Calculations in the preparation of aqueous solutions. Salt and saline treatment

Original taken from koparev to Sol

This story was found in an old newspaper. It is about amazing healing properties salt, which was used during the Second World War to treat wounded soldiers.

During the Great Patriotic War I worked as a senior operating room nurse in field hospitals with surgeon I.I. Shcheglov. Unlike other doctors, he successfully used hypertonic saline in the treatment of the wounded. table salt.

On the vast surface of the contaminated wound, he applied a loose, abundantly moistened with saline large napkin.

After 3-4 days, the wound became clean, pink, the temperature, if it was high, dropped almost to normal indicators, after which it was applied gypsum bandage. After another 3-4 days, the wounded were sent to the rear. The hypertonic solution worked perfectly - we had almost no mortality.

About 10 years after the war, I used the Shcheglov method for the treatment of my own teeth, as well as caries complicated by granuloma. Luck came within two weeks. After that, I began to study the effect of saline solution on diseases such as cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumatic heart disease, inflammatory processes in the lungs, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscesses after injection and so on.

In principle, these were isolated cases, but each time I received pretty quickly positive results. Later, I worked in a polyclinic and could talk about a number of rather difficult cases when a bandage with saline solution was more effective than all other drugs. We managed to cure hematomas, bursitis, chronic appendicitis.

The fact is that the saline solution has absorbent properties and draws fluid from the tissue with pathogenic flora. Once, during a business trip to the region, I stopped at an apartment. The children of the hostess were ill with whooping cough. They coughed incessantly and painfully. I put salt bandages on their backs at night. After an hour and a half, the cough stopped and did not appear until the morning. After four dressings, the disease disappeared without a trace.

At the clinic in question, the surgeon suggested that I try saline in the treatment of tumors. The first such patient was a woman with cancer mole on the face. She drew attention to this mole six months ago. During this time, the mole turned purple, increased in volume, a gray-brown liquid stood out from it. I started making salt stickers for her. After the first sticker, the tumor turned pale and decreased.

After the second, she turned even more pale and, as it were, shrunk. The allocations have stopped. And after the fourth sticker, the mole acquired its original appearance. With the fifth sticker, the treatment ended without surgical intervention.

Then there was a young girl with breast adenoma. She was due for an operation. I advised the patient to do saline dressings on her chest for several weeks before the operation. Guess you didn't need surgery.

Six months later, she also developed an adenoma on her second breast. Again, she was cured with hypertonic dressings without surgery. I met her nine years after the treatment. She felt well and did not even remember her illness.

Could continue to continue the stories of miraculous cures with bandages with hypertonic saline. I could tell you about a teacher at one of the Kursk institutes who, after nine salt pads, got rid of prostate adenoma.

A woman suffering from leukemia, after putting on salt bandages at night - a blouse and trousers for three weeks, regained her health again.

Application practice salt dressings.

1. Salt in an aqueous solution of not more than 10 percent - an active sorbent. It draws out all impurities from the diseased organ. But healing effect will only be if the bandage is breathable, that is, hygroscopic, which is determined by the quality of the material used for the bandage.

2. Salt dressing acts locally - only on a diseased organ or on a part of the body. As fluid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer, tissue fluid from the deeper layers rises into it, carrying with it all the pathogens: microbes, viruses and organic substances.

Thus, during the action of the dressing in the tissues of the diseased organism, fluid is renewed, the pathogenic factor is cleansed, and, as a rule, the pathological process is eliminated.

3. Bandage with hypertonic saline solution acts gradually. The therapeutic result is achieved within 7-10 days, and sometimes more.

4. The use of sodium chloride solution requires a certain amount of caution. Let's say I would not advise using a bandage with a concentration solution of more than 10 percent. In some cases, even an 8% solution is better. (Any pharmacist will help you prepare the solution).

