Tears flow from the eyes what to do. Causes and treatments for tearing from one eye

Tearing is a fairly common occurrence in people of all ages. Knowing why the eyes are watery in a number of everyday situations and in which cases increased tearing is not the norm, serious vision problems can be prevented.

In cold weather and strong winds

The human body is designed in such a way that with any pathological changes in the activity of its organs, protective recovery mechanisms are triggered. And the eyes are no exception. The fact that almost all people have watery eyes on the street under certain weather conditions is one of the proofs.

With strong gusts of wind, the mucous membrane of the eye is affected by excessive pressure of air masses, dust and other foreign particles enter. Therefore, in the wind, the eyes reflexively begin to water, trying to protect themselves from dust and overdrying of the mucous membrane.

But in the cold, the eyes are watery for a completely different reason. At sub-zero temperatures, the tear channels narrow, and those tears that should have entered the nasopharynx for natural reasons flow out through the eyes.

Physiological causes

People have watery eyes not only because of weather influences. There are a number of physiological mechanisms in which the manifestation of lacrimation is also considered normal.

So, for example, the eyes may water:

  • when yawning;
  • in the morning after waking up;
  • during laughter;
  • when a person squints strongly;
  • with a cold;
  • if you look at the sun for a long time.

After waking up and yawning

During sleep, the mucous membrane of the eye dries out, so in the morning there may be a slight tearing. This allows you to moisturize the surface of the eyeball in a natural way.

This process is usually accompanied by yawning. The thing is that when you yawn in the morning, the body regards this as a signal to wake up, and unconditioned reflexes are immediately included in the work.

When laughing

But during laughter and closing the eyes, a sharp contraction of the muscles occurs, which causes tears to flow through the tears through the eyes.

During illness

Surely many have noticed that the eyes begin to water when you are sick. Basically, this happens with a runny nose and inflammation of the sinuses.

In this case, lacrimation is explained by the fact that excess tears, which under normal conditions gradually accumulate in the lacrimal sac and subsequently enter the nasopharynx, change their trajectory during a cold and begin to stand out from the eyes.

For eye diseases and injuries

Also, the following diseases and internal pathologies can be the cause of tearing:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • ingress of a foreign body;
  • allergy;
  • eye diseases;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • inflammatory processes inside the body.

One of the most common diseases in which watery eyes are:


This disease is caused by infectious agents and is often seasonal. With conjunctivitis, the eyes are not only watery and itchy as a result of irritation of the eyelids, but can also swell with serious complications. If measures are not taken in time, then redness of the eyeball is added to the initial symptoms and, ultimately, the upper layer of the mucous membrane of the eye may be deformed.


This disease is characterized by inflammation in the corners of the eyelids and can occur in people of all ages. At the same time, the eyes are constantly tired and watery, itching appears, increased sensitivity to bright light. Subsequently, eyelash loss and corneal detachment may occur.

Purulent infection

During a purulent infection, the membrane of the eyes may take on a yellow or gray tint. The eyes themselves often itch, watery and secrete pus.

All of these eye diseases should never be treated on their own, otherwise it can lead to loss of vision.

Why do children's eyes water?

If parents notice that the watery eyes of a child are not associated with natural causes (frost, wind, laughter, and others), this may be a signal of a serious illness - dacryocystitis.


This is an infectious disease that affects the tear-nasal canals in a child. The disease, most often, manifests itself in infants after birth, if a plug remains in the lacrimal-nasal canal, protecting the baby's lungs from amniotic fluid entering them.

Symptoms of dacryocystitis are:

  • inflammation of one or both eyes;
  • redness of the eyes and eyelids;
  • tearfulness;
  • purulent discharge;
  • oxide formation.

In the treatment of dacryocystitis, complex therapy is effective: nasal drops and massage, which are prescribed by a doctor. The late stage of the disease provides for mandatory probing of the lacrimal canals.

What to do if your eyes water?

Most people most often know the reason for their tearing, but few know what to do in such a situation.

  1. Wipe the eyes 3-4 times a day with herbal decoctions (chamomile, cumin, cornflowers, dill).
  2. Make lotions with decoctions of parsley or potatoes.
  3. If the eyes turn sour and fester, they should be washed with furatsilin and boric acid.

Prevention of lacrimation

If your eyes are often watery, the following preventive measures will be useful:

  • a timely visit to an ophthalmologist who will determine the exact cause of the problem and, if necessary, prescribe treatment;
  • full healthy sleep;
  • a balanced diet rich in minerals and vitamins;
  • organization of the workplace (it must comply with hygienic standards);
  • timely cleaning and ventilation of the room, as well as maintaining normal air humidity in it;
  • regular change of contact lenses and their correct selection;
  • use only high-quality anti-allergenic cosmetics.

Lachrymation is a fairly common problem that signals to us about the disruption of the cornea and lacrimal glands. The causes of tearing are different, but the main thing is that this problem cannot be ignored, and if your eyes are watery, then they must be treated.

The production of tears is a natural process for our body. It occurs in the lacrimal glands, then, through a small hole of 1-2 mm, located at the inner corner of the eyelid, through special lacrimal ducts located near the nose, tears enter the pupil and exit. Increased tearing can be observed in case of disruption of these glands. In a normal situation, a person releases no more than 1 ml of tears, excluding crying. With increased tearing, the release of tears can increase 10 times, accompanied by redness of the eyes, photophobia and swelling of the eyelids.

Why watery eyes - the causes of the disease

There can be many causes of lacrimation and most of them require the intervention of a specialist. Let's list the main ones.

  • One of the main reasons why the eyes are watery and sore is the transferred stress - there seems to be no direct connection, but everyone remembers the expression "all diseases are from the nerves." It is after the appearance of the causes that caused stress that the lacrimal glands can begin to malfunction. The difficulty is that it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure lacrimation by instilling special drops, you will have to contact a neurologist.
  • Narrowing of the tear ducts due to spasm. Leaving a warm room in the cold, a person receives a sharp temperature drop, at which spasm or blockage of the lacrimal canal sometimes occurs. This is the main cause of tearing outdoors in windy and cold weather. It is treated simply, but this will be written below.
  • Damage to the cornea of ​​the eye - this usually happens when a person "catches bunnies" from electric welding or the sun, resulting in a corneal burn.
  • The presence of allergens - itching in the eyes, nose and throat, redness, allergic reactions to any foods or animals, almost always contribute to the appearance of watery eyes and.
  • Foreign body entering the eye, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane. The eyes quickly react to a foreign object and begin to constantly water to wash it off.
  • Poorly fitted contact lenses or glasses. Poor contact lens material and disinfectant solution have a particularly negative effect on the eyes. After changing these irritants, it will be enough to drip eye drops for a couple of days, as the problem of tearing eyes will be solved.
  • Headaches, migraines - these diseases directly affect our vision, so we cannot do without their solution.
  • Infection - any infection on the cornea causes inflammation, the eyes become red and watery.
  • Excessive strain on the eyes - usually occurs when the wrong mode of operation, reading, watching TV or computer monitor.
  • Colds - with a cold, the paranasal sinuses become inflamed,. With sinusitis, the head hurts, the nose is blocked, the eyes hurt and watery. Eliminating the causes of acute respiratory infections, influenza and SARS, lacrimation usually stops.
  • Lack of vitamins A, B2 and B12.
  • Weakening of the eye muscles with age.

