Why do you always want to sleep during the day. Constantly want to sleep and severe fatigue causes and treatment

There are people who want to sleep all the time. It is believed that a person needs 7-9 hours of sleep. During this time, the body has time to recover, and the brain to get rid of the toxins accumulated during the day.

During sleep, the brain does not turn off completely, but the amount of blood washing around it is halved. In this mode of operation, it must be at least 7 hours. Sleep less than 6 hours is considered too short. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to stay awake for 4-5 days in order to understand the perniciousness of such a regime.

Scientists say less than 6 hours of sleep deprivation during the same amount of time can push a healthy person into a pre-diabetic state. Since a tired body hardly controls the glucose content in the blood.

Hormonal metabolism is also disturbed. As a result, the body produces an excess amount of the hormone ghrelin and not enough - leptin. First of all, these hormones stabilize the frequency of hunger and satiety. Failure in their work threatens with obesity.

In addition, lack of sleep reduces the effect of vaccinations, making our immune system an easy target for viruses. Scientists compare the lack of sleep and the state of a person at the same time "with a slight concussion." Sleep deprivation for a long time, you reduce the activity of your brain and, as a result, it can surprise you in the form of dementia after a while.

In everyday life, this primarily affects well-being. Observations of 5 million people in 153 studies in different parts of the world gave the same result: lack of sleep leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, all kinds of diseases of the cardiovascular system, coronary disease and obesity. Persistent headaches appear, the nervous system suffers.

But it happens that even an eight-hour sleep does not relieve fatigue. I want to sleep all the time. What could it be?

Overeating and a hearty lunch

The reason for the irresistible desire to take a nap for an hour is often a hearty lunch. After eating, blood rushes to the stomach to participate in the digestion of food and in the distribution of nutrients. Therefore, in the upper part of the body, it becomes smaller, which causes a decrease in activity in the brain, and a sleepy state in a person. It is not for nothing that a quiet hour is planned in all medical institutions after lunch.

The busy schedule of most adults calls for an early rise. People go to work, to study and to kindergartens. The latter, of course, is easier - they have a midday nap. But for the rest, especially responsible adults, who still have a lot of household chores after work, lack of sleep is guaranteed. Doctors advise finding time for sleep at least on weekends, because a rested person will do much more useful.

Sleepy in the rain

Everyone knows that in rainy weather you want to sleep especially for a long time. It turns out that this is caused by a decrease in atmospheric pressure, which is typical for such weather. But this leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the air. Therefore, the brain, not receiving enough of it, reduces its activity, switching to standby or sleep mode. But if you go outside, the drowsy state disappears, since the level of oxygen there is still higher than in a closed room.

Winter and beriberi

Winter time is a period of consumption of fatty and heavy foods. The digestion of which requires additional energy. In addition, there are few plant foods rich in vitamins in the diet. As a result, beriberi and lack of oxygen inhibit metabolic processes. And the body is immersed in a half-asleep state.

Traveling in public transport

The monotonous swaying of the vehicle when moving and the inability to move independently puts people in a state of stupor. The brain reacts by seeing the situation as a time to rest. In addition, the situation is aggravated by the lack of oxygen in transport. Yet more often in such conditions fall asleep people whose body is constantly experiencing a lack of sleep.

Of course, such a long sleep is the prerogative of pregnant women. The hormone progesterone is responsible for the calm course of pregnancy, so it fills the female body especially actively in the first stages of pregnancy and just before childbirth. It inhibits all reactions and excessive activity of a woman carrying a child. Apparently, nature decided that let him sleep better - it will be healthier. Therefore, pregnant women can sleep for 10 or even 15 hours.


Some medications, such as tranquilizers and even anti-allergic drugs, can cause a person to sleep extra hours. Your reaction to any such drug is unpredictable, but it is best to read the instructions and be aware.

Something else to find out

If everything that was listed earlier is not your case, but you want to sleep. Then observe if you have, besides drowsiness, any other deviations in the state of health. For example, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, headache. All of these can be symptoms of a much more serious health problem. Such as anemia, pathological processes in the thyroid gland or the cardiovascular system.

Also pay attention to the food you eat. Isn't there a lot of chemistry in it, which has replaced vitamin-containing natural products.

We come to the conclusion that you can feel rested and full of energy if you follow simple rules:

Monitor the amount of vitamins consumed, and if they are deficient, use a complex of pharmaceutical preparations.

Cheerfulness will give washing with cold water and a contrast shower. It is enough to spend 1-2 minutes on it, so that later during the day you will feel energetic.

Do not forget about charging. Its results have not yet disappointed anyone.

Do not kill the nervous system - go to bed before midnight. The most acceptable time for sleep is from 22-23 hours. Then the body will not protest against early rises.

A properly prepared bed for sleep and the absence of the habit of eating and drinking tea before bed will ensure quick falling asleep and healthy sleep. Do this at least two hours before bedtime.

Be outdoors more and ventilate the room every two hours.

Don't forget about aromatherapy. Spruce smell and minty aromas can wake you up from sleepiness.

And, of course, more light in the room. It is not for nothing that spring sunny days make us active and encourage us to new achievements.

Constant fatigue and drowsiness in men is a well-known ailment. However, the fight against fatigue and drowsiness is made difficult by the fact that they are a non-specific symptom that can be observed both against the background of overwork or stress, and against the background of a variety of health problems - from a banal acute respiratory disease to a serious chronic pathology.

The variety of causes makes it difficult to find solutions to the problem, and the help of a doctor is often required to successfully eliminate it.

Rice. 1 - It is not easy to identify the causes of constant fatigue and drowsiness, since this symptom is characteristic of many diseases and conditions.

Sleepiness in children

In a newborn, drowsiness is a frequent occurrence; a pediatrician can help young parents. If the child is lethargic and sleepy, it is better to contact a specialist immediately. A consultation with a pediatrician and a wide examination of the baby will help to find out the reasons for this condition of the child.
The body of a young child is intensively formed, the nervous system develops unevenly. Whims, tears, screams are possible. A child of this age, in addition to a full night's sleep, also needs daytime naps. Attentive parents easily determine the lack of sleep of the child and correct the situation that has arisen.

If you notice that the child is sick, call the doctor at home. Put the child in a clean bed, give a toy, a book. During illness, it is better to observe bed rest, lying down the child will fall asleep faster. Sleep, as they say, is the best medicine.

The desire to sleep in a child can be caused by other reasons:

  • low oxygen levels in the blood;
  • low blood pressure;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the internal organs.

In such cases, it is worth contacting a pediatrician and do not delay it!

Sleepiness in the elderly

It is not uncommon to see older people dozing off while reading newspapers or books. Why does this condition occur at this age? This is explained not only by the years lived. Sleep fragmentation is most common in the elderly. A person goes to bed in the evening, at his usual time, calmly falls asleep, and wakes up in the middle of the night. For a long time he cannot fall asleep, in the morning he succeeds with great difficulty. Such interrupted sleep is called fragmented. During it, the human body is not restored and, moreover, does not recover. The nervous system is loosened, the immune status is lowered, health is deteriorating. As a result, an elderly person, feeling weak and weak, wants to sleep in the middle of the day.

