Is high uric acid acceptable? Uric acid is elevated: causes, treatment

Uric acid is the last link in the chain of cleavage of purine bases that make up the main components of DNA and RNA molecules - nucleotides. The transformation of the substance is carried out mainly in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), and more specifically, in the liver. Excretion of this catabolite occurs predominantly in the urine, with less than one-third excreted naturally through the intestines.

For the normal functioning of the body, a balance of all components is necessary. chemical elements and connections. Uric acid is no exception, and any deviation from the norm can be not only evidence of the development of pathology, but also lead to quite dangerous and painful diseases. A decrease in the level of a substance is not considered very dangerous for the body. But the situation is quite opposite when uric acid in the blood is elevated.

What is hyperuricemia?

The norm of uric acid (UA) in the blood of an adult can range from 150 to 420 µmol/L. In women, this indicator has a range of 150–350, and in men, 210–420 µmol/l. At the same time, the values ​​of the norm are lower for children and they are 120–320 µmol / l. Violation normal values of a given chemical compound can occur in both directions, that is, decrease or increase.

Much attention in medical practice is given to the last symptom, in which there is an increased content of UA in the blood serum. This condition is called hyperuricemia. It does not apply to a specific disease, but is only a separate manifestation or one of the complex signs of a developing pathology.

Reference! Regardless clinical picture high mark MK in a biochemical blood test or other study is quite dangerous, and can threaten a person with a serious deterioration in health. Although it should be noted that if the concentration increases slightly, then this may be due to physiological factors that are easily correctable.

Causes of an increase in uric acid in the blood

The main circumstances leading to shifts in one direction or another of the uric acid index include two processes that provide this part of the energy metabolism. The first is the rate of synthesis of the compound in the liver, and the second is the time of excretion by the urinary system.

In addition, the concentration of urate-binding (sodium salts, uric acid derivatives) protein has a significant effect on the content of UA. There are a lot of reasons for an increase in uric acid in the blood, and almost all of them carry a serious danger to human life and health, and also tend to occur in complicated forms. These include the following.

Arterial hypertension

Despite the fact that the factors provoking this pathology have not been fully studied, scientists have found that already in the second stage of the disease, elevated level uric acid. At the same time, it was not possible to come to an unambiguous opinion whether the excess of the metabolite is the result of a high blood pressure or it is a source of launching a chain of pathological bio chemical reactions.

Hyperuricemia in this disease causes a violation of the function and structure of the kidneys, which, in turn, leads to an even greater aggravation of hypertension. It turns out a vicious circle. Taking antihypertensive medications can reduce the concentration of uric acid without prescribing any specific drugs.

If such therapy does not lead to the desired result, then the patient must follow a diet low in purine. He is increased by physical activity, subject to the normalization of blood pressure, and prescribed drugs, the action of which is aimed at reducing the level of UA.

The disease develops due to an excess of uric acid due to excessively active cleavage of purine bases. The urinary system and, in particular, the kidneys, are the main target of pathology, which leads to insufficiency of their function. At the same time, the level of changes directly depends on the content of UA in the blood. In addition to the kidneys, other organs are also affected (most often the joints are inflamed and painful), but changes in them progress less actively.

The principle of development of gout

The use of drugs, for example, Allopurinol, in most cases, reduces the concentration of the metabolite and effectively prevents the occurrence of complications. It is noted that hyperuricemia leads to damage to the walls of arteries, contributes to the development and rapid progression of such a disease as atherosclerosis. This largely explains why gout patients are prone to developing cardiovascular pathologies.

Endocrine diseases

This group includes diseases such as diabetes, acromegaly, hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism. With the latter pathology in the biochemical analysis, in addition to hyperuricemia, a high calcium index is diagnosed, which is explained by the release of this element from bone tissues. In diabetes mellitus, increased glucose and intensive synthesis of hormones cause shifts in many metabolic processes.

Cells are destroyed, which causes an increase in the level of uric acid. Acromegaly develops as a result of high production of growth hormone. The main symptoms of the disease are disproportionate growth of body parts, which is accompanied by a parallel violation of purine metabolism.

Attention! Long-term, untreated diathesis in a child can develop against the background of excess uric acid. This pathology is called uric acid diathesis, and the disease often has a genetic condition.


This type of pathology quite often develops along with gout. Recently, this combination is called the metabolic syndrome, which additionally includes diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension. Each of these diseases leads to an increase in the concentration of UA.

High cholesterol and lipoproteins

Often, the appearance of a clear clinical picture of hypertension and gout is preceded by an increase in the components of the lipid profile (analysis of the components fat metabolism). And long time symptoms of diseases are usually absent. To prevent the development of pathologies, the patient will need to make significant lifestyle changes.

Blood diseases

active decay blood cells, as well as components of tissue structures, causes an increase in purine bases. Hyperuricemia is almost always observed in leukemia, polycythemia and B 12 deficiency anemia. In addition, the level of UA increases with hemolytic anemia hereditary or acquired nature.

