cavitation after. What is cavitation for the body

In aesthetic cosmetology, this is the name of a new method of dealing with body fat. It is used in combination with lymphatic drainage massage. Weight after ultrasound is not returned.

Cavitation in its effect is comparable to that carried out without surgical intervention.

The essence of the cavitation technique

The essence of the cavitation technique is the impact of low frequencies of ultrasonic waves directly on the fat layer and the further natural removal of its contents from the body, as well as an effective cure.

An acoustic wave caused by ultrasound affects fat cells, forming cavitation bubbles in them, which increase the size of the cells and displace fat molecules from them, followed by their removal. The main part of the content, approximately 90%, is excreted into the lymph, and the rest into the blood, being converted into glucose.

This procedure has an effect only on the structure of fat cells, other cells are not exposed to ultrasound, because they have sufficient strength and elasticity.

Research by scientists and the experience of using cavitation by aesthetic medicine specialists have proven that this is a completely safe and extremely effective method.

Indications and main benefits

Main indications for use:

  • cellulite treatment;
  • correction of defects from surgical liposuction;

Advantages of the procedure:

  • the integrity of the skin is not violated;
  • color does not change, hematomas do not appear;
  • completely painless procedure;
  • good aesthetic effect;
  • tissue sensitivity remains unchanged.

Video: "Ultrasonic cavitation or non-surgical liposuction"

Preparation and procedure for the procedure

Three days before the start of the procedure, a diet is recommended, with the exception of fried, spicy and fatty foods. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to drink plenty of clean water on the day of ultrasonic liposuction and a few days after it, to remove the contents of fat cells.

Before starting cavitation liposuction, the skin is lubricated with a gel-like lipolytic, which reduces the friction process between the skin surface and the working nozzle. Gel - a conductor of ultrasonic waves, quickly penetrates under the skin, accelerating the process of disintegration of adipose tissue.

For the procedure, an apparatus for ultrasonic cavitation is used with an optimal effect of ultrasound up to 40 kHz and a set of two special nozzles (maniples) - flat and concave. The first is applicable for small surfaces, and the second for processing larger problem areas.

The cosmetologist, in accordance with the size of the treated surface of the patient, selects the necessary program and a suitable nozzle (handle), which works on the desired area.

During the treatment, the following sensations are observed:

  • an unpleasant sound from ultrasonic waves, similar to a whistle;
  • burning sensation in the treated area;
  • tingling, reminiscent of needle pricks.

All sensations are unpleasant for the patient, but quite tolerable.

Session time, including lymphatic drainage massage, from 60 to 90 minutes.

Results and the required number of procedures

Cavitation is essentially ultrasonic liposuction, only without the use of a scalpel, anesthesia and the need for postoperative rehabilitation. Removing the fat layer from problem areas, using ultrasonic waves, does not leave hematomas behind, and the result achieved during the procedure remains for a long time.

One or two sessions are enough for the patient to notice the changes that will happen to the figure. Since the fat is very light, the patient's weight practically does not change, but the volume goes from 2 to 3 cm in one session. During the week, the withdrawal of fats continues and the volume decreases accordingly.

After ultrasonic liposuction using the cavitation method, the patient returns to his usual way of life, since this method does not require a rehabilitation period.

It is recommended to carry out the procedures once every 10 days, the duration of treatment ranges from 4 to 5 visits. If this is not enough, after 6 months you can conduct an additional course, lasting from 1 to 3 sessions.

Cavitation before and after: photo results

How to enhance the effect of cavitation?

What is cavitation for the body - this is an effective method of modeling a figure that does not require surgical intervention.

To enhance the effect, cosmetologists recommend the use of lymphatic drainage massage. Such a massage is carried out immediately after the procedure, it has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system of the body, promotes the rapid removal of the contents of fat cells, and removes swelling. It is possible to carry out a vacuum-roller massage, which helps fight cellulite, and in combination with cavitation liposuction doubles its effect.

When applying ultrasonic liposuction to large problem areas, stretch marks and folds can be expected. Thermolifting - RF lifting will help to remove these defects. Thermolifting uses the action of an electric current in the radio frequency range, due to which, its own collagen is rapidly produced. The effect is comparable to surgery.

To achieve the greatest effect and consolidate the result, it is advisable to follow proper nutrition, do fitness and gymnastics.

Approximate prices for the procedure of ultrasonic cavitation

The average price per session is quite acceptable for people who want to get rid of excess weight and its companion - cellulite.

