Causes of pain in the bridge of the nose and frontal part and how to fix the problem. What to do if the head hurts in the area of ​​the nose and presses in the area of ​​the nose

Top part nose, adjacent to the forehead and forming a recess, is called the bridge of the nose. There are many reasons that can cause discomfort and discomfort in this area.

The surest sign that the paranasal sinuses or nasal cavity have undergone an inflammatory process, are.

To find out the reasons pain in the bridge of the nose and start timely treatment you need to see a specialist as soon as possible. This will help in the future to avoid exacerbation of the disease and its transition to chronic form.

What diseases cause nose bridge pain? How to determine the cause of pain?

Many patients complain that they have. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different, as well as the nature of the disease.

Here are just some of the pathologies in which this symptom occurs:

  1. Injuries to this area (occur when tissue integrity is violated).
  2. Acute inflammatory processes of the sinuses of the nasal cavity (for example,).
  3. Rhinitis (with a runny nose can be both acute and chronic).
  4. Neuralgia of the nerve of the nasociliary type.

How to determine the cause of pain?

You should know that when various pathologies unequally.

  • In acute inflammatory processes (with sinusitis), the pain is pronounced. This intensifies the discomfort in the morning and evening time, as well as when pressing on the temple and crown. At the same time, a person feels discomfort directly near the eye area.

  • If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, then pain in the nose will be accompanied by a general feeling of weakness. As for the headache, it spreads throughout the skull, while it is of a non-permanent nature (it increases during exacerbations, the increase can occur with overwork or with prolonged exposure to the sun).
  • With rhinitis, it is released a large number of mucus, swelling of the nasal cavity occurs, often headaches are also present. The causes of this disease lie in the unfavorable climatic conditions, dry air, harmful professional activity and so on.
  • Neuralgic pain sensations are considered the strongest, they are burning and pressing in nature, while the pain is transmitted to the forehead and is accompanied by tearing and swelling of the nose. Pain occurs most often at night and can last for several minutes or several hours. The disease is typical for relatively young patients who have not reached the age of 40 years.

Knowing the main symptoms, you can understand why you have.

How can I wash my nose to reduce pain in the bridge of the nose, and how to do it?

Washing is the basis for the treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity. For rinsing, it is recommended to use special rubber teapots, the spout of which is inserted into one nostril, while the rinsing solution will flow out through the other.

If there is no such kettle, you can use the usual large syringe, while first disconnecting the needle from it. In order for the treatment to bring the desired effect, it is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity several times a day, preferably before use. medicines prescribed by your doctor. Here are a few rinse recipes that will be effective if you have:

  1. . One teaspoon of sea salt (if this is not available, you can use ordinary table salt, but it is not as effective) should be dissolved in a glass pure water. Sea salt removes harmful microorganisms from the mucous membrane and reduces irritation.
  2. Weak solution of permanganic acid will also allow you to fight pain in the nose, which is caused by inflammatory diseases. When mixing, make sure that all the potassium permanganate crystals dissolve in water, otherwise you can get a serious burn of the mucous membrane!
  3. Washing with warm decoction of chamomile and sage also suitable as helper method treatment, these herbs soothe the mucous membrane and reduce swelling.
  4. has a disinfectant and antibacterial action, so it is effective as a wash for sinusitis in combination with effective antibiotics.
  5. If financial opportunities allow, you can purchase special pharmaceutical formulations for washes containing sea ​​salt and other useful ingredients.

Can a toothache or other pain radiate to the bridge of the nose?

Sometimes painful sensations in the nose area do not always mean diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For example, with migraine often headache It gives off to the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose, while a tight steel helmet is put on the head, so with strong painful sensations, a person can no longer determine exactly where it hurts.

After what injuries can the bridge of the nose hurt?

Discomfort in this area may be felt after injuries, in particular, after fractures or severe bruises. In this case, the pain is accompanied by swelling, redness or blueness of the skin.

Damage to the mucous membrane (tears, scratches, abrasions, and so on) can provoke discomfort inside the bridge of the nose itself.

After the measures taken by the specialist and the healing of the tissues, the pain disappears.

How to massage the face and nose to reduce pain in the bridge of the nose?

With many diseases, competent massage, which is recommended to be carried out regularly, will help reduce discomfort. Proper massage can not only reduce pain, but also get rid of nasal congestion.

