What are the diseases of the nose? Diseases of the nose - an overview of the main diseases and their symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention Inflammatory diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

The nose is the most important organ of the respiratory system, on the proper functioning of which depends not only the functioning of the bronchi and lungs, but also the state of the body as a whole. In the cold season, nose diseases are most common. This is due to seasonal outbreaks of colds and viral infections. Chronic pathologies of the nose are caused by untimely and inadequate treatment of the acute phase of the disease.

What diseases are

Diseases of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses cause a variety of reasons.

Depending on their nature, three groups of pathologies can be distinguished:

  1. congenital diseases. This type of disease is much more widespread than it seems. Most people have a slight curvature of the nasal septum, which is a variant of the norm and does not lead to the development of any diseases. But sometimes the deformities can be more serious, in which case the organ cannot fully function. , narrowing of the nasal passages, fistulas and other problems can cause chronic nasal diseases. In this case, only surgery can help.
  2. Traumatic diseases. Injuries to an organ such as the nose are by no means uncommon. They are open, closed, combined, with displacement, etc. Even in the absence of damage to the bone tissue, a nose injury leads to extensive edema, which often ends in a hematoma of the nasal septum.
  3. Infectious diseases(viral, bacterial, fungal). This group of diseases of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses is most common. It includes, and other diseases.

Inflammatory diseases of the sinuses

Consider the pathologies included in this group.

Chronic rhinitis

The disease is a complication of acute rhinitis, which was not cured on time or, as a result of inadequate therapy, dragged on for a long time.


  • occasional nasal congestion;
  • profuse mucous discharge;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • headache.


  • untreated acute rhinitis;
  • the negative impact of physical and chemical irritants;
  • accumulation of purulent discharge in the paranasal sinuses;
  • circulatory pathology in the nasal mucosa.

Usually, the recurrence of the disease occurs closer to the fall, intensifying in the winter. In the spring, the symptoms of a runny nose begin to disappear. In children, on the background of the disease, the occlusion may change, persistent changes in the facial part of the skull occur, and the formation of the chest is disturbed. also affects hearing loss.

Treatment is predominantly symptomatic:

  • washing with antiseptic solutions ( , );
  • the appointment of oil drops to soften the crusts in the nose ();
  • vasoconstrictor drugs based on xylometazoline;
  • local antibiotics (Isofra,).

Acute rhinitis

Inflammatory swelling of the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx caused by infectious factors, hypothermia or allergens.


  • sneezing
  • itching and burning in the nose;
  • profuse mucous discharge;
  • nasal congestion.


  • infectious diseases;
  • negative impact of the environment;
  • excessive sensitivity to allergens.

Adults rarely experience complications of acute rhinitis. With adequately prescribed therapy, the disease passes quickly.

In childhood, due to the anatomical narrowness of the nasal passages, rhinitis can be severe. The resulting nasal congestion and an abundance of mucous secretions prevent the child from eating normally, sleeping, and breathing through the nose. Due to the inability of children to blow their nose correctly, the acute stage of the disease often flows into the chronic one, complicated by the development of sinusitis, adenoiditis and polyps in the nasal cavity.

Acute rhinitis proceeds in the same way as in the rest of the adult population. But due to hormonal changes, the condition is often confused with a runny nose during pregnancy.


  • inhalations with essential oils;
  • foot baths with mustard;
  • washing the nose with solutions based on sea water (,);
  • vasoconstrictors (Tizin,);
  • antihistamines (Zirtek, Suprastin).


  • chronic rhinitis;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • polyps.

Diseases of the paranasal sinuses

These include the following pathologies.


A type of sinusitis. Inflammation of the frontal paranasal sinuses.


  • nasal congestion;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • headache;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • sputum in the morning.


  • infectious diseases;
  • injuries of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • hypothermia;
  • adenoids;
  • polyps;
  • foreign bodies in the nasal cavity.

Diagnosed quite often. In 90% of cases, the disease is combined with lesions of the maxillary sinuses and ethmoid labyrinthitis. Therefore, it has a severe course.


  • vasoconstrictor drugs (, Naphthyzin);
  • antimicrobial agents (Kameton,);
  • systemic antibiotics ( , );
  • antihistamines (Suprastin, Zodak);
  • painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol);
  • washing with antiseptic solutions (Furacilin, Miramistin).

