Systems and programs of elementary school. Russian language program - elementary grades


1 Narva Language Lyceum Russian Language School Program Grade 5 105 hours, 3 hours per week Narva 2015

2 Learning objectives. Teaching the Russian language in the 5th grade is aimed at ensuring that the student: masters the language system of the native language for full and free speech communication in all spheres of modern life; had an idea about the functions of language in society and the literary Russian language; knew and understood the structure of the word, ways of forming words in the Russian language, had an idea about the independent parts of speech; mastered skills and abilities in all types of speech activity; valued the native language as the most important part of the spiritual culture of the Russian people; realized the place and importance of the Russian language among other languages ​​of the world. Learning outcomes A 5th grade student 1) correctly perceives the content of various texts by ear; 2) is able to analyze the text at an elementary level: determine the style and type of speech, formulate the topic and main idea; 3) knows how to make a simple plan of the text; 4) is fluent in monologue and dialogic speech related to narration, description and reasoning; 5) is able to create oral and written texts at a reproductive and productive level; can divide text into paragraphs; 6) uses functional reading skills; 7) independently reads and recognizes texts of different styles and genres, performs tasks for them; 8) has spelling and punctuation skills; 9) owns the norms of the literary language in the volume of the studied material; 10) analyzes language units in terms of phonetics, word formation, morphology, syntax.

3 Content of training. Phonetics. Graphic arts. Orthoepy (4 hours) Changing sounds in the speech stream. phonetic transcription. Difficult cases of stress in words. Concepts: phonetic transcription, morpheme (ending, prefix, postfix), single-root words, spelling, phonetic analysis. Morphemics and word formation (3 hours) The alternation of vowels and consonants in the roots of words. The main ways of forming words. Transition from one part of speech to another. Word-building dictionaries of the Russian language. Concepts: formative and word-forming morphemes, generating, derivative, non-derivative bases, ways of forming words in the Russian language. Lexicology and phraseology (5 hours) The main types of tropes: personification, epithet. Jargon. Synonymy and antonymy of words of different parts of speech. Lexical and stylistic norms of the Russian language. Lexical combination of words. Concepts: trope, jargon, synonymy, antonymy, language norm, compatibility, dictionary entry, dictionaries of the Russian language. Morphology (60 hours) Morphology as a section of grammar. The grammatical meaning of the word. The system of parts of speech in Russian and their general characteristics (2 hours). Concepts: morphology, grammar, grammatical meaning, part of speech. Nouns of the general gender. Declension types of nouns, their syntactic functions (10 hours). Concepts: independent and service parts of speech, morphological features: permanent and non-permanent, syntactic role, category of number, gender, declension. Adjectives are qualitative, relative, possessive. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Syntactic functions of the adjective (8 hours). Concepts: ranks of adjectives: qualitative, relative and possessive, compound adjective. Distinctive features of the numeral and its role in the sentence. Cardinal and ordinal numbers. Collective numbers. Fractional numbers. The structure of the name of the numeral (simple and compound). Declension and spelling of numbers. The combination of numerals with nouns (15 hours). Concepts: quantitative and ordinal numbers, simple and compound numbers, collective numbers, integer and fractional numbers.

4 Pronoun in the system of parts of speech. Pronouns as a means of communication. Norms for the use of pronouns in speech (10 hours). Concepts: categories of pronouns: personal, reflexive, possessive, interrogative, relative, indefinite, negative, attributive. tense and aspect of the verb. Transitive and intransitive verbs. Impersonal verbs. Verb inclinations. Conjugation of verbs. Syntactic functions of the verb (15 hours). Concepts: infinitive, aspect, verb conjugation, category of time, numbers, transitivity and intransitivity, inclination. Syntax (12 hours). The phrase and sentence as units of syntax. Composition and subordination. The main types of phrases. The sentence as the basic unit of syntax. A simple sentence and a complex one. The main ways of expressing the subject and the simple predicate. Proposals with homogeneous members. Introductory words. Appeal. Direct speech. Dialog. Concepts: phrase, coordinating / subordinating connection, simple / complex sentence, subject, simple predicate, homogeneous members, introductory words, appeal, direct speech, dialogue. Text (5 hours). text as a whole. Subject. Complicated plan. Speech styles. Main types of texts. Types of speech. Description as a type of speech. Concepts: text, styles of speech, types of speech. Spelling (16 hours). Spelling (8 hours). Spelling of alternating vowels and consonants in word roots. Spelling of the endings of the noun, adjective, verb. H and HH in adjectives. Continuous and separate spelling NOT and NOR with words of different parts of speech. The use of lowercase and uppercase letters. Concepts: prefix, ending, root, suffix, alternating roots. Punctuation (8 hours). Punctuation marks in a simple sentence, in sentences with homogeneous members, appeals, introductory words. Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech, using dialogue. Concepts: spelling, simple sentence, homogeneous members of the sentence, direct speech, dialogue, appeal.