Diseases characterized by massive tissue breakdown

The most striking example of such diseases are burn shock and prolonged compression syndrome. With them, renal failure develops, which leads to an increase in the time of UA excretion from the body. Intensive fluid therapy is one of the important aspects constituting the treatment of such pathologies. In some situations, you have to resort to dialysis.

Atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries

Large vessels, due to the presence of atherosclerotic plaques, can significantly reduce the quality of the removal of a substance from the blood.

Decreased output in renal failure

In case of serious pathologies of the kidneys - toxicosis of pregnant women, polycystosis, acidosis of nephropathy (with lead poisoning), a persistent increase in the concentration of UA will be noted.

Elevation not associated with disease

In addition to pathological processes that increase uric acid in the blood, there are often non-pathological cases that do not require medication.

Eating foods rich in purines

When eating a large number of foods containing many purine bases, such as meat, offal, cocoa, there is often an increase in uric acid in the blood. Such a deviation needs only a nutritional correction, provided that there are no accompanying symptoms indicating the presence of pathology. Our ancestors called gout "the disease of the aristocrats", since the diet of the upper class mainly consisted of meat dishes and wine.

Excessive exercise

Intense sports or high muscle load at professional activity require more energy, therefore, the processes of catabolism proceed faster in the body. It can be difficult for the kidneys to filter and excrete a large number of uric acid, which leads to its accumulation.

Taking medications

Medicines, for example, Furosemide, are some used to get rid of excess weight, and this method of losing weight sometimes becomes a factor that increases the content of uric acid. Often, against this background, a severe degree of renal failure develops, in which glomerular filtration becomes minimal, and the patient's life could only be saved by hemodialysis.

Phenomenal Properties

The fact that hyperuricemia can lead to diseases is a long-known and indisputable fact. Then how about her beneficial effect on the body know a few and quite recently. The point is that uric acid chemical formula has a strong resemblance to a substance called trimethylated xanthine caffeine, which has a beneficial effect on physical and mental performance. That is, MK also has a similar effect on the body.

Numerous Scientific research, conducted in the 60-70s of the last century, confirmed the hypothesis that people suffering from hyperuricemia have a higher intelligence and reaction rate.

The second useful property of this substance is its antioxidant effect. MK is able to block superoxide (free radical), peroxynitrite (nitric oxide product) and oxidative reactions catalyzed by iron.

Some authors argue that high UA has the property of serum antioxidants and is able to prevent oxidative processes that lead to aging, thereby prolonging life. The results of the study showed that UA transfusion increased plasma antioxidant activity and improved endothelial cell function.

If for general condition While uric acid is dangerous to the body, its role is completely opposite for the central nervous system. This metabolite is a potent neuroprotector, as well as an inhibitor of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. The principle of its action is not fully established, but at the same time, patients with hyperuricemia have a reduced risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and other neurodegenerative pathologies.

There are similar results for multiple sclerosis. The ability of a high level of UA to reduce the formation of nitrotyrosine (a product of nitration of the amino acid tyrosine) is expressed in neuroprotective properties that minimize the risks of stroke and other neurological diseases.

According to the results epidemiological studies, people with hyperuricemia are several times less likely to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. It should be noted that the introduction of MK as remedy reduces neurological manifestations caused experimentally.

Fact! High levels of urate in the blood of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease can slow down the progression of the disease. These substances have a powerful antioxidant function, allowing them to bind free radicals.

Recently, scientists have come to the conclusion that the beneficial effect of MA is more related to its effect on glial or accessory cells of the nervous system. An equally likely reason is the possibility of blocking the blood-brain barrier (regulating the flow of blood into the brain).

Uric acid crystals, which tend to accumulate in the joints

Treatment for hyperuricemia

An increase in the concentration of UA does not apply to independent disease- this is just a separate symptom, and from what signs accompany it, will be selected diagnostic methods and treatment. If it turns out that the content of the metabolite has increased due to an unbalanced diet with big amount purine food, then it will be enough to adjust the diet.

In the case when, against the background of hyperuricemia, the patient's joints hurt, they are inflamed (most often such changes are observed on the big toes), it will mean the development of gouty arthritis. Then you need an appointment drug therapy, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during an exacerbation, and agents to reduce UA during remission.

In other situations in which hyperuricemia is observed as one of the complex of symptoms, the type of treatment is determined by the underlying disease. For example, when urolithiasis can be chosen surgical path, which means getting rid of stones through their crushing and subsequent natural excretion through the urethra.

At drug treatment you should also follow a low-purine diet, regulate physical activity, while doing light exercises or simple sets of exercises. People who have overweight steps should be taken to reduce it. All patients suffering from hyperuricemia should drink plenty of fluids in any form: plain water, tea, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, natural juices, compotes.

This will help eliminate uric acid. In addition, it is important to regularly take tests to keep your condition under control. You can read more about methods for lowering uric acid levels in the blood.

