How to restore the structure of the endometrium. Factors that negatively affect the size and functioning of the endometrium

Endometrium - the lining of the uterus, the thickness of which is affected by the phase menstrual cycle .

If there are no deviations in the body, at the time of ovulation, the endometrium reaches its maximum thickness. This helps the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterus and further develop.

However, sometimes under the influence of certain factors, thinning of the endometrium is observed.. This can lead to infertility.

Therefore, many women are interested in how to build up the endometrium with folk remedies.

This layer of the uterus plays important role- It is on it that the fetal egg is attached. The endometrium creates right conditions for the formation of the embryo.

Immediately after conception, the number of vessels and glands in it increases. Subsequently, they become an element of the placenta and supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients.

For conception to occur, the endometrium must have a normal thickness and structure.. However, sometimes it fails to grow.

The following factors influence this:

Most often, the thickness of the endometrium decreases with estrogen deficiency.. In this state, pregnancy is impossible.

Even if conception occurs, there is a high chance of miscarriage. Therefore, many women are interested in how to build up the endometrium so that the fetus takes root.

To begin with, you need to analyze clinical picture this pathology. Most often observed various symptoms, the main of which is the irregularity of menstruation. Menstruation may be too short or scanty.

Another sign is the impossibility of conception or constant miscarriages.

If the cause of the problems is estrogen deficiency, there are complaints characteristic of menopause.. These include:

  • headaches;
  • sharp mood swings;
  • depression, irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • pain during sex;
  • loss of libido;
  • sweating and hot flashes;
  • pressure fluctuations;
  • pain in muscle tissue and joints.

If such signs appear, it is advisable to consult a specialist - best of all, a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

The doctor will ultrasound examination, which allows you to determine the thickness of the endometrium in different phases cycle. It is also necessary to donate blood to determine the level of estrogen.

Many women are interested in how to build up the endometrium for pregnancy.

To do this, doctors use various methodsmedications, physiotherapy procedures. Sometimes it is possible to cope with the task with the help of folk recipes.

Answering the question of how to build up the endometrium for conception, you need to understand that this process occurs under the influence of hormones.

To solve this problem, doctors most often prescribe hormonal drugs.. However, it is strictly forbidden to take them on your own - you should definitely consult a specialist before starting treatment.

So, how to build up the endometrium? The following categories of drugs are usually prescribed:

  • preparations with estradiol;
  • medications to increase estrogen levels;
  • products with progesterone.


This medicine contains estradiol and estrogens. The use of the substance provides an improvement in the blood supply to the uterus.

The drug should be drunk for those women who have previously experienced miscarriages. They help restore the body.

The use of Proginov is considered one of the main methods of preparing for IVF, since in this case an increase in the endometrium is required. The drug can be combined with other drugs.

How to quickly build up the endometrium before ovulation? The scheme for the use of the drug is determined by the doctor.

There are 2 options:

  1. Cyclic reception. The medicine is taken 1 tablet for 3 weeks. Then skip 1 week and repeat the therapy again.
  2. Continuous. In this case, the tablets must be taken constantly.

Proginova should not be taken in such cases:

  • pregnancy for more than 2 months;
  • lactation;
  • the use of products containing estrogen;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • tumor formations;
  • pathology of the gallbladder and liver;
  • diabetes.


The composition of the substance contains estradiol, which is a synthetic analogue of estrogen..

Divigel not only leads to a thickening of the uterine mucosa, but also activates the work of the organ, mammary glands, and vagina. The medicine should be taken once a day at the same time.

Do not treat inflamed areas, mucous membranes and chest. It is permissible to use the drug only as directed by a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of the drug include:

  • diabetes;
  • tumor lesions of the pituitary gland;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • tumors and inflammation of the breast and genital organs;
  • bleeding from the uterus;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • fat metabolism disorders;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver.


This is a homeopathic substance in the form of drops, the use of which leads to the activation of estrogen synthesis.. The composition contains exclusively natural substances and alcohol.

