Aconite: an effective cancer treatment or a dangerous poison? Poisonous plants that kill cancer cells Tinctures from plant poison against oncology reviews.

Cancer: the practice of healing and prevention. Treatment with poisons Mark Yakovlevich Zholondz

Chapter 11 The Wrestler Gives the Strongest Poison to Cure Cancer

Chapter 11

The strongest poison to cure cancer is given by a wrestler

In “VN” (No. 37, 1994) there was a wonderful comment by the editor Galina Goncharenko: “For some reason, everyone uses hemlock and asks only for hemlock. Read A. I. Solzhenitsyn's Cancer Ward, listen to his interview on Central Television. After all, he unequivocally says that he was saved by the Issyk-Kul root (Dzungarian wrestler, aconite). By the way, according to your own letters, I conclude that it is the wrestler who takes well all the organs that are located above the belt, and hemlock - the genitourinary organs and intestines.

The last addition about the “division of zones of influence” between aconite and hemlock may misorient readers: both poisonous plants (and colchicum too) act throughout the body, but aconite, a wrestler, is the most poisonous of all, and this is its difference. "Handbook for the provision of emergency and emergency care(ed. by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR Prof. E. I. Chazov. 1971) states: “Aconite (wrestler, blue buttercup, Issyk-Kul root). Poisonous plant, especially common in Central Asia. Aconite alkaloid - aconitine - the most poisonous of all known alkaloids, has a pronounced nicotine effect. The lethal dose of aconite is 0.005 g.

“Therapist's Handbook” (1973): “Aconite (wrestler, blue buttercup, Issyk-Kul root) is a poisonous plant, especially common in Central Asia. Aconite alkaloid - aconitine - the most poisonous of all alkaloids that have a nicotine effect. The lethal dose of aconite is 0.005 g.

“Paramedic's Handbook” (1975): “Aconite (wrestler, blue buttercup, Issyk-Kul root) is a poisonous plant, especially common in Central Asia. Aconite alkaloid - aconitine - the most poisonous of all existing alkaloids (pronounced nicotine effect). The lethal dose of aconite is 0.005 g.

I have cited aconite from three authoritative reference books. All three almost word for word repeat each other. And all three contain the most important error for us! First, we have not found out whether aconitine is the most poisonous of all known (existing) alkaloids or only of all alkaloids that have a nicotinic effect. Secondly, and this is very important, lethal dose aconite cannot be equal to 0.005 g, this is a lethal dose of aconitine! This confusion is unanimously reported by all three reference books. The fact is that the amount of alkaloids in plants usually does not exceed 1-2%, and, for example, it is known that the alkaloid of the rhizome of hellebore white - veratrin - by its nature toxic action on the body is very close to aconitine, and the LD of veratrine is about 0.02 g. Thus, 0.005 g is the LD of aconitine, an alkaloid more toxic than veratrin. And the lethal dose of the plant itself, the aconite itself, should be measured not in thousandths, but in tenths of a gram! The difference is hundreds of times! I I can confirm this opinion on the basis of other sources. F. I. Ibragimov, V. S. Ibragimova in the book “Essential Medicines of Chinese Medicine” (1960) describe one of the types of aconite: “Fisher’s aconite, Fisher’s wrestler (Aconitum Fischeri Reichb.) is a perennial herbaceous poisonous plant. The stems are straight, strong, up to 1–1.6 m high. The plant has conical tuber roots, palmately divided leaves with wide lobes, bright blue flowers, arched pedicels. The whole plant is naked, without pubescence.

The part of the plant used is tuber roots, which are dug up in late September and early October.

Rice. 5 Aconite (wrestler, Issyk-Kul root)

The main alkaloid found in all parts of the plant is aconitine. When heated with water, acetic acid is split off from it and a less toxic benzoylacone is formed.

In case of aconite poisoning, death occurs with respiratory paralysis.

… The most poisonous part of the plant is the tubers. A.P. Chekhov described the poisoning of people on Sakhalin who had eaten the liver of pigs poisoned by aconite. A person dies from 3-4 mg of aconitine.

… The plant is widely used in Chinese medicine for many diseases. The poisonous properties of aconite were known in antiquity.

In China, the tubers of the plant are dipped for 40 minutes in boiling water, after which they are cleaned of corks and cut into slices, then boiled in sieves over hot steam for 12 hours, and only after that the tubers are consumed as a decoction in hot water, which is boiled for another 2 hours. Between hot treatments, long-term soaking of tubers in water is used. Thus, in China, aconitine is practically not used, which, when heated with water, becomes less poisonous benzoilaconine ...

While ingesting medicine prepared with aconite, Chinese doctors do not recommend eating sour, cold, chicken eggs and bean broth.

One of the readers of "VN" (No. 51, 1997) wrote to the editor: "I started drinking wrestler from 1 to 10 drops 3 times a day in hot tea. She reached 10 drops, added another 5 drops and continued to drink 15 drops three times a day and drank the whole wrestler like that. The body responded well." At the same time, the reader exceeded the normal doses of a wrestler by 45 times and one and a half times the doses of a wrestler recommended on the pages of VN. Editor Galina Goncharenko did not leave this fact without attention: "We do not recommend experimenting." Why didn't something bad happen to this reader? In this case, she was dripping wrestler's tincture into hot tea, which she shouldn't have done. From the wrestler's aconitine in hot tea, only benzoilaconine remained, much less poisonous, but also less useful. But it was precisely this circumstance that saved the reader from the consequences of her amateur treatment.

D. Yordanov. P. Nikolov. Asp. Boychinov, "Phytotherapy" (Sofia, 1970):

“Wrestler, poisonous aconite. In case of poisoning, death occurs due to paralysis of the respiratory center. In very small doses, aconite, respectively, preparations from its tubers (tinctures), are used as an analgesic for severe pain. This is good active remedy, but dangerous due to its high toxicity. Therapeutic doses of aconitine - 0.02-0.03 mg 2-3 times a day.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, water extracts from the leaves, as well as from the tubers of the wrestler, are used to prepare poultices for rheumatism, sciatica and malignant tumors (the aconitine alkaloid practically does not dissolve in water. - M. Zh).

