On what day after your period can you get pregnant and how to increase your chances. In what period of the cycle is there a high probability of getting pregnant: advice for expectant mothers

Chances are, use your menstrual cycle calendar. If you mark the date of the first day of your period every month, your cycle length will be easy to figure out. Count the number of days from one mark to another throughout the year. When your body works correctly without hormonal disruptions, you will succeed same figure in each period. Divide this number in half and find out the day of ovulation. For example, if you calculate the ovulation date in a perfectly regular cycle, which is 28 days, you will get day 14.

After ovulation, the lifespan of the egg is about a day - at this time pregnancy occurs. However, there are times when one menstrual cycle two eggs are released from different ovaries or after withdrawal hormonal contraceptives several of them are released, so days probable pregnancy increase.

You can determine days favorable for pregnancy with special ovulation test strips. They determine an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine. Start using the strips daily immediately after your period, preferably at the same time. Two lines are positive, and you will know exactly the day of ovulation - the period when there is a maximum chance of getting pregnant.

The question of whether pregnancy can occur immediately after menstruation worries many. First of all, the answer is of interest to those who prefer physiological contraception. But it is also very often important for those married couples who are planning a pregnancy.

Before moving on to a reasoned answer, it is worth noting that very often among female half There is a widespread belief among the population that it is impossible to get pregnant during the first five days after the end of your period. Here we should immediately separate the concepts: impossible and low chance of possible conception. In principle, the likelihood of pregnancy during unprotected sexual intercourse always remains. Only on some days of the cycle are they quite small, but they cannot be completely discarded. Therefore, to avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to use protection. Now let's look at this issue from a physiological point of view.

Features of the menstrual cycle

The female body is a rather delicate organization, both from an emotional and physiological point of view. All processes in it occur under the influence of hormones. This relationship also applies to the menstrual cycle. His natural course, which consists of preparing the egg for conception, occurs under the control of hormones. The functioning of the reproductive system involves gonadotropin, which is produced in the hypothalamus, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing - produced by the pituitary gland, as well as progesterone and estrogens produced by the ovaries. Under the influence of these hormones, the menstrual cycle occurs in the body, which is divided into three phases:

  • the first is follicular, during which FSH is released under the influence of gonadotropin. It is delivered along with the blood to all cells of the body and is responsible for stimulating the maturation of eggs in the follicles. It should be noted that on initial stage cycle, the process of maturation of about twenty eggs begins, but only one, rarely two, reaches the final stage. In addition, during this period, the endometrium, the inner layer of the uterus, thickens;
  • the second is ovulatory, characterized by the fact that under the influence of luteinizing hormone, the follicle ruptures from which an egg comes out mature and ready to “meet” the sperm;
  • third – luteal, formation occurs corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone and estrogens. Thanks to these hormones, the endometrium thickens and the reproductive organ prepares for the implantation of the embryo in it. But if fertilization does not occur, then the corpus luteum stops working, progesterone levels decrease and the concentration of prostaglandins increases. As a result, the endometrium is rejected, the removal of which from the uterus to the outside is accompanied by bleeding. This process and there is menstruation.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation?

Based physiological processes, occurring in a woman’s body during the menstrual cycle, it follows that the maturation of new eggs begins after the end of menstruation. Therefore, if you strictly follow the theoretical postulates, then it is unlikely to become pregnant within a few days after bleeding, although in real life that happens. After all, every woman has her own individual characteristics body, so egg maturation can occur much earlier. And since men’s sperm can boast high viability, sperm is active in a woman’s body for up to seven days. Therefore, in this case, you can get pregnant, since the sperm will simply wait for the mature egg.

In this case, it is important to understand how long a woman’s cycle lasts and how constant it is, so that you can determine at least the approximate time of ovulation.

Calculations are carried out in this way: take the total number of days in the cycle and subtract fourteen from it (exactly how long the luteal phase lasts). The essence of the calculation is to have a clear idea of ​​how many days after menstruation the risk or chance (this is a question of individual desires) of getting pregnant increases. For example, a cycle lasts 28 days. Subtract from total number 14 and we find that ovulation can be expected on day 14. During this period, the highest chances of getting pregnant appear, and those couples who are not yet planning a child must definitely use protection, just like in other periods of the cycle.

