Scoliosis and osteochondrosis of the chest. The difference between osteochondrosis and scoliosis and a set of exercises for the treatment of pathologies

Problems with the spine can be very different, ranging from a slight change in posture and ending with the development of an intervertebral hernia. However, there are also such diseases in medical practice that are present in almost 50% of the entire population of the planet, both in childhood and in adulthood.

One of the most common pathologies of the spine is scoliotic disease, which affects the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. According to statistics, this medical problem is most often found in the female population.

general information

Scoliosis is a violation of symmetry or a strong curvature of the spine, which is characterized by a lateral displacement of the vertebrae in the frontal plane. However, even a slight deviation of the axis of the spinal column to the right or left side is enough to make a diagnosis, which can be easily detected by visual examination of the back.

According to Moshkovich's classification, several main forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Static.
  • Idiopathic.
  • Neurogenic.
  • Dysplastic.

In addition, doctors often diagnose a congenital form of pathology, which is found mainly in childhood. According to the form of manifestation of the disease, C or S-shaped curvature with several arcs, as well as severe Z-shaped deformities, are distinguished.

The angle of deviation of the axis of the spinal column from the normal values ​​can be determined by the results of x-ray examination. Based on the diagnostic data, scoliotic disease is classified into 4 degrees. For the main reasons for development - to compensatory, postural and reflex forms.

Modern medicine knows many effective ways to cure scoliosis, but the choice of a specific method of therapy directly depends on the severity of the disease.


There is constant debate about how to treat scoliosis, since each case requires an individual approach to the problem. And it is important not only to determine the degree of scoliosis, but also to understand what factors provoked the disease.

The main reason for the development of a pathological condition is incorrect posture and a sedentary lifestyle, which inevitably leads to weakening of the back muscles. But there are other reasons as well:

  1. Curvature of the spine can occur with excessive physical exertion. For example, if heavy objects (bag, bucket, etc.) are incorrectly moved in only one hand, resulting in an uneven distribution of the load.
  2. congenital pathology. In particular, underdevelopment of muscles or ligaments. Also, sometimes children are born with different lengths of legs - even a small difference affects the spine.
  3. Spinal injury.
  4. Postponed heart surgery.

The main causes of scoliosis in adults are the progression of children, and degenerative curvature (this pathology occurs in people over 50 years old).

In principle, curvature of the spine in the early stages is treatable. But if the cause lies in the pathology of the development of the child, then only surgery will help correct the problem.


It is possible to detect pathology with a visual examination of the back, if the curvature is clearly visible, and with the help of x-rays. Typical clinical manifestations in scoliotic disease of the 1st and 2nd degree, as a rule, are absent. In this case, spinal deformities are weakly expressed, and the angle of deviation of the central axis does not exceed 25 degrees.

With the development of the disease of 3 and 4 degrees, the symptoms are seen more clearly. For example, you can detect an asymmetrical head position or curvature of the contour of the shoulders.

There are several main symptoms:

  1. Pronounced torsion of the vertebrae around the axis with a predominance of paravertebral asymmetry of muscle tissue.
  2. Displacement of the spinal column to the side in the frontal plane.

Sometimes the curvature of the cervical vertebrae is accompanied by severe headaches, as well as a decrease in efficiency and increased fatigue. Often there are bouts of dizziness. This means a violation of the normal blood circulation of the brain, which is caused by partial compression of the blood vessels.

In the later stages of the development of pathology, if scoliosis of 1 and 2 degrees is not cured, there is a violation of the architectonics of the spinal column. This leads to an aggravation of the above symptoms, and new clinical manifestations are added:

  • Labored breathing.
  • Epigastric and dysfunction of the respiratory and cardiac systems.

If adequate treatment is not prescribed in a timely manner, scoliosis can pose a direct threat to human life.

I degree

Curvature of the I degree is characterized by a minimal deviation of the spinal column (up to 10 degrees). This phenomenon occurs in most people, because the ideal symmetry of bone and muscle tissue is rarely seen in nature.

It is extremely important to diagnose the disease at an early age - this will prevent the development of serious health complications, and help to quickly cure scoliosis. A visual sign of the initial stage of the pathology is low-slung shoulders and an asymmetric body figure.

II degree

Scoliotic disease of the II degree often affects the thoracic spine (TSS) and is considered the next stage in the development of spinal deformity. The angle of deviation from the central axis is about 10–30 degrees. If no action is taken, then the rapid development of the disease can reach its climax - develop into a severe form.

Diagnosis of the second degree is possible without an X-ray examination. The patient may complain of increased fatigue, there is a slight asymmetry in the cervical region. Often you can see the protrusion of the chest.

III degree

Deformity III degree is a fairly serious curvature of the spinal column, which can reach 40 degrees or 50 degrees according to the Chaklin classification. It is still possible to cope with this pathology, but very difficult.

At this stage it is noted:

  • Significant weakening of the back muscles.
  • Worried about shortness of breath.
  • Sometimes a hump appears or ribs protrude.

In this case, the human body is tilted towards the deviation of the scoliotic arc, which often leads to serious deformities of the chest.

IV degree

Scoliotic disease of the IV degree is considered the most severe and dangerous for human life. Due to the weakening of the abdominal and spinal muscles, it is quite difficult for the patient to keep the body in an even vertical position. Any visual manifestations at this stage are not a cosmetic defect, but a pronounced orthopedic pathology that requires immediate medical attention.

Sometimes it is possible to cure scoliosis at the last stage of development only by radical methods - surgical intervention.


Orthopedic examination allows you to determine the very presence of curvature. However, in order to get a detailed picture of the changes occurring in the body, X-rays are mandatory.

For the initial assessment of the actual extent of the pathological condition, an X-ray of the spine is done in a standing position. However, it is recommended to take additional pictures in different projections, including in a supine position with moderate stretching. The calculation of the angle of deviation of the axis is carried out according to a special author's technique, the so-called Cobb method.

To measure the degree of torsion and rotation of the vertebrae of the back and neck, x-rays are taken in special styling. In some cases, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is indicated.

With the intensive development of pathology, it is necessary to examine the condition of the spine more often in order to control the dynamics of the disease. Therefore, in order to reduce the radiation dose from X-rays, alternative examination options are used: light-optical or three-dimensional ultrasound.

When diagnosing scoliotic disease, it is necessary to take into account the course of metabolic processes in the body and the presence of local congenital deformities.


Scoliotic disease in the early stages of development is quite easily amenable to a conservative method of treatment. It makes it possible to eliminate the source of pain, strengthen the spinal muscles and improve the general well-being of the patient. Treatment of scoliosis is also carried out with the help of therapeutic exercises, which allows you to correct the spine, eliminate minor deformities and improve posture.

Of no small importance is the complex of preventive measures aimed at maintaining the correct position of the spine:

  • Use of an orthopedic mattress.
  • Swimming in the pool and underwater massage treatments.
  • Hiking outdoors.
  • Proper organization of the workplace.

Treatment of scoliosis in childhood should be comprehensive, so doctors always try to take an integrated approach. The most commonly prescribed are therapeutic exercises and manual therapy. In some cases, it is quite possible to resort to the use of medical corsets. They are especially effective in mild forms of the disease under the age of 15, when the skeleton of the spine is not fully formed.

Complexes of physiotherapy exercises

One of the effective ways to treat scoliotic disease (especially in the early stages of development) is exercise therapy. However, it is not recommended to exercise if you are diagnosed with grade III or IV disease. Also, physical education is contraindicated if:

  • There is a pronounced pain syndrome in the back.
  • There are disturbances in the work of the heart.
  • There is a violation of blood circulation in the brain.

In all other cases, the basic set of physical exercises, which must be prescribed only by the attending physician, allow you to correct the spine and strengthen the spinal muscles. This is extremely important in the current situation.

Before starting any exercise, it is necessary to warm up to help the muscles relax to the desired state. To do this, the patient needs to stand in a knee-elbow position and slowly move around the room in this position. Such an unusual but effective exercise will help to relax the back muscles. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to warm up for 10-15 minutes. Only after that you can proceed directly to the implementation of the main therapeutic exercises.

In the prone position, the most versatile exercise therapy complex is an exercise to stretch the spine. It is necessary to lie on your back, and in this starting position, begin to pull your heels forward and your head a little back. All this must be done at the same time, and make sure that your hands do not rise. In the extended position, you need to “freeze” for about 15 seconds. The number of approaches is at least 8-10 times.

There are other groups of exercises, but they are recommended to be selected together with an orthopedist - self-treatment in this case is absolutely not appropriate.

Therapeutic swimming

If the scoliotic disease does not progress, swimming in the pool is a mandatory procedure for both children and adults. True, you first need to find out if there are any contraindications for visiting the pool.