Uric acid is present in any organism and not only in urine. White, poorly soluble crystals with sharp edges are the breakdown product of purines and nitrogen, which in turn are integral part nucleic acids. Hyperuricemia - a disease in which uric acid in the blood is elevated, treatment folk remedies and diet can eliminate pathology without drug therapy.

The liver, when processing various amino acids and nucleic acids, protein, produces uric acid. 30% of it enters the gastrointestinal tract with bile and is excreted along with feces. The remaining 70% of the kidney is filtered into urine. At balanced diet V healthy body uric acid is normal and no crystals form. With its increase, hyperuricemia occurs.

There are a number of reasons why hyperuricemia develops.

Why it rises, how to determine the pathology and whether it is possible to reduce uric acid in the blood by simple methods. An excess is formed when, during food processing and other pathologies, the liver produces more uric acid than the kidneys can filter and excrete with urine. Hyperuricemia can be caused by:

  • medications that are taken long-term side effects;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • burns;
  • polycystosis;
  • lead poisoning;
  • nutrition;
  • cirrhosis;
  • acidosis;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • preeclampsia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • Hodgkin's disease;
  • genetic pathologies;
  • Lifestyle.

Nutrition is of great importance, because most of the uric acid is obtained as a result of the processing of food and the presence of an increased amount of fructose in the blood. Passion for shrimp, organ meats, anchovies and other foods containing large amounts of purines.

The symptoms of hyperuricemia are considered by experts to be secondary diseases caused by an increased content of monourate and phosphates in the blood:

  • violation of the walls of the renal and coronary arteries;
  • ischemic disease;
  • hypertension;
  • gout;
  • joint pain;
  • kidney disease.

When accumulated in the blood and tissues, uric acid forms hard crystals with sharp edges. They accumulate around the joints, destroy them, causing inflammation. The peculiarity of the disease in the localization of crystals is not in the spine and knee-elbow joints. First hit thumb on the leg, then the gout passes to the rest of the small joints of the legs, in a neglected state it passes to the hands.

The symptoms of Hyperuricemia include twisting pain in the weather, meteorological dependence. When atmospheric pressure changes, hypothermia appears in the elderly "ache" in the bones, fingers swell.

If the tests showed hyperuricemia, how to lower uric acid in the body, which most affects its amount. It is necessary to reduce its production and improve utilization. Eliminate purine-containing foods from the diet:

  • alcohol;
  • cream confectionery;
  • pastry, white bread;
  • animal liver;
  • seafood;
  • sausages;
  • anchovies;
  • syrups.

Following a diet will reduce the amount of uric acid produced over time. Restoring the normal functioning of the kidneys will increase the excretion and excretion of harmful toxins.

It is necessary to undergo an examination and cure diseases that provoke malfunctions in the liver and kidneys, primarily and.

If tests show hyperuricemia, action should be taken

To dissolve the excretion of sodium monourate from the body, you need to drink more pure water and reduce the use of coffee, juices with preservatives and sugar, carbonated drinks. Coffee activates the work of the kidneys to release fluid, but uric acid is not excreted in the urine. Juices and sodas are high in sugar.

Doctors recommend starting medication after a second attack of gout, a chronic condition characterized by high level sodium monourate in the blood and tissues. Reducing the amount of uric acid is carried out as a treatment for gout. 2 opposite types of drugs are used:

  • uricodespersive;
  • uricosuric.

Uricodespersive drugs are aimed at suppressing the function of uric acid production. Doctors prescribe Allopurinol for this. It reduces the production and entry into the serum of acid monourate. Diuretics during the course of Allopurinol are canceled. The treatment lasts for several months. Every 30-50 days, a control analysis of urine and blood is done.

"Allopurinol" is aimed at reducing the production of uric acid

Uricosuric drugs activate its excretion by the kidneys into the urine and out of the body with urine. Probenecid acts on the tubules of the glomeruli, and enhances the filtration of uric acid, increasing its release from the blood serum into the urine. It is not recommended to drink during treatment with Probenecid acetylsalicylic acid blocking the action of the drug.

If an increased amount of uric acid is detected, you do not have to wait for gout attacks to begin, but immediately take action and bring your body back to normal using herbs and products. How to lower uric acid in the blood with folk remedies. Diet and decoctions of herbs.

In the treatment of hyperuricemia, you should not starve and suddenly lose weight. You need to eat small portions, eat more vegetables and fruits.

The diet includes:

  • plentiful drink;
  • salt reduction;
  • reducing sugar;
  • refusal of alcohol.

The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids

In addition to meat and smoked meats, you can not eat offal and some vegetables:

  • radish;
  • legumes;
  • sorrel;
  • spinach;
  • rhubarb.

It is advisable to drink 2 liters of water per day, because only it can dissolve and bring out harmful substances.

apples and fresh juices prepared from them at home can and should be consumed in unlimited quantities. Preference should be given to sweet varieties. Fresh berries, raspberries, currants, lingonberries and fruit drinks, jelly from them will be useful in the treatment.