The cost of cavitation is negligible compared to the effect achieved and the guarantee that fat does not return to the ultrasound treated areas.

Areas of application Session duration (minutes) Cost (USD)
Stomach 45 87
Back, waist and belly 60 110
riding breeches 45 87
60 109
Buttocks 45 87
60 175
Buttocks and riding breeches 90 175
Arms 30 65
Upper thigh 45 87
Inner thigh 60 109
Full thigh 60 131
90 175

The modern method of cavitation is the only method in aesthetic cosmetology of non-surgical intervention that affects adipose tissue. It quickly and effectively eliminates excess weight and cellulite. The advantages of this method include: the absence of a rehabilitation period and aesthetic defects, an effective result achieved by a non-surgical method, which is also important.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Would you like to have a luxurious figure and face without plastic surgery? To date, the cavitation procedure, which is done using a certain frequency of ultrasound, has become very popular. Excess body fat is removed by a method similar to therapy. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, lysis and disengagement of fat cells occurs.

ultrasonic cavitation

Adipose tissue contains a certain amount of fat cells interconnected. When fat is stored, the cells increase in size. If a person loses weight, fiber throws out fatty filling. Fiber accumulates fats entering it, but does not remove them well.cavitation method(cavitation - bubble, cavity) is based on knowledge about the body. During the cavitation procedure, a huge number of bubbles with gas and steam are created. Ultrasonic liposuction makes fat cells softer, separates them from tissues and removes fat from formations faster.

Cavitation is carried out:

  • with the accumulation of body fat;
  • the formation of cellulite;
  • defects after liposuction;
  • unwanted lipomas (wen).

Advantages and pros of the method:

  • the procedure is performed without surgical intervention;
  • fast recovery, luxurious aesthetic effect;
  • painless, anesthesia is not needed;
  • no tissue damage, bruising.

Cons and disadvantages:

  1. The passage of a large number of sessions, for each zone separately (10-12 procedures).
  2. Cavitation is useless if you do not follow a diet in the future.
  3. With frequent overeating and removal of fat in certain places, it will form in others - this threatens with cardiological diseases.
  4. A serious side effect is the appearance of wen under the knees, which only surgeons can remove.

facial cavitation

Lipocavitation has found application in the correction of the facial zone. Local deposits can form in the form of a second chin, located in the area of ​​​​the oval of the face. To spendfacial cavitationno need to go to the hospital. Ultrasonic waves acting on the problem area destroy deposits without scarring the skin. Over time, fatty tissues are eliminated by themselves through the lymphatic system and bloodstream. Cells that removed fat by microexplosion will no longer be able to store it.

Abdominal cavitation

People who dream of losing weight often turn to doctors for help. There are different ways to get rid of hated fat: surgical, laser and ultrasound. The latter has recently gained popularity.Abdominal cavitationoccurs with the help of the frequency of ultrasound on fat, helping it to disengage faster. Before the procedure, a lipolytic gel is applied to the skin of the abdomen, which reduces friction between the device nozzle and the skin. After just one session of cavitation, you can reduce your waist by 5 cm.

Cavitation - what is this procedure

How is the cavitation procedure carried out? Low frequency ultrasound acts on fat cells, forming bubbles that expand and dilute the liquid. Fat is displaced by tension of cell membranes and their subsequent rupture. The contents are excreted through the lymph, liver and blood. The cells of the epidermis are not damaged, as they have greater elasticity. Cavitation is similar to ultrasound and liposuction, which without surgery will bring your body into the desired shape. You will look great in all photos.

Apparatus for cavitation

Cavitation - contraindications

Before undergoing any medical procedure, it is important to know what contraindications exist and to prepare. Be sure to do an ultrasound of the soft tissues of the area of ​​the body where non-surgical liposuction will be performed. Cavitation in cosmetology has the following contraindications:

  • hepatitis of any kind;
  • kidney failure;
  • immune system diseases, positive tumor marker;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • fibromyoma (uterine fibroids);
  • the presence of implants;
  • the presence of scars, wounds;
  • heart failure, installed pacemaker;
  • osteoporosis;
  • the presence of scars;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • tattoos in the area of ​​wen;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • taking non-steroidal drugs within 10 days before cavitation.

Price for cavitation

How much does a non-surgical liposuction procedure cost?Price for cavitationdepends on the prestige of the clinic in Moscow, the area of ​​application, the time of the procedure.

