The best cure for conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis - how to treat, symptoms and signs, causes and types

The disease of the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctivitis, is familiar to almost every person. It is not difficult to determine the inflammation that has arisen - redness of the sclera, lacrimation, or vice versa, dryness, purulent secretion, itching, discomfort, photophobia, soreness - all these symptoms make it possible to reliably determine that conjunctivitis has occurred. The disease differs in etiology, origin - it can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens. Treatment of inflammation is based precisely on the destruction of pathogens, therefore, in different forms, eye drops are also used, which differ in the composition of their components.

Types of conjunctivitis

With careful fixation of all the symptoms and the identification of changes occurring before the eyes, the form of conjunctivitis can be determined independently.

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis- inflammation occurs at the time of development in the eyes of staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia. The bacterial form often occurs in children, this is due to frequent contact with a sick child and his personal items in children's institutions and with low protective forces. In addition to redness and tearing, purulent discharge is noticeable, sometimes they are so plentiful that the child, waking up in the morning, cannot open his eyes. Bacterial conjunctivitis is often bilateral.
  • Viral conjunctivitis caused by enteroviruses and adenoviruses, which are airborne. Viral inflammation usually occurs in conjunction with respiratory infections and affects both eyes at the same time. Mucous discharge is light, pus components join with secondary infections.
  • allergic conjunctivitis develops as a reaction of intolerance to plant pollen, medicines, cosmetics, house dust. Inflammation affects both eyes, the mucosa is hyperemic, lacrimation, intense itching and swelling of the eyelids are observed.

It is necessary to select eye drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis based on the form of the disease, that is, bacteria are eliminated with antibacterial agents, viruses with antiviral drugs, allergy symptoms disappear after the allergen effect is reduced and antihistamine drops are instilled.

Only an ophthalmologist can accurately diagnose, and therefore, if you want the treatment to be as quick as possible, you must first undergo an appropriate examination.

Pharmaceutical companies produce a huge amount of eye drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis, when choosing them, you need to take into account indications, contraindications, age and tolerance of therapeutic components.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis with a bacterial infection

  • Eye drops Levomycetin belong to drugs with a wide scope of action. Their use negatively affects the development of gram-negative and gram-positive inflammatory pathogens. The components of the drug act locally and penetrate into the bloodstream in a small amount, so Levomycetin is not used for problems with hematopoiesis, renal and hepatic pathologies. The drug can be used in the treatment of conjunctivitis in children from the age of two. Levomycetin eye drops are also distinguished by the most budget price.
  • Eye drops Tobrex contain an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group, which has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action. Tobrex can be used to treat conjunctivitis caused by streptococci, diphtheria bacteria, E. coli, staphylococci. In the acute period of inflammation, drops for instillation can be used every hour until the main manifestations decrease. Tobrex is also suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children from birth.
  • Albucid- an antimicrobial drug from antibiotics of the sulfanilamide series. The positive effect of treatment is achieved by disrupting the synthesis of substances necessary for the development of such bacteria as E. coli, chlamydia, pathogenic cocci. For treatment in adulthood, a 30% solution is used, in pediatric practice - 20% Albucid. It is possible to use the drug to prevent the occurrence of blennorrhea in newborns.
  • Phloxal- antimicrobial eye drops containing the antibiotic ofloxacin, which has a bactericidal effect on streptococci, fungi, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia. It can be used not only in the treatment of conjunctivitis, but also for the treatment of keratitis and blepharitis. It has a pronounced positive effect in the development of barley, with such inflammation, in addition to drops, it is advised to use an ointment of the same name. The course of treatment is not recommended to exceed more than two weeks. Floksal is also prescribed to eliminate inflammatory reactions in the eyes of children.

Antiviral eye drops

  • Actipol- eye drops, the main active ingredient of which is aminobenzoic acid, which has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Aktipol is used for viral conjunctivitis caused by adenovirus, in addition to the destruction of the pathogen, the drug has a regenerative effect on the cells of the eye mucosa. The drug cannot be used simultaneously with Albucid and Enkad. To achieve the full effect in the treatment of conjunctivitis, Aktipol is recommended to be used after a noticeable improvement has been achieved for another week.
  • Poludan- eye drops developed on the basis of a polyribonucleotide complex. The drug is designed to eliminate adenovirus and herpes infection. A positive effect is achieved by stimulating the production of interferon in the lacrimal fluid and in the blood. The components of Poludan penetrate well into all layers of the eye, while they are quickly excreted from the body. It is possible to use the drug together with antibacterial drops. Poludan is also used to treat viral conjunctivitis in young children.
  • Oftalmoferon contains interferon and diphenhydramine. The combined effect of these components on the inflamed mucous membrane of the eye has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, local anesthetic and antihistamine effects. These actions allow the use of Oftalmoferon to eliminate the phenomena of viral and herpetic conjunctivitis, allergic reactions. The drug can be used for a long time.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis

  • Cromohexal- the main active ingredient of the drug is cromoglycic acid, which prevents the release of inflammatory mediators in case of allergies. The drug is prescribed both in the acute phase of allergy development, and for its prevention in chronic conjunctivitis. Kromgesal can be used throughout the duration of allergen exposure. It is not recommended to use the medicine in children under 4 years of age, during childbearing and breastfeeding.
  • Opatanol eye drops suppress the release of biological substances involved in the development of an allergic reaction. The components of the drug do not penetrate into the bloodstream, they act only at the local level, while the maximum therapeutic effect is observed in the second week of therapy. Opatanol well eliminates itching, swelling, redness of the eyes, for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children under three years of age and pregnant women, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
  • Allergodil blocks the production of histamine, has a long-term prolonged action. The drug is well tolerated, has a pronounced and rapid antihistamine effect. Allergodil is also used to treat year-round conjunctivitis, while it can be used for up to six months, then after a short break it can be used again. In the treatment of conjunctivitis in children under 12 years of age, it is used in a short course.

