The constant feeling of hunger is the cause in women and men. How to get rid of hunger after eating

Nature, during the creation of man, endowed him with all the important and necessary capabilities that allow you to control the process of eating food (so that a person does not forget to eat), sleep and body cleansing.

The feeling that makes a person eat is one of these super-powers that controls the center of nutrition. The location of this center is the cerebral cortex. This center is divided into 2 sections:

  1. The sector responsible for saturation.
  2. Hunger sector.

When there is an impact on these areas, an impulse enters the brain that the person is satiated, or needs to be saturated with nutrients. Next, we will talk about what causes hunger, and how to get rid of it. constant thirst eat some yummy food.

What causes the feeling of hunger?

Since all the signals that are responsible for human nutrition go to the brain, the sources can be represented as:

  • Intestinal tract, when a signal is transmitted along the nerve endings.
  • Blood, according to the composition of which a detailed analysis can be obtained.

As we have already said, the causes of the feeling of hunger can have different nature, but the most common are:

At normal condition The hunger process looks like this:

  1. There is an impulse to replenish the energy reserve.
  2. The man is eating.
  3. The next impulse arises, which notifies the person about the replenishment of the energy reserve.
  4. The feeling of hunger disappears.

If the constant feeling of hunger has become a serious problem, we can already say that one of the links in the above process has broken off. At the same time, the patient wants to eat all the time, and if he is not helped and the root cause of this condition is not found, there is a risk of obesity and other related pathological processes. To understand the essence of the problem as much as possible, it is necessary to know the sequence of processes that cause a feeling of hunger.

Stomach pain and hunger

The source that gives a signal about the feeling of hunger is the stomach, through the peripheral nerve endings of which the impulse goes to the hypothalamus, in which the balance of glucose and other plasma components is compared. After that, the mechanism responsible for starting chain reaction neurochemical transformations that cause rumbling in the stomach, a feeling of sucking in the stomach, etc. In parallel with this process, biochemical transformations occur that make every effort to maintain internal balance (fat breakdown, acceleration of glucose production, etc.).

After such a long-awaited food has entered the stomach, it sends a signal to the brain. The processes that occur in the center of saturation have more complex scheme, which doctors call secondary saturation. In order for the stomach to send an impulse to the brain about its filling (when the glucose levels have reached the required norms), it is necessary to wait a certain time after the meal. Such a gradient may vary depending on the pace at which a person absorbed food, the amount of carbohydrates, physiology and other indicators.

The primary signals that come to the brain during saturation are the nose (when the food is smelled), the eyes (when they see it), the mouth (when the food is felt). After that, after stretching the gastric tissue (when the cavity is filled with products), the stomach also responds. After such signals, information about satiety reaches the brain, after which you can stop eating.

I would also like to mention that you can often hear the expression "a person seizes his grief." There is some truth in this phrase. Very often, when a person is worried about psychological negaraz, or problems endocrine system, the body focuses too much attention on the need to get food. Saying goodbye to such a disease is very problematic!

Symptoms of hunger

As we have already said, the feeling of hunger comes to a person when the stomach begins to give signals about the lack of "fuel". If a person feels satisfactory and is not bothered by any pathologies, he should have a desire to refresh himself 10-12 hours after eating. When hunger occurs, the stomach begins to shrink in the form of spasms, the duration of which does not exceed 30-40 seconds. Then there should be a break, after which the spasmodic pain will resume. After a certain time, the appearance of cramping sensations becomes permanent and is felt with greater intensity.

Also, a person is worried about another concomitant symptom- feeling of sucking in the pit of the stomach, making loud sounds. Please note that emotional outbursts can dull hunger, but for a short time. As shows medical statistics, the feeling of hunger often worries people with high content blood sugar (in diabetes).

Despite the fact that such a feeling as hunger is quite normal feeling for any person, but his constant appearances can be the first herald of a serious pathology, both organic and psychological in nature. But do not immediately panic, because the desire to eat can be a pleasant sign of the good news that the girl will soon become a mother.

How to get rid of the feeling of hunger?

Are you constantly haunted by the desire to chew something? Weight has long gone too far for everything allowable norms? Of course, at the same time, a person rushes about in search of an answer to the question “How to get rid of hunger?” First of all, you need to go to the doctor, who will identify possible reasons and, if necessary, refer the patient to a specialist of a narrower profile.

