Educational program “Perspective elementary school. Promising Elementary School

Conceptual Provisions The programs "Perspective Primary School" are correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FGOS IEO), which is based on a system-activity approach.

The main content of the education system "Perspective Primary School" consists of such educational areas as philology, mathematics, computer science, natural science and social science, art, music education. The curriculum of each subject is based on an integrated basis, reflecting the unity and integrity of the scientific picture of the world.

The main principles of the concept "Perspective Primary School":
- The principle of continuous overall development of each child.
- The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world.
- The principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of students.
- Principles of strength and clarity.
- The principle of protecting and strengthening the mental and physical health of children.

Typical Features of the Promising Elementary School Program:
- Completeness provides for the unity of the installation of the formation of such general educational skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simple equipment), the ability to communicate business (work in pairs, small and large teams). In addition, it is the exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstration of at least two points of view when explaining new material. Going beyond the textbook into the zone of dictionaries. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha).
- Instrumentality- these are subject-methodological mechanisms that contribute to the practical application of the knowledge gained. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries for various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of conditions for the need for their use in solving specific educational problems or as an additional source of information. This is a constant organization of special work to search for information inside the textbook, the set as a whole and beyond.
- interactivity– The Internet addresses in the textbooks of the set are designed for the future development of the conditions for using a computer in all schools. However, since the use of Internet addresses is a prospect for many schools, the UMK is building a system of interactive communication with schoolchildren through a systematic exchange of letters between textbook characters and schoolchildren.
- Integration- this is the desire to create synthetic, integrated courses that give students an idea of ​​​​a holistic picture of the world. An integrated course "The World Around" has been developed, in which representations and concepts from such educational areas as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, and life safety organically coexist. The modern course of literary reading is subject to the same requirement, where such educational areas as language, literature and art are integrated.

EMC "Perspective Primary School"includes the following completed textbook subject lines:

- Russian language.
ABC. The authors: Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A.
Russian language. The authors: Churakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Baikova T.A.
- Literary reading. Author: Churakova N.A.
- Maths. Chekin A.L.
- The world. The authors: Fedotova O.N., Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A., Tsareva L.A.
- Technology. The authors: Ragozina T.M., Grineva A.A., Golovanova I.L., Mylova I.B.
All textbooks of the teaching materials "Perspective Primary School" successfully passed the examination for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO and were included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for use in the educational process in educational institutions.

Teaching aids of the TMC "PNSh" teach the child to work with all sources of information: reference books, dictionaries, libraries, people around them, a computer and the Internet. They contain many drawings, illustrations and diagrams of a didactic nature. Everything is thought out, there is nothing superfluous

Math is hard built very strictly, solves traditional issues with non-traditional methods. The authors recommend not to deviate a single step from the methodology of teaching the subject and believe that thanks to this system of presenting the material, students will develop true mathematical thinking.

textbooks literacy , Russian language andliterary reading take into account the speech therapy problems of elementary school students. The textbooks have thought out a system of work that encourages the student to extract information himself and operate with it. Already from the 2nd grade, children in the Russian language lessons get acquainted with five types of dictionaries and constantly use these dictionaries in other lessons.

To build a holistic picture of the world and to develop speech, the CMD has a system for working with paintings, there are reproductions of paintings by famous artists.

Children love the item the world . They always look forward to this lesson and prepare for it with desire. By the end of the year, even very constrained and squeezed children began to feel comfortable. No less interesting is the subject in children - technology where children can prepare a variety of crafts with their own hands.

The project "PNSh" is interesting for both teachers and students because it has interdisciplinary connections. All textbooks are interconnected by a single intrigue. In the center of the “PNSh” is the subject “the world around us”. It grows roots in all other things. The child “needs to be “tipped over” into the outside world so that he becomes a literate and developed person,” the authors of the project believe.

Next to the students, the life of their peers (older sister and younger brother Masha and Misha Ivanov) unfolds. The heroes of the WMC have a specific place of residence with a name, history, parents, school, teachers, classmates and friends.

Misha and Masha grow up, change, perform various tasks. Following them, our students do it, develop social skills. It is very interesting for children.

Hello, my dear parents of little schoolchildren, present and future. Are you ready to plunge into the world again or is this topic already beaten for you? Come on, do not be lazy, because the future of our children is in our hands. If it is sometimes difficult for us to understand some life issues, then it is even more difficult for children.

Having made a choice in favor of a certain teacher and his methodology for all four years of elementary school and without changing the curriculum of your child in time, you can then “bite your elbows”. Do you agree to such an execution? Probably not worth it! Therefore, forward to new knowledge! Does the School Curriculum Promising Elementary School Tell You Anything? If not, then let him start talking.

Lesson plan:

To whom do we owe educational prospects?

The school project "Promising Primary School", like other educational programs, is the result of the work of a team of scientists and practicing teachers of Russian universities.

As we already remember, our children at the first stage of education can study according to one of the existing three systems adopted by our state:

1) classical, or traditional.

All software products are variants of them, and Promising Elementary School is no exception. It combined the scientific approaches of two simultaneously developing systems of education - both Elkonin-Davydov and Zankov, taking as a basis the views of the guru of Russian psychology L. Vygotsky.

Roza Churakova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Academy for Advanced Training of Educators, supervised the work on the creation of an educational program for grades 1-4.

Like any other educational program, the "Perspective Primary School" has its own methodological set for all disciplines:

  • literacy in the 1st grade is carried out according to the TMC, the authors of which are doctors of pedagogical and philological sciences, professors N. Agarkova and M. Kalenchuk,
  • Russian language for grades 1 - 4 was prepared by doctors of philological sciences M. Kalenchuk and N. Churakova, graduate students of Moscow and St. Petersburg universities O. Malakhovskaya, T. Baikova, E. Erysheva,
  • the authorship of the literary reading kit belongs to the doctor of philological sciences N. Churakova,
  • textbooks and workbooks in mathematics were developed by the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences A. Chekin,
  • computer science in grades 2, 3 and 4 is taught according to the books of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences E. Benenson,
  • the surrounding world is represented by a team of candidates of pedagogical sciences O. Fedotova, L. Tsareva and G. Trofimova,
  • the textbook on technology belongs to the candidates of pedagogical sciences I. Kolesnichenko and T. Ragozina.

Includes the educational package "Promising elementary school" also music, physical education, English "Favourite" for grades 2 - 4 and fine arts.

One correction should be made: the textbook on the world around us from the promising teaching materials is not recommended by the Ministry of Education for use in teaching.

What is the perspective of its authors?

Go with a perspective or bezspektivnyak?

In fact, of course, everything is extremely subjective. So in this case, the reviews of parents are contradictory, and teachers try not to say negative opinions out loud, this is understandable: you never know what.

I concluded for myself that the educational program "Promising Primary School"

  • close to traditional
  • aimed at the independence of the child and at the same time
  • is waiting for the direct help of parents and their active participation in the education of the schoolchildren.

During the discussion of the program, I met a lot of complaints about textbooks and workbooks. Here's what the teachers say:

“... it is inconvenient to navigate: tasks do not differ from texts in either color or font ...”,

“... raw mathematics: there is no system, there are no tasks for fixing and working out, the structure is incomprehensible ...”,

“... children are forced to carry several parts of textbooks to school at once, since one contains a task, sending them to the second to search for information to solve it ...”

And this is 5 kopecks from parents who consider the program strange and for a low level:

“... we can’t help in solving problems, because we don’t understand the essence ...”,

"... a lot of blunders in educational materials, an inconsistent faceless world around us, fictional characters ...",

“... there are few uppercase tasks in the Russian language, the mathematics are very simple: for almost a year they have been studying numbers and actions with them no further than the first ten ...”,

“... contradictory: in mathematics, simple topics are replaced by complex ones, so we either work hard, or we play “Vanka”, you just need to accept Russian as it was conceived by the authors, resigning yourself to the new names of old definitions and inexplicable division into syllables like “u-mny”, reading is necessary to learn to understand, but interesting ... ".

Naturally, a lot depends on the teacher, and the teachers themselves write that if you are trained to work in the "Promising Primary School", then everything will be quite accessible, understandable and easy. Therefore, before saying your weighty “yes” to this educational product, you can safely ask the future teacher in the eye: “Have you completed the course of a young fighter?”

Here is another school program in our piggy bank of knowledge. Did you run into her? Then tell me what's what. Not? Then tell me if you are ready for such prospects.

I wish success to you and your little students!

Evgenia Klimkovich

If it is often difficult for parents to understand the peculiarities of school programs, then children even more so cannot find differences between existing educational and methodological complexes. But the choice of a school and an educational project is a very responsible matter, on which, without exaggeration, the effectiveness of a child's further education depends. In order not to bite your elbows, it is important to make the right choice in favor of teaching methods for elementary school students. According to reviews, "Promising Elementary School" is a specific educational program that has its pros and cons.

Briefly about the authors of the educational and methodological complex

This project, like other educational and methodological complexes, is the result of the collective work of scientists and practicing teachers of leading Russian universities. Unlike the traditional system of education, the program "Perspective Primary School" is a variable product of educational developmental methods, the authors of which are outstanding Russian scientists D. B. Elkonin-Davydov and V. V. Zankov.

