Lichen in a child is an effective treatment for all types of illness. Treatment of various forms of lichen in children

Children's body is more susceptible to various diseases, including skin. Parents can often find round or oval spots on the baby's body that are flaky. In most cases, this signals the development of lichen, which has a large species diversity, nature, symptoms and is treated in different ways.

Lichen in children is a fairly common disease.

What is lichen and what sources of infection exist?

Lichen is a dermatological contagious disease that includes a number of infectious and allergic pathologies of a fungal or viral nature that spread on the skin. The causative agents of lichen are fungi or viruses that, once in the body, begin to multiply, resulting in skin rashes.

Lichen can appear in children at any age - in adolescents, and in a one-year-old baby, and even in a newborn, as well as at any time of the year. However, dermatologists note that outbreaks are most common in summer and autumn.

State plays a key role in dealing with the problem. immune system. Availability strong immunity minimizes the likelihood of a child developing the disease even after contact with an infected person. If the immune system is weakened, the risk of infectious dermatosis is very high.

Except reduced immunity Factors that contribute to lichen infection include:

  • frequent viral diseases or colds;
  • injury to the skin;
  • non-observance of elementary hygiene rules;
  • functioning problems thyroid gland;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • constant stressful environment;
  • regular nervous strain;

In most cases, a child can become infected with lichen from another baby or an adult who is a carrier of the infection, as well as from animals - such pets as cats and dogs. Due to their resistance to high temperatures, pathogens are able to a long period exist on the surface of everyday things.

Types and symptoms of the disease

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Under the generally accepted term "lichen", experts mean a number of varieties of dermatoses of an infectious nature. Each species has its own characteristic features and clinical picture. For this reason, an individual approach is required in identifying the pathogen and specific treatment. You can find out what this or that type of dermatosis looks like from a photo from the Internet, but only a dermatologist can determine what kind of lichen in a child during examination.

pink lichen

The causative agent of this type of dermatosis is the herpes virus, but this assumption has not been fully proven. Often it appears due to hypothermia, a previous gastrointestinal infection, or respiratory disease, vaccination. Transmitted by tactile contact or by airborne droplets, resulting in a very fast spread.

At pink lichen, or Zhiber's disease, at the initial stage a pink spot appears, the size of which does not exceed 3-5 cm. There is a slight peeling in its center. Gradually darkening, it becomes yellow or brown, with a pink border around the edges. There can be several such spots at the same time on different parts body. This is usually the torso or arms and legs, but sometimes they can be found in the face or neck.

pink lichen

After 1-2 weeks from the moment the first spot or several spots appear, smaller spots appear with a brown or yellow center. Their number varies. In addition to specific spots, infected people experience itching or pain, as well as symptoms characteristic of a cold. In rare cases, these symptoms are absent. The disease is able to go away on its own without any therapy within two months.

bran type

The pityriasis type, known as the colored (or sunny) type, gets its names from the fact that it most often appears in the summer season as a multi-colored rash, the color of which varies from colorless or pale pink to dark brown. Despite the fact that such small spots have clear outlines, they do not have a definite shape. Without timely therapy they increase in size, connecting, cover large areas of the skin.

Additional symptoms that accompany lichen color are itching and flaking. Most often it can be found in the chest, shoulders, back and abdomen. These are the places where they accumulate sweat glands. For this reason, this type is more prone to people with excessive sweating, overweight and those who like to visit a solarium.

Pityriasis versicolor

The causative agent of the pityriasis type of dermatosis are three forms of yeast-like fungi. The incubation period in children lasts 2 weeks from the moment of contact with a fungal infection.


The shingles type of the disease appears due to the ingestion of a virus chicken pox(Varicella Zoster) and is more common in adults - in children it manifests itself as chickenpox. The place of localization is the whole body, but in most cases this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs. Characteristic symptoms with such deprivation:

  • the formation of small bubbles with a colorless liquid inside, which burst within 3-4 days, and a crust remains in their place;
  • constant itching;
  • sharp pain;
  • temperature rise.


Red (flat)

Unlike other species, lichen planus is not characterized by viral or infectious nature, it has an autoimmune origin. Factors that can trigger the development of the disease include:

  • nervous disorders;
  • regular stress;
  • strong emotional experiences;
  • failures in the functioning of the central and autonomic nervous system;
  • diseases of the liver and intestines;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes.

Red lichen planus begins with an appearance on the skin, mucous membranes, or nails small rash red- Brown color with a purple tint, which eventually turns into an erosive form with spots similar to drawings. The disease develops for a long time - from a month to six months. In addition to the presence of a rash, lichen planus is accompanied by itching and burning.

Lichen planus

There are three subspecies of this type of dermatosis, which can be recognized by external signs:

  • annular;
  • erosive and ulcerative;
  • warty.

Ringworm (trichophyte)

Most often, this type of lichen occurs in children. The causative agent is a fungus of the genus Trichophyton, the carriers are animals. You can become infected through direct contact with infected person or animals or from touching objects that the patient has touched. The incubation period can last from 6 days to 3 months.

A distinctive feature of the disease is the location of round pink spots that are flaky and itchy. They mostly appear on the skin of the head under the hair. As a result, the hair thins, and their length does not exceed half a centimeter. Unfortunately, hair growth does not resume in the future.

Ringworm (we recommend reading:)

Ringworm can also spread to the body, affecting the face, neck, back, and arms. In this case, it has very similar symptoms to rosacea.

How dangerous is lichen for children?

According to statistics, about 80% of children are ill with lichen. Most of its varieties do not pose a serious danger to the child's body, but only if competent and timely treatment. Otherwise, lichen can cause many unpleasant consequences.