There will be a question for some: where do doctors look, if a bandage with a hypertonic solution is so effective, why is this method of treatment not widely used? It's very simple - the doctors are in captivity drug treatment. Pharmaceutical firms offer more and more expensive medicines. Unfortunately, medicine is also a business. The trouble with hypertonic saline is that it is too simple and cheap. Meanwhile, life convinces me that such bandages are an excellent tool in the fight against many ailments.

Say, with a runny nose and headaches, I put a circular bandage on the forehead and back of the head at night. After an hour and a half, the runny nose disappears, and by the morning it disappears and headache. For any colds I apply bandages at the first sign. And if, nevertheless, I missed the time and the infection managed to penetrate into the pharynx and bronchi, then I simultaneously make a full bandage on the head and neck (from 3-4 layers of soft thin linen) and on the back (from 2 layers of wet and 2 layers of dry towels) usually on all night long. The cure is achieved after 4-5 procedures. Meanwhile, I continue to work.

A few years ago, a relative came to me. Her daughter suffered from acute attacks cholecystitis. For a week, I applied a cotton towel bandage to her diseased liver. I folded it in 4 layers, moistened it in a saline solution and left it all night.

A bandage on the liver is applied within the boundaries: from the base of the left breast to the middle of the transverse line of the abdomen, and in width - from the sternum and the white line of the abdomen in front to the back of the spine. Bandaged tightly with one wide bandage, tighter - on the stomach. After 10 hours, the bandage is removed and a hot heating pad is applied to the same area for half an hour. This is done in order to expand as a result of deep heating bile ducts for free passage into the intestines of dehydrated and thickened bile mass. A heating pad is a must in this case. As for the girl, many years have passed since that treatment, and she does not complain about her liver.

I do not want to give addresses, names, surnames. Believe it or not, a 4-layer cotton towel salt dressing applied to both mammary glands for 8-9 hours at night, helped a woman get rid of cancer in two weeks mammary glands. My friend with the help of saline tampons, applied directly to the cervix for 15 hours, coped with cervical cancer. After 2 weeks of treatment, the tumor thinned 2-3 times, became softer, and its growth stopped. She has remained so to this day.

saline solution can only be used in a bandage, but in no case in a compress. The concentration of salt in the solution should not exceed 10%, but not fall below 8%.

Dressing with a solution of a higher concentration can lead to the destruction of capillaries in the tissues in the area of ​​application.

The choice of dressing material is very important. It must be hygroscopic. That is, we easily get wet and without any residue of fat, ointments, alcohol, iodine. They are also unacceptable on the skin on which the Bandage is applied.

It is best to use linen and cotton fabric (towel) that has been used many times and washed more than once. Ultimately, you can use gauze. The latter develops in 8 layers. Any other of the specified materials - in 4 layers.

When applying a bandage, the solution should be hot enough. Wring out the dressing material should be moderate, so that it is not too dry and not too wet. Do not put anything on the bandage.

Bandage it with a bandage or attach it with adhesive tape - that's all.

With various pulmonary processes (excluded in case of bleeding from the lungs), it is better to apply a bandage on the back, but at the same time it is necessary to know exactly the localization of the process. Bandage chest tight enough, but do not squeeze the breath.

Bandage the stomach as tight as possible, because during the night it is released, the bandage becomes loose and ceases to act. In the morning, after removing the bandage, the material should be rinsed well in warm water.

In order for the bandage to fit better to the back, I put a roller on the spine between the shoulder blades on its wet layers and bandage it along with the bandage.

How to prepare a 10% saline solution.

1. Take 1 liter of boiled, snow or rain or distilled warm water.

2. Put in 1 liter of water 90 g of table salt (that is, 3 tablespoons without top). Mix thoroughly. A 9% saline solution was obtained.

3. Take 8 layers of cotton gauze, pour out part of the solution and hold 8 layers of gauze in it for 1 minute. Squeeze lightly to keep it from dripping.

4. Put 8 layers of gauze on the sore spot. Be sure to put a piece of pure lamb wool on top. Do this before bed.

5. Bandage everything with a cotton cloth or bandage, without using polyethylene pads. Keep until the morning. Remove everything in the morning. And repeat the next night.

