Reliable information about the chupacabra from the rabbit breeder Evgeny Boyko. Obscurantism with the Chupacabra cover up mass cases of extermination of domestic animals by stray dogs ___________________ Chupacabra fights back

The fact that in the village of Starobin, Soligorsk district, some kind of monster, called the Chupacabra, is operating, it became known at the beginning of this week. Local residents enthusiastically told in front of television cameras that at night someone strangles their chickens and ducks, drinks the blood, and leaves the carcasses in place. After another such massacre, local authorities promised to organize a night watch with the police and local residents in order to catch the unknown creature. And tonight the correspondents of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" spent in ambush, waiting for the chupacabra.

Yes, police patrols will be organized, ”Galina Alexandrova, chairman of the village council of Starobin, confirmed to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

“There is no Chupacabra, it is an ordinary vampire dog!”

We arrived in Starobin on Wednesday evening, just before dusk. The streets are not crowded. In a small grocery store at the entrance to the village, only saleswomen.

We heard about this chupacabra. She's been here for a month now. It's some kind of horror! Last year, she strangled all the chickens, ducks, and also killed four pigs! Now she has returned again - she has already strangled half the chickens in the village, she is killing ducks, one rabbit. But she doesn’t eat them, but simply sucks out the blood and leaves the carcasses, - women say with horror in their voices. - Previously, the dogs were constantly barking, but now they are silent, afraid of her. And the day before yesterday, our Valera saw her! I went out into the yard in the evening, and she jumped over two cars and disappeared. Tall, human-sized, with three legs. By the way, Valera does not drink, if anything ...

The salesman Tatyana Ivanovna herself did not see the monster. But I am sure that it is, because “a woman told how another woman told me that she knew a woman whose chickens were strangled.”

Two days ago, twenty chickens were eaten from me. I heard a dog barking at night. She ran out into the yard in one shirt and saw in the dark how two animals were jumping over the fence. And my chickens are already dead, - Lyudmila sighs. - I didn't see who it was. Something like a dog, but not a dog. And definitely not a cat. Something dark and scary.

According to local residents, the monster operates at night. They don't even save watch dogs in the yard. But not everyone believes that this is really a Chupacabra. There are such versions in the village: the killer is a chupacabra, forest ferrets, a lynx and even a vampire dog!

The day before yesterday, at two in the morning, a pack of dogs ran near my house, - says a local resident. - The neighbor's and my dog ​​barked so much, so barked, and then quieted down. I went out and saw about twenty dogs. We need to call the police and catch them. And there is no Chupacabra. It's just a vampire dog! Here is a flock running, and there is one leader in it. The flock goes like scouts, sniffs out at the gate if there are living creatures in the yard, and gives way to this leader.

And where to look for this vampire of yours? We want to ambush all night.

May you not find him. He is here today and there tomorrow. Find a house for the night and go to bed. Better get out of here before it's too late!

We did not intend to leave - after all, you must see the Chupacabra with your own eyes. It remained only to find a place where you can track down the monster.

“Nobody wants to work on the night shift”

It was already completely dark outside when we started looking for a place for an ambush. It's half past seven in the evening, and there's not a soul on the streets. By the way, no one heard anything about the promised night patrols. Nobody at the local police station. The telephone numbers indicated on the sign at the entrance are silent. “Probably, they also went hunting,” we thought.

And then it was also discovered that the gasoline in the car was running out, and there were no gas stations nearby. In general, we decided to go to the sheds near the peat briquette plant and there “lay low”. Finding the plant, by the way, was also not so easy: there are no signs in the city, and there is no one to ask for directions. At the checkpoint, the woman watchman was very surprised at our arrival.

So they already caught her, your chupacabra, - the watchman blurted out. - I just spoke on the phone with a friend. He says that's all.

Who caught where?

I don't know. Probably a friend is lying, - the woman immediately changed her mind. - Here such horrors tell, such horrors! Our people are already afraid to go to work on the night shift. There are sheds here, and chickens were picked up in them the other day. And one man said that he went fishing in the afternoon, stomped through the forest and saw this chupacabra! She slept on the grass. Such a small was with an elongated muzzle. The hind legs are longer than the front. But, she says, she liked the wool very much - black, shiny, - the woman smiles. - It turns out that during the day she rests in the forest, and at night she kills our chickens. You can help us catch her.

“They saw the dog, they saw the cat, but they didn’t meet the Chupacabra”

Tamara, the owner of one of them, led us to the ill-fated sheds. In fact, the sheds turned out to be garages on the outskirts of the village, next to each - an extension of nets and boards. Previously, everyone kept living creatures in these outbuildings, but after the Chupacabra appeared, the owners moved the living creatures to garages.

Very scary. Look, she is digging here, but here she tore the boards from the door. A dog can't do that, - a woman tells us in a trembling voice and shows us the chips from the doors that lie near the garages. - And everywhere left a trace of three paws. True, they have already faded. Maybe it's from the tail, or maybe she really has three paws ...

We ambushed at about eight in the evening. It's only 4 degrees Celsius outside, behind the forest, ahead of the sheds, on the horizon a briquette factory burns with lights and smokes. In the trunk - a sleeping bag, a tent, for some reason a metal detector, a rope and one penknife for two. To be honest, after ten minutes of sitting in the car, it became creepy. We decided to go out and make a round of the sheds - the locks were in place, the chickens too.

We don’t leave the car one by one, - we decided and ran to warm ourselves in the car.

An hour later, we relaxed and even stopped paying attention to the darkness and the forest, from which, according to the locals, the Chupacabra comes out. And then something black flashed in front of the car! She is! No, it's a black cat...

But we couldn't sit still. In the car, they turned off all the lights and constantly looked towards the forest. An hour later, another silhouette appeared on the road by the barns. We took a closer look - she was walking along the road, or rather, she was limping, a large shaggy dog. She dragged one paw behind her.

We quietly followed the dog. But the dog did not approach any of the sheds, but simply walked around the rows and disappeared into the darkness.

Beginning to light up. We didn't see a chupacabra all night - only a couple of black cats and a strange lame dog. It was pointless to wait further - the village gradually came to life. Well, chupacabra, if you exist, we'll find you next time!

What is the Chupacabra?

Everyone who is sure that he saw a chupacabra describes it in different ways. For example, last year in the Gomel region they saw an animal with hooves moving exclusively on its hind legs. In Starobin, the killer beast is already like this: black, shiny hair, three paws, an elongated muzzle, more than 1.5 meters tall, has long claws, and jumps high. Can break a lock or break a barn door.


Where the patrols were on duty, which the local authorities promised to organize, we never found. And the chairman of the village council refused to comment on the situation at all.

All questions will be covered on television. No comments, goodbye, - they told us in the tube.


"Is it a dog or a marten"

We did an analysis of the slaughtered chickens. Either a dog or a marten killed them. Moreover, the animal does not suffer from rabies, it is absolutely healthy. Why it suffocates and leaves, no one knows. This is the physiology of the animal, - the chief told Komsomolskaya Pravda veterinarian Soligorsk district Nikolai Tkachik. - from people to locality no one has been hurt yet.

The fauna of our planet is striking in its beauty and quirkiness. But some animals cause fear. The Chupacabra is an animal whose existence has not yet been proven. Residents from all over the world claim to have seen her. From our article, you can find out who the Chupacabra is and what harm it does.

Who is the Chupacabra?

Chupacabra is a creature whose existence scientists from all over the world cannot prove and explain. It is known that in most cases it was seen in countryside. There, the Chupacabra steals goats, chickens and others. Surprisingly, the beast does not eat meat. He hunts animals only to drink blood.

Recognizing a Chupacabra attack is not difficult. As a rule, the beast silently attacks its prey at night, and then drinks all the blood from it. Chupacabra stacks the corpses of victims in a row or a pile. Despite the fact that the existence of the beast has not been proven, the number of eyewitnesses is increasing every year. Some scientists argue that this is not an unknown animal at all, but just a predator that has been exposed to genetic mutation due to the influence of external factors.

Cases of an attack by an unknown beast. What does a chupacabra look like?

The Chupacabra was first found in the 70s of the last century. Then the bodies of farm animals without blood were found in Puerto Rico. Such an incident has not been repeated for 10 years, so the mythical beast was quickly forgotten. In the 90s, the Chupacabra attack was repeated. Similar cases began to occur in other parts of our planet. Today, the inhabitants of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus know firsthand about the Chupacabra. It is for this reason that people living in rural areas try not to go outside at night. Attacks have been recorded not only on animals, but also on residents of villages and small towns.

It is impossible to say exactly what the Chupacabra looks like. Eyewitnesses describe the beast in different ways. Most likely, the Chupacabra is a four-legged animal that is very similar to a dog. It has a powerful jaw and large strong claws. This is how eyewitnesses describe Chupacabra most often.

Versions of the origin of the Chupacabra

Scientists and zoologists often argue about the origin of the beast. According to their assumptions, the Chupacabra is the result of someone's breeding work. It's no secret that the world exists a large number of centers where illegal experiments and research are carried out. Perhaps the result of one of the experiments was the Chupacabra.

There is another version. Six years ago, there was a case of attacks on domestic farm animals in the United States. Then scientists proved that it was not the mythical Chupacabra who did it, but wild dog who is sick with scabies. With this disease, the dog loses its fur, smells unpleasant and has thickened skin. The general background of the body weakens, and the animal cannot hunt wild animals. It is for this reason that it attacks agricultural animals. The version of scientists instantly caused a lot of controversy, because representatives of canines do not consume blood. They choose meat.

The most famous attacks

More than 10 years ago, a Chupacabra was killed in Texas. There was no hair on the body of the mysterious animal. It was the size of a dog. Immediately DNA tests were taken. The results showed that it was not a chupacabra, but the most common coyote that was sick with scabies. In the same year, several more such animals were killed.

In 2005, the first Chupacabra was spotted in Russia. Eyewitnesses said that all the corpses of farm animals were bled. In a single night in 2006, the Chupacabra killed over 30 turkeys and 30 sheep. At the same time, eyewitnesses reported an unknown animal that was seen not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Belarus and Poland. His body resembled a kangaroo, but his head was like a crocodile.

In the summer of 2006, in one of the states of America, a strange animal with powerful fangs was found on the side of the road. Most likely it was hit by a car. The animal had no fur. Eyewitnesses believe that this is a Chupacabra. The photo taken at the scene shocked all local residents. Scientists suggest that this is a mixed breed dog. Unfortunately, it was not possible to take materials for analysis. This is due to the fact that the corpse was eaten by vultures even before the arrival of specialists.

8 years ago in Texas, a CCTV camera installed on the highway recorded the movement of a strange creature. It had no fur. Its head was narrow and elongated, and its hind legs were noticeably longer than its front legs. There is an opinion that it was a hybrid of a wolf and a coyote.

Chupacabra in the Volga region

Last spring, two residents of a small village in the Saratov region were driving a car. They saw on the roadside His height was no more than a meter. It stood on its hind legs and moved by jumping. The animal walked around the car for some time, and then disappeared into the forest. Eyewitnesses had no doubt - this is a Chupacabra. The photo taken during the incident aroused the interest of local residents.

The next morning, almost all the people who lived in the village went to explore the territory. They found a large number of three-toed footprints that are not left by other animals living in the area. Upon discovering the evidence, they recalled many cases where farm animals disappeared from their yards without a trace or were killed and bled to death.

The existence of the Chupacabra was also suspected in the neighboring village of Kochetovka. It is known that there once the dogs were chasing an unknown creature, but they could not catch it.

attack on a person

The Chupacabra only hunts at night. The animal is not afraid of people, but tries not to catch their eye. For walks at night, it is recommended to take a powerful flashlight with you, because the beast does not tolerate bright light.
The first case when a person was injured by a Chupacabra was recorded in Mexico. There, the beast grabbed its fangs into the hand of a local resident. Fortunately, the Chupacabra did not like the blood. The Mexican citizen escaped with only two shallow bites.

Cases of attacks are also known in Ukraine. The first victim was an older woman. The next victim was a schoolgirl. In a case was recorded when a real chupacabra attacked a girl during the day. She received many injuries and bites. The girl's friend tried to drive away the beast with stick blows. The victim was hospitalized urgently. She quickly recovered, but died six months later for an unknown reason.

The information that there is a real Chupacabra causes fear among residents of small towns and villages. In 2011, an unknown animal attacked a high school student in Ukraine. Eyewitnesses claim that the beast was huge, about two meters.

Beast in Bashkiria

In the winter of this year, more than 30 rabbits became victims of an unknown beast in Bashkiria. Similar cases have occurred before. Locals believe that the Chupacabra attacks animals, however, there is no evidence of this point of view yet.

The eyewitness claims that the unknown beast not only killed more rabbits, but also gnawed through the fence bars. In addition, the animal tore off the iron bars. The victim notes that this is not the first case in the microdistrict. In the yard, footprints similar to those of a dog were found in the snow. The victim claims that she does not have a dog, there have never been such prints in the yard.

Chupacabra in Bashkiria often attacks other farm animals. In February of this year, not only rabbits, but also sheep died from the attack of the beast. The affected residents soon wrote a statement to the police with a request to fix the damage. They claim that on the same day a local district police officer came and drew up a protocol.

It is known that this year the video, which was filmed by a resident of Bashkiria, is especially popular this year. He believes that on the video he captured the very Chupacabra that caused great damage to local residents.

Killed animal in Belarus

Today, almost everyone knows who the Chupacabra is. Photos provided by eyewitnesses amaze almost everyone. Today, cases of Chupacabra attacks are noted in all corners of the world. It is worth noting that earlier the animal caused harm only at night. Now there are cases when the Chupacabra attacked in the daytime.

Not everyone knows that a Chupacabra was caught in Belarus. On one of the farms, workers discovered a strange animal. For several months, it regularly killed farm livestock. Farm workers claim that the animal had an intimidating appearance. It had no fur. As it turned out later, the killed Chupacabra in Belarus is just a fiction. Veterinarians examined the carcass of the animal and found that the farmers had killed a raccoon dog that had a skin disease.

It is known that later the investigated corpse disappeared from the veterinary clinic. There is information that it was stolen by a girl who believes in the Chupacabra.

The history of the origin of the name and animal

Many people know who the Chupacabra is. You can find photos with this mysterious animal in our article. The name "chupacabra" did not appear by chance. Goats were the first to suffer from the beast. The name is associated with them. When literally deciphered, Chupacabra is a "goat vampire."

There is an opinion that the chupacabra is the ancestor of the kangaroo, which lives a secretive life. There is another interesting version of the origin of the mysterious animal - space. Some are sure that the beast came to us from another planet in the 90s of the last century.

vampire dog

In Belarus recent times actively discuss the existence of Chupacabra. There is a known case where residents small village told about the loss of animals to TV reporters. Local authorities promised to look into everything. In the near future, a night watch of the police was organized.

Patrols gathered in the late afternoon. A local resident said that cases with a strange killing of animals have been happening for several years. Some eyewitnesses claim that there is no Chupacabra. In the village, a pack of vampire dogs attacks animals.

Closer to the night, the patrol began to look for the most the best place for an ambush. The police say that at eight o'clock in the evening there is no one on the street. They decided to stop near the garages where many animals died last night. According to local residents, the Chupacabra was the cause of death. The patrol kept watch until morning. Nothing suspicious was found by the police.

Expert opinion

After the incident in Belarus, the experts immediately took the bodies of the dead farm animals for examination. After a number of studies, experts found that the cause of death was the bite of a dog or marten. They found that the animal had no pathologies and did not suffer from rabies.

Experts learned opinion and psychologist. He believes that residents of small towns lack information and events. It is for this reason that one person comes up with a version, and the rest believe in it. They need it in order to get any emotions.

Chupacabra: myth or reality?

Today there is no proven information that the Chupacabra exists. Many experts argue that this is all fiction. They associate the mysterious beast with an ordinary sick animal. Under the descriptions of eyewitnesses, for example, a dog with scabies may fit.

It is also worth noting that most often the descriptions of eyewitnesses are completely different. It is possible that the image of the Chupacabra is fictional. Its existence is often denied by veterinarians. As a rule, the corpse of a Chupacabra brought for examination turns out to be a raccoon dog or a coyote.

Do not believe in the existence of Chupacabra and many residents of our country. They argue that the animal cannot go unnoticed for many years.

Summing up

Chupacabra is a mysterious beast that instills fear in the inhabitants of small towns and villages. Its existence has not yet been proven. However, cases of beast attacks happen quite often. Many materials brought for examination disprove the existence of the Chupacabra. Most often it is an animal with scabies. Believe in chupacabra or not - you decide.

Chupacabra hunts at night and attacks defenseless animals, sucks blood and disappears. People found completely bled animals in the forest or paddock. On the body of the animals, a small round wound with ideally smooth and round edges was found (mainly in the neck area), through which, presumably, all the blood was sucked out; Not a drop of blood was found at the scene. People found animals dead or half-dead. There was a case when a whole herd was killed cattle out of 70 heads. Sometimes animals are found without some organs: viscera, brain, eyes, tail or paws. The victims of this creature were all animals: from birds to cattle.

You can believe it, you can not believe it, but in Ukraine they constantly appear here and there different kind information about a mysterious nocturnal beast that strangles domestic animals and disturbs citizens.

“Having chosen a more picturesque place, the car stopped so that the headlights of the hood looked at the strip of the Oka River. The snowless morning was dank under the open jacket. I deliberately stopped to smoke, to think about the upcoming everyday affairs. Already by inertia, I was carried out of the car and, taking out the first cigarette of the day, I greedily dragged on. The smoke fell heavily down, licking his hand, and melted away in slimming streams. There are seconds for a person when he is in a state of "nothing" and, at the same time, "about everything" thinking. The rustle behind me, unexpectedly, was comparable to the explosion of a miniature firecracker, which the yard guys throw at your feet. There can be no one on this wasteland at such an early hour ... "

The subsequent events may seem implausible. But a sufficiently large number of Vyksa residents can confirm this phenomenon with stories about such meetings from their own experience.

“I turned around. Among the gray-yellow grass yearning for torn shreds, a creature moved. It looked like a slop dog, with its flanks torn down and stained with dirty brown and black watercolor. The webbed wings quivered nervously, and the shadow's movements were prehistorically bestial and insolent. A lump of fear instinctively rose from the bottom of my stomach, gradually squeezing my breath and drying my mouth. Before me stood the famous Vyksa, a creature of yet unexplained origin. Trying not to take my glassy eyes off the half-dog, I reached for the camera to the glove box with my body. I took a photo of the Chupacabra and immediately got into the car. The engine, driven by my desire to get away from this accursed place, obediently started up. The foot reflexively found the gas pedal and pushed it to the floor. Muffled by the shocked beating of my heart and the roar of the car, I tried not to look back to the place where this unknown creature and the smoldering dropped cigarette remained.

So the meeting of Anton Kutuzov (name and surname changed) with Chupacabra took place on the morning of December 14 near the village of Shimorskoye. It is not customary to talk about these meetings, and you can find out such stories by listening to the whispers of the village peasants.