For example, inflammatory process on the skin may spread to the eyes or become chronic. Shingles is dangerous because if left untreated, the risk of developing postherpetic neuralgia increases, and in 5% of cases, facial paralysis, blindness, and even hearing loss are possible. The danger also lies in the spread of a bacterial or purulent infection of the skin throughout the body.

Features of treatment depending on the pathogen

Adequate treatment for lichen in children and adults can only be prescribed by a doctor, putting accurate diagnosis. The main direction of therapy directly depends on the type of pathogen.

In addition to the main drugs, the doctor can supplement therapy additional funds- special ointments and gels that need to be smeared directly on the affected areas of the skin, and antihistamine, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs to remove accompanying symptoms. During this period, it will not be superfluous to take drugs that strengthen the immune system.

Medical therapy

Not all types of lichen require drug treatment- use of ointments and gels - and usually go away on their own. However, if the causative agent of dermatosis is a virus or fungus, without medicines not enough:

  1. Antiviral. These include Acyclovir, Kagocel, rectal suppositories Viferon.
  2. Interferons. Among them are Anaferon and Ribomunil.
  3. Antifungal. For example, Lamisil or Sinaflan ointment.
  4. Antihistamines. These are Suprastin, Tavegil, Erius and Zodak.
  5. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory. Nurofen, Paracetamol, Nise.

Viferon antiviral suppositories are used to treat lichen in infants.

Among the ointments and creams that are used to treat lichen, it can be noted:

  1. Acyclovir 5% (we recommend reading:);
  2. Fukortsin's solution;
  3. sulfur-tar ointment;
  4. Clotrimazole 1%;
  5. Mycoseptin;
  6. Mycozoral;
  7. Tebrofen ointment;
  8. Nitrofungin solution 1%;
  9. Exoderil.

Folk remedies

AT traditional medicine There are a number of means to combat lichen. However, their use should be an addition to the main therapy, and not be independent method treatment. It is advisable to consult with your doctor first.

Effective Method lichen treatment - applying undiluted apple cider vinegar to the affected areas 6 times a day

most popular folk remedies are considered:

  • dried celandine;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • eggshell;
  • a mixture of castor oil and garlic juice;
  • raisin;
  • burdock root;
  • propolis;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • Rye flour;
  • tincture on birch leaves or buds.

How long does the treatment take?

How long the course of treatment for lichen takes depends on the type of disease, its stage of development and the prescribed medications. On the initial stage when parents asked for help from a specialist when the first symptoms appeared, lichen can be cured in a few days.

For example, the average course of treatment with antiviral drugs is 7 days. If the disease has been started, then therapy can last for several months.

At the initial stage, lichen is treated very quickly.

Features of therapy in an infant up to a year

Unfortunately, no one is immune from deprivation. Parents can even find it in baby. The need for drug treatment is determined by the doctor in accordance with the age of the crumbs. Also, with lichen small child you need to follow some rules:

  • often change bed linen and underwear;
  • wash children's clothes separately, be sure to steam and iron them;
  • wear cotton clothes;
  • do daily wet cleaning in the patient's room with a disinfectant;
  • disinfect toys and personal items several times a day;
  • do not allow combing spots on the pope, nose, cheek and other parts of the body accessible to the baby;
  • stick to a hypoallergenic diet;
  • do not wash, so as not to wet the affected areas - in this case, rubbing is enough;
  • remove carpets and other accumulations of dust so that spores cannot multiply.

Possible Complications

It is impossible to ignore such a problem as infectious dermatosis, since running form disease without proper therapy and compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician is fraught with many complications, especially in cases where lichen is observed on the face of a child.

The consequences may be:

  • stomatitis;
  • pyoderma;
  • keratitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • neuritis optic nerve;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • meningitis;
  • myelitis;
  • facial paralysis;
  • neuralgia;
  • perifolliculitis of the head;
  • purulent inflammation of the skin;
  • hydradenitis;
  • impetigo;
  • gangrene;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • disturbances in the work of the central nervous system;
  • purulent infection spreading throughout the body;
  • Spread bacterial infection.

The medical term "lichen" hides a whole group of polyetiological skin diseases that have similar symptoms, but are caused by different pathogens. This group dermatological diseases can affect both adults and children of all ages. Only a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist can identify the pathogen, the type of lichen and prescribe the appropriate treatment after the results of the examination and examinations.

Dermatological diseases constitute a group pathological processes, which damage skin. The reasons for the development of skin diseases can be very diverse, have an infectious, non-infectious, allergic origin, or develop against the background of internal disorders in the body. These diseases have similar symptoms, and diagnosis is not uncommon. challenging task for experienced professionals. Particularly sensitive to skin diseases are newborns, children of early preschool and school age, whose skin is more sensitive, thin and delicate. At the same time, the state of the children's immune system is considered important, which is not always able to withstand pathogenic agents that, after penetrating the body, can provoke a number of diseases. One of the few dermatological diseases affecting mainly children is lichen, which refers to dermatoses of infectious origin affecting the skin, less often the mucous membranes of the body. Based on the results of the study, it was found that more than 70% of children are ill with lichen, while the disease can affect both newborns and older children.

Children quite easily pick up lichen

The medical term "lichen" refers to several diseases caused by fungi, viruses, bacteria. Lichen in children is more often of a viral or fungal nature, which can combine into a number of common signs in the form of pink, red or purple spots on the skin, itching, peeling of the skin and other severe symptoms requiring immediate treatment. Treatment of lichen in children is carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, who, after the results of the examination, will be able to identify the causative agent of the disease, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Before proceeding to possible and effective methods of treatment, you should familiarize yourself with the disease itself, its pathogens, types, clinical signs, examination methods that are used in dermatology. Below we consider the general principles for the development of lichen in children, and we present detailed description this disease.

Causes of development and types of lichen in children

Lichen is not a simple disease

  1. constant stress;
  2. reduced immunity;
  3. allergic reactions;
  4. hypothermia of the body;
  5. chronic internal diseases;
  6. genetic predisposition;
  7. long-term use of potent drugs.

