Curvature of the uterus - what is it? Causes, types, consequences and postures for conception. Causes and factors for the development of the disease

    BEND, bend, husband. 1. What is bent; bent place, bend. Page fold in a book. Bend of the uterus (women's disease, consisting in abnormal displacement of the uterus). 2. trans. Extreme, exaggeration, excessive and therefore harmful zeal in ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    BEND, ah, husband. 1. See bend over. 2. Curved place, bend. Folds on the sheets in the book. 3. trans. Harmful extreme in what n. activities (colloquial). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Ivanych (Petrov). 1. Jarg. arrest, lag. Iron. Dead body. Baldaev 1, 137; BBI, 82. 2. Jarg. arrest, lag., they say. Iron. Death. SRVS 3, 62; Bykov, 77; Maximov, 137 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    bend- ZAGIBON, a, ZAGIBON, a, m. Lies, fiction, fantasy, fabrication. From the common simple. "bend" lie, exaggerate ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

    bend- An element of a bent profile. Engineering topics in general… Technical Translator's Handbook

    bend- , a, m. disapproved. Extreme, exaggeration, excessive and therefore harmful zeal in the implementation of something. ◘ Of the rethought words of this group, one should name “bend”. Ilyenko, Maksimova, 272. A bend is a harmful extreme, an exaggeration. Protchenko ... Explanatory Dictionary of the Language of Soviet Deputies

The uterus is a hollow female reproductive organ that resembles a pear. The bend of her neck leads to problems with conception and gestation. Therefore, if a woman with a regular sexual life for a long time cannot become pregnant, it is worth seeking the advice of a doctor.

Description of pathology

In its normal state, the uterus is located in the depths of the small pelvis and is located parallel to the vagina. The organ is tightly held by a binding tissue. This position was not chosen by nature by chance, since it allows spermatozoa to move freely to the egg. If the body of the uterus deviates from its cervix, a pathology occurs, called an inflection or bend.

Most women learn about the pathology only when they seek help when it is impossible to get pregnant. The problem is that the diagnosis can only be made with a deep examination.

The bend of the cervix most often does not make itself felt. In rare cases, painful menstruation is observed. But this symptom may indicate the presence of other gynecological pathologies. The bend can be congenital or acquired. The risk group includes women who have undergone infectious diseases of the genitourinary system or surgical interventions.

Classification: backward bend, left, right curvature and other shapes

Depending on the location of the uterus relative to the cervix, several types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Anteflexia. Specialists most often have to deal with this kind of pathology. In this case, the uterus itself is closer to the center of the pelvis, its bottom is directed upward and anteriorly. The neck is turned downwards and anteriorly. Thus, an obtuse angle is formed between the body of the organ and its neck. This form is the least dangerous.

    With anteflexia, there is a high chance of getting pregnant and carrying a healthy baby.

  2. Anteversion. This is the deviation of the uterus forward relative to the vagina. This also changes the position of the neck.
  3. Leteroflexia. Deviation of the organ from the axis to the left or right (towards one of the ovaries).
  4. Retroflection. Strong posterior tilt of the body of the uterus. This pathology is the most serious. Many women with retroflection fail to conceive a baby.

The position of the uterus in the pelvis may also depend on the condition of the connective tissue. Specialists have to deal with situations when the reproductive organ is twisted around its axis. Depending on the mobility of the uterus, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  • motionless;
  • limited mobility;
  • mobile.

Causes: why can a bend of the cervix occur?

In most cases, doctors deal with congenital pathology. Some representatives of the weaker sex with such a diagnosis do not even require treatment. It is worth considering the problem more carefully if it is acquired. The following reasons can lead to the occurrence of a bend in the cervix:

  1. Adhesive disease. If there were infectious diseases of the reproductive organs of a woman or had to undergo surgery, connective tissue may develop in the area of ​​​​inflammation. In some cases, this leads to a change in the shape or position of the uterus in the pelvis.
  2. Underdevelopment of the ligamentous apparatus. Most often, young girls (up to 17-18 years old) have to deal with pathological retroflection.
  3. Atrophy of the muscular apparatus. Ligaments often weaken due to age-related changes. For this reason, cervical inversion may develop in women who have already entered menopause.
  4. Pathological changes in other organs. When the anatomical size of the intestine or bladder changes, the position of the uterus also changes. Such conditions can be observed in the presence of tumors (fibromas, myomas) in the small pelvis.

The risk group includes women who have had an abortion at an early age. Less commonly, the disease develops after childbirth, when hidden pathologies begin to appear.

Pathology can only be detected by a gynecologist

Women of reproductive age who are still planning the birth of a child should be attentive to their health.

Heavy physical exertion, as well as inflammation of the reproductive organs due to unprotected sex life, can lead to the bending of the cervix.