The table below shows the advice of specialists who should minimize or completely save a person from "hungry persecution".

Type of disease: Advice:
Recommendations of nutritionists in the normal state of the patient, which is not accompanied by psychological disorders and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:
Eat more fiber or increase the amount of fiber-rich foods.
Eat more when hungry pure water.
Choose the right dishes, the plates should not be large and not have a bright color (especially yellow and red, which increase appetite).
Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly (this will allow the stomach to send a satiety signal to the brain in a timely manner, and you will not simply fill the stomach with unnecessary food).
Eat where it is supposed to (kitchen, dining room).
Do not eat while reading books, watching TV, etc.
When on a diet, try not to be too restrictive in food.
After a meal, do not sit at the table for a long time (this may tempt you to try something else, despite feeling full).
It is better to eat while sitting.
Reduce the number of meals and foods that increase appetite.
While working, try to keep everything edible out of sight.
Maintain between meals intervals of about 3.5-4 hours.
Don't eat 2 hours before bed.
Tips for patients with psychological dependence: If constant bouts of hunger occur against the background of psycho-emotional dependence, it will not be possible to do without the advice of psychologists and neuropathologists. Only a consultation and examination by a highly qualified specialist will make it possible to draw up a set of measures that will help save the patient from an irresistible desire.
With an imbalance of the endocrine system: If the feeling of hunger is caused by an incorrect hormonal background, pathologies of the thyroid gland or gastrointestinal tract, only an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist will help eliminate the problem, who will find the root cause of the disease and prescribe a therapeutic course.

In conclusion, I would like to add that despite the cause of hunger, it is possible to eliminate it. If therapeutic measures are developed by a doctor, it will be possible to return a person to a normal state without compromising his health. Do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation and not expose your body to more significant danger!

The feeling of hunger is a signal to eat, but what if its presence is constant? Is it a lack of food or is it some kind of disturbance in the digestive system? If such a problem appears, it is worth thinking about your health and the work of the digestive tract. Causes constant feeling hunger even after eating can only be determined by a doctor based on the results of the study.

One of the reasons may be low level leptin. This substance can be observed in in large numbers at fat people: The more fat in the fat cell, the higher the level of leptin. This component regulates metabolism and affects the feeling of hunger.

The feeling of hunger is under the control of the nutrition center, which is located in the cerebral cortex. There are two departments: "saturation area" and "hunger area". During the influence on these points, our brain receives a signal that we are full or hungry.

When food arrives, our brain receives signals from two sources:

  • Nerve endings.
  • Information from the gastrointestinal tract about the components of food and their quantity.

There are many reasons for feeling hungry:

There is a fairly adequate chain of “actions” of the body, which looks like this: a signal comes in that the body needs food, the body receives it, a signal comes in about satiety, the feeling of hunger leaves you. If a person constantly feels hungry, this indicates that one of the components of the chain is broken. Such a “good” appetite will lead to obesity in the future.

As you can see from the list, there are really many reasons. You yourself are unlikely to understand: what is really the problem, well, for now, you can continue and devote you to the symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of manifestation

When everything is in order, hunger comes in about 2-3 hours (if the food is fractional and the portions of food are quite small, 250 grams each) or 4 hours after eating. If there are violations, that is, you want to constantly or 20-30 minutes after eating. There are small fleeting cramps in the abdomen, which become stronger over time. After that, you can hear the rumbling, saying that it would be time to "sit down at the table."

Studies have shown that high blood sugar does not affect hunger very well. And also a woman is more prone to experiencing the need for food than a man. To accurately determine the cause, you need to contact only an experienced doctor. Since the causes are so different, you can start with psychological disorders and end with pregnancy.

During pregnancy

Such good news, which brings a lot of emotions and happiness, can cause eternal hunger. The body of the future mother is changing: hormones begin to be produced a little differently, which leads to a constant feeling of hunger. And also the cause can be stress or a lack of vitamins and minerals.

During pregnancy, you should balance your diet and drink vitamin complexes so that the body does not feel vitamin starvation. This will help get rid of this problem, and avoid overeating and weight gain, and a large excess of weight is dangerous not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

The child has

Probably, all mothers have faced such a situation when the baby flatly refuses food and no airplanes and cars can force him to eat. However, the opposite situation also exists. If the child is constantly hungry, this may be a sign of a violation of the digestive tract. In such a situation, parents should immediately contact a doctor who will prescribe proper diet to kid.