Less commonly, surgical intervention is performed, based on the puncture of the frontal sinus and the removal of the accumulated pathological secret from it.


  • eyelid abscess;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • meningitis;
  • brain abscess;
  • sepsis.


Acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth.


  • pain, swelling in the nose;
  • difficulties with nasal breathing;
  • nasal discharge;
  • anosmia.


  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • complication of sinusitis;
  • dissemination of the pathogen from the primary focus of infection.

The cause is usually sinusitis - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. Due to the lack of necessary therapy, after a few weeks the disease becomes chronic.

In newborns, ethmoiditis develops against the background of sepsis, the disease is acute - from a serous to a purulent form it can pass in a few hours, often ending in death. In older children, the causes of the disease are infectious factors.


  • vasoconstrictor drugs (Galazolin, Xymelin);
  • systemic antibiotics (Cefotaxime, Augmentin);
  • analgesics and antipyretics (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).


Inflammation of the mucous base of the sphenoid paranasal sinus.


  • headache;
  • asthenovegetative syndrome;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • discharge from the sphenoid sinuses.


  • infectious factors (most often the infection spreads from the tonsils);
  • anatomical narrowness of the sphenoid sinus;
  • congenital malformations of the nose and paranasal sinuses;
  • deviated nasal septum.

Diagnosis is difficult, so often the correct diagnosis is made only with the onset of the development of complications of this disease. This is due to the poor clinical picture of sphenoiditis, the main complaint of patients is headaches without a clear localization, the intensity of which depends on the severity of the inflammatory process.


  • vasoconstrictors (Nafthyzin, Galazolin);
  • antibiotics ( , );
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol).

Maxillary sinusitis

Inflammation localized in the maxillary sinuses (maxillary sinuses), so this pathology has a second name -. The inflammatory process often extends beyond the sinuses, affecting the periosteum and bone tissue of the upper jaw.


  • nasal congestion;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40 °;
  • diffuse headache;
  • pain in the focus of inflammation - the region of the upper jaw;
  • lacrimation;
  • deterioration of the sense of smell;
  • worsening nocturnal cough.


  • acute rhinitis;
  • SARS and acute infections such as scarlet fever and measles;
  • carious teeth;
  • injuries of the bones of the facial skull;
  • allergy.


  • vasoconstrictor (Nafazolin, Galazolin);
  • systemic antibiotics (Sumamed, Azithromycin);
  • local antibiotics (Bioparox);
  • nasal lavage (Aqualor, Aqua Maris);
  • less often - surgical treatment based on the maxillary sinus.


They can be benign and malignant.


  • difficulty breathing;
  • partial or complete loss of smell;
  • headache;
  • nosebleeds.


  • alcoholism and smoking;
  • harmful working conditions (chemical, woodworking and other industries);
  • chronic diseases of the ENT organs.

Features of the course of the disease depend on the origin and type of tumor. At the first sign of trouble, you should consult a doctor. The therapeutic effect depends on the type and size of the tumor, concomitant changes in the facial bones.


  • germination of the tumor in the eyes and brain;
  • dysfunction of phonation, swallowing, chewing;
  • metastases of a malignant tumor.

Diseases caused by trauma

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, the nose is often injured. Nose injuries can be open or closed.


  • pain;
  • bleeding;
  • hematoma of the nasal septum;
  • difficulties with nasal breathing;
  • nose deformity.


  • mechanical;
  • household;
  • burn injuries.

In childhood, any injury to the nose requires special attention, even with a mild clinical picture of the pathology. It is recommended to take an x-ray of the facial bones, since swelling of the nose interferes with medical diagnosis, and it is easy to miss the displacement of the nasal septum and other pathological conditions.


  • emergency care (cold, packing of the nasal passages with gauze swabs moistened with hydrogen peroxide);
  • in severe cases - surgery.


  • nose deformity;
  • curvature of the septum;
  • difficulty with nasal breathing.

No matter what diseases of the nose are, their treatment requires an individual approach to each patient. Therapeutic tactics should be selected taking into account the age, characteristics of the organism and the disease itself. Timely treatment of nose diseases is an excellent prevention of possible complications.

Runny nose (Rhinitis).

This is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
Distinguish acute and chronic runny nose.