5 Cross-cutting topics. 1. The cross-cutting topic "Environment and sustainable development" is considered in the topics "Functions of language in society", "Literary language", "Word structure", "Methods of forming words in the Russian language", "Independent and functional parts of speech". 2. The cross-cutting topic “Career and its formation” is considered in the topics “Our assistants dictionaries”, “Dictionary entry”, “Normative stress”, “Methods of forming words in the Russian language”, “Independent parts of speech”. 3. The cross-cutting topic "Infotechnology and Media" is considered in the topics "General information about the Language", "Morfemics". 4. The cross-cutting topic "Safety" is considered in all subtopics of the topic "Independent parts of speech" when performing practical tasks (exercises). Integration with other subject areas and with relevant competencies. In the 5th grade, in the Russian language lessons, there are opportunities for integration with subjects of the natural science cycle (physics, chemistry, biology, geography) when studying the topics “General information about the language” and “Independent parts of speech”, when getting acquainted with various scientific words and their derivatives, also when getting acquainted with the styles of the Russian language; with mathematics when studying the topic "Numerals"; with literature when working with literary texts; with computer science and drawing when working with dictionaries and when compiling various tables in the Russian language. Extracurricular and extracurricular activities in the subject. Activities within the framework of the MO of teachers of the Russian language and literature at the school and city levels. School / city Olympiad in the Russian language. Tours. library lessons. Educational literature on the subject. 1. Florenskaya E., Gabovich F. Russian language, grade 5. Hummingbird, Neverdinova V. Literature. Textbook-reader for grade 5. Hummingbird, 2002.

რუსული ენის საგამოცდო პროგრამა დაწყებითი, საბაზო და საშუალო საფეხური შესავალი საგამოცდო პროგრამა ეყრდნობა საქართველოს განათლებისა და მეცნიერების სამინისტროს მიერ 2008 წლის 21 ნოემბერს დამტკიცებულ `მასწავლებლის

Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Professional Education National Research University Higher School of Economics Entrance Test Program in Russian

Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education National Research University Higher School of Economics Entrance Test Program in Russian 2017 Program

Appendix to the main educational program of secondary general education, approved by the order of the director of MBOU SOSH 5 dated 06/01/2016 203 WORKING PROGRAM Subject: Russian language Class: 10 Number of hours

Phonetics Sound as a unit of language. Pronunciation rules. Vowels and consonants. Classification of vowels and consonants. The relationship between sounds and letters. Designation of sounds in writing. Syllable. Accent and rhythm.

CONTENTS About the textbook “Russian language. Theory ........ 3 310 Grade 5 The role of language in society .............. 8 Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world 9 INTRODUCTION COURSE Grammar Morphology and spelling

2 Work program in the Russian language Grade 0 (profile level) Thematic planning. Thematic planning is based on the program for the textbook “Russian language. 0-classes "(Authors N. G.


Work program in the Russian language Grade 10 68 hours (2 hours per week) Explanatory note

CONTENTS 408 Foreword.................................... 3 5 CLASS 1. The Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. .................................. 8 2. The concept of the literary language .......... .9 3.

1 Explanatory note The study of the subject is given 6 hours per week, which includes 204 hours per academic year. The work program is provided with an educational and methodological complex: An exemplary program for

CONTENTS ABOUT LANGUAGE AND SPEECH .............................................. .... 3 1. Why does a person need a language .................................... 3 2. What we know about the Russian language ...............................


Addendum 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 08.12.2010. 1218 PROGRAM of modern independent assessment of Russian language Russian language PHONETICS. ORTHOEPY. GRAPHIC ARTS. SPELLING Sounds of speech.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Linguistic University"


Narva Language Lyceum Russian Language School Curriculum Grade 6 105 hours, 3 hours per week Narva 2015

Annex 3.1. to the educational program of basic general education Work program in the Russian language grade 7 basic level for the 2016-2017 academic year Developed by: MO teachers of Russian language and literature

Russian language Grade 5 The work program is compiled on the basis of the Federal component of the State standard for basic general education in 2010. Thematic planning in the Russian language in grade 5

APPROVED by the Order of the Director of the MBOU "Secondary School 2 with in-depth study of subjects of the physical and mathematical cycle" dated 06/30/2016 260 P The work program of the subject "Russian language" Grade 6, 6 hours

Planned results of mastering the subject

WORKING PROGRAM in the Russian language Grade 10 Basic level EXPLANATORY NOTE. The work program has been drawn up in accordance with the program for grades 10-11 of general educational institutions "Russian language,

PROGRAM of the entrance test in the subject "Russian language" for admission in 2010 to St. Petersburg State University for undergraduate programs. At the Russian language exam, the applicant must demonstrate fluency

Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language Grade 6 Lesson topic Control 1 The Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world. 2 Verification test phonetics. Spelling. 3 Work on the bugs. Checking

Theme of the lesson Number of hours Lesson type Types of educational activities Types of control, meters Planned results of mastering the material 1. Russian is one of the developed languages ​​1 h Combined. Working with text, current

Annotation of the work program of the Russian language Grade 6 The content of the subject, the course, indicating the form of organization of training sessions, the main types of educational activities. Language. Speech. Communication. Russian language

Annex 7 to Order 22-16 od September 30, 2016. The program of the entrance examination in the Russian language and the rules for its conduction Form of the test Written entrance examination in Russian

1 section Regulatory documents The program is based on the federal component of the state standard for basic general education; programs of educational institutions in the Russian language in

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Special (correctional) general education boarding school for students with disabilities (severe speech disorders)

EXAMPLE THEMATIC PLANNING of Russian language lessons in the 6th grade at the rate of 6 hours per week (210 hours) and 5 hours per week (175 hours) Section and Topic of the lesson Russian language the language of the Russian people Introduction