The creator of the course for elementary school students was Roza Gelfanovna Churakova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Academy for Advanced Training of Educators. Being the project manager, the author responsibly approached the selection of teaching aids and textbooks in all disciplines. These manuals are included in the package "Promising Primary School":

  • “Literacy (learning to write)” and “ABC” for grade 1, the authors of which are professors Yu. A. Agarkov, M. G. Agarkova.
  • "Russian language" for elementary school students was prepared by M. L. Kalenchuk, N. A. Churakova.
  • "Literary reading" - the author is Doctor of Philology N. A. Churakova.
  • "Mathematics" (textbooks and workbooks) were developed by A. L. Chekin - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
  • "Informatics" (from the second grade) - authors E. P. Benenson, A. G. Pautova.
  • "The world around" - the entire training course is presented by candidates of pedagogical sciences O. N. Fedotova, G. V. Trafimova and S. A. Trafimov.
  • "Technology" in the "Perspective Primary School" was published by the candidate of pedagogical sciences T. M. Ragozina, I. B. Mylova.

The educational kit also includes textbooks in music, physical education, fine arts and English (S. G. Ter-Minasova "Favourite"). It should be noted that the textbooks on the subject "World around" have not received appropriate reviews from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for implementation in the educational process. 3

Development of a project on federal educational standards

Let's try to understand the features of this school program. The first thing to note is its compliance with the GEF. "Perspective primary school", according to the authors and well-known domestic teachers, is an effective mechanism for the development of the individual qualities of each student. The goal of the project is to develop the skills of independent learning in the child. The student should not be just a led participant in the educational process.

The conceptual provisions of the education system "Perspective Primary School" fully comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. In addition, each item of the program is characterized by individual and collective orientation. That is, the introduction of the project into the educational process involves the use of a personal approach to each student and, in general, to the children's team.

Basic principles of the project

  • The formation of personal qualities that meet the requirements of modern society on the basis of tolerance for its multinational, cultural and confessional composition.
  • Aiming at obtaining the highest learning outcomes as a system-forming element of the educational process, in which the formation of the student's personality occurs due to the assimilation of ordinary educational activities, knowledge of the world around.
  • Ensuring the achievement of the set goals by mastering the fundamental educational course.
  • Guaranteed continuity and consistency of preschool, primary general, basic and secondary (complete) education.
  • Accounting for personal age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.
  • Determination of the role and degree of importance of certain types of activities for setting goals in the course of the process of education and upbringing.
  • Providing a variety of organizational forms, taking into account the developmental characteristics of each student (including gifted students, children with disabilities, speech defects, etc.).
  • Providing conditions for the growth of creative potential, the desire to learn the unknown, interact with adults and peers.

Comprehensive development of the student

The tasks of primary general education also include the development of the student's creative abilities, his interest and desire for learning. It is in children studying in the lower grades that they nurture moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and value criteria for a positive attitude not only to themselves, but also to those around them.

In the section of the educational-methodical set "Promising primary school" for the 1st grade, the authors proceed from humanistic considerations, relying on the conclusions of psychologists: absolutely all children are able to study well if the appropriate conditions are created for this. And one of these is a student-centered approach to each student.

Universal program for elementary school

When compiling the educational material and choosing the style of its presentation, the authors took into account several important features. According to their feedback, the "Promising Elementary School" can be considered a universal program because:

  • Textbooks, workbooks and other manuals are optimally suited for students of different ages. It is known that a child of both six and seven or eight years old can be a first-grader.
  • All students have a completely different level of preparation. Children who attended preschool educational organizations go to grade 1 with the necessary base of oral and written skills.
  • There are also significant differences in the topographic affiliation of the audience being trained. So, according to this educational program, not only urban, but also rural schoolchildren are trained.
  • Differences in the levels of Russian language proficiency among students, as well as the presence of a large number of speech therapy problems in the lower grades.
  • It can be used for classes with different occupancy, including for schoolchildren of a small class.

Features of compiling educational material

It is interesting that the educational and methodological package is based on the close relationship of the course "The World Around" with other disciplines. According to the authors, the basics of this subject have firmly “sprouted” into both the Russian language and mathematics. Without knowledge of what is around us, the child will not be able to fully develop and become literate. The only thing that raises doubts is the lack of recommendations from the Ministry for the manual "The World Around" from the teaching materials "Perspective Primary School".

Textbooks and workbooks corresponding to this program are created according to a single principle: from the first to the last page, they are all permeated with images of bright characters named Misha and Masha. The guys who appear in the books also have parents, friends, classmates, pets, etc. Throughout the year, they grow up with the students, gaining knowledge by doing their homework. Agree, the game stirs up the interest of primary school students in learning. On the other hand, it is not clear how useful the presence of such illustrations is. So, for example, in workbooks for many tasks, two solutions are proposed - one Mishino, the other Mashino. Will it not become a habit of the child to choose an answer at random? In the end, choosing the right one out of two options is much easier than solving the problem yourself from beginning to end.

Description of the project in general terms

It is impossible to put an unambiguous assessment of this complex and say how effective it is in the learning process. Any criticism, however, as well as a recommendation from parents, is purely subjective, and therefore in practice there are the most controversial reviews about the "Promising Elementary School". It is not difficult for a person who is far from the current education system to conclude that this is an educational and methodological program:

  • Based on traditional approaches to teaching and educating children of primary school age.
  • Designed to make the child independent and purposeful.
  • It is not always easily perceived by students, and therefore requires the help and assistance of parents, especially in terms of doing homework.

What most often causes dissatisfaction, reviews

For parents of children entering grade 1, the Promising Elementary School may seem like a "raw" and imperfect project, full of flaws and shortcomings. Often in the reviews you can find the dissatisfaction of parents about the lack of information on a particular topic. In fact, the key goal of the developers of the complex is to teach students to work independently with sources of information and correctly apply the data obtained.

Starting from the second grade, the teacher uses several dictionaries, as well as reference books and encyclopedias, in Russian language lessons. In this context, it would be more correct to perceive the textbook as a self-instruction manual. Manuals in all subjects are built in the same way, each topic looks something like this: table of contents - questions and answers to them - terms (dictionary words, definitions of concepts) - conclusions. The teacher is only required to set the right direction for work in the classroom and at home, coordinate the actions of students and prepare the "ground" for finding the right information. However, students will have to search for it on their own.

If you pay attention to the responses of parents, their dissatisfaction with the joint implementation of lessons is striking. "Promising Primary School" is an educational project aimed at developing the skills of independence, initiative and self-control in primary school children. At the same time, the authors themselves recommend not to deviate one step from the teaching method, which is based on the principle of “solving the traditional in an unconventional way”. In practice, most children 7-10 years old cannot cope with tasks without the help of their parents. Well, there is nothing left but to wish them patience and tirelessness. Apparently, parents will have to study again.

How teachers evaluate the "Promising Primary School"

There are enough examples of discussion of this educational program on the Web. Among them, there were no complaints not only about textbooks, but also about workbooks. The "promising elementary school", according to teachers, is inferior in some aspects even to the traditional education system:

  • The tasks are not highlighted in any way against the background of the text on the page - neither in font nor in color. It is not very convenient for teachers to navigate the material.
  • Many teachers have the impression that the course "Mathematics" has not been finalized, since there is no consistency in the learning process, as evidenced by the "blurred" structure of educational and methodological planning.
  • "Promising elementary school" involves the use of several parts of textbooks in all subjects at the same time, since each of them contains tasks that refer to other sources for information. Children are forced to carry stacks of books in their briefcases.

The main disadvantages of the program according to parents

Parents in their reviews of the Promising Elementary School often describe the program as strange, designed for children with a low level of preparation. The reasons for these responses are:

  • A large number of typos in all educational materials.
  • Inconsistency of tasks in mathematics with the general course. Parents are not always able to help in solving problems, because they themselves do not see their main essence, logical meaning.
  • The facelessness and monotony of all the textbooks of the complex. Especially often parents complain about the content of the "World Around".
  • In the Russian language, children are given very few capital assignments, which hinders the formation of written skills. According to the responses, the mathematics course for grade 1 is also considered too simple: for almost a year only the numbers of the first ten and actions with them are studied.
  • The topics that are easy for children to understand and perceive are suddenly replaced by complex ones, which once again indicates the lack of consistency in the compiled educational materials.

Of course, the learning outcomes that schoolchildren show in final examinations largely depend on the teacher. But, in accordance with this program, a considerable burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents. They also have to go into all the details of the educational process of their children in grades 1-4 in order to help them do their homework. At the same time, teachers pay special attention to the inadmissibility of using ready-made homework assignments (GDZ). In "Promising Elementary School", if you look, everything is completely clear without that. Banal senseless cheating from the solution books, of which there are plenty on the Web, contradicts the main principle of this educational project - the independence of the student.

Developing student-centered learning system is an educational and methodical set (TMK) for elementary school. The "Perspective Primary School" project is the result of many years of work by a team of employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the AIC and PPRO, Moscow State University, and Moscow State Pedagogical University. EMC "Perspective Primary School" is issued by a publishing house "Academbook / Textbook" .

Conceptual Provisions The programs "Perspective Primary School" are correlated with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FGOS IEO), which is based on a system-activity approach.

The main content of the training system "Promising Elementary School" consists of such educational areas as philology, mathematics, computer science, natural science and social science, art, music education. The curriculum of each subject is based on an integrated basis, reflecting the unity and integrity of the scientific picture of the world.

