Nutrition of a pregnant woman. Diet, regimen, protein menu, features of a balanced healthy diet by week

The health of the unborn baby largely depends on what the mother eats during this period. Moreover, a properly selected diet will facilitate the course of pregnancy and will not complicate delivery.

What nutrition should be during pregnancy: proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The mother's body will serve as the first cradle for the baby for 9 months, and he has the right to demand favorable conditions for your development. One of the main conditions is proper nutrition during pregnancy, because it is the most important physiological need of any living organism, providing it with plastic materials, replenishing energy costs and maintaining metabolic processes at the required level.

Complete nutrition of a woman during pregnancy provides not only the right intrauterine development fetus, but also the most complex physiological changes associated with this difficult period, the formation of lactation and the restoration of working capacity after childbirth. Therefore, if a woman knows what nutrition should be during pregnancy, and adheres to these rules, she creates the prerequisites for her successful outcome and the birth of a healthy child.

The main nutrients are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.

Proteins are vital substances that must be included in the diet during pregnancy, as they ensure the growth and development of the body. This is a plastic material for building cells of all organs and systems, for the formation of hormones, enzymes and other biologically active compounds. A huge role belongs to proteins in the formation of immunity, since the production of antibodies is closely related to protein metabolism. Throughout life in the body there is a continuous consumption and renewal of proteins.

Proteins from food are broken down in the body into amino acids, from which the body's own proteins are then synthesized. Of the 20 known amino acids, 8 are essential, that is, they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. It is important to know and remember that essential amino acids are found mainly in proteins of animal origin, therefore, by adhering to a vegetarian diet, a pregnant woman deprives herself and her child of life. important elements which would certainly affect his health. Besides, vegetable proteins are difficult to digest, as they are enclosed in fiber shells and are inaccessible to digestive enzymes. Thus, protein from animal products is absorbed by 95-98%, and from vegetable products - by 50-60%.

The proteins of dairy products, fish, meat (beef is better than pork and lamb), eggs, then bread and cereals are digested and absorbed most quickly, legumes and mushrooms are digested more slowly.

daily requirement pregnant in proteins - 100 grams, of which 60% should be proteins of animal origin. How to eat pregnant, given these proportions? This means that dairy products, meat, fish, seafood and eggs should be on the table every day.

Also, proper nutrition during pregnancy must necessarily include fats. They supply the body with energy and plastic materials, being integral part cell structures. They enter the body with fats essential vitamins(A, D, E, K) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which play an important role in the development of the nervous system and sensory organs in the fetus. The largest number PUFA is found in fish oil and in vegetable oil. Therefore, in the correct diet during pregnancy, vegetable fats must be present, which also contain a significant amount of vitamins A, D and E.

The daily requirement of a pregnant woman for fats is 90-100 grams, of which a quarter should be vegetable oil. From animal fats highest value have contained in milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, meat and fish.

Carbohydrates are energy suppliers, and are also part of cells and tissues, some hormones and enzymes. Carbohydrates make up the bulk of the diet, providing 60% of its calories.

According to their structure, carbohydrates are divided into simple (mono- and disaccharides) and complex (polysaccharides).

Simple, or fast, carbohydrates are found in sugar, sweets, confectionery, jam, chocolate, sweet carbonated drinks. They are rapidly absorbed in the body oral cavity, and immediately enter the bloodstream. Excess consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates leads to the accumulation of adipose tissue. For a pregnant woman and for the fetus, this is completely undesirable.

Complex carbohydrates are broken down slowly and gradually absorbed into the bloodstream, helping to maintain a constant concentration of glucose. In addition, they contain a significant amount of indigestible dietary fiber - fiber, cellulose, pectin, which makes them very valuable for regulating the function. gastrointestinal tract. These ballast substances enhance motor and secretory function intestines, increase bile secretion, create a feeling of fullness, positively affect intestinal microflora, form stool. They contribute to the excretion of cholesterol and incompletely oxidized metabolic products from the body, absorb harmful substances. How should pregnant women eat to provide the body with polysaccharides? Main Suppliers complex carbohydrates- these are vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, legumes, bread and pasta made from flour coarse grinding.