The program of the entrance examination in the general education subject "Russian language" Explanatory note This program of the entrance examination in the Russian language is intended for the implementation of the state

1. Planned results of mastering the subject The personal results of mastering the Russian language program in the 6th grade are:

Russian language. Textbook: Russian language: textbook. for the 7th grade of educational institutions / M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. A. Trostentsova et al.; scientific ed. N. M. Shansky. M.: Enlightenment, 2007. Students

Municipal state educational institution basic comprehensive school with. Vostochnoye Adopted at the Pedagogical Council Minutes 12 of November 01, 2016 Approved by order of the head

Zovnishhnіshnє nezalezhne otsіnyuvannya 2013 roku z russian movie 1 Zmіst zavdannya that is correct vіdpovіd Vidpovіdnіst dannya program zvnіshnіshnіshnіshnіshnіshnії іnіїnіїї sіnyuvanniа z russian movie Hyphen between parts


2 EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program in the Russian language for the 6th grade is compiled in accordance with the legal regulations: Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated 29.12.

Call for independent assessment of 2014 to the year of Russian language (additional session)

Procedure for conducting the exam The Russian language exam is conducted orally. The content of the questions and the level of requirements is determined on the basis of the mandatory minimum of the federal state educational

Lesson on p / n topic of the lesson Thematic planning in the Russian language in grade 6 1 Russian language in the modern world. 2 Russian language as a developing phenomenon 3 Language and speech. 4 Types of speech (oral and written).

Work program on the subject "Russian language" for grade 10 for the 2016/2017 academic year Compiled by: Petrenko Irina Anatolyevna, teacher of the Russian language and literature Sevastopol 2016 1 Work program

The word is the basic unit of language. Difference of a word from other language units. The lexical meaning of the word. The main ways of transferring the lexical meanings of words. Interpreting the lexical meaning of a word using

Municipal budgetary educational institution basic comprehensive school 12 ACCEPTED APPROVED by the Pedagogical Council Director MBOU OOSH 12 Minutes dated 30.08.17 1 N.А. Paramonov Order

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow School 1387 Work program Subject: Russian language TMC: Goltsova N.V., Shamshin I.V. Grade: 10

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Gymnasium" Recommended by: Methodological Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature 1 Approved: by order of MBOU "Gymnasium"

Chapter. Planned results of studying the course Personal:) understanding of the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people, which determines the role of the native language in the development of intellectual,

WORKING PROGRAM in the Russian language Grade 6 Basic level I. PERSONAL, META-SUBJECT AND SUBJECT RESULTS OF MASTERING THE SUBJECT Personal results of students mastering the program in Russian

Lesson Calendar-thematic plan. Russian language. Grade 5 Name of the section, topics Total hours. About language 3+ Contr. slave. Development speech Date of the plan n fact, 2.3 Why does a person need a language. 2 What do we know


Grade 6 I EXPLANATORY NOTE This work program in the Russian language for the 6th grade is compiled on the basis of the Federal Educational State Standard for Basic General Education (basic

1 1. Explanatory note. The work program in the Russian language was compiled for the 6th grade on the basis of the federal component of the state standard for basic general education. Russian language programs

P. A. Lekant, N. Á. Samsonov A. The 3-ourselves of the 3rd and referred to the subtle

Calendar-thematic planning Russian language Grade 6 Content (lesson topic) Number of hours p / n I. General information about the Russian language. Russian language is the national language of the Russian people. Russian language one

Work program in the Russian language Grade 10 Developer: S.A. Aksenova, teacher of the Russian language and literature in 2017 1. Explanatory note This program is based on an exemplary program

Class: 5 Hours per week: 6 Total hours: 210 p / p Calendar-thematic planning Subject: Russian language Section, topic of the lesson Number of hours on the topic Practical part of the program K R R R I term 10.6 training

Russian language Grade 5 105 hours Kuu Õpitulemused Õppesisu Kohustuslik hindamine Quarter I September 1. Know how the text differs from a group of sentences, determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text. 2. See

The work program in the Russian language consists of 4 sections: 1. Planned results of mastering the subject 2. Content of the subject 3. Thematic planning (indicating the number of hours

1. Explanatory note The work program for the optional lesson "Native Word" in grade 8 "B" (type I) of basic general education is compiled on the basis of the program of educational institutions "Russian

Date Subject of the lesson Content of the lesson basic terms and concepts 1 Introduction. A word about the Russian language. Russian language among the languages ​​of the world, Russian literary language, language of interethnic communication. Functional

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Dyatkovo secondary school 3" Working PROGRAM in the Russian language for the 6th grade teacher of the Russian language and literature Compiled by:

WORKING PROGRAM IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 0 CLASS OF TEACHER LABUSOVA A.S. 207/208 ACADEMIC YEAR EXPLANATORY NOTE This Russian language program for grade 0 was created on the basis of the program for the textbook "Russian

Russian language program for applicants 2010 PHONETICS. Sounds of speech. Vowels and consonants. voiced and voiceless consonants. Hard and soft consonants. stress. Basic norms of modern Russian

Work program in the Russian language Grade 7 for 206,207 accounts. year Bolshoy Istok settlement 206 Document status Explanatory note

013 5 8 7 9 10 11 1 Names of sections and topics Section 3 Phonetics, orthoepy, graphics, spelling Content of educational material, laboratory work and practical exercises, independent work of students,

EXAMPLE THEMATIC PLANNING of Russian language lessons in the 5th grade at the rate of 6 hours at (210 hours) and 5 hours at (175 hours)

Application (OOP LLC) APPROVED by the order of the director of the MBOU Uspenskaya secondary school dated 3.08.207 49 / 0-07 WORKING PROGRAM in the Russian language Grade 7 Corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science

Requirements for the level of training of graduates As a result of studying the Russian language at a basic level, the student must: Know and understand: - the relationship between language and history, culture of Russian and other peoples; - the meaning of concepts.