All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the tubers!

R. Ludewig, K. Los, “Acute poisonings” (translated from German, 1983): “Aconitine. In medicine, for example, aconite tincture is used. (0.5 mg/ml aconitine).

The lethal dose of dried aconite for adults is 1–2 g. The lethal dose of aconitine when taken orally for adults is 1.5–5 mg!”

Here, once again, more accurate values ​​of the LD of aconitine are given, which I will be guided by (the author determines the LD of aconitine at 4 mg).

In the medicine of our country, aconite is used almost exclusively by homeopathy. In homeopathy, aconite is used to prepare the medicine Aconitum (Aconitum napellus - wrestler).

Signs of poisoning and help in case of overdose (poisoning) are the same as for hemlock spotted (and colchicum).

Aconite (wrestler) has a strong analgesic and healing property. The analgesic effect of aconite is very importance in oncological diseases. Very interesting case describes a reader of "VN" (No. 52, 1997): "Three years ago I cut the grass in the garden with a very sharp knife and cut off middle finger left hand (top of the finger). Cut from nail to nail by 5 mm. This piece hung on the skin. The blood gushed out, the pain was such that it seemed that the heart would stop. I ran into the house and filled her finger with tincture of the Dzhungarian root. Immediately the blood clotted, and ten seconds later the pain completely stopped. I I attached this piece of my finger, wrapped it with plantain, bandaged it and could continue to work. Every day I lubricated my finger with a tincture of the root, after a week a scar became, everything took root. True, the sensitivity of this part of the finger came only a year later. In Chinese medicine, aconite is also used as a powerful pain reliever.

Now about the most important thing - about the dosage of such a strong poison as aconitine. It must be said that the method of using aconite to cure cancer, recommended by the editors of the Bulletin of Hope (No. 51, 1997), was widely used and successfully used by many cancer patients:

“Aconite, or Dzungarian wrestler.

How to insist, only herbalists and herbalists know, since this is the strongest poison! We offer a regimen of administration: from one drop - up to ten and from ten - up to one, drink three times a day 40 minutes before meals. Give drops to 50 ml of decoction of oregano, lemon balm, sage, thyme. (currants, raspberries). You can also enter microclysters with similar decoctions or stone oil into the rectum. Ed.".

This method of applying a tincture of aconite (wrestler): three times a day from one to ten drops and ten to one, or 3x (1-10-10-1), to be perfectly precise, at a maximum 30 times more poisonous than provided by method No. 1 of V. V. Tishchenko. Below I will show that, repeating all the achievements of V. V. Tishchenko from his method No. 1 (royal), the tincture of aconite (Dzungarian wrestler) should not be taken more than one drop a day! Thus, the entire scheme for taking aconite tincture for the treatment of cancer, which is closest to the method No. 1 (royal) of V. V. Tishchenko, should consist of one drop of aconite tincture daily on an empty stomach, one hour before meals. And so from the first day of admission and until recovery!

Only with such a method of taking aconite tincture will all the advantages of method No. 1 (royal) of V. V. Tishchenko for hemlock spotted, but for aconite tincture, be preserved to the maximum extent.

The author advises taking a daily dose of aconite tincture with 100 ml of water (rather than 50 ml), water at room temperature. But do not take aconite tincture or any other with decoctions of various useful herbs- a special chapter of this book will be devoted to this issue. A separate chapter will deal with the use of microclysters in the application of poisons to cure cancer. How can the reader understand such a dual nature of the recommendations for the use of poisonous tincture of aconite (wrestler)? On the one hand, many readers of the Messenger of Hope actually used the method of taking aconite recommended by the editors of VN and were cured of cancer. At the same time, the experience of V. V. Tishchenko in applying the method No. 1 (royal), successfully confirmed by many readers of VN, is indisputable. Are the mistakes of chemotherapy repeated when taking the doses of aconite tincture recommended by the editors? I have already dealt with such a question in chapter 9 about hemlock regarding the method No. 4 of V. V. Tishchenko. No, there are no editorial errors in the Messenger of Hope, there is a simple and clear rule: each type of cancer has its own method of treatment in terms of toxicity. As a rule, two degrees of toxicity of methods for curing cancer are sufficient: in most cases, the guideline is V.V. in especially severe cases of cancer (rectal cancer, cancer sigmoid colon etc.), enhanced methods of curing cancer are needed, such as method No. 4 of V. V. Tishchenko or the methods of the editors of the "Herald of Hope" for aconite (wrestler). We remind you that the seemingly satisfactory external well-being of patients should not be the basis for the use of enhanced methods of cancer treatment. Overdoses are very dangerous and unacceptable - this is repeated by V. V. Tishchenko all the time, and this is true! For cancer patients, in most cases, VV Tishchenko's method No. 1 is the most important guideline. Why do I value this method No. 1? For the fact that she does not give overdoses and cures cancer!

And now we have to learn a quick and unmistakable way to avoid overdoses of tinctures of poisons when curing cancer with their help. After mastering this method, it will become obvious to the reader that we have corrected the error of three authoritative reference books on the lethal dose of aconitine (in the reference books - aconite). If I didn't correct this mistake, the use of aconite to cure cancer would become unrealistic (or homeopathic) - it would take less than one drop of tincture per year!

"VN" No. 74 (7) for 1999 mentions the book by Yu. A. Zakharov "The Practice of a Shaman Healer". Yu. A. Zakharov himself prepares aconite in Chinese style (using prolonged boiling of the roots in water) and recommends that others do the same. The author strongly warns readers that this erroneous recommendation should not be used, Yu. A. Zakharov repeats the mistake of Chinese specialists. Aconite root, when boiled in water, practically loses its anti-cancer properties. It should be emphasized that the method of anti-cancer application of tincture of aconite 3x(1-10-10-1) explicitly comes from the wonderful book by Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn "Cancer Ward". This book says that the Issyk-Kul root cannot be sniffed either in tincture or in a dry form, and if you shift the root with your hands, and then do not wash your hands and lick it out of forgetfulness, you can die. It also speaks of a stepwise scheme for taking the tincture: from one drop to ten and from ten to one, then a break of ten days. Root insist on vodka, a handful of root for three half a liter. The recipe and the root are obtained from the old man Krementsov, from the settlers of the beginning of the century, who settled in the mountains.

