When there is no strength to deal with difficulties. How to live on if there is no strength and meaning

Hello. My name is Tanya. For six months now, I have no strength for anything.

Sometimes I just lie under the covers all day, I can’t even wash my face. It all started after I broke up with a young man. I understand that this is not the end. She even managed to go to university abroad. I thought that studying would drag me out, I would be distracted by a change of scenery. But I've been in a new country for a whole month, and every day I feel worse. I don’t have the strength to do anything, I lie down, eat, watch TV shows and cry. I need to learn a new language, but I don't have the strength. Previously, sports, hobbies or books helped. And now I can't do anything. What's wrong with me?.. I'm 25 years old.

Dear Tanya. Your state is called apathy - indifference, the absence of any desires and interest. It is caused by the loss of relationships dear to you, after which you, it seems, have not yet recovered. Do you even want to come to your senses? .. Why I ask this: there are many ways to cope with depression, but for six months you just stayed in it. Perhaps you benefit from being in an indifferent state. Feel sorry for yourself so that they feel sorry for you, do not start new relationships, so as not to experience the pain of parting again, or make suffering the meaning of life, which is often characteristic of human psychology.

Look soberly at the young man with whom you broke up. Who is he, really? Describe it objectively, without embellishment. Evaluate if there is something in it that you cannot live without? In the psychology of love and relationships, a person often experiences longing not for other people's qualities, but for what he himself has invested in the object of his passion. These are strengths, physical and mental - perhaps you have invested too much of them (and he asked you about it? ..), spent time, care, attention. When you clarify what happened, the state of “no strength for anything” will gradually pass: after all, its causes are psychological. Thoughts will be ordered - and forces will appear. Admit it frankly to yourself: have you really lost a good person, or do you feel sorry for your own efforts?

There is another good way to get out of depression. Tanya, write yourself a letter. Express on paper everything you think about, how you feel, what you are afraid of, resentment, guilt, or whom you blame ... Ask the question “what is happening to me?” And give yourself the freedom to give the paper everything that comes to mind without hesitation. A person does not always know the answer at the level of consciousness, but the unconscious is always ready to give it 100%.

And say "thank you!" your ex-lover. The situation with him pushes you to understand yourself, to understand why it happened that there is always no strength and energy, to draw the right conclusions so that new relationships become a source of joy and pleasant sensations. Good luck!

“I can't live anymore. I do not want anything".

Some of the saddest words a person can say. Everything that could potentially be done by him remains just a possibility. Everything that he once so passionately wanted and desired is losing its meaning.
However, for so many this condition is a reality. At a certain point in life, a person no longer finds a meaning for the continuation of existence.

It becomes completely incomprehensible where to get the strength to perform your daily duties and in general what to do if you are tired of living and seeing around you the scenario of the wheel of samsara repeating with enviable constancy.

The great danger of this ubiquitous existential vacuum and ongoing crisis is not only the number of actually committed suicides. Less noticeable, however, from this, not losing their strength, the consequences are a mediocre, average life, a routine that we see every day. A life that we do not appreciate at all, because we know that there is nothing to appreciate it for. Even if, according to the average estimate, everything is in order with us: we have housing, a good job, a car, and even a family.

The biggest commitment we can make in such an environment is not to give in to circumstances. This is not to say: "That's it, I've had enough, I can't do it anymore," even if life slips us the same pig again for the fifth time. Even if she does it for the hundred and twenty-fifth time. You need to do exactly the opposite: to double your desire for a normal existence. To make him as furious as not wanting to see the same depressing circumstances around him.

To have the courage to find at least one reason to live - this must be done, even if the soul is overwhelmed with cynicism. Take a closer look: what happens to those who have not been able to find a significant reason for themselves to be here in this crazy world? Correctly. They slowly but surely slide into a state of depression, finding themselves more and more entangled in depressing thoughts and feelings every day. Their external reality becomes a direct reflection of the internal: these people gradually lose their jobs, loved ones, property, and health. How can one not believe that for every soul there is a stubborn struggle between light and dark forces - no matter what they are called, “God and Lucifer”, “good and evil”, or “light and darkness”.