EMC "Perspective Primary School" includes includes the following completed subject lines of textbooks:

- Russian language.
ABC. The authors: Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A.
Russian language. The authors: Churakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Baikova T.A.
- Literary reading. Author: Churakova N.A.
- Maths. Chekin A.L.
- Informatics and ICT(grades 2-4). The authors: Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G.
- The world. The authors: Fedotova O.N., Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A., Tsareva L.A.
- Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics(4th grade).
Fundamentals of spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Fundamentals of secular ethics. The authors: Vasilyeva T.D., Savchenko K.V., Tyulyaeva T.I.
- Art. The authors: Kashekova I.E., Kashekov A.L.
- Music. The authors: Chelysheva T.V., Kuznetsova V.V.
- Technology. The authors: Ragozina T.M., Grineva A.A., Golovanova I.L., Mylova I.B.
- Physical Culture. The authors: Shishkina A.V., Alimpieva O.P., Brekhov L.V.
- English language"Favourite" (grades 2-4). The authors: Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Obukauskaite D.S., Sukhina E.I.

All TMC textbooks, in addition to the textbooks "The World Around" Fedotova O.N. etc., in are included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs for primary general, basic general, secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253).

Textbooks "The world around" for grades 1-4 Fedotova O.N. and others were excluded from the list by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated December 28, 2015. N 1529.

The textbooks of the EMC "Perspective Primary School" have successfully passed the examination for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO 2009. The textbooks were included in the Federal lists of textbooks recommended or approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for use in the educational process in educational institutions for the 2013/2014 academic year.

The main idea of ​​the program "Promising elementary school" - the optimal development of each child on the basis of pedagogical support for his individuality (age, abilities, interests, inclinations, development) in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student acts either as a learner, or as a teacher, or as an organizer of the educational situation.

Basic principles of the concept "Promising Elementary School" :
- The principle of continuous overall development of each child.
- The principle of the integrity of the picture of the world.
- The principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of students.
- Principles of strength and clarity.
- The principle of protecting and strengthening the mental and physical health of children.

Typical Features of the Promising Elementary School Program:
- Completeness provides for the unity of the installation of the formation of such general educational skills as the ability to work with a textbook and with several sources of information (textbook, reference books, simple equipment), the ability to communicate business (work in pairs, small and large teams). In addition, it is the exchange of information between textbooks. Demonstration of at least two points of view when explaining new material. Going beyond the textbook into the zone of dictionaries. The presence of external intrigue, the heroes of which are often brother and sister (Misha and Masha).
- Instrumentality- these are subject-methodological mechanisms that contribute to the practical application of the knowledge gained. This is not only the inclusion of dictionaries for various purposes in all textbooks, but also the creation of conditions for the need for their use in solving specific educational problems or as an additional source of information. This is a constant organization of special work to search for information inside the textbook, the set as a whole and beyond.
- interactivity- The Internet addresses in the textbooks of the set are designed for the future development of the conditions for using a computer in all schools. However, since the use of Internet addresses is a prospect for many schools, the UMK is building a system of interactive communication with schoolchildren through a systematic exchange of letters between textbook characters and schoolchildren.
- Integration- this is the desire to create synthetic, integrated courses that give students an idea of ​​​​a holistic picture of the world. An integrated course "The World Around" has been developed, in which representations and concepts from such educational areas as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, and life safety organically coexist. The modern course of literary reading is subject to the same requirement, where such educational areas as language, literature and art are integrated.

The main methodological features of the teaching materials "Promising Elementary School" :
- TMC for each subject, as a rule, includes a textbook, reader, notebook for independent work, methodological guide for the teacher (methodist).
- Each methodical manual consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical, which can be used by the teacher as a theoretical basis for improving his qualifications. The second part is directly lesson-thematic planning, where the course of each lesson is outlined, its goals and objectives are formulated, and it also contains ideas for answers to ALL the questions asked in the textbook.

Official site.


1 System of textbooks PERSPECTIVE PRIMARY SCHOOL T.M. RAGOGZINA A.A. Grineva A.L. CHEKIN TEXTBOOK ON TEACHING LITERATURE AND READING MUSIC TECHNOLOGY N.G. AGARKOVA, Yu.A. Agarkov T.M. RAGOGZINA A.A. Grineva I.L. KUZNETSOVA METHODOLOGICAL AID TECHNOLOGY N.A. CHURAKOVA T.M. RAGOGZINA A.A. Grineva I.L. N. A. GOLOVANOV CHURAKOVA N. A. CHURAKOVA, O. V. MALAKHOVSKAYA READING Grade 1 LITERARY N.A. CHURAKOVA T.V. CHELYSHEVA, V.V. KUZNETSOVA M. L. KALENCHUK, N. A. CHURAKOVA, T. A. BAIKOVA A. L. CHEKIN to MUSIC class c and T.V. CHELYSHEVA, V.V. KUZNETSOVA 1 MUSIC a + CD b M. L. KALENCHUK, N. A. CHURAKOVA, T. A. CHURAKOVA part 1 A.L. CHEKIN U.N. INFORMATICS and ICT WORLD AROUND а.г. паутова Система учебников входит в федеральный перечень учебников, рекомендованных к использованию в общеобразовательных учреждениях К Л А С С 1_s019_1AzbukaCover_011.indd 1 1_s010_011CoverNEW_Final.indd 1 1_s00_cover_011_NEW.indd 1 _s033_1_cover.indd:8:09 4_s086_11CoverNEW_Final.indd 1 _s047_10_cover.indd:38:7 3_s054_11CoverNEW_Final.indd:15::1:11 1_s014_11CoverNEW_Final.indd:45:47 1_s01_11CoverNEW_Final.indd:34::3:171_s118_11CoverNEW_Final.indd:14::40: 60. Tel.: (499) , (495) Fax: (499) r033_11_exhibition catalog_pnsh_01 COVER.indd 1 1_s15_11CoverNEW_Final.indd:50::50:43 PUBLISHING HOUSE:17:45

2 Publishing house "Akademkniga / Textbook", Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 90, office 60 (Drive to the metro station "Kaluzhskaya") Tel.: (495) Fax: (499) Internet: Department of work with regions Tel.: (499) , (495) Fax: (499) Scientific - methodological department tel.: (495) , fax: (499) institutions webinars and web consultations conferences, internships, workshops for teachers a solution to create a network of basic educational institutions support in holding competitions, festivals, educational forums assistance in analyzing and summarizing the experience of teachers, methodologists, leaders Regional information and consulting centers Omsk tishina Tatyana Nikolaevna (381) Karpeeva Irina Vyacheslavovna (381) Kirov Krestinina Irina Alekseevna (833) Nal Chik Kerzhentseva Anna Vladimirovna (866) Novosibirsk Dmitrienko Zoya Ivanovna (383) Samara Razagatova Natalia Aleksandrovna (846) Moscow Region Troitsk Kudrova Larisa Gennadievna (4967) Volgograd Kazachkova Svetlana Petrovna (844) Belgorod Struchaeva Tamara Mikhailovna (47)

3 1 Contents The system of textbooks "Promising primary school"... Textbooks, teaching and methodological aids... 3 Teaching literacy and reading... 3 Russian language... 4 Literary reading... 6 English language... 8 Mathematics Informatics and ICT... 1 The world around us Music Visual arts Technology... 0 Fundamentals of secular ethics... Physical culture... 3 Final complex work... 4 Programs of extracurricular activities... 5 Series “Library of the leader and methodologist. GEF introduction... 8 Our regional bookselling partners... 30

4 system of textbooks system of textbooks "Perspective Primary School" Developing personality-oriented didactic learning system The main idea of ​​the "Perspective Primary School" is the optimal development of each child on the basis of pedagogical support for his individuality in conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student is an equal participant in the learning process. "Perspective Primary School" provides for the formation of universal educational activities that ensure the continuity of the educational process at all stages of education. Implementing requirements a, the system of textbooks offers programs in academic subjects (literacy and reading, Russian language, literary reading, foreign language, mathematics, computer science and ICT, the world around us, the basics of secular ethics, music, fine arts, technology, physical education) and extracurricular activities, including: scientific clubs for junior schoolchildren "Key and dawn", "We and the world around"; elective in mathematics; circles (clubs, electives) "Museum in your class", "Journey to the Computer Valley", "City of Masters", "Journey to the world of ecology"; project extracurricular activities on the course "World around" and others. "Perspective Primary School" consists of two interrelated parts for each subject: teaching materials for the student (textbook, reader, notebooks for independent work and solving practical problems) and teaching materials for the teacher (methodological guide, lesson development, collections of tests and test tasks). The system of textbooks has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational and primary general education. Conceptual provisions are presented in the publications: the library of the leader and methodologist Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard Conceptual foundations of the developing personality-oriented didactic education system "Promising primary school" Basic theoretical and methodological provisions Implementation of the requirements a Development of the main educational program Formation of universal educational activities Exemplary curriculum, plan for extracurricular activities Conceptual bases of the developing personality-oriented didactic system of education "Perspective elementary school" / R.G. Churakova, N.A. Churakova, O.A. Zakharova, A.M. Solomatin. M.: Akademkniga / Textbook, p. The book reveals the conceptual foundations, principles, typical properties of the personality-oriented post-developing system "Perspective Primary School". The publication is addressed to the heads of general educational institutions making the transition to the IPC (IRO) methodologists, elementary school teachers. LIBRARY OF THE LEADER AND METHODIST INTRODUCTION GEF R.G. CHURAKOVA LESSON ANALYSIS in elementary school Teaching and methodological package and aspect analysis of the lesson Lesson effectiveness and technology effectiveness Aspect analysis of the lesson in the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics and the surrounding world Final comprehensive work based on a single text Churakova R.G. Lesson analysis in elementary school / R.G. Churakov. M .: Akademkniga / Textbook, p. The publication describes the technology of the modern lesson and its aspect analysis, which is understood as a detailed and comprehensive consideration of the lesson as a whole from a certain angle of view (aspect, basis). A brief evaluation analysis of the lesson, analysis of organizational forms and teaching methods are presented. The appendices offer test tasks for younger students based on a single text, protocols for analyzing lessons.