How to treat eyes if they start to water

Before self-treatment of tearfulness, you should visit an ophthalmologist. Most often, ointments (tetracycline, erythromycin, hydrocortisone) and moisturizing drops (oftagel, artelak balance, systain, etc.) are prescribed.

You should immediately review your diet in the direction of increasing the intake of vitamins A and B. The main suppliers of vitamin A are pumpkin, apricots, persimmons, bell peppers and, of course, carrots. But remember that eating carrots in its pure form will not add vitamin A to the body. It should be eaten with a fat base - it can be cream, sunflower or olive oil, mayonnaise, sour cream.

Also, the following products are useful for eye health: beef liver, sea fish, dogrose, St. John's wort, young dandelion, blackcurrant, tomatoes, spinach, blueberries, etc.

What to do if your eyes water in the wind

As already mentioned above, the cause of lacrimation on the street is a spasm of the nasolacrimal canals. But the spasm itself can occur not only due to temperature changes. Nasal polyps or cholesterol deposits can also be the cause.

If this problem is started and not treated, then the ducts can become calcified with a plug, and this in turn will lead to more serious problems.

The treatment of the tear-nasal ducts is simple and painless - they are washed with a strong pressure of furacilin solution in polyclinics.

Strong susceptibility to sudden changes in temperature is trained by daily contrast washing. To do this, before going out into the cold, rinse the face and, in particular, the eyes and wings of the nose, first with moderately hot, and then with cold water several times. You should always finish the procedure with cold water. Such daily training will help to quickly train the tear ducts and the eyes will stop watering.

Treatment of tearing eyes with folk remedies

Rose hips strengthen the optic nerve and retinal vessels. They make a decoction for drinking: 1 tablespoon of dried rose hips is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, put on a slow fire and boiled for 10 minutes. Then insist another 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours every day.

Daily lotions from the infusion of calendula for two weeks will help get rid of the problem of lacrimation: pour 1 tablespoon of dried calendula with a glass of boiling water, soak for 20-30 minutes to infuse. Then strain, soak cotton pads in this infusion and apply on the eyelids for 15-20 minutes 3 times a day.

Grated raw potatoes mix with 1 egg white. Put the resulting mass in gauze and put on the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Mix natural liquid honey and aloe juice 1 teaspoon each. Soak gauze discs with this solution and place them on closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Then remove and blot excess moisture. You do not need to wash, let the healing solution be absorbed.

Eye exercises

For the muscles of our eyes, physical gymnastics is simply necessary for such an ailment. The exercises are very simple, performed quickly, easily and anywhere.

To begin with, look without raising your head, pupils up, then down. Do this 10 times. Then right and left, also 10 times.

Then draw an imaginary line with the pupils diagonally from the upper right corner to the lower left and back. Then from the top left to the bottom right.

Close your eyelids tightly and hold them like that for 5 seconds with an effort, then blink intensively.

Performing such simple exercises, you will quickly train the eye muscles, their work will normalize and tearing will stop.

An effective remedy for restoring vision without surgery and doctors, recommended by our readers!

The eyes are one of the most basic human organs, which is most directly responsible for human vision and perception of the world around us. However, sometimes there are situations when you can encounter a variety of diseases of this organ. In order to exclude all ambiguous situations, it is necessary to clearly understand what to do in a given situation, when alarming symptoms occur.

It is worth noting that in most cases both eyes become inflamed and teary, but sometimes there are situations when the inflammatory process is observed only on one side, which can also be called a pathology that requires the timely help of a highly qualified specialist.

It is necessary to learn that lacrimation, if it does not carry anything dangerous in itself, goes away by itself, however, if it is longer, it is worth diagnosing the problem and discussing it with an ophthalmologist. It is also necessary to take into account that if the eyes are watery for a very long time, this can cause an overload of the visual apparatus, as well as turn into very serious consequences for vision.

Cases when one eye is watery

A situation may arise when the eye is watery due to the fact that an eyelash has got into it. Consequently, after its extraction, vision normalizes, and the watery eye returns to normal very quickly. However, a completely different situation is when the cause of the tearing of one eye is an infectious inflammation. Such an infection can be established by the attending physician. It should be properly treated, as it can cause such a dangerous disease as infectious conjunctivitis. In this case, the following symptoms can become a consequence of ordinary tearing:

  • watery eyes;
  • the lacrimal sac swells;
  • redness of the eyes occurs;
  • there is an immoderate photophobia;
  • pus is formed, which flows out of the closed eye and causes the eyelashes to stick together.

A flu-like condition can also become one of the causes of tearing and turn into inflammation of the lacrimal canal. This is due to the fact that during rhinitis, nearby mucous membranes become inflamed. Babies may suffer from tearing during teething, which are located on the upper jaw.

Watery eyes are also exposed to certain allergens on the human body. This may also be due to the special sensitivity to changes in air temperature. This is mainly observed with a sharp change in heat-cold or vice versa.

Another reason may be wearing contact lenses. In order to eliminate lacrimation from one eye, treatment should most directly be aimed at careful care of them. Since microbes can collect under the lens, which are the cause of inflammation.

Depression can also be the cause of indefinite lacrimation. This is especially true for the elderly, who may experience such an age-related pathology as omission of the eyelid. How to get rid of tearing eyes in this case, only an ophthalmologist can advise. However, here it is possible to recommend the use of such a medical preparation as floxal, which helps to eliminate inflammation from the tearing of the mucous membrane of the eye.

A variety of physiological disorders can also cause various disorders of the human visual apparatus. There can only be two options here:

  • Blockage of the tear ducts;
  • Abundant production of tear fluid by the human body.

As for the tearing of the eyes, the treatment in the case of abundant fluid release, here the cause may be a corneal injury or conjunctivitis. Blockage of channels has the following initial principles:

  • Clogging of the channels or their tangible narrowing;
  • Inflammatory conditions of the lacrimal sac;
  • Partial undersides of the eyelids.

As for fluid stagnation, it is worth noting that with this pathology, infection of the lacrimal sac can occur, which can lead to a more severe condition in the form of dacryocystitis, the treatment of which requires a more integrated approach. What to do in such a situation can only be suggested by a doctor who first conducts all the necessary studies and establishes an accurate diagnosis. If the inflammatory process covers a large part of the eyeball, ulcers may form, which can later become a thorn. Tearing of one of the eyes can be caused by damage to the vessels that deliver the blood flow. These vessels are mainly violated in the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • various injuries;
  • consequences of ophthalmic operations.