Application areaTime, min.Cost in rubles
Stomach45 4000
riding breeches60 5000
Buttocks60 5000
Arms30 3000
Inner thigh 45 4000
The entire surface of the thigh 90 8000
Face (cheeks)15 3540
Double chin removal 10 2550

A beautiful and slender figure is the dream of every woman. Some struggle with figure imperfections and excess weight through exercise, others prefer a strict diet, and still others combine these methods. It is not always possible to get the desired result.

In this case, medicine with advanced achievements, including the cavitation technique, will come to the rescue. With the help of cavitation, you can improve the figure, reduce volumes, correct weight and eliminate skin defects.

Cavitation - what is it?

Cavitation is a procedure in which the problem area is affected by an ultrasonic device.

The low-frequency ultrasound reproduced by the equipment leads to the formation of a large number of liquid bubbles. When they burst, the structure of adipose tissue is destroyed, which helps to lose weight. At the same time, cellulite disappears, and the surface of the skin becomes taut and smooth.

In aesthetic cosmetology, acoustic cavitation is used, which resembles ultrasound. In industry, hydrodynamic cavitation is used.

Advantages and contraindications of cavitation

Cavitation is an effective tool in the fight against excess weight. In terms of effectiveness, it is not inferior to liposuction.

Cavitation allows you to eliminate fat deposits in the problem area. The effect is visible after several sessions. One procedure eliminates fifteen cubic centimeters of fat and reduces the waist in volume by four centimeters.

What other benefits does cavitation have?

  • Efficiency. Cosmetologists give a 100% guarantee of getting rid of body fat at a certain point.
  • Improvement of the skin. The technology improves the condition and elasticity of the skin. Not every body shaping procedure provides such an effect. The skin remains sensitive and does not receive damage.
  • Elimination of skin defects after unsuccessfully performed liposuction.
  • No recovery period.

The results of the studies have shown that the cavitation technique is safe and has no side effects, except in cases of exacerbation of chronic diseases or intolerance to ultrasound.

Thanks to this achievement of medicine, women are successfully fighting wen, cellulite and body fat.


  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Lactation.
  3. Renal failure.
  4. Chronic infectious diseases.
  5. Myoma of the uterus.
  6. Hepatitis.
  7. Reduced immunity.
  8. The presence of wounds in the problem area.
  9. Poor blood clotting.
  10. Diabetes.
  11. Tattoos, scars and implants in the treatment area.

The cosmetologist will tell you in detail about contraindications before starting the procedure.

Cavitation technology

Cavitation eliminates fat in problem areas gradually, since during the procedure the beautician concentrates on working out one problem area. The procedure itself is quite painful. If you act on several zones at the same time, the girl simply cannot stand it.

To eliminate all fat cells in a certain area, at least a dozen sessions are performed with breaks of 5-7 days between procedures. Within five days, the body recovers and removes decay products after the procedure. It is extremely important to observe a break, otherwise the immune system will be harmed. In general, cavitation is a stressful event for the body.

The duration of one cavitation session does not exceed 30 minutes. It takes the same amount of time for the beautician to perform pressotherapy and a special massage.


  • The cavitation technique involves exposure of adipose tissue to low-frequency ultrasound. Due to the low frequency of the current, bubbles form in the tissue, the explosion of which destroys the cell walls and breaks down fat. The bulk of body fat is removed by the lymphatic system.
  • During the session, a special apparatus is used, which is a source of low-frequency sound waves. The device is equipped with several nozzles that provide different effects.

Procedure plan

  • With the help of a special marker, the point of impact is marked.
  • The impact point is covered with a layer of a special gel, after which the optimal nozzle is selected and its slow movement over the skin begins, guided by the patient's sensations.
  • It takes ten minutes to process one section. If a girl experiences discomfort, the frequency of exposure decreases.
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the point of influence and is 20-45 minutes.
  • The duration of the course is determined by the initial data and the result that the beauty seeks to obtain. In most cases, the course includes 8 procedures, with weekly breaks. If necessary, the course is repeated after six months.

Proper nutrition helps to increase the effect of cavitation. Before the next session, you need to drink a liter of liquid, and after the procedure, pay attention to physical exercises.

What is the price

The cost of cavitation is determined by the cabin class, the region of residence and the area of ​​influence. The price fluctuates between 30-120 dollars. Elimination of fat from the abdomen costs $50, from the hips - $120, arm correction - $30.

