Rh factor compatibility for conceiving a child. What you need to know about the compatibility of people by blood type in sexual and family relationships

Proper pregnancy planning is one of the main tasks facing expectant mothers and fathers. But even the most well-prepared parents may not even be aware of the danger.

Proper pregnancy planning is one of the main tasks facing expectant mothers and fathers. But even the most well-prepared parents may not even be aware of the danger that threatens the baby, the cause of which may be their blood type incompatibility.

The concept of parent compatibility

At conception, parental group affiliations have an equal influence on the formation of the child's blood. However, there is no guarantee that the child will inherit the plasma from the father or mother. For example, parents with II and III group the probability of having a child with any group is 25%.

But leading role in the concept of incompatibility, it is rather not the blood type that plays, but the Rh factor.

On a note: Rh factor (Rh) is an antigen or a special protein that is part of the blood of 85% of the world's population. It is found in the membrane of red blood cells - erythrocytes. People who do not have this protein are Rh-negative.

If both parents are either Rh+ or Rh-, then there is no cause for concern. Also, do not worry if the mother's blood is Rh positive, and the father's blood is Rh negative.

Pregnancy problems can occur if the baby's Rh-positive plasma mixes with Rh negative blood mother. The reaction that occurs in this case is called the Rhesus conflict. It appears at the moment when the antigen present in the baby's blood and absent in the mother enters her body. In this case, agglutination occurs - adhesion of Rh-positive and Rh-negative erythrocytes. In order to prevent this, female body begins to produce special antibodies - immunoglobulins.

Immunoglobulins produced during Rhesus conflict can be of two types - IgM and IgG. Antibodies class IgM appear at the first meeting of "warring" erythrocytes and are larger, which is why they do not penetrate the placenta.

When this reaction is repeated, immunoglobulins of the IgG class are released, which subsequently cause incompatibility. In the future, hemolysis occurs - the destruction of red blood cells in the baby's blood.

Effects hemolytic disease fetus

In the process of hemolysis, hemoglobin breaks down into toxic substances that affect the central nervous system, heart, liver, kidneys of a child. Subsequently, anemia, dropsy, fetal edema may develop. All this can be accompanied by hypoxia - oxygen starvation, acidosis - a violation acid-base balance and other complications. In the worst case, death is possible.

Causes of Rhesus conflict

Most parents-to-be know their blood type, but few know what is behind the symbols I, II, or Ph+. The importance of these parameters for conception cannot be underestimated. These data are recognized and rechecked among the first when planning a pregnancy. What is the compatibility of blood types for conception in spouses and how to calculate it.

What is blood type and Rh factor

Blood type is a complex of specific proteins on the surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes). The main system by which the incompatibility and compatibility of blood for conception and transfusions is determined is the ABO system. According to this system, 4 groups are distinguished, each of which has its own combination of agglutinogens (A, B) and agglutinins to them (a, b). The table below describes the data on the content of these components in each of the 4 groups.

Rh factor (RH) - the second clinically meaningful classification blood after the ABO system. The key antigen is antigen D. If it is on the surface of the erythrocyte, then the blood is considered Rh-positive, if not, then, respectively, Rh-negative. Most people on the planet, about 85% are Rh positive, the rest will be negative.

In addition to the Rh factor and the ABO system, there are several other classifications of blood groups according to other antigens. However, the importance for checking parents for blood compatibility at conception is given, in most cases, only to these two.

ABO Compatibility

Data on the group of the future mother and father is clarified at the stage of planning the child. In situations where partners are suspected immunological infertility, incompatibility of parents can be one of the causes of the problem.

Incompatibility develops when agglutinogens are in the blood of one person, and agglutinins corresponding to them, for example, A and a or B and b, are in the blood of another. In these situations, an agglutination (gluing) reaction occurs and the erythrocytes cannot fully perform their function. At conception, the fetus, in most cases, inherits the mother's blood type. The table below shows what the blood type of a child can be if the blood type of both parents is known.

If a child begins to form a paternal or third blood group that is incompatible with the mother, then an immunological conflict may occur. In these cases, there is a high probability of miscarriage already at early stages pregnancy. In addition, this condition can lead to the development of hemolytic disease in a child.

Rh compatibility

If incompatibility in the AB0 system is rare, then the development of the Rhesus conflict is observed much more often. What circumstances in this matter can lead to the development of incompatibility? If an Rh-negative mother becomes pregnant with an Rh+ fetus.