Basic rules for using eye drops

The effectiveness of the use of any medication increases if you follow the recommendations of doctors. In the treatment of conjunctivitis to the main rules include:

  • Using two drugs for instillation into the eyes, it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least 15 minutes.
  • It is not recommended to wear lenses during treatment.
  • Before instillation of drops, the eyes should be rinsed.
  • Using a bottle with a dispenser or one pipette, they should not touch the mucous membranes and tissues of the eye.

One of the most common eye diseases is conjunctivitis. Its symptoms are tearing, redness of the eyes and purulent discharge. As a rule, conjunctivitis appears due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. The most common means of combating the disease are drops. Their choice depends on the type of conjunctivitis, which can be viral, allergic and bacterial.

When choosing drops from conjunctivitis, you need to understand the history of its origin. If this is an allergic reaction of the body to an external irritant, for example, cosmetics, animals, then antihistamine drops will do. Allergic conjunctivitis is accompanied by swelling of both eyes, redness and tearing. Bacterial conjunctivitis appears due to dirt brought by the hands, and is accompanied by purulent discharge. It is treated with other drops, which are based on more serious components. Weak immunity and a viral infection can trigger the appearance of viral conjunctivitis. In this case, you need to turn to antimicrobial and antiviral drops.

Children are more likely to get conjunctivitis. But far from all means are suitable for the treatment of babies, therefore, the choice of eye drops should be approached very carefully: study the indications and contraindications for use, side effects and method of application. All this will help to cope with inflammation without harm to health.

It must be remembered that the choice of drops for healing depends on what form of the disease with conjunctivitis affected a person. Having studied various means, namely, composition, indications for use, side effects and customer reviews, we have developed a rating of the best drops for conjunctivitis.

Attention! There are contraindications - you need to consult a specialist!

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best drops for conjunctivitis for adults

The basis of the treatment of all forms of conjunctivitis is antimicrobial drops. The timely use of correctly selected means helps to quickly cope with the disease and prevent its further development.

4 Levomycetin

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 9 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The drug for adults and children effectively fights bacteria. It is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of the following diseases: blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis, keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis, conjunctivitis, secondary bacterial infections. Enveloping the shell of the eyeball, the active substance destroys pathogenic microorganisms and eliminates discomfort. The inflammation disappears a few days after the first application. According to the recommendations of ophthalmologists, Levomycetin should be dripped every 2-3 hours for one to two weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.

The main component of the eye medication is chloramphenicol. Thanks to its effect, the symptoms of conjunctivitis disappear, and patients feel much better. It does not allow bacteria to multiply, and it kills existing ones. The agent quickly penetrates the tissues and literally cleanses them of: salmonella, staphylococci, gonococci, spirochetes and other harmful microorganisms. Customer reviews of these eye drops are positive. They consider the possibility of using children from 3 years of age as a significant advantage, and also highlight the “ridiculous” cost of the drug. The disadvantages include a short shelf life after opening and the likelihood of side effects.

3 Ciprofloxacin

Suitable for purulent conjunctivitis
The country: Belarus (produced in Russia)
Average price: 22 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Eye drops Ciprofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It has no smell. The product is contained in a glass bottle with a narrow spout. With its help it is convenient to dose the drug. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by numerous positive reviews from patients. He manages to defeat the symptoms of purulent conjunctivitis in a day, 3 days are enough for the complete disappearance of the disease.

Ciprofloxacin practically does not burn the eyes. It's cheap. On the first day of use, patients note relief of the condition: a decrease in inflammation, burning and swelling. It is convenient that the package includes a sterile cap - a pipette. With its help, it is easy to dose the drug. To achieve a real effect, it is recommended to use the drops strictly according to the instructions.

2 Montevisin

Fast action
The country: Serbia (produced in Serbia, Montenegro)
Average price: 167 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Montevisin is an "ambulance" for the eyes. The drug has proven itself quite well. It helps to overcome fatigue and redness of the eyes, eliminate puffiness. Many users have noticed a decrease in pain and cramps after applying the drops. Pleased with the price of the drug in relation to efficiency.

The remedy has contraindications associated with high blood pressure and heart disease. Doctors strongly recommend not to neglect them. You can not use the tool constantly, it can be addictive. But as a fast-acting medicine, Montevizin fits perfectly. The eyes, a couple of minutes after instillation, become lighter and brighter, the reddened vascular network disappears. It is worth noting that the bottle contains a pipette, which greatly simplifies the use of the drug.

1 Okomistin

Better Efficiency
Country Russia
Average price: 174 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The drug Okomistin really qualitatively fights conjunctivitis and other eye diseases provoked by pathogenic bacteria. Users leave mostly positive reviews. Rare negative opinions are associated with a side effect of drops - itching and burning, which disappear over time. Whatever it was, these side effects are not dangerous to health.

In terms of composition and medicinal properties, the drug is comparable to expensive Miramistin. To cope with purulent conjunctivitis, Okomistin needs 5 days. Symptoms gradually begin to disappear on the 2nd day. The versatility of the drug is due to the possibility of using it as ear drops.

The best drops for conjunctivitis for pregnant women

Women in position always have a hard time in the fight against various ailments. However, modern manufacturers make sure that drugs for pregnant women have the most gentle composition. Eye drops marked in this category will not harm the fetus, but, nevertheless, will effectively fight conjunctivitis.

4 Opatanol

High efficiency and ease of use
Country: Belgium
Average price: 476 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The famous anti-allergic eye drops that help get rid of conjunctivitis. They are recommended for use by adults, including pregnant women and children over 3 years of age. Ophthalmologists prescribe Opatanol during the period of the disease of allergic origin. To treat the disease, it will be enough to use the drug 2 times a day. Manufacturers advise shaking the bottle before each use. Most often, the drug is well tolerated, without side effects.