The main thing is that the procedure is carried out in a specialized salon by the hands of an experienced master using certified equipment.

Reviews of girls about cavitation

If you surf the Internet, visit thematic forums and websites, you can find a wide variety of girls' reviews about cavitation. Some of them are laudatory, others are negative.

Each organism is individual. Therefore, the effect of the procedure is not the same. This is due to the structure of a person, the chemical composition and saturation of the subcutaneous fat layer.

It should be noted that some reviews on the Internet are purchased. Strongly laudatory reviews should alert. It is possible that this is part of an advertising campaign for a separate salon or clinic.

Here is a list of opinions that I have collected on the net.

  1. Some women agree that cavitation really helps, but the pleasure is not cheap.
  2. Ladies who are not afraid of spending in pursuit of an ideal figure claim that the procedure eliminates fat deposits and has a positive effect on the treated skin area.
  3. Some girls complain of discomfort. Most likely, this is due to the quality of the device used in ultrasonic cavitation and the radiation power. To avoid this, you need to undergo the procedure in a cosmetology clinic, which has modern equipment and qualified personnel.
  4. Dissatisfied ladies claim that cavitation is ineffective or not effective. However, the cosmetologists themselves do not deny that the procedure will not help all girls.
  5. There were also such young ladies who note that in order to achieve a result, you need to follow a diet.

As you can see, the reviews are diverse and multifaceted. Research results show that cavitation is a harmless procedure for the body, since the oscillation frequency is focused on the destruction of adipose tissue. Muscles and bones are not exposed to ultrasound.

I note that the procedure is compatible with fitness. These body shaping techniques complement each other perfectly.

If you follow the rules and take into account contraindications, side effects do not appear. I hope that with the help of my story you will get to know cavitation better and understand whether it is worth resorting to this technology for solving the problem of idealizing the physique.

Cavitation is the latest ultrasound technology that has an effect on adipose tissue. Under the influence of low-frequency waves, microbubbles form in fat cells, the temperature rises, and fat liquefies. Then the bubbles explode, destroying the cell membranes, breaking down the fat into small particles. They turn into a liquid mass and exit through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Thus, cavitation conditions lead to the removal of fatty deposits in a natural way, which absolutely does not have any negative effect on other cells, blood vessels and the body as a whole. The process appears to be very simple. And most importantly, it does not cause discomfort and pain to the client. Therefore, it does not require the use of anesthesia, which can often lead to negative consequences.

To carry out this procedure, a special device for cavitation is used, which emits low-frequency ultrasound. It is equipped with a display that gives all the necessary information and allows you to select different programs individually for each person. The equipment comes with several handpieces (nozzles) of different sizes, designed for certain parts of the body.

Benefits of cavitation:

Safety in the absence of contraindications;

Painless and no need for anesthesia;

Does not injure tissues and organs, does not require rehabilitation;

Does not leave unwanted defects on the skin: irritation, bruising, bruising, scarring or tuberosity;

Direct effect on fat cells. After their destruction at the processing site, they are no longer restored;

Achieving fast and lasting results;

Minimum time investment;

Possibility of combination with any cosmetic procedures for skin care.

Indications for cavitation:

  • excess fat in problem areas;
  • pronounced cellulite;
  • the presence of lipomas - subcutaneous wen;
  • correction of defects after poor-quality liposuction.

Problem areas are often the abdomen, sides, thighs, buttocks. Often, cavitation is also performed on the back, legs and arms, if necessary. Areas where this method is not used under any circumstances are the face, neck, armpits, popliteal cups, perineum, mucous membranes and areas affected by varicose veins.

Like most various cosmetic procedures, cavitation also has contraindications. These include:

  • heart failure, the presence of pacemakers;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • soy allergy;
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver in the chronic stage;
  • open wounds or other skin lesions in the treatment area;
  • violation of the circulatory and lymphatic system;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis;
  • violation of the immune system;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • 2 and 3 stages of obesity;
  • individual intolerance to ultrasound.

If you do not have any prohibiting factors, you are confident in your state of health and plan to come to a cavitation session, you need to prepare for it. 3-4 days before going to the beautician, you should stop smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy foods, fatty and fried foods. It is better to eat light snacks, vegetable and fruit salads. It is necessary to drink more fluids, at least 1.5 liters of water per day. A few hours before the session, it is recommended to drink 1 liter of water without gas. These guidelines are valid throughout the course. The most important thing is to drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of water accelerates the release of decay products from the body. As you can see, the preparation process is quite simple, it does not require the use of any medications or actions that take up your personal time.

