Salt dressings treat almost everything. Salt dressing treatment


Salt is a medicine that is always at hand. It is hard to imagine a house without salt. After all, almost no cooking is complete without it. But few people know that salt can be used not only in the kitchen, it can become an indispensable medicine. Today we will talk about a slightly unusual way for most of us to use it, namely about salt as a cure for many diseases.

Salt treatment is by no means new. folk medicine. Our great-grandfathers knew about its properties. And during the Second World War, she stood along with medications which were in short supply at the time. It was salt that was used to disinfect the wounds of soldiers. Due to its absorbent property, it helped to disinfect damaged areas of the skin, relieve inflammation. Salt saved a huge number of wounded in war time gangrene soldier.

And even today, when you can buy any medicine in a pharmacy, people could not refuse to use salt in medicinal purposes. And this indicates only one thing - salt treatment is really effective. Therefore, further we will talk in more detail about what diseases can be cured with its help, and how to do it correctly.

We treat diseases with salt

Salt treatment (saline dressings and solutions) may be worthy alternative with many diseases conventional treatment. We'll talk more about this a little later. And now let's figure out in what cases salt therapy can be used:

  • Respiratory treatment;
  • Disinfection and restoration of damaged skin, healing lacerations, suppuration, burns;
  • Help for the treatment of osteochondrosis;
  • With mastopathy and oncology;
  • Treatment of the first signs of a cold;
  • Joint treatment;
  • poisoning;
  • Cleansing the scalp.

Opinions of specialist doctors on salt treatment and saline dressings

I think many of you will be interested to know what experts think about the use of salt for medicinal purposes. And this is right, because before you start using any method of treatment, even if it is salt treatment, you need to know a lot about it, if not everything, then a lot.

Doctors' opinions boil down to the fact that this type of treatment is effective, and here's why. Salt is a natural absorbent. The result of its contact with the skin is its disinfection. She's capable for enough fast time draw out bacteria, viruses and microbes from damaged skin. And salt helps to cleanse and renew body tissues.

But the lack of sodium in the body, which is one of the trace elements of salt, can affect health. With its deficiency, you can face an imbalance in the body, dehydration. Therefore, to refuse completely from salt, as many people do today, or in pursuit of perfect figure, or the fashion for a healthy diet, I think, is not worth it. But it is also impossible to use it in large quantities. Everything should have a measure. I always talk about our wisdom.

Opinion of Academician B.V. Bolotov about salt treatment

I'm sure those of you dear readers Those who are interested in how to maintain health and prolong youth have heard about Academician Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov. He is called the "Ukrainian magician". He developed two techniques that were tested in practice. They promote rejuvenation cellular composition organism.

I recommend that you read the book Boris Bolotov, Gleb Pogozhev "Bolotov's Folk Medical Book". The academician wrote this book together with his follower. It outlines the principles of Bolotov's medicine, shows the connection between theory and practice. You will be able to understand the essence of Bolotov's ideas and independently choose drugs to get rid of any ailment.

  1. Put a gram of salt on the tongue for a few minutes and swallow the salty saliva. The procedure is done immediately after eating, and also an hour after eating. During the day, you can repeat up to 10 times during the day.
  2. Salted food. You can eat salted, as well as pickled vegetables and even fruits. Moreover, almost everything should be salted (salted): bread, and cucumbers, and tomatoes, and apples, and watermelons, and melons, and cottage cheese, and butter, and sour cream. It is advisable not to use temporarily vegetable oil, as well as temporarily limit the intake of margarine, mayonnaise and all products prepared with vegetable oils.

The material is taken from the book "Bolotov's Folk Medical Book".

The regular presence of salt in the body makes it invulnerable, immunity is strengthened, therefore, a person gets sick less often with colds, as well as infectious diseases.

I.I. Shcheglov about salt dressings

During the Second World War, the surgeon Ivan Ivanovich Shcheglov widely used a hypertonic (saturated) solution of sodium chloride in the defeat of bones and joints.

On extensive and dirty wounds, he applied a loose, abundantly moistened with hypertonic solution large napkin. After 3-4 days, the wound became clean and pink, the temperature dropped to normal, after which it was applied gypsum bandage. Then the wounded went to the rear.

According to Shcheglov's method, it is even possible to treat caries complicated by granuloma with saline swabs. The doctor describes cases when he even treated appendicitis, bursitis of the knee joint and many other diseases without surgical intervention with salt dressings.

Solution and saline dressing

Treatment with salt and saline, like any other therapy, should be discussed with a specialist. You also need to understand that not every solution is suitable for medicinal purposes, because a high concentration of the main component can bring dubious benefits. Let's figure out how to properly prepare the solution, and find out the main points on using a salt dressing.

For treatment purposes, an 8–10% solution is used. If the concentration of sodium chloride in it is higher, then this can lead not only to discomfort in the area on which the salt bandage was applied, but also to damage to the blood vessels. Therefore, the correct concentration is the key to effective treatment and the absence of undesirable consequences.

How to prepare saline solution and saline dressing?

Cook 8–10% saline solution you can by mixing 3 tablespoons of salt with 1 liter of water for adults. For children (2 teaspoons per 250 ml of water).

It is better to use distilled water, heated to 60 -70 C, while you prepare the bandage, it will cool down.

The bandage should be applied to cleanly washed skin.

The dressing fabric should be breathable and absorb water well. If there is gauze in everyday life, then it is perfect if you fold it in several layers. In its absence, you can get by with cotton, cotton or linen. Fold gauze in 6-8 layers, and cotton fabric in 4 layers (no more).

Also make sure that the dressing soaked in the saline solution is moderately damp, but the solution does not drip from it.

The time the bandage is on the body is also determined by the disease. You can keep it up to 12 hours, after which you need to rinse in fresh water and rinse the bandage in fresh water for the next compress.

It is impossible to put cellophane over the bandage or wrap it with a woolen cloth for a warming effect! Air must circulate, only in this way will the healing effect be achieved. You can fix the bandage by wrapping it with gauze, a bandage or using a plaster (fix it around the edges).

If you have any questions, I suggest watching a video about salt treatment. In it you can find answers to your questions, as well as learn how to properly prepare a saline solution and apply a bandage.

Treatment of joints with salt (arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism)

Salt is used to treat joints and is common and effective therapy. But it is better to resort to it as an auxiliary to the main treatment. If you are worried about joint pain, then saline dressings will help relieve pain, inflammation.

Salt dressings for joints

To do this, moisten the bandage in a 10% solution, wring it out and apply it to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdiseased joints for 10 hours (you can grab the area above and below the affected area a little). Fix the bandage with a bandage or plaster. The procedure is best done at night for 14 days.

Snow with salt for the treatment of joints

You can treat joints in another way, which will require 1 glass of salt and 2 glasses of snow. The snow-salt mixture will relieve pain, swelling. To do this, it must be applied to the affected area in a thick layer and kept for 5 minutes. After the procedure, the skin area on which the snow-salt mixture was applied should not be wetted for at least 10 hours. To eliminate the pain that arose for the first time, you can limit yourself to one procedure. In advanced cases, it is recommended to carry out procedures every other day for a week.

I suggest watching a video that talks about the benefits of salt for the body, daily rate use and how it can be used for arthritis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with salt

If you know firsthand what osteochondrosis is, and back pain makes itself felt more and more often, put a bandage on the sore spot for 2 weeks before going to bed. It must be moistened in a 10% solution, squeezed well, applied to the painful area and fixed.

Not so long ago, I myself used such salt bandages. Grabbed my back, were drawing pains. Has made 10 procedures. It has become immeasurably better. My review of the treatment with salt was very pleased. And most importantly, it is so simple and accessible to everyone. And you don’t have to buy expensive gels, ointments for rubbing and alleviating the condition, drink painkillers.

There is one more good recipe salt treatment of osteochondrosis:

Heat 1 kg of salt in a frying pan, 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, a quarter cup of water. To obtain the desired consistency, add bran. Lie down, apply the warm mixture on the sore spots, cover with a film, top with a blanket or woolen shawl and lie down until the mixture has cooled.

Salt treatment at the first sign of a cold, cough, bronchitis

If you catch a cold, then every day, at night, take baths of 3 liters of hot water, 3 tbsp. salt and the same amount of baking soda. Soak your feet in this solution until the water has cooled. After that, dry your feet, put on your socks and lie down under the covers. You can use this recipe only if you do not have a temperature.

If you have the first signs of a cold, then a bandage soaked in an 8% solution is placed on your head (forehead, temples). To relieve sore throat and cure a cough that occurs with flu or bronchitis, a bandage around the neck and back will help. To do this, the towel is wetted in an 8% solution, wrung out and applied to the back and neck area, fixed with a bandage on top. After just a few treatments, you will feel relief.

Most often, a 10% solution is used for therapeutic saline dressings. But if you need to prepare 8%, then this can be done by dissolving 80 grams of salt in 1 liter of water.

There is such unusual recipe- soak mittens, socks, scarf with hot salt solution (1 tbsp per glass of water). And then apply wet or dry. You can wear mittens or gloves to relieve pain in the hands with arthritis, wrap yourself in a scarf with sciatica, put on socks for a cold.

With sore throat and sore throat, it is very good to gargle with salted water, half a teaspoon per 1 cup warm water.

Help with sinusitis

Salt dressings will also help in the treatment of sinusitis. It is necessary to prepare a 10% saline solution, soak a bandage in it, wring it out and put it in such a way as to capture the forehead, nose and cheeks. For convenience, you can use several pieces of gauze or other material. To prevent the bandage from slipping during sleep, it can be fixed with a bandage.

Runny nose, headache, high blood pressure

For colds, headaches and high pressure you can also get rid of it with salt. To do this, prepare an 8% solution, soak gauze in it and wring it out. Wrap the bandage around the head (it should be located at the level of the forehead) and secure with a bandage or plaster. Hold it until you feel relief.

With a runny nose, it will be useful to rinse the nose with a salt solution. Just make it less concentrated. It is enough to dilute 1–1.5 teaspoons of salt in a glass of water and wash three times a day. Additionally, I invite you to read my article on the blog. It should be remembered that washing the nose is best agreed with the doctor. Such washings are not always possible. Otherwise, the case may lead to otitis media.