To experience nothing but hopelessness and a sense of the fatality of being, to become a powerless fugitive from life instead of being its creator - is that what you want?

How to live on if there is no strength, and you don’t want anything? Not a bad question for anyone who was born to be a hostage to the modern economic system. We all need food and sustenance, security, we need friends and status, we are looking for joyful, pleasurable moments in life.

However - even if we have all this - often this list is not enough. We are looking for a reason to live a full life; a reason that will elevate us above the gray everyday life; the meaning that will become a link between us and something else - a higher, nobler, purer meaning. Each of us, deep down, would like to create a small miracle out of our lives, and not that nightmare of a large or not very large scale, which your life may have turned into.

Here are some tips that may be useful to you in creating your own meaning.
  • Say "Enough!" to everyone. The gurus of modern self-development teachings can tell you many fables about how thoughts and imagination affect real life. One has only to imagine yourself in a chic environment, in a warm company of friends or surrounded by family - and voila! – all this will become a reality.

    Those who suffer from any life circumstances, in their opinion, are simply losers who have “attracted” unnecessary problems into their lives. However, one must agree with one rather trivial fact: in order to have a life worth living, you need to work very (very!) hard. And it's not about sitting in a hateful office twelve hours a day, surrounded by equally hated colleagues and a boss, doing work that makes you want to puke. This refers to the much deeper meaning of the word "work" - it is the effort to create your own meaning in life and the uncompromising pursuit of your goals.

  • Absolute clarity. The reason is not the goal. Imagine, for example, that you are a bricklayer. Your goal is to build a cathedral. But the reasons why you do this can be different: to follow someone's instructions, leave behind a legacy, do a charitable deed, or simply impress everyone with your work. Thus, goals are a set of specific achievements. And the reasons carry that inspiring energy that makes you move on.
  • Remember reality. Continuing the previous point, it is the search for causes that is the stumbling block that people who have not been able to find the meaning of life stumble over. The reason, or the meaning of life, cannot be found, or discovered, as Columbus discovered America. It must be created, and this creation unifies our life decisions and choices into one trajectory.

    A goal is something you work towards: writing a book, starting your own business, having children. Meaning is what you live by: knowledge, art, inspiration, love, and so on. What kind of life would you like to live? What life do you think is worth fighting for? When it comes to more than just any mundane or mundane things, what can really get you going?

It's probably true that not every one of us gives life a truly valuable meaning. However, the more we should do it. Without meaning, life turns into an endless maze, a ridiculous game full of traps and absurdity. We must learn to create these meanings, even if we don't want anything, because they free us from a life that can be called meaningless.

Navigation on the article “There is no strength to live. How to cope with the lack of strength?

What do people mean when they say they have no strength to live"? This expression describes a whole complex of states. These may include loss of aspirations and desires, insensitivity and indifference, loss of interest in matters and things that were previously important to a person, a significant restriction of social contacts.

« No strength to live" may also mean a decrease in interest in professional activities, unwillingness to perform routine duties, which does not disappear even after a long rest, lack or sharp decrease in appetite, slowness of physical and mental reactions, depressed mood, slurred, blurry speech, lack of initiative, impaired concentration .

A state of apathy, weakness, anxiety, a feeling that there is no strength to live, may result from severe overwork or be a reaction to severe stress. If a person was in tension for a long time, did not rest and ignored the needs of his body, he risks wasting all his strength.

The state of loss of strength may occur for a short time and pass after a few days of rest. In this case, we can say that the human body still has a lot of strength for self-regulation and recovery.

Difficulties arise when it is impossible to get out of a painful state on your own. With depression, apathy, anxiety, a person has little strength, and they disappear very quickly. It is believed that if such a condition does not go away for two weeks or more, then it is very important to visit a specialist. A psychologist and a non-medical psychotherapist can help you figure out what exactly takes so much strength from a person and cope with psychological problems.

Unfortunately, unfounded beliefs about the benefits of "positive thinking" lead people to ignore what is happening to them. Often people try to change their condition with alcohol, drugs, which gives instant relief, but in the long run can deepen the painful condition.