Over time, the dose tripled, and the breaks halved, and the toy completely disappeared.

So those who have recovered from cancer with aconite tincture, in conscience, are obliged to bow to Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. Who was cured with hemlock tincture - Valery Viktorovich Tishchenko.

The ancient Greek naturalist and philosopher, one of the first botanists of antiquity Theophrastus (Theophrastus) - his real name was Tirtam (372–287 BC), - associated the name of the plant "aconite" with the city of Akone, the surroundings of which were considered the birthplace of this plant. Later, Ovid, in his Metamorphoses, outlined the myth of how, near this city, Hercules brought the dog Cerberus out of the underworld. Poisonous foam from the three mouths of the dog Cerberus dripped onto the fertile land. Everywhere where even a drop of foam fell, tenacious poisonous flower- aconite.

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A very powerful way to get rid of cancer Wait until the chicken lays an egg. Immediately pick it up and carry it to the forest area. Find a dry, lost tree in it and dig a hole at its roots. Place an egg in this hole and bury it. But before that, you need to roll the egg over the tumor.

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Cancer: the practice of healing and prevention. Treatment with poisons Mark Yakovlevich Zholondz

Chapter 5 Mechanism of destroying a cancerous tumor with poison

Chapter 5

The mechanism of destruction of a cancerous tumor by poison

The well-known Hungarian researcher A. Balazs in the book “Biology of Tumors. Doubts and Hopes” (1987) discusses oncological topics:

“For a person, cell reproduction is a blessing, but it can also be a misfortune. Good - because it underlies the preservation of the species and growth of the individual, the healing of wounds and defensive reactions organism. Misfortune - when this process gets out of control of regulatory factors and uncontrolled tumor growth begins. The scientist notes that there are practically no common identifying features for cancer cells under a microscope. This is a very important thought. It remains important for us even after the following clarification:

“Currently, not a single morphological feature is known that would be unique to cancer cells. However, a thorough study, evaluation and comparison of changes observed by light-optical and electron-microscopic methods will make it possible to establish with certainty the malignant transformation of cells.”

So, for cancer cells, not a single morphological feature is known that distinguishes them from normal cells. But we desperately need hallmark cancer cells, and even such that with its help it would be possible to destroy cancer cells and not damage normal cells at the same time!

However, why is biology, oncology and immunology only looking for morphological (“constructive”) distinguishing features of cancer cells, and why is it necessary under a microscope? But what if we look for the hallmarks of cancer cells that are not morphological and not under a microscope? If only these distinguishing features of cancer cells would make it possible to fight against cancer in the body!

Let's remember one important feature cancer cells, which cannot be called morphological and which cannot be seen under a microscope: cancer cells are characterized by a more high level metabolism (metabolism). This feature is the basis of the fact that cancer cells differ from normal by accelerated, uncontrolled reproduction, and then by penetration, germination into surrounding healthy tissues and the formation of metastases. The well-known oncologist A. I. Gnatyshak in the course “General Clinical Oncology” (1998) confidently says: “Any feature characteristic of all types of tumor cells that could cause general mechanism the effect of anticancer drugs is still unknown. But in our hands it turned out to be such a property that is characteristic of all cancer cells - this is their higher level of metabolism. We have one common property for cells of various cancerous tumors.

A. Balazs (1987): “None of the treatments used in modern medicine, is not tumor-specific. With their help, all dividing cells are destroyed in general, regardless of whether they are normal or cancerous. This alone should be regarded as a great achievement in medicine, if we had at our disposal a tumor-specific substance that would destroy exclusively cancer cells. Unfortunately, we do not have such a material. After all, as I have already emphasized, not a single truly “cancerous” reaction is known, not a single exclusively “cancerous” physiological or morphological sign. But this is precisely what makes understandable the rationality of that truly Sisyphean labor, which is aimed at searching for at least one sign by which it would be possible to distinguish a cancer cell from a normal one!” But I can say that in our hands there is one such sign that allows us not only to distinguish all and all cancer cells from normal ones (this is not necessary), but to destroy all and all cancer cells, leaving healthy normal cells of the organism affected cancer. This sign is a higher metabolic rate! And this means a higher level of consumption of nutritious and plastic (“building”) substances, if you like, a very high “voracity” of cancer cells. Now let's try to “feed” the body of a person with a cancerous tumor with a special (not any!) cellular poison in a very small dose. The result is shown schematically in Fig. one.

Rice. one. Scheme of the results of the introduction of a special poison into the body of a cancer patient

The reader's question will be fair: what is this special poison in question? Far from every poison from those with which mankind is familiar is suitable.

Cell division during their reproduction in the human body has a special name "mitosis". This is the so-called indirect cell division. So, only such a poison is needed, which is called "anti-mitotic", that is, interrupting, destroying cell division (mitosis) - the dividing cell dies, leaving no offspring. A smart reader has already prepared a question: modern oncology also uses antimitotic poisons in chemotherapy. What's the Difference? Modern cancer chemotherapy originates from an accidental anti-cancer result obtained after a gas attack, and moreover, during the First World War. Chemotherapy gained a special scope in the years after the Second World War, when it was proved that a derivative of the strong chemical agent of mustard gas (mustard gas) - nitrogen mustard - has an antitumor effect. Since then, more than 300 thousand substances have been tested for anticancer (cytostatic) activity. As a result, in 1975, 30 antitumor substances were used in clinics for the treatment of cancer, and by the end of the 80s, about 70. All cytostatics are poisons. Among them is also a group of poisons - antimitotic substances (antimitotics). These substances are plant extracts, Vinca alkaloids. The most famous of these are vinblastine and vincristine.

