Should I change jobs? The main reasons for changing jobs. Changing the terms of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer

Changing jobs is always stressful. A new place, new people (each with their own yet unknown features), new rules and new responsibilities. In my experience, the average adaptation time in a new team is 2-3 months. Plus, changing jobs is risky. The risk of not passing the probationary period, not settling down in a new team, not coping with the assigned responsibility.
But, despite all this, people leave their homes. After working 2/3/5 or more years in companies, they begin to study the joblist, and, in the end, they leave.

What caused it?

1. Little pay
Probably the most popular reason for changing jobs. In principle, this is normal. Why? Well, on the one hand, I have never seen people perform only their official duties and nothing else in all the time of my work. That is, after six months - a year, the realization comes that you work for one and a half or two people, but you get one salary. On the other hand, very often people have a feeling of their own importance and indispensability during long-term work in one place.
Weller wrote well about this:

A person may not even care to realize the importance of his work. Time and nature will do it for him. The system of his sensations will be "corrected" over time so that there will be a feeling of the significance of his work - and this feeling will be "fed up" to the consciousness - and the consciousness will shape this feeling into arguments why his work is important and significant enough. Arguments can be at any level - from "Today it's not my turn to carry water!" to "Where you go, you can't, your pass has a seal on the wrong side!".

On the third hand, professional growth and increased responsibility have not been canceled. And in many companies, the reaction of the authorities is rather slow, and acts according to the principle - they don’t ask - it means everything suits.

The adequacy of the level of wages is a separate issue. I have a friend who at one point decided that he should receive more. He began to go to interviews in top companies. How many times he failed them - history is silent, but he did not pass the probationary period twice. But on the third time he succeeded, and he began to receive 2.5 times more than at the first workplace.

On the other hand, some people have a prejudice about money. Several times I met with the stereotype: I get $xxx, and no one will pay more for this work. And this despite the fact that any site with vacancies at that time was full of offers with 1.5-2 times higher wages. These proposals were dismissed as poor quality ...

The main thing here is not to lose objectivity and, in an effort to get more money, do not forget about the development and state of the labor market. So that the problem of the price and value of participation of this employee in the work of the company does not arise.

By the way, very often, when dismissed, the argument "they pay little" covers up a number of problems (which, for one reason or another, there is no desire to voice). For example:

2. Lack of growth and prospects
Many want to move forward, apply and develop new skills, use new technologies. Despite the fact that any leader in words with both hands for the development of both employees and processes, in life everything turns out a little differently. The worker is often required to perform a certain sequence of actions to obtain a known result. Attempts to make changes in the organization of processes or an increased concern for quality can be perceived as sabotage. It is clear that such an approach simply kills creativity and initiative.

If, in addition to the lack of professional development, there is no career growth in such a company, an actively developing employee will be out of the way with the company in a year ...

3. The desire to change the field of activity.
It happens that in the process of work we realize that we are not doing what we would really like to do. What is the problem here? And in the fact that in the current sphere a person can already represent something of himself as a specialist, but nothing in the new one. No experience, no knowledge, no connections. This is a very big risk.

On the other hand, working in a new, desirable specialty is likely to be fueled by personal enthusiasm and interest - which in the first couple may slightly compensate for the lack of experience. In any case, the desire to find yourself and do what you love is a worthy goal.

4. Problems in the team
Several times during my work I watched how quite qualified specialists were simply squeezed out of the workplace. Only because they did not agree in their views with the authorities or the team. It is very important to understand here that dismissal is an escape from the problem. If for the performer - this, in general, can be a solution, then for the manager - no.

There can be several reasons for such conflicts:

In any case, if this problem has affected you, this is an occasion to think about improving your communication skills.

5. Change of leadership
A change of leadership can in some cases be equated with a change of job. Especially if it happens because of the crisis. Working conditions and rules are changing. At the same time, the change of leadership quite often takes place in a rather nervous and tense atmosphere. The only advice is not to succumb to general panic and, having assessed the new working conditions, make a decision whether you should continue working at this place or not.