In addition to many possible causes to the development of lichen, in children, infection is more likely to occur through contact with pets. At the same time, the peak of the incidence increases more often in the warm season, when children spend a lot of time on the street, play in the sandbox or come into contact with homeless animals. Parents who are faced with this disease do not need to be scared. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time and start treatment.

Often children get infected from animals

Common symptoms of lichen in children

As you know, lichen has similar signs of manifestation. The first symptoms of the disease may occur hours or days after infection. As a rule, at the beginning of development, pink spots appear on the skin of the child. various shapes, which have child outlines around them. These rashes are able to increase in size and merge into one. In addition to rashes, the child's skin begins to peel off, itching appears. Such rashes are localized more often on the arms, abdomen, head or areas where sweat glands. In some children, in addition to rashes, there is an increase in body temperature, increased The lymph nodes, there is a general weakness of the body.

Considering that the disease is very contagious, after the first manifestations, the child should be isolated from healthy children and seek help from an infectious disease specialist or a dermatologist. Knowing common features diseases, parents should not delay going to the doctor, who can determine the type of lichen, the nature of the disease.

Types and methods of treatment for lichen in children

At the heart of the epidemiology of the development of the disease, there are several types of lichen that can affect children of different ages. These types depend on the type of pathogen, its vital activity and the specific reaction of the body. So, consider the most common types of lichen in children:


In dermatology, ringworm can be found under the term "trichophia" - it is caused by the fungus trichophyton. This pathogen can be anthropophilic (transmitted by contact with a sick person), and zooanthropophilic (transmitted from infected animals). Ringworm often affects children under the age of 14 and is localized on the scalp, face, neck, nail plates, and armpits. Infection occurs through close and prolonged contact with a sick person or animal. Infection from a person occurs when sharing personal hygiene items or using hats, combs. This causative agent of ringworm is quite stable in the environment and can long time located on objects of use, animal hair or human skin. The main symptoms of ringworm:

  1. At the beginning of development, one pink or red spot appears, more often on the hairline, which has clear boundaries;
  2. The manifested spot quickly increases in size, there is a pronounced edema, crusts and small bubbles;
  3. In the focus of the manifested spot, the skin begins to itch and peel off, small whitish scales appear;
  4. If ringworm appears on the scalp, the hair at the site of inflammation begins to thin or break off;

Ringworm can be transmitted through hygiene items

Trichophytosis can affect not only the scalp, but also other areas of the skin, on which pale pink spots appear in the form of a focus, with a clear outline. This disease can quickly spread throughout the body, while the patient feels severe itching in the foci of the disease. Considering that an itchy child will scratch the skin, there is a risk of a secondary bacterial infection, which significantly worsens the course of the disease and makes it difficult to treat.

Treatment for ringworm in children:

Treatment of ringworm should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, and is based on several principles in the form of isolation of the patient, local treatment in the form of the use of medications. Hygiene is important and proper care for the child. Treatment of ringworm is aimed at combating the fungus that provoked the disease. Usually the doctor prescribes antifungal creams, sprays, shampoos for external and topical use, as well as antifungal drugs for oral administration. For local treatment apply:

  1. local antifungal agents: Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole, Mikoseptin, Terbinafine and others, which are available in the form of a cream, spray ointment. All drugs are prescribed by a doctor individually for each child in accordance with the return of the child, the location of the rashes, and the characteristics of the body.
  2. antifungal drugs for oral administration: Terbinafine, Griseofulvin - have a wide spectrum of action in the ratio of different fungi, in which the skin, nail plates, and scalp are damaged. The course of treatment and the dose of the drug is prescribed by a doctor. These drugs are available in the form of tablets or suspensions for children.
  3. the affected areas of the skin should be treated with a 5% solution of iodine, sulfur-salicylic or sulfur-tar ointment is also prescribed.
  4. vitamin therapy - helps to provide the child's body essential vitamins, minerals;
  5. immunomodulators - increases immunity, helps the body cope with the disease.

Pink deprive, or deprive Zhibera :

Despite achievements in modern dermatology, the exact cause of the disease is not known, but it is assumed that this lichen is caused by viruses as a result of a decrease in immunity, hypothermia of the body. More commonly, pink lichen occurs in spring or autumn, when the child's immunity is unable to resist pathogenic agents. The disease is localized on the abdomen, back, in the folds of the skin, face and other areas and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. One pink spot appears on the skin (maternal spot), which grows to other areas;
  2. Pink spots are rounded, have clear boundaries;
  3. In the center of the focus, the skin is dry, flaky, itching appears;
  4. Spots can reach large sizes, increasingly affecting healthy skin.

Pityriasis rosea usually appears in the off-season

In some cases, pronounced symptoms may be absent and only noticed after taking a shower or severe stress, which leads to itching, rashes at the site of the lesion. Pink lichen in children can resemble the symptoms of a cold. The child begins to runny nose, sore throat, general ailments of the body. Therefore, it is sometimes quite difficult to identify pink lichen in a child, and can be detected only after visiting a doctor.

Treatment of pink deprivation:

Pink lichen does not require specific treatment, but at the same time it should be carried out after consultation with a doctor. This disease is not caused by a fungus, so the use of antifungal drugs or potent corticosteroids may not only not bring the desired result, but also harm the health of the child. Usually the doctor prescribes:

  1. Antihistamines - help reduce itching of the skin, prevent the spread of rashes: Suprastin, Tavegil, Erius;
  2. It is possible to treat the affected areas of the skin with Sanguiritrin or Chlorophyllipt, this will help to avoid the penetration of infection;
  3. Skin rashes can be treated with peach, sea buckthorn oil, this will help soften the skin.
  4. Dexpanthenol preparations - prevent skin inflammation, reduce the number of rashes: Bepanten, Desetin;

It is recommended to limit water procedures, as well as exclude the use of cosmetic creams. Parents must create all the conditions in which the child will not comb the affected areas of the skin. At proper treatment, recovery will come in 5 to 10 days. In cases of lack of timely treatment or non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor, complications are possible in the form of a secondary infection, which can provoke the development of eczema and other skin diseases.


