Dry fasting 4 days results. Myths about dry therapeutic fasting

This is a way to reset the body, set it up for further high-quality work. As life activity, the human body is clogged with slags and other debris. Therapeutic fasting helps to deeply cleanse tissues and organs at the cellular level. Dry therapeutic fasting is the most effective way to carry out such a cleansing.

Dry therapeutic fasting involves a complete rejection of both food and any liquids. There are 2 types of dry hunger treatment.

  1. In the first method, you need to give up food and moisture. In addition, any contact with water is prohibited. You can not put cleansing enemas, which are an integral part, you can not take healing baths and carry out other useful water procedures. Even hand washing is prohibited.
  2. The second way restricts food and liquid, but you can arrange yourself. The same applies to enema.

What are the benefits of dry fasting treatment? Most people turn to this technique as a way to lose weight. But weight loss is far from the main plus of therapy. In addition to influencing body weight, this method does the following work in the body:

  • deep cleaning at the cellular level;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • reducing the load on the digestive tract, liver and kidneys;
  • treatment of many chronic diseases, as well as acute ailments in the initial stage;
  • prevention of many diseases.

As for the healing of diseases through dry fasting, its sessions are prescribed for the following disorders:

  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • migraine;
  • allergic reactions;
  • skin diseases;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • benign tumors, etc.

Dry fasting is more effective than wet fasting. It lasts 1-3 days, and during this time all 3 stages of fasting are carried out.

  1. The stage of food arousal, which lasts up to several days with the usual fasting method, lasts only a few hours with the dry method. Although these indicators are strictly individual.
  2. The stage of increasing ketoacidosis, also depending on individual indicators, may require from 1 to 3 days.
  3. And after 3 days, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs - the moment of complete cleansing of the body, from which the patient's well-being improves dramatically. The method of wet hunger allows you to reach a crisis only for 7-16 days.

Dry therapeutic fasting Filonov

Sergey Ivanovich Filonov is an expert in the field of therapeutic fasting. While still a student, he himself regularly practiced the wet method of curing hunger. Now Sergey Ivanovich works in the Sinegorye health center, where he conducts sessions of therapeutic fasting under clinical conditions.

Filonov was inspired to develop his own methodology by Paul Bragg, as well as the practice of Indian yogis. Sergei Ivanovich agrees with the ancient observations, which prompted yogis to turn to hunger treatment. All nature is subjected to one or another type of starvation - anabiosis, hypobiosis, hibernation. In such states, animals and plants do not receive food and water, but nevertheless survive, and by the time of awakening they are renewed and enter into the continuation of life with renewed vigor.

In the Chinese tradition, by refusing food and water, a transition to energy food was achieved, and from it the ancient Chinese sought to move on to the original "food" - the energy of the cosmos. Clarification of thoughts, enlightenment of the whole human essence, Filimonov also sets the goal of his methodology.

Dry therapeutic fasting: myths and reality

Sergey Filonov outlined his many years of experience in the field of dry therapeutic fasting in the book "Dry therapeutic fasting: myths and reality." Despite the fact that Sergey Ivanovich is a doctor by profession, he tried to tell about hunger therapy in a form that is accessible to the average reader.

The author dwells in detail on the mechanisms of anabiosis, hypobiosis, hibernation in nature, draws parallels of human life with the functioning of the organism of animals and plants. Filonov describes in detail all types of fasting, dwelling separately on dry.

The book will be an invaluable and complete guide for anyone who wants to practice therapeutic fasting at home.

Dry therapeutic fasting at home

Sergei Filonov recalls that no type of fasting will be useful without proper preparation for it and the right way out. Here are some tips for preparing for the first dry fast from Sergey Ivanovich.

  • Do not practice dry therapy without first trying wet therapy.
  • Before treating with hunger, be sure to clean the intestines and liver.
  • Before cleansing the intestines and liver for at least 14 days, follow proper nutrition.
  • Start with the shortest session (1 day) and gradually increase its duration (3-5 days).
  • Fasting should be regular, only in this way you will achieve a therapeutic result.
  • Preparation for the first session should be about 3 months. This includes the transition to proper nutrition, periodic fasting days, cleansing procedures and the practice of wet fasting.
  • Before a session of dry fasting, it is forbidden to do enemas and take a laxative.
  • On the eve of the event, eat only fermented milk products.
  • Touch the water or not, it's up to you. In no case should you drink liquid, but the complete avoidance of contact with moisture will simply enhance the cleansing effect of the procedure.
  • Do not be alarmed if during a hungry day you feel weakness, as well as an exacerbation of long-standing ailments. This is a normal reaction of the body. When fasting for several days, the illness disappears by about the third day.
  • Choose a calm and unoccupied day for the session.

Dry therapeutic fasting: way out

The exit from dry fasting is even more important than the procedure itself. It lasts twice as long as a hunger treatment session. With a one-day fast, you will need 2 days to get out of it.

  • First, drink 200 ml of melted or spring water. It is dangerous to pour a glass of liquid into yourself quickly. Do this very slowly, stretching the volume for as long as 15 minutes. Further, within 2 hours, it is allowed to drink another 7 glasses of moisture.
  • At noon, eat fish broth without salt, spices and vegetables.
  • By 14.00, use a fermented milk product.
  • You can use salt only on the third day of release.
  • Chew every bite well.
  • A single amount of food should not exceed 200 ml.

