Dried apricots for the heart. Nutrient mixture - prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, honey, lemon

The mass, which includes prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, honey, lemon is unique in terms of the amount of useful and medicinal substances. The main task of the mixture is to maintain immune cells, saturate the body with energy and strength.

The use of a vitamin mixture will help boost immunity

Medicinal properties of products

Dried fruits combined with lemon, walnuts and honey help to get the job done. digestive tract, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, stimulate the defenses. Each ingredient contains vitamins, useful macro- and microelements, which allows you to use them both together and separately.

The benefits of prunes

Prunes are valued for their rich composition. Dried fruit is endowed with:

  • vitamins of group B, PP, A, C;
  • glucose, fructose;
  • malic, citric, oxalic acids;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • pectins, fiber.

Prunes have a strong cleansing effect

Due to the variety of components, dried plum has on the body:

  • antiseptic action- used in the treatment of infectious diseases;
  • cleansing action- eliminates constipation, improves the work of the urinary system and choleretic function;
  • stimulating effect- acts on production gastric juice stimulates the appetite.

Delicious dried fruit has a positive effect on the entire body - it normalizes metabolism, stabilizes blood pressure and pulse, and eliminates discomfort in the intestines. The product is indispensable for lack of vitamins and violation of hematopoiesis.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Dried apricot is a valuable source of potassium (an essential mineral for the heart muscle). Dried apricots contain many other important substances:

  • vitamin groups (PP, A, C, B5, B1, B2);
  • minerals - cobalt, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, iodine;
  • sugars - fructose, glucose;
  • alimentary fiber, carboxylic acids, pectins, carotene.

Dried apricots contain necessary for the body potassium reserve

Regular consumption of dried apricots helps to strengthen the entire body, improve blood composition and increase hemoglobin. Dried apricot has:

  • mild laxative effect- normalizes the contractility of the intestine;
  • adsorbent- removes salts of heavy metals, toxic flora;
  • anti-sclerotic- reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels;
  • immunostimulating- increases the protective barrier against infections, viruses, inhibits growth cancer cells(if any).

Regular use of dried apricots improves vision, prevents the development of pathologies. thyroid gland. Dried apricot has a positive effect on the body of women during the period of bearing a child and during breastfeeding.

What is useful raisins

The most popular dried fruit is raisins, which, in addition to palatability, has a number needed by the body substances:

  • vitamin complexes (A, C, B1, B5, B6, B2);
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • organic acids - oleanolic, tartaric;
  • ash, fiber;
  • iron, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, chlorine, potassium, calcium;
  • glucose, fructose.

Raisins contain a complex beneficial vitamins and trace elements

The healing components of raisins make it possible to use it to improve the functioning of all organs and systems:

  • strengthen the heart, normalize its conductivity, stabilize pressure, remove swelling;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • increase lactation during breastfeeding;
  • to fill the body's need for iron during pregnancy;
  • support the kidneys, liver;
  • strengthen the wrong system, relieve fatigue and stress, improve sleep.

Raisins are endowed with antitussive and antioxidant effects, which allows them to be used for pharyngitis, stomatitis, pneumonia, and bronchitis.

The benefits of walnuts

An irreplaceable source of energy for the whole organism is a walnut. It contains:

  • vitamins - A, group B, C, E, PP;
  • minerals - iron, zinc, cobalt, sodium;
  • protein;
  • fatty unsaturated acids;
  • flavonoids.

Walnut will help the body replenish energy

Everything is useful in a walnut - the kernel, partitions, shells.

The beneficial effect of the fetus is as follows:

  1. Increases the efficiency of the brain and the body as a whole. Nuts accelerate the processes in the body that occur during the assimilation of food, which gives a feeling of cheerfulness and energy.
  2. Strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle. Use walnuts promotes the resorption of sclerotic plaques and a decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood.
  3. The concentration of glucose decreases, which is very useful for diabetics. In the treatment, only the shell is used, without kernels.
  4. The protective barrier of the body against infections, bacteria and viruses is strengthened, vitality is increased.
  5. Blood counts improve, hemoglobin grows, which is especially important for anemia.
  6. The work of the stomach and intestines is normalized, dysbacteriosis and constipation pass.

Walnut is very useful during pregnancy, breastfeeding as well as small children. For men, the fruit is known as a powerful aphrodisiac - the oil is used to improve potency and general condition sexual health.