Why can the eyes turn red and tearing appear

If you have noticed that one of your eyes is tearing, the first questions that may arise are what to do, how to treat and what to treat. However, the first thing to do is to treat lacrimation by eliminating the accompanying irritants that can cause it.

For example, if one eye turns red and watery, then you need to check if a foreign body in the form of an eyelash or other debris has got into it. If all blockages are excluded, then tearing may be a sign of some serious disease, which only a doctor can establish. This is due to the fact that any alarming signals of the body and directly the organs of vision are not a joke and it is strictly forbidden to let this process take its course.

If there is a very strong reddening of the eyeball, this is due to the fact that inflammation of the vascular formations that are located inside the sclera has occurred. In a calm state, these vessels are practically invisible, and the sclera has a characteristic white color. The causes that precede redness can be both internal and external. external reasons. In this case, swelling and inflammation of the eyeball may be preceded by the following negative factors:

  • negative impact of the environment;
  • ingress of foreign bodies;
  • contact lens exposure;
  • allergic reactions, lacrimation treatment of which is reduced to the elimination of allergens;
  • traumatic conditions of the cornea;
  • inflammation of the optic nerve.

Internal factors. These are the reasons, which are relatively numerous. Almost all pathological processes that occur in the human body can become precursors of vision problems and eye inflammation. These problems can be cured and eliminated by eliminating the underlying disease, which affects vision. In such situations, redness usually spreads to both eyes, although a unilateral process can sometimes be observed.

What to do when your eyes water

Today, the problem of poor vision and various eye inflammations is a rather acute issue that requires special attention. In most cases, these situations are associated with a strong overstrain of the optic nerve. This is due to the fact that in the age of modern technology, a lot of people spend the whole day at the computer, due to working conditions.

The effect of a dry eye can be eliminated with the help of special eye drops, which moisturize the mucous membrane as much as possible and help relieve tension. Special glasses also effectively cope with this issue, the wearing of which also facilitates the process of the eye's work.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that tearing and pain in the eyes can occur under the influence of a wide variety of factors, some of which can be potentially dangerous to human health.

If the cause is obvious, and you do not need specialized treatment, then it is worth relieving tension with the help of special compresses based on medicinal herbs such as chamomile flax seed infusion.

In case of inflammatory processes that have arisen due to allergic reactions, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the allergen, after which it is necessary to rinse the gas abundantly with steep black tea. In order for the vision to be sharp, it is worth eating foods that contain an abundance of vitamins C and A in their composition.

Special visual gymnastics will also help to relieve tension and eliminate tearing as much as possible.

Today, it presents to the attention of patients a very large number of recipes that can help eliminate pain and tearing of the eyes. However, they should be used if you are completely sure that the cause of non-inflammation does not lie inside the body.

In order to correctly establish the diagnosis, the doctor must conduct a series of studies and then prescribe the necessary procedures that will fully help eliminate tearing and restore visual acuity.

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is a fairly common complaint. Noticing that the eyes began to watery, we, in fact, react to increased tearing. Lachrymation, when tears fill the conjunctival sac (the cavity between the eyeball and the eyelid) and literally pour from the eyes, is indeed an extraordinary condition. But in reality, tears are shed all the time.

Lacrimal glands produce tears. The lacrimal gland is a paired organ that is located in a special recess in the frontal bone under the upper eyelid of each eye. The released tear falls under the lower eyelid, and when blinking, it is distributed throughout the eye. Tears are shed even when we sleep. Up to 1 ml of tear fluid is normally produced per day. With profuse lacrimation (when tears, as they say, “flow in a stream”), up to 10 ml of lacrimal fluid (2 teaspoons) can be released.

Tears flow into the lacrimal stream and through it into the lacrimal lake (at the inner corner of the eye), from where they enter the lacrimal canaliculi, through them into the lacrimal sac and are removed through the lacrimal duct into the nasal concha, where, ultimately, they moisten the mucous membrane and evaporate. This system is called the tear ducts.

Why does a person need tears

Lacrimal fluid is comparable in composition to blood plasma, differing in that it contains more potassium and chlorine and less organic components. Tears are 99% water. Depending on the state of our health, the composition of the tear fluid may change, so sometimes it is taken for analysis.

Main the functions of tears are:

  • moisturizing the mucous membranes of the eye and nasopharynx. Covering the eye with the thinnest film, the lacrimal fluid protects it from the harmful effects of the external environment. With an increase in the aggressiveness of the environment (for example, in the presence of smoke in the air) or if a foreign body (mote) gets into the eyes, tearing increases, and tears wash out of the eye what can harm it;
  • antibacterial. The composition of the lacrimal fluid includes the enzyme lysozyme, which can effectively destroy bacteria. Thanks to lysozyme, the eyes are reliably protected, despite constant contact with the external environment;
  • anti-stress. With tears, hormones are excreted from the body, the production of which the body responds to stressful situations. That is why tears are a typical reaction to strong emotional arousal: a high concentration of hormones can depress our psyche, and nature has provided an opportunity to get rid of their excess with the help of tears. It is no coincidence that people say: cry - it will become easier. The same mechanism is activated with an excess of adrenaline (the so-called "tears of joy");
  • tears provide nourishment to the cornea, which is devoid of blood vessels.

Why the eyes are watery (causes of increased lacrimation)

The eyes begin to water when we are exposed to conditions that can cause damage to the eyes. This is a normal reflex reaction. By increasing tearing, the body responds to:

    getting into the eye of a foreign body;

    smoke and corrosive gases;

    weather conditions - strong wind, cold air, snow;

    bright light;

    excessive dryness of the air in the room;

    some seasonings.

It is enough for the conditions to normalize - and the eyes will stop watering. However, along with the reflex reaction, there are pathological causes of lacrimation, for example:

    violation of the outflow of lacrimal fluid. If the tear ducts are narrowed or blocked, tear fluid cannot enter the nasal cavity and accumulates in the eye. Such a condition may be the result of trauma or chronic diseases of the nasal passages (, chronic,). The fact that older people have watery eyes, as a rule, is explained precisely by problems with the lacrimal ducts. Increased sensitivity to cold can also be explained by this reason: when cold, the muscles contract, and if the tear ducts are narrowed, they can completely block, preventing the outflow of tears.

    excessive eye fatigue. If the eyes have to strain, they may begin to water. Therefore, the cause of lacrimation may be improperly selected glasses or lenses; work in which you have to peer hard, etc.

    lack of potassium and B vitamins. Deficiency of these substances leads to increased fatigue, drowsiness, and watery eyes. Deficiency can be caused by chronic sleep deprivation or strenuous exercise.

Diagnosis and treatment of lacrimation

If you often have watery eyes, you need to determine the cause that causes watery eyes. If increased tearing is caused, first of all, contact with the allergen should be stopped. With increased eye fatigue, it is useful to limit visual load, make it a rule to do gymnastics for the eyes and drink a course of multivitamins. But even in these cases, the most correct thing is to consult a doctor.

