Pedagogy of primary education as a science about the upbringing, training and development of a younger student. Pedagogy of elementary school: textbook

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The main pedagogical concepts expressing scientific generalizations are usually called pedagogical categories. These include: upbringing, training, education. Pedagogy also widely operates with such general scientific categories as development and formation.

Education purposeful and organized process of personality formation. In pedagogy, this concept is used in a broad philosophical and social sense and in a narrower pedagogical sense.

IN philosophical sense education is the adaptation of a person to the environment and conditions of existence. If a person has adapted to the environment in which he exists, he has grown up. It does not matter, under the influence and with the help of what forces he succeeded, whether he himself came to the realization of the need for the most expedient behavior or he was helped. No matter how much education he receives, it will be enough for him for the rest of his life.

Another thing is what will be the quality of this life. It takes a lot of education to be good. To vegetate in the backyards of civilization, it is enough to understand simple connections. Without the help of qualified educators, a person achieves little, and remaining outside the field of education, only a little resembles a person. The remark that without education he remains just a biological being is not entirely true.

In the social sense, education is the transfer of accumulated experience from older generations to younger ones. Experience is understood as knowledge, skills, ways of thinking known to people, moral, ethical, legal norms, in a word, the spiritual heritage of mankind created in the process of historical development. Everyone who comes to this world joins the achievements of civilization, which is achieved by the method of education. Mankind survived, grew stronger and reached the modern level of development thanks to education, thanks to the fact that the experience gained by previous generations was used and multiplied by subsequent ones. History knows cases when experience was lost, the river of education dried up. Then people turned out to be thrown far back in their development and were forced to restore the lost links of their culture anew; bitter fate and hard work awaited these people.

The historical development of society irrefutably proves that great successes in their development have always been achieved by those peoples whose education was better placed, because it is the engine of the social process.

Education is historical. It arose together with human society, becoming an organic part of its development, and will exist as long as society exists. That is why education is a general and eternal category.

Education is carried out not only by professional teachers in preschool and school institutions. IN modern society there is a whole range of institutions that direct their efforts to education: families, the media, literature, art, labor collectives, law enforcement agencies. Therefore, in the social sense, education is understood as a directed impact on a person by public institutions in order to form certain knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, moral values, political orientations, and preparation for life.

Who is most responsible for education? Is it right to blame only the school and teachers for the still frequent failures of education, if the possibilities and strength of the educational influence of many social institutions exceed the modest possibilities of educational institutions? Try to find answers to these questions in the group discussion at the seminar.

In the presence of many educational forces, the success of education can only be achieved through strict coordination of the actions of all social institutions involved in it (Fig. 1). With inconsistent influences, the child is exposed to strong versatile influences, which can make it impossible to achieve a common goal. Education is directed by educational institutions (institutions).

Rice. 1. Correlation between pedagogical categories

In a broad pedagogical sense, education is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled influence on a student in order to form the given qualities in him, carried out in the family and educational institutions. In a narrow pedagogical sense, education is the process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

In pedagogy, as in other social sciences, the concept of education is often used to refer to individual cycles of a holistic educational process. They say "physical education", "aesthetic education".

Education is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, the result of which is the assimilation of knowledge, skills, the formation of a worldview, the development of mental strength, talents and capabilities in accordance with the goals set.

The basis of training is knowledge, skills and abilities. Knowledge is a person's reflection of objective reality in the form of facts, concepts and laws of science. They represent the collective experience of mankind, the result of the knowledge of objective reality. Skills willingness to consciously and independently perform practical and theoretical actions based on acquired knowledge, life experience and acquired skills. Skills are components of practical activity, manifested in the performance of actions brought to perfection through repeated exercise.

Communicating this or that knowledge to students, teachers always give them the necessary orientation, forming, as it were along the way, but in fact very thoroughly, the most important worldview, social, ideological, moral and other qualities. Therefore, education is educative. In the same way, any upbringing contains elements of learning. Teaching educate, educate teach.

Education the result of learning. In the literal sense, it means the formation of the image of a well-trained, educated, intelligent person. Education a system of knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking accumulated in the process of learning, which the student has mastered. It is the system, and not the volume (set) of disparate information, that characterizes an educated person. Primary school provides its graduates with primary (elementary) education. The main criterion of education is the consistency of knowledge and thinking. Then the student is able to think independently, restore the missing links with the help of logical reasoning.

It is very important to understand that education is not something that is given, but something that is taken, obtained by everyone independently. “Development and education cannot be given or communicated to any person. Anyone who wishes to partake of them must achieve this by his own activity, his own strength, his own exertion. From the outside, he can only get excited…”, wrote A. Diesterweg.

Depending on the amount of knowledge gained and the level of independent thinking achieved, primary, secondary and higher education are distinguished. According to the nature and orientation, it is divided into general, professional and polytechnic.

Primary education aims to lay the foundations for the future education of a person, which in modern conditions continues throughout life. The child should be taught to read, write, count, coherently and competently express thoughts, reason logically, draw the right conclusions. Literacy education is accompanied by intensive education - moral, physical, aesthetic, labor, legal, economic, environmental. Upbringing at this age is the prevailing process and subordinates learning and education. If a person is not brought up as he should be, giving him knowledge is both useless and dangerous, because knowledge in this case is a sword in the hands of a madman.

General education provides knowledge of the fundamentals of the sciences of nature, society, man, forms a worldview, develops cognitive abilities. Obtaining a general education ends with an understanding of the basic patterns of development of processes in the world around a person, the acquisition of the necessary training and labor skills, various skills.

Vocational education equips with knowledge, skills and abilities in a certain area. The primary pre-professional and vocational schools train highly skilled workers, while the secondary and higher schools train specialists of medium and higher qualifications for various branches of the national economy.

Polytechnic education introduces the basic principles of modern production, equips with the skills of handling the simplest tools that are used in everyday life and Everyday life.

Formation the process of becoming a person as a social being under the influence of all factors without exception environmental, social, economic, ideological, psychological, etc. Education is one of the most important, but not the only factor in the formation of personality. Formation implies a certain completeness of the qualities of the human personality, the level of maturity, stability.

Development is the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in a person. It is associated with constant changes, transitions from one state to another, ascent from simple to complex, from lower to higher. In human development, the action of the universal law of mutual transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, and vice versa, is quite clearly manifested.

Personal development the most complicated process objective reality. For an in-depth study of modern science followed the path of differentiation of the components of development, highlighting the physical, mental, spiritual, social and other aspects in it. Pedagogy studies the problems of the spiritual development of the individual in close connection with them.

The main pedagogical concepts include such rather general ones as self-education, self-development, pedagogical process, pedagogical interaction, products of pedagogical activity, social formation, pedagogical technologies, educational innovations. We will consider them in the context of studying special issues.

Let's draw conclusions. The main pedagogical concepts are interrelated upbringing, training, education, development and formation. In the real pedagogical process, they are all present at the same time: by teaching we educate, by educating we form a personality, and as a result we ensure the development of all the necessary qualities.

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This topic belongs to:

Pedagogy of elementary school: textbook

The subject and tasks of pedagogy. General patterns of development. Age features of children. pedagogical process. Essence and content of training. Teaching motivation. Principles and rules of teaching. Teaching methods. Types and forms of education. Educational process at school. Methods and forms of education. Personally-oriented education. Small school. Diagnosis at school. Teacher elementary school.

This material includes sections:

Pedagogy the science of education

The emergence and development of pedagogy

Basic concepts of pedagogy

Pedagogical currents

System of Pedagogical Sciences

Methods of pedagogical research

Personal development process

Heredity and environment

Development and education

The principle of natural conformity

Activities and personal development

Introduction to the pedagogical activity of the teacher

Chapter 6

primary school

Word "pedagogy" in Greek means "children" or "child science".

Pedagogy primary education −− science of the upbringing, education and development of a child from 7 to 10-11 years old, a special specific area public life related:

with the development of the first socially significant role - the status of a student with his own range of rights and obligations to society;

with the formation of a new type of leading activity;

with a significant restructuring of the entire logic of mental development.

The founder of the pedagogy of primary education as a branch of pedagogy is Ya. A. Komensky (1592 - 1670). His main work "Great Didactics" is one of the first scientific and pedagogical books. Many ideas about the education, upbringing and development of children of primary school age not only have not lost their relevance, their scientific significance even today. The principles, methods, and forms of education proposed by Ya. A. Comenius (the principle of conformity to nature, the classroom system) were included in the golden fund of classical pedagogical theory.

The English philosopher and educator John Locke (1632−1704) focused on the problems of education. In his main work, "Thoughts on Education", he sets out his views on the education of a gentleman - a man who is physically and spiritually whole, self-confident, combining broad education with business qualities, harmoniously combining personal and public interests.

J.J. Rousseau (1712-1776) in his book "Emile, or on Education" presented an interesting concept of teaching and educating children. His recommendations: “in the learning process, a student should always be put in the position of a researcher who, as it were, unearths scientific truths”; it is necessary to teach everyone not the same thing, but what is interesting to a particular person, what corresponds to his inclinations, etc., correspond to today's problems that the elementary school solves.

Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746−1827) made a significant contribution to the pedagogy of primary education. In his book "Lingard and Gertrude" G. Pestalozzi offered teachers a progressive theory of teaching and educating students.

I.F. Herbart (1776−1841) in the "Outline of Lectures on Pedagogy" substantiates the main idea of ​​educative education: the modifications that exist in the child's soul of representation can influence the child's behavior, develop his multilateral interests, influence the formation of his inner freedom, contribute to the formation of his perfection, goodwill, justice.

In the Guide for German Teachers, A. Diesterweg (1790−1866) highlights the most important principles for elementary school: natural conformity, cultural conformity, amateur performance. In education, the main task, according to A. Diesterweg, is to ensure the independent development of innate inclinations, etc.

A huge contribution to the development of world, domestic pedagogy, as well as the pedagogy of primary education was made by K. D. Ushinsky (1824−1870). In the pedagogical system of K. D. Ushinsky, the doctrine of the goals, principles, and essence of education occupies a leading place. The leading role in the pedagogical process, he believed, belongs to the school, the teacher.

Ideas about the upbringing, development and formation of the child's personality were revealed in the works of N. A. Dobrolyubov, N. I. Pirogov, L. N. Tolstoy and were reflected in the pedagogy of primary education. A great contribution to the development of the pedagogy of primary education was made by the scientists N. K. Krupskaya, A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

In the 40-60s, under the leadership of M. A. Danilov (1899–1973), the concept of an elementary school was created (“Tasks and Features of Primary Education”, 1943). He wrote the book "The Role of Primary School in the Mental and Moral Development of Man" (1947), prepared recommendations for organizing the educational process in primary school. Russian teachers still rely on them today.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the ideas of developmental education were actively developed in scientific laboratories under the direction of L. V. Zankov and under the direction of D. . Elkonin and V.V. Davydov.

At the end of the 1980s, a movement began in Russia for the renewal and restructuring of the school. Collaborative pedagogy primarily touched the elementary school. The works and ideas of Sh. A. Amonashvili, S. L. Soloveichik, S. N. Lysenkova, and others received a fairly wide response in our country.

Based on the ideas of pre-revolutionary teachers, teachers of the socialist period, as well as modern researchers, new technologies for primary education are being developed, and progress has also been made in the field of creating more advanced methods of education. The new Russian school has a certain vector of development - humanistic personality-oriented education and training.

In the definition places of pedagogy in the system of scientific knowledge Three points of view have been established:

a Pedagogy is an interdisciplinary field of human knowledge that studies a variety of objects of reality (space, culture, politics, etc.). In fact, this approach denies that pedagogy has its own field of study;

a Pedagogy is an applied discipline. Its purpose is to use data from other sciences (psychology, sociology, natural science, etc.) to solve the problems of upbringing, training or education. In this case, pedagogy is a set of disparate ideas about individual aspects of pedagogical phenomena.

a Pedagogy is a relatively independent science that has its own object and subject of study. This point of view, argued in the works of V. V. Kraevsky, is productive for science and practice, as it opens up opportunities for scientific understanding of the issues of upbringing, training and education.

For the first time, the idea of ​​the specifics of the object of pedagogy was formulated by A. S. Makarenko. In 1922 he noted that object of scientific pedagogy is a "pedagogical fact (phenomenon)".

Modern research specify that “the objects of pedagogy are those phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society. These phenomena were called "education" (V. A. Slastenin). Thus, object of pedagogy how science is education as a social (public) phenomenon.

V.V. Kraevsky writes: “The object of pedagogy is education as a special kind of purposeful activity to prepare human beings for participation in the life of society, consisting of upbringing and training activities and carried out in the interests of the individual, society and the state.” The subject of pedagogy (according to V. V. Kraevsky) is a system of relations arising in the activity that is the object of pedagogical science.

Thus, subject of pedagogy primary education is the study of the system of relations that arises in the activities of training and education to prepare younger students for participation in the life of society, carried out in the interests of the child, society and the state.

In the pedagogy of primary education, it is necessary to highlight pedagogical science And teaching practice. If the first is engaged in theoretical research, then the second, using the achievements of the theory, the results of scientific research, organizes the training, education and development of younger students. At the same time, they perform certain functions: descriptive, explanatory, diagnostic, prognostic, design-constructive, transformative, reflective-corrective.

The development of primary education pedagogy as a science and practice has a significant impact on the formation of new approaches to the development of the personality of a younger student in the process of education and upbringing and sets a new vision of the educational process in secondary school.

Main tasks pedagogy of primary education are:

1. Accumulation and systematization of scientific knowledge about education in the educational process.

2. Justification of the patterns of education, training and development of children of primary school age.

3. Based on the studied patterns, the development of content, methods, techniques, technologies for student-centered education of children of primary school age.

Pedagogy of primary education as a science is closely connected with other human sciences and, above all, with philosophy.

Philosophy is the foundation, the methodological basis of pedagogical science. It defines the goals of education, comprehension of the essence of man, the laws of development of nature and society.

The main philosophical directions at present are: pragmatism, neopragmatism, neopositivism, scientism, existentialism, neo-Thomism, behaviorism, dialectical and historical materialism.

Closely and directly linked pedagogy with anatomy and physiology. They form the basis for understanding the biological essence of a person - the development of his higher nervous activity and the typological features of the nervous system, the first and second signal systems, the development and functioning of the sense organs, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Of particular importance for pedagogy is psychology, studying the patterns of development of the psyche, neoplasms of age, sensitive periods in the development of certain mental functions, etc. In addition, the theory of learning is built on the basis of the theory of knowledge, psychological theories of learning and mental development; theory of education - based on personality theories.

