Social environment as a factor. Subject-developing environment as one of the factors of comprehensive development of the child

3.3. The influence of the environment on personality development

A person becomes a personality only in the process of socialization, that is, communication, interaction with other people. Outside of human society, spiritual, social, mental development cannot take place.

The reality in which human development takes place is called environment. The formation of personality is influenced by a variety of external conditions, including geographical and social, school and family. When teachers talk about the influence of the environment, they mean, first of all, the social and home environment. The first is attributed to the distant environment, and the second - to the nearest. concept social environment It has such general characteristics as the social system, the system of production relations, and the material conditions of life. Next Wednesday - family, relatives, friends.

A great influence on human development, especially in childhood, reveals the home environment. The first years of a person's life, decisive for the formation, development and formation, pass in the family. The family determines the range of interests and needs, views and value orientations. The family also provides the conditions for the development of natural inclinations. The moral and social qualities of the individual are also laid down in the family.

The relationship between the individual and society is called "socialization". The concept of socialization as a process of complete integration of the individual into the social system, during which its adaptation is carried out, was formed in American sociology (T. Parsons, R. Merton). In the traditions of this school, socialization is revealed through the concept of "adaptation".

concept adaptation, being the leading concept of biology, means the adaptation of a living organism to environmental conditions. It was extrapolated into social science and began to mean the process of adapting a person to the conditions of the social environment. This is how the concepts of social and mental adaptation arose, the result of which is the adaptation of the individual to various social situations, micro- and macrogroups.

With the concept of adaptation, socialization is interpreted as the process of a person entering the social environment and its adaptation to cultural, mental and social factors. The essence of socialization is comprehended somewhat differently in humanistic psychology, whose representatives are G. Allport, and Maslow, K. Rogers and others. In it, socialization is the process of self-actualization of the "I-concept", self-realization by the individual of his potential creative abilities, overcoming the negative effects of the environment hindering its self-development and self-affirmation. Here the subject is considered as a self-developing system, as a product of self-education. These two approaches do not contradict each other, but define a two-way process of socialization.

Society, in order to reproduce the social system, to preserve its structures, seeks to form social stereotypes and standards (group, class, ethnic, professional, etc.), patterns of behavior. In order not to be in opposition to society, a person assimilates this social experience by entering the social environment, the system of existing social ties. However, in connection with its natural activity, a person retains and develops a tendency towards autonomy, independence, freedom, the formation of one's own position, not a repeated individuality. The result of identifying such a trend? development and transformation not only of the individual, but also of society.

Thus, the essential content of socialization is revealed in the totality of such ITS processes as adaptation, integration, self-development and self-regulation. their dialectical unity ensures the optimal development of the individual throughout a person's life in interaction with the environment.

Socialization is a continuous process that continues throughout life. It consists of stages, each of which "specializes" in solving certain problems, without which the next stage may not come, be distorted or inhibited. In domestic science, when determining the stages (stages) of socialization, it is believed that it is carried out more fruitfully in labor activity. Depending on the attitude to labor activity, the following stages are distinguished:

- To labor, containing the entire period of a person's life before the start of labor activity. This stage is divided into two more or less independent periods: early socialization, covering the time from the birth of a child to his entry into school; youthful socialization - training at school, college, university;

- Labor the stage covers the period of a person's maturity;

- Pislyatrudova stage, occurs in old age in connection with the termination of active labor activity.

A.V. Petrovsky identified three macrophases of the social development of the individual at the labor stage: childhood- adaptation of the individual, mastering the norms of social life; adolescence- individual, which is expressed in the individual's need for maximum personalization, in the need to "be a person"; youth- integration, which is expressed in the acquisition of personality traits and properties that meet the needs and requirements of group and personal development.

What are the factors of socialization and personality formation? Factors socialization are called such circumstances under which conditions are created for the implementation of the process of socialization. A.V. Mudrik singled out the main factors of specialization, combining them into four groups:

- Megafactors(mega - very large, general) - space, planet, world, which, to one degree or another, through other groups of factors, affect the socialization of all the inhabitants of the planet or very large corpses of people living in individual countries;

- Macrofactors(macro - large) - a country, an ethnic group, a society, a state that affect the socialization of all residents living in certain countries (this influence is mediated by other groups of factors)

- Mesofactors(meso - "middle, intermediate") - the conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished by the place and type of settlement in which they live (region, village, town, city); by belonging to the audience of certain mass communication networks (radio, television, cinema, etc.); by belonging to one or another subculture.