The authenticity of the fact is confirmed by a photograph taken at the scene. On the right side of the picture, a creature resembling a dog with wings is clearly visible. The director of the Megatechnic A store, Alexander Zhirnov, immediately recognized the Chupacabra, which, in the amount of two individuals, was chasing him in the vicinity of one of the Vyksa villages.

Is the Chupacabra a creature that independently grew up in our area in natural conditions or something unreal, supernatural. And perhaps it is the result of a mutation in the zone of radioactive burials (burial grounds) in the adjacent areas of the city of Vyksa and the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region. This will be learned by the correspondents of the Komsomolskaya Pravda-NN newspaper and the TNT television channel.

At the expense of the origin of this mysterious animal, nothing is known for sure. Some believe that this creature escaped from a secret US military base where genetic experiments were carried out, others believe that the Chupacabra is associated with UFOs, that he flies with them, because often when observing the Chupacabra, UFOs were also seen.

From the Nazis, as far as I heard from very competent people from their local laboratory, at least three experimental monsters escaped, which they failed to catch, - says the famous Chilean architect Dagoberto Corante. He also says that in April last year, the military from the unit located in Kalama caught one such creature.

Be that as it may, one thing is clear: Chupacabra is rapidly multiplying and expanding its possessions. More recently, in Mexico and Nicaragua, eyewitnesses observed cubs next to adults. And the drawings of those who saw the bloodsucker are similar to each other like two drops of water. It is quite possible that in a few years the exotic creature will become a competitor to our native Russian goblin. Some scientists, opponents of the theory of UFOs, believe that these creatures appeared on Earth millions of years ago and their insignificant population has survived to this day. But in the last few years, under the influence of an unknown factor (for example, the consequences of a nuclear weapon test), their number has increased so much that they were forced to leave their habitat due to hunger. In late April - early May 2000, from the outskirts of Santiago (Capital of Chile), numerous reports began to arrive again about the appearance of the Chupacabra there. On April 27, farmers from the Khupil Tukapel region found 70 cows and bulls dead. A small wound was found on the neck of all animals, from which the Chupacabra drank blood. After a detailed examination of the victims, it became known that all the animals were almost completely bled. On May 4, 35 dead birds were found in one of the poultry houses. On each carcass, notches with perfectly even edges were found. In total, from April 20 to May 12, more than 30 allegations of mysterious killings of animals were received from farms located within a radius of 300 kilometers from Santiago. On April 29 at about 8 p.m., 59-year-old farmer José Ismael Pino noticed a glowing ball above the forest. When the ball descended and disappeared behind the trees, José went to look at it. Among the trees, the farmer saw a creature, most likely, arrived in a spherical apparatus. “It was 1.5 meters tall and looked like a big monkey,” said José. “Two thin fangs protruded from its mouth, and a pair of wings could be seen behind its back.” The frightened farmer started to run. The next morning, six of his cows were found dead with bite marks on their necks. On May 3, in the middle of the night, Professor Romero from the city of Laguna Redonda was awakened by the plaintive howling of dogs. Taking the gun, Romero went out into the yard. Right in front of him, he saw his Rottweilers clinging to the fence in fear. In front of them stood a dark creature, barely visible in the moonlight, about 1.7 meters high. He had wings and stood with his back to a man who did not lose his head and shot at the creature. It shuddered, spread its wings and quickly flew over the fence. The creature did not appear again in the courtyard of the professor's house. People say that animals feel the approach of the Chupacabra (as some animals feel the approach of a hurricane or earthquake). Some animals scream heart-rendingly and run from side to side, others stand as if paralyzed or try to hide somewhere. On September 1, Novosti (ORT) showed a story from Nicaragua: the corpse of Chupacabra, a mysterious creature accused of sucking blood from animals. Zoologists who surrounded the corpse said they had not seen anything like it. The voice of the commentator said that the origin of the creature is unknown - whether it is a mutation, or someone's genetic experiment. The body, he said, was sent to National University. It turns out that the Chupacabras was shot down on August 25 by sheep farmer Jorge Luis Talavera. The Talavera farm is located near El Barrio village in the vicinity of the town of Malpaisillo (pc. Leon). The farmer is fed up with finding dead sheep with stab wounds on their necks; he ambushed the "vampire" and shot him with a rifle. The creature hid in the thicket, but he did not manage to get far. Soon his corpse, already half decomposed under the rays of the tropical sun, caught the eye of Talavera. After examining the corpse, zoologists said they had not seen anything like it. But, they say, more thorough research is needed. The remains of the creature were sent to the National University of Nicaragua (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua - UNAN). Soon, scientists announced that the mysterious creature was ... just a dog! How they could come to such a conclusion is incomprehensible. Talavera said that the corpse was changed on the way to the UNAN laboratory in the state of Leon, and he can prove it. “Firstly, the skeleton of the dog that was shown on TV Managua was complete, although I kept part of the forepaw as a memento,” he said. Secondly, the bones of my corpse were dark, and that of white. , the creature that was shot had 22 teeth, I counted, and that one had forty. And that's not all the differences. " Talavera added that he would only give the rest of his paw to international researchers who could do better research. Mayor Malpaisillo, who personally saw the corpse of Chupacabra, was also extremely dissatisfied with the conclusion of scientists from UNAN. So far, this case has not been widely discussed in the Russian press. Only the digest "24 hours" published with reference to the newspaper "Mond" on September 5 the following note (verbatim): "In Nicaragua, newspapers published a photograph of an unknown animal monster sucking blood from sheep and shot by a shepherd. paws, soft hair, like bat, long claws and comb of a crocodile. It was reported that a similar monster appeared in Mexico. "Yes, it doesn’t look like an ordinary dog! While disputes and strife were going on in Malpaisillo, Talavera saw a second chupacabras - this time with white, and not with yellow hair, like the first (newspaper" Diario La Prensa de Nicaragua" of September 6)... The mysterious creature that sucks blood from its victims is spoken of throughout Latin and South America. Over the past month, it has been reported from northern Mexico (San Pedro, Coajuela) , Chile (La Florida and Carahue) and other places.On February 18, 2001, the Argentine newspaper "Diario Austral de Temuco" reported that these creatures regularly appeared at night in the town of Pitrufquen. The main eyewitnesses were local children. They claim that the creature (or creatures) has been regularly appearing at night since September last year in the same place, in a vacant lot near Manuel Rodriguez Street. "Sometimes we managed to light it with a flashlight," the guys said. - The light blinds the creature, and it falls to the ground. In the light of a flashlight, you can see some things on the sides of the head that look like ears. Then it begins to utter a piercing cry for us to leave; that's why we throw stones at him. The creature is chasing us, but we always have time to escape. "The guys added that the creature is afraid of them, because it cannot do anything with them. Nevertheless, the "imp" is not at all harmless and has great strength - it fought off several dogs, and once moved a car parked nearby to another place.The stories of the guys were confirmed by local resident Hernan Saint-Martin: “Once I was drinking tea with my wife and heard that the guys were throwing stones at someone. We went out to look, and my wife told me that some "little man" was wandering around here ... I found something like a hole in which he apparently hid. The guys told me that it was a little man with hairy ears like a pig, and glowing eyes". Saint-Martin himself did not manage to see the "imp". Rumors connect these creatures with the mysterious death of chickens and other small domestic animals, whose bloodless corpses are continually found by local residents. It seems that the "imps" are something like On March 11, 1995, near the town of Orocovis in the center of the island of Puerto Rico, farmer Enrique Barreto Gernandez found 8 dead sheep in his pen, each of which had three small holes on its chest, and without any trace of blood.During the spring and summer of that year, reports of such cases began to arrive not only from the central part of the island, but also from its remote areas.By November 1995 total number mutilated domestic animals in Puerto Rico, including sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, dogs and pigs, has reached several hundred. Veterinarian Dr. Carlos Soto from Levittown (Puerto Rico), having examined one rabbit with a special deep wound, stated that he did not know "what predator could do this." According to eyewitnesses, the creature had three toes with 5 cm claws on its feet, protruding ears and thin skin of gray, brown and yellow flowers. One police officer from Canovanas, who was honored to shoot at a mysterious creature that attacked his dog, smelled a disgusting smell emanating from the monster, "like from an animal crawling out of a sewer pipe." Interestingly, some Puerto Ricans associate the sightings of the Chupacabra with UFO sightings. In June 1995 at 11:30 pm, a young woman, Enrique Gonzalez, went out for a walk with her six-year-old daughter. Suddenly, Enrique's husband, who remained in the house, heard the heart-rending cry of both. Jumping out in great alarm, he saw a luminous ball rising towards the sky. A red beam of light shot out of it, touching the hand of the girl raised up. At this point, the skin is very reddened and blistered. The photographer of the El Vocero newspaper, Eddie Conde, who heard about the incident, came to the Gonzales and photographed these blisters on the girl’s hand, although the redness had already subsided. After some time, the head of the family saw in the yard a broken wire cage in which chickens were kept. However, nine of them were dead and had bloodless holes in the neck or torso. "It's the Chupacabra's tricks," said Gonzales. "I think she arrived on the same UFO!" At the end of September 1995, computer technician Juan Murati was walking to his car at about five o'clock in the afternoon when he suddenly felt someone's gaze on him. Looking back, I fell into state of shock: at a distance of 15 meters from him, a certain "effigy" was sitting on a tree a little more than half a meter high! The eyes are round, red like ketchup, the size of an orange. Suddenly the "scarecrow" spread its wings, flapped them loudly and flew away... Murati kept five dogs to guard his house. A month after meeting with the "scarecrow" Juan again saw him on the tree. And on the same day, the owner found his largest dog dead. There were two "vampire" holes on her neck. According to Murati, this was done by a "stuffed animal", that is, Chupacabra! The monster seems to be expanding its activities outside of Puerto Rico. Washington Post reporter Molly Moore wrote on May 11, 1996 from Mexico City: "The first to come here were reports of the mysterious death of goats, then sheep, and finally chickens. They were completely bled, and traces of powerful fangs remained on the animals' necks" (!) Veterinarians deny participation in this bloody case of coyotes, wolves or other predators known to the locals. In early May 1996, Mexican Jose Angel Pulido from Tlajomulco (Jalisco, Mexico) came to the police and said that, returning home at 11.30 at night, he was attacked by an unknown beast. Jose felt pain in his right forearm and with his left hand began to brush off the aggressor. Hitting the body of the beast, the Mexican, in his words, "beat like a plastic bag filled with a jelly-like substance: there were no bones or muscles in the beast." There was a terrible roar, and the attacker instantly disappeared. Pulido has a "memory" from the incident - two wounds measuring several millimeters in size on his right forearm and a wound triangular shape on the chest. The archives managed to find a message about a similar incident 70 years ago. In 1925, the Daily Times newspaper, published in Woodbury, New Jersey, USA, published a rather detailed description of an unknown creature, presumably the Chupacabra. According to the correspondent of the newspaper, one farmer, bypassing his property, saw how an unknown beast was devouring his chickens. AT powerful jaws the farmer spotted four fangs! An analysis of the testimony of eyewitnesses of the Chupacabra indicates a rather large scatter in the descriptions of the appearance of the beast. It is possible that people see not one, but several different creatures, still hiding from human eyes. Animal world of our planet, of course, not all of it is yet known. This is evidenced by the systematic discovery of more and more new species of animals and birds, not to mention insects. But many experts are inclined to the alien origin of the Chupacabra, believing it to be a biorobot. "- In July 2002, Sanchez-Oceio visited the cities of Calama and Mari-Elena in the northern part of Chile, it is from there that most reports of Chupacabra are now received," said Dr. - Marie-Elena is a small town, the population is only 8 thousand, and the main enterprise is the mine of the Soquimich company.Just before my arrival, the panic induced by the Chupacabra reached such proportions that the management of the mine forbade its employees to even mention this creature. a group of students showed me a cast of the footprint of this monster - 10 and a half centimeters in length, three-toed.The guys showed me the place where the cast was made.In the neighborhood of the footprints, we found large circles, similar to those that remain in UFO landing sites. by my calculations, the diameter of the aircraft was about 30 meters.The hair of these creatures, found by students, did not resemble the hair of any living creature known to science. here. As local residents told the researcher, two days before his arrival in Marie Elena, the Chilean Air Force dropped a bomb near the city. - I experienced inhuman fear - continues Sanchez-Oceio. “It always seemed to me that the creatures were somewhere nearby. And now I am sure that the Chupacabra is not an earthly creature. Sanchez-Oceio found indirect confirmation of this version in Calama, in a private school. Its director, Juan Vega, said that Chupacabra recently snuck into a livestock pen located on their territory and drank the blood of a goat - about 17 liters. It is completely incomprehensible how he managed to get back through the narrow gap in the cage. And a few days later, when the news of the incident spread throughout the country, Vega saw a plane with NASA symbols at the local airport. It is unlikely that this department would be interested in an ordinary earthly creature. By the way, tormented by the atrocities of the bloodsucker, Chilean Senator Carlos Cantero recently made an official request to the authorities of Calama about the incidents happening in the city and near it. And without receiving an intelligible answer, he called on all services, including customs and healthcare workers, to conduct an investigation. "In fact, people have seen the Chupacabra before," says ufologist Yuri Raitarovsky. - I analyzed a lot of eyewitness accounts and came to the following conclusion: it is possible that people see not one, but several different creatures. Much in the eyewitness accounts speaks of the alien origin of the creature. For example, the causeless fear that people feel in the places where the Chupacabra appears, strange smells - all these phenomena usually accompany the appearance of a UFO. And one more important detail: Chupacabra suddenly appear in some area, rage there for a while, and then disappear. Perhaps the Chupacabra is a biorobot of alien origin, created to study the life of earthlings. Maybe that's why he doesn't attack people. From time to time, the biorobot is improved - hence the differences in the descriptions.


The publication of "FACTS" about the mysterious predator-vampire, which a whole scientific expedition was looking for near Kyiv, caused a great resonance. Several of our readers from different regions of Ukraine told about their encounters with a terrifying animal


Disturbing reports of a mysterious predator attacking domestic animals and sucking blood from them have recently begun to come suspiciously often from different regions of Ukraine. After the publication of an article in "FACTS" about the atrocities of the Chupacabra in Bolshaya Aleksandrovka, twenty kilometers from Kyiv, people from other regions of our country began to call the editorial office. Their tales of a vampire predator seem even creepier. And more and more often people say that they saw these mysterious animals at once, several individuals. As our newspaper reported, an expedition of specialists in anomalous phenomena discovered traces of a Chupacabra in Bolshaya Aleksandrovka different sizes- from four to thirteen centimeters in length! Interestingly, the animal's tracks were both four-toed and three-toed. Is it possible that a whole family of bloodsucking predators has settled near Kyiv?

"I heard a lot of stories about the chupacabra, but I never thought that I myself would encounter it"

I saw five creatures at once! - says Vladimir Anatolyevich from the Khmelnytsky region. - I work as the head of the TV and radio center. The tower is in the forest. Sometimes you have to be there around the clock. In order not to be bored, he began to breed rabbits. Before what happened, I had heard many stories about the chupacabra, but I never thought I would encounter one myself.

At about two o'clock in the morning, Vladimir Anatolyevich heard some noise in the yard. Immediately jumped out into the street and turned on the spotlight.

Most likely, these creatures are afraid of the light, he says. - Because they immediately jumped over the fence one after another. I only managed to count: five mysterious creatures galloped from the yard into the forest! Can you imagine? Five at once!

How did they move?

As soon as I turned on the searchlight, they began to jump over the fence without acceleration. And they did it quite easily. One animal, however, hesitated a little and overcame the obstacle only the second time. Maybe a female, or maybe sick with something.

Did you manage to see them?

I noticed something. He drew attention to the long thin tails, elongated muzzles and manes along the entire back. Their front paws seem to be smaller than their hind legs. That's how they write about them, that they look a bit like kangaroos, and it seemed to me.

As soon as the mysterious animals disappeared from sight, the man immediately rushed to the cage with the rabbits.

My heart bled directly, - Vladimir Anatolyevich recalls. - There were 23 rabbits in the cage. I look, most of it lies motionless, the carcasses are neatly stacked one on one. The survivors are huddled in a corner and trembling with fear. I have never seen rabbits so scared.

Have you calculated your losses?

These creatures strangled 17 rabbits. Only six survived. If I had not run out and turned on the light, they would probably have been strangled.

Vladimir Anatolyevich says that on each carcass of a killed rabbit on the ridge there were two small wounds from the teeth of predators.

It was as if all the blood had been drunk from the rabbits. It is a pity that I did not show them to the vet then! I just dug a hole and buried them all. But the most interesting began two months later! I did not get new rabbits, for fear of a second attack by the Chupacabra. But he strengthened the cage with the remaining animals as best he could. They, bastards, managed to bend the metal mesh!

And just recently I go into the cage to the rabbits and see - they do not look like themselves. Ears and muzzles are swollen, blood flows from the eyes! And even earlier, I noticed that rabbits no longer get pregnant. I regret killing them. I'll have to show it to the vet.

Do you think this is the aftermath of a chupacabra attack?

Everything can be. Suddenly that creature is contagious ...

Another story was told to us by telephone by Zoya Stepanovna from the Chernihiv region.

We also got a Chupacabra! she says. - My daughter-in-law works in the Mankovsky district hospital, so a woman was recently brought there, who was attacked by a chupacabra.

So far, there have been no cases of attacks on a person ...

But it really is! Call the hospital and they'll tell you!

Unfortunately, the woman who was attacked by a strange animal refused to talk to me on the phone: "Many do not believe me that this happened. I will not tell anything more. I do not want to be a laughing stock."

Employees of this medical institution told us about what the woman who was attacked in the district hospital said.

My husband brought Nadezhda to the hospital at night, - says the nurse. - He said that some animal attacked his wife. Nadia returned late from work to her village. Her husband had just come out to meet her. And suddenly a beast jumped out of the darkness at the woman. She thought it was a wolf and screamed! Then the husband grabbed a stick and began to beat the beast on the head. The animal let go of Nadezhda and rushed away, but after running a few steps, it fell. When Nadia's husband came closer to the beast, he no longer showed signs of life.

Fearing that the animal that attacked Nadezhda was rabid, her husband took her by car to the district hospital. When he returned to the scene, the creature was lying where the man had left it.

It was very vile, - the narrator continues. - The man cut off the animal's head and brought it to the hospital to show the doctors. Unfortunately, I was on a different shift and did not see this head. But colleagues said that she was ugly, fanged. And it seemed to them that the eyes of this creature are similar ... to human ones.

Where did that head go?

You better ask Nadia. They say someone took it for examination.

I don't know where the head is, the woman said when I called her again. - Yes, my husband brought the head of the beast that attacked me, showed it to the doctors. Then someone came up and asked to give it to him. Looks like it was going to be sent for testing. We ourselves did not understand how and why we gave this head.

And the photos didn't survive?

Unfortunately no. These teenagers can now take pictures of everything with mobile phones. We do not have such a mobile phone with a camera. Now you understand why I would not like to be written about in the newspaper? Who will believe us now? No head, no photograph. Unless the body of this beast can be dug up and viewed.

Nadezhda is currently under medical supervision. Doctors say the woman's life is not in danger. But she experienced a serious shock.

Oleg Yuryevich Korneev, head of the historical department of the Suvorov-Nakhimov Association, also told FACTS that the Chupacabra can attack people.

This happened during archaeological excavations in the Kyiv region back in 1993! he says. - Chupacabra attacked our employee, barely recaptured. And then another member of the expedition barely escaped the attack of the beast: he managed to escape.

Another amazing case was reported to us from the Cherkasy region. There, the Chupacabra paid for her curiosity with her own life.

The animal made its way into our barn, tearing off a wooden valve, - says Olga Timofeevna. - And there we had bricks stacked. For some reason, the Chupacabra jumped there, and the bricks all fell right on her. We woke up in the morning, we go to the barn, and there a strange beast lies, dead, littered with bricks. My 14 year old son took a picture of this chupacabra and we buried it afterwards. The animal was very unusual. Thin, scary, long tail and muzzle - like a rat. Mane on the back. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs...

Unfortunately, at that moment the telephone connection was interrupted. A woman from the Cherkasy region did not have time to tell us her coordinates and then did not call again. But soon after her call, a man appeared in the FACTS editorial office who offered us a photograph of a dead chupacabra, and was also ready to show the place of her burial. But for a big reward. The circumstances of the death of the animal were suspiciously similar to those told to us by a woman from the Cherkasy region.

"Recently, more and more cases of meetings with this animal have been recorded, even during the day"

It is not known for certain where the animal with the Spanish name "chupacabra" (in translation - sucking goats) came from in Ukraine. Mostly these animals appear in rural areas. Residents of the Zhovkovsky district of the Lviv region, who suffered from the atrocities of the blood-sucking beast, are sure that the chupacabra escaped from the personal zoo of some deputy. However, there is no confirmation of this version.

Residents of Western Ukraine were among the first to encounter the mysterious beast in our country. At first it was believed that the "vampire kangaroo", as the chupacabra is also called, moves around the country from west to east, constantly migrating. But after we wrote about the appearance of a mysterious predator near Kyiv, he was again seen in Western Ukraine. Maybe the chupacabra never left that region, but has long since spread throughout the country?

People who called the editorial office reported that the Chupacabra had recently visited the town of Khirov, Starosamborsky district, Lviv region. The first traces of this mysterious animal were seen by a resident of the town of Darius Geida. In the morning she went to feed her rabbits and saw that "all the cages were broken". Three dozen carcasses were neatly laid out on the ground into three piles. All had bitten necks. Interestingly, no blood flowed from the wounds. Near the cells, the woman found five large paw prints of an incomprehensible animal.

According to the Staro Sambir regional newspaper "Voice of Prykarpattya", in the barn of one resident at night, the Chupacabra broke the fence of the cage, pulled out a 40-kilogram piglet and gnawed its neck, sucking out all the blood. The predator left the dead pig in the barn.

Not far from the town of Zbarazh, Ternopil region, the Chupacabra attacked roe deer, which were in an enclosure near a roadside cafe in order to entertain the public. The cafe watchman says that at five o'clock in the morning he heard some noise, went out into the street and saw that two roe deer were lying dead. Both have two small bite marks on their necks. And not a drop of blood. Interestingly, the two-meter metal mesh fence was not damaged anywhere!

Readers from the Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov regions also informed us about similar cases. It is interesting that many of the victims of the Chupacabra turned to various authorities for help, but did not hear an intelligible answer. Officials, as a rule, answer that they know nothing about the existence of the Chupacabra on the territory of Ukraine.

Stray dogs were often predicted for the role of the killer of pets. So it was in two regions of the Lviv region. However, no one could explain why the victims had two small bite marks on their necks.

The head of the Ukrainian Research Center for the study of anomalous phenomena, Artem Bilyk, suggests that the Chupacabra may be a cross between a wolf and a domestic dog.

That is why she is not very afraid of a person, says Artem. - Recently, more and more cases of meetings with this animal have been recorded, even during the day.

But what about the sucked blood from rabbits, chickens?

Alas, this has not yet been proven. Unfortunately, no one has ever examined a single carcass of a killed domestic animal. Dead rabbits were usually immediately buried by their owners. There is no reliable information that they had sucked blood. But we continue to search for a mysterious animal.

Help "FACTS"

There are several versions about the origin of the Chupacabra. According to one of them, this is a population of mutants preserved somewhere in the jungles of Central America - it was there that the mysterious blood-sucking predator was first seen. It is also believed that this creature may be the result of biological experiments conducted in secret laboratories in some countries. Quite fantastic versions are also being expressed: supposedly the Chupacabra was brought to Earth by aliens, in whom they are pets, like our cats.

The first official mention of the Chupacabra dates back to 1995. In the vicinity of the city of Canovanas (Puerto Rico, South America), people began to find completely bled corpses of pets with one or two small wounds (mainly in the neck), as if from a needle prick. The victims of the vampire were mostly goats, but the monster did not disdain sheep, chickens, rabbits and even dogs.

Dark Mexican night... Having put the children to bed, the farmer decided to go outside before going to bed - to check the cattle. In the light of the bright moon, the head of the family noticed faithful dog cowardly pressed against the fence. From the barn came the desperate bleating of goats. Loading the gun, the man carefully opened the bolt. Five goats were killed, the rest crowded in horror against the far wall of the barn. The culprit of the incident - an unknown animal, having noticed the farmer, instantly disappeared into the darkness. Having examined the killed goats, the owner was stunned - the terrible beast did not touch the meat, only sucked the blood through two neat holes on the neck ...

This is how Mexican farmers describe meetings with El Chupacabra, the legendary "goat vampire" that has been operating on the American continent for three decades.

The first reports of the "activity" of the Chupacabra began to arrive in the 70s of the last century from Puerto Rico. Livestock died every night, worried farmers found only torn and bloodless bodies. The government commission, after conducting an investigation, could not find any traces of the creature, nor the beast itself (no one even saw it from afar, let alone take a photo of the Chupacabra), nor evidence of a hoax. hid for almost 20 years.

Chupacabra photo. Mexico.

In 1995, attacks resumed with a vengeance. At first, the authorities, mindful of the bitter experience of twenty years ago, ignored reports of vampire atrocities. When the number of complaints exceeded all unthinkable limits, Puerto Rican officials became worried - the “joke” was clearly dragging on, but the army and police could not cope with the night hunter. El Chupacabra attacked so fast that it was impossible to catch him.

A few eyewitnesses described monster as a "one and a half meter kangaroo man with big eyes and spikes on the head, hairless, rarely with black or gray fur. The skin membrane located between the chest and paws allowed the creature to fly or soar.

Who is this chupacabra?

Some believe that the Mexican vampire chupacabro is associated with UFOs. Traveling with the aliens, the beast goes out to hunt, collect DNA samples, and scout the area. People tamed dogs, why couldn't they aliens domesticate a creature from another planet?! In the end, a vampire may turn out to be a biorobot created by aliens specifically to study our planet.

Some researchers of the phenomenon believe that it is a mutant born in the depths of American secret bases. They even talk about secret photos of the Chupacabra taken at the American base in Roswell (yes, yes, this is the same base where the fallen UFO was investigated in 1947. Roswell, by the way, is located in New Mexico, in close proximity to the Mexican border). Whether the Chupacabra was released by the Americans in order to convince the generals of the strength of a potential live weapon and knock out additional funding for the continuation of experiments, or whether he escaped himself, for example, during transportation, is unknown. The Pentagon remains silent, it is not worth hoping for an early declassification of the documents of the "Project Chupacabra". It is important to note that the description of the monster, like two drops of water, repeats the appearance of the character of the Sumerian-Akkadian mythology Gallu - an evil underground demon, which, in turn, can easily be confused with a velociraptor.

If we discard the supernatural versions of the origin of the reptile ( UFO, mutation, parallel worlds, werewolf), then the version of biologists who see the Chupacabra as an “ordinary unusual” animal looks most plausible. A small population of vampires does not allow them to multiply, they have no natural enemies (perhaps other than humans) capable of repelling bloodsuckers, which indirectly confirms that the creatures have intelligence and a desire to remain unknown. Meanwhile, paleontologists echo their colleagues, noting that the remains of a petrified saber-toothed kangaroo they found in Queensland look very much like a Chupacabra, only much larger. The ancient jumper, unlike the descendant, did not have a peaceful disposition, the scientists themselves call it almost an ideal killing machine. By the way, he died out due to lack of food, which is understandable - the weight of predatory kangaroos reached 2-3 tons!

Chupacabra in Russia and Ukraine

In the 21st century, reports of Chupacabra activity began to come from Russia and Ukraine. In the area of ​​the Oka River (near the Vyksa region), hunters discovered the skeleton of a creature that looked like a goat vampire.

men made photo of chupacabra, but zoologists disappointed the hunters - a fox with torn off front legs got into the picture. He operated a murderer in Orenburg, in the Volga forests of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the Chupacabra also made his way to Ukraine (Kremenchug, Lvov, Ternopil, Vinnitsa region).

Sheep killed near Orenburg

Eyewitness accounts are like two peas in a pod: a chupacabro sneaks into a village, bleeds chickens and sheep, and silently disappears. Bolts, security, fighting dogs Nothing can stop a vampire. A different kind of evidence comes from hunters who not only find identical skeletons all over the world, but also meet entire families of Chupacabra in the wilderness, which, fortunately, do not touch people yet.

Video chupacabra in the Lviv region

Video chupacabra in Kyiv

Video and photo chupacabra

With the development of digital technologies and the Internet, they began to appear regularly in the media photo of chupacabra. Many pictures are forged, falsified and the remains of monsters that are allegedly found in America and Mexico. Common animals are often mistaken for a livestock killer - old, bald coyotes, baby dogs, little arms(ah-ah). In the wake of the popularity of the bloodsucker, low-budget films appear like mushrooms after the rain, in which the appearance of the Chupacabra does not always even approximately reflect the real state of affairs, however, a similar fate awaits any more or less popular hero of human rumor.