On the other hand, overweight, obesity are companions of most diseases of the endocrine system. Violation of the hormonal balance of the body leads to a change in brain activity, malfunctions of the immune system, they are also followed by a violation of night sleep. This explains the habit of sleeping during the day in overweight older people.

It's important to know

Cheerfulness is in the life of those who "hear" themselves and the fatigue of their body. Timely, high-quality, proper rest will allow you to forget about the constant desire to sleep. Surround yourself with a safe, environmentally friendly environment, eat rationally, take stress lightly, like some kind of adventure, be positive not only to loved ones, to all people. Live actively and take care of yourself!

Why do you always want to sleep

in the morning? The day has not yet begun, but already there is weakness and unwillingness to do something!

Constant fatigue and drowsiness

Malaise and some weakness may be signs or causes that need to be corrected!

Moreover, constant drowsiness and fatigue can accompany if you have slept for many hours, but the body still does not want and cannot wake up.


  • distraction
  • carelessness
  • memory loss
  • apathy
  • loss of interest and some indifference
  • the desire to lie on the couch in front of the TV or sleep and sleep again

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that regardless of age, these symptoms can accompany both adults and children! Therefore, it is necessary to find out why you constantly want to sleep, so to speak. root cause!. The reasons

The reasons

Avitaminosis or lack of essential and very important trace elements

You should especially take care of such important vitamins as iron, iodine, vitamins D and C!

  • Constant diets and a small amount of kcal in contrast to the energy consumed
  • Reduced immunity and lack of a healthy lifestyle can provoke all the signs
  • Low pressure
  • lack of water
  • Toxicity and slagging of the body
  • Pregnancy

For pregnancy, it is important to take a complex of vitamins on time, walk more in the fresh air and perform special exercises!


Depression, as you know, is the wrong direction of thought, unwillingness to do business, go to work, everything is tired, etc. The surest way to remove constant drowsiness and fatigue is to start working on the foci of your depression!

If we take the basis and psychology, then fatigue reflects resistance, boredom, unwillingness to do one's work. That is, an unloved business that occupies the main part of life kills all enthusiasm and the body strives to get it in a dream! Fatigue and drowsiness only show that you have chosen the wrong path!

What not to do if you find excessive sleepiness

Excessive sleepiness is a condition in which a person wants to sleep during periods that are not intended for this. Usually, unhealthy drowsiness appears during the day when you need to work or, for example, drive a car.

If the situation is one-time, then there is nothing to worry about. You need to rest well and the body will return to normal. When you want to sleep at odd hours all the time, then you can talk about a functional disorder.

A mentally and physically healthy person usually needs 7-9 hours to get enough sleep and feel alert. There are individual characteristics when, for example, 4-5 hours of sleep is enough. But the norm in medicine is considered to be a dream lasting, on average, 8 hours.

For a person, as a representative of the animal world, night falling asleep and daytime wakefulness are characteristic. The sun goes below the horizon in the evening, there is no opportunity for productive activity. At night, all birds and animals fall asleep, a person should also sleep, recuperate. This is how nature intended.

Sleep disturbance can be expressed in two forms - insomnia (not being able to fall asleep) and hypersomnia (desire to sleep during the day).

The state of hypersomnia is characterized by such signs as: a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, yawning, general weakness, inhibition of reactions and actions.

Many of us, in the absence of time to visit hospitals, independently purchase medicines that are presented in huge quantities and are sold without prescriptions. You can't do this!

We talked about the fact that there are a lot of reasons why you want to sleep and they lie in various areas. Uncontrolled intake of drugs can only aggravate the course of pathologies and will not bring the desired result. The composition of sleeping pills includes mainly sedatives, i.e. sedative ingredients. But they cannot help, for example, in case of circulatory disorders. You will be able to sleep at night, but during the day you will want to sleep even more.

Widespread among people who want to sleep during the day, taking drugs that stimulate the nervous system: from banal coffee to energy drinks. Indeed, for a short time, caffeine will help cheer up, but it is not able to solve the problem of sleep disturbance.

Energy drinks have a negative effect on the heart and liver, in addition, they are addictive. The condition can only get worse.

The normal duration of sleep in an adult is 7-9 hours every day. A person's need for sleep changes with age. Babies sleep constantly - 12-18 hours a day, and this is the norm. Gradually, the duration of sleep decreases until it reaches an adult value. On the other hand, older people also often have an increased need for sleep.

It is also important that a person belongs to the type of representatives of the animal kingdom, for whom night sleep and daytime wakefulness are normal. If a person cannot spend the time necessary for proper rest in a dream every night, then such a syndrome is called insomnia or insomnia. This situation leads to many unpleasant consequences for the body.

This syndrome can be called differently: hypersomnia, drowsiness or, in common parlance, drowsiness. It has many reasons, and it is very difficult to find among them the right one in each case.

First, let's define more precisely the concept of drowsiness. This is the name of the state when a person is overcome by yawning, heaviness presses on the eyes, his pressure and heart rate decrease, consciousness becomes less sharp, actions become less confident. The secretion of the salivary and lacrimal glands also decreases. At the same time, a person is terribly sleepy, he has a desire to sleep right here and now.

Self-administration of drugs is undesirable, as well as the constant intake of stimulants, such as coffee or energy drinks. Yes, a cup of coffee can cheer up a person if he has not slept well, and he needs increased attention and efficiency. However, constant stimulation of the nervous system with caffeine or other energy drinks does not solve the problem, but only eliminates the external symptoms of hypersomnia and forms the dependence of the psyche on stimulants.

Sleep plays an important role in our life. If a person worked mentally for a long time, without giving a break to the brain, then the body automatically resists overstrain.

Consider other causes of drowsiness, which, if necessary, are easy to eliminate.

  • Lethargy, the desire to sleep during the day are a side effect of a number of drugs, except for sleeping pills. It can be Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenistil and others.
  • Energetic drinks. At first they cause excitement and invigorate, but with prolonged use they give the opposite effect.
  • Fatty, rich food before going to bed.
  • Daily or shift work schedules. A person sleeps at different times, and the body cannot adapt to the regimen.
  • Time zone change.
  • Late falling asleep with an early rise.
  • Long stay in a horizontal position just before going to bed.
  • Freezing of the body or lowering its temperature.
  • Lack of oxygen in poorly ventilated areas.
  • Any external factors that interfere with normal rest. You can simply not get enough sleep because of the noise, then you will want to sleep during the day.
  • Improper nutrition, diets and the resulting lack of fats, vitamins A and E. At the same time, a person not only feels drowsy, but also freezes even in summer, when it is warm.
  • Avitaminosis. It is observed in most people in winter and especially in spring. To cope with it, you need to change your diet and drink vitamin and mineral complexes.

Vitamins for fatigue and weakness

B vitamins

Physical activity, stress, illness, injury exhaust a person, so the need for additional sources of nutrition increases tenfold. For example, folic acid (Vitamin B9) eliminates the negative effects of depression, successfully fights insomnia, and also eliminates unpleasant tingling in the limbs.

Women planning to conceive a child are especially in need of a useful element - they urgently need to tune in a positive way and eliminate any signs of fatigue.