The links between the pedagogy of primary education and history and literature, geography and anthropology, medicine and ecology, economics and sociology are expanding.

In the system of pedagogical sciences, the pedagogy of primary education occupies a special place - the processes of education and training are most intensive in childhood.

The main pedagogical concepts expressing scientific generalizations, the most essential properties and relations of a certain phenomenon of reality are called categories.

Pedagogy of primary education operates with the following categories: upbringing, training, education, and also relies on general scientific categories - development, formation, formation.

Upbringing(in the social sense) - the transfer of accumulated experience from older generations to younger ones. That is why education has a historical character. It arose together with human society, became an organic part of its life and development, and will exist as long as society exists. That is why education is a general and eternal category.

In a broader pedagogical sense upbringing - a specially organized, purposeful impact on the student in order to form the given qualities in him, carried out in the family and educational institutions.

Upbringing in a narrow pedagogical sense - a process, the result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

Education- a specially organized, purposeful and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, the result of which is the assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills, the formation of a worldview, the development of mental strength, abilities and capabilities of students in accordance with the goals set.

Education- a system of knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking accumulated in the process of learning, which the student has mastered. The main criterion of education is systemic knowledge and systematic thinking.

Development- the process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the body, psyche, intellectual and spiritual sphere of a person, due to the influence of external and internal factors, controllable and uncontrollable. Development is the process of moving from simple to complex, from lower to higher.

Formation- the process of becoming a person as a social being under the influence of all factors without exception: environmental, social, economic, ideological, psychological, etc. Formation implies a certain completeness of the personality, the achievement of a level of maturity, stability.

Russian word "educator" comes from the basis of the word “nourish”, therefore the words “educate” and “nourish” are not without reason accepted as synonyms.

Even Socrates called professional teachers "obstetricians of thought", his doctrine of pedagogical skill is called "Maieutics", which means "midwife" in translation. The ability to help a child in solving complex life problems, including educational ones, is denoted by the term "facilitation".

concept "teacher" appeared later, when mankind had an understanding of the need to transfer knowledge, skills and abilities as a universal value.

The teaching profession belongs both to the class of transformative and to the class of managing professions at the same time. The subject of his activity is the management and transformation of the personality of another person, his intellect, emotional-volitional sphere, spiritual world. Organizing the process of education and upbringing, the teacher, on the one hand, must have special knowledge, skills in a certain area, on the other hand, establish relationships with the people he manages. In connection with the "double subject" of pedagogical work, the originality of the pedagogical profession is determined.

The teaching profession has two functions - adaptive And humanistic. The adaptive function is associated with the adaptation of the student, pupil to the specific requirements of the modern socio-cultural situation. The humanistic function is connected with the development of his personality, creative individuality.

A description of the functions of a primary school teacher is given by I. P. Podlasy, based on the “core of pedagogical work” - the management of those processes that accompany the process of becoming a person. At the stage of setting the goal of pedagogical activity, the following functions should be implemented: diagnostic, forecasting, design, planning. At the stage of realization of intentions, the teacher performs informational, organizational, control And corrective function. At the final stage of the pedagogical cycle, the teacher performs analytical function.

Teacher Requirements is a system of professional abilities and personality traits that determine the success of pedagogical activity. The main general pedagogical ability of the teacher V.A. Krutetsky believes disposition to children. Next, he highlights personal abilities, which include:

· didactic abilities - associated with the transfer of information to schoolchildren, the formation of their active, independent creative thinking;

· academic abilities - knowledge, skills of the teacher related to the taught subject;

· expressive speech abilities - correct, competent, emotional speech;

The ability to distribution of attention.

An important role in pedagogical activity is played by the ability to master the teaching profession. talent, vocation, inclinations.

Many researchers consider diligence, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, organization, the desire to constantly improve the quality of their work, etc. to be important professional qualities of a teacher. Of particular importance for the teaching profession are the human qualities of a teacher. Among these qualities are humanity, kindness, decency, honesty, respect for people, justice, self-criticism, self-control, etc.

Questions and tasks

1. Expand the essence, role and place of pedagogy and primary education in the system of pedagogical sciences.

2. Determine the object and subject of primary education pedagogy.

3. Name the teachers, pedagogical ideas and thoughts that formed the basis of the pedagogy of primary education.

4. Give brief description philosophical foundations of primary education pedagogy. Name the goals, objectives, content of education from the standpoint of the philosophy of existentialism, neo-Thomism, neo-positivism, pragmatism, humanism, dialectical materialism.

5. Expand the essence of the basic concepts of primary education pedagogy: upbringing, training, education, development, formation, formation.

6. Make a list of the main professional qualities the personality of the primary school teacher, his abilities, functions.

7. Expand the meaning of the expression: a younger student as an object and subject of pedagogical influence.

1. Learning as a process: essence, driving forces, functions. The structure of learning. Driving forces.

Education - a two-way process of learning and teaching, the process of transferring and assimilating knowledge, skills, and methods of cognitive activity. Doctrine- the child learns the world. teaching- management of the pedagogical process of cognitive and learning activities child. Thus, pedagogical activity includes the management of the student's activities and the management of the process of interaction with the student

driving force learning yavl. contradictions, based on cat permissions. by skillful selection At the means of training I impl. development at. Learning always takes place in communication.

The process is two-way: 1) teaching (doctor of teacher) 2) teaching (teacher) Teaching activities - activities for the organization of teaching, as a result of which students learn the content of education, the activity of monitoring the progress and results of the organization of training. Teaching - the organization of conditions for the people themselves: for the assimilation of the material The components of the learning process: Target (goals and objectives) Content (determined by the educational program). Activity (activities of teachers and students) Productive (assessment, self-assessment)

Functions of learning.

1. educational- associated with the assimilation of knowledge, skills, skills (associated with the expansion of volume) Knowledge - understanding, storing in memory and reproducing the facts of science, laws, concepts, etc. They must become the property of the individual, enter into the structure of her experience. The most complete implementation of this function should ensure the completeness, systematic and conscious knowledge, their strength and validity.

2. Educational- the formation of a value attitude to the material (with the formation of relations - worldview) f-ia follows from the very content, forms and methods of teaching, but at the same time it is implemented. and through special org-ii communication The implementation of this f-ii requires the organization of accounting. percent, the selection of content, forms and methods proceed from correctly understood tasks of education.

3. Educational- establishing close relationships between phenomena and factors. (with structural complication of emo., intellect., motiv. spheres). Developed f-I implement. more efficient with special the orientation of the interaction of U and y on the comprehensive development of the individual.

Educational: - to form the concept of fabric among students; to acquaint with the main types of tissues, the features of their structure and functions - to indicate the relationship between the structure and the functions performed.

Educational: - to continue the formation of a scientific worldview based on the relationship of the structure with the functions performed; - to continue the education of interest in the subject within the framework of the topic being studied.

Educational: - continue the formation of the ability to compare, generalize, establish causal Forms of organization of training- external expression of the coordinated activity of the teacher and students, carried out in a certain order and mode: lesson, excursions, homework, consultations, seminars, electives, workshops, additional classes.

In the traditional learning process means learning phenomena: printed publications: textbooks, teaching aids, reference books, - diskettes with educational information, - notes on the board, posters, - movies, videos, - the word of the teacher.

When receiving distance education, the means of training are much wider and, in addition to traditional ones, include such as: electronic editions; - computer training systems; - audio-video teaching materials and more. others

driving force learning yavl. contradictions, based on cat permissions. by skillful selection At the means of training I impl. development at. Learning always takes place in communication.

The process is two-way: 1) teaching (doctor teacher) 2) teaching (teacher) Teaching activity is the activity of organizing learning, as a result of which students learn the content of education, the activity of monitoring the progress and results of organizing training. Teaching - the organization of conditions for the people themselves: for the assimilation of the material The components of the learning process: Target (goals and objectives) Content (determined by the educational program). Activity (activities of teachers and students) Productive (assessment, self-assessment)

2. Patterns and principles of learning.

Principles of education. - commonly. organization rules. percent, recommendations on ways to achieve learning goals based on its learned patterns. These are the guiding ideas regulatory requirements to the organization and conduct of didactic percent .. They wear x-r of the most common. instructions, rules, norms, regulations. percent training

1. The principle of developing and educating education is aimed at comprehensive development personalities and individuality.

2. Scientific content and methods of accounting. percent reflects the relationship with modern. scientific knowledge.

3. Systematicity and consistency in mastering the achievements of science, culture, experience, activity.

4. The principle of consciousness, creative activity with [email protected] and independence of students under the guidance of a teacher.

5. The principle of visibility. 6. The principle of accessibility of education. 7. The principle of strength res. learning. 8. The principle of connection between learning and life. 9. The principle of rationality. combination. individual and collective forms and methods of activity of students.

The principle of visibility.

The effectiveness of training. stuck from expediency. attracting the senses to the perception and processing of uch. material. Ya. Comenius: “In percent. training children should be given the opportunity to observe, measure, and conduct experiments.

Types of visualization along the line of increasing their abstractness:

1. Natural. visibility 2. Experimental (experiments, experiments) 3. Volumetric (models, layouts) 4. Visual (pictures, photographs, drawings) 5. Sound 6. Symbolic or graphic (graphs, diagrams) 7. Internal (images created by speech ) 3. Functions of the pedagogical process in primary school The educational function of primary education: content, structural components, types of educational tasks and methods for their implementation in the educational process.

Education - the culture of personality, the process of introducing a person to the values ​​of science, art, religion, morality, law, economics. Education is the basis for personal development. Gessen Sergey Iosifovich (1887-1950): "True education does not consist in the transfer of the cultural content that is the peculiarity of the educator's generation, but only in communicating to him that movement, continuing which it could develop its own new content of culture." The formation of a creative personality according to Hessen as the main goal of education. Education

Formation of a way of thinking, actions of a person in society.

The process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.

self-education - a system of internal self-organization for the assimilation of the experience of generations, aimed at their own development.

Education system - there is general and special education. General - primary and secondary (knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for everyone). Special - secondary special and higher (knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a particular profession).

educational function is that the learning process is aimed primarily at the formation of knowledge, skills, experience of creative activity. Knowledge in pedagogy is defined as understanding, storing in memory and reproducing the facts of science, concepts, rules, laws, theories.

educational function(in its narrow sense) involves the assimilation of scientific knowledge, the formation of special and general educational skills and abilities. Scientific knowledge includes facts, concepts, laws, patterns, theories, a generalized picture of the world. Special abilities and skills include practical skills and abilities that are specific only for the corresponding subject and branch of science. For example, in physics and chemistry, this is solving problems, conducting laboratory experiments, showing demonstrations, and carrying out research work. In geography - working with a map, geographical measurements, orientation using a compass and other devices, etc. In mathematics - solving problems, working with computers of various types, with a slide rule, with models, etc. In botany and biology - working with herbariums , dummies, collections, preparations, microscope.

4. The educational function of the pedagogical process: content, structural components, types of educational tasks and methods for their implementation in the educational process.

Educational function of learning actually consists in the fact that in the process of learning moral and aesthetic ideas are formed, a system of views on the world, the ability to follow the norms of behavior in society, to comply with the laws adopted in it. In the learning process, the needs of the individual, the motives of social behavior, activities, values ​​and value orientation, worldview are also formed.

The upbringing factor of education is, first of all, the content of education, although not all subjects have an equal educational potential. In humanistic and aesthetic disciplines, it is higher: the teaching of music, literature, history, psychology, and artistic culture, due to the subject content of these areas, provides more opportunities for personality formation. However, it is impossible to assert the automaticity of education in these subjects. The content of the educational material can cause unexpected, contrary to the intention, reactions of students. It depends on the already existing level of upbringing, the socio-psychological, pedagogical situation of learning, on the characteristics of the class, place and time of study, etc. on this basis of views on life and activity.

The second factor in education in the learning process, except for the system of teaching methods, also in to some extent influencing the formation of students is the nature of communication between the teacher and students, the psychological climate in the classroom, the interaction of participants in the learning process, the style of leadership by the teacher of the cognitive activity of students. Modern pedagogy believes that the optimal communication style of a teacher is a democratic style, which combines a humane, respectful attitude towards students, provides them with a certain independence, and attracts them to the organization of the learning process. On the other hand, the democratic style obliges the teacher to exercise a leadership role and activity in the learning process.

The main directions and content of the educational process

Education is a purposeful and organized process of personality formation. In a holistic pedagogical process important place occupies the process of education (educational process).

A process is a sequence of states, events and phenomena unfolding in time.

The process of education is a process of interaction between the educator and the educator that unfolds over time, during which the goals of education are realized.

Specific features of the upbringing process:

The educational process has a number of features: bilateral character, focus.

1. The process of upbringing is a multifactorial process, numerous objective and subjective factors are manifested in it, causing the unimaginable complexity of this process by their combined action. It has been established that the correspondence of subjective factors expressing the internal needs of the individual to the objective conditions in which the individual lives and forms helps to successfully solve the problems of education. The complexity of the educational process is also due to the fact that it is very dynamic, mobile and changeable.

2. The educational process is different duration. In fact, it lasts a lifetime.

3. One of the features of the educational process is its continuity And irreversibility. The process of school education is a process of continuous, systematic interaction. If the process of upbringing is interrupted, it happens from case to case, then the educator constantly has to re-lay a “trace” in the mind of the student, instead of deepening it, developing stable vaccinations.

4. The process of education is a process complex. Complexity in this context means the unity of goals, objectives, content, forms and methods of the educational process, subordination to the idea of ​​the integrity of personality formation.

5. Important connection with self-education.

6. Hidden position of the educator.

7. Difficulty in diagnosing the result.

Goals of education: the main goal is to promote the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual. A private goal is to provide conditions for the flourishing of the individuality of a particular child, taking into account his age characteristics.

5. Developmental function: the content of the structural components, types of developmental tasks and methods for their implementation in the educational process of elementary school.

The developing function of learning means that in the process of learning, assimilation of knowledge, the student develops. This development occurs in all directions: the development of speech, thinking, sensory and motor spheres of the personality, emotional-volitional and need-motivational areas. The developing function of learning essentially constitutes the problem of the relationship between learning and development - one of the most acute issues in psychology and modern didactics.