Mastopathy and oncology

With mastopathy and oncology, Academician Bolotov also recommends making saline dressings. With mastopathy and breast cancer, they need to be applied to both breasts for about 8 hours. With mastopathy, the course of treatment is 2 weeks, in the case of oncological diseases - 3 weeks.

Varicose veins

With varicose veins, it is also good to make salt bandages. To do this, soak socks in a 10% saline solution and put them on at night (you can wear another one over them). After the procedures, swelling decreases, the work of blood vessels normalizes. And the veins shrink.

Precautionary measures

Salt treatment is effective only when it is carried out correctly. And for this, it is not enough to follow the recommendations for the preparation of saline, be able to properly apply a bandage and clearly follow the instructions for use for the treatment of a particular disease.

You should not start treatment with salt without consulting a specialist if you have:

  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Regular migraines;
  • Heart failure;
  • kidney problems;
  • The work of the urinary system is disturbed;
  • Disturbed metabolism.

With sclerosis of cerebral vessels, salt dressing is contraindicated!

In it, you will learn how to prepare a miracle remedy for tightened and elastic skin at home.

And remember, any disease requires the right and timely treatment. Therefore, do not delay with this.

And for the soul, we will listen to you Sting Fragile. How fragile we are after all - a poetic translation of the title of this song.

see also

Table salt is a white crystalline substance with a salty taste and a slight bitterness. It has long been proven that a person's well-being is largely determined by what he eats. Nutritionists have found that people living on the coast get sick less and among them are more centenarians. They came to the conclusion that sodium chloride plays an important role in this, because with its minimum amount in the body, a person can develop various pathological processes. In light of this, it is important to consider how rock, sea salt is used in traditional medicine, its treatment.

Lack of salt will inevitably cause pathology of cardio-vascular system, as minerals present in this product are vital for the human body. With the participation of sodium and chlorine, many biochemical reactions take place. The use of salt causes a lot of controversy and opinions are quite ambiguous.

American experts have found that sodium chloride deficiency causes thrombosis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels and kidney failure. For therapeutic purposes, traditional medicine recommends the use of rock or sea salt (names on the packages), which is saturated with many mineral compounds.

Traditional medicine - the use of salt

In moderation, about a teaspoon per day, salt is necessary for our body as a medicine. It is needed for the full functioning of many organs: the brain, digestive and cardiovascular systems, as well as for a full-fledged metabolism.

The use of salt in folk medicine is recommended in recipes for people with low blood pressure, with the syndrome chronic fatigue It also helps with depression. Due to sodium, it ensures the functioning of cells, the water-salt balance is maintained. It is included in many biological fluids: interstitial space, tissue fluid.

Abrupt cessation of salt intake can lead to excessive production of renin by the kidneys, which will affect blood vessels As a result, they will begin to narrow, which will cause an increase in blood pressure. Accordingly, it is impossible to completely abandon sodium chloride, it should be used in moderation.

Traditional medicine - salt treatment

Treatment with salt in folk medicine is recommended both by its ingestion and its use externally. For this, sea or rock salt is suitable. Here are a few examples of how traditional medicine uses sodium chloride internally.

With cardiac pathology, as well as with some diseases of the digestive tract, you can use kefir with a pinch of salt at night.

In the presence of belching, as well as overeating, you can drink a glass of tea or milk with the addition of a pinch of sodium chloride.

With sexual impotence, you can use this recipe. Roast the hemp seeds and add sea salt in equal proportions. This mixture is recommended to be taken orally in a teaspoon per day.

Edible salt - treatment with external use. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with saline for angina, as well as for pharyngitis. This will require a teaspoon of salt per 200 milliliters of warm water.

For a cold, you can use this effective recipe. You will need salt in the amount of one teaspoon and a glass of warm water, five drops of ordinary salt should be added there. alcohol solution iodine. This drug should be used to rinse the mouth, and it is also necessary to rinse the nasal cavity daily.

With some skin diseases, as well as as a rejuvenating agent, you can prepare such a healing mixture, which should be wiped over the skin. It will take a liter of hot enough water, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of salt, as well as fifteen milliliters of honey.

Rock salt - use for body wraps. This will require a glass of sodium chloride and a liter of water. In this liquid, a sheet or an elongated shirt is moistened, wrung out and wrapped in it, after which they go to bed. In the morning, the skin should be wiped with a dry cloth, while making massaging movements.

You can prepare a strong solution. This will require 500 grams of salt and a liter of water. They wipe themselves with such a liquid, and after thirty minutes it is necessary to take a warm shower to wash off the saline solution.

Rub coarse sea salt in the amount of a tablespoon with 100 grams of wheat flour, then add a little warm water. The result should be a thick dough. It is recommended to spread it on the affected skin, in particular on the places of manifestation of eczema, as well as on sore joints, and on top you need to put a plastic wrap and create a bandage.

Mix salt with honey in equal proportions and use this mass to rub the joints, and it is also useful to rub this mixture into sore gums. In addition, sodium chloride can be added to blue clay when it is planned to carry out applications with it or compresses, in this situation the effect of clay on the body will increase.


Before you carry out treatment with salt, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.

During the Great Patriotic War I worked as a senior operating room nurse in field hospitals with the wonderful surgeon Ivan Ivanovich Shcheglov, who widely used hypertonic (i.e. saturated) saline solution for lesions of bones and joints. On extensive and dirty wounds, he applied a loose, abundantly moistened with hypertonic solution large napkin. After 3-4 days, the wound became clean and pink, the temperature dropped to normal, after which a plaster cast was applied. Then the wounded went to the rear. Thus, we had practically no deaths.
And now, 10 years after the war, I used the Shcheglov method, trying to treat caries complicated by granuloma with saline swabs. And she fixed her teeth in two weeks.

After this little luck, I decided to carefully study the effect of hypertonic saline on closed pathological processes in the body, such as cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, rheumatic heart disease, post-influenza inflammatory processes in the lungs, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis, abscess after injections, etc.

Back in 1964, in a polyclinic under the supervision of an experienced surgeon who made a diagnosis and selected patients, chronic appendicitis was cured in 2 patients with saline dressings in 6 days, a shoulder abscess was cured in 9 days without opening, bursitis of the knee joint was eliminated in 5-6 days , not amenable to any means of conservative treatment.

These facts indicate that the saline solution, having absorbent properties, absorbs only liquid from tissues and spares erythrocytes, leukocytes and living cells of the tissues themselves. Knowing that a hypertonic saline solution is a sorbent, I once tried it on myself with a 2-3 degree burn. Desperate to relieve the pain pharmaceutical products put a saline dressing on the burn. A minute later, the acute pain disappeared, only a slight burning sensation remained, and after 10-15 minutes I fell asleep peacefully. In the morning there was no pain, and after a few days the burn healed like a normal wound.

Here are some more examples from practice. Once, during a business trip to the region, I stopped at an apartment where children were ill with whooping cough. They coughed incessantly and exhaustingly. To put the children out of their misery, I put salt bandages on their backs. After an hour and a half, the cough subsided and did not resume until the morning. After four dressings, the disease disappeared without a trace.

A five-and-a-half-year-old child was poisoned at dinner with poor-quality food. Medicines didn't help. Around noon, I put a saline bandage on his stomach. After an hour and a half, nausea and diarrhea stopped, pain gradually decreased, and after five hours all signs of poisoning disappeared.

Convinced of the positive effect of salt dressings on common pathological processes, I decided to use them healing property for the treatment of tumors. The polyclinic surgeon offered me to work with a patient who had developed cancer mole on the face. The methods used in such cases by official medicine did not help the woman - after six months of treatment, the mole turned purple and increased in volume. I started using salt stickers. After the first sticker, the tumor turned pale and decreased, after the second, the result improved even more, and after the fourth sticker, the mole acquired its natural color and appearance, which it had before rebirth. The fifth sticker treatment ended without surgery.

In 1966, a student came to me with an adenoma of the breast. The doctor who diagnosed her recommended surgery. I advised the patient to apply saline dressings to the chest for several days before the operation. Bandages helped - no surgery was required. Six months later, the same girl developed an adenoma of the second breast. However, saline dressings this time also helped to avoid surgery. After 9 years, I called my patient. She replied that she had successfully graduated from the university, she was feeling well, there were no relapses of the disease, and only small lumps on her chest remained as a memory of the adenoma. I think these are purified cells former tumors harmless to the body.

At the end of 1969 with cancerous tumors of both mammary glands I was approached by another woman - a researcher at the museum. Her diagnosis and referral for surgery were signed by a professor of medicine. But again salt helped - the tumor resolved without surgery. True, this woman also had seals at the site of the tumors.

At the end of the same year, I gained experience in the treatment of prostate adenoma. In the regional hospital, the patient was strongly recommended surgery. But he decided to try the salt pads first. After nine procedures, the patient recovered. He is healthy now.

I will give another case that I encountered while working in a clinic. AT three For years, a woman suffered from leukemia - her hemoglobin content in her blood dropped catastrophically. Every 19 days the patient received a blood transfusion, which somehow supported her. Having found out that before the illness, the patient had worked for many years in a shoe factory with chemical dyes, I also understood the cause of the disease - poisoning, followed by impaired hematopoietic function. bone marrow. And I recommended salt bandages to her, alternating "blouse" bandages and "pants" bandages at night for three weeks. The woman took the advice, and by the end of the treatment cycle, the hemoglobin content in the patient's blood began to grow. Three months later I met my patient, She was completely healthy.

Summarizing the results of my 25 years of observations on the use of hypertonic saline solution for medicinal purposes, I came to the following conclusions.

1. 10% common salt solution - active sorbent. Salt interacts with water not only through direct contact, but also through air, material, body tissues. Taken inside the body, salt absorbs and retains fluid in cavities, cells, localizing it in its location. Applied externally (salt dressings), salt establishes contact with tissue fluid and, sucking, absorbs it through the skin and mucous membranes. The amount of liquid absorbed by the bandage is directly proportional to the volume of air displaced from the bandage. Therefore, the effect of a salt dressing depends on how breathable (hygroscopic) it is, which, in turn, depends on the material used for the dressing, its thickness.