Signs of such an anomaly

Symptoms appear when the pathology is pronounced. Such signs include:

  • painful menstruation;
  • constipation or pain with bowel movements;
  • pain or discomfort during intercourse;

Every woman should pay attention to the nature and amount of vaginal discharge. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist if their volume has increased sharply. A fixed (fixed) bend of the uterus can be signaled by intermenstrual spotting.

A mobile bend can develop after childbirth or rapid weight loss. The pathology will be signaled by constipation, pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region.


If the pathology is pronounced, it can be detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist. At the same time, differential diagnosis is of great importance, which makes it possible to exclude other diseases of the organs of the reproductive system. The following research methods can be used:

  1. ultrasound. Thanks to a special vaginal sensor, the specialist is able to accurately determine the position of the body of the uterus relative to the cervix.
  2. Questioning the patient. The doctor must take into account such complaints as painful menstruation, discomfort during intercourse, a large amount of discharge in the middle of the cycle.
  3. Palpation. The presence of pathology can signal the immobility of the uterus due to the development of adhesive disease.

Based on the data received, the doctor will prescribe the treatment of the disease in accordance with its form and cause.


Treatment of pathology should be comprehensive. All appointments are made exclusively by a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to serious complications.

Medical therapy

Drug treatment of cervical tilt may include the following groups of drugs:

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Medications are prescribed if the bending of the cervix was the result of an inflammatory process of the ovaries or the body of the uterus. In gynecology, drugs such as:
    • Hexicon;
    • Betadine;
    • Flagyl.
  2. Antibacterial agents. Preparations from this group are used if the infection that provoked the development of the pathology is of a bacterial nature. The most commonly prescribed medications are from the cephalosporin group, such as:
    • Cefepime;
    • Cefuroxime.
  3. Dissolving drugs. Such medications are necessary when the adhesive process develops. Tools such as:
    • Chymotrypsin;
  4. Hormonal. These drugs are prescribed for women with congenital bending of the cervix. Preparations Novinet, Mercilon contribute to the formation of the necessary hormonal background for conception.
  5. Vitamins. Helps to increase local immunity. It is recommended to take vitamins of groups B, PP, C.
  6. Antispasmodics. Relieve pain when the uterus is bent. The following drugs are used:
    • No-shpa;
    • Spazmalgon.

Drugs for the treatment of uterine tilt - gallery

Terzhinan is prescribed if the bend of the neck was the result of an inflammatory process
Cefazolin is necessary for the bacterial nature of the disease Longidaza promotes the resorption of adhesions
Novinet is necessary for the normalization of hormonal levels
No-shpa relieves pain


Along with medications, a specialist can prescribe therapeutic exercises, which will finally eliminate the consequences of the pathology. Good results can be achieved by Kegel exercises. The technique includes the following techniques:

  • alternate contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. It is worth doing 10 repetitions several times a day;
  • tension in the pelvic floor muscles. After contraction, the muscles must be held in this state for 10 seconds;
  • exercise "Waves". It is necessary to alternately strain three muscle groups - around the anus, vagina and urethra.

Kegel exercises can be done at any time of the day. At the same time, outsiders will not even be able to understand that gymnastics is currently being performed. Great results can be achieved if you do exercises in different positions (lying, sitting, standing on all fours).

Therapeutic exercises can eliminate the bending of the cervix


For serious pathologies, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, such as UHF, mud therapy, can also be used. Gynecological massage gives good results. A specialist can perform the procedure for adhesive disease, ovarian dysfunction, muscle atrophy.

The optimal result can be achieved if you combine several physiotherapy techniques. The course of treatment can be quite long - from several weeks to six months.

In the adhesive process, electrophoresis is effective. In the course of treatment, adhesions are not completely eliminated, but are significantly softened. Thanks to this, the uterus can take the correct position in the pelvis. In addition, electrophoresis relieves pain, improves bowel function, which is also tightened with adhesions.

Surgical intervention

If there are pronounced symptoms of bending, a rapid deterioration in the woman's well-being, a doctor may prescribe laparoscopy. Through a simple surgical intervention, it is possible to eliminate adhesions, if any, and set the uterus in a normal position. However, surgery does not allow you to get rid of the cause of the pathology. Therefore, specialists resort to such a technique only in extreme cases. It often happens that after surgery, the organ again returns to the pathological state.

Folk methods

The inflammatory process in the uterus, which can cause a bend, can be eliminated using folk methods. A popular recipe is based on the following ingredients:

  • 1 st. l. dry chamomile leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. leaves of marshmallow;
  • 1 st. l. sweet clover.

A tablespoon of the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes. The cooled mixture is used for douching twice a day.

An infusion of acacia flowers is also considered a good anti-inflammatory agent:

  • 1 st. l. dry flowers pour 60 ml of alcohol;
  • the remedy is insisted for a week;

The infusion can be taken orally in a teaspoon as an analgesic, and also diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1 to perform douching in inflammatory processes.

Important! Folk remedies can replace many pharmaceutical preparations. But they must be used strictly after consulting a doctor.

