Why poor circulation. Improving blood circulation in folk ways

People with poor circulation don't get enough blood to certain parts body

More than 5 liters of blood are constantly circulating in our body. Arteries and veins are like roads for transporting blood, which ensure the functioning of organs, delivery nutrients and hormones, regulate pH, etc. How well do your blood vessels function? How healthy are they and how do they provide good blood circulation? What are the symptoms of poor circulation?

What is poor circulation?

People with poor circulation don't get enough blood to certain parts of the body. Atherosclerotic plaques and other factors slow down the movement of blood, and this reduces blood circulation in the legs, arms, heart, etc. Smoking, pregnancy, an unhealthy diet, and weight gain increase the risk of poor circulation.

Poor circulation affects people of all ages. If left untreated, it can cause severe damage to the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, and limbs. Most often poor circulation It occurs in older people, but it can occur at any age.

What are the symptoms of poor circulation?

Poor circulation is dangerous because it is often asymptomatic. In the early stages, poor circulation is hardly noticeable, and is often recognized when deterioration occurs. The following symptoms are general indicators weakened of cardio-vascular system.

Visible symptoms of poor circulation

You can literally see the following symptoms of poor circulation in yourself or your loved ones:

1. Ulcers on the legs. Ulcers and inflamed, tender patches of skin (a rash that won't go away) on the legs are a symptom of poor circulation. People with poor circulation may notice dry, red patches of varying sizes on their legs.

2. Edema. Poor circulation interferes with the good functioning of the kidneys, as a result of which swelling can be noticed. If your arms or legs begin to swell, it means that fluid has accumulated in them due to slow blood flow. This happens because circulatory system trying to reduce the load, resulting in fluid retention - swelling.

3. Discolored skin. Without the right amount of oxygen pumped through the veins, a slight change in skin color, also known as cyanosis, occurs. Fingers and toes will look like they've been bruised - more blue than usual.

4. Varicose veins veins. If the valves that pump blood are weakened, this causes blood stasis and increased pressure in the veins. As a result, veins that are close to the surface of the skin look twisted and swollen. After standing for a long time, itching may be felt in the area of ​​​​the veins in the legs. These veins most often appear near the legs and ankles.

5. Hair loss and weakened nails. This is another of the most noticeable symptoms of poor circulation. When the body does not receive enough nutrients, this will certainly affect the growth of hair and nails. Hair can become dry and begin to thin and fall out in clumps. Your skin may become dryer, itchy, and your nails may become weak and brittle.

Physiological symptoms of poor circulation

Some physiological symptoms may be due to poor circulation. Many of us are not even aware that the symptoms characteristic of many diseases can actually only indicate poor circulation.

1. Problems with digestion. With a decrease in the amount of pumped blood in the body, all other processes in the body slow down. When digestion slows down, it can cause constipation.

2. Weakening of the immune system. Poor circulation is also bad for the body's ability to detect and fight off pathogens. Many diseases are more difficult to tolerate due to weakened antibodies. You may also notice that wounds and injuries take much longer to heal than before.

3. Cold hands and feet. When blood flows at an optimal rate, it helps keep body temperature at a healthy level. If the circulation is poor, then the hands and feet become cold.

4. Fatigue. When blood flow slows, it limits the amount of glucose and oxygen delivered to the muscles. Therefore, with poor circulation physical fatigue comes much faster. This symptom is characterized by lack of breathing, muscle pain, and less endurance during daily activities.

5. erectile disfunction. In men with poor circulation, there may not be enough blood flow to the reproductive organs. Therefore, their abilities gradually decrease.

6. Angina. This symptom is accompanied by pressing pain in the chest. Owing to the fact that less blood enters the heart, there is a feeling of pressure in its area. permanent feeling pressing pain most often a symptom of poor circulation.

7. Lack of appetite. The liver is responsible for sending hunger signals to the brain if it receives enough blood. A common symptom of poor circulation is lack of appetite, resulting in weight loss.

8. Poor cognitive function. The brain relies heavily on blood circulation to keep it functioning properly. There may be poor concentration. Poor circulation can also affect the efficiency of short and long term memory.

9. Feeling of numbness. Almost everyone experiences a feeling of numbness due to a long stay of the limbs in one position. With poor blood circulation, the feeling of numbness occurs much more often and even in those parts of the body for which it is not characteristic. The feeling of numbness usually lasts no longer than a few minutes.

Each of the symptoms listed above is a reason to seek medical advice. After all, poor blood circulation is an imperceptible, but very dangerous condition for the body.

Damage to the main arteries, venous and jugular veins, due to the development of thrombosis, embolism, aneurysm, etc. leads to serious oxygen deficiency, tissue death and loss of certain vital functions for the body. Violation of the blood circulation of the brain is a serious pathology that requires urgent treatment.

Features of the blood supply to the brain

According to the most rough estimates, the human brain contains about 25 billion nerve cells. There is a solid and soft shell, gray and white matter.

Signs of circulatory disorders of the head

Initially, the symptoms of poor circulation are of little intensity, or are not observed at all. But as the disorder develops, the clinical manifestations become more apparent.

  • Headaches - improvement occurs only after taking analgesics. The pain syndrome tends to increase.

Such violations, as a rule, indicate a number of problems. A visit to the doctor is required.

Causes of obstructed blood supply to the brain

The anatomy of the blood supply has a complex structure. Transportation of oxygen and other nutrients is carried out through four arteries: vertebral and internal.

  • Vascular atherosclerosis is one of the main causes of impaired blood supply in the elderly, as well as patients with disorders in the cardiovascular system and metabolic disorders. Sclerotic plaques appear in the arteries, leading to a decrease in blood circulation.

Whatever caused circulatory failure, the consequences of violations are reflected not only in the activity of the brain itself, but also in the work of internal organs. The result of therapy is influenced by the accuracy of the established cause - the catalyst and the timely elimination of violations.

Why are the problems of poor blood flow in the brain dangerous?

A sharp violation of the blood circulation of the brain leads to serious complications. The consequences of an attack can be:

  • Ischemic stroke - accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With a focal lesion, it affects the work of individual internal organs. It affects the motor and speech function.

Transient attack occurs mainly in elderly patients. The attack is accompanied by impaired motor and visual function, numbness and paralysis of the limbs, drowsiness and other symptoms.

The impoverishment of peripheral blood flow is most often observed in the old age of the patient and leads to the development chronic insufficiency blood supply to the brain. As a result, the patient's mental activity is inhibited. A decrease in intelligence and abilities is diagnosed. Pathology is accompanied by distraction of consciousness, irritability, as well as extremely aggressive behavior.

Violation of the blood flow of the brain in children

For children, the minimum indicators of blood flow in the arteries, sufficient for the normal functioning of the brain, are 50% higher than in adults. For every 100 gr. brain tissue requires about 75 ml. blood per minute.

  • The middle cerebral artery supplies blood to the deep parts of the brain and the eyeball. The internal is responsible for the nutrition of the cervical region, scalp and face.

In fact, cerebral blood flow is a special system of blood circulation and the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to brain tissues. The system contains the carotid, cerebral, and vertebral arteries, as well as the jugular veins and the blood-brain barrier. The blood supply zones of the cerebral arteries are distributed in such a way as to provide abundant oxygen to each area of ​​the soft tissue.

Why do newborns have problems with the blood supply to the brain

Among the many reasons due to which circulatory disorders of the brain develop, only two main ones can be distinguished:

  • Violations in the development of the fetus - intrauterine pathologies are observed in 10% of all cases of pregnancy. Insufficient blood supply is a consequence of injuries, infectious diseases, bad habits future mother, and incompatibility by the Rh factor of the mother and fetus. Another catalyst for deficiency is a genetic predisposition.

What is dangerous for the baby impaired blood supply to the head

For the normal development of a child, it is required that the volume of incoming blood in relation to the brain tissue be 50% more than that of an adult. Deviations from the norm are reflected in mental development.

  1. Weak concentration.

Treat cerebral circulation start from the first days of life. There is a possibility of death. Hypoxia adversely affects the functionality of the brain and internal organs.