Useful properties of honey

In addition to the unique taste, honey has a valuable and unique composition:

  • vitamins - group B, PP, C, E;
  • sugars - fructose, glucose;
  • acids - malic, tartaric, citric;
  • minerals - cobalt, zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, chromium, silicon, boron, nickel, titanium, osmium.

Honey useful product with a unique composition

The variety in the constituent components allows honey to carry out an antibacterial, tonic effect, to fight inflammation of various localizations. Regular eating natural product beekeeping allows:

  • increase immunity, overcome colds and viral infections;
  • regulate metabolic processes in the body;
  • improve blood composition;
  • restore energy and regain strength;
  • normalize the work of the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels;
  • eliminate pathologies respiratory tract, alleviate the condition in inflammatory processes.

Honey is used not only inside, but also for the treatment of wounds, burns, fungal infections. The tool helps with gynecological and intestinal diseases.

What is useful lemon

Lemon is the first assistant in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. The main property of citrus - antiseptic - inhibits the development of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Due to the rich composition - organic acids, pectins, minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus), vitamins B, C, A, P, saccharides - the fruit has therapeutic effect for the whole body:

  • strengthens blood vessels, heart, abnormal cells and has a beneficial effect on brain activity;
  • cleanses and thins the blood, breaks down cholesterol;
  • makes nails and bones stronger, prevents hair loss;
  • normalizes metabolism in the liver, contributes to the normal excretion of bile;
  • eliminates constipation and increased gas formation.

Lemon has a pronounced antiseptic effect.

For colds and respiratory pathologies of the respiratory tract, mixtures and teas with lemon inhibit the development of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, increase resistance immune system.

Recipes for vitamin and nutrient mixtures

The combination of lemon, dried apricots, honey, prunes, nuts and raisins allows you to cook useful mixture, rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. The ingredients complement each other, providing a comprehensive therapeutic effect on the human body.

Traditional medicine has a number of variations in the combination of dried fruits, honey and lemon, depending on the disease and the condition of the person.

Vitamin mixture for immunity

Consume a Vitamin Blend Regularly to Strengthen Immunity

Cut dried apricots (250 g), 1 lemon with peel and 250 g peeled nuts into pieces. Add 260 g of raisins and pour a glass of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and place in glass containers. Remedy use 1-2 tbsp. l. in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. The mixture strengthens the immune system, prevents beriberi, fills the body with energy and strength.

Laxative for bowel cleansing

Grind 300 g of prunes and 100 g of raisins, dried apricots, lemons in a meat grinder. You can add 50 g of nuts and 30 ml of honey. The finished mixture is taken early in the morning and in the evening before bedtime, 1 tbsp. l. Folk remedy gently cleanses the intestines, normalizes muscle contraction excretory organ, eliminates flatulence and dysbacteriosis.

Heart mix with rosehip syrup

The addition of rosehip syrup will positive influence for the work of the heart

Pass dried fruits (100 g each), lemon with peel and walnut (100 g) through a blender. Add half a glass of honey and a bottle to the mixture. pharmacy syrup rosehip, mix. Useful mass consumes 1-2 tbsp. l. in the morning before meals regularly.

Recipe for men

Grind walnut kernels to make 300 g, add a mixture of dried fruits and pour all 100 ml of honey. Use 1 tbsp. l. in the morning before breakfast and half an hour before bedtime.

Therapeutic mass with dried fruits and ginger against beriberi

Ginger root will help to cope with beriberi

Grind dried fruits, walnuts and lemon to a mushy state (150 g of each component). In a blender, kill ginger root (200 g), add to the fruit mixture and pour a glass of honey. Connect all components carefully. Eat a useful mass in the morning and in the evening, 1 tsp each.

Fruit mix with hay for weight loss

Dried fruits take 100 g and grind in a meat grinder. Grind 1 lemon, 150 g walnuts, combine the ingredients. Pour 15 ml of honey and 120 g of dried senna into the mass. Take 10-15 ml on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. The product cleanses the body well and nourishes it with energy, helps to get rid of excess weight without damage to health.

