Happy wolf fate. Can you tame a wolf? Can you tame a wolf in real life? Preparing for the appearance of the wolf

All mankind knows the indisputable fact that the dog is the best, the only true friend of man since ancient times. Dogs faithfully and zealously serve a person until the end of their lives and are always side by side, protecting him.

When it’s difficult for people and it’s a hard time in life, a true friend - the dog will give support and will be there, when funny events come, the dog will rejoice on an equal basis with a person. He will never leave you in trouble or in joy. In our time, the circle of use of dogs is very large, there are several ways to serve dogs - these are police dogs, and hunting dogs, and guard dogs, and police dogs, and others.

But dogs were not always such cute and devoted animals. Dogs in the ancient world were dangerous predators for humans, capable of maiming and even killing people with their fangs. These were not the dogs that we are used to seeing on a daily basis, these were their ancestors, which are called "" in modern history and are predators.

The predatory ancestors of dogs lived in the forests and hunted various animals, but over time, having caught all the prey, the dogs began to experience hunger for a long time, and this threatened with truly terrible consequences for people and their children. Pretty soon, the wolves began to visit the sites abandoned by people and got the opportunity sometimes to profit from something edible and even tasty.

By nature, the ancestors of dogs were similar to people. They always tried to gather in flocks, helped each other, brought prey for everyone and were very interested in what was happening around. Eating food leftovers in the former camps of people was a more accessible way of subsistence for wolves than hunting game that appeared more or less in the forests, and therefore the animals very quickly got used to this method of feeding.

But after all, people did not live long in one place, they moved from one parking lot to another in search of food and a better life for themselves. The wolves did not come up with anything other than to follow people to all their camps. Now they were not tied to one place, but led a nomadic lifestyle. Now they were no longer wild wolves, but half-domestic - not yet dogs, but not wolves either.

The man, due to some kind of benevolence and curiosity, did not chase away or kill animals, allowing them to live nearby, looking closely at them. Wolves did not come close to people, and they did not feel in any danger in the society of animals. At the same time, people began to pay attention to animals, to get accustomed to them, to their habits and behavior on the hunt.

The understanding came that in tandem the strength and dexterity of a wolf is perfectly combined with the intelligence and cunning of a person, it remains only to somehow achieve mutual understanding and go hunting together. But before the unification of dogs and people, a lot of time passed. Neither side had the courage to come closer. As a result, such a neighborhood has already become familiar to both wolves and people.

Neither one nor the other was afraid of each other and lived peacefully, like good neighbors. But everything happens, and once one of the most curious wolf and no less curious person still talked. This first contact was clumsy, timid, but nevertheless laid the foundation for a completely different communication between animal and man. Gradually, the domestication of the wolf began, everything happened slowly and measuredly. Time passed, and the wolves were already warming themselves near the fire next to the man, eating from the hands of a man, allowing themselves to be touched.

Animals became more and more bold and irreplaceable. Around this period, people give the new domesticated species of wolf a new name - dog. Of course, after assigning a new name, the dogs did not become completely tame. This took a lot of time. Nowadays, the domestication of a wild dog is absolutely impossible. Even if there is already confidence that the dog is completely domesticated and subordinate to man, anyway, sooner or later, its bestial essence will make itself felt, and this sometimes entails serious consequences.

For complete submission in a wild animal, one has to change all the habits and character, and just a few years spent on this will not give a result. Changes must take place over the centuries, and a considerable number of people must participate in this, capable of transforming one kind of animal into another, new, perfect and domestic.

Children's dog - what are we talking about ... Krukover Vladimir Isaevich

Can you tame a wolf?

Can you tame a wolf?

K. Lorenz is a famous ethologist, animal specialist, Nobel laureate. He tells. “If you take a non-domesticated canine puppy into your home and raise it as a dog, you can easily imagine that the need for care and attention from a wild baby is tantamount to the lifelong bond that exists between most of our domestic dogs and their owners. A captive wolf cub is usually timid, preferring dark corners, and obviously afraid of crossing open spaces. He is extremely distrustful of strangers, and if such a person tries to stroke him, he can violently and without any warning cling to the caressing hand. From birth, he is inclined to bite out of fear, but he attaches himself to the owner and relies on him in the same way as a puppy.

