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Are you wondering what you can do with foil with your own hands? Welcome to our creative metal "paper" craft section. Make sure that food foil can be used not only in cooking - it is a “brilliant”, literally and figuratively, material for needlework.

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Synopsis of the senior group lesson non-traditional drawing technique on foil"Tulips". Target: an introduction to non-traditional drawing techniques on foil. Tasks: Educational Introduction to a new non-traditional drawing technique on foil. Educational Develop color...

Foil- very interesting material for children crafts! Children are happy to divide it into parts, roll up balls, and sticks. And most importantly, if some element did not work out, then you can easily fix everything. We decided to do crafts of a more fragile kind. For this we...

Foil Crafts - Foil Crafts

Publication "Crafts from ..."
Foil is a very interesting material for children's crafts! Children are happy to divide it into parts, roll up balls, and sticks. And most importantly, if some element did not work out, then you can easily fix everything. Therefore, we really like to create our paintings on winter evenings....

MAAM Pictures Library

Short-term educational practice "Foil Drawings" Children of older preschool age can be offered a short-term educational practice "Foil Drawings". Working in this technique, we introduce children to one of the types of arts and crafts "chasing". This is the oldest type of artistic metal processing, which, ...

Authors-compilers: Rybintseva T.V. Shol G.V. Participants: teachers, guests of the methodological association on the topic "Bread is the head of everything" Purpose: To evoke an emotional response to non-traditional artistic creativity. Tasks: to acquaint educators with the technology of making dummies ...

Foil work. The purpose of the classes is to get acquainted with the properties of foil - a material resembling metal, but soft and plastic. In the classroom, we try to arouse interest in experimenting with foil, a unique material that combines the properties of paper and metal. We develop...

Foil crafts - Master class "Mittens for Santa Claus" in the technique of "drawing on foil"

Photo report of the joint activity "Mittens for Santa Claus" Tasks: 1) Tasks focused on obtaining results in the form of children's ideas and knowledge (cognitive experience) 1.1. Expand knowledge about non-traditional techniques, introduce the "foil drawing" technique 2) Tasks, ...

I would like to continue your acquaintance with the technique of openwork weaving from foil, the author of which is an outstanding teacher Olesya Emelyanova. In a previous publication, we introduced you to making a lily A master class on creating a lily using the technique of openwork weaving from foil, ...

Very interesting weaving technique.
All material and photos belong to the creator of this technique - Olesya Emelyanova.

Aluminum foil is a soft, natural and completely safe material. Working with him is easy and pleasant. Such foil properties as heat and moisture resistance significantly expand the scope of decorative products made from it.

How to weave a Snake from foil using the FoilArt technique, MK.

Foil weaving is a new exciting type of needlework for children and adults. This detailed illustrated master class will be held for you by the author of the technique, teacher and inventor Olesya Emelyanova. To make such a flexible silver snake with your own hands, you will not need any special tools or skills, follow the simple step-by-step instructions, and you will definitely succeed! Learn new things, impress everyone with your talents and make your friends happy with unusual gifts! For work, you will need aluminum foil, scissors with smooth blades without serrations and a couple of beads for the eye. There is no special foil for weaving. The usual "Sayan" foil in a roll of the "standard" brand will do. Do not take "heat-resistant" or "extra strong" foil for weaving, they are too hard, and calluses can form on delicate fingers from working with them. Roll length doesn't matter. Usually the width of the foil in a roll is 30 or 45 cm. Choose any, although for weaving a snake a long roll is even preferable, since it is less likely to have to extend the working wire.

The foil itself is beautiful, shiny, but not very durable. Therefore, for weaving, we will use wires twisted from it. We will begin work with the manufacture of aluminum "straws". When I work with children, I always tell them to cut the foil into strips 3 cm wide, and then carefully cut along the lines. But you, I believe, are adults and everything is fine with your eye.

Therefore, do not waste time, but take scissors and “by eye” cut 30-40 strips of foil 2.5-3 cm wide each from a roll. To prevent the foil from tearing, make long cuts (the entire length of the blade), and after each widely spread the tips of the scissors. Make sure that there are no burrs or cuts on the edge of the strip. Because of them, the strip can tear when twisting. Also, do not try to fold the foil before cutting into several layers, otherwise you will not be able to separate the cut strips from each other without tearing.

Now take one strip and with grasping movements of both hands ruthlessly crush it across the entire length.

Continue to crease the strip with your fingertips until it turns into an uneven "sausage" 5-6 mm thick.

Hold the "sausage" between the thumb and forefinger of both hands, and with a little pressure roll back and forth, slowly moving from beginning to end. If there are irregularities, then walk over them again. Do not press too hard and do not roll the wire with your palms on the table, it should not become stiff. You should end up with a flexible rough wire 1.5-2 mm thick and about 25 cm long (if the length of the original foil strip was 30 cm) or 40 cm (if the length of the original foil strip was 45 cm).