Prognosis and possible complications

If the pathology is congenital and it is impossible to completely eliminate it, the gynecologist will be able to recommend positions for sexual intercourse that increase the likelihood of conception.

Curvature of the cervix is ​​not an obstacle to a healthy pregnancy

Neglect of one's own health, inattention to pronounced symptoms, late treatment will lead to an aggravation of the problem, up to the diagnosis of infertility. In addition, there may be complications during pregnancy. A tilted uterus is often the cause of early labor or fetal developmental delays.

Prevention methods

If the pathology is hereditary, it is almost impossible to stop its development. To avoid the acquired inflection, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • avoid abortion;
  • treat infections of the genitourinary system in a timely manner;
  • live a healthy life;
  • pay attention to the choice of a sexual partner (avoid promiscuity).

If you had to go through surgery on the abdominal cavity, you should consult a surgeon about the need for resolving therapy.

About the bend of the cervix - video

If the diagnosis of "bending the cervix" was made in a timely manner, in most cases conservative treatment is sufficient. After full therapy, many women get rid of unpleasant symptoms, pregnancy occurs without problems.

In the female body, the uterus is a pear-shaped muscular organ that belongs to the genital area and is simply necessary for conceiving and bearing a child. Often one of the reasons for the absence of pregnancy for a long time is the bending of the uterus. In modern conditions of life, the bend of the uterus is diagnosed in almost every fourth woman. Such a pathology makes it difficult to conceive a child, which means that certain difficulties are created on the way to the advancement of spermatozoa to the egg. Some representatives of the weaker sex want to become mothers so much that they try to get pregnant with such a pathology using traditional medicine recipes, using various conspiracies and prayers.

Many women wonder why the cervix or the organ itself is bent. Most often, the cause of the development of such a pathology is the weakening of the ligaments and muscles of the pelvic region, resulting in a change in the normal position of the uterus in the body of a woman. In addition, signs of organ bending can be observed as a result of the progression of various infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, and as a result of a genetic factor. Orgasm with such a pathology occurs without problems, since the backward bend of the uterus does not have a significant effect on it.

Symptoms of pathology

Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of every woman, therefore, with a strong desire to conceive a child, the future lobe carefully listens to her body and pays attention to any unusual symptoms. Usually, the symptoms of pathology depend on the severity of the inclination of the reproductive organ and its orientation.

Most often, when the uterus is bent, there are no symptoms, that is, it is characterized by a latent course, and the neck of the organ deviates to the anterior or posterior wall.

Retroflection in a woman's body can have symptoms that are characteristic of most gynecological diseases of the reproductive system:

  • painful and prolonged menstruation;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • the appearance of pain and discomfort during intercourse.

In addition, the bending of the cervix and the organ itself puts increased pressure on the bladder and the result of this pathological condition is symptoms in the form of too frequent urge to urinate. Diagnosis of retroflexion is a serious obstacle to pregnancy. However, in the event of a successful conception of a child, the bending of the uterus can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage, so this pathology is considered one of the main causes of miscarriage.

Often a woman does not pay attention to such symptoms and associates them with the manifestation of completely different diseases. The pain that accompanies a backward bending of the uterus often prevents a woman from having an orgasm during intercourse.

Features of treatment

Usually, a woman, before starting to plan a baby, turns to a specialist who, based on the results of the survey, makes certain predictions.

Treatment Methods

Some women do not quite understand how to determine the bend of the uterus. Usually, already during a gynecological examination, the doctor will be able to easily diagnose the bending of the uterus backwards and forwards, as well as the prolapse and prolapse of the reproductive organ. In addition, a specialist can already at the first appointment determine the nature of retroflexion, that is, it is congenital or acquired. In the event that the bending of the uterus is an innate feature of the body, then in such a situation it does not interfere with conception and usually no treatment is carried out. When confirming the pathological bending of the uterus, the doctor determines what kind of treatment is needed for a woman with such a pathology.

Before prescribing any treatment for the back and forth of the uterus, the specialist finds out the causes of such a pathology.

In the event that retroflection has developed as a result of various inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity, then its elimination can be carried out using:

  • antibacterial agents;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • anti-inflammatory agents.

With the development of a backward bend of the uterus due to adhesions, treatment can be carried out using a special operation called laparoscopy. In addition, pathology can be treated using special Kegel exercises and traditional medicine.

Massage for pathology

Treatment of various gynecological diseases, including anterior bending of the uterus, can be carried out using various methods, among which gynecological massage can be distinguished. Such a massage has a physiological effect on the uterus and helps to completely heal the entire body. The backward and forward bending of the uterus often causes infertility and gynecological massage can be used for treatment. Only a specialist should have such an effect on a woman's body, and the procedure is usually performed on a gynecological chair.

In order for such a massage to have a positive effect on the condition of the uterus, it is important to know the features of its implementation and correctly select the strength of the impact. It is for this reason that only an experienced specialist who specializes in such a procedure and can correct an organ defect can carry out treatment.