2. Salt bandage acts locally: only on the diseased organ, the affected area, penetrating into the depths. As fluid is absorbed from the subcutaneous layer, tissue fluid from deeper layers rises into it, dragging along the pathogenic principle: microbes, viruses, inorganic substances, poisons, etc. Thus, during the action of the bandage, the fluid is renewed in the tissues of the diseased organ and their disinfection - purification from the pathogenic factor, and hence the elimination pathological process. At the same time, tissues act as a kind of filter that passes through itself microorganisms and particles of a substance that have a volume less than the lumen of the interstitial pore.

3. A bandage with a hypertonic saline solution is permanent. Therapeutic result achieved within 7-10 days. In some cases, a longer period is required.

How to Apply a Salt Bandage

For colds and headaches. Make a circular bandage at night through the forehead and back of the head. After an hour or two, the runny nose disappears, and by morning it will disappear and headache.

Headband good for high blood pressure, tumors, dropsy. But with atherosclerosis, it is better not to do a bandage - it dehydrates the head even more. For a circular bandage, only 8% saline can be used.

With the flu. Put a bandage on your head at the first sign of illness. If the infection has managed to penetrate into the pharynx and bronchi, make bandages on the head and neck at the same time (from 3-4 layers of soft thin linen), on the back from two layers of wet and two layers of dry towels. Leave the bandages on all night.

In diseases of the liver (inflammation of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver). A bandage on the liver (a cotton towel folded in four layers) is applied as follows: in height - from the base of the left breast to the middle of the transverse line of the abdomen, in width - from the sternum and the white line of the abdomen in front to the back of the spine. It is tightly bandaged with one wide bandage, tighter on the stomach. After 10 hours, remove the bandage and put a hot heating pad on the epigastric region for half an hour, in order to expand the bile duct through deep heating for free passage of dehydrated and thickened bile mass into the intestine. Without heating, this mass (after several dressings) clogs the bile duct and can cause acute bursting pain.

With adenomas, mastopathy and breast cancer. Usually a four-layer, dense, but non-compressive saline dressing is used on both mammary glands. Apply at night and keep for 8-10 hours. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks, with cancer 3 weeks. In some people, a bandage on the chest can weaken the rhythms of cardiac activity, in this case, apply a bandage every other day.

Conditions for using saline solution

1. Saline solution can only be used in a bandage, but in no case in a compress, because the bandage must be breathable.

2. The concentration of salt in the solution should not exceed 10%. A bandage from a solution of a higher concentration causes pain in the area of ​​application and the destruction of capillaries in the tissues. An 8% solution - 2 teaspoons of table salt per 250 ml of water - is used in dressings for children, a 10% solution for adults - 2 teaspoons of table salt per 200 ml of water. Water can be taken ordinary, optionally distilled.

3. Before treatment, wash the body with warm water and soap, and after the procedure, wash off the salt from the body with a warm, damp towel.

4. The choice of dressing material is very important. It must be hygroscopic and clean, without residues of fat, ointment, alcohol, iodine. The skin of the body must also be clean. For a bandage, it is better to use linen or cotton fabric, but not new, but washed many times. The ideal option is gauze.

5. Linen, cotton material, towels are folded in no more than 4 layers, gauze - up to 8 layers. Only with an air-permeable bandage is suction of the tissue fluid.

6. Due to the circulation of solution and air, the bandage causes a feeling of coolness. Therefore, the bandage should be soaked with a hot hypertonic solution (60-70 degrees). Before applying the dressing can be slightly cooled by shaking in the air.

7. The bandage should be of medium moisture, not too dry, but not too wet. Keep the bandage on the sore spot for 10-15 hours.

8. Nothing can be put on top of the bandage. / At night, you can cover yourself with a duvet cover or a sheet made of natural fabric (cotton, linen), the room should be warm, without drafts. (Note by V. Zhukov)

But in order to fix the bandage soaked in the solution, it is necessary to bandage it tightly enough to the body: with a wide bandage on the torso, abdomen, chest, and narrow - on the fingers, hands, feet, face, head. Bandage the shoulder girdle with a figure eight, through the armpits from the back. In case of pulmonary processes (in case of bleeding, in no case should be applied!) The bandage is placed on the back, trying to get to the sore spot as accurately as possible. Bandage the chest should be tight, but without squeezing the breath.

P.S. The compress can also be used cosmetic purposes- it removes "bags" under the eyes and cleanses the skin

Source: Healthy Lifestyle No. 20, 2002 and No. 24, 2005

In the 17th issue (2000) of the HLS bulletin, my article was published under the title "From White Death to White Salvation." A flood of letters and phone calls literally hit me from all regions of the country with virtually the same type of questions; how to prepare a hypertonic saline solution and how to use it in dressings in each specific case of the disease?

AT medical practice usually a 10% solution of sodium chloride is used ( stone and no other!) salt, that is, 100 grams per 1 liter of water. For the treatment of the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and for headbands, it is better to use an 8-9% solution (80-90 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Salt for the solution must be taken strictly by weight, keep the container (jar) with the solution closed so that it does not evaporate and does not change its concentration.

Not all water is suitable for preparing a hypertonic solution. Not suitable for this purpose are spring, artesian, sea (especially) water containing iodine salts, which neutralize sodium chloride in the solution. A bandage with such a solution loses its healing, absorbent and bactericidal properties. So it is better to use distilled (from a pharmacy) water or, in extreme cases, purified rain or snow to prepare a saline solution. (Water passed through high-quality household water filters is also suitable - Note.)

The salt dressing is made only from a hygroscopic, well-wetted cotton material - washed many times, not new, not kitchen and not starched, “waffle” towels in 3-4 layers and thin, also well-wetted, medical gauze in 8-10 layers, as well as hygroscopic, preferably viscose, cotton wool for tampons.

1. With a headache caused by inflammatory processes, dropsy, swelling of the brain and meninges (meningitis, arachnoiditis), diseases of other organs, for example, influenza, sepsis, typhoid fever, excessive blood supply from intense mental and physical work, after a stroke, as well as with tumor formations in the brain, a salt bandage in the form of a cap or a wide strip of bandage in 8-10 layers, moistened with 9- percentage solution and not strongly squeezed out, it is performed on the entire (or around) head and must be bandaged over the entire surface of the bandage with one small gauze bandage. A dry one is tied on top, in 2 layers, preferably a cotton or old gauze bandage. The dressing is performed at night for 8-9 hours until dry, removed in the morning, the dressing material is rinsed well in warm water, the head is washed off.

With sclerosis of cerebral vessels, salt dressing is contraindicated!

2. For runny noses, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, the bandage is made in the form of a gauze strip in 6-7 layers on the forehead (with frontal sinusitis), on the nose and cheeks with cotton swabs placed on the wings of the nose, pressing the strip to the skin of the face in these places. These strips are bandaged with two or three turns of a small bandage, kept for 7-8 hours, used until cured. During the day, the mouth and nose should be rinsed 2-3 times with a solution of a weaker concentration: one and a half medium teaspoons of salt with a slide in a faceted glass (250 ml) of water, can be from the tap.

3. Dental caries is also treated with a gauze strip in 8 layers, moistened in a 10% salt solution for the entire jaw with a diseased tooth and bandaged with 2-3 turns of a small bandage around. Overlay all night, course treatment 1-2 weeks, after which the diseased tooth should be sealed. Caries and periodontal disease can be treated in another way: after dinner, before going to bed, hold a sip of a 10% saline solution in your mouth for 5-7 minutes and spit, then do not take anything into your mouth. With toothache, even under a crown, this procedure can be repeated several times.

With caries complicated by granuloma, as well as with fluxes on a diseased tooth, on the gum (on the cheek), you can apply a dense cotton swab (preferably made of viscose) finger-thick, moistened in a 10% solution and squeezed almost dry. The tampon must be kept on all night.

With sufficiently large cavities in the teeth, it is possible to lay in them (with a needle, small curved scissors) cotton swabs moistened in the solution and well squeezed out and replaced with fresh ones after each meal. The course of treatment with bandages (on the jaw) externally and tampons for up to 2 weeks, after which the diseased teeth should be sealed

4. Angina, laryngitis, tracheitis, inflammation of the salivary and thyroid gland(goiter) is well treated with a gauze bandage in 6-7 layers (from a wide bandage), moistened in a 10% saline solution, performed on the neck, all night, and with a headache in the form of the same strip - on the head. Both of these strips (or one common, extended for the neck and head) are bandaged with one small gauze bandage. The lower edge of the bandage on the neck (so as not to wrap up) is bandaged to the body with one turn of the bandage through the armpits of both hands and back, and the bandaging on the neck is completed without squeezing the breath.

5. With pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, emphysema, asthma infectious origin, lung tumors, a bandage with a 10% solution is performed on the entire back, necessarily on the focus of the disease, and even on the entire chest (for men) from two “waffle” towels folded in two layers, each across. One is wetted in a slightly heated saline solution, slightly squeezed out (the squeezed solution is drunk back into the jar, it does not deteriorate), the same dry layer is applied to the wet one, and both are tightly enough, without squeezing the breath, bandaged with two large gauze bandages. The upper half of the back, shoulder girdle, is bandaged in the form of a transverse eight through the armpits of both hands, the lower half - with a second bandage around the lower half chest. Bandaging is performed over the entire surface of the towels. The course of treatment of inflammatory processes of the lung - 7-10 dressings daily, tumors - 3 weeks, one of them - daily, the remaining 14 dressings - through the night. These dressings also last 10 hours before drying. ( With pulmonary bleeding, a salt bandage is harmful! - Note.)

6. In case of mastopathy, adenoma, cancer of one mammary gland, a dressing with a 9-10% solution is made from one “waffle” towel, folded in 3-4 layers across, with a strip of 25 cm wide, always on both breasts. If there is a wound, it is covered with a gauze napkin with a solution of 2-4 layers, which is covered with a towel, and together they are bandaged with one large gauze bandage, without squeezing the breath.