In the same way, make wires from all cut strips.

ADVICE: The twisting of the wires does not require close attention. In order not to get bored while you are preparing the material, chat with friends, listen to music or watch a movie.

Now let's get to the fun part. Since the foil is very shiny, for greater clarity, I turn from photographs to drawn step-by-step diagrams.

Take the wire and bend it as shown in the diagram.

Now let's fill the inside of the frame with a "scaly" mesh in the manner of a "netting". Fasten the end of the whole wire with a double turn on the frame next to the fold as shown in the diagram. We will call this fixed wire the working one.

Bend a section of the working wire 1.5 cm long in the form of an oblong flake and bend it in the opposite direction through the wire forming the frame. Fix the place of inflection by slightly pressing on it with your fingers.

Then bend the working wire over the loop.

Turn the workpiece over and weave the second row of scales, fixing them on the tips of the scales of the previous row.

After finishing the row, bend the working wire again through the loop.

Continue weaving in the same way until the entire outline is filled with mesh. During weaving, make sure that the shape of the contour is not distorted.

If the working wire is over or accidentally torn, then take the next one, tightly twist the ends of both wires and roll the junction between the fingers with pressure.

Weaving a series of scales flush with the last fold of the contour, fasten the end of the working wire to it with a double turn. Cut off the excess end of the working wire. Now bend the ends of the contour wire into exactly the same contour (lower jaw) and fix its shape by twisting the ends of the wires forming the contour with each other, as was done when extending the working wire. Cut off the excess.

In the same way, fill the second half of the contour with a scaly mesh, but do not fix or cut the end of the working wire.

Gently bend the blank in half and bend the mesh slightly, making the snake's head more convex so that the scales at the base of the head are arranged in a circle.

Using the existing working wire, continue to weave the scales, but now not in rows, but continuously in a circle.

Weave, extending the working wire, until the body of the snake reaches a length of 40-45 cm. Make sure that the thickness is the same along the entire length. If the prepared procrastination was not enough for you, then do more.

Now begin to narrow the torso by cutting one scale. To do this, thread the end of the working wire not into the next scale, but through one.

Weave another 25-30 cm, and then start decreasing one scale every 3-4 rows until only 3 scales remain. Then thread the working wire through these 3 scales several times, fixing them together and cut the end of the working wire.

Pass this blank like a hairpin between the scales of the head and twist the ends tightly inside the mouth, fixing the bead. Do the same for the second eye.

After that, twist the ends of both wires together, leaving a forked end.

If desired, you can make two poisonous teeth for the snake. To do this, bend the half of the wire in half, put the resulting hairpin on the contour of the muzzle, twist the ends tightly and cut off the excess. Do the same for the second tooth.

That's all! The snake is ready!

She is just like a real one - flexible and graceful. She will take any position you want. Aluminum foil is not afraid of fire, water or frost. Therefore, feel free to place the finished snake even on a balcony or a street tree, even among lit candles, even on a fireplace grate, even on the banks of a decorative fountain or waterfall, even weave it into your hair - nothing bad will happen to it if you don’t accidentally sit down or do not give it to small children.

Foil crafts are unusual and exclusive decorations for your home that can be a fun activity for the whole family. You can’t even imagine how many amazing elements and gizmos you can make with the help of a sheet of foil and your own imagination.

This hobby is especially interesting for children, even the smallest, because shiny and iridescent pieces of foil arouse unprecedented curiosity in them. Not only adults, but also very young ones can do such needlework, which will contribute to the development of their creative abilities.

What can you come up with from the usual? Yes, anything - various, voluminous figurines of animals and more, flowers and candlesticks, New Year's toys and decorations and much more! And most importantly, without resorting to particularly complex techniques, you can master it yourself and teach your children such an interesting technique.

Where to get the material?

The easiest way is to go to the stationery store, where you will be offered a variety of types of foil - in rolls, sheets, colored, gold, silver.

There are even special ready-made kits for such creativity. But do not rush to run and buy all the foil available in the store. Quite suitable is the one that remains from chocolates and chocolates, champagne foil.

There is also a special type - synthetic foil, it is the most durable, but it can only be cut with scissors. It will be more difficult to make folds on it than on a regular one, but when they do turn out, you will never straighten them! This is usually used for confetti or for hard bases.

For foil crafts, aluminum kitchen foil in rolls, which is available from almost any housewife, is quite suitable. Foil glued to paper may also work, now it is rare, but before it was often wrapped in sweets and other sweets.

Easy Ideas

Wrapping technique

The most mysterious and colorful holiday, the New Year, serves as an occasion to decorate the whole house with toys and pendants of various shapes and sizes. Iridescent, sparkling and unusual toys are especially welcome. You can make such decorations using foil, even with the help of very young children.