In addition, you can conceive a child within five days before ovulation and the same number after.

Therefore, on other days, danger unplanned pregnancy significantly lower. It is also worth noting that you cannot get pregnant during your period.

However, it is not recommended to use the physiological method of contraception for girls with an unstable menstrual cycle. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is best to use contraception.

Pregnancy occurs two to three days after menstruation when a woman experiences:

  • the menstrual cycle is too short, that is, if it is less than twenty-one days, then ovulation can occur within a few days after bleeding, and since the physiological ability of sperm to “wait” for the egg is great, it turns out that after unprotected intercourse on the very first day after menstruation you can get pregnant freely;
  • long-term menstrual bleeding with a short cycle;
  • an unstable cycle, in this case it is almost impossible to calculate how long this or that phase lasts and when the body enters the ovulatory period; there are cases when the egg matures immediately after the end of menstruation;
  • spontaneous ovulation, two eggs mature in the body at once, so in this case you can conceive a baby at any period of the menstrual cycle.

The risk of unwanted pregnancy immediately after the end of menstruation increases and after possible diseases cervix. In this state of affairs, a woman may confuse uterine bleeding with menstruation, which means that during this period the body may be in the ovulatory phase, that is, the chances of pregnancy are high

And How summary, the female body is capable of conceiving on almost any day of the cycle, so you should not risk your health and act cruelly towards your unborn baby, but choose a more reliable way contraception. Remember, pregnancy should be, if not planned, then desired.

For some, conceiving a child is a desired and long-awaited process. Other men and women try by all means to avoid this. On what days can you not get pregnant? This question is asked by couples who use interrupted sexual intercourse or the calendar method of calculation as contraception. The days when you cannot get pregnant will be described in this article. You will find out the opinion of experts on this issue. You can also find out how these most infertile days are calculated.

On what days can you not get pregnant? Doctors answer

If you ask this question to a gynecologist, reproductive specialist or obstetrician, you will not receive a clear and unambiguous answer. In their opinion, days when you cannot get pregnant simply do not exist. Throughout the entire cycle, a woman remains likely to become fertilized. It’s just that on some days it is maximum, while on others it decreases to a minimum. Doctors say: you can never guarantee that pregnancy will not occur during a certain period of the cycle. There is an exception to every rule.

Doctors also note that the female body is very unpredictable. Quite often, due to the influence of external factors, the fairer sex experiences hormonal disbalance. It is because of this that pregnancy can occur when you definitely don’t expect it.

A little theory

To find out on which days you can’t get pregnant, you should have a fairly clear picture of conception. Even at school, teachers tell children about this during biology and anatomy lessons.

So, male body produces seed cells - sperm. They are capable of fertilizing the female body with every sexual contact. That's why men don't have certain days when you can or cannot conceive a child. If a representative of the stronger sex is healthy, he is always fertile, of course, after puberty.

What can you say about a woman? On what days can you definitely not get pregnant? There is only one answer to this question. Pregnancy cannot occur when there is no egg to fertilize. After all, it is the presence of this gamete in the genitals of the fairer sex that leads to fertilization. Without it, pregnancy is simply impossible.

How to calculate safe days so as not to get pregnant?

Finding out which days you can’t get pregnant is quite simple. It is necessary to know exactly the duration of a woman’s menstrual cycle and the stability of these periods. We can talk about regularity when for at least six months the duration of the cycle has not varied by more than 1-2 days. The rupture of the dominant follicle and the release of the egg occurs on average two weeks before the next menstruation. This is precisely the peculiarity of the second phase. It always lasts the same time. While the first half of the period can normally last from seven days to three weeks.

To calculate which days you cannot get pregnant, subtract 10-14 days from the duration of the cycle. The resulting number will be considered the most fertile day. During this period, the gamete ready for fertilization is released. The woman’s body remains in this state for about two more days. After this, the probability of pregnancy gradually decreases and reaches its minimum at the beginning of menstruation.

