Internal hemorrhoids in women: symptoms and how to treat. How to treat external nodes? Healing with folk remedies

It is often diagnosed already in an advanced form, since the first alarming symptoms of the patient are ignored.


There are subjective and objective symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in women. Subjective symptoms are characteristic of a latent form of pathologies of venous nodes:

  • and burning in the anus;
  • frequent stool disorders ();
  • sensation of a foreign body in the rectum;
  • bursting in this area;
  • discomfort during bowel movements;
  • pain of varying intensity.

In addition to discomfort in the anus, all women feel pain: some before a bowel movement, others during a bowel movement, and still others after it. Pain occurs due to trauma to the nodes with fecal masses. Their different intensity determines the stages of the disease:

  • itching and burning (at the initial stage);
  • pain during defecation (second stage);
  • acute pain that does not go away for a long time after a bowel movement, which is felt constantly, even when walking or sitting (late stages).

Among the objective symptoms of the disease should be highlighted:

  • from the anus;
  • mucous discharge from the rectum.

At the initial stage of the disease, occult blood in the feces can only be determined through a special analysis, and over time, more and more blood is released. It appears on underwear, on toilet paper, or directly in the stool.

Mucus in the stool, which causes itching and swelling, is also a symptom of internal hemorrhoids. In case of infection, fever is added to the listed symptoms.


Internal hemorrhoids in the fairer sex develop for two main reasons: a hereditary factor and an unhealthy lifestyle, but in most cases, exposure to other provoking factors leads women to a proctologist.

These provoking factors include:

  • heavy physical labor;
  • excessive sports loads;
  • prolonged standing or sitting position;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • excess body weight;
  • use .

Often the disease occurs against the background of other pathologies of the rectum, inflammatory processes of internal organs. The weakening of the vessels and the functionality of the anal sphincter is also provoked by frequent diarrhea.

Candles made from honey and aloe are prepared with sunflower oil. The ingredients are crushed, wrapped in foil and frozen. Enter at night for 10 days after washing and baths.

Hemorrhoids are a disease that affects men and women equally. The trend towards an increase in the number of cases of hemorrhoids is outlined mainly with an increase in the age of patients.

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in women are typical for this disease and arise due to the very mechanism of the development of the pathological process.

How does this happen

In the development of internal hemorrhoids, two main pathological pathways can be identified.

The first is hemodynamic. Cavernous formations in the submucosal layer of the rectum in the normal state are regularly filled with blood and emptied due to the contraction of the vascular walls and the operation of the valves of the veins. If there are disorders of this mechanism, then the blood stagnates in the veins of the rectum and their sections expand, forming hemorrhoids.

The second factor contributing to the appearance of internal hemorrhoids is the dystrophic process of the muscular layer of the rectum, which normally keeps hemorrhoidal formations in the anal canal. For this reason, the nodes under the force of gravity gradually shift to the lower part of the rectum and over time are able to fall out through the anus.

In the initial stage of hemorrhoids, in the first place are functional changes in the hemorrhoidal veins, so it is possible to reverse the pathological process. Practice shows that hemorrhoids of the first and second stages can arbitrarily undergo reverse development, but reappear under adverse factors.

According to some data, 7.7% of non-pregnant women, 25.7% of pregnant women and 49.8% of women after childbirth suffer from hemorrhoids.

In the later stages, the leading role is played by the violation of the elasticity of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the vessels. In many ways, this happens with their constant overstrain during straining, constipation, difficult defecation, prolonged forced position, for example, sedentary work or constantly being “on their feet”.

The female gender contributes another important factor in the development of internal hemorrhoids - pregnancy.


It happens that internal hemorrhoids are asymptomatic. Pain sensations may be absent, because inside the rectum the nerve endings do not have nociceptive properties - they determine pain to a small extent. Therefore, internal hemorrhoids can only be detected at all during examination and often about another disease.

In the case when not so "lucky", there are such signs of internal hemorrhoids in women:

  • Repetitive bleeding, which in time is associated with emptying "largely" or prolapse of nodes from the anus. Bleeding can be drip or even jet and accompanies at least half of the cases of internal hemorrhoids.
  • In addition to hemorrhagic discharge, mucus and inflammatory exudate can often be seen.
  • Prolapse of nodes outside the anal canal. Depending on the degree of the disease, the bumps can be drawn in on their own or you need to set them manually. In the case of acute hemorrhoids, anal sphincter spasm can infringe on the prolapsed node, causing severe pain, thrombosis and necrosis. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
  • The patient may also be disturbed by a burning, itchy sensation in the anus. Internal hemorrhoids feel like a foreign body and after defecation, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying. You may notice swelling in the anal area.

