Heightened sensitivity to sounds in autism. Causes, neuroscience

Hearing heightened sensitivity is a feeling of discomfort in the ears, which is provoked by loud and annoying sounds outside world. Many people experience negative emotions only at very loud noises, but there are those who try to avoid even less intense noises. Every person has certain reason hypersensitivity to sounds, the most serious risk factors are: autism, meningitis, migraine and neurological diseases.


Painful perception of sounds is called hyperacusis - a condition in which even faint sounds perceived as overly intense. In especially severe cases, hyperacusis is very painfully tolerated by a sick person. Everything begins to irritate him, pronounced reactions of a neurotic nature appear, which prevent him from adequately perceiving the world and carry out normal routine work.

With increased sensitivity to human sounds, they can ...

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There are several conditions that are referred to as sound intolerance:

Hyperacusia is a painful condition in which any sound, even the faintest, is perceived as too intense. Familiar sounds not only irritate and cause a feeling of discomfort, but also develop pain, nervousness, sleep disturbances.

For people with hyperacusis, any sound can cause aggressiveness, such as snoring, the buzzing of a fly, the ticking of a clock, the slightest rustle at night. The mechanism of development of hyperacusis

Hyperacusia is not independent disease! According to the mechanism of development, hyperacusis is an imbalance between the intensification and inhibition of processes in auditory pathways. As a result, there is a decrease in the thresholds of excitation and the usual sounds become unbearable.

The main cause of the development of hyperacusis are diseases of the external, middle and inner ear. With this pathology, it becomes almost impossible to lead a normal life, ...

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Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis) is a common mental disorder from the group of neuroses. It manifests itself in increased fatigue, irritability, inability to prolonged stress (physical or mental).

Asthenic neurosis is most often found in young men, but it also occurs in women. It develops with prolonged physical or emotional overstrain, prolonged conflicts or frequent stressful situations, personal tragedies.

The reasons

The main cause of neurasthenia is exhaustion. nervous system due to overwork of any kind. Most often, it occurs when mental trauma is combined with hard work and deprivation. Modern people are constantly in suspense, waiting for something, doing boring work of the same type that requires responsibility and attention. Factors contributing to asthenic neurosis: somatic diseases; endocrine disorders; chronic sleep deprivation; insufficient...

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Asks: Healthy (2016-02-14 04:22:37)

Hello! For a percentage of years I have been suffering from the problem of Misophonia, information about which has finally appeared on the vastness of the Russian Internet, since this problem has long been known abroad. The problem is sometimes very difficult and many people, including me, now need help on the Internet. there are already more than 100 people, this is certainly not 8000, for example, as in a similar one on Facebook, but still.
The problem with intolerance huge amount sounds, as well as derivatives from it, such as visual, olfactory and tactile stimuli. It’s hard to live with this. They say that they haven’t found a 100 percent cure yet, but I hope that someone can solve this
I can say that most likely it is based on psychological trauma, stress, etc. Such psychosomatics.
Here, very briefly. Please help with advice or what anyone can.



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Complaints of misophonia (or intolerance certain sounds) is easy to ignore, because we all, to one degree or another, have a list of sounds that we “just can’t stand”. However, a small group of people do have a serious problem that seriously affects their lives. Individual sounds that play the role of a “trigger” can cause them to have a “fight or flight” reaction, outbursts of rage, or simply make them avoid them and thereby miss an important part of life. A group of audiologists has been working for several years on the examination and treatment of patients with misophonia, based on knowledge about tinnitus and sound therapy.

The term "Misophonia" was introduced ten years ago by Dr. Pavel Yastrebov. It is one of the varieties of reduced tolerance for sounds. What is it - a psychological or auditory disorder, or maybe both? Psychologists, audiologists, and even doctors often dismiss it or are at a loss: what to do with patients who demonstrate such a strange set ...

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The signs of neurasthenia are diverse, but among them the following most common ones can be distinguished:

Mood swings, headache, sleep disturbance, lack of attention, low mental activity, convulsions, indifference to everything, tinnitus.

It is customary to distinguish three stages in the course of this disease.

1. Hypersthenic stage

This is the initial stage of the course of the disease. Symptoms of neurasthenia at this stage are expressed in increased mental excitability and pronounced nervous reaction. Anything can cause irritation: from simple noise to crowds of people. Very quickly, patients get out of a state of nervous and mental balance, shout at others, lose self-control. At this stage, the person experiences problems with concentration, they are unable to concentrate on anything, they are distracted and complain of poor memory. Headaches, a feeling of heaviness in the head, pressure in the temples are also frequent.

2. Irritable weakness

Anyone, even the most...

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Why does the heart, head, back and muscles hurt with neuroses?

Neurosis is the collective name for reversible psychogenic disorders, which are characterized by a protracted course. In medicine, there is still no definite designation of this disease, therefore, neurosis is considered as a functional disorder of higher nervous activity.

It is quite difficult to answer the question of what exactly can be disturbing in neurosis. Because pain manifests itself in different ways.

With neurosis, very often a person is tormented by pain in the heart, head, abdomen, back, muscles and other organs. It brings discomfort and discomfort not only in physical plane but also psychological.

The patient often has to run from one doctor to another, take tests and conduct examinations, until he finally gets to a psychotherapist.

Exist different reasons occurrence of neuroses. These are chronic stressful situations, psychological trauma, overwork, aggression and conflicts in the family, ...

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In what diseases does it press on the ears from the inside - symptoms, causes, treatment

According to modern medical statistics, up to 30% of the world's population complains of certain hearing problems. Most often, these are complaints about tinnitus, a specific “ticking”, a feeling of congestion, or how something presses on the ears from the inside. Sometimes these discomforts are accompanied by nausea, dizziness and headaches. All this suggests that the patient needs to urgently visit medical institution.

Typical symptoms that accompany pressure on the ears from the inside

Presses the ears from the inside - symptoms

These symptoms may occur in people different ages- from children to very old people. They have nothing to do with age-related changes in the body (with the exception of a number of diseases caused by age-related tissue degeneration and impaired functioning of the hearing organs, as well as the human vascular system).

The feeling that something is pressing on the ears from the inside, a feeling ...