What effect can be expected from psychotherapy or medicines if there is no strength to live

Psychotherapy can help eliminate the very cause of the disease state. It may take time to explore how a person "falls" into an exhausted state, what exactly weakens him, how tension is created and accumulated.

With the help of psychotherapy, a person can become aware of how he "creates" his problem, how he himself, without realizing it, maintains his painful state, what he can do to change the established order of things.

With a psychologist, a person will figure out how to solve or significantly alleviate his problem, learn to independently cope with the state when "there is no strength to live."

In situations of an extremely acute state, when a person endured for a very long time and “did not notice” his condition, he usually delays getting psychological support. And then, first of all, you have to go to a doctor in order for psychotherapy to become possible at all.

Psychotherapy and psychiatry can work together successfully rather than oppose one another. Tablets prescribed by a doctor can help alleviate a person's condition, keep him in a stable condition so that he can live a normal life and not lose social adaptation.

However, medications cannot replace psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance. They will not eliminate the cause of psychological problems. Taking medications, the person himself and his way of thinking will not change.

If, for example, you drink only pills, but do not change anything in your ways of interacting with the world, then when you stop taking the drugs, the old state may reappear.

The person will return to the usual way of contact with the world and people around him.

But it was this method that “led” him to that very difficult state when there was no strength to live. Therefore, only being aware of your behaviors and changing them can help you feel better without medication.

What conditions or diseases are hidden behind apathy and anxiety?

The state of weakness and apathy can be a sign of some somatic processes - for example, a decrease in immunity, certain metabolic diseases, problems with the spine, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, infections. If your state of apathy lasts long enough, it may be a symptom of some kind of disease, and it would be useful to first undergo a medical examination or take the necessary blood tests first.

But let's say you rule out somatic diseases. Then it will be important to figure out when there is no strength to live - you will have enough psychological help, or you need to additionally consult a psychiatrist.


If a person has a low mood for more than 2 weeks, apathy, fatigue, everything is difficult, there is no strength to live - this may be a manifestation of depression.

Depression is one of the affective disorders. A psychologist and a non-medical psychotherapist will help you understand the personality traits that affect the occurrence of depression and change them.

If the disease state lasts longer than two months, a person cannot perform his usual activities, take care of himself, work, sleep, appetite is disturbed, thinking slows down, social contacts are minimized, suicidal thoughts appear, in an extreme degree - the person lies with his back to the wall, then you should definitely consult a doctor. With medical support, psychotherapy for depression is most effective.

Fears and phobias

Sometimes a person experiences panic, paralyzing fear that arises in a strictly defined situation, when there is no objective reason for fear. A person is afraid, despite the fact that he understands the meaninglessness of his fears. He simply does not have the strength to deal with his fears on his own. So .

The range of these disorders is very diverse. Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces. Claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces. Social phobia is the fear of public places and public speaking. Aerophobia is the fear of flying in an airplane.

There are also more exotic ones: arachnophobia (fear of spiders), coulrophobia (fear of clowns) and many others. And if you can somehow live with coulrophobia, then social phobia in its most pronounced form practically turns a person into a disabled person. He absolutely falls out of society: going to a crowded place, to a store, to a clinic becomes an insurmountable obstacle for him.

Psychologists of various psychotherapeutic areas effectively work with fears and phobias.

Panic disorder, panic attacks

This is an extremely unpleasant condition, somewhat reminiscent of phobias, when a panic fear of death, insanity, anxiety, feeling of interruptions in the heart, lack of air, etc.

The difficulty lies in the fact that people with panic disorder can be treated for years by a cardiologist, a therapist. But their treatment is short-term and weak effect, because mental problems are the basis of the disease. In working with, it is enough to work with a psychologist.

However, if a person has been lying at home for a couple of months, he does not have the strength to live, he does not go anywhere at all, because he cannot cope with panic, then you should consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe a course of maintenance medications. They stabilize the condition and give the opportunity to start psychotherapy.

generalized anxiety disorder

It most often occurs in middle-aged and older women. Any occasion, conversation, thought can lead to anxiety, fear, catastrophic fantasies. These fears are very exhausting and lead to the fact that a person does not have the strength to live.

