Enlargement of the sigmoid colon. Sigmoiditis: symptoms and prevention

An important part of the intestine is the sigmoid colon. It provides the gastrointestinal tract with the normal processing of food, due to the fact that it sucks moisture from the resulting products and distributes it throughout the body. It is in the sigmoid colon that feces harden before being sent to the rectum. If pathology occurs in the sigmoid colon, this significantly affects the general state of human health.

Reasons for the development of diseases

The structure of the sigmoid colon is similar to the Latin letter S. Its bends are different for each person, but basically the intestine itself is on the left side, although the bend itself sometimes reaches the right half: it depends on the individual structure.

Diseases in this gut can be different, but the most common are:

  • inflammation;
  • diverticulosis;
  • cancer pathology.

In most cases, patients are diagnosed with an inflammatory process in the sigmoid colon. It is called sigmoiditis. In this case, the disease is divided into several subspecies according to the nature of the disease: spastic colitis, focal sigmoiditis, bowel fold, erosive appearance. There are several reasons for the development of sigmoiditis:

  • circulatory disorders in the intestines;
  • development of dysbacteriosis;
  • diverticulitis;
  • strong pressure on the intestine;
  • previous radiation therapy;
  • entry of infectious bacteria into the intestines.

There are no definite reasons for the development of cancerous pathologies. But there are factors that influence the development of cancer in the intestine.

Basically, these factors include work in hazardous industries, frequent use alcohol-containing drinks, smoking, obesity, frequent consumption of fatty foods and meat dishes, a passive lifestyle, as well as the presence of pathological processes in the rectum. Cancer occurs as a result of the lack of proper therapy during diverticulosis or an inflammatory process in the sigmoid colon. In some cases, pathology develops due to heredity.

Diverticulosis is manifested in the presence of changes in the internal tissues in the intestine. Pathology occurs with frequent constipation, due to the fact that there is strong pressure on the intestine from the inside. The last reason for the development of this disease is poor blood supply.

Sigmoid colon considered vulnerable to disease, it often suffers precisely because of wrong image human life and nutrition. Any influence on this area leads to the development of serious pathological processes.

Symptoms of pathologies

For each of the possible ailments, the symptoms of their development are different. Often, the signs of pathology coincide with others, which indicate the development of other diseases.
With the development of cancer pathology in the sigmoid colon on early stage impossible by outward signs distinguish disease from poisoning or other disorders of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract. For example, there is bloating, nausea, diarrhea. Flatulence is considered a common occurrence. That is why it is impossible to distinguish cancer without proper examination at an early stage.

The main sign of the development of diverticulosis is pain in the left side of the abdomen. It is acute and comes back constantly.

In the case of the development of an inflammatory process in the sigmoid colon, the symptoms are more defined:

  • pain left;
  • spasms that spread to the lumbar region;
  • diarrhea with blood;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • frequent nausea;
  • weakness and pallor of the skin;
  • for the chronic type of the disease, the nature of the alternation of diarrhea and congestion stool.

In some cases, pain in the sigmoid colon ceases to manifest itself for a while, but upon its return, serious deterioration is more often observed. Therefore, sigmoiditis is best treated in the early stages of the disease.

Diagnosis of the development of pathologies

To prescribe the necessary therapy, it is required to diagnose such a part of the intestinal tract as the sigmoid colon. This requires consultation with several doctors at once in order to exclude other ailments. Most often, it is required to be examined by a general practitioner, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, and also a surgeon.

Diagnostic measures begin with a survey of the patient, after which palpation is performed. The patient will need to pass on the analysis of feces and blood. This is necessary in order to identify the nature of the pathology. These analyzes are carried out in the laboratory. For instrumental examination, ultrasound, X-ray or sigmoidoscope devices are needed.

The doctor will prescribe ultrasound procedure or radiography. This will allow you to see changes in the walls of the intestine, as well as exclude diseases with similar symptoms in the female half.

An x-ray is able to show the rigidity of the intestinal walls, as well as to reveal changes in the folds.

In certain cases, a sigmoidoscopy is required. This type of examination allows you to see the state of the intestine from the inside, identify the presence of damage, determine the degree of development of the pathology and, if necessary, take a tissue sample. A biopsy is done to rule out or detect cancer.

Therapy of diseases

After the research, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment for the sigmoid colon. In this case, all possible factors are taken into account. For example, the individual characteristics of the patient's condition, the presence of concomitant diseases, symptoms, causes and degree of development of the disease. Therapy includes:

  • diet;
  • medication treatment;
  • use of folk methods;
  • surgical intervention if necessary.

First of all, the patient will be prescribed antibiotics with a wide range of effects and antispasmodics, such as No-shpa or Spasmalgon. Be sure to use probiotics. In certain cases, it is required to take drugs containing enzymes, for example, Mezim or Festal.

Diverticulosis requires the mandatory use of prokinetics. In certain cases it will be necessary to take medicines with fiber. In the event that a patient has bleeding, medications with a hemostatic effect should be taken.

If the disease has taken a cancerous form, it is impossible to do without the intervention of surgeons. In certain cases, the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In extreme cases, the patient is partially or completely removed from the sigmoid colon. But more often they use a method in which only the neoplasm is removed or at least reduced.

It is important to remember that it will be possible to achieve treatment results only when using integrated methods therapy. Otherwise, using one of the methods will not give any results and may cause deterioration.

Therapeutic measures are carried out not only in the hospital, but also at home, if the patient's condition allows.

folk therapy

If the disease is at an early stage of development, then it is allowed to use methods traditional medicine, in order to reduce the rate of its development, as well as get rid of discomfort. Using folk recipes, it should be borne in mind that they are not suitable for every person. Therefore, in order to avoid backlash The body should begin treatment carefully and make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the recipe.

In general, the use of traditional medicine recipes is considered to be an aid in drug treatment.

One of effective ways- recipe using alder cones. To prepare a decoction, you need a tablespoon of crushed cones in 300 ml of water. Boil the mixture and let it sweat a little over low heat, then strain and consume 100 ml three times a day. Full course therapy in this way is 10 days.

Watermelon rinds are considered no less effective. For half a liter of boiling water, you should take about a hundred grams of dried and crushed crusts. It is necessary to bring the broth to a boil and take it in the same way as a decoction of alder cones. Such an infusion allows not only to reduce discomfort, but also improves the functioning of the digestive organs.

If a patient is diagnosed with a bend in the sigmoid colon, then a familiar and accessible recipe using psyllium can be used. To prepare a decoction, you need to use 300 grams of dried plantain leaves. Pour them with 400 ml of boiling water, then boil for about 10 minutes over low heat and let it brew until cool. Then take a decoction 3-4 times a day.

To normalize the work of the organs, you can use a decoction of the collection of herbs. Required: chamomile, celandine, plantain, wild rose. Take each ingredient in crushed form in a small spoon and pour half a liter of boiling water. The decoction should be infused for at least five hours. Reception of funds should be carried out 6 times a day for about half a cup. The course of therapy is a month, then a break for 7 days, and you need to start the course again.

Many argue that when using just such recipes, the chance of a favorable outcome in bowel therapy increases. Basically, the components in the recipe are safe for the patient's body, as they are natural, but you should not take risks if there is a suspicion that the decoction is harmful to health.