This type of lichen refers to fungal skin lesions. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus - Microsporum canis, which lives on the fur of animals (cats, dogs). Not infrequently, microscopy is called ringworm. Infection occurs through contact with a sick animal. Microsporia is able to affect not only the scalp, but also other areas of the skin on which many large or small spots of pale pink color appear with a roller that is darker at the edges and peeling in the center. The main symptoms of the disease:

  1. In the affected area, depriving the skin of flaking, gray or whitish small scales are formed that look like dandruff;
  2. If the focus of the disease is on the head, hair loss or breaking off at the affected area is noted;
  3. Small blisters form on the affected areas, which turn into yellowish crusts;
  4. Itching of the skin with microsporia may be absent.

The action of ringworm

If symptoms of microsporia appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the disease tends to progress. However, if it is affected hairy part head and hair loss is noted, then later on after the treatment at the place where the spots were, the hair does not grow.

Treatment of microsporia:

Treatment is carried out depending on the localization of the rash and the stage of the lesion. It is considered important to isolate the patient if the disease affects most body or observed in children early age, then the patient is recommended to be hospitalized. The main treatment is the use of antifungal drugs, it is also necessary to treat the affected areas of the skin. Given that the course of the disease is similar to ringworm, the treatment is identical. You can get acquainted with the preparations for the treatment of lichen above in the section "treatment of ringworm".

Pityriasis versicolor or versicolor, versicolor :

This type of lichen is also caused by fungi - Malassezia furfur and Pityrpsporum orbiculare, which multiply in the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This type of disease has a slow course and can gradually spread through the skin. The disease is most often localized on the back, abdomen or chest. Developing pityriasis versicolor in people or children in violation hormonal imbalance, also for those who excessive sweating and oily skin. Usually, color lichen is considered a family disease, as it can be transmitted through objects. common use. Basically, the disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Asymmetric spots appear on the skin - yellow, pink or brown, which, as they progress, merge into large foci;
  2. Skin patches may flake and itch a little, especially after showering or stressful situations;

This type of lichen can be attributed to chronic diseases, because, despite the treatment therapy, the disease can recur and last for years. However, timely treatment will allow you to get rid of this disease. It should be noted that this species depriving children is quite rare and only after close contact with a sick person.

Colored lichen treatment:

Important in the treatment of lichen is daily wet cleaning using disinfectants, since this type of fungus is quite resistant to high temperature conditions. For the treatment of this disease, antifungal drugs are used for local and domestic use. Efficiency have:

  1. antimycotic agents - are available in the form of creams, ointments: Bifonazole (Mikospor, Bifosin), salicylic lotion with chamomile, salicylic gel. The course of treatment and doses of application are prescribed by a doctor, but should not exceed 14 days.
  2. antifungal drugs in tablets, ointments: Terbinafine,

Lamisil, Bramisil; Ketoconazole.

  1. Vitaminotherapy;
  2. Immunotherapy.

During the period of treatment of colored lichen or after the course of treatment, the causes of the disease should be identified and eliminated, since it tends to heal again.


This type of lichen is caused by the herpes virus. As a rule, shingles occurs only in adults, but this virus causes chickenpox in children. Chickenpox is an infectious and highly contagious disease characterized by skin rashes. The main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Headache;
  2. Increase in body temperature;
  3. Dyspeptic disorders from the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Small vesicles with transparent serous contents appear on the body;
  5. The eruptions spread over the whole body;
  6. 10-14 days after the rash, crusts form on the skin, which slowly dry out and fall off, leaving a slight pigmentation or depigmentation.

After the disease, the child develops immunity, which allows not to get sick with it again. However, it is almost impossible to remove the herpes virus from the body and it can reappear only in adulthood in the form of shingles.

  1. Flat red and purple nodules appear on the skin;
  2. If the mucous membranes are affected, the nodules are pale pink in color;
  3. The nail plates are destroyed;
  4. There is itching of the skin;

Lichen planus is localized on the wrists, abdomen, chest. Also, the foci of the disease can merge, forming large plaques, the skin becomes sensitive, easily injured. There are several types of red lichen, so only a doctor can determine the type of disease after an examination.

Treatment for red lichen:

The main direction in the treatment of red lichen is considered to eliminate itching of the skin, prevent rashes and prevent infection of the foci of the disease. Usually the doctor prescribes:

  1. Antihistamines - Suprastin, Dibazole, Tavegil, which will help eliminate or reduce skin itching.
  2. Corticosteroid ointments, creams for external use - Advantan, Prednisolone, Celederm. All medications are prescribed individually for each child;
    1. The accession of an infection that can provoke purulent foci;
    2. Enlarged lymph nodes;
    3. Immunodeficiency;

    In more severe cases, lichen can affect the brain, bone tissue and other organs of the child.

    Diagnosis of lichen in children

    Having found lichen in a child, parents should consult a dermatologist, who, after examining the child, the collected history of the mother, the results of microscopic examination, will be able to determine the type of disease and prescribe effective treatment. The following tests may be ordered for examination:

    1. Blood chemistry;
    2. Analysis of urine;
    3. Microscopic examination.

    The results of the examination will help to identify the pathogen and carry out appropriate treatment.

    Prevention of lichen in children

    It is possible to prevent infection by depriving if you follow the elementary rules.