- Microfactors- these are those that directly affect a particular person - family and home, peer group, microsociety, organizations in which social education is carried out - educational, professional, public, etc.

Microfactors influencing the development of the individual through the so-called agents of socialization, that is, persons in direct interaction with whom her life takes place. At different age stages, the composition of agents is different. So, in relation to children and adolescents, such are parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, peers, neighbors, teachers. In youth or youth, agents are also husband or wife, colleagues at work, study and military service. In adulthood, their own children are added, and in the elderly, members of their families.

Socialization is carried out using a wide range of means specific to a particular society, social status, age of a person. These include ways to feed and care for an infant; methods of encouragement and punishment in the family, in peer groups, in educational and professional groups; types and types of relationships in the main areas of human life (communication, play, sports, etc.). The better social groups are organized, the more opportunities to show a socializing influence on the individual. However, social groups are unequal in their ability to influence the personality at different stages of its ontogenetic development. So, in early and preschool age, the family has the greatest influence. In adolescence and youth, the group of peers increases and exerts an effective influence, while in adulthood, social status, the labor and professional team, and individuals come to the fore in importance. There are factors of socialization, the value of which is preserved throughout a person's life. This is a nation, mentality, ethnicity. Now, scientists are attaching more and more importance to the macrofactors of socialization, including natural and geographical conditions, since it has been established that they influence the formation of the individual.

Socialization factors are a developing environment that must be designed, well organized and even built. The most important requirement for a developing environment is the creation of an atmosphere in which humane relations, trust, security, and the possibility of personal growth will prevail. At the same time, the role of social factors in the formation of personality cannot be overestimated. Even Aristotle wrote that the soul "is an unwritten book of nature, experience puts its writings on its pages." D. Locke believed that a person is born with a pure soul, like a board (tabyla rasa) covered with wax. Education writes on this board whatever it pleases. The social environment in this case was interpreted metaphysically as something unchanging, fatal, such that determines the fate of a person, and a person was interpreted as a passive object of the environment.

Reassessment of the role of the environment (Helvetius, Diderot, Owen) led to the conclusion that in order to change a person, you need to change the environment. But the environment is, first of all, people, so it turns out a vicious circle. To change the environment, you need to change the people. However, a person is not a passive product of the environment, it also affects the environment. By changing the environment, a person thereby changes himself.

The recognition of the activity of the individual as the leading factor in its formation raises the question of purposeful activity, self-development of the individual, that is, the question of continuous work on oneself, on one's own spiritual development. Self-development provides the possibility of a consistent complication of the tasks and content of education, the implementation of an age-related and individual approach, the formation of a creative individuality of a student, the implementation of collective education and stimulation by a person of his further development.

The nature of personality development, the breadth, depth of this development under the same conditions of training and education depends mainly on her own efforts, on the energy and efficiency that she shows in various types of activity, of course, with an appropriate adjustment for natural inclinations. It is precisely this that in many cases explains the differences in the development of people, including schoolchildren, who live and are brought up in the same conditions and experience approximately the same educational influences.

Domestic pedagogy is guided by the position that the free and harmonious development of the individual is possible in the conditions of collective activity. Of course, under certain conditions, the collective levels out the individual. However, individuality can develop and find its expression in the collective. The organization of various forms of collective activity (educational, cognitive, labor, artistic and aesthetic, etc.) contributes to the identification of the creative potential of the individual. The team with its public opinion, traditions, customs is indispensable as a factor in the formation of social positive experience, as well as socially significant skills and habits of social behavior.

Both in theoretical and practical terms, an interesting question is: what has a greater influence on human development - environment or heredity? There is no single answer to this question. But, for example, the English psychologist D. Shuttleworth (I935) came to the following conclusion about the influence of the main factors on mental development: 64% of the factors of mental development are hereditary influences; 16% - for differences in the level of the family environment; 3% - for differences in the upbringing of children in the family; 17% - on cumulative factors (interactions of heredity with the environment).