Before massage, apply a small amount of massage oil to your hands and warm your palms, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect. Gently apply pressure where the bridge of the nose meets the beginning of the eyebrows. At the same time, the strength of your impact should be such that you do not feel pain.

After that, move your fingers to your cheeks. Your index and middle finger should be near the nostrils, then make circular massaging movements with them. Such techniques will relieve the pain of a neuralgic nature.

Circular movements from the eyebrows to the temples will also reduce pain in the nose, as well as headaches. Do about 10 such movements in several approaches, while the massage should be quite slow. Thereafter index fingers gently massage the area behind the earlobes, then slowly move along the ears.

Please note: if in the process of such manipulations you feel pain, immediately stop the massage or weaken the strength of the movements. Be sure to use a good quality massage oil that reduces friction and facilitates movement, but be careful not to get the oil in your eyes as most of the massage is in the area around the eyes. You should not make sharp pressure sensations, otherwise you can simply injure the fragile bridge of the nose or increase pain.

Such massage techniques are quite effective, but they should be combined with other therapy (with washing or taking antibacterial drugs). In addition, it is not recommended to massage with severe pain, with an acute inflammatory process.

VIDEO Self-massage in 5 minutes will relieve nasal congestion and runny nose! - Everything will be kind. Issue 931 dated 12/14/16

Which doctor to go to, and how to diagnose the cause?

First of all, if you experience pain in the area of ​​​​the nose, make an appointment with a therapist who, after a visual examination, will refer you to profile specialist. This may be or, depending on the exact symptoms of your disease.

During the diagnosis, a visual inspection technique is used using a special mirror, as well as more modern methods. The specialist may refer you to an X-ray of the nasal cavity or a CT scan of the head, sometimes laboratory research(for example, relevant if there is inflammatory process). After accurate diagnosis established, the doctor prescribes you drugs for treatment.

Thus, if you have, you need to understand the reasons for this phenomenon. They can be either inflammatory or bacterial in nature, or be a symptom of neuralgic disorders. During treatment, the specialist will prescribe you special preparations, as well as therapeutic washes, often with painful sensations, competent massage helps a lot.

VIDEO Live great! How to cure sinusitis without punctures and pain. (12/15/2015)

An ENT doctor often encounters such a patient's complaint as pain in the bridge of the nose without a runny nose. And this is really strange, because pain in the bridge of the nose most often indicates inflammation in the frontal sinuses, but since there is no runny nose - what is it?

Not so simple! If you find yourself that when you have a runny nose, the bridge of your nose hurts when you press it, or even a symptom manifests itself without a runny nose, you should immediately consult a doctor. Next, we will consider what exactly this disease can be and how to deal with it.

So what causes pain in the nose?

Reason #1. Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses

Inflammatory processes in the sinuses near the nose in the minds of our compatriots are invariably associated with bright green or yellow snot, but this is a misconception. It often happens that swelling blocks the sinus ducts, so there is no discharge. This is possible, both with sinusitis and with rhinitis.

In case of swelling of the sinus duct, purulent exudate accumulates in the sinuses - there is excessive pressure on the walls of the sinuses and the person experiences pain. That is why there is no runny nose, and you still experience discomfort.

According to the area in which the epicenter is located pain, you can determine which of the sinuses is affected. It should be noted that several sinuses can be affected at once with different sides. In this case, the doctor x-ray examination it will be difficult to determine the focus of inflammation, but the pain will definitely be localized on the bridge of the nose and forehead as well.

Sinus drainage will help you get rid of pain. But to achieve a long therapeutic effect is possible only in the case of high-quality and thoughtful treatment prescribed by the ENT.

You need to see a doctor! Do not postpone the problem for later! What is the risk?

  • Nasal congestion will cause you to lose your appetite, causing you to lose weight.
  • Nasal congestion chronic course invariably leads to loss of taste perception;
  • Even if, after a long time of illness, you receive treatment and gain the ability to breathe through your nose, the bad habit of breathing through your mouth will not leave you;
  • Due to the insufficiency of breathing, the brain will constantly experience oxygen starvation;
  • Possible violations by of cardio-vascular system including increased intracranial pressure.

If you are afraid of such possible consequences, then take care of the timely visit to the doctor. As a rule, the treatment of advanced sinusitis requires frequent washings in a hospital setting - "cuckoo", the introduction of intravenous antibiotics a wide range, the use of drops based on antibiotics in the nose, as well as drugs to reduce swelling - Sinupret, antihistamines. It is also possible to prescribe a puncture - a puncture of the sinus of the nose for therapeutic purposes.