It can be an independent disease or a symptom of acute infectious diseases (flu, etc.). The predisposing factor is mainly hypothermia, less often mechanical or chemical irritations can be the cause.
Symptoms, course .
Initially, there is a slight malaise, a feeling of dryness in the nasopharynx, itching in the nose. Nasal breathing is difficult, sneezing, lacrimation appear, the sense of smell decreases, the timbre of the voice changes, abundant liquid discharge from the nose is observed. In the future, the discharge becomes mucohyoid, in violation of the integrity of small blood vessels - bloody. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa can spread to other parts of the respiratory tract, as well as to the paranasal sinuses, nasolacrimal canal, auditory tube, and tympanic cavity. Rhinoscopy reveals hyperemia and swelling of the nasal mucosa. With a favorable course, nasal congestion disappears in 12-14 days, the sense of smell is restored.
Treatment .
At elevated temperatures, bed rest is indicated. Have a good effect mustard foot baths, diaphoretics, ultraviolet irradiationvasoconstrictors: 0.1% solution sanorina, 0.1% solution naphthyzine, 0.1% solution galazolin etc. After vasoconstrictor drops are administered vaseline or peach oil.

A good effect is given by blowing into the nose. powder of the following composition: streptocide--1.5g, norsulfazole- 1.5 g, penicillin- Ј5 000 units, ephedrine hydrochloride- 0.05 g; the powder should be pulled (or blown) into each half of the nose 3-4 times a day. Also effective antibiotic inhalation aerosols.

Chronic catarrhal (simple) rhinitis.

Causes: prolonged or recurring acute runny nose; prolonged exposure to various stimuli - chemical, thermal, mechanical; irritation of the nasal mucosa with purulent secretion in diseases of the paranasal sinuses; long-term circulatory disorder in the nasal mucosa (heart defects, myocarditis, nephritis, emphysema, bronchiectasis, endocrine diseases).
Symptoms, course.
Periodic nasal congestion and profuse mucous discharge. With rhinoscopy, diffuse congestive hyperemia and uniform swelling of the mucous membrane are visible. Patients indicate that the left half of the nose is blocked when lying on the left side, the right half - on the right side, nasal breathing is difficult when lying on the back. The general condition usually does not suffer. The complete disappearance of swelling of the nasal mucosa after instillation of a 0.1% solution of naphthyzinum indicates a chronic (simple) runny nose. If the puffiness does not disappear after instillation of vasoconstrictors, we should talk about chronic hypertrophic rhinitis.
Drops in the nose (sanorin, galazolin, naphthyzin, etc.). Also apply astringent or cauterizing agents: 2-3% solution collargol or protargol lubrication of the nasal mucosa with a 2-5% solution silver nitrate. If the specified treatment is ineffective, the lower turbinates or perform a shallow galvanocaustics.

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis.

This is a consequence of chronic catarrhal (simple) rhinitis. It usually develops as a result of prolonged exposure to adverse factors (dust, gases, unsuitable climate, etc.). The cause of the disease is often a chronic inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses or adenoids. It is characterized by the growth of connective tissue, mainly in places of accumulation of cavernous tissue (anterior and posterior ends of the lower and middle turbinates).
Symptoms, course .
Constant discharge and stuffy nose, heaviness in the head and headache, decreased sense of smell. The anterior and posterior ends of the lower and middle shells are most often affected. The color of the shells is pale pink, sometimes with a bluish tinge.
With moderate hypertrophy, the lower turbinates cauterized with trichloroacetic or chromic acid. In the absence of effect, carry out galvanocaustics. Sharply hypertrophied areas of the mucous membrane are removed.

Chronic atrophic rhinitis.

It may be due to adverse climatic conditions, occupational hazards, often recurring acute rhinitis, infectious diseases, surgical interventions in the nose.
Symptoms, course.
Feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity, difficult blowing your nose, decreased sense of smell; frequent nosebleeds.
Rhinoscopically, a wide nasal cavity is determined due to atrophy mainly of the lower nasal / concha, accumulation of a thick secret, which in some places, drying out, forms crusts.
Treatment symptomatic.
Thick mucus and crusts liquefy alkaline solution. Also apply alkaline oil inhalations(through the nose).

Runny nose vasomotor allergic.