How to check the blood supply to the brain

Suspicions of insufficient blood supply to the brain tissue arise in the presence of neurological symptoms and violations. To determine the factors of damage and prescribe the necessary therapy, they carry out additional examination via instrumental methods circulatory studies:

  • MRI - allows you to determine the state of brain tissue and assess the degree of damage to individual lobes. The most informative is magnetic resonance angiography, which allows you to see the condition of the membranes and nerve trunks.

How and how to improve cerebral circulation

According to the results of the diagnostic study, medical preparations that improve cerebral circulation. Since the cause of violations are the most different factors, the course of therapy for one patient may not coincide with what is prescribed for another patient.

What improves blood circulation, what drugs

There is no one medicine to improve the circulation of the brain that can eliminate disorders. With any deviation, a course of therapy is prescribed, which includes one or more drugs of the following groups:

  • Vasodilator drugs - act on the smooth muscles of the blood arteries and blood vessels, have a relaxing effect and increase the lumen. It has been noticed that some medications have the opposite effect and impair blood supply, so modern therapies use only drugs that affect the vessels located in the brain (Cinnarizine, Nimodipine).

Some drugs have a special purpose. So, cortexin, in the form of intramuscular injections, is recommended for use during pregnancy and after the birth of a child with pronounced encephalopathy. Emoxipin is used for internal bleeding. Available in the form of intravenous injections.

How to improve blood flow without drugs

At the initial stage, it is possible to improve the blood supply to the brain without the help of drugs. There are several ways to influence a person's well-being:

  • Ayurvedic remedies - in fact, these are extracts from herbs and other plants that contribute to the overall strengthening of the body. The difference between Ayurveda preparations is that the treatment complex was developed in India, a country known for its centenarians and unique methods recovery, by restoring the balance of the body. The range of products includes tablets, medicinal teas and other means.

It would be useful to include in therapy the intake of vitamins E and C, which increase blood flow, as well as visit a nutritionist in order to select an effective therapeutic diet.

Folk remedies to improve blood supply to the brain

Treatment of cerebral circulatory disorders with folk remedies does not eliminate the need for professional medical care. Non-traditional methods Therapy relieves the symptoms of disorders well:

  • Noise in the head and dizziness - red clover tincture will help. Pour in vodka so that the liquid covers the flowers a little. Clover insist 3 weeks. Use 1-2 teaspoons before meals and at night.

Breathing exercises to improve circulation

A set of exercises is aimed at enriching the blood with oxygen. There are several types of breathing exercises.

Exercises and gymnastics

Exercise therapy to improve the patient's well-being is aimed at the source-catalyst of the problem. During classes, blood pressure and the work of the cardiovascular system are normalized.

Caution in the appointment of exercises should be observed in the presence of thrombosis, high blood pressure.

Diet for poor cerebral circulation

We are what we eat! Life itself proves the veracity of this statement. A person's diet, eating habits have a negative or positive effect on the blood supply to the brain.

What foods improve blood flow

Products that improve blood counts include:

The diet should include herbal remedies, improving blood circulation: oils (sunflower and olive). Plant food, foods containing zinc are also necessary to restore blood supply.

Food that is harmful to the blood supply to the brain

With poor blood circulation, foods rich in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids should be discarded.

A complete list of harmful useful products can be obtained from a neurologist who treats disorders of the blood supply to the brain.

Alcohol and cerebral circulation

Moderate doses of alcohol have a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the brain, preventing blockade of blood vessels. It's about about small or moderate portions.

Cause of violations venous outflow brain and their therapy

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Disorders of the arterial circulation of the brain: forms, signs, treatment

AT last years significantly increased the percentage of mortality from pathological lesions of the cerebral vessels, which were previously associated with the aging of the body and were diagnosed only in elderly people (after 60 years). Today, the symptoms of cerebrovascular accident have rejuvenated. And people under the age of 40 often die from a stroke. Therefore, it is important to know the causes and mechanism of their development in order to preventive, diagnostic and medical measures gave the most effective results.

What is cerebrovascular accident (MK)

The vessels of the brain have a peculiar, perfect structure that ideally regulates blood flow, ensuring the stability of blood circulation. They are designed in such a way that with an increase in blood flow to the coronary vessels by about 10 times during physical activity, the amount of circulating blood in the brain, with increasing mental activity, remains at the same level. That is, there is a redistribution of blood flow. Part of the blood from parts of the brain with a lower load is redirected to areas with enhanced brain activity.

However, this perfect process of blood circulation is disturbed if the amount of blood entering the brain does not satisfy its need for it. It should be noted that its redistribution among brain regions is necessary not only for its normal functionality. It also occurs when various pathologies, for example, stenosis of the vessel lumen (narrowing) or obturation (closure). As a result of impaired self-regulation, there is a slowdown in the speed of blood movement in certain areas of the brain and their ischemia.

Types of violations of MC

There are the following categories of blood flow disorders in the brain:

  1. Acute (stroke) occurring suddenly with long course, and transient, the main symptoms of which (visual impairment, loss of speech, etc.) last no more than a day.
  2. Chronic, caused by dyscirculatory encephalopathies. They are divided into two types: hypertensive origin and caused by atherosclerosis.

Acute disorders of cerebral circulation (ACC)

Acute cerebrovascular accident causes persistent disorders of brain activity. It is of two types: hemorrhagic (hemorrhage) and ischemic (it is also called cerebral infarction).



Hemorrhage (hemorrhagic disturbance of blood flow) can be caused by various arterial hypertensions, vascular aneurysms, congenital angiomas, etc.


As a result of the increase blood pressure there is an exit of plasma and proteins contained in it, which entails plasma soaking of the walls of blood vessels, causing their destruction. A peculiar hyaline-like specific substance (a protein resembling cartilage in its structure) is deposited on the vascular walls, which leads to the development of hyalinosis. Vessels resemble glass tubes, lose their elasticity and ability to hold blood pressure. In addition, the permeability vascular wall and blood can freely pass through it, soaking nerve fibers(diapedetic bleeding). The result of such a transformation can be the formation of microaneurysms and rupture of the vessel with hemorrhage and blood entering the white medulla. Thus, hemorrhage occurs as a result of:

  • Plasma impregnation of the walls of the vessels of the white medulla or visual tubercles;
  • diapedetic bleeding;
  • formation of microaneurysms.

Hemorrhage in acute period characterized by the development of hematomas during wedging and deformation of the brain stem into the tentorial foramen. At the same time, the brain swells, develops extensive edema. There are secondary hemorrhages, smaller ones.

Clinical manifestations

Usually occurs during the day, during a period of physical activity. Suddenly, the head starts to hurt badly, there are nauseating urges. Consciousness is confused, a person breathes often and with a whistle, tachycardia occurs, accompanied by hemiplegia (one-sided paralysis of the limbs) or hemiparesis (weakening of motor functions). Lost basic reflexes. The gaze becomes motionless (paresis), anisocoria (pupils of different sizes) or divergent strabismus occurs.


Treatment of this type of cerebrovascular accident includes intensive therapy, the main goal of which is to lower blood pressure, restore vital (automatic perception of outside world) function, stop bleeding and eliminate cerebral edema. In this case, the following medicines are used:

  1. Lowering blood pressure - ganglionic blockers (Arfonad, Benzohexanium, Pentamine).
  2. To reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and increase blood clotting - Dicinon, vitamin C, Vikasol, Calcium Gluconate.
  3. To increase the rheology (fluidity) of blood - Trental, Vinkaton, Cavinton, Eufillin, Cinnarizine.
  4. Inhibiting fibrinolytic activity - ACC (aminocaproic acid).
  5. Decongestant - Lasix.
  6. Sedative drugs.
  7. A lumbar puncture is prescribed to reduce intracranial pressure.
  8. All drugs are administered by injection.



ischemic NMC due to atherosclerotic plaque

Ischemic circulatory disorders are most often caused by atherosclerosis. Its development can provoke strong excitement (stress, etc.) or excessive exercise stress. It can occur during a night's sleep or immediately after waking up. Often accompanies preinfarction state or myocardial infarction.


They may appear suddenly or increase gradually. They manifest themselves in the form of headaches, hemiparesis on the side opposite to the lesion. Disturbance of coordination of movement, as well as visual and speech disorders.