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(for otorhinolaryngologists)

In the last 20 years, most researchers have classified Meniere's disease as a nosological unit, however, many questions about its essence, initial manifestations, patterns of clinical course and outcomes remain in the focus of attention of otolaryngologists.

The relevance of the development of guidelines for the diagnosis of Meniere's disease is due to the fact that in recent times new methods for diagnosing a disease have been created, methods of treatment have been optimized, and classification issues that are of interest to practical public health have been clarified. At the same time, it should be noted that the features of hearing loss and balance in Meniere's disease usually often and for a long time impair the ability to work and often lead to the patient's disability.

This paper presents the most modern guidelines on general clinical and special...

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What signs can signal the disease and what you need to do if you suspect that your child has meningitis.

Did you hear the word meningitis from the lips of a doctor and a wave of emotions swept over you? You need to pull yourself together. Yes, meningitis is real threat for the life of the child and gives a high probability of complications, but this disease is being treated today! Under one, but very important condition: if you do not waste time and immediately go to the hospital!

From sick to healthy
Bacteria (meningococcus, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococcus), viruses (mumps, enterovirus), fungi (candida), even helminths can cause meningitis!

The disease is often transmitted by airborne droplets through infected mucus droplets that are secreted from the patient's nasopharynx. Then the infection penetrates into the blood, the cranial cavity and there causes inflammation of the meninges of the brain. This is meningitis. More often it is picked up by children who have had ...

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The first signs of neurosis and its treatment

Neurosis refers to a number of reversible mental disorders. There are several types of neurosis, accompanied by various symptoms. According to statistics, one-fifth of the world's population suffers from neurosis varying degrees expressiveness. The disease is often accompanied by asthenic syndrome and leads to a decrease in the patient's performance.

Causes of neuroses

The primary causes of neurosis are the mental overstrain of the patient. This occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to stress, excessive worries and emotional tension. The nervous system needs good rest and if it is not provided in time, the patient develops a neurosis.

The destructive influence of stress leads to exhaustion of the nervous system. The risk group is made up of people who are concerned about their own career. Long-term work "for wear and tear", without the opportunity to fully relax and unwind, leads to an overstrain of the nervous system, its further ...

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Children with autism have ear muscles that are more sensitive to sounds than other children. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from the Department of Neurology at the University of Pittsburgh. ( Lukose, R., Brown, K., Barber, C. M. & Kulesza, R. J. Quantification of the stapedial reflex reveals delayed responses in autism. Autism Res. 6, 344–53 (2013)). Some andresearchers claim that measuring a measure of middle ear muscle sensitivity to sounds can serve as a simple clinical biomarker for autism, while other scientists fundamentally object.

There are two muscles in the middle ear (stapedius muscle - m. Stapedius and muscle of the drum string - m. Tensor tympany) their function is to reflex contraction in response to a loud sound in order to reduce the amplitude of vibrations eardrum and reduce strength sonic boom on cochlear receptors in the inner ear. For the most part, the stapedius muscle is involved in this reflex, so the reflex bears its name.

So-called stapedial reflexcaused by the contraction of the stapedius gracilis muscle inside the middle ear in response to a loud sound. Contraction of the muscle pulls the stapedius bone away from the inner ear, which reduces its amplitude of vibration in response to sound and protects the inner ear from strong vibration. The study found that in children with autism, the stapedial reflex is a fraction of a second slower and can be elicited by a sound a few decibels quieter than other children in the control group.

Doctors routinely examine the stapedial reflex in infants, but usually determine only the fact of its presence or absence. The scientists believe that an accurate measurement of timekeeping and loudness sensitivity could be a biomarker that would indicate autism years before the behavioral disorder becomes apparent. (It is perhaps difficult to refrain from objecting to such a provocative conclusion that the discovery of hypersensitivity to loud sounds in early childhood leads to a diagnosis of autism. next step this may lead to treatment well in advance of the classic symptoms, which is unacceptable. Note. trans.)

“We hope that this test could become a screening test for children early age, even newborns,” says research team leader Randy Kulesza assistant professor of anatomy at Erie Medical College of Pennsylvania. Several groups have found other physiological differences in children with autism, such as tachycardia (rapid heart rate) and slow pupillary response to light.

These tests are the most suitable because of their availability. They are not expensive, they do not take much time to perform, and they can be performed directly in the doctor's office. While the detection of most biomarkers in autism requires complex and expensive technologies, such as brain imaging.

Some scientists, however, are skeptical about such screening. They argue that the study is based on a small group of children and adolescents with autism who also have difficulty hearing or paying attention. For example, G. Ramsay, head of the Verbal Communication Laboratory at the Autism Center in Atlanta, says: “The idea that we could subject such a test (to detect autism)babies is a ridiculous assumption."

The stapedial reflex is carried out throughbrain stem- the nerve tract that connects the brain with the rest of the body. In 1996, scientists in New York studied the post-mortem material of the brain tissue of a young woman who suffered from autism during her lifetime. They found an almost complete absence of nerve cells intop olive, which, as you know, acts as a relay node for audio information along the auditory sensitivity tract.Rodier, P. M., Ingram, J. L., Tisdale, B., Nelson, S. & Romano, J. Embryological origin for autism: developmental anomalies of the cranial nerve motor nuclei. J. Comp. Neurol. 370, 247–61 (1996).

"This article led me to hypothesize that perhaps these sound sensitivity pathways are damaged in the brain in autism," says R. Kulesza.

A few years ago, R.Kulesza began to study brain stem tissue samples obtained under the "Material Basis of Autism" program from the brain repository of people who had autism during their lifetime.(According to the existing program "Autism Tissue Program", any patients suffering from autism and related diseases, by registering, can become posthumous donors of their brain. Their brains will be used by scientists for scientific purposes and the search for the material basis of their disease. Note. trans.)As in earlier studies, Kulesza found significantly significantdecrease in the number of neurons in the nuclei of the upper olivecompared to the control group.Kulesza, R. J., Lukose, R. & Stevens, L. V. Malformation of the human superior olive in autistic spectrum disorders. Brain Res.1367, 360–71 (2011) .

Brain slice Auditory cortex - auditory cortex Brainstem - brain stem Superior olivary nucleus - nuclei of the upper olive Cochlea - cochlea

Normally, this structure(top olive kernels)consists of approximately 15,000 nerve cells. However, in autism, we found only about 5000 (!) neurons, and sometimes even less,” says R. Kulesza.