The main component is olopatadine hydrochloride. Thanks to its effect, the anti-allergic function is activated. Auxiliary substances contribute to a better result, and the disease quickly passes. Girls in the position of a drop can only be prescribed by a specialist, since it is necessary to weigh the possible risks and benefits. Patients in the reviews note the effectiveness and ease of use of Opatanol. Most of them do not like the price of the drug.

3 Aktipol

Suitable for complex stage of conjunctivitis
Country Russia
Average price: 275 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An effective remedy that helps to cure even the most difficult stage of conjunctivitis disease. By applying it to the cornea, you can not only get rid of the disease, but also strengthen local immunity. Aktipol is actively prescribed for colds, herpes and even flu. The best anti-inflammatory effect of the drug allows it to be used in case of minor damage to the eye caused by bruises or wearing lenses. It is recommended to drip into both eyes 3-8 times a day.

To completely destroy the infection, it will be enough to use Actipol for a week, a maximum of two. Due to the most important active ingredient - para-aminobenzoic acid, the medicine quickly copes with conjunctivitis. The component strengthens the immune system, allowing the body to independently resist viruses. It also contains saline, which helps to have a therapeutic effect. The drug is allowed for pregnant women if the benefit outweighs the risk. It is recommended to use only in the second and third trimester.

2 Oftalmoferon

Best antiviral action
Country Russia
Average price: 315 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most powerful antiviral drug that brings results and relieves the symptoms of conjunctivitis. It can be used by both adults and children, as well as pregnant women. Oftalmoferon acts on bacteria located on the membrane of the eye, in the mucous membranes of the eyelids and conjunctiva. Convenient application of the product allows you to make the procedure of instillation easy and simple. It can also be used as a prophylaxis for diseases associated with eye damage by viruses.

The main component is interferon. It has antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory properties. The antiseptic function is performed by an additional substance that is part of the eye drops - acid with diphenhydramine. All components in the complex are safe for the human body. They are not absorbed into the blood. Therefore, the drug is prescribed for young children and pregnant girls. Economical use and surgical treatment are noted by patients in the reviews. Some are not satisfied with the storage conditions - you should put the medicine in the refrigerator after opening.

1 Allergodil

Fast action. No contraindications
Country: Germany
Average price: 398 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

One of the best drugs for the treatment of an ailment of allergic etiology in adults and children over 4 years old. It has absolutely no contraindications, and there are no side effects from its action. Irritants that cause allergies bring a lot of inconvenience. Allergodil allows you to get rid of the symptoms of eye allergies. It blocks histamine receptors and reduces the permeability of blood vessels. Thanks to the membrane-stabilizing effect, the eyes stop hurting and watery.

Azelastine is the most important active ingredient. Due to it, the agent shows its effectiveness and produces therapeutic properties quickly. Within 15 minutes after the first application, the patient gets rid of unpleasant burning and itching. The medicine enters the blood in scanty quantities, which does not harm the body in any way. Therefore, during the period of gestation, Allergodil is recommended for women. In the reviews, users positively characterize the effect of the drug. The price may confuse some patients.

The best drops for conjunctivitis for children

Children have different forms of conjunctivitis. It is very important to choose the right drops for treatment without causing adverse reactions that can provoke other health problems for the baby.

4 Vitabact

The safest remedy
Country: France
Average price: 366 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Vitabact - broad-spectrum drops with antimicrobial action. Absolutely safe, therefore suitable for newborns. The drug is able to effectively cope not only with inflammation and suppuration, but also with the causative agent of the disease itself. Reviews testify to the positive effect of the remedy. It relieves discomfort in the eyes, eliminates irritation and dryness.

Among the disadvantages are the high cost of drops and the limited period of use after opening (1 month). Parents talk about the good tolerance of Vitabact by newborns, about the absence of discomfort after using the drops in the form of burning and itching. The lack of effect may be due to especially advanced cases, untimely access to a doctor, or individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

3 Tsiprolet

Affordable price
Country: India
Average price: 55 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Users recommend Tsiprolet as an effective and inexpensive remedy compared to more expensive counterparts. One bottle is enough to completely cure conjunctivitis. If you use it strictly according to the instructions, instilling it every 5 hours for several days, then already on the 3rd day the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age. It can be used for no longer than a week. Tsiprolet copes with inflammation in the shortest possible time, this has been proven in practice. The only discomfort is a slight burning sensation in the eyes. But for the sake of achieving a quick effect, you can endure. Additional advantages of the drug include convenient packaging and affordable price.

2 Vizin Classic

Instant relief of irritation
The country: USA (manufactured in Canada)
Average price: 341 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The following eye drops in the ranking of the best are ideal for allergic conjunctivitis. The effect of the drug does not make you wait long, after 5-7 minutes there is an improvement in the condition of the eyes. The effect persists for quite a long time - from 4 to 8 hours. Well remove puffiness and redness caused by lenses, chemicals, cosmetics, dust.

Patients using Vizin drops leave positive feedback that the remedy instantly relieves irritation, redness and dryness of the mucosa. Vizin is not suitable for permanent instillation, but only with severe inflammation and swelling. Allowed for children from 2 years. The drug is enough for 3-4 days to relieve the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.

1 Diclofenac

The best healing effect
Country Russia
Average price: 58 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Diclofenac is used to treat inflammation of the eyes and conjunctivitis, as well as to relieve pain after injury or surgery. The vast majority of reviews about the drug are positive. When using drops, there is a rapid removal of pain. Diclofenac copes well with various inflammatory manifestations.

Due to the active ingredient, diclofenac sodium, which is rapidly absorbed into the blood, the drug is able to provide immediate assistance. Like any drug, diclofenac has side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to use it strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the remedy can cause severe itching, swelling, allergies, vomiting, nausea. Diclofenac is approved for use in children over 2 years of age. After opening, the drops can be used for a month. For other drugs, this period is shorter.