Usually, such patients complain of problems with blood pressure, with the heart, with the digestive organs, that is, somatic complaints. They go with these complaints to a neurologist, therapist, cardiologist.

However, in the case of an anxiety disorder, high blood pressure may be due to high levels of adrenaline in the blood, which is produced in response to anxiety, depression and fear, which the person himself is not aware of, but nevertheless present.

A psychologist will help you understand what character traits affect the occurrence of depression, anxiety, fear and help you change your usual patterns of response and behavior, learn to satisfy your needs in other ways.

It happens that a person turned to a psychologist, not assuming that he would benefit from the help of a psychiatrist. If a psychologist notices that in the process of psychotherapy, numerous fears and phobias, a feeling of persecution, do not decrease, violation and inconsistency, fragmentary thinking, fixation on fears, emptiness in the head are found, he will advise you to consult a psychiatrist. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

As a rule, antidepressants underlie the treatment of the above diseases. Modern antidepressants, with the right choice, correctly prescribed dose and careful administration, are not addictive and do not disrupt thinking. They are much safer than alcohol and drugs. And if, along with drug treatment, a person undergoes a course of regular psychotherapy, he gets a result that remains with him for life even after the abolition of antidepressants.

In the most difficult cases, a person cannot realize his condition himself. Then already his relatives do not have the strength to live with him. And relatives, noticing changes in a person, can offer him to visit a doctor and provide him with all possible support in this.

If you feel that you do not have the strength to live, you can get professional support from a psychologist.

I will help you figure out what causes your condition. See what features of your character can influence the occurrence of depression, anxiety or fear, in what ways you can support yourself in order to feel lighter.

We will clarify with you what habitual contact with the world and the people around you “led” you into a difficult state when there is no strength to live. Awareness of one's ways of behaving, where and on what forces are wasted, what internal processes underlie such an expenditure of energy, changing them, new experience of recognizing and satisfying one's needs will help to feel better.

Mom always made you eat breakfast. But she hardly meant swallowing a bagel or a muffin on the run from home. Food rich in fast carbohydrates is very tasty, but they are fast because they burn out quickly. In a couple of hours you will be devastated.
Combinations of sugar and starch only provide temporary energy boosts due to our body's ability to process glucose. Fast carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly from the gastrointestinal tract, so blood sugar immediately rises and there is a significant release of insulin into the blood. Insulin reduces blood sugar by turning it into fat. Sometimes this leads to a drop in sugar levels below normal and the onset of carbohydrate hunger. If the sugar level drops too much, the mind can become cloudy, and many people have trouble concentrating as a result.
How to increase energy:
Start your day with grains and proteins that take longer to convert into glucose and keep you on the energy level you need for longer.
For example, a plate of oatmeal or a couple of boiled or fried eggs with tomatoes and onions.

2. Lack of physical activity

Too tired for a workout? Whatever you do, don't skip your workouts. Classes will add agility to you. Even in ancient times, philosophers and doctors believed that it was impossible to be healthy without physical education. Studies show that regular exercise reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood that contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. It has been proven that people who constantly actively engage in physical exercise increase mental, mental and emotional stability when performing strenuous mental or physical activities.
And you don't have to run marathons. Studies show that people who engage in low-intensity exercise, such as walking, relieve fatigue faster than those who run or do aerobic exercise with weights.
How to increase energy:
Practice every day, even if it's only 10 minutes. If you have absolutely no time, walk halfway to the office on foot. If possible, do exercises as soon as you get up. It will wake you up better than espresso.
If you're already exhausted after dinner, take a 10-20 minute walk. Even standing for a bit while working instead of sitting at the computer is good for your muscles and blood flow.