Diet for pathologies

An important factor for getting rid of ailments is the observance of the diet, as well as diet. There are a number of restrictions on the use of certain products, often you have to give them up for a long period but it's only for the good.

Nutrition should be balanced, and meals should have a schedule - you should eat fractionally, up to 5 times a day. Portions should be small, but it is better to set aside a certain time for eating and stick to it until the end of the diet.

It is forbidden to eat:

  • fatty meat and fatty fish;
  • lard, sausages, sausages;
  • spicy, salty, spicy;
  • coffee, carbonated and alcohol-containing drinks are prohibited from drinks;
  • fresh baked goods.
  • steamed vegetables;
  • lean meats, also steamed;
  • brown rice;
  • light soups based on vegetables or lean meats;
  • stale bread;
  • green tea, blueberry jelly without sugar;
  • low-fat varieties of fish - boiled or steamed.

Diet food requires special treatment, since not every person can eat this way for two weeks. During this period of time, many lose weight, but sometimes it is even useful. A strict diet is 7 days, after which it is allowed to gradually return to the usual diet, but this should be done carefully and not immediately started to use fatty foods, and gradually increase the fat content of the food taken. Otherwise, if the prescribed diet is not followed, the person's condition may worsen.

Preventive actions

The sigmoid colon is a vulnerable organ, as food and lifestyle have a significant impact on it. But you can prevent the appearance or aggravation of the state of pathology. To do this, it is important to know what precautions will help to avoid serious diseases. gastrointestinal tract. First of all, it should be borne in mind that in the presence of bad habits it is extremely difficult to avoid diseases, so it is better to get rid of bad habits. It is also recommended to start playing sports, this will help not only to avoid the development pathological process but also strengthen the whole body.

It is worth reviewing your diet, stop snacking on the go, as well as eating junk food. It is better to avoid overeating and replace harmful products for fruits and vegetables.
An important factor is the use of as much water as possible, since with sufficient fluid intake, the likelihood of constipation, which adversely affects the sigmoid colon, is significantly lower.

Do not neglect going to the doctor if you have seemingly minor symptoms or pain, as they are sometimes the first bells. Even with minor signs, action will be required, so it is important to know how pathology can manifest itself. If there are no symptoms of the development of diseases, for prevention, you should visit a gastroenterologist at least once a year. This will not only avoid serious illnesses, but also help keep the body in great shape.

Despite the fact that the development of diseases in the sigmoid colon is a complex and dangerous process for the body, you can try to avoid inflammation. If the disease is already at the stage of development, then with proper therapy it will be possible to recover and live a full life. The main principle of treatment is the very desire to be cured. The main thing is not to try to recover without the help of a doctor. Without knowing true reason diseases, without an accurate treatment plan, you risk harming the body even more. And with an attentive attitude to one's health, almost every case, regardless of the degree of development of the disease, has a positive outcome.

The sigmoid colon is one of the most important organs digestive system human, it is part of the large intestine.

The sigmoid colon is located between the colon and rectum and is responsible for the absorption of water from processed food, which is then distributed throughout the body.

In the sigmoid colon, feces harden, which then enter the rectum and are excreted from the body.

Therefore, any diseases of the sigmoid colon negatively affect the digestive processes and, in general, human health, and they need to be treated as early as possible.

Causes of the disease

Usually the sigmoid colon is located only on the left side of the body, but sometimes its bends reach the right hypochondrium of a person.

Like any other organ of the gastrointestinal tract, ailments of the sigmoid colon are very dangerous and lead to digestive problems or death.

The most common diseases:

inflammatory process (sigmoiditis); the occurrence of tumors and diverticula in the intestine; cancer.

The occurrence of all these diseases is affected by a decrease in the speed of movement of feces through the intestines, which causes a violation of the walls of the organ, and also increases the effect of toxic substances on the body.

Besides, physical disorders arise due to the shape of the sigmoid colon with several bends.

Most often, people have sigmoiditis, the causes of which, in addition to those mentioned above, are the pressure of neighboring organs, diverticulitis, circulatory disorders, as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( intestinal infections, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, dysbacteriosis).

Also, sigmoiditis can occur if radiation therapy has been performed.

Diverticula occur for the following reasons:

changes in intestinal tissues (often occur in old age); impaired peristalsis (leads to delamination of muscle fibers due to increased pressure inside the intestine); disorders in the vascular system (blood supply to tissues worsens).

Also, tumors can appear in the sigmoid colon, often developing into malignant ones.

Scientists have not yet figured out exactly what leads to the appearance of neoplasms, but certain reasons for their appearance are known.

it bad habits(smoking, alcohol abuse), the predominance of meat and fatty foods in the diet, increased weight, weakening of the intestinal muscles due to a sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity).

Even the formation of tumors in the sigmoid colon is affected by intestinal hypotension, exposure to harmful substances, as well as a hereditary factor.

According to statistics, in 15% of cases, neoplasms arose precisely for this reason.

Cancerous tumors in the sigmoid colon often occur against the background of already developing sigmoiditis or diverticulitis.

The formation of malignant tumors can be affected by constant constipation, in which the feces decompose and release a large amount of toxins that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon.

Signs of diseases

There are acute and chronic sigmoiditis. Symptoms of the acute form of the disease: severe pain in the left abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lower back or leg, nausea, vomiting, bloating, rumbling.

There is a disorder of the stool with the presence of blood or mucus in the stool. Even in patients, symptoms characteristic of intoxication are noted - headache, weakness, overheating (hyperthermia).

On palpation, the patient feels severe pain at the location of the sigmoid colon.

Symptoms of chronic sigmoiditis: intoxication, diarrhea, intestinal discomfort.

At severe forms diseases there is bloating, a tendency to constipation, severe pain after physical exertion.

In some cases, there are symptoms of the disease such as vomiting, leukocytosis (an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood), and the absence of stool.

Symptoms of diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon, as a rule, are absent, only occasionally there are complaints of recurrent pain that disappears after bowel movement.

In the case of diverticulitis (inflammation of the diverticula), the symptoms become more pronounced. The patient has intoxication, fever, pain intensifies.

If timely treatment is not carried out, then perforation of diverticula and further peritonitis are possible.

If tumors occur in the sigmoid colon and in the early stages, there are no symptoms. Sometimes there is intestinal obstruction, blood in the stool.

In large tumors, bleeding is permanent.

In the early stages of cancer, there are practically no symptoms, sometimes there is bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, constipation.

When malignant formations reach a large size, the patient's temperature rises slightly, weakness and dizziness begin, loss of appetite and weight.

This is due to the general intoxication of the body. Also, symptoms such as cramping pains, pallor of the skin, flatulence are observed, in advanced cases jaundice appears, the liver enlarges.

Diseases of the sigmoid colon must be treated as early as possible, as their complications can lead to sad consequences up to and including death.

At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a doctor and carry out all the necessary diagnostics.

Treatment of diseases

Treatment of inflammation of the sigmoid colon is usually carried out with the help of antibacterial drugs and antispasmodics.

Usually the patient is in the hospital, but with a mild course of the disease, outpatient treatment is allowed.

Since vomiting and diarrhea cause the body to lose a significant amount of fluid and mineral salts, they are replenished with saline solutions(for example, Regidron), intoxication is removed by infusion therapy.