During the water procedure, a positive effect is observed on the part of muscle and bone tissues:

  • Increases joint mobility.
  • There is also a general strengthening effect on the body.
  • Among the popular exercises for the effective treatment of the disease are swimming on the back with the help of the simultaneous work of the upper limbs and swimming in the same position, but with the alternating participation of the hands. It is very useful to swim breaststroke or do butterfly exercises, but this should be done for patients who can keep the body well in the water.

    The maximum distance of one swim should not exceed 250-300 meters. After completing the procedures, which on average last about thirty minutes, it is imperative to perform breathing exercises under the strict supervision of an instructor.


    Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive, otherwise positive results will not be achieved. Therefore, physiotherapy procedures play an important role in the fight against curvature of the spine. They are especially effective in combination with physiotherapy exercises and massage.

    In the list of the most effective physiotherapy procedures, the following types can be distinguished:

    • Electrical stimulation of weakened muscles. Due to the effect of electric current, it is possible to effectively act on muscle tissue.
    • Heat therapy. It is usually prescribed if there is no intensive progression of the pathology. Includes ozocerite applications, hot wraps and some other procedures.
    • Electrophoresis. There is an effect of "weak" currents on a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bmuscle tissue when using phosphorus and calcium.
    • Ultrasound. It is prescribed to suppress pain in the back and in case of development of osteochondrosis.

    In addition, a sick person is recommended to attend mud and sea baths - about 10 procedures are enough during the year. And to increase children's immunity in the development of scoliotic disease, sodium chloride baths are often used.


    One of the main components of the complex treatment of problems with the spine is therapeutic massage. However, the procedure is effective only in the early stages of the development of the disease. And in order not to harm, it is recommended to contact only professionals.

    With a curvature of the I degree, it is more expedient to carry out therapeutic massage for adult patients. For children with a mild form of the disease, it is enough to perform standard exercises that are part of the exercise therapy complex.

    Massage should always begin with complete relaxation of absolutely all muscles - for this you need to work a little with your feet.

    The main goal of therapeutic massage is to relax tense muscles and strengthen weakened ones. Therefore, in this case, a diverse technique of exposure is used.

    It is not recommended to carry out the massage procedure on your own at home if you do not have the appropriate skills. If you want to help your relative or close person who, for various reasons, is unable to attend a massage parlor, then take special courses. They will help you learn the correct massage technique.

    Wearing corsets

    As medical practice shows, with scoliotic disease of III and IV degrees, water, thermal and massage procedures alone are not enough. To prevent further curvature of the spine, it is necessary to use a special corset, which will not only contribute to the correct position of the vertebrae, but also perfectly strengthens the spinal muscles. It is advisable to choose a corset model under the supervision of the attending physician.

    In the first week of using the corset, there may be severe pain and discomfort when moving, but you should not be afraid of this. This is a completely normal reaction of the body, given the state of the spine. Any skin irritation (diaper rash and redness) usually resolves within 10 days. If this did not happen, and the corset continues to cause inconvenience, then it is necessary to consult with the attending orthopedist.

    Folk remedies

    In the treatment of scoliotic disease, the principles of alternative therapy practically do not differ from the recommendations of traditional medicine. The patient is shown to hang on the horizontal bar as often as possible, which allows you to relax tense muscle groups and stretch the spine. One approach should last no more than 15 seconds, but the number of such approaches can be any - the main thing is that the patient feels comfortable.

    With 1 and 2 degrees of the disease in childhood, an exercise with a stick helps. As a “working tool”, you can use an ordinary wooden mop or a cutting from garden tools. It is necessary to bring the stick behind the back and grab it with both hands in the forearm area - the limbs will be slightly turned back. It is desirable to be in this position as often as possible. At first it will be somewhat unusual, but as the desired effect is achieved, the sensations of discomfort will disappear on their own.

    To relieve pain, traditional medicine offers time-tested remedies:

    • Turpentine dough. For preparation are used: water, flour and turpentine. The dough is kneaded from them, and then a cake is rolled out, which must be applied before going to bed, until an intense burning sensation forms on the skin.
    • Alcoholic tincture based on dandelion flowers. Wet wipes soaked in tincture are applied mainly at night.
    • Potato compress. It is recommended to use crushed tubers of old potatoes and horseradish root (the mixture must be kept in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sore spot until the oven starts).

    Before using traditional medicine recipes that involve mixing various herbal ingredients, it is better to consult with your doctor to avoid complications. Alcohol compresses should be used with extreme caution, especially in the treatment of scoliotic disease in childhood.

    Surgical intervention

    Radical methods of treatment are indicated at the last stage of the disease, when therapeutic procedures and drug therapy do not bring the desired result.

    Surgeries to correct spinal deformity in most cases are performed under conditions of neuromonitoring, which helps prevent damage to blood vessels and nerve endings. Fixation of the vertebrae is carried out using pins, spokes and special metal bolts.

    Due to the characteristic features of the surgical operation, which create a high risk of infection, the postoperative period must necessarily be accompanied by an enhanced course of antibiotic therapy.

    Treatment of scoliosis is most effective in the early stages. Therefore, pay attention to the child's gait, how he sits, and at the first suspicion of a spinal problem, seek advice from the clinic.

    S-shaped scoliosis of the 2nd degree often appears due to incorrect body position, which leads to a curvature of the spine. Very often, the disease occurs in adolescents, leading to the defeat of the predominant lumbar or thoracic spine. If the disease appeared at the age of 10-25 years, then it can be easily cured, since the body is in constant development during this period, so the impact of therapy will be positively received.

    It must also be taken into account that right-sided scoliosis is a severe pathology that progresses extremely quickly. Therefore, immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms, treatment should be started. If the stage of development of the disease is small, then it is enough that manual therapy, a set of exercises or exercise therapy, and massage are applied. Not bad for right-sided scoliosis is also affected by a special corset (posture corrector). They take 2 degrees to the army with scoliosis, but not always.

    What causes the disease?

    It is not yet clear why right-sided scoliosis appears. It can be congenital, that is, it appears during fetal development, and acquired. Often, grade 2 kyphoscoliosis in a newborn is the result of childbirth that the doctor performed incorrectly. The disease is much more common in children around 10 years of age. This is due to the fact that during this period their puberty begins. Children begin to be ashamed of their height, so they stoop, which leads to scoliosis of the thoracic or lumbar region.

    Degrees of deformation and their symptoms

    Depending on how pronounced the deformation, it is customary to distinguish between several degrees of the disease:

    Treatment process

    Many are interested in how to treat scoliosis of the 2nd degree. You can also fix it at home. Patients often complain of pain in the thoracic or lumbar spine, poor posture, and chronic fatigue of the spine. Exercise therapy, massage, a set of exercises, manual therapy will help correct this complication. It is quite difficult to completely cure the disease on your own, so it is recommended to be under the supervision of a doctor.

    If you are wondering if scoliosis in the initial stages can be corrected, then the answer will please you.

    Treatment of scoliosis of the 2nd degree in children is conservative. Patients are prescribed a set of exercises, massage. A special corset also has an equally effective effect. Due to this, it is possible to stop the progression of the disease, but it is not possible to completely correct the S-shaped kyphoscoliosis of the lumbar spine.

    Wearing corsets

    As mentioned above, the treatment of the 2nd degree of scoliosis occurs by conservative methods, even at home. Therefore, to combat the disease, a special corset (posture corrector) is used. Gymnastics for scoliosis of the 2nd degree is an equally important method of treatment. Along with them, a special massage is used (it is different for a child and adults), exercise therapy. Yoga is prescribed for children over 10 years old. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the posture corrector should be comfortable, since it will have to spend a lot of time in it.

    The corset used for scoliosis of the lumbar spine can have different designs for people before and after 25 years of age. It should not be worn for less than 16 hours a day. Gradually, this time is extended to 23 hours daily. In this case, the posture corrector is removed only for the duration of hygiene procedures. At first, it is difficult to get used to the fact that the corset cannot be removed at night, but this is very important, since people usually bend their backs during sleep, assuming an incorrect body position. It is very difficult to get a child to wear a posture corrector almost all day. By the way, corsets for children and adults (over 25) are made from different materials. So, for a child, you can buy a corset made of very elastic materials, so it will not squeeze your back too much. Contraindications for which you can not wear a corset: not suitable for people suffering from heart and respiratory diseases.

    Some experts agree that it will be more effective if only partially worn with a corset. That is, a posture corrector should be worn only a few hours a day, after which exercise therapy is performed in order to correct scoliosis. A therapy in which a posture corrector is used is considered successful if, after several years of wearing it, there are shifts in a positive direction. Of course, it will be effective only if you periodically perform the set of exercises and exercise therapy prescribed by the doctor without removing the corset. It is very important to do the right massage for scoliosis. Basically, this therapy causes only positive feedback and is suitable for home use.