Category: Ringworm

Lichen is a dermatological problem of varying severity and of various origins. At least once in a lifetime, lichen in children under 14 years of age occurs in 90% of cases. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, they are isolated different kinds diseases.

Why does

The prevalence of lichen among children is caused by a large number of factors that can provoke the onset of the disease. The child's body reacts to the ingestion of a virus or fungus, this reaction is expressed by characteristic rashes on the skin.

Causes of lichen in a child:

  • weakened immunity after an illness;
  • exposure to external factors: warm, humid, cold weather;
  • various skin injuries;
  • increased sweating is a beneficial environment for the reproduction of the fungus;
  • stress, nervous experiences;
  • thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity - endocrine disorders;
  • unsuitable hygiene products;

The pathogen can be transmitted through close contact with people and animals, through personal hygiene items.

Remember! Activation of the disease is always associated with a weakening of the immune defense of the child's body. recommended after consultation with a dermatologist.

Symptoms of the disease

A variety of forms of manifestation of the disease depends on a particular type of lichen. All species have some similar characteristics.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • skin itching;
  • peeling in the area of ​​​​rashes;
  • spots of various shades and sizes;
  • impaired pigmentation of the skin: the difference from the main skin tone can be several tones lighter or darker;
  • hair loss.

To diagnose and determine the type of lichen, you should visit a dermatologist.

Characteristic signs indicating lichen:

  • the rash is located on the chest, abdomen, shoulders, legs, back, hips, less often on the head;
  • general deterioration of the condition: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, articular and headache, weakness;
  • spots appearing on the skin are gradually covered with scales, begin to peel off.

Important! The contagiousness of lichen is a reason to limit the child's visits to playgrounds, schools or kindergarten and other places large cluster of people.

Disease classification

To cure lichen, you need to determine what type it belongs to.

What types of lichen are distinguished:

  • multi-colored: it accounts for half of all cases of children being deprived;
  • red flat: rather rare in children;
  • pityriasis: treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a dermatologist with the possible hospitalization of the child;
  • shingles: is the most dangerous of the types of baby lichen;
  • pink: usually indicates a sharp decline child's immune defense.

Each type is called certain reasons. In addition to a visual examination of the skin, fluorescent diagnostics are carried out, a skin scraping is taken for examination under a microscope and the determination of the fungus that causes the disease.

The exact causative agent of the disease has not been established; it can be both allergic and infectious. More often seen in girls.

  • the appearance of the first red spot, maternal plaque, about 1-2 weeks before the rash spreads over the surface of the skin;
  • the rest of the rashes are smaller and pink;
  • localized on the chest, abdomen, back, hips, shoulders, in the folds of the skin, where the most sweat glands are located;
  • peeling of spots begins from the middle to the edges;
  • the disease is accompanied by itching.

The onset of the disease coincides with a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Often this happens in the autumn-spring period of a natural decline in immunity.

Attention! Usually the disease proceeds without complications, and the need for special treatment. A doctor may prescribe therapy to relieve itching and strengthen immunity with vitamin supplements.

What can not be done with pink lichen:

  • wear tight clothing, clothes made of synthetic fabrics;
  • use soap and washcloth while washing;
  • lie in the bath (you can take a shower no more than 1 time per day);
  • stay in the sun for a long time.

The disease usually goes away in 4-6 weeks, but with severe weakening of the body, it can persist up to 6 months, with alternating outbreaks and extinction of activity.


This species has several names: pityriasis, multi-colored, colored lichen. It is caused by a fungus that is transmitted to a child by contact with a sick child or animal, plants and soil.

Multicolored lichen can be triggered by:

  • imbalance of hormones;
  • increased sweating;
  • leukemia, rheumatism, seborrhea;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • presence oily skin, frequent use of fatty creams.

The duration of the incubation period can be from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.

Characteristic signs:

  • areas of the chest, shoulders, back, abdomen are affected;
  • spots of a faint pink hue, without visible foci of inflammation, on dark skin the spots look colorless;
  • rashes different sizes, small spots merge and form large foci with jagged edges;
  • in winter time pink and brown lesions become darker than the overall skin tone, stand out more;
  • peeling is weak;

The illness can last for many years.

Important! Children with seborrheic or are most at risk of developing the disease are at risk.


The virus that causes shingles in a child causes chickenpox in 95% of cases when it first enters the body. Then, he remains "napping" in nerve cells, waiting for a weakening of the immune system, manifesting itself on the skin in the form of lichen.

Features of shingles:

  • the location of the rashes along the nerve trunks, branches, endings causes pain;
  • usually there is one focus of rashes, similar to chickenpox vesicles;
  • headache, fever, weakness, nausea, vomiting, general malaise, swollen lymph nodes may precede the onset of rashes;
  • the active period of rashes is 3-5 days;
  • bubbles with liquid gradually dry up, becoming covered with a crust, which then disappears.

This species is the most dangerous and can cause serious visual complications, neuralgia, loss of sensation in the limbs, meningoencephalitis and other pathologies. Therefore, it is necessary to start at the first discovery.

Remember! Activate the virus of the state of weakened immunity: disease, stressful situations, hypothermia, medication, etc. you can find out in our article.

red flat

Among children, cases of the disease are rare. Doctors do not give a single answer about the ways of infection with red lichen. There are several versions: viral origin, allergic nature, neuralgia.

Features of the disease:

  • location on the skin of the abdomen, arms, folds of the limbs, nails, in the armpits and inguinal zones, less often - on the mucous membrane of the mouth;
  • a rash appears on the body in the form of red spots with liquid, on the mucous membranes it is pale pink in color;
  • the rash flakes off, itches a lot, the child becomes irritable, capricious;
  • gradually the spots turn pale, the itching subsides, then the rash subsides, leaving behind pigmented spots;
  • lichen on the nails leads to the destruction of the nail plate, crumbling of the nail.