If we are talking about a female who, in the normal course of events, grows up, begins to perceive a male leader as a "master", experienced trainers sometimes manage to take the place of such a leader at a time when the female's childhood dependence is fading, and thus secure her affection. and in the future. One Viennese policeman managed to win such loyalty from his famous she-wolf Poldi. But the one who brings up the male wolf will inevitably be disappointed - as soon as the wolf becomes an adult, he suddenly ceases to obey the owner and keeps absolutely independently.

Neither malice nor ferocity appears in his behavior towards the former owner - he still treats him like a friend, but it will no longer occur to him to blindly obey the owner, and, perhaps, he will even try to subjugate him and become a leader. Considering the strength of wolf teeth, it is not surprising that this procedure sometimes acquires a rather bloody character.

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A lot of films have been made about how a wild animal becomes a man's best friend. We look and envy the heroes who easily find a common language with lions, cheetahs and wolves. Of course, it is easier for a Russian citizen to meet a wolf than a leopard, so we decided to consider the possibility of taming this magnificent predator. Is it possible to tame a wolf in real life, how to do it - everything in this article.

Wolf: behavioral features

If you came up with the idea to take as a wolf, then you need to know that this animal is not a dog, although they are genetically related. Can you tame a wolf like a poodle? No, you definitely won’t succeed, but it’s all about his character.

A hierarchy reigns in a pack of wolves, there is a leader, but every time the younger generation tries to prove its superiority and strength. If the wolf saw or felt a weakness in character - write wasted! Power will pass into his predatory paws.

What should be the owner of the wolf?

Most importantly, the wolf will never have a master. He will only have a leader. Not a friend, not a brother, but a strong and superior leader in everything.
If you still intend to take on the content of such a predator, then be prepared to always keep your eyes open, and claws and fangs at the ready! The leader (owner) of the wolf must have a strong character, nerves of steel, and the absence of pity is necessary. After a two-year-old predator grows out of a wolf cub, you will constantly have to prove your superiority.

Is it possible to tame a wolf if you are not endowed with the above qualities? No, most likely, he will tame you or, having matured, will taste your hand.

Wolves and children in the same pack

With the appearance of a wolf in the family, your life will be completely different. If there are small children, then it is better to choose a she-wolf. The females have developed a maternal instinct, so she will not touch or offend the child, she will become a good companion for him. The male will begin to "train" the baby, like a wolf cub, which can cause him serious injuries.
Growing up, wolves become aggressive (in most cases), so think carefully about the well-being of your "pack" life before bringing a predator into it.

We tame an adult wolf

If you live near a forest where wolves live, or if you have a dacha there, then there is a high probability that predators may come out to you. They will be attracted to the warmth and smell of food, especially in winter. Many prefer to scare predators away from their territory than to make contact with them. Is it possible to tame a wolf if he is an adult and wild?

It won't work, you'll never be able to pet him. But you can make peace with him in order to enter his territory without fear.

When meeting with a wolf, in no case do not run and do not make sudden movements. Do not throw food out of your pockets or bag, as the wolf will take you for food. It is better, moving away from him a little to the side, put a piece of bread or sausage and, stepping back, quietly leave. Don't turn your back on the predator! He will definitely lunge, so keep eye contact with him.

Attention! Going into the forest, if you know that wolves live there, you need to have a gun or other firearm with you. In most cases, the wolf will not catch the eye of a person, but will prefer to hide. But animals with rabies often seek a meeting with a person.

If you were "lucky" to meet a wild wolf and at the same time he did not show aggression, then in the future you can not worry about your life. This beast will not touch you, but it will not let you in either. You can peacefully coexist in the neighborhood.