Apples and fresh juices made from them at home can be consumed in unlimited quantities

Of vegetables, carrots, cabbage, beets, cucumbers are best. Tomatoes and eggplant should be limited. Artichokes are considered effective tool. They need to be boiled, cooked, and the broth should be drunk separately.

It binds monourates well and removes potato juice from the body. At hyperacidity stomach it should be drunk before meals, if the acidity is low, 100 ml after meals in an hour. In addition, teas and decoctions of herbs should be made:

  • nettle;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • chestnut flowers.

In the season for cleansing, it is good to eat strawberries and strawberries.

Strawberries will also be useful for the body

You can not self-medicate, suspecting a disease. We must first do the biochemistry of the blood.

How to lower uric acid in the blood at home quickly

Experts recommend natural products how to lower the level of uric acid in the blood folk remedies in short term. Paradoxically, it dissolves and is excreted by sour lemon juice. For a day you should drink 500 - 800 ml mineral water with added juice. For fast cleansing body from uric acid, treatment is used according to a 10-day scheme. The amount of mineral water is unchanged. On the first day, 1 lemon is squeezed. Every day the number of citrus fruits increases by 1 piece, and you need to bring it up to 5 lemons per day. Starting from the 7th day, reduce one by one.

Freshly squeezed juice should be dissolved in water without adding sugar or other products.

You don't have to throw away the rest. Zest with honey restores immunity. Grind everything that remains of the lemons after squeezing the juice and mix with the same amount of honey. Put in a cool place. After 10 days of cleansing the body should be eaten separately or with tea, 2 tablespoons. The mixture will strengthen the immune system, normalize the level of uric acid in the body.

Approximately half of people in adulthood complain of gradually increasing pain and discomfort in the joints. This is especially true for those who have excess weight.

All these unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and poor general well-being.

In addition to advanced age objective reason such a condition may be uric acid, or rather its high content in the blood.

The norm of uric acid in the blood in men, women, children

For an adult, the normal level of uric acid is considered to be from 150 to 420 microns / l, depending on gender.

If it exceeds the specified norm, then this may be the basis for diagnosing hyperuricemia.

Uric acid and the mechanism of its formation

Uric acid is a natural organic substance, it is synthesized by the human liver from purines, which are found in a large number of foods.

Once in the blood, uric acid reacts chemically with carbon dioxide and leaves the body through the kidneys.

Foods that are high in purines include:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • seafood;
  • liver;
  • confectionery;
  • fruit syrups;
  • some legumes.

Uric acid plays a very important role in the metabolic process, it performs many functions aimed at ensuring the normal functioning of the body:

  • neutralizes free radicals and prevents the onset of oncology;
  • beneficial effect on the functions of the brain and central nervous system.

Elevated uric acid in the blood - causes

Why does elevated uric acid occur?

The blood of a healthy person under different circumstances may contain different amounts of uric acid, as everything depends on the diet, physical activity, the presence of bad habits and chronic diseases.

Slight fluctuations in the concentration of this substance usually does not cause any pathologies.

If the body is different reasons does not cope with its processing, then excess uric acid, turning into salts, can settle in human organs and fabrics. This condition can be classified as a pathology called hyperuricemia.

There are two types of this disease.

Idiopathic hyperuricemia is rare and is a global disorder of the processing of purines, which is inherited. For this reason, this type of hyperuricemia is diagnosed at an early age.

Secondary hyperuricemia is a widespread disease that occurs as a result of a disorder of purine metabolism. This may be caused pathological changes various organs.

Let us briefly list the diseases in which an increase in the content of uric acid can be observed.

  • Inflammatory processes that take place in gallbladder and liver (cirrhosis,).
  • Obesity.
  • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys associated with violations of their functions.
  • Chronic acute infectious diseases respiratory organs, complicated by inflammatory processes.
  • , provoked by an insufficient amount of vitamin B12 and metabolic disorders.
  • Elevated blood sugar.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Toxicosis of pregnancy, which provoke the development of acidosis.
  • Alcohol poisoning.

Separately, it should be noted that an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood can occur as a result of prolonged use of certain drugs (Furosemide, Aspirin, Phenothiazines, Theophylline, Adrenaline, etc.). These are substances that contain components that inhibit the metabolism of purines in the human body.

These may be drugs used in chemotherapy, diuretics, and long-term anti-TB drugs.

At risk are lovers of strict diets, as well as people who abuse foods high in purines.

Symptoms of high uric acid in the blood

High amount of uric acid in childhood often manifests itself as various dermatological problems. It can be all sorts of rashes,. This is hidden some insidiousness of hyperuricemia.

It happens that huge forces and funds are spent on getting rid of allergies and skin diseases during the time when real reason these symptoms are associated with a completely different pathology.