Each person develops individually and the "fate" of the influence of heredity and the environment is different for everyone.

Educational environment as a factor in personal development

GEF defines the concept of "educational environment" asa set of factors formed by the way of life of the school: the material resources of the school, the organization of the educational process, nutrition, medical care, the psychological climate.

The educational environment is a holistic qualitative characteristicthe inner life of the school, which:

- is determined by those specific tasks that the school sets and solves in its activities;

- is manifested in the choice of means by which these tasks are solved (the means include the curricula chosen by the school, the organization of work in the classroom, the type of interaction between teachers and students, the quality of assessments, the style of informal relations between children, the organization of extracurricular school life, material and technical equipment schools, design of classrooms and corridors, etc.);

Principles of formation of the educational environment:

  • activity-education-personality;
  • openness, integrity, consistency, interconnection;

and the interdependence of all elements of the educational environment, which has a single methodological basis;

  • redundancy of resources, providing personal choice, development of individuality
  • functional diversity of environmental elements, ensuring the development of various types of activities;
  • self-identification of a person;

One of the most important components of the educational environment iscomplex of educational equipment

The complete equipment of the educational institution is provided by three interconnected sets:

  • general school equipment
  • equipment of subject rooms
  • equipment that ensures the organization of extracurricular activities, including modeling, scientific and technical creativity, educational, research and project activities.

An office for extracurricular activities was opened at the gymnasium this academic year. Despite the large occupancy of the school, the administration found an opportunity to allocate the most spacious office for this purpose.

The exterior design, equipment, and occupancy were thought out. We decided that it would be unwise to spread this huge amount of manuals and games around the cabinets and decided to collect everything in one place. It was decided to allocate several zones in the office - for outdoor games, for group classes, for an information and communication center.

Thus, Our office has multiple goals.

  1. It is the information and multimedia center of the elementary school.
  2. This cabinet can be used as a sensory room and a psychological relaxation room.
  3. Playroom.

Our office is equipped with a set of netbooks with Internet access, the software is gradually being updated - a variety of simulators, testing systems, and training programs are being installed. There is a multimedia complex that allows you to conduct a variety of classes. There are digital microscopes, an electronic pedometer and other modern devices that allow children to diversify their cognitive activities. Language-based integrated creative environment Logo for primary school and out-of-school education. Via Pervologo 4.0 children learn to write, read and count, develop their speech and artistic abilities, and, of course, master modern computer technologies.In the lesson activities, the children also actively master ICT technologies, work with interactive complexes and mobile computer classes.

The selected equipment develops the sensory perception of children, helps to relax in playing with sand, in outdoor games. Children through classes with a variety of benefits develop motor skills, eye, coordination of movements. All these tasks can be solved by the Pertra complex, developed by Marianna Frostig. This complex allows you to carry out correctional work with lagging behind children, develops creative abilities. Children can build mazes by developing spatial thinking by coordinating eye and hand movements. By sorting figures and beads, they learn to classify objects, highlight common features, and much more. Tactile boards develop tactile perception, hand-eye coordination. Hsets for drawing on the sand, exercise equipment for physical workouts,

Children and teachers often use this office for educational games. A large number of educational and educational games have been collected here that help to learn and consolidate computing skills, expand vocabulary and horizons. These are the famous Nikitin cubes, which develop logic, the ability to predict and plan the results of their activities, inThe complete set of the office includes all kinds of children's games, mosaics, constructors.

SENSINO game: On the vertical surface of the easel, there are 12 holes in a circle, into which the hand passes. Linen bags - "minks" are attached to these holes on the reverse side. Magnetic chips are placed on the roulette magnets located in the center of the easel, and non-magnetic chips are laid out in "minks". The player must by touch find in the minks a pair for each magnetic chip.