We grow a wolf cub

Wolf cubs are the same kids as dog puppies. So is it possible to tame a wolf from childhood? It will be a difficult process, but there is still every chance.

If a wolf cub fell into your hands, then become mom and dad, friend and brother for him, only in this way you will earn his trust from puppyhood. Spend a lot of time in his company and in any case do not tie him up, do not put him on a chain.

If you decide to get a wolf as a guard dog, then don't even try. They are very agile, so no matter how tight the collar is, the wolf will find a way to free itself. And then your life and the life of your loved ones will be in danger.

You cannot train a wolf cub like a dog, and no cynologist can cope with this task. Therefore, just educate him, feed and grow. These animals love to play, and in the game they may not take into account their strength - bite on the scruff of the neck (their favorite place to keep prey) or bite through the hand. Be prepared for such entertainment, because it is in the pet's blood, it is impossible to rid him of such a habit.

How to tame a wolf at home?

If you live in an apartment, then do not think about getting a wolf. He is a wild beast, even though you will tame him from childhood. Wolves need a lot of freedom, he is not your pet, he is just a member of your pack, and he simply needs freedom.

In the private sector, it would be nice to build an aviary, but it should be high, preferably with a roof. Wolves can easily jump over a three-meter wall.
In a few hours, such a predator will be able to get out of the enclosure, simply by digging. Therefore, the animal's sleeping place must be reinforced with concrete. Of course, if you are worried about the neighbors, on which an adult, even a domesticated, wolf can start hunting.

The enclosure should only be a place where the wolf will sleep - that is, his lair, and not a permanent habitat. In order for the predator to feel comfortable, let him run, be equal with you in terms of freedom. If you do not give it to the beast, then he will be angry with you, and will not become a friend.

The ideal option for keeping a wolf will be its complete freedom. It should be a small area, as close as possible to its natural habitat, naturally fenced. The wolf will live there and come to you to spend several hours with his "pack" and eat, and then he will again run away to the "freedom".

Can you tame a wolf like a dog?

We already wrote about the fact that it is impossible to train him. The wolf is not a dog. These animals are the complete opposite. If you and a wolf have found it, then he will become more faithful to you than a dog, he will be both a friend and a protector.

How to tame a wolf so that he becomes just a friend? Nobody can say this. It all depends on your relationship. Not only should you like the wolf, but he should also like you. If you do not show aggression towards the predator, but also not be weak, you can achieve complete mutual understanding.

You need to be with a wolf much more time together than with a dog, then the chances of success in taming will increase. Wolves love to be talked to, caress him more, then his predatory habits will not be a threat to you and your family.

Wolf food at home

How to tame a wolf in real life, now you know. The question remains, what to feed the predator? That's right, he's a predator, and he needs meat.

The wolf will not eat dog food, and if you accustom him to such food from childhood, then in the future you will encounter a whole bunch of pet diseases.

In childhood, feed the wolf with milk, cereals, chicken meat or pork, soft beef will also be perfectly absorbed. The meat must be raw so that the baby fully receives all the necessary trace elements for healthy growth.

An adult wolf will eat exclusively meat and bones, sometimes it will be possible to cook soup for him in fatty broth.

An adult predator must eat at least eight kilograms of meat and bones per day. If you think that you can afford such an expense, then you can very well raise a healthy and beautiful wolf.

No matter how many wolves you feed...

And yet the wolf remains a wild animal. How to tame a wolf, how to raise and feed him is one thing. It is quite another thing to keep him near you, to exclude aggression and all the habits of a predator.

If you began to notice that the animal is moving away from you, becoming completely different, then you should think about its future fate. Many people who have tamed a wolf, but later faced with its aggression, will prefer to euthanize the beast or set it free. Both of these options are not humane.

It is easy to kill an animal, but think about it, because this is a living being that you could not keep near you, could not become his family. This is only your fault.
Let loose? This is also murder. A tamed animal will not be able to live on its own, its relatives will kill it or it will be shot by a person from whom the wolf will not hide, because he is not afraid of people.

