The factor that has the greatest impact on human health. What factors affect health

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Today, environmental problems have arisen on our planet, food cannot give the body all the necessary nutrients, it contains many harmful components, many have weakened immunity, sick children are born - a natural result of a breakdown in communication with the outside world.

The factors that affect the health of each person can be listed:

1. Nutrition;

3. Lifestyle;

4. Heredity;

5. Medicine;

The World Health Organization claims that the environment affects human health by 20%, heredity - by 10%, medicine is also only 10%.

Prevention. Medical prevention. Kinds.

PREVENTION - a complex of state, social. And medical measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of citizens, raising a healthy young generation, and increasing working longevity.

MED.PROPHYLAXIKA - a set of measures aimed at eliminating the causes and conditions that give rise to the disease.

1. Primary (radical) is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease by improving working and living conditions. Primary prevention includes socio-economic measures of the state to improve the lifestyle, environment, education, etc. Preventive activities are mandatory for all medical workers. It is no coincidence that polyclinics, hospitals, dispensaries, maternity hospitals are called medical and preventive institutions.

2. Secondary to be carried out among apparently healthy citizens in order to determine premorbid conditions in people with increased risk disease development. It is aimed at increasing the body's resistance (treatment and preventive nutrition, personal protective equipment. The most effective method secondary prevention is clinical examination as a complex method of early detection of diseases, dynamic monitoring, targeted treatment, rational consistent recovery.

3. Tertiary (rehabilitation) is aimed at preventing complications, relapses of already developed diseases, the transition of diseases to a chronic form. The creation of a system for preventing diseases and eliminating risk factors is the most important socio-economic and medical task of the state. Allocate individual and social prevention. Tertiary prevention is aimed at social (formation of confidence in one's own social suitability), labor (the possibility of restoring work skills), psychological (restoration of the behavioral activity of the individual) and medical (restoration of the functions of organs and systems) rehabilitation.

Prevention (other Greek prophylaktikos - protective)- a complex of various kinds of measures aimed at preventing a phenomenon and / or eliminating risk factors.

Preventive measures are the most important component of the healthcare system, aimed at developing medical and social activity among the population and motivation for healthy lifestyle life.

Types of prevention

Depending on the state of health, the presence of risk factors for the disease or severe pathology, three types of prevention can be considered.

Primary prevention- a system of measures to prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors for the development of diseases (vaccination, a rational regime of work and rest, rational high-quality nutrition, physical activity, environmental protection, etc.). A number of primary prevention activities can be carried out nationwide.

Secondary prevention- a set of measures aimed at eliminating pronounced risk factors that, under certain conditions (stress, weakened immunity, excessive stress on any other functional systems organism) can lead to the onset, exacerbation and recurrence of the disease. The most effective method of secondary prevention is prophylactic medical examination as a complex method of early detection of diseases, dynamic monitoring, targeted treatment, rational consistent recovery.

Some experts suggest the term tertiary prevention as a set of measures for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost the possibility of a full life. Tertiary prevention is aimed at social (formation of confidence in one's own social suitability), labor (the possibility of restoring work skills), psychological (restoration of behavioral activity) and medical (restoration of the functions of organs and body systems) rehabilitation.

Environmental and health factors. risk factor. Definition, classification.

Under the environment modern medical science understands the totality of everything that surrounds a person in everyday life and directly or indirectly affects his health and the conditions of this life. In the broadest sense of the term "Environment" (OS), it includes our entire planet and the outer space in which it is located. In a narrower sense, the OS is only the biosphere, i.e. the natural shell of the Earth, in which all living organisms inhabiting it are concentrated. The main components of the natural environment are soil (lithosphere), solar radiation and other cosmic factors, air (atmosphere) and water (hydrosphere) shells. Their original physical and Chemical properties, the nature and level of pollution form the environmental conditions of human life and activity.

Physical factors: solar radiation and other physical effects of cosmic origin (galactic, moon, interplanetary magnetic field, etc.), temperature, humidity, air speed and pressure, temperature of enclosing surfaces (radiation temperature from building structures, soil, equipment, etc.), noise, vibration, ionizing radiation, illumination, electromagnetic waves, etc. Starting from certain levels of intensity, they can cause disturbances: mutagenic effects, radiation, altitude and vibration diseases, heat stroke, etc.

Chemical Factors: natural and artificial origin chemical elements and compounds (pollutants) that make up air, water, soil, food products, building materials, clothing, footwear, various items household and interior, household electrical equipment, industrial equipment, etc.

Biological factors: harmless and harmful microorganisms, viruses, worms, fungi, various animals and plants and their metabolic products. Physical, chemical, and, to a certain extent, biological factors can be both natural and artificial (anthropogenic-technogenic) origin, more often a combination of these factors affects a person. It should be borne in mind that in addition to the listed material factors, a person is also significantly influenced by informational and psychological factors - the impact of the spoken and printed word, auditory and visual perceptions. Almost all diseases are the result of the interaction of the environment and the internal environment of a person. As a result of exposure to an inadequate factor, a new ext. Factor (mutations).

Changes in the state of health under the influence of anthropogenic factors:

1) an increase in the incidence and a change in its structure:

Allergic diseases

Malignant tumors

Diseases of the blood.

2) chronicity of the disease

3) decrease in the immunobiological reactivity of the body (nutrition, social factors)

4) decrease in reproductive function

5) increased mutation in the human population (chromosomal abnormalities)

6) decrease in intellectual potential

7) the appearance of previously unknown diseases (chronic fatigue syndrome).

Risk factor - Factors that do not play an etiological role, but increase the likelihood of a disease, for example, a constitutional predisposition in psychogenic reactions, alcoholism in relation to metalluetic psychoses. Risk factors are assessed by comparing the risk of those who are exposed to a potential risk factor with those who are not.

Assessment of the risk of adverse effects in accordance with international recommendations.

Health risk assessment:

1) the process of establishing the likelihood of development and the severity of adverse effects on human health, due to the impact of environmental factors.

2) scientific assessment of the toxic properties of the chemical and the conditions of its exposure to humans, aimed at establishing the likelihood that exposed people will be affected, as well as characterizing the nature of the effects that they may experience;

3) identification of danger, its reality, assessment of exposure, intensity of the factor, frequency, duration of action in the past, present and future, risk notification, risk management (development of methods to prevent or reduce risk).

Risk assessment consists of the following stages: hazard identification, exposure-response dependence assessment, exposure assessment, risk characterization. Assessment of the comparative significance of risks is the stage of risk characterization, which involves determining the comparative significance of identified hazards and calculated risks to public health. Risk assessment aims to identify the levels and causes of risk and provide individuals with the most complete and objective information necessary for making effective management decisions.

Human health risk assessment is a quantitative and/or qualitative characteristic of harmful effects that develop or may develop as a result of the existing or possible impact of environmental factors on a specific group of people under specific exposure conditions determined by regional characteristics. The results of the risk assessment are advisory in nature and are used to justify and make decisions on risk management.

Risk assessment is generally carried out in accordance with the following steps:

1. Hazard identification (assessment of the risk to human health of the studied substances, compilation of a list of priority chemical compounds);

2. Evaluation of the "exposure-response" relationship (establishing quantitative relationships between exposure levels, frequency and severity of adverse effects, selection of indicators for subsequent risk assessment);

3. Evaluation of the exposure (impact) of chemicals on humans, taking into account the influencing media, the duration of exposure, the characteristics of the exposed population groups and the routes of entry of chemicals into the body;

4. Risk characterization: analysis of all data obtained, calculation of risks for the population and its individual subgroups, comparison of risks with acceptable (acceptable) levels, comparative assessment of risks according to their degree of significance, establishment of medical priorities and those risks that should be prevented or reduced to acceptable level.