Treatment of this disease involves taking probiotics (Linex, Enterol), aimed at restoring normal microflora intestines.

Be sure to follow a special diet that excludes the use of hot or cold, fatty, spicy, smoked foods. In severe cases, the patient may be advised to fast for two days.

Diverticulosis is treated with antibiotics. a wide range actions (often fluoroquinolones), antispasmodics (Spazmalgon, No-shpa) and prokinetics (Itopride, Domperidone).

Sometimes there is a need to take enzyme-containing drugs (Mezim, Creon, Festal). Also, patients are prescribed a diet high in fiber, in the absence of a result, drugs with fiber are added to the list of drugs used.

If present internal bleeding, then prescribe drugs that increase blood clotting. In case of complications resort to surgical intervention.

Treatment of tumors in the sigmoid colon involves surgery.

Often, radiation therapy is performed before surgery to reduce the size of the operated tumor, and this procedure is also prescribed after surgery to reduce the risk of recurrence.

Chemotherapy is also used to suppress the metastasis of education, the course of treatment for each patient is selected individually.

At multiple polyps organ resection is performed (partial or complete removal of the sigmoid colon).

Treatment for sigmoid colon cancer includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.

With multiple malignant tumors, a resection of the sigmoid colon (sigmoidectomy) is also performed. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are prescribed both before and after surgery.

In advanced cases, palliative treatment is carried out to increase intestinal patency and reduce pain. In the case of developed peritonitis, an emergency surgical intervention is necessary.

The sigmoid colon is one of the most important sections of the intestine. In case of any disease of this organ, the digestive processes in the body are disturbed, complications arise that threaten not only the patient's health, but also his life.

Therefore, in case of observing symptoms of diseases of the sigmoid colon, you need to consult a doctor in order to start treating possible diseases as early as possible.

The sigmoid colon, so named because its pattern resembles a Latin letter, is one of the important sections of the large intestine. The functions performed by this department affect the overall life of a person. But, like other organs, the sigmoid colon is prone to a variety of diseases. Taking into account the importance of this section of the intestine, it is important to be able to detect in time dangerous disease. To do this, it is important to know where the sigmoid colon is located and how it hurts.


The location of the sigmoid colon is the same in all people, although there may be minor anatomical differences. This section of the intestine is connected at different ends with other parts this body. The colon begins at one end of the sigmoid colon, and the rectum at the other.

Its location is the left side of the retroperitoneal space (typical location). In women, this section is located directly behind the uterus. In men, it is located in the area located behind bladder. This is a fairly large section of the intestine. Its length in humans sometimes exceeds sixty-eight centimeters, that is, more than half a meter. Its diameter is normally up to four centimeters.

Absorption takes place in this region. nutrients. Most of vitamins and water entering the body is absorbed here. Further, these substances are distributed to other human tissues and organs. Fecal masses are also formed here, which then fall into the region of the rectum.

It should be noted that in some diseases there may be an abnormal expansion of the sigmoid colon and an increase in its diameter.

Above are the dimensions of this section of the intestine, characteristic of the anatomy of healthy people.

Pain and their reasons

Pain in the sigmoid colon is a sign that the organ has failed. It never occurs without a reason. In most cases, pain is the first sign of inflammation of the sigmoid colon. They may also indicate that a person has begun to develop a serious illness or pathology. Therefore, pain plays the role of a kind of signal that notifies a person that it is time to turn to a specialist. Only he will be able to examine the intestines and make an accurate diagnosis.

Among the most common causes the spread of pain in this area, the following can be distinguished:

Sigmoiditis. What it is? This is one type of colitis. Sigmoiditis is characterized by severe pain in the abdomen. Pain can subside and intensify; diverticulosis. Diverticulosis refers to a violation of the process of peristalsis of this part of the intestine. With the weakening / strengthening of the wave-like contractions of the walls of the sigmoid colon (this process is called peristalsis), the passage of feces to other parts of the intestine is difficult. As a result, the department cannot perform its functions normally, which causes pain, colic, increased gas formation; crayfish. Due to the occurrence of tumors in the sigmoid colon, feces cannot pass further through the organ, which leads to intestinal obstruction, accompanied by severe pain and nausea. Metastases occur slowly, so the symptoms of a problem do not appear immediately; dolichosigma. Pathology, which consists in an increase in the size of the sigmoid colon. It may be congenital, although an increase is possible in the process of life. If a pathology is detected, conservative treatment is carried out. Surgical intervention rarely used. Sigmoiditis

Most often, problems with the sigmoid colon manifest themselves as inflammation. Symptoms and treatment of sigmoiditis depend on the form of the disease, of which there are two:

acute; chronic.

The acute form of inflammation appears suddenly and is accompanied by a large number of symptoms. The main one is acute pain. Moreover, sometimes they reach such intensity that the patient needs to carry out differential diagnostics in order to check all the organs located near the epicenter of pain and establish its source. In addition to acute pain in the left side of the abdomen, the acute form of sigmoiditis is accompanied by:

liquid stool; the presence of pus in the feces and blood; tenzems; nausea; vomiting, which does not lead to relief of the condition; fever.

Not all of the above symptoms of the disease appear at the same time. Some of them may be completely absent or be mild. Chronic sigmoiditis causes the following symptoms:

pain during and after defecation; diarrhea alternating with constipation; bloating; frequent belching; vomit.

When long course disease (due to lack of effective treatment), a fusion process may begin, during which the sigmoid colon will gradually fuse with the organs surrounding it.

As a result, the patient may feel weak, lose weight, and his quality of life will deteriorate significantly. In addition, a neglected disease provokes the appearance of ulcers.

For the treatment of catarrhal sigmoiditis, antispasmodic, sedative and antibacterial drugs are used. Enveloping agents are widely used. Drugs that have a local effect on the disease (candles) are also used. The patient is prescribed a special diet and bed rest.

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Today there are many good modern drugs for the treatment of sigmoiditis. Specific means and schemes of therapy depend on the condition of the patient, his body, the neglect of the disease and the type of inflammation. In chronic ulcerative sigmoiditis, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed ("Salofalk", "Sulfasalazine"). In the absence of ulcers, the goal of therapy is to restore the normal microflora of the organ. For this, apply antibacterial agents("Biseptol") and antiseptics ("Intetrix").

You can improve the patient's condition with the help of folk remedies. For this, infusions based on mint, sage, cumin, alder, wild rose and other plants are used.


The causes of the development of the disease most often lie in age-related changes organism. More than thirty percent of the population over fifty suffer from peristalsis disorders. Among the people younger age this disease is rare. Due to violations of peristalsis, areas appear in the sigmoid intestine, which are subjected to strong intraluminal pressure. This process is accompanied by hypertrophy of the longitudinal and transverse muscles. As a result, the blood circulation of the tissues is disturbed and it is difficult to push the feces through the intestines.

Therapy for diverticulosis should be started immediately after the first signs of the presence of the disease are detected. But, since it is often asymptomatic for a long time, this is not easy to do. Often the disease is discovered during third-party research. But as the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced. The symptoms of the disease include:

pain in the lower abdomen. After a bowel movement, they can disappear, which is why patients often do not go to a specialist with a problem; frequent constipation lasting for a long period of time; flatulence; bloating (observed on the left side); feeling of heaviness in the left side of the abdomen. It usually goes away after a bowel movement.