The diet of a pregnant woman should contain 340-350 grams of carbohydrates with a predominance of complex vegetables, fruits, and only a fifth can be fast sugars(sweets, jam, sugar, cakes).

What nutrition during pregnancy is balanced in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrates? This ratio should be 1:1:4 and be complete in terms of the content of vitamins and microelements.

The quantitative filling of the correct diet during pregnancy should correspond to the usual physiological norms- at least 2550-2570 kilocalories per day, which is made up of the following set of basic nutritional ingredients: proteins - 100 g, fats - 90 g, carbohydrates - 340 g.

The most useful nutrition during pregnancy for future mother are fresh fruits and vegetables, cereal cereals, wholemeal bread, fermented milk products containing lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Give preference natural products. Instead of sausages and sausages, it is better to eat a piece of boiled meat. Instead of canned food and overseas noodles fast food- vegetable salad or cottage cheese casserole.

Proper diet during pregnancy and its chemical composition

How should a pregnant woman eat, taking into account all the above recommendations?

Products Quantity in g Products Number of vg
wheat bread 120 Curd 9% 50
Rye bread 100 Sour cream 10% 15
Wheat flour 15 Butter 25
Cereals, pasta 60 Vegetable oil 15
Potato 200 Egg 0,5
Vegetables 500 Cheese 15
Fresh fruits 300 Tea 1
Juices 150 Coffee 3
Dry fruits 20 Salt 5
Confectionery 20
Sugar 60
Meat, poultry 170
Fish 70
Milk, kefir and other fermented milk products 2.5% fat 500

This is how it should be chemical composition healthy diet during pregnancy:

  • proteins - 96 g;
  • including animals - 60 g;
  • fats - 90 g;
  • including vegetable - 23 g;
  • carbohydrates - 340 g;
  • energy value - 2556 kcal.

How to eat right for pregnant women if they love fish? Such women should not change their eating habits. Scandinavian scientists, examining a significant number of pregnant women, made a startling discovery: premature birth and low birth weight were much less common in the group of women who ate fish and seafood every day during pregnancy. It is likely that the polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish play a role and protect the pregnant woman from premature birth.

And how should a pregnant woman eat if she loves fast food? Forget the road to McDonald's and other "fast food" eateries. Cholesterol burgers and ketchup-soaked hot dogs will give you nothing but heartburn, bloating, and extra pounds.

How should pregnant women eat right?

During the entire pregnancy, weight gain averages 10-12 kg. Some young women, concerned about maintaining their figure, eat "like birds", dooming the fetus to a hungry existence. Needless to say, a weak newborn with signs of malnutrition is born on time, with difficulty adapting to life in new conditions. The result of an exhausting diet is hypogalactia in the mother, which makes nursing the baby even more difficult. Pregnancy is not the time for dietary experiments and experiments. You consciously chose to become a mother. So, think not about your waist, but about the health of the child.

However, do not try to "eat for two." Abundant nutrition, eating fatty and tidbits will lead to overweight mother, the birth of a large child and complications during childbirth. Having gained 20 or more kilograms during pregnancy, it will be very, very difficult, and perhaps impossible, to return to its former harmony after childbirth.

The diet of proper nutrition during pregnancy should be moderate. Food should be distributed evenly throughout the day. Long breaks between meals are unacceptable, followed by a food load “to satiety”. In the first half of pregnancy, you can keep the usual four meals a day, without denying yourself the use of fruits and vegetables throughout the day at will.

In the second half of pregnancy, you need to eat more often, up to 6 times a day, but in smaller portions, in order to allow the stomach to work rhythmically and eliminate unpleasant phenomena in the form of heartburn, hiccups and belching that appear in every woman 2-3 months before childbirth. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus with its bottom presses on the diaphragm and on the stomach, making it difficult to release it in time.

