Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and vomiting. Causes of abdominal pain

The most common symptoms are nausea and stomach pain. Very often, patients do not attach serious importance to these symptoms and try to eliminate them on their own. uncomfortable state. The causes of abdominal pain and nausea are various - menstruation, food poisoning, tumor formation, hepatitis.

If pain accompanied by nausea manifests itself systematically, then this is a sign chronic illness. When heartburn, vomiting and bitter belching are added to nausea and pain, you need to think about pathologies of the pancreas or gastrointestinal tract. Poisoning is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. In women, pain accompanied by nausea may be a sign of premenstrual syndrome.

Therapeutic actions will depend on the underlying cause pathological condition. When the cause is known, therapeutic procedures can be carried out at home.

Cause of discomfortActions
1. First of all, it is necessary to empty the stomach of its contents. To do this, washing is carried out using a manganese solution.
2. Then an absorbent is required. It could be Activated carbon.
3. Drink throughout the day a large number of water.
4. It is forbidden to drink everything except water.
To eliminate painful sensations that arose against the background of a sharp change hormonal levels, you should take an antispasmodic, for example, no-shpu. In the first days of menstruation, completely avoid physical activity.
An enzyme is used to restore the digestive system, for example, Mezim tablets. Over the next three days, it is recommended to follow a diet.
For regular stressful situations, taking motherwort or valerian tincture according to the instructions is recommended. Additionally, you can drink peppermint tea (soothes and eliminates nausea).
If pain occurs, self-medication is contraindicated; it is necessary urgent diagnostics and consultation with a doctor.
A nagging pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy with slight nausea can warn of the danger of miscarriage. Must be called ambulance, delay poses a threat to a woman’s life.

Note! Pain in the stomach and nausea can be caused by taking medications, in which case it is recommended to urgently rinse the stomach.

Abdominal pain due to taking vitamins

Oddly enough, but abuse either misuse Taking some vitamin complexes may lead to vomiting and, consequently, pain in the abdomen.

Vitamin complexes are used to improve the general condition of the body and strengthen functionality immune system. Very often, experts prescribe taking vitamins in parallel with medications. If the dosage regimen is violated, side effects often occur in the form of weakness, nausea, developing into vomiting, and abdominal pain.

The duration of the above symptoms will depend on how quickly the will happen in the body self-cleaning. That is, through vomiting, all the contents of the stomach will be removed. If you feel unwell, experts recommend inducing vomiting yourself by first drinking a large amount of water. Thus, excess amounts of vitamins or inappropriate medications will stop the harmful effects on the body and will be eliminated. In this case, you do not need to take any medications.

Advice. Once your condition has been restored, you can drink chamomile-mint tea to improve the disturbed digestion process.

It is worth noting that among some antibiotics and others medicines side effects are observed in the form of pain in the abdomen, dizziness, nausea, and others. For example, a similar condition can be triggered by cough medications. Therefore, it is very important to study the instructions in detail before taking the product.

Important! Some drugs are to be taken before eating, while others are to be taken only after eating. This is one of the important factors that helps to avoid side effects on the body.

Nausea and stomach pain after eating

If the patient has previously consumed fatty, very salty, smoked or spicy food, with the addition of sauces or other dressings, then digestive system may fail, causing the condition to worsen. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not be ruled out, because pain in the abdomen can appear in this case even after eating a healthy meal.

Gastrointestinal diseases are one of the main causes of nausea and abdominal pain after eating

We must not forget that regular consumption of fast foods also leads to digestive problems in the future. Long-term intake of unhealthy foods contributes to the development of cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis. Subsequently, the diseases progress to chronic form, the treatment process becomes more complicated. Therefore, if abdominal pain with associated nausea appeared after eating food, then you should pay attention to the quality of the food and how harmless it is. To improve the well-being and condition of the digestive system, it is enough to adjust your diet.

Stress and stomach pain

One of the most common problems in society is stress. This phenomenon is familiar to every person, however, few people think about the consequences. As experts found out, psycho-emotional state directly affects the digestive system. Due to regular emotional experiences, gastrointestinal ailments develop, among the symptoms of which are abdominal pain and nausea.

After a strong emotional shock, a person may feel pain in the stomach, followed by nausea followed by vomiting. This is the body's reaction to stress. In order to independently provide assistance in this situation first aid(often requires the help of a doctor and potent drug), you should drink a sedative herbal medicine (leonwort tincture, valerian tincture, Barboval drops or tablets).

"Barboval" - combination drug with a calming and antispasmodic effect

The product must be taken according to the instructions. Then take a horizontal position. If nausea and painful sensations persist, but the psycho-emotional state has not improved, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Other factors

  1. Discomfort after eating fatty foods. It is worth paying attention that it is the consumption of fatty foods that is being considered. If you experience nausea, heaviness in the stomach, followed by nagging pain in the abdomen, you should think about a malfunction of the gallbladder. It is best to go to a specialist for diagnosis.

  2. Abdominal pain may occur during a sudden rise from a lying position. This symptom indicates problems with the vestibular apparatus. Nausea may occur when you suddenly turn your head. Disorders of the vestibular apparatus are eliminated after a detailed examination.

  3. Pain in the lower abdomen in girls of reproductive age may indicate pregnancy. However, such a symptom is not excluded in case of gynecological diseases. For example, adnexitis is a disease painful first at the bottom, then in the middle of the abdomen. Then the pain syndrome moves to the left or right side. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Taking painkillers is also not recommended until a specialist arrives.

  4. Symptoms of intoxication include abdominal pain and nausea. Additional symptoms such as diarrhea and fever confirm the diagnosis.

Attention! Despite the degree pain syndrome, you should not take self-prescribed medications. In order not to harm your health, it is best to enroll in medical institution for diagnostics.

What is prohibited?

To avoid complications, if pain occurs in the area abdominal cavity accompanied by nausea, you should call a doctor.

If the cause of the painful condition is unknown, then the following actions are prohibited:

Very often, abdominal pain and nausea occur against the background of a stressful situation, so it is enough to normalize the condition nervous system and relax.