Chemotherapy drugs first damage and then destroy a wide variety of dividing cells in the body, cancerous and normal. Cytostatics are toxic, and this (unfortunately, only this!) determines the limits of acceptable dosages in chemotherapy. All cytostatics to some extent damage the body's immune system, which may be defenseless against infections and viruses. Cytostatics inhibit the formation of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets in hematopoietic organs leading to bleeding and decreased resistance to infection. Plasma calcium levels may decrease. Mucosal inflammation and bleeding oral cavity; damage to the lining of the stomach and intestines causes loss of appetite and nausea. Pigmentation may increase on the skin, small ulcers appear on the skin of the feet and palms; hair loss begins, which sometimes leads to complete baldness. Sometimes there are violations of the function of the liver, kidneys, lungs and heart muscle. Most cytostatics also weaken sexual function, which in men leads to temporary impotence, and in women to disorders. menstrual cycle. Large doses of alkylating substances (cytostatics of another type) also damage the central nervous system, which manifests itself in dizziness, vomiting, neuritis, hearing loss, and as an exception - even in dumbness. All of the above side effects never appear all together.

The use of poisons to cure cancer requires a number of simple rules.

1. Treatment of a cancerous tumor with poisons must be started, regardless of the degree of development of the tumor.. Naturally, the sooner treatment is started, the faster and easier it is to heal. In some cases, you may not have time to reach a cure, for this there may simply not be enough time. But a person gets rid of severe pain. In these last cases, no other methods of treatment save the patient.

2. To a certain extent, cytostatic poisons damage all cells that can multiply, both tumor and normal. The challenge is to choose a method of treatment with poisons that would harm the tumor cells and kill them without causing noticeable damage to the normal cells of the body. Such techniques have been found, they are known.

3. To get closer active substance poison to cancer cells required quantity it is advisable to additionally introduce poisons, for example, into the rectum with a tumor in it, etc.

4. Treatment with poisons must be started, regardless of the surgical or radiological interventions that have taken place.

Usually, the patient's condition improves (remission), there is a weakening of the symptoms of the disease. A fairly quick final recovery of the patient, although it takes place, is not characteristic. As a rule, treatment should continue for a sufficiently long time (several months, and in severe cases - several years).

Pay attention, dear reader, how official oncology is doing, and all over the world! In order to achieve the final recovery of the patient as quickly as possible, immediately after the first course of treatment with cytostatics, the highest doses that the patient can tolerate are used (A. Balazs, 1987), later a maintenance dose is prescribed. In this way, official chemotherapy destroys both cancer cells and normal cells. As a result, the patient most often dies. The scheme of action of chemotherapy is shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Scheme of the results of modern chemotherapy: both cancerous and normal cells die, the body dies.

A. Balazs (1987) speaks honestly about chemotherapy: “It is clear that treatment, even during periods of remission, is serious mental test both for the patient and for his relatives.

Patients who have switched to treatment with poisons usually recall with horror the chemotherapy treatment they have undergone before. It is difficult to find a reasonable explanation for such a general chemotherapeutic "madness" of modern oncology, but the fact remains.

At the same time, the author finally managed to observe a doctor who successfully practices oncological patients, whose actions are built, in my opinion, on the translation of some poisons that have long been used in oncology to concentrations close to those recommended in the methods traditional healers- VV Tishchenko and others.

It is necessary to significantly reduce the dosages of official chemotherapy, without bringing them at the same time to ineffectiveness or to a state of balance in the body of anticancer and cancerous influences. At the same time, the treatment time increases, but the literally deadly effect on the patient of official chemotherapy, which has long earned an extremely bad reputation among patients, disappears in the literal sense of the word.

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Alcohol is a weapon of mass destruction Alcohol (ethanol, ethyl alcohol) is a colorless, toxic liquid with an unpleasant odor. According to the classification of the World Health Organization (WHO) refers to drugs in all forms: vodka, cognac, beer, wine and

A new look at the use of plant poison, hemlock.


Finally found the time to write to you! I am a doctor by education, but for 7 years I have been treating people only with herbs. Probably, genes affected - my grandmother was an herbal healer. It so happened that my main patients are people with certain types of tumors. Trying to constantly be aware of any new methods of treating diseases, I get acquainted with a large amount of literature on traditional and official medicine. Often in letters to your newspaper and in letters from my patients there is an erroneous opinion about the methods of treating cancer with the use of plant poisons and the corresponding diet. Most likely, our doctors, by and large, know little about proper nutrition of their patients, so they don’t tell anything about him, but this is of great importance.

I would like to acquaint the readers of the newsletter with my understanding of the treatment of cancer patients, because there are no trifles in oncology - they, trifles, can cost a life. Try to apply my recommendations, and a good result is guaranteed.

First of all, let me remind you that the fight against a tumor is very hard work, it is a daily struggle and perseverance, and finally, a hope stretched out for years. But what is the joy of victory!

So, misconception number 1: "Strengthening immunity will stop the development of the tumor." It should be noted that the immune system person, including Bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, etc., is able to effectively deal with any foreign cells and bacteria only until the moment a tumor occurs. The resulting cancer cells are always stronger than healthy ones, and our immune system is no longer able to cope with them. An increase in white blood cells will improve the condition of the body, but will not have a decisive effect on a cancerous tumor.

Misconception No. 2: "I will drink hemlock - I will be healthy." We often hear lamentations: "I drank hemlock, from 1 drop to 40 and back, I feel good, but the cancer has not been cured." Usually this is what happens, because this scheme (Tishchenko's "royal" method) is too general. When treated according to this scheme, the well-being of people, as a rule, improves, nothing hurts, but the growth of the tumor does not stop. Why? Because weak tinctures are used, as a rule, of poor quality, with a small amount of active poisons. At the same time, the immune system is irritated, the number of leukocytes increases, the defense forces are activated, and the condition improves.

But in order to act on the tumor itself, stop its growth or even kill it, it is necessary to take larger doses of poison.

Of course, in such a situation, healthy cells will inevitably suffer. The patient expects a decrease in immunity, a deterioration in well-being, the appearance of the first signs of poisoning - nausea, vomiting, headaches. But there is no other way! The secret is that cancer cells have a more intense volume. They absorb the poison more actively, they will get more of it, and therefore, their poisoning and death will come earlier. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that cancer cells adapt (adapt) to plant poisons much worse than healthy ones.