This amazingly simple recipe cures many diseases, draws toxins from the spine to the skin, and kills all infections.
Treats: internal hemorrhages, severe internal and external bruises, internal tumors, gangrene, sprains, inflammation of the joint capsules and other inflammatory processes in the body.

Several of my friends and family have saved themselves by using this recipe.
- internal hemorrhage
- from a severe bruise on the lungs
- from inflammatory processes in the knee joint bag
- from blood poisoning,
- from fatality with hemorrhage in the leg with a deep knife wound.
- from catarrhal inflammation of the cervical muscles ...

And I want the nurse who sent this recipe to the newspaper, and the professor who treated the soldiers at the front in this way, for a long, long time. Low bow to them.

And I want this recipe to be used by many, many who are in dire need of our hard times when dear medical services not available to pensioners. I'm sure the recipe will help. And after that, they will also pray for the health of this nurse and professor.

During the Great Patriotic War, I worked as a senior operating nurse in field hospitals with surgeon I.I. Shcheglov. Unlike other doctors, he successfully used a hypertonic saline solution in the treatment of the wounded. On the vast surface of the contaminated wound, he applied a loose, abundantly moistened large napkin with saline solution.

After 3-4 days, the wound became clean, pink, the temperature, if it was high, dropped almost to normal levels, after which a plaster cast was applied. After another 3-4 days, the wounded were sent to the rear. The hypertonic solution worked perfectly - we had almost no mortality.

About 10 years after the war, I used the Shcheglov method for the treatment of my own teeth, as well as caries complicated by granuloma. Success came in two weeks. After that, I began to study the effect of saline solution on diseases such as cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumatic heart disease, inflammatory processes in the lungs, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscesses after injection, and so on. In principle, these were isolated cases, but each time I got positive results pretty quickly.

Later, I worked in a polyclinic and could tell about a number of rather difficult cases where a saline dressing turned out to be more effective than all other drugs. We managed to cure hematomas, bursitis, chronic appendicitis. The fact is that the saline solution has absorbent properties and draws fluid from the tissue with pathogenic flora. Once, during a business trip to the region, I stopped at an apartment. The children of the hostess were ill with whooping cough. They coughed incessantly and painfully. I put salt bandages on their backs at night. After an hour and a half, the cough stopped and did not appear until the morning.

After four dressings, the disease disappeared without a trace.

At the clinic in question, the surgeon suggested that I try saline in the treatment of tumors. The first such patient was a woman with a cancerous mole on her face. She drew attention to this mole six months ago. During this time, the mole turned purple, increased in volume, a gray-brown liquid stood out from it. I started making salt stickers for her. After the first sticker, the tumor turned pale and decreased.

After the second, she turned even more pale and, as it were, shrunk. The allocations have stopped. And after the fourth sticker, the mole acquired its original appearance. With the fifth sticker, the treatment ended without surgery.

Then there was a young girl with breast adenoma. She was due for an operation. I advised the patient to do saline dressings on her chest for several weeks before the operation. Guess you didn't need surgery. Six months later, she also developed an adenoma on her second breast. Again, she was cured with hypertonic dressings without surgery. I met her nine years after the treatment. She felt well and did not even remember her illness.
I could have continued the stories of miraculous cures with hypertonic dressings. I could tell you about a teacher at one of the Kursk institutes who, after nine salt pads, got rid of prostate adenoma. A woman suffering from leukemia, after putting on salt bandages - a blouse and trousers for three weeks at night, regained her health.
1) First. Table salt in aqueous solution no more than 10 percent - active sorbent. She pulls out all the "rubbish" from the diseased organ. But
the therapeutic effect will be only if the bandage is breathable, that is, hygroscopic, which is determined by the quality
material used for dressing.
2) Second. Salt dressing acts locally - only on a diseased organ or on a part of the body. As fluid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer, tissue fluid from the deeper layers rises into it, carrying with it all the pathogens: microbes, viruses and organic substances.