6. They don't listen to me
Often, an employee of the company develops well during his work and receives the status of an expert in his field. At the same time, problems often arise due to the fact that the authorities do not listen to his expert opinions. The problem here is that, firstly, this employee may not have a complete vision of the picture of the project or the company's activities (with a high level of technical knowledge). Secondly, when making a decision, the employee risks, in the worst case, his salary, while the company's management risks its business. That is, they will of course listen to expert opinion, but the decision can be made taking into account factors unknown to the employee.

What can you do - this is the fate of most people working for hire.

7. Working conditions
My first job above our office was a bowling alley. From 13 o'clock it became difficult to work without headphones. Although they did not save from vibrations. For fun, our sound engineers determined how many tracks were playing.

In second place - the whole company (~ 15 people) worked in the same room. It is not difficult to guess that the constant movement of people and a stable level of noise did not affect performance very positively. People are known to get used to everything...

Poor working conditions have never been cited as the main reason for leaving these companies. But there were an additional and very significant factor in choosing a new place.

8. Dismissal
This is probably one of the most frustrating reasons to change jobs. The main thing in this situation is not to try to blame all the problems on the authorities and not to panic. Retirement provides a good reason to reflect. What is your real level? What mistakes did you make? Is there a desire to continue working in this area, or is it time to change the field of activity?

Retirement is a last resort. Also, do not assume that this brings any pleasure to the management. For most managers, this decision is extremely painful. But it means only one thing: you and the company are not on the way.

On the same topic, I want to quote another fragment from the book The Way of Trade:


The student asked the Master: “Master, I can't understand the essence of what everyone is raving about. Namely: in Japanese, the character for the word "crisis" consists of two characters that mean "problem" and "opportunity". So what?"

The teacher frowned.
"You really don't understand?" It's horrible! Get out of school!!!

The student was taken aback:
But can I come back tomorrow?
“You will understand when it will be possible for you to return,” the Teacher snapped.

Two days passed, this student knocked on the door of the School. The teacher went to him and said:
Don't say anything, I won't believe you! Leave!
The rest of the students stood behind him, afraid to utter even a word. No one understood what caused Master's anger...

About a year passed, and the disciple reappeared on the threshold. The teacher examined him carefully, smiled and said:
“Now you really understand.
And when the student came in, the Teacher suggested that he tell everything to the other students.
“The next day after I left the School,” the student said, “the owner of the company where I worked said that he no longer needed my services. I guessed that it was not without the Teacher, and I came, but, you remember, the Teacher sent me away again.

The teacher smiled.
“You have no idea how difficult it was to persuade the boss to leave you.
- I understood this later. I tried very hard to find a job, but I could not find a suitable one, and I had a family to support. Then I created my own firm… Less than a year later – My firm today is one of the largest in its industry… Now I really understand what these hieroglyphs mean and… there are no words, Teacher, how grateful I am to you!
“Give thanks to the Way,” the Teacher said as usual.


So, the question remains: what does personal effectiveness have to do with it?
It directly depends on:

  • Responsibilities
  • Responsibility
  • Working conditions
  • team

Agree that doing useless, nasty work in the same room with people that are unpleasant to you is quite difficult. =)

It is important to remember that the relationship between the employer and the employee is, in general, equal. Therefore, if something does not suit you - solve the problem, there is no possibility - look for options, weigh, make a decision and act.

But at the same time, you need to understand that changing jobs is, to some extent, avoiding problems. In a new place, there will be other difficulties that will have to be solved in the same way (only your loyalty to the company and management may be higher).

What definitely should not be done is to endure and do nothing. If you do not like the work, there is no desire to do it well, there is no development. But there are nerves and a lot of negative emotions. And this is not necessary for you or the employer.

Value your time.

An endless routine and an ungrateful boss, an unloved professional job and a daily plea for a speedy return home, an unfriendly team and low wages - do these characteristics correspond to your idea of ​​​​your own place of work? If so, then this job is doomed, and if you give it a second, third, and all subsequent chances, then you will be doomed.