Mastopathy and other inflammatory processes of the mammary glands are treated with a bandage from one to two weeks, tumors - 3 weeks (1st - daily, the rest - every other night). It is performed at night and lasts 9-10 hours.

7. With inflammation of the heart muscle and membranes of the heart ( with myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis ) in a 9% saline solution heated to 70 ° C, only the ends of a strip of a “waffle” towel, folded in length in 3 layers, are wetted (and squeezed out), which is thrown over the left shoulder, they cover the heart in front and behind (between the shoulder blades), and these the ends are bandaged with one wide gauze bandage around the chest.

This bandage is performed at night, every other day, for 2 weeks.

angina, ischemic disease, valvular heart disease does not heal saline bandage.

8. With a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, radiation exposure, the same bandage of 3-4 layers of a “waffle” towel (or 8 layers of gauze) is applied to the entire chest in front. She must cover sternum, liver, spleen - hematopoietic organs. The course of treatment of these organs is 2 weeks (one - daily, the rest - every other night). With radiation exposure, at the same time, such a bandage should be performed on the neck, on the thyroid gland.

9. With cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, gastritis and pancreatitis, the same bandage from a “waffle” towel in 3-4 layers across a strip 25 cm wide, and with dropsy of the abdomen and on the entire abdomen, is performed around the lower half of the chest and upper half abdomen (from the base of the mammary glands in women and nipples - in men to the navel). This bandage is bandaged with one or two wide bandages. It also lasts 9-10 hours. The course of treatment is 7-10 dressings.

In patients with narrowed bile ducts, after 6-7 dressings, unpleasant bursting sensations and even dull pain in the “substratum” may appear - this thickened (under the influence of the bandage) bile presses on the walls of the gallbladder, lingering in the bladder and ducts. In this case, after removing the dressing that caused these sensations in the morning, put a hot rubber heating pad wrapped in a towel in two layers on the “substrate”, lie face down on it for 10-15 minutes (by this time the liver is cleared of infection and the heating pad for it is not dangerous), and to put it after removing each next dressing until the end of the course of treatment, regardless of whether discomfort reappears in the “substrate” or not, the heating pad expands the bile ducts, and bile flows freely into the intestines.

Polyps, tumors, including cancerous, this department, as well as others, are treated with a salt bandage for 3 weeks (one - daily, the rest - every other night).

Ulcers of the stomach, 12 duodenal ulcers, hernias, scars, adhesions, constipation, torsion in the intestine, the bandage does not heal,stones do not dissolve.

10. Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa - enteritis, colitis, appendicitis - a bandage on the entire abdomen at night from a towel in 3-4 layers successfully heals within one week. In case of poisoning, for example, with poor-quality food, 3-4 dressings for 9-10 hours are enough, for children - 1-2 dressings for the same period of time, so that the intestines are cleansed of poisons.

To stop diarrhea for the same reason in adults, two sips of a 9-10% salt solution are enough, preferably on an empty stomach, with an interval of 1-2 hours.

11. Organ pathologies greater pelvis- colitis, polyps, tumors of the rectum, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, prostate adenomas, inflammation and tumors of the pelvic organs - fibroids, fibroids, cancer of the uterus and ovaries, as well as inflammation of the mucosa Bladder and hip joints are treated with a saline bandage of two "waffle" towels.

One, folded in 2 layers along the length, is wetted in a heated 10% solution, squeezed out medium, superimposed on the pelvic girdle, covered with the same second towel in 2 layers, and both are bandaged quite tightly with two wide gauze bandages. Tight rollers are bandaged into the inguinal pits with one turn of the bandage around the thighs, which press the bandage to the body in these recesses, and are fixed to the bandage with pins. This bandage should cover the lower abdomen of the patient (sick) from the navel to the pubis inclusive in front and the sacrum and buttocks from the middle of the waist to the anus in the back.

Inflammatory processes of the organs of this department should be treated for 2 weeks, tumors - 3, and in both cases in the first week the dressing is applied daily, the rest are performed every other night.

12. Salt bandage relieves hypertension well. If it is caused in a patient stressful condition(nervous experience, shock), it is enough to perform 3-4 dressings from a towel material in 3-4 layers on the lower back, moistened (and squeezed) in a 9% saline solution. It should be bandaged with one large bandage. If your kidneys hurt, for example, pyelonephritis worries, which also raises blood pressure, you need to treat your kidneys. In this case, 10-15 saline bandages should be performed on the lower back for the whole night. If at the same time you feel a headache, especially in the occipital region, tinnitus, at the same time with bandages on the lower back, perform 3-4 bandages of 8-10 layers of gauze with a 9% solution around the head and always on the back of the head.

13. Arthritis, polyarthritis, bursitis, rheumatism large joints(knee, ankle, elbow) bandaged with large gauze bandages with a 10% saline solution at night every day for 2 weeks. Not only the joints themselves are bandaged, but also the limbs 10-15 cm higher and lower.

14. Acute pain from burns of small surfaces of the body is removed by a soft salt 10% bandage after 3-4 minutes, but it, the bandage, must be kept for 8-9 hours, after which an ointment or open treatment should be applied as prescribed by a doctor. I think they will help with extensive burns.

P.S. Dear comrades, patients, hypertonic saline solutions - not a panacea for all diseases. Already in this short text, I have listed a number of diseases, including eye diseases, which cannot be treated in this way. I repeat, the salt dressing effectively cures inflammatory processes, swelling of tissues, quickly relieves burn pain, treats some tumors (“wen” it does not heal, perhaps it does not treat some other tumors, which can only be established empirically).

Source: Healthy lifestyle No. 10, 11, 2002

I untied the knots with a salt bandage

This dressing is safe if the following recommendations are strictly followed. Failure to comply with them can cause undesirable consequences in the patient's body. For example, a dressing with a salt solution above 10% concentration, especially with prolonged treatment, can itself cause acute pain in the tissues, rupture of capillaries and some other complications. If you decide to be treated with a saline bandage, first find out from your doctors the nature of your disease.

I want to tell you how, thanks to the recipe of Anna Gorbacheva, in the letter "From White Death to White Salvation", published in HLS (No. 20 for 2002 and No. 24 for 2005), she cured an old thyroid disease with three nodes and seals.
After carefully reading the article twice, I thought: why not take a chance and treat your thyroid gland with saline dressings? I did everything as Gorbacheva recommended, except that I applied the salt dressing not hot, but warm.
I did this: I boiled 1 liter of water and poured 90 g of ordinary table salt into it. A 9% solution was obtained. Then she took a cotton fabric, repeatedly worn and washed, folded it into 4 layers according to the size of the thyroid gland. (If you take gauze, then it must be folded into 8 layers). This bandage was dipped in a warm saline solution and applied to the thyroid gland. The bandage should not be too wet, but not too dry.
To keep it warm, I lightly covered it with a dry cotton towel. One edge was placed on the chin, the other on the chest. I tried to leave air space between the bandage and the towel. And when the bandage did cool down, I warmed it up a little in the saline solution.
And so with a salt bandage I sat every day for 3-4 hours in the evening in front of the TV. Having finished the procedure, the bandage was thoroughly washed or replaced with another one. It took me 10 days.
Address: Bainova Alexandra Nikolaevna, 625530 Tyumen region, Tyumen district, village Iron Bust, st. Novaya, d. 4.

Helped with hypertonic saline

I will add my case to the history of the use of a hypertonic saline solution for medicinal purposes. The material of Anna Gorbacheva, a nurse during the war years, "From White Death to White Salvation" in HLS (No. 24, 2005) describes the practice of its application.
The grandson was not even 10 months old when on his hand at the very base thumb a small bump appeared. For 2 weeks it grew and turned red, became the size of a bean.
The attending physician changed his diagnosis several times. Accordingly, he prescribed new ointments and creams. Days, weeks passed. No change for the better. The surgeon suggested an operation - he was only waiting for a nurse who was supposed to come out of vacation.
We began to worry, we went to one healer, to another. The first one said it was a cyst. She prescribed homemade ointment. Didn't help. The other one called it a furuncle. Offered a well-known mixture of boiled onions, salt, eggs and sunflower oil. The result is the same. And then one day grandmother Tamara remembered the miraculous power of a hypertonic solution, that is, an ordinary 10% solution of table salt in distilled water. According to the HLS card index, the above article was found. Given the age of the child, we made an 8% solution. The grandson's mother began to make dressings daily at night with 8-layer gauze soaked in a salt solution.
After 8 days of procedures, the bump disappeared, there was a slight redness and a hard pea under the skin. We were delighted and stopped the bandages. It wasn't there. Even began to increase the size of the bumps. I had to repeat salt dressings until it completely disappeared.
How can one not believe after this example in the miraculous power of a salt solution?
Address: Vladimirov Matvey Davidovich, 424918 Yoshkar-Ola, p. Semenovka, st. Officers, d. 11.

Everything has been confirmed

For the first time I learned about the salt dressing from the "ZOZH" (No. 20 for 2002). Decided to test it out for myself. I prepared a hot 9% salt solution, moistened gauze folded in 8 layers in it, and bandaged it to the mole. When the gauze dried, I washed it, and repeated the procedure in the evening. Did so several times. The birthmark has disappeared.
Throughout the winter of 2003-2004. experiments with the bandage continued. My son had a sore throat - in the evening he made a bandage for him. Twice was enough for the son to feel healthy. I had a runny nose - I immediately made a bandage on my nose, on the area frontal sinuses. On the third day, the runny nose weakened. If there is an abscess on the finger, the treatment is known - a bandage for the night, in the morning the abscess is gone.
Further more. Tried to treat bronchitis in this way. First, with the help of hot salt in the bag, he warmed the shoulder area. The next night, I made a salt bandage, capturing the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. Bronchitis surrendered almost without a fight. The last experiment with salt was in the treatment of prostate adenoma. In the evening, before going to bed, I applied a bandage to the area of ​​​​the bladder and groin. For 8 sessions, I felt relief, as if I had cleansed my entire body.
From this I conclude: everything that is written in the "Healthy Lifestyle" about the treatment of various diseases with the help of salt dressings has been fully confirmed. Moreover, dressings can be used in all cases when it is necessary to get rid of the pathogenic flora.
L. Berg.
Krasnodar city.