Important! The disease can last from 1 to 6 months with periodic drops in activity.


The most common type of lichen in children. It affects the scalp under the hair, the skin of the face, neck and shoulders. Fungus, sickening, is transmitted through animals (cats, dogs, rodents, pigs, horses) or people (for example, sharing a comb or sharing hats).

Types of ringworm:

  1. Microsporia: transmitted through personal items (clothing, comb, toys), from a sick person or an infected animal (domestic or outdoor). The infection enters the body through abrasions, scratches, and other damage to the skin.
  2. Trichophytosis: the disease passes to humans from farm animals (for example, through the work clothes of a farmer it can get to a child). At this type diseases are pronounced weakness, fever, problems with sleep appear, a headache, appetite disappears.

The disease is very common in children's groups.

Characteristic signs of the disease:

  • the disease begins with the appearance of one pink or red, clearly defined spot on the scalp;
  • with an increase in edema, bubbles begin to appear along the edges and crusts;
  • the center of the spot is flaky;
  • in the first stages of the disease, there are no symptoms, then itching occurs;
  • when lichen occurs in areas where there is no hair, it looks like a spot of a pale pink shade with a border.

Treatment of ringworm should not be delayed.

The concept of "deprive" combines big number varieties of the disease with characteristic signs and features of the development of the disease. You should not hope for the possibility of self-determination of the type of lichen from the photo and its further treatment. Skin rashes are a reason to consult a dermatologist, and bad feeling child to the pediatrician.

Among the many childhood diseases, there are those that are transmitted by infection - these are infectious diseases. Lichen is a disease that belongs to the group of dermatological pathologies. Infection occurs through contact with a sick person or animal, often ...

Almost everyone has heard of such a disease as lichen. In addition, everyone knows that this is a contagious disease. Therefore, the question of how lichen is transmitted often worries parents of young children. Knowing the ways of contracting the disease is important, the information will help protect yourself ...

Lichen is a specific group of skin diseases, similar in symptoms and united by a common name. There are several types of lichen, each of them is provoked by different pathogens, the nature and location of the rash is different for them. certain kind assigned a specific...

Lichen in children is manifested by characteristic rashes on the skin. The most common form of the disease is shorn lichen, in a child it occurs due to the fungus getting into scratches and other skin lesions. The development of the disease contributes to the weakening ...

It is easy to miss the onset of this disease. At first, lichen in a baby looks like an inconspicuous pink circle on the skin. But, if you do not notice the disease in time and do not start treatment, the child's body can become covered with large weeping spots.

Symptoms of lichen in infants

Deprive - this common name for a whole group of diseases. Fortunately, all of them are not typical for infants. Babies in the first year of life most often get ringworm. But Zhibera pink lichen may also appear. Although it covers the risk zone from 4 to 12 years, infant they can get sick too.

Ringworm symptoms:

  1. Spots are round or oval
  2. Swelling in the center of each spot - the skin is lifted
  3. Slight peeling on spots and itching
  4. Head lesions. Ringworm feeds on hair follicles
  5. Occasionally swollen lymph nodes and fever

Symptoms of pink deprivation

  1. General malaise: sore throat, headache, mild fever
  2. Spots with a clear edge
  3. Peeling and swelling in the center of the spot
  4. Jagged edges and different sizes of other spots

Common to both cases is the presence of a maternal plaque. This is the first, largest lesion. As the disease progresses, spots appear on the skin of the arms, shoulders, legs, and abdomen. They can be of different sizes, but have clear boundaries and do not merge with each other.

What should parents do when they suspect lichen?

At the slightest suspicion of ringworm or pink lichen, you should consult a dermatologist. The process of diagnosing skin diseases is complex and it is not worth delaying a trip to the doctor. The doctor will shine a special lamp on the spots. Lichen spots under its rays have a pronounced greenish tint.

The final diagnosis is made only after scraping. The same external picture can be given by many skin diseases. For example, dermatitis or eczema are visually similar, but the course of these diseases and the cause are different.

The reasons

Despite the apparent similarity of both diseases, their causes are different. Ringworm has been proven to be caused by anthropophilic fungi. Microscopic pathogens-fungi can travel not only through the skin, but also spread with the lymph throughout the body.

The disease is highly contagious. You can get it from three sources:

  1. From another person
  2. From an animal
  3. Through household supplies

Infection from animals is the most severe and most difficult to treat. And if not noticed in time and not treated, it can turn into a chronic form.

Zhiber's lichen or simply pink appears in children of the first year of life very rarely and always against the background of immune shocks. Its causative agent is not exactly known, but scientists are inclined to believe that it is a virus similar to herpes. The viral nature is confirmed and similar symptoms with respiratory diseases, and the fact that after a person has lifelong immunity to the disease. And the fact that pink lichen disappears by itself after a month or two indicates the same.

The causes of depriving Zhiber necessarily include the immune weakness of children at the time of the disease. The trigger may be a transition from breast milk on the mixture or the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods. There is also an allergic component here. Therefore, when this type of lichen appears in a baby, the start of complementary foods is postponed to a later time and any load on the immune system is reduced.

Treatment of ringworm in infants

If a characteristic spot is found on the child’s body, it is important not to aggravate the situation. It is forbidden:

  1. Smear ringworm with brilliant green or iodine, as this will make diagnosis difficult
  2. bathe children
  3. Start treatment, guided by advice from the Internet
  4. It is necessary to carefully seal the ringworm with adhesive tape and, without delay, go to the doctor

The main treatment is to treat plaques with antifungal drugs and increase the child's own immunity. Local preparations may be based on sulfur, tar or iodine. Medicines for internal reception even adults are appointed extremely rarely. The oral antifungal drugs used to treat ringworm are very bad for the liver. Therefore, for infants they are undesirable.