Needlework sets. There is a puppet theater. For all modules that organize extracurricular activities with students in grades 1-3, this room has enough equipment

The spiritual wealth of a person, his views, needs and interests, orientation and various abilities largely depend on the conditions under which their formation takes place in childhood and adolescence. A born child gradually becomes a person under the influence of a number of factors. The following factors influencing human development are distinguished: heredity, environment (biological and social), upbringing and education, activity of the person himself.
Heredity - this is what is transmitted from parents to children, heredity is represented by a genetic program that unfolds throughout life and is a natural prerequisite for development. Of particular importance are the inclinations that can facilitate the development of the child's abilities, determine giftedness. On the other hand, various hereditary diseases, physical defects can limit certain aspects of human development. The possession of heredity is only a prerequisite, a starting condition necessary for the formation of the foundations of human life.
Wednesday. The environment, as a factor in human development, is addressed to a person by its two sides: biological and social.
biological environmenthabitat capable of providing vital conditions (air, heat, food).
Social environmenthelp and protection from other people, as an opportunity to master the experience of generations (culture, science, religion, production). For each person, the social environment means society, its cultural and national traditions, socio-economic and political situations, religious, everyday, scientific relations, family, peers, acquaintances, teachers, mass media (MSK), etc.

The environment provides the child with the opportunity to see social phenomena from different angles. Its influence is, as a rule, spontaneous, hardly amenable to pedagogical guidance, which leads to difficulties in the way of personality formation. But it is impossible to isolate the child from the environment.
In modern pedagogy, there is the concept of "developing environment", i.e. built in a special way to most effectively influence the child.
Education and training. Education involves the formation of certain attitudes, moral judgments and assessments, value orientations, i.e. personality formation. Learning is the process of receiving and transferring knowledge. Education and training are always purposeful, conscious (at least on the part of the educator). Education (and education) begins immediately after the birth of a baby, when an adult, with his attitude towards him, lays the foundations for his personal development. The content, forms and methods of training and education should be selected in accordance with the age, individual and personal characteristics of the child. Education always corresponds to the socio-cultural values ​​of the people, society. When it comes to education, positive influences are always meant.
The activity of the person himself. Mastering the ways of dealing with the environment, familiarizing with the spiritual and material culture occurs more fully and productively if the child (person) is active: he strives for something, uses various movements, is included in joint activities with adults, independently masters various types of human activity (game , teaching, work). Those. a person is not only an object of influence of others, but also a subject of his own development, a being capable of changing and transforming himself in all types of activity and behavior.

The environment is considered as a set of conditions for the existence of living organisms and humans. The term "environment" has many meanings.

The human environment covers a set of natural (physical, chemical, biological) and social factors that can directly or indirectly, instantly or long-term, affect the life and activities of people.

For a person, the environment is the world that exists in his communication, interaction, interconnection, communication and other processes.

A person's environment is his natural and social environment, which has a complex of influences, conditions and opportunities.

Consider the macro environment (natural), social, home environment as part of the social and macro environment, since in every unit of time a person is influenced by them.

Macroenvironment - refers to the space around us. Numerous observations, facts, experiments have confirmed the influence of the cosmos, the special arrangement of stars, comets, the effects of magnetic storms on the sun, the change in the phases of the moon, lunar and solar eclipses, the magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth, even on intrauterine development, not to mention the born person.

Social environment - a set of social relations that are taking shape in society (way of life, traditions surrounding a person, social conditions, environment, as well as a set of people connected by the commonality of these conditions), dominant social ideas and values. A favorable social environment is one where the dominant ideas and values ​​are aimed at the development of a creative, proactive personality.

Home environment - the cradle of the beginning of life, the environment of loved ones, material conditions; it's a whole world. The development of the child is ensured by friendship and love in parental relationships, relationships with loved ones. Of particular importance in enriching knowledge and life experience is communication with parents and adults. The child develops a need to communicate with others, which becomes the most important source of his versatile development.

The home and social environment can also have a negative impact: drunkenness and swearing in families, rudeness and ignorance, flagrant humiliation of children, the negative influence of comrades and friends, especially older ones and adults, everything negative that happens around us.

The microenvironment is the features of an apartment or workroom, microwaves and magnetic influences, vibrations, etc.

The psychological position is to study environmental influences on the development of the child in order to form its anatomical and physiological structures, and to form spiritual foundations; in a conscious understanding by parents, adults, teachers of the problems of forming a full-fledged personality.