Anna Gorbacheva's advice saved me

In July 1995 they removed me malignant tumor on the right cheekbone near the eye. At the beginning of 1998, the cancer reappeared in the same place and within a few months grew to an eye-threatening size. Dermatologist said what to do complex operation in hospital. As an alternative, he suggested irradiation. Pre, like the 1st time, he made me under local anesthesia I had a biopsy, and after 3 weeks I had 15 irradiations, as a result of which the cancer mostly resolved. I will not talk about my further torment and about the heavy side effects, which I experienced for many months after exposure. At the beginning of 2002, the cancer reappeared and again in the same place. The dermatologist made a biopsy for me (for the 3rd time), for which he deeply cut out a large piece of the cheek (after which he hardly stopped the blood, which, as they say, “whipped like a fountain”), and after 2 weeks he reported, as before: non-metastatic cancer .
He offered me 2 methods of treatment: 1. In the hospital they will cut out the tumor for me not immediately, but in parts; 2. The tumor will be removed immediately completely - this is almost the entire cheek - and then a piece of skin will be taken from the neck and a patch will be applied with it ... And this is under the very right eye! Yes, despite the fact that a month ago, an ophthalmologist crippled my left eye when removing a completely minor cataract, explaining: "The sooner the better." It must also be taken into account that this year I will be “fifteen minutes to a hundred” ... In a word, it is not difficult to imagine my condition. But there was nothing to do, and I began to mentally prepare for the operation.
And this must happen! Just at that time, I received an issue of the HLS newsletter with an article by Anna Danilovna Gorbacheva “From White Death to White Salvation”.
With bated breath, he began to apply a gauze bandage moistened with an 8% solution of pure table salt to the cancer area at night, strictly following all the instructions.
The first 2 weeks were spent on healing the deep wound from the biopsy. And another 3 weeks - to ensure that this chronic long-term cancer completely disappears. All that was left was the scar from the biopsy. It's been almost a year since then and so far so good. If the "sore" appears again, I will resort to the already tested salt bandage. It’s even scary for me to imagine what would have happened to me, and how I would have looked if I had fallen into the hands of a surgeon.
In the near future I plan to seriously engage in salt treatment of diseases of the “lower floor”: urological problems, sciatica, diseases of the rectum.
Mikhail Goldfarb.
Brooklyn, USA.

Salt helped me heal

Many years ago, a pebble formed in my gallbladder gave me the heat. Without thinking twice, I began to take choleretic herbs and all night tie a cotton towel soaked in saline solution to the liver area (it should be as hot as the body can tolerate). The bandage was fastened tightly. In the morning she took it off, wiped the skin with clean water and applied a heating pad to the area of ​​the liver and gallbladder.

This must be done without fail, since as a result of deep heating, the bile ducts expand and dehydrated thick bile passes freely into the intestines. Has made 10 such daily procedures. The stone stopped bothering me.

I also used a saline solution for an abscess that appeared on my finger. Boiled 2 tsp. salt in 200 ml of water, waited a little while the water cooled down, and began to soar a finger with an abscess in this solution. First, I held it for 1 second, then, as the water cooled, gradually increased the time of the procedure. After that, she smeared the sore finger with iodine. Has made 3 procedures. The next day there was no abscess.

And a few more tips on the use of salt for the treatment of certain diseases. They are all from my own experience.

Both men and women face the problem of hair loss. To cope with it, you need to wash your hair, then sprinkle wet hair with salt and massage it, rubbing salt into the roots. After that, rinse with warm water. And so 10 days in a row. Hair will stop falling out.

Many people complain of lethargy, weakness, irritability. Very often, toxins accumulated in the body are to blame for this. Salt will help cleanse the body of them. In the morning on an empty stomach, dip a dry spoon into the salt. So little salt will settle on the tip of it that it will practically not be visible. Lick this salt off with the tip of your tongue. The tiny amount of salt deposited on it will work as a cleanser. After 10 days, you will feel vivacity and a surge of strength. This procedure is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

If your feet are affected by a fungus, wash them in a saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt per 0.5 liters of warm water). Perform the procedure for 5-10 minutes. And so on until complete recovery. This remedy also helps with excessive sweating of the legs.

Salt will also cope with migraine attacks. Throw a handful of salt in 1 liter of hot water and quickly moisten your head with the solution. Wrap yourself in a towel and lie down in bed. Try to sleep. The pain will pass.

An elevated temperature will be driven away by drinking salt water (1/4 tsp of salt dissolved in 1/4 cup of water).

Attacks of rheumatism are removed by such a remedy. Mix 1/5 cup radish juice, 1 cup honey, 0.5 cup vodka, 1 tbsp. salt and rub, massaging, the mixture into the sore spot.

Scrofula and rickets in children are treated by bathing them in a saline solution (400 g of salt for each bucket of water). The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Carry it out 2-3 times a week until recovery.

Recommended treatment with salt and asthmatics. It is necessary to make a canopy from a film, put a stool under it, on a stool-a cup of salt, ground into powder, turn on the fan and inhale this salty air for 15-30 minutes. Do this regularly until the condition improves.

Be healthy without doctors!

Sincerely - L.A. Fedyanin


Simple saline compresses

Simple salt compresses are made from salt water (100 g of rock or sea ​​salt per 1 liter of water) at room temperature or body temperature. Cotton cloth (or a bandage folded in several layers) is impregnated with this salt water and applied to the sore spot. Salt compresses have a healing effect and quickly restore damaged skin after bruises, bruises, ulcers, burns and calluses.

Hot salt compresses

A solution for such a salt compress is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of boiling water. The procedure is carried out as follows: moisten a terry towel in a hot saline solution, attach it to the chin, neck, cheeks, elbow or knee.

These compresses are used for deep warming of body parts that need to be relaxed and nourished with microelements by activating capillary blood supply.

Usually they are used for cosmetic purposes.

Hot salt applications allow you to deeply warm the tissues, with the help of salt ions, stimulate the energy channels of the body through the bioactive points of the skin.

Steam saline compresses

To prepare this compress, use a bag with salt heated to 50-70 ° C. If the heat is difficult to endure, then a terry towel is placed under the bag. On that part of the body that needs to be well warmed up, over the bag is applied wax paper(or medical oilcloth, or skin), making a kind of local sauna for this part of the body.
The compress, depending on the purpose, is kept for 10 minutes ( cosmetic procedure) up to 30-40 minutes (therapeutic heating of the inflamed area or the place where pain is felt).

Salt poultices are used to reduce pain in rheumatism, gout. In chronic diseases, when it is required to cause softening, resorption and removal of all kinds of hardening, the described procedure is carried out twice a day.

Salt dressing

This is a kind of warming compress, superimposed either on the focus of pain, or near it. The bandage is made from sterile linen or cotton fabric folded several times, or gauze folded eight times. To sterilize the fabric at home, just dip it in boiling water or iron it with a very hot iron. The finished bandage is dipped in pre-boiled water with salt (10: 1), removed, cooled, shaking or squeezing slightly. The place of application is preliminarily wiped with a damp cloth so that the contact with the body is tighter, then a bandage is applied and bandaged.

Such dressings are applied to the forehead and back of the head with a runny nose and headache, on the forehead, back of the head, neck, back with influenza, on the affected area with burns, bruises, abscesses, rheumatism, sciatica.

"Sour" mittens

In a warm or hot salt solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 200 ml of water), various woolen items are soaked: mittens, socks, a scarf, or just a piece of woolen fabric. Such salty woolen things, wet or dried, are used for compresses on sore spots with arthritis, sciatica or a cold (socks).

Salt shirt

For the procedure, put on the patient a well-wrung out shirt soaked in water with a strong concentration of salt (5-7 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) shirt. Put the patient to bed, wrap well. So he should lie down and not take off his shirt until it is completely dry.

The procedure should be done at night, before going to bed. In the morning, the body should be wiped with a dry towel so that the salt crumbles, change into clean linen.

This procedure, which came into folk medicine, was previously used by healers as magical ritual cleansing a person from evil spells, evil spirits, the evil eye.

AT folk medicine this very effective procedure is used to treat various neuroses, neurasthenia, nervous and physical exhaustion, colds and even epilepsy.

It well cleanses the body of the accumulated "dirt" in the form of toxins, toxins, dead cells. Healers believed that illnesses and toxins from a sick person passed to the shirt.

Rubbing with salt (sea) water

To enhance the body's response, this procedure is carried out using salt or sea water (0.5 kg of salt per 1 liter of water). To carry out the rubdown, a linen sheet moistened with salty sea water and carefully wrung out is applied to the body or part of it. Immediately, over the sheet, the body is vigorously rubbed with hands until it feels warm. Then the sheet is removed, doused with water and thoroughly rubbed with a coarse cloth.

For weak patients (especially children), procedures are done by others. If the condition of the patient allows, the whole body is wiped in parts with a moistened and well-wrung towel or mitten, and then rubbed with a dry towel and covered with a sheet and a blanket.

To enhance the body's response after a general rubdown, they sometimes pour 1-2 buckets of water over them, the temperature-just below the one with which the sheet was moistened when wiping. This procedure has a refreshing and tonic effect. It is sometimes prescribed for the purpose of hardening.

Rubbing with salt water improves peripheral circulation, tissue trophism, and increases metabolism. This procedure is not recommended for patients with increased nervous excitability, heart defects, after recent acute illnesses (for example, pneumonia).

Begin the wiping procedure with water at a temperature of 32-30°C, gradually reducing it to 20-18°C and below. Duration- 3-5 minutes.

This rubdown is usually used before a course of hydrotherapy, and also as an independent course of treatment for patients with overwork, neurasthenia, asthenic condition, low metabolism (with obesity).

Hot salt water bath

In order to nourish the body with heat or, conversely, to remove excess heat from it, hot rubbing of the body or its parts is used in hydrotherapy.

The procedure is performed as follows: lower your legs into a basin or bath with warm water; apply a towel soaked in hot water to the body-on the back, chest, arms, face, neck.