Symptoms, course .
Attacks of sudden nasal congestion with profuse watery mucous discharge, sneezing. Vasomotor rhinitis is a neuro-reflex disease, observed mainly in people with general vegetative disorders. The slightest irritation of the nerve endings of the nasal cavity or distant reflexogenic zones (cooling, pungent odor, etc.) leads to a violent reaction of the nasal mucosa. Allergic rhinitis is considered as a local anaphylactic reaction to any allergen. With a seasonal form of the common cold, such an irritant can be cereal pollen (hay runny nose). With a year-round form, so-called household allergens (cosmetics, house dust, hair and dander of pets, etc.) act as irritants. These forms of the common cold are also called rhinopathy, since they usually do not have inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane.
Diagnosis put on the basis of anamnesis, rhinoscopy and laboratory data. During rhinoscopy, a sharp swelling or swelling of the mucous membrane of the turbinates is determined, which, unlike banal inflammatory processes, has a pale cyanotic color, edematous polyps are often found. Microscopic examination of mucus reveals many eosinophils. Skin tests with an allergen in allergic rhinitis are often positive.
Treatment .
With vasomotor rhinitis, the main attention is paid to the hardening of the body, the treatment of general vegetative disorders of the body.
Locally performed intranasal novocaine blockade, if necessary - galvanocaustics lower shells. For allergic rhinitis, specific desensitization. If the allergen is not found, then prescribe calcium preparations, antihistamines funds, etc. (diphenhydramine, pipolfen, diprazine, suprastin, pernovin, etc.).
Topically applied hydrocortisone in the form of injections into the inferior nasal concha. Used with success cryotherapy and ultrasound on the inferior turbinates.

Ozena (malodorous runny nose).

This is a chronic disease of the nasal cavity with a sharp atrophy of the mucous membrane, the formation of thick secretions that shrink into fetid crusts, thinning of the bone tissue of the shells and walls of the nose. It occurs 2-3 times more often in females and is sometimes observed simultaneously in several family members. Begins at the age of 8-16 years, sometimes later.
Symptoms, course.
It develops slowly, sometimes with the transition of the atrophic process to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx, and sometimes the trachea and bronchi. Patients complain of difficulty in nasal breathing, painful dryness and itching in the nose, a sharp weakening or complete absence of smell. Others pay attention to the smell from the nose (the patients themselves do not feel it). Patients are often depressed and depressed; bad breath causes them to avoid human contact.
Diagnosis put on the basis of the characteristic complaints of the patient, a sharp atrophy of the nasal mucosa and fetid crusts in the nose.
Treatment primarily symptomatic and aimed at softening and eliminating crusts, as well as dryness of the nasal cavity.


This acute or chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. There are the following forms of sinusitis:

  • Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus;
  • Frontit - inflammation of the frontal sinus;
  • Ethmoiditis - inflammation of the ethmoid labyrinth;
  • Sphenoiditis - inflammation of the sphenoid sinus. The disease can be unilateral or bilateral, with the involvement of one sinus in the process or the defeat of all paranasal sinuses on one or both sides - the so-called Pansinusitis .


Acute sinusitis th.

Occurs during acute rhinitis, influenza, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases, as well as due to disease of the roots of the four back upper teeth.
Symptoms, course .
Feeling of tension or pain in the affected sinus, impaired nasal breathing, discharge from the nose, a disorder of smell on the affected side, photophobia and lacrimation. The pain is often diffuse, vague or localized in the forehead, temple and occurs at the same time of the day. On examination: mucous or mucopurulent discharge in the middle nasal passage (the place of communication of the sinus with the nasal cavity), less often swelling of the cheek and swelling of the upper or lower eyelid, often pain on palpation of the front wall of the maxillary sinus. Body temperature is elevated, often chills. During posterior rhinoscopy, purulent discharge is often found on the back of the pharynx. Of the auxiliary research methods, diaphanoscopy, radiography and test puncture are used. With diaphanoscopy and radiography, the affected sinus is darkened.