Often, the mucous membrane of the eye cannot cope with the pathogenic microflora and begins to become inflamed. In this case, the medicine for conjunctivitis will help. Conjunctivitis is characterized by its rapid progression and does not tolerate treatment delay. You can stop the development of the disease already at first, but it is important to know an effective remedy in the treatment of this disease. It is undesirable to postpone a visit to an ophthalmologist.

Conjunctivitis is characterized as a pathological condition of the mucous membrane of the eyeball. This is an inflammation of the thin film that covers the front of the visual analyzer and performs a protective function. She constantly encounters pathogenic microorganisms.

Irritation of the conjunctiva is more common in children due to frequent rubbing of the eyes with dirty hands.

Sometimes the development of conjunctivitis is observed during or after a cold. Such inflammation passes quickly enough (no more than a week), requires standard treatment and leaves no complications.

But the disease that developed against the background of viruses or bacteria (staphylococcus, E. coli) getting on the mucous membrane is more complex and requires the right approach to therapy. Such conjunctivitis is dangerous for others, it is quickly transmitted by contact or airborne droplets.

The disease can also be developed as an allergic reaction:

  • for cosmetics;
  • for medicines;
  • on animal hair;
  • on air pollution.

If the irritant is not eliminated, and relapses of conjunctivitis occur frequently, then the disease becomes chronic, which is quite difficult to treat.

In adults, as in children, the development of the disease can be associated with the influence of external factors or be a manifestation of diseases in the body.

Depending on what exactly caused the development of the disease, there are also varieties of conjunctivitis:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • fungal.

There are also chronic and acute forms of the disease.

The characteristic signs will differ depending on the type of conjunctivitis, but the following manifestations of the disease can be attributed to the general symptoms:

  • burning in the eyes, feeling of sand;
  • redness of the sclera;
  • discharge (purulent, cloudy);
  • increased lacrimation;
  • non-perception of bright light;
  • swelling on the eyelids.

Fundamentals of disease therapy

At the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist for advice. Postponing therapy is not worth it. Launched conjunctivitis often acquires the characteristics of a chronic process, which is very difficult to treat.

The treatment of the disease consists in the selection of a medicine that will help not only relieve the symptoms, but is also aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

Only a doctor can determine what exactly became the impetus for the onset of the inflammatory process. And only he will select medicines that will destroy the pathogen. In addition, other drugs are prescribed that have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, anti-allergic effects.

Even if the inflammatory process takes place in one eye, conjunctivitis is treated for both eyes. This prevents the transition of pathogenic microflora.

The treatment takes place on an outpatient basis, subject to the implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor.

Along with medications, herbal infusions and decoctions can also be recommended. But even here there are certain rules for their application.

  1. For lotions, a bandage or gauze folded several times is used. Cotton wool is not used, as its pile can get into the eye and cause additional irritation.
  2. For each eye, a separate piece of gauze is used, and each time it is recommended to put a new one.
  3. The prepared herbal solution is used only once. It cannot be reused.

Before applying the drug, it is necessary to rinse the eyes from accumulated mucus and purulent contents. Furacilin or infusion of pharmacy chamomile is used as a wash.

Conjunctivitis is treated individually, but the precautions outlined above are mandatory, regardless of the cause of the disease.

Features of therapy depending on the type of disease

It has already been mentioned that the treatment and choice of means to achieve a positive result largely depends on the correct identification of the causative agent of conjunctivitis.

Consider some of the features of therapy, depending on the cause of the development of the disease:

  1. Bacterial conjunctivitis is most common in children. Babies, especially newborns, do not always control their movements, which leads to damage to the mucous membrane of the eye and infection. For such crumbs, it is undesirable to use drugs based on sodium sulfacyl, which are actively used to treat adults. Newborns and small children are recommended for therapy with Tobrex drops, which do not cause irritation, are painless, and hypoallergenic.
  2. Viral conjunctivitis is a rather dangerous disease. It is manifested by unpleasant sensations in the eyes, which are accompanied by burning and itching. For treatment, drugs based on interferon (Lokferon, Oftalmoferon, Interferon alfa 2) are used.
  3. If the cause of the development of the disease is an allergic factor, then such a disease is quite difficult to treat. Therapy is usually complex and consists of drops, and anti-allergic tablets for oral administration may also be prescribed. They help to quickly stop unpleasant symptoms.

Before starting the use of any remedy, a doctor's consultation is necessary. This is especially important if conjunctivitis is determined in a pregnant woman, during lactation or in children.

Often, therapy for adults is more aggressive than for children. In the complex treatment of conjunctivitis (bacterial), antibiotics, Levomycetin, Albucid, Futsitalmik, Tsiprolet, Vitabakt can be included. These drugs should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and for a certain number of days.

A disease such as conjunctivitis can cause a deterioration in the quality of the visual analyzer. And even after a complete cure, the patient may complain of discomfort in the eyes that occur periodically. Pharmacology today presents Solcoseryl eye gel, which ophthalmologists use as a restorative agent.

Its effect on the mucous membrane and conjunctiva:

  • accelerates the healing of damaged tissues at the cellular level;
  • normalizes metabolism and organ function;
  • restores tissues in a short time.

Alternative methods and recipes can be used in complex therapy in adults. Usually these are eye washes and lotions.

Using only them, it will not be possible to cure the disease, therefore folk recipes should be used only as auxiliary methods of cleaning the eye from accumulated pus and mucus. In addition, do not forget that many components of traditional medicine can cause an allergic reaction, which will aggravate the situation.

Here are some recipes:

  • dill greens are passed through a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out, from which lotions are made at the first signs of the disease;
  • honey is dissolved in water in a ratio of 2: 1 and the eyes are instilled with the resulting liquid;
  • crush a few rose hips (no more than 5) and pour boiling water over them, put on fire until boiling, leave for 30 minutes, strain and make lotions.

Always remember the methods of preventing the disease, follow the rules of hygiene, and the problems of conjunctivitis will not affect you.

Drops for conjunctivitis - the main tool for the treatment of eye disease. This is a disease that is common in the population.

