Water objects: problems and ways to solve them. What are the ways to solve the water problem of mankind

The world water management experience accumulated to date gives grounds for an optimistic outlook on the future of water resources, but only with a revision of the methods of using the hydrosphere and careful protection of water bodies. Ways to solve the water problem are outlined as follows:

I. Technical: a) reduction of wastewater discharges and expansion of recycling water supply to plants in closed cycles; b) improvement of waste water treatment methods, c) use of a part of wastewater after its appropriate treatment for irrigation, d) water saving, separate water pipes for food and industrial water, e) reduction of water cooling and transition to air, f) technical progress (for example , Japan has already invented a method of melting metal on nuclear energy without blast furnaces and open-hearth furnaces).

II. Hydrological and geographical. They consist in managing the moisture cycle and changing the water balance of the land. This path should be understood not as an absolute increase in the volume of water, but as a reproduction of the most valuable types of water resources - stable groundwater flow, groundwater reserves, an increase in soil moisture due to floods, glaciers, mineralized water, etc. These ways of solving the water problem include : a) regulation of river runoff, b) artificial replenishment or storage of groundwater due to flood runoff; storage in underground wells is better than the construction of reservoirs, since valuable floodplains are not flooded; waste water can also drain here, for it is purified in the earth; now in the USA the artificial replenishment of underground waters provides 2 billion liters of water per day; we use it in arid areas; c) regulation of slope runoff and snow retention.
In the CIS, 70 km 3 of water is consumed for slope runoff, and 30 km 3 for snow blown by the wind. More than 140 km 3 is spent on evaporation from the soil, half the volume of transpiration. Already now in the CIS in the zones of unstable moistening 20 km 3 of surface runoff is retained; in the near future, slope runoff will be halved, snow drift by 1/3, and unproductive evaporation by 15-20%. This will provide rain-fed agriculture with about 80 km 3 of water per year.

An optimistic assessment of water resources can be a reality only with careful use and protection of natural waters.

Atmospheric change and the problem of clean air. Natural air pollution increases with volcanic eruptions, large forest fires, and dust storms. For example, dust from the Sahara reaches Guinea in the south and France in the north. The atmosphere itself is cleaned from natural pollution. It is a different matter with the change in air by industrial enterprises, transport engines, and the unreasonable actions of people.

In order to remove the problem of providing the inhabitants of the Earth with water resources, it is necessary to radically reconsider the ways and means of using the hydrosphere, use water resources more economically and carefully protect water bodies from pollution, which is most often associated with human economic activity.

Scientists single out hydrological-geographical and technical methods for solving the water problem.

The primary technical task is to reduce the volume of wastewater discharges into reservoirs and introduce recycling water supply at enterprises based on closed cycles. A number of industrial enterprises and municipal services are faced with the urgent task of using part of the runoff for irrigation of crop areas after appropriate treatment. Such technologies are being developed very actively today.

One way to get rid of the shortage of water suitable for drinking and cooking is to introduce a water saving regime. For this purpose, household and industrial systems for controlling water consumption are being developed, which can significantly reduce its unreasonable consumption. Such control systems help not only save a valuable resource, but also reduce the financial costs of the population for this type of utility services.

The most technologically advanced states are developing new ways of doing business and production methods that make it possible to get rid of the technical consumption of water or at least reduce the consumption of water resources. An example is the transition from systems to air, as well as the introduction of a method of melting metals without blast furnaces and open-hearth furnaces, invented in Japan.

Hydrological-geographical methods

Hydrological and geographical methods consist in the management of the circulation of water resources on the scale of entire regions and in the purposeful change of the water balance of large areas of land. At the same time, we are not yet talking about an absolute increase in the volume of water resources.

The purpose of this approach is to restore water by maintaining a sustainable flow, creating groundwater reserves, increasing the share of soil moisture through the use of flood waters and natural glaciers.

Hydrologists are developing methods for regulating the flow of large rivers. Measures are also planned to accumulate moisture in underground wells, which may eventually turn into large reservoirs. It is quite possible to drain the used and thoroughly purified process water into such tanks.

The advantage of this method is that with it, water, passing through the layers of soil, is additionally purified. In areas where a stable snow cover has been observed for a long period, snow retention works are possible, which also make it possible to solve the issue of water supply.

2) energy resources in the form of ebbs and flows are used with the help of tidal power plants (in 1967, the world's first tidal power plant was built in France). Russia also has such a power plant built in the Soviet era. The total power of the tides on the planet is estimated from 1 to 6 billion kW / h, which exceeds the energy of all the rivers of the globe. The energy of sea currents is used with the help of wave power plants;

3) biological resources - the biomass of the World Ocean includes 140 thousand species of fish, mammals, mollusks, crustaceans and plants. There are only over 1 billion tons of fish, mammals, squid, and shrimp in the ocean (World Ocean). World fish and seafood production reaches 110 million tons per year. These resources of the World Ocean are replenished by artificial breeding of fish and seafood in the amount of 30 million tons.

The transport value of the oceans is very high - it "serves" about 4-5% of all international trade. The number of large and medium-sized seaports on all seas and oceans exceeds 2.5 thousand.

The problem is the global ecological change in the waters of the World Ocean. The ocean is "sick" because 1 million tons of oil annually enters it (from accidents of tankers and drilling platforms, oil spills from contaminated ships), as well as industrial waste - heavy metals, radioactive waste in containers, etc. More than 10 thousand tourist ships throwing sewage into the sea without purification.

Ways to solve the environmental problems of the oceans:

1) a system of environmental, technical and social measures at the same time;

2) international agreements on the oceans, because the dead ocean (without fish and seafood suitable for consumption) is not needed by mankind.

Differences between the countries of the world in terms of resource base

Distinguish countries:

1) with a rich resource base;

2) with a limited resource base.