Video - What to do if your stomach hurts and feels nauseous

What to do if you have stomach pain and nausea? What are their main reasons?

No matter how sad it may be, painful symptoms in the lower abdomen, when the stomach hurts and nausea, especially in an era of active and almost non-stop rhythm of life, accompany a person more and more often. Localization of pain in the lower abdomen can threaten the victim not only with temporary loss of health, which will have to be restored to the detriment of work and other priorities, but also with life. However, immersed in routine daily activities, sometimes we either do not pay attention to the alarm signals that the body sends us, or we put off responding to them for too long.

To understand the primary source of abdominal pain and nausea, it is not always enough to navigate its types or recognize the symptoms of various diseases. The abdominal cavity contains enough organs of different systems for a person to medical education could pinpoint the cause of his poor health. Therefore, if colic occurs, the best solution is to contact a qualified specialist. If discomfort, abdominal pain and nausea are complemented by an increase in temperature, you feel sick or vomiting, you need to call an ambulance. The article discusses the main and frequently asked questions: if the lower abdomen hurts and feels nauseous, what causes such pain in the lower abdomen could be, what to do if nausea appears along with abdominal pain.

There are many factors influencing the appearance of colic in the lower abdomen, as well as diseases of which it is a symptom. These may be disturbances in the functioning of the digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. The article lists the main reasons for nausea and stomach pain, what causes stomach pain and a feeling of nausea, what to do if nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain appear.

Pain in the lower abdomen and nausea, why does the lower abdomen hurt and feel nauseous?

The first and most common suspected cause of abdominal pain and nausea or nausea is food poisoning. This line of human thought is completely justified, since food poisoning is indeed the most common cause specified symptoms. Consumption of food and drinks that are stale, of low quality, or have substances hazardous to human health leads to negative reaction on them, as an irritant, the digestive system. Abdominal pain and nausea should prompt you to consider the need to examine yourself for various diseases. It is better to check with your doctor which ones exactly. You should be especially careful if alarming symptoms are accompanied by high fever and nausea.

Symptoms: nausea and abdominal pain, what do they indicate?

Hypervitaminosis and nausea, abdominal pain

There is a lot of talk about vitamin deficiency, but an overabundance of vitamins of a certain group in the human body can be no less serious. When satiated with them, the victim feels severe pain in the abdominal cavity, nausea followed by vomiting.

To consolidate the effect of treatment and increase immunity, many doctors prescribe to patients along with medications. vitamin complexes. Oversaturation with vitamins due to improper intake or other reasons results in nausea and vomiting for the patient, through which the body tries to cleanse itself of excess substances. Sometimes this feeling of nausea and nausea may be accompanied by pain in the abdomen, lower abdomen, left or right abdomen,

Result of taking medications and antibiotics

Some painkillers and antibiotics have side effects in the form of nausea, discomfort and pain in the peritoneum, which can transform into gagging and vomiting. Sometimes even banal cough syrups provoke such symptoms. The emotional component, mood swings, stress and depression are very often the reasons for severe nausea and stomach pain. Some doctors believe that abdominal pain is directly related to worsening psychological state patient. The risk group includes people with frequent periodic spasms and colic, nausea and vomiting. Many doctors are confident that deviations in normal operation gastrointestinal tract– consequences of emotional shocks and stress.

The influence of the psychological state on the functioning of the digestive organs

First of all, when painful symptoms appear in the abdominal cavity, attention should be paid to the composition of the daily diet and the quality of the products that it includes. If a person does not want to provoke the appearance of nausea or even nausea and pain in the lower abdomen, then the food should be simple, healthy, not too fatty, salty or spicy. Also important are your daily routine and diet, lifestyle, and bad habits.

If the nutrition is normal, the person leads healthy image life and is not prone to gastrointestinal diseases, the reasons for poor health should be sought in the psycho-emotional state of the patient: the presence of recent severe stress, psychological problems or loads. Anxiety and stress that have been bothering the patient for a long time long period time, can lead to colic and abdominal cramps, bloating and nausea. If unpleasant symptoms appear after eating, while the appetite is normal and the food is of reliably high quality, most likely the culprit is an emotional failure.

Gallbladder diseases as causes of abdominal pain and nausea

You should suspect a problem in the functioning of the gallbladder if you experience lightheadedness, nausea and abdominal pain immediately immediately or after a couple of times after eating tasty but fatty food. This is what provokes the occurrence of nagging pain localized in the area of ​​this organ.

Consumption of unhealthy or low quality products nutrition is one of the remedies that will help get rid of or eliminate abdominal pain and nausea, and can protect against the reappearance of nausea and pain in the lower abdomen. If painful feelings in the stomach arise after eating smoked, over-salted or fried food, you should pay attention to the adequacy of the digestive organs. By eating food from the fast food category for a long time, getting used to snacking on the go and dry food, we lead ourselves to gastritis, stomach ulcers, cholecystitis and intestinal disorders. And these diseases are most often accompanied by such painful symptoms as pain in the lower abdomen, left or right abdomen, nausea, weakness and even diarrhea (severe diarrhea). If you feel very nauseous and often have a stomach ache, you should definitely pay attention to your diet, because... Most of the problems associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear due to improper or even unhealthy diet.

What other causes of abdominal pain and nausea could be?

Infections of the vestibular system, frequent or constant nausea, pain in the abdomen, lower abdomen. The appearance of painful sensations in the abdomen when changing body position, moving the head - probable symptom infections affecting the vestibular apparatus, eardrum. These symptoms accompany a viral infection of the inner ear called labyrinthitis. For women in reproductive age sudden nausea and colic in the lower abdomen is a reason to check your condition using a pregnancy test. If a woman feels sick and experiences abdominal pain, an exacerbation of inflammation of the pelvic organs (adnexitis) is likely. Unpleasant sensations can be localized in any part of the abdomen and move to the left or right side.