For reinforced therapeutic effect use hot salty (or sea) water. Such rubdowns give a feeling of warmth if you need it, and if you have heat through the roof-it comes out.

Forget air conditioners and fans: hot saline massage-an indispensable remedy for summer heat, stuffiness, lethargy.

“Polishing” the body with sea water

To carry out the procedure of massage-wiping the body with sea water (called “polishing” of the body in yoga), they take warm sea water and, having soaked their palm in it, “polish” the whole body with the palm of the hand, rubbing the water over the body until it completely evaporates.

After such a procedure, the state of fatigue and relaxation quickly disappears, the skin becomes satin.

If you decide to harden your body, give it additional warmth and energy, cleanse the body, improve blood circulation, use one of the following procedures for rubbing.

Hot salt water baths

Prepare a water-alcohol solution: 500 ml of water, 250 ml of alcohol or vodka, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 20 drops of iodine. Mix everything thoroughly. Keep the solution in a cool place.

In the morning after a shower, wipe your entire body from head to toe with a hard washcloth soaked in this solution. In the region of the heart, without pressing, make 40 circular movements clockwise.

Without rinsing and wiping, get dressed. In the evening, before going to bed, be sure to take a shower, otherwise the heat coming from the body will not allow you to sleep. Rubbing should be done from autumn to May, that is, all the cold season.

To strengthen weakened and often catching cold children, a water-alcohol salt wash is recommended.

Water-alcohol salt wash

Its composition is as follows: 500 ml of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of vodka or alcohol, 1 teaspoon (with top) of sea salt, 3-5 drops of iodine. Mix everything. Once a day (in the morning) wipe the child with a cloth soaked in this solution. In the evening, be sure to wash off the remaining salt from the skin in the bath or shower.

Salt baths for hands and feet

To conduct local salt baths, proceed as follows: hands or feet are immersed in a basin of salt water and rubbed there. The procedure is carried out at a water temperature of 10-15°C (cold baths), 16-24°C (cool) or 36-46°C (warm and hot).

Cold and cool salt baths for hands and feet are used for fatigue, bruises, excessive sweating of the hands and feet, as well as for the prevention of colds as hardening procedures. After them vigorous rubbing is shown.

Warm baths for hands and feet (300-600 g of salt per 10 liters of water) relieve pain in muscles and joints, improve the condition of the skin and nails, help treat skin diseases, and eliminate fungus.

Warm and hot foot baths are used for colds(to increase sweating, you can add mustard powder to the saline solution or alternate hot and cold baths). Useful warm foot baths with sea water-after them, the swelling of the legs disappears, the blue and purple spots that appear on the legs due to poor circulation or remaining after a healed wound.

Duration of cold medicinal baths- 3-6 minutes, warm - 10-30 minutes; course - 15-30 procedures.

Salt eye baths

Salt eye cold or warm bath has a beneficial effect on sore eyes, strengthens visual apparatus. To carry out this procedure, you need to immerse your face in cold salt water and open your eyes for 15 seconds, and then raise your head and immerse yourself in water again after 15-30 seconds. Repeat 3-7 times. If the bath is warm, then after it you need to immerse your face in cold water.

It is good to mix a decoction with a warm salty eye bath. different plants. When taking an eye bath, it is good to use sea water.-water is boiled for 2 minutes, then cooled. Baths of sea water, performed every night before bedtime, reduce irritation of the eyelids and various inflammatory processes in the eyes. Water temperature for eye bath-20-38°C. However, it should be remembered that “the eyes are of the nature of fire, water is harmful to them”, and not be zealous in water procedures for eyes.

Epsom salt bath

The bath is prepared as follows: 1-1.5 kg of ordinary bitter salt is dissolved in a full bath of hot water. It should be taken at bedtime for 10-20 minutes at least once a week. Never use soap during the procedure. The hotter the bath, the more effective it is.

Attention!People with a weakened heart should take hot baths with caution. For those who can not withstand the high temperature of the water, they are contraindicated.

During illness, acidic slags accumulate in the tissues of the body. Epsom salt baths help neutralize them. They are especially effective for rheumatism, sciatica, catarrh, other catarrhal diseases, colds.

Vinegar salt solution

For 5 parts of vinegar, take 1 part of table salt. The composition is used as a rubbing for headaches, bruises, insect bites.

An aqueous solution of salt is used for compresses, baths, washing liquids. AT medical practice The following degrees of salinity are used:
Saline - 0.9-1% salt.
Hypertonic saline
-1.8-2% salt.
Marine solution
-3.5% salt.
saturated solution
-so much salt that it no longer dissolves.

Salt in the form of a water slurry

Water is added dropwise to the crushed salt until an aqueous slurry of salt is obtained.

Such a mixture is used for treating wounds in the oral cavity, cleaning teeth and gums, cosmetic cleaning of the face, that is, in all those cases when, when using salt externally, it is necessary to achieve a high salt concentration at the application site.

Salt in the form of oil slurry

Various salts are added to fixed oils(olive, sunflower, soybean, fish oil) and aromatic oils (fir, mustard, eucalyptus, sage, violet oil).

Such mixtures are used for cosmetic purposes, for the treatment lung diseases(inhalation), for the treatment of external skin diseases and defects, and also as a “paste” for brushing teeth.

Salt mixed with fat

Salt is mixed with melted animal fat. The recipe is as follows: 100 g of fat + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed table salt.

Such mixtures are used to lubricate arthritic joints, eczema wounds.

Sand-salt mixture

Mix table salt with sand in a ratio of 1: 1, heat.

Deep warming is done with this mixture to activate blood flow and relieve pain. Such a mixture has a reflexotherapeutic and nourishing (micro and macro elements, salt ions) action on the inflamed area.

A mixture of salt and flour

Mix plain salt with flour in a 1:1 ratio, add a little water, knead a very tough dough.

Such a salt-flour mixture used as an application on a sore spot ( arthritic joint, sprain, etc.), quickly relieves acute pain.

Cold salt compress

To prepare this type of compress, salt is placed in a calico or cotton bag, or simply wrapped in canvas and placed in the freezer for several minutes.

Such a compress is used to relieve localized pain caused by vasodilation (eg, headache, bruise), and simply hypertrophied or injured tissue (eg, varicose veins, bruise).

Snow-salt mixture

Snow (if possible clean) is collected in a bowl, mixed with 1-2 handfuls of table salt, a small amount of it in the form of a cake is applied to the sore spot. Top cover with multilayer gauze or a towel. After 5 minutes, the application is removed.

Snow-salt application gives more intense cooling than ice, and can be successfully used as an analgesic, for example, for sciatica, sciatica.

Salt and mustard compress

To prepare this compress, finely ground salt is mixed with mustard powder in equal proportions, applied to a bandage folded in several layers or a simple cloth.

It is used as a compress for pains of various localization (arthritis, sciatica) or for applications on the feet in the treatment of colds.

Dry bath of a mixture of salt, ash and bran

To prepare such a bath, salt, ash (preferably birch ash) and wheat (rye) bran are mixed.

Salt is preheated to 60 ° C, mixed with ash and bran, poured into a basin, bury a leg or arm in it so that the joint affected by the tumor is completely covered with this warm mixture. The procedure is carried out until the salt has completely cooled.

Such a dry bath is used for strong heating and steaming in rheumatism with hard tumors in the joints of the arms and legs. Thanks to such baths, the joint is well steamed, the tumor softens and gradually resolves.

salty socks

For this medical procedure take thin cotton socks, turn them inside out and crumple them in salt dust. Socks “salted” in this way are turned inside out and put on the legs. This procedure is very effective if you have just caught a cold. To warm up, apply heating pads to your feet and lie down in bed, wrapped up well.

Salt dust from “salt socks” creates a healing microclimate for the feet and stimulates them for a long time reflex zones. In addition, such hot applications on the feet provide increased immunity and improve overall well-being. The effect of salt applications can be enhanced by pouring a little mustard powder, garlic (crushed on the garlic plant) or dry garlic powder, as well as red pepper into the “salted” socks.

Vegetable salt compresses

Such compresses are prepared from vegetable cakes (cabbage, beets, carrots) and table salt.

It has been noticed that the animal, sweating, loses salt, but it crystallizes under its coat and draws lymph slags onto itself through the skin into calm state. Borrowing a similar mechanism for extracting salts, traditional healers invented vegetable salt compresses that help fight pain and stiffness in the joints.

The effect of such compresses is twofold: on the one hand, salt draws inorganic salts and slags from diseased cells, dehydrates pathogens, and on the other hand, vegetable cake juices nourish body cells with organic substances. Such a compress is placed on a sore joint daily for 5 hours. Usually, several courses of treatment are carried out for 7-10 days with a week break. With exacerbations and for prevention, it is possible to carry out additional courses treatment. A longer compress contributes to the resorption of hematomas, the removal of toxins from the connective tissue both in the joint and in other places, signaling a blockage of capillaries with pain.

Pasta with honey and salt

Salt powder is mixed with honey in equal proportions, rubbed well.

This paste is used for teeth whitening, periodontal disease treatment. The paste is taken with the index finger and easily, without pressure, rub the teeth, while capturing the gums. Such prophylactic cleaning of teeth is recommended to be carried out 1-2 times a week.

Salt medicine

William Lev, a practicing doctor from St. Petersburg, back in the thirties of the last century, invented a unique salt-based medicine that our grandparents widely used to treat bruises, skin cancer in the initial degree, paralysis, headaches, erysipelas, rheumatism, and as well as various inflammatory internal and external diseases.


Pour fine, well-dried salt into a bottle ¾ filled with cognac (preferably five-star), until the cognac rises to the cork, after which the mixture is shaken for several minutes. When the salt settles (after 20-30 minutes), the medicine is ready for use. Before use, the mixture should not be shaken, as the salt precipitate will cause pain when it enters the wound.

Internal application

The drug is never used pure form, but only dilute hot water(for one part of the medicine three parts of boiling water). Usual intake: 2 tablespoons of medicine mixed with 6 tablespoons of boiling water, on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals in the morning. Women and debilitated sick men can take 1 tablespoon with 8-10 tablespoons of hot water. If vomiting or nausea occurs, drink 2 cups of warm water before vomiting and then take the medicine on a clean stomach. The medicine helps well with hypothermia and in initial stages colds.