Proper treatment - a timely appeal to a specialist. At the appointment, he will recommend a list of drugs individually for the patient. The doctor determines and takes into account the following factors for choosing drops from conjunctivitis:

  • type of inflammation;
  • stage of the disease;
  • patient's age
  • personal tolerance of components.

The pharmaceutical industry offers various remedies for conjunctivitis at all stages. They are produced in the form of drops and ointments. The former are more in demand and practical to use.

Eye drops from conjunctivitis have antiviral and antibacterial properties, contribute to the accelerated regeneration of affected tissues. They will quickly help to cope with discomfort and cure the eyes. Basically, these drugs are local, but there are units that can penetrate the blood (chloramphenicol).

In the appointment, the doctor indicates to instill the sore eye 2 drops every 2-4 hours. During the use of such drugs, you can feel a little pain and burning.

Conjunctivitis in adults develops from various pathogens: virus, bacteria, fungus, allergen. Depending on the origin of the disease, 4 groups of solutions are distinguished:

Each type of solution has different therapeutic effects. The pricing policy depends on the properties of drugs, constituent components, brand, and other conditions.

In medical practice, there are three types of disease: viral, bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis.

Drops from viral conjunctivitis are prescribed in combination with vitamins, with pronounced symptoms of the disease. The maximum duration of treatment is one month. "Grippferon" is a high-quality immunomodulatory agent to combat this type of disease. The manufacturer produces eye solutions called "Ophthalmoferon". The distinctive quality of "Grippferon" - acts as a mild pain reliever on the affected area. It eliminates discomfort, itching and burning of the eye, accelerates the restoration of the organ.

The optometrist may prescribe "Grippferon" as an adjuvant for the treatment of rhinitis.

With bacterial inflammation, two eyes are affected. The dosage of drugs depends on the stage of the disease. In such situations, patients are treated with Albucid. It contains antibiotics. They eliminate harmful bacteria. Apply up to six times a day. If an acute form of inflammation of the eyes - drip in an hour. You should not abuse them. During studies, cases of side effects as a result of an overdose were found.

The medicine is inexpensive. It helps to fight conjunctivitis well, because it quickly penetrates the tissues.

Each type of drops and ointments has its own properties and composition. Improper use of drugs (without the appointment of a specialist) can lead to various unpleasant consequences.

To eliminate allergic conjunctivitis, you first need to determine the irritant that caused the disease. Only after that write a prescription for drugs. A group of such drugs has strong properties. Not recommended for women during pregnancy.

Patients with any kind of eye disease are often prescribed Miramistin (another name for Okomistin). It actively fights bacteria, viruses and fungi. The drug promotes rapid healing, harmless to the body (does not enter the bloodstream). Its actions are aimed at localizing inflammation, while it does not damage tissue cells. It has excellent bactericidal properties, therefore it is used as a prophylaxis after eye surgery. Miramistin is also dripped to wash the eye.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis are considered the most effective medicines, but often ointments are also prescribed to maximize the effect of the solution.

Ointment in the fight against conjunctivitis

Ointments can heal the eyes. But in many cases they are prescribed for a complex course of therapy with solutions.

Like drops, ointments are classified depending on the causative agent of inflammation.

Ointment for conjunctivitis is placed under the lower eyelid. Used only 3-5 times a day. Almost every ointment-like remedy does not cause side effects. The course of therapy with these drugs lasts from 7 to 14 days at the discretion of the doctor.

Given the physical nature of such products, patients are advised to stop wearing lenses for the duration of the course of treatment.

If the ointment was prescribed in combination with eye drops for conjunctivitis, be sure to maintain a period of time of twenty minutes. Before applying the medicine to the eyelid, you must first rinse the eye. You can use the well-known antiseptic - Miramistin. Its disinfectant properties will not harm the eye with any kind of conjunctivitis.

"Albucid" in the form of an ointment also acts qualitatively in a viral disease. It is well absorbed and acts on the affected area.

All ointments for the treatment of bacterial inflammation contain antibiotics. This is the main component that is able to overcome microbes. Tetracycline ointment for conjunctivitis is used by most patients. An important property is that it does not penetrate the mucous membrane. Because of this, it is considered the safest. The ointment does not affect the action of other antibacterial medicines.

Tetracycline ointment is used not only during a similar disease (for burns, acne, and others).

  1. Do not self-medicate. The ophthalmologist selects medicines based on a complete diagnosis and confirmed tests.
  2. During the use of topical preparations, it is imperative to adhere to the rules of hygiene. Conjunctivitis is a purulent disease. Before the procedures, first wash your hands, rinse the affected eye and then apply the necessary medicines.
  3. If the medicine does not help, if there is no improvement within three days, visit your doctor.
  4. Remove contact lenses before using drops or ointments.
  5. Treatment of fungal and bacterial conjunctivitis is carried out in parallel with antibiotics.
  6. For allergic conjunctivitis, complex therapy is appropriate: nasal sprays are prescribed with ophthalmic drugs.

What to remember

Drops and ointments for the treatment of conjunctivitis are very effective. They should be used only according to the recommendations of the ophthalmologist and strictly according to the indicated dosages. Pharmaceutics creates high-quality products with different price categories. So the disease must be treated from its first signs. An indifferent attitude is an irreversible deterioration in vision. Medicines are available to all segments of the population.

The pharmacological action of each drug is different and depends on the type of conjunctivitis diagnosed by the doctor.

The drug "Miramistin" is a universal antiseptic. Suitable for the prevention and treatment of eye inflammation. It can also be used for other household diseases.

Conjunctivitis can be overcome with proper and high-quality treatment.

Apr 27, 2017 Anastasia Graudina

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Treatment of conjunctivitis is a complex of special procedures and the use of drugs aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the disease and stopping its symptoms.

The disease can manifest itself as an acute inflammation or a chronic process. Depending on the etiology, conjunctivitis is contagious or non-contagious. Treatment methods are selected depending on the etiology and severity of the course of the disease - it can be treated in a hospital in an infectious or ophthalmological department, or at home, with various anti-inflammatory, desensitizing drugs, antibiotics, traditional medicine. Treatment should be complex: the use of medicinal solutions locally and systemic medication.