Impaired liver function can lead to symptoms such as lower abdominal pain and nausea. Painful symptoms in the abdominal cavity and nausea signal difficulties in the liver. Usually, deviations from the normal functioning of this organ are characterized by colic in the right hypochondrium, and sometimes in other areas of the abdomen. Intoxication of the body often leads to severe nausea and abdominal pain, pain in the lower abdomen, left or right abdomen. Harmful and toxic substances that enter the human body as a result of food poisoning, apply serious blow throughout the entire digestive system. In case of intoxication, nausea appears along with pain, vomiting and fever are possible, and sometimes diarrhea. A stomach ulcer is also one of the common reasons why the stomach hurts and a feeling of nausea appears. Ulcerative condition The stomach manifests itself through pain and lightheadedness, which are accompanied by belching, heartburn, diarrhea or difficulty defecating. The pain is most often aching, and in some cases can become acute.

Kidney diseases. A common cause of patient complaints about nausea and stomach pain is directly related to kidney pathologies. It is not always possible to identify kidney problems on your own if you have the listed symptoms; you need to consult a specialist and undergo an examination. Since pain in the abdomen (closer to the back) is not always clearly manifested with such an illness. The most common complaint among patients is abdominal pain on the sides. In addition to feeling pain in the abdominal cavity, a harbinger of kidney problems is fever, a person may feel chills and have problems with urination.

Hernia. Signs of a progressive hernia, in addition to complaints of abdominal pain, are constipation, bloating, nausea and vomiting. Pay attention to all the symptoms, because if the entire stomach hurts, which often happens with a strangulated hernia, and tell your doctor about them, as this directly affects the definition of the disease and its further treatment.

Appendicitis or inflammation of the appendix, in most cases, is accompanied by abdominal pain (both aching and dull) and nausea, fluctuations in body temperature, and vomiting often occurs. With an exacerbation, pain in the right upper or lower abdomen is more obvious. An attack of appendicitis is a very serious condition. At the first symptoms, you must go to the hospital, since assistance provided at the wrong time can result in death.

What to do if there is pain in the lower abdomen and nausea?

Manifestation of disturbances in the functioning of elements genitourinary system There is often pain in the lower abdomen. Particular attention should be paid to the location of pain. If a woman complains of discomfort below the navel, this most likely indicates manifestations of cystitis. In addition to cystitis, this may also indicate other diseases, sexually transmitted infections and venereal diseases. Problems with the genitourinary system require immediate diagnosis and correct selection treatment from specialists. Therefore, if such symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist.

Treatment, therapy for nausea and lower abdominal pain, how to treat nausea and abdominal pain?

You should always remember that self-medication cannot be as effective as treatment according to the recommendations of a specialist, since although this may not worsen the patient’s condition, it can affect the course of the disease, exacerbations, and as a result - long-term, and perhaps not the most pleasant treatment illness. Therefore, at the first complaints, contact doctors for the necessary help. Call an ambulance immediately if the patient complains of terrible pain in a stomach, severe nausea and vomiting, fever, which indicates an exacerbation of the disease. This may serve as a signal that there may be diseases as a result of which the patient should be hospitalized immediately.

Colic and abdominal cramps, accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting. A signal that the patient’s body has begun inflammatory process, is pain in the lower abdomen, when exacerbated, the body temperature rises, it can feel sick and vomit. In most cases, the inflammation that causes the symptoms described above has a very negative effect on the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is potentially dangerous for the patient. When it is difficult to determine the precise location of pain in the abdominal cavity, careful palpation is allowed. It is necessary to apply gentle pressure with your fingers on all parts of the abdomen in order to physically search for the source of pain. Painful sensations when pressing on the affected organ should intensify. A rapid increase in body temperature with simultaneous nausea signals ulcerative processes in the stomach or other organs.

Similar symptoms that appear in the lower abdomen may indicate the onset of inflammation of the elements of the urinary system or organs of the human reproductive system. Pain in the lower part of the peritoneum is also indicated by the formation of kidney stones. The same warning signs are observed when infections enter the bladder. To avoid the consequences of such diseases, each person needs to listen to the signals of their body and respond promptly to them.

Abdominal cramps and nausea with high fever can indicate the course of pancreatitis. During this disease, an inflammatory process forms in the abdominal cavity, which provokes the occurrence of the listed symptoms, and in some cases also vomiting. Secondary pancreatitis manifests itself through the same symptoms. This type of disease described above is an inflammatory process that occurs when acute appendicitis, ulcers and stomach cancer. Can cause secondary pancreatitis foreign bodies accidentally entered the stomach. An increase in the level of the medical thermometer, pain with nausea and vomiting are also characteristic of such an infectious disease as nephritis.

If there is pain in the right hypochondrium and nausea, what are the reasons?

If the pain on the right under the ribs is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, you should check the functioning of the liver. Painful sensations under the ribs on the right when this organ is damaged are complemented by weakness, high fatigue and temperature fluctuations.

Emergence discomfort in the hypochondrium for liver diseases should be associated with the patient’s dietary preferences. Thus, they most often affect lovers of smoked meats, fried and fatty foods, as well as fans of oriental cuisine, rich in spicy dishes and seasonings. As a result of a tasty but unhealthy diet, stones form in the gallbladder, preventing the normal flow of bile. Due to the impossibility of natural release, the accumulated pain stagnates and can cause intoxication and pain in the right side or hypochondrium.

Colic in the left hypochondrium, nausea and vomiting, nausea and pain in the left abdomen under the ribs, what could be the reasons?

Alarming symptoms that arise in the left hypochondrium are frequent signs of problems with the pancreas, usually inflammatory processes occurring in it. If pain appears in the left side or under the ribs, the development of gastritis or stomach ulcers is possible. In some cases, these are clear indicators of neuralgia. If you notice an increase in such pain, you should undergo an examination and consult a doctor. If the described symptoms cannot be tolerated, the patient’s condition is aggravated by additional painful signs, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Nausea and pain between the ribs, causes

Spasms that appear in the intercostal space indicate gastritis, in which the destruction of the gastric mucosa occurs. This disease, if improperly or untimely treatment, eventually turns into an ulcer. The main reasons for the appearance of gastritis are non-compliance with the rules of proper and healthy eating. Much less common is gastritis, which begins due to the effects of drug components on the stomach. Abdominal pain with gastritis is accompanied by loss of appetite and nausea.