Also, when examined with a rectal mirror, the doctor can see a full-blooded capillary network and small veins of the mucous membrane. But if thrombosis occurs, then areas of necrosis and ulceration are visible on the wall of the rectum.

Differential Diagnosis

Symptoms accompanying hemorrhoids may mask other pathological conditions. It looks like a disease such as paraproctitis - inflammation of the perirectal tissue, but unlike internal hemorrhoids, this inflammation has a diffuse character and is accompanied by a high temperature.

Reliably distinguish internal hemorrhoids from other pathologies of the rectum will help colonoscopy or irrigoscopy

Rectal bleeding may also be a symptom of colonic diverticulosis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, endometriosis, colon tumors, or acute or chronic anal fissure.

Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor if any discomfort occurs in the anus in order to accurately determine its cause. It is up to the doctor to decide how to treat internal hemorrhoids in women.

Treatment Options

Treatment for internal hemorrhoids is usually conservative, minimally invasive, or surgical.

Medical therapy

Internal hemorrhoids, as a rule, have a sluggish course with periodic exacerbation, therefore, first of all, factors that provoke the development of clinical symptoms should be avoided:

  • professional hazards,
  • weak passage of feces in the intestines,
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Conservative therapy also implies a complex of hygiene procedures. As practice shows, women are more committed to treatment and carefully follow the instructions - sitz baths with herbal infusions or irrigation of the anus after a stool. The use of laxatives to regulate stools - lactulose, flax seeds or psyllium - also has a positive effect on the patient's well-being.

Drug treatment goes in two ways - general and local. Systemic drugs include phlebotonics, drugs that increase the tone of the veins, improve microcirculation in the cavernous bodies and normalize blood flow. These are tablets based on flavonoids, in particular, diosmin, troxerutin, rutoside - tablets Detralex, Phlebodia, Troxevasin.

Detralex should be prescribed only by a specialist

In addition to toning the veins, flavonoids prevent the appearance of free radicals, thereby preventing damage to the walls of blood vessels, stopping inflammation, and stimulating lymph drainage.

If internal hemorrhoids are in the acute phase and hurt, then non-narcotic analgesics - antipyretics, which are based on metamizole sodium, ketoprofen, ketorolac, diclofenac, bufexamac, indomethacin, can be taken orally.

In local therapy use:

  • thrombolytic,
  • anticoagulant,
  • astringent preparations,
  • anti-inflammatory drugs of steroid and non-steroidal origin,
  • local anesthetic drugs.

It is most rational to use the suppository dosage form for internal hemorrhoids. They deliver the active ingredients directly to the site of injury. The usual practice of application is after each stool and at night, 1 suppository in the anus.

So, to combat bleeding, Natalsid suppositories with natural brown algae polysaccharide are prescribed. The drug has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

To prevent the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoids, suppositories containing a direct-acting anticoagulant, heparin, are suitable. These are preparations Gepatrombin G, "suppositories with heparin", Nigepan. The latter also contains benzocaine, which is a good help in the anesthetization of hemorrhoids. In heparin, the effectiveness depends on the dose, the higher it is, the more pronounced the effect.

In suppositories from hemorrhoids, the content of 1000 IU of heparin is most effective

Proctosan suppositories are distinguished by their combined action. They contain bufeksamak - NSAIDs with anti-inflammatory action, bismuth subgallate and titanium dioxide - an astringent component that forms a protective film on the surface of the mucosa, lidocaine hydrochloride - an anesthetic component.

How to choose a drug based on symptoms

Relief suppository combinations are also effective, where a little shark liver is combined with phenylephrine, anesthesin (Relief Advance), hydrocortisone and zinc sulfate (Relief Ultra).

Important note! If internal hemorrhoids have a chronic course, which is accompanied by constant prolapse of nodes and severe bleeding, then the use of drugs with local influence alone may not be effective. Yes, with a high probability it is possible to deal with pain, reduce discomfort and anal itching, but with inflammation of the fallen bumps, infringement or thrombosis can be dealt with only with the help of surgery.

Operations with low penetration

Sclerotherapy, ligation rings on hemorrhoids, infrared photocoagulation, electrocoagulation, cryosurgery - a variety of low intervention methods are available for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women.