Year of issue: 2011-2012
The country: Russia
Genre: education
Duration: lesson ~ 00:15:00
Language: Russian

Video lessons in Russian for grades 5-11 from All lessons are conducted by honored teachers of Russia and teachers of the highest categories.


5th grade

01.Repetition of what was learned in primary school

  • 07.b after nouns, adjectives and verbs hissing at the end

02.Syntax. Punctuation

  • 01. Phrase. Main and dependent words in a phrase
  • 02. Offer. Types of sentences by purpose of utterance and intonation.mp4
  • 05. Common and non-common sentences. Secondary members of the sentence.mp4
  • 06.Addition
  • 07. Definition
  • 08.Circumstance
  • 09. Homogeneous members of the proposal. Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous sentence members
  • 10.Appeals
  • 11. Syntactic analysis of a simple sentence
  • 12. Complex sentence. The concept of allied and non-union communication
  • 13. Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence
  • 14. Punctuation marks in direct speech
  • 15.Dialogue

6th grade

01. Vocabulary. Phraseology

  • 01. Repetition of what was learned in grade 5. The difference between polysemantic words and homonyms
  • 02. Repetition of what was studied in grade 5 in the Vocabulary section. The difference between synonyms and antonyms
  • 03. Dictionaries of the Russian language
  • 04. Obsolete words. Neologisms
  • 05. Words restricted in use. Jargon and professionalism
  • 06. Adopted borrowed words in Russian
  • 07. Common and dialect words
  • 08. Phraseologisms
  • 09. Phraseological units and their origin
  • 10. Etymology of Russian words

  • 01. Repetition of what was studied in grade 5 in the Word Formation section. Morphemes and their functions
  • 02. The main ways of forming words in Russian
  • 03. Spelling of alternating vowels O and A in the roots -GOR- -GAR-
  • 04. Spelling of alternating vowels O and A in the roots -KOS- and -KAS-
  • 05. Letters Y and I after consonant prefixes
  • 06. Spelling of vowels in prefixes PRE- and PRI-.mp4
  • 07. Spelling of connecting vowels О and Е.mp4
  • 08. Compound words
  • 09. Morphemic and derivational analysis of the word

03. Noun

  • 01. Repetition of the learned about the noun in the 5th grade. Noun as a part of speech
  • 02. Differing nouns. Declension of nouns into -МЯ. The letter E in the suffix -EN- nouns on -MYA
  • 03. Common nouns.mp4
  • 04. Indeclinable nouns. Gender of indeclinable nouns
  • 05. NOT with nouns
  • 06. Spelling of noun suffixes

04. Pronoun

  • 01. Pronoun as a part of speech
  • 02. Personal pronouns
  • 03. Reflexive pronouns


  • 01. Transitive and intransitive verbs

7th grade


  • 01.Russian language as a developing phenomenon.mp4

02. Repetition of what was studied in grades 5-6

  • 01.Vocabulary and phraseology part 1.mp4
  • 02. Vocabulary and phraseology part 2
  • 03. Phonetics. Spelling. Phonetic analysis of the word
  • 04. Morphemics. Word formation. Morphemic and derivational analysis of the word
  • 05. Morphology. Morphological analysis of the word
  • 06. Styles of the literary language scientific, official business, journalistic
  • 07.Text. Speech styles

03. Communion

  • 01. The concept of communion
  • 02. Declension of participles and spelling of vowels in case endings of participles
  • 03. Participle turnover. Punctuation marks in participial turnover
  • 04. Active and passive participles
  • 05. Brief participles
  • 06. Continuous and separate spelling NOT with participles
  • 07.Morphological analysis of participles.mp4
  • 08.Н and НН in suffixes of passive participles and verbal adjectives.mp4
  • 09.Letters Е and Е after passive past participles hissing in suffixes.mp4
  • 10. Generalization of information about the sacrament

04. Participle

  • 01.The concept of the gerund.mp4
  • 02. Participle turnover. Punctuation marks with adverbial turnover.mp4
  • 03. Writing NOT with gerunds
  • 04.Perfect and imperfect participles. Morphological analysis of gerunds.mp4
  • 05. Generalization and systematization of information about the participle. Control lesson

05. Prepositions

  • 01. Use of prepositions
  • 02. Non-derivative and derived prepositions
  • 03. Simple and compound prepositions. Morphological analysis of prepositions

06. Unions

  • 01. Union as a part of speech
  • 02. Coordinating and subordinating unions. Comma before conjunctions in a complex sentence.mp4
  • 03. Writing conjunctions
  • 04. Subordinating unions. Morphological analysis of unions
  • 05. The role of the coordinating union And in a simple sentence with homogeneous members and in a complex one
  • 06. Consolidated spelling of unions ALSO, ALSO, TO, ZATO