Pain in the navel area and nausea, why do you feel nauseous and hurt in the navel area? The above are the most common signs of flatulence. If the pain is accompanied by nausea, and a sharp decline weight, their source is probably infection of the body with worms.

How do you know when it's time to see a doctor or emergency room if you have stomach pain and nausea?

1 The presence of cramping spasms located in the lower abdomen and lasting longer than half an hour, especially when the discomfort intensifies over time, nausea and vomiting is a clear indication of the need to immediately call an ambulance. Special attention It takes the appearance of such symptoms among representatives of the fair sex. They are characteristic not only of diseases, but also of ectopic pregnancy and rupture of an ovarian cyst, which are extremely life-threatening.

2 Another reason to see a doctor is tolerable, not sharp pain in the stomach with nausea that bothers a person for more than 12 hours in a row. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of women and children with such pain and be sure to consult a doctor.

3 You should also call an experienced specialist or an ambulance when pain and nausea are combined with vomiting and diarrhea. These signs may be evidence rapid development appendicitis or acute intestinal infection or poisoning.

4 A good reason to call an ambulance is pain in the abdominal cavity, which is gradually joined by nausea and vomiting, and the full picture of the disease does not stop for an hour or longer. This state is a manifestation renal failure, appendicitis and ulcers.

It should be remembered that self-medication or delay in seeking help from qualified specialists can not only harm the patient’s condition, but also cost him his life. In case of nausea and abdominal pain, there is no need to wait for it to go away or for the person affected to become even worse. The best solution when they appear is to visit the hospital or call the necessary specialist at home, depending on the complexity of the patient’s condition.

Stomach pain and nausea, causes, symptoms, treatment

Abdominal pain? Nausea? These sensations can signal the onset of many diseases. Let's look at the most common causes of abdominal pain and nausea.

Appendicitis - inflammatory disease vermiform appendix cecum (appendix). It can occur at any age, but most often appears in young people under 35 years of age.

What contributes to the occurrence of appendicitis:

1 chronic constipation;

2 blockage of the opening between the appendix and the cecum with fecal stones;

3 the presence of helminths in the body;

4 inflammation of nearby organs;

5 infections in the body (tonsillitis).

Main symptoms of appendicitis:

1 acute pain in the abdomen, which can be localized anywhere: on the right above the navel, in the lumbar region; the pain may become stronger when coughing, laughing, or sudden movements;

2 nausea, vomiting;

3 feeling of dry mouth;

4 increase in temperature.

Appendicitis is insidious due to the blurring of symptoms: pain may subside and appear again, nausea may be absent. The most accurate indicator of the presence of an inflammatory process in the abdomen is general tests blood and urine. An increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate and an increase in leukocytes in the blood, as well as the presence of protein in the urine, are a signal to the doctor to prepare for surgery. Before the ambulance arrives, you should never take painkillers - this makes it difficult to make a diagnosis. It is not allowed to apply a heating pad to the stomach, use an enema or laxatives, as this increases the risk of peritonitis - infection of the abdominal cavity

Gastric ulcer is a disease in which trophic disorders appear in the gastric mucosa. Is chronic disease, has periods of exacerbation and remission.

Causes of ulcers:

1 infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes inflammation in the gastric mucosa and increases the acidity of gastric juice;

2 use of antitumor, antithrombotic drugs, drugs that lower blood pressure;

3 stress, nervous shock;

4 irregular meals;

5 smoking, alcohol abuse;

6 hereditary factors.

An ulcer is indicated by:

1 sharp abdominal pain that occurs immediately after eating or after some time;

2 abdominal pains that appear at night or on an empty stomach;

4 sour belching;

5 nausea, vomiting;

6 increased appetite;

If primary signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In the treatment of ulcers the following is used:

1 antibiotics and probiotics;

2 drugs that regenerate the protection of the gastric mucosa;

3 remedies to reduce education of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;

4 antispasmodics to eliminate pain.

Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment lasts from two weeks to two months. In addition to prescribing medications, long-term diet is recommended. It is better to cook, stew or bake food. You should eat in small portions. Avoid eating very hot or very cold foods, gas-forming products, alcohol, and sweet carbonated water. Minimize salt intake. Drink at least two liters clean water per day.

1 timely meals;

2 exclusion of foods that provoke an increase in stomach acidity;

3 timely treatment gastritis;

4 washing hands before eating, using individual clean utensils.

Poisoning. Occurs when eating low-quality foods or drinks.

Symptoms of food poisoning:

1 nausea, increasing over two to three hours;

3 sharp pain in a stomach;

4 stool disorder;

5 fever, chills;

6 general weakness.

To treat poisoning at home, you need to lavage the stomach with a solution of soda or potassium permanganate; take sorbents for excretion toxic substances from the body; Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. For diarrhea, it is recommended to use an intestinal antiseptic to inhibit the growth of pathogenic flora in the intestines. When the body suffers from poisoning, it is better not to load it with food. Therapeutic fasting within 24 hours can significantly improve the patient’s condition.

How to prevent poisoning?

1 wash your hands before eating, preparing food, after visiting the toilet;

2 buy fresh, high-quality products and store them correctly;

3 do not allow re-freezing of meat and fish;

4 promptly replace kitchen sponges and rags;

5 monitor the cleanliness of kitchen utensils;

6 do not buy food from street stalls or from dubious sellers.

Liver diseases. The liver performs in the body essential functions: neutralizes all toxic substances entering the body; utilizes protein breakdown products; participates in the metabolism of fats, vitamins and minerals, hormone synthesis; carries out bilirubin metabolism. When the liver is not in order, the whole body suffers. The first symptoms of ill health should be the reason to consult a doctor.