Nonspecific symptoms of an increase in uric acid in the blood are considered to be fatigue, constant fatigue, frequent education in oral cavity and dense deposits even with proper sanitation and dental treatment.

Secondary hyperuricemia is more often diagnosed in the male half of the population after 45 years of age. This is due to the greater predisposition of men to bad habits and malnutrition.

Uric acid in the blood is increased - diet and treatment

The fight against hyperuricemia, the treatment of elevated uric acid in the blood should begin with a revision of the diet. From it it is necessary to exclude components with a rich content of purines.

Nutrition should be regular, but in small doses. All fasting and any other diets are prohibited. The patient should not consume all kinds of carbonated drinks, alcohol, tea,.

The consumption of the following dishes is minimized: smoked meats, organ meats, fried and fatty meats, sausages, meat broths, anchovies, legumes, sweets, pastry, chocolate, white bread.

It is important to limit your salt intake, therefore, for a patient with hyperuricemia, seasonings, sauces, and home preservation are prohibited.

On the contrary, the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits is not limited. Freshly squeezed juices, kefir, cottage cheese will not hurt.

Plentiful drink is a good prerequisite for removing excess uric acid from the body. Tangible results can be achieved if you drink up to 15 glasses of water per day.

Hyperuricemia may occur various reasons. Accordingly, treatment methods should be adequately correlated with the level of accumulated uric acid in the body and the cause of this disorder.

It is very important not to limit yourself to taking only painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, since in this case only temporary relief of the condition is possible. At the same time, with the wrong treatment, you can start the problem, subsequent relapses are possible, which can be a serious threat to life.

If the patient is noted, then he automatically falls into the risk group for developing gout. Therefore, weight loss is the basis for further successful treatment.

If the level of uric acid approaches the critical level, then drug treatment is prescribed. The treatment regimen is prescribed by a doctor who constantly monitors the patient's condition.

The action of these drugs should be aimed at intensifying the process of excretion of uric acid, as well as reducing its production in the liver.

These can be diuretics: diacarb or furosemide together with sulfinpyrazole, allopurinol or other blockers of uric acid synthesis.

From folk remedies with an increase in uric acid in the blood, a decoction of a herbal mixture is recommended ( Birch buds, nettle and lingonberry leaf), they drink it 1 glass 2 times a day for a monthly course.

In a normal diet, it is worth including rosehip decoction, bran in the diet.

I hope the site answered the question of why the level of uric acid in the blood of a person rises, described the main symptoms and gave recommendations for changes in diet and treatment given state, dangerous further progression while ignoring dangerous signs.

Uric acid (UA) in the blood is an essential part biological processes and chemical reactions in protein metabolism in the body.

This acid is synthesized in the liver cells from the proteins present, which came from the intestines, and were formed from the incoming food.

Uric acid in the blood, what is it?

Uric acid (UA) is found in blood plasma and is formed from purine molecules in small amounts.

Purine base molecules, which play an important role in the body, enter its composition through food and take active actions in nucleic acid synthesis.

Hyperuricemia (this is an overestimated UA in the blood) causes deposits in the body in the form of salts on the joints and in muscle tissues, which provokes severe illness and severe pain.

Importance of uric acid in the body

In humans, uric acid atoms are located in the blood plasma, its formation comes from the decomposition of purine bases. The appearance of uric acid is a normal process in the body, therefore, its high concentration should not be avoided.

At normal levels in plasma, acid helps neutralize free radicals, which reduces the risk of cancer in the body.

Uric acid corrects the level of nitrogen, and when it is high, it removes its excess.

If the concentration of uric acid is higher than normal, then the body signals that it is in danger, and it is necessary to change the diet and lifestyle.

Functionality of uric acid

Sodium salt, which is contained in uric acid, is necessary to perform two vital functions of the body:

  • Stimulation of the functioning of brain cells by the method of activating adrenaline and enhancing the effects of norepinephrine;
  • Uric acid is a biological antioxidant, therefore it actively fights against malignant neoplasms(suspends the process of regeneration of cancer cells).

The concentration of uric acid and its level is a property that is transmitted at the genetic level.

People who are born with an increased presence of uric acid in the plasma have creative abilities, they are more active and have great enthusiasm.

The formula for uric acid is chemically very similar to that for caffeine.

Reasons for lowering MK

Plasma uric acid is reduced from the use of anti-gout medications.

Also affect the reduction of such pathologies in the body:

  • Wilson-Konovalov disease - with damage to liver cells;
  • Fanconi pathology - a disease in the kidneys, when the cells of the organ cannot prevent the release of a large amount of uric acid from the body;
  • Gigantism disease or acromegaly - all the acid is spent on growing cells;
  • celiac disease;
  • Xanthinuria pathology - the absence of an enzyme that promotes the production of uric acid;
  • Bronchogenic carcinoma;
  • myeloma pathology;
  • Diseases of the renal tubules;
  • Not eating animal protein is vegetarianism.