Massage when bending the reproductive organ anteriorly and backwards may be accompanied by the development of unpleasant symptoms:

  • the appearance of pain during palpation;
  • deterioration in general well-being;
  • heart palpitations.

Massage can be done with both hands, while one is located on the side of the vagina, and the other is in the abdomen. In order to correct the pathology of the organ, it is necessary to conduct a large number of massage sessions, and only in this case it is possible to achieve a positive result. Massage gives a woman confidence for a long-awaited pregnancy, improves her general well-being and restores normal metabolism in the body. In the event that massage is performed in the treatment of retroflexion, then throughout the course the woman is advised to sleep and lie on her stomach.

Treatment at home

You can treat the pathology of the uterus with the help of special exercises that you can do yourself at home.

Gymnastics with such a pathology allows you to create a certain pressure in the abdominal cavity, which returns the uterus to its normal position and prevents it from prolapsing. A good result is given by special exercises for bending the uterus according to the Kegel system, which have proven to be one of the effective ways to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

At first, during the day, gymnastics can take only a few minutes and gradually the duration of classes should be increased to 20-30 minutes. To consolidate the therapeutic effect, you can several times a day become in the knee-elbow position. In addition, to obtain the greatest effect, it is recommended to combine therapeutic exercises and do gynecological massage.

Among some women, traditional medicine is especially popular, with the help of which they try to cure their pathology. Often women use various conspiracies from organ prolapse and for pregnancy, from which they hope to get the desired effect. Conspiracies are read by women precisely with a great desire for pregnancy, since many representatives of the older generation consider this method to be quite effective. For the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy when the uterus is bent, women use conspiracies from old books or visit various healers.

Curvature of the uterus differs in several varieties, develops due to various factors, manifests itself with more or less noticeable symptoms, but any such case threatens to underlie the difficulty of successfully becoming pregnant and bearing a fetus.

What is a uterine fold?

The female reproductive organ in the pelvic cavity is characterized by a certain anatomical position. It is characterized by the following positions:

  • in depth, approximately in the middle of the small pelvis,
  • parallel to the vagina
  • in the same plane as the cervix and vagina,
  • in a fixed position, fixed by the ligaments of the uterus from dense connective tissue.

If the uterus deviates from that relative to the cervix, is shifted in any direction, the cervix or the body of the uterus itself is bent, the pathology is called bending of the uterus.

The natural position of the uterus is maximally conducive to ensuring that spermatozoa penetrate the fallopian tubes, where conception occurs. If the uterus is located unnaturally, then in addition to completely natural obstacles, the spermatozoa on the way to the egg face such anatomical and pregnancy is less likely, although it is not excluded at all.

With a slight bend of the uterus, problems with conception should not arise. To increase the chances of pregnancy, intimate positions during uterine fold it is better to choose knee-elbow or on the stomach with a raised pelvis. After sexual intercourse, a woman should lie on her stomach for about half an hour.

If the bend is strongly pronounced, then the spermatozoa are not able to penetrate further than the vagina. There is a risk of adhesion formation in the fallopian tubes and then infertility is highly likely.

Curvature of the uterus, that is, its turn into an unnatural position, can also be combined with its twisting around its own axis, which complicates the situation.

There are several positions of the bend of the uterus:

  • retroflection- the classic version of the bend, the most popular; represents a reversal of the body of the uterus back, that is, closer to the rectum;
  • anteflexia- a very popular case of bending, when the uterus, forming a right angle, turns forward, closer to the bladder; being common among nulliparous women, the disorder disappears after childbirth;
  • hyperanteflexia- such a sharp bend of the uterus forward that it almost doubles;
  • anteversion- such an inflection of the uterus forward, in which the deviation also affects its neck;
  • letteroflexia- sideways (left or right), in which it approaches one of the ovaries.

Acquired backward bending of the uterus is often formed during puberty, under the condition of a weak development of the reproductive apparatus in a teenage girl. The presence of at least one of the above factors, combined with malformations during growth and puberty, disrupts the normal ratio of organs, which causes a posterior displacement of the uterus.

Distinguish fixed or mobile bend of the uterus. The cause of the first is most often inflammatory processes, and the movable bend may be the result of thinness, childbirth, and some gynecological diseases. Gynecologists say more risk bending of the uterus in young women with low body weight, muscle mass and poorly developed skeleton.

The origin of the bend of the uterus

Curvature of the uterus its position is abnormal, but very often the pathology turns out to be congenital, in some cases it is acquired. The congenital bend of the uterus is explained by a violation of the pregnancy of the woman in labor (the mother of a woman who is diagnosed with a bend). Most often, such an individual anatomical feature turns out to be a slight deviation from the norm and only occasionally and slightly affects the fertility and sexual function of a woman. These include the same anteflexia or mild forms of retroflexion, which allow you to get pregnant, and after childbirth there is no trace of them at all.