In the second period of pregnancy, a woman's nutrition should be more plentiful, as there is a rapid growth and development of the fetus, and, therefore, it is required increased amount main building material- protein: 2 g per 1 kg of body weight, and with increased physical activity and up to 2.5 g per 1 kg of weight.

Nutrition during pregnancy should be enriched useful substances: fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. The well-being of a woman, as well as the harmonious development of the embryo in the womb, depends on the quality of the products.

A complete diet of the expectant mother affects the formation of the baby's organs. With a competent approach to the choice of products, a pregnant woman will receive enough vitamins.

Pregnant women need to eat well, observing the following rules:

  • Eat food fractionally, but often (up to 6 times a day), without overloading the stomach.
  • If hunger strikes at night, drink milk or eat an apple.
  • Refuse harmful products: smoked meats, pickles, fried foods. Eat as many seasonal fruits and vegetables as possible.
  • Have breakfast 20 minutes after getting up.
  • Boil, stew, bake in the oven or steam the food.
  • Preference is given to homemade food.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman depends on many indicators:

  • laboratory tests;
  • cardiograms.

The diet can be adjusted by the attending physician depending on the results of the studies.

Protein during pregnancy

Amino acids are part of proteins, being the basis for the cells of the maternal and child body. Proteins play an important role in the normal development of the child, affect the health of nails and teeth. Its use brings the greatest benefit in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy because the fetus is actively growing.

The daily requirement of a future mother for protein is about 65 g. But it is not necessary to calculate its amount in foods daily, it is enough to determine the weekly dose of protein. It has been proven that women living in Russia consume more protein than is necessary for normal functioning. internal organs.

The lack of protein is replenished by the use of such products:

  • legumes;
  • lean meat;
  • seafood and fish;
  • whole milk, kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • broccoli;
  • nuts.

Not all fish are allowed during pregnancy. Use in large quantities predatory fish containing methylmercury may have Negative influence on the brain of an unborn child. Such fish include king mackerel, shark, tilefish, swordfish. The recommended dose of fish for pregnant women is up to 3 times a week.

A person needs 20 amino acids. 11 is produced independently. The remaining 9 are found in food. It is better if they enter the body at the same time.

animal protein better absorbed than vegetable, since the latter is covered with a strong shell, which prevents its access to the cells. Proteins of animal origin penetrate into the body by almost 95%. Vegetable protein in the composition of vegetables and cereals is absorbed by 82%.

Legumes - by 72%, and mushrooms - by only 40%. An organism prone to hyperacidity absorbs protein better. A lack of protein is indicated by weak muscle tone, a sharp decline weight, big delay fluids, frequent colds.

Sometimes pregnant women have elevated levels of protein in the blood (hemoglobin) due to external, internal, or inherited causes. Smoking causes high hemoglobin. Couples planning to become parents are advised to give up this habit six months before pregnancy so that unforeseen situations do not occur.

Diseases of the kidneys or heart affect the hemoglobin of the expectant mother. Enhanced Level protein in the blood can cause vision problems, fatigue, or poor appetite. When identifying high hemoglobin it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids while seeking help from a hematologist.

Fats during pregnancy

The body of a pregnant woman should receive about 35% of fat per day. Fats (lipids) enter the body along with food. Breaking down fats in the amount of 1 g, 9 kcal enters the body. During the formation of the internal organs of the embryo, the intake of polyunsaturated acids is important.

They influence the development of vessel walls and are the main element of connective tissue fibers. unsaturated fats improve metabolism, ridding the body of excess cholesterol. They also prevent the formation of liver hepatosis.

During the growth of the baby, omega-3 polyunsaturated acids play an important role. With the help of these microorganisms, the child's brain develops fully and the threat of miscarriage is reduced. To saturate with such fats, experts advise eating fatty sea fish and vegetable oils.

Through admission to female body phospholipids form the baby's nervous system, genitals, heart muscles. For pregnant women, they are useful in that they normalize blood clotting and inhibit the entry of cholesterol into the body.