  • 01.The concept of a particle
  • 02. Discharges of particles. Shaping particles
  • 03.Semantic particles. Continuation of the topic.mp4
  • 04. Separate and hyphenated spelling of particles. Morphological analysis of particles
  • 05.Negative Particles.mp4
  • 06. Distinguishing particles NI, union NI-NI, prefix NI-

08. Interjection

  • 01. Punctuation marks for interjections

8th grade

01.Chapter 1 Introduction

  • 01. Functions of the Russian language in the modern world

02.Chapter 2. Reviewing what was learned in grades 5-7

  • 01. Phonetics. Vocabulary. Spelling.mp4
  • 02. Word formation. Spelling
  • 03. Speech styles. Text structure
  • 04. Morphology. Spelling

03.Chapter 3. Phrase

  • 01. Phrase. Its structure and grammatical meaning
  • 02. Connection of words in a phrase
  • 03. A simple sentence. Order of words in a sentence. Logic Accent.mp4
  • 04. Incomplete sentences

04. Chapter 4. Two-part sentences. The main members of the proposal

  • 01.Subject.mp4
  • 02. Predicate. Simple Verbal Predicate.mp4
  • 03. Compound nominal predicate
  • 04.Dash between subject and predicate.mp4

05.Chapter 5. Secondary members of the sentence

  • 01.Addition
  • 02. Definition
  • 03.App
  • 04. Circumstance. Groups of circumstances by value.mp4

06.Chapter 6. One-part sentences

  • 01. Definitely personal suggestions
  • 02. Indefinitely personal offers
  • 03. Generalized personal sentences
  • 04. Impersonal offers
  • 05. Name sentences
  • 06. Incomplete sentences

Grade 9


  • 01.International meaning of the Russian language.mp4

02. Complex repetition

  • 01. Phrase, sentence, types of sentences
  • 02.Repetition of homonymous parts of speech.mp4
  • 03. Punctuation marks with homogeneous members of the sentence, introductory words dash between subject and predicate spelling at the root.mp4

03. Complex sentence

  • 01. Main types of complex sentences

04. Development of speech

  • 01. Styles of speech generalization of the studied
  • 02. Book review
  • 03. Repetition of spelling. Spelling NOT with different parts of speech.mp4
  • 04. Repetition of spelling. Spelling of one and two H in various parts of speech
  • 05. Abstract

05. Compound sentences

  • 01. Unions and meanings of compound sentences
  • 02. Punctuation marks in compound sentences
  • 03. Punctuation marks in compound sentences. Ch.2.mp4
  • 04. Generalization and systematization of material on the topic Compound sentences.mp4
  • 05. Main groups of compound sentences. Coordinating Conjunctions.mp4
  • 06.Final work

06. Complex sentences

  • 01. Structure of complex sentences
  • 02. The structure of complex sentences. Subordinating conjunctions and allied words in complex sentences
  • 03.The role of demonstrative words in the subordination of sentences.mp4
  • 04. Features of attaching subordinate clauses to the main
  • 05.Main groups of complex sentences by meaning.mp4
  • 06. Compound sentences with subordinate explanatory clauses
  • 07.Complex sentences with subordinate degrees, modes of action.mp4
  • 08.Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of place and time.mp4
  • 09.Complex sentences with subordinate conditions, reasons and goals.mp4
  • 10. Compound sentences with comparative clauses, concessions.mp4
  • 11. Complex sentences with subordinate clauses.mp4
  • 12. The main types of complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.mp4
  • 13. Punctuation marks in NGN with multiple clauses.mp4
  • 14. Fixing the topic Complex sentence.mp4
  • 15. Control work on the topic Complex sentences testing.mp4
  • 16. Repetition. Spelling of verbs and verb forms.mp4

07. Unionless compound sentences

  • 01. Consolidation and generalization of material on the topic Unionless complex sentences

Shilina Svetlana is a Russian language teacher with 18 years of experience. Multimedia resources that have become so popular in our time with teachers around the world, she has been using for a long time. Especially for our website, Svetlana has collected 10 most convenient and effective Internet sites that help not only teachers and tutors in learning the Russian language, but also students who study the school curriculum on their own.

1. Yaklass

  • IClass - educational Internet resource for schoolchildren, teachers and parents.
  • Registration is required.

I use this site at the beginning of the school year to review the studied material. Children are interested in solving tests, because. assignments are pretty easy. You can make test papers, but I did not do this. The tasks on the site are not mandatory, they are performed for an additional assessment.

The material on the site is presented in an accessible way, can be understood by both students and parents. Test tasks are variable, there are three levels of difficulty. Suitable for weak students and students who want to repeat the material. I use the resource in work with 5-7 classes. The site is easy to use. It helps to add variety to the preparation of homework.

2. Internet lesson

  • Video channel
  • All subjects of the school curriculum
  • Registration is not required.
  • Terms of use: free.

I use this resource as a fragment of a Russian language or literature lesson as an option for presenting new material, illustrative material.