Russia, USA, China, India, Brazil, Australia are countries with a rich resource base. Japan, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Germany and others are countries with a limited resource base. Countries with a limited resource base have to spend a lot of foreign exchange on the purchase and transportation of raw materials. But, despite the limited resource base, Japan, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France have achieved a high level of economic and social development due to the use of resource-saving highly efficient technologies in industrial and economic complexes, with a large share of waste-free production. Many of the above countries buy ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal in Russia in large volumes. Japan, for example, has for many years been buying wood chips from logging operations in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, as well as cheap metal products for remelting in Russia.

Modern environmental problems. Causes of their occurrence and possible solutions

Current environmental issues include:

1) shortage of mineral resources;

2) depletion of biological resources;

3) desertification.

Over the past 30 years, as many natural resources have been used in the world as in the entire previous history of mankind.

In this regard, there was a threat of depletion and even exhaustion of resources, primarily mineral and biological. At the same time, as a result of the active economic activity of mankind, the scale of the return of waste to nature has sharply increased, which caused the threat of global pollution of the entire planet - the atmosphere, the World Ocean, the hydrosphere in general, the lithosphere (the land surface itself, including groundwater.) According to scientists, for each Every inhabitant of the planet accounts for (conditionally) 200 kg of waste per year, and the total amount is about 100 billion tons.

All of the above problems are due to the following reasons:

1) an arms race for many years in the main large countries that are members of the NATO bloc and were part of the Warsaw Pact until the 90s. XX century;

2) the growth of cities in terms of area and number in countries with a constant significant increase in the total population (China, India, etc.).

As a result of the irrational use of agricultural land, especially pastures near deserts, their area is expanding - desertification. Anthropogenic desertification has covered more than 900 million hectares - in Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia. The main cause of desertification is global warming.

Significant losses of bioresources, in particular forest resources, occur annually from fires in different countries of the world, especially in Russia.

Possible solutions to the above problems are:

1) general limitation of the arms race, which absorbs a significant amount of mineral resources;

2) introduction of resource-saving, waste-free technologies in all industries of the world;

3) the use of all inevitable waste in various economic complexes (for building materials, road construction, etc.);

4) combining the efforts of all countries of the world to solve a set of problems in terms of resources and ecology (for example, the Kyoto agreement, which limits the total amount of emissions into the atmosphere for each individual country);

5) expansion of the raw material base by attracting the resources of near space to the economic activity, as well as the withdrawal of "environmentally dirty" production facilities outside the Earth (primarily to near-Earth orbits and to the surface of the Moon).

Final control tests on the topic "World Natural Resources and the Environment"
Option I

1. Complete: the ratio between the amount of natural resources and the amount of their use is called ...

2. Exhaustible natural resources include:

a) mineral and water;

b) water and forest;

c) forest and mineral.

3. Most of the world's oil reserves are concentrated:

a) in the northern hemisphere

b) in the southern hemisphere.

4. The amount of arable land, per capita in general, in the world:

a) is increasing

b) does not change;

c) decreases.

5. Arrange the lands as their share in the area of ​​the world land fund decreases:

a) forests and shrubs;

c) meadows and pastures.

6. The main reason for the aggravation of the water problem of mankind is:

a) uneven distribution of water resources across the planet;

c) water pollution.

7. The share of fresh water in world resources:

8. The main way to solve the water problem of mankind is:

a) reducing the water intensity of production processes;

b) transportation of icebergs from Antarctica;

c) desalination of sea water.

Option II

1. Complete: the part of the earthly nature with which humanity interacts in the course of its life activity at this stage of its development is called ...

2. Exhaustible renewable resources include:

a) forest and fish;

b) fish and mineral;

c) mineral and forest.

3. Most of the world's gas reserves are concentrated:

a) in the northern hemisphere

b) in the southern hemisphere.

4. The main reason for the reduction of agricultural land in the world is:

a) soil erosion;

b) swamping, salinization;

c) desertification.

5. Arrange the lands as their share in the area of ​​the world land fund increases:

a) forests and shrubs;

b) cultivated land (arable land, orchards, plantations);

c) meadows and pastures.

6. Effective protection of soils from erosion is:

a) deforestation;

b) falling asleep of ravines and beams;

c) forest plantations.

7. The main cause of the water problem of mankind is:

a) water pollution;

b) growth in consumption with a constant volume of water resources;

c) uneven distribution of water resources across the planet.

8. Currently, of the resources of the World Ocean, the following are most intensively used:

a) water;

b) biological;

c) minerals.

Test 3
world population

Option I
Indicators of the natural movement of the population. The difference in indicators in countries with the 1st and 2nd type of population reproduction

Indicators of the natural movement of the population are the birth rate, mortality, natural increase - natural biological processes. The combination of these processes - fertility, mortality and natural increase ensures the continuous renewal and change of human generations. Population growth depends on the nature of its reproduction.

The 1st type of population reproduction is simple, it is characterized by low birth rates, mortality and natural increase. This type of reproduction prevails in the economically developed countries of Europe and North America.

Socio-economic reasons causing low birth rates:

1) a high level of socio-economic development (incomes increase in families and the number of children decreases);

2) high level of urbanization - 75%, rapid income growth (in rural areas, the birth rate is higher, in cities - lower);

3) change in the status of women, emancipation and the emergence of a new system of values;

4) an increase in the proportion of older ages - "aging of nations" (in the UK, France, Russia, etc.), a decrease in the number of young people;

5) consequences of wars and military conflicts, terrorism;

6) occupational injuries, man-made disasters - up to 250 thousand people die in road traffic accidents annually (in Europe and North America);

7) mortality from diseases (AIDS, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, etc.);

8) natural disasters (floods, earthquakes).