Chupacabra - fantastic images.

creepy chupacabro in the forest.

chupacabro coyote in Texas.

Video chupacabra (compilation)

Terrible chupacabra (photo)

Chupacabra photo. In fact - an old coyote with scabies.

Skeleton of an unknown creature.

Obscurantism with Chupacabra cover up mass cases of extermination of domestic animals by stray dogs

In the village of Safonovo, Ramensky district, rabbits and chickens die at night
A seemingly ordinary garden plot in the village of Safonovo has been explored by "ghostbusters" for several days now.
This is how young Muscovites call themselves, fascinated by paranormal phenomena. The guys brought several devices with them, which, as the “hunters” assure, allow them to detect traces of otherworldly forces.
This time, the “hunters” do not rule out that the Chupacabra, a legendary creature that allegedly drinks blood from domestic animals, is operating in the village of Safonovo. The fact is that over the past month, the owners have already found their domestic rabbits and chickens dead four times in the morning. Birds and animals have twisted necks, rabbits have broken ribs.
The last incident occurred on May 22.
- This time it's even scarier than before! - says the owner of the animals Larisa Ilyicheva. - In the cage lay the carcass of a rabbit without a skin, the cage itself was not touched, and the chickens' necks were broken again. In total, 26 rabbits and 23 chickens have died recently.
Eared animals live on the street: someone in cages in several tiers, someone in an open wooden aviary. Nearby is a chicken paddock. The site itself is surrounded by a wooden fence.
“There were footprints here in the morning, like dog tracks, only bigger,” Larisa says, pointing to the garden next to the rabbit aviary. - Our dogs do not walk here, they are on a leash. Previously, there was a large landfill nearby, where homeless dogs fed. The landfill is gone, but the dogs still gather there.
We ourselves were in the city, the neighbors called us, they said that the rabbits were screaming at night.
But how do stray dogs get into closed cages?
The owners reported to the police only this, the fourth time. But traces of hacking, by at least human, the police did not find, and they did not initiate a case.
- We are already thinking, maybe one of the neighbors started a lynx, and she hunts here at night? But the rest of the animals are all intact, and they would know around if someone brought such a predator to the site, - the hostess argues.
Desperate, Larisa turned to the Moscow "ghostbusters". Anomaly researcher Ilya Sagliani arrived in Safonovo shortly before us. He examined the place of the massacre of chickens with the help of a magnetometer.
- Near the barn, sharp changes are recorded in magnetic fields- says Ilya. - This may be due to the fact that a certain energy-informational trace remained in space from the penetration of a creature unknown to us. There is also a magnetic anomaly.
This year, for some reason, the mysterious predator disliked only the Ilyichev court. Other neighbors do not complain, although they recall that a similar thing happened in several houses a year ago.
“But then not so many animals died, and no one began to raise a fuss,” recalls the neighbor of the Ilyichevs, Natalya Alekseevna. - Or maybe one of the neighbors is to blame? You yourself know how it happens in the villages - they take revenge through animals. However, the owners themselves claim that they have no enemies. And they don’t know how to protect themselves from a night predator.
- I feel sorry for the animals, and we are scared ourselves! - says Larisa. - The son-in-law now goes out every night to the site with a pitchfork, checks the cages. So far I haven't noticed anything suspicious...
A seemingly ordinary garden plot has been explored by psychics and ghost hunters for several days now.
Or maybe a dog? Or maybe a ferret?
- regular dog so the rabbits would not be torn to pieces, - the dog handler Kirill Gladkov is surprised. - Bite - yes, maybe, but to break the ribs? - And then there would still be bite marks.
But the ornithologist tried to explain the death of chickens.
- It could be a ferret, he needs a very small hole to get into the chicken coop, and if he is already inside, he will cripple everyone, it will work for him hunting instinct, - Vladimir Romanov, director of the Moscow Bird Hospital, told KP. - A ferret can turn the necks of birds, but not touch the meat. Get enough of just one chicken.
But the broken ribs of rabbits are still a mystery. Yes, and ferrets do not attack rabbits - the game is too large for them.
This is not the first time that pets have mysteriously died in the Moscow region. Two years ago, in the village of Raduzhny near Kolomna, a “monster” killed 33 sheep. Two weeks later, the state of emergency on the farm repeated: 12 more sheep were torn to pieces. Who became the culprit of the death of animals, and could not be established.
Similar cases occur throughout Russia. Stray dogs, then wolves, then martens are blamed for the death of domestic animals and birds, but, as a rule, there is no evidence of this.

About Chupacabra in Belarus started talking at the level of authorities

When the appearance of an obscure animal, christened Chupacabra, is not talked about by lovers of the paranormal, but by official municipal news, and local authorities announce that night duty has been cooperative to capture the pest, it becomes clear that the matter is harsh.

The bloodied carcasses of rabbits, chickens and turkeys are strewn across the yard. Some have their heads and paws torn off, offal torn out. The cages are broken, the doors are torn off their hinges. Such a terrible picture was seen by the owners of the house in Uzhgorod.
- Survived four rabbits from top cage yes, a hen in the lower side cage, - says the hostess Olga Badida. The answer to the question: who could arrange a massacre - the locals do not find. A few kilometers from this area there is a small forest, but large predators have never been found there. And a fox, a ferret or a weasel cannot do this.
At the cages, including those at a height of 1.5 m, the doors were torn out of iron hinges “with roots” and gnawed, the ground was scratched by giant claws. In this case, the dead animals are not eaten. This is not the first time here. Even unleashed dogs do not help. A terrible creature leaves nothing alive behind.
- At night we heard barking and squeaking of rabbits, - says neighbor Galina Sinichka. - Just about to go out into the yard, then the dog runs into open door and hides under the bed. The second one hid under the porch: in the morning we could not get it out.
When the cynologists came, the dog, having sniffed one of the carcasses, backed away. It can be seen that the Chupacabra emits something that causes fear in animals. Some caught a glimpse of the mysterious creature. The brown-brown animal resembles a huge, thin dog with an elongated muzzle, short front legs and long hind legs.
The tufts of wool left on the fence were taken for examination by veterinarians. The head of the veterinary clinic, Yuriy SHPOLARICH, suggests that an animal of unprecedented strength was operating in the Uzhgorod courtyards.
- What kind of animal this is, the experts cannot yet establish, - says the head of the Uzhgorod veterinary clinic, Yuriy Shpolarych. - All animals died in a very short time. But to deal with so many of them, even a pack of dogs would have been operating for several hours. The animal can jump, possibly move on two legs. It has powerful paws with claws. Finally, the impressions of the teeth: the holes are round, as if from large nails, the penetration depth is five centimeters. A dog or wolf has teeth that are flattened and curved like a saber; when they bite, they tear the meat to pieces.

"Chupacabra" in Transcarpathia: petrified pets did not even try to escape

Going out into the yard in the morning, Olga Badida, a resident of the Dravtsy microdistrict on the outskirts of Uzhgorod, saw a terrible picture: several dozen carcasses of rabbits, baby rabbits, chickens and large 10-kilogram turkeys are scattered throughout the yard, wooden cages are broken, doors are torn off metal hinges and lie on earth. The bloody battle will not leave indifferent even a cold-blooded person, let alone the hostess, who went out into the yard in the morning to feed the domestic animals.
- There were 15 rabbits in the bottom cage, - says Olga Badida. - In the next, three-tiered cage, there are ten 2-month-old females, and above them is another female with five rabbits. All are overstretched. In the bottom cage was an adult turkey with ten chicks. Here they are on the ground...
“Who exactly could do this, I can’t say, in my practice nothing like this has happened before ...”
In total, about 50 rabbits, 10 hens, a rooster, and three turkeys were strangled or torn apart, according to Olga Badida. Only rabbits from the upper cage survived - dairy, only two weeks old. As well as a hen sitting on eggs in the lower side cage, and one adult turkey. She is injured, with broken bones and scalped skin, so she will have to be slaughtered ...
Even at midnight, Olga went out into the yard and everything was in order. The owners have a dog - a cross between a shepherd and a collie. She often guarded the animals, laying down under their cages, but that night she was locked in the house (the dog went into estrus). It is hard to imagine that such a cruel massacre of rabbits and birds could be silent, nevertheless, the owners did not hear anything.
A suburb of Uzhgorod, the Dravtsy microdistrict, is a former village, there are only private households here. Behind the gardens and orchards there is a field, a few kilometers away - a small forest, but large predators have never been found there. And small ones, for example, a fox, a ferret or a weasel, cannot do this.
In cages, even located at a height of one and a half meters, the doors were torn off iron hinges “with roots”, large rabbits and adult turkeys were pulled out and torn apart. The wooden door of one of the cages is gnawed by teeth, and the ground around is scratched by claws. It can be seen that the animal furiously tried to break the door, and when the metal latch did not give in, it tore out the back boards in the cage and got to the unfortunate turkey.
Neighbors, who also have a lot of domestic animals, but it was not touched, suggested that feral dogs could tear the animals to pieces. However, the veterinarians who arrived at the scene denied this.
- The animals died either from suffocation or from loss of blood, - explained the head of the Uzhgorod veterinary clinic Yuriy Shpolarych. - In almost all rabbits, the cervical vertebrae are broken (bitten), in some the skin is completely scalped, the bones are crushed. Several animals with severed heads. At the same time, the carcasses are practically not eaten. If the animal could break the cages on the third tier and pull out large adult rabbits, then it was both tall and very strong. Who exactly could do this, I can’t say, in my practice nothing like this has happened before ...
- A three-month-old rabbit in the market costs from 350 to 450 hryvnia, - Olga almost cries. - A kilogram of rabbit meat costs 60-65 hryvnias, and a live female weighs about five kilograms. For a turkey chicken, they ask for 25 hryvnias. Here, - the woman points to the bloody carcasses, - speaking offhand, there are about five thousand hryvnias.
The villagers say that this is not the first such case in Dravtsy. Two weeks ago, a similar massacre took place at one of Olga Badida's neighbors. Not even a dog, let loose for the night from the chain, helped.
“The brown-brown beast looked like a very thin big dog» - It was exactly the same for me, - says Olga's neighbor Galina Sinichka, who, having heard about the state of emergency, went to the victim. - 20 rabbits are torn apart or strangled, and cages with metal doors are smashed to smithereens. In the morning, the carcasses were still warm, which means that everything happened before dawn. But we did not use meat, we were afraid that someone rabid had torn the animals apart ...
That night we slept soundly, but the neighbor heard everything. At about three o'clock in the morning, a terrible barking of dogs and the squeak of rabbits began. They squeal loudly when they are beaten. The neighbor went out into the yard and thought that they were probably stealing rabbits from us, but for some reason she did not call us. Her dog ran into the house in fear and hid under the sofa. And we found ours under the porch in the morning, we couldn’t pull it out, she was so frightened ...
Then they heard that there were similar cases in neighboring Baranintsy. There, the owner, who found her animals torn to pieces in the morning, had to call an ambulance. I told people that they needed to sound the alarm, because something unkind had started in the village, and they told me: “What is there! Not necessary". Here's what we've been waiting for...
The words of the woman received confirmation literally a day later. On Thursday night, an unknown beast made another bloody raid in neighboring Baranintsy - just a few kilometers from Dravets. At the same time, though briefly, people saw him.
- Somewhere at half past five in the morning, my mother heard the splash of water in the backyard, turned on the light and left the house, - says Mikhail Gavrilets, a resident of Baranintsy. - And I saw how a brown-brown beast darted from the yard into the garden and further into the field. He was 60 centimeters high, and resembled a very thin large dog. The beast rushed under the metal mesh with such speed that the whole fence rattled. And in the yard there were eight gnawed ducks and two chickens.
At night, we keep the bird behind a metal fence that closes with a hook. The gate was open, and the hook was made of thick steel wire bent. If my mother had not come out, I think all 20 ducks and 12 hens would have died. Some of the injured birds were still alive, albeit with bites under the left wing and on the neck. They sat on the ground motionless, as if paralyzed. Not a single duck was eaten, just slaughtered. In the morning, on the metal mesh, under which the beast broke through, I found its hair - light brown, with white and black streaks, very hard. Part of it was taken by veterinarians. About two weeks ago, the same attack was made on the neighbors - rabbits and chickens were killed.
On some cages, the metal mesh was moved apart, and through the hole formed, adult five-kilogram rabbits were taken out and gnawed.
Even a person cannot stretch the mesh with his bare hands; this requires a very large force. neighbor dog I heard everything and barked, but it was not aggressive, but frightened barking.
Olga from Dravtsy said: dog handlers came to her with a dog, but the dog, having sniffed one of the dead carcasses, immediately backed away and sat on its tail. It can be seen that the beast emits something that causes horror in animals. And he lives somewhere nearby, because since the beginning of the year this is already the seventh case in nearby villages!
“People who managed to see the beast note its similarity to a kangaroo - short front legs and long hind legs”
An interesting pattern can be traced in the latest attacks. First, the beast killed all the living creatures of Galina Sinichka in Dravtsy, two days later visited the neighbors of Mikhail Gavrilts in Baranintsy. Then there was a lull for two weeks. At the beginning of this week - a new attack, again in Dravtsy, and next to the first - at Olga Badida. And two days later - again Baranintsy, and again in the neighborhood - at Mikhail Gavrilts. What kind of animal is this, which so carefully selects the places of its hunting?
When the material was already being prepared for publication, the results became known laboratory research veterinary medicine.
- The cause of death of domestic animals is biting and lacerations inflicted by a large beast, - says Yuriy Shpolarich. - Almost all of the dead are damaged internal organs nothing survived. And clearly expressed bite wounds near the head, on the neck, on the back. What exactly this animal is, the experts cannot establish, it is not in their competence. The forensic experts who examined the carcasses suggested that a large dog had bitten the animals.
But we reject this assumption. A number of circumstances indicate: this is a different being. It would take a dog one or two minutes for each individual to pull rabbits out of the cage and bite their neck vertebrae, and this would be accompanied by a lot of noise. And then the slaughter of rabbits, for example, would take several hours, or a whole pack of dogs would operate. However, nothing was trampled in the garden, and all the animals died in a maximum of half an hour.
This means that this animal can jump, and, possibly, move not only on four, but also on two legs. To get to the third tier of cages and get a rabbit huddled in the far corner, you need to be long - at least 1.2 meters excluding the tail, have a powerful paw with retractable claws.
Why are so many animals killed, and not one of them even tried to run, to save themselves? Why were even dogs afraid of him? Because the smell of this animal, unknown to domestic animals, caused panic and stupor in them.
Finally, the nature of the bites, the imprints of the teeth. The holes from them are round, as if from large nails, and the penetration depth is four to five centimeters. A dog or a wolf has flattened and curved teeth, like a saber, but there are animals with round teeth - representatives of felines or mustelids.
Therefore, we came to the conclusion that the animal, which easily jumped over the fence and did not trample anything in the garden, could be either big cat, or a representative of mustelids. Of the felines, the lynx or exotic animals have similar parameters - oncelot, caracal (steppe lynx), serval. True, the last three live in North America, Africa or Central Asia. And of the mustelids, it could be the wolverine - the most powerful of the named predators, which is dangerous even for humans. By the way, the wolverine was found in Transcarpathia until the 19th century, but then it was exterminated.
Attacks of an unknown animal on pets are recorded in different regions of Ukraine. Many people who managed to see him note some similarities with a kangaroo - an elongated muzzle, short front legs, long hind legs. Representatives of mustelids look the same, their hind legs are twice as long as their front ones. But in order to accurately identify the animal, an integrated approach is needed with the involvement of scientific institutions. We will send samples of the wool found during the last attack in Baranintsy to Kyiv for species analysis. We'll see what she shows...

Who kills animals in Tatarstan?

Terrible rumors are creeping across the republic from the Zakamsk zone. Every day they are overgrown with new chilling details. Unknown predators (mutants, monsters, aliens) in villages attack livestock.
Moreover, they deal with living creatures in the most barbaric way - ripping open their bellies, gnawing out the insides and drinking blood. The monsters were dubbed the Chupacabra. There is such a semi-mystical beast in Latin America that destroys livestock, a kind of our goblin or yeti. But what about Tatarstan? The DAILY Newspaper dealt with the essence of the terrible events.
The last massacre of the Chupacabra happened in the villages of Shilnebash and Surovka near Naberezhnye Chelny. Here the monster tore apart domestic birds and sheep. Frightened residents combed the nearby forest with guns, but did not find even traces of unknown predators.
Similar messages come from Kukmorsky, Mamadyshsky, Nizhnekamsky districts. The locals who survived the defeat are afraid to go out into the yard in the evening, they lock themselves up at night with all the bolts. Tales about a terrible chupacabra with steel fangs, claws and red eyes are the most popular horror stories at village gatherings.
And more recently, a similar attack was experienced in the village of Sidorovka in the suburbs of Naberezhnye Chelny.
- At night, our pets raised a terrible cry, - says the victim Guzel Fazlieva. - We ran out into the yard and froze with fear: goats, chickens, rabbits, turkeys lay dead on the ground, their bellies were torn open, the blood seemed to be sucked out of carcasses ...
Who caused panic in Tatarstan?
- It is clear that this mysterious chupacabra is our Russian wolverine, - the professor of zoology of Kazansky made it clear. Pedagogical University Peter Gorshkov. - This predator is very rare and very secretive. Even I, having worked in zoology for many years, saw a wolverine only twice in my life.
Recently, its food base has been greatly reduced, in our forests there are less and less hares, small ungulates, even mice and ground squirrels. Therefore, wolverines are forced to come from the depths of the forests to the villages, to slaughter livestock. Usually this predator hunts alone. Only hunger and fear unite the animals into small flocks.
The size of a wolverine average dog, can stand on its hind legs and even climb trees. This beast can be dangerous for humans too, it attacks from behind and inflicts mortal wounds. A familiar hunter from Mamadysh recently told that in front of his eyes in the forest a wolverine drove a large lynx up a tree and killed it. Wolverine rips open the bellies of its victims, eats out the insides. What happened to the cattle victims of the "chupacabra" is a typical hunting handwriting of the wolverine.
However, there were cases of attacks by an unknown animal on livestock last year.
Last summer in the village of Sidorovka, on the outskirts of Naberezhnye Chelny, a mysterious beast made a real bloody feast. Having climbed into one of the yards at night, he killed several turkeys, rabbits and one goat. All animals and birds also showed no damage. The owner of the farmstead, Guzel Faziyeva, said in an interview with a local TV channel that in the morning she saw a strange animal with a narrow muzzle and wide ears not far from the house. Was it a Chupacabra? As the employees of Kosmopoisk noted then, all the settlements affected by the night killer are located near Chelny-Broiler LLC, where they breed chickens.
- This enterprise probably attracts mysterious predators, - Aleksey Voitsekhovsky suggests. - True, what exactly, is unknown. Modern equipment has been installed at Chelny Broiler, and strict sanitary control has been established. Here they do not throw the corpses of birds into the landfill., 04/22/2015

In Somovo, an unknown animal entered the barn of local residents and drank blood from poultry. For two years in the Voronezh region, nothing was heard about a mysterious creature that attacks domestic animals at night, strangles them and drinks blood. In the people it is called chupacabra (from Spanish - "goat vampire"). No one has ever managed to catch him. Yesterday, April 21, to the editors of "MY!" a resident of Voronezh, Alena Brezhneva, called, who said that in the morning she found all her 18 chickens and one duck killed. Moreover, it was not clear what kind of animal entered the barn. Correspondents "Yo!" immediately went to the scene.
The family of Alena Brezhneva lives in Somovo in a private house, which is located next to a pine forest. According to the girl, she and her parents did not hear any suspicious sounds at night.
“Our dog only barked harder than usual, around midnight, but we did not attach any importance to this,” says Alena. - And in the morning, dad found all our chickens dead. None left.
The mysterious beast left footprints in the sand that could be used to trace its movements. He entered the Brezhnev courtyard not from the side of the forest, but from the side of the road, making a small dig under the fence.
- Interestingly, at the bottom of the fence there is a chain-link mesh, on which not a single piece of wool is left, although the edges are sharp and the animal could catch on them, - Alena's mother Vera Brezhneva suggests. - And the traces remained such that it is not clear which animal they belong to. An imprint as if from a bear's paws. But at the same time, traces of long sharp claws remained, which dogs do not have.
Then the beast proceeded to the barn where the chickens were. It was not easy to get inside - the first gate was locked with a latch. However, the beast was able to bend the steel mesh and break the door. Then the animal broke down the front door to the barn and got to the chickens. Some of the birds tried to flee, but to no avail. The picture that appeared before us was terrible. A path made of dead birds led from the street to the barn. Only one chicken was torn apart by the beast, while the rest had two punctures on the carcasses.
“When we found the chickens, we immediately called the veterinarian,” says Vera Brezhneva. - She examined the birds and said that they were bled, but did not take them for an autopsy to confirm this for sure. But what kind of animal did it, the veterinarian could not guess. Ferrets can drink blood, but a ferret is too small to break down a door. He would jump over the fence. The vet said that the dog would dig under, but would not use force to break the door. And dogs don't drink blood.
- It happened that fox chickens were stolen from us, - Alena recalls. - But the fox used to drag one bird away, probably for his cubs. We have never encountered such cases and have not heard that they occur with neighbors. We've had chickens for ten years now.
Vera Brezhneva said that on the eve of what happened, twenty chickens hatched in their incubator, which they are now very afraid to let out into the yard. The family estimates the damage caused by the beast at about 4,500 rubles, based on the fact that one chicken costs about 250 rubles. Vera Vasilievna says that it would be better if the beast had eaten all the chickens than left them strangled - it's a pity that the good is disappearing, because all the carcasses of the bird will need to be disposed of.
- Neighbors are very worried about us and fear that this can happen to them, - says Alena. - We ourselves are afraid of repeated attacks. You need to find out what kind of animal it is in order to understand what kind of protection plan is needed from it. It's scary that he can attack a person. We read on the Internet about the chupacabra, she can attack people.
The last time in our region such attacks on livestock occurred in 2013 in the Ternovsky district. In several villages, from three to eight cases of mass extermination of rabbits were recorded. According to the description, these cases are one to one as in the Brezhnev family. The beast made its way to the cages with rabbits at night, broke down the door with its paws, strangled the living creatures, leaving two punctures on the carcasses, and in the morning the owners found bleeding rabbits. Some of the locals managed to see the beast. He was described as a large animal with a muzzle similar to that of a dog and a sheep at the same time. We asked Tatiana Nenasheva, deputy head of the Ternovskaya regional animal disease control station, to comment on these cases. She suggested that the mysterious attacks on the rabbits are the work of a wolverine, which may have been brought in by an exotic animal lover, and the beast escaped. Whether the same beast operated in the Ternovsky district and in Somovo is not yet clear.

How to protect yourself from the Chupacabra?

It is quite possible to protect your homestead or farm from the attack of the Chupacabra, with seemingly incredible complexity. First of all, you need to figure out what tactics the Chupacabra uses, and what can be countered with this. First of all, consider the features of the behavior of the Chupacabra:

The Chupacabra is only a nocturnal predator. According to statistics, 99% of attacks occur at night. So if on long autumn nights he attacks from 8 pm to 8 am, then in July he has only 4 hours to attack.

The Chupacabra is an extremely secretive predator. He mostly avoids people, but not out of fear. This is how some predators behave, deliberately avoiding direct skirmishes.

The Chupacabra is not afraid of dogs. An as yet unsolved behavioral mystery is associated with the behavior of dogs when the Chupacabra appears. So chain dogs, capable of rushing not only at a person, but also at a wolf, cowardly hide at the sight of a Chupacabra. And fighting breeds, capable of throwing themselves at anyone at all, are no exception.

Chupacabra does not attack immediately, it takes some time for the Chupacabra to overcome obstacles in the form of fences, barn doors, albeit flimsy ones. He is forced to spend time trying to break or gnaw the obstacle.

And so, we have a strong, treacherous and cunning opponent. As practice shows, it is pointless to increase the height of the fence, as well as to set traps. A pack of dogs, best case for the dogs themselves, run away. Locks don't help? But no one said this. You can revisit dozens of stories where the Chupacabra opened the door closed with a carnation. For the sake of importance, the correspondents puffed out their cheeks and told us about a strong nail that the Chupacabra had bent back. But it didn't bend! The most primitive way of locking on a nail allows you to simply turn the nail. And turn by pressing down and the path is open. Remember how a dog or a cat scratches at the door, stretching along the opening, and they would also turn a nail of a suitable size. So there are no signs of intelligent behavior in the penetrations of the Chupacabra, nor any kind of superpower.

Hence the very first thing, we hang locks, or steel hecks. You can put two hecks with springs, that is, the door can only be opened by simultaneous pressing. A person will not immediately open, but a beast, even the most intelligent, never. So the first: locks and latches.

Just don't rely on locks. Locks and bolts will only delay the chupacabra, and perhaps a curious beast will fiddle with them for half the night. Do you need it? It is clear that it is not necessary at all!

We need to scare the Chupacabra with something (scare, surprise). The weapon doesn't fit. First, you can't shoot in a populated area. But the main thing to use weapons, you need to know when. That is, to observe, to sit in ambush. And so, either until the Chupacabra appears, or until you get bored. And when you get bored, then the Chupacabra will catch up. Joke! But in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke.

So what are the means to reliably shove the chupacabra from the site? Problem conditions: predator is nocturnal and secretive. So that bright light halogen lamps to help us. But why not keep the lights on all night long, illuminating the site like a stadium during a football match?

In this case, you can use the spotlights of the Chinese brand Camelion with motion sensors. Just imagine: in total darkness someone sneaks, confident in his invisibility, and suddenly a bright light fills everything around. From this, not only a small or medium, but also a large predator will go to the drain. We chose the Camelion brand because of the low price and quite acceptable quality of the product itself. So, the simplest and, accordingly, the cheapest Camelion ST-150A has a 150 W lamp, if this power is not enough, then the choice is Camelion ST-500A, which produces 500 W. Such a luminous flux is quite enough even for a fairly large area. The Camelion also has a drawback in the form of a coverage angle of only 120 degrees (the advanced Philips has up to 150 degrees), but this drawback turns into a virtue, because a European is an order of magnitude more expensive.

And so we arrange at least 5 pieces of Camelion ST-150A, or at least 3 pieces of Camelion ST-500A, adjust the sensitivity of the sensor (birds do not fly at night - set to the maximum) and the turn-off delay time. The Camelion ST-500A model allows you to adjust the turn-off delay from 5 seconds to 10 minutes. In our case, it is also advisable to set it to the maximum, because the motion sensor will actually record only a violation of the protected perimeter, and nothing else. Another important addition: if you still decide to leave your living creatures in open-air cages, this living creature should not fall into the field of view of the sensor.

Now, suppose the sensors went off and the alleged attack site is flooded with light, is it worth it to immediately run out into the street? Considerations of elementary caution suggest that it is not. A frightened nocturnal predator with all its foolishness will rush to a darker place. It may be your porch, with a weak light somewhere near the entrance, and then a dark corridor opens up ... You are knocked down, and a creature, more dangerous than a fighting dog, with teeth, claws, and maybe already infected with some kind of disease inside. We don't need this at all! Of course, most likely the alleged chupacabra will leave the scene of the failed crime the same way it came from, but still...

It may be quite logical to equip the site with elementary video surveillance systems. Even a couple or three elementary webcams will do here. File cutting should be set shorter in order to be able to immediately select the desired fragment for saving on a flash drive. Optimally, no more than fifteen minutes, but there may be options in the form of even finer crushing.

So you can easily not only see the named visitor, but also show the video with the chupacabra to your friends. Only? If you really manage to film something that others are only shaking the air about, then your video will be shown by the Russian ORT (RTR, TVC, TV3, etc.), the Belarusian ONT, the leading television companies of the European Union, Asia, America ... Billions of people around the world the world will see your video, because people in the modern world are so lacking in real miracles, and you will become the most famous and most successful chupacabra hunter.

P.s. all existing on this moment Chupacabra rollers are either crude or high-end forgeries. The person who manages to shoot a chupacabra on video for the first time is one hundred percent likely to go down in history

Attention: we cannot say with absolute certainty that our recommendations will help in the event of a Chupacabra attack. This material is a conclusion based on collected facts and study of news materials. However, the tactics of actions discussed in the article may help prevent the attack of not only the Chupacabra, but ordinary predators or the same crooks.