So, the easiest way is wrapping. This technique allows you to “dress up” everyday household items and products in festive clothes. Christmas trees made of walnuts will look very interesting. Wrap a couple of pieces of walnuts in foil, but make sure that the foil lays down in a thin layer, without forming wrinkles and gaps, we hang shiny nuts on the Christmas tree by a thread.

You can go further. To diversify the imaginary world of your child, you can use wrapping to make whole compositions, for example, by wrapping perfume bottles and small jars in foil - you will get a whole alchemical laboratory or magician's office.

You can also decorate the appearance of your home - we wrap ordinary branches in pieces, cut in the form of a fringe, foil.

Thus, you will achieve a glow on the branches, a kind of frost. Homemade branches can also be put in wrapped in foil to make a whole composition. Instead of a vase, you can use a regular jar.


There is another way to create DIY foil crafts. Foil has wonderful properties - it is easily compressed, smoothed, molded, folded, rolled out. Yes, it just does not!

But we are interested in another property - if you put a piece of foil on something solid and move it with something hard, then an imprint of this object is formed on the foil. Thus, it is possible to copy, for example, coins. The print can be made on both sides, cutting off the excess foil and fastening two pieces, you get a coin.

What else can be done?

Well, for example, . To do this, twist the foil into small balls of different or the same diameter. We string these balls on a thread of the desired length - the garland is ready!

And how nice it is to make a postcard for the New Year with your own hands, especially involving your baby in this!

Such crafts are best made from colored foil to make the card look brighter and more festive.

Usually for this lesson you need a sheet of colored cardboard, which will be the basis for the intended postcard. Well, then - the work of your imagination. You can make three triangles from green foil, one smaller than the other, to make a Christmas tree on the card.

Even preschool children are able to complete such a task. Cut out golden stars and multi-colored balls - thus decorate your Christmas tree.

Entire New Year panoramas look very beautiful and unusual under the New Year tree - a winter fairy tale, a snow-covered village with a frozen lake, which are made of perfectly ironed foil, which is attached to a rigid base, snowmen made of twisted foil balls, fixed with glue. The whole composition can be sprinkled with sparkles to create the effect of flickering frost.

People who also have the ability to sew will be able to use foil for sewing carnival costumes. You can also create separate attributes for these costumes.

Well, for example, if you want to make a princess costume for your little one, then she will need a crown!

Making a carnival crown is not difficult for you - prepare the frame of the crown from a rigid material, such as cardboard. We cut out a crown of the desired size and the required shape from it. After that, we glue the foil on top of the cardboard, carefully so that folds and wrinkles do not turn out, let the foil dry.

When the foil dries, we will work with scissors - carefully cut off unnecessary pieces of foil along the contour of the cardboard. We twist the workpiece, fix it - the crown is ready! Instead of cardboard, you can make a wire frame, only it is better that it is quite rigid.

In this article, we talked about only the simplest foil crafts that do not require special training in this area and can be made even by the smallest representatives of our society. But, in addition to all this, there are techniques that allow you to create foil crafts in the form of three-dimensional flowers, fruits, animals and whole complex compositions.

Creating such gizmos requires some skills, so before you start - read more than one lesson on this topic, you can visit master classes - they are now being held more and more often. And then, be sure, such an exciting activity will firmly settle in your life.

Foil - amazing stuff: it can be wrinkled, twisted, smoothed, cut, glued. Crafts made from smooth and wrinkled foil look equally attractive, and thanks to the pliability of the material, they can be given a different shape.

For creativity any foil will do: colored, culinary in rolls, candy and chocolate wrappers, special sets. With it, you can realize the most daring fantasies and create unique creations - home decorations, exclusive gifts, and even quite functional cute things.

Read also:

Making foil appliqués

Perhaps the simplest type of foil products is appliqués. The technique for making this type of craft is no different from the process of creating ordinary paper applications: the contours of the figures are cut out of foil and glued onto a dense base - cardboard.

But at the same time, there are much more opportunities for implementing interesting ideas.

For example, when creating an appliqué with a sea or a lake, foil of a suitable color (blue, green) can be slightly wrinkled - this will enliven the picture: the waves will “splash”, reflecting the rays of light. If the picture, according to the plan, contains apples on a tree, they can be made voluminous by twisting small balls from metal “paper” and gluing them in the right places.

Fantasy is not limited by anything - such material allows you to create real masterpieces.

The application can be turned into an original postcard: cut out letters from foil and “write” a congratulation with them, fixing them with glue.

Foil prints and embossing

To obtain an impression, the selected object (for example, a coin) with convex lines is pressed against a piece of foil and held several times on top with something solid. It leaves a very visible imprint. Having made several such prints and connecting them in pairs, you can get home-made medals, coins for games, blanks for garlands.

For the manufacture of coinage, it is best to use synthetic foil- it is dense, it is difficult to wrinkle or tear it. A sheet with a pattern is placed on the material and the image is circled with a pencil or a wooden skewer with a blunt end. A clear outline appears. If desired, the picture can be painted with paints with the addition of a small amount of liquid soap and varnished.

Making crafts using the wrapping technique

Foil can be used to wrap objects for cute voluminous crafts. Walnuts, fir cones, balls from old beads and other trifles are perfect.

To make the products beautiful, “paper metal” to the wrapped object must be pressed very tightly., can be used to fix the glue. A loop of thread will turn the craft into a great Christmas decoration.

With the help of this technique, you can “reanimate” old Christmas decorations that have lost their luster - the foil will make them shine again and cast holiday highlights.

Crafts from "twisted" foil

This material is excellent twisting and squeezing- thanks to this property, balls and “wires” can be made from it.

To obtain "wires" from a roll of food foil, cut strips of the desired length and width, gently crumple and twist. Balls for crafts are made either from one foil, or using a piece of napkin inserted inside.

From these blanks, you can make whole compositions, both flat and voluminous. Flowers, figurines of people and animals, openwork balls, candlesticks - in a word, everything that fantasy tells.

One of the most spectacular and at the same time simple crafts - "bunch of grapes". For its manufacture, balls of various sizes are required with an enclosed lump of napkin and a thread attached to it.

Thread-tails are wrapped around a flexible wire, collecting balls like a bunch of grapes. When the "twig" is finished, the remnants of the threads mask, wrapping in foil. Openwork leaves are woven from pre-prepared "wires" and fixed over the "berries" - done. The number and size of "grapes" and "leaves" are arbitrary - it all depends on imagination and patience.

Foil is widely used as a convenient food packaging material. You can collect a sufficient amount for manufacturing by collecting foil from chocolates and sweets. Or you can just buy packaging foil for cooking in the oven, although it is not suitable for all crafts due to the fact that the sheets of such material are too thin.

To do foil bunch of grapes You will need to eat at least twenty chocolates. Or at least open them. You can also purchase ready-made kits for making various foil jewelry, but it will be much more interesting and enjoyable to do the work yourself and not according to standard instructions. First you need to prepare two types of basic templates: stems and grapes. To make grapes, simply roll a ball out of foil, leaving a 2-3 cm tail to it. And in order to make a different shape of blanks, simply twist a sheet of foil into a tube 10-13 cm long. Prepare 20 elements of each template. Now you need to tie together 4-5 grapes, combining them around one common stem into a small bunch. Make small clusters from all the available balls and tie them, in turn, with each other so that you get one big one. In order to make leaves, fold a five-pointed star from foil tubes, the rays of which are also made from pre-prepared elements, as shown in the figure. Sheets can be made in any shape - the main thing is that they are at least a little like real ones. Connect all the parts of the craft together - now a beautiful bunch of grapes is ready to decorate your room. Thus, you can even make a whole vine from foil, under which it will be easy to hide, for example, from the scorching heat.

Any box for spices, stationery and absolutely anything can be unusually decorate with foil. To do this, you need to roll about 30 balls from this shiny material (the amount is naturally determined by the surface area that needs to be decorated). The size of the balls can also be chosen at your discretion. Each element is slightly flattened on one side, which is then smeared with super glue. Tightly to each other, the ball after the ball is glued to the walls, decorating the entire surface of the box. Original, unusual, and most importantly - simple.

Now let's try to make a beautiful sprig of foil leaves. To do this, you will need three paper clips, foil and one template: for example, an artificial dense leaf. A piece of foil must be placed on an artificial flower and, having smoothed it to a shiny state, make six copies. (three front parts of the sheet, three - the inside). All excess and protruding parts will need to be cut with a sharp knife or scissors. Next, you need to unwind the usual paper clips and make a twig from the nickname, on which all the leaves will be attached. The front and inside of the sheets are glued together, and a straightened paper clip-twig is inserted into the middle. By combining all three leaves in this way, you will get a neat and beautiful decoration.
In order to manufacture wire and foil basket You will need more patience and skill than all the crafts described above combined. The complexity of the work lies in the fact that it will not work out first to assemble the entire frame, and then wrap it with foil - nothing will work because the foil will definitely jump off the wire. The craft needs to be made in stages - that is, each element is performed separately. The wire is wrapped tightly with foil, and then one curl or part of the main frame is made. You can come up with absolutely any pattern on the baskets - it all depends on what you will store in it. For example, if these are small things, then the pattern should be denser, without large voids in the surface of the walls.

There are many foil crafts that you can easily make with your own hands. Due to the properties of this malleable material and its ability to follow the contours of the pattern placed under it, various decorators often use it in their work. I am sure that you will meet with foil more than once on the pages of this site.