    To prevent the development of lumbar scoliosis in adolescents, it is necessary to perform a special set of exercises every day, to do massage. By the way, yoga and swimming are the two most common ways to combat the development of the disease. Consider a set of exercises that is suitable mainly for adults:

    • This exercise is performed lying on your stomach. The head and shoulders should be slightly raised, while the hands should be placed on the waist. This position must be held for 10 seconds;
    • this exercise is almost identical to the previous one, but only the hands need to be placed on the back of the head;
    • to perform this exercise, you should also lie on your stomach. It is necessary to wave your arms to the sides and up, imitating swimming movements.

    The complex of exercises depends on the degree of the disease, its form. Given this, the doctor must choose the most appropriate exercise therapy for adolescents and adults. All the recommendations of the doctor must be taken into account, to perform the exercises correctly, since with their help you can quickly recover.

    yoga therapy

    Yoga for scoliosis gives more productive results than conventional exercise therapy. After all, with its help, the tone of the muscles of the thoracic and lumbar region is restored. In addition, yoga allows you to remove the zones of muscle tension that tighten the scoliotic arc. Due to this, it is possible to achieve the same muscle tone on both sides, as a result of which right-sided scoliosis can be corrected. But it is also necessary that yoga alternate with exercise therapy. Massage in this case is also very important. However, yoga is more suitable for adults over 25 years old.

    Yoga includes a huge number of techniques. But in the case of scoliosis, it is better to give preference to hatha yoga. If yoga is performed regularly by patients, it will make it possible to achieve balanced activity in all muscle groups. Due to this and special health-improving physical education, it is possible to restore the ideal symmetry of the body. In addition, the physiological position of the thoracic and lumbar spine will again become correct, thereby stopping the progression of the disease. However, it must be borne in mind that yoga will give positive results only under the guidance of an experienced master. Therefore, it is not recommended to perform it at home.

    Do they take to the army with scoliosis?

    If you are interested in whether they take into the army with scoliosis of 2 degrees, then the answer may not please you very much. If you do not want to enter the army with scoliosis, you need to provide a medical history during a medical examination, as well as an x-ray. Only in the military registration and enlistment office will they determine whether you go to the army or not. It depends on which category you fall under. Only those recruits who fall under category A are taken into the army. With category B, duty stations are limited, but exemption may not be obtained. That is, even with such a category, they take them into the army. If you fall under category D, then you will be given a delay of six months, and then you will again be forced to undergo a medical commission. The army definitely does not take guys under 25 who fall under category D. They are given a white military ID.

    With scoliosis of the 2nd degree, category B is given, that is, young people are recognized as partially fit. If doctors have suspicions of right-sided scoliosis, they order the patient for an X-ray, deciding whether the patient will join the army. After identifying the angle of deviation, doctors decide which category to attribute the patient to. The army is not taken at all with scoliosis of the 4th degree, giving the patient an exemption from service.

    Treating scoliosis in teenagers is quite simple. For this, massage, physiotherapy exercises, sets of exercises and even yoga can be used. It is important to do all this every day in order to achieve positive results in a short time.

    Cervical scoliosis (high scoliosis) 1 is an unnatural curvature of the upper spine (from the first to the seventh cervical vertebrae). The disease is quite common, which is associated with a high degree of neck mobility.

    Characteristics and causes

    Scoliosis of the cervical spine is an unnatural arcuate bending of the upper vertebrae to the right or left side. There are several types of cervical scoliosis:

    • congenital;
    • static;
    • idiopathic;
    • neurogenic;
    • degenerative-dystrophic.

    Pathology can occur at any age, but most often it is diagnosed in people older than 10 years. In women, cervical scoliosis develops 2 times more often than in men. In adults, left-sided scoliosis is more common.

    The main reason for the development of deformation of the cervical vertebrae is heredity. In people with a genetic predisposition, scoliosis develops without the influence of external factors such as injuries, poor lifestyle, etc.

    There are other causes of the disease. These include a violation of intrauterine development, when the cervical sector is incorrectly formed in the fetus. Rarely, the disease is caused by abnormalities in the development of the cervical region and functional deformation in the regions of the musculoskeletal system.

    In childhood and adolescence, scoliosis of the cervical region is most common, associated with uneven growth of bones and muscles, incorrect body position when performing any work. Elderly people have a disease caused by a general decrepitude of the body, weakening of the muscles and changes in the bone tissue. In addition, the deformation of the cervical vertebrae often accompanies diseases such as arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.


    Scoliosis of the neck is a progressive disease. Initially, the pathology is characterized by a slight curvature, which becomes more pronounced over time. Gradually, the disease progresses, causing complications.

    The deformation of the cervical vertebrae at the initial stage cannot be seen visually. Therefore, symptoms such as pain in the neck with its static position for a long time, decreased performance, and muscle weakness will tell about the development of the disease.

    Scoliotic deformity becomes noticeable when the angle of curvature exceeds 10°. If you look at a person from the front, you can notice the asymmetry in the location of the auricles. From the back, there is asymmetry of the shoulder blades, shoulders, a slight displacement of the head to the side. At a late stage of the disease, asymmetry of the skull bones is observed.

    With the development of pathology, the patient's well-being worsens: pain in the temporal region, nausea, tinnitus, and weakness appear. Sleep is disturbed, blood pressure changes, it is impossible to fully bend the neck. During the period of exacerbation, severe pain appears when moving the neck, passing into the region of the shoulder girdle and back. If, against the background of the disease, the blood supply to the head is disturbed, then there is a deterioration in vision and hearing, numbness of the tongue is noted.


    Diagnosis of the disease begins with an examination of the patient by a doctor. To obtain an accurate clinical picture, an instrumental study is prescribed. It includes:

    • radiography;
    • computed tomography;
    • magnetic resonance imaging;
    • electromyography.

    X-ray of the upper vertebrae is a mandatory study for cervical scoliosis. The picture clearly shows the angle of curvature, which allows you to determine the degree of development of pathology. X-ray examination is prescribed both in the later stages of the disease and in the early ones.

    Computed tomography is indicated in the late stages of cervical scoliosis. However, with the development of such a research method as MRI, computed tomography is rarely prescribed. Magnetic resonance imaging provides a detailed picture of disorders in soft tissues, nerve endings and blood vessels, which makes it possible to identify and prevent possible complications of the disease.

    Electromyography is performed immediately before the start of treatment. This method of diagnosing the disease makes it possible to identify violations in the functioning of the muscles of the cervical region and failures in the transmission of nerve impulses, which allows you to choose an effective therapy.

    Methods of treatment

    Left-sided and right-sided scoliosis of the cervical spine are treated the same way. The methods of therapy depend on the degree of curvature. At the initial stage, it is easiest to correct the deformation of the vertebrae. But often patients do not go to the doctor on time, as the symptoms do not manifest themselves clearly.

    Complex therapy is used to treat serious changes. Severe cervical scoliosis can be completely cured only with the help of surgery, since irreversible deformities have already occurred that cannot be corrected with massage or physiotherapy exercises.

    Drug treatment for scoliosis is used only to eliminate concomitant disorders in muscle tissue and nerve endings. The main wellness procedures are massage, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises.

    Therapeutic massage performed by a qualified specialist reduces the symptoms of the disease, stimulates blood flow to the spine and brain, and corrects the deformity of the vertebrae.

    Physiotherapy includes:

    • electrophoresis;
    • UHF therapy;
    • ultrasound;
    • mud treatment;
    • paraffin applications.

    Physiotherapeutic procedures also correct the curvature of the vertebrae, improve blood flow, increase muscle strength, and reduce pain.

    Therapeutic exercise involves regular intensive classes for 20-30 minutes daily. At the beginning of treatment, the patient is engaged under the supervision of a specialist.

    Surgical intervention provides for the elimination of complications of scoliosis and correction of the position of the vertebrae. In severe cases, vertebrae are replaced.

    Completely get rid of the disease after the operation will help the rehabilitation course, which is mandatory for the patient.

    For a quick recovery, it is important not only to undergo a course of treatment, but also to change your lifestyle. Less load on the neck, do not stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time, do not get injured. During sleep, it is better to put a hard roller or a special orthopedic shield under the neck. If necessary, use an orthopedic corset or collar for the cervical region. On the Internet you can find many photos of how to properly use these items.

    It is important to strengthen the body as a whole. Outdoor walks and moderate exercise are great for this. During the recovery period, you should follow a special diet: include more dairy products in the diet, as well as foods with high energy value and sufficient amounts of protein, calcium and phosphorus.

    As soon as a person begins to really hurt his back, a helpful memory immediately tells him 5-6 diagnoses, which in such cases were made by his grandfather, grandmother, father, cousin and work colleague. As a rule, we call the state of pain in the spine backache, sciatica, salt deposits or rheumatism. Few begin to suspect that they have kidney disease. An even smaller percentage, without a hint from a therapist, will call their condition osteochondrosis. And a very small number of sufferers will come to the doctor.