You can replenish folic acid by adding to your daily diet:

  • wheat flour
  • melon,
  • avocado,
  • apricots,
  • egg yolks,
  • carrot.

high temperatures

You can fill the lack of cyanocobalamin with the help of:

  • dairy products,
  • eggs,
  • fish,
  • various types of meat.

Vitamin D

cardiovascular systemblood pressureunpleasant symptoms

Dosages of vitamins are calculated individually after a thorough examination and examination of the blood test. In the event of a deficiency of one of the vitamins, the doctor will write a prescription with the indicated required dosage.

It is not recommended to take vitamin complexes, which are presented in pharmacies, without consulting your doctor. Otherwise, you can easily harm the body. In addition, most of the useful elements contained in pharmaceutical preparations are not absorbed.

Good afternoon or evening dear friends and guests of the blog. I am very glad that you visited the page. I will try to meet your expectations and write an interesting and necessary article.

I want to devote today's article to the fatigue that we experience and sometimes just fall down. The modern rhythm of life, which does not always depend on our capabilities. We must adhere to certain rules that do not always coincide with our desires.

Every person wants and should live joyfully, happily and for a long time. Read the article, I think it will be interesting for you to know how to deal with fatigue with folk remedies so that our life brings us and our loved ones joy and happiness.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

This is another answer to the question of why you want to sleep all the time. With a large number of plaques in the cerebral vessels, oxygen starvation in the cerebral cortex is possible. And this is a headache, tinnitus, memory and hearing impairment, unsteady gait. Sometimes it can cause a stroke.

Diseases of the endocrine system

They can also be guilty of the fact that you are always drawn to sleep. One common cause is hypothyroidism. With this thyroid disease, the level of all hormones drops, and this provokes starvation of the brain. Also, with hypothyroidism, fluid accumulates in the brain tissues, and this can also provoke drowsiness.

Hypocorticism. Adrenal insufficiency is one of the causes of general lethargy and weakness.


It also affects the vessels of the brain. Also, the cerebral cortex can be damaged as a result of insulin and sugar fluctuations.


If you constantly want to sleep, it is possible that you have food poisoning. The cortex and subcortex are very sensitive to them. And nicotine, and alcohol, and psychotropic substances impair the supply of oxygen to the brain and cause vasospasm.

And these are not only brain tumors, but also any others: exhaustion in cancer and infection with its decay products do not make one more cheerful.

Disorders of the psyche and nervous system

Neurological diseases, as well as depression and cyclotomy, will not give us vigor.

Severe blood loss, dehydration, shock, and intestinal obstruction can also be to blame. All this disrupts the movement of blood to the brain.

What are we guilty of?

We ourselves can disrupt the internal clock and our biorhythms. For example, if your work is associated with constant changes in the daily routine, time zones and climatic conditions: when you yourself do not know when it will be night, and when it is day, the brain is even more lost and tired. This can happen with those who have day shifts alternating with night shifts, as well as those who constantly travel or ride on business trips.

Sleep apnea can also be the culprit. They disrupt the sleep cycle and prevent you from getting enough sleep. Stress has also been implicated in drowsiness. By the way, strict diets, they are also hunger strikes, can also make you sleepy. And no one except yourself is to blame for the fact that you are tired, overworked, and instead of sleeping normally, watch TV shows or surf the Internet pointlessly when you need to see the tenth dream.

What to do?

  • Trite, but to find out the causes of unbearable drowsiness, you must first go to a therapist and examine the body: thyroid disease or intestinal obstruction is a serious threat to health, quality of life and life in general.
  • Secondly, as far as possible, you need to bring to mind the regime of the day and sleep. Try, for example, to find the number of hours of sleep that you need. Not everyone can live like Alexander the Great, that is, sleep for 4 hours. If you need 8 or 9 hours of sleep, then feel free to do so: it is better to sleep at night than to be unproductive during the day.
  • Also try to wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time and avoid eating too heavy meals in the afternoon.
  • If something needs to be done right now, it definitely shouldn't be coffee.
  • To get rid of drowsiness, you can, for example, move around: do simple exercises or take a walk, if possible. The release of endorphins will allow you to remain productive in the near future and not fall asleep.
  • Take breaks every half hour. You can clean up or visit colleagues at this time, the main thing is to change the type of activity: boredom can also cause drowsiness.
  • If you are still at home (or working at home), run under a cold shower. Water at least your feet, face and hands. If you master the contrast, then well done too. Come alive right away! Water is also needed inside: drink plenty of it so that dehydration does not violate your plans.

Treatment Methods

If the answer to the question of why you constantly want to sleep lies in the disease, then only a doctor can develop the right therapy. First of all, it is necessary to treat the root cause, then it will be easy to cope with drowsiness.

With physiological causes of drowsiness, solving the problem is quite simple. There are several ways to overcome severe drowsiness:

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Now you know why a person may not leave drowsiness. If you cannot fix the problem on your own, be sure to consult your doctor.

Pathological causes

If a person, despite proper rest, proper nutrition and optimal living conditions, still feels constant drowsiness, fatigue and apathy, one should think about the pathological causes of the condition. A similar symptom can be observed in various diseases, so it should be considered only in conjunction with other signs of pathology.


Constantly want to sleep, do not have enough strength to get out of bed and nothing in life makes you happy? Possibly low blood pressure. With long-term hypotension, the brain suffers from malnutrition and temporary ischemia. In addition to drowsiness, the pathological condition is accompanied by apathy, fatigue, dizziness, nausea.


One of the signs of anemia is a constant desire to lie down. A decrease in the amount of hemoglobin disrupts the transport of oxygen to the brain tissues, causing hypoxia. In an acute condition, a person is very tired and wants to sleep, suffers from dizziness and perversion of appetite. The condition of hair and nails noticeably worsens, the skin becomes dry and acquires a waxy pallor.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Constantly pulls to lie down and with chronic cerebrovascular accident. A person suffers from drowsiness during the day, and in the evenings suffers from headaches and severe fatigue. Other symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis include:

  • noise in ears;
  • unsteady gait;
  • deterioration of attention and memory, decreased reaction.

If the sleepy state does not leave during the whole day, there are signs of oppression of the respiratory center and speech impairment - an ischemic stroke may develop.

Idiopathic hypersomnia

One of the severe conditions of the body, in which a person cannot sleep, is idiopathic hypersomnia. The feeling of drowsiness literally haunts the patient, he falls asleep at the slightest opportunity at work and at home, wakes up hard, showing aggression towards those who are trying to wake him up. In such patients, the quality of life deteriorates, professional skills weaken.

Endocrine Causes

A constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness is typical for patients with dysfunction of the endocrine glands. With hypothyroidism, in addition to the desire to relax, there is an impoverishment of emotions, a person loses interest in life and loses some of his cognitive abilities.

Diabetes mellitus is manifested by increased fatigue and drowsiness. Fluctuations in blood glucose can lead to ketoacidosis, which causes a constant desire to lie down during the daytime. Other symptoms of diabetes: increased thirst, dizziness, lethargy, itchy skin.