The reality in which human development takes place is called the environment. The formation of personality is influenced by a variety of external conditions, including geographical, social, school, family. By the intensity of contrasts, the near and far environments are distinguished. When psychologists talk about the influence of the environment, they mean, first of all, the social and domestic environment. The first is attributed to the distant environment, the second - to the nearest.

The social environment is a broad concept. This is the society in which the child grows up, its cultural traditions, the prevailing ideology, the level of development of science and art, the main religious movements. The system of upbringing and education of children adopted in it depends on the characteristics of the social and cultural development of society, starting with public and private educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, art houses, etc.) and ending with the specifics of family education.

The social environment is also the immediate social environment that directly affects the development of the child's psyche: parents and other family members, later kindergarten and school teachers. It should be noted that with age, the social environment expands.

Outside the social environment, the child cannot develop - cannot become a full-fledged personality. There are cases when children were found in the forests, lost very young and raised among animals. Such "Mowgli" ran on all fours and made the same sounds as their adoptive parents.

The social environment is everything that surrounds us in social life and, above all, the people with whom each individual is in a specific relationship. The social environment has a complex structure, which is a multi-level formation, which includes numerous social groups that have a joint impact on the mental development and behavior of the individual.

The more and more fully a person uses the possibilities of the environment, the more successfully its free and active development takes place: “A person is both a product and a creator of his environment, which gives him a physical basis for life and makes intellectual, moral, social and spiritual development possible.”

In the process of development of the child's personality from birth to three years, the family dominates, and his main personality neoplasms are associated primarily with it. In preschool childhood, the influence of the family is added to the influence of communication with peers, other adults, access to accessible media. With admission to school, a new powerful channel of educational influence on the personality of the child opens through peers, teachers, school subjects and affairs.

In infancy, the primary influence on the child is the mother or the person who replaces her, who directly cares for the child and constantly communicates with him. In general, the family begins to actively influence the child from about an early age, when he masters speech and upright posture. In the early years, the family educational impact is mainly reduced to a variety of influences on the emotional sphere of the child, as well as on his external behavior: submission to elementary disciplinary and hygienic norms and rules. At preschool age, to the described family influences, influences are added aimed at educating the child's curiosity, perseverance, adequate self-esteem, the desire for responsiveness, sociability, kindness, as well as the moral qualities of the individual, which are primarily manifested in relations with people: decency, honesty, etc. Here, not only adults begin to take part in the upbringing of the child, but also peers with whom he plays a lot and in various ways, and this happens in role-playing games with the rules characteristic of preschool children.

The development and complication of gaming activities puts the guys in front of the need to agree and plan their activities in advance. The main need for communication is the desire for cooperation with comrades, which acquires an extra-situational character. The leading motive of communication is changing. A stable image of a peer is formed. Therefore, attachment, friendship arises.

The emotional-practical form of communication encourages children to take the initiative, influences the expansion of the range of emotional experiences. The situational business environment creates favorable conditions for the development of personality, self-awareness, curiosity, courage, optimism, and creativity. And the non-situational-business one forms the ability to see a self-valuable personality in a communication partner, to understand his thoughts and experiences.

A teacher who is aware of the role of the social environment as a factor in the formation of personality attaches the greatest importance to the organization of the educational environment.

The educating environment is a set of circumstances surrounding the child, socially valuable, influencing his personal development and facilitating his entry into modern culture. The content of the environment as a factor in the social development of the individual is the subject-spatial environment, the socio-behavioral environment, the event environment and the information environment - their totality unfolds against the background of the child's natural environment. The teacher, professionally using the objective influence of these social agents, gives this influence a target orientation, translating the social situation of development into a pedagogical one, thereby becoming aware of the educational environment.

A teacher who does not take into account the influence of the environment, closes his eyes or even rejects the possibility of such influence, or passively ascertains the random nature of factor environmental influences on the child, leaves chance, elements, circumstances to determine the formation of the personality - thereby inevitably refuses education.

So, upbringing is an environment organized by a teacher, which acts as a factor in the child’s social development due to the fact that it unfolds a way of life in front of him at the level of high culture, allowing him to master all the achievements of culture and naturally enter the context of the culture contemporary to the child.