The narrowed type of reproduction is typical for countries with "zero" or close to it natural increase. In a number of European countries - Bulgaria, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Hungary, Germany, Russia, the death rate exceeds the birth rate, that is, there is a depopulation, or a demographic crisis, a decrease in the country's population.

In Russia in 1998, the birth rate was 8.6%, the death rate was 13.8%.

The 2nd type of population reproduction is extended, it is characterized by high and very high birth rates and natural increase and relatively low mortality rates (mainly in Asia, Africa and Latin America).

Socio-economic reasons causing high birth rates of the population:

1) low level of economic development, the predominance of agriculture (developing countries);

2) low level of urbanization - 41% (in rural areas, the birth rate is higher);

3) a peculiar social structure, religious customs that encourage large families;

4) servitude of women, early marriages;

5) using the achievements of modern medicine to combat epidemic diseases, improving sanitary culture;

In connection with the decrease in mortality of the population and especially child mortality, the average life expectancy is growing. Back in the 19th century it was equal in Europe to only 35 years; it now averages 68–70 years in North America and Europe, 50–55 years in Latin America, 40–50 years in Asia, and less than 40 years in Africa. An increase in life expectancy leads to an increase in the proportion of the elderly population, i.e., the process of population aging occurs.

Population regulation - population policy

Demographic policy is a system of administrative, economic, propaganda and other measures by which the state regulates the population in the direction it wants, influencing the natural movement (primarily the birth rate). The demographic policy in the countries of the first type of reproduction is aimed at increasing the birth rate. Examples of countries pursuing an active demographic policy are France or Japan, which have developed economic stimulus measures such as:

1) one-time loans to newlyweds;

2) allowances for the birth of each child, monthly allowances for children;

3) paid parental leave, etc.

The demographic policy in the countries of the second type of production is aimed at reducing the birth rate. For example, in India:

1) a national family planning program has been adopted;

2) the age of marriage has been increased: for men - 21 years, for women - 18 years;

3) mass voluntary sterilization of the population is carried out;

4) there is a political motto: "We are two - we are two."

For example, in China:

1) a birth planning committee has been established;

2) a late age for marriage has been established: for men - 22 years, for women - 20 years;

3) there are monthly supplements for only one child;

4) the political motto is promoted: "One family - one child."

The largest language families in the world

The most numerous language families:

1) Indo-European - 150 peoples with a total number of 2.5 billion people (47% of the total population of the globe);

2) Sino-Tibetan - over 1 billion people (22% of the total population);

3) Afro-Asiatic - more than 250 million people (mostly speaking Arabic).

In addition, the largest language families include Austronesian (5% of the world's population), Semitic-Hamitic (4.4%), Dravidian (4%), Bantu (3%). The 5 most common languages ​​(Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, Russian) are spoken by over 40% of all mankind.

The majority of other families are much smaller.

The peoples of Russia are classified by language as follows:

1) Indo-European family (Russians - 82%, Ukrainians - 3%, Belarusians - 1%);

2) Altai (Mongolian) - Buryats, Kalmyks;

3) Turkic - Tatars, Bashkirs;

4) Ural (Finno-Ugric) - Mordovians, Karelians;

5) Caucasian - Chechens, Ingush, etc.

In total, 130 peoples have been identified in Russia.

The most widely spoken official languages ​​in the world are:

1) English - in 80 countries of the world (in the UK, USA, Australia, India, New Zealand, etc.);

2) French (in more than 30 countries of the world);

3) Spanish (in about 20 countries).

The wide spread of these languages ​​is explained by the existence of the colonial empires of England, France and Spain over the years.

Population density in various regions of the world

The average population density of the Earth is 45 people per 1 km2. In India, the average density is 326 people per 1 km 2, China - 131, Indonesia - 116, USA - 30, Brazil - 20.

The population of the Earth is distributed extremely unevenly - about 70% of all people live on 7% of the land, undeveloped lands occupy 15% of the land. Territories with the most favorable conditions are populated very densely. For example, in some areas of East and South Asia, the density reaches from 1500 to 2000 people per 1 km 2, and in the industrial regions of Europe and the USA, the average density is from 1000 to 1500 people per 1 km 2.

The unevenness of the population of the Earth is most clearly manifested in the following comparisons: in Australia and Oceania, the average density is 2 people per 1 km 2, in foreign Europe - 97 people per 1 km 2. In Europe, the lowest population density is in Iceland (2 people per 1 km 2), the highest is in the Netherlands (365 people per 1 km 2); in Asia, the lowest population density is in Mongolia (0.8 people per 1 km 2), the highest is in Bangladesh (about 500 people per 1 km 2). The amplitude of fluctuations within individual countries is even greater (from completely uninhabited territories to 2,000 people per 1 km 2).

In Russia, the highest population density is in the Central region, in the Urals, in the Kuzbass, the lowest - in the Far North. The average population density in Russia is 0.85 people per 1 km2.

Urbanization. The main features of this process

Urbanization is the growth of cities, the increase in the share of the urban population in the country, region, world, the emergence and development of more complex systems of cities, agglomerations. Urbanization is not only a historical process of increased growth of cities and urban populations, but also a widespread urban lifestyle. Urbanization is one of the most important components of socio-economic development.

3 characteristic features of the modern process of urbanization:

1) the rapid growth of the urban population, especially in less developed countries. On average, the world's urban population is increasing by 60 million people a year;

2) the concentration of the population and economy mainly in large cities. This is characterized by the growth of production, the development of science and education, the satisfaction of the spiritual needs of people. At the beginning of the twentieth century. there were 360 ​​large cities in the world, and at the end of the twentieth century. there were about 4,000 of them. These are cities with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants;

3) the "spread" of cities, the expansion of their territory. Modern urbanization is especially characterized by the transition from a compact ("point") city to urban agglomerations - territorial clusters of urban and rural population around a large city (the capital, important industrial and port centers).