Constant drowsiness often acts as a sign of sleep apnea. Respiratory failure causes cerebral hypoxia, intermittent and restless sleep. As a result, a person does not get enough sleep, becomes irritable, gets tired quickly and tries to compensate for lack of sleep with a minute of rest during the day.

Disorders of the functioning of the endocrine system

The causes of constant drowsiness and malaise can lie in serious malfunctions in the endocrine system.

  • Hypothyroidism. With a lack of thyroid hormones, a person always wants to sleep, feels tired, constantly freezes, he loses interest in life. Metabolism is inhibited, which affects brain activity.
  • Diabetes. Thirst, weight loss and daytime sleepiness are the first symptoms of this disease.
  • Chronic adrenal insufficiency. Additional signs are muscle weakness, apathy, weight loss, darkening of the skin and mucous membranes, a person may feel sick.

It is easy to guess that drowsiness overtakes a person if he cannot get enough sleep at night. Then during the day he wants to sleep and his eyes are closed before the important upcoming things.

As a rule, lack of sleep is observed when the body is overworked, when a night's rest is simply not enough for the body to rest and gain strength. However, sometimes doctors argue that pathological drowsiness often appears if a person is tired of boredom and the monotony of his own life.

Medicine divides constant drowsiness into two types:

  • pathological;
  • physiological.

Physiological drowsiness appears due to the banal lack of sleep of people, which shows that the brain needs a break, and the whole body needs rest.

As a result, he will constantly want to sleep, and this can lead to negative health consequences.

Why does physiological sleepiness occur? This happens at a time when the human body, due to lack of sleep, begins to use the reserve energy set aside "for a rainy day." Of course, it won't last long.

In addition, the personality will be weak and lethargic, which indicates a lack of proper sleep. Because of this, there is a blockage of the cerebral cortex, as well as sensory organs, which causes a person to have a constant feeling of drowsiness and drowsiness.

Such pathological drowsiness, which has come due to frequent lack of sleep, requires urgent treatment in adolescents, women, men and the elderly. Otherwise, the patient will soon develop serious diseases, such as:

  • diseases of internal organs - kidneys, liver;
  • development of anemia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depression;
  • the development of intoxication of the body.

But why do people develop drowsiness and always want to close their eyes? Consider the main causes of pathological and physiological drowsiness.

But not only because of global diseases or after dinner, drowsiness during the day can come. There are other reasons, for example, simply lack of sleep due to lifestyle. Therefore, you need to take the following recommendations as a rule:

  1. Don't steal time from sleep. Some believe that during the time it takes to sleep, more useful things could be done, such as cleaning the room, watching a series, putting on makeup. But do not forget that for a fulfilling life, quality sleep is required for at least seven hours a day, and sometimes even longer. For teenagers, this time should take 9 hours.
  2. Train yourself to go to bed a little earlier. Go to bed, for example, not at 23.00, as you are used to, but at 22.45.
  3. Eat meals at the same time. Such a routine will help the body get used to the fact that it has a stable schedule.
  4. Regular exercise makes sleep deeper, and in the daytime the body will be more energetic.
  5. Don't waste time being bored. Try to always do something.
  6. If you don't feel sleepy, then don't go to bed. Fatigue is different, be able to distinguish between these two sensations. Therefore, it is better not to go to bed just to take a nap, otherwise the night's sleep will be more disturbing, and during the day you will want to relax.
  7. Contrary to the opinion of many, alcohol in the evening does not improve the quality of sleep.

Lack of sleep isn't just an inconvenience. The quality of life is deteriorating, there are side health problems, and the reason for this is drowsiness during the day. It is better to find out the causes of this problem from a specialist, since a person cannot independently establish a diagnosis. After all, it may not just be insomnia or another sleep disorder. Such problems may indicate liver disease, kidney disease, cancer, infection, or other problems.

How to deal with chronic fatigue

Since the regular feeling of drowsiness negatively affects not only the ability to lead an active lifestyle, but also a person’s health, this condition should be eliminated as soon as possible. Otherwise, the constant desire to sleep in women can lead to the development of stress and neuroses.

To prevent this from happening, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. You should regularly rest, protect yourself from stressful situations, overwork.

In the presence of secondary symptoms, it is required to contact a physician in a timely manner to diagnose the presence of pathologies and identify ways to treat them.

You can improve your own well-being if you regularly exercise, walk, harden, ventilate the room, and eat right. When diagnosing a lack of trace elements, it is required to drink a vitamin-mineral complex. This is especially true for the winter period of the year. If a woman cannot overcome the desire to sleep on her own, she should contact a neurologist or a neuropathologist, a somnologist.

Why does a person feel tired and overwhelmed

In any work team you can find different people - cheerful and active, as well as sleepy and apathetic. Understanding the causes of this condition, we can divide these factors into two main groups - physiological causes and diseases that can cause such a condition. Let's start simple.

  1. Lack of sleep.
    This is the simplest and most common cause of stable sleepiness. If you have a small child at home who wakes up many times at night, if a neighbor makes repairs all night long, if you are forced to earn extra money at night, there can be no question of any cheerful state. The solution to this problem is simple - you just need to get enough sleep. And while you're at work, you can drink a cup of strong coffee.
  2. Oxygen deficiency.
    Very often in large offices with ventilation problems such a problem arises - people begin to yawn, they feel dizzy, they literally fall asleep at their workplaces. In this case, you need to ventilate the room more often, leave the windows open if the weather permits.
  3. Stress.
    With excessive nervous stress, a special substance is released - cortisol, the excess of which causes fatigue and exhaustion. If your work is associated with stress, you must definitely take breaks, and, of course, change your attitude towards such work, try to be less nervous.
  4. Excess coffee.
    Some people, struggling with apathy, drink the lion's dose of coffee, and in vain. The fact is that one or two cups really invigorate, but a large amount of caffeine calms and even relaxes. After such a shock dose of the drink, you will certainly want to sleep.
  5. Avitaminosis.
    Deficiency of important vitamins can tell about itself in this way. Most often, chronic fatigue indicates a lack of iodine or magnesium. Fatigue from beriberi most often occurs in the spring, when natural vitamins in fruits and vegetables become negligible - during this period, you need to take multivitamin complexes. And, of course, you should reconsider your diet. In any season, you need to consume more fresh vegetables and fruits, only natural dishes, no fast food.
  6. Bad habits.
    Everyone knows that alcohol and nicotine narrow the lumen of blood vessels, less oxygen is delivered to the organs, including the brain. Regular smoking leads to a deterioration in well-being, a constant state of weakness and fatigue.
  7. Magnetic storms and weather conditions.
    Weather-dependent people notice that the state of drowsiness often occurs against the background of magnetic storms and before rain. This is explained simply - in such weather conditions, atmospheric pressure decreases, the body reacts and gradually lowers blood pressure, the heartbeat slows down, and fatigue syndrome occurs. In addition, this condition most often occurs in autumn and winter, when there is little sunlight. The fact is that with ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is produced in the skin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.
  8. Satiety.
    Fatigue rolls most often after a hearty meal, isn't it? The thing is that when overeating, all the blood rushes to the digestive organs, draining from the brain, this leads to an increased desire to sleep. Fighting this is not difficult - just do not overeat.
  9. Pregnancy.
    Very often, women feel sleepy during pregnancy, especially in the first and last trimester. This is due to a change in the hormonal background, in addition, pregnant women cannot sleep normally at night - frequent trips to the toilet, lack of oxygen that interferes with the stomach in the later stages, and excessive suspiciousness - all this leads to insomnia.