The possibility of increasing the level of uric acid in the blood plasma means the need to normalize a proper and healthy diet, and introduce animal products into the diet.

Clinical signs of congenital increased concentration

Symptoms that indicate an increased level of acid are manifested by various pathologies.

In young children, congenital high content in plasma (a type of hyperuricemia of congenital etiology) is a manifestation on skin in the form of diathesis, and if the concentration is greatly increased, it can provoke psoriasis.

Signs of manifestation in a child:

  • Eruptions on the forehead and also on the cheeks;
  • Pink spots of large diameter on the chest;
  • Rashes irritate the skin and itch;
  • Further, the spots release liquid and burst;
  • Infection can join these parts of the body.

Doctors are looking for a reason allergic reaction and methods of its elimination, because in the future there may be problems with nutrition and a long course of treatment.

Increased urea index in the male body

In men who are more than 50 calendar years old, joint pains begin to worsen. Most often, several joints are affected, and the main lesion goes to thumbs lower extremities as well as fingers.

Quite rarely, an excess of urea is manifested in lesions:

  • Knee injury;
  • Damage to the elbow joints;
  • carpal joints;
  • Shoulder joints;
  • And hip joints.

The pain worsens at night. Painful sensations not only from moving the affected joint, but also from simply touching the affected area.

Signs of joint damage:

  • Swelling and swelling of the joints;
  • Deformation;
  • Skin redness on the joints;
  • Feeling of heat in the affected area;
  • The joint loses its functionality.

With the loss of the functionality of the joints, a man who is not yet old loses the ability to live a quality life and loses his ability to work.

The main reason for the increase in the uric acid index (UA) in men is unbalanced and malnutrition, the predominance of protein foods in the diet of men, as well as frequent overloads of the body.

Standard uric acid index

A healthy body independently corrects the content of uric acid in the composition of serum and blood plasma. The excess is removed with urine and stool. The norm in children and in adult women and men is different.

Exceeding the concentration index is called hyperuricemia. This disease more often manifested in the male body than urea, increased in women.

Causes and manifestations of hyperuricemia

Hyperuricemia has the ability to manifest itself not a long period time, and if you get rid of the provocateurs of pathology, then the normative acid will come to the normative indicators.

What increases urea in the body:

  • Heavy sports loads;
  • The consequence of a starvation diet (the fair sex loves to get involved in such diets);
  • From the immense consumption of protein foods (meat products, eggs).

If the elevated content of the level of uric acid for a long time period, this indicates a pathology in the body, and such an increase requires therapeutic treatment.

An excess of urate salts settles on the joints, as well as on the renal tubules, and in the form of stones in bladder and in the urethral canal.

Immunity cells try to fight them, but then the very structure of the joint is disturbed, and this is how the pathology of the joints is formed - the disease gout.

The manifestation of acid salts in the renal tissues of the tubules provokes nephrolithiasis.

Also, uric acid salt crystals can be debugged:

  • In the muscle of the heart organ (cause myocardial infarction);
  • In eye tissues (provoke cataracts);
  • In the tissues of the bladder (to provoke urolithiasis and cystitis);
  • In the cells of the stomach;
  • In the cells of the intestine.

The main factors for increasing uric acid in the blood are:

Improper diet that causes hyperuricemia

This is the main factor that provokes a high index of uric acid (UA) in the blood plasma. Uncontrolled consumption of foods that accumulate purine molecules.

Purine bases are completely taken up by the body, and their end product of decomposition accumulates in the blood in the form of uric acid.

Products that are of animal origin also have the ability to increase the cholesterol index in the body, because they have an increased concentration of cholesterol in the composition of animal fats.

Being carried away by products containing animal fat, there is a double blow to the heart organ and blood vessels (in the form of cholesterol and sodium salts).

A diet that has a minimum content of cholesterol and purine in foods is the first therapy to reduce the uric acid index in the body.

Diseases that provoke hyperuricemia

Excess uric acid is carried by the blood throughout the body, where it is expressed as various manifestations and has big influence on the body:

  • Urates form microtophi in the tissues of the joints and cartilage. The process of accumulation in the connective articular tissues and cartilage provokes inflammation in these organs and leads to gout. This pathology develops rapidly, and begins with arthritis of the joints;
  • The urates that fell into renal tubules deposited in interstitial tissue. They provoke nephropathy of gouty etiology. The first signs appear in the form arterial hypertension, as well as in the appearance of protein in the urine. This pathology spreads throughout the urinary system and provokes: pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), urolithiasis and nephrolithiasis, and cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). When urolithiasis often occurs inflammation in the urethral canal (urethritis). At the final stage of kidney damage, renal insufficiency is manifested;
  • Salt of uric acid is deposited in the oral cavity in the form of stones on the teeth. These stones lead to inflammation of the gums (periodontal disease) and impaired nutrition of the dental membranes;
  • Deposition of urate in the myocardium leads to weakening of the heart muscle, and when combined with cholesterol, it provokes coronary insufficiency, which can cause a disease - myocardial infarction;
  • When urates are found in the adrenal glands, their activity will be disrupted, and this leads to arterial hypertension;
  • IN nervous system urates appear: severe irritability, constant fatigue, anxiety state and insomnia.