When it is formed already in adolescence, and more often in the reproductive age of a woman, the pathology is assessed less favorably. Usually it becomes a consequence of other diseases of the female organs, for example, inflammation or adhesive processes. Gynecologists among the popular factors of acquired bending of the uterus are called:

  • sexually transmitted infections, the treatment of which was so untimely that they spread to the pelvic area;
  • inflammation in the pelvic cavity, occurring both from the reproductive system and from other organs located here:
    • endometriosis,
    • inflammation of the appendages
    • adnexitis;
  • operations in the area of ​​the abdominal organs (including caesarean section), after which the adhesive process is quite likely;
  • weakness and decrepitude of the ligaments of the uterus, which should ideally fix it firmly, but can often be so relaxed that prolapse of the uterus also develops; this happens, for example, over the years;
  • malignant neoplasms in the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries, intestines);
  • diseases of other organs in the pelvic cavity:
    • bowel disease,
    • colon diseases,
    • diseases and injuries of the bladder;
  • strong physical activity - both one-time and on an ongoing basis.

Clinical picture and diagnosis of uterine bend

It is almost impossible for a woman to independently determine the presence of a bend in the uterus for a woman, but it is quite simple to do this for a professional physician. Based on the patient's complaints and the anamnesis of the pathology, it is possible to put forward a hypothesis about the likelihood of this pathology. The following features of the violation are taken into account:

  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • deviations from the norm of the amount of menstrual flow - either an increase or a decrease in their volume; the presence of clots;
  • the presence of smearing intermenstrual discharge;
  • pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse in case of sharp bends of the uterus;
  • constipation or frequent urination in case of pressure of a bent uterus on the corresponding organs;
  • difficulties in the onset of pregnancy or the course of it; risk of miscarriage.

Curvature of the uterus
can be established when examining a woman on a gynecological chair. In particular, the palpation procedure allows you to detect the immobility of the uterus due to adhesions with the muscles. When adhesions pull the uterus and bend it at an acute angle, the woman experiences pain.

Another way to detect is ultrasound, preferably transvaginal. The results of the examination will show the location of the body of the uterus and its positions that differ from the norm.

Treatment of the bend of the uterus

Treatment bending of the uterus is made to restore fertility in the patient and prevent pathologies of pregnancy. The bend of the uterus (depending on its shape) does not always prevent pregnancy, but reduces its likelihood. If, despite the presence of pathology, a woman managed to get pregnant, then with a bend, pregnancy complications are more likely, which again depends on its shape. If these are mild forms of congenital bend, then pregnancy is unlikely to be complicated, and after delivery, there is usually no trace of the bend. If there is an acquired bend, with twisting of the neck, then pregnancy is unlikely. If it developed due to adhesions or inflammation, then the same causes of bending will also affect the course of pregnancy, significantly increasing the risk of its interruption.

Medical therapy for treatment bending of the uterus represented by the appointment of vitamin, hormonal, antibacterial, resolving adhesions drugs. Non-drug treatment of uterine bending is represented by special therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis, for example,. If the gynecologist was able to identify the cause of the acquired bend of the uterus, then as part of the treatment, measures are taken to eliminate the causes of the pathology, and then, if necessary, the patient performs therapeutic exercises. In particularly difficult cases, laparoscopy will be prescribed.

Among the specific measures to eliminate the causes of the bend of the uterus are antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of inflammation, physiotherapy, gynecological massage.

Kegel exercises for uterine flexion

Kegel exercises for uterine fold allow you to strengthen and restore the elasticity of the cords from the connective tissue, which ideally should support the natural position of the uterus in the pelvic cavity. Depending on the cause of the disease, therapeutic exercises are combined with other methods of treatment or used independently, for example, with congenital bending to prepare for pregnancy and upcoming childbirth, to prevent prolapse of the pelvic organs, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids.

There are several techniques of Kegel exercises, which a gynecologist should teach and make a combination of for a therapeutic purpose:

  • "reduction" - alternately contract and relax the muscles of the pelvic floor; start the exercise with 10 repetitions 3-4 times a day, gradually the number of repetitions increases to several tens, as well as the frequency of approaches increases;
  • "content" - movements similar to those described above, however, having contracted the muscles, it is necessary to hold the tension for 5-10 seconds;
  • "lift" - alternating tension of the sections of the vagina, which must be strained from the lower to the upper with short pauses, and then also gradually relax them (if you carefully perform the exercise, you can count up to 5 sections);
  • "waves" - alternate contraction of three groups of muscles of the perineum, forming three loops (around the urethra, vagina and anus); each coil is reduced from front to back, and relaxes in the reverse order;
  • "positioning" - performing any exercise not only in a standing position, but also lying down, sitting, squatting and all fours.

Gynecological massage for bending the uterus

Gynecological massage for bending the uterus is prescribed for certain reasons of its origin:

  • during the adhesion process,
  • with ovarian dysfunction
  • with prolapse of the uterus and weakness of its muscles.