The best option is to find a nursery or give the animal to the zoo. There he will live in the neighborhood with people, under full protection, with the right content.
Can you tame a wolf? You can, only if you try very hard, if you don’t try to make a dog out of him, but live with a real predator.

One March morning, I decided to go skiing near a village house in the Ryazan region - the wonderful winter weather contributed to this. I rode through the forest for a long time, the track was trodden by only a few skiers, but I got great pleasure from skiing. Suddenly I saw a dog come out of the forest and stop near the ski track. I continued to move towards her, slowly slowing down and after a few steps I stopped. We stood ten paces apart from each other and calmly looked at each other. At that moment, a thought dawned on me ... but it was not scary. It really was not a dog - the wolf was not very big, the size of a German shepherd, a gray back, and a reddish chest, ears stood up. He looked at me without the slightest aggression - his look seemed to express "we parted here." This silent scene lasted for about 10 seconds, after which the wolf ran into the forest at a light trot. I also calmly continued on my way, only after a while I remembered the phone with a camera, but immediately reassured myself that my new friend’s plans might not have included a photo shoot and he could object to this. Returning to Moscow, I immediately went to tell my beloved aunt about this and listen to the story about Kazbek again ...

As a child, even in Soviet times, I loved listening to my aunt's stories about the wolf that lived with them at the beginning of the war. More precisely, it was not quite a wolf - it was a cross between a dog and a wolf. His name was Kazbek.

A few years before the war, they lived in a village on the border of the Moscow and Tver regions. Often at night a wolf howl was heard in the forest, but at the same time, the aunt did not tell the cases that the forest guests stole cattle, although she was then just a baby and could simply not know about them. She also does not remember how they got Kazbek, she only remembers that just before the war they moved closer to Moscow and brought Kazbek with them. Then she, being small, began to pull his fur, and he bit her. After that, her eye squinted for several years, then, however, it recovered.

Kazbek lived like an ordinary village dog, he was absolutely free, he never sat on a chain. He loved the owner (my aunt's father) very much - he always accompanied him to work and met him, feeling when he would be free. When the war began, he missed his master very much, when he was taken to the front. In the hungry times of the war, Kazbek himself got food for himself - however, and not only for himself. Sometimes he caught hares, several times he dragged bags of seeds and gave them to the mistress, and once he fed a whole family, bringing a calf's leg into the house.

My aunt remembers how her mother always praised him. When the Germans were driven back from Moscow, soldiers came to my aunt's mother and began to ask her to give Kazbek to them, because. this "dog" could be very useful to them in military service - so Kazbek became a soldier and served the Motherland during the war.

My aunt's most vivid memory of Kazbek was when, after the war, they went with their mother for milk, and a soldier with a dog very similar to Kazbek walked towards them. The wolf recognized them and my aunt’s mother screamed with joy “Kazbek”, “Kazbek” and they ruffled him for a long time in his thick wool ...

I, under the impression of a meeting with a wolf and the story about Kazbek once again told me, read many stories about wolves and I can say that this, unfortunately, is an exceptional case when a wolf could live among people. Especially in the 90s, when many rich people began to look for non-standard entertainment, some tried to get a wolf. I really fell in love with these animals and I can say - do not do this!!! Almost all cases of taming a wolf end with his murder. A wolf is not a domestic dog and it will not work out of it! This is a predatory animal that lives according to the laws of the wolf, considering the family to be a pack. There is always a leader in a pack. Of course, a person (owner) can become it - in this case, the wolf will obey him unquestioningly, but this does not mean at all that other family members will mean something to him - he may consider himself superior to them. In this case, he can be very aggressive towards them, because. it is unlikely that they will live in accordance with its rules. There are frequent cases when domesticated wolves tried to bite the members of the owner's family. That is why the owners kill the wolves with the wording "the wolf, unfortunately, had to be euthanized." It makes one want to ask: “What, didn’t you immediately understand who you were starting ???”. I would like to separately note that it is no coincidence that in the circus we can even meet bears, lions, marine mammals, but there is not a single circus where wolves would perform. Despite the fact that his close brothers dogs wag their tails when they see people, the wolf is a freedom-loving predator who, in the most global sense, did not obey a person and it is impossible to break him. There are no domestic wolves! A wolf in rare cases can live with a person, but not in the conditions of settlements and only according to its own rules.