How is cavitation done?

  1. A special gel is applied to the treated area of ​​the body, to the cleansed skin.
  2. The beautician selects the necessary program on the equipment and nozzle according to the client's gender, skin physiology and body area.
  3. During the ultrasound procedure itself, a person is in a relaxed state, feels pleasant warmth and a slight tingling sensation. If there is a feeling of discomfort, the specialist immediately lowers the power. The duration of this event ranges from 20 minutes to 1 hour depending on the zone.
  4. After the process is completed, the remains of the gel are removed from the skin.
  5. Immediately after the session, the client can return to his usual way of life, preferably a healthy one, listening to the recommendations of professionals regarding nutrition, drinking and caring for his body.

The number of procedures can be from 3 to 10. The frequency of sessions is on average 1 time per week. It is this period of time that is sufficient for the release of destroyed fat. Nevertheless, the mode of performing cavitation depends on each specific case and is regulated directly by the specialist who performs the manipulations. If necessary, after 3-6 months, an additional 2-3 procedures are performed to consolidate the result.

The effect of cavitation appears within a few days after the first session. It should be noted that the skin is tightened and becomes elastic. Also, in the areas of the ultrasound procedure, blood circulation is restored and the cells of the connective tissue are stimulated, which contributes to its renewal.

In order to achieve the desired effect even faster, it will be great to connect a massage. Cavitation along with lymphatic drainage action will give you stunning results. For this, both manual and hardware massage are suitable. It is best to perform it immediately after cavitation and 1-2 more times before the next session of ultrasonic liposuction. The main direction of such a massage is to increase the activity of the lymphatic vessels, that is, the acceleration of lymph outflow, which contributes to the speedy removal of destroyed fat cells. Also, lymphatic drainage leads to the release of interstitial fluid, due to which cellulite occurs; to accelerate metabolism, and hence weight loss; to improve the functioning of the body in general.

Non-surgical liposuction is also carried out in combination with pressure therapy (presso massage and pneumo massage) - exposure to the lymphatic system with compressed air, which also allows you to accelerate the removal of decay products from the body.

An excellent result is also observed when combining the methods of myostimulation and cavitation.

Myostimulation is the use of pulsed currents to recreate the natural functioning of muscles, nerves and internal organs. In the place of its execution, absolutely all muscles are involved, metabolism is activated, lymph flow and blood circulation are normalized. Hence - a decrease in swelling, a decrease in cellulite, the removal of fat, toxins and toxins. There are contraindications to it, which almost completely coincide with contraindications to cavitation. It is also necessary to perform this procedure in a course. The number of sessions is from 15 to 20. The frequency is every other day or two. Myostimulation indirectly affects the process of losing weight and improving skin relief. It is an addition to the cavitation procedure and other cosmetic programs.

Many girls are interested in: “Cavitation of three zones, what is it?”. This procedure includes ultrasonic cavitation of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

Cavitation is a procedure that allows you to painlessly and irrevocably get rid of fat deposits and “orange peel” in a relatively short time, adjust your body to the ideal without surgical intervention, any complications or negative consequences, without getting out of your usual rhythm of life. Nowadays, many companies began to produce various cosmetic devices for use at home. But all doctors and cosmetologists agree that such procedures are best carried out in institutions specialized in these services, under the supervision of professionals. Our qualified specialists, the best quality equipment, compliance with all norms and technologies, as well as an individual approach to each client will lead to excellent results that you will definitely be satisfied with.

In pursuit of the perfect body, have you already tried a bunch of weight loss products, but they all turned out to be in vain? If you resort to the least and don’t feel like going to the surgeon’s table, there are two options left: stick to proper nutrition and combine it with sports, or do cavitation. The last way to get rid of extra pounds can lead you to success faster and more efficiently than grueling workouts in the gym and eating broccoli. Especially if the number on the scales is very impressive. Intrigued? Then read the article to the end and find out everything about cavitation - an innovative hardware method that ruthlessly destroys excess fat!

What is cavitation?

Cavitation is a complex of procedures aimed at the destruction of fat cells without pain and any operation. After cavitation, no traces or scars remain on the body. Cellulite is gone and the skin is smoothed. Almost magic, right? Let's take a closer look at what the secret is.