The lessons are interesting, the children are happy to watch and listen to the explanation. It is convenient to use the resource if there is Internet in the class, because I did not find all the lessons for download. The resource is suitable for self-education. I use it to explain easy topics where painstaking, step-by-step instructions from the teacher are not required. As an option when explaining the topic "Vocabulary", "Morfemic" or biography of the writer. The resource helps the teacher to diversify the lesson, use illustrative material, and refresh their knowledge. Allows students to hear the "other" voice in the lesson.


  • Educational portal.
  • All subjects of the school curriculum
  • Registration is needed if you need to check the work on the computer. If the teacher uses the resource to prepare handouts, then you don't have to register.
  • For free.

I use it to prepare handouts, I recommend it for independent work at home, for preparing for the exam in the Russian language.

When I was preparing students for the exam, this portal was my salvation. A large number of options, the ability to make your own version of the existing tasks. When preparing on their own, students can ask an expert a question if they do not agree with the points given or do not understand how to answer the test question. The site is very easy to use, the design is good. Used to prepare for exams, test tasks correspond to demo materials. Difficulty level is the usual USE test. The resource will be a significant support for the teacher in preparing students for the exam, students will be able to prepare for the exam on their own, without resorting to the services of tutors. My students who used this portal did better in their exams than they had written diagnostic papers for a year

4. Dunno

  • Educational community
  • All subjects of the school curriculum
  • Registration required
  • For free

I use it to prepare handouts, I recommend it for independent work at home, for preparing for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in the Russian language

Another site that I turned to when preparing students for the OGE and the USE. Recently, tasks for the VPR have appeared. It contains a large number of options for preparing and conducting trial and diagnostic work in the format of an exam, as well as the ability to generate your own version of the test from the available tasks. In addition, the site has a bank of essays, essays that you can use as a model when writing your work. The site is very easy to use, the design is good. Used to prepare for exams, test tasks correspond to demo materials. Difficulty level is the usual USE test. The resource will be a significant support for the teacher in preparing students for the exam, students will be able to prepare for the exam on their own, without resorting to the services of tutors.

5. Educational site of the teacher of Russian language and literature Zakharina Elena Alekseevna

  • Educational site
  • Russian language and literature
  • Registration is required if you use paid services.
  • Checking the composition of the OGE - 150 rubles. Checking the composition of the exam - 300 rubles.
  • Used to prepare handouts

This site contains tests in Russian, which can be used directly during the lesson. After testing, students immediately see their mistakes, and the teacher evaluates the work of the class according to the results table and plans further learning activities. In addition, interactive tests are also a means of distance learning, individual work with students. By solving interactive variants of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, future graduates have the opportunity to assess the level of their knowledge and the degree of readiness to pass the Unified State Exam. Students of the 9th grade, in preparation for the State Final Attestation, can independently work with interactive versions of the GIA in the Russian language. In my work, I rarely use this site, but it is convenient for students. The layout is well designed and the site is easy to use. There is no way to download assignments.

6. Website of Perova Inessa Nikolaevna

  • Educational site
  • Russian language and literature
  • Registration is not required.
  • For free

My favorite site. I use it as an illustrative material in the lessons, to prepare handouts, to prepare lessons.

The site contains a lot of material to prepare for the lessons of the Russian language and literature. Schemes, interactive simulators and tasks, tests are published in the "For Students" section. The material is conveniently located and presented in an accessible way. It will be clear to both students and parents. It will be useful for the teacher as a help in preparing for the lessons. In the "Materials for Lessons" section, you can find presentations, audio and video clips for many works of the school curriculum, as well as cards for individual work. The materials prepared by the author make it possible to diversify the lesson and stimulate the creativity of the teacher.


  • Reference and information portal
  • Russian language
  • Registration is not required
  • For free

The main section of use is dictionaries. The portal contains many dictionaries of the Russian language, it is possible to check the spelling of a word, find out its meaning, history, etc. There is an "Interactive Dictation" section that allows you to check the literacy of students and teachers, the "Literacy Textbook" section contains theoretical material in abstract form and an interactive exercise on the topic. Verification is carried out by the computer immediately. Here, in the "Memory" section, there are funny verses on various rules of both primary and secondary schools. Very convenient and beautiful site. Suitable for both weak students and those who want to refresh their knowledge. The teacher can recommend the site to students and parents to work at home, use in the classroom. For a child, this site will become an assistant when checking written or creating a report, as well as repeating or fixing a topic.

8. Foxford

  • Online Learning Center
  • All things
  • Registration required
  • There are paid services. I don't use paid services on Foxford, so I can't tell you the exact cost. Ordering a certificate for advanced training courses (free) -490 rubles

I use the site to prepare for the olympiads.

I am not using the site to its full potential. I am interested in preparing students for the Olympiads and refresher courses. As a preparation for the Olympiads, I really like Foxford and it is a great help. I send out invitations to students for the Olympiad, and they solve tasks. After the publication of the results of the Olympiad, the tasks are analyzed, which is very convenient, because allows you to avoid mistakes in the next season of the Olympiad. The Olympic season lasts a month, tasks can be solved out of order, during the whole time. This is convenient, you can analyze a similar or this task in a class or in an individual lesson. The design and presentation of the material is convenient. The tasks of the Olympiad are difficult, the guys need to think carefully in order to solve them. The resource helps to develop interest in the subject, prepare children for the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, and develop motivation. My students are happy to participate in Foxford Olympiads in Russian and other subjects. With each season, the number of participants increases, and this is very pleasant for me as a teacher.

Last year there were career guidance classes on the Foxford website. Very interesting lectures that could be useful for class teachers in grades 8-11.

9. Metaschool

  • Online school of additional education for children
  • Mathematics, Russian language, physics, computer science, the world around, English, German, Chinese, chess.
  • Registration required
  • Free olympiads and quizzes. The cost of courses is from 900 to 1500 rubles, a mug - 1800-2000 rubles.

The tasks of the Metaschool Olympiad must be completed strictly within the specified hour. Usually it is 19-20 hours Moscow time on the specified day. The Russian Language Olympiad includes 7 tasks. Tasks are much easier compared to Foxford. The diploma is issued within 1.5-2 hours after the end of the Olympiad. A thank-you letter is sent to the teacher if there are 3 winners. Very simple and convenient site design, available tasks for students in grades 1-9. I do not use paid services, so I can not say about the quality. The result of the use is an increase in interest in the Olympiad tasks, subject, preparation for the Olympiad in the Russian language.

10. Knowledge

  • Electronic distance school
  • Russian language, mathematics, computer science
  • Registration required
  • The registration fee is 70 rubles.

I use it to prepare students for the Olympiad.

Another site to prepare for the olympiads. Its essential minus for my class - payment. The tasks of the Olympiads are interesting, but the site is more focused on mathematics. My colleagues use it more often than I do and are very satisfied.

Any program determines the system of basic knowledge about the language and the ability to use it in oral and written speech, as well as the sequence of work on them; the program should indicate the approximate time required to study a particular topic.

Composition and structure of the program. The school curriculum consists of two main components: an explanatory note and the program itself.

An explanatory note is a component of the program that determines the basics of organizing the educational process in the Russian language at school: the goals (tasks) of the course as a whole and its individual parts, the composition and directions of work, the place in the system of school disciplines, the main methodological tools, continuity with the previous stage and interdisciplinary connections. The explanatory note in the program is most subject to change, as it most reflects the needs of the social life of a particular time.

The program itself is a component of the school curriculum as a whole, which determines the composition of the course and the sequence of studying its parts. When determining the sequence of learning the Russian language from class to class, the following factors are taken into account: the composition and structure of the language itself and the psychological characteristics of students mastering the material being studied. The first factor dictates the linear arrangement of material from class to class - from units of the lowest level of the language to units of the highest level. The linear course, therefore, is the following sequence: phonetics, word formation, vocabulary, morphology, syntax, style. The second factor - the peculiarities of children's mastery of the material being studied - to one degree or another introduces changes in the sequence of the program material and includes other topics in it. Thus, starting from the program of 1938, the school course of the Russian language in the fifth grade, before studying phonetics, begins with a propaedeutic course in syntax and punctuation; at the beginning and at the end of the course of each class, a repetition of the passed in the Russian language is introduced.

At present, there are two types of programs: linear and linear-step. When constructing a linear-step program, it was necessary to solve two problems: to overcome the gap in the level of knowledge between the primary and secondary classes and the emerging overload of students due to the postponement of the start of studying a systematic course a year lower. A step-by-step presentation of some topics was proposed: vocabulary, word formation, noun, adjective to study in grades V and VI, verb - in grades V, VI and VII, syntax - in grades V, VII

(partly), VIII and IX grades. In the form of steps, work on the development of coherent speech is determined, respectively, from grades V to IX. When dividing the educational material into stages, its complexity and preliminary acquaintance in the primary grades were taken into account: the simpler material and to some extent familiar to the children was left at the first stage, and the more complex was transferred to the second or even to the third stage.

There are two levels in the structure of the Russian language school curriculum: the level of the program as a whole and the level of the program for each class. The structure of the program as a whole is divided into organically related, but independent programs for each class. Consequently, the school curriculum as a whole is a set of class programs that are closely related to each other. This set of class programs is called the scheme of the Russian language school program.

The structure of the program of the second level (the level of each class) is a list of topics studied, arranged in a certain sequence. This set of topics of the program of each class is called the scheme of the class program in the Russian language. It includes the following components: language information; repetition of the previous class; grammar and spelling; repetition of the past at the end of the year; development of coherent speech; requirements for knowledge and skills of students in this class.

The structure of the language part of the school course. The language part of the course of each class consists in each topic of two components: from information about the linguistic phenomena included in the program of this class (they are placed under paragraph I), and the requirements for work on the culture of speech (they are given under paragraph II).

A fragment of one of the programs of the V class.

Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphics and spelling. Culture of speech (15 hours) 1

I. Phonetics as a branch of the science of language. Sound as a unit of language. Sounds of speech; vowels and consonants. Word stress. Vowels are stressed and unstressed. Hard and soft consonants. Hard and soft consonants that do not have paired sounds. voiced and voiceless consonants. Sonorant consonants. Hissing and c. Strong and weak positions of sounds.

Phonetic analysis of the word.

Orthoepic dictionaries.

Graphics as a branch of the science of language. Designation of speech sounds in writing; alphabet. Handwritten and printed letters; uppercase - lowercase. Calligraphy.

Sound meaning of letters e, ë, u, i. Designation of softness of consonants. Soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants. Identification signs of orthograms.

Spelling parsing. Spelling dictionaries.