First aid for conjunctivitis

How to determine conjunctivitis in an adult or a child? Inflammation, first of all, is manifested by swelling of the eyelids, infiltration (redness) of the conjunctiva, itching and burning in the eyes.

Having identified such symptoms, it is not recommended to independently prescribe treatment and start specific drug therapy - only a doctor can determine the cause of conjunctivitis and select the necessary medications.

What to do if the symptoms of inflammation are intensely manifested in the patient, and there is no way to urgently get to the doctor? First aid needs to be given.

The rules of first aid for conjunctivitis prohibit touching the eyes and face with hands, prescribe especially careful observance of personal hygiene requirements. You can't put bandages on your eyes. If there is no reason to assume the presence of toxic or allergic conjunctivitis, walks, crowded places should be avoided so as not to infect others. If this is not possible, sunglasses should be worn on sunny days to reduce tearing and photophobia.

Compliance with the rules of hygienic care is designed to limit the localization of inflammation - if one eye is affected, measures should be taken to secure the second. The patient needs to provide individual bed linen, towels. They are changed every 2 days, before use they must be ironed with the hottest possible iron.

You can’t wash your face with chlorinated water, which flows from the tap in most apartments - bleach irritates the already inflamed mucous membranes. To wipe the eyes, sterile wipes without content are used, or sterile cotton swabs soaked in a decoction, in sleep. A separate napkin is used for each eye. Wearing contact lenses should be abandoned during the illness.

Washing the eyes is a necessary procedure to eliminate exudate that accumulates in the eyes and pathogenic microorganisms. Only clean boiled water is suitable for washing, without bleach. The bath and pipette used in the process must first be held in boiling water for 2 minutes. If you need to rinse both eyes, use two different containers. The liquid should not contain any solid particles that could injure the sclera. You can use a weak solution of furacilin.

Eye drops are the most effective method of treating conjunctivitis and relieving its symptoms. However, the appointment of a medicine for instillation is already within the competence of the doctor. In the case when itching, burning and redness greatly interfere with the patient, artificial tears can be used to alleviate active symptoms.

Medical treatment of conjunctivitis

The use of drugs is the most effective method of treating conjunctivitis. Drug therapy usually consists of several types of drugs, some of which affect the causative agent of the disease, others eliminate unpleasant symptoms, reduce their manifestation. Depending on the form and etiology, the patient may be prescribed antibiotics, immunomodulators, absorbents, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs. Homeopathic treatment is acceptable as an addition to the main therapy.

Ointments for conjunctivitis. The preparations are applied or smeared in a small amount until absorbed, the remnants are removed with sterile gauze or cotton swabs.

Erythromycin ointment is effective against bacterial conjunctivitis of various types of pathogens. It can be prescribed to adults, pregnant women and children of any age. It can rarely cause allergic reactions - swelling of the mucous membranes, itching. In this case, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Bonafton ointment is used to treat viral herpetic conjunctivitis. After discontinuation of the drug, tissue irritation may develop, during use - a decrease in visual acuity. Children under 18 years of age and pregnant women are prohibited from prescribing.

Eye drops. Treatment of infectious, viral and allergic types of conjunctivitis practically does not do without medicines in the form of drops that need to be dripped into the eyes.

Poludan is a drug in the form of drops used to treat viral conjunctivitis. It has antiviral, anti-inflammatory activity.

Possible side effects:

  • allergy;
  • eye irritation;
  • swelling of the lower and upper eyelids;
  • strengthening of the vascular pattern on the conjunctiva.

After discontinuation of the drug, unpleasant symptoms usually disappear after 1-3 days.

Chlamydial bacterial conjunctivitis requires treatment with special antibacterial drops, such as Okacin. The active substance, lomefloxacin, has a bactericidal effect, high bioavailability and the ability to act on the DRN-gyrase of bacterial cells.

After instillation, the active substance quickly enters the anterior chamber of the eye. The tool is used for adults and children older than a year. On the first day of treatment, it is necessary to drip 1 drop of the product with an interval of 5 minutes - only 5 drops. Then 1 drop is instilled 2-3 times a day for 7-9 days.

Possible side effects - a slight burning sensation immediately after instillation, which quickly passes.

Antibiotics in the treatment regimen. The main way to get rid of bacterial conjunctivitis that has developed after suffering respiratory diseases, as well as due to chlamydial and gonococcal infections, is the appointment of antibiotics in the form of ointments, drops, less often tablets.

Albucid - antibacterial drops, in which sulfacetamide (an antimicrobial agent, sulfanilamide) acts as the active substance. Sulfacetamide easily penetrates into the mucous tissues of the eyes, and stops the reproduction of pathogenic flora, disrupting the formation of vital substances in microorganisms. It is often given to adults. The prescription states that the use of a 20% solution for newborns is allowed, but doctors usually try to replace them with milder preparations.

In some cases, side effects occur - lacrimation, swelling of the conjunctiva, burning and itching. If symptoms appear, the concentration of the drug should be reduced.

Kolbiocin is an ointment and powder for making drops based on the antibiotic tetracycline. It affects a wide range of bacterial pathogens, but is ineffective against fungal microorganisms. The active substances inhibit the production of pathogenic flora. The ointment is applied over the lower eyelid, gently pulling it down. Drops are prepared from the powder by mixing it with a solvent. Treatment lasts from a week to 14 days.

Possible side effects are deterioration of visual acuity, burning in the eye, urticaria, itching and swelling of the conjunctiva.

Children under 8 years of age are not prescribed the drug.

Antivirals. Drops Oftalmoferon contain recombinant human interferon-alpha. As an antiviral and antibacterial drug, it has a local anesthetic effect, reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes, reduces itching and burning in the eyes, and promotes the regeneration of affected cells. Effective against adenoviral, herpetic and enteroviral conjunctivitis, as well as keratitis.