Developmental learning function means that in the process of learning, assimilation of knowledge, the development of the student takes place. This development occurs in all directions: the development of speech, thinking, sensory and motor spheres of the personality, emotional-volitional and need-motivational areas. Developmental function learning essentially constitutes the problem of the relationship between learning and development, one of the most pressing issues in psychology and modern didactics. Domestic psychological school and pedagogical research found that learning acts as a source, a means of personal development. L.S. Vygotsky, argues that learning leads

behind the development. However, the psychology and didactics of the 20th century argue that the developmental function of learning is implemented more successfully if the learning has a special focus, is designed and organized in such a way as to include the student in an active and conscious variety of activities. The developing function of learning is implemented in a number of special technologies or methodological systems that pursue precisely the goals of personality development. In domestic didactics for this there is special term"developmental education". In the 60s, one of the Russian didacticists L.V. Zankov created a system of developmental education for younger students. Its principles, the selection of the content of education and teaching methods are aimed at developing the perception, speech, thinking of schoolchildren and contributed to the theoretical and applied development of the problem of development in the course of education, along with the research of other domestic scientists: D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova, N.A. Menchinskaya and others. Thanks to these studies, domestic didactics received valuable results: the theory of the phased formation of mental actions (P.A. Galperin), methods of problem-based learning (M.N. Skatkin, I.Ya. Lerner), ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students and etc. All this leads to the fact that the modern organization of education is aimed not so much at the formation of knowledge, but at the versatile development of the student, primarily mental, teaching the methods of mental activity, analysis, comparison, classification, etc., teaching the ability to observe, draw conclusions , highlight the essential features of objects, learning the ability to identify goals and methods of activity, check its results. Thus, it should be recalled once again: any teaching leads to development, but training is developmental in nature, if it is specifically aimed at the goals of personality development, which should be realized both in the selection of the content of education and in the didactic organization of the educational process. The learning process is also educational in nature.

6. State educational standard of elementary school.

Primary school is designed to ensure the formation of the child's personality, the holistic development of her abilities, the formation of the student's ability and desire to learn. In elementary school, students acquire the necessary skills and abilities of educational activities, learn to read, write, count, master the elements of theoretical thinking, the culture of speech and behavior, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. The subjects at this level of the school have the character of integrated courses that lay down the initial ideas about nature, society, man and his work. In primary school, optional classes in physical, aesthetic and labor education, foreign languages, etc. can be introduced.

Methodological letter On the teaching of primary school subjects in the context of the introduction of the federal component of the state standard of general education

The purpose of the federal component of the state educational standard elementary general education - the creation of real conditions for each child aged 6-10 years to receive a full-fledged education, determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and taking into account his age and individual characteristics. The standard approves modern priorities in the goals, content of education at a given stage of development and upbringing of a child, determines the nature of the conditions that each student must create. educational institution to implement the continuity of education, taking into account the changed social conditions and requirements of society.

Goals (development of the personality of a younger student, the formation of skills and abilities of educational activities, readiness for independent educational work, etc.

We emphasize that Mandatory minimum content of primary general education(hereinafter referred to as the Mandatory minimum) reflects presentation level school, a teacher of knowledge to a younger student. In this context, the word "mandatory" means that this content of education must be provided to each student by an educational institution of any type, regardless of its location, organizational form, mode of operation, class size, etc. The word "minimum" in this case shows the level of the content presented: all the knowledge recorded in the document must be provided to the student for assimilation. A particular school, taking into account its characteristics, can expand the content of education, but is not entitled to reduce it, distort or replace it with another. This ensures the variability of education and implements Article 14 (paragraph 5) of the Law of the Russian Federation on Education. Modern primary education should be aimed at solving the most important task of the social and personal development of the child.

One of the functions of the state standard was to ensure successive links with the middle school

7. Types of educational programs in primary grades.

Didactic system of L.V* Zankov

L.V. Zankov, together with the staff of his laboratory in the 60s of the previous century, developed a new didactic system that promotes the overall mental development of schoolchildren.

Basic principles

1. High level of difficulty.

2. Leading role in teaching theoretical knowledge, linear construction of curricula.

3. Progress in the study of the material at a rapid pace with continuous concomitant repetition and consolidation in new conditions.

5. Education in students of positive motivation for learning and cognitive interests, inclusion in the learning process of the emotional sphere.

6. Humanization of the relationship between teachers and students in the educational process.

7. The development of each student class.

The essence of technology

The lesson has a flexible structure. At the lessons, discussions are organized on what has been read and seen, on fine arts, music, work, problem situations are created. Didactic games, intensive independent activity of students, collective search based on observation, comparison, grouping, classification, elucidation of patterns, independent formulation of conclusions are widely used. Pedagogical situations of communication are created in the classroom, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, selectivity in the ways of working, an environment for the natural self-expression of the student.

Didactic system of L.V. Zankova focuses the teacher's attention on the development of children's ability to think, observe, act practically. Many researchers, however, believe that this system develops empirical consciousness well and insufficiently theoretical.

D"B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov

Developmental learning technology D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov is fundamentally different from others in that the emphasis in it is on the formation of the theoretical thinking of schoolchildren.

Theoretical thinking is understood as a verbally expressed understanding by a person of the origin of this or that thing, this or that phenomenon, concept.

A theoretical concept can only be assimilated in the course of a discussion. What is significant in this system of education is not so much knowledge as ways of mental actions, which is achieved by reproducing the logic of scientific knowledge in the educational activities of children: from the general to the particular, from the abstract to the concrete. The system began to take shape in the late 50s, it began to spread in the mass school in the 80s - 90s of the XX century.

Basic principles

Deduction based on meaningful generalizations; meaningful analysis; meaningful abstraction; theoretical meaningful generalization; the ascent from the abstract to the concrete; content reflection.

Course of study

Acquaintance with the proposed scientific situation or problem; - orientation in it; - sample transformation of the material; - fixation of the revealed relations in the form of a subject or sign model; - determination of the properties of the selected relation, thanks to which the conditions and methods for solving the original problem are derived, general approaches to the solution are formulated; - filling the selected general formula, the conclusion with specific content.

Technology features

Rejection of the concentric construction of curricula. Non-recognition of the universality of the use of concrete visualization in elementary school. Freedom of choice and variability of homework assignments that are creative in nature. The features of the lesson in this system are collective mental activity, dialogue, discussion, business communication of children. Only a problematic presentation of knowledge is acceptable, when the teacher goes to schoolchildren not with ready-made knowledge, but with a question. At the first stage of training, the method of learning tasks is the main one, at the second - problem-based learning.

The learning task in this concept is similar to the problem situation:

Acceptance from a teacher or independent setting of a learning task; - transformation of the conditions of the problem in order to detect the general relationship of the object under study; - modeling of a selected relation to study its properties in subject, graphic and letter forms; - transformation of the relationship model to study its properties in a "pure form";

Construction of a system of particular problems solved in a general way; - control over the implementation of previous actions; - assessment of the assimilation of the general method as a result of solving this educational problem.

The quality and volume of work are evaluated in terms of the subjective capabilities of students. The assessment reflects the personal development of the student, the perfection of his educational activities.

Education according to this system significantly increases the theoretical level of education by teaching schoolchildren not only knowledge and practical skills, but also scientific concepts, artistic images, and moral values. The goal of the teacher is to bring the personality of each student into the mode of development, to awaken the need for knowledge.


Educational and methodical set "Harmony" for a four-year elementary school was created at the Department of Methods of Primary Education of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University. M.A. Sholokhov

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N.B. Istomina (mathematics);

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.S. Soloveichik; candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.S. Kuzmenko (Russian);

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor O.V. Kubasova (literary reading);

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer O.T. Poglazova (the world around);

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences N.M. Konysheva (labor training).

In connection with this first feature of the kit"Harmony" is its focus on overcoming the objectively established separation of traditional and developing learning systems based on an organic combination of the provisions of traditional methodology that have confirmed their vitality and new approaches to solving methodological problems.

Second feature The set finds expression in the methodical embodiment in it of the main directions of modernization of school education (humanization, humanitarization, differentiation, activity-based and student-centered approach to the learning process).

These measures include:

The logic of constructing the content of courses aimed at mastering the concepts and common ways actions, which, at a level accessible to a younger student, ensures that he understands the cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies within the content of each academic subject;

Ways, means and forms of organization of educational activities of younger students;

A system of educational tasks that takes into account both the content of educational subjects and the psychological characteristics of younger students and maintains a balance between logic and intuition, word and visual image, conscious and subconscious, conjecture and reasoning.

The third feature of the kit"Harmony" is to ensure the relationship between teacher training at the university and his professional practice. The authors of the "Harmony" set (N.B. Istomina, M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko, O.V. Kubasova, N.M. Konysheva) are also the authors of textbooks and teaching aids, which are taught at the faculties training of primary school teachers in universities and pedagogical colleges of Russia.

"Harmony" as a means of increasing the level of professional competence of the teacher and the formation of a new pedagogical consciousness in him, adequate to modern trends in the development of primary education. This is the fourth feature of the teaching kit.


1. The principle of the picture of the world.3. The principle of systematicity.

A system has been built that forms information literacy, not only on the subject of "Informatics", but the skills of communicating with information on all other subjects have been formed; - created a set of textbooks:

Program "School of Russia"

1. Combines traditional developments and the latest achievements in psychology, pedagogy, includes elements of developing thinking.

2. Represents a holistic model of primary school, built on a single conceptual framework and having a complete software and methodological support.

3. The kit implements the federal component of the content of education and covers all educational areas, including such innovative ones for elementary schools as computer science and a foreign language

4. "School of Russia" - a school of spiritual and moral development.

5. The educational and methodological set has been given such qualities as fundamentality, reliability, stability, openness to the new, which should become integral

6. Differentiation of education, development of the personality of each child, removal of stress-forming factors of the educational process.

8. General directions for the modernization of primary education, which are reflected in the teaching materials "School 2100".

"School 2000 ..." - "School 2100"

It is focused on ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization.

1. Self-discovery of new knowledge by children

2. Continuity between all levels of education at the level of methodology, content and


4. Multi-level education, the ability to advance each child at their own pace 5. Maximum orientation towards creativity in educational activities.

6. Development of variable thinking

7. The program "School 2000 ..." - "School 2100" reflects one of the approaches to developmental education, developed from the position of continuity of scientific views and integration, non-conflicting ideas from new concepts.



The educational and methodical set "School 2000 ..." - "School 2100" includes:

1) mathematics textbooks for grades 1-4 of elementary school by L.G. peterson,

2) textbooks on teaching literacy, Russian language, literary reading, the world around the authors R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronina, A.A. Vakhrusheva,

the following pedagogical principles are laid down.

A. Personally oriented principles.

1. The principle of adaptability. 2. The principle of development. 3. The principle of psychological comfort.

B. Culturally oriented principles. 1. The principle of the picture of the world.2. The principle of the integrity of the content of education.3. The principle of systematicity.4. The principle of semantic attitude to the world.5. The principle of the indicative function of knowledge.6. The principle of relying on culture as a worldview and as a cultural stereotype.

B. Activity-Oriented Principles. 1. The principle of learning activity.

2. The principle of a controlled transition from activity in a learning situation to activity in life situation. 3. The principle of transition from joint educational and cognitive activity to independent activity of the student (zone of proximal development). 4. The principle of relying on previous (spontaneous) development. 5. Creative principle, or the principle of the formation of the need for creativity and creative skills.

G. And a few more provisions.

1. School as part of the educational environment. 2. Readiness for further development.

3. Minimax principle. Maximum grades - minimum grades. "Sparing" homework system.

The educational and methodological association has solved the following tasks for 10 years:

Updated the content of education from preschool to 7th grade of high school; - a modern didactic system was formulated; - the problem of succession and continuity between all parts of the educational process has been solved;

A methodology for the formation of functional literacy subjects by means of means has been developed and built within the system;

A system has been built that forms information literacy, not only on the subject of "Informatics", but the skills of communicating with information on all other subjects have been formed; - created a set of textbooks:

2. At the moment, "School 2100" is a state variable educational system. Her work has been positively assessed by the Russian Academy of Education and

3. The educational system "School 2100" successfully solves the problems of modernizing Russian education, namely: it creates conditions and develops mechanisms for growing a functionally literate personality (a system of general educational skills, pre_

marked lines of development of students, etc.), in practice implements the principle of continuity and succession of education.

9. Methods and techniques for the development of creative abilities and personal qualities of students in the system of developmental education L.V. Zankov.

DEVELOPING EDUCATION is the development of the physical, COGNITIVE, moral, ABILITIES of STUDENTS through the use of their potential." (L.S. Vygotsky)

From the point of view of modern pedagogy didactic principles L. V. Zankov’s systems sound like this:

learning at a high level of difficulty;

the inclusion of the studied didactic units in the variety of functional connections (in the previous edition - the study of the material at a fast pace); -combination of sensory and rational knowledge (in the previous edition - the leading role of theoretical knowledge); - students' awareness of the learning process; - the development of all students, regardless of their level of school maturity.

These principles are specified as follows.

The principle of learning at a high level of difficulty is the leading principle of the system, for "only such an educational process, which systematically provides abundant food for intense mental work, can serve for the rapid and intensive development of students."

The functional approach lies in the fact that each unit of educational material is studied in the unity of all its functions.

Collisions is a collision. The clash of the old, everyday understanding of things with a new scientific view of their essence, practical experience with its theoretical understanding, which often contradicts previous ideas. The task of the teacher is to ensure that these contradictions in the lesson give rise to a dispute, a discussion. Finding out the essence of the disagreements that have emerged, the students analyze the subject of the dispute from different positions, connect the knowledge they already have with the new fact, learn to meaningfully argue their opinion and respect the points of view of other students.

variance b is expressed in the flexibility of the learning process. The same task can be performed in different ways, which the student chooses. The same task can pursue different goals: to focus on the search for solutions, to train, to control, etc. Requirements for students are also variant, taking into account their individual differences.

Partial-exploratory and problematic methods are defined as system-forming methods of teaching.

Both of these methods are somewhat similar to each other, implemented using similar techniques. The essence of the problematic method is that the teacher poses a problem (learning task) to the students and considers it together with them. As a result of joint efforts, ways to solve it are outlined, an action plan is established that is independently implemented by the students with minimal help from the teacher. At the same time, the entire stock of their knowledge and skills is updated, and those that are relevant to the subject of study are selected from it. The techniques of the problematic method are observation associated with a conversation, analysis of phenomena with the selection of their essential and non-essential features, comparison of each unit with others, summing up the results of each observation and generalizing these results in the form of a definition of a concept, rule or algorithm for solving an educational problem.

characteristic feature partial search method is that, having posed a problem to the students, the teacher does not draw up an action plan with the students to solve it, but divides it into a series of subtasks available to the children, each of which is a step towards achieving the main goal. Then he teaches the children to follow these steps in sequence. As a result of joint work with the teacher, students independently, at the level of their understanding of the material, make a generalization in the form of judgments about the results of observations and conversations. The partial search method, to a greater extent than the problem method, allows work at the empirical level, that is, at the level of the child's life and speech experience, at the level of children's ideas about the material being studied. The methods mentioned above, in the problematic method, are not so much used by students as they are taught.