Prolonged lack of treatment for an advanced form of diverticulosis can lead to the following complications:

bleeding in the intestines; peritonitis; abscess intestinal obstruction.

How to treat the disease will determine the doctor. Usually, antibiotics (penicillin, cephalosporin), antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Drotaverin), laxatives (Duphalac), enzymes that improve digestion (for example, Mezim) and agents that promote recovery are used to treat the disease. intestinal microflora ("Linex").

If the disease is in an early stage of development, it can be cured at home. To do this, it is enough to eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Cancer of the sigmoid colon

The defeat of the sigmoid colon with cancer in most cases occurs between the ages of forty and fifty years. As mentioned earlier, the disease proceeds slowly, so for a long time the patient may not be aware of the presence of a problem. The presence of pain in the abdomen, involuntary tension of the muscles related to the press, bloating in the right abdomen are symptoms that indicate the development of cancer that is not amenable to drug treatment.

If a tumor is found, which is located in the sigmoid colon, surgical intervention. The surgical method is the only effective way treatment of this disease.

Chemotherapy is rarely performed due to the large number of contraindications. In addition, after the discovery of cancer, the patient should immediately stop taking painkillers, antibiotics and thermal procedures. The type of surgery depends on the number and size of formations:

minimally invasive operation involves the introduction of a sigmoidoscope into anus. It is used for a small number of tumors in the distal intestine; classic operation is to remove part of the sigmoid colon. In especially severe cases, surgeons have to cut out the entire intestine.

Thus, the sigmoid colon is quite large and easily palpable. Serious diseases often cause pain in the sigmoid colon. Where this gut is located is described above. It is important not to confuse pain in the sigmoid region with pain in other organs. Often, pain is a sign of the development of the disease. The most common disease associated with the sigmoid colon is sigmoiditis. Diverticulosis is less common. Lack of therapy can lead to the appearance of tumors in this organ.

Treatment of diseases associated with the sigmoid colon is to take antibiotics, antiseptics, antispasmodics. If symptoms of one of the above diseases are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. He examines the patient and makes an accurate diagnosis. Cancer of the segmented colon treated exclusively surgically. Chemotherapy is rarely used.

Expert comment:

Diseases of the sigmoid colon are characterized by similar symptoms, such as stool disorders, local pain, fluid absorption and intoxication.

The sigmoid colon (colon sigmoideum) is part of the large intestine. In it, the formation and accumulation of feces, the absorption of water and electrolytes take place. Violations in the work of the organ negatively affect the functioning of the entire intestine, and some diseases threaten life.


Sigmoiditis is a type of colitis. The disease itself is rare. With dysentery, ingestion of irritating substances into the intestines, inflammation occurs in an acute form. It is characterized by sudden onset of cramping pains in the left iliac region giving in left leg or anus; frequent stools with an unpleasant smell, mucus and blood. Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever may be present.

The chronic form of the disease can occur with prolonged intestinal dysbacteriosis. Patients have pain before defecation and during physical stress; diarrhea alternating with constipation; nausea; rumbling in the stomach; weakness. Sigmoiditis worsens with acute infectious diseases, violation of the diet, physical overstrain.

The development of the disease is accompanied by the following reasons.

Stagnation of feces. Experts note that content retention occurs more often with a large number of bowel bends. Cracks and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum. Hemorrhoids, expansion of the mesenteric veins. Decreased intestinal motility. Uterine pressure during pregnancy. At chronic course inflammation affects the deep layers of the intestinal walls. Colon sigmoideum loses mobility, there is a danger of fusion with neighboring organs.

Depending on the damage to the organ, four types of sigmoiditis are distinguished.

catarrhal. The top layer of the epithelium is damaged. Erosive. If the inflammation is not treated, erosions form on the intestine. Ulcerative. As a result of erosion irritation, deep mucosal defects appear. Perisigmoiditis. The peritoneum covering the intestine becomes inflamed. Its mobility decreases, the loops are connected.

How quickly the disease is diagnosed depends on the result of treatment. Diagnosis is difficult due to similarity with symptoms acute appendicitis, diseases genitourinary system. The patient is prescribed a blood and feces test, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. In some cases, a colonoscopy is performed for diagnosis.

Treatment of sigmoiditis is prescribed depending on the causes of its occurrence. If the inflammation is infectious, antibiotics are prescribed.

With dysbacteriosis, treatment is carried out with biological products containing strains of normal microflora. Normal stools are restored with drugs with absorbent properties.
With ulcerative formations in the sigmoid colon, suppositories with solcoseryl, actovegin, sea buckthorn oil are prescribed.

During an exacerbation and in the treatment of sigmoiditis, salt, fats and carbohydrates should be reduced to a minimum. A high protein diet is recommended. With persistent remission, you can eat ordinary foods with the exception of salty, smoked, spicy and fried foods.

If you follow all the prescriptions, the prognosis of sigmoiditis is favorable, when the disease is started, the inflammation can go to the nearby sections of the intestine.

Organ Diverticulosis

The disease is more common in the elderly. Saccular protrusions (diverticula) form on the walls of the intestine. Anxiety symptoms do not appear for a long time. In the later stages, there are pains in the iliac region, stool disorders.

Diverticulosis is caused by:

weakening of the muscles of the intestinal wall, which is typical for elderly patients; cavities on the surface of the intestine, in which increased intra-intestinal pressure can be created; underdeveloped connective tissue; insufficient intake of fiber, which contributes to the excretion of food; violation of microcirculation as a result of squeezing of blood vessels; genetic predisposition.

As a result of stagnation of feces, diverticula (diverticulitis) become inflamed. The complication is indicated constant pain and temperature rise. If the inflammatory process passes to the tissues surrounding the diverticulum, peritonitis may occur.

For diagnosis, X-ray examination with a contrast agent, ultrasound, and irrigoscopy are used.

In cases where patients do not have bright clinical manifestations, a special diet is recommended, including foods containing fiber. With pronounced symptoms, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Antibiotics are used to treat diverticulitis.

The patient should tune in to a long drug therapy. Usually it gives a lasting effect. With frequent exacerbations of diverticulosis and the formation of fistulas, surgical intervention is recommended.

Perforation of the diverticulum threatens the life of the patient, so the removal of the affected area of ​​the sigmoid colon is urgently performed.


Polyps are formed from glandular epithelium. Their formation is promoted by inflammation of the mucous membrane, hereditary factors, chronic inflammatory diseases, viral infections.
Usually neoplasms do not manifest themselves. With large growths, patients complain of pain in the left lower abdomen, stool disorder. In rare cases, polyps provoke bleeding and intestinal obstruction.

The most dangerous are villous polyps. Approximately 40% of them form malignant tumors.

Pathological growths can be detected by colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. During the examination, polyps are removed. Small formations are cauterized with a coagulating instrument. In case of detection cancer cells the outgrowth is removed along with the intestine. Relapses of the disease are rare.

But, strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. After a polypectomy, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations. It is recommended to limit the consumption of fatty and fried foods, as they contribute to the formation of polyps. It is advisable to eat more seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables.


Insufficient peristalsis leads to retention of feces. It presses on the walls of the colon sigmoideum, blood circulation is disturbed. This contributes to the growth of the epithelium and the formation of adenomatous polyps, which turn into a precancerous state, and later into adenocarcinoma.