    But in vain. Firstly, sciatica, rheumatism and salt deposits are indirectly related to pain in the spine. The first two are already the consequences of a serious illness, and the last is generally more of a vivid metaphor than a medical fact. Secondly, the correct diagnosis - osteochondrosis - can only be made by a doctor after appropriate tests and examinations. Thirdly, osteochondrosis must be properly treated, and treated for life, since this disease is always chronic. Fourthly, only a specialist can exclude or, conversely, detect the true pathology hiding behind pain in the spine - diseases of the kidneys, urinary system and other most important organs and systems of our body.


    According to statistics, up to 85% of the inhabitants of our planet suffer from osteochondrosis. If we all correctly studied our own anatomy and physiology, this percentage would be much less. Indeed, as a rule, the wrong "use" of one's own spine leads to osteochondrosis.

    Translated from the ancient Greek "osteon" means "bone", "chondros" - "cartilage". That is, in a literal translation, osteochondrosis is a disease of bone and cartilage, and in more detail - the cartilaginous surfaces of the bones of the musculoskeletal system, mainly the spine, as well as the hip and knee joints.

    The history of osteochondrosis is rooted in the deep past, and this applies to both phylogenesis (development of an individual) and ontogenesis (development of a biological species as a whole). It is rightly said that osteochondrosis is the retribution of humanity for bipedalism. As part of the evolution of the species, we all still do not walk on two legs for so long that our spine adapts to this. Fish, amphibians and mammals lead a more gentle way of life in relation to this organ, the spine feels best in water, because the time spent by living organisms in this environment is incomparable with the era of upright walking - that is why swimming still saves humanity from osteochondrosis.

    As for a single human life, the first problems of the spinal column may appear immediately after the birth of a child. The process of childbirth, which is a real test for the mother, is an even greater test for the unformed skeletal system of the baby, in addition, when the baby passes through the birth canal, his spine bends, following the movements of the attempt, and with some violations in the process of childbirth, the spine is also disturbed. Even if such a violation is insignificant and immediately smoothed out and becomes invisible - in any case, this is the beginning of osteochondrosis. Modern specialists of maternity hospitals believe that at the birth of a child, along with obstetricians and pediatricians, an osteopath should be present, who will definitely examine the baby's skull, assess the condition of the spine and relieve tension between the bones.

    The further history of the relationship of a person with his own body is in full control of the parents. And their role should consist in only one wise rule: do not interfere with the spine to develop and grow stronger. Nature did not put any excessive parental care into the genetic codes, such as seating babies in pillows, buying walkers and featherbeds in cribs. The role of parents in terms of nature (and common sense) is to love the child, provide him with food and comfort and teach him to live in a community of his own kind, but as for the growth and development of the body, believe me, the child knows everything better than you. He himself will determine when to sit down, crawl, stand on his feet, take the first step. The child himself will choose where to sleep - and if you do not accustom him to the most harmful love for soft mattresses, he will have an excellent sleep on a hard board covered with a thin blanket. Swaddling, an abundance of clothes, an abundance of pillows, coasters, walkers and other parental "toys" only bring the baby closer to scoliosis and osteochondrosis. Therefore, the only reasonable intervention in the physical development of the baby is just the same non-intervention. Of course, if the baby is healthy and does not need the support of doctors.

    But when a child grows up and joins a society that is very far from the life that wise Nature has prepared for its creations, many factors appear that bring the development of osteochondrosis closer. Hours of study at a desk, briefcases and bags, illiterate physical education classes, a TV and a computer are all the best friends of chronic spinal diseases.

    The skeletal system in boys develops up to 27 years, in girls up to 18 years. Therefore, within these age limits, you need to be especially attentive to the health of the spine. And since it is at this age that health care is by no means in the first place in the value system of a young person, and not even in fifth place, and this is a fact with which it is useless to argue, the only right decision is to elevate care of the spine to the rank of natural hygiene skills. like washing your hands before eating and brushing your teeth. It is impossible to allow such harmful postures as sitting in a chair, hunched over or placing the elbows so that the shoulders rise unnaturally high, lying in front of the TV with the chin pressed to the chest, sitting at the table “chin in hands”, etc.

    The reasons contributing to the onset of the disease in adulthood can be very diverse. In half of the cases, this is an injury or microtrauma of the spine. In 30% of cases, the cause of the onset and development of osteochondrosis is chronic physical overstrain of the spine when working in an uncomfortable or monotonous position. In the remaining 20% ​​of cases, doctors blame infections, hypothermia, complex causes (physical stress and hypothermia), pregnancy and childbirth.

    In medical science, 4 stages of osteochondrosis are distinguished.

    At the first stage, the disease itself is very difficult to suspect without the help of a specialist. And in general, it is almost impossible to associate the general malaise and discomfort that a person feels with osteochondrosis. The disease at this stage proceeds sluggishly and latently, without visible symptoms, and therefore, as a rule, it is possible to recognize it only by chance during general or private examinations. At the second stage of osteochondrosis, pains appear in the region of the spine affected by the painful process. Pain arises from the fact that it is at the second stage that the destruction of the cartilaginous ring occurs, the fixation of the vertebrae among themselves is disturbed, and their pathological mobility occurs. As a result, the intervertebral gaps decrease, the neurovascular endings, blood and lymphatic vessels are compressed. At the third stage of the disease, the fibrous ring ruptures, intervertebral hernias form. A fixed deformation of the affected parts of the spine develops - kyphosis (formation of a hump, bulge of the spine from behind), lordosis (bending the spine in front) and scoliosis (lateral curvature) of the spine. The fourth, final stage of osteochondrosis is characterized by painful compaction and displacement of the vertebrae, the formation of pathological bone growths. The patient's motor activity decreases, the mobility of the spine is disturbed, sudden movements cause acute pain. It is in patients of the fourth stage that indications for the establishment of disability are most often determined.

    This development of the disease is inherent in all types of osteochondrosis - cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral.

    At cervical osteochondrosis a person feels aching, squeezing, sometimes burning pains in the back and side of the neck, in the back of the head, he moves his head with difficulty and not without pain. It is cervical osteochondrosis that is one of the most common causes of migraine and paroxysmal headache. Hearing, vision, cardiac, respiratory disorders, as well as diseases of the larynx, upper respiratory tract, sinusitis, caries - these diseases are directly related to the defeat of the cervical spine.

    Thoracic osteochondrosis makes itself felt pain in the heart, symptoms of bowel disease (heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, ulcers, gastritis, colitis). Pain between the shoulder blades and ribs is also characteristic of this type of osteochondrosis. In thoracic osteochondrosis, the functions of the liver, pancreas, and kidneys are impaired.

    At lumbosacral osteochondrosis patients complain of pain, burning and shooting in the lower back, pain along the sciatic nerve and other nerve trunks of the lumbosacral plexus, numbness of the legs, chilliness, cramps in the calf muscles, diseases of the vessels of the legs. By the way, sciatica is caused precisely by lumbosacral osteochondrosis.


    Scoliosis is one of the most common manifestations of childhood osteochondrosis. Among the people, this disease is known as a curvature of posture, which, in fact, it is, but also entails a lot of complications and concomitant diseases. That is, scoliosis is not just a problem of figure and gait. These are problems of many organs and systems.

    Incorrect posture is not always scoliosis, while scoliosis is always incorrect posture.. Only a doctor can diagnose scoliosis, but everyone can notice the wrong posture. Naturally, parents should monitor the posture of children - just so that the usual defect in demeanor does not develop into osteochondrosis.

    Posture should be assessed at the moment when a person is in a natural position of his neutral mood - one can hardly talk about posture problems if the person’s shoulders and back are bent from grief or sadness. If the person whose posture you undertake to evaluate takes the same unnatural posture too often (tilts his head on one shoulder, hunches over, stoops, holds one shoulder higher than the other - it's time to contact a specialist.

    But even after going to the doctor, it may turn out that this is not scoliosis, but, so to speak, lifestyle defects. For example, a pampered child who is not familiar with gymnastics languidly and baggily keeps himself in ordinary life, or a tall guy, who can hardly fit in a small desk, hunches his back, trying to fit into the allotted framework. Such problems are easily corrected with the help of regular sets of exercises or a change of furniture.

    It is well known that normal posture has the following features:

    Direct position of the head and spine; symmetrical blades; horizontal line of the clavicle; identical "triangles of the waist" ("windows" formed by the contour of the waist and lowered arms); symmetrical position of the buttocks; the same length of the lower limbs and the correct position of the feet: their inner surfaces should be in contact from heels to toes.

    If these signs do not characterize the posture of the person you are observing, there is reason to suspect scoliosis.

    We repeat: the correct diagnosis can only be made by a certified specialist practicing in a medical institution. Not a single home chiropractor, no matter how brilliant a person, is simply not able to conduct tests that require laboratory conditions. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor must definitely see the results of the patient's blood and urine tests - in order to exclude the possibility of a completely different disease. There is nothing worse than a misdiagnosis. Imagine at least a patient with pyelonephritis, who also has back pain in the lumbar spine. God forbid he is prescribed a massage and a warm compress!