Ringworm cannot be cured with folk remedies. But you can help speed up the treatment and alleviate discomfort, itching.

For this purpose, apply:

  1. Ordinary dry mustard is moistened with apple cider vinegar, and the mixture is smeared on the lesions.
  2. Cabbage leaves, chopped in a meat grinder or in a blender, mixed with fresh homemade sour cream.
  3. A decoction of beets with honey. Before cooking, the root crop must be cleaned or washed very well.
  4. A decoction of buckwheat. Cook porridge without salt (1:2), squeeze the grits through gauze, and the resulting liquid is the medicine we need.

Most likely, you will have to try all these methods and choose the one that will better dry the affected skin of the child and relieve itching. You need to spread from the edge of the stain to its middle. It is impossible to stop treatment even after the disappearance of the maternal plaque. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas for at least another week.

Popular rumor scares that ringworm can leave bald spots on the head of children. It is not true. Hair is cut off by a lichen fungus only at the edge of the skin, and itself hair follicle is not struck. So there will be no bald spots.

Treatment of pink lichen in infants

The second type, pink lichen has a completely different treatment. Actually, no serious medical intervention is expected. It is believed that in children, pink lichen goes away on its own within two months. The child is not admitted to the hospital. In babies of the first year of life, this disease can be treated at home.

Appointed antihistamine medicines and drugs that strengthen the immune system. Ointments are used for local treatment of plaques, which relieve itching, swelling and other unpleasant phenomena.

Usually treatment includes:

  1. Complex of strengthening vitamins (askuratin)
  2. Antiallergic drugs in the form of ointments and tablets or drops (fenistil)
  3. Ointment that facilitates the course of the disease (zinc ointment)

Why do a blood test after the end of treatment

Unfortunately, ringworm can have recurrences. This is especially unpleasant when there is a danger of going into chronic degree illness. Therefore, a blood test is prescribed to make sure that the disease has gone completely.

Rules for caring for a child when he has lichen

The contagious nature of the disease largely determines the strict rules for caring for a sick child:

  1. children should never be bathed, as the infection can spread throughout the body
  2. wet cleaning is done three times a day
  3. combs and other toiletries are carefully processed
  4. hypoallergenic diet
  5. children are dressed in clothes made from natural fabrics
  6. bed linen is changed as often as possible
  7. no exposure to direct sunlight

Prevention of lichen in infants

Preventive measures are possible. First of all, it is the strengthening of the immunity of infants, the exclusion of allergens. It has been noticed that babies with good immunity will not have pink lichen, even if their brothers or sisters are sick.

To prevent ringworm, you need to monitor the contact of the child with animals. From them, the baby can easily become infected. If you are unsure about the health of your pet, better baby let him admire them from afar.

In terms of frequency of occurrence, lichen can only be compared with acute viral respiratory infections. A child can catch the disease at any time of the year, since the process of learning about the world around and active communication does not stop with the onset of cold weather for a minute.

Parents need to pay attention to pink oval spots that appear on the baby's skin in order to consult a doctor in time and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, immediately begin treatment.

Learn all about species infectious disease in children - depriving: what it is, what symptoms it manifests itself, how to recognize and how to remove it, necessary treatment.

general characteristics

Diseases included in the group of dermatoses infectious nature, are known under the common collective name "lichen". You can get one of several types of lichen at any age. However, children under the age of 14 are most often at risk. The opinion that babies are not at risk of infection is erroneous. A stroller left unattended or an older child who communicated with a sick peer become direct sources of infection.

Accompanied by childhood infectious dermatosis rashes, impaired skin pigmentation varying degrees , sensations of itching, peeling and even hair loss at the site of the spots.

Despite such threatening manifestations, you should not panic. Lichen responds well to treatment with timely diagnosis.

This is also supported by statistics that show that more than 90% of babies received treatment for infectious dermatosis at least once in a lifetime. Treating any disease is more difficult than preventing it. And prevention is impossible without knowing the causes of infectious dermatoses in children.

The main causes of infection

Due to the fact that lichens are diseases of a fungal or viral nature, it is impossible to limit oneself to delegating blame for infection to cats or dogs. Each type of dermatosis has its own causes of lichen and a specific type of pathogen. Common list:

Untimely diagnosis and the transition of each type of lichen into a more severe form is not limited to such complications, like swollen lymph nodes, purulent inflammation of the skin, hair loss and various skin defects.

Infectious dermatosis can provoke, optic neuritis,. For frequently ill and debilitated babies delays in treatment are fraught with encephalitis, meningitis, pyoderma or perifolliculitis of the head.

The most severe complication is the damage to the nervous system, characteristic of advanced pityriasis versicolor.


Regardless of whether the parents have experience in the treatment of childhood infectious dermatosis or not, to diagnose without contacting a specialist and trying to treat it with improvised means is strictly prohibited. Each of the types of the disease requires a certain therapy, such actions can lead to the development severe forms and cause serious harm to health.

Ringworm (shorn, trichophytosis, microsporia)

Multi-colored (pityriasis)

Multi-colored (pityriasis) lichen in children occurs when infected with yeast-like fungi and is referred by experts to mycoses of the skin. Three kinds causative agents of a multi-colored or pityriasis species often live on the skin without causing any pathological changes.

However, in the case of an infectious disease, violations in endocrine system, hereditary predisposition, the presence of rheumatoid diseases, the fungal process is activated.

Places with a large accumulation of sweat glands fall into the affected area: chest, shoulders, abdomen.

Deprive Zhibera, or pink

Its development is attributed activation of the herpes virus after past infections gastrointestinal tract , vaccination or respiratory diseases. The age of patients is from 10 years. The time of activation of the virus is autumn, spring and winter.

Speed ​​of distribution due to transmission by airborne droplets or contact suggests Urgent measures diagnosis and treatment of lichen versicolor in children. The zones of the back, abdomen, sides, chest and skin folds are affected.