An ischemic disorder occurs when an area of ​​the brain does not receive enough blood. In this case, a focus of hypoxia arises, in which necrotic formations develop. This process is accompanied by a violation of basic brain functions.


Injections are used in the treatment medicines to restore the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. These include: Korglikon, Strofantin, Sulfocamphocaine, Reopoliklyukin, Cardiamin. Intracranial pressure is reduced by Mannitol or Lasix.

Video: causes of various types of strokes

Transient cerebrovascular accident

Transient cerebrovascular accident (TIMC) occurs against the background of arterial hypertension or atherosclerosis. Sometimes the cause of its development is their combination. The main symptoms of PNMK are manifested in the following:

  • If the focus of the pathology is located in the basin of the carotid vessels, the patient becomes numb half of the body (on the opposite side of the focus) and part of the face around the lips, paralysis or short-term paresis of the extremities is possible. Speech is impaired, an epileptic seizure may occur.
  • In case of circulatory disorders in the vertebrobasilar area, the patient's legs and arms weaken, dizziness, it is difficult for him to swallow and pronounce sounds, photopsia occurs (appearance of luminous points, sparks, etc. in the eyes) or diplopia (doubling of visible objects). He loses his bearings, he has memory lapses.
  • Signs of cerebrovascular accident against the background of hypertension are manifested in the following: the head and eyeballs begin to hurt badly, the person experiences drowsiness, he has stuffy ears (as in an airplane during takeoff or landing) and nauseating urges. The face turns red, sweating increases. Unlike strokes, all these symptoms disappear within a day. For this they are called "transient attacks".

PNMK is treated with antihypertensive, tonic and cardiotonic drugs. Spasmolytics are used to improve blood flow in the brain, and calcium channel blockers. The following medications are prescribed:

Dibazol, Trental, Clonidine, Vincamine, Eufillin, Cinnarizine, Cavinton, Furasemide, beta-blockers. As tonic - alcohol tinctures of ginseng and Schisandra chinensis.

Chronic disorders of cerebral circulation

Chronic cerebrovascular accident (HNMK) in contrast to acute forms develops gradually. There are three stages of the disease:

  1. In the first stage, the symptoms are vague. They are more like a syndrome chronic fatigue. A person quickly gets tired, his sleep is disturbed, he often hurts and his head is spinning. He becomes short-tempered and distracted. He often changes his mood. He forgets some minor things.
  2. In the second stage, chronic cerebrovascular accident is accompanied by a significant deterioration in memory, minor impairments in motor functions develop, causing unsteady gait. There is constant noise in the head. A person does not perceive information well, with difficulty concentrating his attention on it. He is gradually degrading as a person. Becomes irritable and insecure, loses intelligence, reacts inadequately to criticism, often becomes depressed. He is constantly dizzy and has a headache. He always wants to sleep. Efficiency - reduced. He does not adapt well socially.
  3. In the third stage, all symptoms intensify. The degradation of the personality turns into dementia, memory suffers. Leaving the house alone, such a person will never find his way back. Motor functions are impaired. This is manifested in the tremor of the hands, stiffness of movements. Speech impairment, uncoordinated movements are noticeable.

The last stage of chronic NCM is brain atrophy and neuronal death, the development of dementia

Violation of cerebral circulation is dangerous because if the treatment is not carried out on early stages, neurons die - the main units of the brain structure, which cannot be resurrected. Therefore, early diagnosis of the disease is so important. It includes:

  • Identification of vascular diseases that contribute to the development of cerebrovascular accidents.
  • Making a diagnosis based on the patient's complaints.
  • Conducting a neuropsychological examination on the MMSE scale. It allows you to detect cognitive impairment by testing. The absence of violations is evidenced by 30 points scored by the patient.
  • Duplex scanning in order to detect lesions of cerebral vessels by atherosclerosis and other diseases.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which allows to detect small hypodense (with pathological changes) foci in the brain.
  • Clinical blood tests: complete blood count, lipid spectrum, coagulogram, glucose.


The main causes of cerebrovascular accident are as follows:

  1. Age. Basically, they occur in people who have stepped into their fifth decade.
  2. genetic predisposition.
  3. Traumatic brain injury.
  4. From excess weight. Obese people often suffer from hypercholesterolemia.
  5. Physical inactivity and increased emotionality (stress, etc.).
  6. Bad habits.
  7. Diseases: diabetes(insulin dependent) and atherosclerosis.
  8. Hypertension. High blood pressure is the most common cause of strokes.
  9. In old age, blood flow disorders in the brain can lead to:


In chronic disorders of blood flow in the brain, all therapeutic measures are aimed at protecting brain neurons from death as a result of hypoxia, stimulating metabolism at the level of neurons, and normalizing blood flow in brain tissues. Medicines for each patient are selected individually. They should be taken in a strictly specified dosage, constantly monitoring blood pressure.

In addition, for disorders of cerebral circulation, accompanied by manifestations of a neurological nature, antioxidants, venotonics, vasodilators, neuroprotectors, drugs that increase blood microcirculation, sedatives and multivitamins are used.

It is possible to treat chronic cerebrovascular accident by means traditional medicine using various fees and herbal teas. Especially useful is the infusion of hawthorn flowers and the collection, which includes chamomile, marsh cudweed and motherwort. But they should be used as an additional treatment course that enhances the main drug therapy.

Overweight people who are at risk for developing atherosclerosis due to high cholesterol need to pay attention to nutrition. For them there are special diets, which you can learn about from a dietitian who monitors the organization of nutrition for patients who are being treated in a hospital at any hospital. To dietary products include everything of vegetable origin, seafood and fish. But milk products, on the contrary, should be with low content fat.

If cholesterolemia is significant, and the diet does not give the desired results, drugs that are part of the statin group are prescribed: Liprimar, Atorvakar, Vabarin, Torvakard, Simvatin. With a large degree of narrowing of the lumen between the walls of the carotid arteries (more than 70%), carotid endarterectomy is required ( surgical operation), which is performed only in specialized clinics. With stenosis less than 60%, conservative treatment is sufficient.

Rehabilitation after acute cerebrovascular accident

Drug therapy can stop the course of the disease. But she cannot return the opportunity to move. Only special gymnastic exercises can help with this. We must be prepared for the fact that this process is quite lengthy and be patient. Relatives of the patient should learn how to perform massage and exercises therapeutic gymnastics, since it is they who will have to do them to him for six months or more.

At the core early rehabilitation after a dynamic violation of cerebral circulation in order to fully restore motor functions, kinesitherapy is indicated. It is especially necessary in the restoration of motor skills, as it contributes to the creation of a new model of the hierarchy of the nervous system for the physiological control of the body's motor functions. The following methods are used in kinesitherapy:

  1. Gymnastics "Balance", aimed at restoring coordination of movements;
  2. The Feldenkrais Reflex System.
  3. Vojta system, aimed at restoring motor activity by stimulating reflexes;
  4. Microkenisotherapy.

Passive gymnastics "Balance" is assigned to each patient with cerebral circulation disorders, as soon as consciousness returns to him. Usually relatives help the patient to perform it. It includes kneading the fingers and toes, flexion and extension of the limbs. Exercises begin to be performed from the lower extremities, gradually moving up. The complex also includes kneading the head and cervical regions. Before starting the exercises and finishing the gymnastics should be light massaging movements. Be sure to monitor the patient's condition. Gymnastics should not cause him overwork. The patient can independently perform exercises for the eyes (squinting, rotation, fixing the gaze at one point, and some others). Gradually, with improvement general condition the patient's load is increased. For each patient, an individual recovery method is selected, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Photo: basic exercises of passive gymnastics

The Feldenkrais Method is a therapy that gently affects nervous system person. She promotes full recovery mental abilities, physical activity and sensuality. It includes exercises that require smooth movement during execution. The patient must focus on their coordination, make each movement meaningful (consciously). This technique diverts attention from existing problem with health and concentrate it on new achievements. As a result, the brain begins to "remember" the old stereotypes and returns to them. The patient is constantly exploring his body and its capabilities. This allows you to find quick ways make him move.

The methodology is based on three principles:

  • All exercises should be easy to learn and remember.
  • Each exercise should be performed smoothly, without muscle strain.
  • Performing the exercise, a sick person should enjoy the movement.