3. Bottomless cup of coffee

Drinking your fifth cup of coffee in a day? Caffeine will not only make you twitchy all night, it also does something to your hormones. Coffee stimulates the production of adrenaline and cortisol, two hormones that increase agility. But the effect does not last long, so pretty soon you want to drink another cup for cheerfulness. The problem is, after the third cup, the caffeine stops working. It's like squeezing a sponge.
People who drink a lot of coffee throughout the day can overstimulate adrenaline production, resulting in a deficiency that leads to fatigue and exhaustion.
How to increase energy:
Reduce the amount of coffee a day - you don't have to cut it out completely. 1-3 cups a day will give you tone. Studies show that in older people, coffee improves brain function. In addition, people who drink coffee half their lives are less prone to Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

4. Sweet snacks

4pm and you need to recharge. Would you like to go to the chocolate machine? Wrong move.. Sweets actually deplete your energy reserves.
Remember what happened to your breakfast? Sweets also provoke a rapid increase in energy, which is abruptly replaced by a crisis. The same thing happens with energy drinks like Red Bull. Especially energy drinks are harmful for overweight people. Obese people are already producing too much insulin due to the sugar they consume in excess.
Sweets send another portion of sugar into their body. Ultimately, this can lead to insulin resistance (when insulin is not used by cells and accumulates in the blood), a condition for diabetes.
Watch out for "healthy" juices as well, as they are also often high in sugar. A glass of juice can contain 8-10 teaspoons of sugar - just like a glass of cola.
What to do:
It is better to choose coarse fiber foods or protein snacks, like a slice of turkey wrapped around a slice of carrot or celery, mmmm….
A refreshing product with a low sugar content can be carbonated mineral water with a drop of juice.
Green soybeans are a great source of soy and protein, and are very beneficial for women because they contain phytoestrogens, non-steroidal plant compounds that can act not only as estrogens but also as antiestrogens in the human body. For example, unlike real estrogens, they do not stimulate, but suppress the growth of hormone-dependent tumors.
Nuts, especially pistachios, almonds, and walnuts, are another source of energy. They are rich in protein, healthy fats and are antioxidants. But do not eat them in handfuls - as they are high in calories. If you are on a diet, eat no more than 300g per day.

5. You're Not Getting Enough Magnesium

Falling asleep at your office desk? Drowsiness, dizziness, tearfulness, and muscle weakness are symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is a key element that maintains the functionality of the body - it is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions. It supports muscle and nerve function, a smooth heartbeat, immunity and bone strength.
Certain medications, such as diuretics and antibiotics, can cause magnesium deficiency.
How to be:
Eating green leafy vegetables like spinach is the best source of magnesium. Also some types of fish, such as halibut, in one 100g portion of which contains 90mg of magnesium. Nuts, whole grains, beans are also rich in magnesium.
Women need 310-320mg of magnesium per day, more for pregnant women (350-400mg) and breastfeeding (310-360mg). You can take magnesium supplements. but check with your doctor first.

6. Heavy menstruation

Falling off your feet during your period? You may have iron deficiency anemia, a syndrome characterized by impaired hemoglobin synthesis due to iron deficiency. This mineral is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues. Women are most susceptible to iron deficiency anemia, due to heavy and prolonged menstruation, uterine fibroids. Fatigue is one of the signs, among others shortness of breath, dizziness and weakness. Coffee or exercise won't help this kind of fatigue. It is as if a person lacked oxygen.
How to increase energy:
Women need 18mg of iron per day, less if you are over 51 (8mg).
Contact your doctor and get a blood test for iron content. Do not take iron yourself, because such supplements can cause indigestion, constipation, and other digestive problems.
In addition, it is best to eat food, rich in iron, such as the:
Meat products: beef, liver, kidneys, tongue,
Porridges and cereals: beans, lentils, buckwheat, peas
Vegetables and greens: potatoes (baked young with skins), tomatoes, onions, green vegetables, pumpkin, beets, watercress, spinach, parsley.
Fruits: bananas, apples, pears, plums, persimmons, pomegranates, peaches, apricots (dried apricots),
Berries: blueberries, strawberries/strawberries, black currants and cranberries (you can buy frozen, it also helps; cranberries can be in sugar).
Juices: carrot, beetroot, pomegranate, "Red Fruit Juice"; apple juice specially developed for pregnant women with a high iron content.
Other: walnuts, black/red caviar, seafood, egg yolk, dark chocolate, dried mushrooms, dried fruits, hematogen.

7. Not enough sleep

Women need 7-9 hours of sleep at night. If you sleep less at night, try to get 10-20 minutes of sleep during the day. Even after a short daytime sleep, working capacity, and hence labor productivity, increase dramatically.
Also try meditating for 10-15 minutes to increase your energy levels, clear your mind and refresh your body.