High - not acceptable for production conditions and the population. It is necessary to implement measures to eliminate or reduce the risk. Medium - acceptable for production conditions; Low - acceptable risk (the level at which, as a rule, hygienic standards are set for the population. Minimum - the desired (target) risk value when carrying out health and environmental activities does not require any corrective actions aimed at reducing the risk.

Modern Benchmarking Methodology Risk Management provides for a parallel consideration of health risks, environmental risks due to ecosystem disruption and harmful effects on aquatic and terrestrial organisms (except humans), risks of reduced quality and deterioration of living conditions. Risk analysis - the process of obtaining information necessary to prevent negative consequences for public health, consisting of three components: risk assessment, risk management, risk communication.

Comprehensive hygienic assessment. Research methods used in gig.diagnostics.

This is a comprehensive study of natural, social environment and health status with subsequent identification of the regular dependence of health on the quality of the environment. Includes: the study of the intensity, duration, frequency of the impact of factors on an individual and a group of people; diagnostics of the state of health of individuals, groups of people, especially hypersensitive (teenagers, children); establishing the contribution of factors to the violation of the health status of an individual, groups of people, hypersensitive groups of people.


2. Physical. - instrumental, when using instruments to study physical parameters (temperature, humidity, radiation, air ionization)

4. Biol. - bacteriological and helminthological (the presence of eggs in the soil, vegetables, etc.) the number of bacteria in the reservoir does not exceed hundreds per 1 ml.

5. Epidemiological - when studying morbidity rates, it is associated with sanitary-statistical, which uses official data reports. The latter studies the total impact of social, economic, natural. Health conditions.

6. Clinical studies in dozonological diagnostics, in the study of professional diseases, the development of adequate methods of profiling and treatment.

Prenosological diagnostics. The medical methods of researches used at a gigabyte. diagnostics.

It's an estimate functional state organism and its adaptive capabilities in a period when there are still no obvious signs of disease.

GOAL: early detection of primorbid conditions in the form of: tension of adaptation mechanisms, unsatisfactory or failure of adaptation; development and implementation of adequate methods of disease profiling.

ASSESSMENT OF ADAPTATION SYSTEMS INCLUDES Key words: immunological status, state of enzymatic systems, antioxidant systems, psychol. Testing, LPO, CCC regulatory mechanisms. In practically healthy people, the following is revealed: 40% tension of adaptation, 25% unsatisfactory, 9% breakdown.

What does prenosological diagnostics provide?

1. Early detection of a developing disease before the onset of clinical symptoms (latent forms of the course).

2. Identification critical conditions capable of exacerbating existing diseases.

3. Select the system or organ that requires priority intervention.

4. Indicates the system with the greatest degree of damage.

5. Evaluation of violations of vitamin and microelement balance and targeted prescription of biocorrectors.

6. Tracking the effectiveness of any wellness procedures and the dynamics of the state of health.

Contraindications to the use of prenosological diagnostics:

1. Acute infectious diseases with febrile syndrome.

2. Traumatic amputation of the phalanges of the fingers.

3. Congenital malformations of the limbs.

4. Age less than 4 years.

5. Severe violations hearing and speech.

6. Violations of consciousness.


1. Sanitary description of environmental objects, living and working conditions, the nature of nutrition and the pathology associated with all this.

2. Physical. - instrumental, when using instruments to study physical parameters (temperature, humidity, radiation, air ionization)

3. Chem. - in the form of a qualitative and quantitative analysis for the study of products and the state of the air, water environment, soil determination of pesticides, metals, gases, etc., cat. can harm.

4. Biol. - bacteriological and helminthologist (the presence of eggs in the soil, vegetables, etc.). The number of bacteria in the reservoir does not exceed hundreds per 1 ml.

5. Epidemiological - in the study of incidence rates, it is associated with sanitary-statistical, cat. uses official reporting data. The latter studies the total impact of social, economic, natural. Health conditions.

6. Clinical research - in dozonological diagnostics, in the study of professional diseases, the development of adequate methods of profiling and treatment.

7. Method gig. experiment - will investigate the influence of various factors on humans and experimental animals.

8. Laboratory modeling-experimental establishment of maximum allowable concentrations and levels (MAC, MPC), indicative safe exposure levels (OBUV) and other indicators, cat. called gig. standards.

9. To modern. Physical-chemical methods include: spectrometric, radiometric, dosimetric, luminescent analysis, etc.

Social gig monitoring. Information subsystems of monitoring.

1. Social and hygienic monitoring is a system of organizational, sanitary and epidemiological, medical, social, scientific, technical, methodological and other measures aimed at organizing monitoring of the state of sanitary and epidemic welfare of the population, its assessment and forecasting of changes to establish, prevent, eliminate or reduce the factors of the harmful effects of the environment on human health.

2. Social and hygienic monitoring is carried out at the republican, regional and local levels by sanitary and epidemiological institutions

3. The main purpose of socio-hygienic monitoring is to identify, based on health and environmental monitoring systems, risk levels for.

4. When conducting social and hygienic monitoring, the following are provided:

Organization of monitoring of the sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population;

Identification and risk assessment of the impact of environmental factors on human health and the implementation of targeted, scientific, technical and regional programs on ensuring sanitary and epidemic well-being and protecting public health, preventing diseases and improving the human environment;

Obtaining and processing information from state and industry surveillance systems, assessing and predicting changes in the state of health of the population, the surrounding natural, industrial and social environment, socio-economic development;

Identification of causal relationships between the state of health and the human environment, the causes and conditions for changes in the sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population;

Preparation of proposals for the organization of activities aimed at preventing, eliminating or reducing the factors of the harmful effects of the environment on human health;

Development of forecasts of changes in the state of health of the population in connection with changes in the human environment;

Transfer of information to users of social and hygienic monitoring and its distribution among interested bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as citizens;

The organization, provision and maintenance of the republican system of social and hygienic monitoring is carried out by the Republican Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. Scientific and methodological support and support of social and hygienic monitoring in the republic is carried out by the Belarusian Scientific Research Sanitary and Hygienic Institute.

INFORMATION FUND of social gig monitoring consists of data blocks characterizing:

Public health;

The state of the environment;

Indicators of socio-economic development of the republic, regions and cities.

Infor-th sources for social gig. monitoring are:

Databases for monitoring the state of health and physical development of the population;

Behind providing a dignity. - epidemic. well-being of the population and the natural environment;

Databases for monitoring natural and climatic factors, sources of anthropogenic impact on the environment, radiation safety, as well as the quality of atmospheric air, surface and ground waters, soil;

Databases for monitoring the indicators of socio-economic development in the republic, regions and cities;

Databases of executive authorities, institutions and organizations, as well as international organizations.

Software and technological support provides, while maintaining the existing functionality, the formation, use, updating, updating and presentation of all types of indicators included in the databases of social and hygienic monitoring. The exchange of data from the information fund of social and hygienic monitoring between the bodies, institutions and organizations authorized to conduct this monitoring is carried out free of charge through established communication channels, and with other users - on a contractual basis.

The users of the data of the information fund of social and hygienic monitoring can be state authorities of the republic and locally, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their subordination and forms of ownership, public associations as well as citizens. Users are prohibited from transferring data from the information fund of social and hygienic monitoring to third parties on commercial basis. Information subsystems are information about the results of the annual state sanitary supervision, data from the state environmentalist. monitoring, the results of automated control of the radiation situation.