The neurons of the superior olive are also responsible for the stapedial reflex. AT latest study Kulesza reviewed 15 years of medical records at a nearby clinic for children with autism, (Barber National Institute in Erie, Pennsylvania), who had been given the test. According to the records, 54 children with autism were found, and the test was also conducted among 29 children with typical development. The test itself does not take much time and is absolutely painless. The child puts on headphones, which simultaneously give a loud signal and record changes in pressure in the ear.

The study found that a sound of 88 to 91 dB - about the size of a passing motorcycle - elicited a reflex response (protective stapedial muscle tension with increased pressure and resistance to excessive sound vibrations) in a control group of normal children. However, in children with autism, the reflex was already recorded at a less loud sound - 83-90 dB, which approximately corresponds to the volume of a hair dryer or blender.

The remaining groups used other tests to assess the sensitivity and sound processing of the brain in autism. For example, in 2000, researchers used electroencephalography (EEG), a non-invasive technique for recording electromagnetic waves generated by the brain from the surface of the scalp.

The so-called "sound evoked potentials" were measured - a special response of brain cells caused by a sound tone delivered to the ear or a simple click. Some children with autism, as well as healthy members of their families, have been shown to have an atypical slowdown in the EEG response.Maziade, M. et al. Prolongation of brainstem auditory-evoked responses in autistic probands and their unaffected relatives. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 57, 1077–83 (2000).

(In connection with this fact, the statement that hearing sensitivity always suffers in autism may sound provocative and be disputed by some. Painful sensitivity to sounds is not autism. It would probably be more correct to say that against the background of a low threshold of sound sensitivity, increase the risk of autism and related conditions.Awareness of this fact already, apparently, will be the first step towards reducing risks.The identified signs are not yet a diagnosis, but rather part of a set of properties of the nervous system, the tip of the iceberg that scientists have found in the morphology of the brain (low number of neurons in the upper nuclei of the olive) and its functions (slow response to a sound signal).Formal attention to certain aspects of morphology and function will most likely lead researchers away from the roots and nature of mental disorders, which in clinical picture autism and similar conditions are dominant. From this it is probably clear why Kulesza's conclusions scientific environment look provocative. Note. per.).

Finding reliable brain biomarkers could be of great help in early identification of children with autism, the researchers insist. Most children are not diagnosed until 3 or 4 years of age, while studies show that the sooner treatment is started, the better. "The stapedial reflex can be examined even on the day of the child's birth", says R. Kulesza.

It is interesting to know whether the researchers doubt that the diagnosis of these children was not established for the simple reason that at that time they did not have the disease itself? Some parents of children with autism, with whom they had to communicate, insist that until a certain age their children did not show any signs of the disease. The behavior of children could have its own characteristics, not entirely realized by the parents, but quite within the corridor of the norm. Despite the fact that some mothers noted, for their part, experienced severe stress it was in those years that they were distinguished by excessive anxiety and a loud voice. Note. per.

The facts discovered by the study are accompanied by numerous explanations to avoid misinterpretation. Scientists did not accurately calculate sensitivity numbers, so it is not completely clear with what certainty it is possible to predict whether a child will have autism.(only based on the stapedial reflex). They also did not look at reflex outcomes in children with other disorders.

This new study is one of many that address sensory issues often found in individuals with autism. Some children with this condition are hypersensitive to any noise, while others, for example, have trouble distinguishing sounds accurately.

If this is confirmed by other studies, then the definitionstapedial reflexmay give scientists clues about the pathways that process auditory sensitivity, says T. Roberts, one of the directors of radiological research at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "Perhaps most impressive is the idea that hearing impairments are a critical foundation in the development of autism," says Roberts. A team of scientists under his leadership, usingmagnetoencephalography, found a delay on late stages sound processing is already in the subnetworks of the cerebral cortex.

Magnetoencephalography (MEG), a rarely used study, only about 100 devices in the world, cortical activity. Normal speech rate 250 ms per syllable. The child's brain is able to localize and differentiate sounds, and subsequently highlight the meaning of the phrase. An adult is already actively following the interlocutor's thought, recognizing subtext, however, even a slight delay in sound processing can impede verbal communication. T.Roberts revealed in 2010, delay from 10 to 50 ms in children with autism, which can be a significant barrier to communication.

Other experts point out that the subnetworks of the cerebral cortex in which higher sound processing occurs are more significant for the development of autism than the primary sound processing centers at the level of the brainstem.(olive kernels) . Studies conducted a decade ago found no significant problems with sound or visual sensitivity in individuals with autism. At least two of them are known ( 1. Gravel, J. S., Dunn, M., Lee, W. W. & Ellis, M. A. Peripheral audition of children on the autistic spectrum. Ear Hear. 27, 299–312 (2006). 2. Tharpe, A. M. et al. Audience characteristics of children with autism. Ear Hear. 27, 430–41 (2006). ) did not find differences in the stapedial reflex in children with autism and children in the control group. “Most likely, this is not just a mechanism as such of a violation of the physiology of hearing in autism,” says T. Ramsay, “it is a way by which the mechanism of actively obtaining information from the outside world is carried out.”

Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis) is a common mental disorder from the group of neuroses. It manifests itself in increased fatigue, irritability, inability to prolonged stress (physical or mental).

Asthenic neurosis is most often found in young men, but it also occurs in women. It develops with prolonged physical or emotional overstrain, prolonged conflicts or frequent stressful situations, personal tragedies.

The reasons

  1. The main cause of neurasthenia is the exhaustion of the nervous system due to overwork of any kind. Most often, it occurs when mental trauma is combined with hard work and deprivation.
  2. Modern people are constantly in suspense, waiting for something, doing boring work of the same type that requires responsibility and attention.
  3. Factors contributing to asthenic neurosis:

  • somatic diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • chronic sleep deprivation;
  • malnutrition and lack of vitamins;
  • irregular working hours;
  • frequent conflicts in the environment;
  • infections and intoxications;
  • bad habits;
  • increased anxiety;
  • heredity.


Symptoms of asthenic neurosis are diverse.