Treatment usually conservative - mainly ensuring a good outflow of contents from the sinus.
With an increase in body temperature, bed rest is recommended and the appointment acetylsalicylic acid, nonsteroidal drugs. With severe intoxication, appoint IM antibiotics.
To reduce swelling and swelling of the mucous membrane instilled into the nose vasoconstrictor facilities. An important role is played physiotherapy treatments(blue light lamp, solux, UHF currents). Before each session of UHF therapy, the introduction of vasoconstrictors into the nose is recommended. diathermy appoint after subsiding of the acute phenomena at good outflow of contents of a bosom. There is also a beneficial effect inhalation of antibiotic aerosols. In stubborn cases resort to sinus puncture and washing it with solutions of antiseptic preparations, followed by the introduction of antibiotics.

Chronic sinusitis .

It happens with repeated acute inflammations, and especially often with prolonged inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, as well as with chronic rhinitis. A known role is played by the curvature of the nasal septum, the close contact of the middle shell with the lateral wall of the nose, and the congenital narrowness of the nasal passages. Odontogenic sinusitis from the very beginning often has a sluggish chronic course.
Exudative forms of inflammation(purulent, catarrhal),
productive forms (polypous, parietal-hyperplastic, cholesteatoma, caseous, necrotic, atrophic).
Also found Vasomotor and Allergic sinusitis, which is observed simultaneously with the same phenomena in the nasal cavity.
With atrophic processes in the upper respiratory tract and the lake, atrophic sinusitis also develops. Necrotizing sinusitis is usually a complication of severe infectious diseases.

Symptoms, course depend on the form of the disease.
With exudative forms The main complaint of the patient is profuse discharge from the nose.
With difficult outflow of secretions from the sinus, there is almost no discharge from the nose, and patients complain of dryness in the throat, expectoration of a large amount of sputum in the morning, bad breath. There is usually no pain in the area of ​​the affected sinus, but it may appear with an exacerbation of the process or difficulty in the outflow of exudate. In such cases, pain is determined on palpation of the anterior wall of the sinus and the upper inner corner of the orbit on the affected side. Often there are headaches and disorders of the nervous system (fatigue, inability to concentrate). With exacerbation, swelling of the cheeks and swelling of the eyelids can be observed. Sometimes there are cracks and abrasions of the skin at the entrance to the nose. The presence of discharge in the middle nasal passage is an important sign. To detect it, it is often necessary to lubricate the mucous membrane of the middle nasal passage with vasoconstrictors. Hypertrophy of the mucous membrane and the occurrence of edematous polyps are also characteristic.
The course of the disease is long. Often the process remains unrecognized due to poor symptoms.
Diagnosis put on the basis of anamnesis, data of anterior and posterior rhinoscopy, diaphanoscopy, X-ray examination and test puncture.

Treatment should be complex.
It is aimed at eliminating the cause that supports the inflammatory process in the sinus (adenoid growths, curvature of the nasal septum, polyposis-altered middle shell, carious teeth), providing sufficient outflow of pathological secretions(systematic lubrication vasoconstrictors middle nasal passage). Widely used sollux, diathermy, UHF currents, inhalations. In many cases, positive results are obtained by puncture washing of the sinus. antiseptic solutions (furatsilin, etc.) followed by the introduction proteolytic enzymes And antibiotics.

During treatment Allergic Sinusitis apply cortisone, ACTH and their derivatives. In the absence of the effect of conservative treatment (mainly with purulent-polyposis forms), a radical operation is performed on the maxillary sinus.


The reasons are the same as with inflammation of the maxillary sinus. It proceeds much more severely than inflammation of other paranasal sinuses. Insufficient drainage of the frontal sinus, due to hypertrophy of the middle shell, curvature of the nasal septum, contributes to the transition of Acute frontal sinusitis into a chronic form.

Symptoms, course .
Pain in the forehead, especially in the morning, disturbance of nasal breathing and discharge from the corresponding half of the nose.
The pain is often unbearable, acquires a neuralgic character. In severe cases - pain in the eyes, photophobia and decreased sense of smell. The headache subsides after emptying the sinus and resumes as the outflow is obstructed.

With acute influenza frontitis the following symptoms are noted:
body temperature is elevated, sometimes the color of the skin over the sinuses is changed, swelling and swelling are noted in the forehead and upper eyelids, which are the result of local circulatory disorders (collateral edema). In rare cases, a subperiosteal abscess, phlegmon, and an external purulent fistula may develop. Palpation and percussion of the facial wall and the region of the upper inner corner of the orbit are painful. Rhinoscopy reveals discharge under the anterior end of the middle shell. This section of the shell is edematous and thickened.