Monosaturated are found in:

  • avocado;
  • peanuts
  • olives;
  • olives;
  • pistachios.

Polyunsaturated include:

  • linseed oil;
  • Walnut;
  • salmon;
  • trout;
  • Pine nuts;
  • pumpkin seeds.

The following fats should be avoided in large quantities:

  • bacon;
  • salo;
  • heavy cream;
  • margarine;
  • fried, smoked food;
  • cakes, cookies, pastries.

Women are advised to use butter instead of margarine., and replace fatty meat with lean or fish. Incorporate olive oil into your diet. Pregnant women are advised to order in restaurants healthy food: fruits, salads without mayonnaise. Instead of cheese, add mashed avocado to the dish.

carbohydrates during pregnancy

Carbohydrates are number one among all organic matter on the planet. Lack of carbohydrates often causes increased fatigue and uncontrolled hunger. Thanks to them, the body is saturated with energy, useful minerals and vitamins.

They contain folic acid, which is important to take during pregnancy. It is found in legumes, spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

Iodine is important for the child's body. It is found in seaweed, persimmon, feijoa. Products with high content carbohydrates also release iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium. To saturate the body with all nutrients Carbohydrate content should be 50% of the serving.

Carbohydrates form glucose. They can both saturate the body with nutrients and lead to Negative consequences. Simple carbohydrates after eating increase blood sugar, have a negative effect on the pancreas, which leads to weight gain.

Too much stress on this organ can cause short-term diabetes.

The following foods can raise blood sugar levels:

  • sweets and pastries;
  • pasta;
  • popcorn;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • boiled or stewed carrots;
  • potato dishes;
  • dates.

Complex carbohydrates, on the contrary, normalize the pancreas, relieving it of unnecessary stress. For their best breakdown, the body must expend energy, which helps maintain optimal weight even with a large amount of food.

Eating complex carbohydrates reduces the likelihood of constipation - they contain a lot of fiber and help the intestinal walls contract better.

Complex carbohydrates are found in the following foods:

  • dill, arugula, rhubarb, oregano;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggplant;
  • pears, apples, plums, persimmons, citrus fruits;
  • strawberries, blueberries, cherries, blueberries;
  • tomatoes, beets, peppers, cucumbers.

Sweet carbohydrates are found in sugar, sweets, honey. Starchy - in cereals, pasta, potatoes. Pregnant women are allowed to eat some sweets at the end of a meal, as well as dizziness or increased fatigue.

vitamins during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women change hormonal background, metabolism, blood composition. The body needs 30% more zinc, iodine, vitamins B12 and B6, and 2 times more folic acid and iron.

Essential vitamins needed for normal flow pregnancy:

  • Vitamin B9 found in folic acid. It helps to form the nervous system of the baby, his spine, affects the intellectual level. When the body lacks folic acid, develop congenital pathologies, there is a high chance of miscarriage. Its use contributes to the normal functioning of the child's brain. It is found in vegetables, spinach, asparagus. Doctors often prescribe folic acid in pill form.
  • Vitamin C. Strengthens immune system pregnant, protects against infections. Included in olive oil, parsley, lemons, tomatoes.
  • Vitamin B6, which helps to escape from toxicosis. It reduces irritability, relieves muscle spasms, seizures, is responsible for the formation of the central nervous system of the child.
  • Vitamin E: plays an important role in conception, affects the female genital organs, the functioning of the placenta, prevents miscarriages in the second trimester.
  • Vitamin A: responsible for the growth of the embryo. However, its lack affects the development of the fetus, and too a large number of of this vitamin can contribute to unwanted pathologies of the child.

Minerals and trace elements during pregnancy

The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be fresh fruits and vegetables. to saturate the body with all minerals and trace elements. The correct proportions of trace elements during childbearing reduce the risk of developing fetal pathology.

You can listen to a detailed lecture on the benefits and harms of minerals and trace elements for pregnant women in this video:

Microelements include:

  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • gland;
  • iodine.