Physiological manifestations of neurasthenia:

  • diffuse headache, aggravated in the evening, a feeling of squeezing ("neurasthenic helmet");
  • dizziness without sensation of rotation;
  • palpitations, tingling, or tightness around the heart;
  • rapidly occurring redness or pallor;
  • rapid pulse;
  • high blood pressure;
  • poor appetite;
  • pressure in the epigastric region;
  • heartburn and belching;
  • bloating;
  • constipation or causeless diarrhea;
  • frequent urge to urinate, aggravated by excitement.

neurological and psychological symptoms neurasthenia:

  • Decrease in working capacity - a neurasthenic quickly develops a feeling of weakness, fatigue, concentration of attention decreases, labor productivity decreases.
  • Irritability - the patient is quick-tempered, starts up with a half turn. Everything annoys him.
  • Fatigue - a neurasthenic wakes up tired in the morning.
  • Impatience - a person becomes unrestrained, loses all ability to wait.
  • Weakness - it seems to the patient that every movement requires exorbitant efforts.
  • Fog in the head - a person perceives everything that happens through some kind of veil. The head is filled with cotton, and the ability to think is sharply reduced.
  • The inability to concentrate - everything distracts a person, he "jumps" from one thing to another.
  • The appearance of anxiety and fears - there are doubts, phobias and anxiety for any reason.
  • Hypersensitivity - any light seems too bright, and sounds are uncomfortably loud. People become sentimental: anything can cause tears.
  • Sleep disturbance - neurasthenics fall asleep for a long time and with difficulty. Sleep - superficial, accompanied by disturbing dreams. Upon awakening, a person feels completely overwhelmed.
  • Reduced sexual desire - men often suffer from premature ejaculation, impotence may develop. Women have anorgasmia.
  • Low self-esteem - such a person considers himself a loser and a weak personality.
  • Hypochondriacal syndrome - a neurasthenic is suspicious, constantly finds everything possible diseases. He consults doctors all the time.
  • Psychosomatic disorders and exacerbation of chronic diseases - a feeling of pain in the spine, tightness in the chest, heaviness in the heart. The manifestations of allergies, psoriasis, tremors, herpes, pain in the eyes and joints may increase, vision deteriorates, the condition of hair, nails and teeth worsens.

Forms of neurasthenia in adults

Forms of asthenic neurosis manifest themselves as phases of the course of the disease.

  1. hypersthenic phase. Manifested strong irritability and high mental excitability. Working capacity is reduced due to the primary weakness of active attention. A variety of sleep disorders are always expressed. There is a shingles headache, poor memory, general weakness, discomfort in the body.
  2. Irritable weakness - the second phase. It is characterized by a combination of high irritability and excitability with rapid exhaustion and fatigue. Outbursts of excitation pass quickly, but occur frequently. Characterized by painful intolerance to bright light, noise, loud sounds, strong odors. The person is unable to control their emotions. He complains of absent-mindedness and poor memorization. The mood background is unstable, with a pronounced tendency to depression. Sleep disturbance. Decrease or lack of appetite, exacerbation physiological symptoms, disorders of sexual function.
  3. hyposthenic phase. Exhaustion and weakness predominate. The main symptoms are apathy, lethargy, depression, increased drowsiness. Constant feeling of extreme fatigue. The background of the mood is reduced, anxious, with a significant weakening of interests, the patient is characterized by emotional lability and tearfulness. Frequent hypochondriacal complaints, fixation on their painful sensations.

Features of neurasthenia in children

Neurasthenia in children is usually diagnosed in primary school and adolescence although it also occurs in preschoolers. According to the Ministry of Health, 15 to 25% of schoolchildren suffer from neurasthenia.

The main difference between childhood neurasthenia is that it is usually accompanied by motor disinhibition.

Childhood neurasthenia occurs due to adverse social or psychological conditions most often the wrong pedagogical approach is to blame. If the disease develops due to the general physical weakness of the body, "pseudo-neurasthenia" or false neurasthenia is diagnosed.

Causes of asthenic neurosis in children:

  • acute and chronic psychological trauma;
  • weakening by somatic diseases;
  • wrong attitude of parents and teachers;
  • separation from loved ones, divorce of parents;
  • accentuation of character in adolescents;
  • relocation, placement in a new situation, transfer to another school;
  • increased anxiety;
  • hereditary burden.

Neurasthenia in children is of two types:

  1. Asthenic form (weak type of nervous system) - the child is weakened, shy, whiny. More common in preschoolers.
  2. Hypersthenic form (unbalanced type of nervous system) - the child is very noisy, restless, quick-tempered. Happens more often junior schoolchildren and teenagers.

The diagnosis can be easily established by a neurologist and is based on the patient's complaints and clinical examination.

At clinical examination and diagnosis must be excluded:

  • Availability chronic infections, intoxications, somatic diseases;
  • organic brain damage (tumors, neuroinfections, inflammatory diseases).

The causes of asthenic neurosis often require the attention of a psychotherapist. With neurasthenia, immunity decreases, vision deteriorates, chronic diseases. However, if the cause of the disease is removed, the body gradually recovers. Therefore, only a competent psychotherapist or psychosomatologist can effectively cure the cause and consequences of this disease.


To cure asthenic neurosis, you need to find out and neutralize its cause.

Treatment of neurasthenia of the initial stage:

  • streamlining the daily routine;
  • elimination of the cause of emotional overstrain;
  • general strengthening of the body;
  • being outdoors;
  • autogenic training.

In severe neurosis, it is indicated:

  • hospital treatment;
  • the use of tranquilizers and antidepressants;
  • for cardiovascular disorders - bromine preparations;
  • psychotherapy.

Folk remedies for neurasthenia:

  1. Treatment with plant juices - beet juice with honey.
  2. Treatment with decoctions, tinctures and infusions: from oregano, blackberry, sage, thyme, ginseng root, St. John's wort, viburnum, hawthorn.
  3. teas and medicinal drinks from valerian, chamomile, sweet clover, lemon balm, linden and strawberry, motherwort.
  4. Therapeutic baths - coniferous, with calamus, with bran.
  5. Pranayama is a cleansing breath from yoga.


The prognosis of neurasthenia is favorable. With proper treatment and elimination of the original cause, asthenic neurosis passes without a trace in most cases.