All manifestations of derivatives of uric acid salts can be isolated (in one organ), or manifest throughout the body.


For staging accurate diagnosis hyperuricemia, must pass diagnostic study uric acid in the blood:

  • General blood test - shows the index of leukocytes, which is very important for confirming inflammation in the body;
  • Biochemical analysis of blood composition - determines the existence of uric acid in the blood, its concentration in blood plasma;
  • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the liver;
  • Ultrasound of the cardiac organ;
  • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the kidneys and urinary system.

On change normative indicator in biological material, several significant factors influence:

  • The number and volume of amino acids that take part in the body's metabolism, as well as in its protein metabolism;
  • The work of the liver, stomach and proper functioning of the intestines;
  • Normal functionality of the kidneys and urinary canals (UA is excreted in urine in a larger volume).

Preparation for the delivery of the analysis

So that the results biochemical analysis for uric acid were as accurate as possible, need to listen to the following recommendations, and prepare the body for a blood test:

Therapy for hyperuricemia

It is quite difficult to treat pathology, and drugs have many side effects for the body.

Therapy includes directions for the treatment of pathologies, and is also aimed at relieving painful symptoms:

  • To relieve the symptoms of an acute attack of gouty pain - the drug colchicine. This drug has side effects - oppression of the hematopoietic system;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - help relieve inflammatory process in gouty lesions. Have Negative influence on the digestive organs and intestines;
  • The drug Diakarb blocks the formation of stones. Side effect - affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The anti-gout preparations Probenecid and the drug Sulfinpyrazone help the release of UA with urine. The use of these drugs will be used cautiously in violation of urinary system. It is necessary to take a large volume of liquid, as well as Diakarb preparations and means for alkalizing the body;
  • Taking Allopurinol. This drug is responsible for lowering the production of MK. This drug is a leader in drug treatment to reduce uric acid and relieve the symptoms of gout.

The diet for hyperuricemia is table number 5. This diet is low in calories. Fish is consumed in a minimum amount - no more than 300.0 grams per week.

If a patient with hyperuricemia has an increased body weight, then he is recommended diet table number 8. And do fasting days 1 time per week, only complete fasting in this pathology is prohibited.

Hunger aggravates the disease, as uric acid rises. It is also recommended to use vitamin C and B vitamins in the diet.

Approved ProductsProhibited Products
low purine indexhigh purine index
· milk;veal liver;
· dairy products;veal kidneys and tongue;
Eggs, but only domestic chicken;veal meat, pork, as well as young chicken meat;
caviar red or black;· All fatty varieties meat;
· potato;smoked products;
· leaf salad; Canned fish with oil;
· cucumbers;green peas;
· carrot;· mushrooms various ways cooking;
· beet;greens: sorrel and spinach;
· pumpkin;Brussels sprouts;
Bread and bakery products;· coffee;
all cereals;cocoa and chocolate.
· nuts;
· citrus fruits;
· plum, prunes;
apricot, dried apricots;
· apples;
fresh and canned pears.

Prohibited foods with an increased uric acid index are prohibited, but if the index is lowered, it is recommended.

Allowed products must be used daily - this will help reduce MC and maintain it within the normal range.

Preventive methods for a normal index in the body of MK

Proper nutrition is necessary to prevent protein metabolism in the human body and keep uric acid normal.

In addition to drinking healthy foods, you still need to adhere to the specifics rational reception food:

  • Breakfast is mandatory;
  • Eliminate long breaks between meals;
  • Eating up to 6 times a day;
  • Drink up to 3000 milliliters of pure water per day;
  • Do not drink drinks that contain carbon dioxide;
  • Refuse alcoholic beverages;
  • Salt and sugar are prohibited.

Video: Uric acid in the joints.


A high concentration of uric acid is not dangerous for the human body, but it can provoke quite serious pathologies in the body.

The combined use of therapy and diet, as well as adequate exercise on the body and an active lifestyle, will help to establish metabolism in the body and maintain a normal uric acid index in the blood.

When the body, for whatever reason, forms increased amount sodium salts, which is not able to be excreted in the urine, it is necessary to think about how to lower uric acid in the blood, which rises as a result of a violation of purine metabolism - hyperuricemia.

It is important to make timely corrections pathological process to prevent the development of more serious illnesses- gout and urolithiasis.

Each person has uric acid in the blood plasma, formed as a result of the decomposition of purine compounds and performing an important function in tissues and internal organs.

Experts have found that this substance eliminates excess nitrogen, deactivates free radicals and reduces the likelihood of developing a cancerous tumor.