8. Stress

For the brain, there is no difference between the fear of being late for work or being in the teeth of a saber-toothed tiger. Either way, the adrenaline fight-or-flight response gives us a boost of energy for speed or action. But, only if you really do not run away from a huge hungry cat, hormones circulate in the blood for a long time in high concentrations, not allowing either the nervous system or internal organs to calm down. This can wear down your body and cause problems such as low energy levels, chronic pain, digestive problems, heart disease, and diabetes.
How to deal with it:
There is one stress reliever that women can use anywhere: breathing.
- With the help of calm and deep breathing, emotional swings can be prevented.
- Increasing the length of the exhalation will help you calm down and relax.
- The slower and deeper, calmer and more rhythmic
our breathing, the sooner we get used to this way of breathing, the sooner it will become an integral part of our life.

Something even easier? Just smile! This relaxes the facial muscles and relieves tension, helping to boost your energy levels.

How do you deal with fatigue? Do you know other ways? Share with us!

In the modern world, a person is subjected to daily psychological and emotional stress. Problems at work, traffic jams, bad ecology, unfavorable family environment make a person's life sometimes simply unbearable. The result is chronic fatigue and a complete lack of interest in life. The question of how to find the strength to live on is sooner or later asked by many members of society, and, unfortunately, they do not always find an answer to it.

What to do

The lack of desire to live on occurs in many people. Usually such thoughts arise after a tragedy or accident. Even the most focused optimists sometimes have a pessimistic mood. However, often people misinterpret their condition: they want to live, but not in the way they are at the moment. A person is not satisfied with the current life situation, he wants to change something, but there is no strength for this. Troubles and troubles make us stronger and more experienced. There are frequent cases when a strong shake-up makes you throw all depressive thoughts away and makes you move only forward. You should not wait for help from others, you need to find the strength in yourself to get out of this state. The advice of psychologists will help you understand yourself, separate the important from the secondary and find peace of mind.

Analyze the current situation

First of all, you need to prioritize, to separate real difficulties from fictional ones, and then the circle of real problems will narrow significantly. There is no need to exaggerate the significance of the current situation - this is just another life stage that will end sooner or later.

Can't be inactive

Find the strength in yourself to look for a way out. By suggesting to yourself that there is no strength to live on, you are building an insurmountable wall of negativity, which will be too difficult to break through. Can't find a straight path, go roundabout, but don't stand still.

Gaining Life Experience

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but a reasonable person is able to draw conclusions from any situation, and the more difficult it is, the more valuable the experience gained.

Think Positive

Depression is afraid of energetic and active people. Find the strength to do something interesting, inspiring. A new occupation will give meaning to life, and there will be a desire to move on.

Appreciate life

Our life path is too short, and we do not know at what point it will end. It is not worth wasting even a few precious minutes on despondency, sadness and despair. It is foolish to waste precious time on depression, when it can be spent on new acquaintances, travel, communication with loved ones.

Throw out the negativity

Don't shut yourself up and hold back your emotions. I want to cry - cry, after that there will be a noticeable relief. Just do not bring yourself to hysteria, it will not lead to anything good. You can not be in constant nervous tension, you need to periodically give vent to feelings.

What is not done is for the best

How to find the strength to move on if you were fired from your job? Or maybe it's a sign? A signal of fate that you deserve better, and a job change will bring only positive changes to your life. Did a loved one leave you? Perhaps he was only a transitional period on the path of life, and real feelings are just ahead? What we accept as the strongest tragedy is actually an impetus to a new happy stage in life.

Energy vampires exist not only in books on psychology. There are many people in our life who are not satisfied with their being, and feed on the energy of positive and happy people. Drive away envious people, whiners, hypocrites from your environment, they have no place there. Communicating with them, you will gradually begin to live with their problems, which you do not need. Make friends with self-sufficient and positive personalities, after them you will also improve yourself.

Be realistic about reality

Beautiful knights and magnificent ladies live only in fairy tales. Real relationships are much more complicated than in novels, and the sooner you take off your rose-colored glasses, the less disappointment you will experience.