5 METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS 1_s115_10_COVER_p1-p4_FINAL_!.pdf:5:38 N.M. Lavrova Electronic supplement to the methodological manual Teaching literacy and reading Lesson-thematic developments Illustrations, questions and assignments for lessons LLC "Publishing house" Akademkniga / Textbook ", 01. All rights reserved Technical execution D. Yakubovsky 3 implementation of educational a Programs in academic subjects Russian language Literary reading English language Mathematics Informatics Plan and programs of extracurricular activities Perspective elementary school Part classes Programs in academic subjects. Sample curriculum. Russian language. Literary reading. English language. Maths. Informatics: 1 4 cells: in hours / comp. R.G. Churakov. M.: Akademkniga / Textbook, 01. Ch. (Promising elementary school). The first part of the publication reveals the conceptual provisions of the student-centered education system "Perspective Primary School", its basic principles and typical properties. Published: exemplary curriculum for primary general education; exemplary programs in academic subjects developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (elementary school), including programs for the formation of universal educational activities. implementation of educational a Perspective Primary School Curriculums in academic subjects the world around us Music technology Plan and programs of extracurricular activities Part 1 4 grades Curriculums in academic subjects. Plan and programs of extracurricular activities. The world. Music. Technology. Extracurricular activities: 1 4 cells: in hours / comp. R.G. Churakov. M.: Akademkniga / Textbook, 01. Ch. (Promising elementary school). The second part of the publication offers programs in academic subjects; the system of extracurricular activities: the logic of the organization, the main directions, the plan and programs, thematic planning in the main areas of personality development (sports and recreation, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural). Textbooks, teaching aids and teaching aids Grade 1 TEXTBOOK FOR TEACHING LITERATURE AND READING N.G. AGarkova, Yu.A. Agarkov Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading. ABC. 1 class The texts, as well as the illustrative and vocabulary material of the textbook, make it possible to effectively solve the problems of forming UUD, which are a priority direction of the content of education. Achieving meta-subject results involves the formation of not only a full-fledged reading skill, but also elementary ideas about the basic units of the Russian (native) language, as well as the development of the intellectual abilities of first-graders. The textbook is supplemented with notebooks on a printed basis. The content of the textbook is related to the course of the Russian language. N.G. AGarkova, Yu.A. AGArkov N.G. AGarkova, Yu.A. AGArkov N.M. Lavrova AZBUKA I write and check myself notebook 1 1 k l and s N.M. Lavrova AZBUKA I am writing and checking myself a notebook 1 to l and s AZBUKA Grade 1 N.G. AGARKOVA, Yu.A. AGARKOV LITERACY AND READING ABC in the Russian language (grades 1-4), including: Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. ABC. Notebooks for writing 1, 3. 1 class. Lavrova N.M. ABC. I write and check myself. The beginning of the formation of regulatory UUD. Notebooks 1,. 1 class Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. ABC. Teaching literacy and reading. Toolkit. 1 class Lavrova N.M. ABC. Teaching literacy and reading. Lesson-thematic developments + CD. 1 class teaching literacy and reading

6 T.A. BAIKOVA, o.v. Malakhovskaya, E.R. ERYSHEVA ELECTRONIC APPLICATION Academkniga/Uchebnik Publishing House LLC, 013 ELECTRONIC APPLICATION Academkniga/Uchebnik Publishing House LLC, 013 Control and measurement materials and technology for organizing the correction of students' knowledge Control and measurement materials and technology for organizing the correction of students' knowledge Russian 1st grade T.M. RAGOGZINA A.A. Grineva I.L. KUZNETSOVA Churakova N.A. Russian language. 1 class The textbook provides the formation of personal and meta-subject UUD, the achievement of subject results, including such as instrumental learning of the alphabet; understanding the difference between letters and sounds, between sounds of different quality; familiarity with the sound-letter analysis of words; the beginning of the development of those spellings that can be explained on the basis of the sound-letter analysis of words; initial ideas about parts of speech, sentence members and types of sentences in terms of intonation and purpose of the statement. Also in the textbooks are formulas of speech etiquette (situations of meeting, parting, requests, behavior at the table, a perfect deed), their use in oral speech and when communicating with peers and adults. E.R. Golfman N.M. Lavrova RUSSIAN LANGUAGE N.M. Lavrova Russian language ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF THE PLANNED RESULTS METHODOLOGICAL MANUAL + CD Brief 1 methodological classes of recommendations Dictation Presentations Verification works L.M. Bocharnikova Russian language Lesson planning Grade 1 The textbook is part of a completed subject line in the Russian language (grades 1-4), which includes: Russian language. Notebook for independent work. 1 class Churakova N.A., Golfman E.R. Russian language. Toolkit. 1 class Lavrova N.M. Russian language. Evaluation of achievement of planned results. Methodical manual + CD. 1 class Bocharnikova L.M. Russian language. Lesson planning of methods and techniques of an individual approach to students in the conditions of the formation of UUD. 1 class class for independent work T.A. BAIKOVA, o.v. MALAKHOVSKAYA, for independent work RUSSIAN LANGUAGE class N. A. CHURAKOVA, M. L. KALENCHUK, O. V. MALAKHOVSKAYA, T. A. Lavrova RUSSIAN LANGUAGE N.M. Lavrova Russian language ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF THE PLANNED RESULTS METHODOLOGICAL MANUAL + CD Brief 1 methodological classes of recommendations Dictation Presentations Verification works Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Churakova N.A. Russian language. In 3 hours class. The textbook provides for the formation of UUD, the use of acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life. The first part includes program material, the main purpose of which is to form ideas about word forms and related words and turn these ideas into a conscious way to check basic spellings. The second part includes the section "Development of Speech", as well as five dictionaries serving the textbook "Russian Language" (parts 1, 3), the textbook "Literary Reading" (parts 1,), an anthology on literary reading, as well as the textbook "The World Around" . This section includes the following topics: construction of the text, highlighting semantic parts in the text, text-description and text-narration, themes and main idea in the text, drawing up a text plan, presentation as a genre of written speech, comparison of popular science and fiction texts. "ABC of politeness": fixing the main forms of speech etiquette, adequate speech situations and mastering the written genre of writing. In the third part, students get acquainted with simple ways of word formation; learn to use Russian language dictionaries as a source of knowledge of language material and a way to check the studied spelling. in the Russian language (1 4 cl.), which includes: Baikova T.A., Malakhovskaya O.V., Erysheva E.R. Russian language. Notebook for independent work 1. class. Baykova T.A., Malakhovskaya O.V. Russian language. Notebook for independent work. class Churakova N.A., Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Baikova T.A. Russian language. Toolkit. class Lavrova N.M. Russian language. Evaluation of achievement of planned results. Methodical manual + CD. 1 class four

7 russ_yaz_3 kl_cover_011 pok.indd:39: class RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Grade 3 M. G. ABRAMOVA, T. A. BAIKOVA, O. V. MALAKHOVSKAYA and others. Russian language. At 3 o'clock. 3 cells. The textbook provides the formation of personal and meta-subject UUD, the achievement of subject results. The first part of the textbook introduces students to the concepts of "part of speech" and "part of a sentence", with the system of cases and types of declension of nouns; creates conditions for the use of Russian language dictionaries as a means of learning and testing language material. The second part includes the section "Development of Speech", as well as six dictionaries serving the textbooks "Russian Language", "Literary Reading", "The World Around" and an anthology on literary reading. The development of speech with elements of speech culture includes the following topics: building a text, drawing up a text plan, using a plan for retelling a text, an oral story from a picture, writing summaries and essays, mastering presentation as a genre of written speech, writing on observation and on a picture using description and storytelling. The third part introduces students to the case endings of nouns and adjectives, gives an idea of ​​the changes in the verb. "ABC of politeness": fixing the main forms of speech etiquette. Further development of the genre of writing. in the Russian language (1 4 cl.), which includes: Baikova T.A. Russian language. Notebooks for independent work 1,. 3 cells Abramova M.G., Baikova T.A., Malakhovskaya O.V. Russian language. Toolkit. 3 cells Lavrova N.M. Russian language. Collection of verification and control works. 3 4 cl. Grade 4 M. L. KALENCHUK, N. A. CHURAKOVA, T. A. BAYKOVA part 1 M. L. KALENCHUK, N. A. CHURAKOVA, O. V. MALAKHOVSKAYA 1 T.A. BAIKOVA, O.V. MALAKHOVSKAYA, N.A. CHURAKOVA Kalenchuk M.L. and others. Russian language. At 3 o'clock. 4 cells. The first part of the textbook is designed for the first half of the year. Schoolchildren learn to determine the conjugation of verbs and write unstressed personal endings of verbs; get acquainted with homogeneous members of the proposal; master the morphological analysis of words belonging to different parts of speech; systematically refer to educational dictionaries of the Russian language to solve language problems and self-test. The second part includes the "Development of Speech" section, as well as seven dictionaries serving the textbooks "Russian Language", "Literary Reading", "The World Around". This section includes the following topics: thematic description (and selection of subtopics) of a literary work and reasoning about its idea (main thoughts), annotation and review of a literary work, a culture of dialogue, speech formulas that allow you to correctly express and defend your point of view in a dispute, the need proof of judgment. In the third part, knowledge of the basic orthograms of the Russian language, provided for by the elementary school curriculum, is generalized and practiced. in the Russian language (1 4 cl.), which includes: Baikova T.A. Russian language. Notebooks for independent work 1,. 4 cells Baikova T.A., Malakhovskaya O.V., Churakova N.A. Russian language. Toolkit. 4 cells Lavrova N.M. Russian language. Collection of verification and control works. 3 4 cl. Russian language