II. The ability to follow the basic rules of literary pronunciation within the framework of the requirements of the textbook. Ability to pronounce vowels and consonants before a vowel e. The ability to find information about the pronunciation of words in various dictionaries (including orthoepic ones).

In the first paragraphs of the program, in addition to information about the language, the names of spelling and punctuation rules are included, which are studied in parallel with this topic.

Fragment from the VIII class program.

Direct and indirect speech
(6 h)

I. Repetition of what has been learned about direct speech and dialogue. Ways of transmitting someone else's speech.

Syntactic synonyms of sentences with direct speech, their text-forming role.

II. The ability to highlight the words of the author in pronunciation. The ability to replace direct speech with indirect speech.

The second points of the program include two types of material: one of them is the requirements for the correctness and appropriateness of the use of the studied linguistic phenomena, for example: observing the correct intonation with isolated secondary and clarifying members of the sentence; the ability to use synonymous introductory words in speech; the ability to use the forms of some moods in the meaning of others.

The second paragraph also includes requirements for general educational skills that students must master, for example: the ability to use an explanatory dictionary, a spelling dictionary.

The structure of the speech part of the school course. The speech part of the school curriculum of each class, which is called "Development of coherent speech", includes two types of educational material: speech concepts and types of work on the development of coherent speech.

Information about speech is organized differently in linear and linear-step programs. In one of the linear programs they are given at the end of the course of each class, in the other - in a special separate program called "Speech". In the linear-step program, information about speech under item III is included in each topic, which provides a close connection between learning the structure of the language and teaching children to use the language in their own speech.

Speech concepts are given stepwise in grades V, VI and VII. They reflect, firstly, the typology of texts in terms of their functional and semantic properties (text, narration, description, reasoning) and in connection with the varieties of the literary language (style, colloquial style, journalistic style, scientific style, official business style, artistic style). ), secondly, text-forming phenomena (the topic of the text, the main idea of ​​the text, the plan - simple and complex - of the text, part of the text, means of communication of parts of the text, types of connections of parts of the text).

Types of work on the development of coherent speech are dispersed across all classes, from grade V to grade IX. These include presentations and essays. Their stepwise presentation from class to class is based on taking into account the following factors: the complexity of the type of work and the content of the statement. In accordance with the first factor in the V class, out of three types of presentations, it is proposed to work on only two: detailed and concise; the third type - selective presentation - is included in the program of the VI class. The second factor was taken into account when determining the objects of description. So, in the V class, it is proposed to describe a simple separate object, an animal, and more complex objects are proposed to be described in the VI class (interior, landscape), in the VII class (human appearance), in the VIII class (area), etc.

Requirements for knowledge and skills in the program. The corresponding section of the program was first included in the "Standard Russian language programs for eight-year and secondary schools with Russian as the language of instruction (grades IV-VIII)" (M., 1978).

A similar section appeared in the Russian language program for the Russian school of the RSFSR in 1979. This section does not have requirements for students' knowledge. It contains a list of educational and language skills (the ability to parse words and sentences). There is no generalized list of spelling and punctuation skills. Instead, the types of spelling and punctuation rules are repeated, according to which students must correctly write their written statements. There are also no generalized speech (communicative) skills. Instead, a repetition of the list of types of work that students should be able to perform is given.

"The program is not tied to the result. Just a huge number of hours, and it is not clear what expectations we set, - Olga Golodets spoke at a meeting of the Russian Language Council. - For some reason, we do not set our vocabulary expectations. It has already been discussed here once. We do not set the child's vocabulary as our task, and we never check it. But we do some kind of phonetic analysis in the lower grades, which has nothing to do with life at all, which simply confuses all children.
Olga Golodets noted that at school a child spends 1,340 hours studying the Russian language. "This is a huge time in a child's life. Some still take tutors. This is an inefficiently built program. We need to revise it," she said.
Deputy Minister of Education Tatyana Sinyugina I could not explain why schoolchildren are taught the phonetic analysis of a word. She only reminded that this is included in an exemplary educational program.
Helped out Rector of the Pushkin Institute Margarita Rusetskaya. She explained that phonetic analysis of words is necessary because 70% of words in Russian are based on sound perception. But she also considers it unnecessary to study the theory so deeply. In her opinion, it is enough to master phonetics at a practical level. This is especially redundant for the first class.
Today, According to the Ministry of Education, children study Russian on average for about 1.2 thousand hours. And according to Tatyana Sinyugina, exemplary educational programs spell out the formation of competencies, and not specific requirements for the knowledge of a student.
Also at the board meeting Olga Golodets proposed to finally create a unified system of Russian language dictionaries but so that teachers and their students do not get confused due to the constant disputes of linguists. Now teachers often teach students different norms of the Russian language.
"It's linguists who can't agree. It's not the education system. The education system can't rely on anything. And then we start teaching children. Some taught one vocabulary, while others taught it differently. And it all showed up on the exam. And to whom question? To the teacher? To the child?", - asks the Deputy Prime Minister.
She understands that it is impossible to choose any one dictionary, therefore she proposes to develop a certain system of regulation. Or we must admit that the word can be pronounced this way and that way.
"It should be a constantly updated electronic system that someone maintains, some professional people, a sufficient number of professional people. Do we need to introduce this and what should be the structure, let's instruct the creation of a working group. Only this should be very vital and viable", - explained Olga Golodets.