Reason number 2. Allergy

In rare cases, with an exacerbation of allergic reactions, people complain of pain in the bridge of the nose. It may also be associated with severe swelling of the nasal mucosa and copious secretions during an allergy.

As a rule, a similar symptom manifests itself upon contact with haptens or during the season when their number in the air is greatest. For example, if you are allergic to Poplar fluff, then the season for you is in the summer, and if it is for flowering, then in the spring.

In this case, allergy drops can help you. Today there is antihistamines, substances based on steroid hormones, other drugs. Your allergist will select optimal remedy for a particular case.

Naphthyzinum, Allergodil, Kromheksal, Zirtek, Avamys, Vibrocil and other drugs are suitable for temporary relief of symptoms.

Other reasons

If the bridge of the nose hurts and there is no runny nose, there are others possible reasons occurrence of such a pathology. Here, the task becomes more complicated for the doctor - it is necessary to examine the nose, oropharynx, nasopharynx, mouth for inflammatory processes, neoplasms.

A common cause of pain in the nose is trauma to the nose or a larger area of ​​the face. Even several years after the injury, soreness can occur. This is possible if the primary injury has not healed or if there has been a change in the shape of the nasal septum. The only way to help the patient is through surgery.

Ganglionite- another reason why the bridge of the nose hurts, as ganglia are affected - nerve knots in connective tissue. With this disease, you can also pay attention to discharge from the nose, swelling on the face, redness, severe pain in the places of the nerve plexuses.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

The doctor can immediately make an unmistakable diagnosis, but he will still do additional studies that will confirm the guess. Among the first diagnostic measures- X-ray of the nasal cavity, CT scan head, MRI of the sinuses. It is also possible to carry out additional research:

  1. Measurement of intracranial and intraocular pressure.
  2. Analysis of urine, feces, blood.

The doctor is obliged to ask you in as much detail as possible about the course of the disease, about the prerequisites for its occurrence: did you have any operations, were there any injuries, how did you feel before the onset of the disease, under what circumstances did it manifest itself, what are the symptoms.

Not in all cases, conservative therapy will be enough. If the reason lies in the anatomical anomalies of the structure of the skull, the consequences of trauma, mucosal hyperplasia, or neoplasms, you will have to agree to an operation to eliminate the problem.

What to do to avoid pain in the nose?

As you can understand, most often painful sensations in the region of the nose occur due to progressive sinusitis. Therefore, the main tactic for preventing such diseases is timely and high-quality treatment of influenza, runny nose, colds- any disease that can imperceptibly develop into sinusitis and sinusitis.

It may seem to you that a runny nose is nothing, but if it turns into launched form the consequences can be quite dire.

Great importance have the original immune reserves of the body - your task is to constantly improve them, or at least maintain them at an optimal level. For this you should:

  • eat healthy food,
  • pay attention to hardening,
  • study physical development body,
  • take care of healthy sleep and minimal stress
  • walk more often, dress according to the weather, do not let yourself get too cold in the cold season.

Usually such simple and affordable activities will be enough for the average person. But there are people who are predisposed to diseases of the nasal cavity. They need specific measures to prevent the disease.

In this case, the efficiency is high hygiene measures aimed at cleansing the nasal cavity from mucus and foreign particles. Suitable for this saline solutions, which you can cook at home yourself (per glass warm water 1 teaspoon of table salt) or - Humer, Marimer, AquaMaris, AquaLor and other drugs from this series will have a good protective effect.

It is possible to determine the reason why the bridge of the nose hurts through an instrumental examination. respiratory tract. In most cases, the discomfort is due to inflammation. paranasal sinuses, in particular cells lattice labyrinth, sphenoid and frontal sinuses. The culprits of pathological processes can be infections, allergic reactions and neurological diseases.

If the bridge of the nose does not stop hurting for several days, it is advisable to seek help from an ENT doctor. Ignoring the problem and not adequate treatment subsequently lead to a deterioration in health and the transition of a respiratory disease into a chronic form. In this post, you will learn about key reasons discomfort when pressing the bridge of the nose, probable diseases and principles of their treatment.