The impact of migration on the size and distribution of the population, its cause

Migration is the movement of people between certain territories and settlements, associated with a permanent, temporary or seasonal change of their place of residence. The main reason for migration is economic, but political, national, religious and other reasons play a significant role. The forms of migration are very diverse: every day, hundreds of millions of people participate in pendulum (shuttle) labor trips, due to the large distance between their places of residence and work; the scope of seasonal movements associated with seasonal work, trips for recreation and treatment, tourism, as well as religious pilgrimages to holy places is great. Population migration is the main reason for the most important changes that have occurred in the settlement of people on Earth over the past centuries.

There are 2 types of population migration:

1) internal migration is the movement of the population from the countryside to the city, which in many countries is the source of their growth (it is often called the “great migration of peoples of the 20th century”).

In addition, in a number of countries there is a migration of the population from small towns to large ones, due to job searches, going to study at universities, etc. This type of migration is typical for Russia, Kazakhstan, Canada, Brazil, Australia, China and other developing countries.

In the most developed countries, in particular in the USA, "reverse" internal migrations prevail - from cities to the suburbs, and partly to the countryside;

2) external migration - with a predominance of labor migration, which forms the international labor market. To date, the main flows of international labor migration have developed. External migration is subdivided into emigration (I am evicted) - the departure of citizens from their country to another for permanent residence or a more or less long period; and immigration (I settle) - the entry of citizens into another country for permanent residence or for a more or less long period.

Currently, there is an emigration of the population (labour force and intellectuals, brain drain) from South, Southeast and East Asia, Latin America, North Africa and Russia (departure). Immigration - to the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Israel, Brazil, Argentina, Australia (entry). A special type of migration is the flow of refugees associated with internal political and interethnic conflicts: from Afghanistan, the former SFRY (Yugoslavia), Iraq, inside the former Soviet Union.

All major types of migration involve the economically active population. This inevitably leads to a deterioration in the economic and economic situation in the countries where emigration comes from (in the present and in the future), especially in Russia, where the demographic situation is critical, there is a depopulation of the main nation (titular).

Option II
Change in the population of the Earth. Population explosion

Throughout the twentieth century. there was a constant change in the population of the Earth in the direction of increase. If in 1900 the population of the whole world was 1 billion 656 million people, then in 1950 - 2 billion 527 million, and in 2000 - 6 billion 252 million. In a word, from the 2nd half of the twentieth century. rapid population growth has acquired the character of a population explosion. A significant increase in the population was in foreign Asia - from 950 million people in 1900 to 3 billion 698 million in 2000, in Africa - from 130 million in 1900 to 872 million in 2000, Latin America - from 64 million in 1900 to 540 million in 2000

The population explosion peaked in the 1970s. (average annual increase - 2%, or 20 people per 1000 inhabitants). Between 1985 and 1990 the increase was 1.7%; in 1995 - 1.5%. In other words, after 1970 population growth has steadily declined. This was due to birth planning in China and India. But the growth of the world population continues and, according to UN forecasts, in the XXI century. The world population will reach over 10 billion people. Moreover, 90% of the world's population growth occurs in developing countries.

Population explosion in the 60-70s. 20th century due to a number of reasons: firstly, the improvement of the socio-economic situation in developing countries due to the penetration of large capitalist companies from the leading countries of the world into Asia, Africa and Latin America in pursuit of cheap mineral and labor resources. At the same time, assembly plants (cars, motorcycles, household appliances) and environmentally harmful chemical production were located in developing countries. At the same time, the entire infrastructure was created with hospitals, hospitals and other institutions, including cultural centers.

The USSR and the socialist countries also pursued a policy of comprehensive assistance to developing countries, ranging from military-technical to medical and cultural (P. Lumumba University was opened in Moscow for students from developing countries).

Sherstyuk Valeria

Annotation to the project

Introduction: Hello dear audience! I am Sherstyuk Valeria, a student of group 311, I am glad to present to your attention my project on ecology on the topic: Problems of water resources and ways to solve them.

3 slide

The purpose of my project work: to identify the most effective ways to solve problems of water resources.


1. Get acquainted with the history of water pollution.

2. Get acquainted with ways to solve problems of water resources.

3. Compile a classifier of water resource problems.

4. Develop a memo on how to solve water problems.

4 slide

Introduction. Water is one of the most common chemical compounds on Earth and unusual in its properties. Living organisms cannot exist without water. Water is of great importance in industrial and agricultural production; its necessity for the everyday needs of man, all plants and animals is well known. For many living beings, it serves as a habitat. Solving problems depends primarily on ourselves, because if we do not save water resources, but continue to pollute water bodies, we will not have clean water on Earth.

5-8 slide

In our country, almost all water bodies are subject to anthropogenic influence. The water quality in most of them does not meet normal requirements.

The main sources of water pollution are enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries, pulp and paper, and light industry.

Microbial pollution of water occurs as a result of the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into water bodies. There is also thermal pollution of water as a result of the inflow of heated wastewater.

Pollutants can be conditionally divided into several groups. According to the physical state, insoluble, colloidal and soluble impurities are distinguished. In addition, pollution is divided into mineral, organic, bacterial and biological.

Another common pollutant is oil and petroleum products. In the period 1962-79, about 2 million tons of oil entered the marine environment as a result of accidents.

Wastewater can also be a source of pollution. Contaminated industrial wastewater is divided into three groups:

1. Contaminated mainly with mineral impurities (enterprises of the metallurgical, machine-building, coal mining industries; plants for the production of acids, construction products and materials, mineral fertilizers, etc.).