Cancer of the sigmoid colon in the initial stages goes unnoticed. Pain appears at a later stage. Violation of the stool, fatigue, loss of appetite are inherent in many diseases and do not immediately alarm anyone. Be careful! These symptoms are a reason to get tested.

Later, nausea, belching, pain, bloating, red blood in the stool appear. If the tumor grows into the lumen of the intestine, the exit of feces and gases is disturbed, severe pains in the abdomen begin to disturb.

The main cause of sigmoid colon cancer is prolonged contact of feces with the mucous membrane as a result of a sedentary lifestyle or weakened peristalsis. A large amount of toxins are absorbed from the feces into the colon sigmoideum.

Additional risk factors include:

ulcerative colitis; Crohn's disease; polyps and papillomas; atrophy of the intestinal mucosa; genetic predisposition.

If close relatives are diagnosed with sigmoid colon cancer, undergo regular examinations. This will help diagnose the disease at an early stage. The elderly are also at risk.

Treatment of adenocarcinoma depends on its size, depth of germination, and the presence of metastases. To determine the method of treatment, a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy is prescribed. During the study, a piece of tissue is taken for histological examination.

MRI allows you to determine the shape, size, localization of the neoplasm and detect metastases. Experts believe that the most best method treatment is removal of the tumor.

With adenocarcinoma small size minimally invasive surgery is possible. Access to the tumor is provided using a sigmoidoscope.

The classical method is the resection of a part of the large intestine. In severe cases, it is necessary to remove the sigmoid and rectum. Radiation and chemotherapy are prescribed in combination with surgical treatment.

Adenocarcinoma rarely metastasizes to adjacent organs. In the first and second stages of the disease, the survival rate is about 95% within five years. The survival rate for stages 3 and 4 is 40%.


The norm of the length of the colon sigmoideum is 24-46 cm. Pathological increase the length of the sigmoid colon leads to a violation of the evacuation of the intestine. The thickness of the walls and the diameter of the lumen of the organ do not change with this anomaly.

Congenital deformity of the organ is due to the adverse impact on the fetus of environmental factors, taking future mother some drugs, heredity.

The cause of acquired dolichosigma is the processes of fermentation and putrefaction that occur due to the prolonged presence of feces in the intestinal lumen. This condition leads to stretching of the body.

The main symptoms of the disease are frequent constipation, bloating, pain during bowel movements. In some cases, pain radiates to the spine and chest.

With this pathology, there are dangerous complications. Fecal stones, torsion, kinks of the colon sigmoideum can cause intestinal obstruction. From rotting dense formations, toxic substances are absorbed into the intestines and poison the entire body. Therefore, with dolichosigma, symptoms of chronic intoxication, dysbacteriosis are often observed. The disease is diagnosed by irrigography.

In most cases, to regulate the work of the body, it is enough conservative treatment and diets. The diet includes foods with great content fiber.

Probiotics, B vitamins, herbal laxatives are prescribed. Good results are given by electrical stimulation of the intestine and hydrocolonotherapy. At intestinal obstruction, excess loops are excised.

As you can see, any diseases of the colon sigmoideum are easier to cure on initial stage. Even with minor symptoms, try to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.


The presence of symptoms such as:

bad breath stomach pain heartburn diarrhea constipation nausea, vomiting belching increased flatulence (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or stomach ulcer.

These diseases are dangerous by the development of serious complications (penetration, stomach bleeding etc.), many of which can lead to


exodus. Treatment needs to start now.

Read an article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their root cause. Read the material ...

The sigmoid colon is a small area of ​​the large intestine where digested food is formed into solid stool. The organ got its name due to its external resemblance to the graphic image of the Greek letter "Sigma". Digested food, passing through this segment, is significantly compacted. Inflammation of the sigmoid colon, which is formed in this section of the intestinal tract, causes disorders of the digestive system and negatively affects the general well-being.

Inflammatory processes are often associated with individual characteristics that characterize the structure of a particular person. With an increase in the bends of the large intestine, the likelihood of stagnant conditions increases, when the contents of the intestine linger for a long time in one place. As a result, inflammation of the sigmoid colon develops, which in medical practice called sigmoiditis. Other causes of the formation of pathology:

  • period of pregnancy. An enlarged uterus compresses the sigmoid colon, causing the contents of the intestine to stagnate;
  • diseases of the digestive tract (dysbacteriosis, ulcerative colitis, proctitis);
  • food poisoning, including due to the abuse of drinks containing alcohol. May cause a pathological condition wrong mode nutrition, when spicy dishes predominate in the diet;
  • infectious diseases of a general nature;
  • disorders of the functions of the nervous system.

Diseases of the sigmoid colon (sigmoiditis, diverticulosis, malignancy in the area of ​​the organ) are detected during diagnostic examination. Most informative method research - colonoscopy. It is recommended to visit a gastroenterologist if the following symptoms appear:

  • pain localized in the iliac region. Pain may radiate to the lumbar region and left leg;
  • violation of the function of bowel movement, discoloration of feces, irregular stools;
  • bloating, belching, vomiting;
  • nervous system disorders, increased fatigue, a sharp decline body weight, loss of strength;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • pallor of the skin, weakness and other signs of intoxication.

If the above symptoms of inflammation of the sigmoid colon appear, it is necessary to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Symptoms of the pathology are nonspecific and may indicate the presence of another disease occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic sigmoiditis is characterized by alternating stages of remission and exacerbation. During the period of "attenuation" of the disease, the symptoms become inexpressive or disappear altogether. Exacerbation can be provoked by such factors:

  • stressful situations, physical overstrain;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • injuries in the abdominal cavity;
  • infectious diseases.

Treatment of the sigmoid colon is prescribed after examination by a specialist and the results of the examination. Diagnostics is being carried out different methods- Colonoscopy, the study of blood and stool tests. Additional diagnostic procedures, which can be assigned to clarify the features clinical picture, - Ultrasound and radiography in the abdominal cavity, as well as sigmoidoscopy.

Treatment of pathology

Usually the treatment program is designed for 1-3 months. Complex therapy includes taking medications, maintaining a daily routine and strict diet. In some cases, surgery is indicated. Medications:

  • antibacterial agents (tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, doxycycline, ampicillin);
  • intestinal antiseptics (Smecta, Intetrix);
  • for the treatment of nonspecific inflammations, drugs Prednisolone, Salazopyridazine, Sulfasalazine are prescribed;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics in cases where severe pain is observed;
  • candles with methyluracil and corticosteroids;
  • probiotics (Bifiform, Lactobacterin, Hilak Forte) to restore normal intestinal microflora are indicated within two months after the completion of conservative treatment with antibiotics;
  • vitamin complexes are effective in cases where the exacerbation of the pathology is caused by excessive physical or psychological stress.

During the period of exacerbation, the patient is prescribed bed rest. Patients who want to know how to treat sigmoiditis will be interested in alternative methods, in combination with classical therapy programs, giving a quick positive effect.


An insidious disease is dangerous for its complications. To avoid progression pathological condition, it is necessary to apply in a complex all available means of treatment. Physiotherapy with the help of medical devices significantly speeds up the healing process. Treatment with electrical appliances, as a rule, is prescribed in a course of 7-10 days. There are several methods of influencing the pathologically altered area:

  • Warming up. Exposure to heat promotes blood flow to the site of tissue damage. Along with this, the processes of digestion of food and metabolism are improved, as well as the structural components of intestinal tissues are strengthened.
  • Vibration. Vibration effect on the affected area stimulates blood circulation and eliminates stagnant processes.
  • Electrical amplitude oscillations. Under the influence of magnetic and electric fields, damaged cells restore their original structure.

Doctors also advise additional methods therapy and prevention - mud therapy, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular consultations with a specialist.

Diet rules

During the treatment of the sigmoid colon, a strict diet should be followed, which is aimed at stimulating the work of the intestines. Nutritionists recommend adding foods that enhance peristalsis to the daily menu. This is primarily fresh fruits and vegetables subjected to heat treatment (steam, boiled, stewed). Pumpkin, tomatoes, lettuce leaves are especially useful.. However, when introducing vegetables into the diet, it is necessary to limit the amount of species, causing flatulence(cabbage, radish, radish, artichoke, asparagus).

Fruits high in sugar and fiber (grapes, apples, figs, cherries, pears, prunes) also contribute to increased gas formation in the intestines. It is necessary to limit the number of spicy, salty-smoked, fried foods, as well as marinades, sauces, garlic and seasonings in the menu. It is better to reduce the amount of food high in fat and carbohydrates. In the diet, increase the amount of protein food. Recommended fractional nutrition. The daily rate (about 2000 Kcal) is divided into 4-5 doses. What you can eat:

  • dried bread, toast, crackers;
  • lean meat of dietary poultry, veal and rabbit, boiled or steamed;
  • mashed soups or mashed first courses cooked in fish and meat broth;
  • fish, steam and boiled;
  • steamed omelet or soft-boiled eggs;
  • cottage cheese, fat-free and non-acidic, curd soufflé;
  • porridge from oatmeal, buckwheat, rice groats;
  • green tea, decoctions made from rose hips, blueberries and bird cherry.

Pureed, liquid dishes, puree soups contribute to good digestion of food and a quick recovery. Kissels cooked on the basis of currant berries, bird cherry, blueberries, quince fruits, as well as mashed unsweetened apples are useful.

Foods to avoid:

  • freshly baked bakery and confectionery products;
  • fatty meat, sausages, lard;
  • milk soups, first courses cooked in concentrated meat broth;
  • canned fish, fatty fish, caviar;
  • edible fats, vegetable and milk;
  • fried or hard boiled eggs.

Nutritionists advise to give up fresh vegetables, fruits, as well as legumes, carbonated drinks, refined sweets. During an exacerbation of the disease, you can do several unloading days. At this time, it is allowed to drink tea (green, black), decoctions based on medicinal plants.

Folk methods in the fight against sigmoiditis

Treatment of inflammation of the sigmoid colon with the help of folk recipes involves the use of decoctions from medicinal plants (oak bark, calamus, St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow, sage). Healing decoctions help relieve inflammation, stimulate bowel function, have a strong astringent effect and eliminate diarrhea. Here are some popular recipes:

Enemas with decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, calendula, sage) effectively eliminate inflammatory processes in the intestines. The freshly prepared broth is cooled to a temperature of 37 ° C, injected with a syringe into the anus, left for 30-60 minutes. For one enema you will need 50 ml of liquid. It is recommended to carry out such treatment before going to bed.

Medicines prepared according to folk recipes, have a pronounced therapeutic effect. However, to achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to use them together with traditional drug treatment. Properly organized therapy contributes to the complete cure of pathology.

Sigmoiditis implies an inflammatory process that arose in. Simply put, a lesion of the final sections of the intestine located in the large intestine is formed.

The sigmoid colon is the most vulnerable to inflammatory processes, since it is physiologically arranged in such a way that a long stagnation of masses in the intestine is formed in this area in anticipation of the formation of fecal waste from them.

Sigmoiditis often occurs accompanied by colitis or. At the same time, this disease symptoms that separately characterize the presence of sigmoiditis are practically absent. It is noteworthy that sigmoiditis can occur even in acute and chronic form.

Proctitis is a disease of the sigmoid colon.

To do correct conclusions about the state of the sigmoid colon, it is necessary to conduct a survey of the processes that occur inside it. It is necessary to study the physiological and anatomical components of the sigmoid colon.

As everyone knows, the intestines have a thick section and a thin section. Each of them is responsible for performing a specific function.

The thin section is responsible for the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients, in the thick section, the process of supplying blood with water, glucose, vitamins and amino acids takes place. Also, fecal masses are formed.

To study sigmoiditis, we need exactly the large intestine. This is where the rectum and colon are located. The final section of the colon has the shape of the Latin letter S, hence the name sigmoid.

Taking as a basis the physiological, anatomical characteristics and the presence of a nearby one, we can conclude that sigmoiditis in isolation is quite rare. If it occurs, then most often in the final section of the gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, he is accompanied by proctitis. And in fact, you can call it inflammatory lesion proctosigmiditis. In this case, the inflammatory process will have a direction along the intestine and sigmoid colon and vice versa.

It is noteworthy that sigmoiditis is formed much more often in comparison with other inflammatory processes. This is due to the peculiarities of the sigmoid colon, where the final stage of the formation of fecal masses occurs. And in connection with the stagnation of these fecal masses, an inflammatory process occurs.

Symptoms of sigmoiditis

Violation of the stool is a symptom of the disease sigmoiditis.

The manifestation of symptoms of a disease such as sigmoiditis is influenced by a number of factors. Factors characterizing this disease:

  1. A specific type of sigmoiditis (acute or chronic stage)
  2. The general nature of the inflammatory process (catarrhal / erosive or ulcerative sigmoiditis)
  3. Motility disorders (spastic or paralytic sigmoiditis)
  4. Presence of the scale of complications (local or distant)

Although rare, the following symptoms of sigmoiditis may appear:

  • Pain
  • General impairment of the human condition

According to typical cases, you can determine the location of the localization of pain. Usually it is concentrated in the inflammatory process in the lower abdomen on the left. The pain is quite intense and may radiate to the lower back or left leg.

Sometimes pain in the sigmoid colon may be confused with pain acute inflammation appendicitis. However, it is easy to check, every doctor can do it.

The scale of manifestation of symptoms of sigmoiditis directly depends on the anatomical features of the sigmoid colon. The anatomical features of the sigmoid colon are that the length of the sigmoid colon can reach from 16 to 63 cm.

At the same time, there is a mesentery on such a long section, which affects the mobility of the department. In this regard, it is quite possible to shift the sigmoid colon to the right side. In this case, to determine the localization of the inflammatory process, it will be necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis.

As practice shows, an increase in pain in sigmoiditis is observed in such cases:

  • Bowel movement
  • With sudden movements
  • When shaking while driving
  • When walking for a long time
  • Moreover, pain sensations intensify despite the specific location of the department.

Also, with sigmoiditis, stool disorders are possible. Sometimes patients voice such complaints:

  1. Pain on emptying
  2. Violation of the stool (often diarrhea, but may also be)
  3. Blood secretions on fecal waste
  4. Discharge in the form of pus or mucus in the feces
  5. Kal has fetid odor(smell like meat slops)
  6. It is possible to determine the degree of neglect of the disease even by the exhaustion of the patient's body.

If you feel general malaise, contact your doctor immediately. To complicate the disease, a long time is not needed, but then it will take much longer to be treated and it will take a lot of time and money to restore the body.

What are the symptoms of acute and chronic sigmoiditis?

Sigmoiditis may cause nausea and vomiting.

As previously noted, sigmoiditis can occur in acute and chronic form. Each form has certain features.

Acute form of sigmoiditis. There is a development of acute sigmoiditis spontaneously, unexpectedly. There are often situations where pain syndrome so strong that there is a need for differential diagnosis.

This diagnosis will take place in comparison with the presumptive diagnosis of acute, renal colic, gynecological diseases. In addition to acute pain in the left side of the abdomen, the following symptoms can also be observed:

  1. Frequent loose stools
  2. Discharge of blood and pus in the stool
  3. Vomiting (with no relief)
  4. Fever
  5. Tenesmus

Chronic form of sigmoiditis. This form of the disease proceeds according to the principle of remission, i.e. periodic manifestations of pain and then the inflammation subsides. To provoke an exacerbation of sigmoiditis can:

  • Stress
  • hypothermia
  • Injuries
  • ARI, influenza

Regarding the symptoms of chronic sigmoiditis, it should be noted that it completely depends on the symptoms of the disease that provoked the formation of chronic sigmoiditis.

Symptoms of the catarrhal and erosive form of sigmoiditis

Sigmoiditis can be caused by an intestinal infection.

In addition to acute and chronic forms of sigmoiditis, depending on the degree of damage to the sigmoid colon, the following forms also differ:

  • Catarrhal. This is the mildest form of sigmoiditis. At catarrhal form This disease affects the surface of the layers of the epithelium, but without gross violations of their integrity.
  • Erosive. With erosive sigmoiditis, damage to epithelial cells in the surface layers is possible.
  • Ulcerative. The development of ulcerative sigmoiditis is provoked by the progression and deepening of erosion into layers deeper in.
  • Perisigmoiditis. This is a very advanced version. The inflammatory process stretches along all layers of the walls of the sigmoid colon with an exit beyond its limits, affecting the visceral peritoneum. As a result, the sigmoid colon loses its mobility, soldering with nearby tissues and organs.
  • Hemorrhagic sigmoiditis. His feature is an inflammatory process with the formation of point bleeding.
  • Purulent-hemorrhagic. A feature of purulent-hemorrhagic sigmoiditis is the continuation of a more neglected form of hemorrhagic sigmoiditis. In this case, in addition to point bleeding, purulent discharge is also added.

Details about the diseases and treatment of the sigmoid colon - in the thematic video:

Causes of the disease

The causes that provoke the occurrence of sigmoiditis are very diverse. In general, they are conditionally grouped as follows:

  1. Acute and chronic form sigmoiditis caused. These include: dysentery and similar intestinal infections.
  2. Non-ulcerative chronic sigmoiditis. Its occurrence was facilitated by intestinal dysbacteriosis.
    Sigmoiditis caused by inflammatory bowel disease. Such diseases include:, ulcerative nonspecific colitis.
  3. Sigmoiditis, which was provoked by circulatory failure in the intestines.
    Radiation sigmoiditis. It occurs mainly in the treatment of cancer by radiation therapy in the area of ​​the lymph nodes or small pelvis.

Do not be lazy to undergo an examination at least once a year. This will help you prevent the development of diseases, and, importantly, will cost you less. material costs than in the treatment of an advanced form of the disease.

Diagnosis of sigmoiditis

X-ray examination help identify sigmoiditis.

Diagnosis of sigmoiditis is possible only after a detailed examination.

And then, based on the data obtained, you can safely make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The patient will need to undergo a series of studies, namely:

  • Palpation. This is necessary to determine the compaction and pain in the sigmoid colon.
  • macroscopic study. The study will be carried out on the patient's feces. Feces will be examined for the presence of mucus, pus, blood.
  • Microscopic studies. This study will determine the presence of erythrocytes, leukocytes and epithelial cells.
  • Biochemical research. With the help of a biochemical study of feces, the content of enzymes and will be revealed.
  • X-ray examination. With the help of this type of study, pathology in the folds of the intestinal mucosa, a general decrease in the number of folds, rigidity of the intestinal walls, and other defects will be revealed.

How is sigmoiditis treated?

Naturally, the treatment of sigmoiditis will be carried out in strict observance of the instructions of the attending physician. Purpose: elimination of the root cause of sigmoiditis.

Particular attention is paid to medical nutrition. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet that was formed for the patient. In addition, it is necessary to create a calm atmosphere for the patient and protect him from worries.

Everyone knows that the rectum removes feces, but not everyone carefully studies human physiology and has seen that the S-shaped sigmoid colon separates the large and small parts of the intestine. It is she who forms the feces.

If the normal functioning of the intestine is disturbed, the processed masses remain inside it for a long time, then the inflammatory process begins. The disease does not appear immediately, so the individual must know what inflammation of the sigmoid colon is, symptoms and treatment. When such a diagnosis is made, the patient is not always hospitalized.

The intestine has 2 sections: thin and thick. They are closely related, but perform different functions. Small intestine digests food, breaks down complex carbohydrates into simplified components. The large intestine organizes the full absorption of salt and water by the body.

The sigmoid colon has the shape of the letter S, its length can vary from 10 to 70 cm. It is located in the region of the left iliac fossa. Thanks to the movable mesenteric ligament, it can change position. For this reason, the diagnosis of inflammation of the sigmoid colon is difficult and requires certain skills from the doctor. Primary pain sensations occur not only in the left side of the abdomen, but also in the right, in the center.

More often, inflammation immediately affects both the sigmoid colon and the colon, since the infection with feces penetrates into the lower organs. The disease can develop against the background of the formation of anal fissures, hemorrhoids. According to statistics, the fair sex is more likely to suffer from this disease. Age also matters. Most of the patients admitted with lesions of the sigmoid colon crossed the age threshold of 40 years. For people over 60 years of age with chronic bowel disease, in 60% of cases, periodic bouts of inflammation of the sigmoid colon are the norm. "Strong" drugs are no longer prescribed to them, they only maintain the state of the body in an acceptable norm.

Causes of the disease

  • All types of inflammation of the rectum: proctitis, anal fissures.
  • Expansion of veins in the soft tissues of the intestines: varicose veins, hemorrhoids, thrombosis.
  • Colon ischemia.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Stagnant masses in the intestines.
  • Frequent constipation.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • Diseases of the pancreas.
  • Severe food allergy.
  • Mechanical injuries in the abdomen.
  • Consequences of surgical operations.
  • Ulcerative colitis.

It must be remembered that exact reason the onset of inflammation is not determined.

The main types of the inflammatory process

Inflammation of the sigmoid colon is called sigmoiditis. It proceeds in an aggravated form, quickly develops into a chronic one, manifesting itself in the form of relapses. Inflammation proceeds in different ways, it all depends on the degree of soft tissue damage.

Types of damage:

  • catarrhal. Only the top layer of the skin is damaged, it recovers quite quickly and painlessly.
  • Erosive. The next stage of inflammation. Erosion forms on damaged tissues.
  • Ulcerative. Erosions develop into deep ulcers.

Severe sigmoiditis develops into perisigmoiditis. The sigmoid colon becomes immobile, less elastic, adhesions appear.

Signs of the disease:

  • Cramping pain in the abdomen.
  • Periodic nausea, vomiting.
  • Enhanced gas production.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Constant desire to go to the toilet in a big way.
  • Unpleasant smell of feces, impurities in the form of pus or blood are possible.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Weakness.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms can also manifest themselves in different ways. Main symptoms:

  • The nature of the pain is paroxysmal. In most cases, it can occur on the left side of the abdomen. The sigmoid colon has an S shape, it has a long mesentery, pain may occur in the right side of the abdomen or in the area of ​​the diaphragm. The pains are aggravated when the individual lies, tries to raise his legs. Attacks begin when trying to go to the toilet, during sudden movements, strong shaking.
  • Chair disorder. During the inflammatory process, the patient suffers from diarrhea. Defecation is frequent and painful. If the disease is not treated, then the feces will be with pus or blood, with an unpleasant odor.
  • Deterioration of the body. A person constantly experiences weakness, loses weight, sleeps poorly, dizziness appears.


Only the attending physician can make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe treatment. Self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences. The patient should be examined by a number of specialists - from a general practitioner to a gastroenterologist. This disease can be easily confused with appendicitis, cholera, dysentery, dysbacteriosis, paraproctitis, ulcerative colitis.

At the first appointment, the doctor will interview the patient in detail, examine. The abdomen is examined by palpation. If inflammation has formed in the area of ​​​​the S-gut, then there will be compaction of soft tissues, upon examination, the patient will feel pain.

If sigmoiditis is suspected, the doctor prescribes an extended blood and stool test, microscopic examination, biochemical analysis feces.

X-ray of the intestine can accurately show changes in the tissues of the intestine, the rigidity of its walls, the degree of patency.

With the help of sigmoidoscopy, the doctor assesses how badly the tissues are damaged and how quickly the disease progresses. If the walls are destroyed, inflammation has engulfed the entire organ, then a biopsy is prescribed. Women of reproductive age are referred for ultrasound of the uterus to exclude ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis. These diseases have similar symptoms.

Treatment Methods

Before starting to treat the patient, he must undergo a complete examination. The number of procedures and medications will directly depend on the severity of the organ damage. It is imperative to exclude similarly occurring pathologies.

If the main cause of the pathology is an infection, then antibiotics must be included in the treatment process. Before starting treatment, the patient needs to be tested for tank culture. It will show the level of sensitivity of the body to antibacterial drugs. The most commonly prescribed are Biseptol, Furazolidone, Tetracycline, Sulfadimetoksin.

If the cause of inflammation is dysbacteriosis, then it is necessary to drink a course of probiotics: Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifidobacterin. These drugs can also be taken during antibiotic treatment.

If diarrhea does not stop for a long time, then Smecta and Neosmectin are prescribed, and they are prescribed to use Regidron's solution daily. It normalizes the amount of electrolytes in the body, prevents dehydration.

To improve the general condition of the body, doctors recommend drinking a course of vitamins Alphabet and Vitrum.

Spazmalgon, Baralgin are taken to combat pain and spasms.

If sigmoiditis is catarrhal, then it is necessary to cleanse the intestines several times a week with enemas with infusion of chamomile. To restore soft tissues, immediately after a cleansing enema, suppositories with the addition of sea ​​buckthorn oil, solcoseryl, actovegin, methyluracilom.

Therapeutic diet

Treatment will be effective only if a special balanced diet is observed. The attending physician should tell about it in detail. Her main feature- normalize digestion, eliminate the occurrence of constipation and diarrhea.

During the period of exacerbation, with severe diarrhea, therapeutic fasting is prescribed from 1 to 3 days, the use of Regidron solution is allowed, you can drink unsweetened tea, herbal decoctions. If the inflammation goes away, then you can eat according to the list 4b and 4c, the method is the same.

Allowed foods:

  • Crackers from black or white bread.
  • Steamed meat: chicken, veal, rabbit. You can cook cutlets, meatballs, add a little rice to the minced meat.
  • Soups on lean meat, fish broths are allowed.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish, steamed.
  • Soft-boiled egg.
  • Omelet for a couple.
  • Low calorie cottage cheese.
  • Pureed porridge on the water.
  • Green tea, coffee, decoctions.

Unauthorized Products:

  • Sweet buns with sugar.
  • Fatty meats, all kinds of fat, sausages, sausages.
  • Soups with milk.
  • Pasta.
  • Canned food.
  • Fatty fish.
  • Hard-boiled eggs.
  • Fried eggs.
  • Fresh vegetables.
  • All types of oils.
  • Milk.
  • Fermented products with high fat content.
  • Sweets, honey.

The main thing, while following a diet with an affected sigmoid colon, is to saturate the body with protein and electrolytes. It is better to eat fractionally, in small portions, up to 6-7 times a day.

The diet according to system 4 excludes the use of fats, carbohydrates, salts. With an improvement in well-being, a person is transferred to 4b and 4c, fats and carbohydrates can be consumed in a standard amount. But all food should be pureed, at a comfortable temperature.

The patient is forbidden to eat foods that provoke fermentation inside the intestines, for example, mushrooms, fatty meat. If the patient's condition is consistently good, then you can slightly deviate from the diet, but do not abuse smoked, spicy, fried, seasonings, spices. Despite improvement, the patient should carefully monitor his diet and general condition organism. Eat foods rich in fiber. If there is a violation of the digestive process, then you need to immediately return to the diet. Standard food should be introduced gradually, monitoring even the slightest reaction of the body to the innovation.

Methods of treatment of traditional medicine

Traditional medicine includes many recipes for restoring the intestines, but all of them can be considered as additional measures impact on illness. Before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor, because it is he who tells what inflammation of the sigmoid colon is, its symptoms and treatment.

Fighting inflammatory process passes much more successfully if you take healing infusions.

  1. To quickly relieve inflammation, you can prepare the following infusion. For cooking you will need: St. John's wort, mint, sage in equal proportions. For 10 grams of the composition you need 300 ml of boiling water. Insist until completely cooled, strain. Take 100 grams 3 times a day before meals.
  2. You can prepare an infusion according to a similar recipe with ingredients such as nettle, mint, motherwort. Take 75 grams, 3 times a day. Course - 21 days. Effective in fermentation and decay.
  3. You can fight pathology by taking an infusion of dill, rosehip, chamomile, celandine, plantain. Mix in equal proportions. For 5 tablespoons you need a liter of water. Insist 6 hours. Take 3 tablespoons immediately before meals, but not more than 6 times in 24 hours. The course is 28-30 days.

The inflamed intestine can be treated with micro enemas. Chamomile, sage, calendula are suitable for their preparation. The infusion is administered with a standard syringe, the volume is not less than 150 ml. Before the procedure, the patient must completely relax, the liquid must be at a comfortable temperature for the body. Best time for the procedure - evening. During an exacerbation, such enemas are recommended daily, the course is 30 days.

Effectively relieves inflammation of alder. The cones are crushed to a powder state, you need 20-25 grams, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool, strain, take 200 ml 2-4 times a day.


Inflammation of the sigmoid colon is a rather complicated pathology, especially if the soft tissues are deformed, affected by erosions and ulcers. At slightest problems with the intestines, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a study. Self-medication is excluded.