How else can parents help?

It is necessary to teach children from infancy to healthy food and the right process nutrition. It will only benefit them, there will be no problems with overweight and all sorts of resulting diseases in the future. Children must understand that food is not what they should live on, but what will help them live. Children - they, like a mirror, copy the behavior and habits of their parents, which is why parents should change.

After meal

Does the feeling of hunger go away even after eating? The reasons for this problem may be:

We solve the problem

First of all, you need to try eat more fiber. These are vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, celery, spinach. Drink more water: As soon as there is a desire to snack, drink water. It is better to replace the plate with which you eat food with a small one.. Chew food slowly so that the meal takes 20 minutes. Do not be distracted by a newspaper, magazine, TV. Ate - got up from the table so that the food does not tempt you. Eat sitting, not standing.

There are many reasons for this behavior of the gastrointestinal tract. You can deal with this problem yourself, but in order to protect yourself from wrong actions and quickly cope with this disorder of the saturation process, it is best to contact a gastroenterologist and a psychiatrist. This way you will save yourself from more serious consequences.

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If a person experiences constant feeling of hunger even after eating, there may be several reasons for this. The most common is a violation of the rules and diet, but it can also indicate the presence of health problems, in particular the stomach. Sometimes constant desire eat caused by a lack of vitamins and useful substances. The nutrition center located in the brain and associated with digestive organs through the nerve endings of the CNS.

The center includes two sectors responsible for the feeling of hunger and satiety. Signals about the need to replenish energy or saturation come from these points. Basically, appetite increases when blood glucose levels decrease. The need for food is regulated by two compounds: neuropeptides Y and CART. The first signals hunger and slows down metabolic processes, the second is responsible for suppressing appetite and speeding up metabolism. In any case, you need to think about how to get rid of the constant feeling of hunger that causes discomfort. This makes it difficult to focus on daily activities and often ends in significant weight gain, stomach pain. To solve the problem, you need to find the cause of the failure, and only a doctor can diagnose it. Why does a constant feeling of hunger arise, how to understand where it comes from and how to cope with it? Learn more by reading the article below.

The first symptoms of hunger appear 12 hours after eating, the exact period is determined by individual factors. Spasms appear in the stomach, which last for several minutes, after a short break everything repeats. If you do not satisfy the need for food, then the symptoms become more acute and permanent.

And usually accompanied by:

  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • emotional outbursts that can suppress the feeling of hunger for a while;
  • begins to "suck in the spoon."

Important: most often, a strong need to snack even after eating is experienced by people with increased rate blood sugar.

If a person does not feel full, constantly suffers from hunger and anxiety, even after a heavy meal, then this is almost certainly a consequence of the development of any health problems.

Causes of constant hunger

may be completely different reasons constant feeling of hunger after eating, among them various eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, anemia, and so on. It is possible that a strong feeling of hunger does not leave due to the presence of a stomach disease and intestinal tract. That is, to have a physiological origin or a failure may be caused by a violation nervous system.

It is worth noting that it is much more difficult to get rid of the feeling of hunger caused by emotional factors, since it develops latently and mainly manifests itself in moments nervous tension and this type is more difficult to treat.

Causes of constant feeling of hunger in the stomach after eating

It is extremely important to understand when the feeling of hunger is real and caused by malnutrition, and when this symptom occurs unreasonably. The reasons for this condition may be physiological, psychological or pathological. In the first case, you can solve the problem by adjusting the diet. For example, during intense mental stress, the body requires glucose. There is also an increase in energy expenditure in men with high physical activity. In this case, the diet should be supplemented with slow carbohydrates, which gradually enter the bloodstream.

Practical advice: The center of hunger and thirst are located close to each other, so sometimes it is enough to drink water and the desire to eat will disappear.

In women, hunger is often caused by hormonal fluctuations that are inherent in individual days. monthly cycle. In order not to overeat during this period and be satisfied in small portions, you need to add foods high in iron to the diet: liver or red meats.