Such treatment one way or another (by means of a mechanical cessation of blood access to the node, thermal or cold exposure) destroys the existing hemorrhoidal bumps, which subsequently come out naturally during defecation. The best effect is obtained by using a combination of several techniques - ligation with infrared coagulation, ligation and sclerotherapy.

The main thing is that the results of minimally invasive techniques are comparable in quality to those of a full-scale operation.

Surgical treatments

Internal hemorrhoids in women should be operated on if the nodes are large, constantly fall out and carry the rectal mucosa with them. The operation to remove hemorrhoids is called a hemorrhoidectomy. Without taking into account the subtleties of the operation, its principle can be described as excision of cavernous formations and ligation of the branches of blood vessels. In addition, there is a "pulling up" of the ligamentous apparatus that holds the hemorrhoids.

There are many options for the operation, you may have to hear such names as the Milligan and Morgan method, the Longo method

In pregnant women, they try not to carry out surgical interventions, up to severe thrombosis of the II or III degree. The operation is still long and requires the introduction of drugs for anesthesia, which is undesirable for the expectant mother and child.


In the early stages of internal hemorrhoids, you can try folk remedies that alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Among the common recipes you can find - candles from potatoes, candied honey, garlic dipped in lard, ice candles, ointments, compresses, sitz baths, enemas on decoctions of medicinal plants of wormwood, strawberries, oak bark, chamomile, sage. Means for oral administration - juice from fresh potatoes, carrots, lettuce, spinach, onions, carrot tops.

But remember, hoping for such treatment at home, you can miss the moment of aggravation of the disease, so it would be useful to get expert advice. A therapist can also prescribe conservative therapy, but small operations, and even more so a hemorrhectomy, can only be performed by a coloproctologist.

Proctological problems of the rectum are a frequent companion of the weak half of humanity. Why does external hemorrhoids occur in women and how to treat inflammation of the nodes?

The disease causes discomfort and symptoms

Hemorrhoidal disease is a varicose vein in the lower rectum. Accompanied by thrombosis, pain, rectal bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms. The disease is internal and external.

Pathology is often diagnosed in women during pregnancy and after childbirth. It appears in middle and old age.

Often the disease proceeds without visible signs. Only an acute course and a neglected form begin to give women discomfort.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids are manifested

  1. rectal bleeding during bowel movements;
  2. an increase in hemorrhoids and their prolapse from the anus;
  3. pain in the anus;
  4. inflammation and swelling of the nodes;
  5. thrombosis of nodes;
  6. in the most advanced cases - gangrene.

External hemorrhoids are varicose veins located under the skin in the anus.

What does it look like? Outwardly, these are skin folds (fringes) framing the anus from the outside.

If you ignore the treatment, then over time they take the form of large petals. In this case, the patient feels discomfort not only while walking.

Fringes can cause irritation, itching, swelling of the upper layer of the skin and disruption of its structure. External hemorrhoids contribute to the formation of anal fissures. Cracks originate at the bases of nodes. With timely access to a proctologist, they can be cured with conservative methods.

A hemorrhoid with acute thrombophlebitis causes a complication in the form of a dense formation in the anus, which resembles a round intestine in shape. This complication is accompanied by severe pain, which usually disappears after 7 to 10 days. The thrombus does not go away.

Reasons for the appearance

Constipation causes inflammation of the hemorrhoids

Factors that can trigger the development of hemorrhoids are as follows:

  • low physical activity;
  • pregnancy and difficult childbirth;
  • persistent constipation;
  • strong physical activity;
  • addiction to spicy and spicy food;
  • pathology of the pelvic organs;
  • lack of valves in the efferent veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus.

Distinguish between primary and secondary pathology. The cause of primary hemorrhoids is hereditary predisposition.

The development of a secondary ailment can be caused by:

  1. portal hypertension, when there is a violation of blood circulation in the portal vessels;
  2. stagnation of blood in the inferior vena cava;
  3. constant constipation;
  4. heart failure;
  5. sedentary work.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

Thrombosis and prolapse of nodes are common during pregnancy and lactation.

Self-medication during pregnancy is harmful and even dangerous. This is especially true of the first trimester, when the formation of the internal organs of the baby takes place. And all drugs, even those intended for external use, are potentially dangerous to the fetus.

In pregnant women, local remedies are used to treat the initial stage of hemorrhoids and preference is given to natural natural ingredients.