What to do if you get sleepy

In order not to experience a sharp decline in energy in the middle of the day, you need to give up "fast" carbohydrates. But hunger is the reason why it makes you sleepy, because the body does not have enough energy. In this case, you need to eat light food to get enough, but not "overload" the digestive system.

Do not forget about weather dependence. If it is possible to check blood pressure indicators, then you need to do this and take medications if the source of hypersomnia is identified correctly.

Sometimes it is enough to close in a room where there are no extraneous sounds and just sleep. This is not enough at the end of the working week, and weekends are not always enough to replenish energy.

You can benefit from daytime sleepiness, as Thomas Edison did. When he felt like he was starting to fall asleep, he set metal pans on the sides of his wooden chair with arms.

Then he took metal objects in his hands and relaxed, hanging his hands over the pans. At the moment of immersion in a “rapid” sleep, the muscles relaxed and a loud ringing was heard, bringing the inventor out of this state.

A sharp awakening in the phase of "REM" sleep helps to find interesting ideas that need to be written down. Edison said that in this way his materials were replenished almost daily.

Lethargy, fatigue and drowsiness causes and treatment

If fatigue occurs, which is not relieved even by a long rest, then it is necessary first of all to exclude health problems. So, the symptoms of constant fatigue are given by taking certain medications, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland and the cardiovascular system, and hormonal disorders.

To identify and eliminate all the physiological causes of constant fatigue and drowsiness in women, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will prescribe special tests and studies, reveal the lack of any vitamins or trace elements.

There are physical causes of constant weakness, doctors should deal with this, and here we will talk about those causes of weakness and drowsiness in an adult woman, for which there are no obvious physiological reasons, but there may be psychological ones.

Fatigue and drowsiness in women - psychological causes

To cope with the constant feeling of fatigue, we are usually advised to take a vacation, regularly visit the fresh air, and normalize the mode of work and rest. Let's try to figure out why the usual advice does not help or works for a short period of time.

We single out two main groups of causes leading to constant weakness and fatigue:

  1. Sleep problems.
  2. Changes in life (abrupt or gradual) that subjectively worsened its quality.

Let's analyze each group in more detail.

Life is like a dream: the main cause of drowsiness

Do you know the feeling when you are so tired that you fall off your feet, but when you get to the coveted bed, you understand that sleep is not in your eye? You toss and turn at midnight, count the sheep and the ticking of the clock in the kitchen, fall asleep in the morning and already know that the next day you will feel like sleeping all the time again ...

If by night you feel a rise in strength, and during the day you are constantly drowsy, the reason may be that you are the owner of a sound vector. Both nervous and superficial sleep, and increased fatigue from seemingly insufficient rest can be the result of an attempt to live out of one's natural rhythm.

Yuri Burlan at the training "System-Vector Psychology" shows that a person with a sound vector is the only one who feels a surge of strength, activity and vigor at a time when all other people go to bed. Instead of sweet oblivion, thoughts come to mind that are triggered by the established blissful silence, darkness and solitude - at least in your own head.

Not knowing about our features, we try to go to bed early, and we cannot fall asleep. Or we fall asleep, but wake up in the middle of the night. Or we sleep for many hours, and still feel constant weakness and fatigue, as after hard physical labor.

Homemade ways to deal with sleepiness

  • It is necessary to properly organize a healthy sleep: ventilate the room, purchase a comfortable mattress and pillow, do not eat before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk.
  • You need to get rid of bad habits.
  • It is advisable to go in for sports or at least take daily walks.
  • The diet should be balanced and correct.
  • No need to overeat, before bed, during the day.
  • It is worth eating fractionally, that is, you need to eat often, little by little.
  • In the morning it is good to use a contrast shower.
  • Try to remove the TV, computer from the bedroom.
  • Avoid nervous strain, stress.
  • Do yourself a massage of the limbs and head, this will help improve blood circulation, which guarantees an improvement in the supply of oxygen to the brain.

If the state of fatigue does not go away for a long time, then consult a doctor, do an analysis for the level of hemoglobin in the blood, for thyroid hormones.

Women's sleepiness

The female body has its own characteristics, finely tuned hormonal processes undergo not only periodic changes. Hormonal changes during pregnancy increase the processes of inhibition of the cerebral cortex. The desire to sleep in this period of a woman's life is quite natural, the duration of sleep should be at least 10 hours a day. If you do not get enough sleep at night, you should definitely sleep during the day for 1-1.5 hours. An unborn child requires special attention to himself, only a well-rested expectant mother can give him everything. Sleep during pregnancy should be full and sufficient.

Insomnia, bad mood, reduced immunity and weakness - all this should be avoided. To help rationally organize the mode of work and rest of a nursing mother is the main task of loved ones. When a woman feels this care, she will not experience irritability, nervousness and weakness, a decrease in efficiency. Sleep duration while breastfeeding is not as important as sleep quality. Two full cycles of sleep (with fast and deep phases) will allow a woman to restore her nervous system.

An irresistible desire to sleep can occur in women in the period before or during menstruation. This condition occurs due to blood loss (50-80 ml), deterioration in blood quality (decrease in hemoglobin levels due to a decrease in iron). The body gives a signal of its exhaustion and weakness, that it needs to rest. During menstruation, only moderate physical activity, taking vitamins and iron supplements, and a balanced diet are recommended. You should avoid stress and all sorts of "re-": overwork, overheating, overtraining. By leading a moderate lifestyle, you will give yourself the opportunity to recover.

If weakness has become a faithful companion, and for no reason you constantly want to sleep, this does not always indicate laziness. In most cases, this symptom signals the absence of a regimen and the inability to properly allocate one's time.

Signs and underlying causes of sleepiness

In modern society, people no longer need to endure such solid loads as before, associated with hard physical labor. But on the other hand, you have to process colossal amounts of information, so it is not surprising that the body periodically requires a reboot. Simultaneously with the desire to hug a pillow, there may be problems with getting up in the morning, lethargy and weakness during the day, irritability, causeless anxiety, weakening of concentration, memory impairment, inability to focus on something specific, lack of appetite.

Such a symptom as drowsiness can be caused by sleep and rest disturbances, an unhealthy lifestyle, regular stress, and certain diseases. To understand the mechanism of specific reasons, due to which you constantly want to sleep, it is necessary to consider each of them in more detail.