What can be said about the first half of the menstrual cycle? During this period, sexual contact is quite likely to lead to conception. It is worth remembering that sperm can stay in a woman’s uterus and vagina for about one week. Based on these data, you can make a simple calculation. Remember that a lot depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. So, for women with a period of 21 days in the first half there is no safe time. If the cycle lasts 35 days, then its first 14 days can be called infertile.

Menstruation period

On what days of your period can you not get pregnant? If we take into account the woman’s physiology and the calculation method described above, we can answer this question as follows. The first days of discharge can be called safe. However, this rule only applies to women whose cycle lasts 28 days or more. For the fairer sex with short period even the days of menstruation are dangerous.

There is also an opinion that it is impossible to get pregnant during bleeding. This is explained by the fact that the discharge simply washes away sperm and male gametes from the uterus and vagina. Also during this period, the endometrium is in the most unfavorable condition for implantation. Even if fertilization occurs, ovum it simply will not be able to attach and develop further.

On what days after menstruation can you not get pregnant?

As for menstrual flow, you already know. Let's try to calculate on which days you definitely can't get pregnant in a given case.

  • In a three week cycle safe days can be considered the period from 10 to 21 days.
  • If your cycle lasts four weeks, then the absence of pregnancy is likely if you have intercourse from days 1 to 7 and from 18 to 28.
  • With a long cycle of five weeks without dangerous days- this is the first 14 days, as well as the period from 25 to 35 days.


Many representatives of the fair sex use the methods described above and try to find out on which days they cannot get pregnant. Calculating the safe period is quite easy. However, no one can guarantee your success.

Women say that misfires still happen. The reason for this may be hormonal imbalance. In this case, the cycle is shortened or lengthened. The ovulation period similarly shifts. Also, the environment for sperm to stay can be quite favorable. In this case, they will remain in the woman’s body for up to ten days. Statistics say that every third representative of the fairer sex using this method contraception, turns out to be pregnant. Protect yourself correctly. Good health to you!

The desire to find out whether it is possible to get pregnant after menstruation visits many women. Some ladies are interested in how to prevent unwanted pregnancy, others, on the contrary, dream of becoming mothers as soon as possible and grab every opportunity. additional condition, increasing the likelihood of conception. Specialists in female physiology They admit this possibility, but the chances of conceiving after menstruation are low. But let's talk about this in more detail.

A few words about female physiology

Calendar contraception – maximum natural technique protection, taking into account the individuality of the fair sex and implying compliance monthly cycle. This method was used before the mass production of contraceptives, but it is still relevant today.

First of all, it is important to understand how “ Ladies Watch" Statistics say that on average the cycle of a healthy young woman consists of 28 days and includes three alternating stages:

1.At the first stage (follicular) the follicle is born and grows. It is from this that the mature egg then grows.

2. Then comes the turn ovulatory phase which lasts 1-2 days. This stage is also called the fertile window, since right now there is a maximum chance of conceiving a baby. If the egg is fertilized, the mother's body mobilizes all its forces to bear the embryo.

3. The next phase - luteal - occurs only when conception has not occurred. Remaining unfertilized, the egg begins to disintegrate, which is expressed uterine bleeding. This process is called menstruation.

Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation? Doctors assure that the chances of such an outcome are minimal. But no one will give a complete guarantee, since cases of pregnancy of those girls who used the “calendar” have been registered.

Conceiving after menstruation - what increases the likelihood?

Women who are curious about the possibility of conceiving immediately after menstruation need to understand that not all women have “ critical days" last the same number of days.

For some women, menstruation takes 2-3 days, while for others it takes a week or even more. Its duration is influenced by several factors, for example: 

Blood clotting;

Level of female hormones;

Contractility of the uterine muscles;

Diseases of the genital organs.

After menstruation, the uterine epithelium regenerates. Already in the middle of the cycle, the tissue becomes so thick that it can accept a zygote. But completely exclude " interesting situation“in the first week after menstruation is impossible. The likelihood of pregnancy increases significantly if:

The menstrual cycle does not reach the standard 28 days and is 21 days. Due to such a short duration, ovulation after menstruation sometimes occurs on the next day;

- “red days” last longer than 7 days. And such a duration significantly increases the likelihood that a new egg will mature before the end of menstruation;

The monthly cycle is irregular. The egg matures in different days, therefore it is very difficult to predict the specific day of ovulation;  Bleeding occurs, reminiscent of menstruation. This is observed during severe inflammation, localized in different parts of the genital organs. This is fraught with incorrect calculation of the date of ovulation and, accordingly, pregnancy;

Spontaneous ovulation occurs when the egg matures regardless of a specific date.