8 O.V. Malakhovskaya O.V. Malakhovskaya 17 cards with reproductions of paintings by artists: K. Bryullov, P. Fedotov, V. Polenov, I. Repin, I. Levitan, V. Makovsky, K. Korovin, B. Kustodiev, M. Nesterov, Z. Serebryakova and others. Paper tools Methodological guide with questions and tasks for three levels of preparation: 37:04 Moscow 01 literary reading Grade 1 for independent work N.A. Churakova, O.V. Malakhovskaya MUSEUM IN YOUR CLASS 1 10 grades Methodological guide for teachers Churakova N.A. Literary reading. 1 class The main meta-subject goal of the textbook is connected with the formation of a literate reader who, over time, will be able to use his reading activity as a means of self-education. The formation of the motive and teaching reading skills is facilitated by the selection of texts that are of interest to children of senior preschool and primary school age and the use of predominantly poetic texts. Short line length, repetitive words and whole lines, paired rhymes and the presence of rhythm all help to create a situation of reading success for a first grader who is starting to learn to read. The textbook forms the ability to find the page "Contents" or "Table of Contents" in the book and the ability to navigate this page, finding the desired work. The textbook includes reproductions of paintings. in literary reading (grades 1-4), which includes: Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Notebook for independent work. 1 class Churakova N.A. Literary reading. Reader. 1 class Churakova N.A., Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Toolkit. 1 class Churakova N.A., Malakhovskaya O.V. The museum is in your classroom. A visual aid for classes on the development of speech, fine arts, MHC + Methodological guide. class for independent work O.V. Malakhovskaya for independent work N. A. CHURAKOVA, O. V. MALAKHOVSKAYA LITERARY READING METHODOLOGICAL AID CLASS Churakova N.A. Literary reading. In-x h. class. The textbook provides the formation of personal and meta-subject UUD, the achievement of subject results. The first part of the textbook discusses the genre features of a fairy tale, a story. Attention is drawn to the difference between author's literature and folklore. Working with text is organized through color marking, which helps to detect different storylines, different emotional states of the characters. A selection of reproductions creates conditions for a comparative analysis of literary and pictorial works. The second part discusses the genre features of the "funny" story and plot compositional techniques for creating a comic effect; the problem of the existence of different points of view on the same subject is posed; the originality of the poetic perception of the world is considered on the example of literary and pictorial works; some techniques of artistic expressiveness are revealed; familiarity with children's periodicals. Textbooks form a bibliographic culture: they introduce children's magazines and other periodicals, dictionaries and reference books. They also include work with elements of the book: the content of the cover of a children's magazine, content pages, headings of the magazine, illustrations, which involves expanding the circle of reading through children's periodicals. in literary reading (grades 1-4), which includes: Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Notebooks for independent work 1,. class Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Reader. class Churakova N.A., Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Toolkit. class Churakova N.A., Malakhovskaya O.V. The museum is in your classroom. A visual aid for classes on the development of speech, fine arts, MHC + Methodological guide. 6

9 4_s100_cover_01.indd:38:0 7 3 class N.A. O. V. CHURAKOVA MALAKHOVSKAYA Churakova N.A. Literary reading. In h. 3 cells. The first part of the textbook examines the genre and historical features of the fairy tale about animals; the distinctive features of the genres of the story and fairy tale are discussed; expanding ideas about poetic creativity; the originality of the artistic perception of the world is revealed on the example of literary, pictorial and musical works. The second part examines the genre and historical features of the fable, expands ideas about the nature of the comic and poetic worldview, identifies the main features of the hero of the folk tale, discusses and clarifies the features of the genre of the story; on the example of literary, pictorial and musical works, the idea of ​​the unity of the world of artistic culture is formed. Textbooks form a bibliographic culture: they introduce genre, thematic and monographic collections, teach how to compile various collections, including collections of selected works of a favorite writer or poet. in literary reading (grades 1-4), which includes: Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Notebooks for independent work 1,. 3 cells Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Reader. 3 cells Churakova N.A., Borisenkova O.V., Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Toolkit. 3 cells Churakova N.A., Malakhovskaya O.V. The museum is in your classroom. A visual aid for classes on the development of speech, fine arts, MHC + Methodological guide. 4th grade O.V. Malakhovskaya, N.A. Churakova O.V. Malakhovskaya, N.A. Churakova T.A. BAIKOVA, O.V. MALAKHOVSKAYA, N.A. CHURAKOVA N.A. CHURAKOVA N.A. CHURAKOVA Churakova N.A. Literary reading. In h. 4 cells. In order to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, UUD are formed in the textbook, the achievement of substantive results is ensured. The first part of the textbook examines folklore in a broader context of a cultural phenomenon, forming a general idea of ​​the relationship of myth with other genres of folklore; the genre features of a fairy tale and an epic are considered; ideas about the nature of the author's fairy tale, story, poetic creativity are expanding; on the example of works of folklore, literature and fine arts, ideas about the unity of the world of artistic culture are formed. In the second part of the textbook, ideas about the nature of author's prose are clarified; ideas about the means of expressiveness of author's poetry are expanding (on the basis of classical poetic works of the 1900s); ideas about the unity of the world of artistic culture are generalized (on the example of works of literature, music, fine arts). In the 4th grade, there is a deepening of ideas about the meaningful expressiveness of the poetic form, acquaintance with the Onegin stanza, expansion of the reading circle of children based on their own choice of books and periodicals. Textbooks form a bibliographic culture: they introduce you to the peculiarities of compiling annotations and reviews, there is a practical development of these genres as genres of oral and written speech. Schoolchildren learn to navigate the world of books accessible to their age. in literary reading (grades 1-4), which includes: Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Notebooks for independent work 1,. 4 cells Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Reader. 4 cells Churakova N.A., Borisenkova O.V., Malakhovskaya O.V. Literary reading. Toolkit. 4 cells Churakova N.A., Malakhovskaya O.V. The museum is in your classroom. A visual aid for classes on the development of speech, fine arts, MHC + Methodological guide. literary reading