In such a situation, fetal erythrocyte proteins enter the general bloodstream to the mother. There they are met by the immune system, which perceives these proteins as a foreign object. The woman's body begins to produce protective antibodies that cause the death of the child's red blood cells. This means that mother and fetus are incompatible with each other.

If the pregnancy is the first serious problems usually does not occur because the immune system works slowly and does not have time to create enough protection cells. At repeated pregnancy Rh-negative child, the woman's immune system works much faster. Mom's immune cells are produced in in large numbers and begin to kill the baby's red blood cells. This leads to oxygen starvation, developmental disorders and can provoke intrauterine death fetus.

To prevent this from happening, partners with different Rh factors are checked in advance, and the pregnancy takes place under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, after the first pregnancy, a woman is injected with a special serum that prevents the development of blocking antibodies during a subsequent pregnancy.

Important! The severity of the manifestation of incompatibility according to the Rh factor increases with each subsequent pregnancy.

What else needs to be remembered in such a situation? The development of memory cells in an Rh-negative woman occurs with any contact with Rh-positive blood. If the expectant mother had a history of abortions, transfusions, miscarriages, then this may mean that she has already met with Rh-positive blood. With such a history, the first is already at risk.

Clinical case: Patient M., 26 years old,Rh- first pregnancyRh+ fruit. The baby was born prematurely at 32 weeks with severe hemolytic jaundice, extensive edema and cardiomegaly. It turned out that the woman did not remember that at the age of 3 she underwent an operation with a transfusion of donor blood.Rh+.

In other cases, the Rh factor does not affect normal development pregnancy. So, if a Rh + woman becomes pregnant with an Rh- fetus, then there will be no conflict, since there are no antibodies foreign to the mother in the fetal blood.

What is hemolytic disease?

This diagnosis refers to the development hemolytic anemia(anemia) in the fetus and newborn as a result of immunological incompatibility in parents. This disease can develop when partners are incompatible both in terms of Rh, and in the AB0 system, and in other antigens.

In these cases, during pregnancy, the death of fetal erythrocytes occurs. This death is caused by the mother's immune cells, which perceived them as a foreign object. The death of red blood cells causes their increased production and the appearance in the bloodstream of indirect bilirubin, which is highly toxic for the child.

The table below shows the probability of conflict when various groups parents' blood.

The clinical manifestations of the disease depend on how much antibodies from the mother crossed the placenta. In the most severe cases, fetal death occurs. Severe edema, jaundice, dropsy of the abdomen may develop, the size of the liver and heart, etc., increase. There are three degrees of severity of this disease, in accordance with which the child is treated.

What to do and how to prevent partner incompatibility

In order for future parents not to have problems, girls need to be very careful about abortions and transfusions. With transfusions, there is a risk of introducing blood with the wrong Rh, and there is always a risk of immunization for other antigens. Transfusion should be performed according to vital indications.

In most cases, maternal immunization occurs after the first birth. In this regard, a special vaccine should be introduced to the woman in labor during the day, which will prevent the occurrence of problems in the future.

Differences in Rh and blood type in spouses or in an unborn child should not become an indicator global problems. No one will choose a spouse based on data on his proteins on red blood cells. modern medicine allows you to overcome this incompatibility and control the reaction of the body. To do this, you need to be attentive to your health, and follow the doctor's instructions.

The health of the baby depends not only on heredity and gestation conditions, but also on the compatibility of blood groups and the Rh factor of his parents. Rh factor is the presence of special proteins on the surfaces of red blood cells in the blood. Most people have them - almost 85% of the population. big problem is the absence of these proteins, especially in women. People who do not have these proteins have negative Rh factor. According to the Rh factor, it is possible to determine in advance the likelihood of a conflict, the ability to conceive a child at all.

Maximum compatibility is observed in couples with the same Rh factors. For example, if they are both positive or both negative. Also, different Rh factors are compatible if the mother has a positive one. But if it's the other way around. positive only in the father, then the probability increases. that there will be a conflict. Blood type compatibility indicates the likelihood of having a baby of a certain gender. There are also certain biological laws by which the blood type of the future baby is determined. It directly depends on the blood types of his parents.

Why is it important to determine the Rh factor?