The surgical solution to the problem of bending is often alarming for women. In some cases, after laparoscopy, the problem may return. Gynecological massage is a non-surgical method of treatment. Its advantages are as follows:

  • eliminates adhesions,
  • restores the correct position of the uterus,
  • normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs,
  • improves the tone of the uterus and its muscles,
  • restores fertility and prevents the risk of miscarriages.

Gynecological massage should be carried out exclusively by a professional physician, for which a woman visits specialized departments with a certain regularity. Manipulation is carried out in a gynecological chair, located at a certain inclination, and the position of the footrests is also regulated. During the massage, the patient moves to the edge of the chair, her legs are spread apart and rest on the footboards. A woman needs to relax, and report the occurrence of pain and severe discomfort, any changes in well-being to the doctor.

The doctor massages the uterus with both hands - with one hand from the side of the vagina, and the other from the outside, through the stomach. The purpose of the procedure is to palpate the uterus from all sides, ensuring its fastest palpation, painlessness, and if there are adhesions and scars on the ovaries, they must be broken and the ovaries massaged. The result of the course of procedures is the onset of pregnancy, the improvement of the woman's well-being, the normalization of metabolism and the improvement of sensitivity during intercourse. The course is selected individually. The duration of the session can vary from 3-5 minutes to 10-20 minutes, depending on the state and readiness of the organs, the cervix.

Gynecological massage is contraindicated in infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, elevated body temperature and during menstruation, with neoplasms in the pelvic organs, with cervical erosion and congenital bending of the uterus. Often gynecological massage is prescribed after anti-inflammatory therapy and with adhesive processes.

Lifestyle changes

In addition to therapeutic exercises and gynecological massage, medical and surgical treatments bending of the uterus, the doctor will recommend to the woman during the treatment process and in the future to prevent the recurrence of the pathology to follow some rules in organizing her lifestyle:

  • proper and balanced nutrition,
  • vitamin therapy,
  • regular physical activity (including special therapeutic exercises with control of their intensity and quality),
  • quality rest, sleep on the stomach,
  • exclusion of carrying weights and excessive physical exertion,
  • the exclusion of a long stay on the legs, as well as hypodynamia,
  • timely emptying of the bladder and intestines,
  • timely treatment of any gynecological diseases, regular visits to the gynecologist,
  • strict observance of intimate hygiene.

QUESTION: How to choose a club for a child?
Answer: First of all, you need to choose the club according to the length, and also determine the hook bend that your child needs. - Never buy adult sticks for children, as the characteristics of the stiffness, thickness of the handle, as well as the shape of the hook of an adult club are not intended for children, which not only adversely affects the child's game, but can also cause injuries! - If the child picks up a club for the first time, buy him a club without a bend (straight), this will help you and your child determine which grip is more convenient - left or right. - For young children (under 10 years old), wooden or combined (wooden handle, plastic hook) clubs are best suited, the child will “feel” the stick in his hands faster. - Before buying, carefully examine the stick for splinters, poor handle painting, or peeling of the mesh and laminate. The presence of one of these signs indicates that you have a marriage or products of a low-grade manufacturer, which does not guarantee the longevity of using the stick, as well as the absence of injuries!

QUESTION: How to choose club length?
Answer: As a rule, the length of the club should be at the level of the nose (not below the chin and not above the eyebrows). It is also possible to shorten the club to the required length (saw off with a saw), but not more than ¼ of the total length of the club, otherwise the rigidity of the handle will increase significantly. The length of the club is selected in ordinary shoes (without skates).

QUESTION: How and what are clubs treated with?
Answer: The main stages of processing are as follows: - the stick is sawn off to the required length, the cut edges are processed with a file; - the stick hook is wrapped with electrical tape along the entire length in one layer; - the stick handle (upper grip) is wrapped with electrical tape in several layers to the required thickness, depending on the player's grip. It is recommended to use the following method of wrapping the handle: first wrap in one layer about 15 cm long from the top. Without tearing off the tape, unwind it by about 50 cm and make a pigtail (twist). Apply this pigtail from bottom to top in turns on the first layer with an interval of about 2 cm. At the very top, make a thickening from the remains of the pigtail. Without tearing off the tape, make the last winding in one layer from top to bottom, which will fix the pigtail. Now the club will lie well in the hand and will not slip during the game. For winding the club, cloth tape is used (not slippery). It is possible to use both specialized tape, which is sold in hockey stores, and ordinary electrical tape, which is sold in ordinary hardware stores, but the durability of the latter will be much lower.

QUESTION: How are the curves of the sticks different?
Answer: In addition to the fact that clubs are made with a left or right bend of the hook, depending on what grip the athlete plays, the hooks differ in the number of the bend. Each bend number implies that the hook has several basic parameters: large or small bend; - the presence of a bend (propeller), i.e. open or closed hook; - hook angle, i.e. flatness of the hook in relation to the handle; - the shape of the hook, i.e. the length and width of the hook, as well as rounding around the perimeter. As a rule, hook bend numbers are standardized for all manufacturers, although some companies use the names of famous hockey players as marking the hook bend.