You should be wary:

1 painful sensations on the right side of the abdomen, under the ribs;

2 increase in liver size;

3 frequent nausea;

4 yellow skin color;

5 bitter taste in the mouth;

6 rashes on the face;

8 darkening, yellowing of stool or discoloration;

9 headache, lethargy.

Pain in liver diseases can be different: severe and frequent - with an acute inflammatory process and dull, aching - with a sluggish disease.

What negatively affects liver health:

1 exposure to various types of hepatitis virus;

2 long-term or periodic influence on the body of toxic substances from the environment;

3 use of drugs that have a toxic effect (antibiotics, hormonal agents);

4 alcohol abuse;

5 infections;

6 helminth damage;

7 frequent use fried, fatty, spicy foods;

8 abdominal injuries;

9 exposure to carcinogenic substances.

What can prevent liver disease:

1 outlier exception harmful substances into water or air during hazardous production;

2 application protective equipment when performing work with toxic substances;

3 strict control over the processing of instruments in hospitals and hairdressing salons;

4 abstaining from alcohol or drinking it in moderation;

5 healthy eating;

6 taking medications only as prescribed by a doctor;

7 timely treatment of pathologies that can provoke secondary infection of the liver.

Adnexit- inflammatory disease of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Young women under 30 years of age are most often affected.

Adnexitis can be diagnosed after treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, traumatic abortions, cleansing, use hormonal IUD, uterine studies. Hypothermia of the lower body also negatively affects a woman’s health.

Alarming symptoms indicating the presence of the disease:

1 severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region;

2 increase in temperature;

3 menstrual cycle disorders;

4 nausea;

5 pain when urinating; sexual intercourse;

6 purulent discharge from the genitals.

Antibiotics and drugs to relieve pain and inflammation are used for treatment. After eliminating acute manifestations, physiotherapy is prescribed. This reduces the risk of adhesions and infertility.

To prevent adnexitis, it is better to exclude:

2 promiscuous sexual intercourse;

3 hypothermia of the genitals;

Why do I feel nauseous and have a tightness in my lower abdomen?

If a person experiences a feeling of nausea and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, we can assume he has food poisoning, since the symptoms are very similar. This situation may arise due to the consumption of low-quality foods. The sensations are comparable to the feeling that a person experiences when rocking on a ship. Abdominal pain combined with nausea necessitates a medical examination to determine the cause of what is happening and prescribe a course of treatment if necessary. In the event that nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen appear after a sharp rise from a lying position and performing sudden movements head, one can assume a disease of the inner ear - a viral infection called labyrinthitis. Other infectious diseases associated with eardrum and the vestibular apparatus.

After menstruation, nausea and pulling in the lower abdomen

Often girls are forced to deal with a situation in which the lower abdomen pulls after menstruation, and this happens against the background of nausea. However, not everyone is trying to find out the reason for this situation, seeing the reason for what is happening in individual characteristics. Unfortunately, this is not always true - such symptoms may indicate diseases such as endometriosis, vulvitis, adnexitis and others.

Nausea after menstruation in combination with heaviness in the lower abdomen is not always associated with any disruption of the body systems. This phenomenon can disappear as suddenly as it appeared, and sometimes it requires intervention.

The main reason for the appearance of such symptoms may be a hormonal imbalance in the female body. As a rule, this manifests itself in the occurrence of an imbalance in the levels of the hormones prostaglandins and progesterone. Also, nagging pain in combination with nausea can occur as a result of increased activity of the thyroid gland.

However, do not underestimate the importance infectious processes and all kinds of inflammation of the reproductive system, in which nagging pain in the lower abdomen combined with nausea are among the main symptoms.

Often girls begin to feel sick after a scanty period. This may indicate changes in the above hormonal levels.

There are cases when nagging pain in the lower abdomen, combined with nausea, observed after the end of menstruation, indicates the onset of pregnancy. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the fact that there is an increase in the synthesis of the hormone progesterone.

Nausea and pulling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

A pregnant woman regularly experiences some discomfort and pain. Sometimes she may feel nauseous and have nagging pain in her lower abdomen. Instead of panicking, you should consult with a competent specialist in order to find out the reason for what is happening.

Often, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and nausea are not a cause for any serious concern for the expectant mother. At short stages of pregnancy, such sensations indicate implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus. At the same time, the uterus stretches somewhat as it accepts the embryo into its womb, which is the cause of the pain that occurs. Pregnant women testify that such sensations can be called discomfort rather than pain. They cannot be regular if the reason is only implantation. After consolidation occurs ovum, these pains will stop. If nausea and nagging pain in the lower abdomen do not end, but are increasing in nature, you should consult a doctor, since the situation may be quite serious.

Nausea, pulling in the lower abdomen and lower back

Strong nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, accompanied by nausea, is a symptom of many diseases and a fairly common complaint. Such sensations can arise as a result of heavy physical exertion, but more serious reasons are possible that explain these conditions. Similar symptoms may occur due to diseases of the pelvic organs, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal osteochondrosis, hernia intervertebral discs, scoliosis, vertebral canal stenosis, arthrosis of the vertebral joints, stroke, osteoporosis and infectious vertebral lesions. There can be a great variety of reasons, which necessitates treatment of the causes of these symptoms by a qualified doctor, after conducting an appropriate examination.

Lower abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness

There is no need to say once again that nagging pain in the lower abdomen accompanied by nausea and dizziness is a sign of the onset of menstruation. It is only worth noting that the conditions this kind typical for women who have not yet given birth. If these symptoms are accompanied by swelling, weakness, and mood changes, all the signs of PMS are present. Women are familiar with it and are well aware of ways to improve their condition.

It is worth noting that a similar symptom can occur after the end of menstruation. Reason similar condition may be changes in hormonal levels. Painful sensations in female body can manifest themselves both after menstruation and during it as a result of the predominance of prostaglandins. They are accompanied by headache, increased sweating, headache and nausea. At times there is vomiting.

The above pain may indicate interruptions in blood supply, inflammation and stretching of the capsule. internal organ women.