Thus, during the action of the dressing in the tissues of the diseased organism, fluid is renewed, the pathogenic factor is cleansed, and, as a rule, the pathological process is eliminated.
3) Third. Dressing with hypertonic saline solution acts gradually. The therapeutic result is achieved within 7-10 days, and sometimes more.
4) Fourth. The use of saline solution requires a certain amount of caution. Let's say I would not advise using a bandage with a concentration solution of more than 10 percent. In some cases, even an 8% solution is better. (Any pharmacist will help you prepare the solution).
I may be asked: where do doctors look if a bandage with a hypertonic solution is so effective, why is this method of treatment not widely used? I think that doctors are in captivity of drug treatment. Pharmaceutical firms offer more and more new and more expensive drugs. Unfortunately, medicine is also a business.

The trouble with hypertonic saline is that it is too simple and cheap. Meanwhile, life convinces me that such bandages are an excellent tool in the fight against many ailments. Say, with a runny nose and headaches, I put a circular bandage on the forehead and back of the head at night. After an hour and a half, the runny nose disappears, and in the morning the headache also disappears. For any colds, I apply bandages at the first sign. And if, nevertheless, I missed the time and the infection managed to penetrate into the pharynx and bronchi, then I do it at the same time
a full bandage on the head and neck (of 3-4 layers of soft thin linen) and on the back (of 2 layers of wet and 2 layers of dry towels) usually for the whole night. The cure is achieved after 4-5 procedures. Meanwhile, I continue to work.

So, I quoted a newspaper article found on the Internet ...

Now the results:

How to cook 8-10 percentage solution salt

  1. Take 1 liter of boiled, snow or rain or distilled warm water.
    2. Put in 1 liter of water 90 g of table salt (that is, 3 tablespoons without top). Mix thoroughly. A 9% saline solution was obtained.
  2. To get a 10 percent solution, you need, as you understand, 100 grams of salt per 1 liter of water, 8% - 80 grams of salt.

How to make a bandage

  1. 1. Take 8 layers of cotton gauze (sold in a pharmacy), pour out part of the solution and hold 8 layers of gauze in it for 1 minute. Squeeze lightly to keep it from dripping. Wring out not dry, but lightly.
  2. 2. Put 8 layers of gauze on the sore spot. Be sure to put a piece on top pure lamb wool (wool lets air through). Do this before bed.
  3. 3. Important - no cellophane (as in a compress)
  4. 4. Bandage everything with cotton - paper cloth or bandage, without using polyethylene gaskets. Keep until the morning. Remove everything in the morning. And the next night, repeat everything. (At night, it’s easier to withstand the bandage, because you sleep =) and the bandage will not fall off anywhere)

Where to apply a bandage

  1. bandage with saline solution superimposed on the projection of the organ

The dressing is soaked in a warm solution

Due to the circulation of solution and air, the bandage causes a feeling of coolness. Therefore, the bandage should be soaked with a hot hypertonic solution (60-70 degrees). Before applying the dressing can be slightly cooled by shaking in the air.

Salt, as mentioned above, draws out all the bad things from the wound, disinfects it. Salt is an excellent sorbent. You can google and see how many grateful people write about the saline solution. Cheap and cheerful!!!

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The effectiveness of salt treatment for many diseases has long been proven in practice. Thanks to the simplicity and safety of using a saline solution, everyone can try this method of treatment for themselves. You just need to know how to prepare a saline solution and for what diseases to use it (in the form of saline dressings or for washing). It is also important to know for which diseases saline solution is useless, so as not to waste time and apply another method of treatment.

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How to prepare a saline solution?


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Salt solution - ingredients Healthy Lifestyle Workshop

  • To prepare a saline solution, use ordinary table or sea salt without any additives (iodine, preservatives, etc.). Salt solution additives can cause irritation.
  • Water should be clean, as free from impurities as possible. Distilled, melted, rain water is suitable. Might fit boiled water tap water if your area has good quality tap water.

Salt solution - proportions

The ideal concentration of salt in the solution is 9% - as in a human tear.