Mix of dried fruits with honey, lemon and hawthorn tincture for the heart

Add hawthorn tincture to the mixture to prevent heart pathologies

Grind dried fruit, nuts and lemon in a meat grinder. All products take 220 g and add to the mixture in turn. Pour 150 ml of honey, 25 ml of hawthorn into the mass, mix. Folk remedy to insist in a cool place for 7 days. Daily dose - 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach Repeat courses 2 times in 12 months.

Therapeutic mixture to increase hemoglobin

Grind dried fruits (200 g of each type) and 2 medium lemons until a homogeneous gruel. Add 6 tbsp. l. honey, stir. The mass should be taken in 1-2 tbsp. l. 2 times a day regularly. Useful tool helps to improve blood composition, increase hemoglobin, normalize the condition with anemia.

Energy mass with figs

Figs will give a tonic effect

Using a blender, smash the figs, dried fruits and lemon. Take all components for 200 g, lemon - 2 pieces with zest. Pour the mixture with 1 cup of honey and mix. Store medicine in closed at a temperature of +3–+5 degrees. Use 2 tsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The tool gives vigor, tones blood vessels, strengthens the heart muscle, increases the body's resistance to infections and bacteria.

Important! Mixtures based on dried fruits, honey, nuts and lemon can be used in various combinations, add dates, figs, ginger. The benefits of such a combination can hardly be overestimated - the work of immune cells is stimulated, the heart and blood vessels are supported, the digestive system and excretory organs are normalized.

Contraindications for use

The medicinal mass of dried fruits, honey and lemon can be used by adults and children. The main thing is to take into account the existing contraindications.

  1. A negative response of the body to a bee product, dried fruits or citrus fruits in the form of a rash, cough, runny nose.
  2. Severe dysfunction of the heart.
  3. Acute leaks of ulcerative and inflammatory processes in the digestive system.
  4. Diabetes.

Refuse to use a vitamin mixture for diabetes

Acute respiratory viral infections lie in wait for all people, especially children, as well as women and men with weak immunity. Today, pharmacies sell many various drugs containing various vitamins. Firstly, such funds are very expensive, and secondly, these are not natural preparations. Do you want your child to use natural vitamins. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period, when the peak colds.

Today we will talk about excellent tool to strengthen defensive forces an organism that every woman can cook. This is a dried fruit immunity booster mix. We will also determine which products are included in this natural medicine and what properties each component has.

When is a delicious vitamin mix useful?

A mixture to increase immunity from dried fruits will come in handy during the period of colds, viral infections or simply with After all, after winter, there are no longer natural healthy fruits and vegetables, so you need to replenish vitamins from your own cooked foods.

A vitamin mixture is useful if a person has conditions such as:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia.
  • General malaise.
  • Brittle nails, hair loss.
  • Peeling of the skin.

What is included in the composition of a natural immunostimulating agent?

The mixture consists of the following ingredients:

  • lemon;
  • walnuts and dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins).

These are the main components, but you can put figs, dates, prunes there. Instead of walnuts, it is recommended to use cashews, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, pine nuts, etc. By the way, the latter help with pancreatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers. And cashews can lower blood cholesterol levels. They also, unlike most nuts, do not cause allergies. And tasty almonds contain the same amount of organic acids as walnuts. Therefore, you can experiment and add your favorite products to taste.

Recipe for making a vitamin mixture

For a standard harvest, you will need the main ingredients: nuts, raisins, honey, dried apricots and lemon. Dried fruits and nuts are taken in the same amount - 200 grams each. Then honey will need 3 tablespoons. The lemon should be medium in size.

Rules for preparing a vitamin mixture:

The resulting mixture to increase immunity from dried fruits, honey and lemon must be stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a tightly sealed lid.

  • Before grinding, it is advisable to warm the nuts in a frying pan or in the oven. By the way, a walnut is ideal for a vitamin mixture, the price of which, however, is recent times increased significantly. Today, in large supermarkets, peeled fruits can be bought at 600 rubles per 1 kg. But you can do otherwise: go to the market and buy walnuts from grandmothers. The price in this case will be several times lower than in the store. In addition, grandmothers will add an extra handful of nuts to the bag.
  • Dried fruits used to prepare the mixture (raisins, dried apricots, prunes and dates) should preferably be pre-soaked. Be sure to do this if these ingredients are dry.