Our body is a perfect machine, all the components of which are amazingly correlated with each other. The correct and balanced activity of all organs and systems allows us to feel strong and healthy for many years. However, the body has a tendency to wear out. For some, wear time comes earlier, for others later. And even despite the high level of development of medicine, specialists are not always able to fix the breakdowns that occur. What does our health depend on? What factors have a particular impact on it?

More than thirty years ago, scientists compiled a list of four factors that ensure the health of every modern person. Fifteen to twenty percent is provided by genetic factors, the state of the environment determines health indicators by twenty to twenty five percent. Ten fifteen percent of our body depends on the level of medical care. And finally, fifty - fifty-five percent of our health is a way of life and its conditions.

It should be borne in mind that the magnitude of the influence of individual factors also depends on age indicators, the sex of the individual and his personal and typological characteristics.

Let's look at each of the factors described above in a little more detail.


As you know, much in the development of our body is determined by the set of genes that our parents laid in us. Not only our appearance depends on genetics, but also the presence of hereditary diseases and predisposition to certain pathological conditions. Parents pass us a certain blood type, Rh factor and an individual combination of proteins.

The hereditary factor also determines transmitted diseases, such as hemophilia, diabetes, endocrine diseases. A predisposition to the development of mental disorders can be passed on from parents.

However, from the point of heredity, all forms of pathologies can be divided into four large groups:

Diseases that develop precisely because of the presence of pathological genes. These are diseases such as phenylketonuria or hemophilia, as well as chromosomal ailments;

Also, hereditary diseases that can develop under the influence of the environment, at the same time, the elimination of pathological factors of external influence leads to a decrease in the severity of clinical manifestations. A prime example such disease is gout;

This group is represented by fairly common ailments, most of of which develops in old age (ulcer, hypertension, oncology). The emergence of such pathological conditions in some way depends on the genetic predisposition, but the main factor provoking their development lies in the adverse effects of the environment;

The fourth group includes diseases that develop solely due to environmental factors, but a certain genetic predisposition can affect the outcome of these conditions.


This factor of influence on human health includes a number of natural and anthropogenic influences, in the environment of which people's daily life takes place. At the same time, it includes social, natural, as well as artificially created biological, physical and chemical factors that directly or indirectly affect the life, health and various activities of the individual.

Medical service

Many people place most of their hopes for health on this factor, but its influence is at a rather low level. Now medicine involves the elimination of pathological conditions, and not the maintenance of health at the proper level. At the same time, the medicinal effect often reduces the stock of health due to the presence of many side effects.

In order for doctors to help the nation stay healthier, primary prevention must be carried out, namely, work with those people who are healthy and with those who are just getting sick. However, our medical system does not have the resources for this, since all its forces are aimed at combating already developed diseases and preventing their relapses.


So, we come to the last and most important factor that half determines our health. It is a healthy lifestyle that contributes to the prolongation of life and the maintenance of a full life. At the same time, recommendations for optimizing everyday lifestyle should be selected based on individual features individual. It is necessary to take into account not only the gender and age characteristics of a person, but also his marital status, profession, traditions of the family and country, working conditions. Important role plays material support and working conditions.

At the same time, each person can carry out individual work to optimize their lifestyle, using the available literature. Unfortunately, now many teachings offer the opportunity to maintain and strengthen health using miraculous remedies. These are amazing motor practices, nutritional supplements, preparations for cleansing the body. However, it should be taken into account that health can be achieved only by optimizing all spheres of life, including the mental side.

So, the main factors influencing human health are now clear to you. As you can see, the lifestyle that we create for ourselves has the greatest impact on our body for most people. That is, a lot still depends on us ... And we are responsible for ourselves!

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A person throughout his life is under the constant influence of a number of environmental factors - from environmental to social. In addition to individual biological characteristics, all of them directly affect its vital activity, health and, ultimately, life expectancy. Evidence shows that lifestyle has the biggest impact on health. Almost half of all cases of diseases depend on it. The second place in terms of impact on health is occupied by the state of the human environment (at least one third of diseases are determined by adverse environmental influences). Heredity causes about 20% of diseases.

A healthy organism constantly ensures the optimal functioning of all its systems in response to any changes in the environment. Preservation of the optimal life activity of a person when interacting with the environment is determined by the fact that for his body there is a certain physiological limit of endurance in relation to any environmental factor, and beyond the limit this factor will inevitably have a depressing effect on human health. For example, as tests have shown, in urban conditions, factors affecting health are divided into five main groups: living environment, production factors, social, biological and individual lifestyle.

Of great concern is the fact that currently the Russian Federation in terms of mortality and average life expectancy, it consistently occupies one of the last places among industrialized countries.

1. Smoking

Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of preparations, mainly of plant origin, smoldering in a stream of inhaled air, in order to saturate the body with the active substances contained in them by sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract. As a rule, it is used for the use of smoking mixtures that have narcotic properties due to the rapid flow of blood saturated with psychoactive substances into the brain.

Studies have proven the harm of smoking. Tobacco smoke contains more than 30 toxic substances: Nicotine, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Hydrocyanic acid, Ammonia, Resinous substances, Organic acids and others.

Statistics say: compared to non-smokers, long-term smokers are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to have myocardial infarction, and 10 times more likely to get stomach ulcers. Smokers make up 96 - 100 % of all lung cancer patients. Every seventh long time a smoker suffers from obliterating endarteritis - a serious disease of the blood vessels.

Nicotine is a nerve poison. In experiments on animals and observations on humans, it has been established that nicotine in small doses excites nerve cells, promotes increased respiration and heart rate, heart rhythm disturbances, nausea and vomiting. In large doses, it inhibits and then paralyzes the activity of cells CNS, including vegetative. A disorder of the nervous system is manifested by a decrease in working capacity, trembling of the hands, and a weakening of memory.

Nicotine also affects the glands internal secretion, in particular, on the adrenal glands, which at the same time secrete a hormone into the blood - Adrenaline, which causes vasospasm, an increase blood pressure and increased heart rate. Adversely affecting the sex glands, nicotine contributes to the development of sexual weakness in men - impotence.

Smoking is especially harmful to children and teenagers. The nervous and circulatory systems, which are not yet strong, react painfully to tobacco.

In addition to nicotine, other components of tobacco smoke also have a negative effect. When carbon monoxide enters the body, oxygen starvation develops, due to the fact that carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin more easily than oxygen and is delivered with blood to all human tissues and organs. Cancer in smokers occurs 20 times more often than in non-smokers. How longer man smokes, the more likely he is to die from this serious disease. Statistical studies have shown that smokers often have cancerous tumors in other organs - the esophagus, stomach, larynx, kidneys. It is not uncommon for smokers to develop cancer of the lower lip due to the carcinogenic effect of the extract accumulating in the mouthpiece of the pipe.

Very often, smoking leads to the development of chronic bronchitis, accompanied by persistent cough and bad breath. As a result of chronic inflammation, the bronchi expand, bronchiectasis is formed with severe consequences- pneumosclerosis leading to circulatory failure. Often smokers experience pain in the heart. It is associated with spasm coronary vessels that feed the heart muscle with the development of angina pectoris (coronary heart failure). Myocardial infarction in smokers occurs 3 times more often than in non-smokers.

Smokers endanger not only themselves, but also those around them. In medicine, even the term "passive smoking" has appeared. In the body of non-smokers after staying in a smoky and unventilated room, a significant concentration of nicotine is determined.