Dry therapeutic fasting: reviews

It is quite difficult to endure the first sessions of dry hunger therapy. One refusal of food and thirst are worth something, and exacerbations of diseases are added to this. But, according to reviews, the effect of the sessions is comparable to many years of treatment in the clinic. To get rid of chronic ailments, you will need a long course of therapeutic fasting. But already after the first session, one feels the clarification of thoughts, a charge of vivacity and an increase in the tone of the body.

An important difference, in addition to the refusal of fluids and food, is wakefulness at night. Just watch your breath, inhale and exhale through the nose. Reduce the load on the body during fasting. , as with strict diets, smooth, you can not immediately load the body with work.

During hunger, the gastrointestinal tract will decrease in size (stomach and intestines), it will be difficult for it to absorb and process food in the volumes that you entered before hunger. With a sharp transition to the usual diet, the lost kilograms will return, and most importantly, the healing result will be lost. New problems may arise.

Shchennikov's method "Healing abstinence" is based on the author's independent research and the practice of hunger. The method received a patent after being tested in medical institutions. According to the representative of alternative medicine, the method of dry fasting is not new, but unique for our time.

Dry fasting according to Shchennikov differs in duration, courses are designed for 7, 9 and 11 days. Despite the different duration, they are intended for the same purposes:

  • Stimulation of immune processes;
  • Protection from harmful environmental factors (both external and internal);
  • Getting rid of chronic diseases;
  • Restoration of regenerative and preparative functions of the body;
  • Prevention of hypothetical dysfunction in the body;
  • Antioxidant action;
  • Getting rid of;
  • Fighting addictions (from nicotine, alcohol, etc.);
  • Improving the functioning of the body.

Dry fasting according to Shchennikov, lasting up to 7 days, is allowed to be carried out without the supervision of doctors. From 7 to 11 days to cleanse the body is under the supervision of a doctor or people who often practice fasting for more than 11 days.

Entrance to fasting

In order not to harm the body with a sharp change in diet, it is necessary to properly prepare it. Entering hunger according to Shchennikov happens like this:

  • Proteins of animal origin (meat, fish, poultry) are excluded from the diet.
  • 5 days before the start of dry hunger, it is recommended to switch to a raw food diet. Raw food diet - a diet in which only vegetables and fruits are consumed without heat treatment, are not allowed. Avoid nuts and honey. However, the method prescribes the use of boiled, as an exception.
  • After the action of the intestines (cleansing the gastrointestinal tract in a natural way), it is allowed to start hunger.

Taking medicines for the time of hunger also stops, this should be done gradually. With a serious dependence on drugs (diabetes, cancerous tumors, respiratory diseases), reduce the abstinence from food and water to 24-36 hours.

Dry fasting should not be practiced at the same time as taking medication.

If you really want to try the fasting method, then make a gradual reduction in the dose of therapeutic agents. Carefully monitor your condition, in case of acute reactions and the body's refusal to work properly without medication - stop.

Everyday mode

It is important to rebuild the lifestyle during fasting in such a way that it is inactive and inactive. The body has nowhere to take energy from, so it should not be spent in large quantities.

  • Avoid sexual intercourse;
  • Breathe through your nose, reduce verbal communication with people to nothing;
  • Do not spit out saliva, try not to clean your mouth, do not rinse your mouth;
  • Do not make sudden movements, try to be smooth and less energy-intensive;
  • Take a shower, the water temperature of which is below room temperature;
  • Don't lie down too much, find a non-disturbing activity: embroidery, knitting, reading, etc.;
  • Do not show that you are practicing dry fasting, people can bring down the mood. For the duration of the course, it is better to retire.
  • Wear light clothing, linen is a good option;
  • Walk more without shoes;
  • At night, try to be in the air, whether it be walking or reading on the veranda (balcony);
  • Ventilate the room, the air should not be stagnant;
  • Follow the guidelines.


  • 6:00 - 12:00 - sleep;
  • 12:00 - 14:00 - cool shower and walking;
  • 14:00 - 17:00 - activities that you like, communication (not verbally);
  • 17:00 - 19:00 - entries in the diary with the results of the course, creative work;
  • 19:00 - 23:00 - sleep or rest;
  • 23:00 - 6:00 - cool shower, walk.

Feelings during the course (for 11 days)