    The patient should learn the individual treatment regimen only in the office of the attending physician. Today, there are many drugs and therapeutic procedures that can alleviate a person's condition and begin his treatment. However, the general recommendations that your attending physician will give you without fail, we give with great pleasure below.

    Prevention of scoliosis and osteochondrosis

    It is incredibly difficult to start treating osteochondrosis or scoliosis when the patient notices it. This requires great moral and material costs. It is much easier to prevent the development of diseases of the spine. To do this, four basic conditions must be met:

    Eat properly; do not lean forward without support; do not lift weights; do not bend in a full tilt (which is called "to the ground") to perform a variety of actions.

    Watch you or your child tie their shoelaces. Most likely, you just bend at the waist and, reaching for your shoes, freeze for a while in this position until you can handle the bows. If you need to pick something up from the floor, you do it the same way - by bending at the waist. This is absolutely wrong! Any manipulations of this kind should be carried out only by crouching (bending the legs at the knees). This movement should be worked out to automatism: it just shouldn’t occur to you to bend at the waist! Correctly tying shoelaces and lifting objects, no matter how strange it may sound, is the first thing in the prevention of osteochondrosis.

    In everyday life, there are many activities that seem to be created in order to destroy our spinal column. This includes sweeping, mopping, washing by hand, gardening and country work - in a word, almost any physical activity (not to be confused with competent physical activity, that is, with gymnastics). With these usual exercises for us, the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine is stretched and there is a load on its cartilage. This is how illness begins. Lifting weights has a detrimental effect on the spinal column. It is estimated that if a person lifts a load of 45 kg, then his lumbar intervertebral disc experiences a load of more than 750 kg; if the mass of the load is 90 kg, then the load on the lumbar disc is 1000 kg. There is a direct destruction of the bone structure, cartilage, bones, ligaments, muscles do not withstand a heavy load. When a person lifts a load with great effort, a displacement in the spine (subluxation) can occur, cartilage “pops out” (disk hernia). Sometimes these changes are difficult to treat.

    There are several ways out of this situation. The first is not to do housework and country work at all. I doubt it suits anyone. Therefore, it would be reasonable to act according to the second option: all loads must be correctly distributed, they must necessarily alternate with rest in a horizontal position, it is desirable to use the achievements of progress as much as possible: vacuum cleaners, modern mops, washing machines - not a luxury, but taking care of your health and free time.

    Pathologies of the spine are difficult to treat, and osteochondrosis is no exception. If the disease is started (grade 2 and above), only the surgeon's knife will help. At the same time, daily exercises, exercise therapy and (or) yoga will help maintain the flexibility of the spine, and a timely visit to the doctor will slow down degenerative-dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs. Treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is always complex - medication (pills, ointments, injections), physiotherapy (magnet, electrophoresis, laser therapy, etc.), massage (self-massage), use of a Kuznetsov or Lyapko mat, exercise therapy, yoga.

    Do not discount folk methods . Homemade, homemade rubs and ointments can relieve pain, thereby reducing the amount of pain pills you take.

    Ointments, tablets, injections

    Medications are aimed primarily at relieving pain (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and other analgesics), and secondly at nourishing the intervertebral discs (chondroprotectors). If there is a strong muscle spasm, the doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants, supplementing them with sedatives or, in the case of depression diagnosed in the patient, antidepressants.

    All medications that are prescribed for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region are divided according to the form of release:

    • ointments, creams, gels;
    • tablets, capsules;
    • injections.

    Ointments, creams, gels

    They are prescribed at the first unpleasant sensations - a weak pain syndrome, some stiffness. Most often, doctors recommend:

    • For quick pain relief Voltaren, Dolobene-cream, Fastum and Quick-gel.
    • Apizartron and Viprosal. They have a good analgesic effect. Both ointments contain bee venom.
    • Kapsikam and Finalgon with osteochondrosis warm up well, improve blood circulation, and relieve mild pain.
    • Chondroprotectors. In the form of ointments, I act weakly due to the fact that only a small part of useful substances reaches the cartilage. Most often prescribed at the initial stage of thoracic osteochondrosis Chondroxide.

    On a note. Well relieves pain Menovazin. Rubbing has a pleasant smell and a pronounced cooling effect. After rubbing it, you need to put on a cotton T-shirt, and something warm on top.

    Tablets, capsules, powders

    As well as ointments, they are prescribed primarily to relieve pain. Of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Nise tablets and Nimesil powder give a good effect. Diclofenac and all preparations based on it are distinguished by a strong analgesic effect. Ibuprofen has a mild effect on osteochondrosis. In addition, this remedy has a minimum of side effects and is allowed for a single dose even for pregnant women.

    To relieve muscle spasms, muscle relaxants are prescribed - Mydocalm or Sirdalud. To help them, plant-based sedatives can be prescribed - tinctures of motherwort or valerian, drops of Zelenin, Persen, Novo-Passit and others. Doctors also often prescribe vitamin complexes of group B - Neuromultivit in osteochondrosis improves the conductivity of nerve fibers and enhances the effect of painkillers in complex therapy.

    Of the chondroprotectors for oral administration, Don, Alflutop, Teraflex, Chondroitin-AKOS, Inoltra and others are prescribed. Tablets and capsules complement the action of external agents.

    On a note. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors are available in various dosage forms - tablets (capsules, powder), injections, ointments. If finances allow, the patient is prescribed oral administration and injections at the same time - this gives a tangible result in course treatment.


    To relieve severe pain, an epidural novocaine blockade is used. This is a rather complicated procedure that should be carried out by an experienced doctor. The drug is injected directly into the epidural space, which is located between the inner edge of the spinal foramen and the dura mater of the spinal cord.

    Analgesic injections are prescribed when the tablets are ineffective. They can also be supplemented with hormone injections, such as Prednisolone.

    On a note. Epidural novocaine blockade is most often recommended for lumbosacral osteochondrosis. In the thoracic form of the pathology, an injection can be prescribed for intercostal neuralgia with severe pain.


    Physiotherapeutic procedures are effective for any form of osteochondrosis. Magnetotherapy, laser exposure, wave therapy, electrophoresis give a pronounced analgesic effect, increase blood circulation, improve penetration into the deep layers of external medicines.

    If you have such devices as Almag, Vitafon, SCENAR or DENAS at home, after consulting with your doctor to exclude possible contraindications, you can start self-treatment. The listed types of therapy can be combined, for example, the effects are perfectly combined:

    • Almag + SCENAR or DENAS;
    • Vitafon + SCENAR or DENAS;
    • Almag + Vitafon + SCENAR or DENAS.

    On a note. No matter how effective home therapy is, only a doctor can choose the right treatment regimen. Contact specialized centers to undergo treatment with the above devices.

    Massage and self-massage

    A very useful procedure. An experienced massage therapist can easily relax tight muscles and protonize those that need it.

    Self-massage of the thoracic zone of the spine directly is not possible, however, with osteochondrosis of this part of the spine, the cervical-collar region also often suffers. Here it is quite possible to massage it yourself:

    1. Sit on a chair. Put your hands behind your head. With soft, stroking movements, knead the back, and then the sides of the neck.
    2. Place your right hand behind your left shoulder. To stretch the shoulder blade area, push your elbow with your other hand. Work the shoulder gently at first, then with pressure, working the muscles to the maximum possible depth. Pain should not be felt. If it appears, loosen the pressure.
    3. Get to the spine. Changing hands, knead it first on one side, then on the other.
    4. Finish the self-massage with soft strokes, then take a warm shower and rub yourself with a terry towel. Ideally, if after that one of the relatives applies a healing ointment (or gel) to the pain zone.


    Kuznetsov's rug for osteochondrosis of any part of the spine is considered an effective home remedy. Place it on the couch and gently lie on top. Don't fidget or you'll scratch your skin.

    Approximately the same effect is produced by Lyapko's rug. Unlike the Kuznetsov applicator, its needles are made of an alloy of various metals, which are "planted" on a dense rubber base. Lying on it is more comfortable and not so painful. The effect is noticeable immediately, especially with moderate and severe pain syndrome.

    On a note. Use the Kuznetsov or Lyapko mat immediately after applying the ointment or gel. The applicator improves blood circulation, which means that the active ingredients of the drug will quickly get to the epicenter of pain and begin to “work”.

    Recipes of folk healers

    There are a lot of them. It is unrealistic to cite even a small part in one article. Consider complex therapy with folk methods:

    1. Every day for a long time, take 1 glass of warm milk in the morning and evening, adding 1 tsp each. dead bees, alcohol tincture of propolis and honey. This is a real vitamin and mineral cocktail for the body.
    2. Spend at least 1 hour outdoors every day.
    3. Daily do self-massage of the cervical-collar zone and part of the thoracic region (where you can get it).
    4. Every day in the morning and afternoon, perform a simple set of exercises (see below).
    5. Every day before going to bed, lie on the Lyapko (or Kuznetsov) applicator for about 30 minutes.
    6. Every day, ask your relatives to give you a honey massage of the entire spine.
    7. If health permits, visit a bath once a week, and after it, be sure to drink herbal tea.