Diseases that stimulate the hunger center

Diseases that increase the need for food require special attention. In such situations, one cannot do without competent diagnostics and qualified medical care.

gastritis and hyperacidity also belong to the stimuli of the food center.

Feeling hungry during early pregnancy

The constant desire to eat is present on early dates bearing a child, this is due to what is happening during this period hormonal changes. The growing need for calories is quite normal phenomenon for pregnant women, since the development and growth of the fetus requires additional energy costs. Also, women suffer from nausea and a depressive state occurs.

Please note: Consuming sweets, future mom trying to compensate for the lack of serotonin - the hormone of joy.

To control appetite, you need to consult a gynecologist who will find out the cause of the problem, explain its consequences and recommend correct mode nutrition.

Constant feeling of hunger in diabetes

In diabetes, the feeling of hunger arises as a result underproduction insulin. This hormone ensures the penetration of glucose into cells and tissues. If it is not synthesized in the right amount, then the cells experience "glucose starvation", this stimulates the center of the brain and affects the increase in appetite.

Important: if diabetes does not increase the need for food, then most likely this means the presence of gastritis or other pathological diseases of the stomach.

How to satisfy hunger

It is up to a nutritionist to choose how to deal with a constant feeling of hunger, focusing on the characteristics of a particular patient and individual reasons failure.

There are the following options:

  • drinking regime - a decrease in appetite a pond, tea and other drinks;
  • taking special drugs to suppress the feeling of hunger;
  • physical exercise;
  • breathing exercises;

An uncontrolled need for food, even when you have eaten, signals a malfunction in the body. You can cope with an obsessive need with the help of physical activity: swimming, running, dancing - all these are effective and useful methods. Hunger caused by emotional factors will decrease along with the energy expended on an enthusiastic activity.

How to satisfy hunger without food

To get rid of a false feeling of hunger, you need to drink more clean water - at least 1.5-2.5 liters per day. Many simply try not to eat, forgetting about the drinking regimen.

At the same time, water can easily cope with a false appetite, but you need to drink it according to the rules:

  • in the morning immediately after sleep, you need to drink a glass of water at room temperature, this will help start metabolic processes;
  • water must be clean and non-carbonated;
  • be sure to drink a glass of water about half an hour before a meal;
  • after eating it is not advisable to drink another 30-40 minutes.

How to satisfy hunger while dieting

Compliance with a certain dietary regimen is often accompanied by a feeling of hunger. If during the diet to ignore the rule of balanced nutrition, then there will be weakness. It is important to maintain the right balance nutrients to avoid failures in metabolic processes. It is recommended to include fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and first courses in the diet.

Responsible approach to the schedule of meals. Helps to overcome restrictions green tea, which also contributes to weight loss and removes toxins from the body. Between planned meals, appetite can be curbed with rosehip decoctions, tea or plain water.

Please note: Fresh fruits contain a lot of glucose, which promotes the production of serotonin and is responsible for satiety. Because their inclusion in diet menu will help compensate for the lack of sweets.

Uncontrolled hunger can be triggered by many factors. Unbalanced diet, increased energy expenditure, psychological reasons or disease. In any case, the problem can be solved by adjusting the diet according to the needs of the body.

A constant feeling of hunger can indicate both the presence of a disease and wrong image life, leading to this phenomenon. Define exact reason constant hunger only a specialist can. Nature has many functions in the human brain that help to remove waste products, monitor sleep, and prevent starvation.

Center in the brain

The center responsible for nutrition is located in the cerebral cortex. It is in connection with the digestive organs, carried out with the help of nerve endings, and allows you to control the feeling of hunger. The nutrition center is divided into two sections, one of which is responsible for saturation and is located in the hypothalamus, and the other is responsible for hunger and is located in the lateral sector. Thanks to these areas, the brain receives a signal about a lack of energy and nutrients, as well as about the onset of saturation. What could be the reason for the constant feeling of hunger?

Ways to receive a signal

The brain center responsible for nutrition receives information about the sufficient intake of food in the body in two ways:

1. Through signals transmitted by nerve endings emanating from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. By processing information about the amount of nutrients that have entered the body with food, namely amino acids, glucose, fats, etc.

Causes of constant hunger

The reasons for the constant feeling of hunger even after eating can be of a very different nature. The main ones are:

1. Hyperrexia. This is a state in which the patient constantly experiences a feeling of hunger, although the body does not need to replenish nutrients.