2. Contaminated mainly with organic impurities (enterprises of meat, fish, dairy, food, pulp and paper, microbiological, chemical industries; factories for the production of rubber, plastics, etc.).

3. Contaminated with mineral and organic impurities (oil producing, oil refining, textile, light, pharmaceutical industries; plants for the production of sugar, canned food, organic synthesis products, etc.)

8-12 slide

Polluted water can be purified. Under favorable conditions, this occurs naturally in the process of the natural water cycle. But polluted basins (rivers, lakes, etc.) take much longer to recover.

Wastewater treatment methods can be divided into mechanical, chemical, physicochemical and biological, but when they are used together, the method of wastewater treatment and disposal is called combined. The application of this or that method, in each specific case, is determined by the nature of the pollution and the degree of harmfulness of impurities.

Contaminated wastewater is also treated using ultrasound, ozone, ion exchange resins and high pressure, and chlorination has proven itself well.

13 slide:

Conclusion. I came to the conclusion that at present the problem of pollution of water bodies is the most urgent, because. Everyone knows - the expression "water is life." A person cannot live without water for more than three days, but even realizing the importance of the role of water in his life, he still continues to exploit water bodies harshly.

In this work, I have identified the problems of water resources and ways to solve them.

The goal has been achieved - I have identified ways to solve the problems of water resources and sources of pollution.

Sources of pollution - pollution by enterprises, the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into water bodies, thermal water pollution as a result of the entry of heated wastewater, Thermal water pollution as a result of the entry of heated wastewater, Biological pollution appears as a result of an increase in the number of unusual species, industrial, atmospheric.

Methods of solution - cleansing in a natural way, mechanical cleaning methods, chemical cleaning methods, physical and chemical cleaning methods, combined.

The assigned tasks have been implemented. I got acquainted with the main problems of water resources, their history of pollution and ways to solve problems, and also compiled a classifier of water problems and developed a memo on problems and ways to solve water resources.





steppe lake




1.3 Pollution of freshwater

1.4 Oxygen starvation as a factor in water pollution

1.6 Wastewater

2.2 Wastewater treatment methods



APPENDIX A (Information sheet)


Water is one of the most common chemical compounds on Earth and unusual in its properties. Living organisms cannot exist without water. Water is a carrier of mechanical and thermal energy, plays an important role in the exchange of matter and energy between the geospheres and geographic regions of the Earth. This is largely facilitated by its anomalous physical and chemical properties. One of the founders of geochemistry, V.I. Vernadsky, wrote: "Water stands apart in the history of our planet." Solving problems depends primarily on ourselves, because if we do not save water resources, but continue to pollute water bodies, we will not have clean water on Earth.

Water is of great importance in industrial and agricultural production; its necessity for the everyday needs of man, all plants and animals is well known. For many living beings, it serves as a habitat.

The demand for water is enormous and is increasing every year. A lot of water is consumed by the chemical and pulp and paper industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Energy development also leads to a sharp increase in demand for water. A significant amount of water is consumed for the needs of the livestock industry, as well as for the domestic needs of the population. Most of the water after its use for household needs is returned to the rivers in the form of wastewater. The shortage of clean fresh water is already becoming a global problem. The ever increasing needs of industry and agriculture need water in all countries, scientists around the world are looking for a variety of means to solve this problem.

At the present stage, the following areas of rational use of water resources are determined: more complete use and expanded reproduction of fresh water resources; development of new technological processes to prevent pollution of water bodies and minimize the consumption of fresh water.

Target: to identify the most effective ways to solve problems of water resources.


  1. Learn about the history of water pollution.
  2. Learn how to solve water problems.
  3. Compile a classifier of water resources problems.
  4. Develop a memo on ways to address water resource issues.


1.1 General characteristics of pollution sources

Sources of pollution are objects from which discharges or otherwise enter water bodies of harmful substances that degrade the quality of surface waters, limit their use, and also negatively affect the state of the bottom and coastal water bodies.

The protection of water bodies from pollution is carried out by means of regulating the activities of both stationary and other sources of pollution.

In our country, almost all water bodies are subject to anthropogenic influence. The water quality in most of them does not meet normal requirements.

The main sources of water pollution are enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries, pulp and paper, and light industry.

Microbial pollution of water occurs as a result of the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into water bodies. There is also thermal pollution of water as a result of the inflow of heated wastewater.

Pollutants can be conditionally divided into several groups. According to the physical state, insoluble, colloidal and soluble impurities are distinguished. In addition, pollution is divided into mineral, organic, bacterial and biological.

The degree of risk of drifting pesticides during the processing of agricultural land depends on the method of application and the form of the drug. With ground processing, the risk of pollution of water bodies is less. During aerial treatment, the drug can be carried by air currents hundreds of meters and deposited on an untreated area and on the surface of water bodies.

1.2 The problem of pollution of the oceans

Oil and oil products are the most common pollutants in the oceans. By the beginning of the 1980s, about 6 million tons of oil were annually entering the ocean. Emergencies, discharge of washing and ballast water overboard by tankers - all this leads to the presence of permanent pollution fields along sea routes. In the period 1962-79, about 2 million tons of oil entered the marine environment as a result of accidents. Over the past 30 years, since 1964, about 2,000 wells have been drilled in the oceans. Large masses of oil enter the seas along rivers, with domestic and storm drains.
Getting into the marine environment, oil first spreads in the form of a film, forming layers of various thicknesses. The oil film changes the composition of the spectrum and the intensity of light penetration into the water. The light transmission of thin films of crude oil is.
When volatile fractions are removed, oil forms viscous inverse emulsions, which can remain on the surface, be carried by the current, wash ashore and settle to the bottom. Pesticides are a group of man-made substances used to control pests and plant diseases. It has been established that pesticides, destroying pests, harm many beneficial organisms and undermine the health of biocenoses. In agriculture, the problem of transition from chemical (polluting the environment) to biological (environmentally friendly) methods of pest control has long been faced. The industrial production of pesticides is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of by-products that pollute wastewater.