During this period, patients are categorically contraindicated in steam and sitz baths. For the treatment of external hemorrhoids, lotions and ointments based on natural ingredients are used.

With caution, you need to approach the treatment of hemorrhoids and during lactation! Medicines through the mucous membrane of the rectum are able to be absorbed into the bloodstream and into breast milk. During the period of breastfeeding, women are recommended to use products with natural ingredients for the treatment of proctological diseases of the rectum.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the use of certain drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease must be agreed with the attending physician.

Help at home

Sedentary baths with potassium permanganate well relieve inflammation and reduce itching

Acute inflammation of external hemorrhoids is a reason to abandon physical activity and be treated with bed rest.

During this period, you should not fight constipation. On the contrary, it is better to try to delay the stool for a few days. You can include in the diet: beef broth, egg white omelet, lean meat boiled and minced through a meat grinder, slimy rice porridge in water, white crackers (3-4 pieces a day), 4-6 mugs a day of slightly sweetened tea.

Cold packs in the first two days will help relieve pain.

Cotton pads or swabs soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate are applied to the inflamed nodes. The procedure is performed for 1.5 - 2 hours, making lotions every 15 - 20 minutes.

Folk remedies

To treat the initial stage of external hemorrhoids, you can try drinking an infusion of medicinal herbs. To prepare it, you need to take equal amounts of senna leaves, licorice fruits, coriander fruits, buckthorn bark, yarrow. 1 tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. A glass of infusion should be drunk before bedtime.

with medicinal herbs - the most effective remedy for external hemorrhoids. Healing plants act on blood vessels, reducing the inflammatory process.

Alternative recipes give a positive result only at the initial stage of the disease, when there are no serious complications.

Traditional treatment

The fastest and most effective treatment can only be prescribed by a proctologist after an examination

Treatment of external hemorrhoids in women involves conservative methods of treatment. Any therapy for a chronic illness is temporary. You should correct your habits that cause an exacerbation of the disease. These are malnutrition, excessive exercise, alcohol abuse.


Medical treatment involves the use of:

  • general and local painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • applications with ointments;
  • cleansing enemas;
  • phlebotonic agents.

To relieve pain, non-narcotic analgesics are prescribed (Ketonal, Voltaren, Nise, Movalis, Diclofenac). You can also prescribe combined drugs (Gepatrombin G, Proctoglivenol, Ultraprokt).

Ointments for external hemorrhoids with an anti-inflammatory effect (Vishnevsky ointment, Levasin, Levomekol) are used for applications if the inflammatory process has spread to the skin and subcutaneous fat around the hemorrhoid.

The action of which is aimed at increasing the tone of the veins, are indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic forms of hemorrhoids. One of these drugs is Detralex.

To eliminate rectal bleeding, suppositories with adrenaline or local hemostatic agents (drug Spongostan, Adroxon, Beriplast) are used.

Thrombosis of nodes

The goal of the treatment of hemorrhoids complicated by acute thrombophlebitis is the resorption of the thrombus. For several days, the patient is advised to adhere to bed rest. Eat light food, stop smoking and alcohol.

For resorption of a blood clot, the patient is prescribed:

  • warm sessile baths for 10-15 minutes with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • suppositories 2 times a day (cocoa butter - 2 g, streptocid - 0.08 g, xeroform - 0.1 g, novocaine - 0.12 g, belladonna extract - 0.015 g);
  • ointment applications (composition of the ointment: castor oil - 200 g, anestezin - 2 g, tar oil - 6 g, xeroform - 6 g).

If within 10 days after the start of treatment, the density of the thrombus remains the same, a decision is made on a surgical operation.

Operations to remove blood clots of hemorrhoids:

  1. Thrombectomy is a surgical treatment for hemorrhoids. During the operation, the hemorrhoid is cut and a blood clot is removed through the incision. The intervention does not require general anesthesia and observation in the hospital.
  2. In case of complications, the external hemorrhoid is removed completely. The operation is also indicated for frequent thrombosis.

Removal of hemorrhoids

How are external hemorrhoids removed?

Surgical intervention is required in a complicated form

For treatment, effective minimally invasive methods or their combinations are used. These are ligation of hemorrhoidal veins with ultrasonic dopplerometry, ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings, sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, etc.