The reasons

If the bridge of your nose hurts when you press it, first of all, you need to determine the cause of the discomfort for sure. According to practical observations, burning, itching and pain in the paranasal sinuses indicate the presence of inflammation in upper divisions respiratory system. There may be several reasons for this:

If the bridge of the nose and the head periodically hurt, perhaps the reason for this was neurological disorders. As a rule, the pains are bursting or pressing in nature. Sometimes during attacks, patients have vegetative disorders - lacrimation, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and copious discharge from the nose. The most common neurological disorders include:

  • ganglionitis - inflammation of the pterygopalatine node of the sympathetic trunk, provoked by an infection, a violation metabolic processes, injuries, etc.; accompanied by pain in the temporal and frontal area, as well as gums and eyes;
  • Charlin's syndrome - damage to the nasociliary nerve, which often occurs against the background; with the development of the disease, patients complain of the appearance of acute arching pain in the forehead when pressing on the bridge of the nose.

Untimely treatment of neurological disorders leads to malnutrition of the cornea of ​​the eye, i.e. keratitis.

ENT diseases

Respiratory diseases are one of the most probable causes discomfort in the nose. Many people mistakenly believe that a common cold does not threaten serious complications and diseases. In fact, any inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx can provoke dangerous pathologies. If during long period you have a sore nose and forehead, the reason for this may be:

  • bacterial rhinitis - acute inflammation of the nasopharynx, provoked by pathogenic microbes; characterized by swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, and the formation of purulent foci in the nasal canals and paranasal sinuses;
  • sinusitis - an infectious inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinuses, which most often occurs as a complication of bacterial rhinitis;
  • frontitis - unilateral or bilateral, which is often accompanied by damage to the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth;
  • ethmoiditis is an acute or sluggish inflammation of the cells of the ethmoid bone, which is located at the base of the nose inside the skull.

If inflammation in the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses is not stopped in time, this can lead to an abscess of the ENT organs and meningitis.

Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is a disease characterized by inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Provocateur pathological process is an allergic reaction to plant pollen, dandruff, pungent odors, polluted air, evaporation of paint and varnish products, etc. Due to inflammation of the nasopharynx, the outflow of mucus from the paranasal sinuses is disturbed, which can subsequently lead to their defeat.

About development allergic rhinitis indicates the following symptoms:

  • sneezing
  • lacrimation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • pain in the nose;
  • severe runny nose.

Inadequate treatment hay fever fraught with infectious inflammation mucosa of the nasopharynx and the development of sinusitis.

It should be understood that the mucus that accumulates in the nasal cavity is an ideal substrate for the development of bacteria. Therefore, belated and inadequate treatment of the disease can lead to the development of side pathologies - sinusitis, ethmoiditis, etc.

The principles of treatment of diseases largely depend on the causes of their occurrence. As a rule, neurological pathologies are treated in a hospital under the supervision of specialists due to high risk the development of complications. To eliminate the pathologies of the respiratory tract, the following methods of therapy are used:


When passing drug treatment the patient is prescribed drugs that help eliminate inflammation and restore nasal breathing. Depending on the nature of the infectious agent, the treatment regimen includes antibacterial or antiviral agents. Of the drugs of symptomatic action are used:

  • antihistamine tablets;
  • corticosteroids;
  • mucolytic agents;
  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • analgesics;
  • antipyretic drugs.

Compose correct scheme treatment can only be done by a specialist after finding the location of the inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and determining the type of ENT disease.

Timely medication allows you to eliminate mucus from the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses and thereby reduce the likelihood of developing sinusitis. To speed up the healing process of tissues, it is recommended to resort to inhalations with compressor and ultrasonic nebulizers.


Conservative treatment involves the use of physiotherapy procedures, with the help of which it is possible to clear the paranasal sinuses of mucus and pathogens. Exactly hardware treatment allows you to achieve a stable result in case of development chronic inflammation in the upper respiratory system.

Physiotherapy is prescribed only at the stage of regression acute inflammation in the respiratory organs.

Only an experienced specialist can prescribe a physiotherapy treatment for sinusitis to a patient. To avoid complications, hardware therapy (electrophoresis, phonophoresis, UHF therapy) is used at the resolution stage pathological reactions in soft tissues. The fact is that the impact of ultrasonic and electromagnetic fields on the respiratory organs leads to a local increase in temperature. This, in turn, can provoke a relapse of inflammation and, as a result, a deterioration in the patient's well-being.