  • You can’t eat such a mixture dry, it is very sweet. Perfect to pair with tea.
  • This natural is especially useful for people who have heavy physical work.
  • Persons who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not add lemon to the mixture, because it is, in fact, an acid.
  • For children to devour with interest useful medicine Mom can make sweets out of it. To do this, you need to roll small balls and roll them in coconut flakes. You will see how the child himself will ask for such a yummy.

How to take a natural immunostimulating agent?

Vitamin mixture will appeal to both adults and kids. You need to take this remedy in the following dosage:

  • Children from 3 years - 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.
  • Adults - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Babies under 3 should not be given this mixture because it contains allergens such as honey and nuts. But you can go the other way: put berry jam instead of honey, and don’t add nuts at all.

Dried apricot properties

The benefits of dried apricots for the body are great. This dried fruit is rich in fructose, sucrose and glucose, it contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, pectin, as well as organic acids that remove from the body heavy metals and others harmful substances. Dried apricots act on the body as follows:

  • Helps to quickly recover after surgery, replenishing iron stores.
  • Reduces negative impact after application antibacterial drugs during illness.
  • Replenishes the supply of vitamins in the body, due to which the immune system begins to work better.
  • Increases the formation of blood cells, so this dried fruit is indicated for people suffering from anemia.
  • Releases the body of toxins, is an excellent diuretic.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Is excellent prophylactic against the appearance of cancerous tumors.
  • Supports normal hormonal levels.

But for all positive points the benefits of dried apricots for the body may decrease, and dried fruit can even harm a person if he chooses the wrong one. So, some sellers process it chemicals in order to increase the shelf life of the product and improve it appearance. Therefore, you need to buy dried apricots only in proven places. And this dried fruit should not be taken by people suffering from obesity or having allergic reaction(rash, swelling, itching).

walnut properties

This is an excellent ingredient for a vitamin mixture, capable due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Walnut improves the overall tone of the body. It also has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system and brain, prevents the aging process, has hypoglycemic and antitumor effects, improves blood viscosity.

Properties of the bee product

Lemon, honey, dried apricots - these ingredients of the mixture contain vitamins A, B, P, potassium, copper, pectins. But most of these useful elements found in bee products. Even small children know that honey is useful. This product improves immunity, has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

People who constantly use honey to restore the body's defenses note their high efficiency and good mood. And this only says that a person is strong from the inside, he has strong immunity. After all, those people who often get sick respiratory diseases, complain about Bad mood, fatigue, And honey improves appetite, activates brain activity, restores the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Important condition! This bee product must be natural. Only then will the mixture for boosting immunity from dried fruits, nuts and honey be truly valuable.

Useful properties of raisins

Dried grapes contain almost the same vitamins as dried apricots. In addition, there is a bioton in raisins called Dried grapes are very rich in potassium and sodium.

Useful properties of raisins:

  • This product has a lot of iron, so it is recommended for anemia.
  • Boron, which is part of raisins, contributes to the normal absorption of calcium in the body. Therefore, people with osteochondrosis and osteoporosis are recommended to take dishes with dried grapes.
  • Raisins have a lot of potassium, so it should be consumed by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • And most importantly, this product contains a lot of antioxidants, in particular oleanolic acid. It is she who protects the cells of the body from free radicals, thereby strengthening the human immune system.
  • Raisins help with colds, promotes quick withdrawal SARS symptoms: sore throat, cough, nasal congestion.

Lemon Properties

This citrus helps with colds: it prevents reproduction pathogenic microflora. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps fight SARS.

The B vitamins found in lemon reduce fatigue, normalize sleep, relieve depression, and give a person vigor. Vitamin A, which is also part of this citrus, is good for vision. And lemon peel improves digestion and reduces gas formation.

Benefits of the mixture

Such delicious medicine it must be done for people whose immunity is undermined, or for mothers raising small children. Benefits of this homemade product:

  • The nature of the drug.
  • 100% result.
  • Acceptable price. Medicines sold in a pharmacy are much more expensive than this homemade mixture. In addition, most of them are not natural, which means that they can lead to allergic reactions.


Nuts and dried fruits, honey and lemon are a storehouse of useful elements, the use of which increases immunity in a person, and he does not get sick with viral respiratory diseases even during an influenza epidemic. This healthy mixture can be prepared at home. Now you do not need to go to the pharmacy in search of the best remedy for immunity.

