Successful business in a small town examples. What kind of business can be opened in a small town or village

In a small town, too, you can successfully conduct your business and prosper. But you can also burn out or just not earn anything. And everything depends not only on the will of chance, but also on yourself. How you conduct your business, what line of business you choose, how you organize your business - all this is of great importance.

Let's take a closer look at what the pitfalls of your business are, where you can find benefits and how to organize everything.

Pros and cons of a small business in a small town

Before you open your own business, you need to realistically assess the situation and think it over well. The advantages of running your own business in a small town are as follows:

  • The absence of competitors (or a small number of them). If you have carefully chosen the field of activity for yourself, then you may find that no one else is doing this in your city.
  • Ensuring that there are no competitors in the future. This option is possible if you decide to start selling products of a well-known company, whose representative office is not yet in your city. You should sign an exclusive supply agreement, and then you will be protected from the appearance of competitors.
  • Rental prices. Whatever you decide to do, in any case, in a small town it will cost you much less than in a metropolis. This applies to the price of renting a room, salaries to employees, and even advertising your business. It will be enough for you to complete one or two orders with high quality, and people will learn about you. If you are engaged in trade, then you should trade in high-quality and not very expensive goods - then customers will advise their friends and acquaintances to visit your store.

Cons of opening such a business:

  • Fewer clients. Since the population of your town is small, there will be fewer people who need your services.
  • Low level of income of the population. In smaller towns, salaries are much lower, which means people are willing to spend less money.
  • Lack of qualified personnel. There may be such a situation that there are no specialists in the city who are oriented in your chosen niche. Or your competitors have already got them.
  • Word of mouth can work not only in your favor, but also against you. If you once made a mistake (sold low-quality goods, poorly completed the order or did not have time with its deadlines), the rumor about this can quickly spread throughout the city. Then you will get a bad reputation, which you absolutely do not need.

Other nuances of starting your own business

Before starting your own business, you need to think carefully about its details and take into account such nuances:

  • your business should not require the recruitment of first-class specialists, as this may cause problems;
  • make sure that your business will have at least some demand in your area. Otherwise, there is no point in opening it;
  • creating your own business, you must be 100% confident in your abilities. If later you can change your mind and close the business because of the difficulties that have arisen, then in a small town it will become public. And then it will be much more difficult for you to open another business - people will not be able to trust you.

What to look for when choosing a field of activity

When choosing what exactly you will do, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Your experience in this area. It does not matter whether you work on your own or hire staff - in any case, you must be well-versed in your chosen business and be able to train employees.
  • Your interest in the business. If there is no such interest, then there is no point in doing it.
  • Demand for your services in the selected area. Even if you organize everything at the highest level, purchase high-quality goods, order a chic sign and perfectly train your staff, but the local population will not feel the need for your goods - you should not expect much profit.
  • Your willingness to devote most of your time to the business. Having opened a store and hired a salesperson, you still have to pay attention to the case.

Examples of Profitable Small Business Options

It is important to remember that in a small town, copying other people's ideas most likely will not work - you will have to come up with something original. To do this, you must be interested in your business, you must be well versed in it, and not just receive income from it.

Here are some ideas for things to do:

  1. Score. Very often, entrepreneurs in small towns decide that it will be most profitable for them to engage in trade. If you are one of them, then you need to decide what goods will be in demand in your locality (groceries, pastries, confectionery, stationery, household goods), provide a wide range of products and set reasonable prices. You also need to remember that your store should be located in a suitable location - in a residential area that does not have the same store.
  2. Kindergarten, development center. In small towns, preschool institutions are often closed, which the authorities considered unnecessary. If you have some experience and knowledge, you can restore justice by teaching children. For this purpose, you can rent a room or arrange a kindergarten in your apartment, if possible.
  3. Delivery of sushi or pizza. If no one in your city is doing this business yet, you can be the first. Having certain skills in preparing such products at home, you can deliver them to customers at home. At the same time, you don’t even have to spend money on renting premises and salaries for employees (of course, if you don’t develop your activities to such a scale that there will be no end to orders).
  4. Repair of small household breakdowns and appliances. This area is more suitable for men who understand repair work. Surely in your area there are not enough such enterprises, but there are more than enough customers. This is what can do you good. It is enough just to do your job well, be loyal to customers and ask for a reasonable price - and people will reach out to you. To start such a business, you will need to purchase the tools you need in your work, post ads - and you can start taking orders. With the right approach to business, your business can easily expand over time, bringing more and more income.
  5. Furniture upholstery services. Since the incomes of people in a small town are low, then, accordingly, they acquire new furniture much less often, and old furniture has an unpleasant tendency to wear out. And then people call a furniture restoration specialist for help.
  6. Beauty saloon. With the necessary knowledge, and preferably experience, and subject to low prices for services, you can easily acquire regular customers. After all, even in small towns, girls and women want to have a well-groomed appearance and a stylish hairstyle.
  7. Flower shop. In any city, in any country, young people, going on a first date, buy flowers. The same thing happens during various holidays. You can also provide florist services, decorating rooms for celebrations with flowers.
  8. auto repair shop. Having your own garage and experience in car repair, you can open your own workshop without spending money on renting a room. This type of service is always in demand.

In general, this topic can be developed endlessly. There are no specific standards on what exactly you can easily make money on. Each area has its own characteristics and needs.

The main thing to consider when starting your own business is having a minimum experience, a small capital to start and choosing a suitable place to work. Everything else will follow with time.

From the following video you can get some more good ideas for your business:

Internet business

There is also an option to organize a business online. This type of activity has a lot of advantages:

  • no need to spend money on renting a room;
  • there is no need to hire staff, at least at first, when there are few orders;
  • You can work in your free time on a schedule that suits you.

Internet business options:

  1. Website development and popular SEO-optimization Internet resources, which allows them to occupy higher places in search engines - if you have certain knowledge that can be acquired using the same Internet, you can earn pretty good money.
  2. Online store. Having chosen the type of product that will be widely popular, you can start selling it through the network.
  3. Copywriting. If you are well versed in any field (real estate, construction, design, makeup, hand-made, etc.) and have writing skills, you can make money online by selling your texts. With high quality material, you can regularly get good earnings.

home business

If you are tired of going to a low-paying job every day, which also takes up all your free time, you can organize your own business at home. To do this, you need to determine what you can do so well that people will pay for it, and get down to business.