In the video, a psychotherapist talks about how to get rid of neurasthenia without medication:

Neurasthenia is a form of mental disorder belonging to the group of neuroses. Symptoms of neurasthenia are manifested in the form of increased irritability, fatigue, inability to prolonged mental or physical stress.

The main causes of neurasthenia lie, as a rule, in receiving psychological trauma against the background of mental and physical overload, as well as other factors that weaken the body, for example, such as: infections, intoxication, problems with thyroid gland, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, alcohol consumption, smoking and others. Thus, as a prophylaxis of neurasthenia, balanced mode work and rest, a healthy lifestyle, the exclusion of stress and physical overload.

The signs of neurasthenia are diverse, but among them the following most common ones can be distinguished:

  • quick mood swings
  • headache,
  • sleep disorder,
  • lack of attention
  • low mental activity
  • convulsions,
  • indifference to everything
  • noise in ears.

It is customary to distinguish three stages in the course of this disease.

1. Hypersthenic stage

This is the initial stage of the course of the disease. Symptoms of neurasthenia at this stage are expressed in increased mental excitability and a pronounced nervous reaction. Anything can cause irritation: from simple noise to crowds of people. Very quickly, patients get out of a state of nervous and mental balance, shout at others, lose self-control. At this stage, the person experiences problems with concentration, they are unable to concentrate on anything, they are distracted and complain of poor memory. Headaches, a feeling of heaviness in the head, pressure in the temples are also frequent.

2. Irritable weakness

Any, even the most insignificant reason, can provoke violent reactions of irritation that do not last long. Increased excitability can also find its expression in tearfulness, fussiness and impatience. Distinctive symptoms of neurasthenia of this period of the course of the disease are intolerance to pungent odors, loud sounds and bright light. Depression, gloominess, lethargy and indifference also appear, headaches intensify.

3. Hyposthenic stage

The main symptoms of this period are lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, depression, inability to do anything. active actions, complete closure to own feelings and experiences.

How to cure neurasthenia?

There are several approaches to this:

  • medical approach - more aimed at eliminating the consequences of the disease through the use of appropriate medications that facilitate the course of the disease and eliminate symptoms;
  • psychoanalysis, on the other hand, is called upon to reveal what served as the impetus for the emergence and development of the disease.

The combination of both methods of treatment brings the maximum benefit, on the one hand, medical, which can alleviate the suffering of the patient at a particular moment, and on the other hand, psychoanalysis, which will help to get to the bottom of the problem, understanding which it will be possible to prevent the subsequent appearance of the disease.

It is necessary to treat this disease and this must be done by an appropriate specialist psychotherapist, in order to avoid the spillover of this disease into more complex diseases or the acquisition of a chronic disease. The consequences of neurasthenia torment, as a rule, people who have not undergone proper treatment. For example, an irritant reaction to loud noises or strong odors may persist. Depending on the characteristics of a particular individual (for example, persons prone to narcissism or depression), the disease may be difficult to treat and there is a very high probability of its transition to chronic form even with early treatment.

The main causes of neurasthenia lie, as a rule, in getting psychological trauma against the background of mental and physical overload, as well as other factors that weaken the body, such as: infections, intoxication, thyroid problems, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, alcohol consumption , smoking and others. Thus, a balanced regime of work and rest, a healthy lifestyle, and the exclusion of stress and physical overload can serve as a prevention of neurasthenia.

  • quick mood swings
  • headache,
  • sleep disorder,
  • lack of attention
  • low mental activity
  • convulsions,
  • indifference to everything
  • noise in ears.

1. Hypersthenic stage

2. Irritable weakness

Any, even the most insignificant reason, can provoke violent reactions of irritation that do not last long. Increased excitability can also find its expression in tearfulness, fussiness and impatience. Distinctive symptoms of neurasthenia of this period of the course of the disease are intolerance to pungent odors, loud sounds and bright lights. Depression, gloominess, lethargy and indifference also appear, headaches intensify.

3. Hyposthenic stage

The main symptoms of this period are lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, depression, inability to take any active actions, a complete lock on one's own feelings and experiences.

How to cure neurasthenia?

There are several approaches to this:

  • medical approach - more aimed at eliminating the consequences of the disease through the use of appropriate medications that facilitate the course of the disease and eliminate symptoms;
  • psychoanalysis, on the other hand, is called upon to reveal what served as the impetus for the emergence and development of the disease.

The combination of both methods of treatment brings the maximum benefit, on the one hand, medical, which can alleviate the suffering of the patient at a particular moment, and on the other hand, psychoanalysis, which will help to get to the bottom of the problem, understanding which it will be possible to prevent the subsequent appearance of the disease.

It is necessary to treat this disease and this must be done by an appropriate specialist psychotherapist, in order to avoid the spillover of this disease into more complex diseases or the acquisition of a chronic disease. The consequences of neurasthenia torment, as a rule, people who have not undergone proper treatment. For example, an irritant reaction to loud noises or strong odors may persist. Depending on the characteristics of a particular person (for example, people prone to narcissism or depression), the disease can be difficult to treat and the likelihood of it becoming chronic is very high, even with timely treatment.

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Cause of increased sensitivity to sounds

With increased sensitivity to the sounds of a person, children's voices, a car horn, a working vacuum cleaner, the sound of a closing door, the sound of dishes and much more can irritate. These sounds, as a rule, not only cause discomfort in the ears, but also lead to painful sensations. Increased sound sensitivity is accompanied by severe sound intolerance, nervousness and sleep disturbance. These people are very hard to find. mutual language with those around them, they are constantly driven to despair or frenzy by the slightest rustle, even such as the buzzing of a fly. The even ticking of a clock for a person suffering from hyperacusis turns into a real chiming clock, and someone's quiet nighttime sniffing or snoring can lead to a state of rage and anger.

Increased auditory sensitivity

Quite strong compensatory mechanisms operate in the human nervous system. Simply put, if damage to the outer, middle or inner ear occurs, the auditory system tries to normalize reduced amount information that enters the central regions, using the amplification effect in the auditory pathways. Sounds that should normally be tolerated become unbearable and often cause ear pain and discomfort.

With increased sensitivity to sounds, normal life becomes almost impossible. As a result, many people are forced to abandon the profession of a musician, educator or teacher, as well as limit contacts with other people. Hearing hypersensitivity in itself is not a disease. This is a loss of balance between such processes of the auditory pathways as amplification and inhibition. This phenomenon causes a reconfiguration of auditory processes, resulting in a decrease in excitation thresholds.