But most importantly, you should never divide your achievements into high and low.

Additional rehabilitation measures

Breathing exercises are widely practiced, which not only normalizes blood circulation, but also relieves muscle tension arising under the influence of gymnastic and massage loads. In addition, it regulates the respiratory process after performing therapeutic exercises and gives a relaxing effect.

With disorders of cerebral circulation, the patient is prescribed bed rest for a long time. This can lead to various complications, for example, a violation of the natural ventilation of the lungs, the appearance of bedsores and contractures (mobility is limited in the joint). Prevention of bedsores is the frequent change of position of the patient. It is recommended to turn it over on the stomach. At the same time, the feet hang down, the shins are located on soft pillows, under the knees there are cotton pads lined with gauze.

  1. Give the patient's body a special position. In the first days, he is transferred from one position to another by relatives caring for him. This is done every two or three hours. After stabilizing blood pressure and improving the general condition of the patient, they are taught to do it themselves. Early seating of the patient in bed (if health permits) will not allow contractures to develop.
  2. Do the massage necessary to maintain normal muscle tone. The first days it includes light stroking (with increased tone) or kneading (if muscle tone is reduced) and lasts only a few minutes. Further massage movements intensify. Rubbing is allowed. The duration also increases massage treatments. By the end of the first half of the year, they can be completed within an hour.
  3. Fulfill exercise therapy exercises, which, among other things, effectively fight synkinesis (involuntary muscle contractions).
  4. Vibrostimulation of paralyzed parts of the body with an oscillation frequency of 10 to 100 Hz gives a good effect. Depending on the condition of the patient, the duration of this procedure can vary from 2 to 10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out no more than 15 procedures.

For cerebrovascular accidents, alternative methods of treatment are also used:

  • Reflexology including:
    1. Treatment with smells (aromatherapy);
    2. classic version of acupuncture;
    3. acupuncture to reflex points located on the auricles(auricolotherapy);
    4. acupuncture biologically active points on the hands (su-Jack);
  • Treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy);
  • Coniferous baths with the addition of sea salt;
  • Oxygen baths.

Video: rehabilitation after a stroke, the program "Live healthy!"

More about complex rehabilitation after stroke and ischemic attacks read the link.

Consequences of NMK

Acute cerebrovascular accident is severe consequences. In 30 cases out of a hundred people who have had this disease become completely helpless.

  1. He cannot eat on his own hygiene procedures, dress up, etc. Such people have a completely impaired ability to think. They lose track of time and do not orient themselves in space at all.
  2. Some people still have the ability to move. But there are many people who, after a violation of cerebral circulation, forever remain bedridden. Many of them keep a clear mind, understand what is happening around them, but are devoid of speech and cannot put into words their desires and express feelings.

relationship between areas of brain damage and vital functions

Disability is a sad result of acute and in many cases chronic disorders of cerebral circulation. About 20% of acute cerebrovascular accidents are fatal.

But it is possible to protect yourself from this serious disease, regardless of which category of classification it belongs to. Although many people neglect it. This is an attentive attitude to your health and all the changes that occur in the body.

  • Agree that a healthy person should not have headaches. And if you suddenly feel dizzy, it means that there is some kind of deviation in the functioning of the systems responsible for this organ.
  • Evidence of a malfunction in the body is fever. But many go to work when it is 37 ° C, considering it normal.
  • Is there transient numbness in the extremities? Most people rub them without asking the question: why is this happening?

Meanwhile, these are the satellites of the first minor changes in the blood flow system. Often acute disorder cerebral circulation precedes transient. But since its symptoms disappear within a day, not every person is in a hurry to see a doctor in order to be examined and receive the necessary medical treatment.

Today, doctors have effective drugs- thrombolytics. They literally work wonders, dissolving blood clots and restoring cerebral circulation. However, there is one "but". To achieve the maximum effect, they should be administered to the patient within three hours after the onset of the first symptoms of a stroke. Unfortunately, in most cases, applying for medical care carried out too late, when the disease has passed into a severe stage and the use of thrombolytics is already useless.

Video: brain blood supply and the consequences of a stroke

Hello, I got a few months ago severe fatigue and drowsiness, the doctor diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome and prescribed Vasobral, I drank the course, my strength returned, the fatigue went away, I entered the normal rhythm of life. Now my neck and nape ached, I went for an MRI and they told me that my brain blood flow was disturbed due to cervical osteochondrosis, the vessels were clamped, they prescribed hardware treatment, but somehow it doesn’t help me, I started taking pills again, it became easier. But it is necessary to treat osteochondrosis, otherwise I'm afraid it will become even worse. Advise how you can get rid of it and whether it is being treated, otherwise the doctors prescribe all the pills, injections, and this only relieves the syndrome.

Hello! You can read information about osteochondrosis in an article devoted to this problem. As for treatment, in addition to drugs, regular exercise therapy is needed to strengthen the muscles of the neck, swimming is useful, wearing a Shants collar. You can consult on these points with a rehabilitation doctor or neurologist. Avoid prolonged stay in one position, static loads and heavy lifting.

Impaired cerebral circulation in adults and the elderly: symptoms, treatment and prevention

A person should always monitor their health and timely pay attention to such body signals as frequent headaches or changes in blood composition for no apparent reason.

How to protect yourself from possible violations blood circulation in the brain and what to do if the disease does occur will be discussed in this article.

Violation of cerebral circulation

The process when blood moves through the vessels of the spinal cord and brain is called the blood circulation of the brain.

Violation of the correct movement of blood can occur, for example, in the following situations:

  • The patient has any pathology of the cerebral vessels.

Such changes can occur if in the vessels:

  1. An inflection has occurred.
  2. A thrombus has formed;
  3. Decreased clearance;
  • In a sick citizen, the blood flow in the main and cerebral arteries was disturbed.

Any violation of the proper movement of blood through the vessels of the brain is due to the fact that there is a mismatch between the amount of blood that is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and the amount of blood that actually enters the brain.

If the patient has a violation of cerebral circulation, then he must necessarily seek advice and examination from the following doctors:

  1. Neurologist;
  2. Therapist;
  3. Angiosurgeon, that is, a surgeon who examines the blood circulation in the brain;
  4. Cardiologist;
  5. Resuscitator.

Cerebral circulation can be impaired in a patient for a number of reasons:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Special plaques that form in the vessels of the brain. Such formations do not allow blood to move properly through these vessels.
  • Various head injuries (bruises, concussions).
  • Constant (chronic) fatigue.

In adults

In adults, cerebral blood flow can be disturbed in situations such as:

  • The presence of osteochondrosis, in which there is compression of the vessels responsible for correct work brain.
  • There are blood clots in the cerebral arteries that could appear after injuries or operations.
  • The person has tumors in the neck or in the head.

In the elderly

In people retirement age the correct movement of blood through the vessels of the brain can most often be disturbed if they have a history of:

  • Disease of the blood or organs that are responsible for the movement of blood;
  • Heart problems;
  • Inflammatory processes in the vessels.

Types of disorders of cerebral circulation

In medicine, the following types of cerebrovascular accidents are distinguished:

This view has several stages:

  • The initial stage, in which clients often complain of symptoms such as:
  1. Rapid fatigue;
  2. Dizziness or heaviness in the head;
  3. Decreased memory and speed of thinking;
  4. Sleep problems.

Such feeling unwell can occur in a person if he wants to eat, drank an alcoholic drink or when changing weather conditions. At this stage, the nervous system is not affected.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is divided into three stages:

  1. Sleep disturbance;
  2. Difficulties arising when changing activities;
  3. The patient has a headache if he long time calculated or memorized something. Also, the head can hurt even if the person is simply worried;
  4. Rapid mood swings within a short period of time.
  • In the second stage, a sick person will experience the following personality changes:
  1. Increased resentment and irritability;
  2. The patient becomes uninterested in what is happening around. And he does not seek to communicate;
  3. Appear various problems with memory;
  4. A person often has headaches and blurred vision.
  • If the patient already has the third stage of the disease, then he will have the following signs diseases:
  1. The patient cannot criticize himself and often cries;
  2. He does not have time to run to the toilet, because such a patient does not have control over the organs of his small pelvis;
  3. The patient may be disturbed by pain in the head, memory disorders. Such a person is already considered disabled. And in this situation, he will be given a disability of the first group.