Here are a few options for what you can do:

  1. Making salads, pastries, cakes. By devoting evenings to cooking, you can trade for several hours a day in places where people, going to lunch (for example, near office buildings), will want to buy something delicious from you. Since the demand for finished products is very high, you will not end up with customers.
  2. Growing vegetables and fruits. If you have your own vegetable garden or a few fruit trees, then a trade in grown products would be a great option for you. The same applies to the sale of homemade milk, cheese and other dairy products - if you have a cow. Maintaining a greenhouse is also a good business idea. In this case, you can sell vegetables even in winter, when their prices increase significantly.
  3. Private cab. At a convenient time for you, if you have your own car, you can engage in the service of transportation. To do this, you just need to know your city well.
  4. Raising Muscovy Ducks. This type of poultry is quite unpretentious, grows quickly and without much hassle. Subsequently, ducks can be sold: to restaurants, wholesalers, in the market. The end result is a pretty decent income.
  5. Tutoring. If you are well versed in any school or university subject, then you can teach this to schoolchildren and students for money.
  6. Tailoring of bed linen under the order. If you have a sewing machine and the ability to sew, you can make exclusive underwear.

Small business for women

Going on maternity leave, many women are faced with the fact that they are sorely lacking money. But, not daring to entrust a small child to the care of a kindergarten or not being able to do this, they cannot go to work. Then a business at home can come to their rescue, which would allow them to devote time to the child and at the same time earn money.

For example, a woman on maternity leave can do the following:

  1. Nanny at home. Since you have a small child, babysitting with another one will most likely not be a problem. The main condition is love for children. Be sure that working mothers who have no one to leave their child to will appreciate your idea. You set the price yourself, depending on the average cost of such services in your area.
  2. Needlework. Being on maternity leave, you have enough free time that you can devote to creativity. Which one depends on your preference. Knitting or crocheting, sewing original sofa cushions, beading, soap making, cross-stitching, creating soft toys - even if you don’t know how, you can learn everything on the Internet if you wish.
  3. photography. With the ability to take beautiful and original pictures and process them with the help of programs, you can post them on photobank sites - there they will surely be noticed by the site creators and purchased for a certain amount. Of course, these amounts are small, but with the regular placement of high-quality images, you can make good money.
  4. Online consultant. If you don't mind interacting with people on a daily basis by phone or online, you can get a job at one of the online sales companies.
  5. Provision of manicure services at home. With the necessary knowledge (you can take special courses for this), you can host clients at home who want to improve the condition of their nails.

So, we looked at the various options for starting your own business in a small town, as well as a business that you can do at home or on the Internet. As you already understood, it all depends on your skills and customer needs. After carefully studying these needs and choosing a field of activity, you can open your own business. The main thing here is to believe in yourself, devote enough time to the cause and treat your customers well. Then the success of your undertaking will be guaranteed.

There is an opinion among the inhabitants that starting a business in a big city is much easier and more promising than in a locality with a population of no more than 50,000 people. Undoubtedly, in a big city there is more demand, more opportunities, but at the same time, there are many more problems there.

If you think that small towns are unattractive for starting and developing your own business, then this opinion is erroneous. It doesn't matter where you live - you can learn how to make money everywhere and, most importantly,.

If you are interested in how to start a business in a small town, where to start, how to avoid many mistakes at the very beginning of the journey, and what to pay attention to in the first place, then this article will be useful for you.

Business from scratch in a small town: pros and cons

So, if you have made the final decision to open a business in a small urban-type settlement, then you need to realistically look at the situation and weigh all the pros and cons of this undertaking.

Remember: starting your own business must be taken seriously, because if you make even the slightest mistake in the beginning, then you cannot do without big losses in the future.

What are the disadvantages of running a small business in a small town?

Positive points

If you read everything written above and are a little upset, you don’t need to do this. Remember: where there are cons, there are sure to be pluses. In everything you need to try to find something positive. Otherwise, don't get down to business.

Let's designate advantages of small business in a small settlement.

  • The cost of rent. This can be called the most "fat" and decisive plus. In a small town, you can rent a huge room for a purely nominal fee. A beautiful, presentable office can be rented for mere pennies.
  • Lack of competition. If you manage to occupy a free niche in the market and thoroughly gain a foothold in it, then hardly anyone will be able to move you. You will be able to have exclusive rights to a certain type of activity for a long time.
  • You can hire for your business cheap labor. In small towns, there is a problem with employment, so many are happy even with minimal earnings.
  • In small towns it is much easier to conquer credit customer confidence. If you manage to please one or several influential citizens at once, you will soon be able to feel how quickly and effectively word of mouth works, and the whole town will talk about you as a good businessman.

What kind of business can you do in a small town?

Let's say you decide to start your own business. "What to do in a small town?" - you ask. Consider which areas of small business are moving forward in small towns most successfully.

  • According to statistics, the most profitable small business in Russia is sales. It will always exist. People will always sell and buy something. What store can you open in a small town? Especially profitable, building materials, clothing and household chemicals.
  • Many aspiring entrepreneurs succeed in the field service provision on and health.
  • Active and creative people can express themselves in organization of various holidays. This does not require large investments, except for the purchase of musical equipment to accompany events and costumes.
  • It is considered a profitable small business idea for a small town. To accommodate mini workshops you will not need large areas, which means you can save money on rent. These can be production of sausages and dairy products, as well as small canning factories.
  • Can be good earn and in the Internet. What is meant? Creation of websites or blogs, online consultations, etc.

Small town business ideas

Which store to open in a small town: an idea with a flower boutique

For a small town, an idea related to is perfect. If there are not very many such outlets in your city, then you can try your luck in this type of entrepreneurial activity.

How to open a flower shop in a small town?

  • Approximate expenses for opening - 180,000-200,000 rubles.
  • Profit- you can actually earn an average of 50,000 rubles and more. Do not forget that the trade in this product is seasonal.
  • Payback store of fresh flowers - 10-12 months.
  • Approximate profitability flower boutique is from 30 to 35%.

How to organize pizza delivery?

What does it take to open in a small town? For a small establishment, a room of 25 square meters will be enough. m. The main thing is that everything complies with the standards of the SES.

Pizza delivery as a business idea from scratch for a small town includes:

  • expenses for opening - from $10,000 to $15,000;
  • profit on average - from 70,000 rubles;
  • payback- 1.5-2 years;
  • profitability – 25%.

Minor household repairs, or a husband for an hour

Such a type of business as the provision of small household services to the population appeared in the late 2000s and has been developing quite successfully since then.

The life of a modern person passes at such a pace that he practically does not have time for household chores. Therefore, many prefer to use the help of a master repairman.

If such a service company is organized at the proper level, it can bring good profits.

At the moment, an enterprise like "Husband for an hour" has a wide target audience, and such services are in demand not only in large cities, but also in small regional centers.

Before you get started, you will need to buy a set of necessary tools or use what you already have.

  • Average size costs- from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  • If you have a sufficient number of orders, then on average you will be able to earn from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles in 30 working days.
  • Payback- 2 months.
  • Profitability comes up to 50%.

Growing green onions as an example of a successful small business

If you own a small space (60-80 sq. m), then you can consider this area as a fairly promising business.

As an example, let's study the main financial indicators of growing onions in hydroponics:

  • starting investments– from $1,800 to $2,000;
  • every month for one cycle of growing young onions you will have to spend$ 200 (this includes the cost of watering, lighting, heating and planting material);
  • profit. If you find a wholesale buyer, then in 22 days you can earn $ 1,100 (550 kg of onions for $ 2). In this case, the net profit will be - $ 800;
  • payback project - 3 months. This payback period is considered a record among all areas of business;
  • profitability greenery growing business - more than 40%. This is a very high figure.

Small business idea at home: handmade

Today, more and more people are trying to make money on what they are best at doing with their own hands -. But do not forget that this type of earnings will bring a certain profit only to those who know how to do at least something professionally.

What can be a business for women in a small town? For example, knitting, sewing, decoupage, beading, soap making, making greeting cards, and many others.

  • Dimensions investment can fluctuate over a very wide range - from several hundred to several thousand rubles;
  • Profit– from 40% of the invested funds;
  • Payback business - in record time - 1-2 months;
  • Profitability - 100%.

Second hand as a profitable business idea in a small town

The crisis phenomena, which are acutely felt at the moment by residents of all regions of our country, are the reason that many ordinary people are forced to turn their eyes to cheap stores - or second-hand. Some do not dare to admit that they visit these outlets, but, nevertheless, almost every one of us has a couple of second-hand items in our wardrobe.

Approximate financial indicators of second-hand:

  • at the start for you need at least $3,000-6,000;
  • in the first few months profit will be $250-500, in the future these figures will grow;
  • payback this enterprise - 1 year;
  • profitability These figures are very difficult to express in numbers. Some experts say about 40-50%.

Prospects for the development of small business

If you have already decided what kind of business to do in a small town, then keep in mind that, despite the fact that in our country there are many problems associated with small business, there are still good prospects for its development in the coming years.

Specialists who work in the field of small business formation have made tentative calculations, according to which it becomes clear that small business has good reserves in order to successfully develop further.

What specific steps have been taken by government agencies to support small businesses?

A few years ago, a number of important changes to the legal framework:

  • significantly simplified the registration procedure;
  • number has been reduced to a minimum;
  • special bodies have been created that successfully protect the rights of entrepreneurs in banks;
  • lowered the maximum income in order to be able to switch to;
  • small and medium-sized businesses began to be admitted to public procurement orders.

The state offers a helping hand to small and medium enterprises. And businessmen note that this assistance is quite tangible.

At the moment, there is an active discussion of issues related to the revival of Russian entrepreneurship. Perhaps this is the only way out of our country's economic crisis.

There are quite a lot of opportunities for implementing small business ideas in a small town in Russia. The main characteristic features that an entrepreneur should possess are ideological and patience.

The government of the Russian Federation successfully solves strategic problems related to the development of small business. Various tools are used to achieve this goal.

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People planning to start their own business often mistakenly believe that they can get high incomes and develop only in a big city. In fact, it is easier to do business in a small city, and if you approach the issue correctly, you can provide yourself with constant high profits.
First of all, it should be clarified which city is considered small. From the point of view of the business community, this includes settlements whose population does not exceed the level of 100 thousand inhabitants. Most of the cities in the Russian Federation fall into this category, so it is obvious that the potential of business ideas for them is huge, and it is easier and cheaper to put into practice.

A person who lives in a small town has a lot of opportunities to create his own business. Financial costs are much less than in a large center. Some types of business can be started with little to no investment. Thanks to the low competition, there is always something to do, even if it seems that the city already has everything.

Why start your own business at all?

By going into business, a person has the right moment to gain complete independence from other people, as well as the chance to earn significantly larger amounts of money than as a full-time employee.

From the very beginning, build your business so that in the future it can work without your constant participation. This is the only way to financial independence.

Differences from big cities

Considering the situation from the point of view of the differences between large and small cities, one should dwell in more detail on their features.

  • Citizens in small towns earn much less. For this reason, big business is not profitable, not taking into account the construction of factories and factories, which require labor.
  • The main demand is for traditional goods and services that people use every day. This allows you to expand the direction of entrepreneurial activity in several areas at once.
  • Low level of financial investments in the process of initial development. This is explained by the lower rental cost of the premises, the low level of staff salaries, low promotion and advertising costs.
  • And of course, the smaller the city, the faster the rumors spread. Accordingly, the reputation of a businessman plays an important role. People will not make a profit if acquaintances or relatives tell about deceit or inadequacy, and no advertising will save. This aspect is key.

Food business ideas

Opening a small cafe with reasonable prices and classic dishes is a profitable business. Because there are few such places in small towns, they will definitely be popular. Profitability is high due to low investment and high level of self-sufficiency.

Food trucks. This term refers to small mobile cafes. Presented in the form of vans with the necessary equipment for cooking directly inside. They are able to move to any place, for example, during the festival they go directly there and provide participants with food. The assortment is small, each dish is cooked quickly and well, due to a lot of practice.

Inexpensive canteen on the territory of a factory or educational institution. Low cost and large portions of dishes that are inexpensive in terms of cost, allow you to get a large flow of customers.

Food delivery services (especially sushi and pizza) demonstrate popularity and good profitability. Delivery is organized at their own cafe, and a special courier service is opened, working with catering points in the city. Services of this type are common in large cities, and in a small one you can easily capture the market.

Some open mini-bakeries. This is especially true in areas where there are people passing through. For business efficiency, you should prepare products from the freshest products that customers like. The room requires a small size, and special equipment is also needed.


Of course, speaking of small business, it is impossible to ignore trade. Opening your own store is the most common way to start your own business.

In this case, the main thing is to correctly assess the demand. What is missing in your city? What products could you offer to the local population?

Opening a grocery store is traditionally popular. The basis for success is the right location and price level, adequate for the average salary in the region.

Starting a small non-food store will require a minimum investment if you order goods from China, for example, on Aliexpress. There you can find a huge number of interesting things at a very low price (for example, mobile phone accessories, jewelry, clothes).

Business ideas in the entertainment field

In the event that a traditional cafe does not bring the necessary profit, it is possible to provide customers with various holidays. These include corporate events of private firms and public authorities, weddings and banquets.

Stylishly decorated nightclubs will be popular with young clients.

For its organization it is required:

  • Rent a large space;
  • Purchase the necessary equipment. Moreover, both for the kitchen, where snacks and drinks will be prepared, and for the dance floor.
  • Popular DJs and dancers from big cities are also invited to perform there and attract the attention of young people. Events like this raise the reputation of the institution.
  • It is possible to organize themed parties in honor of popular holidays. And during the day it functions like a regular cafe.

Business ideas in the service sector

The service sector is very popular. The minimum level of financial investments, a high level of self-sufficiency.

A salon for women and men providing hairdressing, manicure and pedicure services with separate booths for VIP clients will be popular. Specialists in massage and cosmetology are also involved. The level of profitability of such a project will be high, with the proper level of masters.

Organization of taxi transportation. Several professional drivers in their own cars and a dispatch service, at reasonable prices, will provide residents with comfortable transport. This type of business is promoted through advertising and word of mouth. Profitability is high, due to the fact that in small towns there are no aggregators like Yandex Taxi or Gett.

It is promising to create your own fashion atelier for tailoring. Requires a small room, special equipment and professional seamstresses. Tailoring dresses for graduations and weddings, clothing repair and other services at reasonable prices will lead to high profitability of the business.

The business of garbage collection and the destruction of old buildings and structures is gaining momentum. Instead of dilapidated abandoned houses, large residential complexes are being built. And to make room you need to demolish them. Labor and equipment costs are negligible. At the same time, garbage is removed from spontaneously formed dumps and special tanks.

Some out of the box ideas

The problem in the Russian Federation is the lack of kindergartens. This stimulates the development of private establishments and mini-kindergartens. Financially wealthy parents who cannot leave their children to anyone are the target audience.

To do this business, competent employees who have experience working with children are needed. It is also required to rent a room and obtain official permission from the state authorities. The last stage is the most difficult and time-consuming.

Business by . You can read more here. In short, this is an opportunity to open your own business using a ready-made model. For a certain amount of money or a percentage of sales, you will receive constant information and advertising support, technology and a ready-made business model.

People who lead an active lifestyle can organize ethnotourism. Standard resorts do not surprise anyone, so rich people prefer to travel to picturesque places and hard-to-reach places.

Excursions to Lake Baikal, for example, are in great demand, where you can enjoy the nature and beauty of the region without fuss. But this is not the only interesting natural place in our vast country.

According to travel agencies, thousands of tourists go on vacation to Kamchatka and Karelia. If the town has such attractions, the tour business has great potential.

The organization of hunting and fishing for wealthy clients from large cities is very popular today.

The property

In case there is extra real estate, you can organize. There are two options: monthly, daily.

In the first case, an apartment or house is rented to permanent residents, which are students and young families. Income will be stable.

It can be much more profitable to rent by the day if there are tourist flows in the city. Popular with a lack of hotels in resort towns. You need to publish your listings on and to attract regular travelers from all over the world.

If you don’t have your own real estate, then you can earn on someone else’s. Open a real estate agency. The initial investment in such a business is quite low, and the prospects are excellent, since small towns are not yet accustomed to renting out housing and commercial premises via the Internet.

Internet business

Until recently, it was possible to earn a lot by opening a computer club. A room is rented, gaming computers are bought whose performance is sufficient for modern games and a low price per hour is set. The youth spent the day in such places. However, with the progress, computers appeared in every family, and the Internet made it possible to play collective games at a remote distance. As a result, this type of business simply disappeared.

Good profit is brought by own Internet resources. First of all, you need an idea and a thorough analysis of the niche. The main thing is that the subject of your site should be interesting to you, otherwise the enthusiasm can quickly evaporate. You also need to have the necessary skills and tools to run such a business, the ability to promote your site.

The most popular option for organizing a business is an online store. As goods, there can be both various little things of a household nature, and large appliances for the home. The development of progress has made it accessible to residents of any settlements. Goods are delivered both by courier service and via Russian Post. You can read the specifications in advance and choose the right product without wasting time getting to the store.

If resources are available, your own web studio opens. To do this, a few professional programmers are enough. The cost of one Internet resource ranges from 10-20 thousand to several million. The client is sought remotely or through the method of "cold calls".

Entrepreneurial modern girls develop business through social networks, for example, Instagram. Fitness instructors train daily, post photos online, attract followers and sell ads. Or, for a fee, they make individual training plans. The cost of advertising posts reaches several tens of thousands of rubles.

If you have some kind of expert knowledge, then you can start your own educational channel on YouTube ( and earn money from advertising. Foreign languages, cooking, car repair and maintenance, computer topics and more are in demand. The advantage of an educational channel over an entertainment one will be a constant and stable level of views, and hence income.

You can start an online business with little to no initial capital. This is its main advantage, but the competition will be appropriate.

Market and competitor analysis

To start opening your own business, you need to conduct a comprehensive market analysis, find out what specific services or goods are required for city residents. Having found out this, it is required to select competent personnel capable of working effectively and attracting more customers. To do this, it is often necessary to contact a special recruiting agency.

It is important to pay attention to potential competitors. What are their advantages, what are their disadvantages. Does it make sense to open nearby or is it better to look for another place.

Many tasks can be solved without leaving home. Through special resources on the Internet, an advertisement is placed on the search for employees. In a small town, you should definitely use word of mouth, which often spreads information faster than the Internet and newspaper ads.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the goods of suppliers from large cities or simply large firms will cost significantly more than the products of small manufacturers. Be sure to consider the possibility of supplying goods from China. Today it is not as difficult as it might seem.

It is important that the planned business should have prospects and be in demand. Opening a fashionable haute cuisine restaurant in a city where the average salary does not exceed 15,000 rubles will be unprofitable. Same with a 5 star hotel. Another thing is to invest in a street point selling shawarma near a university or vocational school. It is also promising to open an inexpensive pizzeria there.

You should correctly assess your own strengths and capabilities, and determine when the investments will pay off and begin to bring net profit. Without an effective strategy, the business will fail.

Where to get money to start

The most commonly used way to start a business without having the necessary amount of your own money is a bank loan. Explore all options from different lending institutions.

To obtain borrowed funds, you need to provide the bank with all the documentation that relates to the planned business. There are support programs from the state (be sure to find out about this in the local administration). These include preferential taxation systems, subsidies of various levels, and a reduced credit rate. To get a loan, you need the help of a competent lawyer who will provide all the necessary information and advice.

Be sure to find out about the availability of specialized business incubators in your city. They can help you with any legal questions you may have, as well as help you get a loan and write a business plan.

If you have reliable friends or relatives, then you can try to start a business together, refusing borrowed funds.

Finding a place

When it comes to finding the right location for your business, it is important to highlight two aspects:

  1. Rent price.
  2. Nearby potential customers. Good permeability.

Sometimes, the premises are rented and later repaired on their own, which saves money.

Depending on the concept of business, the appearance of the office plays a big role. If you plan to receive customers, the interior should be of high quality and stylish. As a rule, residents of small towns react strongly to this and prefer to trust what looks expensive and of high quality.

It is also important to consider the patency of the target audience of a particular business. Inexpensive fast food outlets are opening near places of educational institutions, shopping malls, markets. It is students and people who went shopping that are the main customers of such places.

At the same time, food outlets are best located close to residential buildings. People will not go far for bread and milk if there is a good store nearby.

Planned level of profitability

It should be understood that a business in a small city does not pay off quickly, unlike a large settlement. Residents cannot afford to spend a lot of money due to low wages. The degree of demand also affects. The season plays an important role.

For example, outlets that sell kvass or ice cream in the summer, especially in the southern regions, have a huge profitability. At the same time, in winter, there are simply no such points. But beauty salons are gaining popularity, in the summer, on the contrary, they are empty.

Most importantly, make sure that your income is always enough to pay off loans if you decide to finance your business in this way.

The basis of a successful business in the province

In order for any business in a provincial city to be successful, pay off quickly and bring good income, you must follow a few key rules. Their practical use allows you to earn and attract new customers.

The cost of goods and services should not exceed a certain value. The mentality and level of prosperity of provincial residents does not allow spending extra money just like that. They are looking for ways to save money. Therefore, they resort to the mechanism of discounts and incentives for regular customers.

The quality of service is above average. If a person likes it, he will recommend this place to friends, acquaintances, relatives. At the same time, a bad reputation will negatively affect entrepreneurial activity. Negative reviews need to be prevented at the very beginning. There were cases when a cafe, after a drop in the quality of service, lost customers and went bankrupt. A bad reputation for an establishment in a small town can become a curse, while a good one can become a major sales driver.

Promising ways of development

It is important to note that the basis for any business is constant movement forward, development, evolution. What is profitable now, in a year, when marking time becomes the cause of ruin. There are many ways to improve your business.

Advertising is a good method. Advertising attracts new customers. Among the popular moves are promotions, discounts, presentations of new products. Marketing plays a big role. A special feature is the duration of the promotion and the profitability of the offer.

Business image plays a big role. Positive feedback, gratitude from customers, allow you to increase the number of customers.

Another step is to open branches in neighboring cities and districts. Over time, these costs will pay off. Brand awareness will grow.

To start a small business, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. This will save you money on bookkeeping and taxes.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that a business, even in a small town with a small population, is able to generate income. A provincial town is a good place to create and develop your own business, and an enterprising person will definitely succeed.

Ideas for business in a small town: 7 areas worth paying attention to + 12 ideas for implementation + 10 business features in a small town.

It really is.

But, even if you were born in a small town and did not consider it necessary to move to a larger city, this does not mean at all that you cannot engage in entrepreneurial activities.

Small town business ideas there is.

And there are many of them.

In addition, you, as a resident of a small town, can take advantage of its key features that are not available to novice businessmen in large cities.

Small Town Business Ideas: Key Features

Such settlements may include small towns, urban-type settlements, and even large villages.

You should not think that if fate decreed that you were born in a small town, then the path to business is ordered for you.

The main thing is a promising idea that can be implemented based on the key features of your locality.

Small business in a small town has its key features:

    Simplicity and tradition of the idea.

    It is the inhabitants of megacities who are so spoiled that they have to go out of their way to come up with ideas for a business.

    In small towns, simple and traditional ideas work successfully, which will not be difficult to deal with.

    A sufficient number of free niches for business.

    It is possible that there are plenty of shops or cafes in your town, but this does not mean at all that all niches are occupied.

    It's just worth looking into.

    Low level of competition.

    You don’t have to fight for each client, like entrepreneurs from megacities and compete with similar ones.

    Few dare to open a business in small towns.

    Ease of organizing business.

    Usually in a small town everyone knows each other, well, in a pinch, you can look for connections with the right people, which makes it much easier to launch a startup.

    Limited client flow.

    Let's say if your shop / cafe / beauty salon, etc. visited by almost all residents, then you have no way to increase your customer base.

    If you want to earn more, you will have to come up with new sources of income.

    Cheap labor.

    Residents of small towns are ready to be content with salaries much lower than the inhabitants of megacities.

    The minimum cost of starting a startup.

    Since the cost of buying / renting real estate, labor, supplies and other things in a small city is several times lower than in a big one, you can start a business with modest capital.

    Ease of doing business.

    You don’t have to, like businessmen in big cities, go crazy in order to.

    It is enough to provide more or less high-quality services, sell simple goods and not overprice, so that the business makes a profit.

    It is unlikely that the inhabitants of your small town are too spoiled for quality.

    The importance of reputation.

    If you had a good reputation as an honest person even before starting a business and continue to maintain it by providing quality services and selling good products, then your business is not in danger of ruin.

How to start implementing a business idea for a small town?

Naturally, the first thing you need to do is come up with an idea that will allow you to do business in your small town.

The business idea must be:

  • traditional;
  • fresh (if there are 15 stores per 5,000 people, then you should not open the 16th);
  • cost-effective;
  • easy to implement;
  • not too costly.

When you have an idea for a business in a small town, you can move on to its implementation:

    The study of the theoretical base.

    You must study the theoretical part of the business that you are going to do in your small town.

    This will make it much easier to open and run a business.

    Drawing up a business plan.

    Do not think that if you are going to do a small business, and even in a small town, then you can do without writing a business plan.

    Develop a plan with specific calculations and taking into account prices in your locality.

    This way you will know exactly how much money you will need to launch a startup and in what time frame you will be able to realize your idea.

    Business registration.

    If you are not going to receive additional income at home, but are ready to engage in official business, albeit on a small scale, then it is worth it.

    Learn everything about the registration procedure, the requirements of public services (SES, Fire Department, etc.) in order to launch a startup without delay.

    Implementation of the business plan.

    If the registration procedure is left behind and you do not experience any difficulties with capital investments, you can proceed to the phased implementation of the business plan:

    • choice of premises for rent or purchase;
    • repair in it;
    • purchase of furniture and equipment;
    • recruitment, etc.
  1. As I said, you don't have to spend a lot of money on advertising.

    You can get by with minimal costs by investing in a bright sign, announcements, for example, on a billboard in the center, flyers with prices and a list of products / services.

    Word of mouth will do the rest.

Business ideas in a small town: what areas should you pay attention to?

In a small town, you can engage in large, medium, and small businesses.

It all depends on the prospects of the idea and the amount that you are willing to invest in the business.

Future entrepreneurs who are looking for business ideas for a small town should pay attention to the following areas:

  1. Trade: shops, boutiques, stalls, supermarkets, tents in the market - the choice is quite large.
  2. Production.

    The organization of production requires considerable costs, but more and more industrialists prefer to open plants, factories, workshops, etc. in small towns in order to save on renting real estate and labor.

    If the tourism sector is developed in your city, then you can hostel, rent rooms for rent, organize a tour desk, etc.

    Medicine and health.

    You can realize the idea of ​​a clinic, pharmacy, private consultation, sports club, etc.

    You should also look at the veterinary business.


    In this area, there is also a fairly large selection of ideas that can be opened in a small town: a cinema, a bowling alley, an entertainment center for children, karaoke, and much more.

    Services sector.

    You can provide food, construction, transportation, insurance, education, legal, security, and many other types of services.

  3. agricultural sector.

    • open a store selling seeds, fertilizers, pest control products;
    • buy a tractor and make a profit by plowing the land;
    • rent out agricultural equipment;
    • open a farm, etc.

5 Universal Ideas for Small Businesses in a Small Town

The hardest part of being an entrepreneur is not launching a startup or raising capital, as many aspiring entrepreneurs mistakenly believe.

The most difficult thing is an idea that will be easy and inexpensive to implement and quickly start to bring in good money.

Let's try to figure out which small town business ideas can be put into practice so that they lead to success.

Idea number 1. Score.

Everyone needs shops: both residents of small villages and residents of large cities.

To make your own in a small town, you need to find a free niche (see what markets are missing in your locality), collect the required amount of capital investment and start acting.

In a small town, you can implement the following store business ideas:

  1. Grocery.
  2. Economic.
  3. Building.
  4. Cosmetics and household chemicals.
  5. Agricultural products, ranging from machinery to seeds.
  6. clothes.
  7. shoes.
  8. Cigarette-alcohol (for the successful implementation of such an idea, a stall, a license and a round-the-clock work schedule are enough).
  9. Pet supplies.
  10. Universal - where a little bit of everything will be sold.

Which of these business ideas to implement in your small town, see for yourself, focusing on the level of competition in a particular sector, consumer demand and the amount of capital investment you have.

Idea number 2. Public catering establishment.

Even residents of small towns with a very modest income have realized how expensive it is to celebrate weddings, christenings, anniversaries, commemorations, and so on at home.

After all, it is much easier to pay money and entrust the organization of a banquet to professionals.

In a small town, you can open:

  • Cafe;
  • dining room
  • restaurant;
  • a universal catering establishment where you can organize almost everything, from youth gatherings to commemorations.

This idea in a small town can be implemented in the absence of serious competition and the availability of money.

Starting even a small business in the village will cost at least $10,000.

Even with a good demand for your services, you will not be able to return capital investments faster than in six months.

Idea number 3. Veterinary clinic and/or pharmacy.

This is a very profitable and promising business idea.

I will explain to you with an example.

My friend's mom started the business when she and her father moved to a large village, the home of my friend's father.

So it turned out that in a village where more than 4,000 people live and in almost every yard there is a lot of living creatures, there is only one single veterinarian and he knows little.

But there is no veterinary pharmacy at all.

Irina Viktorovna found a veterinarian in the neighboring regional center, who agreed to come to this village to work every day (fortunately, the distance was only 25 km), organized a small veterinary clinic and a veterinary pharmacy.

She invested about $5,000 in her business.

The business paid off in 5 months.

Idea number 4. Bath or sauna.

It used to be that every wealthy family built not only a house for themselves, but also a bathhouse.

Today, only the homes of very rich people are equipped with baths or saunas.

If your small town does not have a public steam room, then you can build one and make a business out of it.

It costs about $10,000 to build a small, no-frills sauna for up to 10 people.

With the right business organization, you can return your investment in 10 months.

Idea number 5. Pharmacy.

People get sick everywhere and small towns are no exception, so the idea of ​​opening a pharmacy here is promising and profitable.

Owners of small pharmacies in small towns earn at least $2,000 a month.

True, this idea for a business in a small town has its drawbacks:

  1. The need to have a special education as a pharmacist or to look for such a person to manage.
  2. Difficulties with finding staff, with registering a business.
  3. The cost of starting a startup.

3 small town business ideas for women

If previous ideas for a small town business were quite universal and suitable for both sexes, then there are startups that women can do better than men.

Here are three good business ideas that the fair sex can easily handle.

Idea number 1. Studio.

If you know how to sew well, then you can earn money by tailoring clothes for the inhabitants of your small town.

You can do this without registering as a sole proprietorship until it's time to expand.

If you have a sewing machine, the cost of starting a business will not exceed $ 100, which you will pay back in a month of productive work.

Idea number 2. Beauty saloon.

Not only residents of megacities want to be beautiful, but also residents of small towns.

If you can find enough masters in your locality, then open a universal beauty salon where you can cut and dye your hair, get manicures and pedicures, get rid of unwanted hair with wax, get a massage, get your face taken care of.

To implement such a business idea, you need to have at least $20,000.

If your salon is in demand, then you can earn at least $ 2,000 per month in net income, which means you will return your capital investment in a year.

Idea number 3. Kindergarten.

Usually, both in big cities and in small towns, parents face the same problem: lack of places in public kindergartens.

You can open a small kindergarten at home, for example, to look after five children.

For babysitting, playing with them, and cooking with parental products, you can charge $30 a month for each baby.

That is, your monthly profit will be $150.

4 men's business ideas for a small town

There are business ideas for a small town that only men can implement.

Here are 4 interesting ideas, the implementation of which does not require large amounts of money.

Idea number 1. Waste equipment.

Not all small towns have central sewerage.

People, wanting to get comfort in a private house, dig wells in the yard, which need to be pumped out at least once every six months.

You can buy a used vacuum cleaner for $3,000.

One pumping costs an average of $12.

With this amount of monthly profit, you will return the investment in the sewage truck in six months.

Idea number 2. Service station / car wash.

Today, few men repair cars on their own, they prefer to service them at stations.

Organize a service station in your small town where you could get a standard list of services:

  • tire fitting;
  • running gear repair;
  • straightening and painting.

If you have enough money, you can also open a car wash next to the station.

Implementing the idea of ​​​​a small service station with a car wash will cost you $ 50,000.

The average monthly profit (net) at full load will be from $5,000.

Pay back your capital investment in a year.

Idea number 3. Repair shop.

You can work directly from home or by attaching a small room for work to your home.

Repair what you can: shoes, agricultural and household appliances, tools, furniture, etc.

Profit directly depends on the number of customers and your rates and can be either 100 or 1,000 dollars per month.

Idea number 4. Building bussiness.

The construction business is just a pretty name.

If wealthy people live in your small town and construction is in full swing, then you can open a large big business with several subordinate teams, special equipment, an office, etc.

If the amount of your capital investment is modest, then put together a construction team of 2-3 people, buy tools together and start building houses and making repairs.

This type of business is very profitable and, if you earn a good reputation for yourself, you will make at least $600 a month in profit.

The video below contains unique and creative business ideas,

some of which can be implemented in a small town:

As you can see small town business ideas exist.

They are enough for every person who wants to join the environment of entrepreneurs and earn good money, without depending on anyone.

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  • mini bakery
  • Cesspool machine
  • Banqueting hall
  • Drilling of the wells
  • Pharmacy
  • Auto parts store
  • service station, car service
  • funeral services
    • Recruitment
  • Tire fitting
        • Similar business ideas:

We offer a brief overview of the 10 most profitable businesses for a small town with a population of 10 to 100 thousand inhabitants. We did not take into account any new ideas and know-how. The review contains only proven ideas, which, with proper organization, cannot but be profitable.

Production of building materials

Labor in small towns tends to be cheaper than in big cities. Therefore, any business related to production will be more profitable here. Moreover, in small towns, rent and utilities are cheaper and it is much easier to find a land plot and premises. The local administration is also more accommodating and it is easier to establish contacts in official circles. One of the most common and proven businesses in small towns is the production of building materials. First of all, these are foam blocks, cinder blocks, bricks (including Lego), SIP panels, paving slabs, borders, reinforced concrete rings etc. For landscaping, it is possible to produce bulk materials, such as decorative crushed stone and decorative wood chips. There are many options, you just need to act. Sales of building materials can be carried out to the nearest large city, construction companies and private buyers.

mini bakery

The business of all times, regardless of the size of the city, is the production of bread and bakery products. During the crisis, the consumption of bakery products increases dramatically, so now is the time to open such a business.

How much money do you need to open a mini-bakery

Opening a mini-bakery will cost at least 700 thousand rubles, provided that the business is organized in a ready-made, rented premises. The most profitable option is the production of bakery products: sweet buns, croissants, pizza, pies, crackers, sticks, crackers, etc. Unlike bread (essential goods), the markup on buns and croissants can reach 100 percent or more.

Cesspool machine

Small towns tend to have a large number of private sectors where people use individual sewer systems (latrines). The service for pumping out septic tanks and cesspools is always relevant, regardless of the crisis. In many private houses, the sewerage system is not designed quite correctly, so it is pumped out almost every 2-3 months. With an average cost of a service of 1,200 rubles, more than 4,000 rubles can be spent on pumping out sewage per year.

How much money do you need to open a sewer truck

To start a service business sewer truck it will take from 400 thousand to 1.2 million rubles. That is how much the GAZ KO-503 equipped for pumping costs. The price, as you understand, depends on the condition of the car. A supported version of 2013 - 2014 can be taken for 700 - 900 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn on a sewer machine

If there are 1,000 houses in a city or village, you can potentially earn from 1 to 4 million rubles from them. per year, excluding competition. And the competition in this area is decent, however, almost 90% of the players work on word of mouth, not bothering with advertising at all. Developing your own client base is not difficult. In addition to traditional newspaper ads, you can advertise on the Internet, as well as distribute business cards to private homes (the most effective way).

Banqueting hall

Restaurants and cafes in small towns are not very profitable, since many people's incomes do not allow them to visit such establishments. But anniversaries, birthdays and weddings do not count, so there is always money for such events. A banquet hall is one of the most proven ideas in the catering industry. The difficulties with starting such a business are much less than in the case of a restaurant, and the exhaust can be no less.

How much can you earn by opening a banquet hall

For example, during the wedding season, even the most meager in terms of design rooms are booked several months in advance. From one event, it’s really possible to earn “clean” from 30 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the room and the number of guests. And there can be at least 8 such events per month. The main difficulty in organizing such a business is finding a profitable premises, since the main profit of an entrepreneur is spent on rent.

Drilling of the wells

A real working idea for a small town and surrounding areas is drilling water wells. There are many examples on the Internet of how people earn tens of thousands of rubles a day on ordinary manual installations. For example, you can watch video reports of entrepreneur Roman Karpukhin, an interview with whom is published on our website.

How much can you earn from drilling wells

In one working day, you can drill 2-3 wells and earn from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. Clients can be owners of private houses and summer cottages. The service is always relevant, because it is common for a well to fail (for example, silt up). This business is practically independent of competition, so you can safely get trained, form a team and start earning good money.

How much money do you need to start a business like drilling wells

Fortunately, serious investments are not required here - 100,000 rubles may be enough for “everything about everything”.


During the crisis in the country, it is the pharmacy business that shows one of the largest profit growth. People start to get sick more due to stress, poor nutrition and, accordingly, trips for medicines become more frequent. Pharmacies feel great in settlements ranging from 3 to 5 thousand inhabitants, not to mention cities. Opening in any residential area with an abundance of high-rise buildings, you can count on a constant flow of customers, especially the elderly.

How much money do you need to invest to open a pharmacy business

The amount of investment in opening a small pharmacy kiosk is estimated at $10,000-15,000. Here, however, there is one feature - a pharmacy kiosk must be attached to a pharmacy, the opening costs of which are 3-4 times higher. Alternatively, you can attach to any federal network or purchase a franchise. For example, franchising in the Russian Federation is offered by brands such as Sovetskaya Apteka, Apteki Evalar and Apteka 36.6. See a detailed business plan for opening a pharmacy in this article.

Auto parts store

As in the case of bread and medicine, auto parts are in constant demand. You can object by saying that the competition in this business is not real. Yes, there are a lot of shops with spare parts, but there are more and more cars every year. Moreover, success in this business largely depends on the location of the store and the qualifications of the sellers. Let's say more, there are so many brands of cars today that not a single store can fully provide the entire range of spare parts. A person goes to one store, does not find the necessary spare parts, goes to another and buys there. For every 10 thousand inhabitants, up to 3-4 stores can easily work together and remain profitable. If you are “friends” with technology and can work as a seller for the first time, you will have the cards in your hands.

service station, car service

As well as auto parts, car repair services are in constant demand. I don't know of any car service that has the problem of lack of customers. If masters with “straight hands” work in the service station, there will be no end to customers 365 days a year. As I remember 10 - 15 years ago, changing the oil in a car on its own was the norm, but today it is easier to order such a service at a car service, where everything is put on stream. Almost half of car owners today are the fair sex, who cannot replace even such an elementary consumable as an air filter. Opportunities for opening a car service today there are so many that such “businesses” are launched even in garage cooperatives. However, it is not necessary to repair everything and everything. For example, you can limit yourself to specializing in the repair of cracks and chips, straightening dents, or auto electrician services.

funeral services

How much can you earn from funeral services

Service business funeral arrangements, no matter how sad it may sound, was and remains relevant. This is a difficult but very profitable activity. So, the most modest budget for a funeral is 15 - 20 thousand rubles. On average, funeral arrangements cost 30-50 thousand rubles. and more. Demand is traditionally used by: coffins and monuments (you can either resell or engage in your own production), organizing a mortuary, embalming the deceased, delivering wreaths, cremation, disinfecting the premises where the deceased was, preparing graves, an orchestra for a funeral procession, transporting the body of the deceased, etc. .


The most difficult thing here is the selection of personnel, because not everyone manages to work in this area.

Tire fitting

As noted above, the automotive business remains very profitable, in any city, from small to large. Services tire shops some car owners use at least 5 times a year. In the spring, the car "changes shoes" for summer tires, and in the fall - for winter. With our roads, discs very often crumple, the repair of which costs from $ 15 per piece. Not to mention the punctures and side cuts of the tires. Recently, one can observe the opening of tire shops even at private homes. To do this, it is enough to make an extension to the house, and transfer it to the appropriate type of permitted use. In extreme cases, you can limit yourself to an ordinary garage. The main thing is that all the necessary equipment fits in it: a balancing machine, a vulcanizer, a tire changer bath, etc. Those workshops that are located near the roadway are especially profitable. In this case, no additional advertising, except for a bright sign, is required. And if you open in the season when there are weekly queues for the services of "changing shoes", there will be no problems with the flow of customers. However, you can find many more ways to make money in a small town, moreover, with virtually no investment. We offer one of them - stable income from ads. Check out our course and find out what, how and where to sell. In fact, there are quite a few opportunities for earning money in a small city, both offline and online. If you want to receive even a small but constant income, read about 50 ways to make money online. Do you want to combine several options for earning? Here you will find the answer to this question.