Cavitation (from Latin savitas - emptiness) or, as it is also called, non-surgical liposuction, has been successfully used by Russian cosmetologists for several years and is based on the action of an ultrasonic wave (30 - 40 kHz). It creates special oscillatory movements that are actively used to effectively and safely reduce the amount of fat.

Ultrasound forms cavitation microbubbles in the fat layer, which make it softer, which contributes to the displacement of the cells that make up the adipose tissue. And their contents are excreted through the liver during the subsequent lymphatic drainage massage or pressotherapy.

Why cavitation?

The fat cell has a fairly strong membrane shell, which is extremely difficult to destroy. That is why all kinds of wraps, saunas and fat-burning creams give an inconspicuous and short-lived result. And without dieting, leaky fat cells “swell” again and provoke even stronger weight gain. Conventional procedures are simply unable to cope with a strong shell of adipose tissue. What can not be said about cavitation, which, under the influence of ultrasound, successfully solves the problem of unwanted fat deposits.

Benefits of cavitation

Cavitation is the most popular weight loss procedure today. The result of cavitation is comparable to liposuction, but at the same time it is performed without anesthesia and surgical intervention. You won't have to wait long for the result: after 3-4 sessions, the problem areas of the body will be transformed! No rehab, so you can return to your normal activities right away.

7 benefits of cavitation:

  • The procedure does not leave behind hematomas, scars and scars.
  • No recovery period required.
  • The procedure lasts only 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the treated area.
  • After cavitation, the specialist makes a special massage to relieve puffiness.
  • Already after the first session, the volume of fat deposits will decrease by 2-4 cm. The skin becomes elastic, its color does not change.
  • Two liters of water before the procedure and physical exercise immediately after it will improve the results from cavitation.
  • Over the next few days, the effect of losing weight will increase.

7 cons of cavitation:

  • To get rid of excess fat on the whole body, it will take many sessions. Each procedure is aimed at a specific area of ​​the body, which also requires several approaches.
  • In advanced cases, at least 12 procedures may be needed per area.
  • Cavitation should be done no more than once a week so that the breakdown products of fats are excreted naturally.
  • There may be discomfort during the procedure if you have a high pain threshold.
  • The cost of cavitation may seem high. Prices vary from 1500 to 9000 rubles. depending on the area of ​​influence.
  • There is a possibility of such a “side effect” as wen (usually formed under the knees).
  • Cavitation will be completely useless if, after all the procedures, you continue to gobble up sweets and fried potatoes at night. To maintain the result, you should maintain a healthy diet and do not exceed the norm of calories per day. Otherwise, they will again be deposited in the form of fat in the most interesting places.

Cavitation indications

Before deciding on ultrasonic cavitation, it is advisable not only to weigh the pros and cons, but also to understand whether you really have an indication for this procedure. And here is the list:

  • Pronounced "orange" peel.
  • Persistent fat deposits on the abdomen, hips, sides, back and other local problem areas.
  • The presence of wen of various origins.
  • Failed liposuction (the need to eliminate defects after surgery).

Contraindications for cavitation

Like all modern body shaping techniques, liposuction has a number of contraindications. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with them:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver, hepatitis, urolithiasis.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Disorders of the immune system.
  • Various skin lesions, ulcers and wounds.
  • Diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis.
  • Infectious and neoplastic diseases.
  • Uterine fibroids, oncology.
  • Period.
  • Poor health and fever.
  • The presence of implants and tattoos on the treated area.
  • Taking antipyretic and pain medications within 10 days before cavitation (for example, aspirin).

How often can cavitation be done?

On this issue, experts remain in solidarity: once every 7 days, and preferably once every 10 days. During this period, the lymphatic system will have time to remove from the body the decay products of fat cells that have been exposed to ultrasound. This has a positive effect on metabolic processes, and also eliminates the occurrence of edema. After completing the course, individually prescribed by the doctor, it is recommended to maintain the result once every six months with a course consisting of 1-3 procedures. To prevent skin laxity, cavitation is very well combined with other corrective procedures: radio frequency lifting, mesotherapy, LPG massage or body wraps.

If you are still tired of fighting cellulite and decided on a therapeutic method of losing weight, be sure to consult a professional. Only he can clearly determine whether you need such a method of intensive weight loss as cavitation. And remember: if the procedure itself does not require additional efforts from you, then in order to maintain its result for a long time, you need to try hard. Eliminate harmful foods, alcohol from the diet and sign up for a gym. Then you will definitely become the owner of attractive forms, fit into a little black dress and be able to win men's hearts with your invincible harmony!