For countries and territories of the world that provide relevant information to WHO, adult tobacco smoking prevalence ranges from 4% in Libya to 54% in Nauru. The top ten countries in which tobacco smoking is most widespread include, in addition to Nauru, Guinea, Namibia, and Kenya. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mongolia, Yemen, Sao Tome and Principe, Turkey, Romania. Russia in this series of 153 countries ranks 33rd (37% of smokers among the adult population). However, despite the fact that, for example, the United States in this series is in 98th place (24%), cigarette consumption here on average per capita is higher than in many countries of the world with a higher prevalence of smoking among the adult population. If in the United States an average of about 6 cigarettes per capita is consumed daily (that is, including children and all non-smokers), then in Russia it is less than 5. And the highest level of per capita consumption of cigarettes in Greece is almost 12 pieces per day per person.

2. Alcoholism

The thief of reason - this is how alcohol has been called since ancient times. People learned about the intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages at least 8000 years before our era - with the advent of ceramic dishes, which made it possible to manufacture alcoholic beverages from honey, fruit juices and wild grapes. Perhaps winemaking arose even before the beginning of cultivated agriculture. So, the famous traveler N.N. Miklukho-Maclay observed the Papuans of New Guinea, who still did not know how to make fire, but who already knew how to prepare intoxicating drinks. Pure alcohol began to be obtained in the 6th-7th centuries by the Arabs and they called it "al cogl", which means "intoxicating". The first bottle of vodka was made by the Arab Ragez in 860. The distillation of wine to obtain alcohol sharply aggravated drunkenness. It is possible that this was the reason for the ban on the use of alcoholic beverages by the founder of Islam (the Muslim religion) Muhammad (Mohammed, 570-632). This prohibition was subsequently included in the code of Muslim laws - the Koran (7th century). Since then, for 12 centuries, alcohol was not consumed in Muslim countries, and the apostates of this law (drunkards) were severely punished.

But even in Asian countries, where the consumption of wine was forbidden by religion (the Koran), the cult of wine still flourished and was sung in verse.

In the Middle Ages in Western Europe, they also learned how to obtain strong alcoholic beverages by sublimation of wine and other fermenting sugary liquids. According to legend, this operation was first performed by the Italian monk alchemist Valentius. After trying the newly obtained product and coming into a state of extreme intoxication. The alchemist declared that he had discovered a miraculous elixir that makes an old man young, tired, cheerful, yearning cheerful.

Since then, strong alcoholic beverages have quickly spread throughout the world, primarily due to the constantly growing industrial production of alcohol from cheap raw materials (potatoes, sugar production waste, etc.).

The spread of drunkenness in Russia is connected with the policy of the ruling classes. An opinion was even created that drunkenness is supposedly an ancient tradition of the Russian people. At the same time, they referred to the words of the chronicle: "Fun in Russia is to drink." But this is a slander against the Russian nation. Russian historian and ethnographer, expert on the customs and mores of the people, Professor N.I. Kostomarov (1817-1885) completely refuted this opinion. He proved that in ancient Russia they drank very little. Only on selected holidays they brewed mead, mash or beer, the strength of which did not exceed 5-10 degrees. The cup was passed around in circles, and everyone drank a few sips from it. On weekdays, no alcoholic drinks were allowed, and drunkenness was considered the greatest shame and sin.

The problem of alcohol consumption is very relevant today. Now the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the world is characterized by huge numbers. The whole society suffers from this, but first of all, the younger generation is at risk: children, adolescents, youth, as well as the health of expectant mothers. After all, alcohol has a particularly active effect on the unformed body, gradually destroying it.

The harm of alcohol is obvious. It has been proven that when alcohol enters the body, it spreads through the blood to all organs and adversely affects them up to destruction.

With the systematic use of alcohol, a dangerous disease develops - alcoholism. Alcoholism is dangerous to human health, but it is curable, like many other diseases.

But the main problem is that most of the alcoholic products produced by non-state enterprises contain a large amount of toxic substances. Poor quality products often lead to poisoning and even death.

All this causes great damage to society, its cultural values.

The reasons for the first initiation to alcohol are varied. But they are traced characteristic changes depending on age.

Until the age of 11, the first acquaintance with alcohol occurs either by accident, or it is given “for appetite”, “treated” with wine, or the child himself tastes alcohol out of curiosity (a motive mainly inherent in boys). At an older age, traditional occasions become the motives for the first use of alcohol: “holiday”, “family celebration”, “guests”, etc. From the age of 14-15, such reasons appear as “it was inconvenient to be left behind the guys”, “friends persuaded”, “for the company”, “for courage”, etc. Boys are characterized by all these groups of motives for the first acquaintance with alcohol. For girls, the second, "traditional" group of motives is mainly typical. Usually it happens, so to speak, an “innocent” glass in honor of a birthday or other celebration.

The second group of alcohol consumption motives, which form drunkenness as a type of behavior of offenders, deserves special attention. Among these motives is the desire to get rid of boredom. In psychology, boredom is called a special mental condition personality associated with emotional hunger. Adolescents in this category have significantly weakened or lost interest in cognitive activity. Adolescents who drink alcohol almost never exercise social activities. Significant shifts are observed in the sphere of leisure. Finally, some teenagers consume alcohol to relieve themselves of stress, to free themselves from unpleasant experiences. tense, anxiety state may arise in connection with their certain position in the family, school community.

But not only teenagers drink alcohol regularly, and despite the widespread development of anti-alcohol propaganda, many adults are not even aware of the extent of the harm caused by alcohol to the body.

The fact is that in everyday life there are many myths about the benefits of alcoholic beverages. It is believed, for example, that alcohol has a therapeutic effect, not only for colds, but also for a number of other diseases, including the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach ulcers. Doctors, on the contrary, believe that a peptic ulcer patient should absolutely not take alcohol. Where is the truth? After all, small doses of alcohol de really whet the appetite.

Or another belief that exists among people: alcohol excites, invigorates, improves mood, well-being, makes the conversation more lively and interesting, which is important for the company of young people. It is not for nothing that alcohol is taken “against fatigue”, with ailments, and at almost all festivities. Moreover, there is an opinion that alcohol is a high-calorie product that quickly provides the energy needs of the body, which is important, for example, during a hike, etc. And in beer and dry grape wines, in addition, there is a whole set of vitamins and aromatic substances. AT medical practice they use the bacteriostatic properties of alcohol, using it for disinfection (for injections, etc.), for the preparation of medicines, but by no means for the treatment of diseases.

So, alcohol is taken to cheer up, to warm the body, to prevent and treat diseases, in particular as a disinfectant, and also as a means of increasing appetite and energy. valuable product. Is it really as useful as it is commonly believed?

One of the Pirogov congresses of Russian doctors adopted a resolution on the dangers of alcohol: “ there is not a single organ in the human body that has not been subjected to the destructive action of alcohol; alcohol does not have any such action that could not be achieved by another remedy, acting healthier, safer and more reliable. Not such a morbid condition in which it is necessary to prescribe alcohol for any length of time. So the reasoning about the benefits of alcohol is still just a common misconception.

Alcohol from the stomach enters the bloodstream two minutes after drinking. The blood carries it to all cells of the body. First of all, the cells of the cerebral hemispheres suffer. The conditioned reflex activity of a person worsens, the formation of complex movements slows down, the ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system changes. Under the influence of alcohol, voluntary movements are disturbed, a person loses there is the ability to manage oneself.

The penetration of alcohol to the cells of the frontal lobe of the cortex liberates the emotions of a person, unjustified joy, stupid laughter, lightness in judgments appear. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, there is a sharp weakening of the processes of inhibition. The cortex ceases to control the work of the lower parts of the brain. A person loses restraint, modesty, he says and does what he never said and would not do when sober. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes higher nerve centers, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the activity of the lower parts of the brain: coordination of movements is disturbed, for example, eye movement (objects begin to double), an awkward staggering gait appears.