Many people don't know own group blood and Rh factor. When the question of conception arises, it is necessary to find out these data for both parents as early as possible. This item is required. If this is not done, one may miss the opportunity for conflict between mother and fetus, which leads to a phenomenon called conflict. It is as follows:

  • hemolytic disease;
  • miscarriage;
  • intrauterine death;

But that doesn't mean giving birth healthy child impossible. In this case, all necessary examinations and timely assistance is provided for the appearance of diseases at the earliest stages. This can happen if the baby's red blood cells enter the mother's blood. Then the woman's body begins to produce special antibodies, special proteins and act against the cells of the fetus.

This happens if the child receives the father's Rh factor, which is positive and incompatible with the mother. That is why the phenomenon is called “conflict”. In addition to the Rhesus conflict, there is also a no less common “blood” if the child has any group, but not the first, and the mother has the first. This conflict operates in the same way as the Rhesus conflict. The outcome from it is easier, with a combination of two conflicts, the overall outcome is greatly softened.

Rh factors compatibility table

There are simple special tables compatibility, which show the likelihood of blood types in the future baby, as well as his gender and Rhesus. In the case of the same Rhesus and the father. and the mother (when both are positive), then the probability that a conflict will occur is 0, and the Rh factor of the child with a probability of 75% will be positive. When the mother is Rh positive and the man is Rh negative, there is no chance of conflict, and the baby's Rh is determined in a 50/50 ratio. When both partners are Rh negative, there is no chance of conflict, but the baby will be 100% negative.

The most difficult situation when a conflict is possible is different rhesus, moreover. that the mother will be negative. There is a 50% chance of conflict here. Rhesus in a child is also in the ratio of 50/50. This ratio is possible only with different Rhesus parents. The child will inherit it either from the mother or from the father. Blood type compatibility tables provide more information. Women with blood group 4 are the luckiest - they have zero chance of conflict in any combination. At the same time, there are combinations in other blood groups, when the conflict occurs 100%. This is the first blood group in the mother and 4 in the father.

Usually Rh-conflict does not appear during the first pregnancy. This is due to the unwillingness of the body to reject the protein of a child with a different Rh factor or blood type. But in the body of a woman, cellular memory is formed, and during repeated pregnancy, the body already recognizes a foreign protein and begins to reject it. If a miscarriage occurs due to conflict. It usually occurs after 8 weeks. It is during this period that cellular memory is formed in the mother's body and the body can reject the child's protein.

Conflicts that may occur during childbearing (pregnancy)

The conflict lies in the appearance of hemolytic disease of the fetus. It is expressed in damage to the kidneys and other organs of the child, brain disease, low hemoglobin. During the conflict, red blood cells are destroyed, and the kidneys and spleen speed up the process of producing them to restore balance. At the same time, these 2 organs greatly increase in size. In weak fetuses, the spleen and kidneys cannot cope with the production of the required number of red blood cells, oxygen starvation leading to a miscarriage. It may manifest itself in different forms but most often after the birth of the child. Therefore, after the birth of the fetus, it is examined and within a day and a half it is transfused with suitable blood, the Rh factor must necessarily be negative.

If it is presented in an anemic form, then the most the best option treatment of the disease. More precisely, the most benign. The health and condition of the newborn practically does not worsen, and the prognosis for treatment is favorable.

The icteric form is the most common. Often, it is she who occurs and belongs to the category of moderate-to-severe diseases. The baby's condition is gradually deteriorating. He becomes lethargic and inactive, his organs increase, his muscle tone. The child is not able to tilt his head forward, it is impossible to bring him to the chest. He constantly screams piercingly, all this is accompanied by convulsions and wide-open eyes.

During pregnancy, the main symptom of the conflict is a violation in the work of any organ. Also, the expectant mother needs to donate blood from a vein, first monthly, and then doing this more often, up to a weekly procedure. During pregnancy, with a negative Rh factor or incompatible blood types, constant prevention to avoid the occurrence of diseases.

How to avoid the consequences when Rhesus occurred

If the conflict nevertheless occurred - the most important and first measure - all actions to maximize the reduction of bilirubin in the child's blood. It is he who is the cause of the conflict. Then, antibodies are removed from the mother's blood medical method and reduce the symptom of fetal anemia. Further, more serious measures are applied, such as blood transfusion or hemosorption.

Newborn blood transfusion is a difficult process. Initially, blood is taken from him, and then another, suitable donor is poured into him. Hemosorption is similar in its action to a transfusion, but here, after the child's blood has been taken, the blood is cleansed of unnecessary harmful substances, then it is poured back, without using extraneous donor blood.

After the birth of a child, mothers should administer immunoglobulin within the next three days. It affects the removal of harmful substances and antibodies from the body, destroying red blood cells that have passed to the mother from a child with a positive Rh. This measure is necessary to improve common woman and conflict prevention next pregnancies. If this is not done, with a second pregnancy, the mother is expected severe consequences, one of which is Great chance miscarriage.

It is worth administering immunoglobulin to a Rh-negative woman even before a conflict appears, which can happen at absolutely any moment. If antibodies are still detected during the next blood test from a vein, immediate hospitalization is carried out. Such measures are used to constantly monitor the development of the fetus and timely measures for transfusion or cleansing. On the long term most often this cannot be done, the pregnancy is artificially interrupted.

Blood type compatibility is information that is often decisive. Knowledge of compatibility allows you to quickly find a donor for blood transfusion, as well as avoid a difficult pregnancy and the development of pathologies in the embryo.

Which blood group is suitable

Blood is a substance that includes plasma and formed substances. There are several classification systems, among which the most common is the AB0 system, according to which this biological material divided into 4 types: I, II, III, IV.

Plasma consists of two types of agglutinogens and two types of agglutinins, which are present in a specific combination:

In addition, the plasma may contain a specific antigen. If it is present, then it is considered that in humans. If absent, negative.

When a person needs a transfusion, it is necessary to know which blood groups are compatible and which are not. In the input of numerous studies and experiments, scientists have found that the universal is I, which is suitable for everyone else. This blood can be transfused to each other. IV (positive Rh +) is also characterized by versatility, it is possible to transfuse the biological material of all the others into such blood.

Detailed characteristics four groups:

  • I - universal. People with a positive Rh factor have a universal donor material, since it can be used for transfusion in any case. But the recipients of this biological fluid less fortunate - they only need one-group material. According to statistics, 50% of the world's population has a universal blood composition.
  • II - inferior to the first in universality. As a donor material, it is suitable only for owners of the second and fourth.
  • III - suitable only for owners of the third and fourth groups, subject to the same Rh factor. The recipient of the third group can accept the biomaterial of the first and third.
  • IV is a rare type of biological material. Recipients can accept any blood, and only members of their own group can become donors.

Compatibility scheme by group for human blood transfusion:

Give away Accept
1 1, 2, 3, 4 1
2 2, 4 1, 2
3 3, 4 1, 3
4 4 1, 2, 3, 4

The question of compatibility is also taken into account in the field of family planning. The health of the mother and the unborn child depends on the group and Rh factors of the parents, therefore, before planning a conception, tests should be taken. Blood compatibility for conceiving a child is presented in the table.

Compatibility table:

1 2 3 4
Mother 1 +
2 + +
3 + +
4 + + + +
  • "+" - compatible;
  • "-" - conflict.

First group

It does not contain antigens, so it is compatible in any case. Universality is characterized by the first positive. When transfused, 1 positive can be combined with II, III and IV, but it accepts only its own kind. The first negative is valued for the compatibility of blood for transfusion to any person in an emergency. But it is used in small quantities (no more than 500 ml).

For transfusion in a planned manner, one-group biological material should be used, while the Rh factors of the recipient and donor should be identical.

Compatibility options for group 1 for conception:

There is a pattern in inheritance. If both parents have the first group, then the child will inherit it with a probability of 100%. If parents have 1 and 2 or 1 and 3, then the probability of having babies with 1 and 2 or with 1 and 3 groups is 50/50%.

Second group

The presence of antigen A in it allows it to be combined with 2 and 4, which include this antigen. In terms of compatibility, 2 positive conflicts with 1 and 2. The reason is the presence of antibodies to antigen A in the latter.

If a person has a second positive, then only the same type 2 blood is suitable for transfusion. With a negative Rh, it is necessary to look for a donor with a Rh-negative biomaterial. When emergency blood type 2 can be combined with 1 Rh-.

The second group is compatibility when planning pregnancy:

Third group

It is not characterized by a combination with 1 and 2 (there are antibodies to antigen B), since group 3 contains antigen B. Only an identical biomaterial is transfused to a person with a third negative. In emergency cases, the first negative is applied, subject to regular compatibility checks.