I managed to find one recipe containing 8 ingredients, among which were raisins, lemon and honey. It turned out that the remedy helps to treat heart diseases. We give the main recipe and three simplified options, as well as all contraindications.

Raisins and many dried fruits contain a record amount of potassium. So, there must be a recipe that allows you to make medicine from them. But the question will be what this medicine will help to recover from. It is known that potassium maintains the desired concentration of magnesium, and magnesium is nutrition for the heart muscle. Well, let's try to treat the heart by preparing a mixture of raisins with dried apricots and honey - raisins are not always useful for the heart, but contraindications can be taken into account separately.

Less confusion and one table

Dried apricots are called dried apricots. And raisins are grapes.

All ingredients except honey

All ingredients except honey

Apricots don't have a lot of potassium when they're fresh. Everything changes in the manufacture of dried fruits:

  • Apricot - 305 mg;
  • Grapes - 255 mg;
  • Raisins - 860 mg;
  • Dried apricots - 1880 mg.

Here is the potassium content in one hundred grams of the product.

As for raisins, in acute heart failure, it is not only not useful, but also contraindicated. So, recipes with it are needed to strengthen the heart muscle, but not for emergency treatment. They are suitable for prevention, and the same heart failure.

Dried apricots of different quality

Dried apricots will have another secret: you need to choose it by color. Orange is a good option, brown is even better. Well, nobody needs yellow dried apricots.

Apricots are dried apricots with pits. There are no bones in dried apricots. Perhaps the apricot will be more useful, but in all food recipes only dried apricots are used.

Healing mixture in a simple version

With a weakening of the heart muscle, they can prescribe linden honey: he is light, belongs to the "elite". Another variety, buckwheat, is suitable for the treatment of anemia. He is also elite, but not light, but dark.

Raw material preparation

Consider preparing a mixture containing dried fruits and honey. The recipe contains only three ingredients:

  1. You need to take one glass of raisins, the same amount of dried apricots;
  2. All dried fruits are washed, dried on a napkin;
  3. Then dried fruits are crushed in a blender or in a meat grinder;
  4. Add honey (buckwheat, linden), only 1/3 cup!

The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and before that honey can be heated in a water bath. Temperature - 45-50 C.

Honey is then heated to make the consistency more liquid.

When the medicine is ready, it is stored in the refrigerator and taken about a tablespoon half an hour before meals. If a we are talking on prevention, the number of receptions is limited to one per day. For children, the dosage is halved, and for gastritis with hyperacidity– down to zero. Gastritis of this type is a contraindication.

Adding two more components

In its classic form, the recipe considered here contains five components: not only dried apricots, raisins and honey, but also nuts and lemon. Walnuts are useful for heart diseases, as well as for anemia. And lemon is a means of preventing acute respiratory infections.

All components assembled

"Dry ingredients" and fruits are mixed separately, then honey is added to them. Remember: you can mix with nuts or with nuts and lemon.

Recipe with walnuts

It is necessary to do everything in the same way as in the first recipe. In step 3, shelled walnuts are added. They can be dried in the oven, or you can simply peel them. Do not buy shelled nuts!

The proportions will be as follows:

  • One glass of dried apricots, raisins and walnuts;
  • Half a glass of liquid honey.

We cool the mixture to +15 C, you can make sweets from it. They are taken as medicine half an hour before meals. The volume of one candy is a tablespoon for adults and a teaspoon for children.

Lemon Processing Secrets

When the ingredients are not yet mixed with honey, lemon can be added to them, which can be with or without zest, that is, without yellow skin. In the first case, the fetus must be properly washed.

Lemon Blend Base

In any case, it is necessary to remove the bones, for which the fruit is cut into pieces.

You can just squeeze the juice. Then the lemon should be boiled in boiling water, making 2-3 punctures in the peel with a fork. Cooking time - a few minutes, until the fruit itself becomes soft. It is cut in half, and it is better to squeeze it through a sieve.

Squeezing juice correctly

What is used:

  • One glass of dried fruits and nuts;
  • One lemon fruit or just juice;
  • Half a glass of honey.

If squeezing juice, add it to honey, not to the mixture. And honey must be warmed up. Sometimes prunes are added to the recipe. Then 3/4 cup of honey is mixed with the "dry ingredients".