2. Hyperthyroidism, manifested by an increased synthesis of enzymes produced by the thyroid gland.

3. Diabetes. Patients experience a constant feeling of hunger with this pathology very often.

4. Pathologies of the stomach, such as peptic ulcer or gastritis with high acidity.

5. Dependence on food of a psychological nature.

6. Intense mental stress, for example, during a session with students.

7. Crash in hormonal balance organism.

8. Intense physical activity that provokes large-scale energy expenditure.

9. Restriction of consumed products, mono-diets.

10. Prolonged stay in a state of depression.

12. Violation of the menstrual cycle.

13. Unbalanced diet - common cause constant feeling of hunger in women.

Hunger occurs at the moment when the body signals the brain about the lack of energy reserves. This is a normal reaction of the body, which prevents exhaustion and protects all organs and systems. The constant feeling of hunger can appear due to two main factors: physiological or psychological disorder.

The process of nutrition is normal

In a normal state, the nutrition process occurs as follows:

1. An impulse is transmitted to the brain, requiring replenishment of energy.

2. Nutrition is provided to the body.

3. The next pulse reports saturation.

4. Hunger recedes.

If a constant feeling of hunger haunts a person, then this indicates a break in one of the above connections. The constant desire to eat, if not taken care of, will inevitably lead a person to overweight body and the pathologies that follow.


A person begins to experience the feeling of hunger at the moment when the stomach sends the first impulse to the brain. The true feeling of hunger occurs approximately 12 hours after eating. This period depends on individual features person and is not common to all.

Hunger is characterized by stomach cramps that last up to half a minute. Spasms occur intermittently, and there is a tendency to increase. After a certain period of time, spasms become constant and acute. Then he begins to "suck in the pit of the stomach", while the stomach rumbles.

How to get rid of the constant feeling of hunger is of interest to many.

Emotional turmoil

Emotional upheavals have the property of suppressing hunger for a certain period of time. It has been found that patients with high content blood sugar suffer more than everyone else.

Doctors quite often hear complaints about this from their patients. However, to determine the reason this phenomenon is quite difficult. This is due to a large number of factors that can cause this symptom. Sometimes women in the first stage of pregnancy experience a constant desire to eat. This is a physiological phenomenon that does not require special attention and not alarming.

Hunger after eating

There are patients who feel a constant feeling of hunger even immediately after eating. The reasons for this phenomenon are:

1. A drop in glucose levels caused by psychological or physiological factors. Prolonged imbalance between glucose and insulin can lead to the development of diabetes, which subsequently leads to a constant feeling of hunger. Trying to stop this feeling will lead to inevitable overeating and obesity.

2. A sharp change in the mode and quality of nutrition. This may be corrective for wellness purposes or moving to new climatic conditions. Over a certain period of time, the body is restructured in a new way.

3. Significant restriction in the frequency of meals and their volumes. Eat should be fractional, so as not to force the body to starve. Reducing the number of meals will inevitably lead to the fact that the body will demand to eat.

4. The state of stress. When the body experiences negative emotional upheavals, it actively tries to replenish the level of the hormone of joy, and the easiest way to do this is by eating something tasty. This is called stress eating and is quite common. Such a desire forms a connection in the brain between stressful situation and food. In especially severe cases, only a qualified psychologist can overcome the feeling of hunger caused by stress.

5. Intense mental activity. It is also a factor that can cause hunger immediately after eating. Quite often, people who mental labor, neglect the diet and replace a full meal with snacks. Such a regime is by no means healthy, and it leads to the fact that a very short period of time after eating a person wants to eat again. The solution to the problem is to change the diet. This refers to the transition to a three-time good nutrition with healthy snacks between main meals.

6. Frequent diets can also provoke a constant feeling of emptiness in the stomach. When the body finds itself in the framework of a deficient diet, it tries by any means to make up for the shortage. He does this even from the minimum food received, and often creates a reserve. So people sitting on strict diets sometimes, instead of the expected decrease, they get an increase in weight. You should carefully listen to the desires of your own body. This will help to avoid undesirable consequences and complications. Should be preferred balanced nutrition rather than strict diets.

7. Deficiency of trace elements and vitamins in the body can also cause a feeling of constant hunger. If you want to eat salty foods, you should add magnesium-rich foods to your diet. Harmful sweets such as sweets and cookies can be replaced with dried fruits and dark chocolate (in moderation). Cabbage, fruits and poultry meat will help replenish phosphorus, chromium and sulfur.

8. Another factor that can cause a feeling of constant hunger is premenstrual syndrome. This is due to the fact that during this period in the body of a woman there is a deficiency of estrogen. Therefore, a woman irresistibly wants something to eat all the time. The only advice that can be given in such a situation is to give preference to healthy food, even if it is increased in quantity. It is also recommended to drink more clean water.

It is important not only to find out the causes of the constant feeling of hunger, but also to start therapy in a timely manner.


Main question- what to do if the feeling of hunger does not go away even after eating. First of all, you should contact the local therapist. The doctor, after questioning and examination, will send the patient to a narrower specialist. In unopened cases general recommendations nutritionists can become:

1. Consume as much as possible more products containing fiber.

2. When you want to eat, drink mineral or plain water.

3. A plate for food should be small, light colors. Scientists have found that bright colours stimulate appetite.

4. Chew food slowly and thoroughly. This will allow the stomach to signal satiety in time and avoid overeating.

6. Diet should not be rigid. It must be based on principles. proper nutrition decision to lead healthy lifestyle life.

7. After dinner, you should clean up the dishes and wash them. Sitting at the table after a meal provokes a desire to try something else.

8. You can’t eat while standing and on the go. Just sitting at the table.

9. You should reduce the number of consumed foods that stimulate appetite.

10. No later than two hours before going to bed, you should eat the last meal of the day.

11. During work, any food should be removed from the table, as its presence leads to unconscious plentiful snacks.

12. If you want to eat - distract your brain, go in for sports, read books, play games. board games do household chores.

Solve psychological problems

When the cause of the feeling of constant hunger is in the area psychological problems You should consult a neurologist and a psychologist. They will help you deal with the problem.

What else to do with the constant feeling of hunger?

Sometimes it may be necessary to consult a gastroenterologist and an endocrinologist. This will prevent violation of hormonal background as the cause of constant hunger. Treatment in this case is carried out on a medical basis.


So, the reasons for the appearance of a feeling of constant hunger are quite diverse and versatile. Therefore, to determine the factor provoking this symptom, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The problem of constant feeling of hunger after eating is much more serious than it seems at first glance, and requires special attention from the patient. It is better to address this issue in a timely manner, as this will help to avoid serious disorders in the body.

Physiological hunger in humans occurs only after 3-4 hours. The desire to snack after a hearty meal means it's time to listen to your body.

If you would like any certain products, this may mean that you are deficient in a particular micronutrient. For example:

  • pulls to eat something fatty - the body lacks calcium;
  • cravings for salt means lack of chlorine or sodium;
  • if you want to taste sweet - lack of sulfur, phosphorus or chromium.

However, hunger can be generalized.

Before you panic, think about what it could be connected with. If you are on a low-calorie diet, then a constant feeling of hunger after eating is the norm. Other causes of the problem include:

  • state of stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • excessive consumption of calories due to active sports or mental activity;
  • wrong diet.

The last factor means that the body needs vitamins or other trace elements. Perhaps you are eating the wrong way, leaning on carbohydrates and forgetting about proteins or fruits.

Most serious reason constant hunger - health problems. Possible diseases:

  • violation of the digestive tract;
  • imbalance of the endocrine system, hormonal disbalance;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • genetic disorders.

If the feeling of hunger is not associated with the above reasons, it's time to see a doctor.

Feeling hungry after eating: what to do

When you are sure that there are no health problems, you should reconsider your lifestyle and diet. If, while dieting, you constantly want to eat, this method of losing weight is not suitable for you. At the first breakdown, the body will more than make up for the losses. Consult a nutritionist for a diet that works but is not painful.

Eliminate the source of stress, get enough sleep and drink enough water. Failure to comply with these rules causes a false sense of hunger. And be sure to review your diet. Food should be balanced, nutritious and healthy. If you're low on calories, fill them up with protein and slow carbs, not sweets.

There are many reasons for the constant feeling of hunger. And if this is not a symptom of disease, then your body is giving you a signal - you are doing something wrong, it's time to make positive changes in your life.