In particular, with hemorrhage in the ovaries, pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region is possible. When menstruation occurs, symptoms intensify and spread to the rectum. Possible nausea, vomiting with loss of consciousness.

In such situations, urgent medical attention is needed. Therefore, you should not delay visiting a doctor.

When visiting a doctor, many people ask why their stomach hurts and why they feel sick. If such unpleasant symptoms occur, they should not be ignored, because they may indicate the development of a serious inflammatory process in the body.

IN modern times poisoning is not considered uncommon. Eating low-quality food, prepared in stores or from semi-finished products, a person often finds himself in an awkward situation.

Nausea and may occur when consuming:

  • fish dishes;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • semi-finished meat products;
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables from the nightshade group: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers;
  • berries;
  • greenery;
  • salads seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Stomach pain due to poisoning can occur in different ways. The most common types of pain caused by poisoning include:

  1. sharp, which manifests itself in the upper abdomen. The patient feels as if the stomach has been pierced by something sharp. There are accompanying symptoms: nausea, rumbling, bloating, vomiting with mucus, an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees. The cause of the disease is usually microbes - clostridia, which entered the body through food or water;
  2. sharp pain in the stomach area. Characterized by tearfulness, increased salivation, lethargy, headaches, difficulty breathing. The causes of the disease are poisoning with alkalis, mercury or other chemicals;
  3. girdle pain. Gives to the lumbar area. At the same time, dryness is observed in oral cavity, metallic taste, vomiting. Poisoning occurs due to excess alcohol, fatty or spicy foods;
  4. antispasmodic pain. There is a feeling that the stomach is cramping and at the same time there is a pulling, pressing or throbbing pain. Characterized by dizziness, stool disturbances, and heaviness in the abdominal area. Such symptoms occur with mild food and alcohol poisoning.

What to do if you feel sick? If the cause of your condition worsening is poisoning, then follow the following recommendations.

  1. Rinse your stomach clean water. Add a little soda to the solution.
  2. Between gags, take Activated Charcoal or Smecta. You should not take medications for diarrhea, as toxins are released along with stool.
  3. Consistently drink liquid in small portions. This is necessary in order to avoid dehydration.
  4. Apply a cool compress to frontal part or wrap yourself completely in a towel. Such measures will help cope with elevated temperatures.

If the patient not only has a stomach ache and nausea, but also appears bloody issues in emetics or stool, while he loses consciousness or becomes delirious, then you must urgently call an ambulance.

Second reason: reaction to medications

When your stomach hurts and you feel nauseous, the reasons may lie in the incorrect use of medications or their use for a long time. The following drugs can lead to disruption of the functionality of the digestive system:

  1. Vitamin B or fish fat. The side effect occurs in people with a high threshold of susceptibility. In addition to all this, the patient may experience weakness and the urge to vomit. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to stop taking the medication for a while.
  2. Heart medications. The instructions indicate that one of the side effects nausea appears.
  3. Cough medicines containing codeine.
  4. Antibacterial agents. Tetracyclines and cephalosporins cause severe damage to the body. Most of all, they affect the functioning of the liver. Then you may not only get a stomach ache or start to feel sick, but your appetite may also worsen and general state sick.

If a person suspects that nausea, vomiting and pain have occurred due to the use of medications, then they should stop taking them and seek help from a specialist.

Third reason: pregnancy

If a girl feels very nauseous and has a stomach ache, then pregnancy may be the cause of this condition. Toxicosis usually begins at 6 weeks. This process is due to the active production of progesterone and changes in hormonal levels.

The first symptoms interesting situation speakers:

  • delay of menstruation;
  • bloating and increase in size;
  • mild nagging pain in;
  • weakness;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet.

If a woman is suspected of being pregnant, a rapid test should be done. If two stripes appear on it, then you need to consult a doctor and conduct an ultrasound examination.

But sometimes it makes me feel more sick serious reasons. There are symptoms that should alert the patient.

They are as follows:

  • nagging pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, bleeding. This process signals the threat of miscarriage;
  • acute pain, profuse bleeding. Such signs indicate fetal freezing;
  • bleeding and cramping pain in the lower abdomen that goes away after a few minutes or hours. The occurrence of such attacks signals an ectopic pregnancy. The symptoms cannot be ignored, because if the fetus continues to grow in the tube, it will rupture. This condition threatens the patient’s life;
  • bloating, increased gas formation, constipation or diarrhea, belching, discomfort from the outside digestive tract. These signs may not only indicate hormonal changes body, but also talk about diseases of internal organs.

It is not always possible for a woman to understand her condition and determine the cause of the illness. Therefore, you should not hesitate to visit the doctor.

Fourth reason: diseases of a sexual nature

In the female half of the population

Why is a woman in Lately Do you feel nauseous, have a fever, and have an aching feeling in your lower abdomen? If the patient is not pregnant, then perhaps the reason lies in the inflammatory process in the pelvic organs.

Common diseases in women include pathologies of the ovaries and uterine cavity. Painful sensations can be localized in any direction, and radiate to the lumbar region, rectum or sacrum.

Painful sensations often occur during hypothermia, after sex, stressful situations psychological and physical nature. Often inflammation is accompanied by the release of purulent or bloody mucus.

If treatment is not started in time, complications may develop, including infertility.

The examination of the patient consists of the following procedures:

  • taking a vaginal smear;
  • donating blood for general analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys, liver and pelvis;
  • CT scan;
  • electrocardiography.

After production accurate diagnosis treatment is prescribed. This usually involves taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In the male half of the population

If the stomach hurts and makes men feel nauseous, then the causes of this condition are prostatitis. Then the painful sensations will be localized in the pubic area. Reasons pathological process become:

  • disturbance in sexual life;
  • addiction to alcohol;
  • sitting for a long time;
  • hypothermia.

In advanced cases, an increase in temperature, nausea, dizziness, and weakness are observed. If you don't carry out therapeutic measures, then the inflammatory process will lead to complications: impotence, infertility, depressive state, a decrease in overall activity.