With chronic frontitis observed:
polyps or hypertrophy of the mucous membrane in the middle nasal passage. Sometimes the inflammatory process passes to the periosteum and bone with its necrosis and the formation of sequesters, fistulas. With necrosis of the posterior wall of the sinus, an extradural abscess, brain abscess, or meningitis may develop. To clarify the diagnosis, additional research methods are used: probing, radiography.

Treatment with acute frontitis conservative.
The outflow of discharge from the sinus is provided by lubrication of the mucous membrane of the middle nasal passage 2-3% solution cocaine with adrenaline or 0.1% naphthyzinum solution, 0,2% galazolin solution. The same solutions can also be used in the form of nasal drops. In the first days of illness, bed rest is recommended, taking acetylsalicylic acid, analgin, inhalation of antibiotic aerosols, physiotherapy (heating with a blue light lamp, solux, UHF therapy). In severe cases, intramuscular antibiotics are indicated.
With chronic frontitis treatment should begin with conservative methods and, if unsuccessful, surgical intervention should be used.


They are formed mainly as a result of prolonged irritation of the mucous membrane. Often the cause of the development of polyps is an allergy. Polyps are often multiple and have a wide variety of shapes. A nasal polyp that descends into the nasopharynx is called choanal. Allergic polyps are prone to relapse.
Symptoms, course.
Difficulty in nasal breathing, headache, poor sleep, ear congestion, decreased sense of smell. Rhinoscopy reveals edematous pale cyanotic tumor-like formations, mostly with a leg.
Treatment .
When polyps are accompanied by purulent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, they delete simultaneously with a wide opening of the sinuses. In allergic polyposis, polyps are removed from the nasal cavity against the background of desensitizing therapy.


This is a chronic infectious disease that affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Pathogen - Frisch wand- Volkovich. Ways and methods of infection have not been established.

Symptoms, course .
The disease is characterized by a slow course, progressing over many years. In the initial stages, dense infiltrates are formed in the form of flat or tuberous elevations, which, as a rule, do not ulcerate, are located mainly in places of physiological narrowing: in the vestibule of the nose, choanae, nasopharynx, subglottic space of the larynx, at the bifurcation of the trachea, at the branches of the bronchi. In a later stage, the infiltrates are scarred, thereby causing a narrowing of the airway lumen and respiratory distress. Usually, the scleroma captures several segments of the respiratory tract at the same time. Less commonly, the process is localized in one area.
Treatment . There is no specific treatment. Favorable results are obtained with treatment streptomycin and radiotherapy. Surgical treatments include bougienage, removal and electrocoagulation of infiltrates.

Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses are a frequent reason for visiting a general practitioner or an otolaryngologist. They cause noticeable discomfort, and sometimes even temporarily limit the ability to work.

The nose is one of the most important respiratory organs, because it is in it that the inhaled air is cleaned and warmed. Not only the functioning of the lungs, but also the body as a whole depends on the proper functioning of the nose and sinuses.

In autumn and winter, acute diseases of the nose are especially common. It's connected with annual outbreaks of SARS and acute respiratory infections. Chronic diseases are usually caused by inadequate and untimely treatment of acute ones.

Folliculitis- inflammation of the hair follicle. It usually occurs against the background of hypothermia or when microbes are introduced by contact. For folliculitis, the appearance of several small painful vesicles is typical, as well as constant itching.

The general condition with folliculitis is not disturbed, and the disease itself does not pose any serious danger to humans. However, untimely treatment can lead to the development of furunculosis. It's best to see a doctor. He will prescribe a local treatment of compresses and lotions.

There are many diseases affecting the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses. They can have a very different nature, the mechanism of formation, the nature of the flow and the degree of danger. Almost everyone has experienced at least one of them in their lifetime. An otolaryngologist or, as it is also called, an ENT, is engaged in the definition and treatment of these diseases.

The development of nasal diseases

According to the location of the pathological process, diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses have certain differences. They can be divided into three categories:

  1. diseases of the external nose;
  2. diseases of the nasal cavity;
  3. diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

In addition, these processes can affect the brain, provoking the occurrence of intracranial complications.