Operative methods of treatment are used only in case of ineffectiveness of conservative therapy. As a rule, trepanopuncture is used to cleanse the paranasal sinuses from purulent masses and pathogens, during which purulent exudate is “pulled out” from the frontal sinuses. Perform the procedure in two ways:

  • using a Kasirsky needle, a puncture is made in the bridge of the nose, through which frontal sinus extract pathological secret;
  • using video endoscopic equipment, the anastomosis of the paranasal sinuses is expanded, which improves the outflow of pus from the areas of inflammation.

To surgical treatment resorted to only if there is a risk of developing intracranial complications. It should be understood that belated treatment sinusitis is fraught with epidural abscess (inflammation of the brain tissue), meningitis, osteomyelitis (rotting frontal bone) and sepsis.

Features of drug treatment

Inflammation in the paranasal sinuses can be cured within a week, but only if the rules of pharmacotherapy and the recommendations of a specialist are followed. As a rule, treatment takes place in two stages:

  • elimination of the causative agent of infection with the help of etiotropic drugs, i.e. antibiotics or antivirals;
  • elimination of residual symptoms of sinusitis with the help of symptomatic drugs.

To warn further development infections and eliminate the main manifestations of the disease, the following medications are included in the treatment regimen:

Drug type Pharmacological properties Name of drugs
antibiotics destroy the bacterial flora and eliminate purulent inflammation "Sumamed" "Flemoxin Solutab" "Spiramycin"
antimicrobial nasal agents reduce the severity of inflammation in the paranasal sinuses "Bioparox" "Polydex" "Isofra"
vasoconstrictors reduce swelling of the nasopharynx and normalize the outflow of mucus from the paranasal sinuses Metazon Afrin Nazivin
mucolytics thin the mucus in the nose and accelerate its excretion "Fluimucil" "Mukodin" "Sinupret"
antihistamines eliminate swelling, itching and inflammation "Fexadin" "Tavegil" "Zyrtec"
moisturizing drops moisturize the nasal mucosa and increase local immunity "Salin" "Rinolux" "Aqua Maris"

Important! It is possible to cure complex forms of sinusitis only under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting.

It is possible to prevent recurrence of the disease by taking vitamin-mineral complexes and immunostimulating agents. In addition, doctors strongly recommend treating rhinitis immediately after the first signs of the disease appear.


Pain in the bridge of the nose with pressure in most cases occurs due to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The reason for this may be infections, allergic reactions or neurological disorders. It should be understood that even a runny nose can subsequently provoke the development of sinusitis. With inflammation of the nasal mucosa, the outflow of a viscous secret from the paranasal sinuses is disturbed. In this regard, the likelihood of inflammation of soft and bone tissues in the mentioned anatomical structures increases. Treat respiratory diseases through drugs of mucolytic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing action. At the resolution stage inflammatory reactions it is recommended to resort to physiotherapeutic procedures - UHF therapy, phonophoresis, etc. If medical and physiotherapeutic treatment does not give the desired results, patients undergo trepanopuncture, due to which purulent exudate is removed from the paranasal sinuses.

Pain in the bridge of the nose is a phenomenon that occurs as a result of the presence of any inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose or in the nasal cavity itself. And the reasons that provoked the occurrence given inflammation, maybe a lot. In this article, we will tell you why the bridge of the nose can hurt and what needs to be done in this situation.

Why the bridge of the nose hurts: reasons

So, as we have already said, the bridge of the nose can hurt as a result of the presence of many diseases and pathologies, which in turn are not so harmless as it might seem at first glance. Next, we will tell you about similar diseases and pathologies in more detail.

    Such a phenomenon as rhinitis or simply a runny nose is familiar to each of us firsthand - elementary colds, as well as various viral and infectious diseases are almost always accompanied by the above symptom, which is why we can experience pain in the bridge of the nose. As a rule, in most cases, a runny nose passes in parallel with the cure for the underlying disease, only in some cases remaining a “residual” symptom of a bygone disease.

    There is an opinion that this pathology can pass on its own, and therefore most people with a runny nose do not take any measures to cure it, however, in fact, an untreated runny nose can cause the development of many dangerous diseases, for example, such as sinusitis, sinusitis and so on.