The examination consists of the following procedures:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • study of prostate secretion;
  • analysis of a smear from the urethra.

Only a urologist will tell you what to do after making an accurate diagnosis.

Fifth reason: diseases of the digestive system

Pain occurs on the right or left, and nausea may occur due to pathologies of the digestive system.

With diseases of the liver and gall bladder, it all begins with general weakness, aches in muscle and joint tissues, rashes on skin, itching, fever and anemia. The most common diseases include:

  • acute and chronic hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis of chronic and calculous type.

Treatment of liver pathologies consists of taking:

  • hepatoprotectors;
  • choleretic drugs;
  • antiviral agents;
  • antibiotics.

Kidney disease can cause severe stomach pain. With this pathology, the patient may complain of chills, increased temperature, and difficulty urinating.

The most common diseases include:

  • urolithiasis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • nephroptosis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • renal failure.

To confirm the pathology, you need to visit a nephrologist.

If the patient's condition worsens, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. While waiting, you should not take antispasmodics, eat food or water, or apply a heating pad to the abdominal area.

It is best to lie in bed and take a comfortable position. You need to move as little as possible. To alleviate the condition, you can apply ice wrapped in a cloth.

After the examination, a decision will be made to hospitalize the patient. If everything is not so scary, then treatment is carried out at home, following the doctor’s recommendations. At in serious condition the patient is taken to the hospital.

The gastrointestinal tract is probably the most “unstable” system of the body. Even those who boast a strong stomach have encountered unpleasant symptoms(short-term pain, nausea).

And if the gastrointestinal tract works “intermittently,” then in the patient’s first aid kit you can always find at least coal or Smecta.

That is why to an ordinary person It's hard to know whether to see a doctor. For example, the lower abdomen hurts and nausea. Why does it hurt? Duodenal ulcer or intestinal rebellion against the spicy, well-fried chicken leg eaten yesterday? The article will try to figure it out.


Poisoning can be divided into two types: food and chemical.

Food poisoning, as the name suggests, is caused by the patient's digestive system not being able to properly “process” the food it receives. It is worth noting here that the digestion process itself is very complex, and it begins with saliva. The enzymes in it break down some parts of the food, after which all the food is chemically and mechanically processed in the stomach. The far part of the stomach, like the intestines, absorbs what the body needs, and the rest goes out. In the absorption process, in addition to the stomach itself, the intestinal microflora, which is represented by billions of bacteria, is actively involved. And any part of this mechanism can fail.

When something goes wrong, gases and toxins are formed in the gastrointestinal tract.

If microflora is to blame, nausea will appear (the stomach is not averse to getting rid of them) and pain in the lower abdomen (where the intestines are located). One of the additional symptoms of poisoning in the intestines is diarrhea.

Chemical poisoning is a more dangerous process. A chemical that enters the stomach or intestines begins to reactively irritate the inner lining and enter the bloodstream. Failure to provide assistance can be fatal.

Nature of pain For food poisoning: pulling, aching.

For chemical: strong, unbearable.

Can be located in lower section, and throughout the abdomen.

Additional symptoms for food poisoning: apathy, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea.

For chemical: bloody vomiting, confusion, pale skin.

Who diagnoses and how? Emergency doctor, gastroenterologist. Methods: survey, analyses, probe.

Treatment In mild cases, no treatment is required.

In moderate and severe cases: activated carbon, gastric lavage, symptomatic treatment.

Consequences of taking medications

Some (in fact, many) medications in tablets and capsules negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract. But if strong stomach can cope with this, the weakened person will react with symptoms similar to food poisoning.

Nature of the pain Pain occurs 20 minutes to 6 hours after taking the medication. Aching or stabbing, of medium intensity.

Located in the stomach or lower abdomen.

Additional symptoms Nausea, vomiting, yellowing of nails and eyes.

Who diagnoses and how? Gastroenterologist, therapist. Methods: survey, blood tests and stomach contents.

Treatment Discontinuation of the drug, symptomatic treatment.

Stomach or intestinal ulcer

Ulcer is infection, which became known only about 30 years ago. For ulcers certain type bacteria corrodes the inner lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Alas, despite this discovery, many doctors in the CIS “in the old fashioned way” consider ulcers and gastritis to be diseases that arise from a poor lifestyle. Naturally, with such an attitude, treatment is prescribed that is questionable in terms of effectiveness, and patients are forced to live with this all their lives.

Nature of pain With a stomach ulcer, pain varies from moderate to very strong, located in the stomach itself, above or below it.

With an intestinal ulcer, a typical complaint is: “at first I felt nauseous, and then my stomach hurt sharply from below.”

Additional symptoms Diarrhea and vomiting, including bloody ones.

Who diagnoses and how? Emergency doctor, gastroenterologist. Methods: probe. In case of perforation (extremely dangerous condition) you can use ultrasound.

Treatment Depends on severity. In simple cases - medication, in complex cases - surgery.

Liver diseases

The main functions of the liver are the removal of harmful substances and the synthesis of useful ones. Bile helps her in this - a liquid substance made from bile acid, which from the liver through gallbladder Fall into duodenum. In some dangerous liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis), bile becomes too concentrated (or, less commonly, too weak), which leads to digestive problems, nausea and pain in the intestines.

Nature of pain Dull or burning, of medium strength, appears 30-180 minutes after eating. May “migrate” from the center of the intestine downwards.

Often accompanied by nausea.

Additional symptoms Weakness, yellowness of nails, skin and sclera, flatulence.

Who diagnoses and how? Gastroenterologist, therapist. Methods: blood and stool tests, ultrasound.

Treatment Depends on the severity of the disease. Mainly: maintenance therapy.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen due to kidney disease, Bladder or urethra - a common symptom, but nausea occurs very rarely.

It indicates that an infectious infection has appeared in the genitourinary system: cystitis or pyelonephritis.

Nature of pain
The pain is nagging, with sharp “shooting” sensations when moving. Located in the very lower part of the abdomen.

Additional symptoms Nausea, vomiting, fever, there are purulent, bloody or mucous components in the urine.