  • For dressings and rinses, use a salt concentration of 8 to 10 percent. An 8-10% saline solution is optimal. A more concentrated solution can damage the capillaries, and a less concentrated solution will be ineffective.
  • To obtain a 9% solution, dissolve 90 g of table salt (that is, 3 tablespoons without top) in 1 liter of water.
  • It is possible to prepare a smaller amount of solution, but concentration accuracy is easier to maintain with a larger amount. You can use part of the solution immediately and use the other part the next time, preheating. But you need to store the saline solution in an airtight vessel, no longer than 24 hours. If you have not used the solution in 24 hours, it is better to pour it out and prepare a new one.

Salt solution - temperature

Salt can be dissolved in both hot and cold water. Before use, the solution must be heated in a saucepan on the stove. The solution should be hot, but not scalding.


Attention! Salt solution should not be prepared or heated in microwave oven- the structure of water in the microwave changes.

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How to prepare a salt dressing?


  • To prepare a saline dressing, you can use gauze folded in 8 layers, or a breathable cotton fabric (for example, a waffle towel) folded in 4 layers.
  • Gauze folded in 8 layers or cloth folded in 4 layers should be dipped in hot saline for 1 minute. Then squeeze lightly (so that the water does not drain) and apply a bandage on the sore spot - on clean skin without ointment or cream. The bandage is attached with a plaster or bandaged. Necessary condition- Salt dressing should be breathable. Waterproof materials must not be used. Do not put anything on the bandage (this is not a compress!).
  • Salt dressing is applied at bedtime and removed in the morning.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the bandage fits snugly to the sore spot. For example, when applying a salt bandage to your back, you can put a roll of gauze along the spine, under the bandage. And when putting a bandage on the stomach, it should be bandaged very tightly, because during the night the stomach shrinks and the bandage can become free - then it will not be of any use.

Workshop healthy lifestyle


What diseases are treated with saline


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So, here is a partial list of conditions that saline dressings can help with. (in the absence of the expected effect of saline treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor):