The body of a pregnant woman needs the maximum number trace elements. They are indispensable and regulate an important chemical process in metabolism. Micronutrient supplements are required for women who are pregnant with twins, abuse smoking or alcohol, and do not eat well enough.

The embryo needs a sufficient amount of iron to receive oxygen. The list of trace elements that the expectant mother lacks should be selected by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of pregnancy.

Minerals include:

  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • chlorine;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium.

Minerals need to be replenished with food or pharmaceutical preparations approved for use by pregnant women.

Along with useful minerals, the body can also contain dangerous ones, among which mercury and lead occupy the first place. They can lead to miscarriage. Hazardous minerals enter the body through food, as well as from the environment.

fluid during pregnancy

Right drinking regimen during pregnancy, as well as balanced diet, is important for favorable gestation. At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman's health worsens. May go down blood pressure, constipation begins, varicose veins or thrombophlebitis develop.

These diseases can be bypassed or symptoms can be alleviated by filling the body with a sufficient amount of fluid. Lack of water impairs metabolism, increases fatigue, reduces immunity, affects skin elasticity. The risk of complications increases.

With enough liquid medical preparations consumed by a woman during pregnancy are absorbed better. However, excess water causes swelling. because the kidneys work hard and are unable to bear the increasing load.

It can also lead to weight gain!

Fluid intake is especially important at the beginning of pregnancy. During this period, there is an active division and growth of cells, the organs of the unborn child are formed. 2 liters of water per day are advised to drink for women whose weight has reached 50 kg, 2.3 liters - 60 kg, 2.5 liters - 70 kg.

In the heat, with diarrhea, toxicosis, elevated temperature body water needs to be consumed more. But from the second trimester, the amount of fluid consumed should be reduced. Drinking is recommended to quench your thirst, nothing more. A with III trimester drink even less.

Do not reduce the amount of fluid urolithiasis, pyelonephritis. The attending physician will clearly determine the amount of water for a particular pregnant woman.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Natural products grown without additional processing should form the basis of the daily diet of a pregnant woman. It is better to give preference to fruits, vegetables, greens, protein foods, which the body easily accepts.

A special diet for a future mother involves the use of such products:

Paying attention to the calorie content of food, it must be borne in mind that breakfast should contain 30% of total food, lunch - 42%, dinner - only 8%.

Dishes of the expectant mother should be prepared by boiling, baking or stewing. A pregnant woman should consume no more than 5 g of salt per day. bakery products it is allowed to consume up to 150 g. From fish, pike perch, cod or ice fish are well suited.

Lean meat is well absorbed in the body of a woman. Dairy products should be non-fat. The nutrition of a pregnant woman implies a sense of proportion. After eating, a feeling of slight hunger is acceptable.

What is the wrong diet during pregnancy

Under malnutrition understand poor quality food; binge eating; lack of nutrients.

Without following the diet, you can achieve disappointing results:

  • a lack of beneficial microorganisms for the placenta can lead to miscarriage or premature birth;
  • high blood pressure, preeclampsia;
  • detachment of the placenta before the onset of childbirth;
  • anemia or anemia;
  • hyperactivity of the child;
  • weakened immunity in a baby, frequent colds;
  • lack of oxygen (fetal hypoxia).

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes.

In order to get rid of constant feeling hunger, you need to eat more herbal products Drink more, have healthy snacks. If hunger overcomes suddenly, you need to drink a glass of water, and then move on to eating food.

List of prohibited products

The statement that pregnant women can eat any food in moderation is incorrect.

There are extremely unwanted foods for use by the expectant mother:

  • Raw fish, which may contain listeria and salmonella. You should also refuse raw caviar. Mercury can be found in long-lived fish (tuna, swordfish, shark).
  • Raw eggs.
  • Poorly fried steaks, raw or undercooked meat, as it can be a carrier of Toxoplasma.
  • Blue cheese or made from raw milk.
  • Honey calling allergic reactions and is one of the causes of excess weight.
  • Melon or mint in excessive amounts can cause miscarriage.
  • Mushrooms growing in the forest. They absorb everything chemical substances and exhaust gases.
  • Alcoholic drinks, tobacco.