  1. It is important to overcome the psychological barrier and tune in to the further conduct of dry fasting. On the first day, people often feel fear, fear of the new and hunger. Symptoms of malaise appear, which frightens even more. Dizziness, weakness, nausea are normal reactions of the body. Symptoms are more severe in men. Weight loss amount to 1 or 1.5 kg, depending on the initial. It is recommended to start.
  2. If the psychological barrier remains from the first day, then the same symptoms will most likely be observed: dizziness, nausea, and malaise. On the second day, both hunger and thirst appear, both feelings must be overcome by engaging in an exciting business. You can try to get rid of cravings for food and water with the help of auto-training.
  3. On the third day, the body should get used to the new regimen and switch to food from internal reserves. Feelings of hunger and thirst will decrease. During this period, blood pressure often drops, black dots appear before the eyes. Try to move smoothly and slowly, with sudden movements your head will spin more.
  4. There is still a drop in blood pressure, you may have a slight fever. Douches and walking barefoot are recommended, do not forget about a cool shower.
  5. Diseased organs begin to send signals to the brain, which causes discomfort in the body. You need to be prepared for these painful sensations in advance; you can suppress them only with a rubbing massage or willpower. The body temperature is elevated due to the fight against diseases. Pay close attention to pain sensations, write them down in a diary, remain impartial and take cool showers.
  6. Sharpening of the sense of smell, odors seem unpleasant. Lower back pain may occur due to lack of physical activity. Move more than sit, but remember to be slow and fluid. On this day, it is recommended to ventilate the room more often, walk outside (especially when it is raining or foggy outside). Watch your thoughts, do not indulge in hunger and thirst.
  7. The day is characterized by the normalization of the state. The emotional background improves, relief is felt. Urine acquires a dark, brown color, so the body gets rid of poisons.
  8. Often manifested by a coating on the tongue, a bitter taste in the mouth. There is an increase or decrease in the heart rate. Irritability will appear, which is eliminated by self-hypnosis and auto-training. It is recommended to tie up your mouth during sleep, continue to do so until the end of the course.
  9. Headache, fever, body temperature is elevated, it must be cooled by the usual methods. Vomiting or menstruation may appear, everything happens due to the cleansing of the body. The heart rate quickens, the extremities become cold.
  10. There comes alienation, relief full or partial. Time passes slowly, the body has overcome the crisis and continues its internal cleansing.
  11. You must complete the method at the same hour at which you started it 11 days ago. Get ready to leave the post.

Way out of dry fasting

End hunger should be carefully, carefully reading the recommendations. The termination is extended for 4 days.

  • The first day: Take a head of cabbage, grate it and eat it. Prepare a salad of grated vegetables (carrots, cucumber, cabbage), do not add tomatoes, refrain from salt and spices. One meal no more than 200 gr. Eat food every 2-3 hours. On the first day, about 1000 calories should come out. , decoctions of herbs. You should not be zealous with liquid, 1.5 liters on the first day is enough. Weight on this day should increase by 0.5-1 kg.
  • Second day goes the same way as the first one. Vegetable and fruit juices are recommended for consumption, the energy value of the diet can increase up to 1200 kcal. It is allowed to bring fluid intake to 2 liters.
  • On the third day the body is almost restored, the liquid is allowed to drink in the usual amount, excluding hot drinks. Eat no more than 1.5 kg of vegetables and fruits per day, it is allowed to add 100-200 gr. of bread.
  • On the fourth day legumes and nuts can be introduced into food, the body is completely restored and ready to switch to the usual diet.


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In medical practice, dry fasting techniques have been used for about twenty-five years. Recently, this type of recovery has gone beyond medicine and dietetics and is gaining its fans among the broad masses of people who care about their health. Let's take a closer look at what dry fasting is and what effect it has on the human body.

Why is fasting "dry"?

In medicine, several types of fasting are used, used for various purposes and allowing to achieve absolutely incomparable results. One of the most difficult and at the same time effective ways to improve the body is the use of dry fasting. This option involves complete abstinence from food and liquid intake for a certain time. It is also divided into two subspecies - soft and hard form.

During the dry fasting procedure in its rigid form, not only the use of liquids (as well as food) is prohibited, but any contact with water is prohibited - showering, brushing teeth, washing - everything should be excluded from everyday activities. The soft form is not so critical to contact with liquids, and excludes only their ingestion.

There are various methods for conducting the fasting procedure, which differ not only in terms, motivation, entry and exit from fasting, but also in the goals that can be achieved with their help.

Variety of methods

The safest options for self-administration are methods that involve fasting for up to 3 days. Longer periods without fluid intake require the participation of specialists and medical supervision. This is due to the possibility of dehydration of the body, which is very dangerous for its life.

It makes no sense to conduct dry fasting sessions for less than a day, since the body's hidden abilities to use reserve forces begin to appear only after twenty hours of abstinence from water and food. That is, only after this time, a positive effect from the procedure occurs.

The main methods involve the following fasting periods:

  • one-day (24 hours);
  • 36-hour (night-day-night);
  • 3 days;
  • 5 days;
  • 7 days;
  • 9 or 11 days.

In order to improve the overall health of the body, as well as to reduce body weight, as a rule, courses are used that last from one to three days, which are repeated regularly - weekly, every other week or monthly.

It happens that combined fasting courses are carried out: a three-day dry fast is chosen, after which water is introduced into the diet. This subspecies is less dangerous in terms of consequences, and its tolerance by the body is much better, since it allows you to avoid dehydration.

What is the best time to choose when planning to start dry fasting? Reviews of those who practice regular holding of these sessions indicate that short periods are easier to endure psychologically and easier to endure physically, but fasting for more than three days has the greatest therapeutic effect.

The body tolerates dry fasting more easily, since there is no feeling of severe hunger, and it is psychologically easier to endure such a short time. However, for dry fasting to really benefit, you should approach it consciously, thoroughly prepare and go through it carefully.

What is the benefit of fasting dry?

Before deciding to conduct a "hungry shake" to your body, it would be nice to decide on the purpose of this procedure, as well as find out all the benefits and benefits.

Benefits of dry fasting:

  • During the passage of the fasting procedure, the body is forced to look for energy reserves to ensure life. And he finds them already inside himself - fat cells are actively split, while their complete burning occurs, which leads to a more lasting effect of weight loss and maintenance.
  • In addition to fat deposits, diseased tissue areas, accumulated toxins and even cells with pathological changes (for example, tumors) are also subject to burning and processing into the necessary energy.
  • The correct metabolism is restored.
  • There is a purification of the blood - during the period of starvation, the body does not receive any harmful substances with food, and the blood undergoes multiple filtration during natural purification. As a result - improved indicators of the biochemical composition of the blood.
  • There is an effect of rejuvenation of the skin, as well as cleansing them from various rashes - acne disappears, velvety and elasticity are restored. In addition to the skin, other tissues of the body are also regenerated.
  • Regular fasting forms an excellent sense of proportion in the intake of food and fluids. It is the loss or blunting of this ability of our body that leads to immeasurable food intake, and as a result, weight gain and health problems.

The result of the use for medicinal purposes

In addition to general strengthening and cleansing effects on the human body, dry fasting can be a serious help in the treatment of certain diseases:

  • Dry fasting can reduce the manifestations of diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis and some other diseases that affect joint tissues.
  • In the female organs of the reproductive system, resolving effects are noted - ovarian cysts, and other neoplasms in this area disappear completely or their growth slows down significantly.
  • In the case of fractures, bruises and suppuration, when supplementing traditional treatment with fasting methods, bone and muscle tissues recover much faster.
  • Dry fasting deserves a separate place in the treatment of various injuries of the skull - concussions and bruises. In this way, the prevention of cerebral edema is remarkable.
  • In the case of a viral or bacterial infection, one-day dry fasting in most cases helps to prevent the development of the disease.

The effect of fasting on the body as a whole

In addition to the effect of losing weight, rejuvenation and treatment of diseases, people who practice dry fasting also note the following results.

So, human skin is an excellent excretory organ through which toxins and other substances that are not needed for life activity come out with sweat. During the practice of hunger, this ability takes on the opposite effect - the body absorbs the lack of fluid through the skin. And her skin can even get it from the air, so during fasting you need to thoroughly approach the choice of the place of its passage and monitor your contacts with the environment. An interesting result of the manifestation of the suction properties of the skin is manifested after touching the products - their taste can be felt in the mouth. And regular training allows you to check cooked food “for salt” only with your hands.

Another feature of the effect of dry fasting is willpower training. With the regular passage of this procedure, a person develops a firm determination to complete the work begun, and it is transferred to all spheres of life. Intuition is aggravated, and in some people, after going through long courses of hunger, even telepathic abilities appear.

Medical opinion

Despite the fact that dry fasting is a help in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, the opinion of traditional medicine about the need for it is far from unambiguous.

Opponents of the theory of hunger treatment cite the following as arguments: dry fasting not only has a destructive effect on the tissues of the body, but also due to the prolonged lack of fluid in the body, blood thickens. Refusal to eat leads to acute beriberi, dehydration is possible, dangerous for its consequences for the activity of consciousness.

In any case, if you plan to practice dry fasting, you must first discuss its possibility with your doctor. Only an individual approach will help you choose the most appropriate technique and eliminate the most severe consequences. But be that as it may, short-term dry fasting (up to 36 hours) will bring the body a minimum of negative consequences.

Despite the ambiguous opinion of medicine on this matter, many are sure that “dry” fasting days bring only benefit and satisfaction to the body. Of course, after what other procedures can you boast a result of minus ten kilograms in three days?

What do you need to know?

But, in order not to get a result that is completely opposite to what was intended, and not to cause significant harm to one's own health, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the procedure in advance. There are three main stages - preparation, fasting itself and exit from it.

For each of these stages, there are strict rules that must be followed without fail, otherwise fasting will do more harm than good. And we must remember that if suddenly for some reason you feel bad, you must immediately stop fasting.

Preparatory stage

The quality of the preparatory stage half determines the success of any undertaking. So therapeutic dry fasting involves thorough preparation. You will definitely need to study the literature on this issue, and it is desirable that it be written by people who regularly practice dry fasting. This will predetermine the maximum possible dangers. Ideally, it is at the preparatory stage that you need to communicate with people who already have experience of fasting.

Prepare the necessary food before and after the period of hunger, as well as clean drinking water. Decide on places to walk. Set for yourself the period of entry and exit from fasting and choose a method - hard or soft.

If you choose long-term fasting - 3 days or more - go ahead to a sparing diet without starchy foods and sweets. And in two or three days - on vegetables and fruits.

Features of the fasting period

During the period of famine, it is especially important to devote time to walks in the fresh air, preferably near open natural reservoirs, away from the bustle of the city. If it is not possible to travel out of town, a large park will do.

The room should be clean and well ventilated, cotton clothing to make it easier for the skin to breathe. Special attention should be paid to spending time in the house - you should not sit in front of the TV, as the abundance of television programs about food will influence the determination to continue dry fasting, the results of which will not be long in coming.

During the entire second period, sudden movements should not be made. They should be smooth and measured. Lying in bed is also undesirable - thoughts about saving energy in this way are very misleading. In fact, the best way to conserve energy is to walk without being active. Insomnia can develop at night, and this time is ideal to spend reading books.

The right way out of dry fasting

An important feature of this period is that it is impossible to prolong fasting longer than the scheduled period, even if everything is going well and it seems that there is still a lot of strength. At the hour of the scheduled exit, you need to drink water, take a shower or bath.

After a short amount of time, drink water again - and you can start eating with fresh vegetables. The pancreas did not work during the period of hunger, and it should be loaded gradually. In the first two days, it is desirable to gradually introduce protein foods and not consume carbohydrates.

And of course, to reconsider your lifestyle, because without this, even the most wonderful results will quickly come to naught.

Beginner plan

If this is the first time you are planning to try your fasting practice on yourself, you can choose a one-day dry fast, but it is best to choose an option that involves dry fasting for 36 hours. This period is quite suitable for regular weekly use. It will also allow you to find out the reaction of your body to the procedure itself and feel the first effect. Consider the process of conducting the first dry fast using the example of the "night-day-night" scheme.

So what do we do in advance:

  • We study the literature on this issue, and also, if possible, communicate with the practitioners of regular fasting.
  • We stock up on clean drinking water (boiled) and fresh vegetables and fruits for food before and after fasting. It is better to rinse them with running clean water, dry them and put them in the refrigerator, in the area for storing vegetables. We choose the most beloved ones to use them with pleasure, but it is better to refrain from bananas and grapes.
  • Lemons must be present among the purchased fruits.
  • For a tough version of the hunger, you will need to redo all the things related to water the day before - wash clothes, clean the apartment, cook food for the household. It is advisable to take a shower, brush your teeth - as this will not be possible on Friday and Saturday.
  • In the process of preparation, a specific hour of entry and exit from fasting is determined.

Let's determine the fasting period for the weekend, in this case, the last meal, as well as water, must be done on Friday evening. There is no need to follow any diet before entering hunger, but it is still better to limit or completely abandon flour and sweets the day before. On Friday, it is advisable to eat only fresh vegetables and fruits, and drink juices from them. This will allow the body to store the necessary vitamins and minerals. These substances will be required in large quantities during the day of hunger for the breakdown of toxins and fats.

Let's say you decide to go into hunger at 21:00, then:

  • We have dinner no later than six o'clock in the evening with vegetables and fruits.
  • We complete the work related to water.
  • Until nine in the evening we drink water, as much as the body requires, but acidified with lemon.
  • We go to bed early.

Saturday will pass without food and liquids, and it is better to spend it in the fresh air, but not doing outdoor activities, but calmly walking in the park or in the forest, by the reservoir. The skin during dry fasting absorbs moisture from the air, so it is very important to be in nature, as far as possible from civilization. Watching TV will complicate the process of hunger, as there is an abundance of food on the program and in advertisements. It is better to replace it with reading light literature, viewing magazines (naturally, not culinary ones).

On Saturday night, insomnia caused by hunger may begin. You need to be ready for this and provide for the possibility of reading or listening to your favorite music, and you can get enough sleep on Sunday, after you get out of hunger.

On Sunday morning, at the hour when the exit from dry fasting is planned (in our example, it is nine o'clock in the morning), we take a shower, brush our teeth, and drink a glass of prepared water. After half an hour, we have breakfast with a salad of raw vegetables. For lunch, a light chicken soup is suitable, dinner - vegetables again. We try not to use salt and sugar on this day.

Prolonged fasting

Dry fasting for 3 days or more is called long-term and requires much more energy from the body. It carries serious health risks, so it will take much more time to devote to the preparatory stage. Be sure to conduct at least one session of short-term hunger before this, then it will be easier to conduct dry fasting for 3 days, the results will be much higher. This will also allow you to understand the reaction of the body and prepare it for the serious loads of a long session.

In addition to the basic procedures described above, during the preparation stage, you will need to visit a doctor, treat your teeth and exclude other current diseases. Time during the period of hunger to pre-paint practically by minutes, set clear long-term goals (for which you decided to conduct dry fasting), reviews of people who practice this regularly, study and make important points for yourself.

Two weeks before the scheduled entrance, refuse to eat animal products - meat, fish, milk and eggs. Ideally, switch to a raw food diet, but you can limit yourself to vegetarian cuisine.

Practicing dry fasting for 7 days, you may encounter some difficulties. For example, exacerbation of chronic diseases may occur. But there is no need to be afraid of this - this is how the body begins to heal itself. If you experience severe pain that is characteristic of your chronic illness, you should not take medication. This is what you need to be mentally prepared for. If there is no way to endure pain, you should stop the session ahead of schedule, of course, observing all the rules for exiting it.

With a strong slagging of the body or with a large excess weight, one must be prepared for the appearance of nausea, vomiting and headaches. This is a natural reaction of the body in this case. Walking in the fresh air or dousing with cool water will have a positive effect at this moment.

During sudden movements, dizziness is possible, so all movements will need to be performed as slowly as possible.

Exit from long sessions of hunger should be carried out more carefully and load the body very carefully.

Methods of Shchennikov and Lavrova

One of the main long-term methods was described by Leonid Shchennikov. Dry fasting according to his method is the prevention of any pathologies, as a result, there is a complete rejection of medicines and immunity is restored. The basis of his methodology is that two days before entering hunger, you must eat only raw vegetables.

After such preparation, a fasting session begins, which takes place at different times - from five to seven days to a record eleven days. And at this stage there is a distinctive feature - wakefulness at night, combined with cold baths. Otherwise, everything is as usual - smooth movements combined with peace of mind - the key to success. The correct exit from the session is important.

Cascade dry fasting is represented by the technique described by Lavrova Valentina Pavlovna. The duration of the course varies. Cascading fasting is based on periods of "dry hunger" and "eating". At the same time, a certain diet is maintained during the "eating" period. There are different variants of cascades - “sparing”, “short”, “according to Lavrova”, “cautious”, etc. Such a variety is based on different initial preparation of the body, and even a beginner will be able to choose a suitable “cascade” for himself.

One general rule for all options - the period of dry hunger does not last longer than five days. It is believed that this period allows you to reveal the incredible possibilities of the human body. A person gradually approaches a five-day fast: starting with one day of dry hunger and with breaks for “food” of various periods, the body prepares for the main session of 5 days.

Contraindications for fasting sessions

There are several categories of people who are most likely to experience the harm of dry fasting. Moreover, conducting these experiments with their own body is simply contraindicated for them. This category includes:

  • Children under 14 years old.
  • Old people (after 70 years).
  • Women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • People with severe underweight.
  • People with established circulatory failure (2-3 degree), heart rhythm disturbances.
  • People with pathologies of the endocrine system.

There are a number of diseases in which dry fasting is categorically contraindicated, therefore, having decided on such a step, you should definitely consult with specialists.

Hello dear readers.

Today I continue to talk about dry fasting. Due to the fact that it has a very beneficial effect on health, this topic will always be relevant.

In a previous publication, I talked about the features, the positive effect of the technique on the body. In this article, we will dwell on the indications and contraindications for the method. I will introduce you to the amazing effects on the organs and systems that dry fasting causes 1 day a week. If you decide to try the technique on yourself, be prepared for changes in your body and life in general. I will give an example of a few testimonials from people who practice the dry method of refusing food. With the regular use of this method, one can improve health, increase the body's immune forces, prevent the development of chronic diseases, improve overall well-being and work capacity.

Refusal of food, and most importantly water, is a difficult step for every person. We are used to drinking when we want and eating at least three times a day. There are so many temptations at every turn - now a candy, now a cookie, a delicious cake for a light snack. All tasty in our opinion products, almost all, are unhealthy. They carry a colossal energy value, but the minimum content of vital nutrients, vitamins, microelements.

Modern industry produces products stuffed with preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, which can accumulate in the body and poison it. Excess calories turn into subcutaneous fat, obesity develops, metabolism is disturbed. Intoxication and excess weight lead to a malfunction of the internal organs. So there are chronic diseases leading to disability and early death.

I have painted an ugly picture, but this is not fiction, but the reality of the modern world. We are what we eat, as healers said hundreds of years ago. If only they knew how true their statement is in the conditions of the modern world. Proper nutrition is a necessary condition for maintaining health. But, unfortunately, not all people can stick to a diet every day, year after year.

If you belong to this category of people, then there is a good way to cleanse the body and improve health - dry fasting, the results of which you will feel from the first procedure. Refusal of food and water changes the functioning of all organs and systems, rebuilds the metabolism, activates the immune system, which does not give a single chance for diseases. This is stress for the body, as a result of which internal reserves are launched to cleanse toxins and normalize the functions of the main systems: digestive, urinary, respiratory, cardiovascular, immune.

I talked about the specifics of the influence of the dry technique on the work of cells, tissues of body systems in a previous article. I want to remind you that fasting for 3 days in a row, as some do, is quite difficult. This diet is prescribed for people who practice fasting for a long time and are accustomed to refusing food and water. Long-term abstinence is indicated for people with normal function of the heart and kidneys, liver. More often, it is recommended to refuse food and water for 36 hours - night, day, night. This method is easier to tolerate and does not lead to deep stress of the body, which is not used to staying without liquid and food for a long time, and it is also very useful for the body. But there are contraindications.

Indications and contraindications

Like any method of therapy, dry fasting has its contraindications and limitations. Before using the technique, you must carefully read the recommendations for use and follow them clearly. Otherwise, the healing technique can have the opposite effect - exacerbation and progression of diseases, reduced immune defenses, worsening of digestion, malfunctions of the heart, kidneys, and respiratory organs. So what does dry fasting cure? Let's figure it out.

Indications for the use of dry technique:

  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system (polyarthritis of an infectious and reactive nature, rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, arthrosis, herniated discs, osteochondrosis);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • respiratory diseases (hay fever, bronchial asthma, sarcoidosis, chronic pneumonia);
  • pathology of the nervous system (neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, migraine, complications after traumatic brain injury):
  • gynecological diseases (endometriosis, adnexitis, polyps, adhesions in the pelvic cavity, fibroids, fibromas, some types of infertility);
  • diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer, bile duct dyskinesia);
  • pathology of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, prostatitis, cystitis, prostate adenoma);
  • skin diseases (dermatosis, eczema, trophic ulcers, polyneurodermatitis);
  • endocrine pathology (type 2 diabetes, obesity);
  • helminthic invasions (opisthorchiasis, echinococcosis, ascariasis).


  • chronic circulatory failure of the 3rd degree;
  • hypertension of the 3rd degree;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and internal organs;
  • malignant tumors, hemoblastoses;
  • tendency to increased thrombosis;
  • endocrine diseases in the acute stage;
  • tuberculosis in the acute stage;
  • exhaustion;
  • children's age (up to 16 years);
  • senile age (after 70 years);
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • loss of self-care skills due to serious illness;
  • any problems with the liver and kidneys.

Let me remind you that dry fasting is used only when compensating for the functions of organs and systems, in other words, internal reserves are not depleted and can withstand stress.

It's also important to remember. Dry fasting is a powerful healing method. And like any powerful method, it requires careful application. It shouldn't be done too often.

If you fast frequently, your main practice should be water fasting.

Effects of dry technique

Dry fasting benefits and harms - what the technique will bring to health depends only on you. The dry method must be taken seriously. You can not starve for too long, it is better to fast regularly once a week for 24-36 hours. Be sure to take into account contraindications. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

The profound effect of diet on the body can be judged by the amazing effects felt by adherents of this technique:

  • develop intuitive abilities;
  • willpower is trained;
  • there is a true understanding of how much food and water should be consumed to maintain health;
  • the attitude towards products changes, a person is able to intuitively identify low-quality food and the harmful composition of the product;
  • there is a sensation of energetically weak and strong parts of your body;
  • people become more responsive to someone else's misfortune, there is a feeling of compassion for others.

Surprising effects are associated with increased work of all sense organs during abstinence from food and water, improved mental activity, development of internal potentials, and an increase in internal energy.

Benefits of dry fasting:

  • strengthening bones;
  • increased elasticity of ligaments, fascia, cartilage;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • burning excess fat;
  • improvement of microcirculation, which prevents chilliness of the limbs;
  • rejuvenation of skin, hair, nails;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • cleansing the body of toxins accumulated over the years;
  • improvement of liver function;
  • restoration of sleep and wakefulness;
  • healing of wounds, abrasions, trophic ulcers;
  • increase of working capacity and mental processes;
  • long-term remission of chronic diseases;
  • normalization of sexual activity and sexual desire.

The dry technique heals the entire body and promotes active longevity.

Many people note that dry fasting is physically more bearable than water fasting.

1. During dry fasting, the body is placed in more severe conditions, it must be reorganized in such a way as to “extract” not only nutrients, but also water

The tissues of the body break down even more quickly, this happens in a short time.

The stages of therapeutic fasting when using the method of therapeutic dry fasting are the same as with "wet", but the time is significantly reduced.

So, the stage of "nutritional arousal" lasts less than a day, the stage of "increasing ketoacidosis" - from 1 to 3 days.

Already on the third day of dry fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs. The second most therapeutic acidotic crisis occurs on days 9-11.

HThe earlier the acidotic crisis occurs, the faster it passes, the more time remains for renewal, treatment, and cleansing of the body. Autolysis during the passage of dry fasting occurs much earlier than with other types of fasting,therefore, all cystic neoplasms and benign tumors disappear much faster.

2. During wet fasting, exogenous water enters the body, that is, water from outside

And it is she who is the main cleansing factor. According to the law of biological expediency, the cell in this case spends a minimum of its own energy - and so everything goes fine: all toxins, poisons, toxins dissolve and, figuratively speaking, toxins are washed out of the cell, from the intercellular space.

But water is very necessary, and the cells are deprived of these concessions, especially the sick and changed. Under such conditions, the strongest, most healthy cells survive and, willy-nilly, in order to survive in such difficult, harsh conditions, they have to activate the production of their own - ultra-high quality endogenous water. And this endogenous water should be several times better than exogenous water, again, based on the law of biological expediency. After all, the cell spends a lot of energy - therefore, the product that is obtained as a result must correspond in quality to the efforts expended.

It's not the human mind that can make mistakes. This is nature itself, which provided for any scenario and does everything to keep life going.

Exogenous and endogenous water can be compared with a poisoned river, where the local chemical plant dumps waste during the flood period, and a mountain river originating from the bowels of the earth and fed by melt water with healing energy.

3. The old dead water is replaced with high-quality living water synthesized by the body itself, and all negative information entered into our body from the outside is erased

Having spent a not very long fast without water, we force the body to process the water that it contains in itself, and thus we are, as it were, updated informationally, and therefore, at the end of the hunger, we are informationally virgin and represent an information matrix on which there is nothing negative not recorded by the environment.

This phenomenon is one of the main advantages of this type of fasting and can also be said to be one of the main healing mechanisms of dry fasting.

Such mechanisms do not exist in any of the types of curative fasting that exist in nature.

4. Many people note that dry fasting is physically easier than fasting on water, primarily due to the absence of a feeling of hunger and less intoxication of the body.

This, in general, is not surprising. The fact is that water outside the body and water absorbed are two big differences. Molecules of incoming water are processed by the body, cleared of unnecessary information, structured and transformed into "own" ones that have the properties of the given organism. For this, he, as well as for the assimilation of food, needs to spend a certain amount of energy and time. Therefore, absolute fasting is more complete, as it provides complete rest. If food and dead, heavy water do not enter the body, then in fact our blood does not receive many harmful substances. Therefore, the blood is constantly cleansed by our body, that is, in fact, the same blood composition will be repeatedly cleansed through the filter elements, the blood will be almost perfectly clean. On dry fasting, there is no absorption of endotoxins, as is the case with other types of fasting, so it is physically easier to tolerate.

5. The anti-inflammatory and immunostimulatory effect of dry fasting is several times more powerful than that of wet fasting.

The thing is that inflammation cannot exist without water. Any inflammation of the place swells (swells with water). Only in a sufficient water environment can microorganisms multiply: microbes and viruses. Water deficiency is detrimental to inflammation.

Due to dehydration of the body, the strongest competition between body cells and pathogenic microorganisms for water begins. The cells of the body in the position of the host take water from microorganisms, but the body itself can not only synthesize endogenous water, in the required amount, water during this period comes from the air, being absorbed through the skin, due to the fact that the body in the process of SH does not work for excretion, but for absorption. Healthy strong cells receive additional energy and water, while sick, viruses and bacteria cannot.Microbes, viruses, worms die instantly without water.

With dry fasting, higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins are achieved in body fluids.