  • Salt solution for headaches caused by inflammatory processes, dropsy, cerebral edema and meninges(meningitis, arachnoiditis), brain tumors etc. (except for cerebral vascular sclerosis). Apply a salt bandage (how to prepare it will be described below) in the form of a cap or a wide strip. Bandage the top with a gauze bandage.
  • Saline solution for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. The bandage is applied to the forehead (with frontal sinusitis), as well as to the nose and cheeks. Cotton swabs are placed on the wings of the nose to press the saline bandage to the surface of the skin. From above, bandage the bandage with a gauze bandage. Leave overnight. Repeat until complete cure. Also, with a runny nose, it is advisable to rinse the nose with saline.
  • Salt solution for the treatment of colds and infectious inflammation throat and bronchi. Apply bandages on the head, neck and back (a dry towel is placed over the bandage soaked in saline). Leave bandages overnight. Repeat for 3-5 nights until complete cure.
  • Salt solution for treatment thyroid gland(goiter). Salt dressing is applied all night. it symptomatic treatment. There are more effective methods effective and natural treatment any thyroid disease and full recovery its functions
  • Salt solution for the treatment of inflammatory and other processes in the lungs (except for pulmonary bleeding). Apply a salt bandage on the back (you need to know exactly the localization of the process). Bandage the chest tightly, but so as not to interfere with breathing. On the spine, over the bandage, under the bandage, you can put a roller, for a tighter fit of the salt bandage to the surface of the body.
  • Salt solution for treatment inflammatory diseases liver. For the treatment of the liver, a special procedure is used - saline dressings alternate with the obligatory application of a heating pad. The bandage is applied as follows: in height - from the left chest to the middle of the abdomen, in width - from the middle of the sternum and abdomen in front to the back of the spine. The bandage should be tightly bandaged (on the stomach - denser). Leave for 10 hours. Then, remove the bandage and immediately put a hot heating pad on the same area - for half an hour. The heating pad allows you to expand the bile ducts so that the bile mass, dehydrated with saline, can freely enter the intestines. Without heating pad, possible discomfort and treatment is not as effective.
  • Salt solution for treatment intestinal inflammation (enteritis, colitis, chronic appendicitis). The bandage is applied to the entire abdomen. The treatment is valid for a week.
  • Salt solution for the treatment of food poisoning. The bandage is applied to the entire abdomen. 1-4 procedures are enough for treatment.
  • Salt solution for the treatment of mastopathy and breast cancer. Salt dressing is applied to both breasts and left for 8-10 hours. Treatment takes from 2 (for mastopathy) to 3 weeks (for cancer).
  • Saline solution for the treatment of cervical cancer. A breathable swab soaked in saline is placed directly on the cervix. Left for a few hours. The growth of the tumor should stop, it should significantly decrease (thin) or completely resolve.
  • Salt solution for the treatment of prostate adenoma. Salt dressing applied to the area Bladder and groin.
  • Saline solution for the treatment of leukemia (leukemia). A saline dressing is applied over the entire body (in order to cover as much of the body as possible). In a salt bandage, you should practically get dressed.
  • Saline solution for the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms on the skin. The bandage is applied to the affected area for several hours.
  • Salt solution for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the heart (with myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis). A hot salt dressing of a waffle towel folded in 3 layers is applied through left shoulder(covering the region of the heart in front and behind). The ends of the towel are bandaged with a gauze bandage around the chest. The bandage is left overnight. The procedure is repeated for 2 weeks, every other day.
  • Saline solution for the treatment of anemia (for reduced level hemoglobin in the blood), with radiation sickness. The bandage is applied to the entire chest, covering the liver and spleen. The course of treatment - as with heart disease - for 2 weeks, every other day.
  • Salt solution for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints (arthritis, polyarthritis, bursitis, rheumatism). The bandage is applied to diseased joints, covering the limbs 15 cm above and below. Salt dressing is left overnight. The procedure is repeated every day for 2 weeks.
  • Salt solution for the treatment of burns. For removal acute pain after a burn, it is enough to hold the salt bandage on the burned surface of the skin for 3-5 minutes. But for treatment, the bandage should be left for 8-10 hours. Then apply another treatment, if required, as recommended by the doctor.
  • Salt solution for cleansing the body of toxins and poisons. Salt solution helps to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and poisons. For this, a shirt made of natural cotton or linen fabric is used. The shirt is dipped in a hot saline solution, wrung out and put on a clean body. Over the top of the shirt you need to wrap yourself up well and go to bed. Leave the shirt on your body all night.
  • Salt solution for the treatment of hair loss. After washing, sprinkle salt on your head and massage, rubbing salt into the hair roots. wash away warm water. Repeat every day for 10 days. After that, hair loss should stop. At first glance, salt is used here, not saline. But, since salt is rubbed into wet hair, it dissolves in water. As a result, we get a saline solution.

It should be noted that no official studies therapeutic effect saline solution for the above diseases was not carried out. And, most likely, will not be held in the near future. Therefore, treat this information as an assumption.


If you decide to use saline solution for a serious illness, do not neglect examinations during and after treatment, so that, in case of failure, other methods can be applied.

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Remember that only you are responsible for your own health!

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What does saline treatment NOT help with?

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The use of saline dressings is strictly contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • Sclerosis of cerebral vessels.
  • Pulmonary bleeding.

Salt dressings do not help in the following cases:

  • angina, ischemic disease heart disease, valvular heart disease.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Constipation and volvulus of the intestine.
  • Hernias.
  • Scars, adhesions.
  • Stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

Although saline solution has been shown to be effective in treating cancer, it is worth learning about other treatments for this disease, which can be used either alone or in addition to saline dressings.


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Based on materials: Anna Gorbacheva, "From White Death to White Salvation".


Healthy Lifestyle Workshop

You will need

  • To prepare 10 liters of solution: calcium nitrate - 10.0 g; potassium nitrate - 2.5 g; potassium phosphate monosubstituted - 2.5 g; magnesium sulfate - 2.5 g; potassium chloride - 1.25 g; iron chloride - 1.25 g.


