size

    2) polarity of the molecule

    3) high mobility

    15.*Water is a good solvent because

    1) its molecules have mutual attraction

    2) its molecules are polar

    3) it heats up and cools down slowly

    4) she is a catalyst

    16.* The water in the cell performs the function

    1) catalytic

    2) solvent

    3) structural

    4) information

    1) communication with neighboring cells

    2) growth and development

    3) the ability to share

    4) volume and elasticity

    18. All of the above anions, except for one, are part of the salts and are the most important anions for the life of the cell. Indicate the “extra” anion among them.

    Right answers

    Part B tasks.

    Choose three correct answers from six.

    1) What are the functions of water in a cell?

    A) performs an energy function

    B) provides cell elasticity

    B) protect the contents of the cell

    D) participates in thermoregulation

    D) participates in the hydrolysis of substances

    E) provides the movement of organelles.

    Answer: B, D, D

    2) * Water in the cage plays the role

    A) internal environment

    B) structural

    B) regulatory

    D) humoral

    D) a universal source of energy

    E) universal solvent

    Answer: A, B, E.

    Topic 2:"Biological polymers - proteins".

    Part A tasks.

    Choose one correct answer.

    one*. Proteins are classified as biopolymers because they

    1) are very diverse

    2) play an important role in the cell

    3) consist of repeatedly repeating links

    4) have a large molecular weight

    2*. The monomers of protein molecules are

    1) nucleotides

    2) amino acids

    3) monosaccharides

    3*. Polypeptides are formed as a result of interaction

    1) 1) nitrogenous bases

    2) 2) lipids

    3) 3) carbohydrates

    4) 4) amino acids

    four*. The type of number and order of amino acids depends on

    1) 1) sequence of RNA triplets

    2) 2) the primary structure of proteins

    3) 3) hydrophobicity of fat molecules

    4) 4) hydrophilicity of monosaccharides

    5*. The cells of all living organisms contain

    1) 1) hemoglobin

    2) 2) protein

    3) 3) chitin

    4) 4) fiber

    6*. The sequence of amino acids in protein molecules is determined

    1) 1) the arrangement of triplets in the DNA molecule

    2) 2) a structural feature of the ribosome

    3) 3) a set of ribosomes in the polysome

    4) 4) a feature of the structure of T-RNA

    7*. Reversible denaturation of protein molecules occurs

    1) 1) violation of its primary structure

    2) 2) the formation of hydrogen bonds

    3) 3) violation of its tertiary structure

    4) 4) formation of peptide bonds

    eight*. The ability of protein molecules to form compounds with other substances determines their function.

    1) 1) transport

    2) 2) energy

    3) 3) contractile

    4) 4) excretory

    9*. What is the function of contractile proteins in animals?

    1) transport

    2) signal

    3) motor

    4) catalytic

    ten*. Organic substances that accelerate metabolic processes -

    1) amino acids

    2) monosaccharides

    3) enzymes

    eleven*. What is the function of proteins in a cell?

    1) protective

    2) enzymatic

    3) information

    Biology test to test the knowledge of students in grades 9-11 on the topic:


    Choose 1 correct answer:

    A1. A molecule is made up of amino acids

    1) squirrel

    2) DNA

    3) RNA

    4) starch

    A2. The greatest amount of energy is released during decomposition

    1) proteins

    2) fat

    3) carbohydrates

    4) nucleic acids

    A3. The following polymers are made up of nucleotides

    1) proteins

    2) fats

    3) DNA and RNA

    4) polysaccharides

    A4. Amino acids are monomers

    1) glycogen and starch

    2) proteins

    3) nucleic acids

    4) lipids

    A5. The cell membrane is made up of

    1) protein and carbohydrates

    2) carbohydrates and lipids

    3) protein and nucleic acids

    4) protein, lipids and carbohydrates

    A6. The universal source of energy in the cell is

    1) uracil

    2) ATP

    3) amino acids

    4) RNA

    A7. The cell wall of plant cells is predominantly composed of

    1) sucrose

    2) glycogen

    3) squirrel

    4) pulp

    A8. The carrier of genetic information in a cell is a molecule

    1) mureina

    2) squirrel

    3) RNA

    4) DNA

    A9. Proteins include

    1) 20 different amino acids

    2) 40 different amino acids

    3) 20 different nucleotides

    4) 20 different monosaccharides

    A10. In the human body, proteins are used as an energy source if

    1) they come with food in large quantities

    2) they are formed in the body itself in large quantities

    3) spent all the reserves of carbohydrates and fats

    4) the body does not need energy

    A11. DNA molecule as opposed to RNA molecule

    1) consists of 2 nucleotides

    2) consists of protein

    3) consists of 2 polynucleotide chains

    4) does not occur in wildlife

    A12. A gene is a section of a molecule

    1) RNA

    2) DNA

    3) squirrel

    4) lipid

    A13. Viruses are made up of

    1) lipid membrane, DNA or RNA molecules

    2) protein shell, DNA and RNA molecules

    3) chitin shell, proteins and ATP molecules

    4) polysaccharide shell and RNA molecules

    A14. With the complete breakdown of 1 gram of fat,

    1) 17.2 kJ of energy

    2) 14.6 kJ of energy

    3) 39.1 kJ of energy

    4) 42.3 kJ of energy

    A15. How many amino acids are involved in protein synthesis

    1) 10

    2) 20

    3) 30

    4) 46

    A16. Simple carbohydrates are called

    1) oligosaccharides

    2) disaccharides

    3) monosaccharides

    4) polysaccharides

    A17. The polysaccharide in a plant cell is

    1) protein

    2) starch

    3) nucleic acid

    4) glucose

    A18. The greatest danger to human health is the lack of

    1) fat

    2) proteins

    3) carbohydrates

    4) lipids

    A19. DNA is a biological polymer whose monomer is

    1) amino acid

    2) monosaccharide

    3) nucleotide

    4) nitrogenous base

    A20. The tRNA monomer is

    1) amino acid

    2) protein

    3) nucleotide

    4) polysaccharide

    A21. Ribosomes are made up of

    1) i-RNA, r-RNA and DNA

    2) rRNA and proteins

    3) t-RNA and DNA segment

    4) a section of DNA and proteins

    A22. In accordance with the principle of complementarity, adenine in the DNA molecule forms a pair with

    1) cytosine

    2) thymine

    3) guanine

    4) uracil

    Answers to the test questions:

















