The nature of the common cold

Symptoms of many diseases occurring in the nasal and axillary cavities are similar to each other. In this regard, self-diagnosis is difficult; to accurately determine the nature and localization of the disease, professional diagnostics using special equipment is required. The method of treatment will depend on this, since the disease can be:

Of course, with such a range of causes and characteristics, there can be no single treatment. It is also obvious that eliminating the symptoms of such diseases is not only insufficient, but also unlikely.

Self-medication can aggravate the situation, for example, if you act on the symptoms of an allergic nature with some folk remedies, or treat a viral infection with antibacterial drugs.

In this case, the disease will not only not go away, but it can also go into a more severe form, and the body will develop resistance to the drugs used.

The apparent simplicity and obviousness of the pathological processes occurring in the nose are extremely deceptive. It is very dangerous to neglect the treatment of these diseases, underestimating them. One runny nose alone can be of the following types:

How to distinguish one from the other, and what means of treatment to choose, should be determined by a specialist, especially since a runny nose is not always an independent problem, it often indicates the presence of another ENT disease. Various types of sinusitis, for example, can lead to life-threatening complications. Timely attention paid to such a symptom as a runny nose will help to identify the disease at an early stage and cure it, spending less effort with the greatest efficiency.

General symptomatic picture

Many diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses have similar symptoms. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane is primarily affected. Her reaction to the pathological process is identical - it intensifies the work, sometimes undergoes some changes. As a result, a person has:

Symptoms, depending on the type of ENT disease, may have some differences or characteristic features. However, from the overall picture it is clear that relying only on it, it is almost impossible to determine the disease. Such manifestations occur in colds, SARS, sinusitis and many other diseases. To make a diagnosis, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as laboratory tests, allergy tests, etc. are used.

According to the duration and frequency of manifestation of symptoms, all diseases can be divided according to the degree of development into:

  • primary;
  • sharp;
  • chronic.

As a rule, recently appeared, moderately expressed symptoms indicate the primary stage, pronounced, lasting about three weeks - an acute form, and repeated 3-4 times a year indicate a chronic form of the disease.

Types of nose diseases and their treatment

All diseases of the nasal region can be divided into diseases of the organ itself and the internal cavities and sinuses. Diseases of the nose are easier to treat, since local remedies are available, and bring fewer internal complications, but often have a visual severity.

Diseases of the external nose

These diseases affect the outer part of the nose and adjacent areas of the skin and glands. Unlike ailments that originate in the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity, diseases of the external nose become noticeable immediately. In most cases, they are accompanied by pain and discomfort, they are determined visually. Using the most common diseases of this type as an example, consider their symptoms and treatment:

Diseases of the nasal cavity

There are a huge number of them. They affect the mucous membrane, bone and muscle structures, nasal septum, blood vessels, etc. Diseases are of a very different nature, can be caused by various reasons and require an individual approach to treatment. Depending on the type of disease, classical therapy or surgical intervention may be used. Sometimes medication is prescribed in the postoperative period.

Modern methods of surgical intervention, as a rule, are minimally invasive, low-traumatic, and do not require long-term recovery. Some can even be performed on an outpatient basis. Drug therapy is prescribed individually. Here are just a few of the diseases that fall into this category:

Any of these diseases can and should be treated. It is better to do this after consulting a doctor. Even the use of folk remedies should be coordinated, since in some cases they can be harmful rather than beneficial.

Neglecting the treatment of even a simple, at first glance, runny nose can lead to the development of more serious diseases, and those, in turn, to dangerous complications.

Many pathological processes in the paranasal sinuses occur precisely as a result of untreated diseases of the nasal cavity.

Diseases of the paranasal sinuses

Speaking about this category of diseases, sinusitis is primarily suggested. In fact, sinusitis is Latin for inflammation of the sinus. Sinusitis occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of one or more paranasal sinuses. Depending on which of them the inflammatory process develops, diseases such as:

  • frontitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • ethmoiditis;
  • sphenoiditis.

They arise for several reasons. For example, nasal polyps can be both a consequence of inflammation of the paranasal sinus and its cause. Frequent and/or untreated respiratory illnesses can also cause inflammation.

There are sinusitis of an allergic nature, as well as those caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. Favorable conditions for the development of sinusitis develop with various injuries and curvature of the nasal septum.