Who diagnoses and how? Urologist. Methods: blood and urine tests.

Treatment Antibiotics.


IN normal conditions It is extremely difficult to develop hypervitaminosis: you literally have to fill your stomach with foods containing some vitamin B until you vomit. huge quantities. Oddly enough, medicine has “simplified” the path to this disease: in the pharmacy you can find concentrated vitamins in the most different forms, from harmless (at first glance) ascorbic acid to expensive syringes with vitamin B. The latter can cause symptoms such as nausea and pain in the lower abdomen

We are talking about vitamin B3, which in case of overdose enhances or causes intestinal ulcers and increases the concentration of bile.

Nature of pain Pain sensations develop quickly and can range from medium dull to strong cutting.

Additional symptoms Nausea, diarrhea, yellowness of the sclera and nails, depressed consciousness, low blood pressure.

Who diagnoses and how? Therapist. Methods: medical history, blood test.

Treatment: Symptomatic.


Appendicitis – acute condition, which occurs when the rudimentary appendage of the intestine (appendix) becomes inflamed.

In case of appendicitis, the patient urgently needs to be taken to the hospital, because a ruptured appendix practically guarantees a trip to intensive care and complex operation, and in the absence of treatment - death (not 100%, but close to that).

Nature of pain Pain sensations are strong and acute. Initially located under solar plexus, on the right (although they can be in the center and on the left). The problem with diagnosing appendicitis is that the pain quickly affects the entire abdomen and can “flow” through it to any point.

Additional symptoms: Nausea. Vomiting may occur several times, but most often there is only a urge. The temperature is slightly elevated. In some cases, diarrhea occurs. The patient strives to take a position in which the pain subsides.

Who diagnoses and how? Emergency doctor, surgeon. Methods: medical history, tests, ultrasound.

Treatment Operation.


Cholecystitis is infectious inflammation gallbladder. Pathogenic microbes, having reached “mature age” in it, migrate to the duodenum, which causes characteristic symptoms: reflex nausea, pain and others.

Nature of pain The pain is burning and located in the center or lower abdomen. They are permanent and do not respond to painkillers or changes in body position.

Additional symptoms Heat, unusual color of stool, false vomiting may occur.

Who diagnoses and how? Gastroenterologist.

Methods: blood, urine and feces tests, ultrasound for stones.

Treatment: Medication: antibiotics, stone crushers, diet. If medications are ineffective, surgery is indicated.


Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas plays an important role in digestion, mainly by secreting enzymes that break down complex proteins. During inflammation, enzymes do not enter the duodenum (for example, due to blockage of the channels with a stone or inflammation itself) and begin to corrode the pancreas itself.

Nature of the pain Very severe, first developing in the upper abdomen. As the course of the disease worsens, it may spread to the lower sections.

Additional symptoms Nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness.

False urge to defecate. Flatulence.

Who diagnoses and how? Therapist, gastroenterologist. Methods: blood test, ultrasound.

Treatment Fasting for several days, eliminating blockage of the ducts (relieving inflammation, crushing stones). Maintenance therapy.

Diseases of the female reproductive system

For women, painful sensations in the lower abdomen are a very common phenomenon, and the medicine of the CIS countries is not least to blame for this. For example, painful critical days Many gynecologists recognize this as a “completely normal phenomenon,” although it has long been known that a lack of estrogen leads to pain here, and this can be easily corrected with ethinyl estradiol.

In any case, you need to remember that pain in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries is not the norm.

May lead to pain different problems, starting from pregnancy (which for a woman is a serious burden on the body) and ending with cancerous degeneration of ovarian tissue. In any case, visiting a gynecologist is a good idea because the female reproductive system is very complex.

Nature of pain Located in the lower abdomen, near the uterus. Sometimes it affects the groin. During pregnancy and hormonal imbalances Common symptom: chest pain.

Additional symptoms Depend on the pathology.

Who diagnoses and how? Gynecologist.

Methods: survey, tests, examination, ultrasound, if necessary - MRI.

Treatment: Medication, non-drug, and in rare cases, surgery.

What does additional diarrhea mean?

Diarrhea (as, in general, vomiting) is the body’s way of quickly getting rid of dangerous or harmful factors, caught in the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea along with nausea or vomiting most often means that the pathology is infectious.

Very important: if diarrhea and vomiting appear at the same time, the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital, since these conditions quickly dehydrate the body, which can result in disability or death.

When should you go to the doctor?

Anyway. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system do not have the habit of going away on their own, and “delay is like death.” In the case of mild symptoms, death may not occur, but transition acute pancreatitis If left untreated, chronic means that the patient will suffer from stomach pain all his life. Not the most attractive prospect.

First aid for pain

First of all, provide the patient with peace and allow him to take the position in which pain is least noticeable. Do not give food at all, water - as indicated (drink plenty only during vomiting or diarrhea in order to avoid dehydration). If there is serious suspicion of poisoning, you need to give activated carbon or Smecta. Coal needs to be diluted in a glass warm water, so it gets into the intestines faster.

Naturally, if the pain is moderate or severe, you need to call an ambulance.


Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases consists entirely of proper nutrition. Key principle: a little of every good thing. Food should be varied, sweets should be dessert, not the main meal. Do not abuse antibiotics, but treat all diseases to the end. Moderate physical exercise have a positive effect on both the gastrointestinal tract and digestion.

Nausea along with pain in the lower abdomen can indicate many pathologies, and each of them needs treatment. Self-diagnosis, like self-medication, is not a very good idea, because it can end in the death of the “self-taught doctor.”

If you suspect a serious (or not so serious) illness, it is better to put yourself in the competent hands of a doctor - the sooner it starts correct treatment, the better the forecast.

The presence of symptoms such as:

  • Stomach ache
  • smell from the mouth
  • heartburn
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • belching
  • increased gas formation (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer.

These diseases are dangerous due to the development of serious complications (penetration, stomach bleeding etc.), many of which can lead to

outcome. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their main cause using a natural method. Read the material…