The exclusion of these products from the diet will help keep the unborn child, keep the mother beautiful and healthy, and avoid excessive weight gain. Usually, the body of a pregnant woman itself refuses harmful foods, including protective function for your baby.

Nutrition during pregnancy by trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it is important to eat spinach, avocado, cabbage, herbs, citrus fruits. Exclude alcohol, carbonated water from the diet. They negatively affect the heart and blood circulation. In the 2nd trimester, the fetus needs foods with sufficient protein content: rabbit, pork, veal, chicken, fish, milk.

Only lean meat is good for health. Before use, the skin and fat are separated from it.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be varied, but not excessive.

Animal protein is best absorbed if consumed before lunch. And vegetable proteins can be eaten in the evening. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the belly begins to actively grow. Now the woman's body needs calcium, which favorably affects the bone and nervous system baby. Calcium is in milk orange juice, cereals, green vegetables and fruits, legumes.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman should include light salads without mayonnaise, vegetable soups, fruits.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week

From the 1st to the 4th week of pregnancy, preference should be given to vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries, fermented milk products. Meals should contain calcium, who is responsible for the development skeletal system fruit, as well as zinc and manganese.

At the beginning of pregnancy, most women suffer from toxicosis. From the 5th to the 10th week, you should abandon the dishes, due to which the gag reflex begins. This is fatty food. If bouts of nausea do not give rest, lemon, rose hips, sauerkraut, which contain vitamin C, will save.

Before going to bed, it is advised to eat a little dried apricots.

At 11-12 weeks, eating habits change, pregnant women experience unusual food desires. You can experiment with a combination of products. The skeleton completes its formation at 13-16 weeks of gestation. Kefir, milk and cottage cheese will saturate children's body beneficial substances.

From the 17th to the 24th week, the baby's vision is actively developing. It is necessary to pay attention to vitamin A contained in bell peppers, carrots, cabbage. At 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, heartburn may appear, which is exacerbated by carbonated water, seasonings, and high-calorie foods.

From this unpleasant feeling save oatmeal, lean meat, soups based on vegetables.

The baby's brain develops vigorously from the 29th to the 34th week. The menu should include eggs, sour-milk and dairy products, red fish. From the 35th week, the female body prepares for childbirth. Vegetables provide energy. But it is better to refuse products that contain calcium, since the bones of the baby's skull can harden, which will make it difficult for natural childbirth.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother can consume any permitted foods in moderation. Proper nutrition will not only competently start the process of formation of the internal organs of the baby, but will also become a source wellness women.

Article formatting: E. Chaikina

Useful video clip about the nutrition of a pregnant woman

A plot on how to eat to avoid excess weight during pregnancy:

All substances necessary for growth and development, future child receives from the mother's body. Therefore, in order to give birth to a healthy, cheerful baby, you should Special attention pay attention to your diet during pregnancy. During this period, it is very important that a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins enter the woman's body with food. That is why we are talking about the diet for a pregnant woman today.

Proteins are needed for the formation of cells in the body of a child. Proteins are found in hard cheeses, meat, fish, whole cow's milk, oceanic and sea ​​fish, bread, potatoes.

Fats and carbohydrates are required as a source of energy. In addition, fats are necessary for the production of new cells. To provide these substances to a growing body, the expectant mother needs to add chicken eggs, liver, butter, cheeses and lean meat to her diet. Carbohydrates are known to be found in various cereals, pasta, potatoes, fresh vegetables and fruits.

mineral salts necessary for the formation bone tissue. They are also needed for the body's water metabolism and the normal course of many chemical processes.

The baby's body really needs mineral salts. Their deficiency can lead to serious developmental disabilities. Mineral salts are found in cheeses, fresh cottage cheese, milk, all types of cabbage, bread, legumes, potatoes, cereals, fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables. These products contain a sufficient amount of salts of magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and iodine.