It is necessary to understand how often increased auditory sensitivity manifests itself. According to the research, it is known that in 40% of all cases, excessive hearing sensitivity occurs in parallel with tinnitus or hearing loss. However, in some cases, the pathology can manifest itself independently; at present, a similar syndrome is diagnosed in 15% of middle-aged people.

Causes of increased sound sensitivity

Hyperacusis often occurs as a result of a malfunction auditory analyzer. This condition is often seen in acute stage pathological processes such as meningitis, traumatic brain injury, encephalitis and cerebrovascular problems. If hyperacusis develops in childhood, it causes very great suffering to the child. Such children sleep so sensitively that they wake up even from a slight rustle. Over time, they begin to develop an intolerance to certain sounds, which can cause headaches, dizziness, or nausea.

Children's hyperacusis can be partial or complete. In the first case, irritability appears for a certain interval, a sound range or a strong volume. With complete hyperacusis, the child cannot tolerate only too loud sounds. More often, this condition is temporary and manifests itself only as a result of the influence of sounds of a certain tonality. Hyperacusia can be caused by sounds of any tone, while painful perception can be both unilateral and bilateral.

The cause of increased sensitivity to sounds may also lie in the lesion. facial nerve or ear diseases of an inflammatory nature. Often this condition provokes paralysis of the stapedial muscle, which develops as a result of damage to the facial nerve. There are cases when an increase in sound sensitivity is the culmination of an attack of Meniere's disease. There is a high probability of progression of hyperacusis with the development of pathological processes in the brain, mainly with tumor-like formations of the midbrain and thalamus. In such cases, the symptoms of hypersensitivity to sounds are accompanied by general hyperpathy and hyperesthesia on the side opposite the pathological process.

In diseases of a neurological nature, the main cause of the disease is urgently eliminated with the help of sedatives and relaxation procedures. If the cause of sound intolerance lies in pathological processes, which are rapidly developing in the body, it is advisable to carry out a physiotherapeutic effect on the areas of the middle and outer ear.

For therapeutic purposes, the fluctuorization procedure is used, in which the effect of sinusoidal currents of low voltage and low strength occurs, which randomly change. Such manipulations have a resolving, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and symmetrically fluctuating currents reduce swelling.

Is loud noise intolerance a disease? What and how to treat it?

Hearing sensitivity is a feeling of discomfort in the ears that is provoked by loud and annoying sounds from the outside world. Many people experience negative emotions only at very loud noises, but there are those who try to avoid even less intense noises. Each person has a specific reason for increased sensitivity to sounds, the most serious risk factors are: autism, meningitis, migraine and neurological diseases.

Painful perception of sounds is called hyperacusis, a condition in which even weak sounds are perceived as excessively intense. In especially severe cases, hyperacusis is very painfully tolerated by a sick person. Everything begins to irritate him, pronounced reactions of a neurotic nature appear, which prevent him from adequately perceiving the world around him and performing his usual current work.

With increased sensitivity to the sounds of a person, they can.

There are several conditions that are referred to as sound intolerance:

Hyperacusia is a painful condition in which any sound, even the faintest, is perceived as too intense. Habitual sounds not only irritate and cause a feeling of discomfort, but also develop painful sensations, nervousness, and sleep disturbances.

For people with hyperacusis, any sound can cause aggressiveness, such as snoring, the buzzing of a fly, the ticking of a clock, the slightest rustle at night. The mechanism of development of hyperacusis

Hyperacusis is not an independent disease! According to the mechanism of development, hyperacusis is an imbalance between the intensification and inhibition of processes in the auditory pathways. As a result, there is a decrease in the thresholds of excitation and the usual sounds become unbearable.

The main cause of the development of hyperacusis are diseases of the outer, middle and inner ear. With this pathology, it becomes almost impossible to lead a normal life.

Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis) is a common mental disorder from the group of neuroses. It manifests itself in increased fatigue, irritability, inability to prolonged stress (physical or mental).

Asthenic neurosis is most often found in young men, but it also occurs in women. It develops with prolonged physical or emotional overstrain, prolonged conflicts or frequent stressful situations, personal tragedies.

The reasons

somatic diseases; endocrine disorders; chronic sleep deprivation; insufficient.

Asks: Healthy:22:37)

Hello! For a percentage of years I have been suffering from the problem of Misophonia, information about which has finally appeared on the vastness of the Russian Internet, since this problem has long been known abroad. The problem is sometimes very difficult and many people, including me, now need help on the Internet. there are already more than 100 people, this is certainly not 8000, for example, as in a similar one on Facebook, but still.

The problem is intolerance to a huge number of sounds, as well as derivatives from it, such as visual, olfactory and tactile stimuli. It’s hard to live with this. They say that they haven’t found a 100 percent cure yet, but I hope that someone can solve this

I can say that most likely it is based on psychological trauma, stress, etc. Such psychosomatics.

Here, very briefly. Please help with advice or what anyone can.

Complaints of misophonia (or intolerance to certain sounds) are easy to ignore because we all, to one degree or another, have a list of sounds that we "just can't stand." However, a small group of people do have a serious problem that seriously affects their lives. Individual sounds that play the role of a “trigger” can cause them to have a “fight or flight” reaction, outbursts of rage, or simply make them avoid them and thereby miss an important part of life. A group of audiologists has been working for several years on the examination and treatment of patients with misophonia, based on knowledge about tinnitus and sound therapy.

The term "Misophonia" was introduced ten years ago by Dr. Pavel Yastrebov. It is one of the varieties of reduced tolerance for sounds. What is it - a psychological or auditory disorder, or maybe both? Psychologists, audiologists, and even doctors often dismiss it or are at a loss as to what to do with patients who exhibit such a strange set.

The signs of neurasthenia are diverse, but among them the following most common ones can be distinguished:

rapid mood swings, headache, sleep disturbance, lack of attention, low mental activity, convulsions, indifference to everything, tinnitus.

It is customary to distinguish three stages in the course of this disease.