8 Common Causes of Sleepiness

    1. Anemia. With reduced hemoglobin, it is difficult to transport oxygen, including to the brain. Characteristic for this condition will be such manifestations of the body as a weakening of working capacity, lethargy, memory impairment, short-term loss of consciousness.
    2. Atherosclerosis. Problems with blood vessels cause oxygen starvation, and this, in turn, provokes migraines, hearing loss, memory problems, unsteady gait. In some cases, a stroke is possible.
    3. Narcolepsy and hypersomnia. Narcolepsy is an ailment characterized by disruptions in REM sleep, daytime sleepiness, and even sudden sleep attacks. Hypersomnia is a significant increase in the duration of sleep, accompanied by daytime sleepiness. The exact causes of these conditions have not been identified.
    4. Diseases of the endocrine system. Often drowsiness is one of the manifestations of hypothyroidism. Thyroid disease provokes changes in hormone levels and the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, which causes weakness.
    5. Diabetes. Often, this disease affects the vessels of the brain. Changes in the cortex can be triggered by jumps in sugar levels.
    6. Intoxication. The desire to lie down and fall asleep immediately may indicate poisoning. Vasospasm is caused by alcohol, nicotine, psychotropic substances. Some infections of various nature can also provoke poisoning.
    7. Oncology. Naturally, with such a disease, the exhaustion of the body is manifested by weakness and lethargy.
    8. Problems with the nervous system and mental disorders. Neurological diseases and frequent stress affect the overall performance, and one of the characteristic symptoms is the desire to lie down and sleep at the most unexpected time.

Other causes of drowsiness

Sleep disturbances can also cause restless legs syndrome, vitamin D deficiency, sleep apnea (short-term pauses in breathing), low blood pressure, certain medications, seasonal changes associated with shorter daylight hours.

You may want to sleep because of a lack of sleep and because of its poor quality. Often, the unwillingness to sleep, and then, accordingly, to wake up is provoked by a TV, computer, smartphone, which stimulate the brain.

A constant desire to sleep is often observed in people with a shift schedule and a traveling nature of work. I want to lie down to sleep after a hearty meal. And in the cold season, such a desire is observed in a larger number of people compared to spring and summer. This is due to a decrease in daylight hours, lack of sun, dry indoor air, vitamin deficiency. They need to be replenished by taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

In workaholics, sleep disturbances provoke chronic fatigue syndrome: even if you sleep more than usual at night, you still wake up sluggish and broken in the morning. To eliminate apathy, anxiety and fatigue in this case, you will need to contact a specialist.

A rather banal, though not always obvious, cause of drowsiness is stuffiness. Due to the increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the air, attention weakens, concentration deteriorates, and efficiency decreases. The only quick and effective way to cheer up is to open the window and ventilate the room. If the symptom often recurs, in the future it is necessary to take care of the supply ventilation system.

The desire to sleep is the norm for pregnant women, especially during the first trimester, when active hormonal changes take place and the body prepares for a changed mode of operation. Small children also sleep a lot (each age group has its own indicators). But if the child simultaneously experiences lethargy, weakness, nausea, discoloration of the skin, poor appetite, problems with the stool, then you should immediately contact the pediatrician to identify the causes that caused this condition.

How to get rid of unhealthy sleepiness and start living a fulfilling life

No matter how trite it sounds, you need to start with a visit to a therapist and taking tests to identify diseases and abnormalities in the body, since diabetes, atherosclerosis or anemia are not only provoking a desire to sleep, but also posing a health threat.

It is important to establish a daily routine - work and rest. Not everyone can be content with a couple of hours of sleep like da Vinci, Caesar or Bonaparte. An ordinary person needs at least 7 hours of sleep for a good rest.

An established routine will help prevent difficulties with falling asleep and getting up: go to bed and get up at about the same time. Do not eat fatty and heavy foods before bed. A light 10-minute exercise will help drive away naps in the middle of the day. A set of simple exercises will return productivity and allow you to finish urgent matters.

During work, take short breaks and sometimes change the type of activity: due to ordinary boredom, it can also begin to fall asleep. While staying at home, a contrast shower will help correct the situation. And it is important to drink plenty of water: dehydration also affects the overall well-being in a not very favorable way. Ventilate the room more often and try to avoid stressful situations. You can also try to start practicing the so-called Stirlitz dream: if you really want to sleep, set aside 15 minutes for yourself and relax.

Adequate sleep is very important for health and general well-being. Therefore, sleep well, because in this matter the only one who can really help is yourself.

Sleep and cold are states when all life processes are suspended or slowed down, often accompany each other. However, if a person simultaneously experiences coolness and at the same time wants to sleep, this cannot be considered normal. Moreover, in many cases, the combination of these sensations is the first symptom of a serious illness.

Is there a disease when it is constantly cold and you want to sleep?

We are accustomed to the fact that a person who is healthy in mind and body is constantly alert and easily tolerates low temperatures. And indeed it is. An increase in sensitivity to cold and an inexplicable loss of strength indicate a decrease in vitality, that something is wrong with a person. However, not always both of these symptoms can accompany each other. We list first the reasons that can lead to a constant desire to sleep, and then the reasons due to which an inexplicable feeling of cold may occur.

What can make you feel sleepy?

We are talking here about constant drowsiness, and not about individual cases, for example, when a person did not sleep well at night, and the next day he wants to sleep and he walks like a sleepy fly. Everything is clear here, and such a state is usually transient. Good enough - and the next morning you feel fresh and rested. Of course, everyone has a different sleep rate, in addition, it varies depending on age. But most doctors agree that normally a healthy middle-aged person should sleep 7-9 hours. If the need for sleep exceeds 9 hours, then most likely this is evidence that not everything is in order in the body.

Why a person may want to sleep or be sleepy:

  • lack or poor quality of sleep at night;
  • hormonal disorders (low levels of thyroid hormones or adrenal cortex, estrogens);
  • stress, neurosis, depression;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • taking certain medications (sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants, nootropics, antihistamines, hypotonic);
  • lack of vitamins;
  • seasonal affective disorder;
  • alcoholism, smoking, drug use;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • influenza, acute respiratory infections and SARS;
  • insufficient lighting, lack of heat;
  • low atmospheric pressure;
  • binge eating;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • narcolepsy, idiopathic hypersomnia;
  • heart failure;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • stuffiness and lack of oxygen, excess carbon dioxide, inhalation of carbon monoxide;
  • overwork, overload of the senses;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • pathology of cerebral vessels;
  • encephalopathy;
  • pathology of the hypothalamus;
  • kidney pathology (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis);
  • liver pathology (cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis);
  • neuroinfections (rabies, encephalitis);
  • massive bleeding.

The most common cause is lack of sleep at night. This reason is obvious, but at the same time it is underestimated by many. Meanwhile, you can sleep badly at night, but at the same time not realize it. After all, it is not important how much a person spends in bed, but how deep his sleep is, what proportion the phase of slow sleep takes. Many people also suffer from sleep apnea, that is, holding their breath during sleep. This leads to the fact that the brain experiences hypoxia and the person does not get enough sleep, even if he spends enough time in bed.

Why can a person feel cold?

It is, of course, not about cases when it is really cold. It should be remembered that tolerance to low temperatures is different for everyone. This is determined by both genetic factors and physique. One person feels quite comfortable undressed at +10 °C, while another needs +25 °C to feel comfortable. However, if you freeze at room temperature, then this cannot be considered normal. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the dynamics of changes in the sensation of cold. That is, if a person becomes cold in those conditions when he used to be comfortable, then this should be alarming. It is believed that women tolerate cold worse than men.