QUESTION: What does hook bending affect?
Answer: Of course, the curve of the hook affects all aspects of the game, such as handling the puck, passing, shooting. Perhaps, in terms of the weight of the impact on the hockey player’s playing technique, the bend of the stick can only be compared with skates, which have a huge impact on the athlete’s skating technique. Therefore, when choosing a club, you need to carefully approach this issue. For example, a club with a large camber and especially a propeller makes it easier to make overhand shots, but a club with such a camber is more difficult to control the accuracy of passes and shots on the bottom. It is generally not recommended for children under 10-12 years old to offer clubs with such a bend, since it (the bend) will interfere with the correct technique of throws and passes of young athletes.

QUESTION: How to choose a bend depending on the role (forward, defender)?
Answer: For an attacker, a stick with a small blade and a larger than average curve is more suitable for dribbling and sharp wrist shots on top. For a defensive player who is more likely to pass, shoot low, and use the stick defensively (interrupting passes), a larger-than-average hook with a slight curve is best. However, all of the above is not an axiom, and in many ways the choice of hook depends on many anatomical factors of a hockey player that affect his technique, so the best advice is to try different hook bends to find the most suitable one.

QUESTION: What are clubs?
Answer: Classic sticks are made of wood, recently combined sticks or, as they are also called, hybrid sticks, which include not only wood, but also plastic and carbon fiber, are in great demand. The newest clubs are composite (composite - from the English "joint"), which means a one-piece (cast) stick construction with constantly stable characteristics, high strength and very low weight. Composite clubs are made from the most modern materials and using the most advanced technologies used in the aerospace and automotive industries, which is the reason for the very high price of this category of sticks.

About the selection and fitting of hockey skates
It has been proven that the right skates greatly increase a player's performance. Thus, proper sizing is the key to success and enjoyment of ice skates.

  1. third party factors. Numerous factors can influence your choice, such as age, weight and height, level and style of play, income and others. Choosing the right skate model is the first important step in the sizing process.
    2. At first sight. Find out the unique features and characteristics of your foot structure that can influence the formation of excessive pressure points and lead to discomfort during operation.
    3. Old skates. Examine your old skates - they can tell you a lot. The wear of the insole will tell you if the size was correct. High wear areas indicate points of excessive pressure resulting from incorrect selection of skates. (For example, the insole in an improperly fitted skate has a footprint that does not reach the edge of the insole.)
    4. Socks. When choosing skates, wear socks of the same thickness that you will use when skating. It is recommended to wear thin socks, thanks to which the boot molds faster and more accurately to the leg and takes on the unique shape of your foot.
    5. Understanding sizes. The size of the skate should not and cannot be the same as the size of regular shoes. Usually skates with a sewn boot are 1-1.5 sizes smaller than regular shoes (for the American dimensional grid). Compliance with international sizes is indicated on the box.
    6. Brannock meter. Most specialty stores have a Brannock foot gauge that can measure the length and width of your foot. This device is specially calibrated for BAUER®, NIKE or CCM skate sizes. During the measurement, you should be in a sitting position, with your legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to remove the load from the foot and knees.
    7. The size. Once you have figured out your foot size, try on skates that are half a size smaller than the specified size, if possible. Remember - the tighter the boot sits, the higher the skating performance will be.
    8. Shoes. Loosen the lacing of the boot to the third hole from the bottom. Pull out the tongue, tilt it forward and put on the boot. The foot should feel comfortable, being on the insole, and “fill” the entire boot, leaving no empty areas of instep and toes.
    9. Heel. Before lacing up your boot, push your foot vigorously back in the boot. The tongue of a properly laced boot should hold the foot in a rearward position and prevent the foot from moving and moving in the heel area. If the foot moves freely in the heel area and is not held close to the heel of the skate, this means that it is necessary to try on either a smaller skate or a skate of lesser fullness.
    10. The front of. Stand up straight, with closed legs. In this position, the toes should only lightly touch the front of the inside of the boot and, when applied, should touch more intensively, but not press or interfere.
    11. The first steps. Walk/sit for 10-15 minutes. This will help you once again make sure that you are comfortable, that you choose the right size and model of skates. If the heel does not “slide” forward in the boot and does not move from side to side, if the boot fits snugly on the foot, but not uncomfortable, and if the toes only lightly touch the toe of the boot, this means that the size is chosen quite correctly.
    12. Children. The size of children's skates is selected taking into account the increase in height and foot of the child during the season by a maximum of 1 size.

How to care for skates

In order not to change skates every year, experts advise you to follow a few simple rules. First of all, you should never dry your boots on a radiator or over a stove after skiing, as this will damage the materials of the boots. Skates must be stored in a well-ventilated area.
Blades must be kept dry to prevent rust. In order for them not to become dull after sharpening, you should walk outside the rink in special covers. For storage in the summer, the skates must be wiped with a soft cloth, the blades should be lubricated with machine oil, and the boot itself with a special preservative mastic. After that, put paper inside to prevent the accumulation of moisture.