1.3. Pollution of freshwater reservoirs

The water cycle, this long way of its movement, consists of several stages: evaporation, cloud formation, rainfall, runoff into streams and rivers, and evaporation again. Along its entire path, water itself is able to clear itself of contaminants that enter it - decay products of organic substances, dissolved gases and minerals, and suspended solids.

In most cases, freshwater pollution remains invisible because the pollutants are dissolved in the water. But there are exceptions: foaming detergents, as well as oil products floating on the surface and untreated sewage. There are several natural pollutants. Aluminum compounds found in the ground enter the fresh water system as a result of chemical reactions. Floods wash out magnesium compounds from the soil of meadows, which cause great damage to fish stocks. However, the amount of natural pollutants is negligible compared to those produced by man. and. They are able to dissolve minerals in the soil, which leads to an increase in the content of heavy metal ions in the water. Nuclear power plants release radioactive waste into the water cycle. The discharge of untreated wastewater into water sources leads to microbiological contamination of water. The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the world's diseases are caused by poor quality and unsanitary water. In rural areas, the problem of water quality is particularly acute - about 90% of all rural residents in the world constantly use polluted water for drinking and bathing.

1.4 Oxygen starvation as a factor in water pollution

As you know, the water cycle consists of several stages: evaporation, cloud formation, rainfall, runoff into streams and rivers, and evaporation again. Along its entire path, water itself is able to clear itself of contaminants that enter it - decay products of organic substances, dissolved gases and minerals, and suspended solids.

In places of large concentrations of people and animals, clean natural water is usually not enough, especially if it is used to collect sewage and transfer it away from settlements. If not much sewage enters the soil, soil organisms process them, reusing nutrients, and already clean water seeps into neighboring watercourses. But if the sewage immediately enters the water, they rot, and oxygen is consumed for their oxidation. The so-called biochemical oxygen demand is created. The higher this requirement, the less oxygen remains in the water for living microorganisms, especially for fish and algae. Sometimes, due to lack of oxygen, all living things die. Water becomes biologically dead - only anaerobic bacteria remain in it; they thrive without oxygen and emit hydrogen sulfide in the course of their life. The already lifeless water acquires a putrid smell and becomes completely unsuitable for humans and animals. This can also happen with an excess of substances such as nitrates and phosphates in the water; they enter the water from agricultural fertilizers in the fields or from sewage contaminated with detergents. These nutrients stimulate the growth of algae, which begin to consume a lot of oxygen, and when it becomes insufficient, they die. Under natural conditions, the lake, before silting up and disappearing, exists for about 20 thousand years. years. An excess of nutrients accelerates the aging process, or introphication, and reduces the life of the lake, making it also unattractive. Oxygen is less soluble in warm water than in cold water. Some businesses, especially power plants, consume huge amounts of water for cooling purposes. The heated water is discharged back into the rivers and further disrupts the biological balance of the water system. Reduced oxygen content prevents the development of some living species and gives an advantage to others. But these new, heat-loving species also suffer greatly as soon as water heating stops.

1.5 Factors hindering the development of aquatic ecosystems

Organic waste, nutrients and heat interfere with the normal development of freshwater ecosystems only when they overload those systems. But in recent years, ecological systems have been bombarded with huge quantities of absolutely alien substances, from which they know no protection. Agricultural pesticides, metals and chemicals from industrial wastewater have managed to enter the aquatic food chain with unpredictable consequences. Species at the beginning of the food chain can accumulate these substances at dangerous levels and become even more vulnerable to other harmful effects.

1.6 Wastewater

Drainage systems and structures are one of the types of engineering equipment and improvement of settlements, residential, public and industrial, providing the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for work, life and recreation of the population. Drainage and treatment systems consist of a set of equipment, networks and facilities designed to receive and remove domestic industrial and atmospheric wastewater through pipelines, as well as to treat and neutralize them before being discharged into a reservoir or disposed of.

The objects of wastewater disposal are buildings for various purposes, as well as newly built, existing and reconstructed cities, towns, industrial enterprises, sanitary and resort complexes, etc.

Waste water is water used for domestic, industrial or other needs and contaminated with various impurities that have changed their original chemical composition and physical properties, as well as water flowing from the territory of settlements and industrial enterprises as a result of precipitation or watering streets.

Depending on the origin of the type and composition, wastewater is divided into three main categories:

  1. Household (from toilet rooms, showers, kitchens, baths, laundries, canteens, hospitals; they come from residential and public buildings, as well as from domestic premises and industrial enterprises);
  2. Industrial (waters used in technological processes that no longer meet the requirements for their quality - this category of water includes water pumped to the surface of the earth during mining);
  3. Atmospheric (rain and melt - together with atmospheric water, water is drained from street irrigation, from fountains and drains).

Wastewater is a complex heterogeneous mixture containing impurities of organic and mineral origin, which are in an undissolved, colloidal and dissolved state. The degree of wastewater pollution is estimated by concentration. The composition of wastewater is regularly analyzed. Sanitary chemical analyzes are carried out to determine the value of COD. Wastewater from industrial enterprises is the most complex in composition. To develop a rational scheme for wastewater disposal and assess the possibility of reusing wastewater, the composition and mode of water disposal are studied not only for the general runoff of an industrial enterprise, but also for wastewater from individual workshops and apparatuses.

Industrial wastewater is divided into two main categories: polluted and unpolluted (conditionally clean).