Thus, conception occurs immediately after menstruation. In addition, sperm are extremely tenacious and can remain active and viable in a woman’s genital tract for 3 days (in some cases up to a week), so fertilization is possible immediately after the end of menstruation.

So, counting “dangerous” and “non-dangerous” days is not the most accurate method of contraception, but many women still use it. There are especially many of its adherents among nursing mothers and girls who have contraindications to other contraceptives - hormonal drugs, IUDs and vaginal caps.

How many days after menstruation can you get pregnant?

The above factors that affect the likelihood of conception after menstruation are, however, rather the exception rather than the rule. In most cases, the first and second days are the most unfavorable time for pregnancy. These days, it is extremely difficult for the embryo (even if fertilization has occurred) to fully attach to the walls of the uterus.

The last 6-7 days before the next period is also considered a fairly safe period, but no one can give a 100% guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. Women using calendar contraception should remember this. This method implies regular cycle, and ideal condition health, hormonal balance and even correct mode nutrition.

But the probability of pregnancy increases significantly during the so-called fertile window, which falls on the time interval between 10 and 17 days of the monthly cycle, provided that it lasts 28 days. So that a woman does not have to worry about what day after her period she can get pregnant, but can independently calculate the most “dangerous” (or favorable) days, experts offer the following calculation option:

From the duration of the cycle (for example, 35 days), we subtract 14 days (luteal phase) and get 21 days (ovulation time). Thus, approximately 21 days after the onset of menstruation, the likelihood of becoming pregnant is maximum.

Preventing unwanted pregnancy

If a woman wants to prevent conception immediately after menstruation, then preference should be given not calendar method contraception, but in another, more effective way.

Yes, manufacturers birth control pills(oral contraception) and vaginal hormonal drugs claim a 100% guarantee - unwanted pregnancy the woman is not in danger. Of course, before using them you should consult a gynecologist, since products containing hormones are not indicated for all women.

The use of a contraceptive also successfully protects a woman, but there is still a possibility of sperm entering the genitals if the contraceptive ruptures. In this case, experts recommend the local use of spermicides - drugs that destroy sperm. Yes there is a risk allergic reactions, but even they are safer for women's health than abortion.

Interesting information for fans of coitus interruptus: doctors have proven that refusing to ejaculate into the vagina does not protect against pregnancy. It turns out that viable sperm sometimes remain in the male urethra for a week after the last sexual intercourse and can enter the vagina at the beginning of sexual intercourse.

How to get pregnant after menstruation

Increasingly, women are thinking not about contraception, but about pregnancy after menstruation. Not always wellness partners, saturated sex life promotes long-awaited conception. To speed up the onset of this happy moment, a woman needs:

Be examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist and undergo numerous tests to identify viral and fungal infections of the genital organs (this may include venereal diseases, which the woman is not even aware of);

Adjust your diet and forget about it for a while excessive consumption coffee and other unwanted products, abandon diets that reduce not only body volume, but also the likelihood of conception;

Avoid smoking and alcoholic drinks, longer walk on fresh air, if possible, avoid stressful situations.

If you follow the advice of a gynecologist and other specialized specialists, then the long-awaited goal - pregnancy - will soon come. In fact, it does not matter when a woman becomes pregnant: after the end of menstruation or at the end of the ovulatory cycle. The main thing is that conception has taken place, and in 9 months a screaming toddler will be born.

Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation? Doctors are confident that this is possible, especially if a woman uses calendar contraception rather than modern ones. contraception. If dear ladies do not want to see unwanted lines on a pregnancy test, it is worth choosing a more reliable method of protection. But if a woman wants to get pregnant, then she needs to see a doctor, except for various negative factors preventing conception.