Usually, a person feels cold due to circulatory problems. This may be due to:

  • vascular pathologies;
  • disorders of the nerves that control vascular contractions;
  • heart failure.

Now we list the phenomena and diseases, due to which you can feel a constant inexplicable cold:

  • anemia;
  • lack of thyroid hormones;
  • fluctuations in estrogen levels;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • heart disease (heart disease, cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease);
  • heart damage in rheumatic diseases;
  • underweight or lack of muscle mass;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic obliterating vascular diseases;
  • infectious diseases, tuberculosis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hepatitis B, C;
  • malnutrition;
  • slowing down of metabolic processes in old age;
  • allergic reactions;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • pathology of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • neuropathy;
  • lack of sleep;
  • dehydration;
  • vitamin B12 deficiency.

What causes can lead to drowsiness and a feeling of cold at the same time?

You can take causes from both lists (possible causes of sleepiness and possible causes of feeling cold) and compare. If any cause can cause both conditions - drowsiness and a feeling of cold, then it should be considered first.

Interestingly, both conditions are often the cause of each other. That is, a constant stay in the cold can often be the cause of drowsiness, and lack of sleep - the fact that a person constantly experiences a feeling of cold.


The word "anemia" is translated as "anemia". Indeed, in this condition, an insufficient amount of blood circulates in the body, and to be precise, there is an insufficient amount of hemoglobin in the blood - the main blood protein responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues and utilizing carbon dioxide. The lack of oxygen can be felt both by the brain and other organs. This well explains why a person with anemia often wants to sleep, and at the same time he can feel a feeling of cold. Drowsiness is a characteristic phenomenon for anemia, but the feeling of cold with anemia is less common. It most often indicates that anemia has passed into a severe stage.


Treatment of anemia begins with establishing the cause - malnutrition, leading to a deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, hidden bleeding, impaired hematopoiesis, and helminthic invasions. If the anemia is iron-deficient in nature, then iron preparations (intravenously or orally), an iron-containing diet are prescribed. The largest amount of iron is found in meat products, nuts, legumes, and some fruits. It is also not recommended to use for anemia products that impair iron absorption - tea, coffee, milk. Instead, you should eat more foods containing substances that promote the absorption of iron - vitamin C, citric acid. In addition, during treatment, measures are taken to eliminate bleeding, if any.


Not only cholesterol, but also sugar can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, with its excess in the blood. These processes often occur simultaneously and contribute to each other. Excess sugar occurs due to violations of the susceptibility of cells to the hormone insulin or due to a decrease in its production by the pancreas.

The disease threatens primarily peripheral vessels. This results in a feeling of coldness. And ketone body poisoning, which often accompanies diabetes, can lead to feelings of drowsiness. Also, the dysfunction of the coronary vessels and brain vessels observed in diabetes contributes to the feeling when it is cold and sleepy at the same time.


It depends on the type of disease (insulin-dependent or not). In the non-insulin-dependent type (second), the doctor prescribes a special low-carbohydrate diet, as well as taking hypoglycemic agents. They block the release of sugar from liver stores, and also increase the generation of insulin by pancreatic cells. With insulin-dependent diabetes, insulin injections cannot be dispensed with.


Thyroid hormones regulate many biological processes in the body, as well as the metabolic rate. Lack of thyroid hormones leads to lethargy, drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, loss of strength, drop in blood pressure, bradycardia. Often with this condition, a feeling of cold can also be observed. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism:

  • menstrual irregularities in women
  • joint and muscle pain,
  • paleness and dryness of the skin,
  • weight gain,
  • fragility of nails and hair.


Hypothyroidism can be easily treated with medication. If a deficiency of thyroid hormones is detected, synthetic analogues of these hormones (replacement therapy) are prescribed. There are also drugs to stimulate the gland (levothyroxine). Which treatment strategy to choose - the doctor decides depending on the situation.


Atherosclerosis has recently become much younger, now it cannot be called a disease exclusively of grandparents. With atherosclerosis, the vessels are clogged with plaques of "bad" cholesterol. If the peripheral vessels are affected, the patient may feel cold, if the vessels of the brain - increased drowsiness. And both of these states - when it's cold and you want to sleep, are often present in a person at the same time.


In order to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the vessels, lipid-lowering drugs (statins) are prescribed. Also, the patient needs a special diet low in fat and, first of all, "bad" cholesterol. However, the rest of the treatment is symptomatic, since it is impossible to completely cure atherosclerosis. But it is possible to maintain a high quality of life for a person suffering from a disease for a long time.

Infectious diseases

If a person falls ill with the flu or acute respiratory infections, then he feels severe weakness, fatigue and weakness. On the other hand, a person also feels a strong chill, he is cold all the time even in the heat. Of course, influenza and acute respiratory infections are accompanied by respiratory symptoms by which they can be identified. However, not always. Many other chronic infections can also be symptomatic. Their only sign may be a slightly elevated body temperature and severe weakness and lethargy. Tuberculosis is one of these infections. Chronic viral hepatitis can also manifest itself in this way.


Treatment depends on the type of disease. First of all, medicines that are active against pathogens are used. With tuberculosis, these are antibiotics, with viral hepatitis, antiviral agents. Immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, hepatoprotectors are also prescribed.

Stress, neurosis and depression

These conditions can affect the work of the autonomic nervous system, as a result of which a person becomes too chilly. And drowsiness during depression and stress is explained even more simply - this is a protective reaction of the brain, seeking to protect itself and the body from an unpleasant situation that causes stress.

In addition, stress releases the adrenal hormone cortisol. If stress continues for a long time, then the ability of the adrenal glands to produce cortisol decreases. A decrease in cortisol levels leads to the fact that a person constantly wants to sleep, to a feeling of weakness and fatigue.


Treatment of neurotic disorders can be lengthy. In some cases, it is enough just to eliminate the source of stress. In others, you will have to take drugs from the groups of antidepressants, antipsychotics, and tranquilizers. Treatment of depression and anxiety should be carried out under the strict supervision of a psychotherapist or neurologist.

Vegetovascular dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia is a somewhat outdated name for the pathology, which in modern medical language is called somatoform autonomic dysfunction of the nervous system. It is often the result of a shattered nervous system and stress, hypertension, so it cannot be considered an independent disease.

With VSD, the autonomic nervous system that controls vascular contractions can work in dissonance with heart contractions. This results in a feeling of coldness. Also for the IRR are characterized by changes in blood pressure, tachycardia. With VVD, various unpleasant neurological symptoms can be observed, including drowsiness, weakness, and increased fatigue. People suffering from vegetovascular dystonia are usually weather dependent. Their body reacts to such natural phenomena as low atmospheric pressure with a breakdown. On such days, these people constantly want to sleep. And low pressure is usually accompanied by cool weather. Hence the feeling of coolness accompanying drowsiness.


Since VSD is based on dysfunctions of the nervous system, the treatment of the syndrome is in many ways similar to the treatment of nervous disorders. Sedatives, vitamins and microelements that strengthen the nervous tissue are prescribed. Also useful for vegetovascular dystonia are physical education and sports, walking in the fresh air, hardening, water procedures.