10. The concept of teaching method. Multidimensional classification methods.

The teaching method (from the Greek Metodos - literally: the path to something) is an ordered activity of the teacher and students aimed at achieving a given learning goal. Teaching methods (didactic methods) are often understood as a set of ways, methods for achieving goals, solving educational problems. IN pedagogical literature the concept of method is sometimes referred only to the activities of a teacher or to the activities of students. In the first case, it is appropriate to talk about teaching methods, and in the second, about teaching methods. If we are talking about the joint work of the teacher and students, then teaching methods are undoubtedly manifested here.

Techniques are distinguished in the structure of teaching methods. A technique is an element of a method, its constituent part, a one-time action, a separate step in the implementation of a method, or a modification of a method when the method is simple in structure.

The teaching method is a complex, multidimensional, multi-qualitative education. The teaching method reflects objective patterns, goals, content, principles, forms of learning.

Teaching methods- Historical category. In different periods of the development of the school, the learning objectives changed and were supplemented in accordance with the prevailing social goals and worldview. So, in the days of feudalism, the only task of the official school was the assimilation of predominantly scholastic knowledge.

Classification of teaching methods- this is their system ordered according to a certain attribute. Currently, dozens of classifications of teaching methods are known. Education- an extremely mobile, dialectical process. The system of methods must be dynamic in order to reflect this mobility, taking into account the changes that are constantly taking place in the practice of applying methods.

I.P. Sneaky highlights 6 most reasonable classifications of teaching methods, which are outlined below.

Classification of methods by purpose(M.A. Danilov, B.P. Esipov). As a general feature of the classification are the successive stages through which the learning process goes through in the lesson. The following methods are distinguished:

Acquisition of knowledge; formation of skills and abilities; application of knowledge;

Creative activity; fastening;

Classification of methods according to the type (nature) of cognitive activity (I, Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin). The type of cognitive activity is the level of independence (tension) of cognitive activity that students achieve by working according to the training scheme proposed by the teacher. The following methods are distinguished:

Explanatory-illustrative (information-receptive);

reproductive; problem presentation; partial search (heuristic); research.

4. By didactic purposes there are (G.I. Shchukina, I.T. Ogorodnikova, etc.) two groups of teaching methods:

Methods that contribute to the primary assimilation of educational material;

Methods that contribute to the consolidation and improvement of acquired knowledge.

The first group includes: information-developing methods (oral presentation of the teacher, conversation, work on the book); heuristic (search) teaching methods (heuristic conversation, debate, laboratory work); research method.

The second group includes: exercises (according to the model, commented exercises, variable exercises, etc.); practical work. etc. methods

11. The use of visual methods in teaching in elementary school.

Visual teaching methods are such teaching methods in which the assimilation of educational material in the learning process depends on the use of visual aids and technical means.

Visual teaching methods should be used in the classroom in elementary school. This rule follows from the psychological characteristics of the attention of a younger student.

These methods contribute to the development of memory, thinking, imagination. However, the role of attention should not be denied. As you know, attention is a function that serves all mental processes. Without attention it is not possible to carry out any conscious activity, no thought arises. Therefore, without attention it is not possible to build the learning process normally. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to control the attention of students.

Younger schoolchildren have a small attention span, they tend to be often distracted. In this regard, from the first lessons it is necessary to "educate" attention.

Among the visual teaching methods are observation, illustration and demonstration. Thanks to observation it is possible to arouse students' interest in the life around them and teach them to analyze natural and social phenomena, as well as teach them to concentrate on the main thing, to highlight special features. Thanks to demonstrations students' attention is directed to the essential, and not by chance discovered, external characteristics of the objects, phenomena, processes under consideration. Illustration especially well used when explaining new material. Then the teacher should illustrate his story on the blackboard with chalk. The drawing explains the words of the teacher, and the story makes clear the content depicted on the board.

When using visual aids, it is necessary to observe

a number of conditions:

The visualization used should be appropriate for the age of the students;

Visualization should be used in moderation and should be shown gradually and only at the appropriate moment in the lesson;

Observation should be organized so that all students can clearly see the object being demonstrated;

Think in detail about the explanations given during the demonstration of phenomena;

The visualization shown must be exactly consistent with the content of the material;

Involve students themselves in finding the desired information in visual aid or demo device.

The effectiveness of the use of illustrations and demonstrations largely depends on the skillful combination of words and visualization, on the teacher's ability to isolate those properties and features that to a greater extent reveal the essence of the objects and phenomena being studied.

12. The use of verbal methods in teaching younger students.

Verbal methods occupy a leading place in the system of teaching methods

Progressive teachers - Ya.A. Comenius, K.D. Ushinsky and others - opposed the absolutization of their meaning, proved the need to supplement them with visual and practical methods

Verbal methods allow the shortest time convey a large amount of information, pose problems to the trainees and indicate ways to solve them.

Verbal methods are divided into the following types: story, explanation, conversation, discussion, lecture.

Story involves an oral narrative presentation of the content of the educational material. This method is applied at all stages of schooling. Only the nature of the story, its volume, duration changes. According to the goals, several types of story are distinguished: story-introduction, story-exposition, story-conclusion.

In the course of the story, such methodological techniques as presenting information, activating attention, accelerating memorization (mnemonic, associative), logical comparisons, comparisons, highlighting the main thing, summarizing are used.

Explanation. An explanation should be understood as a verbal interpretation of the patterns, essential properties of the object under study, separate concepts, phenomena.

Explanation is a monologue system of presentation. Explanation is most often resorted to when studying theoretical material, solving chemical, physical, mathematical problems, theorems; in the disclosure of root causes and effects in natural phenomena and social life.

Conversation- a dialogic teaching method, in which the teacher, by setting a carefully thought-out system of questions, leads students to understand new material or checks their assimilation of what they have already studied. The conversation is one of the oldest methods of didactic work. It was masterfully used by Socrates, on whose behalf the concept of "Socratic conversation" came.

Heuristic conversation is widespread (from the word "eureka" - I find, open). In the course of a heuristic conversation, the teacher, relying on the knowledge and practical experience that students have, leads them to understand and assimilate new knowledge, formulate rules and conclusions.

Communicating conversations are used to communicate new knowledge. If the conversation precedes the study of new material, it is called introductory or introductory. The purpose of such a conversation is to arouse in students a state of readiness for learning new things. Reinforcing conversations are used after learning new material.

During the conversation, questions can be addressed to one student (individual conversation) or to students of the whole class (frontal conversation).

One type of conversation is the interview.

Discussion. Discussion as a teaching method is based on the exchange of views on a particular issue, and these views reflect the participants' own opinions or are based on the opinions of others. This method is advisable to use when students have a significant degree of maturity and independence of thinking, are able to argue, prove and substantiate their point of view.

Lecture. The story and explanation are used in the study of a relatively small volume of educational material. When working with older students, teachers have to verbally present a significant amount of new knowledge on certain topics, spending 20-30 minutes of the lesson on this, and sometimes the entire lesson. The presentation of such material is carried out in the form of a lecture.

“A lecture differs from a story in that the presentation here is not interrupted by asking students questions.”

13.Practical methods of teaching students.

Methods of educational work on the development of skills and abilities to apply knowledge in practice

In the learning process, the development of students' skills and abilities to apply the acquired knowledge in practice is of great importance.

exercise method. Its essence lies in the fact that students perform multiple actions, i.e. train (exercise) in applying the acquired material in practice and in this way deepen their knowledge, develop relevant skills and abilities, as well as develop their thinking and creative abilities. firstly, they should be conscious and carried out only when the students comprehend and master the material being studied, secondly, they should contribute to the further deepening of knowledge and, thirdly, contribute to the development of the creative abilities of schoolchildren.

oral exercises contribute to the development of logical thinking, memory, speech and attention of students. They are dynamic, do not require time-consuming record keeping. Written exercises are used to consolidate knowledge and develop skills in their application. Their use contributes to the development of logical thinking, the culture of writing, independence in work. Written exercises can be combined with oral and graphic.

TO graphic exercises include the work of students in drawing up diagrams, drawings, graphs, technological maps, making albums, posters, stands, making sketches during laboratory and practical work, excursions. Graphic exercises are usually performed simultaneously with written ones and solve common educational tasks. Graphic works, depending on the degree of independence of students in their implementation, can be of a reproducing, training or creative nature.

To educational and labor exercises m include practical work of students with a production and labor orientation. The purpose of these exercises is to apply the theoretical knowledge of students in their work activities. Such exercises contribute to the labor education of students.

Problem-search exercises are also extremely necessary, which form students' ability to guess, intuition.

Laboratory works- this is the conduct by students, on the instructions of the teacher, of experiments using instruments, the use of tools and other technical devices, i.e. the study by students of any phenomena with the help of special equipment.

Laboratory work is carried out in an illustrative or research plan.

Practical work are carried out after studying large sections, topics and are of a generalizing nature. They can be carried out not only in the classroom, but also outside the school (field measurements, work on the school site).

A special type of practical teaching methods are classes with teaching machines, with simulator machines and tutors.

These methods include the following:

Explanation by the teacher of the purpose and objectives of the upcoming training activities;

Showing the teacher how to perform this or that exercise;

Initial reproduction by students of actions to apply knowledge in practice;

Subsequent training activities of students aimed at improving the acquired practical skills and abilities.

14. Forms-organizations of "education in the primary grades: general class, group, individual.

Form- the nature of the activity orientation. The form is based on the leading method. Forms are specific (lesson, homework, extracurricular activities, consultations, additional classes, knowledge control, etc.) and general.

Lesson- a collective form of education, which is characterized by a constant composition of students, a rigid framework for classes, regulation of educational work on the same educational material for all.

Optional classes as a form of education were introduced in the late 60s - early 70s. XX century in the process of another unsuccessful attempt to reform school education. These classes are designed to give a deeper study of the subject to everyone, although in practice, they are very often used to work with lagging students.

Homework is a form of organization of learning, in which learning work is characterized by the absence of direct guidance from the teacher.

Extracurricular activities - Olympiad, circles - should contribute to the best development of individual abilities of students.

The term "teaching methods" is also widely used in didactics. Reception of training is an integral part or a separate side of the teaching method. Running a little ahead, let's say, for example, that in the method of exercise, which is used to develop practical skills and abilities in students, the following techniques are distinguished: showing the teacher how to apply the material being studied in practice, reproducing by students the actions shown by the teacher and subsequent training to improve the practiced skills and abilities.

Frontal Much attention is paid to the work in didactics. The need for such classes is determined by uniform curricula, which are mandatory for all students to study, and the development of individual abilities and talents of students in the class. With frontal work, the student manifests himself as a person, demonstrates his knowledge, erudition, memory, desire and ability to work in a team. At the same time, the teacher sets one or more common, unified tasks for the students. In the process of solving them, the teacher has the opportunity to observe and evaluate the general mood of students at work, their attitude to the material being studied and their relationship with each other. However, this form of work also has its weaknesses, since to a certain extent it averages tasks in terms of volume and is designed for a single pace of work. For the purpose of optimal employment of students in the lesson are constantly used individual forms of study. At the same time, each student receives his own task, which he performs independently of the others. Most often, these are card assignments, where the teacher has the opportunity to differentiate them (Task cards are attached). Individual lessons are especially important for students with a negative attitude towards learning. there may be instructor cards, cards with passes (especially for geometry), etc. When the task is completed by the student, the teacher must notice this, raise prestige in the eyes of the class. (worksheets are attached).

The effectiveness of the use of individual forms of work in the education of schoolchildren is largely determined by how well the teacher knows the personal qualities of students, their level of knowledge and skills, learning motives, learning opportunities, individual capabilities. Self-employment becomes means of active cognitive independent work should be feasible for every student. Tasks for students must be given different in complexity.

15. Pedagogical diagnostics: essence, basic principles, requirements for implementation.

Pedagogical diagnostics has as many years as all pedagogical activity. The concept of "pedagogical diagnostics" was proposed by K. Ingankamp by analogy with medical and psychological diagnostics in 1968 within the framework of one scientific project. According to its tasks, goals and scope of application, pedagogical diagnostics is independent. She borrowed her methods and in many respects her way of thinking from psychological diagnostics.

Pedagogical diagnostics today is still an actively contested and vague program rather than an established scientific discipline. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are various definitions of scientific diagnostics. Distinguish between diagnosing learning, i.e. consequences, results achieved, and learning. A broader and deeper meaning is invested in diagnostics than in the traditional test of knowledge and skills of trainees. Verification only states the results without explaining their origin. Diagnosis considers the results in connection with the ways, ways to achieve them, reveals trends, the dynamics of the formation of learning products. Diagnosis includes control, verification, evaluation, accumulation of statistical data, their analysis, identification of dynamics, trends, forecasting of further developments. Thus, pedagogical diagnostics is designed, firstly, to optimize the process of individual learning, secondly, in the interests of society to ensure the correct determination of learning outcomes and, thirdly, guided by the developed criteria, to minimize errors when transferring students from one study group to another. another.

16. Lesson as the main form of organization of the pedagogical process. The main contradictions of the lesson. Typical lesson structure in elementary school.

Lesson- a collective form of education, which is characterized by a constant composition of students, a rigid framework for classes, regulation of educational work on the same educational material for all. An analysis of the lessons in schools shows that their structure and methodology largely depend on the didactic goals and tasks solved in the learning process, as well as on the means that the teacher has at his disposal. All this allows us to talk about the methodological diversity of lessons, which, however, can be classified by type:

Lessons-lectures (practically, this is a monologue of the teacher on a given topic, although with the known skill of the teacher, such lessons acquire the character of a conversation);

Laboratory (practical) classes (this kind of lessons are usually devoted to developing skills and abilities);

Lessons for checking and evaluating knowledge (tests, testing);

Combined lessons are held according to any of the schemes:

Repetition of what has been passed - students reproduce previously studied material, check homework, oral and written survey;

Mastering new material; at this stage, the new material is presented by the teacher, or “extracted” in the process of independent work of students with literature;

Development of skills and abilities to apply knowledge in practice (most often - solving problems on new material);

Issuance of homework.

Lesson structure. Variety of lesson structures

The structure of the lesson is a set of various options for interaction between the elements of the lesson, which arises in the learning process and ensures its purposeful effectiveness.