Violation of the nervous system and internal organs is observed with any use of alcohol: one-time, episodic and systematic.

It is known that disorders of the nervous system are directly related to the concentration of alcohol in human blood. When the amount of alcohol is 0.04-0.05 percent, the cerebral cortex turns off, the person loses control over himself, loses the ability to reason rationally. At a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1 percent, the deeper parts of the brain that control movement are inhibited. Human movements become uncertain and are accompanied by causeless joy, revival, fussiness. However, in 15 percent of people, alcohol can cause despondency, a desire to fall asleep. As the alcohol content in the blood increases, a person's ability to hear and see is weakened, and the speed of motor reactions is blunted. An alcohol concentration of 0.2 percent affects areas of the brain that control a person's emotional behavior. At the same time, base instincts are awakened, sudden aggressiveness appears. With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.3 percent, a person, although he is conscious, does not understand what he sees and hears. This state is called alcoholic stupefaction.

Systematic, excessive alcohol consumption can cause zheloe disease - alcoholism.

Alcoholism - regular, compulsive consumption a large number alcohol over a long period of time. Let's take a look at what alcohol can do to our body.

Blood. Alcohol inhibits the production of platelets, as well as white and red blood cells. Outcome: anemia, infections, bleeding.

Brain. Alcohol slows down blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, leading to constant oxygen starvation of its cells, resulting in weakening of memory and slow mental degradation. Early sclerotic changes develop in the vessels, and the risk of cerebral hemorrhage increases.

A heart. Alcohol abuse causes an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, persistent hypertension and myocardial dystrophy. Cardiovascular insufficiency puts the patient on the brink of the grave. Alcoholic myopathy: muscle degeneration as a result of alcoholism. The reasons for this are not using the muscles, poor diet and alcohol damage to the nervous system. In alcoholic cardiomyopathy, the heart muscle is affected.

Intestines. Constant exposure alcohol on the wall small intestine leads to a change in the structure of cells, and they lose the ability to fully absorb nutrients and mineral components, which ends with the depletion of the body of an alcoholic. Constant inflammation of the stomach and later the intestines causes ulcers of the digestive organs.

Liver. This organ suffers from alcohol the most: an inflammatory process (hepatitis) occurs, and then cicatricial degeneration (cirrhosis). The liver ceases to perform its function of decontaminating toxic metabolic products, producing blood proteins, and others. important features leading to the inevitable death of the patient. Cirrhosis is an insidious disease: it slowly creeps up on a person, and then beats, and immediately to death. The cause of the disease is the toxic effects of alcohol.

Pancreas. Alcoholic patients are 10 times more likely to develop diabetes than non-drinkers: alcohol destroys the pancreas, an organ that produces insulin, and profoundly perverts metabolism.

Leather. A drunk person almost always looks older than his years: his skin very soon loses its elasticity and ages prematurely.

3. Addiction

A drug is any chemical compound that affects the functioning of the body. Drug addiction (this word was formed from the Greek. narkz numbness, sleep + mania madness, passion, attraction) are chronic diseases caused by the abuse of medicinal or non-drug drugs. This is dependence on intoxicating substances, a state of mental and physical dependence on an intoxicating substance acting on the central nervous system, changing tolerance to a drug with a tendency to increase doses and develop physical dependence.

It may seem that drugs appeared not so long ago, which is associated with the development of chemistry, medicine and other sciences, as well as with rapid scientific and technological progress. However, it is not. Drugs have been known to people for thousands of years. They were consumed by people of different cultures and for different purposes: during religious rites, to restore strength, to change consciousness, to relieve pain and discomfort. Already in the pre-literate period, we have evidence that people knew and used psychoactive chemicals: alcohol and plants, the consumption of which affects consciousness. Archaeological studies have shown that already in 6400 BC. people knew beer and some other alcoholic drinks. Obviously, fermentation processes were discovered by chance (grape wine, by the way, appeared only in the 4th-3rd centuries BC). The first written evidence of the use of intoxicants is the story of Noah's drunkenness from the Book of Genesis. Various plants were also used, causing physiological and mental changes usually in religious ceremonies or during medical procedures.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, there were practically no restrictions on the production and consumption of drugs. Attempts have sometimes been made to reduce or even ban the use of certain substances, but they were short-lived and, as a rule, unsuccessful. For example, tobacco, coffee and tea were initially met with hostility by Europe. The first European who smoked tobacco - Columbus' companion Rodrigo de Jerez - upon arrival in Spain was imprisoned, as the authorities decided that he was possessed by the devil. There have been several attempts to outlaw coffee and tea. There are also cases when the state did not prohibit drugs, but, on the contrary, contributed to the prosperity of their trade. The best example is the armed conflicts between Great Britain and China in the middle of the 19th century. They are called the Opium Wars because English merchants brought opium into China. By the middle of the 19th century, several million Chinese were addicted to opium. At this time, China certainly came out on top in the world in the consumption of opium, most of which was grown in India and smuggled into the country by the British. The Chinese government passed many laws to control the import of opium, but none of them had the desired effect.

It doesn't take long for people to become drug addicts. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the person taking the drugs. In some cases, addiction to herbal and chemical preparations occurs, almost the first time, while in others it takes weeks, months and even years. There are a variety of judgments about the typology of the personality of drug users, each of which has the right to independent existence. Below are the conclusions of one of the theories of the identity of drug users, the founders of which are E.A. Babayan and A.N. Sergeev. The category of people under consideration includes five conditional groups, including:

1. Experimenters. The largest population of all five groups. It includes people who did not return to this harmful occupation after the first acquaintance with drugs.

2. Occasional consumers. These include mainly those who resort to drugs due to circumstances. For example, in a dubious company, a young man, fearing to be branded as a “black sheep”, boldly rolls up his shirt sleeve for heroin injection. Outside of these or other circumstances, these people do not have a desire to take drugs.

3. Systematic consumers. They take drugs according to a certain pattern. For example, on your birthday, on the occasion of achieving a significant result in your work, once a quarter, etc. It is naively believed that this self-deception will remain without any negative consequences for the psyche and physiology.

4. Regular customers. Consistently formed from the first three groups. Often, they are psychologically addicted to drugs and already because of this they are forced to take drugs not only on the occasion of a “significant event”, but because of the formation of a habit.

5. Patients with drug addiction. The last group is a natural result of taking drugs without a doctor's prescription. Individuals included in it are often dependent on drugs not only mentally, but also physically. According to some estimates, up to 0.5 million people can be classified as drug addicts in Russia.

The first four groups are so-called behavioral and require primarily educational measures, but the fifth group really needs not only qualified treatment, but also social rehabilitation.

As can be seen from the outpatient charts of underage drug users, 11.4% of children have experience of using intoxicating substances for less than 1 year, 46.7% from 1 to 2 years, and from 3 to 5 years - 36.3%, over 5 years - within 1% of adolescents. The average duration of non-medical drug use is 2.3 years. Five years ago, this indicator did not exceed 0.6-1.5 years, and ten years ago it was measured in days, or even hours. The weighted average time interval between the onset of drug use and registration at a drug addiction dispensary is 1.2 years (previously - 0.3-0.5 years).

The change in the way drugs are taken is that intravenous drug use is becoming more widespread among children. This trend has particularly affected neglected youth.

For the sake of clarity, let's consider two groups of drug users - school students who are not under the supervision of a narcologist, but who have experience in non-medical administration of drugs, and already established patients of a narcological dispensary.

From the table below, one can trace the qualitative difference between both groups of drug users.

It lies in the commitment of schoolchildren to smoking cannabis derivatives, while neglected teenagers, who have become the objects of attention of narcologists, use a syringe much more often, inhale toxic substances and cocaine (respectively, 15.5 and 5.2 times).

Table 1. Modes of drug use among adolescents

The above information shows that the regularity of the gradual and inevitable transition of minors from the use of so-called "soft" drugs to "hard" or "hard" drugs acquires characteristics accelerated in time.

When we talk about drug addiction and the study of the pathogenesis of these diseases, we must clearly understand that this disease is very complex.

The influence of drugs can be divided into three groups:

The first group - influence on certain structures of the brain, causing the development of addiction syndrome;

The second is that drugs have a lot of toxic effects on almost all organs and systems: the heart, liver, stomach, brain, etc.

And, finally, the third group, which we consider very important, is the effect on offspring. It has now been proven that children born to parents with drug addiction have an increased biological risk of drug addiction, and most of them show all kinds of behavioral changes: aggressiveness, irritability, psychopathy, depression. In addition, drug use leads to the birth of a child with an addiction syndrome.

More and more evidence is accumulating that parental drug abuse has some effect on offspring, and not even for one generation. This is a very important question. For example, “fetal drug syndrome” is a disease that occurs when a mother during pregnancy uses drugs that act directly on the fetus. This organic pathology of the brain can be expressed to varying degrees: certain characteristic changes in the skull, dementia, etc. In addition, these children have widespread functional changes in the nervous system (hyperexcitability, emotional instability to depressive reactions etc.). In Lvov, a survey was conducted of children born to drug-addicted fathers and mothers. These children were divided into two age groups: one included children under 25 years old, the other - over 25 years old.

Children of the 1st group, born to fathers of drug addicts, were found to have neurotic reactions (33%), attention deficit (19%), bedwetting (9%), mental retardation (10 %), somatic pathology(38%). Only 25% were healthy. There were 75% of children with some or other deviations (Table 2).

Table 2. Frequency of mental and somatic disorders in children born to parents who are drug addicts, %

Note: one child could have a combination of several signs, so their totality exceeds 100%.

The results of the examination of the children of the second group are shown in Table 2.

Table 3. Frequency of psychopathology in adult children born to parents with drug addiction, %

adult children



substance abuse



suicide attempts


Note: One and the same person could have several diseases, so their sum exceeds 100%.

4. Radiation

The fact that radiation has a detrimental effect on human health is no longer a secret to anyone. When radioactive radiation passes through the human body, or when contaminated substances enter the body, the energy of waves and particles is transferred to our tissues, and from them to cells. As a result, the atoms and molecules that make up the body become excited, which leads to disruption of their activity and even death. It all depends on the dose of radiation received, the state of human health and the duration of exposure.

For ionizing radiation there are no barriers in the body, so any molecule can be exposed to radioactive effects, the consequences of which can be very diverse. The excitation of individual atoms can lead to the transformation of some substances into others, cause biochemical changes, genetic disorders, etc. Proteins or fats that are vital for normal cellular activity may be affected. Thus, radiation affects the body at the micro level, causing damage that is not immediately noticeable, but manifests itself after many years. Damage to certain groups of proteins in the cell can cause cancer, as well as genetic mutations passed down through several generations. The impact of low doses of radiation is very difficult to detect, because the effect of this manifests itself after decades.

Table 4

The value of the absorbed dose, rad

Degree of impact on a person

10000 rad (100 Gr.)

Lethal dose, death occurs after a few hours or days from damage to the central nervous system.

1000 - 5000 rad (10-50 Gr.)

Lethal dose, death occurs within one to two weeks from internal bleeding(thinner cell membranes), mainly in the gastrointestinal tract.

300-500 rad (3-5 Gr.)

A lethal dose, half of those irradiated die within one to two months from damage to bone marrow cells.

150-200 rad (1.5-2 Gr.)

Primary radiation sickness (sclerotic process, changes in the reproductive system, cataracts, immune diseases, cancer). The severity and symptoms depend on the dose of radiation and its type.

100 rad (1 Gy)

Brief sterilization: loss of the ability to have offspring.

Irradiation with x-ray of the stomach (local).

25 rad (0.25 Gr.)

A dose of justifiable risk in an emergency.

10 rad (0.1 Gr.)

The probability of mutation increases by 2 times.

Irradiation with x-rays of teeth.

2 rad (0.02 Gy) per year

Radiation dose received by personnel working with a source of ionizing radiation.

0.2 rad (0.002 Gy or 200 millirad) per year

The dose of radiation received by employees of industrial enterprises, objects of radiation and nuclear technologies.

0.1 rad (0.001 Gy) per year

Radiation dose received by the average Russian.

0.1-0.2 rad per year

Natural radiation background of the Earth.

84 microrad/hour

Airplane flight at an altitude of 8 km.

1 microrad

Watching one hockey game on TV.

The harm of radioactive elements and the effect of radiation on human body actively studied by scientists around the world. It has been proven that daily emissions from nuclear power plants contain the radionuclide "Caesium-137", which, when ingested, causes sarcoma (a type of cancer), "Strontium-90" replaces calcium in bones and breast milk, which leads to leukemia (blood cancer) , bone and breast cancer. And even small doses of exposure to Krypton-85 significantly increase the likelihood of developing skin cancer.

Scientists note that people living in urban areas are most exposed to radiation. major cities, because in addition to the natural radiation background, they are also affected by building materials, food, air, contaminated objects. Constant excess over the natural radiation background leads to early aging, weakening of vision and the immune system, excessive psychological excitability, hypertension and the development of anomalies in children.

Even the smallest doses of radiation cause irreversible genetic changes that are passed down from generation to generation, leading to the development of Down syndrome, epilepsy, and the appearance of other defects in mental and physical development. It is especially scary that both food and household items are exposed to radiation contamination. Recently, cases of seizure of counterfeit and low-quality products, which are a powerful source of ionizing radiation, have become more frequent. Even children's toys are made radioactive! What kind of health of the nation can we talk about?!

A large amount of information has been obtained in the analysis of the results of the use of radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer. Many years of experience have allowed physicians to obtain extensive information about the response of human tissues to radiation. This reaction for different organs and tissues turned out to be unequal, and the differences are very large. Most organs have time to heal radiation damage to one degree or another and therefore tolerate a series of small doses better than the same total dose of radiation received at one time.

The most vulnerable to radiation is red Bone marrow and other elements of the hematopoietic system. Fortunately, they also have a remarkable ability to regenerate, and if the radiation dose is not so high as to cause damage to all cells, the hematopoietic system can fully restore its functions. If, however, not the whole body, but some part of it, was exposed to radiation, then the surviving brain cells are enough to completely replace the damaged cells.

Reproductive organs and eyes are also different hypersensitivity to irradiation. A single irradiation of the testes at a minimum dose leads to temporary sterility of men, and a slightly higher dose is enough to lead to permanent sterility: only after many years can the testes again produce full-fledged sperm. Apparently, the testicles are the only exception to the general rule: the total dose of radiation received in several doses is more dangerous for them, and not less, than the same dose received at one time. The ovaries, on the other hand, are much less sensitive to the effects of radiation, at least, in adult women.

For the eye, the most vulnerable part is the lens. Dead cells become opaque, and the growth of cloudy areas leads first to cataracts, and then to complete blindness. The higher the dose, the greater the loss of vision.

Children are also extremely sensitive to the effects of radiation. Relatively small doses of irradiation of cartilage tissue can slow down or completely stop their bone growth, which leads to abnormalities in the development of the skeleton. The younger the child, the more bone growth is inhibited. It also turned out that irradiating a child's brain during radiation therapy can cause changes in his character, lead to memory loss, and in very young children even to dementia and idiocy. The bones and brain of an adult are capable of withstanding much higher doses.

The fetal brain is also extremely sensitive to the effects of radiation, especially if the mother is exposed to radiation between the eighth and fifteenth weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the cerebral cortex is forming in the fetus, and there is a great risk that, as a result of maternal exposure (for example, X-rays), mentally retarded child. Approximately 30 children exposed during the prenatal development during the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Although the individual risk is great and the consequences particularly distressing, the number of women in this stage of pregnancy at any given time is only a small fraction of the total population. This, however, is the most serious effect of all the known effects of irradiation of the human fetus, although after irradiation of animal embryos during their intrauterine development, quite a few others have been found. serious consequences including malformations, underdevelopment and death.

Most adult tissues are relatively insensitive to the action of radiation. Kidneys, liver, bladder, mature cartilage tissue are the most radiation-resistant organs. The lungs - an extremely complex organ - are much more vulnerable, and in the blood vessels, slight but possibly significant changes can occur already at relatively small doses.

The study of the genetic consequences of radiation exposure is even more difficult than in the case of cancer. First, little is known about what damage occurs in the human genetic apparatus during irradiation; secondly, the full identification of all hereditary defects occurs only over many generations; and thirdly, as in the case of cancer, these defects cannot be distinguished from those which have arisen from other causes.

Approximately 10% of all living newborns have some form of genetic defect, ranging from minor physical defects such as color blindness to severe conditions such as Down's syndrome, Huntington's chorea, and various malformations. Many of the embryos and fetuses with severe hereditary disorders do not survive to birth; according to available data, about half of all cases of spontaneous abortion are associated with abnormalities in the genetic material. But even if children with hereditary defects are born alive, they are five times less likely to survive to their first birthday than normal children.

Genetic disorders can be classified into two main types: chromosomal aberrations, involving changes in the number or structure of chromosomes, and mutations in the genes themselves. Gene mutations further subdivided into dominant (which appear immediately in the first generation) and recessive (which can only appear if the same gene is mutated in both parents; such mutations may not appear for many generations or not be detected at all). Both types of anomalies may lead to hereditary diseases in subsequent generations, or may not appear at all.

Among more than 27,000 children whose parents received relatively high doses during the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, only two probable mutations were found, and among about the same number of children whose parents received lower doses, not a single such case was noted. Among children whose parents were irradiated as a result of the atomic bomb explosion, there was also no statistically significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities. While some surveys have concluded that exposed parents are more likely to have a child with Down syndrome, other studies do not support this.

5. The influence of chemical elements on human health

Global air pollution is accompanied by a deterioration in the health of the population. However, the problem quantification The impact of these contaminants is still definitively unresolved. For the most part, the negative impact is mediated through the trophic chains, since the bulk of pollution falls on the surface of the earth (solids) or is washed out of the atmosphere with the help of precipitation. With the exception of emergencies, changes in health status can be quite difficult to link to a specific xenobiotic that has fallen into atmospheric air. In addition to the etiological factor, the scale of damage to people is significantly influenced by meteorological conditions that contribute to or hinder the dispersion of harmful substances.

Chronic poisonings are quite common, but they are rarely recorded. A statistically significant dependence on atmospheric air pollution has been established for bronchitis, which gradually turns into such a complex disease as bronchial asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, as well as for acute respiratory diseases. Air pollution affects the body's resistance, which is manifested in the growth of infectious diseases. Available reliable information about the impact of pollution on the duration of diseases. Thus, a respiratory disease in children living in contaminated areas lasts 2-2.5 times longer than in children living in relatively clean areas. Numerous studies conducted in recent years indicate that children living in areas with high levels of air pollution have low level physical development, which is often assessed as disharmonious. The observed lag of the level of biological development from the passport age indicates a very unfavorable effect of air pollution on the health of the younger generation. To the greatest extent, atmospheric air pollution affects health indicators in urban centers, in particular in cities with developed metallurgical, processing and coal industries. The territory of such cities is affected by both non-specific pollutants (dust, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, soot, nitrogen dioxide) and specific ones (fluorine, phenol, metals, etc.). Moreover, non-specific pollutants account for over 95% of the total volume of atmospheric air pollution.

The danger of the influence of polluted atmospheric air on the health of the population is caused by the objective action of the following factors:

1) A variety of pollution. It is believed that a person living in an industrial area could potentially be exposed to several hundred thousand chemicals. Typically, a limited number of chemicals are actually present in a given area at relatively high concentrations. However, combined action atmospheric pollutants can lead to an increase in their toxic effects.

2) The possibility of a massive impact, since breathing is continuous and a person inhales up to 20 thousand liters of air per day. Even insignificant concentrations of chemicals with such a volume of breathing can lead to a toxically significant intake of harmful substances into the body.

3) Direct access of pollutants to internal environment organism. The lungs have a surface of about 100 m2, the air during breathing comes into almost direct contact with the blood, in which almost everything that is present in the air dissolves. From the lungs, blood enters the systemic circulation, bypassing such a detoxification barrier as the liver. It has been established that the poison received by inhalation often acts 80-100 times stronger than when it enters through the gastrointestinal tract.

4) Difficulty of protection against xenobiotics. A person who refuses to eat contaminated food or poor-quality water cannot but breathe polluted air. At the same time, the pollutant acts on all groups of the population around the clock.

In all areas with high levels of atmospheric air pollution, the incidence as one of the health indicators is higher than in relatively clean areas. So, in the Dorogobuzh district of the Smolensk region, in the body of children and women who do not have professional loads, an accumulation of elements contained in the emissions of the Dorogobuzh industrial hub (chromium, nickel, titanium, copper, aluminum) was noted. As a result, the incidence of children with respiratory diseases was 1.8 times and neurological diseases 1.9 times higher than in a relatively clean area.

In Tolyatti, children living in the area affected by emissions from the Northern Industrial Hub were 2.4-8.8 times more likely to suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases and bronchial asthma than children living in a relatively clean area.

In Saransk, the population living in the area adjacent to the antibiotic production plant has a specific allergization of the body to antibiotics and candidal antigen.

In the cities of the Chelyabinsk region, where more than 80% of emissions are caused by ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, there is an increased incidence of diseases of the endocrine system, blood, respiratory organs in children and adults, as well as congenital anomalies in children and adults, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, skin diseases and malignant neoplasms.

AT countryside Rostov region in areas with high pesticide loads (up to 20 kg/ha) in children increased the prevalence of diseases of the circulatory system by 113%, bronchial asthma - by 95% and congenital anomalies - by 55%.

The most important sources of chemical pollution of the environment in Russia are industrial enterprises, motor transport, thermal and nuclear power plants. In cities, a significant contribution to environmental pollution is also made by poorly disposed municipal waste, and in rural areas - pesticides and mineral fertilizers, polluted effluents from livestock complexes.

Atmospheric pollution primarily affects the body's resistance, the decrease of which results in increased morbidity, as well as other physiological changes organism. Compared to other sources of chemical pollution (food, drinking water), atmospheric air is a particular danger, since there is no chemical barrier on its way, similar to the liver when pollutants penetrate through the gastrointestinal tract.

The main sources of soil pollution are chemical leaks, the deposition of air pollutants on the soil, the overuse of chemicals in agriculture, and the improper storage, storage and disposal of liquid and solid waste.