    Only the lazy did not mention the benefits of physical education in osteochondrosis. Indeed, the classic statement “movement is life” is 100% applicable for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. This part of the spine is the least mobile. Here, the vertebral bodies are connected to the ribs, and the muscular corset is much more powerful than in the neck or lower back.

    The flexibility of the thoracic region decreases with age, which is why it is so important to regularly perform exercises from therapeutic exercises or yoga. Otherwise, by the age of 40, the back in this zone will “stiffen”, which will not have the best effect on the general condition of the body.

    Dr. Bubnovsky generally advises, even with severe pain, to engage in physical education. Unlike most doctors, who recommend complete rest for patients during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, he says that it is necessary to move in order to relax spasmodic muscles.

    Interestingly, many patients note a pronounced analgesic effect from classes according to the Bubnovsky method. During the period of exacerbation, exercises are performed while sitting or lying down, which reduces the load on the spine to a minimum, and the development of muscles is possible thanks to the use of special simulators.

    On a note. Classes according to Bubnovsky help to significantly reduce the dosage of painkillers, and in some cases completely abandon them.

    Simple chest exercises

    The following complex will be useful for those who catastrophically do not find time for physical education:

    1. Sit on a chair, do not lean on the back. Take a diaphragmatic breath (stick out your stomach), raise your shoulders, then take them back so that the shoulder blades converge, and as you exhale, lower them down and relax. Repeat 5 times. Feel the tension and relaxation of the muscles.
    2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides parallel to the floor. Bend them slightly at the elbows, then pull them back with force - exhale noisily with your mouth so that the shoulder blades converge, and return to their original position - inhale through your nose. Repeat the movement 10 times, then lower your arms along your torso and relax. Repeat one more time.
    3. Standing, arms hang along the body like whips. Pull your shoulders up to your ears, without pulling your head in. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds, then relax.
    4. Stand up and hug yourself. First spread your arms to the sides, then grab your right shoulder with your left and vice versa. This is a relaxation exercise.
    5. Standing, arms along the body. Spread them apart, then lift them up, at the same time rising on your toes, lower them down in front of you. Repeat 10 times.

    Take note of the set of exercises from the video below.


    Yoga will seem to many more attractive than exercise therapy or classes according to author's methods. Here, no one requires the perfect execution of exercises from the first minute. Yoga asanas can be performed in a way that is convenient, improving day by day. At some point, the body will become so flexible that it will be able to perform any, even the most complex movement.

    On a note. Despite the fact that yoga significantly heals the body, balancing the spirit and body, many yoga asanas have contraindications. It is important to start exercising under the guidance of an experienced instructor and having previously passed a full examination.

    A few asanas that will be useful for thoracic osteochondrosis:

    1. Cat Pose (Marjariasana).
    2. Mountain Pose (Tadasana).
    3. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana).
    4. Downward facing dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana).

    These are warm-up exercises. For the first week, do them under the guidance of an instructor.


    Performing is ideal immediately after sleep, only first, lying on your back, stretch your heels down, top of your head up, and then relax and lie down for a minute. Then get on all fours - the back is parallel to the floor (tea table position).

    Now arch your back, imagining a cat stretching sweetly after sleep - stretch the top of your head to the floor, stretching the cervical and thoracic spine, and the tailbone also to the floor, stretching the lumbosacral zone. Slowly return to the starting position and bend in the opposite direction, but do not tilt your head back much. Delay in each position for at least 10 seconds. The number of repetitions - from 5 times.


    Stand up straight with your legs slightly apart. Tighten your buttocks, stretch your arms up, sit down a little (imagine a chair of medium height). Stretch the top of your head up, then join your palms, rushing up. Feel how the muscles of all parts of the spine tense. Take the starting position and relax. Repeat at least 5 times.

    Stand up straight, place your foot on the inside of the thigh as high as possible. Raise your arms above your head and join your palms. Stretch up like a tree, feeling every muscle in your back. Hold the pose for as long as you can, then stand up straight and relax.

    Adho Mukha Svanasana

    The pose requires a certain physical preparation, so it is not recommended for beginners to perform it on their own. Get on all fours, palms firmly on the floor. Bend at the waist, gradually straightening the elbows and knees, lowering the head down.

    The ideal posture is a mountain with a peak at the coccyx and two slopes - the first is formed by the back surface of perfectly straight legs, the second is a flat back. passing into straightened arms. The feet are firmly on the floor, the palms are slightly apart and also pressed to the floor.

    Asanas that treat thoracic osteochondrosis, restoring flexibility to the spine, are much more. To begin with, the four described are enough. Performing them, you need to feel calm and comfortable. Pain is unacceptable. In case of dizziness, the activity must be stopped.

    How to cure osteochondrosis? Pathology can be treated only at the initial stage. Running forms cannot be cured, but it is quite possible to improve the patient's quality of life. How to treat the disease , the doctor decides. Self-medication is unacceptable. Osteochondrosis is a serious pathology. If you run it, you can easily become disabled.

    Watch the video in this article, consult your doctor and start your daily workouts.

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    Hosted at

    Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus

    Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Friendship of Peoples Medical University"

    Department of Physical Culture

    discipline: "Physical culture"

    on the topic: "Physical exercises as a means of preventing osteochondrosis and scoliosis"

    Completed by a student

    6 groups 3 courses

    Faculty of Pharmacy

    Zalenskaya Yana

    Checked by Lappo V.A.

    2012-2013 academic year


    • Introduction
    • Conclusion
    • Used sources


    Normally, the spine of an adult is not straight, like a stick, but has small curves that are physiological. Anteriorly, the spine is curved in the lumbar and cervical region (lordosis), and posteriorly - in the sacral and thoracic (kyphosis). In newborns, these curves are absent and appear after the child begins to stand and walk. Nature knowingly took care of such a structure of the spine - physiological curves help to absorb the loads that the back experiences during jumping, running, and simply when the body assumes a vertical position.

    If, under the influence of any reasons, physiological bends turn into deformations that are not normally found, they speak of curvature of the spine. Curvature of the spine distinguish between congenital and acquired. In the first case, the disease is caused by abnormal development of the vertebrae. Acquired curvatures are often associated with posture disorders.

    Scoliosis is a persistent lateral deviation of the spine from a normal straightened position. Mostly appears in children of school age and students. Detecting scoliosis in the early stages is not easy, because the deformity is visible only when the back muscles are tired, and disappears after rest. In the future, the curvature is noted constantly, the patient's posture is disturbed, the shape of the chest, shoulder blades and shoulders are at different heights. With the progression of the disease, the mobility of the spine decreases significantly, physical activity brings pain, at this stage, patients often complain of neurological pain. In the extreme degree of scoliosis, the work of many internal organs becomes difficult, and concomitant diseases occur.

    Under osteochondrosis, it is customary to understand the process of degenerative lesions of the spine, which is based on the degeneration of the intervertebral disc, followed by the involvement of the bodies of adjacent vertebrae, intervertebral joints and the ligamentous apparatus of the spine. The process is based on a violation of the elasticity of the intervertebral disc, as a result of which it loses fluid, intradiscal pressure decreases, and the disc seems to sag.

    Indications for exercise

    Physiotherapy exercises in the treatment of osteochondrosis are aimed at improving the blood supply to the muscles that support the spine, strengthening the muscle corset, enhancing the delivery of nutrients to the joints and muscles, and reducing swelling. Thanks to this complex, muscle tension is redistributed to various muscle groups that are not involved in the pathological process. The first classes are held for 10-15 minutes with alternating increase and decrease in muscle loads, repeating each exercise up to six times.

    You should use special methods of breathing exercises, strictly alternating the moments of inhalation and exhalation. Greater efficiency for the treatment of osteochondrosis was noted during classes in the water. The duration of physical exercises is gradually increased to 40 minutes. The cessation of the period of acute pain is a signal to start the exercise therapy procedure. The use of a complex of physiotherapy exercises should not cause pain; in some cases, the use of novocaine blockade is allowed to anesthetize damaged areas.

    Exercise therapy is used mainly for hygienic purposes and is of a general strengthening character. When moving the lower limbs, do not allow an increase in lumbar lordosis, which can increase pain. In this regard, when performing physical exercises, a soft roller should be placed under the shins. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of exercise therapy in all stages of osteochondrosis: in the treatment of osteochondrosis, in the prevention of its occurrence and the prevention of exacerbations. It is absolutely necessary to use exercise therapy for the mentioned purposes regularly, but competently, reasonably and carefully.