Read more about cerebrovascular disease in another article on our website.

Leading cerebrovascular accident

A person may experience a short-term disturbance in the circulation of blood in the brain. This ailment is called "microstroke" or "incoming (leading) circulatory disorders in the brain."

The main symptoms of a microstroke will be:

  1. Dizziness and tinnitus;
  2. Headache;
  3. nausea or vomiting;
  4. Weakness in the upper or lower limbs;
  5. The clarity of speech is impaired;
  6. Pale skin condition;
  7. Increased anxiety;
  8. short-term fainting;
  9. An inhibited state in which the patient cannot understand the meaning of the words spoken to him by another person;
  10. Vision problems.

A microstroke can occur if the patient:

  • There are vasospasms. Earlier we wrote in detail about the symptoms of brain spasms;
  • There have been changes in the quality of the blood (indications for blood clotting or its density have changed). Due to these changes, microthrombi could form in the vessels;
  • A blockage of blood vessels (thrombi) has formed.

Microstroke is divided into three types:

  1. General cerebral dysfunction. With this type of disease, a person sudden movement may lose consciousness, which then returns after a while;
  2. Hypertensive cerebral crisis is sudden jump pressure, which may be accompanied severe vomiting, drowsiness or throbbing headache;
  3. A transient ischemic attack can be manifested by a partial loss of motor function in the upper or lower extremities, as well as a person's speech is disturbed and problems with consciousness may appear.

Acute violation

If a violation of blood circulation in the brain is characterized as an acute violation, then the patient may develop following troubles with health:

  • Strokes, which in turn are divided into two types:
  1. Ischemic. Such a stroke occurs if the brain has not received oxygen in the right amount for some period of time. This can happen when the vessel that is responsible for supplying blood to a specific part of the brain has been completely closed by a blood clot. With this type of stroke, the patient may be disturbed by nausea;
  2. Hemorrhagic. This condition can occur in a patient if a vessel has burst in him. And so the man had a hemorrhage in the brain.
  • A microstroke, which is some violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.


Symptoms of improper movement of blood through the vessels of the brain are the following:

  • Partial or complete violations of the motor function of the arms or legs of a person;
  • The functionality of some organs decreases, for example, the ears or eyes;
  • The patient has a violation of sensitivity;
  • The patient is often troubled by dizziness or headache;
  • Decreased memory;
  • Distraction appears;
  • Seizures may occur if the person has epilepsy;


The attending physician can diagnose the patient in the following cases:

  1. The patient already has a history of diseases such as, for example, high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus;
  2. After duplex scanning, which will help to find diseased vessels;
  3. If the patient has done an MRI before, then such a study will provide clearer information about the state of the vessels of his brain.

Read about which doctor checks the vessels in our similar article.


Methods of treatment will depend on the diagnosis made by the doctor.

  • In case of chronic disorders, the patient will be prescribed special pills that will prevent the appearance of blood clots in the vessels, and the doctor will give advice on how to normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • If the disease is already acute, then in this case the patient will need urgent help physicians.

If a stroke occurs, treatment will be carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The patient will be provided with proper blood circulation in the body and normalization of breathing;
  2. Will be held special procedures to lower blood pressure;
  3. If the patient has cerebral edema, then this edema will need to be reduced;
  4. A special set of measures will restore brain functions that were impaired due to an attack.

What is dangerous violation of cerebral circulation

Violation of blood circulation in the brain is fraught with the following problems for a person:

  1. Blood clots can form in the vessels, which will lead to cerebral hypoxia. Even if doctors can help the patient recover, there is still no guarantee that the person after the attack will remain capable.
  2. There may be a rupture of the vessel, after which there will be a hemorrhage in the brain. With such a violation, edema may appear in the brain, due to which the patient's death is quite possible.


In order to prevent this kind of disease, a person needs to take special preventive measures:

  • It is necessary to combine mental and physical work.
  • Any work that a person performs should bring him, if possible, only positive emotions.
  • It's important to get your sleep pattern right. For an adult, sleep should last no more than eight hours a day.
  • More time should be spent in nature.
  • We must try to be less nervous, then there will be no disturbances in the brain, and the nervous system will be healthy.
  • Without fail, a person must eat balanced and on schedule. Fasting days will also be beneficial. On such days, you can replace everyday food, for example, prunes and apples, as well as cheese and chicken eggs.
  • And be sure to drink enough water every day. Wherein plain water can be replaced mineral water. On all other days, do not neglect foods such as cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, herbs (parsley and dill).

You can also eat every two days:

  1. Boiled or fried meat and broths on it.
  2. Foods that are rich in cholesterol, namely fish caviar, chicken eggs, animal liver or heart.
  3. The use of sweets should be reduced to one hundred grams per day.

As can be seen from the above, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later, if it is not too late.

And of course, do not forget about prevention, by carrying out which a person can protect himself from many health problems. After all, you need to take care of yourself and your health.

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Affects the health of the whole organism. Violation in its work can lead to the fact that the tissues will no longer receive enough oxygen and nutrients. As a result of this, there will be a slowdown in metabolism or possibly even the occurrence of hypoxia. Due to such problems, serious pathologies can develop.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

In the early stages of hemodynamic disturbances, no signs appear. And even after some time, the symptoms of this disease are so non-specific that it is impossible to immediately detect the disease. The main signs of poor circulation are:

  • The lack of desire is.
  • Deterioration of immunity.
  • Cold extremities.
  • Feeling of tingling and numbness in the hands.
  • Brittleness of hair and nails.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Constant fatigue.
  • The appearance of ulcers on the legs.
  • Change in skin pigmentation.
  • Puffiness.


And the treatment of which are interrelated, can lead to a stroke. It is for this reason that as soon as a person has the first signs of such a pathology, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. After all, only timely and effective therapy, aimed at improving blood circulation in the brain, will avoid negative consequences.

Poor blood flow in the arms

Violation of blood circulation in the limbs leads to a deterioration in blood circulation in the body. This condition occurs due to the fact that the plaques that form clog the blood vessels.

The most common symptoms of such an ailment include numbness of the fingers, headaches, swelling in the elbows and hands, tingling, cold extremity syndrome, and deterioration of the nails.

Poor circulation in the hands occurs, as a rule, due to the following reasons:

  • Abuse of caffeine, alcohol and drugs.
  • Diabetes.
  • smoking.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Elevated cholesterol.

People who have poor blood circulation in their hands need to eat more foods containing fiber, and also try to consume low-fat foods, because most often it is because of this food that plaques form that block blood vessels. That is why, with such a disease, many patients are advised to lose weight.

Those who want to improve blood circulation in the limbs should definitely consume foods rich in vitamins E and C. You should also drink enough water in case of poor blood circulation. With this ailment, watermelon juice is especially useful.

Patients are strongly advised to keep the body and spine in the correct position to ensure uninterrupted blood flow without difficulty or obstruction. To prevent numbness of the hands, keep them in a comfortable position during sleep.

Impaired blood circulation in the legs

Poor circulation in the extremities can lead to many health problems. If no action is taken with such an ailment, the consequences can be severe.

The main cause of circulatory disorders in the legs is various. This problem arises when plaque forms on the walls of the peripheral arteries from a fatty substance that hardens. The formed hardening complicates the movement of blood through the veins and arteries.

Often, the use of drugs and certain drugs, a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle lead to a violation of blood circulation. Quite often, poor blood flow to the legs is observed with atherosclerosis. These problems also occur in people who suffer from anemia, smoke a lot and eat improperly.

When blood circulation is disturbed, tingling appears in the lower extremities, convulsions, black and blue spots, which occur most often in calf muscles as well as a feeling of numbness.

To receive accurate diagnosis the patient will have to undergo one of the following examinations: angiography of the arteries, dopplerography, CTA or MRA. To check how well blood is flowing through the limbs, doctors compare the blood pressure levels of the ankles and hands.

Therapeutic measures depend on the severity of the blockage of the veins and arteries. Mild and moderate forms of the disease are treated with medications and various creams. It also recommends aerobics.