Outdoor use

When applied externally, the medicine is used undiluted.

For cutsbandage the wound with a piece of cloth soaked in the solution. The bandage is not removed until the wound heals, and the bandage is slightly moistened from the outside 3-4 times a day.

For insect bites apply compresses to the affected area for 10-15 minutes 4-5 times a day.

For dizziness produce rubbing the upper part of the head with medicine for half an hour before bedtime.

With congestion of blood to the head rubbed upper part heads for 15 minutes. at bedtime for 3-4 days. In the morning on an empty stomach, take 2 tablespoons of the medicine mixed with 6-8 tablespoons of hot water. Do not use for hypertension.

For headache rub the top of the head for 15 minutes. If the pain persists, take 1 tablespoon of the medicine in 6-8 tablespoons of hot water. Do not use for hypertension.

For pain in the earsbefore going to bed, instill the medicine (5-6 drops) into the ears and leave it on all night. Usually three treatments are sufficient.

When treating flux a cotton swab moistened with medicine is placed between the flux and the teeth and left overnight. This should be done 3-4 evenings in a row.

For rheumatismrub the sore spot 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. If the pain constantly returns, take, in addition, 12-14 days on an empty stomach in the morning, 2 tablespoons of medicine with 5 tablespoons of hot water.

For skin cancerit is necessary to moisten the affected area 3-4 times daily, then put a thin linen cloth moistened with medicine on it, moisten it with medicine as it dries. Before going to bed, rub your head with medicine and put on a hat or a light scarf. In the morning, take the medicine inside - 2 tablespoons with 5-6 tablespoons of hot water.

With dislocationsrub the sore spot.

With osteochondrosis and heel spurs (recipe V. Tereshchenko): 3 pods of red pepper; 1 glass of coarse salt pour 0.5 liters of cognac, leave for 5 days. Make lotions for heel spurs, osteochondrosis.

For arthrosis of small joints (for example, fingers or toes) do “sand baths” every evening. Mix salt with river sand in a ratio of 1: 1, heat it up and bury your fingers in hot sand with salt, keep until cool.

When sprained ligaments mix plain salt with flour in a ratio of 1: 1, add a little water, knead a very tough dough. Wrap the sore spot like a tourniquet several times with sausage from this dough, lay compress paper on top and wrap it with a warm scarf.

Recipes using rock or sea salt

In case of poisoning, drink vodka with salt. If vodka is unacceptable to you, drink a few glasses of salt water, and then try to "give" everything back.
. If the pressure drops, quickly drink a glass of fairly salty water. People suffering from low blood pressure can eat 1-2 g of salt after meals. Vital tone rises immediately!
. If you feel like you have a cold, drink some vodka with salt.
. At the first sign of a runny nose and sinusitis, pour saline solution into a small teapot, inserting the spout into one nostril and tilting your head forward and to one side, pour the solution so that it pours out through the other nostril. But the nose during this procedure should not be blocked. Such washing can be done for the prevention of sinusitis. But if a runny nose has already begun, it’s good to do deep warming. Heat the salt to a high temperature in a frying pan, pour it into a cotton bag or sock and put it on the nose and sinuses area.


Kireev A. Healing of blood. - M.: “Ch.A.L. i K°”, 2001, 94 p.
Semenova A. Treatment with salt. - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt Publishing House, 1999, 116 p.
Solovieva LN The science of life from the standpoint of Ayurveda. M., 1998, 696 p.
Sushansky A. G., Liflyandsky V. G. Encyclopedia of healthy nutrition. T. I,. Nutrition for health / St. Petersburg: “Publishing House “Neva””; Moscow: OLMA-PRESS, 1999, 799 p.
Filippova I.A. healing power ordinary salt. - St. Petersburg: Timoshka Publishing House, 1999, 224 p.
R. Horn. Marine chemistry. Ed. “MIR”, M. 1972, 398 p.
Wisdom of the Ages. Ancient oriental medicine. Intro. Art. V. Kapranova, M. Friendship of peoples, 1992, 271 p.
Man. Biomedical data. (Publication No. 23 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection). Collegium of Authors. Per. from English. M., “Medicine”, 1977, 496 p.

Salt is necessary for normal human life, but it is very important to strike a balance in its use. Lack of salt, as well as its excess, harms the body. Lack of salt causes headache, weakness, nausea, and an excess of salt causes harm to some internal organs. In addition to food use, salt is used to treat many diseases, and saline solutions are used as rinses, washes and used as dressings depending on the disease.

It is difficult to imagine our life without salt. She is always in our homes in enough. We do not think about its significance, and once there were wars because of it!

Healing properties of salt

The therapeutic effect of salt lies in its ability to “suck out” the fluid from the tissues, from which microbes, bacteria, viruses, toxins, and pus come out. Thus, the pathogenic factor is gradually destroyed and inflammatory process is liquidated.

Treatment with salt, saline, or dressings is done at home for one to three weeks.

What diseases can be treated with salt treatment

You can use saline dressings or saline solution for:

  • colds;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • for healing wounds, suppuration, burns;
  • joint diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • diarrhea
  • poisoning;
  • toothache;
  • dandruff;
  • diseases internal organs.

Salt solution preparation at home

For home treatment, it is necessary to properly prepare a saline solution (hypertonic solution).

Salt for the solution is used ordinary table or sea salt, it must be natural without additives. Do not use iodized salt or preservatives.

For medicinal purposes, a 9% saline solution is prepared (small deviations are allowed, for example, up to 8 or 10%). If the solution is of a lower concentration: it will not bring the desired effect, more - it can damage the capillaries. So the preparation of the correct saline solution must be approached with all seriousness.

What is a 9% saline solution? Dissolve 90 grams of salt (3 tablespoons without top) in 1 liter of water. This will be a 9% saline solution. It is difficult to calculate the proportion for a smaller volume more accurately. If you don't need all of the solution, use the rest next time. Store the saline solution in an airtight jar for up to 24 hours.

Water for the solution is better to take purified (filtered). But if it doesn’t happen at the right time, use ordinary tap water.

At home, preparing a saline solution is very simple: pour a liter of water into a saucepan, add 3 tablespoons (without top) of salt to it, stir and put on fire. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat.

For dressings, use a warm solution. If using a pre-prepared solution, warm it up. But not in the microwave!

How to make a salt bandage

  1. Fold four layers of thin cotton fabric or eight layers of gauze.
  2. Dip the prepared tissue into the hot saline solution for one minute. The tissue must be completely immersed in the solution. Then slightly wring out the fabric and apply a bandage to the sore spot. There should not be any ointments and creams at the application site! A dry cloth can be applied on top, the bandage is fixed with a plaster or bandaged.

Do not apply any cellophane, the salt bandage must breathe - this is not a compress!

  1. The bandage is applied in the evening before going to bed, removed in the morning.
  2. The fabric should fit snugly to the treatment site.
  3. In the treatment of wounds, the procedures are repeated until healing.
  4. In the treatment of inflamed joints, diseases of the internal organs, salt dressings are made daily for 9 days, after a week-long break, the course is repeated, then again a week-long break and treatment is carried out for another 9 days.
  5. Treatment with saline dressings does not replace medical treatment, but complements it.

Application of saline dressings

Salt treatment with bandages is used with headaches, the first signs of acute respiratory infections or flu . In these cases, a bandage is applied around the head.

For sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis make a salt bandage on the neck and back.

In case of poisoning put tissue on the abdomen.

Salt dressings are used in complex treatment with medication diseases of the spine, sprains, burns, liver diseases .

In the treatment of liver diseases put on a bandage from right chest to the middle of the abdomen and to the spine (wrap) for 10 hours. Then it is removed and a heating pad is applied to the epigastric region to expand the bile ducts so that the bile mass can freely pass into the intestine. If you do not use a heating pad, blockage of the bile ducts may occur.

Salt solution can cure bursitis, abscesses, articular rheumatism, osteomyelitis . The saline solution, which has absorbent properties, absorbs fluid from tissues, but does not harm red blood cells, white blood cells, and living tissue cells.

When coughing you can also use saline dressings. In this case, they are fixed on the back. Usually, after four or five procedures, the cough disappears.

For sinusitis or severe runny nose a water-salt bandage is fixed so that the fabric covers the forehead, nose and most of the cheeks. It will be difficult to do this with one piece of fabric - use 2 and fasten carefully so that they do not fly off during sleep.

For toothache make a small lotion and apply it on the gum near the diseased tooth. The use of saline lotion will relieve toothache, but it is necessary to heal caries after that.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis , such as lumbar or cervical, a bandage soaked in 10 percent saline solution is applied to the sore spot for at least 2 weeks before going to bed at night and carefully secured. According to numerous reviews, this method salt treatment brings tangible relief after the first course of application.

A few more popular recipes

Salt shirt

In addition to the use of salt dressings, it is possible to treat with a salt shirt.

This method is good because it covers most of the body, does not bring discomfort during application.

Salt shirt is good to use for diseases of the joints (shoulder), and back.

Take a light, soft nightgown or T-shirt (made from natural fabrics), soak it in a 9% salt solution for 15 minutes. Wring out and dry. Put on a dry shirt at night. Repeat this for three nights. Then rinse the shirt and soak again in the saline solution. Sleep in it for three nights. Then rinse again and soak. Sleep in it for three more nights. Then take a week break and repeat the course again. If necessary, a third course of treatment with salt can be carried out.

Treatment of joints with salt and snow

AT folk treatment there is a recipe that relieves joint pain and swelling, it is especially good for. To do this, you need 1 part of table or sea salt and 2 parts of ordinary snow (it is easier to measure with glasses). Quickly mix the ingredients, apply a thick layer on the sore or swollen joint and hold for 5 minutes. Then wipe dry and then do not wet this place for 8-10 hours. Best done before bed. It helps quickly, but with advanced pain, it is recommended to carry out procedures every other day for 10 days.