Five reasons to stop doing nothing

What you are doing does not bring happiness and sufficient monetary reward, and you are still dragging out with your dismissal. But how do you decide to change jobs? Here's what will motivate you to change jobs:

  1. The negative attitude of the authorities and the team negatively affects the psychological state of a person, his self-esteem. By staying at your current job, you are indulging your own self-esteem and depriving yourself of the opportunity to develop.
  2. The fear of changing something in a supposedly already established life is an illusion, due to which a person’s plans may remain unfulfilled. Do you think you know what will happen tomorrow? You really know, and therefore you endure, although you “creak”. Give up this confidence, and another will replace it: every tomorrow will become promising and long-awaited.
  3. If something does not suit you, act. Long nightly conversations and complaints will not change anything, and the decision to quit will open a new life.
  4. Be clear about the reasons why you want to leave your current job. You can write them on a piece of paper, compare the written down minuses with the pluses found. A thorough analysis will guarantee the right direction, make you much more confident in your choice.
  5. Understand not only that you want to leave. Understand where you want to go. It's not about knowing the exact name of the dream company. But, at least, understand what should be in a new place of work - a high salary, an understanding team, an opportunity for career growth?

Reasons for changing jobs

It is important to understand why you need to leave? How to correctly determine that a job change is necessary? The following are often cited as reasons:

  1. Low pay is the most popular reason for being fired. Perhaps your life has changed, and now the level of wages that met the purchasing needs then does not meet it now.
  2. Low probability or even its absence regarding promotion. If, in addition to the forced achievement of the “career ceiling”, the work also does not provide an opportunity to develop professionally, then it is simply necessary to change it.
  3. You no longer enjoy the work process. It doesn't matter what is different. If in the morning you do not feel like going to your workplace, then it's time to change it.
  4. Problems in the team. Even if you are not an object for outright harassment, this does not mean that the situation is such as could be tolerated. The inability to find a common language with the team or superiors is a powerful stumbling block on the way to a comfortable and efficient workflow.
  5. It's just not your job. Such a problem can be encountered at almost any age, and it is never too late to turn your life around 180 degrees. By abandoning the area in which you work daily now, you open yourself to learning new things, what will become the new business of your life.

Be that as it may, but you just need not be afraid to change jobs. It is possible that the future employer will provide you with a decent salary, a sane schedule and a good team.

According to some reports, it became known that more than half of Russian citizens are ready to change their place of work when more favorable conditions turn up. But, despite this, after all, changing the workplace without stress is not always easy and easy. In such a state of stress, it is impossible to adequately and correctly assess what is happening around and make the right decision. Sometimes only a science like psychology can help: how to change jobs without stress - this is the question it will help to find the most reasonable answer.

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Photo gallery: Psychology: how to change jobs without stress

Reason for change of work environment.

Faced with a choice between the concepts of "change jobs" or "stay the same"? First you need to understand and figure out why and whether you really want to change your place.

If the reason for the change of work was the usual resentment against the manager, then, to put it mildly, you show your unprofessionalism. A real master of his craft will normally treat criticism, and will try to correct all his minuses and mistakes. It is clear that emotions, alas, are not always true friends and advisers, and after some certain time you will calm down, cool down, and the consequences after them will not go anywhere, you will have to "disentangle the porridge you have cooked."

The real reasons for leaving work can be listed, resorting to a topic such as psychology:

How to save nerves?

Psychological advice on how to change jobs without stress says that the time to change jobs must be chosen wisely so that it does not coincide with the time of the so-called "dead season". By this time, you can take all the long-lasting holidays and weekends of our calendar (it can be both New Year's days and vacation seasons), naturally, no employer will have much desire to read your resume when he is already marking the long-awaited weekend with his thoughts. And you need to know the fact that each profession has its own "dead seasons", with which you must definitely dock.

In order for your superiors to have a good opinion of you and maybe even give you good recommendations, you should not schedule your departure for the time of emergency and after any expensive courses. And you will definitely need good recommendations in a new workplace for your new bosses.