Of course, a growing, developing organism really needs vitamins. They will protect both mother and baby from the penetration of microbes into the body. Vitamins are also involved in various metabolic processes. They are found in the most various products.

For example, in butter and vegetable oil, sour cream, cottage cheese, fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, freshly squeezed juices, cereals, meat, fish, liver products, etc. During pregnancy, it is not always possible to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins. Therefore, during this period, on the advice of a doctor, you can take vitamin complexes.

For normal development child, he just needs vitamin D. Its dosage should be determined by the doctor. He will advise necessary products or preparations that contain it.

The diet of the expectant mother is not a diet. It's normal balanced diet. It is useful not only for the expectant mother and her baby, but also for other family members. Therefore, separate cooking for a pregnant woman is not required.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

A woman expecting the birth of a baby should include in her daily diet half a liter of whole cow's milk, or kefir. And at the end of pregnancy, dairy products should be more. Every day, a woman should eat dishes of their vegetables, steamed or in the form of salads, 1 egg, some whole grain bread, a bowl of porridge and one liquid dish. In this case, vegetable fats should be 30% of the total daily intake. It can be, for example, 30 g of unrefined vegetable oil.

Meat and fish are best eaten boiled, stewed. It is enough to use them 2-3 times a week. To fully satisfy the body's need for phosphorus, you need to include pink salmon, herring, mackerel, caviar and green pea.

To get enough magnesium, eat seaweed, cereals, especially buckwheat, wheat bran, scrambled eggs. Salt intake should be kept to a minimum. This will help prevent swelling.

Most doctors recommend that women use products that grow in the same region. With exotic, not familiar products, you need to be more careful. Not always the body properly absorbs the substances contained in them. This can cause diathesis in a baby in the first months of his life.

The amount of food consumed is also very important. Overeating, like malnutrition, is harmful to a woman and her unborn child. The daily nutritional requirement depends on body weight, height, gender, age, professional activity pregnant woman.

In the first half of pregnancy, a woman needs an increase in calories by 25%, and in the second half - up to 30% of the normal intake.

Overeating during the day is undesirable due to the subsequent increase in body weight of a woman. This often becomes one of the causes of toxicosis. And toxicosis has the most detrimental effect on the child and can cause a developmental delay. Also excess weight often causes difficult births.

Therefore, it must be remembered that a woman's body weight for the entire pregnancy should not increase by more than 10 kg. Moreover, weight gain should not be earlier than 4 months of pregnancy. Means, allowable rate weight gain is no more than 350 g per month.

Malnutrition can cause premature birth. Also, a lack of food for a pregnant woman can cause a lag in the development of a born baby.

Food should be taken in this way. In the first half of pregnancy, eat 4 times a day. In the second half - no more than 5-6 times, but reduce portions. They should be no more than 35% of the usual norm. Nutrition for expectant mothers should be limited to the use of sweets, pastries, confectionery.

During pregnancy, especially when speed dial weight, you can arrange fasting days. At this time, eat only cottage cheese, sour cream and drink compotes. Be healthy!

Certain fats (and the fatty acids they contain) are especially important during pregnancy because they support the development of the baby's eyes and brain, both before and after birth. Fats also help the placenta and other tissues grow, and studies have shown that certain fats can help prevent preterm labor and low birth weight.

What fats should be consumed during pregnancy?

There are four types of fats in food: monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and hydrogenated. Fats are made up of a combination of fatty acids, so fats generally don't fall into one of these categories. Palm oil and lard, for example, both contain about 50 percent monounsaturated and 50 percent polyunsaturated fats. But for the most part, you can follow these rules: eat fat in moderation.

Monounsaturated fats are found in olive and peanut oils, as well as olives, avocados, nuts, and nut oils. They are considered healthy fats because they lower cholesterol levels.

Polyunsaturated fats are good too. They contain omega-3 fatty acids (DHA, as well as ALA, both of which are critical for your child's healthy development) and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3s can be found in some foods such as cold fish, flaxseed oil, and Omega-6s are found in sunflower, cottonseed, corn and soybean oils.

Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, but some types of fish contain contaminants such as mercury. On our website you can find out what kind of fish you can eat during pregnancy.

Many monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats contain Vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant.

Saturated fats are harmful - eat as little of them as possible. Saturated fats are found in fatty meats, whole milk, tropical oils (such as palm and coconut), butter, and lard.

Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats (also known as trans fats) should be avoided. These fats are found in fried foods and some types of margarine. They are also used in some packaged food products- for example, crackers, cookies and chips - to extend the shelf life of these products. Read product labels carefully to find the amount of saturated and trans fats in a product.

A diet high in saturated fats and trans fats can lead to high cholesterol levels and may contribute to the development of heart disease. Studies show that saturated and hydrogenated fats can cause health problems such as diabetes. Don't beat yourself up if you occasionally enjoy a bag of chips or a bowl of fried chicken. Just make it rather an exception than the rule.

How much fat should you eat during pregnancy?

No more than 35 percent of your daily calories should come from fat. Another useful principle is to consume 6-8 teaspoons (30-40 grams) of oil per day, use the list below as a guide. (The rest of the fat in your diet is already the food you eat).

You don't need to increase your fat intake during pregnancy - you just need to find the right balance. And keep in mind that no matter what type of fat you eat, there are 9 calories per gram.

Choosing the Right Fats During Pregnancy

Monounsaturated fats:
Each of the following items contains 5 grams of fat and 45 calories:

  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) avocado
  • 1 teaspoon sunflower, olive, peanut oil;
  • 6 pieces of almonds or cashews;
  • 10 pieces of peanuts;
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds;
  • 2 brazil nuts;
  • 5 hazelnuts;
  • 8 large olives;
  • 10 large green olives;
  • 16 pistachios
Polyunsaturated fats:
Each serving contains 5 grams of fat and 45 calories:
  • 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise;
  • 1 tablespoon fat-free mayonnaise;
  • 4 halves walnut(Omega-3);
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds (Omega-3);
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseed oil (omega-3);
  • 1 teaspoon sunflower corn oil, or soybean oil(Omega-6);
  • 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds (Omega-3), sesame seeds or sunflower seeds;
  • 1 tablespoon of pine nuts;
  • 50 g of cooked salmon (Omega-3);
  • 60g cooked trout (Omega-3)
Fats to Avoid During Pregnancy

Saturated fats:
Although the following foods carry only one serving of fat, they should be avoided:
  • 1 slice of bacon;
  • 1 teaspoon of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut flakes;
  • 1 tablespoon cream cheese;
  • 1.5 tablespoons fat-free cream cheese;
  • 1 tablespoon heavy cream
  • 1 slice of lard;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 3 tablespoons fat-free sour cream
Hydrogenated / trans fats:
  • fried foods such as french fries, donuts;
  • Margarine ("hydrogenated");
  • Cookies, cakes, crackers, cakes and candies made with hydrogenated vegetable oil(margarine).

The Easy Way to Reduce Unhealthy Fats in Your Pregnancy Diet
  • If you are used to cooking or baking with ingredients with hydrogenated fats such as margarine, substitute it. butter;
  • Instead of mayonnaise, use olive or flaxseed oil - they are great for dressing salads;
  • Replace some fatty meat in your diet. Try toasted nuts instead of bacon chunks in a salad, and eat fish instead of fatty meats;
  • Cut down on cheese. Don't order "double cheese" on pizza, and put one and a half times less cheese in cooked dishes at home, try using mashed avocado instead of cheese;
  • When you eat in a restaurant fast food, avoid fried foods and opt for less toasted burgers or chicken sandwiches. Choose fruit salad or vegetable salad instead of fries;
  • Replace fatty snacks with healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains;
  • Swap high-fat whole dairy products for a low-fat version;
  • Remove skin from poultry before cooking.
Remember, everything is good in moderation.