Let's take a look at one list:

  • Allergy to pollen;
  • If lemon or juice is added - an allergy to citrus, thrombosis;
  • third trimester of pregnancy;
  • Age up to three years;
  • Gastritis with high acidity;
  • Acute heart failure.

Here are the cases in which the use of our medicine is prohibited. Do not think that even one of the prohibitions can be bypassed. And in the presence of diabetes, the dosage should not exceed 1.5-2 tablespoons per day.

Here are the daily dosages.

Armor Piercing Recipe

The methods known and discussed here are a simplified version of one more complex one.

Hawthorn and wild rose

A complex recipe contains 8 components. And, despite the complexity, the doctor Dmitry Gusev, candidate medical sciences. So the mixture contains:

  • Not one, but three lemons with zest;
  • 200 grams of prunes, raisins, dried apricots, walnuts;
  • 100 grams of hawthorn and wild rose.
  • One glass of honey.

Let's consider the details.

Every lemon after hygiene procedures»rubbed with sunflower oil. The bones must be removed. All components, except honey, are passed through a meat grinder. Liquid honey is added, mixed and the mixture is placed in the refrigerator. After 10 days, the medicine will be ready.

You get tired quickly, you struggle with insomnia. then with drowsiness. Do you endlessly file your breaking legs and constantly catch a cold? Everything is clear: reduced immunity. Swallowing pharmaceutical pills is a dubious and boring activity. But to use folk way strengthening the immune defense never hurts. Moreover, we are talking about a real delicacy - delicious nut mixtures.

What are the benefits of nuts for immunity

Any nuts for immunity are a real gift. By simply including them in a regular diet, you can gradually improve the overall condition of the body. In this sense, nuts will give odds to fruits, because they contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also other useful substances:

Polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3s, which are not produced by our body, but are very necessary to maintain strong immunity;

Vegetable proteins, which are not inferior in nutritional value to meat. Moreover, unlike animal proteins, they not only do not slag the body, but also remove toxins;

Minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron).

Surprisingly, quite fatty nuts, which can easily replace meat, do not clog blood vessels. cholesterol plaques. Moreover, walnuts, for example, cleanse the vessels of existing plaques, reducing the risk of stroke or atherosclerosis.

Whatever type of nut you take, it will be ideal for maintaining health, youth and beauty:

Walnut due to minerals and trace elements stimulates the immune system, restoring the body after colds, nourishes the brain, lowers cholesterol;

Another nut very useful for immunity is cashews. It has an anti-sclerotic effect, strengthens the heart and respiratory system, improves blood composition;

Almonds will protect against beriberi and weakness. It should be eaten by often ill people and those who have problems with the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver;

Hazelnut has the same properties as walnut, besides it protects against cancer;

Pine nuts are powerful antioxidant, and also useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (it is worth remembering that immunity is formed in the intestines);

Pistachios are good for the intestines and liver;

Brazil nut restores thyroid function;

Even suspicious peanuts can become support and protection for the immune system, however, only in dried or raw form.

Hence, numerous recipes for nut-fruit mixtures were born, which ethnoscience highly recommended for any immune disorder. Immune nut mixes definitely include walnuts. It is believed that they are the most useful and safe.

Nuts with dried apricots and honey for immunity

There are several recipes for delicious nut-fruit mixtures that can and should be included in the diet of weakened, often ill adults and children. Delicious mixtures of natural plant ingredients are not suspicious synthetic immunomodulators and dubious immunostimulants, but combinations of the most useful products that have been proven for centuries.

The base of the recipe is a combination of nuts with honey, dried apricots and other dried fruits, such as prunes, raisins, figs. You can choose any of the popular immunity boosting nut mixes and enjoy it to your heart's content.

Classic recipe

The simplest version of the nut mix does not require many ingredients. You will need:

150 grams of walnuts (peeled);

150 grams of soft fresh dried apricots;

Big lemon;

200 grams of fresh bee honey.

Rinse the dried apricots and pour boiling water over them. While it is steaming, scald the lemon with boiling water and cut into arbitrary slices. Twist all the ingredients in a meat grinder (lemon with peel), add honey and mix thoroughly.

It turned out a wonderful mixture of nuts with dried apricots and honey for immunity. It needs to be put into glass jar and keep in the refrigerator. There is a delicious content of a vitamin jar on an empty stomach before each main meal, a tablespoon.