Contaminated industrial wastewater is divided into three groups:

  1. Contaminated mainly with mineral impurities (enterprises of the metallurgical, machine-building, coal-mining industries; plants for the production of acids, construction products and materials, mineral fertilizers, etc.).
  2. Contaminated mainly with organic impurities (meat, fish, dairy, food, pulp and paper, microbiological, chemical industries; factories for the production of rubber, plastics, etc.).
  3. Contaminated with mineral and organic impurities (oil extracting, oil refining, textile, light, pharmaceutical industries; factories for the production of sugar, canned food, organic synthesis products, etc.)

In addition to the above 3 groups of contaminated industrial wastewater, there is a discharge of heated water into the reservoir, which is the cause of the so-called thermal pollution.

Industrial wastewater can vary in the concentration of pollutants, in the degree of aggressiveness, etc. The composition of industrial wastewater varies considerably, which necessitates a thorough justification of the choice of a reliable and efficient treatment method in each specific case. Obtaining the design parameters and technological regulations for the treatment of wastewater and sludge requires very long scientific research, both in laboratory and semi-production conditions.

The amount of industrial wastewater is determined depending on the productivity of the enterprise according to the aggregated norms of water consumption and water disposal for various industries. The water consumption rate is the reasonable amount of water required for the production process, established on the basis of a scientifically based calculation or best practice. The aggregated rate of water consumption includes all water costs at the enterprise. Consumption rates of industrial wastewater are used in the design of newly built and reconstruction of existing industrial wastewater systems. The consolidated norms make it possible to assess the rationality of water use at any operating enterprise.

As part of the engineering communications of an industrial enterprise, as a rule, there are several drainage networks. The uncontaminated heated wastewater enters the cooling plants and then returns to the circulating water supply system.

Contaminated wastewater enters the treatment facilities, and after treatment, part of the treated wastewater is fed into the recycling water supply system to those workshops where its composition meets regulatory requirements.

The efficiency of water use in industrial enterprises is estimated by such indicators as the amount of recycled water used, the coefficient of its use and the percentage of its losses. For industrial enterprises, a water balance is compiled, including the costs of various types of losses, discharges and the addition of compensating water costs to the system.

1.7 Consequences of sewage entering water bodies

The general conditions for the release of wastewater of any category into surface water bodies are determined by their national economic significance and the nature of water use. After the release of wastewater, some deterioration in the quality of water in reservoirs is allowed, but this should not noticeably affect his life and the possibility of further use of the reservoir as a source of water supply, for cultural and sports events, and fishery purposes.

Monitoring of the fulfillment of the conditions for the discharge of industrial wastewater into water bodies is carried out sanitary- epidemiological stations and basin authorities.

Water quality standards for drinking and cultural reservoirs- for domestic water use, the quality of water for reservoirs is established for two types of water use: the first type includes sections of reservoirs used as a source for centralized or non-centralized domestic and drinking water supply, as well as for water supply to food industry enterprises; to the second type - sections of reservoirs used for swimming, sports and recreation of the population, as well as those located within the boundaries of settlements.

The assignment of water bodies to one or another type of water use is carried out by the bodies of the State Sanitary Supervision, taking into account the prospects for the use of water bodies.

The water quality standards for reservoirs given in the rules apply to sites located on flowing reservoirs 1 km upstream of the nearest water use point, and on non-flowing reservoirs and reservoirs 1 km on both sides of the water use point.

Much attention is paid to the prevention and elimination of pollution of the coastal areas of the seas. Sea water quality standards, which must be ensured when discharging wastewater, refer to the water use area within the allotted boundaries and to sites at a distance of 300 m from these boundaries. When using the coastal areas of the seas as a receiver for industrial wastewater, the content of harmful substances in the sea should not exceed the MPC established by the sanitary- toxicological, general sanitary and organoleptic limiting indicators of harmfulness. At the same time, the requirements for the discharge of wastewater are differentiated in relation to the nature of water use. The sea is considered not as a source of water supply, but as a medical, health-improving, cultural and household factor.

Pollutants entering rivers, lakes, reservoirs and seas make significant changes to the established regime and disrupt the equilibrium state of aquatic ecological systems. As a result of the processes of transformation of substances polluting water bodies, occurring under the influence of natural factors, in water sources there is a complete or partial restoration of their original properties. In this case, secondary decomposition products of pollution can be formed that have a negative impact on water quality.


2.1 Natural cleaning of water bodies

Polluted water can be purified. Under favorable conditions, this occurs naturally in the process of the natural water cycle. But polluted basins (rivers, lakes, etc.) take much longer to recover. In order for natural systems to be able to recover, it is necessary, first of all, to stop the further flow of waste into rivers. Industrial emissions not only clog, but also poison wastewater. And the effectiveness of expensive devices for purifying such waters has not yet been sufficiently studied. In spite of everything, some municipalities and industries still choose to dump waste into neighboring rivers and are very reluctant to do so only when the water becomes completely unusable or even dangerous.

In its endless cycle, water either captures and carries a lot of dissolved or suspended substances, or is cleared of them. Many of the impurities in the water are natural and get there with rain or groundwater. Some of the pollutants associated with human activities follow the same path. Smoke, ash and industrial gases, together with rain, fall to the ground; chemical compounds and sewage introduced into the soil with fertilizers enter the rivers with groundwater. Some waste follows man-made paths, drainage ditches and sewer pipes.

These substances are usually more toxic but easier to control than those carried in the natural water cycle. Global water consumption for economic and domestic needs is approximately 9% of the total river flow. Therefore, it is not the direct water consumption of hydro resources that causes a shortage of fresh water in certain regions of the globe, but their qualitative depletion.

2 .2 Waste water treatment methods

In rivers and other bodies of water, a natural process of self-purification of water occurs. However, it runs slowly. While industrial and domestic discharges were small, the rivers themselves coped with them. In our industrial age, due to a sharp increase in waste, water bodies can no longer cope with such significant pollution. There was a need to neutralize, purify wastewater and dispose of them.