10 PART ENGLISH YOUR NEW FRIENDS Lesson Favorite 1 A spaceship from another planet has landed at the edge of the forest. The astronauts want to meet the guys from the international children's camp, which is located in this forest. Listen (1) as they call their names and say hello. Learn the song by heart and sing it along with the astronauts. Student's Book 1 Our Theater 1 3 In pairs, act out the introduction of the guests from outer space to the children in the picture. Don't forget how to properly address adults and your peers in English. 4 Take turns introducing yourself to the astronauts and children from the summer camp. 5 Look at the picture on p. 4 and choose your English or Russian name. In pairs, get to know each other. The English language teaching kit for a class of general educational institutions includes: Textbook (part 1, part) Workbook Reading book Teacher book Audio aid Homework 1, :08:07 Workbook Ex. 1.. _s_193_11_cover.indd 1 PART Favorite Reader:50:3 Dan Ben Sasha Mike Liz Dasha Ron Rick Romy _s184a_cover_en_k_.indd 1 ENGLISH S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, D. Obukauskaite, E. Sukhina Tutorial (part 1, part) Workbook Reading book Teacher's book Voice guide Favorite 5 Now listen to the introduction of the guys from the international summer camp (). Repeat after them. Student's Book The English language teaching kit for a class of general educational institutions includes: English Textbook (part 1, part) Workbook Reading book Teacher's book Sound guide Favorite S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, D. Obukauskaite, E. Sukhina Textbook (part 1, part) Workbook Reading book Teacher's book Sound guide The English language teaching kit for the class of general educational institutions includes: ENGLISH S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, D. Obukauskaite, E Sukhina The English language teaching kit for the class of general educational institutions includes: S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, D. Obukauskaite, E. Sukhina ENGLISH class: 04:19 _s194_11_cover.indd: 46:40 Grade 3 Textbook (Part 1, part) Workbook Reading book Teacher's book Audio guide S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, E. Sukhina 3 PART ENGLISH 5 Describe your flat or house. 6 a) Write and remember. armchair, bathroom, bedroom, flat, kitchen, live, living room, toilet, house Favorite 4 a) Romy has got a friend, Molly. Here is Molly s letter (letter). Read and say where Molly lives. b) Then listen (No. 4) and read out loud. b) Write where Lizzy and Ziv like to play and jump in their house. Lizzy likes to. 0 Victoria Street London Great Britain Student s Book 1 1. Nos., Ex Lesson PART 1 flat [ 1 Recite Ghosts. ] apartment The English language teaching kit for a class of educational institutions includes: Textbook (part 1, part) Workbook Book for reading Book for teacher Sound guide 3 Homework:3:58 Ziv likes to. Foxy: Let's go to the castle and look for Topsy there. Romy: It's a good idea! (See lesson 1.) Dear Romy, We live in a big house. Our new flat1 is nice. There are two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen in it. Near the bedrooms there is a bathroom and a toilet. This is my funny pet Jim. It lives in my bedroom. Love from Molly 3 Workbook 9 out of their conversation. Listen and mark the correct answer in your workbook. Then act out their conversation. Write It Right Student's Book Textbook (part 1, part) Workbook Reading book Teacher's book Audio guide Favorite 8. Ex., p. 7, ex. 4a, p. 8. ENGLISH Reader 1 the poem Naughty 3 3_s185b_cover3kl_.indd 1 Favorite S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, E. Sukhina S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, E. Sukhina Favorite in English for the 3rd grade of general educational institutions includes: English The teaching and methodological package for English for the class of general educational institutions includes: ENGLISH Textbook (part 1, part) Workbook Reading book Teacher's book Sound guide: 46:48 Grade 4 Textbook (part 1, part) Workbook Reading book Teacher's book Voice guide Favorite b) Read out loud and complete the sentences with the words from the box which rhyme (rhyme). Then sing the song along (No. 1). ENGLISH Student's Book PART It's so hot. It is so hot. Put on your and your. Come on, come on, Just put them on! The weather's getting very cold. Put on your and your. Come on, come on, Just put them on! The weather isn't very good. Put on your, put on your. Come on, come on, Just put them on! The weather's really very bad. So don't forget, put on yours. Come on, come on, Just put it on! Write It Right 1 6 a) Write and remember. NOT FOR SALE 186a_b_11COVER_EN4k_1-ch.indd 1 put on, jeans, T-shirt, sock, boot, sweater, coat, hat 4 b) Look at the picture in exercise 4 and write an from our friends to Joe. Describe what they have done. PART:07:03 English_4kl_part1.indd Institutions include: Johnny, Jane, Hetty Dear Joe, How are you? We Blue Planet. We have Also, we Textbook (part 1, part) Workbook Bookfine. Reading are Today we have visited the Teacher's Book Audiobook have Favorite Yours, Johnny, Jane and Hetty Jane: We have helped the people, but now we have got no clothes. Johnny: No problem! Look (See lesson 13.) Put It On! Favorite English Joe 4th grade general education hat, socks, boots, sweater, jeans, coat, T-shirt Student s Book 4 NOT FOR SALE hat. In hot weather I always have a hat on. put on. It is cold, please put on your winter boot. I put a hat on my head and a boot frosty, sock. It is rainy, we are putting on healthy, sweater. It's frosty, she is boots. thirsty, T-shirt. I am going to get a sweater. leaf, jeans. We have jeans and T-shirts on. They have winter coats on. S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, E. Sukhina, J. Sobeshanskaya Textbook (part 1, part) Workbook Reading book Teacher's book Sound aid 39 In the English language teaching kit for 5 a) Read out loud. capital, good, put, cool, hat. on my foot. our socks and putting on her a new T-shirt. cold, coat. Homework Nos. 19, 0..Ex. 5, p Lesson Ex Let s sing the song Put It On! (No.) Look and say what these people from the Blue Planet have done today. Workbook The English language teaching kit for the 3rd grade of educational institutions includes: 4 Textbook (part 1, part) Workbook Reading book Teacher's book Audio aid Today they have (enjoyed the weather). ENGLISH S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, E. Sukhina, J. Sobeshanskaya 38 The English language teaching kit for the 4th grade of educational institutions includes: S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, E. Sukhina, J. Sobeshanskaya Favorite Reader:7:53 Sound guide to the textbook and workbook by S.G. Ter-Minasova, L.M. Uzunova, E.I. Sukhina, Yu.O. Sobeshchanskoy 4_s186a_b_11COVER_EN4k_1-ch.indd:07:41 ka de mk no tv o “A “A vo kast dem mk ni l te zda ha / U “I cheb OO n ic O” s S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova , E. Sukhina The English language teaching kit for the 3rd grade of general educational institutions includes: ha / Textbook, 01. All rights reserved Produced by OOO Aud i o-Shkola za kuo az NGO "Iel at zd 8 buklet_block_01_new.indd:1:8

11 Grade 9 S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, D. Obukauskaite, E. Sukhina Favorite Teacher s Book Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Obukauskaite D.S., Sukhina E.I. English language. In hours + CD. class The textbook is developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational and primary general education in a foreign language. The content of the textbook provides training in the context of communicative-activity, socio-cultural and personality-oriented approaches to the development of schoolchildren; includes many natural situations of communication; creates motivation and interest for students in English lessons. The teaching kit includes: Grade 3 Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Obukauskaite D.S., Sukhina E.I. English language. Workbook. class Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Obukauskaite D.S., Sukhina E.I. English language. Book for reading. class Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Obukauskaite D.S., Sukhina E.I. English language. The book for the teacher. class Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Obukauskaite D.S., Sukhina E.I. English language. Sound guide to the textbook and workbook. class S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, E. Sukhina Favorite Teacher s Book Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I. English language. In hours + CD. 3 cells The textbook is developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational and primary general education in a foreign language. The content of the textbook provides training in the context of communicative-activity, socio-cultural and personality-oriented approaches to the development of schoolchildren; includes many natural situations of communication; creates motivation and interest for students in English lessons. The educational kit includes: 4th grade Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I. English language. Workbook. 3 cells Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I. English language. Book for reading. 3 cells Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I. English language. The book for the teacher. 3 cells Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I. English language. Sound guide to the textbook and workbook. 3 cells English Teacher s Book S. Ter-Minasova, L. Uzunova, E. Sukhina, J. Sobeshanskaya Favorite Teacher s Book Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I., Sobeshanskaya Yu.O. English language. In hours + CD. 4 cells The textbook is developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational and primary general education in a foreign language. The content of the textbook provides training in the context of communicative-activity, socio-cultural and personality-oriented approaches to the development of schoolchildren; includes many natural situations of communication; creates motivation and interest for students in English lessons. The educational and methodical set includes: Prepared for publication: Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I., Sobeshchanskaya Yu.O. English language. Workbook. 4 cells Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I., Sobeshchanskaya Yu.O. English language. Book for reading. 4 cells Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I., Sobeshchanskaya Yu.O. English language. The book for the teacher. 4 cells Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I., Sobeshchanskaya Yu.O. English language. Sound guide to the textbook and workbook. 4 cells ENGLISH LANGUAGE

12 O.A. ZAKHAROVA, E.P. Yudina O.A. ZAKHAROVA, E.P. Yudina Untitled:31:46 О.А. ZAKHAROVA Untitled:31:46 1_s180b-11_chen_fin.indd:7:51 mathematics grade 1 in questions and assignments for independent work Chekin A.L. Maths. In h. 1 class. The textbook is developed taking into account inter-subject and intra-subject connections, the logic of the educational process, the task of forming the ability to learn in younger students. The textbook consists of two parts, each of which is designed for an academic semester. The first part includes questions related to the study of numbers, addition within the first ten, basic geometric concepts, spatial and temporal relationships. The second part includes questions related to the study of ten numbers, addition and subtraction of numbers within the first two tens, properties of geometric shapes, quantities and their measurement, plot arithmetic problems. The content of grade 1 textbooks includes interrelated content lines: arithmetic, geometric, magnitude and algorithmic (learning to solve problems). O.A. ZAKHAROVA, E.P. Yudina O.A. ZAKHAROVA, E.P. YudinA in questions and assignments for independent work R.G. Churakova Mathematics Lesson planning Part 1 Part R.G. Churakova 1st grade 1st grade in mathematics (grades 1-4), which includes: Zakharova O.A., Yudina E.P. Mathematics in questions and assignments. Notebooks for independent work 1,. 1 class Zakharova O.A. Testing work in mathematics and technology for organizing the correction of students' knowledge. 1 4 cl. Chekin A.L. Maths. Methodical manual + CD. 1 class Churakova R.G. Maths. Lesson planning of methods and techniques of an individual approach to students in the conditions of the formation of UUD. 1 class Part 1,. class for independent work for independent work for independent work A. L. CHEKIN MATHEMATICS METHODOLOGICAL AID R.G. Churakova R.G. Churakova Mathematics Lesson lesson planning planning Part 1 Part K L A S S class class Chekin A.L. Maths. In-x h. class. The textbook was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the concept of "Promising Primary School". The first part includes questions related to the study of written and oral numbering of the numbers of the first hundred, oral computational methods of their addition and subtraction, tabular cases of multiplication, basic geometric concepts, the quantities "length" and "mass". Much attention is paid to solving plot arithmetic problems. The second part includes questions related to the study of written and oral numbering of three-digit numbers, oral and written computational methods of addition and subtraction, tabular cases of multiplication and division, basic geometric concepts, the value of "time". Much attention is paid to plot arithmetic problems. in mathematics (grades 1-4), including: Zakharova O.A., Yudina E.P. Mathematics in questions and assignments. Notebooks for independent work 1,. class Zakharova O.A. Mathematics in practical tasks. Notebook for independent work 3. class. Zakharova O.A. Testing work in mathematics and technology for organizing the correction of students' knowledge. 1 4 cl. Chekin A.L. Maths. Methodical manual + CD. class Churakova R.G. Maths. Lesson planning of methods and techniques of an individual approach to students in the conditions of the formation of UUD. class Part 1,. ten