This, in fact, is the difficulty of using hemlock and other similar plants in the treatment of cancer: the patient has to constantly balance on the verge of poisoning.

The question arises: how to determine the critical dose of poison? First of all, in terms of well-being. However, much more accurate upper bound show a blood test. That is, at the first signs of poisoning, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis. Main indicator here, not only well-being, but also the number of platelets in 1 ml3. If this indicator drops below 150,000, then you need to stop. This can happen at 60 drops, and at 80 ... Only then should you start reducing the drops by 1 per day. However, unlike the recommendations of V. Tishchenko, "go down" not to one drop, but stop at 25-30 drops of hemlock, hold out at this level for 3-4 months and only then go down to 1. If necessary - and this is usually it is necessary to repeat the course again.

Tinctures of poisons are drunk 1 time per day 1 hour before breakfast (and a more enhanced technique involves taking hemlock tincture 2 times a day, morning and evening), while the poison is diluted in water at room temperature. Better to dilute in large numbers water (100 ml) to prevent irritation of the kidney.

For tumors gastrointestinal tract tincture can be diluted with less water (up to 30 ml) - to enhance the effect on the tumor. If, however, poisoning occurred during treatment, then you should stop taking the tincture for 3-5 days, rinse the stomach with 2-3 liters of water, followed by vomiting and taking polyphepam or activated carbon(up to 10 tablets).

Misconception #3: "Tomorrow I'll buy a hemlock tincture at the pharmacy and start drinking." In many pharmacies, as well as some distributors, the hemlock tincture leaves much to be desired, so make your own hemlock tincture. First of all, this is quite easy. Secondly, it guarantees the quality, and hence the success of the treatment. How to find hemlock grass? There are brown dots on the stem near the ground, the plant has a specific mouse smell. Hemlock is a strong ether carrier, therefore the largest number essential oil, the highest quality component of the plant, is found in unripe fruits - seeds. Therefore, hemlock is best harvested at the end of flowering, when fruits appear. To obtain the strongest and most ethereal tincture, the upper parts of the plant are cut off in the field - sockets of unripe fruits and immediately thrown into a jar with 70% alcohol. When filling the jar with grass a little more than half, you can close it and leave it to infuse for at least 15 days. Ready-made tincture retains high efficiency for many years.

The effectiveness of a tincture made from mature hemlock seeds, leaves, or flowers is greatly reduced. Water extracts are also ineffective, because essential oils do not dissolve in water.

The duration of taking hemlock tincture should not exceed 8 months, after which it must be replaced with another plant poison. For example, use fly agaric tincture. For its preparation, it is necessary to collect only the red part of the cap, namely the red pigment with white dots. In this case, you need to immediately throw it into a jar of 70% alcohol (or vodka), filling about two-thirds.

The poisonous properties of fly agaric are not as strong as it is commonly believed. Suffice it to say that 3-4 mushrooms do not have a toxic effect. In addition, the human body quickly gets used to the fly agaric, so the concentration of the tincture should be very high. The scheme of use is the same as that of the hemlock tincture. To increase the effectiveness of the tincture, you can simultaneously use the drug Dorogov ASD fraction-2 (ASD-2). In this case, it is better to use the following scheme:

8.00 - fly agaric tincture,
9.00 - breakfast,
12.00 - ASD-2,
13.00 - lunch,
16.00 - ASD-2,
17.00 - afternoon snack,
20.00 - ASD-2,
21.00 - dinner.

ASD-2 is diluted with water, in an average of 30-50 ml. You should know that along with a large number of advantages, such as: inflammatory process, high efficiency during treatment skin diseases, reduction of increased excitability, normalization of sleep, a significant reduction in benign tumors, the ASD-2 fraction also has some negative sides. With prolonged use of the drug, the immune defense of the body decreases. With serious kidney disease, the drug is practically impossible to use. For some diseases thyroid gland there is not a decrease, but an increase in goiter. In any case, for those who use the drug on their own, it can be strongly recommended not to use the maximum doses, but to go for small ones (up to 12-15 drops). Although, for example, bronchial asthma with an allergic component is treated once a day by taking up to 60 drops. I would also like to add that with long-term use of ASD-2 (more than 45 days), it is necessary to take a break of at least 10 days while taking plants-stimulants-adaptogens.

Misconception No. 4: "I will drink hemlock until I am cured." Unfortunately, our body, and to a lesser extent tumor cells gradually become accustomed to the action of any poison. Therefore, after 8 months, one poison is changed to another. The most powerful poisons are aconite, colchicum, henbane, periwinkle, hellebore. It should also be noted that treatment with other poisons, such as colchicum and aconite, is very dangerous on its own, since colchicum, for example, is 4 times stronger than hemlock, and aconite is as much as 40 times stronger.

Misconception No. 5: "I drink vodka out of grief." In malignant tumors, any overheating associated with a local or general increase in temperature is contraindicated, since this dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow, raises pressure, increases the nutrition of cells with glucose, including the nutrition of malignant cells, which leads to an increase in tumor. Therefore, visiting the sauna, hot baths, drinking alcohol, hot drinks, large physical exercise.

The only exceptions are those cases when, when a person is warmed up, he is injected through the skin or mucous substances to actively influence the tumor, for example, smoking cocklebur seeds for thyroid cancer or applying a compress from hemlock tincture with peony root powder for breast cancer.

Of interest is the method of treating patients with skin cancer and lung cancer with steam in villages in the south of the Novosibirsk region. The treatment is very effective in stages I and II of the disease, it also helps well in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: a bath is melted, on the floor of which hemlock grass is spread (preferably with immature seeds).

The patient enters the steam room 2-3 times for 10-15 minutes, inhaling the essential vapors of hemlock along with the dry steam of the bath. At the first appearance of dizziness, you need to get out of the bath, wipe the skin with a dry towel. The procedure is repeated no more than 2 times a month, at the same time treating with a hemlock inside. The action of alcohol negatively affects the liver, which is subjected to severe intoxication during treatment. Alcohol also irritates the kidneys, which bear a heavy burden when excreting decay products from the body. Therefore, it is necessary to use tinctures more concentrated, with more active substances and less alcohol.