So Kazbek bit my aunt, despite the fact that she was a small child. He was very lucky that the soldiers took him - in the village, most likely, his life could have ended with the same typical wording. However, he certainly found himself in the army and went through the whole war side by side with his new leader, respecting only him alone. Unfortunately, this part of his biography is not known, but for sure, it was quite bright. And his master, whom he considered his first leader, never returned from the war ...

Nowadays, attempts to tame wild animals are no longer surprising with the novelty, so the long-standing progenitor of the domestic wolf is no exception. In addition, breeding work in animal husbandry is being actively carried out today, aimed at breeding wolf-dog hybrids by crossing both. Until recently, wolves were kept and bred in state zoos and menageries, but now it seems possible even for individuals at home.

Food at will

The wolf is one of the largest animals in the canine family: its body length reaches one and a half meters, and its tail is 50 centimeters.

In terms of height at the withers, the highest height that he can reach ranges from 90-100 centimeters, and body weight can reach up to 80 kilograms (but this is already rare, on average - 50-60 kilograms).

Important! The color of the wool of wolves depends on the main area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir distribution. For example, desert and tundra inhabitants have a reddish and snow-white color, respectively; forest dwellers can be recognized by the basic gray color with varying shades from ash gray to dark brown. And the black color is not at all characteristic of real wolves, so this appearance can serve as evidence of a hybrid mutation.

The original range of wolves was the entire northern hemisphere of the Earth. But after a long time, the total number of this species of predatory mammals decreased significantly due to changes in the landscapes of nature by people, an increase in the number of cities, as well as the mass extermination of the animals themselves.

Today, the wolf population stably exists in the northern part of Eurasia and America, in other regions of the world, animals are on the verge of extinction.

Despite the traditional fear of him, the wolf is a very cautious animal, so he is used to staying away from people.

And even after centuries, during which a person hunted a wolf and exterminated it by various means, the instinct of aggression towards people does not manifest itself in the beast, since it is very smart. Wolves do not attack people, and cases that indicate the opposite are rare and have certain reasons.

Ideal habitat for them:

  • forests in temperate latitudes of the globe;
  • tundra;
  • coniferous forests;
  • plains overgrown with grassy vegetation;
  • territorial associations of mountains.

This animal belongs to the order of predators, and, according to its lifestyle, provides for itself by hunting.
The basic basis of wolf nutrition is ungulates, and in different parts of the world it can be different representatives of the fauna: reindeer (in the tundra), elk, roe deer, wild boar (in the forest), antelope (in the steppe and desert zones).

Also, in the natural ecosystem, the prey of wolves that hunt alone are mainly weak, sick or already killed animals: hares, gophers, foxes, mice, beavers and others.

If predators settled near human dwellings, their prey can be poultry (geese, chickens), livestock (cows, horses, sheep) or, no matter how strange it may seem, (apparently, the feeling of hunger is more important for them than the feeling of kinship) .

Winter food is more varied: it can be deer, roe deer, elk, wild boar, bison, or even bears. Wolves are omnivorous creatures and, to diversify their diet, they can eat eggs, chicks, fruits, berries, mushrooms, carrion, and insects.
The method of hunting wolves often consists in the technique of attacking in a pack: they surround the victim, and, pouncing on it, grab the neck, paws, sides until the latter, exhausted from wounds, weakens and falls.

Animals never leave their “leftovers” just like that: most often they bury them or hide them under fallen leaves, remember the place, and when they get hungry again, they look for their own food stores.

Also, wolves are called "orderlies of the forest", since it is they who cleanse the "kingdom of animals" from sick representatives of the fauna, preventing diseases from spreading further.