During dry fasting, the temperature rises, which gives positive immunological effects:

  • Increasing the production of interferon
  • Increased antiviral and antitumor activity of interferon
  • Increased T-cell proliferation
  • Increased phagocytic and bactericidal activity of neutrophils, increased cytotoxic effects of lymphocytes
  • Decreased growth and virulence of microorganisms.

What is most important from my practice, temperature is an important indicator of the body's defenses. If a temperature appears during the SG, then the prognosis for a cure is very, very large.

6. During wet fasting, special procedures are used to enhance the detoxification effect: enemas, hydrocolonotherapy, baths, saunas, etc.

On dry fasting, the body for neutralizing poisons and toxins includes completely unique mechanisms that do not occur with any type of fasting. During dry fasting, toxins are burned, one might say, in their own furnace - each cell, in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. It turns out a kind of extreme express method of destroying everything superfluous, heavy, painful inside the cell. Each cell temporarily turns into a mini-furnace, a mini-reactor. There is an increase in the internal temperature of the body. This temperature may not be registered with a thermometer, but it is felt by people during the passage of dry fasting, as an internal heat, fire or chills.

The most important point in this state is that the temperature itself is an important part of the protective reactions.

From our own experience, we know that at a temperature all toxins, poisons, even cancer cells are destroyed, and then completely stop their vital activity. This process speeds up recovery. By reacting with an increase in body temperature, the body causes a slowdown in the growth of microorganisms. It becomes easier for the immune system to hunt down and kill everything alien and changed.

During dry fasting no enemas needed, since the absorption of toxins from the intestines is absent due to the lack of water. Therefore, n With this type of fasting there is no such intoxication, which happens with other types of fasting. Respectively physically dry hunger is much easier to bear.

7. Slimming effect

With SH, neither food nor water enters the human body, i.e. the flow of energy from the outside is completely stopped. The body is forced to produce energy and water endogenously, i.e. inside yourself. Therefore, completely different, unusual chemical reactions begin to occur in the body, i.e. metabolic processes change. Less muscle tissue is lost relative to fat.

During water fasting, the loss of muscle and adipose tissue occurs in almost equal proportions.

During dry fasting, a person is like a camel, and, first of all, the body maintains its vital activity at the expense of fat reserves. Adipose tissue is destroyed very efficiently, and never regains its original volume, it breaks down 3-4 times faster than muscle tissue, because adipose tissue is more than 90% water, and muscle tissue remains relatively intact.

The body does not suffer from water deficiency at all, and water from adipose tissue is used for its needs.

During dry fasting, adipose tissue burns exactly 3 times faster than during fasting on water. At the same time, full recovery of adipose tissue never occurs, and this compares favorably with starvation on water.

An early onset and a more complete breakdown of deposited fats are noted than with water fasting. If after normal fasting there is a fairly rapid complete recovery of adipose tissue (with the previous diet), then with dry fasting this happens to a lesser extent.

Unlike many weight loss products, dry fasting costs nothing and, most importantly, is harmless, therefore effective for the treatment of obesity. It is easier to tolerate than the numerous debilitating starvation diets that do nothing but harm.

Self-catering is perfectly balanced. The body takes from the reserves only what it needs at the moment, and not what is artificially imposed on it from the outside.

8. Anti-aging effect

Why is there a more powerful rejuvenation of the body during dry fasting than during wet fasting? Sick, degenerate, weak cells cannot withstand severe extreme conditions. They die and fall apart.

Which ones remain? Those that have a good organization, workable and wise genetic engineering. Those who were able to go through such harsh conditions survived and retained their capacity.

But the cells remain strong after fasting, they will give an improvement in quality during division. Their offspring will have the properties of mother cells.

Of course, I would also like to tell you about the amazing legend of Count Cagliostro. According to some versions, Count Cagliostro was engaged in dry fasting to prolong his own youth. And, based on some statements, during such fasting, he sprinkled himself with some kind of powder. From which he suffered terribly. As a result of these sprinklings, his skin cracked and peeled off, as from a snake. But after starvation, he looked 25 years old. Count Cagliostro carried out such executions on himself every 50 years and demanded the same from his entourage.

Now it is difficult to separate truth from fiction in these legends. But from the standpoint of logic, everything is flawless here.

  • One side dry forty-day fasting in itself is a factor mobilizing internal reserves in the situation, already mentioned by us, of over-patience.
  • On the other side powder (composition unknown), with which the great magician sprinkled himself, if it was not some kind of chemical reagent that promotes rejuvenation, then by itself, adding dryness to the body, this already affected mobilization even more than just with dry fasting, and therefore, such a powder contributed to a better rejuvenation of the body. After all, during the days of famine, the count had to focus all his will on patience and thereby literally sweep old age and decrepitude out of the body, not to mention diseases, infections, harmful bacteria.

This, most likely, is the key to the secret of the eternal youth of Count Cagliostro, who, according to some statements, lived for 5,000 years, according to others, lives forever. By the way, the count recruited people who were kind, balanced and willing to practice periodically, like the count himself, fasting.

The starvation of Cagliostro and his associates was not an end in itself, they were only a means to obtain excellent health, which in turn was necessary for a stormy, active life with feasts and feasts.

Here is the perfect combination of dry fasting and modern cosmetology methods, of course, in this situation such a long dry fasting is not necessary, you can get by with fractional dry fasting in combination with chemical peels.published

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.