1. Hypersthenic stage

This is the initial stage of the course of the disease. Symptoms of neurasthenia at this stage are expressed in increased mental excitability and a pronounced nervous reaction. Anything can cause irritation: from simple noise to crowds of people. Very quickly, patients get out of a state of nervous and mental balance, shout at others, lose self-control. At this stage, the person experiences problems with concentration, they are unable to concentrate on anything, they are distracted and complain of poor memory. Headaches, a feeling of heaviness in the head, pressure in the temples are also frequent.

2. Irritable weakness

Anyone, even the most.

Neurosis is the collective name for reversible psychogenic disorders, which are characterized by a protracted course. In medicine, there is still no definite designation of this disease, therefore, neurosis is considered as a functional disorder of higher nervous activity.

It is quite difficult to answer the question of what exactly can be disturbing in neurosis. Because pain manifests itself in different ways.

With neurosis, very often a person is tormented by pain in the heart, head, abdomen, back, muscles and other organs. This brings discomfort and discomfort not only physically, but also psychologically.

The patient often has to run from one doctor to another, take tests and conduct examinations, until he finally gets to a psychotherapist.

There are different causes of neuroses. These are chronic stressful situations, psychological trauma, overwork, aggression and conflicts in the family.

According to modern medical statistics, up to 30% of the world's population complains of certain hearing problems. Most often, these are complaints about tinnitus, a specific “ticking”, a feeling of congestion, or how something presses on the ears from the inside. Sometimes these discomforts are accompanied by nausea, dizziness and headaches. All this suggests that the patient needs to urgently visit a medical facility.

Typical symptoms that accompany pressure on the ears from the inside

Presses the ears from the inside - symptoms

Such symptoms can occur in people of all ages - from children to very old people. They are in no way associated with age-related changes in the body (with the exception of a number of diseases caused by age-related tissue degeneration and impaired functioning of the hearing organs, as well as the human vascular system).

The feeling that something is pressing on the ears from the inside, a feeling.

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In the last 20 years, most researchers have classified Meniere's disease as a nosological unit, however, many questions about its essence, initial manifestations, patterns of clinical course and outcomes remain in the focus of attention of otolaryngologists.

The relevance of the development of guidelines for the diagnosis of Meniere's disease is due to the fact that recently new methods for diagnosing the disease have been created, treatment methods have been optimized, and classification issues that are of interest to practical healthcare have been clarified. At the same time, it should be noted that the features of hearing loss and balance in Meniere's disease usually often and for a long time impair the ability to work and often lead to the patient's disability.

This paper presents the most modern methodological recommendations for general clinical and special.

What signs can signal the disease and what you need to do if you suspect that your child has meningitis.

Did you hear the word meningitis from the lips of a doctor and a wave of emotions swept over you? You need to pull yourself together. Yes, meningitis poses a real threat to a child's life and gives a high likelihood of complications, but this disease is being treated today! Under one, but very important condition: if you do not waste time and immediately go to the hospital!

From sick to healthy

Bacteria (meningococcus, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococcus), viruses (mumps, enterovirus), fungi (candida), even helminths can cause meningitis!

Often, the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets through infected droplets of mucus that are released from the patient's nasopharynx. Then the infection penetrates into the blood, the cranial cavity and there causes inflammation of the meninges of the brain. This is meningitis. More often it is picked up by children who have had it.

Neurosis refers to a number of reversible mental disorders. There are several types of neurosis, accompanied by various symptoms. According to statistics, one fifth of the entire population of the world suffers from neurosis of varying severity. The disease is often accompanied by asthenic syndrome and leads to a decrease in the patient's performance.

Causes of neuroses

The primary causes of neurosis are the mental overstrain of the patient. This happens as a result of prolonged exposure to stress, excessive worries and emotional tension. The nervous system needs a good rest, and if it is not provided in time, the patient develops a neurosis.

The destructive influence of stress leads to exhaustion of the nervous system. The risk group is made up of people who are concerned about their own career. Long-term work "for wear and tear", without the opportunity to fully rest and relax, leads to an overstrain of the nervous system, its further.

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via the Internet

Before asking a question, please read the rules for providing consultations by GUTA-CLINIC doctors via the Internet.

1. Want to get expert advice? Use the internal search on the site - perhaps the answer that will help you clarify the situation is already on our site. Try to formulate the request as clearly and simply as possible - there are more chances that you will find exactly what you need.

2. Doctors of "GUTA-CLINIC" reserve the right not to comment on the appointments of other doctors. All questions about the prescribed treatment should be addressed only to the specialist you are seeing.

3. Even if you describe your symptoms and complaints very accurately, the specialist will not diagnose you over the Internet. A doctor's consultation is of a general nature and in no case cancels the need for a face-to-face visit to the doctor. Without laboratory diagnostics and instrumental.

Asthenic syndrome may be the result of prolonged emotional or intellectual overstrain, as well as many mental illness. Asthenia often occurs after acute infectious and noncommunicable diseases, intoxications (for example, poisoning), craniocerebral injuries.

signs asthenic syndrome

With asthenia, patients have irritable weakness, expressed by increased excitability, easily changing mood, irascibility, which intensifies in the afternoon and evening. The mood is lowered all the time, the patients are capricious, tearful, constantly express their displeasure to others.

For asthenic syndrome is also characterized by intolerance to bright light, loud sounds, pungent odors. Often there are headaches, sleep disturbance.

Good afternoon. I have the following problem: always annoyed extraneous sounds, both monotonous (I can endure the dripping of water from a tap for two seconds, then if I don’t turn off the tap, I can go crazy), and just extraneous noises. When at home they turned on the TV or music loudly, when they carried a vacuum cleaner. I found a way out, moved to a separate apartment, settled down. But then new neighbors appeared from above. I work from home, so from 8 am to night I can hear them making noise. We have very thin floors, walls, ceilings. I hear how they walk, how they move furniture, knock something, how a child runs. Yes, you can change housing, but I already realized to myself that this is a global problem, don’t change housing, I will still be annoyed by sounds! In the summer, the sounds of children's voices on the street are infuriating, or if the music is playing from the car (and this is almost everywhere). What do I mean by "enrage": at first I'm just very nervous, then it starts almost shaking, hysterical, I can cry, beat with my hands.

Pain in the head as a symptom

“My head hurts” is one of the most common complaints at the doctor’s office. She also tops the list of complaints in patients diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Headache and accompanying discomfort (dizziness, heaviness in the head) are a general medical problem. These symptoms may be the result various processes vascular, traumatic, inflammatory or tumor nature, occurring in the head area, and the manifestation various diseases bodily or psychological nature.

If a person often has a headache, this should be taken carefully, because. a similar symptom may be a manifestation of cerebrovascular disease. it serious illness, in which the blood supply to certain parts of the brain is disturbed. The most common forms of this disease are cerebral embolism and cerebral thrombosis. A rupture of a cerebral vessel may also occur, in this case.

lactose intolerance. This term is familiar to some mothers of newborn babies, as well as those whose body cannot normally perceive dairy food.

What is this disease? What are its causes and symptoms? How to overcome the disease? And is there any way to prevent it from happening?

All this (and much more) you will find in our article!

What is lactose

Lactose is a carbohydrate found in milk and dairy products, sometimes called milk sugar. For human body it is very important and helpful.

For example, lactose stimulates the formation of beneficial bifidobacteria, activates the production of vitamins C and B, promotes the absorption of calcium and serves as a source of energy.

Also given organic matter can be used as food supplement to improve the taste and quality of products such as toffee, marmalade, chocolate and even sausage.

Lactose is often consumed in medicinal purposes, for example, during the production of penicillin.

Nervous irritation, or why sounds annoyed me

Nervous irritation. Oh, I've known this disease for a long time. Have you seen people who are constantly wearing headphones, and from them roaring music rushes to the fullest? In transport, in a cafe, on a walk. More recently, I was exactly the same. Why did the sounds annoy me? Then I didn't know. But I could not live without headphones - I needed them always and everywhere. To isolate yourself from everyone, to close. And if suddenly they weren’t found in the bag, I had real panic attacks and nervous irritation on everyone around me and everything that happens around me.

What, you can't carry a handkerchief with you? - I thought angrily, if a cold person sat down next to me, now and then sniffing.

What, mom didn’t teach you to behave culturally? I freaked out when I got stuck in line at the clinic next to a person who was chewing gum all over the corridor.

Oh my God, not this scum! I screamed to myself when I saw a person approaching, crunching popcorn or spitting sunflower seeds - these people were my number one enemy.

And although hatred and nervous irritation bubbled in my soul, I never said anything out loud. Why do sounds annoy me so much? This question always receded into the background, in the center of everything was nervous irritation!

A hundred thousand times I repeated curses to myself in the direction of that scoundrel who irritated me, and this brought me to the point that my heart began to pound nervously and my hands trembled, but to speak. I couldn't say! After all, all the same, others are silent, endure (I thought so), which means I should do the same - behave nicely and intelligently, and shove my nervous tension. deeper. And then, when the sound stimulus left, she continued to rage for a long time and thought: “I should have told you how to behave!” These thoughts burned me without a trace, they tormented me - my nerves were shattered to the limit.

Why are sounds so annoying and how to deal with it?

And it was in such situations that I came to the rescue loud music in headphones. It gave relief to my ears, and I simply closed my eyes so as not to see this irritating, unpleasant world for me. And since every year there were more and more irritants, the headphones became literally like poured into my body - I almost never parted with them. They were either in a bag, or on a shelf near the bed, or on the desktop. Is always. With no exceptions. They were my cure for nervous irritation and hatred of others, which I found it difficult to cope with.

I can't call myself a music fan. And when choosing what to record in the player for listening, I always had one priority - something louder. Of course, the reason for my “love” for music was that I wanted to drown out the world around me, which terribly annoyed and infuriated.

Nervous irritation from sounds can disappear by itself? Tested in my own skin - yes!

A year ago, I took a training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan - the lecturer mentioned many times that sound engineers should in no case close themselves off from the outside world with headphones, this leads to a complete disconnection from the outside world. Every day it becomes harder and harder for such a person to live, this leads to even greater illnesses and nervous irritation, and then to emotional exhaustion, depression.

When I heard this for the first time, I was horrified, how could I refuse the greatest, in my then understanding, invention of the world - little tiny things in which music rumbles and relieves nervous irritation? I was sure that it would never be such that I could be without them in public place. Yes, my hands began to shake if I could not get them out of my bag fast enough and stick them in my ears! And then they offer me to part with them forever? Yes, this can not be! But with each new lecture, especially on the sound vector, already at the second level of training, I caught myself thinking that I understand that this is true: headphones are main reason my rising nervous tension.

After Yuri Burlan's training lectures, I discovered a completely different type of attitude - I began to understand people better. Time passed, I changed jobs. Life turned and ran. The sounds gradually began to annoy me less, I no longer experienced such nervous tension as before.

It so happened that I began to travel less public transport. And somehow by chance I needed headphones less and less, there was simply no surrounding irritant. But I still took them with me just in case. It often happened that the irritant appeared nearby, but I kept myself from putting on the headphones. If the situation became unbearable (rarely, but this happened), I simply moved away from the irritant, for example, got off at a bus stop, and quickly forgot about it. This worked out pretty easily for me. Perhaps the reason was that I began to understand why the sounds annoyed me. Irritability was associated with a stressful skin vector, the stress of which manifests itself precisely in a suffocating nerve irritation. The problem is that with an empty sound vector, other vectors cannot be realized - and here is the result, a terrible tension that exhausts, kills the remnants of nerve cells, and binds the rest into a shaking tangle of hatred. Having filled the sound vector, I had the opportunity to understand and realize desires in the skin vector, to experience a feeling of happiness and satisfaction from life.

Why did the sounds annoy me? The main thing is that today they are no longer annoying!

Surprisingly, today I don't remember where my headphones are. I, exactly the person whose hands once shook, was torn to pieces from nervous irritation when these same headphones, as luck would have it, got tangled, and next to me was a person whose nose sounds made me furious, NOW I CAN LIVE WITHOUT HEADPHONES. And without nervous irritation.

And this life is wonderful!

If I succeeded, then you will even succeed in getting rid of nervous irritation. And you will definitely be able to answer the question “Why do sounds annoy me?” or something else annoying. It's simple. Sign up for free trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan by going through a simple registration, and after the first 2 classes, a lot will become obvious to you.

You can watch the lectures right now - follow this link and watch any video.

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