Tearing can be caused by a whole range of reasons (for example, a reaction to cold and narrowing of the lacrimal ducts). To accurately determine the cause, you need to consult a specialist, and in many cases - laboratory or instrumental studies.

If lacrimation is caused by inflammation, the underlying disease is treated, for which, as a rule, the doctor prescribes antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory eye drops. In the event that lacrimation is due to narrowing of the lacrimal ducts, surgical treatment may be prescribed.

Where to go if your eyes water

If you have watery eyes, contact the ophthalmologists of JSC "Family Doctor". Doctors of this specialty conduct appointments in all polyclinics of our network.

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The eyes are the organ of vision, on the state of which our perception of the environment fully depends. They are exposed to aggressive external factors: wind, sun, high and low temperatures, light and darkness. In order for the eyes to perform their functions, tears are produced, which are a defense against various irritants. This continuous process is assigned to the lacrimal glands. After synthesis, the tear enters the cornea of ​​​​the eye and through the lacrimal canaliculus is in a special bag, from where it comes out. But with the normal functioning of the process, excessive tearing does not occur. Watery eyes - it means there was a failure in this system.

ICD-10 code

H04 Diseases of the lacrimal apparatus


Statistics state that about 300 thousand people in the world suffer from eye pathologies. Most people are affected by these problems in countries with low living standards. Over the past 20 years, the number of people suffering from eye diseases as a result of infections has decreased. Among newborn children, 5% of infants suffer from obstruction of the lacrimal canal.

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Causes of tearing

The lacrimal fluid cleanses and protects the cornea of ​​the eye, nourishes the eye, improves the sharpness of vision, forming a water lens, and disinfects with the help of the bactericidal substance lysozyme. Why do we suddenly feel uncomfortable and start to watery eyes? There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Tearfulness can be caused by conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, vascular eye diseases, foreign body ingestion, allergies, infectious viral diseases, pathologies of the liver and gallbladder, old age, when the muscle tone of the eyelids and lacrimal sac weaken, eye injuries.

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There are two mechanisms for the occurrence of tearing: hypersecretory, which occurs with excessive production of tears, and retention, associated with obstruction or impaired patency of the lacrimal ducts.

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Symptoms of tearing

The daily dose of tear production is 1 ml, its increase to 10 ml is considered abnormal. In fact, no one measures the volume of tear fluid, no one thinks about it at all until there is discomfort in everyday life associated with unpleasant symptoms. The first signs are redness of the eyes, uncontrolled lacrimation, photophobia, and sometimes pain. Not to be confused with crying as a result of stress, in this case, the role of tears has a positive aspect, because. protects them thanks to the psychotropic substances contained in the liquid.

Watery eyes outside in cold weather

If your eyes water on the street in cool weather or in the cold - no reason to worry. This is a natural protective reaction of the body to an external irritant, tears moisturize the cornea of ​​​​the eyes, preventing it from damage. Another cause may be an allergy to cold, called cold conjunctivitis. Its essence is that under the influence of low temperature, histamine is released - a biologically active substance that causes vasodilation, redness of the eyelids, their swelling, and sometimes asthmatic attacks and urticaria on the body - all attributes of an allergic reaction. Women are more susceptible to this reaction than men.

Sore and watery eyes

If the eye hurts and waters, it may have been injured. Damage can be microscopic and unnoticed by a person. It provokes the ingress of a small mote or any chemical substance, for example, hairspray, perfume spray, surface cleaner. In this case, you should immediately rinse your eyes with water or chilled tea. Overexertion of the eye muscles as a result of prolonged work in front of a computer, reading in poor lighting, many hours of watching TV often lead to the fact that the eye turns red and watery. This is a signal that you need to change the approach to your pastime. It happens that in a room with a working air conditioner, the air is very dry, and this circumstance also causes a symptom when the eyes are very watery.

Eyes itchy and watery

An allergic reaction causes the eyes to itch and water. If the irritant is known, then you just need to avoid it, in another case, the help of an allergist is required. When an infection enters the eye, they become inflamed. It all starts, as a rule, with one, the eye is watery and festering, especially after a night's sleep, then the other becomes infected. Often, infection occurs due to non-observance of personal hygiene, the use of carcasses by women, the expiration date of which has expired.

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Runny nose and watery eyes

We all noticed that when a runny nose appears, the eyes begin to water. This is due to sinusitis - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, during which the nasal septum swells and closes the passage to them. At the same time, the discharge of fluid is difficult, it accumulates, presses on the eye sockets and forehead, and, finding no other way out, is excreted through the lacrimal canal. Another reason that causes this combination of symptoms is allergic or seasonal rhinitis, during which the nose is also scratchy, it is blocked and the eyes are watery.

Constantly watery eyes

There are times when the eyes are constantly watery. This happens especially often in older people. This is explained by the fact that the periocular muscles weaken, they are not able to keep the lacrimal canal and sac clamped. If such a symptom is not associated with age-related changes, then it is necessary to be examined by a dentist, ENT and gastroenterologist. Infections of the nasopharynx, caries, diseases of the digestive system, liver, gallbladder can lead to such an unpleasant, discomforting phenomenon.

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The eye is swollen and watery

There may be several explanations for this. Puffiness, found in the morning after sleep, sometimes indicates diseases of the kidneys or heart. This can especially manifest itself in people who abuse alcohol, spicy, fatty and salty foods. Another reason is the bite of an insect, which, when stinging, releases toxic substances. An allergic reaction is possible, provoked by dust, citrus fruits, honey, during the flowering season of various plants - pollen and other allergens. The eye can swell and watery as a result of even a slight bruise when the soft tissues are damaged. Infection is not excluded, as well. conjunctivitis has similar symptoms. In any case, you should consult a doctor and do not aggravate your condition by self-medication.

Temperature and watery eyes

In full, people begin to feel problems with lacrimation when they fall ill with ARVI or the flu. The flu manifests itself especially sharply and aggressively: it tickles in the nose, the temperature rises sharply, sneezing begins and the eyes water. The eyes are watery during a cold or infection due to the fact that the nasopharynx is involved in the inflammatory process, the nasal septum swells, the passage to the sinuses is closed, the lacrimal fluid finds one way out - into the lacrimal canals. At the same time, the nose is blocked, coughing, the head hurts and the eyes water all the time, because. the accumulating fluid presses on the eyeballs, sometimes even purulent discharge from the eyes appears. These symptoms end with the passage of the acute phase of the underlying disease.

Eyes tear and sting

It happens, especially often in women who use decorative cosmetics, their eyes watery and pinch. The reason for this is the use of poor-quality or expired mascara. Often young girls living with girlfriends in a hostel use each other's cosmetics or testers in the store, without thinking that these things are purely individual. As a result, the eyes are watery from the mascara as a result of infection and result in a problem that requires even more money than the purchase of cosmetics. The eyes may watery and pinch due to inflammation of the eyelids - blepharitis or stye - inflammation of the eyelash follicle.