Heart failure and coronary heart disease

Heart failure is caused by various causes, but most often behind this condition are heart defects (congenital or acquired). The cause of coronary artery disease is atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels. In both cases, the result is the same - a decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the body. This circumstance can cause both a desire to sleep and a feeling of cold.

With CAD, the patient usually experiences severe pain in the chest, either spontaneously or during physical exertion. This is the main symptom of the disease. In addition, with heart defects and coronary artery disease, severe shortness of breath, discoloration of the skin, dizziness, and arrhythmias can be observed.


Treatment of heart disease should be carried out under the supervision of a cardiologist. With coronary artery disease and heart defects, drugs are taken that reduce blood viscosity, preventing the appearance of blood clots. Anti-arrhythmic drugs, beta-blockers, and vasodilators may also be prescribed. In some cases, a surgical operation is indicated (bypass coronary vessels, elimination of valve defects).

Diseases of the hypothalamus

The hypothalamus is the part of the brain responsible for:

  • body temperature regulation,
  • hunger,
  • secretion of hormones
  • sex drive,
  • mood.

Thus, dysfunction of the thalamus can lead to the fact that a person will want to sleep, and to feel cold.


Usually, disorders of the hypothalamus are secondary, that is, the result of some neurological or vascular disorders and diseases:

  • hypertension,
  • head injury,
  • intoxication,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • encephalitis,
  • encephalopathy,
  • strokes,
  • neurosis and stress.

Thus, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause that caused malfunctions in the brain.

Diagnosis and general principles of treatment

An accurate conclusion about the cause of the condition can only be made by a doctor. However, before going to him, it is best to try out the most elementary methods. Perhaps if you adjust normal or warmer clothes, in accordance with the ambient temperature, you will be able to get rid of this syndrome.

If simple methods do not help, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor, go through all the diagnostic procedures prescribed by him and pass all the tests.

What tests may be required by the doctor:

  • general blood analysis,
  • blood chemistry,
  • blood tests for hormones,
  • general urine analysis.

What parameters will be of interest to the doctor in the first place:

  • glucose,
  • hemoglobin,
  • cholesterol and triglycerides,
  • thyroid and adrenal hormones.

What instrumental studies may be needed:

  • vascular ultrasound,
  • Angiography,
  • thyroid ultrasound,
  • heart ultrasound,
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and liver,
  • MRI of the brain and internal organs,
  • X-rays of light.

Also important are the constant measurements of temperature and blood pressure, which the patient must do on his own.

For treatment, various methods can be used, but most often conservative:

  • medical therapy,
  • physiotherapy,
  • lifestyle changes (sports and physical education, normalization of the daily routine, rejection of bad habits),

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood properties, vitamins of group D, vitamins C, D, E, PP will be useful. You can not take stimulant drugs on your own, without a doctor's prescription, drink stimulating drinks (energy, coffee, alcohol) without his permission. Even such healthy and natural drinks as hot tea, warm milk, can be harmful in some diseases, such as anemia.

The treatment of many diseases associated with a state of increased drowsiness and chilliness can be lengthy and complicated. However, treatment should not be delayed. The sooner it is started, the more likely the patient is to return to a normal life for himself.

If you have constant weakness and want to sleep - this is not a whim and not laziness. Perhaps this is not a sign of the simplest disease. But most often the wrong mode and the inability to plan one's own time are to blame for this.

The reasons

Why you want to sleep all the time, your body can answer. Let's look at some hypothetical reasons. First of all, these are diseases and pathological conditions.


If the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells has fallen, then the transport of oxygen to the brain will also slow down. Here, such a phenomenon as hemic hypoxia of the brain is observed, that is, a decrease in working capacity, craving for sleep, poor memory, fainting.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

This is another answer to the question of why you want to sleep all the time. With a large number of plaques in the cerebral vessels, oxygen starvation in the cerebral cortex is possible. And this is a headache, tinnitus, memory and hearing impairment, unsteady gait. Sometimes it can cause a stroke.

Hypersomnia and narcolepsy

Two similar ailments in which the sequence of sleep phases is disturbed. The reasons are unknown.

Diseases of the endocrine system

They can also be guilty of the fact that you are always drawn to sleep. One common cause is hypothyroidism. With this thyroid disease, the level of all hormones drops, and this provokes starvation of the brain. Also, with hypothyroidism, fluid accumulates in the brain tissues, and this can also provoke drowsiness.

Hypocorticism. Adrenal insufficiency is one of the causes of general lethargy and weakness.


It also affects the vessels of the brain. Also, the cerebral cortex can be damaged as a result of insulin and sugar fluctuations.


If you constantly want to sleep, it is possible that you have food poisoning. The cortex and subcortex are very sensitive to them. And nicotine, and alcohol, and psychotropic substances impair the supply of oxygen to the brain and cause vasospasm.

And these are not only brain tumors, but also any others: exhaustion in cancer and infection with its decay products do not make one more cheerful.

Disorders of the psyche and nervous system

Neurological diseases, as well as depression and cyclotomy, will not give us vigor.

Severe blood loss, dehydration, shock, and intestinal obstruction can also be to blame. All this disrupts the movement of blood to the brain.

What are we guilty of?

We ourselves can disrupt the internal clock and our biorhythms. For example, if your work is associated with constant changes in the daily routine, time zones and climatic conditions: when you yourself do not know when it will be night, and when it is day, the brain is even more lost and tired. This can happen with those who have day shifts alternating with night shifts, as well as those who constantly travel or ride on business trips.

Sleep apnea can also be the culprit. They disrupt the sleep cycle and prevent you from getting enough sleep. Stress has also been implicated in drowsiness. By the way, strict diets, they are also hunger strikes, can also make you sleepy. And no one except yourself is to blame for the fact that you are tired, overworked, and instead of sleeping normally, watch TV shows or surf the Internet pointlessly when you need to see the tenth dream.

What to do?

  • Trite, but to find out the causes of unbearable drowsiness, you must first go to a therapist and examine the body: thyroid disease or intestinal obstruction is a serious threat to health, quality of life and life in general.
  • Secondly, as far as possible, you need to bring to mind the regime of the day and sleep. Try, for example, to find the number of hours of sleep that you need. Not everyone can live like Alexander the Great, that is, sleep for 4 hours. If you need 8 or 9 hours of sleep, then feel free to do so: it is better to sleep at night than to be unproductive during the day.
  • Also try to wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time and avoid eating too heavy meals in the afternoon.
  • If something needs to be done right now, it definitely shouldn't be coffee.
  • To get rid of drowsiness, you can, for example, move around: do simple exercises or take a walk, if possible. The release of endorphins will allow you to remain productive in the near future and not fall asleep.
  • Take breaks every half hour. You can clean up or visit colleagues at this time, the main thing is to change the type of activity: boredom can also cause drowsiness.
  • If you are still at home (or working at home), run under a cold shower. Water at least your feet, face and hands. If you master the contrast, then well done too. Come alive right away! Water is also needed inside: drink plenty of it so that dehydration does not violate your plans.

And finally, try the so-called "Stirlitz's dream", that is, a short rest among all the worldly fuss. If you feel unbearably sleepy, then do not deny yourself: find a quarter of an hour and fall asleep.