Blood type 3 positive is rare, making it difficult to find a donor for a transfusion. A suitable biomaterial for transfusion to a person with a third positive is 3 Rh+ and Rh-, as well as 1 Rh+ and Rh-.

Compatibility of blood types for conceiving a child:

fourth group

It consists of antigens A and B, for this reason, in relation to donation, group 4 is suitable only for people with the same group.

People with the fourth group are considered universal recipients, since they can be transfused with any blood. And Rh doesn't always matter:

  • 4 positive - full compatibility with others (1, 2, 3), regardless of the Rh factor.

You need to know which biomaterial is suitable for 4 negative. Anyone, but only with a negative Rh.

4 blood group - compatibility with other groups during pregnancy:

What blood groups are incompatible

Blood group compatibility during transfusion helps to avoid situations when the body does not accept an inappropriate donated blood. dangerous complication such a situation is considered transfusion shock, therefore, it is necessary to know which types of blood are incompatible. Moreover, during transfusion, the Rh factor (Rh) matters.

Rh factor is a protein that is on the shell blood cells and exhibit antigenic properties. The transmission of this protein is hereditary. By its presence, a conclusion is made regarding the Rhesus:

  • positive (Rh +) - there is a protein on the erythrocytes;
  • negative (Rh-) - there is no protein on erythrocytes.

Transfusion of donor material should be carried out only taking into account Rh. It is impossible for the cells of the Rh-positive biomaterial to interact with the cells of the Rh-negative. Otherwise, the process of destruction of red blood cells starts.


  • I Rh + - with everyone who has Rh-;
  • II Rh- - with I and III;
  • II Rh+ — with all but II and IV Rh+;
  • III Rh- - I and II;
  • III Rh+ — with all but III and IV Rh+;
  • IV Rh+ - c I, II, III and IV Rh-.

The types of blood that are incompatible for conceiving a child are the same as in the case of a transfusion.

Rhesus conflict

Many are interested in how the parents' biomaterial can affect the conception of a child and how the Rh factor affects conception. It was found that the parents different groups with the same Rh factor are suitable for each other to conceive a healthy baby. If the biomaterial of the parents matches against the background of different rhesus, then difficulties in conception are possible.

The problem is that in case of incompatibility, a conflict over the Rh factor is possible - negative and positive red blood cells stick together, this is accompanied by a number of complications and pathologies.

If the positive Rh factor of the pregnant woman is stronger, then the risk of conflict is minimal. Pregnancy will normally proceed in women with Rh-, provided that the partner has the same Rh factor. If the partner has Rh +, then it is likely that the child will inherit it. In such a situation, a Rh-conflict of mother and child may occur. The Rh of the unborn child is determined based on the indicators of the mother and father.

Influence of Rh factors:

In practice, Rh conflict occurs in no more than 0.8% of cases. But this problem is given Special attention, because it carries a danger. Rh-positive fetal plasma for a pregnant woman with Rh-negative plasma poses a threat, therefore, antibody production processes are launched in the woman's body. Hemolysis occurs - a process in which antibodies begin to interact with the erythrocytes of the embryo and have a detrimental effect on them.

During metabolic process blood flow to the fetus is enriched nutrients and oxygen. At the same time, the waste products of the embryo enter the bloodstream of the pregnant woman. There is a partial exchange of erythrocytes, as a result of which part of the positive cells of the child penetrates into the blood of the mother, and part of her cells into the bloodstream of the fetus. Similarly, antibodies enter the body of the embryo.

It is noticed that the Rh conflict during the first pregnancy occurs less frequently than during the second. When the mother's cells first interact with the cells of the embryo, they produce large IgM antibodies. They rarely and in small quantities enter the bloodstream of the fetus, therefore they are not capable of harming.

During the second pregnancy, they produce IgG antibodies. They are small in size, so they easily penetrate into the bloodstream of the unborn baby. As a result, hemolysis continues in his body and accumulates toxic substance bilirubin. Fluid accumulates in the organs of the fetus, and the work of all systems in the body is disrupted. After birth, this process continues for some time, which aggravates the condition of the newborn. In such cases, a diagnosis is made.

In severe cases, the Rh conflict negatively affects conception - a pregnant woman has a miscarriage. For this reason, pregnant women with Rh- need careful monitoring of their condition, conducting all tests and studies.

Knowledge of blood compatibility helps prevent a number of complications, sometimes incompatible with life. And this applies not only to the transfusion procedure. Finding out compatibility should be one of the important stages in planning conception. This will help eliminate severe course pregnancy, miscarriage, the development of defects and pathologies in the child.

The desire to become parents and have a complete family is a natural need for many couples. Planning for a baby is an important stage in the life of spouses. That is why future mom and dad strive to get as much information as possible on all issues related to future pregnancy. One of important points, which is worth paying attention to - blood compatibility for successful conception and subsequent bearing of the crumbs. Scheduled examinations at the stage of preparation for pregnancy will reveal possible violations, as well as situations requiring additional medical supervision.

The term "blood type" is familiar to everyone. But not everyone knows how important this characteristic for the further continuation of the human race.

Blood types for conception - what are they

Each parent has one of four blood groups - I (or O), II (or A), III (or B), and IV (or AB). Belonging to a particular category is determined by the presence of certain proteins - agglutinins α and β in plasma and agglutinogens A and B in red blood cells - erythrocytes. Such "protein combinations" formed the following blood types:

  • The first group - group (O), is determined by the presence of antibodies α and β, there are no antigens.
  • The second group, group (A), is characterized by the presence of antigen A and antibodies β.
  • The third group, group (B), is determined by the presence of α and B proteins.
  • The fourth group - group (AB), is characterized by the presence of antigens A and B, there are no antibodies.

Many parents wonder if their blood type affects successful conception and subsequent pregnancy. It is worth mentioning right away that it is the group that does not influence these processes in any way. However, depending on the initial data of the parents, one can assume a certain share of the risk of developing certain abnormalities. Knowing the blood type of the parents, it is possible to calculate the blood type of the unborn baby as a percentage. The results of the compatibility of blood types for conceiving a child are clearly shown in the table below.

  • So, if both parents are carriers of the first blood group, then their baby with a 100% probability will also have such a group.
  • The combination of the first and second or first and third groups will give an equivalent probability of the appearance of babies with the first and second, and the first, and third blood groups, respectively.
  • The most unpredictable is the combination of the second and third groups, since in this case your little one can have absolutely any blood type.

Immunological conflict

A responsible approach to planning and bearing a baby can significantly reduce possible negative phenomena, which sometimes happen within 9 months of waiting for replenishment. One of the preventive tests - determining the compatibility of blood type partners - may not play a special role for conception, but for further development peanut its value can be very large. A possible conflict between a mother and a baby in her womb due to the Rh factor is practically not news to anyone. But not everyone knows about the compatibility of blood through the mother-baby connection for conceiving and bearing a child. There are some combinations that can cause complications during pregnancy.

  • 1 blood group: compatibility for conception. If the mother has the first blood type, and the father of the child has any other, a conflict in the ABO system is possible. If the child has any blood type other than the first, then when meeting with the mother's blood cells, antibodies α and β destroy red blood cells with a foreign antigen. However, do not panic in advance. The presence of the situation described above by blood type does not always provoke a conflict, and even without third-party intervention, healthy children are born. If the expectant mother wants to make sure, then after the 30th week she can take (with a frequency of once a month) an analysis for group antibodies. This conflict (if detected) is less dangerous than Rhesus. Moreover, with each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of its occurrence often decreases.
  • 2 blood group: compatibility for conception. When the blood of the second group circulates in the body of the expectant mother, then the likelihood of incompatibility with the baby arises if the blood of the father of the third and fourth groups.
  • 3 blood group: compatibility for conception. Closer attention is required when the father of the child has group A or AB (the second and fourth, respectively), and the mother has the third group.
  • 4 blood group: compatibility for conception. If a woman has this blood type, then there is no likelihood of conflict.

This information does not in any way suggest that people with "possibly incompatible" blood types should not have children or that such a pregnancy would be inherently problematic. It's just that future mom and dad should know that a certain combination of blood types may require additional attention (blood test, ultrasound) on their part. If antibodies are detected in the blood of a pregnant woman, treatment is not prescribed immediately and not always - the doctor monitors the dynamics of this indicator. If intervention is necessary, therapy is prescribed. most efficient and safe method is plasmapheresis, although it also has a number of contraindications. When a conflict is detected, the doctor selects the optimal therapy.