13 Untitled:31: class O.A. ZAKHAROVA, E.P. YUDINA O.A. ZAKHAROVA, E.P. YUDINA O.A. ZAKHAROVA for independent work for independent work for independent work A. L. CHEKIN METHODOLOGICAL AID Chekin A.L. Maths. In h. 3 cells. The textbook consists of two parts, each of which provides for the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and is designed for the academic semester. The first part is devoted to the study of written and oral numbering of multi-digit numbers, their comparison, the study of addition and subtraction algorithms in a column, the relationship of multiplication and division, tabular cases of division, types of triangles, new units of length and mass. The second part includes questions related to the study of the area of ​​geometric shapes, its measurement and calculation. In the set, much attention is paid to plot arithmetic tasks for all actions. in mathematics (grades 1-4), including: Zakharova O.A., Yudina E.P. Mathematics in questions and assignments. Notebooks for independent work 1,. 3 cells Zakharova O.A. Mathematics in practical tasks. Notebook for independent work 3. 3 cells. Zakharova O.A. Testing work in mathematics and technology for organizing the correction of students' knowledge. 1 4 cl. Chekin A.L. Maths. Toolkit. + CD. 3 cells Preparing for publication: Churakova R.G., Kudrova L.G. Maths. Lesson planning of methods and techniques of an individual approach to students in the conditions of the formation of UUD. 3 cells Part 1,. Grade 4 A. L. CHEKIN part 1 A. L. CHEKIN part O.A. ZAKHAROVA, E.P. Yudina O.A. ZAKHAROVA, E.P. Yudina O.A. ZAKHAROVA for independent work for independent work for independent work Chekin A.L. Maths. In h. 4 cells. The textbook consists of two parts, each of which is designed for an academic semester. The first part includes questions related to the study of numbering, algorithms for multiplication and division by a column, capacity and volume, properties of polygons. Much attention is paid to solving plot arithmetic problems for all types of actions. The second part includes questions related to the study of the division algorithm by a column, operations on quantities; learning to solve problems with proportional quantities, using equations to solve plot arithmetic problems. Much attention is paid to the repetition of the main topics of the entire course. in mathematics (grades 1-4), including: Zakharova O.A., Yudina E.P. Mathematics in questions and assignments. Notebooks for independent work 1,. 4 cells Zakharova O.A. Mathematics in practical tasks. Notebook for independent work 3. 4 cells. Zakharova O.A. Testing work in mathematics and technology for organizing the correction of students' knowledge. 1 4 cl. Chekin A.L. Maths. Toolkit. + CD. 4 cells Preparing for publication: Churakova R.G., Kudrova L.G. Maths. Lesson planning of methods and techniques of an individual approach to students in the conditions of the formation of UUD. 4 cells Part 1,. maths

14 EW_Final.indd:4:7 Pautova A.G., 006 "Academbook/Textbook", 01 Pautova A.G., 01 "Academbook/Textbook", 01 _s044_08 s044_08.qxd:36 Page 58 Vnytrennaya storona.indd Sec1: 1-Sec1: :0:33 Oborot_Cover 007.qxd:0 Page 1 stor_obl new.indd:36:01 computer science and ICT class INFORMATICS Part and ICT INFORMATICS Part and ICT Grade 3 Computer science and ICT class Algorithm "Hard disk drive" Beginning 1 Cut out the detail Bend the white rectangles down Bend each blue shape. 4. Glue the box as shown in the figure. Cut the thread 10 cm long. 6. Glue the thread to the black rectangle. 7. Set the hard disk drive aside. 1 End Algorithm "Monitor" Start 1. Cut out the part 6.. Bend the white rectangles down. 3. Bend each blue shape down (back). 4. Glue the box as shown in the picture. 5. Cut the thread 10 cm long Glue the thread to the black rectangle. 7. Cut out the video card (part 5) Bend the white rectangles. 9. Glue the free end of the thread to the black rectangle on the video card. 10. Cut the thread 15 cm long. 11. Cut out piece 8 and glue it to the thread. 1. Glue the free end of the thread to the free end. black rectangle on the monitor. 13. Put the monitor with the video card aside. 4 Residents of the Computer Valley once again invite you to the End on a journey to the planet Informatics. You already know what a computer is a universal machine for. Wash your hands. 1. Remove unnecessary items from the computer desk. Algorithm "Mouse" The beginning of information processing. The computer learns how to process information from programs, and programs for 3. Pick up a chair of the right height. The eyes should be 1. Cut out the detail 7.. Bend the white rectangles down. people write computers. When the time comes, you will write in front of the middle of the screen. Distance from the screen 3. Bend the blue triangles down (back). his first program. 1 1 up to eyes 50 cm. 34 The order of steps is mixed up in the algorithm record. Arrange4. Glue the box, Compose as an algorithm, which is shown in the figure. will lead Entik to the next one. Before making programs, you need to learn the correct numbers of steps in the squares. 5. Cut the thread with the bunny 10 cells long. see Try to have commands how to compose information processing algorithms. In this 4. Sit up straight, keep your back straight. Lean on Give a name to the algorithm. 6. You can glue less thread. to the black rectangle on the mouse. In the 11th book, you will learn what an algorithm is, you will start the back of the chair yourself. 7. Put the mouse aside. learn to compose various algorithms. Algorithm 5. Do not touch the wires and sockets. End Beginning 36 Before the performance, the clowns lined up; Good luck! 6. Do not touch the Com-Com screen in the middle. Knowing the power of ki: Boil for 10 minutes. 7. Don't tap on the keyboard. Mark with the symbol ü Com-Com. Place a clean egg in a bowl. 8. Don't bring food or drinks into the computer lab. Paint the shoes of all clowns the same height as Com-Com. Helper signs: Pour water into a saucepan. Color the hats of all the clowns below Com-Com. Put the saucepan on the switched on stove. Color the balloons of all clowns up to Com-Com. IMPORTANT READING INFORMATION Pour cold water over the egg. Remove saucepan from stove. the task can be performed on a computer (on the right is the name of the program) Pour out hot water. The end of the work in the tra ditional notebook in a cage 35 Entic's walks we advise you to do it at home Draw bushes in cells with addresses (,), (5,), (7, 4). 5 4 Color the buttons on the costumes of all the clowns above Com-Com. Color the balls of all clowns no lower than Com-Com Continue the sequence The monitor screen shows: from the list. 8 The airplanes say where they came from. ASSISTANT SIGNS a. Make a multi-level list of animals for the representative of the zoo. Elements of the first level of naming Important information for reading aircraft, elements of the second level of naming animals. The task can be performed on a computer (on the right "Program name") 1 zebra 5 owl 9 bull raccoon 6 emu 10 duck 3 lion 7 beaver 4 hedgehog 8 snail We advise you to do it at home Calculation Draftsman Part Passengers 1. Wagon Entik 1. Mouse 1.3. Say ka. Wagon.1. Move the wheel.. Misha 3. Wagon Draftsman 3.. Masha 8 Luggage 1. Wagon Blue suitcase 1.. Basket. Car 3.1. Gray suitcase.. White suitcase. b. Mark the true statements about multilevel lists. 13 In each cell of the table Elements of the element, enter 1.1 the name of the element under the next level. live here. 15 Divide the objects on the cards into two classes. Elements 1.1, 3. elements of the same level. Flying element 3 element Flying element of the first level Bird 9 Flying element Informatics and ICT Grade 3 CD contains files for installing computer programs for the textbook Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Informatics and ICT Grade 3 Penguin Strizh Sloth Butterfly 14 In the table, the balls are arranged in order of decreasing their size. a. Not a table for the floor. Balls Ball color Number of stripes Color of stripes 1 green red 3 blue 4 white a. Write the names: class 1: class: b. Circle the cards with class objects. c. Write another object of the class on an empty card In each cell of the table, write the name of a suitable animal. Swimming Non swimming Bird Non bird Lynx Goose b. Rask the ball chi. 64 Flamingo seal 65 4th class 16 The peculiarity of chameleons is to change their color. a. Run the algorithm and color the chameleons using the information from the "Chameleon Colors" table. 17 Look at the drawings of flowers of an apple tree, wild rose, bird cherry and lilac and complete the tasks. Start N:= 1 Color chameleon number N with colors from table row number N + 1 N:= N + False N >= 7 True End Chameleon Colors a. Mark correct arguments with a “+”, erroneous ones with a sign. Explain your answer. An apple blossom has five petals. This flower has five petals; hence, it is an apple blossom. An apple blossom has five petals. This flower is an apple blossom; hence it has five petals. b. What properties of the objects in the figure can be used to arrange them? 18 Perform a cyclic algorithm and answer an additional question. Home Informatics and ICT Grade 4 CD contains files for installing computer programs for the textbook Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer Science and ICT Grade 4 Trunk and Paws and X:= 1 head tail 4 1 Brown Green Color the picture Green Yellow in a cage (X, 3) 3 3 Blue Red 5 Draw a building using the Painter's algorithm. 54 The algorithm for the Artist is written using a flowchart and auxiliary algorithms. Fill in the gaps in the algorithm so that it matches 4 Red Green Y X:= X the picture. 5 Green Blue Building 11 False 6 Yellow Blue Start X = 5 1 Start Eight (1, 0, 3) 10 7 Purple Red True Marquee (1, 3, 3) y:= 0 8 Orange Blue Four (4, 0, 5 ) 8 End Octal (5, 5, 3) 7 b. How will the result change if the command N:= N + in the body of the loop Tent (5, note 8, 3) one? Eight (9, 0, 3) cells of the third row? Window (3,) 5 Marquee (9, 3, 3) Balcony (, y,) 3 End 4 3 y:= y + 1 False 0 y > X True Helper Algorithms: End Four (x, y, m) Eight ( x, y, m) Marquee (x, y, m) 53 Find a pattern in the coordinates of the dots for each picture. Y Y Y X X X 1 Fig. Fig Program "Artist" According to the drawing, make cyclical algorithms for decorating vases. Use auxiliary algorithms Meander1 (x, y, m), Meander (x, y, m), Meander3 (x, y, m). In order to formulate the answer, use the expressions: coordinates along the X axis, points lie on the X axis, coordinates along the Y axis, points lie on the Y axis. 56 Meander1 Meander Meander3 57 1