According to the theory of evolution, the strongest survive: by destroying some of the herbivores that cannot defend themselves or escape, wolves thereby enable others to eat and not die of hunger.

Diet at home

Those who are wondering if it is possible to keep a wolf at home should know that there are different types of captive education:

  • zoos;
  • large wildlife parks;
  • built at home.

Taking into account the living conditions, a special food system is also selected. For example, a wildlife park is a place that most closely resembles the natural habitat of a wolf.

Did you know?According to observations, if the body of a shot wolf is not taken from the hunt, then soon other members of the pack will literally eat it..

In a zoo or menagerie, nutritional conditions are somewhat different: here, six days a week, the wolf is fed daily, and on the seventh the animal is starving. For one adult head, 2-3 kilograms of fresh carcass is calculated on the bone with the possible presence of skin and wool.

To strengthen the musculoskeletal system, this diet includes fish oil, protein-mineral feed (meat and bone meal), as well as dry and ground fish leftovers.
Several times a month, animals can be given meat or poultry; vegetables and herbs also play an important role in maintaining immunity.

Did you know? A distinctive feature of these animals is their unique ability to "adapt to the local diet": for example, the inhabitants of the northern parts of the hemisphere can catch river salmon, and the inhabitants of the southern regions canthere is even gourds (watermelon, melon, pumpkin).

And finally, let's figure out what the wolf eats when he lives in an aviary. It can be dry food intended for, as well as a variety of cereals and meat delicacies.

In the first option, it is best to choose feeds that contain a high level of fat and protein (the main material for protein synthesis in the animal body). This is due to the constant presence on the street, as well as the excessive activity of the beast.

The interval between feedings should be observed taking into account the weight of the animal, the norm is twice a day, while it is necessary to monitor the constant availability of clean drinking water.

As for the second option, the domestic wolf can also be fed with porridge made from processed durum wheat, unpolished particles of barley kernel, buckwheat, crushed and polished corn grains. You can also diversify the diet by adding eggs and dairy products. Game is well suited as meat, especially venison.

Vitamin-mineral complexes (preferably with the presence of calcium and vitamin D3) can be purchased at stores that sell dog food, or you can add the same fish oil, meat and bone and fish meal to your diet.

Domesticated wolves are quite unpretentious animals; as we have already said, they easily adapt to the conditions of the local diet, so they are unlikely to become capricious and will eat what you give them.

But still, it is necessary to carefully monitor their well-being and general health, since this is not exactly what a wild wolf eats in the forest.
With any symptoms of malaise, decreased activity, lethargy and other factors indicating some kind of violation, the animal should be taken to an appointment with a veterinary clinic.

A timely visit to a doctor who diagnoses diseases and deviations in the normal life of the animal will help to avoid bad consequences and adjust the care plan for the animal in time.

What is prohibited

  • a real wild wolf cub;
  • a hybrid of a wolf with a dog: a wolfdog or a breed of domestic wolf.

Important! If we talk about the done breeding and hybrid work, then n A real wolf is one who has this wild animal in his family no more than five generations ago.

In the first case, the animal can be taken from the nursery, after consulting with a specialist.

As for the second, there are such types of this exotic mixture:

  • low content of wolf breed (1-49%) - these are not quite our usual friends, but not quite predators either (suitable for beginners); good companions, give in, but show traits inherent in wolves (stubbornness and independence);
  • the average level of wolf origin (50-74%);
  • a high standard of wolf breed content (75-100%), which is almost impossible to distinguish from wild wolves; they have a very weak temperament characteristic of dogs.

If you have adopted a real wolf cub or a wolf cub with the highest or average content of a wolf breed, remember: in no case should you shout at small animals, treat them rudely, beat them for disobedience or for biting.
Wild wolves are very calm parents and never punish their babies.

Be that as it may, the psychological instincts of wild animals do not go away, and in order not to harm either yourself or your loved ones, before getting such an animal, study the special literature, talk to experts and then make the right decision.