Waste water treatment is the treatment of waste water to destroy or remove harmful substances from it. The release of wastewater from pollution is a complex production. It, like in any other production, has raw materials (waste water) and finished products (purified water).

Wastewater treatment methods can be divided into mechanical, chemical, physicochemical and biological, but when they are used together, the method of wastewater treatment and disposal is called combined. The application of this or that method, in each specific case, is determined by the nature of the pollution and the degree of harmfulness of impurities.

Mechanical treatment allows you to isolate up to 60-75% of insoluble impurities from domestic wastewater, and up to 95% from industrial wastewater, many of which, as valuable impurities, are used in production.

Chemical method:

The chemical method consists in the fact that various chemical reagents are added to the wastewater, which react with pollutants and precipitate them in the form of insoluble precipitates. Chemical cleaning achieves a reduction of insoluble impurities up to 95% and soluble impurities up to 25%.

Physico-chemical method:

In the physicochemical method of treatment, finely dispersed and dissolved inorganic impurities are removed from wastewater and organic and poorly oxidized substances are destroyed, most often coagulation, oxidation, sorption, extraction, etc. are used from physicochemical methods. Electrolysis is also widely used. It consists in the destruction of organic substances in wastewater and the extraction of metals, acids and other inorganic substances. Electrolytic purification is carried out in special facilities - electrolyzers. Wastewater treatment using electrolysis is effective in lead and copper plants, paint and varnish and some other industries.

Contaminated wastewater is also treated using ultrasound, ozone, ion exchange resins and high pressure, and chlorination has proven itself well.

Biological method:

Among the wastewater treatment methods, a biological method based on the use of the laws of biochemical and physiological self-purification of rivers and other water bodies should play an important role. There are several types of biological wastewater treatment devices: biofilters, biological ponds and aeration tanks.


The tissues of living organisms are 70% water, and therefore V.I. Vernadsky defined life as living water. There is a lot of water on Earth, but 97% is the salt water of the oceans and seas, and only 3% is fresh.

The need for water in organisms is very high. For example, for the formation of 1 kg of wood biomass, up to 500 kg of water is consumed. And so it must be spent and not polluted.

In this work, I have identified the problems of water resources and ways to solve them.

The goal has been achieved - I have identified ways to solve the problems of water resources and sources of pollution.

Sources of pollution - pollution by enterprises, the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into water bodies, thermal water pollution as a result of the entry of heated wastewater, Thermal water pollution as a result of the entry of heated wastewater, Biological pollution appears as a result of an increase in the number of species unusual for it, etc.production, atmospheric.

Ways to solve - aboutcleansing in a natural way, mmechanical cleaning methods, chemical cleaning methods, physical and chemical cleaning methods, combined.

The assigned tasks have been implemented. I got acquainted with the main problems of water resources, with their history of pollution and ways to solve problems, and also compiled a classifier of water problems anddeveloped a memo on the problems and ways to solve water resources.

I came to the conclusion that inCurrently, the problem of pollution of water bodies is the most urgent, because. Everyone knows - the expression "water is life." A person cannot live without water for more than three days, but even realizing the importance of the role of water in his life, he still continues to exploit water bodies harshly.


  1. Novikov, Yu.V. Ecology, environment and man / Yu.V. Novikova: Moscow, [b.i], 1998, -235 p.
  2. Zhukov, A.I. Methods of industrial wastewater treatment / A.I. Zhukov, I.L. Mongait, I.D. Rodziller, Stroyizdat, 1999, -158 p.
  3. Mamedov, N.M. Ecology: A textbook for grades 9-11 of a secondary school, - M .: "School-Press", 1996, -464
  4. Horunzhaya, T.A. "Methods for assessing environmental hazards." / T.A. Horundaya: Moscow, 3rd ed., 1998, 246 p.


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Ministry of Health of the Altai Territory

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"Blagoveshchensk Medical College"


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- river runoff. Its defining value is in constant renewal. Of great importance are the water reserves in the lakes and, in addition,. Our country has significant reserves. At the same time, per unit area, the provision of the territory of Russia with a runoff layer turns out to be almost 2 times lower than the world average. However, the problem of water in our country is caused not so much by the general shortage of water resources, but by the natural features of objects, as well as the peculiarities of human activity.

Uneven distribution of water resources

Most of the water resources of Russia (9/10) are concentrated in the basins and, where less than 1/5 of the country's population lives. At the same time, most of the country's economic potential is concentrated in the Black basins, and, to a lesser extent,. These territories account for less than 10%, and here the shortage of water resources is most clearly manifested.

Seasonal fluctuations in river flow

In Russia, constant monitoring of the quality of surface and ground waters is carried out. There are about 4.5 thousand special tracking points at 1300 water bodies. Despite this, the quality of water in most rivers, lakes and reservoirs does not meet the relevant standards. A significant part of the pollutants enters rivers and lakes with atmospheric precipitation and snowmelt waters. They carry particles of dust, salt, oil products, mineral fertilizers, and pesticides from, from fields, city streets. In addition, about 60 cubic meters are dumped into water bodies every year. km of wastewater without the proper degree of treatment. They also contain a huge amount of harmful substances. The water in all the largest rivers in Russia - the Volga, Don, Ob, Yenisei - is assessed as "polluted", and in some of their tributaries as "very polluted". At the same time, the degree of river pollution increases from the upper reaches to the lower reaches. For some consumers of water resources (river transport, electric power industry), the quality of the water consumed is not of decisive importance. But in most cases, it is the quality of the water that limits its use. Of particular concern is the fact that more than half of the Russian population is forced to drink contaminated water.