Primary School. calligraphy Workbooks on calligraphy for all lines of textbooks 1. Calligraphy: workbook 1: Grade 1 / T.V. Ignatiev. M.: Publishing house "Exam". 32 p. material in notebook

Approximate thematic planning in the Russian language for grade 3 (1st quarter) Churakova N.A. Russian language. Grade 3: Textbook. At 3 o'clock Part 1. Kalenchuk M.L., Malakhovskaya O.V., Churakova N.A. Russian language.

Lesson plan-summary of an English lesson Class: 4 "K" (third year of study) Lesson number: third. Theme: Good time with family. Subtopic: Learning to name the time. This lesson is for students

Thematic planning in the Russian language for the 20202 academic year Subject: Russian language Class: 3, number of hours per week 5 per year 70. Program: EMC "Promising Primary School" Churakova N.A. Russian

Barkova Irina Mikhailovna English teacher State budgetary educational institution school 598, St. Petersburg

T. N. Sitnikova I. F. Yatsenko Moro et al. (M.: Prosveshchenie) NEW EDITION Grade 3 MOSCOW "VAKO" 2013 UDC 372.851 BBK 74.262.21 C41 C41 Sitnikova T.N., Yatsenko

The work program of the subject "Mathematics" is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education, the Exemplary Program of Primary General Education in Mathematics for General Education

SYSTEM OF TEXTBOOKS “I open the world” E. I. Matveeva, I. D. Patrikeeva. Primer The priority task of the textbook is the methodological support of the process of forming the actions of reading and writing on the basis of phonemic

List of textbooks on the subjects of the compulsory part of the curriculum for the 2015-2016 academic year Level of primary general education GEF NOO Subjects (name of subjects in accordance with the PM) Grade

TASK 1 Sound A vowel. It can be sung and pulled. Vowels are marked in red. 1. Consider the symbol for a vowel sound. Color the "clothes" of sound A in red. Circle and color

5.2.2. Literary reading. Types of speech and reading activities Listening (listening) Listening to sounding speech (saying the interlocutor, reading various texts). Adequate understanding of the content

Work program in the Russian language Grade 3 Planned results of studying the subject "Russian language" Personal results of studying the Russian language in elementary school are: - awareness of the language as the main

EXPLANATORY NOTE This program "Mathematics" for students in grade 3 was developed on the basis of an exemplary program "Mathematics" (author Chekina A.L. M.: Akademkniga / Textbook, 2012), recommended by the Ministry

Technological map of the English lesson on the topic "My family" Teacher: Samoilova I.N. Textbook: Class 5 "b" Textbook "Spotlight", authors Yu.E Vaulina, J. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako, V. Evans Type of lesson

Department of Education of the Belgorod Administration Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 7 of Belgorod REPORT AT THE SCIENTIFIC PRACTICAL CONFERENCE ON METHODOLOGICAL

Subject class Task 3a, 3i, 3e Textbook p. 92 learn prepositions of place (can be read in the grammar reference) Textbook p. 94 1 translation of new words, write in a notebook. 4a, 4i, 4e Textbook p.


Formation of UUD at English lessons in grades 6 Tuz Elena Ivanovna The goal of modern education is the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such

Methodical development for an English lesson in the 2nd grade of an elementary general education school. Theme of the lesson: “The world around me. Countries and cities. Lesson type: combined; Lesson 18 The purpose of the lesson: - development

State budgetary educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support "Echo"

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 3 of Leninogorsk" of the municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan "Reviewed"

Explanatory note on mathematics 3rd grade "School of Russia"

Technological map of the study of the topic "Big letter in proper names". The lesson of the Russian language in the 3rd grade in a promising primary school was developed by an elementary school teacher of the secondary school 10 in Tuapse: Domanova

BASIC READING REQUIREMENTS for the level of preparation of students in grade 1 By the end of training in grade 1, students should:

Mathematics Grade 3 136 hours (4 hours per week) Explanatory note The work program in mathematics is based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education,

Annotation to the curriculum in the Russian language Grade 3. 1. Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G. Russian language. Textbook. Grade 3 2. Kanakina V.P. Russian language. Workbook. Grade 3 At 2 o'clock Russian program

State budgetary educational institution secondary school 182 of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg DISCUSSED AGREED APPROVED at a meeting of the Moscow Region Deputy Director

EXPLANATORY NOTE to the textbook "Informatics and ICT" for grade 3 Authors: Plaksin M.A., Ivanova N.G., Rusakova O.L. According to the Basic Curriculum of 2004 for educational institutions of the Russian

Abstract of a mathematics lesson in grade 1 on the topic "Number and number 8" Lesson type: lesson explaining new material (a lesson in the formation of initial subject skills and UUD, mastering new subject skills)

Annotation to the work program in English in grade 5 The work program in English was developed on the basis of the federal component of the state educational standard, an exemplary

T. N. Sitnikova I. F. Yatsenko Moro et al. (M.: Enlightenment) NEW EDITION Grade 1 MOSCOW "VAKO" 2011 UDC 372.851 BBK 74.262.21 C41 C41 Sitnikova T.N., Yatsenko

Approved at a meeting of the School's Pedagogical Council at the Russian Embassy in Portugal Minutes 5 dated May 23, 2013 Put into effect by school order 2 dated August 26, 2013

The specification of a comprehensive verification work to assess the achievement of the planned results of the development of primary education programs in educational institutions in 2014 was prepared by the state

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Primary school 9" Sergiev Posad, Moscow region Open lesson in English for grade 3 "B" Topic: "Mail. Letter

Work program Mathematics Grade 3 Teacher: Shvetsova Nina Ivanovna Biysk 201-201 academic year EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program in mathematics was compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational

Folder of Individual Achievements Legend: - to be completed by the student - to be completed by the teacher Caution May be better Will do Good Excellent

Lesson a 1 Interlocutors. Dialogue 2 Interlocutors. Dialogue 3 Interlocutors. Dialogue 4 Interlocutors. Dialog. Incoming write-off. Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language Grade 3 Lesson topic Control

Elementary School and the Federal State Educational Standard What is the Federal State Educational Standards? Federal state educational standards are established

Specification of a comprehensive final work to assess the achievement of the planned results of the development of primary education programs in educational institutions 1. Purpose of work Purpose of a comprehensive

"Russian language" First-grader to distinguish, compare: -sounds and letters; -stressed and unstressed vowels; - hard and soft consonants, deaf and voiced consonants; - sound, syllable, word; -word

BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Basic requirements for the Russian language for the level of preparation of students in grade 1: name, give examples: names of letters of the Russian alphabet; signs of vowels and consonants

Mathematics Explanatory note The work program for the subject "Mathematics" for grade 1 "B" is compiled in accordance with the Basic Educational Program of Primary General Education (BEP IEO)

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program on the Russian language for the 1st grade of a general education school was developed on the basis of the Exemplary Program of Primary General Education, the author's program

MKOU "Urzhum secondary school" Work program in mathematics Grade 3 (basic level) Teacher: N.N.Andreeva 2016-2017 academic year Introduction The work program in mathematics for grade 3 was compiled on

Explanatory note This work program was developed on the basis of the program of R.I. Albetkova “Russian Literature. From Word to Literature” Grades 5-9 - // Programs for educational institutions.

Option 2238867 1 Task 1 506484 Find the value of the expression Let's represent all the fractions as ordinary ones and add the unit and the fraction in the denominator: Answer: 1.25 Answer : 1.25 2 Task 2

Explanatory note The work program for the subject "Russian Literature" in the 5th grade is based on the provisions of the federal component of the state standard for basic secondary education in Russian

Krasnodar Territory Municipal Formation Novopokrovsky District Yuzhny Settlement Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Basic General Education School 18 The decision of the teachers' council was APPROVED

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school named after d.tarasov, ozersk, Kaliningrad region

SPECIFICATION of the test work in the Russian language for individual assessment of the achievements of fourth-graders of the Moscow region Purpose of the work The work is intended to monitor and evaluate individual achievements

Jur. address: 117330 Moscow, st. Mosfilmovskaya d. 17B address: 125009, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 9/17, building 5. E-mail: [email protected] http://Russian-slovo.rf Ref. 17 from 01/21/2016 About the transition from textbooks