An increase in the level of uric acid is caused by the following reasons:

  • excess meat and offal in the diet - these products contain a large amount of purine compounds that form uric acid during decomposition;
  • diseases of the urinary system - diseased kidneys are unable to completely remove acid from the body;
  • obesity - excess weight leads to a decrease in physical activity and a slowdown in metabolism;
  • drugs that have side effects in the form of sodium salt deposits;
  • avitaminosis;
  • excess fat and carbohydrates in the diet;
  • high protein diet
  • sedentary lifestyle or excessive physical activity;
  • alcoholism;
  • hormonal diseases.

Symptoms indicating an increase in uric acid in the blood:

  • the patient constantly feels tired and overwhelmed;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • abundant and rapid formation of hard plaque on the teeth;
  • in children, redness, psoriasis, rash, eczema appear on the skin;
  • cystitis;
  • men have strong pain in the groin area;
  • stones in the bladder and kidneys;
  • insomnia;
  • uric acid can be deposited in internal organs and tissues. For example, in the heart, disrupting the cardiovascular system.

The largest amount of uric acid is present in animal by-products (heart, liver, kidneys) and meat. The substance is present in brewer's yeast, anchovies, mackerel, salmon, caviar, shrimp, sardines and legumes.

Uric acid enters human body not only with food, but also synthesized by every cell of the body.

During illness and in the process of aging, the amount of uric acid produced from destroyed cells increases. 25% of the substance is excreted from the body gastrointestinal tract and 75% by kidneys.

Medications that lower uric acid

Drugs that lower lactic acid in the blood act quickly enough. Only a specialist can choose the right drug, since self-medication is dangerous.

Pharmaceutical medicines that reduce lactic acid:

  • Allopurinol;
  • Benzobromarone;
  • Sulfinpyrazone.

Allopurinol acts in two parallel ways. Firstly, the drug reduces the rate of formation of uric acid in body tissues.

Secondly, Allopurinol reduces the amount of urates in the bloodstream and prevents their accumulation in the renal pelvis.

Despite the pronounced reducing effect, take medicinal product should be taken with caution, following the instructions of the attending physician.

Allopurinol has contraindications and side effects. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women and patients suffering from renal insufficiency.

In patients undergoing treatment with Allopurinol, intestinal upset, fever and allergic skin rashes are sometimes found.

The next drug is Benzobromarone. The medicine is able to remove excess uric acid quickly enough, and reduced rate will persist for some time.

Benzobromarone practically does not cause side effects - this is the main advantage of the drug.

Very rarely, after taking the drug, diarrhea begins. Benzobromarone should not be taken by women who are expecting a baby, nursing mothers, children and patients with kidney pathologies.

Sulfinpyrazone also has sufficient efficiency. But people suffering from peptic ulcer should not take the drug, as it can cause bleeding.

When uric acid salts are deposited in the joints, a very painful appearance arthritis - gout.

With an exacerbation of the disease, a sick person “climbs the wall” from pain. Quick Help for removal pain syndrome can only provide a medical product.

Depending on the type pain sensation the following drugs are prescribed:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • corticosteroids;
  • Colchicine.

Compared to other drugs, Colchicine works best, but you need to take the drug when the first signs of an exacerbation of the disease occur.

Treatment of elevated uric acid and gout should be comprehensive, combining dietary nutrition and intake pharmaceutical preparations. In addition, patients are prescribed plasmapheresis, physiotherapy and cryoplasmosorption.

Folk methods of treatment

You can reduce the level of uric acid in the blood using folk remedies. Many medicinal plants showed sufficient effectiveness in the fight against this pathological condition.

The artichoke is one of best products that reduce uric acid. The vegetable has a pronounced diuretic effect. Artichokes are eaten boiled and the remaining vegetable broth is drunk.

Apples are also considered useful fruits for gout. The fruits contain a large amount of pectins that bind and remove uric acid from the intestines.

Chestnut extract helps bring uric acid to normal indicators. In addition, the solution cures varicose veins veins and swelling of the legs.

Chestnut extract can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently at home.

You need to take 1 tablespoon of crushed flowers, fruits and tree bark, pour 1 cup of water and boil for 20 minutes. The decoction should be taken 20 drops in the morning before breakfast.

Nettle leaf is good for treating exacerbations of gout attacks. For treatment, fresh leaves are steamed with boiling water and applied to sore joints.

Strawberries are used to prevent the disease. It is best to eat fruits fresh, as heat treatment destroys a large amount of vitamins.

Potato juice is also used to lower blood uric acid because it contains a lot of alkali.

Urates are bound by juice and excreted from the intestines. Thanks to medicinal properties potato inflammation of the joints is gradually reduced.

To prevent the development of the disease, all people over 45 years of age should undergo regular medical examinations.

If tests detect an increased amount of uric acid in the blood, then information on how to reduce this compound will be useful to patients.

The attending physician should select medications for treatment, self-medication can be dangerous to health.

Medical therapy can be supplemented with methods traditional medicine after obtaining permission from a specialist.