Watery eyes in the morning

Tearing of the eyes does not always indicate a pathology, such a phenomenon may also indicate a normal reaction of the body. When the eyes are watery in the morning, this is just a manifestation of the protective function of moisturizing the eyeball after a night when it dries out, protecting it from damage and infections. During yawning, the muscles squeeze the lacrimal sac and a tear is released. After sleep, the eyes are watery, if the air conditioner was on in the bedroom, it dries the mucous membrane, so lacrimation occurs to restore balance.

Watery eyes from the wind

Many people have watery eyes from the wind on the street and this is normal. The eye is a very sensitive organ, and the wind is a strong irritant. In order to protect against an external aggressive factor, more liquid is released to moisturize the eyeball. More often people of the age face this phenomenon, because. they have a worse condition of the eye vessels, and the muscles that hold the lacrimal canal are weaker. If the lacrimation stops when entering the room, do not worry, otherwise you should consult a doctor.

Eyes watering at the corners

The eyes are watery at the corners due to the fact that the lacrimal openings are crowned with tubules in the corner of the eye near the bridge of the nose. In turn, they are connected to the lacrimal sac, which passes into the nasolacrimal canal. It is because of this relatedness, when the nose flows, the eyes also water. The eye is covered with a three-layer film, the first layer of which is mucus and covers the cornea of ​​the eye, the second is water (tears), the third is an oily substance that holds the second layer and prevents tears from drying out. It is the last layer that dries up and forms peculiar flakes in the corners of the eyes that do no harm.

Watery eye after surgery

Eye surgery is necessary for cataracts and it consists in replacing the clouded lens with an artificial one. In the absence of complications, a few hours after the operation, the person is already walking, and after 5-6 days he is discharged from the hospital. During this period, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor: do not do hard work, do not accidentally injure the eye, bury the prescribed drops. If the eye becomes watery after the operation, and even worse - it turns red and hurts, you should immediately consult a doctor, because. this may indicate infection and the onset of inflammation.

Watery eyes at night

Sometimes a person is faced with a problem when the eyes are watery even at night. Such a pathology may be associated with age-related changes, in which the skin under the eyes sags, the lower eyelid drops and involuntary lacrimation occurs. Eyes may water at night with ARVI or flu. These diseases, which have already been mentioned, give conditions when the eyes are watery in a dream, fever, runny nose, cough. Chemical effects on the eyes are possible if cosmetics or various cleaning products that emit a smell are nearby. The pathology of the sebaceous glands is not excluded. An ophthalmologist will determine the cause, self-medication can do harm.

Watery eyes after eyelash extensions

In recent years, it has become customary to correct various shortcomings of nature in human physiology by artificial methods. The same thing happens with eyelashes. It is convenient for women not to spend time every morning on makeup and look good, so they resort to extensions. But sometimes problems arise and the eyes begin to water after eyelash extensions. The reason for this may lie in the procedure itself, because it lasts for 1.5-2 hours with the use of various preparations and tools, including a special glue that fixes the cilia. It can cause allergies, and hypoallergenic is not so resistant. Also, the eye and red eyelids are watering from the fact that during the build-up, substrates are used to isolate the lower eyelashes. When they are not properly glued, injury is possible. It is best to use gel or silicone pads for this.

Watery eyes in glasses

There are times when the eyes in glasses are watery. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. If the glasses were bought without an ophthalmologist's prescription, then the distance between the optical centers of the lenses may be incorrectly selected, due to which the eye muscle is overstrained, and the eyes are inflamed and watery. Discomfort can also occur if the diopter is chosen incorrectly, when the focusing system is overstressed, if the frame does not fit well or the lens is inappropriately shaped.

Watery eyes and ear pain

Inflammation of the middle ear - otitis has several stages in its development. It begins with the fact that the ears are blocked and the eyes are watery, then a sharp pain appears, which eventually grows and spreads to the throat, neck, teeth, eyes, the temperature rises. It is for this acute stage of acute otitis that a combination is characteristic - a watery eye and pain in the ear. At the next stage, the pain weakens, begins to flow from the ear, the temperature drops, the pressure on the eye disappears and the tearing stops.

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Watery eye when teething

Often, when teething, the child's eyes water and there is increased salivation. This is due to the fact that the growing tooth tears soft tissues and this process is quite painful. Sometimes the temperature rises, discomfort is felt. Saliva enters the nasopharynx, causing a runny nose, which is accompanied by the release of tear fluid from the eyes. In addition, at this time, immunity is greatly weakened, which is fraught with colds, which have the same manifestations.

Eyes tear from onions

Are your eyes watering from onions? Do not worry, because this is a natural reaction of the body to irritants. When cutting onions, enzymes are released - enzymes that speed up chemical reactions in living organisms. Flying sulfur, which is in the onion, reaches the eyes, mixes with tears, begins to burn and irritate the mucous membranes. To protect the organ, the synthesis of tear fluid increases. In addition, volatile sulfur enters the nose, causing the same reaction, which further enhances the release of tears. To reduce the effect of enzymes on the organs of vision, it is necessary to dip the onion or knife in water before cutting, then the reaction will come earlier and the volatile sulfur will not get into the eyes.

Sore throat and watery eyes

Symptoms, when a sore throat and watery eyes, are characteristic of an adenovirus infection. This is an acute infectious respiratory disease that affects the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, eyes, intestines and lymph. It is characterized by fever (fever), runny nose (rhinitis), sore throat (pharyngitis), weakness and watery eyes (conjunctivitis). There are several forms of the disease. In acute respiratory disease, against the background of severe inflammation of the pharynx and nasal passages, the mucous membrane of the eyes and cornea is affected. The patient experiences itching in the nose and watery eyes. Pharyngo-conjunctival fever is accompanied by a burning sensation, sensation of a foreign body in the eye. With epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, the eyes are watery and the eyelids swell, the cornea becomes cloudy, sometimes it comes to its destruction and loss of vision.

Watery eyes after contact lenses

A watery eye after lenses is a sure sign that something is wrong. There may be incorrectly selected lenses (wrong diopter, radius of curvature or diameter). Exceeding the allowable time of their operation (no more than 12 hours a day), an overdue period of use from the time the package was opened are factors that can lead to such a reaction. Solution for storing lenses or their composition can cause allergies. Together with the lens, a speck may penetrate, which will cause microtrauma to the eye. In case of infection, purulent discharge joins the lacrimation.

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Watery eyes from the light

Any light is a powerful irritant to our eyes. Watery eyes from the light - this is how the natural defense of the body manifests itself. Particularly susceptible to photophobia are people with blue and gray eyes, because. there is little pigment in their iris. In order not to experience discomfort from this, you need to wear sunglasses or solarize your eyes. The authors of this technique are convinced that the eyes exist as an organ for the perception and use of light, and the sun is its healer. Closing yourself from the light with glasses is only harming yourself, it is better to adapt our organ of vision to it.