Immunity mixture "Source of eternal youth"

If added to classic recipe additional components, you get even more useful option nut treats with dried apricots for immunity. Lemon can be added if desired. Due to the juice, the consistency will not be so dry, and the taste will not be so sweet.

Three hundred grams of dried apricots;

Three hundred grams of walnut;

Three hundred grams of prunes;

Three hundred grams of figs;

One hundred grams of honey.

The mixture is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe. If dried fruits are hard, they need to be steamed. As soon as the water has cooled, grind in a meat grinder or a powerful blender, mix with honey. If desired, add lemon, ground together with the peel. There is a tablespoon in the morning and an hour before bedtime.

Nut mix with dried fruits and honey

Not only walnut lemon can be a nut base of the immune mixture. Be sure to try mixing different immunity nuts and adding any of the classic ingredients to them.

Half a glass of almonds;

A glass of walnuts;

Half a glass of pine nuts;

Half a glass of raisins;

Half a glass of dried apricots;

Half a glass of prunes;

Two lemons;

150 grams of honey.

Chop nuts, dried fruits, lemon in a blender or meat grinder. Add honey, mix and put in a dark cabinet for two days. Then put the infused mixture in a glass jar, put it on the shelf of the refrigerator. There are two tablespoons three times a day. Children give a teaspoon of the mixture twice a day.

A mixture of nuts with dried apricots and honey: how it works

Each component in the composition of a delicious and healthy nut-fruit mixture has its own task. Any component individually brings considerable benefits to the body. But together, this benefit is enhanced at times. Hence the amazing strengthening effect. Literally in a month daily use mixtures can increase the immune forces of the body, get rid of the symptoms of reduced immunity and get a wonderful bonus in the form of shiny hair, strong nails and smooth beautiful skin.

Dried apricots are a champion in potassium and magnesium content, as well as a source of ascorbic acid and vitamin A. It has a beneficial effect on the heart, intestines, blood-forming organs.

There are legends about the benefits of honey. It's an elixir useful substances, natural antibiotic and unique remedy to strengthen the immune forces of the body.

Prunes help cleanse the intestines, restore it normal work, fills the body with vitamins and organic acids.

Raisins contain many antioxidants, help get rid of insomnia and headaches, increase the body's ability to deal with adverse environmental conditions.

A mixture of nuts with dried apricots and honey for immunity is an invaluable gift that must be used wisely. The strengthening course is one month. Then you should stop for two weeks and start all over again. It is especially useful to eat a vitamin delicacy in the winter cold and off-season.

Who should not eat nuts with dried apricots and honey for immunity

No matter how useful nuts with dried apricots for immunity are, not all people can use a unique mixture. Unfortunately, those who suffer from diabetes, obesity and pre-obesity, allergies and individual intolerance to some component.

You can not eat the mixture during exacerbation chronic diseases, since potential allergenicity at the time of a strong weakening of immunity may not affect in the best way and provoke allergic reactions.

For the same reason, children under the age of three, and preferably five, should not be introduced to nut-honey mixtures. But you can strengthen immunity after the fifth birthday. You need to start with half a teaspoon, gradually increase the dosage to one or two teaspoons per day.

It is important to remember that a mixture with nuts, honey, dried apricots and other dried fruits is more of a medicine than food. And certainly not a tea dessert. Taking it according to the scheme, you can restore health, get rid of many diseases. internal organs and systems, relieve stress, improve blood quality, and most importantly - make the immune system strong.

It is generally accepted that sweets do not benefit the body. However, this applies only to sweets, cookies, cakes and other sugar-flour pleasures. Everyone knows that healthy sweets are dried fruits and honey, which are often eaten in the company of nuts. Moreover, all this can be used in a variety of combinations, for example, raisins, dried apricots, walnuts, honey, lemon. How good is this mixture?

All natural dried fruits, prepared without the use of liquid smokes and other additives, bring some benefit to our body. Moreover, the most pronounced properties can sometimes differ depending on the type of fruit from which they were made. And what effect do each of these components have on the human body?

Dried apricots

This product is an excellent source of vitamins belonging to group B. In addition, it contains vitamins A, C and others, but in smaller quantities. Of the trace elements there are potassium, magnesium, sodium and others. Most of all copper and manganese.

Dried apricots have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, vision, the work of the thyroid gland. Helps to cope with anemia, hypertension, hypovitaminosis, has a slight diuretic effect.