You should not dedicate absolutely all the staff that you will leave them soon, this will only give rise to unnecessary talk and, perhaps, condemnation against you. It would be better to enlighten everyone right before you leave. And you need to look for a job in any free time from work, so that "extra ears" are not seen or heard. If you are scheduled for an interview, then most likely it would be better to take a day off, or a day at your own expense, while saying a reasonable reason to colleagues. Do not try to criticize the authorities, thereby causing unnecessary intrigues, they will now be completely out of place.

A natural question at the interview will be why you intend to change jobs. Therefore, you need to think over your words in advance, you can even rehearse them the day before at home. Focus on how you will pronounce your words about the reason for leaving, they should not contain emotional attachment and any anger and resentment.

Speaking about the current work, there is no need to use words of criticism, here, excuse me, for perhaps a completely inappropriate statement, as one does not speak badly of the deceased, also in this situation. Just state a fact. For example: "I would like to move higher in my career, where there was no such opportunity in my previous job. And your correct opinion will be taken into account by me."

Don't forget the laws.

It is necessary to be guided by dismissal naturally, resorting to the law. A mandatory action on your part will be to write a letter of resignation when the pending moment comes. It would be better to do this in 2 copies, the first of which must be registered with the secretary, and the second copy should be kept for yourself.

Although there are cases when such a statement is simply thrown away or torn, perhaps because you are such an important and valuable employee for your superiors. In this case, you can act according to the letter of the law by sending an application by registered mail, while keeping the receipt, where the date from which the 2 weeks due to you are counted will be clearly visible.

After all the necessary legal actions, in particular after filing a letter of resignation, 2 weeks must be sustained with dignity, and most importantly, calmly, although they will be very difficult. Some leaders feel that your leaving is equated with betrayal, no matter how hard you try to do everything right and tactfully. Some of them resort to the fact that they begin to piss you off, to put it mildly, while filling up with difficult tasks, or they begin to criticize, find fault, and even worse, even raise their voice at you.

We must try to relate to everything that happens, colloquially speaking, "from a high tower", realizing that there are also such inadequate bosses, nothing can be done about it. Just do not leave any unfinished or forgotten things to be able to leave "with peace of mind." And it is desirable that you give all the recommendations, being replacing you at the job you leave.

Thus, in the memory of former colleagues, you will remain a real ace in your field and save yourself from unexpected calls from an abandoned job, stubbornly interested in any questions about work, at a time when you are trying to understand the essence of a new one with great attention and diligence.

Finding a new job can take a long time. In some cases, you can lose up to ten thousand dollars in a month. If you are looking for a high paying job, you need to put a lot of time into it. If your current job has become a real nightmare, consider quitting. Otherwise, try to stick to the end. Your wallet will thank you. You are more likely to get a new job when you are in a certain position - the new employer will think that you are efficient.

Make sure you don't make mistakes. Everyone knows the saying "It's good where we are not." Many people dislike their job for certain reasons, and the rest think that it will be easier in another position. When such people change jobs, they take off their rose-colored glasses because they made the situation worse by their actions.

  • It is extremely difficult to understand whether your new job can be even worse than the previous position. The desire to change jobs is a hint of your dissatisfaction. Make sure the reason for leaving is compelling enough and don't build unrealistic prospects in your new work environment.
  • Start thinking about your future job. Are you changing jobs in one field of activity, or changing profession? This is a very big difference. Changing activities in the same area does not require such planning and constant travel as a change of profession.

    • Imagine what you would do if you had a fortune in your hands? How would you spend your time? Maybe you would become a traveler and write about your travels? Or maybe you would spend time cooking? As a rule, our deepest desires are not paid dearly, but if you are really good at your job, you can earn decent money and still enjoy the process of activity.
    • Reflect on your outstanding accomplishments and experiences. Such memories are very important for people who have strong sensitivity and emotionality. What are you exceptionally good at? Many find that they enjoy doing what they excel at.
  • Keep a work diary. It may sound silly, but journaling will encourage you to collect your thoughts and be honest with yourself about the emotions and inspirations you've experienced (which is pretty hard to do). Use a work diary to accumulate positive emotions, discoveries, and it will lead you to what you expect from a job change.