    Another nuance that we rarely think about is that with a runny nose, the work of most blood vessels and the work of the heart is significantly disrupted, which in turn is due to the “wrong” intake of air into the body. The above action leads to the fact that in this situation not only the respiratory organs “suffer”, but also intraocular and intracranial pressure increases, which in turn is manifested by general weakness and malaise, as well as headaches;

    Sinusitis is a disease, the essence of which is the presence of an inflammatory process that occurs in the paranasal sinuses. It is worth noting that this pathology is by no means harmless, and if it is not detected in time, it can serve as the beginning for the development of such diseases that are dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the patient, such as meningitis, otitis media, pneumonia, etc.

    This disease can occur in two of its forms - in acute and chronic, however, the symptoms of sinusitis in both cases will be approximately the same. So, for example, to characteristics sinusitis can be attributed to such manifestations as mucous discharge from the nose with an admixture of pus, an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees (with acute form sinusitis, this figure may be higher), pain that manifests itself not only in the bridge of the nose, but also in the cheeks, teeth, eyes and cheekbones;


    This pathology is one of the subspecies of sinusitis, in which the patient also experiences pain in the nose. In addition to this symptom, the patient also experiences an increase in body temperature, severe nasal congestion, as well as very severe headaches. In most cases, sinusitis occurs against the background of various colds, viral and infectious diseases, and, as a rule, with a complete cure for the underlying disease, it disappears, however, in some situations, this pathology is a consequence of a runny nose that was not treated in time. It is worth noting that sinusitis is quite difficult and treatment that has not been started on time can lead to the need for surgical intervention;

    Frontitis is another type of sinusitis, which in turn is more difficult than the others and which is fraught with its own negative consequences. As for the manifestations of frontal sinusitis, this pathology "declares" itself by the appearance of such symptoms as an increase in body temperature in the range of 38-39 degrees, the occurrence of pain not only in the bridge of the nose, but also in the area of ​​the entire face, abundant purulent secretions from the nose, as well as very severe headaches. It also causes general weakness and malaise.

    As for the reasons as a result of which this pathology develops, frontal sinusitis can be provoked by the following reasons: Availability allergic reaction, adenoids, polyps in the nasal cavity, rhinitis, various viral and infectious diseases(influenza, SARS).

    As we noted earlier, this disease is quite dangerous for the patient’s health, which in turn is due to possible negative “consequences”, for example, frontal sinusitis can lay the foundation for the development of pathologies such as sepsis, meningitis, orbital abscess, and so on. That is why the treatment of this pathology consists in the passage complex treatment, which consists of taking certain groups of antibiotics;


    This disease is also a type of sinusitis, the symptoms of which, in turn, are more acute than those of sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. And we are talking about such manifestations of the disease as strong pain in the bridge of the nose and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose, severe congestion nose and copious discharge from it mixed with pus, which in turn has a very sharp and nauseating smell. In addition, the patient also faces an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees, with general weakness and malaise and large quantity thick mucus in the nasopharynx, which practically does not cough up.

    It is worth noting that this type of sinusitis is fraught with its negative consequences, and if treatment is not started on time, then in this situation, ethmoiditis can cause the development of diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis. An increase in intracranial and intraocular pressure is another consequence of ethmoiditis.

    As for treatment, for this disease, a specialist prescribes an appointment vasoconstrictors and the passage of a number of physiotherapy procedures; if ethmoiditis proceeds in its chronic form, then this situation is shown surgical intervention;

    Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve.

    This type of neuralgia, as a rule, is experienced by people under the age of about forty; while they note following symptoms: there are burning, arching and pressing painful sensations in the region of the eyes, forehead and in the region of the nose. In most cases, pain begins to disturb its "owner" mainly at night; while the attack itself lasts approximately one hour.

    As for the manifestation of this neuralgia, in this situation, in addition to painful sensations, the patient also encounters increased intraocular and increased intracranial pressure(hyperemia), as well as with strong lacrimation. Visual impairment is another unpleasant "consequence" of this disease.

Why the bridge of the nose hurts: treatment

As we have already said, the bridge of the nose can hurt due to different reasons, and in some cases, in order to get rid of such painful sensations, surgical intervention is necessary. It should be noted that in most cases conservative methods treatment, and a trip to a specialist such as a surgeon is necessary only in situations where the disease is in its advanced stage. That is why, if you experience regular pain in the area of ​​the nose, it is necessary to without fail visit medical institution to undergo an examination.

Initially, you should contact a therapist who, after a visual examination and passing by you all necessary procedures either independently prescribe treatment for you, or refer you to a narrower specialist - an otolaryngologist, surgeon, neurologist or traumatologist.