For the preparation of nutrient solutions, soft, clean water should be used, preferably without impurities. Distilled water is best. If it is difficult to prepare it, you can use rainwater or carry out additional water purification with household filters.

Hard water softening is carried out with special cartridges, sometimes water softening tablets are used. Another way to change the hardness of water is associated with the use of peat. Peat is placed on a grid, placed in a container with water and left overnight. In a few hours, the water will be filtered so that it can be used for watering plants and preparing solutions.

Salts necessary for the preparation of solutions should be dry or dissolved in closed containers. Iron salts are recommended to be stored in dishes made of dark glass, and they can be dissolved only before use.

The preparation of the solution is carried out in the following sequence. To begin with, the salts are weighed in the required quantity, then each salt is separately dissolved in a small amount of water. Salts of copper, zinc and can be dissolved together.

The next step is to mix the prepared salts and add to them required amount water, taking into account the water already used. In other words, if you expect to prepare 3 liters of nutrient solution and dissolve salts it took you 0.5 l, then you should add 2.5 l pure water.

To weigh fractions of a gram, you will, of course, need a pharmacy scale. Household measuring instruments give a very large error and cannot be used in such a delicate matter.

In the absence of pharmaceutical scales, it is recommended to use this technique: dissolve a large number of salt, required in small quantities, in a smaller volume of water. So, if you need 0.2 g of ferrous sulfate per 5 liters of water, then you need to dissolve 2 g in 0.5 liters. This will result in a solution concentration of 0.5%. Then you just need to measure out 100 cubic centimeters, which contain 0.2 g of salt.

Another way is to prepare a concentrated nutrient solution for the future. Weigh out the amount of salt you need to get more solution. The calculation is as follows: for 1 liter of water there should be from 1.5 to 2.5 g salts. Dissolve the weighed salt in 1 liter of water and pour into a bottle. If a solution is needed, it can now be prepared from the concentrate, taking into account the amount of water used for it. Please note that the concentrated solution should not be stored for a long time.

After preparing the nutrient solution, determine its acidity with an indicator. Such an indicator can be purchased at stores selling chemicals. It consists of several strips of litmus paper and a scale. You need to determine the acidity by comparing the color of the litmus paper dipped into the solution with a scale. Normal acidity ranges from 5 to 6.8.

In this article, we will talk about the treatment of diseases with a saline solution made from ordinary table salt, which is found in every kitchen.

For the treatment of many diseases, salt is used both by official and traditional medicine. Rather, they use saline aqueous solutions of low concentration. AT medical practice use not only sodium chloride (cooking), but also sodium sulfate (English), and sea salt.

I suggest you find out when you can resort to saline solutions for both emergency care and effective treatment chronic diseases.

On our website, we talked about ordinary salt in the article “There is no life without salt”. It was about how the life of not only a person, but of our entire planet as a whole depends on salt. Today's article is about saline treatment.

Precise concentration and correct application salt solution makes it not only easy to prepare, but actually safe. Of course, there are contraindications to the use of saline. Let's talk about it in order.

Salt Properties

  1. Absorbent (purifies by absorbing water and pathogenic substances)
  2. Antiseptic (disinfects and disinfects)
  3. Promotes regeneration (recovery) of tissues
  4. Retains water in the body and at the same time absorbs fluid from the tissue when applied externally, which means it relieves swelling
  5. preservative

Salt solution. Action when applied externally

Salt solution is usually used as rinses, washes, inhalations, baths, saline dressings, lotions and compresses.

The saline solution acts on the body like the lymphatic system, which cleanses the body. If a lymphatic system does not cope with this, then the saline solution serves her as a good helper.

A solution of sodium chloride first promotes the outflow of fluid from the subcutaneous tissues, thereby relieving swelling of the skin. Then, reaching the deeper layers, together with the tissue fluid, it “pulls out” pus and other pathological inclusions (bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and dead cells), thereby disinfecting and regenerating tissues, and removing inflammation.