Watery eyes after welding

During welding, sparks fly with an electric welding tool, an electric arc occurs, emitting ultraviolet radiation and causing burns to the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. This condition is called electrophthalmia and is manifested by pain in the eyes, their redness, photophobia, clouding of the corneal epithelium, the eyes are also watery, and a veil is covered. At the same time, you should not rub them, rinse them under water and drip with the first drops that come to hand. With watery eyes after welding, you need to go to the doctor, because. only he can assess the severity of the lesion and prescribe the correct treatment that will help avoid complications.

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Vomiting and watery eyes

Adenovirus infection, which has already been mentioned, affects the mucous membranes not only of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, but also of the digestive organs. As a result, nausea appears after eating, vomiting and watery eyes. The main route of transmission of such an infection is fecal-oral contact (through dirty hands, unwashed food), alimentary (through water in stagnant ponds, pools), airborne droplets (during sneezing, coughing). This virus has up to 90 varieties. The peak incidence occurs during the cold season, when immunity is weakened and conditions are more suitable for its reproduction.

Eye tearing and twitching

Many have experienced the phenomenon of eye twitching. Eye tick is caused by involuntary muscle contraction and often reflects the state of our nervous system - increased neuro-reflex excitability. Stress and various experiences lead to tics. When the eye waters and twitches, there may be other reasons. One of them is the lack of vitamins and minerals. So, calcium is responsible for neuromuscular conduction, its lack leads to convulsions and spasms. Lack of magnesium provokes tics, twitches. Lack of glycine leads to disturbances in the work of the central nervous system. Often watery and twitching eyes from the monitor due to overwork. Sitting at a computer screen for many hours causes such hyperkinesis.

Watery eyes after makeup

Poor-quality cheap cosmetics sometimes cause an allergic reaction, and this leads to watery eyes after cosmetics. Not necessarily mascara, shadows lead to tearing, even the foundation can watery eyes. The fact is that any face care products, in addition to the main ingredients, contain chemical preservatives, otherwise they will not be stored for the period stated on the package. Quality components cost more and are safer to use. Therefore, even in the absence of hypersensitivity, a similar response of the body is possible. It is best to use samplers or cosmetics from well-known brands first.

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Watery eyes while reading

Eye fatigue often leads to watery eyes when reading. Some people tend to "drunken" reading, besides, there are action-packed works from which it is impossible to break away. But you need to control yourself, take breaks and give your eyes a chance to rest. It is important to have good lighting in the room where you read and well-chosen glasses if you use them.

Watery eyes after bath

Bath and high temperature are inseparable concepts. Various materials involved in the design of the room, heating devices can release harmful chemical compounds under the influence of temperature. If your eyes water after a bath, then this is exactly what happened to you. To confirm your suspicions, you need to give up going to this institution for some time, and then choose another one, finished with wooden building materials.

Watery eyes with diabetes

Due to diabetes, the development of serious eye diseases is possible: cataracts, glaucoma, retinopathy. High concentration of sugar in the blood negatively affects the visual mechanism, impairs vision and can lead to blindness. A watery eye in diabetes can be due to glaucoma, blepharoconjunctivitis, which occurs against the background of high blood sugar and can be bacterial or demodicosis. Another reason is dry eye syndrome, which develops as a result of taking hypoglycemic drugs.

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Watery eyes with glaucoma

Watery eyes with glaucoma, because. with this disease, the drainage of fluid inside the eye is disturbed, it accumulates, as a result of which pressure on the vessels and nerves of the eye increases. In addition to lacrimation, headaches and pains in the eyes occur, a veil covers the eyes, visual acuity worsens, a person sees halos around light sources. Ignoring the problem leads to disastrous consequences - complete loss of vision.

Tearing eyes from TV

The main reason that watery eyes from the TV is their overwork. A TV screen or a computer monitor requires a certain amount of eye strain, and long-term gaze at one point increases the load on them. If you have a problem with your eyes when watching programs, you need to be more careful in choosing the distance from the TV, lighting the room. Commercial breaks give you the opportunity to change focus, move away from the screen, do some eye exercises.

Watery eyes after albucid

Albucid - eye drops with antimicrobial action. They are used for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis (diseases caused by streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, gonococci, chlamydia). They are also used for prophylaxis after operations. Eyes watery after albucid with increased individual sensitivity to sulfonamides, to which it belongs, with an overdose, simultaneous use with drugs containing silver salts, after the expiration date and violation of storage conditions (28 days after opening the bottle in a dark place, temperature 8-15 0 C).

Watery eyes after anesthesia

When, after anesthesia, the eyes become watery, this is a rather rare (according to statistics, 1 case per 2000) complication of anesthesia that does not lead to visual impairment. This is due to the fact that the eyelids are not always closed during anesthesia, and if the operation lasts long enough, the cornea of ​​​​the eye becomes dry and the eyelid sticks to it. When the eyes are opened, it is slightly injured, which leads to tearing, sometimes a blurry dot appears.

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Watery eyes after alcohol

People after a stormy feast or a long revel can be calculated immediately: watery eyes, a swollen face, an unhappy look. The appearance of chronic alcoholics generally leaves no doubt about the presence of addiction: a swollen blue face, red eyelids, chapped lips, hands shaking. The detrimental effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system, the work of the central nervous system is known, but why do the eyes water after alcohol? The explanation for this lies in the fact that alcohol leads to vasoconstriction of the oculomotor muscles and the optic nerve. As a result, the supply of the visual organ with blood and oxygen is reduced. In addition, the blood pressure of the eyes rises, small vessels burst, microoutflows appear. Often, people with a hangover not only have watery eyes, but also a network of red veins forms on the eye protein, pain, pain and itching are felt. With such sensations, there is a desire to rub the eyes, and this leads to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into them. All this is a prerequisite for loss of visual acuity.

Watery eyes and want to sleep

Watery eyes and drowsiness are interrelated phenomena, because. when we want to sleep, we yawn, at this time the muscles of the eye canaliculus are squeezed and tears involuntarily roll out. The very mechanism of yawning is associated with the functioning of the brain. The lack of oxygen that occurs during overwork, being in a poorly ventilated room, causes this reflex. Yawning, a person swallows oxygen in an increased volume, it enters the brain and enriches it, and the exhaust carbon dioxide is excreted from the body. Therefore, the tandem: watery eyes and want to sleep is a normal physiological process. If the eye is not injured, not inflamed, then there should be no concern if the eyes water before going to bed.

Spring watery eyes

When eyes water in spring and autumn, this is the body's reaction to a change in temperature or to the brightness of the sun's glow. Sometimes our visual organ is not able to drastically change from one climatic condition to another. It takes some time to get used to. Sunglasses and contrast baths with hot and cold water can help with this. If the eyes are watery and the feeling of sand, then an allergy to the flowering of a plant in the spring is possible. In this case, it is better to contact an ophthalmologist and an allergist to determine the cause and get recommendations to eliminate an unpleasant symptom.