Small shriveled raisins contain almost the same vitamins as dried apricots. And in addition, it contains biotin, which is also called vitamin H. In terms of the composition of micro and macro elements, raisins in general are also similar to dried apricots, but are especially rich in potassium and sodium.

Raisins have a good effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It is recommended for low hemoglobin levels, diseases of the kidneys, digestive organs. In addition, raisins are rich in carbohydrates and work well when you need to quickly restore strength, for example, after physical exertion.


The debate about which nuts are the most useful goes on constantly and walnuts regularly take the lead. They contain vitamins of groups B, A, C, E and K. Walnut kernels are rich in iron and cobalt salts. Also, this is the source vegetable proteins and fats.

These nuts are good for hypovitaminosis and anemia. And also with diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys, heart and blood vessels.


Talk about the benefits of this product is endless. It has a good effect on almost all systems of our body. Medicinal properties may vary depending on the variety, but the benefits of each of them are undeniable.


This citrus fruit is probably the most famous source of vitamin C. However, it still contains A, B1, B2, E, D and P. Iron, sulfur, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and other minerals are present. Lemon is good to use for colds, diseases digestive system. It is also useful for blood and the circulatory system.

But if you mix everything...

Each of these products contains a rich set of nutrients. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it is also a lot of amino acids we need, fiber and other components. Combined together, they form a vitamin mixture. This combination will become both a medicine and a delicacy.


You can prepare such a healing mixture at home. It will take little time and will not cause difficulties. You will need a meat grinder, a voluminous mixing bowl and a storage container, preferably glass.


  • raisins - 1 cup;
  • dried apricots - 1 cup;
  • peeled walnuts - 1 cup;
  • honey - 1 glass;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


  1. We wash raisins and dried apricots and dry them on a napkin.
  2. We sort through the nuts, throwing out pieces of the shell that have fallen into them.
  3. Pour boiling water over the lemon, cut into slices and carefully remove all the seeds.
  4. We twist the components, including the lemon with the skin, in a meat grinder.
  5. Add honey, mix well and put in jars. It is recommended to store the finished mixture in the refrigerator.

If you are the lucky owner of a powerful blender, you can use it. Then you need to lay all the ingredients along with honey. However, the mixture is quite viscous and not every combine can handle it. Yes, the texture will be different. According to most reviews in a meat grinder it turns out better.

The amount of honey can be changed according to your taste. Also, if you are not a fan of zest, peel the lemon or simply squeeze the juice out of it. And when it is not added, the mass will turn out to be thicker, and you can make sweets out of it. If you cook such a mixture all the time, then over time you will adapt and find your subtleties.

Beneficial features

Such a mix undoubtedly has a strengthening effect on our health, because at regular use it strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood pressure. No less useful beneficial effect on the work of the heart and digestive organs. Such a mixture can be a good nourishment for colds.

In addition, it is an excellent help during hypovitaminosis. As you know, this trouble most often overtakes us in early spring, when there are no fresh vegetables and fruits. However, the described ingredients are preserved all year round. And if you feed on them all winter, the spring apathy will have little chance.

Application rules

To get the most benefit, this mixture is consumed 1 or 2 times a day on an empty stomach. After half an hour you can eat. The amount is advised differently, but on average it is a tablespoon. The duration of application is generally not limited.

This mixture is nutritious, and if there is little lemon in it, then it is also very sweet. You can’t eat a lot of it on an empty stomach, and you can kill your appetite. Therefore, look for yourself, it may be worth starting with a smaller amount.

Some take the remedy before bed. However, it must be remembered that these are very high-calorie, high-carbohydrate foods. Their use in evening time not desirable.
For children, the mixture is recommended to be given in a teaspoon. However, such a practice can be introduced only when you are convinced that the child responds well to all components.

Possible contraindications

First of all, you should refuse to use such a mixture if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. If desired, you can exclude the allergenic product and prepare the mixture without it.

The composition should not be used if you have gallstone or urolithiasis disease, diseases of the stomach or intestines, including pancreatitis and ulcers. Despite the fact that in general the mixture has a good effect on the heart, it is better not to use it in acute heart failure.

You should not experiment with such a remedy for diabetes. The diet during this disease should exclude almost all varieties of honey and sweet dried fruits.