How to treat a runny nose with nasal lavage

At lingering runny nose it is recommended to wash the nose with saline at home. Of course, the solution should not be so concentrated: for adults - 1.5 teaspoons of salt per glass of warm water, for children 1 teaspoon per glass will be enough. Before washing, free your nose from snot, draw saline solution into a large syringe without a needle and irrigate each nostril with a gentle stream, spending half a glass on it. This method is easiest to use for children.

For adults, salt water can be poured into the nostril directly from a small teapot, after tilting the head to the side over the sink. Thus, the solution, getting into the "upper" nostril, pours out from the "lower". This is the most effective nasal wash that can be done three times a day at home. It allows you to effectively fight viruses and puffiness and quickly brings significant relief to the patient.

Baths for heels

For pain in the heels and for the treatment of heel spurs, baths with the addition of sea salt are very helpful.

Before going to bed, soak your feet for 15-20 minutes in a warm 8-10% water-salt solution, then pat them dry, lubricate your heels with an anti-inflammatory ointment, and put on your socks.

Carry out the procedure within five days. If necessary, repeat the course in a week. Usually two courses are enough.


  • high pressure;
  • migraine;
  • heart diseases;
  • kidney diseases.

Salt has been regarded as a magical and healing product since ancient times. With its help, they directed and removed damage, bewitched, performed a ceremony for wealth and abundance. This is due to the crystalline structure of salt, as well as excellent solubility in water. Any crystal can be a carrier of information.

Being dissolved in water, it is able to transfer it to its destination in a drink, food or air vapor.

Edible salt consists of only two atoms - sodium and chlorine, connected by an ionic bond. This structure of the substance allows not only to store information, but also to quickly get rid of it by heating or freezing.

All salt can be divided into two types:

  • culinary, extracted from the bowels of the earth;
  • marine, which is obtained by evaporation or freezing of salt water bodies on the surface of the Earth.

In terms of composition, table salt and sea salt do not differ from each other. Both consist of 97-98% of the same substance - sodium chloride. 2-3% are minerals such as magnesium, calcium, chromium. Depending on the deposit, iodine, iron, selenium, manganese and silicon can be added.

Salts can differ from each other only in the size of the crystals (it is larger in the culinary one) and the quality of the anti-caking additive. Aluminum silicate was previously added to table salt to keep the product crumbly. Aluminum is considered a toxic substance for the human body that can provoke the development of Alzheimer's disease. Now, instead of it, they began to use potassium carbonate, which is completely harmless in small quantities.

INTERESTING! Esotericists believe that table salt carries the energy of the Earth, and sea salt carries the energy of the Sun. For this reason, it is better to use ordinary salt to cleanse the body, and sea salt to saturate it with solar energy.

The human body cannot independently synthesize sodium and chlorine ions. It must be ingested with food and water. Salt in the human body:

Both table and sea salt can be used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases associated with slagging of the body, metabolic disorders, diseases of the respiratory system and the nervous system.

Indications for use. What heals?

Sea salt is commonly used in the treatment of respiratory and nasopharyngeal diseases:

  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • angina,;
  • adenovirus infection.

This is due to the antihistamine, antiseptic and anticonvulsant properties of saline solutions. Sodium chloride is also used to get rid of skin and nail fungus, indigestion (diarrhea, constipation). Sea salt is widely used to restore the nervous system with:

  • emotional exhaustion;
  • neuroses;
  • sleep disorders.

Also, sea salt helps to heal gynecological diseases in the form of douches and tampons.

Salt is used as a powerful antiseptic to treat festering wounds, boils, prevention, etc.

In folk medicine, saline solutions are widely used to treat oncological diseases, as well as benign tumors.

Salt may prevent older people from developing:

  • osteoporosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • the formation of pigment spots.

Both types of salt can be successfully used in cosmetology:

  • when exfoliating the skin as part of scrubs;
  • for anti-cellulite massage;
  • as part of hair masks to enhance hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Ordinary salt is truly a universal remedy in the treatment of many diseases. But when using it, certain rules must be observed in order to avoid edema, skin inflammation and exacerbation of diseases.

Is there any harm and contraindications?

Salt can bring the main harm with its illiterate use. Human consumption of more than three grams per kilogram of body weight is considered fatal. Even a small overdose of sodium chloride can lead to such undesirable consequences as:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • puffiness;
  • headaches;
  • exacerbation of joint disease;
  • nervousness and irritability.

It should be noted that the average consumption of this product ranges from 4 to 10 g per day, depending on the individual characteristics of a person and his lifestyle.

Excess salt is very easy to remove from the body by drinking up to one and a half liters of pure water per day (preferably melted water).

When using sodium chloride externally, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended concentration of the solution. Saline compresses, applications and baths are prohibited when:

During these periods, the body is tuned for intensive cleaning. Salt procedures can cause a powerful release of toxins into the blood. With such a load, the body can not cope.

Methods of use in traditional medicine

In the treatment of diseases and the general improvement of the body with the help of sodium chloride, saline solutions of various concentrations are used for both internal and external use.

To cleanse the body

In order not to make a mistake with the concentration, you can do this:

  • drink a glass of water;
  • moisten the pad index finger saliva
  • dip your finger in salt;
  • crystals adhering to a wet finger, put on the tongue.

Salt with this method of application should dissolve on the tongue on its own.

After a week of daily intake of saline in the morning, normalization is observed. digestive processes, increasing the tone of the body, exacerbation of intellectual abilities.

REFERENCE! In two weeks, the onset of a cleansing crisis is possible, that is, within one or two days there will be a breakdown, exacerbation of chronic diseases, runny nose, cough, headache. Do not be afraid of this and stop taking salt. The condition quickly returns to normal.

With adenovirus infection

Viral diseases are not treated with antibiotics. But the use of a 2% saline solution when instilled into the nose gives excellent results, protecting the nasopharyngeal mucosa from dehydration and creating natural protection.

To prepare drops, you need to take 50 ml of thawed water or just boiled water, dissolve in it 1 g of sea salt. It should be instilled every three hours for five days. Drops before use must be heated in a water bath to body temperature.

The throat is rinsed three times a day with the following composition:

  • 150 ml of water;
  • 5 g sea salt;
  • 5 g iodine;
  • 5 g baking soda.

Already after the first application there is a significant relief. The throat softens, perspiration disappears, it becomes easier to swallow.

Vodka with salt for diarrhea

Even with the most severe diarrhea can help next remedy:

  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • two pinches of table salt.

After dissolving the crystals, the solution must be drunk in one gulp, without drinking water. After three hours, you can repeat by reducing the amount of vodka to 30 ml (three tablespoons).

Severe diarrhea is dangerous general dehydration. Therefore, with diarrhea, it is advisable to drink hot water in small sips every fifteen minutes.

For constipation

The most severe constipation can be cured by using the following remedy on an empty stomach:

  • 50 ml of milk;
  • 50 ml raw water;
  • 5 g of table salt.

The solution should be at room temperature. Half an hour after taking, you can drink a glass of cool melt water.

To prevent constipation, you can drink a glass of salted kefir every day at night (1 g of salt per 200 ml).

For gynecological diseases

In the presence of fibroids and uterine fibroids, you can douche every evening with an 8% solution of sea salt (2 g is taken for 250 ml of warm water).

For resorption of tumors, neoplasms, normalization of the organs, traditional medicine advises the use of dressings with saline. For the procedure you need to take:

  • any cotton cloth, gauze or bandage;
  • 10% saline solution, that is, ten grams of table salt is dissolved in one liter of water.

The fabric is moistened in a solution, applied to the affected area of ​​the body, fixed with a bandage for 3-4 hours. Then the used cloth is removed and replaced with a new one soaked in the same solution.

Do not cover the bandage with polyethylene or oilcloth. She needs to breathe.

It is necessary to carry out such a procedure as often as possible until the complete resorption of the tumor or neoplasm.

With purulent wounds or boils

N.I. Pirogov for the treatment of non-healing purulent wounds, fistulas or boils recommended the use of the following remedy:

  • 50 ml of 10% saline;
  • 50 ml dry red wine.

Mix the two ingredients, moisten a piece of gauze with the resulting solution, apply to the previously cleaned affected skin area. Change in an hour until the complete disappearance of purulent discharge.

With neurosis and emotional exhaustion

Salt hot bath is very easy to prepare. To do this, add a handful of table salt to water with a temperature of 50 degrees. The duration of the procedure should not exceed five minutes.

Such a bath should be taken only in the morning or afternoon twice a week. It perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, gives a powerful charge of vivacity. Nervous system recovered in two weeks.

For asthma or allergic rhinitis

Sea salt has antihistamine properties. It can help with an asthma attack or allergic swelling of the nasal mucosa in the form of inhalations.

For the procedure, one tablespoon dissolved in one liter of boiling water is enough. During treatment, you can use the Chamomile apparatus or simply breathe in salty fumes over a bowl of water, covered with a towel.

INTERESTING! Traditional healers believe that baths with table salt and eucalyptus grass can save a person from chronic and birth damage, as well as some types of curses.

Application in cosmetology

Sodium chloride can be used in body rubs, face and hair masks, and scrubs.

Body Scrub

When applying once a week a scrub consisting of 100 g of sour cream and 20 g of table salt, you can forget about peeling, flabbiness and lethargy of the skin. After the first application, the skin will become pink, smooth and silky.

From cellulite

Massage problem areas a mixture of honey and sea salt activates blood circulation, helps to relieve swelling, removes toxins and harmful metabolic products.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. For dry skin, you can add a little olive oil.

For hair loss

Mix 20 g of sea salt and 10 g of dry mustard and dilute with hot water. Apply a warm mixture along the partings on the scalp, cover with polyethylene for ten minutes, rinse with water. If desired, you can use shampoo when rinsing.

Apply the mask only on damp hair, before washing.

To cleanse the skin of the face

salt mask, cosmetic clay and hydrogen peroxide can replace a visit to a beauty salon. For cooking you need:

  • 10 g of green clay (for dry skin - pink) diluted in a small amount of warm water;
  • add 5 g of sea salt;
  • 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Apply to cleansed face for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.