Watery eyes after DPT

Abbreviation DTP - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine prevents the occurrence of these dangerous infectious diseases in children. This vaccine, like others, is a burden on the entire body of the child and can cause a different response of the body: fever, redness of the injection site, loss of appetite, nervousness. It happens that after DTP, the eyes are watery, a runny nose appears. This happens due to a weakened immune system, symptoms of a cold appear, and a runny nose is associated with swelling of the nasal septum, as a result of which lacrimation occurs.

The eye is watery, the pupil is constricted

The pupil is a small round hole in the iris of the eye 2-6 mm in diameter, through which light rays penetrate. Its narrowing or expansion occurs due to the circular and radial muscles. The pupil usually constricts in bright light, after the removal of the stimulus, it expands. But such a symptom may also indicate the presence of a disease, the use of drugs or certain medications, the extinction of a person’s brain activity, a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, and a stroke. If the eye is watery and the pupil is constricted, this may be a sign of eye diseases: inflammation of the iris (iritis), corneal damage, vascular inflammation, etc. Only a doctor will determine the correct diagnosis.

Watery eyes after sex

If sex causes tears of joy, then this is just a manifestation of emotions, happiness. The sexual act is associated with excitement, tension, which is often manifested by reddening of the face and tearing of the eyes. A more unfortunate consequence of sex is infection with chlamydia. Reiter's syndrome is a disease in which several organs are affected sequentially or simultaneously, including the eyes in the form of conjunctivitis. There is itching, photophobia, tears flow.

Tearing eyes when laughing

If you laugh loudly and heartily, tears begin to flow. Eyes watery when laughing due to the fact that during this process a person squints, the muscles contract and put pressure on the tear ducts, which, in turn, put pressure on the lacrimal sac, fluid is released.

After neuritis of the facial nerve, the eye waters

Neuritis of the facial nerve is a disease in which the craniofacial nerve is affected, which is responsible for facial expressions, movement of the lips and eyelids. The eye on the affected side does not close, and the lower eyelid may be everted. Since the eye remains constantly open, the corneal membrane dries out, lacrimation occurs. Perhaps the development of conjunctivitis and keratitis - inflammation of the cornea of ​​​​the eye, which is also characterized by such a phenomenon.

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After probing the lacrimal canal, the eye is watery

Probing the lacrimal canal is a procedure that is resorted to when it is blocked. Obstruction occurs due to congenital pathologies of the head, poor functioning of the drainage system, age-related changes, infectious diseases, injuries, neoplasms, and taking medications. In case of blockage of the channel, the natural outflow of fluid is disturbed, the eyes are watery, swollen, redden, an infection develops. Probing is used to check the patency of the channels. A special tool is introduced into the canal, expanding it. If the problem was precisely this, then the unpleasant symptoms pass. After probing the lacrimal canal, the eye may water for some time. But if you properly care for the eye after the procedure, follow the rules of hygiene and massage it, everything will work out. If the lacrimation does not go away, then it is necessary to look for another reason.

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Watery eyes with VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is classified as a neurosis in which the regulation of vascular tone is disturbed. Under this name, there are many different symptoms related to malfunctions in the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. Periodically there are seizures during which breath is taken away, the heart beats faster or there are interruptions in its work, sweat appears on the body, the face and eyes turn red, there is a feeling of fear, internal trembling, eyes water profusely. All these manifestations are secondary, so it is necessary to identify the true cause of such conditions and direct treatment to them.

Watery eyes in a child

Why we have already considered watery eyes in older people, but why is the eye of a newborn child watery? In the womb, the eyes of the fetus are protected by a special gelatin film from amniotic fluid. After birth, the film is torn at his first cry. Lacrimal fluid begins to be produced by the third month of life, until this time the child cries without tears. Sometimes the film remains intact and prevents the release of fluid from the lacrimal sac, accumulating there and causing inflammation. Doctors recommend massaging it, but if this does not go away, then probing the lacrimal canaliculus, which is done at the age of 2-3 months after the birth of the child, can get rid of this problem.

Watery eyes during pregnancy

Discomfort while carrying a child can also affect the organs of vision. Watery eyes during pregnancy if there is not enough tear fluid to moisturize them. This can happen as a result of hormonal changes, when the level of estrogen production decreases. Another reason may be allergies, influenza, SARS, or an eye injury.

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If lacrimation occurs due to eye disease, and not caused by temporary irritants, then over time their condition will only worsen. At the initial stage, tears flow, then there will be redness, swelling of the eyelids, suppuration. Without a diagnosis and treatment, the disease progresses and can reach a dangerous stage not only for the organ of vision, but also for human life.

Complications and consequences

Diagnosis of tearing

In ophthalmology, there are many different methods to help establish the correct diagnosis. The examination is carried out by an ophthalmologist in an office equipped with various special devices. So, if you suspect an obstruction of the lacrimal canal, a test with a fluorescent dye is used. It helps to determine the functioning of the drainage system of the eyes. The Schirmer test reveals dry eye syndrome. A strip of paper is laid behind the lower eyelid and it is analyzed how much it has been saturated with a tear. Examination of eyelashes under a microscope for demodex is the basis for diagnosing demodicosis. Eye pressure is measured.

In the arsenal of instrumental diagnostics of eye diseases, various devices are used to make a diagnosis. Probing of the eye canal is carried out with a special thin instrument, which is inserted inside. This procedure is carried out for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Dacryocystography or dacryoscintigraphy provides an image of the outflow system of the eye. To do this, a contrast agent is dripped into the eye and an x-ray, CT or MRI is taken. An ultrasound of the eyeball will make it possible to identify a foreign body or a neoplasm. Glaucoma is diagnosed using a special lens, and the procedure is called gonioscopy. Using a Goldman lens, inspect the fundus.

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Rapid eye fatigue (asthenopia) often indicates poor vision and requires its correction, proper arrangement of the workplace and compliance with the work regime (good lighting, work breaks, exercises that strengthen the muscles of the eyes).

Blepharitis is difficult to treat. Regardless of the reason that caused it, careful hygiene of the eyelids is required. For this, there are special gels and lotions. In addition, ointments and drops are prescribed (moisturizing, containing an antibiotic, or others), depending on the type of disease.

Dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal sac is most often treated in a hospital setting. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and restorative drugs are prescribed.

When treating the eyes, it should be remembered that allergy drugs that stimulate the central nervous system should be instilled for no more than 5 days, moreover, they are contraindicated in coronary heart disease, hypertension, and thyroid diseases. Treatment of viral conjunctivitis treatment should last no more than 10 days. And long-term use of drops containing corticosteroids can lead to the formation of glaucoma.