The advantages of these techniques are low trauma and low pain. For the treatment of hemorrhoids at different stages, different methods are used:


To prevent the development of hemorrhoids, experts recommend:

  1. during sedentary work, take 2-3 breaks to perform simple exercises, allocating 5-7 minutes for them;
  2. review your diet;
  3. avoid spicy food and alcohol.

To prevent the disease, you can perform the following exercises:

  • walk, raising your legs high, bending them at the knees;
  • perform leg swings alternately forward, then back, to the side;
  • perform tilts in different directions, from a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart;
  • in a standing position, hands on the belt, legs together, strain the muscles of the buttocks, while trying to retract the anus;
  • squat on toes, while spreading your knees wide.

The gymnastic complex ends with the first exercise.

External hemorrhoids in women are dangerous for vein thrombosis and the development of rectal cancer. A delay in going to the hospital can lead to a chronic course and a lifelong struggle with pathology.

Important Materials

Internal hemorrhoids in women are quite common. The cause may be childbirth and pregnancy, a sedentary profession, poor nutrition. What is the most effective treatment for hemorrhoidal disease in women?

Proctological diseases in women are treated by a proctologist

The internal form of hemorrhoids is much more insidious than the external form, since it manifests itself with meager symptoms. Signs are not always noticeable to an uninformed person in this matter. Given the level of employment and the increased pace of life of a modern woman, proctologists are much more likely to deal with.

Internal and external pathology require different treatment

It should be remembered that the internal earlier form of the disease is treated easier and eliminated faster. It delivers much less inconvenience and promises a lesser likelihood of recurrence.

As events unfold, the patient begins to feel pressure in the rectum, the presence of a “foreign body” there. This means that the size of the bump has reached the limits of discomfort and you should immediately seek qualified help.

Bloody discharge at the initial stage of the disease is rare. Most often they occur when the size of the node is large enough. In this case, defecation takes place with complications and requires muscle tension. This leads to a rush of blood to the pelvic organs and the formation of an increased load on the vessels. As a result, it causes cracks.

The first signs of blood on toilet paper, personal care products and stools are a very alarming sign that requires immediate action. Postponing the consultation is no longer acceptable.

Diagnosis of pathology

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids should begin with a visit to a proctologist, who must carefully examine the patient and establish an accurate diagnosis. To do this, the specialist necessarily collects the patient's history, conducts a visual examination of the anal region, evaluates the sphincter, and performs a digital examination of the rectum.

Early diagnosis will help to cure the disease in a short time

If these data are not enough for an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must conduct diagnostic studies: anoscopy, or colonoscopy.

How to treat internal hemorrhoids

It was previously noted that the treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women, unlike external, can be carried out using a wider range of methods. This applies not only to medications, but also to minimally invasive methods.

The initial stage of the treatment of the disease is considered to be a drug effect on the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This is done in order to exclude constipation, which in 90% of cases leads to a complication of the disease.

Most often, domestic medicine offers us precisely the medicinal effect on the body in combination with non-drug treatment. So, in addition to the use of rectal suppositories, ointments, tablets and other dosage forms of drugs, the patient is prescribed a special diet and controlled physical activity.

The course of treatment can be supplemented with substances of natural origin, that is, traditional medicine.

Medical treatment

With internal hemorrhoids, according to the appointment of a specialist, laxatives (usually in the form of tablets and pills or drops), anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious, antiseptic (most often local use, that is, suppositories, ointments, etc.), as well as vasostimulators in various forms.

The purpose of the latter is to normalize blood circulation, increase the tone of blood vessels, their resistance to damage and sprains.

Phlebotonics improve blood outflow, relieve inflammation, reduce pain

Among the powerful and effective drugs, French Detralex and Russian drug can be distinguished.

If the patient complains of severe pain, then painkillers are prescribed in the form of gels and rectal suppositories. For example, Proctosan, Ultraproct.

In cases of suspicion and prevention of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, anticoagulants are prescribed in the form of an ointment ().

If complications already occur, drugs with a powerful effect are prescribed (Proctosedil, Hepatrombin, Proctosan).

If the anal area is inflamed, and there is itching and burning, topical drugs are used (Voltaren, Xefocam).

Rectal suppositories effectively relieve inflammation in the rectum

In cases where hemorrhoids bleed, they resort to the use of special (Relief, Natalsid) and phlebotonics containing diosmin (Venarus, Detralex).

As part of a consultative or diagnostic appointment, the patient can ask the doctor about what internal hemorrhoids are, what symptoms should be alarming, which treatment plan is most effective in this situation.