Drops are introduced into the conjunctival sac so that the bottle nose does not come into contact with the eyelashes, mucous membranes and skin around the eye. Therapy continues until the manifestations of the disease disappear.

The question of the possibility of using the drug for children under 8 years of age is decided by the doctor.

Side effects are extremely rare, expressed as allergies, conjunctival hyperemia, burning and itching after instillation.

Eye wash. The antiseptic Miramistin is used to prepare a solution that needs to be wiped with infected eyes one at a time. The drug has a hydrophobic effect on the membranes of microorganisms, increases their permeability, destroys cell walls. Activity extends to most types of bacteria and microbes, has an antifungal effect. To cure the disease, you need to periodically treat the eyes with a solution of Miramistin, morning and evening.

Rarely manifested local reactions - burning after application, which disappears after 10-15 seconds on its own.

Treatment at home

In most cases, conjunctivitis does not require hospitalization, and after visiting a doctor, the patient carries out medical procedures at home. To do this, you can use folk remedies and prescribed medications.

Recipes of traditional medicine. Simple remedies that can be prepared at home from improvised means can be used to combat the manifestations of conjunctivitis.

So, for example, with allergic conjunctivitis, in addition to local antihistamines, it is effective to use decoctions for washing the eyes, cool compresses.

The extract of the house plant helps with inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by allergies. To do this, several fresh green leaves need to be crushed until the juice appears. Next, a piece of sterile gauze or a cotton swab is moistened in juice, and applied as a compress to each eye for 5-7 minutes.

To prepare a decoction for washing from aloe, several freshly cut leaves are placed in a jar and poured with boiling water, insisting. When the water has cooled to a warm state, the infusion can be used.

Against viral conjunctivitis, an infusion of pharmacy chamomile helps - they wash their eyes in the morning and evening. To prepare 3 tablespoons of dry inflorescences, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour.

Another well-known remedy for conjunctivitis is tea leaves, or yesterday's tea bag. The first remedy is suitable for washing the eyes, and the second for soothing compresses. The tea contains tannins, which extinguish inflammation in the mucous tissues.

The infusion helps relieve inflammation. It is prepared from a tablespoon of dried flowers - it is poured with a glass of hot water. Having closed the container with a lid, the liquid is infused for 2-3 hours. The resulting infusion can be used to wash the eyes throughout the day.

From prepare lotions and solutions for inflamed eyes. Three bay leaves are poured with boiled water, infused for an hour, cooled. Lotions for adults are left for half an hour, children wash their eyes with the resulting decoction.

Dissolved in water, suitable for instillation of eyes and relieving itching. One drop of the solution is instilled into each eye once a day.

You can wash your eyes with saline solution - a tablespoon is taken in a glass of warm water, and then the solution is instilled with a pipette into each eye.

Medicinal herbs help reduce itching and burning in the eyes. One of the effective herbal infusions is prepared from black nightshade leaves, antirium and roots. Dry raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, infused and cooled. After straining, instill in each eye three times a day.

With purulent discharge, the eyes are washed with a decoction of fruits. 1 teaspoon of dry fruits is poured with half a glass of water, the resulting mixture is boiled over low heat for 3 minutes, covered with a lid, insisted for another 10 minutes. The infusion must be passed through three layers of gauze, after which you can wash your eyes with it, or make lotions out of it.

Despite the effectiveness of home remedies, do not go to extremes. So, for example, on the Internet you can find advice to wash your eyes with urine or laundry soap - of course, such extraordinary recipes should not be used.

Medications used at home. It is better to fight conjunctivitis at home with medication as the main treatment.

Against the viral and bacterial type of the disease, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of ointments and drops, less often doctors prescribe systemic drugs in the form of tablets. Washing the eyes with solutions of Miramistin, Furacilin or potassium permanganate is carried out with souring of the eyelids, abundant exudate.

Antihistamine drops and ointments are used for allergy sufferers with seasonal exacerbations of pathology. Drops with steroids and hormones at home should be used with extreme caution.

How to deal with inflammation of the conjunctiva in children

Treatment of a newborn child. For a newly born baby, bacterial or viral conjunctivitis is a serious disease that threatens with unpleasant consequences for the visual apparatus.

The treatment of the baby is complicated by the fact that the newborn is allowed to prescribe a very limited list of drugs and procedures, for example, washing with a solution of Furacilin, decoctions of calendula and chamomile, instillation of eyes with chloramphenicol drops, massage of the nasolacrimal canal.

Self-medication in the case of a child, and especially with newborns under the age of one month, is categorically unacceptable.

For children, starting from birth, it is allowed to use drops of Albucid, Ophthalmoferon (by decision of the attending physician), Fucitalmic, Vitabact, and ointments - Tobrex and erythromycin. The listed drugs usually do not cause side effects during use, however, in rare cases, they can give allergic reactions with itching and swelling of the conjunctiva. Albucid is used with caution in children, as its use is accompanied by a burning sensation after instillation.

For infants, he prescribes a course of combined type of drug therapy. When breastfeeding, the child receives protective forces with mother's milk that can be connected to the fight against the disease. The task of the physician is to offer drugs that can spur them on and supplement them.

Children wash their eyes with infusions of calendula and chamomile, Furacilin solution, tetracycline and erythromycin ointments, chloramphenicol drops are used. A nursing mother in the process of close contact with a baby has every chance of contracting conjunctivitis. During lactation, for prevention, the doctor may prescribe immuno-strengthening and vitamin complexes for her.

Treatment of children of primary school age, adolescents. Children over the age of 5 years old are considered junior school, and children over 12 years old can be considered teenagers. For such infected people, the list of permitted drugs and procedures is somewhat wider than for one-year-old infants and newborns.