Misconception #6: "Fasting will save me." In this case, fasting is possible only between courses of plant poisons, especially effective before the start of the entire treatment. Moreover, long-term fasting of 3-7 days is welcome. In these cases, we are talking about cleaning the entire body of toxins and poisons. At the same time, the tumor experiences colossal starvation, self-destruction of the tumor is stimulated. With prolonged fasting, healthy cells self-cleanse and renew themselves, and immunity is activated. Malignant cells, more aggressive, experience greater inhibition in the absence of nutrition. It is necessary to end such fasting gradually, combining with minimal doses of plant poisons and medicinal herbs.

Misconception No. 7: "I will become a vegetarian in order to improve my body." The first and basic rule of the diet: eliminate sugar. The tumor feeds on sweets, so all sugars must be eliminated. She eats practically nothing else, so it is necessary to deprive her of food, excluding everything sweet from the diet, including honey and flower pollen. But that's not all. When broken down, carbohydrates also turn into sugars, so you need to reduce and, if possible, eliminate all foods containing flour and starch, including the popular potato. Vegetables, fruits and berries of long-term storage (more than 1-2 weeks) are also not suitable.

With longer storage, fermentation of starch begins to occur in them, which, when it enters the intestine, causes gas formation and inhibition of all functions of the gastrointestinal tract, which is very harmful for cancer patients. To eat these foods, they must be cooked. Any stimulation of appetite, the use of spices, alcohol, beer, kvass is prohibited. It is forbidden to use sour food and sour drinks, which weakens the effect of consumed plant poisons.

So what is allowed? Dairy products, fish, lean meat (preferably chicken), eggs, fresh vegetables, fruits and local berries.

Misconception No. 8: "The more herbs I drink, the faster I will recover." Therefore, the use of any other herbal preparations, other than the main poison, more than undesirable. The only exceptions are those cases when individual organs of the patient do not withstand intoxication; in these cases, it is possible to use herbs that can improve general state sick. For example, for diseased kidneys, herbs are used that do not irritate the renal parenchyma, cleansing them (budra, hawk, thigh ...), for a diseased liver, you can use burdock, barberry, volodushka, hill hodgepodge ...

The truth about cancer

Science says that every adult at any time has about 10 million mutant cells that differ from normal cells by at least one gene. Mutations can be caused by chemical, physical, viral carcinogens, but most often they appear simply as a result of random errors in copying the genome during cell division. Each (!) mutant cell can give rise to the development of a malignant tumor. However, the body's defenses, more precisely, natural selection at the cellular level (the immune system plays only a secondary role in this regard) destroys all mutant cells and their progeny (clones of progeny cells). Only sometimes (in about 17% of people) one such clone in the body is not destroyed due to defects in the system natural selection at the cellular level. From this clone, a malignant (not yet cancerous) tumor develops. It grows very slowly, taking away glucose from neighboring normal cells in an oxygen-free (anaerobic) mode.
This tumor does not blood vessels, is not diagnosed and does not manifest itself in any way for 6, 10, or even 20 years. But when the number of cells in it reaches about 1 million (less than a pinhead), capillaries begin to grow into the tumor circulatory system. Now the tumor receives with the blood all the substances it needs (oxygen, glucose, cholesterol, etc.).
A malignant tumor turns into a cancerous one and acquires its sinister properties - unbridled growth, the ability to grow into surrounding tissues and organs, the ability to metastasize throughout the body.

Do we heal or kill?

What treatments are available today? Doctors themselves recognize the surgical method as palliative, that is, bringing only more or less long-term relief. Most often, the operation contributes to the death of the patient. Chemotherapy with its poisons really destroys cancer cells, but... along with normal ones.
There are non-traditional methods. It is known that a significant number of people were cured of cancer according to the methods of R. Broyce, M. Gerson, G. S. Shatalova, N. V. Shevchenko, Katsuzo Nishi and others. Unfortunately, the scientific principles of these methods are not published, and in their description so many mistakes are made that it is extremely rare to repeat the success.
As for the methods of treatment with poisons, this is, in fact, a kind of chemotherapy (only without its catastrophic consequences). Their main difference is the clear scientific rationale and reproducibility.

Which poison is better

Poisons can cure cancer. Special place among them are the so-called antimitotic (suppressing mitosis - the process of cell division) poisons. Some of them use chemotherapy, using the highest doses that the patient can tolerate. At the same time, normal dividing cells, especially in the hematopoietic organs, are destroyed along with cancerous ones. For many years, doctors have been looking for that hallmark of cancer cells, according to which the poison could selectively affect them, bypassing healthy cells. However, such a sign, one might say, lies on the surface. This is a higher level of metabolism. Cancer cells are much more voracious. So, it remains to choose such a method of treatment with poisons so that cancer cells die, while normal cells survive.
And now the task of the study was formulated as follows: to find two or three different poisons available to each patient, capable of defeating all forms of cancer with alternate use and minimal doses.

Plant poisons against cancer

Folk medicine, feeling its way, went along the path of searching for such antimitotic poisons that can be used in very small doses. The most valuable find was highly toxic plant poisons with antimitotic action: - coniine (an alkaloid of the hemlock plant);
- colchicine and colhamine (alkaloids from the corms of Colchicum splendid and Colchicum autumn);
- aconitine (an alkaloid of the plant aconite, or wrestler).
Each of these poisons has been proven to cure cancer. It is necessary to start treatment immediately, regardless of the degree of tumor development and whether surgical or radiological intervention has already been carried out. In advanced cases, there is a danger that there will not be enough time for a complete cure, but the person gets rid of severe pain. Improvement usually occurs quickly, but, as a rule, treatment should last several months, and in severe cases - several years.

How to use herbal poisons

Cancer cells can develop resistance to one poison or another, so you can't use two (or more) different poisons at the same time to cure cancer. You should also not use the same poison for too long (for plant alkaloids - no more than 8 months).
The most popular poison against cancer is coniine from the hemlock spotted. Cooking Methods alcohol tincture hemlock and its treatment of cancer were developed by V.V. Tishchenko.