Remedies for watery eyes

Remedies for watery eyes include eye drops, the advantage of which over other drugs is that they act directly on the focus of the pathology. There are various drops for teary eyes on the pharmaceutical market. So, when tired while working with a computer, drops are dripping, moisturizing the eyes and creating a protective film on its surface. These include artificial tear preparations, vizin pure tear, systain, vidisik.

Vizin is a clean tear - drip into the conjunctival sac. To do this, they take the head back, pull the lower eyelid with a clean hand, holding the bottle head down. With each press, a drop drips. This must be done four times a day. Side effects from the application rarely occur in the form of an allergic reaction. In this case, treatment should be discontinued. During pregnancy, the drug can only be used as directed by a doctor. The lenses are removed before instillation.

For those who use contact lenses, artelak, oxyal, chilo-chest, chilozar-chest and others are suitable.

Artelak - before using these drops, you also need to remove the lenses and put them on after a quarter of an hour. The required dose is 1 drop several times a day. Side effects are possible as a burning sensation, blurred vision, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body, rarely - an allergy. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

For allergies, antihistamine eye drops are prescribed: lekrolin, allergodil, spersallerg, opatanol.

Allergodil - used drop by drop in the morning and evening, with severe allergies, it is recommended to double the frequency, but not more than a month and a half. Apply from 4 years of age. Possible intolerance reaction, bitter taste in the mouth, eye irritation. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as while driving.

For allergies and various inflammations, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. They are divided into two groups: non-steroidal (diclofenac, indocollir) and corticosteroid (dexamethasone, maxidex) eye drops.

Indocollier - used for the non-infectious nature of the pathology. Drop by drop 4 times a day. In case of intolerance to the components of the drug, when there is a burning sensation in the eyes, itching, redness of the eyelids, treatment should be discontinued.
Anesthetizing drops include lidocaine, alcoin, they are used only as directed by a doctor. To reduce intraocular pressure, Trusopt, Taflotan, Betoptik are used. In bacterial inflammation, treatment is prescribed after determining the pathogen, depending on its sensitivity to the antibiotic. These can be preparations tobrex, fucitalmic, maxitrol. If lacrimation is caused by a viral infection, then resort to such antiviral drugs as interferons. Drops oftalmoferon and okoferon contain ready-made human interferon.


It is known that a person with a strong immune system is less susceptible to various infectious and bacterial diseases. Therefore, in order to strengthen it, it is necessary to take vitamins C, A, E, group B, retinol. The following foods are useful for the eyes: carrots, sweet peppers, apricots, oranges, spinach, broccoli, nuts, dried apricots and others. There are various vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes that will replenish the missing elements that protect the eyes: aevit, complivit ophthalmo, okuvayt, lutein complex, ophthalmovit, dopelgerz active vitamins for eyes with lutein. Vitamin eye drops are also produced, which are used both for the treatment of eye diseases and for their prevention: catachrom, crystal, taufon, taurine, riboflavin.

Physiotherapy treatment

For the treatment of eye diseases in combination with medical methods, conservative treatment is widely used. Physiotherapy treatment includes electrotherapy (galvanization, UHF therapy, electrical stimulation, low-frequency magnetotherapy, electroreflexotherapy), phototherapy (laser and quantum therapy), mechanotherapy (phonophoresis), barotherapy. But the most common method is drug electrophoresis.

What to do at home if your eyes are watery?

Most people are designed in such a way that they first try to cope with their own health problems. What to do at home if your eyes are watery? There is a folk treatment, the recipes of which you can try to apply. Effective lotions for the eyes:

  • brew steep black tea, cool, moisten cotton pads and put on closed eyelids;
  • grate raw potatoes, mix with egg yolk and apply as a compress;
  • make an infusion of bay leaves (3-4 leaves per glass of water), with which to rinse the eyes, make lotions.

Applied for the treatment of lacrimation and 2% solution of propolis. To do this, it is dissolved in warm boiled water, dripping a few drops 3-4 times a day. You can also try eyelid massage, especially the area of ​​the conjunctival sac, this will strengthen the lacrimal muscle.

Herbal treatment

Nature took care that a person found drugs for various diseases in the flora surrounding him. Therefore, herbal treatment exists in ophthalmology. Herbs such as Kalanchoe, aloe, thyme, chamomile, cornflower, plantain, cumin, marshmallow flowers will help get rid of inflammation. Infusions from them drip, wash their eyes, make compresses for the eyelids.


Homeopathy is usually used in combination with other therapeutic measures. Preparations are selected by a homeopath according to the constitutional principle. But the fact that they are used in weak dilutions and cannot cause harm, gives the right to recommend them for the treatment of lacrimation.

Alergin-ARN - is produced in granules, consisting of 5 components of plant and animal origin. It is used for allergic conjunctivitis. The dose of admission depends on the age of the patient: from 3 to 6 years, take at the rate of 1 granule per year of life. After 6 years - 6 pellets under the tongue 30 minutes before or 1.5 hours after meals until completely absorbed. The course of treatment is 3-8 weeks. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as in pregnant women and during lactation, because. its effect on this category of patients has not been studied. Allergy is possible as a side effect.

Delufen - spray, used for colds, accompanied by a runny nose, profuse lacrimation. Adults are given two injections in each nostril 4 times a day, children are shown one. The course of treatment is up to a month. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity. Side effects were not found.

Dentokind is a drug that brings relief to children who are teething. Available in white tablets. Infants are recommended for the first two days on a tablet every hour. The daily rate should not exceed 6 pieces. Then, 1 tablet three times a day. After a year, they are prescribed according to the same scheme, but 2 pieces at the same time. Side effects were not observed, there was only a short-term worsening of the primary symptoms, which disappeared after a dose reduction of the drug.

Kalium sulfuricum salt of Dr. Schusler No. 6 - is used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat, eyes. Children up to a year are prescribed a tablet 2 times, from 1 to 6 years - three times, from 6 to 11 - 4 times, after this age up to 6 times a day. It has contraindications for wheat allergy and celiac disease.

Oculoheel - eye drops are used for dry eye syndrome, their fatigue. For small children, 1 drop is recommended in each eye once a day, for older children the dose is increased to 2 drops twice a day, for adults - 2 drops three times. Possible side effects in the form of local allergies. Pregnant and lactating women should coordinate the drug treatment with their doctor.


In modern ophthalmology, there are various methods using the latest technologies and tools for surgical intervention, including using a laser. They pass bloodlessly, painlessly, in a short period of time, without causing much discomfort to a person. So, surgical treatment is resorted to in case of congenital or acquired obstruction of the lacrimal canal, if all previous measures have not yielded results. One of them is dacryocystorhinostomy, which consists in creating a new channel connecting the lacrimal sac and the nasal cavity. This is a complex operation that is performed under general anesthesia. Glaucoma surgery involves making a hole with a laser or a knife through which excess fluid is removed from the eye. All surgical treatment has its risks and complications, which the doctor must warn the patient about.