    Maintain your natural curiosity. Become an inquisitive person. There are several reasons why curiosity is an advantage. Firstly, an inquisitive person is easily trained, and employers are looking for people who are passionate about work, and not just want to master professional skills. Secondly, an inquisitive person will find a great job by asking himself the question “Why am I doing this?”

    • Ask yourself why you enjoy a certain activity. Start experimenting. Maybe you're into sprinting, but you don't excel at the sport. If you want to become a sprinter, you will not necessarily achieve your goal. But if you realize that you like psychology besides sprinting, you can become a sports doctor. An inquisitive person constantly discovers new facets of his personality and the world around him, and thereby facilitates the process of transition from one type of activity to another.
  • You will have to decide whether to tell your boss about looking for a new position. This is one of the most difficult decisions that arise when changing activities. There are pros and cons to having a frank conversation with your boss. Most importantly, it is up to you to decide what is best done in your case:

    • Advantages: You will be able to get a counter offer that will help facilitate your current work. Note that it doesn't always make sense to accept a counteroffer. But in this case, your boss will have enough time to search for a new employee. You will leave the company without scandals and be honest about your feelings.
    • disadvantages A: You may not get a new job for a few more months, and you will constantly have to be in a transition period. Your boss might think that you're just trying to figure out that it's time for you to raise your pay. In addition, he will no longer trust you, and after a while you will be out of business.

    Part 2

    Search for a new position
    1. Prepare personal documents to be submitted in each individual case. Collect all documents in advance. Make adjustments to your resume and structure it. Learn to write a letter of recommendation. Negotiate diplomatically with people who can give you a recommendation. Reach out to those people whom you know well and who are positively disposed to good reviews about your person. One more thing to keep in mind:

      • Learn how to properly interview and give excellent answers to the questions posed.
      • Learn how to protect your reputation on the Internet.
      • Make a presentation about your achievements (if you haven't done so already).
    2. Use connections. Established contacts may be the only way to find a new job. This is because referrals and personal connections (yes, we're talking about "nepotism" here) help so many people get jobs these days. Why? As a general rule, referred people do a better job than casual employees and stay at work longer. So the next time you make connections and realize you can eat ice cream while sitting on the couch in your personal office, tell yourself that new, backlog work awaits you.

      • Remember that employers hire employees, not their resumes. It is very important to make a positive impression in person. Employers hire people they like, and not necessarily applicants with a flawless resume and qualifications.
      • Taking advantage of personal connections when looking for a job can be daunting, especially if you're an introvert. It is important to remember that your interlocutor is also a little worried, and no one thinks about you as much as you do yourself. If you blurted out nonsense, no need to add fuel to the fire - turn around and leave! Most likely, the employer is only concerned about himself, not about you.
    3. Choose the people you would like to work with. Say you want to change jobs and become a parole officer. Try to find a friend who also works in this position, and invite him to a business dinner for an informal conversation. You can even talk to the prison guard to find out what is needed for the official. Often, informal conversations lead to a job offer.

      • During the interview, ask the interviewer questions about his career and current position. For example:
        • How did you find the job?
        • What were you doing before taking this position?
        • What do you like most about your work? What does not suit?
        • How is a typical work day?
        • What advice would you give to a newbie in your field?
    4. Establish a strong relationship with the company or organization you would like to work for. It is possible to come in person and talk to the HR manager, but these methods are not as successful as having personal connections or a good recommendation. But this is certainly better than staring hopelessly at the computer, waiting for a response to a resume request. Here's what to do:

      • Have the courage to approach the HR department to talk about your work experience or the position you want. Be brief. Then ask the question: “Do you have current vacancies that match my skills and experience? Be prepared to leave your contact details and resume with the HR department.
      • Don't be discouraged if the HR manager says no. Ask if you can apply for this position if there is a vacancy and leave your contact details. If you are still interested in working with this organization after one or two months, go to the personnel department and show your interests. Few do this, and you will demonstrate courage and perseverance, and these qualities are highly valued.
    5. Submit your resume to job search sites. If you are applying for different positions using an electronic form, this is an easy but faceless way. That is why so many people use this option. It is best to look for work on the Internet, but such searches must be combined with personal acquaintances. This will increase your chances of success! Your job is to stand out from the crowd, not blend in!