Blood compatibility for conceiving a child: pregnancy and Rh factor - acquaintance

Almost everyone has heard the term "Rh factor". However, not everyone fully knows and understands what information he is fraught with. A special protein (antigen), which is located on the surface of erythrocyte cells, is the Rh factor. In cases where this protein is determined, they speak of a positive Rh factor, if it is not present, the human blood has a negative Rh factor. About 15% of the population do not have the antigen. To establish belonging to a particular type allows laboratory analysis.

  • You donate blood.
  • The laboratory assistant determines the presence or absence of a specific protein and draws a conclusion about the positive or negative Rh factor.

Laboratory analysis is designed to determine the compatibility of blood groups and Rh to eliminate problems not only at conception, but during the subsequent course of pregnancy. If the Rh factor of future mothers and fathers is the same, then problems almost never arise. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Blood compatibility for conceiving a child - the occurrence of a Rh conflict

Young people love each other, dream of joint baby and do not even think about any "rhesus". And suddenly there is a Rhesus conflict.

Causes of Rhesus conflict

Situations when the child's father does not have a protein on erythrocytes, but his mother has it (or vice versa) require additional attention. That is why, even before the onset of pregnancy, it is recommended to take tests to determine the compatibility of the blood of the parents in order to exclude the influence negative factors both for conception and subsequent pregnancy. Moreover, in some cases, even before the appearance of a little man in the womb of a woman expectant mother it is necessary to undergo therapy to prevent diseases and rejection of the fetus.

Let's look at these 2 cases in more detail:

  • The mother is Rh positive and the father is Rh negative. This situation in most cases does not pose any threat either to the woman or to the crumbs in her womb. Even if the baby has a negative Rh factor, there will be no conflict, because. the antigen is present in the woman's blood, but not in the child's blood.
  • The mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive. But this situation is already dangerous. If the baby "takes" the antigens of the father, then a conflict arises between the immune system of the mother and the fetus. The woman's body is trying to get rid of a foreign object. The production of compounds of a protein structure begins - antibodies that are designed to eliminate the baby's red blood cells.

That is why, if a woman donates blood to determine the group and Rh affiliation, an antigen is detected during the analysis, then the father's Rh is often not even interested.

Rhesus conflict and subsequent pregnancies: how to prevent

Rh-affiliation of the child is formed in the very early stages of pregnancy (at 6-8 weeks). If the pregnancy is the first, then even the presence of a special protein in the baby's blood almost never leads to a conflict. This is because the first meeting immune system a woman with crumb antigens leads to the production of class M immunoglobulin in her. The structure of this substance does not allow it to penetrate the placental barrier, and the baby is safe. However, information about this "meeting" is stored in the so-called cell memory. And already during subsequent pregnancies, group G antibodies are produced, which easily penetrate the baby and can provoke fetal death or premature termination of pregnancy. G-antibodies, once appearing in the blood, remain in the body for life.

A woman should also take into account that the production of immunoglobulin does not depend on whether the pregnancy ended with the birth of a baby or was interrupted artificially, as well as on its localization - uterine or ectopic attachment of the fetus. To prevent the occurrence of a conflict in the future (2 and subsequent pregnancies), after the first pregnancy, an anti-Rh immunoglobulin is administered within 48 hours to a woman, which “erases the memory” of the presence of foreign cells. The sooner the drug is administered, the greater the likelihood of its effectiveness. Thus, the compatibility of Rh factors in the blood has essential not so much for conception, but for the subsequent successful growth and development of the little one.

The consequences of the lack of therapy for Rh-conflict

An active attack from the mother's body often leads to not very good consequences for the baby. Lack of adequate and timely therapy can cause the development of hemolytic disease in crumbs. Its manifestations (forms) can be as follows:

  • development of anemia. This is the mildest scenario and the prognosis is most often favorable.
  • Postpartum jaundice. This is a more severe form of disorders, which is manifested not only by jaundice skin babies, but also anemia, enlargement of the liver and spleen. noted elevated level bilirubin.
  • The edematous form is the formation of dropsy of the heart or brain. This is the most severe form of pathology. If an antibody attack occurs on early term, most often miscarriage occurs. The defeat in the following weeks leads to the birth of a baby in a very serious condition. There is pallor and severe cardiopulmonary insufficiency.

As a consequence of hypoxia, deviations in mental development child.

That is why it is very important not only to be examined in advance, but also to monitor your health throughout the pregnancy. Timely therapy will allow you to give birth to a healthy baby on time.