Severe circulatory disorders in the legs are treated exclusively with surgical procedure: endarterectomy, angioplasty, peripheral shunting, revascularization or atherectomy.

Consequences of poor circulation

If circulation problems are not treated, myocardial infarction may occur. Moreover, the risk of stroke increases. In some cases, poor circulation leads to critical ischemia. It will be possible to avoid such complications only if you are regularly examined.

Improving blood circulation in folk ways

If poor circulation is diagnosed, what should be done in this case? For fast elimination disease, the main treatment should be combined with folk remedies.

To do effective remedy, it is necessary to dissolve a small spoonful of edible salt and the same amount of sea salt in a glass of warm water. This fluid should be drawn in through the nostrils and the breath held for a few seconds. This solution should be treated for about 10 days.

To improve blood circulation in the legs, the following recipe will help: a pod of crushed hot pepper, a tablespoon of dry mustard and a little sea salt. Everything is mixed and poured with a glass of vodka. The resulting mixture is infused for at least 10 days in a dark place. Limbs are rubbed with this tool, after which woolen socks are put on. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed.

Helps a lot with this problem. saline solution. To do this, 5 tablespoons of sea salt are diluted in a glass warm water. Then a small piece of cotton is soaked in the solution and inserted into the nose for 20 minutes, keeping the head thrown back.

Prevention of blood flow disorders

To avoid problems with the circulatory system, it is necessary first of all to lower cholesterol, and also to overcome physical inactivity. Giving up bad habits helps to reduce the risk of developing such pathologies. In addition, it is important to treat on time infectious diseases causing complications.

Circulatory disorders - a change that is formed as a result of a change in the volume and properties of blood in the vessels or from hemorrhage. The disease has a general and local character. The disease develops from, and bleeding. Impaired circulation can be noted in any part human body, so there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of the disease.


The causes of circulatory disorders are very similar in their manifestations to. Often the provoking factor is the deposition of fatty components in the walls of blood vessels. At large cluster of these fats, there is a violation of blood flow through the vessels. This process leads to clogging of the opening of the arteries, the appearance of aneurysms, and sometimes to rupture of the walls.

Conventionally, doctors divide all the causes that disrupt blood circulation into the following groups:

  • compression;
  • traumatic;
  • vasospastic;
  • based on tumors;
  • occlusal.

Most often, pathology is diagnosed in people with diabetes, and other ailments. Also, circulatory disorders are often manifested from penetrating injuries, vascular disorders, aneurysms and .

Studying the disease, the doctor must determine exactly where the violation is localized. If circulatory disorders are caused in the limbs, then, most likely, the following indicators served as the reasons:

The disease is often provoked by characteristic diseases:

  • diabetes;

Circulatory disorders lower extremities progresses under the influence of certain factors - nicotine, alcohol, overweight, old age, diabetes, genetics, failure in lipid metabolism. Causes of poor blood transport in the legs are General characteristics. The disease develops in the same way as in other places, from damage to the structure of the arteries, a decrease in the lumen of the vessels due to the appearance of plaques, inflammatory process walls of arteries and from spasms.

The etiology of cerebrovascular accident lies in the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension. A sharp increase in pressure affects the structure of the arteries and can provoke a rupture, which leads to an intracerebral hematoma. Also contribute to the development of the disease can mechanical damage skulls, .

Provoking factors of cerebrovascular accident are the following factors:

  • constant fatigue;
  • stress;
  • physical stress;
  • the use of contraceptives;
  • excess weight;
  • the use of nicotine and alcoholic beverages.

Many ailments manifest themselves in girls during pregnancy, when the body changes significantly, is disturbed hormonal background and authorities need to adjust to new job. During this period, women can detect a violation of the uteroplacental circulation. The process develops against the background of a decrease in the metabolic, endocrine, transport, protective and other functions of the placenta. Because of this pathology, placental insufficiency develops, which contributes to impaired exchange process between the mother's organs and the fetus.


To make it easier for doctors to determine the etiology of the disease, they deduced the following types of common acute circulatory disorders in the cardiovascular system:

  • disseminated intravascular coagulation;
  • state of shock;
  • arterial plethora;
  • thickening of the blood;
  • venous plethora;
  • acute anemia or chronic form of pathology.

Local violations venous circulation appear in the following types:

  • thrombosis;
  • ischemia;
  • heart attack;
  • embolism;
  • blood stasis;
  • venous plethora;
  • plethora in the arteries;
  • bleeding and hemorrhage.

Doctors also present a general classification of the disease:

  • acute violation - manifests itself sharply in two types - hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke;
  • chronic - is formed gradually from acute attacks, manifests itself in rapid fatigue, headaches, dizziness;
  • transient violation of cerebral circulation - characterized by numbness of parts of the face or body, seizures of epilepsy, a violation of the speech apparatus, weakness in the limbs, pain, nausea may occur.


Common symptoms of the disease include pain attacks, change in the shade of the fingers, the appearance of ulcers, cyanosis, swelling of the vessels and the area around them, fatigue, fainting and much more. Every person who has ever encountered such problems has repeatedly complained to the doctor about such manifestations.

If we disassemble the disease according to the location of the lesion and its symptoms, then cerebrovascular accidents in the first stage do not manifest themselves. Signs will not bother the patient until there is a strong blood supply to the brain. Also, the patient begins to show such symptoms of circulatory disorders:

  • pain syndrome;
  • impaired coordination and visual function;
  • noise in the head;
  • decrease in the level of working capacity;
  • violation of the quality of the memory function of the brain;
  • numbness of the face and limbs;
  • failure in the speech apparatus.

If there is a violation of blood circulation in the legs and arms, then the patient develops severe lameness with pain syndrome and loss of sensation. The temperature of the extremities is often slightly reduced. The person may be disturbed constant feeling heaviness, weakness and convulsions.


AT medical practice many techniques and methods are used to determine the cause of peripheral circulatory disorders (PIMK). Doctors prescribe an instrumental examination to the patient:

  • Ultrasound duplex examination of blood vessels;
  • selective contrast phlebography;
  • scintigraphy;
  • tomography.

To establish factors that provoke circulatory disorders of the lower extremities, the doctor conducts an examination for the presence of vascular pathologies, and also recognizes all the signs, the presence of other pathologies, the general condition, allergies, etc. for taking an anamnesis. For precise setting The diagnosis is prescribed by laboratory methods:

  • general blood test and sugar;
  • coagulogram;
  • lipidogram.

In the examination of the patient, it is still necessary to determine the functionality of the heart. For this, the patient is examined using an electrocardiogram, echocardiography, phonocardiography.

In order to determine the functionality of the cardiovascular system as accurately as possible, the patient is examined with physical activity, with breath holding and with orthostatic tests.


Symptoms and treatment of circulation are interrelated. Until the doctor reveals to which disease all the signs belong, it is impossible to prescribe therapy.

The best result of treatment will be in the patient whose pathology was diagnosed in the initial stages and therapy was started on time. In eliminating the disease, doctors resort to both medical methods, as well as operational ones. If the disease is detected at the initial stage, then you can be cured by the usual revision of the way of life, balancing nutrition and playing sports.

Treatment of impaired blood circulation is prescribed to the patient according to the following scheme:

  • elimination of the root cause;
  • increase in myocardial contractility;
  • regulation of intracardiac hemodynamics;
  • improvement of cardiac work;
  • oxygen therapy.

Methods of therapy are prescribed only after the source of the development of the pathology is identified. If there is a violation of the blood circulation of the lower extremities, then the patient needs to use drug therapy. The doctor prescribes drugs to improve vascular tone and capillary structure. To cope with such goals, such drugs can:

  • venotonics;
  • phlebotropic;
  • lymphotonics;
  • angioprotectors;
  • homeopathic tablets.

In order to additional therapy doctors prescribe anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs and hirudotherapy is also used.

Disorders of the arterial circulation of the brain: forms, signs, treatment

In recent years, the percentage of mortality from pathological lesions of the cerebral vessels has increased significantly, which were previously associated with aging and were diagnosed only in elderly people (after 60 years). Today, the symptoms of cerebrovascular accident have rejuvenated. And people under the age of 40 often die from a stroke. Therefore, it is important to know the causes and mechanism of their development, so that diagnostic and therapeutic measures give the most effective result.