    For any patient, physical education is a must, but it becomes physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy), since it is strictly dosed in all respects. The development of the exercise therapy complex and the resumption of exercise therapy after a break in classes should always be started with small loads, limited ranges of motion and a limited number of repetitions. Gradually, as the complex is mastered and depending on the condition of the muscles, ligaments and joints, as well as on the general condition of the body, the amplitude of movements, muscle tension and the number of repetitions expand to the normal ones indicated in the description of the exercise therapy complex. Exercises that cause or increase pain should be done with effort and amplitude up to the pain threshold. If pain occurs at the beginning of the exercise, then you need to slightly change the position of the spine, and if this does not help, then this exercise is skipped that day.

    Gymnastics in the aquatic environment is a very valuable method for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis, since in the aquatic environment the static load of the body weight on the elements of the spine is almost eliminated. In addition, in the pool it is good to develop joint contractures and restore the flexibility of the spine. When visiting the pool, hypothermia should be avoided.

    It should be recalled that exercise therapy is only part of a large list of measures that need to be applied in order to prevent the development of osteochondrosis of the spine, its exacerbations, complications, as well as the treatment of osteochondrosis. Myostimulation also belongs to exercise therapy - impulse muscle contraction without movement. This is a very valuable training method that allows you to train muscles in any conditions and imperceptibly to others.

    Use such means as volleyball, tennis, road biking, cross-country running, fast dancing, rhythmic gymnastics should be extremely careful, because. sharp, often uncoordinated movements and turns can provoke an exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Exercises with dumbbells are preferably performed in and. n. lying (on the back, stomach) to eliminate vertical loads on the spine. It should be recognized as inappropriate to use a pure hang for supposedly stretching the lumbar spine. An obstacle to this is the powerful tension of the stretched muscles of the body. It is also undesirable to jump into the depths from an elevation, exercises on a rowing machine, throwing.

    In any case, when doing exercise therapy, it should be remembered that constant microtrauma and overload of the spine, uncoordinated movements, pushes along the axis of the spine prepare the appropriate background for rupture of a degenerated disc and exacerbation of pain. These recommendations should be taken into account when choosing the means and forms of physical exercises at the sanatorium and outpatient stages of rehabilitation. In the third period, the use of therapeutic exercises in the pool is recommended. It should be noted that therapeutic gymnastics in the pool does not replace, but complements the main "dry" therapeutic exercises.

    Each of the sections of the spine has its own set of exercises, but there are certain requirements and recommendations that should be observed in any case.

    If osteochondrosis is complicated by herniated discs, you should only perform those exercises that are prescribed by your doctor, as some movements can lead to detrimental consequences.

    All exercises should be performed slowly, that is, no sudden movements.

    The load increases gradually (weight, number of times, number of approaches, etc.

    The movement is performed until a slight pain appears, no further.

    With exacerbation of pain, it is recommended to perform exercises in the supine position, this reduces the load on the intervertebral discs.

    Exercises should develop muscles without stress on the intervertebral discs.

    The appearance of pain during exercise is a signal to reduce the amplitude of exercise, their intensity, or to completely stop their performance. In order for therapeutic exercises to bring the greatest benefit, you should:

    exercise daily;

    perform the exercises diligently, at a slow pace, without arbitrarily distorting the form, speed and intensity of the exercises performed;

    do not hold your breath when doing exercises;

    periodically consult a doctor, not hiding your ailments from him.

    Jumping with osteochondrosis is contraindicated. This method of treatment is contraindicated in severe heart failure, the stage of its decompensation. A set of exercises is selected individually, taking into account the localization of the pathological process. Osteochondrosis in the region of the cervical vertebrae involves the rejection of jerky exercises, sharp turns and tilts of the head. With lumbar osteochondrosis, the use of inclined exercises of the trunk, lifting and swings of the lower extremities is not allowed.

    Prevention of osteochondrosis and scoliosis

    Considering the reasons for the development of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of the action of pathological factors: first of all, a decrease in macro- and microtrauma, as well as static and dynamic overload of the spine. The unfavorable effect of forced unnatural positions of the body or head during work (at the machine, at the desk, in the cab of the car, at the computer) should be compensated by changing the position of the body or head during work, adjusting the workplace specifically for the employee, as well as conducting industrial gymnastics. In the prevention of osteochondrosis, proper weight lifting is very important, long-term static loads must be alternated with a set of gymnastic exercises without fail. It is very important to strengthen the muscular corset around the spine. Exercises must be selected in accordance with the initial state of the whole body, spine and muscles.

    If there is neither time, nor desire, nor strength for physical therapy, then at least you must follow the safety rules for the spine. Here are some of them.

    Any movements should be performed with the spine as straight as possible - squatting, kneeling, sitting on a low bench - but not tilted.

    When working while standing, try to maintain an optimal posture: legs slightly apart, back slightly tilted back. Every 5-10 minutes, transfer the weight of the body to one or the other leg or put your foot on a low stand. From time to time it is necessary to sit down on a chair or at least squat, and if possible, lie down for a few minutes.

    In the sitting position, the load on the cervical and lumbar spine increases, especially if the person is sitting incorrectly: tilting the torso or head too much. For proper sitting, a modern office chair is best suited, in which you can adjust the height and angle of the backrest. Such a chair allows you to fix the spine in the correct position, repeats all its curves and, as it were, takes on part of the load, which weakens the tension of the back muscles. The height of the chair must be adjusted so that, while sitting freely, you can put your elbows on the table without bending your back.

    When lifting loads from the ground (as well as lowering them to the ground), use strong natural leverage such as your legs. Lift weights from a semi-squat position with a straight back and lower them in the same way. When carrying a load, do not hold it on outstretched arms, as in this case the load on the back increases several times. The load should be held from below with both hands, pressing against the chest, or carried on the shoulders.

    When carrying loads over long distances, periodically stop and rest, lowering the load to the ground, often shift it from one hand to the other.

    When lifting weights to a height above your height, do not lift the load above shoulder level - use some kind of stand or chair.



    Normal, on toes, on heels, on the outside of the foot (toes bent), then on the inside.

    Hands behind the head, step "heron": raise the knee high, straighten the leg and pull it forward, lowering it, putting it on the toe.

    Semi-squat - hands behind the head.

    Hands on the shoulders, one step - pull the knee to the opposite elbow, trying to twist, but not bend the back (pull the lateral and back muscles). More difficult option: hands behind the head.

    Hands forward, take your hand to the side, looking at her, turning your head; and vice versa, the same - with the other hand.


    With overflowing of the lower leg (touching the buttocks with the heels (can be crossed)).

    With leg swings to the sides (hands on the belt).

    Sideways: side step.

    Simple: back

    Lying on back:

    osteochondrosis scoliosis complex exercise

    Bend one leg, stretch it forward, bend, put the foot on the floor, straighten the leg. Repeat for the other leg.

    Bend both legs, straighten them forward, bend, lower your feet to the floor, straighten your legs.

    Bicycle: raise bent legs and, imitating cycling, alternately bend and unbend them at the hip, knee and ankle joints so that the toes of the legs describe the correct circles.

    Bend the legs at the knees, straighten them forward (up) at an angle of approximately 45 °, spread apart, bring together, bend, lower, return to the IP.

    Bring straight arms behind your head, with a swing of your hands, move to a sitting position, return to the IP.

    Scissors: slightly raising straight legs, cross them and spread them apart.

    The ankle joints are fixed under support or with the help of a partner. Sit down and return to IP.

    Lying on stomach:

    Swimming movements (only with hands, with the reduction of the shoulder blades). 2 times 10 times.

    Raising and lowering opposite arms and legs alternately.

    Swimming movements with a raised torso.

    I.P. - hands under the chin, emphasis on socks. Raise your knees and hips, hold, lower.

    I.P. - hands along the body. Raise the torso, arms above the back ("swallow"), bringing the shoulder blades together; linger; I.P.

    standing on knees:

    Spread your ankles parallel. Sit on the left heel, stand up; sit in the middle of the heels, stand up; sit on the right heel, stand up, etc.

    I.P. - hands to the side. Sit to the left of the heels - hands forward; I. P.; Sit to the left to the right of the heels - hands forward, etc.

    Walking on all fours.


    Therapeutic gymnastics is considered one of the most important methods of therapy used for diseases of the spine and joints. It helps to restore mobility, helps strengthen muscles and keep the whole body in good shape. An essential advantage of therapeutic gymnastics is its availability and lack of material costs. The attending physician prescribes physiotherapy exercises, and the doctor-specialist in exercise therapy determines the methodology of classes. Only a doctor can establish the inappropriateness of performing certain exercises for a particular disease and take into account possible contraindications to the use of physiotherapy exercises. The procedures are carried out by an instructor, in especially difficult cases, a physiotherapist. The use of physiotherapy exercises, increasing the effectiveness of complex therapy, accelerates the recovery time and prevents further progression of the disease.