To build up the endometrium with this medicine, you need to mix 10 drops of the product with half a glass of water and take 30-60 minutes before meals. It is recommended to do this three times a day.

Most often, in addition to this drug prescribe other natural medicines. General course therapy is 1-3 months.

Gormel is forbidden to drink in such cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • liver pathology;
  • lactation;
  • trauma and brain disease.

Folk remedies

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to build up the endometrium on their own. At home, for this purpose, use medicinal plants. To the most effective methods an increase in the endometrial layer can include the following:

Before using any remedy, you should consult your doctor. Folk recipes have a strong influence on the balance of hormones and the function of individual organs and the whole organism.

How to build up the endometrium after curettage? To do this, it is necessary to improve blood flow in pelvic organs.

That is why it is so important to move and exercise a lot. Not enough active image life must be compensated by visiting the pool or sports sections.

To build up the endometrium without pills, you can use the following methods:

  1. Acupuncture. This method belongs to the traditional Chinese medicine. During the procedure in active points insert special needles. Thanks to this, it is possible to activate the work of the affected organ.
  2. Hirudotherapy. Thanks to the use of this method, it is possible to normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This perfectly stimulates an increase in the thickness of the endometrium.
  3. Exercises for the abs. Their implementation not only helps to strengthen the muscles, but also improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

For improvement women's health it is useful to exercise every day and walk for 30-40 minutes.

The following types of loads are also very effective:

  • aerobics;
  • dancing;
  • swimming.

Thin endometrium is often the result of eating disorders.

When this problem is identified, experts recommend limiting the consumption of fatty, spicy, salty foods.

The menu should be dominated by fruits, vegetables, berries. It is also useful to eat spices and seafood. To stimulate the development of mucous membranes, you need to use vitamins C and E.

Salicylates should also be present in the diet.. They are found in blueberries, raisins, cranberries. There are these substances prunes, strawberries and honey. Contained beneficial substance and in spices - paprika, ginger, cinnamon, curry, thyme.

Many people are wondering if pineapples help with this diagnosis.. Experts say that this product is very useful for thinning of the endometrium.

It helps to improve the balance of hormones, strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation. Pineapples also strengthen immune system and prevent blood clots.

You can use pineapple in any quantity. At the same time, you should start doing this at least a couple of days before ovulation. It is important to consider that women with allergies should remember the sense of proportion. The fact is that pineapples contain a lot of vitamin C.

Doctors say that adherence to the principles proper nutrition allows you to quickly improve the condition of the body.

You can notice changes in just a month. The thickness of the mucous membranes increases by 5 mm and the normal tissue structure is restored.

Thinning of the endometrium is quite common and can cause infertility.. To cope with pathology, you can use medicinal and folk methods.

In any case, before starting therapy, you should consult a doctor, since all these drugs have a serious effect on the hormonal background. female body.

How to build up the endometrium? Women with problems in this area are often interested in this issue. The endometrium is a necessary factor for a successful pregnancy. The endometrium thickens during the menstrual cycle, until ovulation, in preparation for the fixation of the egg, and if fertilization does not occur, part of the layer falls off and is excreted from the body in the form of menstrual bleeding, the deeper layer begins to recover.

Functions of the endometrium, structure

The endometrium is the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the uterus. It consists of glandular and integumentary epithelium, stroma ( connective tissue, which develops during menstruation into mature cells that produce collagen, etc. necessary substances), the main substance and a large number blood vessels. The main function of this mucous membrane is to create favorable conditions for the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus and further development. In the process of egg growth, the endometrium gradually grows, transforming into the placenta - an organ that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. If fertilization has occurred, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and the endometrium continues to develop and is not rejected - therefore, there is no menstrual bleeding during pregnancy.

What factors associated with the endometrium affect pregnancy?

The thickness changes during the menstrual cycle, but this value also depends on factors such as age, the state of health of the woman. The change in thickness and structure is adjustable hormonal system women, namely: the hormone estradiol. There are standard indicators of what should be the thickness and structure of the endometrium at a certain age, and a certain phase of the cycle. These indicators ensure the successful attachment of the fetus.

Indicators of the endometrium in various phases of the menstrual cycle:

  • 5-7 days - 3-6 mm, homogeneous structure;
  • 8-10 - 5-10 mm, thickening of the functional layer;
  • 11-14 - 7-14 mm, ;
  • 15-18 - 10-16 mm;
  • 19-23 - 14 or more mm;
  • 25-28 (on the eve of menstrual bleeding) - about 12 mm.

During pregnancy, the endometrium thickens. Reaching 20 mm by 4-5 weeks, then it transforms into the placenta. During menopause, there is hormonal changes organism, in particular, the endometrium begins to atrophy, its thickness is about 3-4 mm.

Vitamins C and E, salicyl improve the process of maturation of the endometrium, so their sufficient intake in the body of a woman is important condition treatment. For this, it is recommended to include in the diet following products: citrus fruits, fresh vegetables, milk, raisins, grapes, prunes, ginger, dill. It is also possible to prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures and physical exercises. Physiotherapy treatments include: laser therapy, thermotherapy, treatment alternating current. In some cases, traditional medicine has an effective effect.

With insufficient thickness or hypoplasia, the fertilized egg cannot attach to the wall of the uterus, which causes infertility or abortion in women. In such cases, it may be necessary to build up the endometrium. Causes of impaired maturation of the lining mucosa:

  1. With violations of the hormonal system.
  2. Congenital hypoplasia of the uterus - a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the woman's age.
  3. Availability inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  4. Insufficient blood supply to the uterus.
  5. After scraping the endometrium.
  6. Curettage is a procedure that is prescribed for miscarriages, for the purpose of artificial termination of pregnancy, to obtain a sample of the endometrium ( diagnostic purposes), in the presence of polyps in the uterus, endometrial hyperplasia (thickening), and other diseases.
  7. Consequences of surgery.

Clinical manifestations of hypoplasia, diagnosis

Some signs may indicate hypoplasia:

  1. Late onset of menstruation (over 16 years of age).
  2. Disorders of menstrual bleeding.
  3. Underdevelopment of secondary sexual characteristics, insufficient hair growth (these signs indicate hormonal disorders), lack of orgasm.

Most often, when a woman cannot become pregnant, or the pregnancy is interrupted, the risk of ectopic pregnancy is high. If it is possible to bear the fetus, then the pregnancy is difficult, with constant toxicosis and the threat of miscarriage, and childbirth is accompanied by complications (weak labor activity, insufficient opening of the uterine os). Therefore, when planning pregnancy, it is necessary to study the endometrium. Treatment of problems associated with insufficient development of the endometrium depends on what caused this pathology.

To find out the details and obtain information on how to build up the endometrium, you should contact a qualified gynecologist; it may also be necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Diagnostic procedures that are necessary to determine the causes of underdevelopment of the mucosa lining the uterus:

  1. Gynecological examination.
  2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  3. Hormonal blood tests.
  4. Biopsy of the uterus.

Extension methods

How to quickly build up the endometrium? After finding out the causes of the underdeveloped endometrium, the doctor decides how to improve the endometrium: which ones should be prescribed medications, in what dosages, will recommend physical exercise or physiotherapy treatments, etc. Pharmacological preparations prescribed for insufficient development of the endometrium:

  1. Hormonal drugs based on estradiol (Divigel).
  2. A preparation containing salicyl (Aspirin).
  3. Hormonal drugs that activate the production of estrogen (Gormel).
  4. Hormonal medicines containing synthesized progesterone, help to improve the process of maturation of the endometrium (Dufaston, Utrozhestan).
  1. The use of a decoction of sage.
  2. The use of tinctures of the boron uterus.

Methods alternative medicine, which help to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and improve the process of endometrial growth:

  1. Acupressure.
  2. Acupuncture - the impact on certain points of the body with special needles.
  3. Hirudotherapy is a treatment technique that consists in applying to certain areas of the body medicinal leeches.

A woman who wants to get pregnant as soon as possible is interested in how quickly the endometrium can grow. The answer depends on many factors: on the causes that caused the violation, on the degree of development pathological process. The main thing is to contact a competent specialist and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

I don’t want to drink medicines, hormones unequivocally !!! Stimulation is worth it ((((I read that pumpkin juice helped someone, raspberry leaves someone .. Are there anyone here who, by personal example, was positive result from the treatment of traditional medicine. I throw off my flight to the endometrium. 7.5 on the transfer.

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On a note!

I was looking on the Internet for what a short and long protocol is, and I found an interesting article, for myself, or maybe for you, my dears, it will come in handy for someone! Children are the flowers of life, children are our happiness, children are our everything! Unfortunately, the stork does not always bring children, and even cabbage in the garden rarely turns out to be “magic”. It even happens that the whole process of childbearing, or rather childbearing, must be completely and completely entrusted to medicine, because something does not work out in nature. Further, there is a lot of text ...... The process of conception outside the body (in vitro) ...

Women who have problems with conception often ask the question - how to build up the endometrium for conception and successful pregnancy. The success of the attachment of the embryo in the uterus, that is, implantation, and its further development largely depend on the self. The endometrium grows throughout the entire menstrual cycle until ovulation, creating conditions for improved blood circulation during the last phase before menstruation. In the case when fertilization has not occurred, part of this layer is torn off and excreted during menstruation.

The mucous layer of the endometrium has a complex structure and is formed from the following components:

  1. Glandular layer consisting of epithelium.
  2. The stroma is a connective tissue capable of producing collagen.
  3. main substance.
  4. The circulatory system is made up of a large number blood vessels supplying the mucosa.

The main purpose of the endometrium is to create conditions for the acceptance and successful fixation of a fertilized egg in the uterus and the further development of the embryo with good nutrition. In the process of embryo growth, the endometrial layer also grows with transformation into the placenta, which provides the developing fetus with sufficient nutrition and oxygen. If the process of fertilization and attachment of the egg is successful, the endometrial development mechanism is triggered, it is not rejected and continues to develop further.

How does the endometrium grow?

The growth of the endometrium occurs under the influence of changes hormonal background, in which at the time of the beginning of the cycle, the level of estrogen rises. In case of violation of this process, when the follicles could not provide enough of this hormone, the uterus cannot build up a sufficient layer of endometrium. The build-up of the endometrium cannot occur fully and with various injuries received during surgical interventions, as well as incorrectly entered intrauterine device. The cause of the underdeveloped endometrium must be clarified by a gynecologist and then outlined possible ways build up a full-fledged endometrium for subsequent conception.

Clinical manifestations of insufficient development of the endometrium

Very often, with an underdeveloped layer of the endometrium, women experience problems with pregnancy, there are cases ectopic pregnancies or they end in miscarriage. If such situations occur repeatedly, abnormalities in the endometrium can be assumed. Some signs that should alert a woman:

  • the beginning of the first menstruation later than the established norm (after reaching the age of 16);
  • manifestations of violations in menstrual bleeding(abundant or meager manifestation);
  • insufficient development of secondary sexual characteristics, slow growth of body hair, failure to get an orgasm (which implies a hormonal failure).

In the case when the pregnancy is still possible to maintain and endure, the underdeveloped endometrium causes it severe course with the threat of miscarriage and toxicosis. generic activity weakened, there is insufficient disclosure of the uterine pharynx. Therefore, in the case of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to take all the ways to build up a sufficient layer of the endometrium for the safe birth of a healthy baby.

Most often, for the successful treatment of this pathology, it will be necessary to use drugs that can regulate the hormonal background. There are currently various ways build up sufficient endometrium, which will be prescribed depending on the cause that caused such a hormonal disorder.

Diagnostic methods

To choose a method of how to successfully build up the endometrium, you need to contact a gynecologist. Sometimes, to get a consultation, it becomes necessary to undergo an examination by an endocrinologist. To find out the reasons why the endometrium is unable to fully develop and reach normal thickness, the following diagnostic procedures may be necessary:

Ways to build up the endometrial layer

After established diagnosis and finding out the reason why the build-up of the endometrium does not occur at the proper level, the doctor prescribes medications and physiotherapy that contribute to a more intensive development of the mucous layer in the uterus. To medical preparations used in such cases include:

  • estradiol-based drugs that affect hormonal levels (Divegil);
  • salicylic preparations;
  • hormonal medicinal products, increasing the amount of estrogen (use of Gormel);
  • hormonal preparations with progesterone, which contribute to the successful maturation of the endometrial layer (the use of Duphaston, Utrozhestan).

It is generally accepted that the use of Duphaston and Utrozhestan increases the endometrium. This is not entirely true, these products containing progesterone only contribute to the maturation of the mucosa in the uterus. Duphaston is obtained by synthesizing progesterone, and Utrozhestan is a natural drug. They are completely harmless to the female body and do not have side effects.

It would be useful to remind you that it is necessary to use all drugs to build up the endometrium only after being examined by a gynecologist for the state of the hormonal background and not exceeding the dosage recommended by him. Self-treatment in this case is unacceptable, as it can lead to completely opposite results.

Traditional medicine recipes that contribute to the normal development of the endometrium

Alternative methods of traditional medicine using medicinal herbs it is also better to carry out after a conversation with a specialist. The following methods are most often used for this purpose:

  1. It has been found that the endometrial layer is exposed to estrogens. It is necessary to select and apply plants, the isolated phytohormones from which are similar in their properties to the hormones estrogens and progesterones. The plants most commonly used in these phytoestrogenic situations are linden, mistletoe, hops, clover grass, sage decoction, and many others.
  2. Grass containing phytoandrogens - decoctions of colza, hogweed, celery, calamus, lovage.

These medicinal herbs are believed to help the body produce essential hormones and the restoration of normal hormonal levels, and therefore, can help build up sufficient mucosal thickness. Another one of effective ways, launching recovery processes, is a herb called uterus boron. It is drunk as tea when the egg is supposed to ovulate, which has favorable conditions for the formation of a full-fledged endometrium. Contributes to the restoration of the uterine mucosa and the use of carrot seeds with honey, pre-crushed and taken one teaspoon several times a day.

A woman, together with a doctor, must determine her ways to build up the endometrial mucosa, using medical preparations or chosen medicinal herb What is important is that the treatment brings positive results.

Help from non-traditional methods

Methods of alternative medicine contribute to a more intensive supply of blood to organs in abdominal cavity, and as a result, accelerate the growth of the endometrial layer:

  1. Massages and acupuncture. One of the directions developed by Chinese doctors, which is based on the impact on strictly defined points on the body, by pressing with your fingers or using specially designed needles.
  2. Hirudotherapy. Therapeutic method with the application of medical leeches to certain places on the body.
  3. Exercises with a load on the press. way to strengthen abdominal Press, and improves the processes of blood circulation in the pelvis and uterine cavity, capable of increasing the sufficient thickness of the endometrium. However, it must be remembered that the use of this method is contraindicated in some cases. Therefore, for classes, you need to get a recommendation from a gynecologist.
  4. Vitamin C and food with high content. You can use pineapples, tangerines, lemons, blackcurrants and similar products without restriction. In cases where this does not help build up the endometrium, then such a method will definitely not bring harm.
  5. Vitamin E. The use of this vitamin by women is generally necessary, and as a way to build up the uterine mucosa is simply irreplaceable. Products with its content - milk, fresh vegetables, flax seeds, raspberry leaves. The latter are brewed and consumed as a tea several times a day.

Interesting video:

All methods used as methods for building up a full-fledged layer of the endometrium can provide significant assistance in treatment. However, they do not cancel a visit to a doctor and a thorough examination in a medical institution.

Often the cause of infertility in women is the underdevelopment of the endometrium. In order for the embryo to be able to gain a foothold in the uterus, its inner shell must have a certain thickness and be sufficiently loose. Abortions, inflammatory processes, infectious diseases lead to the fact that the structure inner surface uterus is broken. A woman who dreams of having a baby has to be treated to build up the endometrium. How to do this, the doctor will tell you after diagnosing and finding out the reasons for the thinning of the uterine mucosa.


Functions of the endometrium

During each menstrual cycle, the thickness and structure of the lining of the uterine cavity changes. This occurs under the influence of estrogens produced by the ovaries. In phase 1, when an egg matures in them, the thickness of the endometrium increases, and a network of blood vessels grows in it. Progesterone, which is released in the ovaries after ovulation, contributes to the loosening of the mucosa. Conditions are created for the fertilized egg to be able to gain a foothold in the wall of the uterus, and the development of the embryo continues.

What causes endometrial growth? The shell consists of 2 layers: deeper, basal, and superficial, functional. During menstruation, the functional layer peels off and is brought out. At the same time, the mucous membrane becomes thinner to 0.3-0.5 cm. At the end of menstruation, a new functional layer grows from the cells of the basal layer. woman reproductive age Normally, this process is constantly repeated. By the time the egg is fully mature, the endometrium should thicken to 0.9-1.4 cm. This is enough for a woman to become pregnant. The lower acceptable limit is considered to be a thickness of 0.8 cm. If it is less, you need to think about how to build up the endometrium.

Possible complications of underdevelopment of the uterine mucosa

For some reason, a failure occurs, as a result of which the endometrium does not recover after menstruation, it remains too thin. Therefore, a woman is either infertile, or her pregnancy fails. Another consequence of thinning and disruption of the mucosal structure is ectopic fixation. gestational sac, the occurrence of pathological pregnancy.

Even if it occurs when the thickness of the endometrium is less than normal, various complications arise. Among them are insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus (this is fraught with a serious violation of its development), improper presentation of the fetus, poor uterine contractility during childbirth.

Causes of underdevelopment of the endometrium

The reason for the insufficient development of the endometrium and its thinning can be:

  1. Violation of the hormonal background in the body of a woman as a result of diseases of the pituitary gland, ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands. Contraceptives can affect the state of the hormonal background, treatment hormonal drugs.
  2. Curettage of the uterine cavity. During such an operation, there is always a risk of damage to the basal layer, from which a new layer of the mucous membrane grows.
  3. The presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus, after which adhesions and scars remain, preventing the restoration of the mucosa.

A common cause of thin endometrium is a violation of blood circulation in the uterus.

Video: Symptoms of a thin endometrium. Causes of pathology, ways to build

Symptoms of pathology, diagnosis

It is possible to assume that the endometrium in a woman is too thin for a number of reasons. Among them, an increase in the duration of cycles, irregular onset of menstruation, hypomenorrhea (scanty menstruation), infertility. Possible appearance heavy bleeding after a delay in menstruation (there is an abortion, which the woman does not know about).

If it is suspected that the cause of infertility is the underdevelopment of the uterine mucosa, a blood test is done for estrogens, progesterone and other hormones. To measure the thickness of the endometrium, an ultrasound of the uterus is performed. Violation of the blood supply is determined using Dopplerography (ultrasound of the blood vessels).

Endometrial Augmentation Methods

There are several ways in which you can build up the endometrium, increase the likelihood of the onset and maintenance of pregnancy.

Traditional treatment is carried out by the following methods:

Traditional medicine also offers various proven remedies that help build up the uterine mucosa and save a woman from infertility.

Medical treatment

First of all, the cause of insufficient growth of the endometrium is found out, the underlying disease is eliminated. For example, if the growth of the mucosa does not occur due to the presence chronic endometritis, then antibiotics are prescribed, as well as drugs to strengthen immunity (cycloferon, geneferon, licopid). Enzyme preparations lidase (promotes the resorption of scars in the uterine cavity) and Wobenzym (anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects) are taken.

It is actively used to eliminate menstrual disorders homeopathic remedy Gormel drops. It has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, helps to restore the mucous membranes, stimulating the production of estrogen in the ovaries.

hormone therapy

In the event that the endometrium is too thin due to a lack of female sex hormones in the body, hormone therapy is performed.

In the 1st phase of the cycle, estradiol-based drugs are prescribed with the direct goal of building up the endometrium: divigel, proginova or femoston. Divigel is applied to the skin of the abdomen, quickly absorbed and penetrates into the blood. Proginova is available as a dragee. Femoston is combination drug which contains estradiol and progesterone.

In the 2nd phase of the cycle, progesterone preparations (utrogestan or duphaston) are taken so that the growing mucous membrane has a normal structure.

Note: In medicines containing estrogen in pure form, there are unpleasant side effects such as the development of heart disease, vascular thrombosis. Consequence long-term treatment estrogen may be the occurrence malignant tumors. Combined funds with progesterone are not so dangerous, since this hormone softens harmful effect estrogen in the body.

Improving blood flow in the vessels of the uterus

The cause of circulatory disorders in the uterus may be damage to blood vessels during abortions, operations, as well as diseases of this organ. Sedentary image life, taking vasoconstrictor drugs are additional factors for the deterioration of blood flow and nutrition of the cells from which the endometrium is formed.

To improve the blood supply to the uterine mucosa and accelerate its growth, the patient is prescribed drugs such as clexane (prevents the formation of blood clots), chimes (vasodilator), pentoxifylline.

Video: Ways to build up the endometrium


Physiotherapy helps improve blood circulation in the uterus, eliminate inflammation of the mucosa.

Procedures such as hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), acupuncture (impact on receptors that stimulate the sensitivity of uterine membrane cells to estrogen) can help build up the endometrium. Popular methods are also magnetic and electric impulse therapy, electrophoresis, physiotherapy, massage.


Sometimes adhesions occur in the uterus, preventing the growth of the mucous membrane, the normal course of the menstrual cycle. In this case, helping a woman eliminate infertility helps only surgery hysteroscopy method. In this case, adhesions are dissected, scars are removed.

Operations are also performed if the endometrium cannot grow normally due to the presence of tumors in the uterus. In some situations, in order to increase normal endometrium, produce curettage of the mucous membrane along with polyps and cysts that violate its structure.

Folk ways

Some women are afraid of treatment with hormonal drugs. As an alternative ethnoscience offers recipes that use medicinal properties some plants. You can build up the endometrium using their phytoestrogenic effect and the ability to relieve inflammation, anesthetize, thin the blood.

Sources of phytoestrogens are sage, red clover, hops and many other herbs. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from them. For example, a pinch of dry sage is taken, poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. The decoction is taken after the end of menstruation until about the middle of the cycle. Raspberry leaf tea also has a similar effect.

Effective treatment with infusions of the red brush (drink in 1 half of the cycle) and boron uterus (taken from the middle of the cycle to menstruation). To prepare the infusion of the red brush, pour 1 cup of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. herbs, filter after 4 hours, consume 3 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon.

The infusion of the boron uterus is prepared with alcohol. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs in 1 glass of alcohol, infused for 2 weeks. The medicine is taken three times a day, 1 teaspoon.

How to accelerate the buildup of the endometrium

In order for the regeneration of the mucosa to occur faster, it is recommended that you eat foods with a high content of vitamin E. This substance stimulates the production of female sex hormones, accelerates tissue repair. Vitamin E is found in spinach, nuts, seeds, carrots, pumpkin, avocados, meat.

It is good to eat fruit great content vitamin C (pineapple, citrus, black currant). Berries and fruits, as well as honey, contain substances that thin the blood (salicylates). The diet should have oily fish- a source of polyunsaturated acids necessary for the formation and nutrition of new cells.

To improve blood circulation in the uterus, you need to move more, go to dances, play sports. Women who are being treated for infertility and dream of getting rid of the defect in the development of the endometrium are advised to quit smoking.

If you encounter a problem such as " thin endometrium", it is advisable to avoid using vasoconstrictors(for example, from a cold, runny nose or manifestations of an allergy).