What is cerebrovascular accident (MK)

The vessels of the brain have a peculiar, perfect structure that ideally regulates blood flow, ensuring the stability of blood circulation. They are designed in such a way that with an increase in blood flow to the coronary vessels by about 10 times during physical activity, the amount of circulating blood in the brain, with an increase in mental activity, remains at the same level. That is, there is a redistribution of blood flow. Part of the blood from parts of the brain with a lower load is redirected to areas with enhanced brain activity.

However, this perfect process of blood circulation is disturbed if the amount of blood entering the brain does not satisfy its need for it. It should be noted that its redistribution among brain regions is necessary not only for its normal functionality. It also occurs when various pathologies occur, for example, (narrowing) or obturation (closure). As a result of impaired self-regulation, there is a slowdown in the speed of blood movement in certain parts of the brain and them.

Types of violations of MC

There are the following categories of blood flow disorders in the brain:

  1. Acute (strokes) that occur suddenly with a long course, and transient, the main symptoms of which (visual impairment, loss of speech, etc.) last no more than a day.
  2. Chronic, caused. They are divided into two types: origin and caused.

Acute disorders of cerebral circulation (ACC)

Acute cerebrovascular accident causes persistent disorders of brain activity. It is of two types: and (it is also called a cerebral infarction).



Hemorrhage (hemorrhagic disturbance of blood flow) can be caused by various arterial hypertension, congenital, etc.


As a result of an increase in blood pressure, the plasma and proteins contained in it are released, which leads to plasma soaking of the walls of blood vessels, causing their destruction. A peculiar hyaline-like specific substance (a protein resembling cartilage in its structure) is deposited on the vascular walls, which leads to the development of hyalinosis. Vessels resemble glass tubes, lose their elasticity and ability to hold blood pressure. In addition, the permeability of the vascular wall increases and blood can freely pass through it, soaking the nerve fibers (diapedetic bleeding). The result of such a transformation can be the formation of microaneurysms and rupture of the vessel with hemorrhage and blood entering the white medulla. Thus, hemorrhage occurs as a result of:

  • Plasma impregnation of the walls of the vessels of the white medulla or visual tubercles;
  • diapedetic bleeding;
  • formation of microaneurysms.

Hemorrhage in the acute period is characterized by the development of hematomas during wedging and deformation of the brain stem into the tentorial foramen. At the same time, the brain swells, extensive edema develops. There are secondary hemorrhages, smaller ones.

Clinical manifestations

Usually occurs during the day, during a period of physical activity. Suddenly, the head starts to hurt badly, there are nauseating urges. Consciousness is confused, a person breathes often and with a whistle, occurs, accompanied by hemiplegia (one-sided paralysis of the limbs) or hemiparesis (weakening of motor functions). Lost basic reflexes. The gaze becomes motionless (paresis), anisocoria (pupils of different sizes) or divergent strabismus occurs.


Treatment of this type of cerebrovascular accident includes intensive therapy, the main goal of which is to lower blood pressure, restore vital (automatic perception of the outside world) functions, stop bleeding and eliminate cerebral edema. In this case, the following medicines are used:

  1. Decreasing - ganglionic blockers ( Arfonad, Benzohexanium, Pentamine).
  2. To reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and increase blood clotting - Dicynon, vitamin C, Vikasol, Calcium gluconate.
  3. To increase the rheology (fluidity) of blood - Trental, Vinkaton, Cavinton, Eufillin, Cinnarizine.
  4. Inhibiting fibrinolytic activity - ACC(aminocaproic acid).
  5. Decongestant - Lasix.
  6. Sedative drugs.
  7. A lumbar puncture is prescribed to reduce intracranial pressure.
  8. All drugs are administered by injection.



ischemic NMC due to atherosclerotic plaque

Ischemic circulatory disorders are most often caused by atherosclerosis. Its development can provoke strong excitement (stress, etc.) or excessive physical activity. It can occur during a night's sleep or immediately after waking up. Often accompanies a pre-infarction state or.


They may appear suddenly or increase gradually. They manifest themselves in the form of headaches, hemiparesis on the side opposite to the lesion. Disturbance of coordination of movement, as well as visual and speech disorders.


An ischemic disorder occurs when an area of ​​the brain does not receive enough blood. In this case, a focus of hypoxia arises, in which necrotic formations develop. This process is accompanied by a violation of basic brain functions.


The treatment uses injections of drugs to restore the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. These include: Corglicon, Strofantin, Sulfocamphocaine, Reopoliklyukin, Cardiamin. Intracranial pressure decreases Mannitol or Lasix.

Transient cerebrovascular accident

Transient cerebrovascular accident (TIMC) occurs against the background of arterial hypertension or atherosclerosis. Sometimes the cause of its development is their combination. The main symptoms of PNMK are manifested in the following:

  • If the focus of the pathology is located in the basin of the carotid vessels, the patient becomes numb half of the body (on the opposite side of the focus) and part of the face around the lips, paralysis or short-term paresis of the extremities is possible. Speech is impaired, an epileptic seizure may occur.
  • In case of circulatory disorders, the patient's legs and arms weaken, it is difficult for him to swallow and pronounce sounds, photopsia occurs (appearance of luminous points, sparks, etc. in the eyes) or diplopia (doubling of visible objects). He loses his bearings, he has memory lapses.
  • Signs of cerebrovascular accident against the background of hypertension are manifested in the following: the head and eyeballs begin to hurt badly, the person experiences drowsiness, he has stuffy ears (as in an airplane during takeoff or landing) and nauseating urges. The face turns red, sweating increases. Unlike strokes, all these symptoms disappear within a day. For this they received the name.

PNMK is treated with antihypertensive, tonic and cardiotonic drugs. Antispasmodics are used, and. The following medications are prescribed:

Dibazol, Trental, Clonidine, Vincamine, Eufillin, Cinnarizine, Cavinton, Furasemide, beta-blockers. As tonic - alcohol tinctures of ginseng and Schisandra chinensis.

Chronic disorders of cerebral circulation

Chronic cerebrovascular accident (CIC), in contrast to acute forms, develops gradually. There are three stages of the disease:

  1. In the first stage, the symptoms are vague. They are more like chronic fatigue syndrome. A person quickly gets tired, his sleep is disturbed, he often hurts and his head is spinning. He becomes short-tempered and distracted. He often changes his mood. He forgets some minor things.
  2. In the second stage, chronic cerebrovascular accident is accompanied by a significant deterioration in memory, minor motor dysfunctions develop, causing unsteady gait. There is constant noise in the head. A person does not perceive information well, with difficulty concentrating his attention on it. He is gradually degrading as a person. Becomes irritable and insecure, loses intelligence, reacts inadequately to criticism, often becomes depressed. He is constantly dizzy and has a headache. He always wants to sleep. Efficiency - reduced. He does not adapt well socially.
  3. In the third stage, all symptoms intensify. Personality degradation turns into, memory suffers. Leaving the house alone, such a person will never find his way back. Motor functions are impaired. This is manifested in the tremor of the hands, stiffness of movements. Speech impairment, uncoordinated movements are noticeable.

Violation of cerebral circulation is dangerous because if treatment is not carried out in the early stages, neurons die - the main units of the brain structure, which cannot be resurrected. Therefore, early diagnosis of the disease is so important. It includes:

  • Identification of vascular diseases that contribute to the development of cerebrovascular accidents.
  • Making a diagnosis based on the patient's complaints.
  • Conducting a neuropsychological examination on the MMSE scale. It allows you to detect cognitive impairment by testing. The absence of violations is evidenced by 30 points scored by the patient.
  • Duplex scanning in order to detect lesions of cerebral vessels by atherosclerosis and other diseases.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which allows to detect small hypodense (with pathological changes) foci in the brain.
  • Clinical blood tests: complete blood count, lipid spectrum, coagulogram, glucose.