Method No. 1 (royal) involves taking 1 to 40 drops of tincture 1 time per day, every day, adding one at a time, then reducing to 1 drop, and so on for several cycles in a row until recovery.
There is special techniques for the weakened, for children and for especially severe cases. Hemlock tincture is on sale in some pharmacies.
Colchicum alkaloids are about 4 times more toxic than coniine. The method of application is similar to the royal one with hemlock, but the maximum dose is 4 times less, that is, 10 drops. You can buy autumn colchicum tincture in homeopathic pharmacies.
The most powerful poison to cure cancer is aconitine, an alkaloid from the aconite plant (wrestler). Subject to the royal technique, the reception is only one drop a day! Only specialist herbalists can prepare this tincture.
When using such highly toxic drugs, it is necessary to strictly follow the methodology. Any self-activity is unacceptable!
By following erroneous, ignorant recommendations, cancer patients delay their cure or die.
Please note:
Oxygen cocktails and turpentine baths according to Zalmanov, massage, intense physical activity are contraindicated. Any improvement in oxygen supply to healthy cells is primarily used by cancer cells to accelerate reproduction and spread of metastases.
Contraindicated carbohydrate diet, rejection of the use of proteins. The only tumor food product is glucose, so the amount of carbohydrates and total food should be reduced. Weight loss is helpful. However, proteins (boiled meat, poultry, fish) must be included in the diet. Starving while healing with poisons is not recommended.
Poisons cannot be helped by others medicinal herbs and means, since any useful action on cancer cells partially or completely destroys the effect of the poison
Only harm can be brought in the treatment of cancer by urine therapy, acupuncture, manual therapy, hirudotherapy, mummy.
Smoking and alcohol in any quantities, fresh strong tea and coffee, acidic foods and acidic drinks (neutralize poisons), seaweed, spicy, salty and fried foods are categorically contraindicated for cancer patients in the treatment of poisons.

The roots of the evasive peony have long been part of anti-cancer drugs. Patients get a significant improvement in the treatment of cancerous tumors with an infusion of peony root. For stomach cancer, it is recommended to collect the roots in May. The roots are dried and an infusion is prepared at a concentration of 1:10. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Cancer treatment for the underprivileged

All the considered poisons have a nicotine-like effect. This gave M. Ya. Zholondz reason to add to the list strong poisons antimitotic action of tobacco plant alkaloid - nicotine. There is already little practical experience with the successful use of this poison to cure cancer.
It is recommended to use tobacco from one pack of Belomorkanal cigarettes. Pour all tobacco into a clean 200 ml jar with a tight lid, pour alcohol (vodka) to the top, close and place in the refrigerator for two weeks with daily shaking. After two weeks, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze, settled and carefully drained from the sediment. It turns out about 100 ml of a transparent tincture of a brownish-greenish color. It is better to store it in the refrigerator. One course of treatment lasting 78 days requires 14 ml of tobacco tincture. Tincture is enough for 6-7 courses. The method of application is similar to the method No. 1 (royal) of V. V. Tishchenko: daily in the morning on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals, drink tobacco tincture with drops of 100 ml boiled water room temperature according to the scheme: the first 3 days - 1 drop, then every three days add 1 drop until reaching 13 drops per day (for 6 days). Then, in the same way, reduce the dose by 1 drop per day every 3 days. Remember: tobacco tincture is the strongest poison! No overdose is allowed. On the bank you need to write POISON! and keep out of reach of children and drunkards. In case of poisoning, immediately call a doctor, take 30 tablets of activated charcoal, then rinse the stomach until vomiting, drink strong tea.
After 8 months, if it is necessary to continue treatment, it is advisable to switch to another of the above alkaloids.

We will acquaint you with several excerpts from Mark Yakovlevich Zholondz's book "Cancer - the practice of healing", which provide specific information on the use of certain plant poisons.

How to apply plant poisons.

Cancer cells can develop resistance to one poison or another, so you can't use two (or more) different poisons at the same time to cure cancer. You should also not use the same poison for more than 8 months.

* the most popular poison against cancer is coniine from spotted. Methods for the preparation of alcohol tincture of hemlock and its treatment for cancer were developed by V. V. Tishchenko. The main of these methods, suitable for most patients, is method No. 1 (“royal”), but there are other methods for special cases.

* The alkaloids of another poisonous plant used to treat cancer (colchicine and colchimine) are about 4 times more poisonous than coniine. The method of application is similar to the “royal” one with hemlock, BUT THE MAXIMUM DOSE IS 4 TIMES LESS, that is, 10 drops each. You can buy autumn colchicum tincture in homeopathic pharmacies.

* The most powerful poison for treating cancer is the alkaloid plant aconite (wrestler). Subject to the "royal" technique, the reception is only one drop a day! Only specialist herbalists can prepare this tincture.

Application Method

hemlock No. 1 ("royal").

Take the tincture with boiled water at room temperature once a day, an hour before meals, on an empty stomach, from 1 drop to 40, increasing by 1 drop daily. Then, gradually reducing, return to one drop. Give water from 100 to 200 ml, increasing by 50 ml for every 13 drops. Do the same when lowering, only in reverse order. Monitor the patient's condition: if signs of poisoning appear on 30-35 drops - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness in the legs, etc., it is necessary to stop increasing the dose, immediately begin to decrease to 1 drop. It is necessary to go through several cycles without a break before recovery.

Method for the use of hemlock No. 2.

After leaving with a daily build-up from 1 drop to 15-18, no longer take a dose, go on it until recovery. If there is an aversion to the drug, start reducing to 1 drop, go up to your dose again and continue treatment.

This technique is not so much curative as a transition to method No. 1 (“royal”), which cures cancer.

Method #3

(on relapse).