Lesson structure for learning new material:

The structure of the lesson to consolidate and develop knowledge, skills:

The structure of the lesson on the application of knowledge, skills and abilities:

The structure of the iterative-generalizing lesson:

The structure of the combined lesson (it usually has ve or more didactic purposes):

Organization of the beginning of the lesson; checking homework, setting the goal of the lesson; preparation of students with the perception of new educational material, i.e. updating knowledge and practical and mental skills; learning new material, including explanation; consolidation of the material studied in this lesson and previously covered, related to the new one; generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills, connection of new ones with previously obtained and formed ones; summing up the results and results of the lesson; homework; preparation (preliminary work) necessary for students to study new topic(not always).

17. Non-traditional lessons in elementary school. Types. Main characteristics.

These are, in particular, seminar lessons, tests, lectures, competitions, travels, integrated lessons, conference classes, disputes, fairy tale lessons, thematic game lessons, thanks to which students learn the program material faster and better.

individual work with them.

And, finally, the possibility of presenting tasks and exercises mainly in a playful form, the most accessible for children at the stage of a change in the leading activity characteristic of the first months of a child’s stay at school (transition from play activity to learning), helps to smooth out and shorten the adaptation period.

The introduction of non-traditional teaching methods into the primary school curriculum aims to expand the educational process and, without breaking away from the problems of education and upbringing, develop the child's personal qualities.

One of the well-known non-traditional types of lesson is the grammar game ¾ crossword.

In the classroom, crossword puzzles are useful not to test the erudition of students, but to better assimilate the factual material.

Logical tasks of crossword puzzles are selected with the age and psychological characteristics of students.

The process of guessing, according to modern educators,

is a kind of gymnastics that mobilizes and trains the mental strength of the child. Guessing riddles sharpens and disciplines the mind, accustoming children to clear logic, reasoning and proof. Guessing riddles can be viewed as a creative process, and the riddle itself can be seen as a creative task.

In addition, music lessons are one of the most effective ways of developing sound-altitude culture and rhythmic hearing, which is necessary for the perception of foreign speech. Music also has a general tonic effect, which increases the effectiveness of classes.

The excursion, which is conducted according to the natural history program in primary grades ¾, is another type of non-traditional lesson. The peculiarity of the lesson-excursion is that the learning process is implemented not in the conditions of the classroom, but in nature, during the students' direct perception of its objects and phenomena.

Lessons-excursions have a huge educational impact on children.

The main method of cognition in the lesson-excursion is the observation of objects and natural phenomena and the visible relationships and dependencies between them.

Lessons-excursions are classified according to two criteria: by the volume of the content of the subject (single-topic, multi-topic) and by its place in the structure of the study section (introductory, current, final).

1. Organization of the class 2. Checking the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. 3. Setting the goal and tasks of the lesson. General motivation.

4. Assimilation of new knowledge, skills and abilities. 5. Generalization and systematization of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. 6. The ratio of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. 7. Homework. 8. The results of the lesson.

18. Control in the education of younger students. The main functions of pedagogical control at school. Types, methods and forms of organization of control. Ratio of grade and grade.

Control how the learning action is carried out not as a test of the quality of assimilation according to the final result of the learning activity, but as an action that goes along its course and is performed by the student himself, actively tracking the accuracy of his mental


Control- it is also a way to obtain information about the qualitative state of the educational process.

Control performs teaching, diagnostic, educational, developmental, prognostic and orienting functions.

The purpose of the control (control) function is to establish feedback (external: student - teacher and internal: student - student), as well as taking into account the results of control.

Teaching function control is to improve knowledge and skills, their systematization.

Control also contributes to the generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Diagnostic function- obtaining information about errors, shortcomings and gaps in the knowledge and skills of students and the causes of their difficulties in mastering educational material, about the number and nature of errors.

predictive the verification function serves to obtain advanced information about the educational process.

Developmental function control consists in stimulating the cognitive activity of students, in the development of their creative abilities. In the process of control, speech, memory, attention, imagination, will and thinking of schoolchildren develop, motives for cognitive activity are formed.

Orienting function- obtaining information about the degree of achievement of the learning goal by an individual student and the class as a whole - how much is learned and how deeply the educational material is studied.

Educational function control consists in educating students in a responsible attitude to learning, discipline, accuracy, honesty.

emotional function manifests itself in the fact that any kind of assessment (including marks) creates a certain emotional reaction of the student.

The social function is manifested in the requirements imposed by society on the level of preparation of a child of primary school age.

Control Requirements: Comprehensiveness, Individuality. Systematic. Stimulating character.

There are five basic principles of control: objectivity; systematic; visibility; comprehensiveness; educational character.

In modern pedagogy, the following types of control are distinguished:- preliminary; - current; - thematic; - milestone (stage-by-stage); - final; - final.

Depending on what controls over the results of students' activities, the following three types of control are distinguished.

External(carried out by the teacher on the activity of the student). Mutual(carried out by the student on the activities of a friend). self control(carried out by the student on his own activity).

Knowledge requirements should be as follows:

Uniqueness, i.e. the goal of education should be clearly understood by all; diagnostics, i.e. it should be possible to check whether the goal has been achieved; content, i.e. the goal should reflect what the student received in the learning process.

In school practice, there are several traditional forms of control of knowledge and skills of students:

Dictation; - short independent work; - written control work;

Control laboratory work; - oral test on the studied topic; - classic oral poll at the blackboard.

Non-traditional forms of control of knowledge and skills of students:

+ Matrix control. The essence of matrix control is as follows. Students are given different versions of pre-prepared matrixes with questions, and each of them chooses only one correct answer from all the answers proposed in the matrix, fixing it with an “x” or “+” sign. At the end of the work, the teacher collects the matrices with the students' answers and compares them with the control matrix, superimposing it in turn on all the matrices with the students' answers. Quiz-test (chips are given)

The purpose of the teacher's evaluation activity is to control the progress of students and form their adequate self-esteem.

The result of the act of evaluating the results of the student's educational activity by the teacher is an assessment, which, depending on the level and method of reflecting relationships, can be expressed by the sign and intensity of emotional experience, its verbal version, value judgment, mark (B.G. Ananiev, X. Vek, G.I. Shchukina, N.V. Kuzmina).

B.G. Ananiev in his fundamental work “The Psychology of Pedagogical Assessment” writes: “The mental development of a child at school is carried out by the teacher not only through the subject and teaching methods,

but also through evaluation, which is the fact of the most direct guidance of the disciple.

The essence of assessing the success of student learning, according to L.S. Vygotsky, is that "every act should return to the child in the form of an impression of his action on others."

According to B.G. According to Ananiev, the assessment can be: orienting, influencing the mental work of the student, stimulating, influencing the effective-volitional sphere of education - under direct influence.

In the pedagogical community, there is also an opposite point of view - grades in school (especially in elementary school) are not needed. So

considers, for example, the most famous teacher of our time Sh.A. Amo-nashvili.

His arguments against marks: 1. Marks have always concentrated and continue to concentrate all the power of an adult (teacher and parent) over a child. 2. The mark expresses the school's recognition of its impotence.

3. Mark is a "currency note" in the school and family markets. 4. Marking is a way for children to compete. 5. The grade is a surrogate for the teacher's relationship with the child. "Destroying Two"

19. Education in the structure of the pedagogical process of elementary school.

Education is a universal process Education is an objective process. Education is a multidimensional process. The optimal path to success is a humanistic educational system.

Thus, education is both a complex process of mastering the spiritual and socio-historical heritage of the nation, and a type of pedagogical activity, and the great art of improving human nature, and a branch of science - pedagogy.

In pedagogy, the term "education" is used in three senses:

In a broad social context, when education is viewed as a social phenomenon, as a process of forming a student's personality under the influence of the entire social surrounding reality. At the same time, the educational forces of society, its social institutions, play a leading role. public organizations, means of mass influence;

In a broad pedagogical sense, when we mean the educational process in the system of special educational institutions. The school studies the social environment and influences the environment through a person - children, parents, teachers. This is the function of the improvement of society by the school;

In the narrow pedagogical context, when we mean the actual educational work carried out with students of a particular educational institution.

The task of education- organize interaction that would have the maximum educational potential.

The meaning of education is the solution of humanitarian problems.

These functions can be formulated in short: creative and cultural; socialization and adaptation; human-forming.

Principles of humanistic education: 1. Obligation. The principles of education are not advice, not recommendations; they require mandatory and complete implementation in practice. 2. Complexity. The principles carry the requirement of complexity, which implies their simultaneous, and not sequential, isolated application at all stages of the educational process. The principles are not used in a chain, but frontally and all at once. 3. Equivalence. The principle of including the individual in significant activities. The third principle of education - principle of personal functioning. The principle of subjective control. natural conformity.

20. Society of peers as a factor in educating the qualities of a child's personality. educational system of the school.

educational system- a group of components of social reality that ensure the spiritual and moral formation and creative development of the individual.

With this definition, the educational system is as follows.

Now many teachers both in Russia and abroad have come to the conclusion that the sphere of education is a special sphere, and it cannot be considered as an addition to education.

The core of the educational system is the educational team. This is a kind of unity of two teams - pedagogical and student.

Its purpose and object is a holistic personality. It includes the following blocks: goals; aggregate subject; activity and communication; relationship; mastered environment; control.

The main functions of the school educational system:

Integrating; regulatory; developing.

Integrating leads to the connection into one whole previously disparate, inconsistent educational influences. The regulatory function is aimed at streamlining pedagogical processes and managing them. The developing function ensures the dynamics of the system, which is expressed, on the one hand, in the optimization of its functioning, on the other hand, in its progressive development, renewal, and improvement.

Observations of recent years allow us to assert the presence of a number of new functions of school educational systems:

protection; adjustments; compensation.

signs of a humanistic educational system at school: 1. The presence in the school "small", i.e. own concept of education, reflecting its present and future and adopted by both teachers and students.2. healthy image collective life.3. Orientation to universal values.4. The eventful nature of large collective affairs.5. The presence of "zones of free development". 6. Design of the school according to the principle "And the walls educate."

7. Involvement of the environment in the school and schools in the environment. 8. Reasonable resolution of emerging conflicts at the expense of internal forces. 9. The humanistic nature of interpersonal relations between children and adults: mutual trust, goodwill in the staff of the institution.

10. Attentiveness, goodwill, desire to help both comrades and strangers; a sense of belonging to the school team, a sense of security and comfort.

Formationeducational system of the school:

The first stage is the formation of the system. The second stage is the stage of stabilization of school life.

ST system. Shatsky. SM system. Reeves and N.P. Shulman

21. Effective methods of organizing the educational process in elementary school.

In the Dictionary of the Russian Language, the word "method" is deciphered as a set of single-purpose and single-type techniques. N.I. Boldyrev in the book "Methodology of educational work at school" reveals the method as a way or a way to achieve the goal.

In authoritarian pedagogy, teaching methods were interpreted as methods of educational influences. For example, T.A. Ilyina in "Pedagogy" in 1984 gave the following definition: "Methods of educational influences on students, or methods of education, mean ways of influencing the educator on the consciousness, will and feelings of students in order to form their beliefs and skills of communist behavior."

There are 3 groups of methods corresponding to the purposeful activity of educators and the organized purposeful activity of students:

1. Methods of persuasion: - showing, telling the essence of the matter with an explanation of its importance, usefulness; - personal example, personal demonstration; - practical activities with individual students, practical assistance to everyone (learning method); - encouragement; - punishment; - condemnation; - approval.

2. Exercise methods: - practical independent activity of students, when the idea is presented by the teacher; - creative collective search, originality in the educational process.

3. Methods of indirect influence on students.

Situation of advance payment by trust (A.S. Makarenko)

The situation of unconstrained compulsion (T.E. Konnikova) The situation of free choice (O.S. Bogdanova, V.A. Karakovsky). The situation of competition (A.N. Lutoshkin) The situation of correlation (H.J. Liimets) The situation of success (O.S. Gazman, V.A. Karakovsky, A.S. Belkin) The situation of creativity (V.A. Karakovsky).

22. Forms of organization of the educational process of younger students.

The forms of educational work are very diverse and dynamic in time. According to the "Philosophical Dictionary", form is a way of organizing and a way of existence of an object, process, phenomenon. The form of educational work is a way of organizing the educational process, reflecting the internal connection of its elements and characterizing the relationship between teachers and pupils. In the pedagogical literature, a classification of the forms of education is usually given depending on how the students are organized: - mass (frontal); - group (circle); - individual.

There is another classification - depending on the methods of educational influence:

Verbal (lectures, conferences); - practical (excursions, competitions); - visual (museums, panels).

Forms of educational work are also distinguished by the time of impact.: - lesson; - extracurricular (including extracurricular).

The effectiveness of various forms of educational work is determined by the contingent, the season, the age of the children and the personality of the teacher.

To the means of education in the narrow sense of the word, books, films, paintings, the living word of the teacher, and everything that is necessary for educational purposes are included. In a broad sense, to means of education include activities that contribute to the formation of personality: study, socially useful work, games, circle work, sports, amateur art. The choice of means is determined by the age of students, the possibilities of society, the taste of children, and the inclinations of the teacher.

Reception of education - it is part of the method. This is only a link in the educational process, a single, one-act action. For example, the encouragement method includes such techniques: approval, praise, gratitude, reward. And the method of persuasion is suggestion, explanation, conversation. Method of Punishment may include such techniques as remark, warning, reprimand, severe reprimand.

All methods of education can be divided into two groups.

1. Techniques that correct behavior that inspire students - joy, gratitude, etc.

2. Techniques that help correct behavior by arousing the negative feelings of the child - shame, repentance, etc. Even Russian folk wisdom suggests the vitality of these techniques: "Children are punished with shame, not with a whip." This group of techniques is called inhibitory, because. they contribute to overcoming negative qualities and clear the ground for the development of positive ones. Based on negative feelings children have the intention to refrain from unseemly acts.

Current page: 1 (total book has 3 pages)

Pedagogy of Primary Education
For bachelors
Textbook for universities
Edited by S. A. Kotova


Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Primary Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University E. Zemlyanskaya;

Head Center for Primary General Education ISRO RAO, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the RAO, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation N. F. Vinogradova.

© Piter Publishing House LLC, 2017

© Series "Textbook for universities", 2017


We live in an era of change, and it is obvious that the education system must develop in a proactive mode. It is education that creates in every society the generation that will solve the problems of the future. It is education that determines the readiness of the younger generations for new achievements in the development of the country and acts as the main guarantor of its sustainable development. Reorientation of Russian education in the direction of the concept of sustainable development put forward by the international community at the end of the 20th century - the most difficult task, which cannot be solved simultaneously. The strategy for the modernization of Russian education, covering all its structures, since 2001, has been implementing three main principles: accessibility, quality, efficiency. Their achievement requires purposeful joint efforts of all subjects of the educational system at all structural levels. In this context, the task of improving the level of primary education is of particular importance.

It is the elementary school in the system of continuous education of a person that acts as the basic stage on which the general educational basis of the nation depends. This is the foundation for the preservation of global and national culture, as well as important condition formation of the personality of a citizen. No educational institution can compete with the elementary school, given its contribution to the integration of new generations into the civil society.

Therefore, in modern conditions, primary education is changing its meaning and content orientation. Primary school should provide basic knowledge, instill views, skills and abilities that will enable a person to learn in any life situation. At a conference in Vaduz in 1983, the main goals of primary education were defined: 1
Alekseeva N. N. Education for sustainable development - a global educational project // Education for sustainable development in higher education in Russia: scientific foundations and development strategy / Ed. N. S. Kasimova. - M., 2008.

Primary education should provide more than the ability to read, write and count, it should expand the horizons of children's spontaneity and a wider physical and cultural environment;

Should help children to acquire and practice the ideals and values ​​of a democratic society (tolerance, responsibility and respect for the rights of others);

Should encourage the development of knowledge, skills and the formation of attitudes on the basis of which children can respond to the future demands that secondary school places before them, labor organization, family and society;

It should prepare the student not only and not so much to accept success and failure, but to overcome obstacles, to independently search for a solution to any problem;

Students should be taught to think, solve problems, communicate and work in a group.

Most developed countries have made significant changes to primary education in order to improve it. According to UNESCO reports, the main directions of development are the following: accessibility, variability and differentiation of education, improvement of its functioning in order to achieve one common goal - the development of the personality of each child.

In the course of the restructuring of education, Russia also turned to rethinking and reorganizing, first of all, the level of primary education, since it is this stage that should perceive and put into practice new development ideas for the future, the ideas of sustainable development, earlier and more actively than other levels of education. For the innovative development of the state, it is necessary from childhood to form knowledge, competencies and behaviors that meet the demands of global changes and competitive existence in the world market.

At the moment, the system of primary education in Russia is undergoing serious qualitative changes. Primary education acquires a truly fundamental general educational character, becomes open and universal, aimed at ensuring the satisfaction of the basic needs in education and socialization for all children, at preparing each student for inclusion in all types of public life. The mission of the elementary school has changed: from an institution that preserves and transfers knowledge, from an existence as a “tower of knowledge”, an elementary school turns into a workshop for mastering knowledge, ways to obtain and apply it, into an institution that carries humanistic principles, the art of living in society, motivates self-education. The main idea is that education should not only provide individual knowledge, skills and abilities, but also develop the student's ability and readiness to work in various conditions. The center of pedagogical efforts in modern primary education is shifting from the appropriation of ready-made knowledge to the methods of obtaining and creating them. The goals of education are associated with the tasks of self-education and self-development, with the willingness to learn and work in a group, with the development of the ability to solve numerous problems in various situations. Therefore, under the guidance of a teacher, elementary school students should develop the desire and ability to learn, form the foundations of theoretical thinking, the arbitrariness of cognitive activity and behavior, develop the ability to assimilate the content of social experience and take a subjective position in society. The requirements for the result of the educational process in elementary school are changing - they acquire the character of integrated supra-subject requirements associated with the mastery of educational activities as a system.

In the very general view the goal of modern primary education is to develop by students the basic universal educational competencies that ensure the formation of the basic skills of educational activities, as well as the development of their cognitive, communicative and creative abilities, the acquisition of the foundations of a culture of behavior and interaction in society.

All this substantiates and determines the specificity and complexity of the pedagogical process of primary school, which becomes more complex in the course of implementation and has more and more significant long-term consequences for achieving the final results of education.

Significant changes in recent years have occurred in the content of primary education, in the general nature and style of the pedagogical process: the variability of programs, curricula, forms and means of teaching, forms of assessment is becoming more widespread, which significantly enriches the initial stage of education. A rejection of strict regulation and formalization in training and education was proclaimed.

It becomes extremely important that the elementary school is centered on the personality of the child, pays attention to the creation of favorable conditions for the full development and manifestation of all the individual abilities and traits of each student. According to the requirements of the new federal state standard, it is primary education that in the near future should create the foundation of universal competencies, “seed capital”, which will enable each student to choose what he will do, how he will continue to study.

The role of the elementary school teacher in the development of the student is great. At the elementary school level, he alone teaches practically all academic subjects, determines both the educational and extracurricular activities of the child, and guides parents in the matter of education. Simon Lvovich Soloveichik wrote in his book “Eternal Joy”: “A person who has applied to a pedagogical institute, in fact, undertakes to become an ideal person, at least for his future students. For students, he is the only one, and they should not suffer from the fact that fate gave them not the best teacher. A teacher has no right to be an ordinary person, he - forgive me this blasphemous thought - is forced to play the role of a wonderful person. This once assumed role is played over the years and gradually ceases to be just a role - it becomes a character. Ordinary person turns into an extraordinary - into a teacher. It is not the Pedagogical Institute that makes him a teacher, but many years of communication with children, for whom - if he is honest - he must be the best person on Earth. He simply has nowhere to go, he professionally needs to become a wonderful person. 2
Soloveichik S. L. Eternal joy. - M .: Pedagogy, 1986.

Author's team:

Head of the team of authorsKotova Svetlana Arkadevna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education and Artistic Development of the Child, Institute of Childhood, Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen ( sections 1–8).

Savinova Ludmila Yurievna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education and Artistic Development of the Child, Institute of Childhood, Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen ( sections 1, 5).

Denisova Anna Alekseevna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education and Artistic Development of the Child, Institute of Childhood, Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen ( sections 3, 6).

The team of authors expresses gratitude and appreciation for the help and advice in writing the textbook to the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honorary Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education and Artistic Development of the Child of the Institute of Childhood of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen Vergeles Galina Ivanovna and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology, St. Petersburg State University Golovanova Nadezhda Filippovna.

Section 1
History of primary education

History is the treasury of our deeds, a witness of the past, an example and lesson for the present, a warning for the future.

M. Cervantes

1.1. History of Primary Education Abroad

The formation of the education system and the allocation of the elementary level in it was a rather long process. As a pedagogical idea, for the first time the idea of ​​dividing the education process into successive stages belongs to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato(427-347 BC). In the writings of philosophers and public figures of the Middle Ages that followed Antiquity, the issues of primary education were not raised, and in practice there were only some attempts to separate common system education for periods.

The next serious attempt to identify and describe the features of primary education in theory belongs to the great Czech teacher Jan Amos Comenius(1592–1670). The model of education he created, along with the maternal school (up to 6 years old), Latin, or gymnasium (from 12 to 18 years old), and the academy (from 18 to 24 years old) included elementary, or mother tongue school(6–12 years). Such schools had to be located in every settlement, that is, they should be publicly accessible, since their main task is to educate a “reasonable citizen”. Boys and girls, children of the rich and the poor, could study there.

In the elementary school, the development of age-appropriate features took place. “In the school of the native language, more internal feelings, the power of imagination and memory with their executive organs - the hand and tongue - will be exercised by reading, writing, drawing, singing, counting, measuring, weighing, memorizing various material, etc.,” Ya wrote. A. Comenius. 3
Comenius Ya. A. Selected pedagogical works: in 2 vols. T. 1. - M .: Education, 1982. S. 440.

The goal of the school is to teach “what the use of which would extend to their entire (children. - Note. ed.) life". 4
Decree. op.

The system of training elementary school students included:

Ability to measure;

The ability to sing;

Knowledge of hymns and psalms;

knowledge of history;

Knowledge of the political and economic situation;

Knowledge about the history of creation, fall and redemption of the world;

Knowledge of the basics of cosmography;

Craft tricks.

It was Ya. A. Comenius who theoretically substantiated and spread the class-lesson form of organization of education, in which students of approximately the same age and level of training make up a class for the entire period of schooling, the main unit of classes is a lesson devoted to one subject, topic, the class works on unified annual plan and program according to a permanent schedule. Ya. A. Komensky perceived the school as a workshop in which “young souls are brought up to virtue”, while negligence in learning and neglect of academic duties were severely punished.

For each year of study, Ya. A. Comenius sought to create a separate textbook. He enriched the methodical "piggy bank" of teachers with various teaching aids, for example, the book "The World of Sensual Things in Pictures", which corresponded to the main principle of education in elementary school - visibility principle. Fundamentally important for that time was the requirement of Ya. A. Comenius to conduct lessons in their native language.

Significant changes took place in primary education during the Modern Age. In the 17th century not enough in Europe educational institutions the level of education was low. IN 1642 was written "Gothic school charter", which became the basis for programs elementary schoolsGermany. In accordance with it, education was planned in the lower, middle and upper grades. The first two were taught according to the catechism (a summary of the Christian doctrine in the form of questions and answers) mother tongue, counting and church singing, in the senior class they added the study of customs, the beginnings of natural science, and local geography. Children from the age of 5 were admitted to the lower class, they studied until they passed the exams, but not more than until they were 14 years old. But there were not enough professional teachers in schools. Only at the end of the XVII century. in France, teacher training was organized at the seminary of St. Charles, which could train no more than 20-30 teachers annually.

At this time, a confrontation is formed between schools organized by religious communities and ordinary schools. The church, concerned about maintaining its control over the population, tried to organize education in elementary schools, actively including religious content in it. However, the number of secular primary schools was constantly growing, and the literate population was increasing. Initially, the content of education in such schools was sparse (ancient languages, literature), but gradually began to be supplemented with subjects of the natural science cycle.

The school stands out against the background of other educational institutions of that time. philanthropy- an institution organized by I. B. Bazedov in Dessau (Germany) in 1774 G. Johann Bernard Basedow(1729-1790), who considered himself a direct follower of the French educator, the author of the theory of natural education, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, was the founder of the direction of children's sentimental and moralistic literature. His main work, The Elementary Book, was a textbook of a new type, reminiscent of Ya. A. Comenius' educational books. His idea, based on the principle of “Nature! School! Life! ”, I. B. Bazedov realized in a philanthropist - a boarding school, which accepted children of different classes from 6 to 18 years old. The course of study was supposed to eliminate the existing separation of school from life. The curriculum included German, French, Latin and Greek, philosophy, drawing, music, morality, mathematics, natural science, history, horse riding, manual labor. Teaching methods contributed to the development of students' independence, lessons were held in nature, games, walks, excursions, the study of objects and phenomena of reality in natural conditions were often held. There were no punishments for insufficient progress in the classroom, teachers took care that the students did not overwork.

“In the philanthropist I. Bazedov, an original system of rewards and punishments was used. As a reward, the so-called “incentive points” were used, which were placed on a special board against the name of the pupil. Pupils who received a certain number of such points were awarded some kind of distinction (an order was issued for exemplary behavior) or a tasty dish. In the latter case, the recipient had to invite the closest comrades to his table, who were supposed to share the pleasure with him. This was done so that the child did not develop selfish feelings. The highest form of reward for the most mature pupils was considered to be the opportunity to be present in the room of the director of the philanthropist and at meetings of the pedagogical council, and sometimes even take part in the discussion of certain issues. Punishments for any offenses of a moral order were of several types: a decrease in the number of incentive points, placement in an empty room when comrades were playing in the next one. Considering that at that time a wide variety of corporal punishment was common in schools, all forms of punishment used in philanthropy were undoubtedly more humane. 5
Orlova A. P., Zinkova N. K.., Teterina V. V. History of Pedagogy: Sketches of Famous Schools. From the beginning of the New Age to the end of the 19th century: guidelines. - Vitebsk: VSU named after P. M. Masherov, 2013. P. 26.

Significant changes in primary education have taken place in France, where in 1792 the project was discussed at the Constituent Assembly J. A. Condorcet(1743–1794), within which first in the state education system, a primary (primary) school was allocated with a four-year course for boys and girls for places where the population was over 400 people. Although the project of J. A. Condorcet was not accepted, constituent Assembly supported democratic ideas, and from that moment on, elementary school became free in France. In the future, the approach of J. A. Condorcet was developed by Chenier, Romm (the project of a successive education system), Lepeletier (“houses of national education”), and others.

In the 17th century France also had small schools- a subtype of college - which were established by a group of teachers who received the name "Por-Royal Circle". They gave elementary (mastery of writing, counting, geography and basic knowledge about religion), general and partially higher education. They were distinguished by small classes, lack of grades and an emphasis on the development of the pupils' rational thinking.

In June 1793, at the initiative of the Jacobins, the text of the “Declaration of Rights” was adopted, which led to another reorganization of the elementary school - it became completely secular: instead of lessons on the catechism, "lessons of the revolution" were introduced. But in June 1795, after the defeat of the French Revolution in the conditions of state bankruptcy, the Don project was approved, according to which there were few elementary schools and three-quarters of them became paid - they were paid by the families of the students.

IN England during the Reformation period (XVII-XVIII centuries), they began to create charitable and Sunday schools for the poor, and then the famous grammatical schools organized on the model of urban schools and gymnasiums in Germany.

A significant contribution to the development of the theory and practice of elementary school during this period was made by the Swiss teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi(1746–1827). It was he who developed the idea of ​​developmental education. I. G. Pestalozzi was sure that education should develop the child’s inner strengths, striving to reveal themselves: “The eye wants to look, the ear wants to hear, the leg wants to walk, and the hand wants to grab. But the heart also wants to believe and love. The mind wants to think." 6
Pestalozzi I. G. Selected pedagogical works: in 2 vols. T. 1. - M .: Pedagogy, 1981. S. 213.

He built his method of mental, physical and moral development of the child into the theory of elementary education.

Based on the idea of ​​J.-J. Rousseau about the nature of upbringing and education, he proposed to develop the child according to a system of exercises built on the principle from the element to the whole. At the same time, visualization of training and proper organization initial observations of the child. I. G. Pestalozzi considered number, form and word to be the simplest elements expressing common, basic properties for all objects and being the initial elements in learning. This system allowed the child to move from elements such as sound and syllable to speech constructions, from a straight line ( the simplest form) to the study of geometry, to drawing and writing, and also to counting.

I. G. Pestalozzi considered the tasks of elementary moral education to be the development of moral feelings, the development of moral skills, the formation of moral consciousness and beliefs through the development of the simplest element - a feeling of love for a mother.

Considering that joint exercises should become the simplest elements of physical education, I. G. Pestalozzi developed an elementary gymnastics complex at home and at school.

The teacher also emphasized the need to study child psychology in order to build a conscious educational process for children.

Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm Diesterweg(1790–1866) continued the development of the idea of ​​an elementary teaching method and the implementation of the principle of visibility in primary education, enriching developmental education with the principle cultural conformity, that is, the idea of ​​raising and educating a child in accordance with the cultural conditions of its development, the traditions and history of the people, corresponding to the needs of the time. The age periodization described by him also helped to organize the activities of teachers in primary school, in which three stages were distinguished: the first (from 0 to 9 years old), the second (from 9 to 14 years old), and the third (over 14 years old). Since at the first stage the child develops sensory perception, then games, fairy tales, stories and adventures should be used as methods. At the next stage, facts are accumulated in the memory due to practical knowledge using the method of induction, and then, using deduction, rational activity develops and character and moral convictions are formed.

A. Diesterweg first formulated the principle amateur performances the child, that is, the teacher's support for the activity and initiative of the student's personality in the process of education and upbringing, necessary for his further self-determination in life. His words about the need to support school motivation sound very modern: “Many of them (children. - Note. ed.) come to school with a keen desire to learn. Gradually it weakens; cheerful initiative turns into passivity. The mind still perceives, but no longer assimilates and, finally, is exhausted. In many respects it remains desirable to have a pedagogical homeopath, a person who teaches us to give mental techniques in such a dose as they work most successfully and at which a small amount produces the strongest effect. One must be much more afraid to feed the disciples than to weaken them with a lack of food. Pedagogical dietetics and culinary arts are very important arts. They still have a lot to do. But no one acts so perniciously as a despotic teacher who does not take into account the natural development of man, who does not respect this development. The unprincipled teacher, full of conceit, and criticizing acts just as perniciously. He decides - and even sees heroism in this - to criticize everything great, beautiful, sublime in history and literature in front of his students, accustoms his students to criticism, of course, according to the given, imposed measure, and thereby destroys their faith and ideals. Such a teacher kills the noble human nature.” 7
Diesterweg A. Selected pedagogical works. – M.: Uchpedgiz, 1956. S. 136–203.

The demand for universal compulsory primary education, put forward by the ideologists of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, in the 19th century. shared by politicians and public figures Western Europe and USA. The spread of primary schools in Europe has led to a significant increase in the literacy of the population (up to 70-80%). This period is associated with the search for the content of education for general education schools, ensuring equal rights to education, discussing the role of the church in organizing education, changing the content of primary education towards practice orientation. Unfortunately, little attention was paid during this period to the link between primary school and later levels of education.

Previously mandatory free education was legislated in Prussia (1794), then in the USA (mid-1850s), later in England (1870) and in France (1880).

Late 19th – early 20th century– the time of the opening of the first experimental schools that implement the ideas reformist pedagogy. In primary education, this « School for Life” by Ovid Decroly in Belgium, A. Neil’s Summerhill School and B. Russell’s Democratic Schools in England, Leipzig Experimental Schools and the Leipzig School. Lichtvarka in Germany, the laboratory school founded by D. Dewey in Chicago, and others. manifested itself in the second half of the 20th century. IN 1911 New York even set up a Bureau pedagogical experiments, the purpose of which was to disseminate the experience of innovation. Let us dwell only on some interesting experimental developments.

Fergop organic school Marietta Johnson(1864-1938) in the USA, named so in accordance with the method (organic) put forward by her, assumed following the natural growth of the child, that is, the beginning of learning in accordance with the need to turn to the book as a source of new knowledge (8-9 years). The child was involved in the study of writing, reading, arithmetic, using his natural desire for knowledge, for example, learning to count in a game. Children at the initial stage of training did not sit at their desks, they constantly communicated and performed group tasks.

French teacher - inspector of elementary schools Roger Cousine(1881–1973) put into practice a new method of “free work in groups”, which received a task for a week, distributed responsibilities among themselves, and then presented the material obtained on chip cards, imitated the activity being studied, played plays on historical plots. This approach made it possible, according to the author, to take into account the "illogicality" of children's thinking and created space for independent children's creativity.

French educator Celestine Frenet(1896–1966), known for the idea of ​​a child's independent acquaintance with the world, described age periodization, highlighting the period from 7 to 14 years - Primary School in which, through labor and communication with nature, the development and education of the child is carried out. The "free texts" he proposed - written works children about their experiences and impressions, then printed by the children themselves in the school printing house, the school newspaper, which was discussed every week at the school council and had the headings “I criticize”, “I want”, “I did”, chip cards on which the younger schoolchildren answered the questions posed, having studied reference books, dictionaries and other literature, plans for the day, week, month, compiled and discussed by students, school cooperative and other methods - they created a democratic, fruitful, family character of relations at school. This experience was so popular that in 1927 there were already 25 elementary schools operating under this system in France.

Interesting experience Peter Peterson(1884–1952), which was called the "Jena Plan" and extended to 50 schools Germany. The organization of the experimental teaching and upbringing process in the school, called the educational community, was based on the unity of teaching and upbringing, the personal orientation of the pedagogical process, learning without coercion, including the freedom of choice by teachers and students of the forms and means of education, the pedagogization of the environment, the cooperation of students, teachers and parents . The class was replaced by a group in which all members learned and responded jointly, learned self-esteem, were equal in solving issues of school order.

P. Peterson formulated universal target guidelines in the form of groups of leading personal qualities of students - cognitive, creative, organizational, communicative or some other, to which the teacher paid special attention in the learning process (a prototype of the UUD of a modern elementary school. - Note. auth.). Groups of personal qualities corresponding to the specifics of the studied sciences or areas of life were expressed, as a rule, in the form of certain knowledge, skills, values, methods of activity and other parameters that correspond to the discipline being studied. 8
Bogatyreva I. Yu. Content and forms of educational work experimental model"Jena-Plan-School": From the Experience of Experimental Schools in Germany in the First Third of the 20th Century: Abstract of the thesis. dis. … cand. ped. Sciences 13.00.01 - general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education. - Pyatigorsk, 2006.

An important place in the organization of training was occupied by the use of dialogues, game forms and teaching methods. Created by P. Peterson, a single four-year primary school for all social strata was built as a labor community and was the most important means development of citizenship, morality, artistic and amateur creativity.

During the 1920s-1930s. significant changes have taken place in European public school systems. A new method has come into educational practice - the test method. Its use made it possible to build education more differentiated, separating poorly trained children into special groups. In schools in England, according to the law of 1921, children studied at school from the age of 5, and upon graduation (at 11 years old) they could enter the central classes with an industrial or commercial bias, which are additional primary education. Schools in Germany differed significantly. In France, there was a system of mass free primary education (for children 6-13 years old), which also included additional schools or courses (2-3 years each), as well as paid preparatory classes at secondary schools. Such practice-oriented subjects as accounting, stenography, etc. were introduced into the curriculum of elementary schools of that time.

In the second half of the XX century. the issues of modernizing schools, including primary ones, are among the politically significant state interests. In contrast to these aspirations, the idea appears to build the educational process based on the needs of the child's personality, and not for the socialization and education of him as a citizen. The concept of humanistic pedagogy is gradually taking shape, based on the psychological theories of A. Combs, A. Maslow, R. May, K. Rogers, V. Frankl and others. The central concept of humanistic pedagogy is becoming “open learning”, which involves creating conditions for the self-realization of each child.

American psychologist Carl Rogers(1902–1987) believed that each person has enormous resources for self-knowledge, changing the self-concept, purposeful behavior, and the task of the teacher is to help him discover these resources. After writing the monograph "Freedom to Learn" in the 1970s. C. Rogers and his colleagues are undertaking a series of large-scale experiments, the purpose of which was to significantly change individual regional educational systems in the United States. The restructuring of the traditional practice of teaching and upbringing within the framework of a person-centered approach is carried out in the following interrelated areas: creating a psychological climate of trust between teachers and students, ensuring cooperation in decision-making between all participants in the educational process, updating the motivational resources of teaching, developing special personal attitudes among teachers, most adequate to humanistic education, assistance to teachers and students in personal development. K. Rogers distinguishes two types of learning: meaningless (compulsory, impersonal, intellectualized, evaluated from the outside, aimed at mastering meanings) and meaningful (free and independently initiated, personally involved, evaluated by the student himself, aimed at mastering meanings as elements of personal experience). The main task of the teacher is to stimulate and initiate (facilitate) meaningful learning.

Lecture No. 1 "Pedagogy of primary education as a science" 1 page

on the upbringing, education and development of younger students"

Target -formation of ideas about the subject, tasks, history of origin and development, functions of the pedagogy of primary education, about its place in the system of pedagogical sciences.

1. The subject and tasks of the pedagogy of primary education.

2. Basic concepts of pedagogy.

3. The system of pedagogical sciences.

1. The subject and tasks of the pedagogy of primary education

Man is born as a biological being. In order for him to become a person, he must be educated. It is upbringing that ennobles him, instills the necessary qualities. Well-trained specialists and the whole science of education, which is called pedagogy, are engaged in this process. She got her name from Greek words"paides" - children and "ago" - to lead, in literal translation means the art of directing the upbringing of a child, and the word "teacher" can be translated as "tutor".

At all times, teachers have been looking for the best ways to help children realize the opportunities given to them by nature, the formation of new qualities. Little by little, the necessary knowledge was accumulated, pedagogical systems were created, tested and rejected until the most viable, most useful ones remained. Gradually, the science of education was formed, the main task of which was the accumulation and systematization of pedagogical knowledge, the comprehension of the laws of human education.

All people need pedagogical guidance. But these issues are especially acute in preschool and primary school age, because during this period the basic qualities of the future person are laid. The education of children of preschool and primary school age is dealt with by a special branch of pedagogical science, which, for brevity, we will call elementary school pedagogy. Sometimes it is divided into several interrelated branches - family pedagogy, preschool pedagogy and elementary school pedagogy. Each has its own subject - what this science studies. The subject of elementary school pedagogy is the education of children of preschool and primary school age.

Pedagogy equips teachers with professional knowledge about the features of the educational processes of a given age group, the ability to predict, design and implement the educational process in various conditions, and evaluate its effectiveness. The processes of upbringing must be constantly improved, because the living conditions of people are changing, information is accumulating, the requirements for a person are becoming more complicated. Teachers respond to these demands of society by creating new technologies for teaching, education and upbringing.

Primary school teachers deal with "eternal" problems - they are obliged to introduce the child into the complex world of human relations. But never before has their educational activity been so complex, difficult and responsible. The world used to be different, it did not have the dangers that lie in wait for today's children. From what foundations of upbringing will be laid in the family, preschool child care institution, elementary school, his own life and the well-being of society will depend.

Modern pedagogy is a rapidly developing science, because changes need to be kept up with. Pedagogy lags behind - people lag behind, scientific and technological progress stalls. So, we must constantly draw new knowledge from various sources. Sources of development of pedagogy: centuries-old practical experience of education, fixed in the way of life, traditions, customs of people, folk pedagogy; philosophical, social science, pedagogical and psychological works; current world and domestic practice of education; data from specially organized pedagogical research; the experience of innovative teachers who offer original ideas, new approaches, technologies of education in today's rapidly changing conditions.

So, pedagogy is the science of education. Its main task is the accumulation and systematization of scientific knowledge about the upbringing of a person. Pedagogy learns the laws of upbringing, education and training of people and, on this basis, indicates to pedagogical practice the best ways and means to achieve the goals set. A special branch of pedagogical science deals with the education of children of preschool and primary school age.

2. Basic concepts of pedagogy

The main pedagogical concepts expressing scientific generalizations are usually called pedagogical categories. These include: upbringing, training, education. Pedagogy also widely operates with such general scientific categories as development and formation.

Education is a purposeful and organized process of personality formation. In pedagogy, this concept is used in a broad philosophical and social sense and in a narrower pedagogical sense.

In the philosophical sense, education is the adaptation of a person to the environment and conditions of existence. If a person has adapted to the environment in which he exists, he has grown up. It does not matter, under the influence and with the help of what forces he succeeded, whether he himself came to the realization of the need for the most expedient behavior or he was helped. No matter how much education he receives, it will be enough for him for the rest of his life.

Another thing is what will be the quality of this life. It takes a lot of education to be good. To vegetate in the backyards of civilization, it is enough to understand simple connections. Without the help of qualified educators, a person achieves little, and remaining outside the field of education, only a little resembles a person. The remark that without education he remains just a biological being is not entirely true.

In a social sense, education is the transfer of accumulated experience from older generations to younger ones. Experience is understood as knowledge, skills, ways of thinking known to people, moral, ethical, legal norms, in a word, the spiritual heritage of mankind created in the process of historical development. Everyone who comes to this world joins the achievements of civilization, which is achieved by the method of education. Mankind survived, grew stronger and reached the modern level of development thanks to education, thanks to the fact that the experience gained by previous generations was used and multiplied by subsequent ones. History knows cases when experience was lost, the river of education dried up. Then people turned out to be thrown far back in their development and were forced to restore the lost links of their culture anew; bitter fate and hard work awaited these people.

The historical development of society irrefutably proves that great successes in their development have always been achieved by those peoples whose education was better placed, because it is the engine of the social process.

Education is historical. It arose together with human society, becoming an organic part of its development, and will exist as long as society exists. That is why education is a general and eternal category.

Education is carried out not only by professional teachers in preschool and school institutions. In modern society, there is a whole range of institutions that direct their efforts to education: families, the media, literature, art, labor collectives, law enforcement agencies. Therefore, in the social sense, education is understood as a directed impact on a person by public institutions in order to form certain knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, moral values, political orientations, and preparation for life.

In the presence of many educational forces, the success of education can only be achieved through strict coordination of the actions of all the social institutions involved in it. With inconsistent influences, the child is exposed to strong versatile influences, which can make it impossible to achieve a common goal. Education is directed by educational institutions (institutions).

In a broad pedagogical sense, education is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled influence on a student in order to form the given qualities in him, carried out in the family and educational institutions. In a narrow pedagogical sense, education is the process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

In pedagogy, as in other social sciences, the concept of education is often used to refer to individual cycles of a holistic educational process. They say - "physical education", "aesthetic education".

Education is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, the result of which is the assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills, the formation of a worldview, the development of mental strength, talents and capabilities in accordance with the goals set.

The basis of training is knowledge, skills and abilities. Knowledge is a person's reflection of objective reality in the form of facts, concepts and laws of science. They represent the collective experience of mankind, the result of the knowledge of objective reality. Skills - the readiness to consciously and independently perform practical and theoretical actions based on acquired knowledge, life experience and acquired skills. Skills are components of practical activity, manifested in the performance of actions brought to perfection through repeated exercise.

Communicating this or that knowledge to students, teachers always give them the necessary orientation, forming, as it were along the way, but in fact very thoroughly, the most important worldview, social, ideological, moral and other qualities. Therefore, education is educative. In the same way, any upbringing contains elements of learning. Teaching - educate, educate - teach.

Education is the result of learning. In the literal sense, it means the formation of the image of a well-trained, educated, intelligent person. Education is a system of knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking accumulated in the process of learning, which a student has mastered. It is the system, and not the volume (set) of disparate information, that characterizes an educated person. Primary school provides its graduates with primary (elementary) education. The main criterion of education is the consistency of knowledge and thinking. Then the student is able to think independently, restore the missing links with the help of logical reasoning.

It is very important to understand that education is not something that is given, but something that is taken, obtained by everyone independently. “Development and education cannot be given or communicated to any person. Anyone who wishes to partake of them must achieve this by his own activity, his own strength, his own exertion. From the outside, he can only get excited…”, wrote A. Diesterweg.

Depending on the amount of knowledge gained and the level of independent thinking achieved, primary, secondary and higher education are distinguished. According to the nature and orientation, it is divided into general, professional and polytechnic.

Primary education aims to lay the foundations for the future education of a person, which in modern conditions continues throughout life. The child should be taught to read, write, count, coherently and competently express thoughts, reason logically, draw the right conclusions. Literacy education is accompanied by intensive education - moral, physical, aesthetic, labor, legal, economic, environmental. Upbringing at this age is the prevailing process and subordinates learning and education. If a person is not brought up properly, giving him knowledge is both useless and dangerous, because knowledge in this case is a sword in the hands of a madman.

General education provides knowledge of the fundamentals of the sciences of nature, society, man, forms a worldview, develops cognitive abilities. Obtaining a general education ends with an understanding of the basic patterns of development of processes in the world around a person, the acquisition of the necessary training and labor skills, various skills.

Vocational education equips with knowledge, skills and abilities in a certain area. Primary pre-professional and vocational schools train highly skilled workers, while secondary and higher schools train specialists of medium and higher qualifications for various branches of the national economy.

Polytechnic education introduces the basic principles of modern production, equips with the skills of handling the simplest tools that are used in everyday life and everyday life.

Formation is the process of becoming a person as a social being under the influence of all factors without exception - environmental, social, economic, ideological, psychological, etc. Education is one of the most important, but not the only factor in personality formation. Formation implies a certain completeness of the qualities of the human personality, the level of maturity, stability.

Development is the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in a person. It is associated with constant changes, transitions from one state to another, ascent from simple to complex, from lower to higher. In human development, the action of the universal law of the mutual transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones and vice versa is quite clearly manifested.

Personal development is the most complex process of objective reality. For an in-depth study of it, modern science has taken the path of differentiating the components of development, highlighting the physical, mental, spiritual, social and other aspects in it. Pedagogy studies the problems of the spiritual development of the individual in close connection with them.

The main pedagogical concepts include such rather general ones as self-education, self-development, pedagogical process, pedagogical interaction, products of pedagogical activity, social formation, pedagogical technologies, educational innovations. We will consider them in the context of studying special issues.

Let's draw conclusions. The main pedagogical concepts are interrelated upbringing, training, education, development and formation. In the real pedagogical process, they are all present at the same time: by teaching - we educate, by educating - we form a personality, and as a result, we ensure the development of all the necessary qualities.

3 . System of Pedagogical Sciences

Pedagogy is a vast science. Its subject is so complex that a separate science is not able to capture the essence and all the connections of education. Pedagogy, having gone through a long path of development, having accumulated a lot of experience, has now turned into an extensive system of scientific knowledge, which is more correctly called the system of the sciences of education.

The foundation of pedagogy is philosophy, in particular that part of it that specifically deals with the problems of education. This is the philosophy of education - a field of knowledge that uses the ideas of various philosophical systems in educational practice, indicates pedagogy a general approach to cognition, the study of pedagogical phenomena and processes. Therefore, philosophy, with its ideas of integrity and consistency, methods of structural analysis, is considered to be the methodological (from the Latin "methodos" - the path) basis of pedagogy.

The development of education as a social phenomenon, the history of pedagogical teachings is explored by the history of pedagogy. Understanding the past, we look into the future. The study of what has already been, comparing it with the present, not only helps to better trace the main stages in the development of modern phenomena, but also warns against repeating the mistakes of the past.

The system of pedagogy includes:

general pedagogy,

age pedagogy,

social pedagogy,

Special Pedagogy.

General pedagogy is a basic scientific discipline that studies the general patterns of human education, developing general fundamentals educational process in educational institutions of all types. Traditionally, general pedagogy contains four large sections:

1) general basics,

2) didactics (learning theory),

3) the theory of education,

4) school studies (pedagogical management). Today, this section is increasingly being singled out as an independent scientific direction.

The same structure is repeated by the pedagogy of elementary school, in which the named sections are also highlighted.

Age-related pedagogy connects education with the characteristics of age. Everyone knows that in childhood, adolescence and adulthood, education is carried out in different ways and leads to different results. Age pedagogy, as it has developed to date, covers the entire period of a person's life. People learn and develop throughout their lives, require qualified pedagogical assistance and support. Among the components of an extensive system of age-related pedagogy, the following stand out: the pedagogy of family education, the pedagogy of preschool education, the pedagogy of elementary, secondary, higher education, adult education, etc. Complete the design of independent pedagogical areas that reflect specific features education in certain age groups associated with the types of educational institutions, pedagogy of vocational education, industrial pedagogy, pedagogy distance learning and etc.

Preschool pedagogy explores the features of educating preschool children. Primary school pedagogy studies the patterns of education of a growing person at the age of 6–7 to 10–11 years.

Among the branches dealing with the pedagogical problems of adults, the pedagogy of higher education is progressing. Its subject is the regularities of the educational process taking place in higher educational institutions of all levels of accreditation, specific problems of obtaining higher education in modern conditions, including computer networks. The pedagogy of postgraduate education, in close collaboration with the pedagogy of labor, deals with the problems of advanced training, as well as the urgent issues of retraining workers in various sectors of the national economy, mastering new knowledge, and acquiring a new profession in adulthood. Features of educational processes in specific conditions are studied by military pedagogy.

In social pedagogy, such branches as family pedagogy, preventive pedagogy (protective, protective or even forced education, re-education of offenders), preventive and protective pedagogy, etc. are distinguished. Recently, directions related to the provision of pedagogical assistance to “risk groups” have been rapidly progressing people in trouble - alcoholics, drug addicts, convicts, etc.

People with various disorders and developmental disabilities fall within the scope of special pedagogy. The issues of education and upbringing of the deaf and dumb are dealt with by deaf pedagogy, the blind by typhlopedagogy, and the mentally retarded by oligophrenopedagogy.

A special group of pedagogical sciences is made up of the so-called private, or subject-based, methods that study the patterns of teaching and studying specific academic disciplines in all types of educational institutions. Each teacher should have an excellent command of the methodology of teaching their subject. There is also a methodology for teaching pedagogy, according to the requirements of which this textbook has been compiled.

In recent decades, all branches of pedagogy have taken the path of creating private technologies that differ from traditional methods by maximum specification of ways and means to achieve desired results in the existing conditions.

Pedagogy develops in close relationship with other sciences. Philosophical sciences - first of all, ethics, epistemology (science), etc. - help pedagogy determine the meaning and goals of education, correctly take into account the action general patterns human being and thought. Pedagogy has the closest and most direct connection with anatomy and physiology. They form the basis for understanding the biological essence of a person - the development of his higher nervous activity and its typological features, the first and second signal systems, the development and functioning of the sense organs, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Of particular importance for pedagogy is psychology, which studies the patterns of development of the psyche. Taking into account new psychological knowledge Pedagogy designs more effective educational systems that lead to the intended changes in the inner world and human behavior. Each section of pedagogy finds support in the corresponding section of psychology: in teaching, for example, they rely on the theory of cognitive processes and mental development; the theory of upbringing is based on personality psychology, etc. Their integration led to the emergence of educational psychology and psychopedagogy.

The connections of pedagogy with history and literature, geography and anthropology, medicine and ecology, economics and archeology are expanding. Even the science of extraterrestrial civilizations helps understanding pedagogical problems. Man, his habitat, the influence of cosmic rhythms on the formation of people today are being intensively studied all over the world.

New industries have emerged at the intersection of pedagogy with the exact and technical sciences - cybernetic, mathematical, computer pedagogy, suggestology, etc. Today's pedagogy, as one of the main human sciences, is developing very intensively.

So, modern pedagogy is a branched scientific system in which the pedagogy of elementary school occupies an important place, since the processes of education are most intensive in childhood and they need to be skillfully managed. In developing its problems, pedagogy relies on the data of a number of sciences.

Questions and tasks for knowledge control:

1. What does pedagogy study? What are her tasks?

2. Name the basic concepts of pedagogy. Give them a definition.

3. What is education in the social and pedagogical sense?

4. What is the place of primary education pedagogy in the system of pedagogical sciences?


1. Kukushin, V.S. Pedagogy of primary education / V.S. Kukushin, A.V. Boldyrev-Varaksin. - M., 2005. - S. 8-11.

2. Podlasy, I.P. Pedagogy / I.P. Sneaky. - M., 1999. - Part 1. - S. 9-43.

3. Podlasy, I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school / I.P. Sneaky. - M., 2000. - S. 6-24.

Lecture No. 2 " Modern concepts and technologies of the pedagogical process in elementary school"

Target -formation of ideas about the theoretical foundations of the organization of the pedagogical process in elementary school.

1. Modern concepts of the pedagogical process.

2. Educational and pedagogical technologies in the pedagogical process.

3. Optimization of the pedagogical process in elementary school.

1. Modern concepts of the pedagogical process

For holistic development, as mentioned above, a holistic pedagogical process is also necessary. In connection with the great attention to the problems of holistic development, a holistic pedagogical process, theories of developmental education have appeared in science, which set out approaches to organizing the learning process aimed at the holistic development of the child (L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov and D.B. Elkonin, M.I. Makhmutov and others). Based on the scientific provisions of L.S. Vygotsky about human development, scientists have developed original concepts in which the patterns of mental development are considered in connection with a particular structure of teacher and student activities. So, in the theory of problem-developing education (M.I. Makhmutov), ​​the student's integral development occurs when he is included in the process of solving an educational problem, while this process has its own special structure, called by the author logical and psychological: analysis of a problem situation - posing a problem question - making an assumption - formulating a problem - finding a way to solve it - solution - checking the correctness of the solution - generalization (conclusion). The idea of ​​the scientist is as follows: if the teacher manages to ensure the activity of the student at each stage of the learning process, then such a process contributes to the integral development of the student.

Another theory of developmental education (V.V. Davydov and D.B. Elkonin), interconnected with the theory of learning activity and others, focuses on the integral development of the child (and not just the development of his cognitive abilities) due to the formation of educational activity in schoolchildren. The structure of learning activity, as is known, includes learning and cognitive motives, learning tasks and learning activities. The idea is to teach children to consciously perform activities and reflect on them, which, of course, requires the active functioning of all spheres and personal properties from the child.

Most widespread in modern school practice, the theory of developmental education, created by L.V. Zankov. It is noteworthy that the goal of learning formulated in this theory focuses on general development child. This already determines the developmental orientation of all components of the learning process in the didactic system of L.V. Zankov - principles, content of education, methods and forms of education, visual aids.

In addition to those mentioned above, in the last five to ten years, many teachers and psychologists have been actively developing original concepts of primary education, reflecting not only the developmental nature of the learning process, but also a number of other modern requirements. In 1992, as part of the general Russian reform, the program "Renewal of the Humanities Education in Russia" was launched. Its main goal is the humanization of education, the creation of a new generation of variable textbooks and teaching aids focused on the values ​​of national and world culture of a modern democratic society. Scientists and practitioners have proposed concepts of humanization of education, complexes of curricula, manuals and methodological developments. Among them, for example, the concept of humanization of Russian primary education (V.V. Davydov), in which the author notes the fact that Russian primary education is gradually acquiring a developmental character and the basis of this trend are such theories as the theory of periodization of mental development in childhood, the theory of two types of generalization and thinking, the theory of learning activity and its subject, the theory of developing learning, the theory of constructing appropriate textbooks and teaching aids. The concept of primary education, developed under the leadership of N.F. Talyzina and N.G. Salmina, focuses on the introduction of new principles for constructing content, which will dramatically reduce the amount of material being studied, replace many particular skills and abilities with a small number of generalized methods of cognitive activity, opens the way to the formation of abilities.

Others are also of interest scientific approaches to primary education: “School of Personality Development” (A. Dusavitsky), “Principles of a New Humanitarian School” (V. Bogin), “School of Dialogue of Cultures” (A. Akhutin, I. Berlyand), “School of Personality Self-Realization” (D. Mansfeld), "School of Childhood" (V. Levin), etc.

2. Educational and pedagogical technologies in the pedagogical process

The authors of numerous projects of child development programs consider the organization of the content of educational subjects, the connections between them, offer new methods, techniques, manuals for organizing educational activities, etc. In other words, a lot of different technologies have appeared in modern pedagogy.

Currently, our country is undergoing significant changes in national policy education. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. There is a modernization of the educational system - a different content, approaches, behavior, pedagogical mentality are offered.

Today, the principle of variability has been proclaimed in Russian education, which makes it possible for teaching staff of educational institutions to choose and design the pedagogical process according to any model, including author's ones. The progress of education is also moving in this direction: the development of various options for its content, the use of the possibilities of modern didactics in increasing the effectiveness of educational structures; scientific development and practical justification of new ideas and technologies. Under these conditions, the teacher needs to be guided in a wide range modern innovative technologies, ideas, schools, directions, not to waste time discovering what is already known, but to use the entire arsenal of Russian pedagogical experience. Today, it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire wide range of educational technologies.

For a skillful and conscious choice from the existing bank of pedagogical technologies, exactly those that are adequate to the concept of school development and the main directions of the pedagogical strategy, it is necessary to understand the essential characteristics modern interpretation the concepts of "pedagogical technology" and "educational technology".

Let us first of all turn to the very concept of "technology".

Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, craftsmanship, art.

Now let's separate, as far as possible, the concepts of pedagogical and educational technology.

Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical techniques, teaching methods, educational means. It is an organizational and methodological tool of the pedagogical process (B.T. Likhachev).

Pedagogical technology- this is a meaningful technique for the implementation of the educational process (V.P. Bespalko).