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    A sedentary lifestyle often causes spinal diseases such as osteochondrosis and scoliosis. Pathologies occur at any age and, if left untreated, lead to serious health problems, so it is better to start therapy in the early stages of diseases.

    Distinction of pathologies

    Often people wonder how these diseases differ. Osteochondrosis is more common in adults, scoliosis in adolescence. The causes of pathologies are similar, and the development mechanism has significant differences.

    With osteochondrosis, degenerative changes occur in the intervertebral discs. They gradually become thinner, as a result, the distance between the vertebral bodies decreases. Their friction begins, infringement of blood vessels and nerve roots. Pathological processes cause severe pain and discomfort. Osteochondrosis can affect the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine.

    Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spinal column. In the course of the disease, twisting of the vertebrae occurs. All parts of the spine are involved in the pathological process. With the progression of the disease, deformation of the pelvis and chest occurs with the involvement of internal organs in the pathological process.

    On a note. Scoliosis of the 2nd degree can be diagnosed with a visual examination, osteochondrosis only with the help of an X-ray examination.

    Reasons for the development of pathologies

    Diseases are acquired in 80% of cases, and only in 20% of them are the result of congenital anomalies of the spine and metabolic disorders.

    The main reasons for the development of osteochondrosis and scoliosis:

    • long stay in an uncomfortable position;
    • back overload;
    • carrying weights;
    • weak muscle corset;
    • activity restriction;
    • spinal injury.

    Osteochondrosis can occur after infectious diseases, as a result of malnutrition, overweight, constant stress, poisoning of the body. Lateral curvature of the spine in some cases occurs due to muscle imbalance, when muscles are stronger on one side and weaker on the other.

    Stages of the disease

    The classification of diseases is usually divided according to severity. Scoliosis and osteochondrosis of the 1st degree are successfully treated. At the same time, the same diseases are not amenable to conservative therapy at advanced stages. The severity of scoliosis depends on the lateral deviation of the spine, osteochondrosis - on degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs.

    The degree of scoliosis depending on the angle of curvature of the spine:

    • 1 - up to 10 degrees;
    • 2 - from 10 to 25 degrees, while twisting of the spine begins;
    • 3 - from 25 to 40 degrees. There is a strong curvature of the spine, a hump appears.
    • 4 - from 40 to 80 degrees with deformation of the figure, pelvis, displacement of internal organs.

    Stages of osteochondrosis:

    • Stage 1 - there are small changes in the fibrous ring, characterized by microcracks;
    • Stage 2 - the intermediate height between the vertebrae decreases, the spinal branches are infringed and compressed;
    • Stage 3 - the fibrous ring is destroyed, protrusions and pathological instability of the vertebrae occur;
    • Stage 4 - there is a replacement of intervertebral discs with fibrous tissue.

    The disease is accompanied by severe pain, infringement of nerve endings and blood vessels, entails concomitant disorders.

    On a note. Both pathologies have serious consequences and require immediate treatment. In the absence of therapy, disability is possible.

    Gymnastics for diseases of the spine

    Treatment of pathologies is carried out in a complex manner. With osteochondrosis, it is necessary to achieve remission, then proceed to therapy. For both diseases, physiotherapy exercises (LFK) are prescribed.

    Conservative methods of therapy:

    • wearing corsets;
    • special gymnastics;
    • massage;
    • manual therapy;
    • physiotherapy procedures;
    • hydrotherapy;
    • the use of orthopedic mattresses and pillows.

    Scoliosis of the 1st degree and early osteochondrosis are quickly treated with gymnastics and massage. The main task of physical education is to strengthen the back muscles that support the spinal column. In addition, exercise therapy helps to improve blood circulation, relieve muscle spasms, and start the process of tissue regeneration.

    Depending on the age and physical condition of the patient, the orthopedist selects the necessary exercises that can be performed both in rehabilitation centers and at home. For classes, crossbars, benches, inclined planes, simulators, rollers are used.

    Exercise therapy for scoliosis

    Treatment of any disease requires compliance with certain rules. Performing exercises, it is necessary to exclude sudden movements, acrobatic stunts, lifting weights. Gymnastics always begins with a warm-up of muscle tissue - a warm-up. Each exercise must be repeated 3 to 12 times, gradually increasing the load. In addition, a patient with spinal pathology must constantly remember about the correct posture.

    Exercise therapy for scoliosis - the main exercises for doing at home:

    1. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees and imitate the work of scissors, pushing and crossing the limbs.
    2. Pose on all fours, buttocks lowered on the heels. Use your hands to move to the left and right side without lifting your pelvis.
    3. Starting position - emphasis on the knees and hands, the back is straight. Bend down in the back and arch it up, imitating the sipping of a cat.
    4. Take a horizontal position on your stomach, lock your hands behind your back. Raise your shoulders and head as high as possible, return to the prone position.
    5. Standing position, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, relax your arms. Bring the shoulder blades together and fix them for a few seconds, return to their original position.
    6. Take a horizontal position on your back, bend your lower limbs slightly, spread your arms to the sides. Heels with socks pressed to the floor. Do a spinal twist, bending your knees to the right and your head to the left. Change position in the opposite direction.
    7. Sit on a soft surface, bend your knees and wrap your arms around them. Roll from the lumbar to the cervical spine.

    At the end of the gym, walk for 30-50 seconds on your heels, then on your toes. In this case, it is necessary to reach the top of the head to the ceiling.

    Exercises for osteochondrosis

    Depending on the location of the pathology, a certain set of special exercises is selected. The main requirements for exercise therapy are: warm-up, smooth execution of movements without unnecessary jerks, the number of approaches (from 3 to 5 times), a gradual increase in load. Unlike scoliosis, it is possible to use dumbbells, hang on the horizontal bar, work on simulators with weights. The main condition is to conduct therapeutic exercises during the remission of the disease and under the supervision of a trainer.

    A set of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis:

    1. Stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. You need to stretch as much as possible. Tilt your head forward, backward and to the side, making resistance with your hands. Hold each position for 15 seconds.
    2. Write numbers with your chin from 1 to 10.
    3. Lie on the floor and relax. Raise your head a little and hold it for 2 seconds. Relax again. Repeat the exercise.

    Exercises for the thoracic spine include raising the shoulders, tilting in different directions, twisting, relaxing and stretching the spine on the horizontal bar.

    Exercise therapy for lumbar osteochondrosis:

    1. Standing straight, spread your legs slightly. Bend forward, trying to engage only the lumbar region, without completely bending your back.
    2. In a horizontal position on your back, bend your legs at the knees, place your hands on the back of your head. With your left elbow, try to reach your right knee, lifting your body and shoulders. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.
    3. Imitate your legs while riding a bicycle while lying on your back, turning your pelvis to the left and right sides.
    4. Stand up and spread your arms out to the sides. With the right hand, touch the fingers of the left hand, while the head remains in place, the amplitude is made due to the body. Do the same manipulations with the left hand.

    Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis helps to effectively cope with the symptoms of the disease, increases the elasticity of the spine, strengthens muscles, relieves discomfort, and improves mood.

    Various sets of exercises

    There are many different methods for the prevention and treatment of the spinal column. Each is aimed at strengthening muscles and eliminating problems in the musculoskeletal system.

    The gymnastics of Katharina Schroth was developed in the middle of the last century and is based on the personal experience of a woman. The essence of the technique is in proper breathing and simple isometric exercises. This complex is used in clinics for the planned treatment of spinal pathology and recovery after injuries and operations.

    The Bubnovsky method is built on overcoming pain and strengthening muscles. According to the doctor, it is possible to cope with diseases of the spine without drugs with systematic training. He developed a whole range of special exercises, which leads to a complete restoration of the functions of the spine. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis in a convenient mode for the patient.

    Elena Pluzhnik's technique is based on the selection of special exercises for the musculoskeletal system. After a few weeks of constant training, a person forgets about back pain. There is an improvement in posture, shortness of breath disappears, and overall well-being improves.

    A fragment of an aerobic warm-up for osteochondrosis, kyphosis, scoliosis, see the video below.

    Many people wonder if scoliosis and osteochondrosis are related and which one is worse? Any degenerative changes in the spine affect the general condition of a person, worsening the quality of life and causing discomfort. Against the background of osteochondrosis, other pathologies occur that affect the cardiac and nervous systems. With scoliosis, there is a curvature of the spine, pinching of the nerves, displacement of the internal organs. Both diseases bring pain and discomfort. If you ignore the treatment, you can become disabled and earn chronic pathologies of vital organs.

    Scoliosis and osteochondrosis is a problem of the 21st century. For prevention, it is necessary to move more, avoid uncomfortable postures, often change body position, eat right, eliminate bad habits and monitor posture. In case of any suspicion of problems with the spine, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo diagnostics and timely treatment in order to avoid further complications.