To wash the eyes from purulent and mucous discharge, a solution of Furacilin, Miramistin, decoctions of herbs and infusions of chamomile, calendula, wild rose, and tea leaves are used. A separate sterile swab is used for each eye. Inflammation of the conjunctiva in some cases requires the appointment of antibiotics, for example, Tobrex, Tobroma, Albucid. Tsiproleta, Tsipromeda.

In the allergic form of the disease, antihistamines are prescribed, drops with glucocorticosteroids, for example, Dexamethasone and Hydrocortisone. Parlazin drops are also used for children.

How to treat conjunctivitis during pregnancy

Upon detection of the first symptoms of the disease (itching, redness of the eyes, swelling of the mucosa, discharge of a purulent or mucous type), a pregnant woman must definitely see a doctor.

Regardless of the form of the disease, you must adhere to the rules of hygiene, especially during treatment - constantly wash your hands with soap and water, do not touch your eyes and face, refuse to wear contact lenses and use cosmetics.

The selection of medications during pregnancy can only be carried out by a doctor. In addition to special therapy, he may advise taking vitamin complexes to strengthen the body as a whole.

Every day, the eyes should be washed at least 3-4 times - for this, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furacilin is used. Chloramphenicol drops, as well as drops with sodium sulfacyl, help to fight with abundant exudate.

The resulting crusts must be removed with antiseptic solutions.

Pregnant women are prescribed various types of drugs - Ketotifen, Azelastine, Allergodil, Suprastin against the allergic form, corticosteroid drugs Prenacid and Maxidex, local antibacterial drugs Tobrex and Floskal (drops, ointments), anti-inflammatory Diclofenac.

Any medication should be used with caution, remembering that some may cause side effects, such as allergic reactions of the conjunctiva and sclera, severe itching and burning after instillation.

As for folk remedies, they should be treated very carefully during pregnancy, and used only with the permission of a doctor.

Infusions of calendula and chamomile, aloe juice (except for allergy sufferers), decoctions of rose petals and cornflower flowers are harmless to the fetus and expectant mother. With the listed funds, you can make compresses, they also wash their eyes when gluing eyelashes.

Usually, doctors do not require the patient to be admitted to a hospital, but if, against the background of conjunctivitis, the expectant mother has a gonococcal or chlamydial infection, she may be hospitalized for treatment in a medical facility. These infections are especially dangerous in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Duration of treatment for various forms of conjunctivitis

Depending on the form and severity of the disease, on the pathogen and on the strength of the person's immunity, the recovery process can last from several days to several months. Viral conjunctivitis is considered to be actually the mildest type of the disease. If an infected person's own defenses work normally, even without specific antiviral treatment, he will feel better in 3-4 days. However, adenoviral and herpetic keratoconjunctivitis can take a long time, be accompanied by severe clinical manifestations requiring inpatient treatment.

In addition to the symptoms of eye damage, acute viral conjunctivitis may be accompanied by a runny nose, cough, fever, redness of the back of the throat. In such cases, it is necessary to prescribe antiviral therapy.

On average, the duration of treatment is from 14 to 20 days, less often - longer.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by different types of microorganisms. If the disease is provoked by streptococcus or staphylococcus, the recovery period is usually up to a week, with the use of antibiotic therapy. Chlamydial conjunctivitis lasts a little longer - treatment brings visible improvement in about 14-16 days. Gonococcal conjunctivitis - almost always takes a long time. Treatment lasts long enough - at least a month or two. Only after 30-40 days of constant use of drugs is there an improvement. At the same time, even if there is a visible decrease in the intensity of inflammation, treatment must be continued.

The allergic type of the disease in acute form has a duration of no more than 5-7 days. Thanks to the intake of antihistamines, and the instillation of eye drops with special drops, an acute attack usually subsides quickly. However, it is allergic conjunctivitis that has the highest probability of becoming chronic. This happens in cases where the acute manifestations of the disease are stopped, and the patient's contact with the allergen continues. In the background, the body continues to experience an allergic load. Such a course can last for a long time - up to several years, with alternating periods of remissions and exacerbations.

Chronic viral and bacterial forms are less common, they are distinguished by a less pronounced nature of the symptoms. There is itching, burning in the eyes, hyperemia of the sclera and conjunctiva, lacrimation, follicles form on the conjunctiva. All these manifestations with different strengths can manifest themselves within several months of treatment, significantly interfering with the normal life and work of the patient.

Usually, mild viral forms of conjunctivitis in children pass faster than in adults, provided that the immune system is working normally. Similarly, it happens with a bacterial type of disease caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. The gonococcal bacterial type is more common in newborns, but adults can also get sick. In adults, the recovery process lasts somewhat less, and, in general, is somewhat easier.

Which doctor should I contact with conjunctivitis

Inflammation of the mucous tissues of the eye in a patient can be diagnosed (in children - a pediatrician). Then the sick person is sent to. When it comes to bacterial forms, he usually prescribes the treatment himself and monitors its success.

Viral conjunctivitis can cause the patient to be referred to. If an ophthalmologist prescribes therapy against conjunctivitis directly, then an appropriate specialist should prescribe a systemic treatment regimen for a viral infection. Moreover, if you start treating only conjunctivitis, after some time, after achieving a positive effect, the disease may return against the background of the virus remaining in the body.

Allergic conjunctivitis is treated by ophthalmologists and jointly. The first specialist develops a treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms, the second finds out the cause of the allergy, gives recommendations on avoiding contact of the patient with the allergen.

Treatment of conjunctivitis includes taking medications, using them locally, performing eye lavages, and applying the recommendations of traditional medicine.

Treatment regimens vary depending on the form of the disease itself. So, for example, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are useless against allergic conjunctivitis - only antihistamines will help the patient. Bacterial forms are treated with antibacterial agents. Against viral forms, immunomodulators are prescribed. In addition, any type of disease requires the use of antiseptic eyewash solutions, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drops.


General experience: 35 years .

Education:1975-1982, 1MMI, San-Gig, highest qualification, infectious diseases doctor.

Science degree: doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences.