The reproductive age of a woman: how old is it and how long does it last? News of health, medicine and longevity.

The fertile period is the time during which a man can produce sperm that can fertilize an egg. Gradually the number of main male hormone testosterone decreases, the quantity and quality of spermatozoa is rapidly falling.

The process of completing the reproductive period in men is called "hypogonadism". Hypogonadism - irreversible change hormonal background, restructuring of the body, in which the state of the genital organs changes, their functional purpose. It comes in the life of every male, the only question is when and how it happens.

Why does a man lose the ability to fertilize?

Hypogonadism is provided by nature in order to remove obsolete generations from the reproduction process. If hypogonadism were not predetermined, then the number of genetic mutations (Down's syndrome, cleft lip, children's cerebral paralysis), mental disorders among new generations only grew.

Due to a decrease in testosterone levels, the body begins to produce spermatozoa with damaged DNA which lead to the birth of unhealthy offspring.

In addition, an aging body cannot endure great physical and psychological stress, it becomes fragile. Even if a child was born to an elderly person, it would be physically difficult for him to take care of him, to take care of him. A child needs not only to be born, but also raised - nature is also guided by this principle, suppressing the reproductive function in old age.

Favorable period for conceiving a child

The amount of testosterone begins to decline annually by 1-2% after 30-35 years. But this does not mean at all that already at that age there will be infertility. Hypogonadism occurs when testosterone levels fall below normal. This can happen at any age. Someone leads well sexual life up to 70-80 years, and someone is already infertile at 30-40 years. Here, factors of each individual, his lifestyle, state of health play an important role.

But numerous studies have helped to derive the average figure of the fertile period. According to them reproductive age men reach its peak at 23-30 years (then more active, high-quality spermatozoa), and begins to fade by the age of 40.

  • At 42-50 years old, the process of fading reproductive function noted in 17% of cases;
  • In 65-80 it is observed in 40% of cases;
  • After 80 years, 65% of the male sex suffers from this.

Some more interesting facts about hypogonadism:

  • In America, 5 million people suffer from this pathology. And only 6% seek substitution therapy;
  • This physiological process causes bone fragility, injuries and fractures in 55% of cases after 42 years;
  • 10 people out of 1000 cannot psychologically accept age-related infertility, which is why they commit suicide.

How to detect hypogonadism?

The reproductive age can be different for each man, so symptoms are the main indicators for making a diagnosis. The end of reproductive age is preceded by the following signs:

  • Decreased sex drive. The number of sexual acts is reduced;
  • Developing erectile disfunction. The body fails to maintain an erection for normal sexual intercourse, occurs;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Pain when urinating frequent urges to the toilet;
  • Violations of the vegetative-vascular system are observed - the face, cheeks turn red, body temperature rises, jumps arterial pressure, dizzy, shortness of breath appears, suddenly throws into a fever;
  • Irritability;
  • Sensitivity;
  • Depressive state, apathy;
  • decline in performance;
  • memory impairment;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • The ratio between muscle mass and fats. There is a general trend - the hips and abdomen are rounded;
  • Bone tissue becomes fragile;
  • The amount of hair decreases, bald patches appear;
  • Decreased skin density.

If at least some of the signs are suitable for you, you should consult an andrologist or urologist for recommendations.

Causes of premature hypogonadism

Hypogonadism can be called early if the reproductive function begins to fade at 35-45 years. Usually the reasons for activation physiological process ahead of time lie in the way of life, the genetic code.

Male menopause approach:

  • injury, surgical intervention on the ovaries, genitals;
  • venereal disease, congenital anomalies genital organs;
  • Prostatitis;
  • colds, infectious diseases, which were heavily tolerated by the body, were associated with complications;
  • stress, sedentary image life;
  • Improper nutrition - an abundance of carbohydrates, fats;
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • Frequent change of sexual partner;
  • tumor of the testicles;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • ischemic disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • Irregular sex, rare ejaculation;
  • Wrong intimate hygiene. regular soap, shower gels irritate the surface of the penis, violate the natural microflora. It is advisable to buy special agent for intimate hygiene.

How to prepare for conception for men over 50?

Mature age at conception threatens genetic mutations child. Therefore, a man should approach this process with all attention, carefully monitor his health and follow the recommendations:

  • Follow a diet that positively affects potency, erection, sperm quality. It must be present - vitamin E and C, folic acid, lute, zinc, selenium. Be sure to eat citrus fruits, nuts, cereals, fish, seafood;
  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Avoid baths, saunas, hot baths;
  • Don't worry, don't get depressed;
  • Do at least 20-30 minutes of sports every day;
  • Refuse coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, products with preservatives;
  • Establish a sleep and rest regimen;
  • Wear loose cotton underwear;
  • Watch your weight. Obesity, lack of weight adversely affects the quality of the seed;
  • Spending more time outdoors
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Try not to take antibiotics. Do this only when absolutely necessary. Antivirals worsen the quality of sperm;
  • It is necessary to drink more pure water;
  • Have sex 2-5 times a week.

To determine the likelihood of a gene mutation in a child even before conception, you can go genetic analysis, to pass the analysis on a semen analysis. With drugs, therapy, doctors can correct, remove the damaged genome.

The first sign is usually an enlargement of the mammary glands (at about 11 years of age). A year or a little later, the first menstruation occurs. Puberty ends with the establishment of a regular, predictable menstrual cycle. During puberty, a girl may be disturbed by changes in her appearance. In addition, a teenage girl may have fantasies about relationships with men inaccessible to her (for example, popular artists), whose images do not seem to her as frightening as the representatives of the opposite sex she knows. The reproductive age for women in statistics is 28-36 years.

Influence of public opinion

Girls, unlike boys, are much more dependent on cultural traditions that require chastity. In particular, parents are much more concerned about the early onset of sexual activity in their daughter than in their son. The reason for these fears is obvious - for a girl, an early onset of sexual activity can turn into an early pregnancy. According to popular belief, a significant contribution to the problem teenage pregnancy media that promote sexual activity, as well as the influence of peers, contribute.

first dates

Usually the initiative to invite a date comes from a young man. A date often happens so that friends or classmates know about it. During such meetings, couples sometimes engage in sexual games (kissing, petting). Parents are usually more lenient if dates are at home. Often they are afraid of possible infection with various sexual infections, so they feel calmer knowing that young people use a condom.

sexual experience

Today, for many women, a stable relationship with a regular partner is preceded by a period of active sexual activity. Wide selection of modern contraceptives led to the fact that sex is no longer associated only with the reproduction of offspring. However, over time, many young women realize that love and sex within a formalized relationship brings a very special feeling of emotional comfort. Most single people these days are age group over 25 years old. Many women of this age are acutely aware of the course of their " biological clock”, and they are afraid not to have time to find a life partner and give birth to a child.

Birth of children

Increasingly, young families are postponing the birth of children until the age of 30-35 due to the fact that a woman is busy with a career. However, when a couple decides to conceive a child, they often face specific problems. Experts estimate that up to 20% of couples have difficulty conceiving. Often in families that are faced with the problem of infertility, partners in the depths of their souls blame each other for this. They avoid contact with friends who have children, or suffer from stressful sexual disorders associated with the need to adjust their sex life to fertile days.

Pregnancy can lead to changes in a woman's sex life. During this period, some of them lose interest in sex. In other cases sex drive persists only at certain stages of pregnancy.


After giving birth, some women need time for the birth injury to heal. During breastfeeding, there is often a decrease vaginal discharge which makes intercourse painful. During this period, some couples choose to switch to other forms of sexual activity until the usual sexual intercourse again becomes pleasant for both partners. In addition, a woman's interest in sexual activity can be influenced by factors such as fatigue or focus on her new role as a mother. In families where there are small children, and a woman works and performs most household chores, she has little time to take care of herself and sexual relations with a partner. Over time, as children grow older, many couples return to a more active sex life. A fulfilling sex life often becomes the key to the longevity of a marital relationship. It gives pleasure to partners, helps to increase self-esteem, relieve tension and reduce anxiety.

Living together

According to surveys, 1-2 years after marriage or start life together The average couple in the 20 to 30 age group has sex 2-3 times a week. With age, the intensity of sexual activity gradually decreases. However, despite fewer sexual contacts between spouses, the quality of sexual relations is improving. The peak of sexuality in women occurs later than in men. The largest number she experiences orgasms at the age of 35-45 years. This may be due to the fact that a woman needs time to "learn" to experience an orgasm, as well as to come to a sense of stability in her sexual life and personal relationships. sexual attraction women is not associated only with childbearing function. Moreover, the very anatomy of the human reproductive system implies not only the reproduction of offspring, but also the enjoyment of sexual intercourse. For example, the only function of the clitoris is to generate sexual pleasure. Even under the condition of a long-term relationship with a partner, a woman is much less likely to initiate sexual contact than a man. If this happens, then, as a rule, in the form of a veiled hint: for example, by putting on “special” underwear for the night, she lets her partner know that his attention will not be rejected and gradually becomes less regular. Symptoms of approaching menopause, in particular vaginitis (manifested by dryness of the vaginal mucosa, and sometimes small vaginal bleeding) and thinning of the vaginal walls, can cause discomfort during intercourse. In most cases, substitution helps to eliminate such manifestations. hormone therapy(HRT). Many older couples continue to enjoy intimacy. Women who do not stop having sex at the age of 60-70 and later note that sex at this age is no less joyful than at any other. However, during this period, there may be specific problems associated with the limitation of physical capabilities in men - for example, cardiogenic impotence, which affects erection.

What is reproductive age? How long does it last? Is the reproductive age of a woman different from that of a man? Here - Interesting Facts and misconceptions about the age of childbearing.

One of the main biological tasks of any living being is reproduction, reproduction of the species. The age when an organism is most adapted for reproduction is called reproductive or fertile.

According to demographic definitions, a woman's reproductive age ranges from 15 to 44-49 years. That is, from the beginning of menstruation to their termination. Reproductive age begins with the maturation of the first egg. In fact, at this time, the girl can already become pregnant and bear the child. It is also possible the birth of a healthy baby in a woman who celebrated her 50th birthday and even later. But both too early and too late pregnancies are undesirable for various reasons.

Early pregnancy

In theory, young girl may well give birth to a strong, healthy baby. But her own body, not yet fully formed, may suffer from pregnancy. In addition, a young mother in most cases is psychologically unprepared to bear parental responsibilities. She herself is in many ways an immature person, almost a child, without established life values ​​and a formed system of worldview. It cannot, of course, be said that there are no exceptions, but overall picture exactly like that. The situation can be further complicated by the fact that most too early pregnancies, as a rule, are unwanted and unexpected. And they end either with an abortion, or with the birth of an unwanted and useless child.

late pregnancy

After the age of 35, a woman's body begins to prepare for the onset of menopause. More and more menstrual cycles occur without ovulation, that is, a woman's ability to conceive is noticeably reduced. In addition, bouquets of chronic diseases accumulate with age, some of which can not only complicate the course of pregnancy, but simply interfere with conception. In particular, in mature women, endometriosis is often observed - a disease in which changes occur in the uterus that prevent the fixation of a fertilized egg.

Often there is obstruction of the tubes that develops with age, and the egg cannot descend into the uterine cavity. It is impossible to deny the fact that often such a late pregnancy also turns out to be unplanned and unwanted, as in absolutely early age. It often happens that a woman, confident that she is no longer able to conceive due to age or the onset of menopause, does not pay attention to the absence of menstruation. And only when he feels the fetal movement or pays attention to the rounded belly, he understands that this is not menopause, but pregnancy.

There is also undeniable scientific evidence that the older the parents, the higher the risk of having a child with genetic disorders. One of these gene disorders is well known to almost everyone: it is Down syndrome, caused by the presence in chromosome set the child of one extra chromosome. Such children have a special type of appearance and physique, their intellectual development is very difficult, and their life expectancy is noticeably shorter than that of other people.

Statistics say: if the risk of having a child with Down syndrome in a 25-year-old mother is 1: 1250, then in a 40-year-old woman it is already 1: 106. And in a 50-year-old woman, even more - 1: 11, that is, more than 10 % of children born to fifty-year-old mothers are born with this disease. And Down's syndrome is not the only disorder that increases in a child's likelihood of developing with the age of the mother.

The best time to have children

According to doctors and demographers, the best reproductive age for a woman is from 25 to 35. It was at this time that a woman was already ripe for conscious and responsible motherhood, her body is full of strength and energy, and chronic sores have not yet been accumulated. Children born to mothers between the ages of 25 and 32-35 are usually desired, the pregnancy is planned in advance.

For a full-fledged upbringing, everything is there - material wealth, housing, confidence in the future and in one's own abilities. Thus, best time for the birth of children, the middle of the reproductive age should be considered. But does this mean that late or early pregnancy bad? Of course no. At any age of the mother, a child can be born both completely healthy and with gene disorders or congenital diseases.

Take, for example, statistics on Down syndrome: if the risk of having a sick child in a 50-year-old mother is 1:11, this means that 89 out of 100 children are born healthy. Nearly 90% is the vast majority. And, perhaps, mature parents should simply carefully consider genetic counseling before deciding whether to have a child or terminate an unexpected pregnancy.

Everything has its pros and cons. A young mother may not yet take her motherhood seriously enough, but she is healthier, not burdened with age-related chronic sores, and is able to more easily understand a growing child and her needs - simply because she herself has not yet forgotten her own childhood. When her child grows up and flutters out of the parental nest, she will still be young, full of strength and energy, and will gladly make up for everything that eluded her in her youth due to early motherhood: travel, entertainment, everything that fits into the concept of "live for yourself."

On the other hand, a woman of the "Balzac age" has usually already made a career, decided on her marital status, and is firmly on her feet. She makes the decision to conceive carefully and confidently. Often on late pregnancy there are women who have remarried and want to give birth to another with their spouse, joint child. Often such a decision is made by parents who want to have children of different sexes - so that the older, already grown up brother has a sister, or almost adult daughter there was a little brother.

Late pregnancy gives a woman the opportunity to feel like a young mother. Her body is renewed, prolonging youth, but at the same time, any chronic diseases. That is why family planners strongly recommend that all women after the age of 35 undergo a full medical examination before planning the conception and birth of a child. Some diseases can become contraindications for pregnancy. In particular, chronic kidney disease requires special attention, of cardio-vascular system, susceptibility to hypertension ( high blood pressure), diabetes etc. With age, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy also increases.

Do not neglect the fact that the number of maturing eggs generally decreases, and it becomes much more difficult for a woman to become pregnant, and the older she is, the more difficult it is to conceive. But this does not mean infertility at all. On the contrary, if a woman does not plan to give birth, she should treat the issues of contraception with absolutely the same responsibility as at a young age.

By at least, until her menstruation completely stops, and the gynecologist gives an opinion on the end of the reproductive period in a woman's life based on the examination. Violations of the cycle can lead to the inefficiency of the former, habitual methods protection, and it will be found out only after conception.

As long as a woman is fertile, her reproductive age continues. Each of its stages is good in its own way. A woman can give birth to a child at the age of 15, and after 50, raise him and educate him, and be a happy mother.

Childbearing age is the period in a woman's life when she is able to conceive and give birth to a child. The time during which a man's body is able to produce spermatozoa is called the reproductive age of a man.

Childbearing (reproductive) age is important point in planning pregnancy and with.

Childbearing age of a woman

The optimal childbearing age of a woman is considered to be between 20 and 35 years. The first child is recommended to give birth to 25-27 years. This takes into account the natural ability of the female body to conceive, bear a fetus and give birth to a child. In addition, this age is characterized by sufficient social and psychological maturity.

Early pregnancy

Pregnancy at an early age is very often fraught with adverse effects. At the same time, than younger woman, the higher the risk, and bleeding.

Early motherhood is dangerous for both the young mother and the child. Babies are often born with low body weight, gain weight poorly and adapt worse to external conditions.

Of course, every woman is individual and before the age of 20 she can give birth healthy child. Physiologically, the body may well be ready for pregnancy and childbirth without complications. However, there are other circumstances that must be taken into account. For example, is a woman psychologically ready, does she have the necessary knowledge to raise a child, does she have the means to meet his needs?

late pregnancy

After 35 years, the female reproductive function begins to fade. First of all, it is related to hormonal changes, which lead to a decrease in the ability to naturally conceive, violations of the menstrual cycle and the process of ovulation.

It is known that a woman is born with a certain number of primary germ cells (oocytes). They mature during childbearing years but do not reproduce. The ovules are formed from the primary germ cells.

We regularly encounter negative factors external environment, which negatively affect the body, including oocytes. Therefore, in women after 35-40 years, the likelihood of conceiving a child with genetic abnormalities increases significantly.

After 45-50 years, menopause occurs in women, and the eggs cease to mature. At this age, a woman can no longer conceive a child.

Reproductive age of a man

With age, the production of male sex hormones gradually decreases. For the reproductive function of a man, it is essential, first of all, a decrease in the level of testosterone, which regulates the process of sperm formation.

Therefore, the optimal reproductive age of a man is considered to be the age of up to 35 years. By this time, most men have reduced the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg. As the amount of DNA damage increases, spermatozoa become less mobile and their genetic quality deteriorates.

Conception and birth of a child in middle-aged parents

IN Lately the number of births in women over 35 has increased. At the same time, there are many good examples the birth of the first child after 40 years. Despite the risk, having a child after 35 has its advantages for a woman.

Hormonal restructuring of a woman's body, associated with pregnancy and childbirth, allows you to feel like a young mother, despite your age. At the same time, it is possible to increase vitality and improve the general well-being of a woman. In addition, significant life experience contributes to a more responsible approach to raising a child.

When planning a pregnancy in middle age, it is necessary to consult a geneticist. Genetic counseling is required for prospective parents if they are over 35 years of age.

The period in the life of every woman, during which she is able to conceive, safely bear and give birth to a child, is called the reproductive or childbearing age.

When is the best time to have a baby?

The optimal childbearing age for women living in Russia and European countries, the interval between 20 and 35 years is recognized. At the same time, the most favorable age for birth is 25-27 years. It is in this interval that the girl's body is most ready for future pregnancy. But, at the same time, it is impossible not to take into account the natural, individual ability of a single female body to conceive a child, bear it and give birth. This age is also characterized by the complete social and psychological maturity of the girl.

Pregnancy at an early age

As mentioned above, the best childbearing age for a woman is the period of 25-27 years. However, it is not uncommon for pregnancy to occur before the age of 20. As a rule, in such situations, the likelihood of various complications is much higher, which confirms the frequent development of toxicosis and the occurrence in young girls. If, nevertheless, the pregnancy ends safely, then the born babies initially have a small body weight, the set of which also proceeds rather slowly.

However, there are cases when even 16-17 year old girls gave birth completely. healthy babies. But in such cases, young mothers had psychological problems due to unpreparedness for motherhood and lack of necessary knowledge, which are necessary for right upbringing child.

late pregnancy

In recent years, there has been an increase in cases where women childbearing age which is running out (after 40), give birth to their first child. This is explained by the fact that many consider it their first duty to make a career and reach certain peaks, and then only arrange family life.

But, as a rule, it is quite difficult to conceive a baby after 35 years, not to mention gestation and childbirth. This is mainly due to a change in the hormonal background, which leads to the fact that there is a decrease in the woman's ability to naturally conceive. Often at this age, women have problems with the regularity of menstruation and the process of ovulation.

As you know, every girl at birth has great amount primary germ cells, the number of which is constantly decreasing during the reproductive years. Over the years, a woman is constantly faced with various negative factors that adversely affect the state of the body as a whole, and especially the reproductive system. That is why at the age of 35-40 years the probability that a child at birth will have any deviations and anomalies increases several times.

Pregnancy in middle age

Today, pregnancy between 30-35 years is not uncommon. During this period, as a rule, healthy children are born. However, pregnancy at this age places a huge burden on female body. But despite this, due to hormonal adjustment in the body, a woman begins to feel much younger, her vitality rises.

Diseases of the reproductive age

Often during their childbearing years, women experience various diseases, an example of which may be menstrual disorders (NMC) and (DMC). The latter are most often caused by diseases of the female genital organs of an inflammatory nature.

Thus, any woman, knowing what childbearing age is optimal for the birth of a child, will be able to properly plan a pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.