If we are dealing with recurrent cancer - as a rule, it comes 1.5-2 years after the first operation, then we must take into account that the body is weakened, and the upper limit dose should be reduced to 20-30 drops, and from 15 drops

we begin to carefully observe our condition, so as not to harm the excess of poison. If on 20 drops a bedridden patient stood up, you can not rise higher and continue treatment at this dose. But you need to know that sooner or later the body can "rebel" - the cell is able to accumulate poison, and a persistent aversion appears to it. In this case, you need to gradually go down to 1 drop (unload the cell) and again rise to your saving dose. So go to recovery.

In this technique, there is a decrease in the maximum daily dose of poison with a simultaneous increase in the frequency of administration and an acceleration of the increase in the total amount of poison in the patient's body. Tincture is taken 4 times a day (at 8, 12, 16, 21 hours). The first 4 days - 1 drop per dose, the next 4 days - 2 drops each, then - 3, 4, and 5 - until complete recovery.

Increasing the drops, it should be noted at what dose the body felt relief, and try to focus on this number of drops. Then, in time, try to rise higher, but carefully. If 5 drops are bad, then do not rise higher, on the contrary, go down to 4 and take 16 drops a day.

Method No. 4 for patients

with enhanced immunity.

AT exceptional cases in very severe cancer, you can carefully increase the dose. However, proceed with caution, overdoses are unacceptable - the body's resistance decreases, a cancer attack begins.

An increase in the dose may be necessary due to the particular severity of some cancer variants, in which the patient does not have the necessary positive manifestations from the use of tincture according to method No. 1. Just such a picture is observed with cancer of the rectum, sigmoid colon, etc. small residual amount of poison.

The transition to enhanced methods (No. 4, etc.) requires strict medical laboratory control over the state of the body.

The most widely available method.

All the considered poisons have a nicotine-like effect. This gave the author reason to supplement the list of strong poisons with antimitotic (suppressing cell division) action with an alkaloid from the tobacco plant, nicotine. There is already little practical experience with the successful use of this poison to cure cancer.

It is recommended to use tobacco from one pack of Belomorkanal cigarettes. Pour all tobacco into a clean 200 ml jar with a tight lid, pour alcohol (vodka) to the top, close and place in the refrigerator for two weeks with daily shaking. After two weeks, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze, settled and carefully drained from the sediment. It turns out about 120 ml of a transparent tincture of a brownish-greenish color. It is better to store it in the refrigerator. One course of treatment lasting 78 days requires 14 ml of tobacco tincture. Tincture is enough for 6-7 courses.

Method of application. Every day in the morning on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals, drink tobacco tincture with drops of 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature according to the scheme: the first 3 days - 1 drop, then every three days add 1 drop until reaching 13 drops per day (for 6 days). Then, in the same way, reduce the dose by 1 drop per day every 3 days.

Attention: Tobacco tincture is the strongest poison! 0.05 g is a lethal dose. No overdose is allowed. On the bank you need to write "POISON!" and keep it out of the reach of children and alcoholics. In case of poisoning, immediately call a doctor, take 30 tablets of activated charcoal, then rinse the stomach until vomiting, drink strong tea.

After 8 months, if it is necessary to continue treatment, it is advisable to switch to another of the above alkaloids.

Not only inside.

Tobacco tincture, hemlock, colchicum, aconite are successfully applied externally (lubricated with tincture) and in the form of microclysters, douches, rinses. For cancer of the rectum, prostate, Bladder you can do microclysters with hemlock tincture:

- in the morning and in the evening after a cleansing enema with chamomile, introduce a microclyster with hemlock into the anus - 50-70 ml warm water 3 drops of hemlock - and stay on this dosage for 3 days. Then stay on 6 drops of hemlock for 3 days and then go to 10 drops for an appointment. Watch the liver. With exacerbations, return to 6 drops and keep this dose constantly.

- For microclysters with tobacco tincture, add only one to two and then up to three drops of tobacco tincture to 50-70 ml of warm water (three times less than for hemlock tincture).

Tips for patients.

Oxygen cocktails and turpentine baths according to Zalmanov, massage, intense physical activity are contraindicated for cancer patients. Any improvement in the supply of oxygen to healthy cells is primarily used by cancer cells to accelerate reproduction and spread of metastases.

* It is impossible to help poisons with other, weaker poisons, as well as medicinal herbs and remedies, since any beneficial effect on cancer cells partially or completely destroys the effect of the poison.

* Only harm can be brought in the treatment of cancer by urine therapy, acupuncture, manual therapy, hirudotherapy, mumiyo.

* Cancer patients should not use gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

* There are no grounds for the use of fly agaric in the treatment of cancer, since the poisonous alkaloid fly agaric - muscarine - only temporarily weakens the activity of cancer cells, but does not prevent their reproduction.

* In order to cure cancer with poisons, the use of other methods of cancer treatment must be discontinued. This is primarily true of official methods of cancer treatment. If you have recently completed chemotherapy, poisons should not be used.

* Non-poisonous treatment methods by R. Broyce, N. Walker, N. V. Shevchenko, M. Gerson, G. S. Shatalova, K. Nishi and others are compatible with poisonous ones, but only if you know for sure mechanisms of action of non-toxic methods and all the rules for their application. It is impossible to mechanically transfer elements of some methods of cancer treatment to other methods.

Useful advice: in case of breast cancer, for the removal of purulent formations, it is advisable to compress at night on a sore chest from a body warmed up to temperature hypertonic saline table salt (3-10 percent) for at least 30 days.

Cancer patients are contraindicated in a carbohydrate diet and the rejection of the use of proteins. The only food product swollen is glucose, so the amount of carbohydrates and the total amount of food should be reduced. Weight loss is helpful. However, proteins (boiled meat, poultry, fish) must be included in the diet.

* When treating with poisons, smoking and alcohol in any quantities, fresh strong tea and coffee, milk, acidic foods and acidic drinks (neutralize poisons), seaweed are contraindicated.

* Sharp, salty, fried foods and any spices that have a choleretic effect on the liver and gallbladder and thereby enhance the nutrition of cancer cells. For the same reason, liver cleansing is strictly prohibited.

* When treating with poisons, it is undesirable, following non-poisonous methods, to introduce juices from vegetables and fruits into the patient's diet.