      If necessary, try to do charity work. If you can't provide referrals, do something for free that you enjoy. It doesn't have to be a full-time job, but your job should open your eyes to your future endeavors. Volunteer work looks great on a resume and can become a paid job over time.

    Part 3

    Final stage

      Practice interviewing before the upcoming test. You can practice with a friend or mentor, or prepare several interview options. Conducting a test interview is a good experience. You will be surprised that the trial worked out for you when the time comes for the real test.

      Conduct a high level interview. It doesn't matter if it's a group interview, phone interview, psychological tests, or something in between. Any interview can be confusing because we are asked to "filter" our knowledge and personality and turn a ton of information into a red word. At the same time, you need to remain calm and maintain personal dignity. Few things compare to your first job interview. Here are some tips for a successful interview:

      • During the interview, your interviewer also worries. He also wants to make a positive impression. He wants to leave a good impression of his organization. Of course, the interviewer is not as profitable to interview as it is to you, so do not even think that conducting an interview is a pleasure. The essence of the performance called "interview" is to "make a verdict" in favor of the candidates you like.
      • During the interview, pay attention to body language. If you received an invitation for an interview, it means that the potential employer believes that you have qualities that correspond to the proposed position. And that's great. In the midst of an interview, you can no longer improve your skills or work experience, but you can present yourself in a different way. Make eye contact with the interviewer, work on an effective handshake, don't forget to smile, be polite and humble, and don't deny the information you receive.
      • Give short answers to the questions posed. When they stare at you point-blank, time begins to drag unbearably slowly, and it begins to seem to many that they don’t speak much, but in reality everything happens in a completely different way. Pause if you think the question was asked with a smirk. If the interviewer maintains eye contact but doesn't say a word, this is a signal that he is expecting further details from you. If the interviewer moves on to the next question, you have passed the time limit for your response.
      • Maintain a positive attitude before and after the interview. There will be unsuccessful interviews in your life - this is life. Don't beat yourself up. Learn from your mistakes and apply what you learn in future interviews. During the interview you can not openly show hostility. Many people think that they are good for nothing, even if they have achieved a lot.
    1. Answer the job interviewer's questions and informal issues. Show constant interest in your interlocutor. After passing the interview, send the interviewer a short e-mail and write how nice it was to meet you. If you still have not figured out how long to wait for an answer, find out during the interview.

      • People answer people, not paper. Make sure you treat the person like a person. First of all, you have to go a long way to show that you have all the necessary qualities for a high position.
    2. When you receive a job offer, discuss salary and remuneration. Many applicants are at a loss when it comes time to discuss salary, because they are already happy that they got the job. Believe in your worth and transfer that confidence to financial well-being. Review entry-level salaries for applicants with similar experience who have worked in the same industry and geographic area. When it comes time to give the exact number, be specific: $62,925. No need to say that you would like to earn a salary in the region of $60k - the employer will think that you look like a schoolboy.

      Don't sign resignation letters until you find the position you want. Wait until you receive an official invitation to a new job before telling your boss that you are leaving. Try to time your transition to a new position to give the company at least two weeks of extra time. If time is short, your company will fight desperately to find a replacement for you and will act vindictively towards you. And after a while you will feel like an outcast who abuses the hospitality of the owner and becomes a burden.