The professional purpose of the teacher is to organize the process of personality formation - as they said, to organize the life of the child, as a constant walking towards culture, so that in the course of such interaction the maximum development of the personality occurs, and at the level of this development he enters the context of social life.

social emotional personality preschooler

The environment is the reality in which human development takes place. The formation of personality is influenced by geographical, national, school, family, social environment. The concept of "social environment" includes such characteristics as the social system, the system of production relations, the material conditions of life, the nature of the flow of production and social processes, etc.

The question of whether the environment or heredity has a greater influence on human development remains debatable.

French philosopher K.A. Helvetius believed that all people from birth have the same potential for mental and moral development, and differences in mental characteristics are explained solely by the influence of the environment and educational influences. The environment is understood in this case metaphysically, it fatally predetermines the fate of a person. Man is considered as a passive object of environmental influence.

Thus, all scientists recognize the influence of the environment on the formation of man. Only their views on the assessment of the degree of influence of the environment on the formation of personality do not coincide. This is because there is no abstract environment. There is a specific social system, a specific near and far environment of a person, specific conditions of life. It is clear that a person reaches a higher level of development in the environment where favorable conditions are created.

Communication is an important factor in human development.

Communication is one of the universal forms of personality activity (along with cognition, work, play), manifested in the establishment and development of contacts between people, in the formation of interpersonal relationships.

A person becomes a person only in communication, interaction with other people. Outside of human society, spiritual, social, mental development cannot take place. The interaction of a person with society, as you know, is called socialization.

Personal development is possible only in activity.

In the process of life, a person constantly participates in a wide variety of activities: gaming, educational, cognitive, labor, social, political, artistic, creative, sports, etc.

Acting as a form of being and a way of human existence, activity:

1) ensures the creation of material conditions for human life;

2) contributes to the satisfaction of natural human needs;

3) contributes to the knowledge and transformation of the surrounding world;

4) is a factor in the development of the spiritual world of a person, a form and condition for the realization of his cultural needs;

5) enables a person to realize his personal potential, achieve life goals;

6) creates conditions for self-realization of a person in the system of social relations.

It should be borne in mind that the development of a personality under the same external conditions largely depends on its own efforts, on the energy and efficiency that it displays in various activities.

Personal development is greatly influenced by collective activity. Scientists recognize that, on the one hand, under certain conditions, the team levels the personality, and on the other hand, the development and manifestation of individuality is possible only in the team. Collective activity contributes to the manifestation of the creative potential of the individual, the role of the team in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the individual, his civic position, and emotional development is indispensable.

The nature of the development of each personality, the breadth, depth of this development under the same conditions of training and education depend mainly on its own efforts, on the energy and efficiency that it displays in various types of activity, of course, with an appropriate adjustment for natural inclinations. It is precisely this that in many cases explains the differences in the development of individuals, including schoolchildren, who live and are brought up in the same environmental conditions and experience approximately the same educational influences.

Domestic pedagogy proceeds from the recognition that the free and harmonious development of the individual is possible in the conditions of collective activity. One cannot but agree that, under certain conditions, the collective levels out the individual. However, on the other hand, individuality can be developed and find its manifestation only in a team. The organization of various forms of collective activity (educational, educational, labor, artistic and aesthetic, etc.) contributes to the manifestation of the creative potential of the individual. The role of the collective in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the individual, his social civic position is indispensable. In a team, in conditions of empathy, awareness of the personal involvement of interacting people, emotional development is carried out. The team with its public opinion, traditions, customs is indispensable as a factor in the formation of a generalized positive experience, as well as socially significant skills and abilities of social behavior.

important role in the development of personality self-education.

self-education begins with the awareness and acceptance of the objective goal as a subjective, desirable motive for one's activity. The subjective setting of a specific goal of behavior or activity gives rise to a conscious effort of will, the definition of a plan of activity. The realization of this goal ensures the development of the individual.

Thus, the process and results of human development are determined by various factors - both biological and social.

Factors in the development and formation of personality do not act in isolation, but in combination. Under different circumstances, various factors may have a greater or lesser influence on the development of personality. According to most authors, in the system of factors, if not decisive, then the leading role belongs to education.