It should be noted that the treatment regimen is always individual and depends on the symptoms and causes that occur in a single case history. The stage of development of the disease, the presence of previously manifested relapses, concomitant diseases, etc. also matter.

The primary task of the doctor is to improve the quality of life of the patient by eliminating discomfort and preventing the further development of the disease. As the patient's condition improves, everything possible is done to completely eliminate the disease.

Folk remedies

Treatment at home is effective only at stage 1 of the development of the disease. Rectal will help to quickly relieve inflammation and pain.

Among folk remedies, one can single out: baths with the addition of useful herbs, lotions and enemas, decoctions from useful plants.

Removal of hemorrhoids

In the advanced stages of the disease, surgery is indispensable

The methods of minimally invasive treatment, which have long been tested and approved by Western doctors, are becoming more widespread.
The process of getting rid of the problem is faster. As a rule, several procedures are enough, less often one at all. The likelihood of relapse, with a reasonable prevention program, falls. At the same time, the possibilities of modern medicine remain at a high level.

If conservative treatment does not give comforting forecasts, and the disease begins to move into a chronic stage, then an operation to remove it is performed in 99% of cases.

In the arsenal of doctors there are many ways to radically remove hemorrhoids. It is pleasant to consider the most popular methods:

Other treatments for internal hemorrhoids include: ligation of hemorrhoidal nodes with latex rings, Longo operation, desarterization of nodes, using the LigaSure device.

The use of sclerotherapy, ligation and photocoagulation gives almost 100% the ability to defeat pathology at its various stages.

Prevention of hemorrhoids before or after treatment should be based on proper nutrition, elimination of constipation and diarrhea, hygiene of intimate places, an active lifestyle and the implementation of elementary ones. Girls should take care to prevent illness before pregnancy and childbirth.


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Write your opinion

The primary signs of hemorrhoids in women will be common to all patients with this disease.

Symptoms appear for each woman individually, but they are all similar to well-known ones.

If any one of these signs is found, attention should be paid to the problem, and
it is better to consult a doctor. In the first phases of hemorrhoids, treatment can be carried out quickly and effectively. Ignoring the disease and the lack of proper treatment will lead to serious complications and irreparable pathologies that can only be solved by surgical intervention, that is, by surgery.

Medicines eliminate pain, relieve inflammation, facilitate
the course of discomfort during treatment. Ointments and creams have an antiseptic and analgesic effect, tone up blood vessels. Candles directly affect the inflamed and damaged areas, taking the most active influence on getting rid of this unpleasant disease.

Among it is worth noting the ointment and rectal suppositories Relif, RelifUltra and RelifAdvance, also popular, Proctoglivenol, Hepatrombin G. Experts do not recommend the use of ointments, while suppositories are recommended for any kind of proctological ailment.

In complex treatment, tablets such as Antistax, Troxevasin, Detralex, Troxerutin and others are prescribed. It should be understood that the period of treatment with tablet means can be delayed for months.

Healing with folk remedies

Treatment with folk methods and means includes the use of medicinal plants and natural ingredients. Particular attention in getting rid of hemorrhoids will have to be given to pregnant women, since the methods must be safe for the unborn baby.

The medicinal plant chamomile is very popular in the treatment process. It has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. The plant is used in the preparation of a decoction for baths or compresses. To prepare a healing decoction, you need to pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for several hours.

Potato helps in the regeneration of wounds and small cracks, has an enveloping property. Grated fresh potatoes and wrapped in gauze can be applied to inflamed nodes. Potato juice is recommended for enemas. 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed juice is injected into the rectum through an enema pear. You can take the course for 7 days. You can also make a rectal suppository from a potato.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home

It is very convenient to treat hemorrhoids at home. An understandable process will be the adoption of sitz baths with decoctions of medicinal plants of chamomile, calendula or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is appropriate to use rectal suppositories at home. Candles can be either purchased at pharmacies or made with your own hands from,
candied honey or propolis with fat.

Candles are usually introduced at night or in an environment in which it is possible and even necessary to lie down for about half an hour. Before the rectal procedure, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and the anus. Naturally, in the comfort of your home, this will not be difficult.

With an exacerbation of the disease, it is advised to replace the use of toilet paper with washing the anus, so as not to irritate the already inflamed area.

Prevention of the disease in women

Everyone will agree with the thesis that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This is what all preventive measures are aimed at.

Such a complex includes the following conditions: