Do cats lose their milk teeth? At what age do cat teeth change? To prevent this trouble,

From the lips of people who have never kept animals at home, the question sometimes sounds: “Do cats have milk teeth or not?” Of course, experienced owners of fluffy beauties will be surprised at such ignorance. They then "ate the dog on this"! But there is nothing wrong with such questions. Especially if they are asked by a person who has finally decided to get a pet. To learn in advance about how the cat's body works and how the animal develops is its duty! So, let's put everything on the shelves.

The appearance of teeth in kittens

When a kitten is born, it does not have a single tooth in its mouth. The baby of the first weeks of life does not need them, just like a small human cub. A tiny body at this age can only digest milk. By the way, the first milk teeth in children are most likely called precisely because they begin to grow when the baby is still sucking the mother's breast. This applies to both people and animals.

True, veterinarians do not like to use this term. They tend to refer to the first teeth as "temporaries". Indigenous in the dictionary of "aybolits" are listed as permanent. Therefore, the formal answer to the question: “Do cats have milk teeth?” is no. But in reality, of course, yes. It's just not worth calling them that at veterinarians.

The first teeth in baby cats begin to climb at about 2-3 weeks. And by 2-3 months, this process is completed, and the animal has a complete set in its mouth. This is :

  • four fangs;
  • twelve incisors;
  • ten premolars.

They are all perfectly white. Not as strong as permanent teeth, but what is there is enough for normal chewing of food.

The process of changing teeth

The average fluffy only 1-2 months lives with a full set of milk teeth. Already at the age of about 16 weeks, the process of changing milk teeth in a cat begins. Inexperienced owners sometimes get scared when they find a small white fang on the floor. But there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Losing teeth in kittens is a completely normal process. Dairy ones are pushed out by growing constants, which can almost always be seen on the empty gum area.

Teeth continue to change and fall out of the mouth for up to 5-6 months. Usually, by six months, the fluffy already has an adult set, consisting of 30 units (molars are added, which the babies do not have). When cats change their teeth, they may behave differently than usual. Eat badly, show signs of anxiety, gnaw at everything. Common symptom: increased salivation.

The animal needs help: replace solid food with soft food, provide items that the pet can sharpen its cutting teeth on, give vitamins for general maintenance of the body, and also give attention and affection - as much as the pussy needs! She really needs it right now.

A cat's teeth, like a human's, only change once in their lifetime. Indigenous people come to the place of dairy and serve the animal until the end of its days. An adult cat's teeth should not fall out. If this happens, you should immediately show your pet to the doctor.

Thanks to the teeth, the cat keeps the prey in its mouth, carries the kittens and defends itself in case of danger. The front teeth help cats wash themselves, gnaw out tangles and stuck debris. Since the change of teeth is an important stage in the maturation of the animal, you need to be aware of how the change of milk teeth and the eruption of permanent molars occur: what symptoms can be used to understand that the pet is going through this stage and how to make it comfortable for the pet.

Milk teeth in kittens

Kittens are born completely toothless. The first milk teeth erupt at the age of two weeks and differ from permanent teeth in a specific structure.

Features of the structure and difference from permanent teeth

Milk teeth in kittens are straight (in adult cats they are powerful and slightly curved) and have a milky white color (hence the name - milk teeth). In addition, they are sharp, like small needles.

Dairy fangs have characteristic features, erupting by the first month and changing closer to five months. They are very thin and curved. In addition, on the inside of each canine there is a clearly visible second tooth, which falls out after the change.

In total, the kitten has twenty-six milk teeth. All of them should be fully formed by the age of two months: twelve incisors, four canines and ten small molars. Below is the dental formula of milk teeth.

For simplicity, veterinarians use dental formulas: incisors are denoted by the letter I, canines - C, premolars - P, molars - M

If several or even one tooth is missing by the indicated age, you need to seek help from a veterinarian, since this problem can become a symptom of a more serious disease.

Table: timing of eruption of milk teeth in kittens

Change of milk teeth to permanent ones

At the age of three months, milk teeth begin to fall out in kittens, slowly being replaced by molars.. This process is usually completed by six or seven months, but don't worry if your kitten takes longer. Such deviations are usually associated with the breed of the cat or the characteristics of individual development.

The sequence of changing teeth should not be violated. The incisors should change first, then the canines, and lastly the molars and premolars should change.

However, if a new tooth grows on the milk tooth and this causes discomfort to the pet, then it is necessary to consult with a specialist. If such an increase does not bother the animal, then the visit to the veterinarian can be postponed, since milk teeth can easily and painlessly fall out even after the main shift.

Tooth change schedule

A healthy adult cat should have: twelve incisors, four canines, ten premolars and four molars. Each of them serves her for a specific purpose, for example, incisors are needed to tear food, fangs help to capture prey, and so on.

The permanent dental formula of a cat is formed after six months. It includes: from above - three incisors, one canine, three premolars, one molar; below - three incisors, one canine, two premolars, one molar. When counting, all coefficients are doubled, so the result is thirty permanent teeth.

This is how the jaw of an adult healthy cat should look like with a timely and correct change of teeth.

Table: permanent teeth eruption schedule and their functions

Symptoms of changing teeth

The process of changing teeth can begin and even end without you noticing, since usually the kitten does not experience pain. Most often, the change of teeth becomes apparent when a lost milk tooth is found.

Nevertheless, there are a number of symptoms that will help you navigate and notice the process of changing teeth that has begun in time:

  1. When a kitten's teeth change, an unpleasant smell from the mouth can appear, which is often associated with malnutrition. Nothing needs to be done about it, it will quickly disappear after the teeth renewal process is completed.
  2. With the direct cutting of new teeth, kittens may experience discomfort, so the behavior of the animal will change slightly. For example, a slight increase in temperature is likely (the normal temperature is from 38 ° C to 39 ° C, for small kittens a higher temperature is typical up to 39.5 ° C). As a result, the kitten feels cold more strongly and tries to spend more time next to the warm body of the owner: on his knees or on his hands. At night, pets can crawl under the covers, even if it was uncharacteristic for them before.

    If the pet suddenly fell in love with lying under the covers, then this may be a sign of discomfort when changing teeth.

  3. Care must be taken to ensure that the kitten does not swallow a fallen tooth while eating. If this happens, you should not immediately run for the veterinarian, usually the tooth comes out naturally. However, it can also get stuck in the intestines, causing pain. Kittens then become aggressive, there is an increase in temperature. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.
  4. During the period of changing teeth, the pet will more often try to taste everything or nibble in order to get rid of loose teeth.

    Be very careful that your kitten does not start to chew on wires or other objects that can harm him.

  5. Cats start marking their territory from now on.
  6. Reddening of the gums may be observed, with which it is better to immediately contact a specialist so that chronic inflammation of the oral cavity does not begin.
  7. Sore gums can lead to refusal to eat. This is not a big deal, but if it lasts more than one to two days at most, you should change dry food to wet food, after consulting with your veterinarian before doing so.

The author of these lines recently encountered the process of changing teeth in his kitten. Each animal develops specific symptoms, and if there are any problems, it is easy for owners who know their animals to notice changes in behavior. So, my kitten usually didn't hide under the covers and play with certain toys. When his teeth changed, he constantly gnawed rubber sticks and tried to bite the scratching post. At the same time, the milk teeth did not fall out immediately, but after the fangs were replaced.

Video: kitten teeth falling out

Caring for a kitten during the period of changing teeth

The period of changing teeth can really be a test for an inexperienced owner. However, it is necessary to understand that the animal does not get sick, does not need medication and constant visits to veterinarians. Most often for a cat, everything happens, if not imperceptibly, then at least painlessly.

No need to let the kitten gnaw on furniture, spoil things, and even more so bite and scratch you. In the future, this habit can become a really serious problem. The change of teeth is a natural process for an animal, in connection with this, the initially established rules of behavior must be preserved.

However, the task of every responsible owner is to make this period easier for the animal, take care of proper nutrition, brushing teeth and the availability of special toys.

Special food

The kitten needs proper and nutritious nutrition. However, despite the abundance of foods created specifically for the teething period, the animal may react negatively to a sudden change in food. Therefore, you need to make sure that the pet has the necessary vitamins and supplements in the diet, thanks to which permanent teeth will grow strong.

There are nutritional principles that must be followed when a kitten's teeth change:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to refuse too soft food: kittens can swallow fallen teeth along with soft food, which can lead to damage to the esophagus. The food should be large and a little coarse. Normal dry food for kittens is ideal.

    Dry food is the best option during a teeth change

  2. Ideally for a kitten, large pieces of meat (beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit) in scalded or boiled form, cut into small pieces, are also suitable.
  3. It is necessary to include cottage cheese and other fermented milk products that are rich in calcium in the diet.
  4. The kitten needs calcium and phosphorus, they can be given as supplements to the main diet. At the pet store, you can find both drops and small tablets that can be added to food. Such dressings also contain a little analgesic so that the kitten does not experience severe pain.
  5. A maximum of twice a week, you can give the kitten low-fat boiled sea fish, such as hake. However, fish should not be abused, even though it is rich in phosphorus.
  6. Meat or fish should be given mixed with cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat or rice. It is also useful to add some vegetables, such as carrots, zucchini or pumpkin, both raw and boiled.
  7. The diet should also include sufficient amounts of vitamins A and D.
  8. The kitten will try to gnaw everything, including your things, it is worth buying special bones. They contain the necessary vitamin supplements, and in fact the kitten gets the opportunity not only to strengthen his teeth, but also the necessary amount of vitamins that come with saliva.

    The bones are an important part of the diet and serve to prevent the kitten from chewing on your things.

Veterinarians advise not to mix natural food (meat, fish, vegetables, and so on) and dry food. If you switched a kitten to dry food at an early age, then you should stick to it. The fact is that these types of food are digested differently, and when mixed, the kitten may experience bloating or even colic.

When choosing a method of nutrition, you should consult a veterinarian: each pet is individual, many may not be suitable for dry or natural food.

Vaccination during the period of changing teeth

Very often, the owners are faced with an important question - is it possible to vaccinate or other vaccinations during the change of teeth? Veterinarians speak out unequivocally - the change of teeth is already a serious burden for a kitten. Against the background of fever and pain, it can be dangerous to vaccinate. This not only adversely affects the kitten's immune system, but also leads to a growth retardation of the animal.

It is not recommended to vaccinate during the period of changing teeth.

It is important to observe the timing of vaccination of pets, which are prescribed by the doctor. The vaccination schedule is set individually, taking into account the age characteristics of the organism and the physiological state.

My kitten was scheduled for the first vaccination very late. This was due to the fact that he was found on the street and it was necessary to do a lot of tests in order to assess his state of health. At the time of his vaccination, it was time for a change of teeth, so it had to be postponed for a while (until the temperature passes and a slight inflammation of the gums subsides).

Teeth cleaning

Many owners ignore brushing their teeth. However, constant oral care will help keep the animal strong teeth. It is necessary to accustom a cat to brushing his teeth from the early months of life, so that in the future she adequately perceives this procedure. If a cat refuses to accept traditional cleaning with a toothbrush or powder, special gels are sold in pet stores to disinfect the oral cavity. You can combine them with special feeds and vitamins that include coarse fibers. It is recommended to brush your teeth every three to four weeks.

Brushing your teeth is an important procedure that a kitten needs to be accustomed to.

During the change of teeth, the gums of kittens can become inflamed, so it is necessary to purchase a gel that also contains painkillers and anti-inflammatory, which can greatly alleviate the condition of your pet.

Possible complications during the period of changing teeth

The change of teeth is a natural process that can take place without problems for the animal. Nevertheless, during the period of active growth of molars, the mouth of the animal should be examined at least once every few days. It is important to consider that reddish and slightly inflamed gums are the norm. However, in some cases complications arise. A caring owner should notice the problem in time and be sure to contact the veterinarian.

The most common complications that are visible to the naked eye:

  1. Suppuration of the wound at the site of a lost tooth.
  2. The animal shows anxiety, plaintively meows, severe lethargy can be observed.
  3. The kitten refuses food for two days.
  4. Very severe inflammation of the gums.
  5. There are wounds from a milk tooth that has not fallen out, in the place of which a permanent tooth has already grown.
  6. Part of the milk teeth did not fall out, although the permanent ones had already grown and the time for changing teeth had already passed.

In these cases, you should take the kitten to the clinic or call a doctor at home.

Feel free to contact the veterinarian even if your pet does not show signs of anxiety, lethargy, and so on. A healthy animal also needs control, so veterinarians are very loyal to owners who bring healthy animals for examination and ask them to control the process of changing teeth.

Inflammation of the gums

Inflammation of the gums is one of the most common complications during the period of changing teeth. A little inflammation is normal, but in some cases it lingers and the gums turn red.

Inflamed gums swell and redden

Signs of inflammation of the gums:

  • the animal shows anxiety;
  • refuses to eat due to pain;
  • tries to chew more;
  • rubs his muzzle on everything in an attempt to relieve pain;
  • profuse salivation occurs;
  • noticeable swelling and intense redness.

Of course, it is better for a veterinarian to diagnose and treat, but inflammation of the gums can go away when the kitten is transferred to softer food.

"Stuck" milk teeth: signs and treatment

A more serious problem is the residual baby teeth, which do not fall out until the moment when the permanent molar is already showing from the gum. Due to the incorrect growth of the molars, the bite can be disturbed, which will lead to a high traumatism of the gums, cheeks and lips of the cat.

If the milk tooth has not fallen out, but the root has already grown in its place, you need to consult a doctor, as this can lead to malocclusion

Milk teeth become a problem if:

  • in a kitten, part of the milk teeth did not fall out after six months;
  • there are loose milk teeth with the active growth of molars under them.

Unlike inflamed gums, stuck baby teeth should only be treated by a veterinarian. Unfortunately, often this problem is solved only surgically under anesthesia, since it is impossible for milk teeth to fall out on their own.

The kitten constantly requires attention. From the very first days to a respectable age, your animal will need constant care. However, in the life of every pet there are certain periods that will require even more care from you. One of these periods is the process of changing teeth, which marks the beginning of adulthood in a cat. Therefore, it is important to know how it happens, how to care for a kitten and what to do in case of health problems.

By analogy with themselves, the owners of a cat think that a toothless cat will not be able to eat. Yes, a wild animal that has lost its fangs will experience difficulty in the process of hunting. After all, it is with fangs that a cat kills its prey. But in the process of eating, cat teeth practically do not participate, only incisors serve to tear off pieces of meat, and premolars serve to grind the veins. A domestic cat, having lost its teeth, will not die of hunger, because it receives food ready-made: it does not need to bite off pieces, chew too. Cats have jaws that are not designed for chewing.

Milk teeth

Like many mammals, kittens are born toothless. A little later, at the age of two weeks, milk teeth begin to grow: it is during this period that the baby learns to use them, constantly bites. And it will bite like that for another six months. The playfulness and activity of healthy kittens often make the process of changing canines and incisors imperceptible, so many owners do not even know if milk teeth fall out in cats?

By three months old, the kitten will have a full set of milk teeth: each jaw has six incisors, two canines, and 3-4 premolars (three on the lower and four on the upper jaw). Then, within three months, they change to indigenous ones.

If the eruption of milk teeth proceeds almost asymptomatically, then their loss can be seen by characteristic signs:

  • a clear increase in salivation;
  • tooth mobility and slight bleeding of the gums;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased "biting": the baby bites all the time and gnaws on everything, probably because the process of changing to molars is accompanied by a slight itch.

When a cat's milk teeth fall out, no special help is needed, everything happens naturally. The owner only needs regular treatment of the oral cavity, as well as careful attention to nutrition: it is necessary to increase the percentage of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C in the diet. These can be additional dairy products, especially kefir and cottage cheese, or nutritional supplements recommended by a veterinarian, special .

When You Need a Dentist

In rare cases, the baby may need the help of a dentist. Often the molars grow before the milk teeth have fallen out, but if this does not cause discomfort, there is no need to be afraid of increased toothiness. Although it happens that a new tooth blocks the root of a milk that has not fallen out and causes pain. This problem can even affect the kitten's well-being: the baby loses its appetite and completely refuses to eat, meowing all the time. If you do not go to the doctor, nothing terrible will happen: the milk tooth will still fall out, and the baby's condition will return to normal. But you can help: remove an extra tooth. True, you should not do this on your own, it is better to contact a veterinarian-dentist. Moreover, such an outstripping growth of molars can be a sign of malocclusion, an abnormal structure of the jaw, or some other pathology.

Traumatic tooth loss

This rarely happens (when falling or, God forbid, from beatings) and requires mandatory medical care. Even if the cat seems to feel fine, you need to show it to the doctor. The injury, as a result of which a piece broke off or the entire tooth fell out, is most likely very serious, the fangs of cats do not fall out from a light blow. Therefore, it is necessary to at least check for other hidden damage.

Age-related tooth loss

Do adult cats lose their teeth? Another pressing question. In fact, in a healthy animal, teeth do not fall out with age. But here are some diseases that can provoke diseases of the oral cavity, and dental problems will be their consequence.

Why does a cat's teeth fall out? In the first place among the provoking diseases are dental diseases, especially with the participation of infectious agents:,, caries, oral dysbacteriosis. This primacy is due to improper care: most dental problems can be avoided with the help of conventional prophylaxis: yes, cats also need to brush their teeth and visit the dentist twice a year.

Dental problems can be provoked by infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and respiratory infections, the complication of which, as a rule, is the same inflammatory processes in the gums. And the cat’s teeth also fall out as a result of complications that develop against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders (, lack of calcium and ascorbic acid, various). But even in this case, problems can be avoided if you take preventive measures responsibly.

If a tooth falls out...

If the fang fell out on its own, then usually no action is required from the owner, except for preventive treatment: the cat's saliva has pronounced bactericidal actions and is often much more effective than antiseptics. In extreme cases, you can use a solution of chlorhexidine or special disinfectants to sanitize the oral cavity. But sometimes help is needed, for example, with severe bleeding from an empty socket or with a possible infection.

Dentures for a cat

There are methods of prosthetics in veterinary medicine, and they are often used if a show-class cat has lost a tooth so that qualification marks do not decrease. However, dental prosthetics for animals has many disadvantages: grinding and building up teeth dramatically increase the risk of caries and inflammation in the gums, prostheses have traumatic side effects (pressure sores and permanent microtrauma of the gums), and implants and pins do not take root well. All this side effect will not add health to the animal, and with improper care or prosthetics errors, it can even shorten its life. Therefore, if a cat's teeth fell out, you should evaluate all the risks, weigh the pros and cons, before deciding what to do.

Cat owners can face many challenges related to the health of their pets. For example, one day you may find that a cat has lost a tooth. Consider what causes can lead to tooth loss. How to protect your pet from this? What measures to take in case of tooth loss in a cat?

The structure of the oral cavity

The jaw of an adult cat consists of 30 teeth: 12 incisors, 4 canines, 4 molars and 10 premolars. 14 teeth are located on the lower jaw, on the upper - 16. This arrangement can be observed in all cats, except for the cheetah.

Whether milk teeth fall out in cats, we will consider a little lower.

The fangs of a cat are used to protect and capture prey. The rest of the teeth are for grinding food. The correct bite for cats is a pincer bite, and it is common to all predators.

The gums are mucous folds that cover the jaws and strengthen the teeth in the bone cells. They should normally be light pink in color, but may sometimes be partially pigmented.

When Do Cats Lose Baby Teeth?

Cats are born without teeth. Only in the second week of life do they begin to grow milk teeth. They are smaller and weaker than native ones. There are 26 of them.

At what age do cats lose their teeth? Their milk teeth begin to change at 5 months. At 7-9 months, the cat completely acquires molars.

It often happens that a new molar begins to grow before the baby has fallen out. They seem to layer on top of each other. There is nothing wrong with this, although it can cause discomfort for the cat. Eventually the baby tooth will fall out anyway. Also, increased salivation is considered quite normal during this period. During the change of incisors, the kitten may constantly stick out the tip of the tongue from the mouth.

Usually kittens cope quite well with the change of teeth. However, problems may arise. It is worth carefully monitoring the behavior of the pet during this period. If inflammation is found in the kitten's mouth, severe bleeding and the baby refuses to eat, it must be urgently shown to the veterinarian.

If you notice that a cat has lost a baby tooth, you should examine the oral cavity for inflammation. During this period, the animal must be provided with a diet with a high content of phosphorus and calcium.

Do cats teeth fall out as they get older?

One of the main criteria by which you can find out the approximate age of the animal is the condition of its teeth. Over time, a cat's teeth wear down. At first, this happens with the incisors, while the canines are erased last. Older cats have oval incisors.

In cats, teeth should not fall out in old age. If this happens, then something is wrong with the pet. It is worth taking the cat to the veterinarian to determine the cause.

Reasons why cats lose their teeth

The only natural cause of tooth loss is the replacement of milk teeth with permanent teeth. So if a cat lost a milk tooth, do not worry. All other reasons indicate deviations from the norm.

First, let's highlight the symptoms that may indicate problems with the cat's oral cavity:

  • inflammation of the gums;
  • bleeding gums;
  • unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • increased salivation;
  • refusal to eat;
  • dental stone.

The following diseases can be distinguished that can cause tooth loss in a cat:

  • Stomatitis. There is inflammation of the mucous membranes: gums or palate. Without proper treatment, stomatitis spreads to the entire oral cavity. Inflammation can also cover the bones of the jaw, as a result of which there is a danger of tooth loss.
  • Gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums due to bacterial action. As a result of it, gum swelling occurs, it bleeds and hurts. Running gingivitis can cause periodontitis.
  • Periodontitis. As a result, inflammation of the periodontal tissues occurs. As a result, the alveolar process is destroyed, and the tooth loosens and falls out.
  • Pulpitis. This is an inflammation of the inner soft tissue of the tooth. Because of it, the tooth can fall out, and the inflammation can go to the jaw.
  • Caries. This is the destruction of the hard tissue of the tooth.
  • Periodontitis. Appears as a result of periodontal inflammation. As a result, the ligaments that hold the tooth become inflamed.

The cause of tooth loss in cats can be diseases of the internal organs. Inflammation of the mouth can be the result of problems with the digestive system. If there is any suspicion that the cat is not feeling well, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian.


Often, especially in street cats, there are injuries, as a result of which their teeth fall out. There are many cases of cats with jaw fractures. It can happen from a strong blow, for example, a blow from a car, a stone, a stick, a hand or a foot.

If a cat has lost a tooth as a result of any injury, it is urgent to take it to the veterinarian. Losing a tooth is not so bad. However, the animal can be injured much more than it seems at first glance.

Prosthetics in cats

Prosthetics are also used in veterinary medicine. Often, dentures are put on cats participating in exhibitions so that they do not lose their marks. But it is worth considering the disadvantages that arise due to prosthetics:

  • often cats grind off tooth enamel, which increases the chances of caries;
  • prostheses can injure the gums and palate of cats, resulting in inflammation;
  • implants and pins may not take root well;
  • Dental prosthetics in cats is quite an expensive undertaking.

Thus, if the missing tooth does not cause much discomfort to the pet, dentures can even do more harm than good. It makes sense to use them only from an aesthetic point of view.


It is important to monitor the condition of the cat's oral cavity. In the presence of inflammation, bleeding, dental caries or stone, it is worth taking the pet to the veterinarian.

Cats need to brush their teeth. It is advisable to carry out the procedure once a month. There are special toothpastes and brushes for cats. Use of funds intended for people is not allowed. It is better to accustom a cat to this procedure from childhood.

Although many people consider dry food to be harmful to cats, good food is useful not only for the composition. Another advantage is that solid foods are good at removing plaque and tartar from cats' teeth. There are special foods that are designed to cleanse them of plaque. They include components that strengthen tooth enamel.

When tartar forms, it must be removed. This should be done by a veterinarian once or twice a year.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is one of the most important criteria for good cat health.

A good, balanced dry food is extremely beneficial for a cat's mouth. It removes plaque, strengthens teeth. However, it is worth considering that it is useful only for cats with a healthy oral cavity. If there are sores or inflammations in the mouth, solid dental food will only hurt.

It is noted that in cats that ate only soft food, more plaque is formed. Therefore, it is important that animals consume not only soft food. It is advisable to feed cats with a dry food to wet food ratio of three to one. Premium and super-premium foods contain all the vitamins and minerals your pet needs to be healthy.

Separately, it is worth noting that you should not feed kittens with adult food. Usually, special cat food contains more calcium and phosphorus. This allows better formation of the skeletal system, including teeth.

There are medicated foods, including those designed for cats with oral problems.

If a cat's teeth fell out by coincidence, do not despair. They need mustachioed-striped not for chewing. With them, cats strangle and tear their prey. Thus, cats do not chew their food as much as humans. Quite large pieces fall into their esophagus. However, a cat with loose teeth needs only soft food. It is advisable to feed such an animal with canned food or pre-soak it in dry water.

Thus, if a cat has lost a tooth, do not panic. You should be aware that in kittens between the ages of five and nine months, milk teeth fall out. If the animal is older, most often only a veterinarian can answer the question why the cat lost a tooth.

A set of 26 milk teeth is formed in kittens by 6, less often by 8 weeks: 14 pieces grow at the top, 12 at the bottom.

They are cut symmetrically, placed on the jaw:

  • 6 small incisors in the center;
  • 2 long fangs, one on each end;
  • 6 premolars above and 4 below: 3 and 2 each on the left and right sides.

"Milkmen" grow thin, straight and sharp, with white enamel. From week 12, they gradually loosen and fall out. They are replaced by molars, four new molars appear. The bite is finally formed by 7-8 months, an increase in the period up to 9 months is considered the norm.

Permanent teeth look more massive, the enamel is milky white at first, then covered with a cream or yellowish coating. After a year, they do not change, loss signals a health disorder or an improper diet.

How do kitten teeth change?

The rudiments are formed in the depth of the gums long before eruption. As they grow, they come into contact with the milk roots, because of which they gradually become thinner and dissolve. At the same time, the tops are loosened.

The owners rarely notice the moment of falling out; kittens often swallow the fallen teeth with food.

The molars grow in the same order that the temporary ones appear:

  • in 3 - 4 months, milk teeth fall out and permanent incisors peck;
  • in 4 - 5, the lower canines are cut, then the upper canines;
  • at the same time, children's premolars are loosened, molars are formed by six months;
  • by 7 months, the formation of 4 molars is completed, they grow singly along the edges of each row.

The complete set consists of 30 pieces: 16 at the top, 14 at the bottom. The dental formula of one sector of the upper gum includes 3 incisors, a canine, 3 premolars, a molar. The lower jaw differs only in the number of premolars: there are 2 on each side instead of 3.

Changes in the well-being and behavior of kittens

Germination of teeth proceeds painlessly, but is accompanied by severe itching. The animal scratches its gums: it gnaws on inedible objects, bites the owner's fingers, rubs its muzzle with its paw on the edges of the furniture.

At the same time, the following natural changes are noticed:

  • There is a repulsive smell from the mouth, because inflammation cannot be avoided. It passes a month after the completion of growth.
  • Salivation increases during games, feeding, it is a protective reaction against inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • The place of appearance of the next tooth swells, after 1-2 days after eruption it is restored.
  • The animal eats worse, but does not completely lose its appetite.
  • Sometimes the temperature rises to 39.5℃, the kitten is looking for a warm place, fits under the covers.
  • Bleeding after prolapse does not exceed 3 minutes.

Milk and molars appear from different holes, so often a new one hatches when the temporary one has not yet fallen out. This phenomenon does not require intervention if they do not touch each other, there are no signs of inflammation on the gums, and the period for replacing the teeth has not yet passed. Until the end of the bite formation, animals are not vaccinated: the immunity weakens, and they become more vulnerable to infections.

Kitten care

Electric wires, objects that are easy to chew and swallow are removed from the pet’s access zone. Felinologists advise to stop attempts to bite the hands of the owners, it will be difficult to wean an adult animal from this habit.

The condition of the pet is facilitated by the following actions:

  • To reduce itching, give rubber toys from the pet store to chew on. Teethers with water inside will soothe the gums if they are pre-cooled in the freezer.
  • To prevent inflammation, the mouth is wiped daily with a gauze swab dipped in a solution of soda or a decoction of chamomile, sage. Medicinal herbs are used carefully, they often cause allergies.
  • Once every 2 months, the pet is taken to the clinic for preventive examinations, the doctor will monitor the formation of a normal bite, the timing of eruption.

After 6 months, teeth are brushed twice a week with a soft-bristled brush or wiped with a silicone fingertip, they are bought at pet stores along with a special paste for animals.

The new hygienic procedure is gradually accustomed to, cleaned in one motion from top to bottom from the outside and inside. At the end, wipe the gums with gauze dipped in clean warm water.

When you need veterinary help

The deterioration of well-being cannot be constantly attributed to the teeth, perhaps the pet is sick.

A doctor's consultation is required in the following situations:

  • The smell becomes disgusting, which signals severe inflammation and the development of periodontal disease.
  • The kitten does not sleep well, does not eat for more than a day, becomes apathetic or restless. A possible reason for this behavior is severe pain in the gums.
  • Saliva is secreted excessively, thickens, hangs from the mouth, because of which the hair on the breast gets wet. This indicates a probable inflammation of the oral mucosa - gingivitis, stomatitis.

The pet's mouth is regularly inspected, normally the surfaces remain smooth, pink, without damage.

Help is needed when deviations are noticed:

  • the gum is inflamed around the temporary tooth;
  • the hole festered;
  • The "milk jug" has shifted and injures the mucous surfaces;
  • part of the children's teeth remain when the permanent ones have fully grown;
  • after 7 months, a double row formed;
  • gums reddened, bleeding.

In case of inflammation, they do not give medicine, but take the pet to the clinic. Only a veterinarian will be able to properly examine the mouth, assess the degree of inflammation, and prescribe drugs without harm to the health of the animal.

"Extra" teeth are removed in the clinic under anesthesia if they damage the mucous membranes, form an abnormal bite, and remain in the mouth after 8-9 months. Growth retardation, when the milk has already fallen out, indicates a lack of trace elements.


If the kitten eats in a balanced way, then the diet is not changed, the food is given in a warm, crushed form. For the formation of strong teeth, the animal needs an increased amount of calcium and phosphorus.

It is helpful to give your pet food that contains these micronutrients:

  • cottage cheese;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • chicken
  • veal;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • beef liver;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot;
  • buckwheat

Vitamin and mineral supplements are given for delaying the appearance of teeth as directed by a veterinarian. An excess of micronutrients is no less harmful than a deficiency.

Opinions of doctors concerning industrial forage disperse. Some recommend transferring the pet to soft canned food, because the granules hurt the gums. Others find dry food to reduce itching if they choose fine kibble lines for kittens. It is better for the owner to watch the pet and stop at a diet option that does not affect well-being.

The pet does not need special food, the main thing is age compliance, a balanced composition and the content of the daily norm of vitamins and minerals. These qualities are distinguished by premium, super premium, holistic feeds. Animals on ready-made feeds do not need food additives.

Changing teeth is a natural physiological process. In kittens, it proceeds imperceptibly, but undesirable symptoms cannot be ruled out. The task of the owner is to help the pet survive this period, take him to veterinary examinations, notice complications in time, and if necessary, consult a doctor.