You can see the signs of the manifestation of pink, multi-colored (pityriasis) and ringworm in a child in this photo, but it is still difficult to determine the symptoms, and therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor for treatment:


This type often occurs after chicken pox. The causative agent, as in the case of chickenpox, and in the case of shingles is one - herpes virus Varicella zoster. The peculiarity of the occurrence lies in the reason for the launch of the activity of the virus. Most often it is a lot of stress. When communicating with a sick person, some children may get sick not with shingles, but.

red flat

The causative agent is not clear. Presumably the disease occurs due to a predisposition to allergies or due to a virus yet unidentifiable. Nails, the area of ​​the back, abdomen, chest, mucous membranes fall into the affected area. Causes - intoxication of the body, neurosis, reduced immunity, viral infection.

How red flat and shingles look in children on the skin, look at this photo. Do not self-medicate - consult a doctor so that he correctly recognizes the symptoms of the disease and prescribes treatment:


Identification of different types of lichen, marked activation of fungal pathogens in the warm season, and viral - in the cold season, in combination with the main symptoms, facilitate diagnosis.

The appearance of pink oval spots, usually a week after infection, accompanied by itching and peeling, is the main symptom of infectious dermatosis. Additionally fever, swollen lymph nodes. However, for different types of lichen, experts have defined their own set of symptoms.

  • Spots of oval or round shape with flaky and itchy skin are characteristic of ringworm. The presence of crusts and scales, burning is noted. On the head of a child, after depriving, a focus of baldness is formed.
  • In areas affected by seborrhea, yellowish dots appear around the hair follicles. Spots of brown-yellow or pink-yellow colors appear. They are covered with scales, can peel off when trying to scrape. These symptoms are characteristic of pityriasis versicolor.
  • A bright pink spot or maternal plaque up to 5 centimeters in diameter. A feature is peeling in the very center of the plaque and a red border. The baby is worried about itching. The development of purulent complications is possible. These are the main symptoms of pink lichen in a child.
  • Lichen planus manifests itself as a rash in the form of flat nodes that have a bright red color and a shiny surface. The patient is disturbed by severe itching.
  • Symptoms of shingles at the initial stage are similar to flu symptoms and burning sensations in places where rashes later form.

How to identify the first signs of the disease

The most severe lichen is carried by an infant, because the baby still cannot tell what worries him. He reacts to uncomfortable state crying, decreased appetite. Therefore, when changing clothes, massage, bathing skin examination required. The discovery of even one speck of a round or oval shape, painted in pink, is already a sufficient reason for a visit to a dermatologist.

Do not hesitate, because the appearance of such spots can be a symptom not only of depriving, but also of other, more serious diseases.

In preschoolers and schoolchildren, the onset of symptoms is also difficult to notice. Children usually hide problematic skin rashes. Some try to cope with the defect on their own, without informing adults. Use the slightest opportunity to examine the skin. This is facilitated by games, joint visits to the pool or to the beach.

If a rash or other symptoms are detected, it is necessary to isolate the child from communication with others. It is impossible to wet the skin in places of rashes. The use of drugs and the treatment of lichen in children at home it is permissible only after diagnosis and treatment by a dermatologist.


To make a diagnosis, the patient is carefully examined, revealing the features of the rash. Next, the scrapings are analyzed. Using a medical scalpel or laboratory glass, skin flakes are taken from the stain.. In addition to scales, the baby's hair is examined to determine the pathogen. Pathogenic fungi are determined by the presence of plexuses of the thinnest tubes with partitions.

In addition to scraping tests, the doctor may prescribe a culture of material from the lesion, a blood test to determine the presence of antibodies, examination under a Wood's lamp. This mercury lamp with ultraviolet light causes a green glow in places where fungi accumulate.

Parents are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as prickly heat in a child. , we will tell in the next review.

Urticaria can occur in children of all ages, even newborns. How to recognize the symptoms, how to treat the disease, find out.

Herpes sore throat is a common disease among children. This will tell about the causes of the disease, how to help the child.

How and what to treat

There is no general treatment regimen for childhood lichen. The choice of therapy depends on the pathogen that caused the disease, and on the degree of manifestations identified during the examination. The only thing that can be common when infected is isolation of the patient from contact with others. Only a dermatologist can determine the need for this measure.

Fungal infection involves cleansing the area of ​​infected skin. How to quickly cure lichen in a child on the head? Hair on the scalp will need to be shaved. Appointed leather processing antifungal drugs, taking vitamins, antihistamines that relieve intense itching, corticosteroid ointments.

If ringworm is caused by a virus, use analgesics, antiviral drugs local action. Effective electrophoresis procedures, ultrasound therapy, solux. For pain, novocaine blockades are used. It is possible to use reflexology.

During treatment, it is forbidden to moisten the affected areas of the skin with water during hygiene procedures.

The course is considered completed after three negative result for the presence of pathogens obtained with a break of five to seven days. Follow-up depends on the type of infection. For lesions of the scalp the child is under observation for at least two months since completion medical therapy.

Forecast and preventive measures

Any disease if you do not contact a specialist in time, it threatens with serious complications. Baby lichen is no exception. But if the parents showed the baby to a dermatologist immediately after the first symptoms were detected, then the prognosis will be favorable. For some types of infectious dermatoses, immunity is developed, while against others it remains to be fought with the help of available preventive measures.

If a child grows in the house, then it is unacceptable to refuse regular wet cleaning, periodic boiling of underwear in soapy water, ironing clothes and bed linen.

Gotta tell the kid why do not touch stray dogs and cats, take other people's things, or forget to wash your hands after a walk.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video in which a dermatovenereologist will tell you how to identify the symptoms of lichen and treat it correctly:

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