The main causes of cerebrovascular accident are as follows:

  1. Age. Basically, they occur in people who have stepped into their fifth decade.
  2. genetic predisposition.
  3. Traumatic brain injury.
  4. Overweight. Obese people often suffer from hypercholesterolemia.
  5. Physical inactivity and increased emotionality (stress, etc.).
  6. Bad habits.
  7. Diseases: diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent) and atherosclerosis.
  8. Hypertension. High blood pressure is the most common cause of strokes.
  9. In old age, blood flow disorders in the brain can lead to:
    • shimmering ,
    • various diseases of the hematopoietic organs and blood,
    • chronic,


In chronic disorders of blood flow in the brain all therapeutic measures are aimed at protecting the neurons of the brain from death as a result of hypoxia, stimulate metabolism at the level of neurons, normalize blood flow in brain tissues. Medicines for each patient are selected individually. They should be taken in a strictly specified dosage, constantly monitoring blood pressure.

In addition, with disorders of cerebral circulation, accompanied by manifestations of a neurological nature, antioxidants, vasodilators, drugs that increase blood microcirculation, sedatives and multivitamins are used.

Chronic cerebrovascular accident can also be treated with traditional medicine, using various fees and herbal teas. Especially useful is the infusion of hawthorn flowers and the collection, which includes chamomile, marsh cudweed and motherwort. But they should be used as an additional treatment course that enhances the main drug therapy.

Overweight people who are at risk for developing atherosclerosis due to need to pay attention to nutrition. For them, there are special diets, which you can learn about from a dietitian who monitors the organization of nutrition for patients who are being treated in a hospital at any hospital. Dietary products include everything of vegetable origin, seafood and fish. But milk products, on the contrary, should be low in fat.

If the cholesterolemia is significant, and the diet does not give the desired results, the drugs included in the group are prescribed: Liprimar, Atorvakar, Vabarin, Torvakard, Simvatin. With a large degree of narrowing of the lumen between the walls of the carotid arteries (more than 70%), a carotid (surgical operation) is required, which is performed only in specialized clinics. With stenosis less than 60%, conservative treatment is sufficient.

Rehabilitation after acute cerebrovascular accident

Drug therapy can stop the course of the disease. But she cannot return the opportunity to move. Only special gymnastic exercises can help with this. We must be prepared for the fact that this process is quite lengthy and be patient. Relatives of the patient should learn how to perform massage and therapeutic exercises, since it is they who will have to do them to him for six months or more.

Kinesiotherapy is shown as the basis for early rehabilitation after a dynamic violation of cerebral circulation in order to fully restore motor functions. It is especially necessary in the restoration of motor skills, as it contributes to the creation of a new model of the hierarchy of the nervous system for the physiological control of the body's motor functions. The following methods are used in kinesitherapy:

  1. Gymnastics "Balance", aimed at restoring coordination of movements;
  2. The Feldenkrais Reflex System.
  3. Vojta system, aimed at restoring motor activity by stimulating reflexes;
  4. Microkenisotherapy.

Passive gymnastics "Balance" is assigned to each patient with impaired cerebral circulation, as soon as consciousness returns to him. Usually relatives help the patient to perform it. It includes kneading the fingers and toes, flexion and extension of the limbs. Exercises begin to be performed from the lower extremities, gradually moving up. The complex also includes kneading the head and cervical regions. Before starting the exercises and finishing the gymnastics should be light massaging movements. Be sure to monitor the patient's condition. Gymnastics should not cause him overwork. The patient can independently perform exercises for the eyes (squinting, rotation, fixing the gaze at one point, and some others). Gradually, with the improvement of the general condition of the patient, the load is increased. For each patient, an individual recovery method is selected, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Photo: basic exercises of passive gymnastics

The Feldenkrais Method- This is a therapy that gently affects the human nervous system. It contributes to the complete restoration of mental abilities, physical activity and sensuality. It includes exercises that require smooth movement during execution. The patient must focus on their coordination, make each movement meaningful (consciously). This technique forces you to divert attention from the existing health problem and focus it on new achievements. As a result, the brain begins to "remember" the old stereotypes and returns to them. The patient is constantly exploring his body and its capabilities. This allows you to find quick ways to get him moving.

The methodology is based on three principles:

  • All exercises should be easy to learn and remember.
  • Each exercise should be performed smoothly, without muscle strain.
  • Performing the exercise, a sick person should enjoy the movement.

But most importantly, you should never divide your achievements into high and low.

Additional rehabilitation measures

Breathing exercises are widely practiced, which not only normalizes blood circulation, but also relieves muscle tension arising under the influence of gymnastic and massage loads. In addition, it regulates the respiratory process after performing therapeutic exercises and gives a relaxing effect.

With disorders of cerebral circulation, the patient is prescribed bed rest for a long time. This can lead to various complications, for example, a violation of the natural ventilation of the lungs, the appearance of bedsores and contractures (mobility is limited in the joint). Prevention of bedsores is the frequent change of position of the patient. It is recommended to turn it over on the stomach. At the same time, the feet hang down, the shins are located on soft pillows, under the knees there are cotton pads lined with gauze.

  1. Give the patient's body a special position. In the first days, he is transferred from one position to another by relatives caring for him. This is done every two or three hours. After stabilizing blood pressure and improving the general condition of the patient, they are taught to do it themselves. Early seating of the patient in bed (if health permits) will not allow contractures to develop.
  2. Do the massage necessary to maintain normal muscle tone. The first days it includes light stroking (with increased tone) or kneading (if muscle tone is reduced) and lasts only a few minutes. In the future, massage movements are intensified. Rubbing is allowed. The duration of massage procedures also increases. By the end of the first half of the year, they can be completed within an hour.
  3. Perform exercise therapy exercises, which, among other things, effectively fight synkinesis (involuntary muscle contractions).
  4. Vibrostimulation of paralyzed parts of the body with an oscillation frequency of 10 to 100 Hz gives a good effect. Depending on the condition of the patient, the duration of this procedure can vary from 2 to 10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out no more than 15 procedures.

For cerebrovascular accidents, alternative methods of treatment are also used:

  • Reflexology including:
    1. Treatment with smells (aromatherapy);
    2. classic version of acupuncture;
    3. acupuncture in the reflex points located on the auricles (auricol therapy);
    4. acupuncture of biologically active points on the hands (su-Jack);
  • Coniferous baths with the addition of sea salt;
  • Oxygen baths.

Video: rehabilitation after a stroke, the program “Live healthy!”

Read more about comprehensive rehabilitation after strokes and ischemic attacks.

Consequences of NMK

Acute cerebrovascular accident has serious consequences. In 30 cases out of a hundred people who have had this disease become completely helpless.

  1. He cannot eat, perform hygiene procedures, dress himself, etc. on his own. Such people have a completely impaired ability to think. They lose track of time and do not orient themselves in space at all.
  2. Some people still have the ability to move. But there are many people who, after a violation of cerebral circulation, forever remain bedridden. Many of them keep a clear mind, understand what is happening around them, but are devoid of speech and cannot put into words their desires and express feelings.

Disability is a sad result of acute and in many cases chronic disorders of cerebral circulation. About 20% of acute cerebrovascular accidents are fatal.

But it is possible to protect yourself from this serious disease, regardless of which category of classification it belongs to. Although many people neglect it. This is an attentive attitude to your health and all the changes that occur in the body.

  • Agree that a healthy person should not have headaches. And if you suddenly feel dizzy, it means that there is some kind of deviation in the functioning of the systems responsible for this organ.
  • Elevated temperature is an indication of a malfunction in the body. But many go to work when it is 37 ° C, considering it normal.
  • Does it happen for a short time? Most people rub them without asking the question: why is this happening?

Meanwhile, these are the satellites of the first minor changes in the blood flow system. Often, an acute cerebrovascular accident is preceded by a transient one. But since its symptoms disappear within a day, not every person is in a hurry to see a doctor in order to be examined and receive the necessary medical treatment.

Today, doctors have effective drugs in service -. They literally work wonders, dissolving blood clots and restoring cerebral circulation. However, there is one "but". To achieve the maximum effect, they should be administered to the patient within three hours after the onset of the first symptoms of a stroke. Unfortunately, in most cases, seeking medical help is too late, when the disease has passed into a severe stage and the use of thrombolytics is already useless.

Video: brain blood supply and the consequences of a stroke