Remember: treat an animal whose relatives are wild forest dwellers with extreme caution. Statistics show that rarely anyone managed to make a close friend out of a wolf.

Nevertheless, it is real, but it requires a lot of effort, patience, time and a complete understanding of the biological and psychological characteristics of this animal.

And one more thing: do not try to tame a wild wolf cub who was left without a mother or father after hunting. This is a truly wild beast, and if at first it will seem sweet and kind to you, then in a couple of years this “cute” creature will try to “crush” you with its authority.
Predators do not tolerate submission, equal relations, excessive manifestation of feelings; moreover, it can be life-threatening.

Important! It is unlikely that the wolf will have warm feelings for all family members; for you, as a master, he will have a share of respect, but at the same time provoke you to one day obey him.

You can get a wolf at home by taking it in a nursery or by buying a wolf hybrid.

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Important! Today, wolves and dogs are sold for a price that is equal to the cost of a good thoroughbred dog. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to check the pedigree of an animal, and according to statistics, more than half of the hybrids do not have wolf genes.

This is not for you, so if you do not have animal training skills, do not buy a wolf or mestizo.
Basic rules for training a wolf cub:

  • It will take a lot of effort, patience and time to work with him.
  • become his alpha: already at a young age, the wolf cub must understand who is in charge in the family, and if you stop his attempts to dominate in time, but very carefully, sooner or later he will agree;
  • as we have already said, when training, do not shout, do not beat, do not humiliate him, do not be rude towards the animal;
  • it is necessary to prevent the wolf cub from becoming bored: it is necessary to build all sorts of obstacles for him to overcome, and then give rewards in the form of various delicacies;
  • build more structures in the yard, you can also make sandboxes and play pits, a pond or a small pool;
  • from childhood, teach your domesticated animal to a leash, it must be a social animal.
Unpredictability, cunning and intelligence are those traits of a wolf that can manifest itself when trying to train him.

In addition to the fact that the wolf is a representative of the wild world of animals, accustomed to independence, authority, the rules of the pack, and not equality in relations, the behavioral features are also differences from dogs in the manifestation of friendliness.

When wolves are happy, they can bite you or your children, try to drag you somewhere, grabbing your limbs, which is often perceived as an attack.

Did you know? Although we all consider our best friends - dogs - the most intelligent animals, compared to them, the brain mass of wolves is 30 percent heavier. Scientists at the Veterinary University of Vienna set up an experiment: 15 yard puppies and 14 six-month-old wolf cubs watched how a specially trained dog independently opened a wooden box with food using its paws and teeth. A test for the ability to memorize and repeat what they saw showed that all the wolf cubs coped with this task, repeating the actions of the trained animal with accuracy. As for the mutts, only 4 of the 15 present managed to complete the task.

The manifestation of affection in this animal is similar to signs of aggression. They greet each other by biting each other on the muzzle, so imagine this situation: your dear friend will come up to you, touch your cheek with his muzzle and lick his teeth.

Naturally, when you see such a picture, you will be frightened, because the grin is not perceived by people as a sign of greeting. However, by making an attempt to move away, you can bring trouble on yourself: wolves do not understand when they do not want to greet them - this is a sign of disrespect and disgust.

Therefore, he may bite you on the face, making an attempt to still make contact. Despite the conservation status of wolves, it is worth saying that these are truly “unbroken” animals: not a single representative of predators has been destroyed for so long and purposefully, so hatefully and mercilessly.

Today, these noble animals are the heroes of many fairy tales and poems, legends and myths, cartoons and films. They are feared, legends are written about them, scripts for fantastic films are written, and even attempts are made to tame them.

Well, if you have good intentions, you can try, but remember: you need to approach this issue very seriously and responsibly.
If in the future you refuse to raise a wolf cub, to some extent the already tamed animal will not be able to live a full life either in the “freedom”, which is no longer such for him, or in the nursery, where everything will already be strangers to him.