Salt solution. How to cook


  1. Table salt (sodium chloride)
  2. Water (boiled or distilled)

Usually, a saline solution is used for treatment at a concentration of 8 to 10 percent. It has been proven that:

  • at a higher concentration, such a solution can damage small capillaries
  • at a lower concentration - it is simply not effective

Cooking method:

10% saline solution - 100 grams of salt per 1 liter of water

9% saline solution (hypertonic) - 90 grams of salt per 1 liter of water

8% saline solution - 80 grams of salt per 1 liter of water

  • For better dissolution of the salt, you need to boil it (thus we achieve the sterility of the solution)
  • Cool to a comfortable (not scalding) temperature
  • Pass the solution through a filter paper


  • It is necessary to use the prepared solution within a day.
  • To brine did not evaporate, which means that it retained its concentration; it must be stored in a hermetically sealed container.
  • Do not cook or heat brine in the microwave
  • For inhalation, irrigation and intravenous administration use only pharmacy sterile solution. This is usually a hypertonic 9% sodium chloride solution.

Salt dressings. Treatment

To apply a salt bandage, take:

  • hot or warm 8-10% saline solution
  • clean, hygroscopic and breathable fabric (cotton, linen or gauze), folded several times
    • If the bandage is applied to a wound, boil, abscess, then the fabric must be sterilized by boiling or ironed with steam.

Salt dressing:

  1. Dip the cloth in hot saline solution,
  2. Wring out so that water does not flow from it and cool
  3. Wipe the skin with a damp cloth for a snug fit
  4. Apply a bandage to clean and damp skin.
  5. bandage her
  6. The bandage is usually kept until dry, if necessary, wetting again, but not longer than 10-15 hours
  7. After removing the bandage, the body is wiped with a damp cloth moistened with clean water.

Salt dressings are used for the following diseases:

  1. runny nose and headaches with colds, sinusitis, tonsillitis, flu - a bandage is applied to the forehead and nape, nose and cheeks. At the same time, rinse the throat with saline solution and wash the nose with it.
  2. headaches with meningitis, arachnoiditis, cerebral edema, migraine attacks, high blood pressure - bandage on the head, forehead
  3. locally, a saline dressing or lotion is applied to the site of pain and inflammation in the following diseases:
    • abscesses, other skin infections,
    • skin damage, deep wounds, burns, hematomas bruises
    • rheumatism, sciatica, arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis, gout, varicose inflammation - instead of salt bandages, you can wear socks or mittens soaked in saline solution
    • diseases of internal organs:
      • liver, intestines, food poisoning
      • mastopathy, breast cancer, prostate adenoma
      • thyroid gland (goiter)

Drafts should be avoided during dressing.

Note! A salt bandage is not a compress. Its action is related to the breathability and hygroscopicity of the fabric. Therefore, it is not necessary to close the bandage with a film.

There is no need to wait for an instant recovery from a single application of a salt bandage. This is a gradual process. Therapeutic result can be achieved through several procedures.

Drink saline solution if you have:

  • Elevated temperature
  • Cold
  • Diarrhea
  • Hypotension

Contraindications for saline treatment

Treatment with saline is strictly contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • Sclerosis of cerebral vessels
  • Pulmonary bleeding
  • Heart failure
  • kidney failure

You also need to know that saline solutions do not help in the following cases:

  • Angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcer
  • Constipation and intestinal volvulus
  • Hernias
  • Scars, adhesions
  • Kidney and gallbladder stones

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that official medicine no studies on the effect of salt dressings have been conducted. Only experience remains traditional medicine. Therefore, when applying saline treatment recipes, you need to know exactly your disease. Pbefore deciding whether to be treated by one method or another, getconsultation with your physician. And remember the words of Paracelsus: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine! Poison or medicine - depends on the dose "

In confirmation of the effectiveness of saline treatment, I suggest you read a quote from the article “From White Death to White Salvation”, published in the ZOZH newspaper in 2002. Follow the link to read this article.

Be healthy!

© M. Antonova