      You don't have to burn all your bridges. It's very hard to focus on or hide your dislike for some employers if you know you're about to quit. Immerse yourself in work. Here are some things you should keep in mind for the last two weeks in your old position:

      • Don't pack your bags before leaving. Be careful during the last working days. Instill a sense of trust in your manager. Show that you are fully aware of the matter and are committed to your work to the end.
      • Do not speak badly about your former boss or colleagues. Such contempt makes people turn away from you, and you will not be able to maintain a relationship with a former employer and convince a new boss of your decency.
      • Say goodbye to old colleagues. Send an email to everyone (if the company is small) or to all employees (if the company is large). Say you are changing jobs. Keep it short and simple – no need to get into arguments. Write notes to those colleagues with whom you have a good relationship. Express your gratitude to them for their joint work.
    3. Move to a new position! When the time is right, change jobs or positions until you find what works for you. This position should be the best, correct, desirable. A new job will give you the feeling that you are worthy of expressing your personal aspirations. Then immerse yourself in your favorite activity.

    • You are able to deal with unsuccessful ventures on your own. You will have to reconsider your line of conduct, mobilize your forces and focus on business qualities. You yourself can tune in a positive way. Positive thoughts improve and strengthen your professional achievements. There is no need to deny the surrounding reality, but at the same time you can establish yourself in your professional achievements and pass on your experience. You can repeat positive affirmations as needed. You can learn from the work of your employees. Watch how they cope with the work, bring the matter to the end and achieve the cherished goal.
    • Develop your imagination, switch to another activity, change your personality.
    • Don't wait for people you know (those who can help you) to know that you're counting on their help. Research has shown that such information is usually shared outside of your usual social circle. People who unwittingly witnessed your success are very far from you.
    • In your work diary, write down all discussions, ideas, associations, thoughts, and available sources of information during informational interviews, public and personal interviews.
    • You can avoid the failures described in this article. You can lose control by constantly thinking about changing jobs. You can check the errors in this list, which will remind you of your reasoning. You can create your own list and identify common mistakes. You can “objectify” activity change strategies. Corrections will bring reality. You will get a chance to change the erroneous opinion and interpret events in your own way.


    • Don't assume that in your new position, you will only be assigned tasks that match your basic skills.
    • Do not jump to conclusions without analyzing everything that is happening ("pessimist syndrome").
    • You do not need to get another education if your new position does not require it.
    • Don't take everything to heart. Let go of things that make you angry, upset, or make you feel guilty.
    • Don't wait for a job offer to fall into your hands.
    • Do not think that in a subsequent position you should earn the same amount, or maintain the same status, level of responsibility and prestige of work.
    • Do not complicate the process of transition to a new job.
    • No need to respond with the phrase "Yes, but" ... to every positive thought, intention or advice. In order to ignore the obviously negative things, you need to think through the reliable facts.
    • Don't let negative predictions and despair (the nocebo effect, the negative component of the placebo effect) ruin your career plans.
    • Don't stay at your current job just because you're afraid of making mistakes.
    • Do not focus on what needed to be done in the past so as not to change anything in the future (the words “should”, “should”, “could”).
    • Don't try to be perfect, especially if you set the bar extremely high.
    • Don't compare yourself to other people. Accept negative character traits and frustrations (you don't have walking boots on your feet).
    • There is no need to think that success in one area of ​​​​activity will automatically be transferred to another occupation. In order to achieve initial success, you have put in a lot of effort.
    • No need to cling to the false claim that you belong to your employer or position for life; new job or profession; or a significant contribution to your experience (such a statement can become a habit or an addiction).
    • Don't burn all your bridges behind you. Prepare the ground for the return.
    • You do not need to draw conclusions so that all criticism against you has a place to be. This can be discussed and challenged. Don't be afraid to question the credibility of your criticism.
    • Do not think that a good job will fully satisfy your personal needs.
    • Don't expect to get a position being a man of vast knowledge.
    • Don't refuse to be rewarded for your work.
    • Don't worry if you can't change everything. Try to cope with what you can do.
    • Don't try to turn the information gathering interview into an interview.
    • You don't need to pay attention only to changing jobs or occupations if it doesn't bring you pleasure.
    • Don't shoot from the shoulder until you've been fired and exhausted.
    • Do not think that you can read other people's minds without proper arguments and evidence.
    • Do not keep the feeling of dissatisfaction in yourself and do not transfer anger to relatives, friends, or bring negativity into the correspondence process.