Player Tips
Hockey- the game is attacking, the more beautiful goals scored in it, the better. This is a game of beautiful and effective combinations, in which the central place, of course, is occupied by attacking players - forwards. It is the actions of the attackers that determine the content of the game. No matter how hard goalkeepers and defenders try, no matter what miracles of dexterity and heroism they show, without goals scored, their efforts will be in vain.
center forward is a key player on the court. His role in both defense and attack is great. When his team is in possession of the puck, as a rule, he acts as a point guard on the field and therefore must have the ability to organize, know the features of the game of partners. When the opponent takes possession of the puck, the central forward must switch to active defensive actions in a timely manner, helping his partners. He himself directly enters the fight for the puck and insures his players. If a young hockey player has chosen the role of a center forward, then he must learn with particular perseverance to perform a wide variety of passes, skillfully conduct power martial arts, perform final throws strongly and accurately, especially from the middle “patch ", successfully play when throwing the puck, competently conduct a positional game, insure their partners, take care of opponents in the near and middle "patch" at their gates; and often take pucks on themselves.
winger- This is, as a rule, a specialist in completing attacks, a player with excellent technique. Each of them is usually distinguished by "branded" strokes, speed and maneuverability of skating, the ability to fight with the boards and in the corners of the site in the attack zone. At the same time, the winger must also skillfully perform defensive functions, take care of the player in his zone, throughout the court, boldly go under the puck when throwing the opponent's defenders in the defense zone. For the role of extreme forwards, it is preferable to select guys with a fighting character, with relatively increased aggressiveness. It is necessary to develop in them such qualities as a willingness to engage in power combat, in a power stroke and focus on the goal. The most important thing for an attacker is the art of handling the puck. In training, you must definitely work on dribbling the puck. If a player does not know how to handle the puck, he will not reach the heights of individual skill. At best, he can become a good passer, no more.
3defender- first of all, he must be a good destroyer, have the ability to predict the plans of his opponents, quickly react and take the right response to the actions of the attackers, boldly go for power combat, take the puck on himself. He has such character traits as courage, self-sacrifice, prudence, the ability to correct a mistake made by a comrade. On master teams, defenders tend to be more experienced players. In the training of young defenders, a special place should be given to the improvement of skills, without which a modern master of defense is unthinkable. These include: excellent maneuverable skating with the face and especially with the back forward, a virtuoso transition when skating from the position facing forward to the position with the back forward and vice versa; possession of an accurate and strong throw (strike) from a distant position, the use of various techniques of conducting power martial arts, the ability to predict the direction of an opponent’s attack and block the most dangerous paths of its development, the willingness to secure a partner. At present, a high-class defender is also a skillful organizer of attacks, and especially counterattacks. To do this, it is very important to learn to perfectly see the field, the location of the players, assess the situation (from the position of attack) even before entering the fight for the puck, as well as directly in the process of selecting the puck. The highest level of mastery in defensive actions is the ability to "read", to unravel the opponent's attack, interrupting it by intercepting a pass or a forceful reception against an attacker entering a goal position. Such skills are the result of a smart approach to the game, the fruit of constant observation and analysis, a developed ability to see the field, which very few hockey masters are endowed with. The ability to unravel the actions of the enemy leads not only to stopping the attack on one's own goal, but also to organizing a fast, unexpected and, therefore, very dangerous retaliatory attack of one's own team.
Advice for the defender If you decide to become a defender, then you must be ready for the most difficult tests that hockey has. The words "a coward does not play hockey" are said primarily about the defenders. Hockey game is not only beautiful, fast and combinational. She is also cruel. In a defender, the main thing is stamina and courage, the ability to endure, fight, resist and not concede. Otherwise, they will simply push you, the "patch" of your gate, the place where you should feel like a master, will always be occupied by the opponent's attackers. And yet, giving all the ardor to the power struggle, do not forget that for you, as well as for everyone on the site, the most important thing is not the opponent, but the puck - the main subject of the game. If you have mastered it or repulsed it to a safe place from the gate, you have completed your task. Well, when a defender can not only destroy the actions of opponents, but also organize attacks himself, acting as an attacking player, then he simply has no price. By the way, there are quite a lot of such defenders in the NHL, whose breeders choose the best of the best around the world. If your partner insures you in defense, then boldly go on the attack, but if you left your place empty, then remember this, try to return on time and do not think that someone will do your job for themselves. A goal-scoring defenseman is great, but even better is one that stops the opponent from doing so.

It should be noted that at the initial stages of training, one should not be limited to specialization in a role determined by the player, but, if possible, learn to play in different places. This will make it possible to make a more correct choice, and in the future to replace any player, if necessary, without significant damage to the team's performance.