Don't sacrifice yourself

In any relationship, self-giving is important, but it is not worth constantly sacrificing yourself in a relationship devoid of reciprocity. If the object of adoration is not worthy of you, find the strength in yourself to admit it and retreat. Perhaps a great and bright feeling awaits you ahead.

Get rid of inner oppression - resentment towards others

Strong resentment does not allow us to live in peace, it drives us into depression with heavy oppression. Learn to mentally forgive your offender, and then you will clearly feel relieved.

Experience gratitude

Thank people for doing good things for you. Perhaps, in this way, you make new friends who can help in difficult times.

Apperciate things which you have

Look at yourself from the side. Maybe you have something that others don't? It is not necessarily about material wealth, you need to appreciate good friends, excellent health, living loved ones, family well-being. Not everyone has this, but they do not complain about their fate, but move on.

Let go of the past

Each new day is a blank slate on which you can start writing your life path anew. All grievances and tragedies are in the past, you need to be able to let go of unpleasant memories, while drawing useful experience from them.

Methods of dealing with apathy for life

In psychology, there is a clear definition of the lack of vital energy - apathy. If you have no strength to live on, try to take the advice of experts.

Write on paper everything that makes you apathetic towards life and burn the sheet. If such an idea seems a little silly to you, you can use the old proven method - tell a stranger about your problems. He will listen to you and possibly give you objective advice on how to live and what to do. After such actions, you will feel real spiritual relief.

Separate yourself from those around you. It is best to do this in the forest, where you can take a break from the bustle of the city. Clean air, birdsong will help to recover emotionally.

Doctors say that the more emotions you keep in yourself, the more difficult it is to get out of a depressive state. If you want to scream - scream, cry, after that it will be easier for you to notice.

If you understand that you cannot cope with the problem on your own, consult a doctor. An experienced psychologist will help you find the true cause of poor mental health and help you find a way out of this situation.

Lack of interest in life can torment a person at any time of the day, you can wake up in the morning and feel terribly tired. Where to find strength for a new day? Doctors recommend the following ways to "charge" your body:

  • Review your diet. Perhaps it contains an excessive amount of sweet, fatty and salty, which has a significant burden on the body. The more healthy foods you eat, the more energy you will get.
  • Invigorating aromas. It has long been proven that citrus increases efficiency. Eat oranges, tangerines more often, and they will definitely energize you for the whole day.
  • Fitness. This is not about exhausting physical activity, but about light exercises or jogging in the morning. Simple exercises will allow you to wake up faster in the morning and feel good spirits.

If you perform these simple actions, the blues will gradually recede. Try to look for something good, positive in every day, set new goals for yourself.

What causes a loss of interest in life

Before you begin to treat apathy, you need to identify the causes of its occurrence. Most often, interest in life disappears for the following reasons:

  • Constantly experienced stressful situations. A person is in chronic depression, and he can no longer get out of it on his own. In this case, you need to seek specialized help.
  • Avitaminosis. Usually in the off-season, a person begins to experience an acute shortage of vitamins and minerals, folic acid, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. As a result, anemia sets in, and the body works only at half its strength.
  • Diets. Exhausting diets make the body weakened, lethargic. A losing weight person limits himself in sugar, as a result of which glucose ceases to nourish the cells in the required amount.
  • Physical overload. Exhausting training or hard work exhausts the body, resulting in apathy and weakness often.
  • Mental stress. A striking example are students who experience great mental stress during the session. After passing exams, they often become depressed.
  • Taking certain medications can also negatively affect mental well-being.

Lack of desire to live on, depression - all these concepts are only a temporary state of the body, which can and should be fought. If you do not pay due attention to a depressive state, over time it can develop into a real tragedy. About 3% of the total number of patients with depressive disorder attempt to commit suicide. These are very scary numbers, because our friends and relatives may be in this seemingly small percentage. Do not close yourself in your shell, look for a way out of this situation, do not give up. If you are wondering how to continue to live, if you have no strength and do not find an answer to it, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist. He will recommend medications that, in combination with psychological exercises, will quickly restore peace of mind and the meaning of life.