In Russia as a whole, soil pollution with pesticides is about 7.25%. Soils are classified as regions with the highest pollution. North Caucasus, Primorsky Krai and the Central Black Earth regions, to regions with medium pollution - the soils of the Kurgan and Omsk regions, the Middle Volga region, to territories with little pollution - the soils of the Upper Volga region, Western Siberia, Irkutsk and Moscow regions.

At present, almost all water bodies Russia is subject to anthropogenic pollution. In the water of most rivers and lakes, the MAC is exceeded for at least one pollutant. According to the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, drinking water in more than 30% of water bodies does not comply with GOST.

Pollution of water and soil, as well as the air environment, is serious problem in Russia, Their increasing contamination with toxic chemicals, such as heavy metals and dioxins, as well as nitrates and pesticides, has a direct impact on the quality of food, drinking water and as a direct consequence of health.

optimal cigarette nicotine


"Fundamentals of Radiation Safety", V.P. Mashkovich, A.M. Panchenko.

“When a person is his own enemy” G.M. Entin.

Life safety textbook, grades 10-11, V.Ya. Syunkov Publishing house "Astrel", 2002.

"Drugs and drug addiction" N.B. Serdyukov st n / a: Phoenix, 2000. - "Panacea Series" - Ro-256s.

Journal “Fundamentals of Life Safety”. No. 10, 2002, pp. 20-26.

8. Ivanets N.N. Lectures on narcology. "Knowledge", Moscow, 2000.

9. Belogurov S.B. Popular about drugs and addictions. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - St. Petersburg: "Nevsky Dialect", 2000.

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Human health is a combination of physical, spiritual and social well-being. Just the absence of disease is not a sign of good health. That's why factors affecting human health quite different. These factors include heredity, Environment, the level of medical care and the way of life of a person. Further more details about each of them.

Heredity or genetics have about 15-20% on human health. A person is born with certain genes that he received from his parents. Needs, abilities, predispositions and inclinations are largely dictated by heredity. With genes, a person receives talents, dominant needs, interests and desires, a predisposition to diseases and bad habits.

The gene program should not be ignored.

To live in harmony with yourself and be a healthy person, you need to choose the best way of life for yourself according to your heredity. Conflicting with his gene program, a person violates the adaptation mechanism of the body, which leads to physical and mental disorder.

The environment is one of the key factors influencing health. This influence is estimated by experts at 20-25%. The human environment is an integral system of natural and anthropogenic objects and phenomena in which a person's life takes place: his work, rest, life.

Man exists in an environment consisting of natural and artificially created physical, chemical, biological and social factors.

It is these factors that directly or indirectly affect the life and health of all people on the planet. A person participates in the circulation in the general circulation of substances, since the human body is inextricably linked with the components of the biosphere: plants, animals, microorganisms, etc.

Human health is largely influenced by the quality of air and water, but at the same time, the person himself is main reason, according to which these resources become less. The ecological situation in some regions of our planet has deteriorated so much over the past decades that it causes not only a number of diseases, but also various mutations. Therefore, it is very important to protect the environment in order to preserve clean air and water for our descendants.

The quality of medical care affects the level of health of the population within 10-15%. The health care system, of course, plays an important role in the health of the population of a country. Here, the key factors are the level of qualification of medical personnel, a sufficient number of medical personnel, the availability of medical services, medicines, the level of disease prevention and public awareness.

The main factor on which the state of human health depends is the conditions and lifestyle. 50-55% depends on this factor human health. A person consists of his habits, which form his body, thinking, mood. Habits can be either negative (smoking, alcohol addiction, overeating, etc.) or positive (playing sports, music, drawing, etc.).

A healthy lifestyle consists of three components:

  • food culture. Proper nutrition promotes the natural assimilation of food, which does not cause problems with a lack or excess of kilocalories, trace elements and vitamins;
  • movement culture. Movement is life and sport is an excellent way to prolong it, fill your body with energy and set the rhythm;
  • culture of emotions. Positive emotions have the ability not only to preserve the nervous system, but also to prolong life.

Let heredity and ecology be beyond the control of an ordinary person, but everyone can lead a healthy lifestyle and live in harmony with themselves and others.

Many people, having come to see a doctor, ask him a question, what affects human health. Some turn to the doctor when they experience the first symptoms of malaise, others try to find out in advance the main factors that negatively affect a person’s life.

What does human health depend on?

Human health largely depends on the environment in which it is located. People living near factories may suffer from asthma attacks. People living in the city suffer from exhaust fumes and lack of fresh air.

There are a number of factors that have a great impact on human health

1. Ecology. The cleaner the environment, the better man feels himself. Unfortunately, every year the atmosphere becomes more and more polluted. This means that the person feels worse. In order to put their health in order, the population has to go annually to rest in a sanatorium, where the air is cleaner and fresher thanks to the trees growing around the boarding house. People who have a summer cottage are able to improve their health by relaxing every weekend outside the city.

2. Weather. Many women begin to suffer from changeable weather after childbirth. But most often people with problems of cardiovascular systems react to the weather, as well as those who often overwork at the workplace.

3. Stress or any other nervous disorder can affect a person's health in a negative way at the most inopportune moment. A common cause of stress is overwork, as well as an uncomfortable workplace environment.

That is, if you are constantly in stuffy room without air conditioning, the boss overwhelms you with overtime work not only on weekdays, but also on weekends, then after a while you will feel the first symptoms of a nervous breakdown.

4. Personal life plays an important role in a person's well-being. No wonder they say that love heals. An ardent feeling can bring almost any dying person back to life. If a person is happy in his personal life, he almost never gets sick. If in happy couple there was a discord or a break in relations, the girl cannot recover for some time. Sometimes she even gets sick for no apparent reason. If you look, there is an explanation for this.

A girl experiencing a crisis in a relationship becomes distracted, pays little attention not only to her appearance, but also to food. At times, she forgets to eat, which leads to weight loss and a weakened immune system. basics of wellness.

5. Technics not only helps, but also has a detrimental effect on some organs of human health. Let's take a computer for example. Since the Internet has firmly entered our lives, the number of happy owners of the cherished iron friend is growing every day. If a couple of years ago the age of the average user started from 15 years old and above, now many 8-10 year old children confidently use a computer.

If the basic rules of working at a computer are not followed, after a while the user has problems with vision, pain in the back and spine, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Noise affects the well-being of the individual. Loud noises can cause a person to have a headache, cause stress or a bad mood. Working in noisy environments can lead to hearing problems.

How to protect your own health

To protect yourself from external negative factors, you will have to give up a measured life. Work that causes bad emotions in the future will not only cause stress, but also heart problems. Unresolved issues regarding your relationship with the second half can cause prolonged depression.

If you're at your computer all day, let your eyes rest in the evening. The more you look at the monitor, the faster your vision "sits down".

People with poor eyesight have a habit of squinting when looking at a monitor, which can later lead to headaches from constant tension. facial muscles. Place a cactus next to the computer so that it takes away harmful radiation. Eat blueberries in your diet, which can save you from vision problems.

Doctors claim that it affects human health in a negative way - these are alcohol, cigarettes and malnutrition.
Alcohol not only clouds your mind, but also reduces the number of years lived. Cigarettes can cause lung problems and tooth discoloration. Improper nutrition- the first step to weight gain. And along with extra pounds shortness of breath, varicose veins and other troubles appear that prevent you from living a happy life.

Thus, what affects human health is a system of actions aimed at improving the well-being of the individual.

A healthy person always produces healthy offspring. If you do not have enough time to take care of yourself, then think about what it will be like for your future child, who suffers because you did not give up the addiction at the right time?